Crinoidea, Echinodermata) Research: an Example from the Lower Jurassic of Montenegro

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Crinoidea, Echinodermata) Research: an Example from the Lower Jurassic of Montenegro Carnets Geol. 19 (12) E-ISSN 1634-0744 DOI 10.4267/2042/70491 A new prospect in crinoid (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) research: An example from the Lower Jurassic of Montenegro Mariusz A. SALAMON 1 Abstract: Lower Jurassic (Hettangian-Pliensbachian) shallow-marine ooidal limestones of southern Montenegro contain a large number of isocrinid ossicles. They are assigned to the following taxa: Iso- crinus psilonoti (QUENSTEDT), Isocrinus sp., and Pentacrinites cf. fossilis BLUMENBACH. The echinoderm assemblage also yields cyrtocrinid ossicles (Cotylederma sp., Cyrtocrinina indet.) and echinoid spines (only spotted in thin sections); however, these elements are rare. Given the fact that the recorded assemblage comes from a single locality, there is a growing need for further research that will require intense sampling to compile and complete the faunal list of crinoids and other echinoderm taxa. Key-words: • echinoderms; • crinoids; • Lower Jurassic; • Hettangian-Pliensbachian; • Montenegro Citation : SALAMON M.A. (2019).- A new prospect in crinoid (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) research: An example from the Lower Jurassic of Montenegro.- Carnets Geol., Madrid, vol. 19, no. 12, p. 211-220. Résumé : Une nouvelle perspective dans l'étude des crinoïdes (Crinoidea, Echinodermata) : Un exemple du Jurassique inférieur du Monténégro.- Les calcaires oolithiques du Jurassique infé- rieur (Hettangien-Pliensbachien) du sud du Monténégro renferment un grand nombre d'éléments sque- lettiques de crinoïdes isocrinides. Ils sont attribués aux taxons suivants : Isocrinus psilonoti (QUEN- STEDT), Isocrinus sp. et Pentacrinites cf. fossilis BLUMENBACH. L'échinofaune comporte également des pièces de crinoïdes cyrtocrinides (Cotylederma sp., Cyrtocrinina indet.) et des radioles d'oursin (seule- ment repérés en lames minces); toutefois, ces éléments sont rares. Compte tenu du fait que l'assem- blage répertorié provient d'une seule localité, il importe de poursuivre les recherches, ce qui nécessite- ra, entre autres, un échantillonnage plus intensif afin d'établir et de compléter la liste des faunes de crinoïdes et autres échinodermes. Mots-clefs : • échinodermes ; • crinoïdes ; • Jurassique inférieur ; • Hettangien-Pliensbachien ; • Monténégro 1. Introduction only briefly mentions their presence in sedimen- tary rocks (e.g., ČAĐENOVIĆ et al., 2008; ČRNE & To date Early Jurassic crinoids of the former GORIČAN, 2008; RADULOVIĆ, 2013; BUCKOVIĆ & SVI- Yugoslavia have remained undescribed. However, LIČIĆ, 2016). The latter authors mentioned or as documented in the present study, they repre- illustrated echinoderms (mostly crinoids in thin sent a common component of the fossil remains sections) from the Lower Jurassic of Croatia, that can be found in the Hettangian-Pliensbachian Montenegro, Serbia or Slovenia. Especially abun- interval. The existing literature, mostly geological dant are echinoderms in Montenegro, with local or general paleontological papers (yet not direct- mass-occurrences within ooidal limestones (e.g., ly, partly or exclusively, dedicated to crinoids), Fig. 4.f in ČRNE & GORIČAN, 2008; this study). 1 Department of Palaeontology and Stratigraphy, Faculty of Earth Science, University of Silesia in Katowice, Będ- zińska Str. 60, PL-41-200 Sosnowiec (Poland) [email protected] Published online in final form (pdf) on October 10, 2019 [Editor: Bruno GRANIER; language editor: Simon MITCHELL] 211 Carnets Geol. 19 (12) Figure 1: A. Map of Europe with area of Montenegro shaded in black, and the geological map of Tejani area (taken from ČAĐENOVIĆ et al., 2014; simplified). B. Studied section. H-P - Hettangian-Pliensbachian, P-T - Pliensbachian- Toarcian, T-A - Toarcian-Aalenian, B-Bajocian (taken from ČRNE & GORIČAN, 2008, modified). Figure 1 : A. Carte de l'Europe, le Monténégro est indiqué en noir, et carte géologique de la région de Tejani (tirée de ČAĐENOVIĆ et al., 2014, simplifiée). B. Coupe étudiée. H-P - Hettangien-Pliensbachien, P-T - Pliensbachien-Toar- cien, T-A - Toarcien-Aalénien, B-Bajocien (modifié d'après ČRNE & GORIČAN, 2008). ĐAKOVIĆ et al. (2017) illustrated isocrinid plurico- 2. Geological setting, material and lumnals and columnals from the Rumija Moun- tains (Montenegro). The latter authors assigned methods their material to Chladocrinus basaltiformis (MIL- The study area is located in the southern part LER), however, it is difficult to determine that this of Montenegro, close to the Albanian border (Fig. material really belongs to this taxa (there is no 1). The outcrops around Tejani consist of carbo- tuberculation present on the lateral surfaces, and nate sediments of the Lower and possibly Middle all but one of the articular facets has a visible Jurassic (ČRNE & GORIČAN, 2008; Fig. 1). The ornamentation). These are also mentioned in the lowermost deposits are thin-bedded limestones Liassic of Greece (e.g., KARAKITSIOS et al., 2015). that lack any macrofaunal remains. Above this Still noteworthy is the only detailed study of Early are thick-bedded ooidal limestones, ca. 100 m- Jurassic (Pliensbachian) crinoids from Balkans thick, containing numerous isocrinids, echinoids (Bulgaria): KLIKUSHIN (1987) identified cyrtocri- (Fig. 2.G), algae, and foraminifers. According to nids [Cyrtocrinida; Cotylederma manchevi KLIKU- ČRNE & GORIČAN (2008), the foraminiferal assem- SHIN], isocrinids [Isocrinida; Chladocrinus basalti- blage displays index taxa indicative of the Het- formis (MILLER), "Isocrinus" schlumbergeri (LO- tangian-Pliensbachian interval [e.g., Agerina mar- RIOL), Seirocrinus laevisutus (POMPECKI)], and tana (FARINACCI)]. Higher deposits are marls, mar- millericrinids [Millericrinida; Amaltheocrinus ly limestones, and limestones, with scarce micro- amalthei (QUENSTEDT)]. Significantly the crinoids fossils, which are mostly represented by radiola- documented from the Sinemurian-Toarcian inter- rians and sponge spicules. They are overlain by val of the neighbouring countries are more diver- oolitic limestones, with locally abundant crinoids, se. DELOGU & NICOSIA (1987) and NICOSIA (1991) brachiopods, and foraminifers, indicative of the reported 14 different taxa in NW Turkey. Besides middle? Toarcian-Aalenian interval. The topmost cyrtocrinids, isocrinids and millericrinids, they part of the Tejani section is represented by thick- also noticed comatulids (Comatulida). A similar bedded ooidal limestones with algae and forami- level of taxonomic diversity among crinoids for nifers, most probably of Bajocian age (ČRNE & the same interval can be found in Italy (15 taxa GORIČAN, 2008). of cyrtocrinids, isocrinids and millericrinids; PARO- Field investigations in the Tejani area had NA, 1892; MANNI & NICOSIA, 1990, 1999). been conducted in 2017-2018. From the lower Present investigations, as a preliminary study, part of the section (Rumija Oolites Fm, Hettan- had been carried out in the surroundings of gian-Pliensbachian; Fig. 1) 32 small (0.4 kg - 0.7 Tejani; they document a low diversity, isocrinid- kg) samples were collected. Additionally a ~40 kg dominated assemblage. There are good opportu- bulk sample of weathered material was also col- nities to find material in the Lower Jurassic oolitic lected. In the Laboratory of Palaeontology and limestone belt, which stretches for over a few Stratigraphy at the University of Silesia in Kato- tens of kilometers, south- and southeast-wards wice, the weathered sample was washed through close to the Albanian border, and north- and with hot water and screened on a sieve column, northwest-wards along Lake Skadar. using 1.0, 0.5, 0.315 and 0.1 mm mesh sizes. This preliminary note aims to describe the cri- After drying residues at 220°C, the fossil remains noids, and to compare them with previously re- were picked manually under a binocular micro- corded forms from adjacent areas. scope. 212 Carnets Geol. 19 (12) Fossils showing on rock surface were photo- sented by SIMMS (1989, 2010) who also pointed graphed and, subsequently, treated with GLAU- out that I. psilonoti differs from all pre-Toarcian BER's salt (i.e., frozen and thawed at least 9 times representatives of Isocrinus in the lack of orna- and, after relaxation, washed in the same way as mentation of columnal latera. He also noted that the weathered sample). An additional set of ten the cirrus scars of I. psilonoti are larger than tho- thin sections was prepared and analyzed by se of other Lower Jurassic taxa recorded from means of microfacies. Europe [I. robustus (WRIGHT) and I. tuberculatus; The investigated material is housed at the Fa- see also GŁUCHOWSKI, 1987; KLIKUSHIN, 1992]. culty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Isocrinus sp. Katowice, Sosnowiec, under catalogue number GIUS 8-3667. (Figs. 2.A-F, 3.E-H) 3. Systematic palaeontology Material. Several columnals (nodals and inter- nodals, pluricolumnals), brachials and cirrals. We Systematics follows the taxonomic views ex- must bear in mind that some of the ossicles clas- pressed by HESS (2006) and HESS & MESSING sified here as Isocrinus sp. could belong to I. psi- (2011). lonoti (QUENSTEDT) as described below. Order Isocrinida Description. Columnals are circular, pentago- SIEVERTS-DORECK in MOORE et al., 1952 nal, pentalobate to sub-pentalobate. Nodals are higher than internodals. Columnal diameter ran- Suborder Isocrinina ges from 0.6 mm up to 3.9 mm. Small columnals SIEVERTS-DORECK in UBAGHS, 1953 are nearly as high as wide. Articular facets are not visible (or very poorly visible; covered by Family Isocrinidae GISLÉN, 1924 rock matrix), with smooth latera
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