CONGREGATION joyously, provides support in services and potlucks. The JCP from humanistic to theistic. TIKVAH CHADASHAH times of need, and strives to depends on volunteer organizers, Multicultural households are 1122 E Pike St., #734 maintain a healthy balance and it has been active since 1948. welcome, including non-Jewish Seattle, WA 98122 between tradition and change. partners and family members. 206-355-1414 HNT offers traditional egalitar- KADIMA Persons of all sexual orien-
[email protected] ian services, featuring commu- 12353 Eighth Ave. NE tations are warmly received. nal learning and spirited sing- Seattle, WA 98125 Kadima is committed to making CONTACT: Flora Ostrow ing, led by passionate clergy. 206-547-3914 its programs and community They provide a preschool–12th
[email protected] accessible to our members and Seattle’s GLBT synagogue since grade supplementary school, to people who are looking for 1980. Congregation Tikvah stimulating adult learning, fun a Jewish home. They encour- Chadashah is a chavurah-style programs for toddlers and fam- age everyone to celebrate and congregation and a member of ilies, exciting youth activities, CONTACT: Rabbi David Basior learn more about progressive the World Congress of Gay, Les- and engaging young adult pro- Judaism. bian, Bisexual, and Transgen- grams. From babies to bubbies, Kadima is a progressive Recon- der Jews. They hold egalitarian HNT is a dynamic community structionist community inte- KAVANA chavurah services for Shabbat looking to encourage and sup- grating study, celebration, and COOPERATIVE and holidays. All are welcome port your Jewish lifelong learn- work for social justice.