11 .au (Affix identification label here) URN: Family name: Right Heart Catheter (Internal Given name(s): Jugular Vein Approach) Address: Date of birth: Sex: M F I Facility: A. Interpreter / cultural needs • Abnormal heart rhythm that continues for a long time. This may need an electric shock to correct. An Interpreter Service is required? Yes No • The carotid artery (in the neck) is accidentally If Yes, is a qualified Interpreter present? Yes No punctured. This may require surgery to repair. © The State of Queensland (Queensland Health), 20 A Cultural Support Person is required? Yes No Rare risks and complications (less than 1%) If Yes, is a Cultural Support Person present? Yes No include: • Infection. This will need antibiotics. B. Condition and treatment • Allergic reaction to the local anaesthetic. This The doctor has explained that you have the following may require medication to treat. Permission to reproduce should be sought from
[email protected] condition: (Doctor to document in patient’s own words) • Blood clot in the neck vein. This may need medication to treat. .................................................................................................................................................................... • Embolism. A blood clot may form and break off .................................................................................................................................................................... from the catheter. This is treated with blood This condition requires the following procedure. thinning medication. • (Doctor to document - include site and/or side where Air in the lung cavity. A chest tube may need to relevant to the procedure) be put in to the chest to drain the air. • Damage to the vein in the neck causing bleeding. .................................................................................................................................................................... This may need surgery to repair. The following will be performed: • Air embolism. Oxygen may be given.