Carmageddon Max Pack Download Highly Compressed Rar

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About This Game

Carmageddon is the original freeform driving sensation, where pedestrians (and cows!) equal points, and your opponents are a bunch of crazies in a twisted mix of automotive killing machines. The game features anarchic drive-wherever-you-like gameplay and over-the-top surreal comedy violence. It’s the where racing is for wimps.

Now the same Mac & PC classic that was BANNED AROUND THE WORLD is back!

Carmageddon features real-world environments that have been turned into killing fields, where the locals stay out on the streets at their peril. As well as using your car as a weapon, every level is sprinkled generously with power-ups that have a vast variety

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of mad effects, adding a whole extra level of craziness to the proceedings. In every event you have the option to “play it your way”… Waste all your opponents, kill every pedestrian, or (perish the thought) complete all the laps. Oh and watch out – the cops in their super-tough armoured patrol vehicles are lurking, and if they catch you being bad they’ll be down on you like several tons of cold pork.

"Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines! Members of the public, you have ONE minute to reach minimum safe distance!"

Crazy range of vehicles and drivers, each with their own personality and driving style.

The game that pioneered true 3D physics,

The game that pioneered dynamic vehicle damage

The game that pioneered splattering grannies. And cows.

In fact, splatter a wide range of seriously scared pedestrians.

28 dangerously deranged Opponents

11 wildly exhilarating Environments

Career Mode featuring 36 satisfyingly violent Levels

Race and Wreck opponents to unlock 30 playable cars!

Over 40 fun-packed Power Ups and “Power Downs”.

Great open world track design allowing complete freedom to explore.

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Hidden bonus areas to find.

Ludicrously satisfying, arcade-style gameplay.

The aim is for the player to work their way up the ranking system, from 99th place to first. The player vehicle is pitted against a number of computer controlled competitors, in locations such as cities, mines and desert towns. Levels can be beaten in one of three ways:

Completing all the laps of the race course, as one would a normal racing game.

"Wasting" (wrecking) all the opponents vehicles.

Killing all the pedestrians in the area.

Each level has a time limit, but more time may be gained by passing through checkpoints, collecting powerups, damaging/destroying the competitors' cars, and by running over pedestrians (with bonuses awarded for style). These actions also reward the player with Credits, which can be used to make instant repairs or recover the car (after falling down a chasm, for example). They can also be used to upgrade Armour, Power and Offense stats in the Parts Shop between races. This is also the time to switch which car to drive if others have been obtained. As well as opponents partaking in the 'race', some levels also contain a number of heavily armored Cop Cars, which will activate their sirens and hound the player when provoked. They can be attacked and destroyed, but do not count as opponents. A single "Super Squad Car" exists in one level, and it can be claimed if destroyed. An Action Replay with multiple camera viewpoints is available at any point during a race.

Carmageddon won the “Game of the Year” trophy in the 1997 PC Zone Reader awards.

Carmageddon 1 & 2 were “Driving Game of the Year” 1997/1998.

SELECTED REVIEWS OF THE ORIGINAL GAME Originally released for the PC in 1997, Carmageddon was an instant hit and the titles went on to sell over 2 million copies worldwide. Here’s what a sample of the gaming press thought at the time:

“Carmageddon is visceral, violent, vehicular fun...” - GameSpot 8.8 out of 10

“Carmageddon, to get straight to the point, is one of the best computer games I've ever played… Carmageddon is God!” - Duncan McDonald 95% Classic Award PC Zone Magazine

“Carmageddon is one of those games that only come along once in a blue moon. An essential purchase.” - Escape Magazine 6 out of 6

“The gameplay is spot on and anyone with a dark enough sense of humour should give it a go.” - Computer Gaming World 4 out of 5

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“So next time you gun down coppers on GTA VI, just remember, Carmageddon’s controversy was there first, and you have a lot to thank it for.” - RetroGarden

Carmageddon is the first of a series of graphically violent driving-oriented video games. It was conceived and developed by Stainless Games, published by SCi and released June 30, 1997 on PC & Mac. It was, and remains, a poster child for video game controversy. The controversy surrounded the game's central premise; that of earning reward for running down innocent pedestrians. The game was notable for its realistic and ground-breaking physics, and for its in-game action replay features. It was also one of the earliest examples of a sandbox 3D driving game, and may have influenced other later games including the Driver and Grand Theft Auto series.

ABOUT STAINLESS GAMES Stainless was founded in 1994 by Patrick Buckland, a veteran of the games industry going back to the Jurassic period of 1982, and Neil Barnden, who used to have hair like a mammoth. A team of 8 worked on the original Carmageddon at Stainless, and 5 are still with the company today, although a couple of them are now kept manacled in a small padded room in the cellar.

Stainless Games now employs around one hundred mad, dedicated people of assorted gender, height and width. They can all be found dangling precariously from a small chalky rock just off the South Coast of England.

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Title: Carmageddon Max Pack Genre: Action, Indie, Racing Developer: Stainless Games Ltd Publisher: THQ Nordic Franchise: Carmageddon Release Date: 30 Jun, 1997



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Original & Still one of the best.. Wonderful game, good way to blow some steam when you are angry. I always recommend Carmageddon. This first one is just as good as Caramgeddon 2. The resolution is a bit lower, but the graphics are still good.. Carmageddon is a vehicular combat 'racing' game by UK developer Stainless Software released in 1997 to much acclaim for its advanced car damage model and sandbox style freedom and plenty of controversy for its depictions of gory carnage against defenseless pedestrians. This lead to an initially censored release for the UK version with zombies that bled green, the only way it was allowed to be sold until a patch was released later on to restore the original palette. The German version didn't fare much better however and was given robots instead that bled oil. Carmageddon's main inspiration comes from the 1975 film Death Race 2000 and was originally going to be a tie-in game but licensing fell through on more than one occasion, to the point Stainless said stuff it let's just get it out.

Carmageddon's a free-for-all race where you're encouraged to do whatever you want whenever you like and there is no restrictions on where you can go or what is considered fair or cheating. Your opponents will often be boring enough to race around the circuit and collect their weak paychecks from the checkpoints scattered about. Your opponents can't actually win anything however and there is no position of your standing in the race on your HUD. That's because you don't have one, and it doesn't matter anyway. What does matter is causing as much chaos as possible by either running down pedestrians, and in creative and gorier ways to net additional credits, and ramming the other cars. Wasting an opponent will give you a lot of credits, and more time than any other activity.

There's a timer that counts down at the beginning of each event and all manner of shenanigans will give you extra to allow you to explore the environment at your heart's content. For all manner of juicy bonuses and hidden bonus dosh\/time and various PUPs (power-ups in Carma slang) litter the circuit and the outskirts of the race. These can be pretty gosh darned handy, for example complete invulnerability, acme damage magnifier for really putting a dent in your opponents, or pedestrian electro bastard ray for 30 seconds. The wacky power-downs however come in a sizable variety and are usually harmless enough, but make your vehicle harder to drive for a short period of time. Pinball mode though is a worthy mention as its especially nasty and you'll want to recover ASAP if you're flung into orbit to prevent reparing serious damage.

You cannot actually be wasted yourself (at least in this first installment) but credits earned during the race are often used to repair your car, and repairing and recovering when you're on your roof or side will be happening a lot. So it's crucial to scouring and looting the race as much as possible to get more money to have enough left over at the end of a race. If you lose more than you make during a race and you didn't have much left over to begin with when you began the race your bank will go into a screaming fit and pull the plug, and this constitutes as 'game over' here. Failing a race by running out of time isn't penalizing though and you can simply jump back in and try again. You use credits earned between races to upgrade your car's abilities via APO (armor, power, offensive), which are bare-bones as upgrades come and simply make you more resistant to impacts, more horsepower, and dish out extra abuse when colliding into your opponents.

All races are won in three Carma fashions: Kill all pedestrians, waste all opponents, or complete all laps. The latter is reserved for ponces however and won't really give you a whole lot of credits but it's there to sate your particular needs, you weirdo. Murdering every ped is no easy feat however, but most levels usually have a Pedestrian Respawn or two (or three) somewhere and memorizing the locations of these after you wipe out a quarter or two of the population and going back for it can give you an extra edge. Participating in races is also done by a ranking system (which was brought back in Reincarnation\/Max Damage) and you start at a lowly 99 with three races to choose from and the penultimate goal is to be number one, along the way will be

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more challenging environments with more unhinged opponents (and cops in APCs who just refuse to get out of the way). Getting hundreds of thousands of credits an event will move the rank much more (up to 5 increases max or none whatsoever if you're absolute tripe).

The player can choose between two drivers at the start and a difficulty determining starting time in a race, credits and bonus time earned from activities and how aggressive your opponents are. It's best to start on 'normal' and see how you fare, and if you're the kind of person who hides under the table during thunderstorms then easy mode should be right up your alley. Max Damage and Die Anna are the main 'heroes' of the Death Race and drive a similar model of car. Max's all-round great Eagle is better suited to rammin' and slammin' however whereas Anna's Hawk is a faster but less strong car. Nevertheless Carmageddon is an early supporter of equality, and all manner of men and women are subjected to the same treatment. Be it behind the wheel or roadkill in the street. Sometimes when you waste a specific opponent you have a chance of stealing and adding it to your collection. Some of these can be very powerful, others not so much. Beating the game will unlock every single one, including those labeled as 'cheat', your reward for being the baddest dude.

Visually the game is competent, with adequate detail for the environments, early 3D models for vehicles and props that are well designed and pedestrians are rendered as 2D sprites via digitized actors. Their deaths are often extremely gruesome, easily making this the goriest entry of the series even with later installments featuring 3D peds that can lose their limbs. Sound design is loud and crunchy, and impacts with the environment and opponents feel very raw, and the peds incredibly nasty and satisfying. The soundtrack also features four tracks from Fear Factory's 1995 album Demanufacture in instrumental only form, most fitting choice given the game's militant gameplay in a pseudo-apocalyptic near future world.

I have very few complaints with the way this game plays, maybe that it goes on for far too long (36 races) especially if you're trying to do the best you can on each race which can run anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour on average. Late game opponents become real damage sponges if you don't nick a better set of wheels (the Eagle\/Hawk just won't cut it even at max stats) and cops are extremely difficult to waste and become very common near the end but if you manage to steal an especially hard to acquire ride in the event 'Blood on the Rooftops' you will know sweet, sweet revenge for all the trouble they were giving you early on and finish the last handful of events with pure bloody malice.

Carmageddon is decidedly British in its portrayal of humor, with plenty of tongue-in-cheek jokes, British slang, and raunchiness suited for a mature audience. Which only makes sense given the dev is UK based. There's plenty of pop culture references from the era, akin to games like Duke Nukem 3D (even has a reference to OJ Simpson here too!). This should've been more than enough proof that Carmageddon's intentions were never meant to be mean-spirited or shock jockery (a suggestion to add pregnant women peds was flat out no'd), just the kind of things that make the devs\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665themselves laughing. And you can tell they had a great time putting this game together, a real labor of love. Carmageddon also has an equally humorous and interesting development history if you look into it more. If you think most racing games are too dull and traditional and you want to insert more mayhem in to your driving experience than this game comes as highly recommended! And if you still can't get enough the Splat Pack expansion has even more content to offer. The antidote to all racers.

4.0\/5. After several races the game start crashing dosbox without any type of error. How can steam sell broken games such as this one? Certainly the game worked much better first time I bought it 20 year ago!!

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The easiest way to win each race is to just destroy your opponents and while your opponents get stronger the further you progress, the Power. Armour and Speed upgrades you can put on to your car will help immensely. The other 2 ways are the bog standard checkpoint route and running over every single pedestrian which will take a LOT of time as there are hundreds of them every race and hidden all over the track. There are also plenty of powerups strewn throughout the races both fun and useful such as an electro ray and frozen opponents, or disadvantageous to you such as jelly suspension and turbo cops. Speaking of cops, you will occasionaly encounter them as you first play but towards the end there will be cops around almost every corner and are very hard to destroy making the later courses fairly difficult.

The graphics are still very playable to this day with nice car and damage modelling, funny pedestrian sprites and a decent variety of track layouts to explore. The audio is equally decent with a kickass soundtrack from Fear Factory and the crashes and clangs of each car not to mention the funny quips from your pratcam driver. With over 30 cars to drive when completed and over 30 tracks to complete there is plenty of value to be had, not to mention the splat pack expansion which adds an additional 20 tracks and cars each.

Overall Carmageddon is a timeless classic that all oldskool pc gamers and racing fans will enjoy, . lots of fun. first time i played it was on a pc with a pentium 1 processor and 8mb of ram.. One of the best games i ever played. Just pure fun, brings back a lot childhood memorys. Intro The original Carmageddon is nothing short of a blast to play. However, the Steam port is absolute \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665. The game only runs with DOSBox and if you choose to play with NGlide, no matter the resolution or graphical detail, you will not be getting a solid 60fps with drops down to even 20fps regularly. I have a GTX1060 and an i5 4460 and it doesn't matter. It runs like trash. I would only recommend this on Steam if you don't mind very low framerates or don't care about using DOSBox. It's unfortunate that Stainless hasn't decided to update the compatibility because if they did I could easily wholeheartedly recommend this fantastic game.

However, I HIGHLY recommend the port for mobiles. It's practically the Gizmodo port that never came but it runs at 60fps, looks fantastic and plays like a dream even with touch controls. This is the only time ever that I'd recommend a mobile game, especially a mobile port. It how now become the definitive version of the game. Get it.

The Great: ++Graphics still hold up amazingly with a really impressive art-style ++Rich atmosphere and has the brilliant dark humour that Carmageddon II and far moreso Max Damage traded in for ludicrous over-the-top, unfunny jokes ++For 1997, the game was darn well innovative with physics and open-ended driving not seen in just about anything before ++The main gameplay is just a ton of goddamn fun

The Good: +The cars are a joy to handle +Vehicle variety is awesome

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+Very long game +Running over peds is really enjoyable +Racing is also fun, surprisingly +Music is brilliant with a kickass main theme +Multiplayer was amazing

The Okay\/Not Too Big of a Deal: +-Sound is only okay in the long run

The Bad: -Not a big fan of how the upgrades and vehicle earning systems work whatsoever, although some think it's the best in the series -The driver sounds are a pest and far too loud -Game is pretty glitchy with audio options that don't even work and physics that tend to whack out -Track variety is somewhat lacking and the levels themselves aren't great

The Horrible: --N\/A

Sound: 4\/10 Graphics: 9\/10 Gameplay: 8.5\/10 Content\/Replayability: 8\/10 Overall: 8\/10

Awards: Runner-Up Game of the Year - 1997

Conclusion As a game, Carmageddon has more than stood the test of time but in terms of compatibility with modern hardware its worse than most. I wouldn't really recommend any PC version and god knows I've tried to get it running perfectly unless you can just deal with it, but I couldn't recommend the mobile version any more.. Ah, Carmageddon, a game where you don't just race other opponents, but also try to destroy them, and run over hundreds of innocent pedestrians in the process. Wicked fun. And you are rewarded for all of this, which makes it even more fun. The game even lets you know how many pedestrians there are on each level, so you can make sure every single one is mangled.

There are some old games that I think have really good looking graphics, even though they aren't very realistic like modern games. Carmageddon is one of them. There's a grittiness and personallity to the graphics that new games don't have. The lower detail of the graphics also gives the game a little more challenge, as it can be hard to see things coming up at times (at least before you get used to the graphics}.

The game can be annoying at times though. I found the vehicle handling\/controls hard to get used to as first. At least with one car, you can easily get stuck to walls, and have to steer into the wall to get free. That doesn't really stop being annoying. Also if you go too fast up a steep hill, you can end up launching off and flying way too far, and will end up needing to be recovered. These minor things don't detract from the fun though.

The game has some good music that goes good with the game. There some rock songs and some electronic songs. But if you don't like them or get tired of them, you can always turn on some Metal. Metal goes great with this game.

Carmageddon is a lot of fun. If you like games like Postal or GTA. If you like running over people, wrecking cars, and causing chaos, then you will like this game. If you haven't already played it and don't own it, then you should get it now. Or when it's on sale.

9.5\/10. Best Game Ever !. A classic but buggy. Okay. First of all, DON'T buy unless you're willing to do some patching up to get this game running smooth on modern systems. It will highly, highly unlikely not run smoothly right outta the box.

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Then, the review. Good stuff:

- The gameplay. Has aged without any decay. Complete the race by wrecking all other competitors, running over all pedestrians in the level (not easy..) or drive through all the laps (there's no positions, only the checkpoints need be passed, all laps completed). There's complete freedom to do as you please, this really is a standout feature. The derby action is good fun. Crashes are properly satisfying. Running over pedestrians hardly gets unfun either, what with the great sounds and over-the-top gore.

- Large maps with much to explore and find, for the game's age. And if you are to complete a race by killing all the peds, you're gonna have to somehow get your way to building roofs and other not-easy-to-reach places. The maps have a wide variety of themes too. For example, a city, mine shafts, tropical island, Mayan ruins, coastal area..

Atmosphere. First, the character roster, where nobody is normal nor sane. And everyone has fittingly cool and crazy cars too, first of course, Max Damage's Eagle, then for example there's a monster truck with drill in front, Delorean with some painful-looking blades in it's front, etc..Visuals are nice when it comes to art style. The graphics haven't aged very gracefully but the art style is nice, there's a suitable amount of grit.

What sucks:

This release. Doesn't run smoothly right outta the box. First you gotta install 95RPP, then see if it'll make the game work nice. If it doesn't try replacing the DirectDraw wrapper that comes with it by removing from game's folder the ddraw.dll and replacing it with DGVoodoo's.. You know you want this, it's one of the greatest game of the 90's, for a game of that time, it sure is beautiful, Hell, it's better looking than most of nowadays video games, no blur, no depth of field, no other bullcrap that "hides" the uglyness of nowadays games. Pretty great game overall, still worth playing despise the release of Max Damage, first-person driving is better and better looking than in the new one to be honest, driving is overall better but only by a bit (in my opinion), music is great, what pains me in the new one is that you can't see your dude and his facial expressions, that is such a good addition in my opinion.

Anyway, I suggest it to anyone who likes carnage, adrenaline, Destruction Derby (game), Death Rally (game), Twisted Metal, Mad Max, Interstate 76 (game), Motor Mayhem (game) and perhaps FlatOut. They kind of share some similiarties between each of them. If you like adrenaline games such as Unreal Tournament, Quake or Duke Nukem, you may like this if it doesn't bother you to play using cars, and well, perhaps Postal 2? Same kind of mayhem but with cars instead, difference is, this game is pure quality.

Fu** yeah!\/10 (9.5\/.10)

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Carmageddon Max Pack Download Highly Compressed Rar