Supplemental Material BMJ Open Doi: 10.1136/Bmjopen-2020-039104 :E039104. 10 2020; BMJ Open , Et Al. Randall SM
BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) disclaims all liability and responsibility arising from any reliance Supplemental material placed on this supplemental material which has been supplied by the author(s) BMJ Open Supplementary Table 1 – Injury categories Injury Category ICD Codes Fractures S02, S12, S22, S32, S42, S52, S62, S72, S82, S92, T02.1-5, T02.8-9, T08, T10, T12, T14.2, T90.2, T91.1-2 T92.1-2, T93.1-2 Open Wounds S01, S05.2, S05.3, S05.4, S05.5, S05.6, S05.7, S08.0, S09.2, S11, S21, S31.0-5, S31.7-8, S41, S51, S61, S71.0-8, S81, S91, T01.2-3, T01.9, T09.1, T11.1, T13.1, T14.1, T90.1, T92.0, T93.0, Contusions and superficial S00, S05.0-1, S10, S20, S30.0-2, S30.7-9, S40, S50, S60, S70, S80, S90, T00.2-3, T00.8- injuries 9, T09.0, T11.0, T13.0, T14.0, T90.0 Dislocations S03.0-3, S13.0-3, S23.0-3, S33.0-4, S43.0-3, S53.0-1, S63.0-2, S66, S73.0, S83, S86, S93.0-1, S93.3 Internal organ injuries S06, S14.0-2, S24.0-1, S26.0, S27.0-6, S27.8-9, S34.0-1, S34.3, S36, S37, S39.6-7, T06.5, T09.3, T90.5, T91.3-5 Foreign bodies T15-9 Amputations S08.1-9, S18, S28.1, S38.2-3, S48, S58, S68, S78, S88, S98, T05.0, T05.2-3, T05.5, T05.8-9, T09.6, T11.6, T13.6 Burns T20-T32 Randall SM, et al.
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