EXCHANGES ÉCHANGES INTERCAMBIOS SCAMBI Nº 75, 2001/2 † Martin J. Royackers, S.J. 1959-2001 * Introduction ....................................................................................................38 * Cancellation of the African Debt Will Not Change Anything ....................39 Aquiline Tarimo, S.J., Tanzania History of the Jesuit Workers’ Mission Noël Barré, S.J. ..............49 A Spiritual Testament † Herman Pillaert, S.J. * Roots of a Specifically Jesuit Vocational Culture........................................61 Gabino Uríbarri, S.J., Spain * Letter from Italy...............................................................................................71 C.P. 6139 – 00195 ROMA PRATI – ITALY +39 0668 79 283 (fax)
[email protected] Promotio Iustitiae is published by the Social Justice Secretariat at the General Curia of the Society of Jesus (Rome) in English, French, Italian and Spanish, and is printed on totally chlorine-free paper (TCF). If you would like to receive PJ, please send your mailing-address (indicating the language of your choice) to the Editor. Promotio Iustitiae will also soon be published electronically on the World Wide Web at the address: If you are struck by an idea in this issue, your brief comment is very welcome. To send a letter to PJ for inclusion in a future issue, please write to the address, fax or e-mail on the front cover. The re-printing of articles is encouraged; please cite Promotio Iustitiae as the source, along with the address, and send a copy of the re-print to the Editor. Thank you! Michael Czerny, S.J. Editor † Martin J. Royackers, S.J. 1959-2001 On Sunday 17 June, Martin Royackers, S.J., preached about Jamaica’s nagging problem of crime and violence: 453 people have been killed on the Caribbean island of 2.6 million since the beginning of the year.