1 Maidstone Borough Council Core Strategy Strategic locations – potential development sites pro-forma Following consultation on the Maidstone Borough Council Core Strategy in September and October 2011, the council is seeking information on what sites may potentially be available for development within the proposed strategic locations at: North west of Maidstone urban area (proposed for housing) South east of Maidstone urban area (proposed for housing) M20 junction 8 (proposed for employment) To be able to identify sites for development in the Core Strategy the council needs to understand and assess information returned to the planning department in this pro-forma. Please be aware that the submitted details cannot be treated as confidential. Section 1 – Your contact details Date 15 June 2012 1 Name David Jarman 2 Company Hobbs Parker 3 Address Romney House, Monument Way, Orbital Park, Ashford, Kent TN24 0HB 4 Phone number 01233 506201 5 Email
[email protected] 6 Client (if appropriate) Mr N Leggat and Mr C Leggat 7 Are you? Agent/planning consultant √ Go to 9 Landowner Go to 10 Registered provider Go to 9 Developer Go to 9 Other Go to 8 8 If ‘other’, please specify below www.maidstone.gov.uk/ldf 2 9 If you are not the landowner, do you have authority from the landowner to promote this site for future development? Yes √ Go to 10 No Go to 10 10 Please provide contact details of the person with whom access to the site should be arranged.
[email protected] David Jarman, Hobbs Parker Property Consultants LLP Tel 01233 506201 Romney House, Monument Way, Orbital Park, Ashford, Kent TN24 0HB Section 2 – Site details SITE PLAN – WE CANNOT ASSESS YOUR SUBMISSION WITHOUT A SITE PLAN Please enclose a site plan on an Ordnance Survey base (preferably 1:1250 scale), showing: Site boundaries.