
Development of an igneous database with geologic functions: Application to Neogene bimodal igneous rocks and resources in the

Douglas B. Yager1*, Albert H. Hofstra1*, Katheryn Fifarek2*, and Ank Webbers3* 1Central Mineral and Environmental Resources Science Center, U.S. , Denver Federal Center, Box 25046, MS 973, Denver, Colorado 80225, USA 2Department of , Mailcode 4324, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois 62901, USA 3516 Orchard Way, Louisville, Colorado 80027, USA

ABSTRACT and various subsamples. Absolute radiomet- INTRODUCTION ric age determinations on samples from geo- Geologists routinely use sample data logic features and expert interpretations of Now that GIS is fully implemented for (descriptive, qualitative, quantitative) to relative age relationships between different Windows-based software platforms on personal characterize a hierarchy of larger geologic features may be captured and used together computers and has interoperability with rela- features that each have their own indepen- to constrain the ages of undated features. tional databases, a new realm for data investiga- dent attributes, use physical relationships Such age information is linked to features tion, display, and analysis is available to between geologic features to establish their of various scales in the hierarchy. Common scientists. GIS enables data to be input, man- relative ages, combine this information with attributes that are shared between the rela- aged (in a database management system), ana- dated features to understand evolutionary tional database and geographic informa- lyzed, and output as derivative maps and tables. histories of study areas at various scales, tion system (GIS) features include feature- The relational database enables data retrieval and produce maps to display such informa- identifi cation or sample-identifi cation, and between logically designed tables that are linked tion in space and time relative to other fea- they permit linking of geographic entities through a common relational join item such tures of interest. This paper demonstrates and tabular data for query, analysis, and dis- as a unique sample-identifi cation or feature- how we integrated such routine geologic play in GIS or derivative tables. identifi cation. Relational database functional- functions into an existing Relational database keys merge analyti- ity permits users to construct Structured Query relational database designed to store, orga- cal, map, and image data across this geologic Language (SQL) queries that retrieve data from nize, update, query, and retrieve sample hierarchy-age-location schema to facilitate linked tables in organized ways for analysis and data that have well-defi ned locations. The queries that address geologic problems. Data display in GIS software. resulting igneous rock database is utilized acquired at the sample scale of observation User-friendly relational databases that store to capture information on Neogene bimodal is linked to increasingly larger features that information specifi c to igneous rocks are rela- igneous rocks in northern Nevada and the have their own independent attributes using tively new. Web-based portals can now access eastern Great Basin Province. The database GIS. This schema enables users to retrieve solid earth geochemical data and visualization is a useful tool that facilitates queries to information on one or more hierarchical tools for igneous rocks (Walker et al., 2004; generate geographical information system features for input into external software Lehnert et al., 2003). GEOROC, PetDB, and displays and petrologic plots that elucidate for various GIS, statistical, petrologic, and NAVDAT that are part of the EarthChem web- the time-space-composition relationships of other display, analysis, or comparison pur- based portal (Lehnert et al., 2003), in particular, volcanic centers to one another and to geo- poses. Fundamental interpretations result- utilize a relational database schema that facili- physical anomalies, structural features, and ing from such analyses or displays, e.g., rock tates query and retrieval of geochemical data mineral deposits. classifi cation, may be used to populate addi- on samples. Lehnert et al.’s (2000) database Database information is parsed into the tional fi elds in the database. The database is structure is very robust for managing geochemi- following data tables: physical hierarchy of designed for fl exibility and can accommodate cal sample level data; therefore we build upon scale, absolute and relative age, chemistry, information resulting from both detailed and much of their schema in our database. As earth paleomagnetic, rock mode, image, cross sec- reconnaissance studies. The geologic func- scientists continue to link GIS systems and other tion, X-ray diffraction, and igneous-related tions that were developed and that we added applications to igneous rock or other geologic structure. Information is organized in a tele- to an existing igneous rock database (Lehnert databases, either directly from individual PC’s or scoping geologic hierarchy schema: igneous et al., 2000) for this study have wide appli- via internet resources such as the western North province, volcanic fi eld, volcanic system or cability and could readily be integrated into American database NAVDAT, , extrusive fl ow or intrusion, sample, other geoscience databases. http://navdat.kgs.ku.edu/ (Walker et al., 2004) or

*Emails: Yager: [email protected]; Hofstra: [email protected]; Fifarek: kfi [email protected]; Webbers: [email protected].

Geosphere; October 2010; v. 6; no. 5; p. 691–730; doi: 10.1130/GES00516.1; 35 fi gures; 3 tables; 1 appendix fi gure; 1 appendix table.

For permission to copy, [email protected] 691 © 2010 Geological Society of America

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the EARTHCHEM portal, http://www.earthchem graphic areas of interest (geo-hierarchy of Yager 1992; Wallace, 1993; Ludington et al., 1996; .org/ (Lehnert et al., 2003), there is a need to and Hofstra, 2004). John, 2001; John et al., 2003; Wallace, 2003). implement data structures that permit geologists Our database is able to store and manipulate Great Basin bimodal igneous rocks are broadly to use these resources in an effi cient and logical the multiple data types discussed above such as characterized by basaltic and rhyolitic end- manner to address a geologic question or prob- physical hierarchy-of-scale, relative and absolute member compositions. Ages and compositions lem that utilizes fundamental geologic principles. ages, geochemical analyses, rock modes, scanned of the bimodal suite, however, vary in age and Geologists commonly approach a geologic cross sections, maps, and images from the prov- composition across the Great Basin Province. problem from multiple scales of observation ince to inclusion level of observation. To manage They include ages and compositions of 22 Ma using all available data sources pertaining to the physical hierarchy of scale, our schema uses a to Holocene high-silica and high fl uorine topaz features having various ages, composition, and nested set approach similar to Celko (2004), where (Christiansen et al., 1986), 14–17 Ma geographic distribution. In order to investigate the largest size features can have multiple, nested, peralkaline to tholeiitic volcanics and intru- a geologic question, Earth scientists commonly smaller size features in the hierarchy (Fig. 1). In sions, and Neogene alkali . The younger require ready access to (a) the total number and addition, we provide database placeholders to eruptives (3–11 Ma) are mostly alkali- types of geochemical information available for a capture expert knowledge regarding fundamental basalts (Leeman and Rogers, 1970). magmatic center or unit, aiding in the identifi ca- geologic fi eld relationships and interpretations Information on bimodal igneous rocks was tion of data-rich areas and areas that have data useful for determining relative ages of features retrieved and organized from legacy U.S. Geo- gaps, (b) isotopic and relative age information, when absolute ages are unknown or uncertain. logical Survey data archives as well as the best or highest precision ages avail- The resulting GIS-linked relational database (Granitto et al., 2005) and from published pro- able, (c) geochemical data on major-, trace-, and is used to compile and organize information fessional and academic sources. Most of the rare-earth-element concentrations for analysis for the bimodal (-) igneous suite information compiled is from bimodal igneous in petrologic discrimination and classifi cation of rocks in a large area of northern Nevada that rocks along the Northern Nevada (NNR). diagrams, (d) isotopic data that can be used for also contains broadly coeval low sulfi dation In the latter part of the paper, we demonstrate interpreting genesis, crustal assimila- Au-Ag deposits (Fig. 2) (John, 2001; Leavitt et and use the geologic functions of the database tion, and differentiation processes, among other al., 2004). We have also imported geochemical to query, retrieve, and display important time- petrologic issues, and (e) a map, or GIS, that can data for the eastern Great Basin Province that space-composition relationships between dif- be used to place geologic features of multiple we compare to northern Nevada data in the ferent bimodal igneous features and geophysi- scale in geographic context. Thus we designed Database Applications section below. In north- cal anomalies, structural features, and mineral our database with all the aforementioned data ern Nevada, bimodal igneous rocks with minor deposits in northern Nevada. types in mind, and we constructed it in a way rocks are thought to This work was undertaken to help fulfi ll a that would facilitate queries on samples as well be related to the Yellowstone Hot Spot and were goal of the U.S. Geological Survey’s Metal- as progressively larger igneous features such deposited between 17 Ma and the Holocene logeny of the Great Basin (MGB) project to as units, centers, fi elds, and provinces, or geo- (LeMasurier, 1968; Christiansen and Yeats, develop a compilation of existing geologic, structural, geochemical, and geophysical data to enhance understanding of the multiple factors that infl uenced mineral deposit formation (Hof- stra and Wallace, 2006). We anticipate that our GIS-linked database will be used to store additional information on the bimodal suite from surrounding areas as well as information on the other igneous rock suites in the Great Basin for comparison and analysis.

Populated Database Tables and Completeness

The primary database tables that are popu- lated store sample and geochemical analyses- related information for rocks collected in several areas throughout the study area. While tables such as the HIERARCHY, HIERARCHY_SUMMARY, and IMAGE tables are only sparsely populated, several tables remain unpopulated.1 Many of

1A list of unpopulated tables follows: MINERAL; Figure 1. Conceptual geo-hierarchy illustrating large to small MINERAL MODE; INCLUSION; XRAYDIFFRACTION; STAN- features. GIS commands permit joining attribute tables of small DARD; FRACT_CORRECT; ANALYSIS_SEMIQUANT; DATA_ and large features. Each geo-hierarchy feature contains a user- or QUALITY; METHOD_PRECISION; NORM; NORMALIZATION; GIS-assigned attribute name and numeric code. Linked name and NORMALIZATION_LIST; UNIT_REGIONAL_STRUCTURE; STRUCTURE_SITE; PALEOMAG; STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION; numeric codes enable selection of specifi c features, e.g., rift, vol- ENVIRONMENTAL_PROPERTIES; UNIT_REGIONAL_MOR- canic fi eld, caldera, or unit for comparison between hierarchies. PHOLOGY; RELATIVE_AGE; INTERPRETED_MODELED.

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the unpopulated tables are from Lehnert et al. resolution data (maps, units, samples, inclu- examples of large igneous provinces include (2000). Additional unpopulated tables were sions) correspond to the trunk-limb-branch-leaf. the -related Western prov- newly designed as placeholders to store data Reference information pertains to all parts of the ince and the plume-related bimodal that are commonly acquired for igneous rocks, database (Generalized database schema, Fig. 3). basalt-rhyolite province (Fig. 2). e.g., PALEOMAG, but are currently unavailable. Examples of such geo-hierarchical features are impingement at ca. 17 Ma resulted in eruption These tables are also provided as a basis of described below, from large to small. of the voluminous Steens and Columbia River thought for the types of information researchers continental fl ood basalts that cover an area may want to populate or modify that may be Very Large Physiographic or greater than 160,000 km2 in Idaho and Oregon tailored for a specifi c research purpose. It is the Igneous Provinces (Pierce and Morgan, 1992; Hooper, 1997). authors’ hope that this database will be used and augmented with additional data collected for In this study, the Great Basin is the largest Large -Tectonic Features the bimodal igneous assemblage. Note that, due (500,000 km2) physiographic area of interest to size constraints, the Microsoft Access rela- in the geo-hierarchy (Fig. 2). It is bounded by The Northern Nevada Rift (NNR) is a longitu- tional database does not appear with this other physiographic provinces: the Cascade dinally continuous, structural and igneous feature paper. It and other related files can be found Range to the north and west, the in the MGB study area. It is outlined by western at https://doi.org/10.1130/GEOS.S.12473336. range to the west, the Snake River and eastern magnetic anomalies, rather than by Plain to the north, the to the a single, linear magnetic trend, and it extends east and southeast, and the Sierra Madre Occi- for as much as 500–600 km from north to south Database Design dental igneous province that extends south into (Figs. 2 and 4). It is thought to have formed Mexico. Within the Great Basin study area, during impingement of a mantle plume, in a Conceptual Data Model The conceptual design identifi es the logical complement of all data and data types that will 125° 120° 115° assure our database will be used and useful for geoscientists, e.g., sample location, historical N references, rock type, and rock age. Three design Low Sulfidation Ag-Au deposits elements are particularly germane to our rela- Miocene to Holocene tional database: (a) geo-hierarchy, (b) absolute Bimodal (basalt-rhyolite) ages, and (c) relative ages. We use geo-hierarchy suite of igneous rocks to organize information that pertains to any scal- Columbia River and Steens Mountain basalt 45° Great able geologic or geographic physical feature. flows and dikes Basin Such features are modeled in GIS as points, Province lines, polygons, and images. These features and NNR Northern Nevada Rift 0.706 their associated attributes are compiled in the Western Andesite Assemblage relational database. Below, we show how GIS is used to assign database attributes to a geo- USGS MGB Project area hierarchy feature and how GIS and SQL queries are used to retrieve a feature’s relative age. 40° GEO-HIERARCHY NNR

Earth scientists develop their interpretations of a geologic problem from lab- and fi eld-based observations on geographic areas, geologic fea- tures, events, and processes that span a wide range of scale within a time-space framework. We use the general term geo-hierarchy to describe such features as a function of scale in 35° a time-space framework. Geologic features can be thought of in terms of a telescoping scale of observation, from large to small areas of interest, or vice versa. While this is not a new 0 300 km concept to geologists, it is new to earth science databases that commonly do not store this type of information. The data pertaining to differ- Figure 2. Distribution of Miocene to Holocene basalt and bimodal igneous rocks in western ent parts of the geo-hierarchy are analogous to North America relative to low-sulfi dation Au-Ag deposits and the 87Sr/86Sr 0.706 isopleth the different parts of a tree and are categorized (green dashed line). The Great Basin (red dashed line), state boundaries (thin black dashed accordingly. Coarse resolution data (e.g., large lines), and the U.S. Geological Survey Metallogeny of the Great Basin Province (MGB) geographic area or large geologic feature) are study area (blue box) are also shown. Data compiled thus far for the bimodal igneous suite the root of the geo-hierarchy; progressively fi ner of rocks mostly from sites within the MGB study area. Modifi ed from John (2001).

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transtensional stress regime, with consequent rift- centers and concurrent epithermal gold-silver Hart and Brueseke, 2004; Brueseke and Hart, ing of the that localized basalt-rhyolite mag- deposits (Wallace and John, 1998; John and Wal- 2008). The Santa Rosa volcanic fi eld forms matism (Zoback and Thompson, 1978). Its prom- lace, 2000; John et al., 2000; John, 2001; Glen part of the Santa Rosa Mountain range, which inent magnetic expression is exemplifi ed by the and Ponce, 2002; John et al., 2003). extends for 120 km from north to south and eastern (EmagNNR) and western (WmagNNR) occurs at the north end of the NNR between the limbs of a north-south trending anomaly (Fig. 4) eastern and western NNR magnetic anomalies that is inferred to represent magnetic, middle that are described in Glen and Ponce (2002). Miocene igneous rocks that have intruded into An example of a somewhat smaller igne- Caldera. are examples of smaller extensional fractures. NNR-related extensional ous feature in the database geo-hierarchy is the features in the geo-hierarchy. The 20-km- fractures have localized both bimodal magmatic Santa Rosa volcanic fi eld (LeMasurier, 1968; diameter McDermitt caldera, west of the Santa Rosa volcanic fi eld, formed between 15.5 and 16.1 Ma (Conrad, 1984; Rytuba and Mckee, 1984; Zoback et al., 1994; Rytuba et al., 2004; Hales et al., 2005). The McDermitt caldera rep- resents one of the early calderas that form along the Yellowstone hot spot track (Pierce and Morgan, 1992; Zoback et al., 1994). Unit. cooling units, individual dikes, and fl ows that can be mapped or corre- lated within volcanic fi elds or traced to caldera sources represent yet fi ner resolution data. An example is a correlative ash fl ow erupted from the McDermitt caldera. Sample. The fi nest resolution data stored in the database is for information on hand speci- mens and subsamples. For example, whole rock chemical analyses of samples from a McDermitt caldera eruptive unit show that it is peralkaline in composition and the redox state of the magma can be elucidated by electron microprobe analy- ses of Fe-Ti oxide (Fig. 4).

Assigning Database Geo-Hierarchy Names and Codes Using GIS

A well-populated and clearly coded data- base enables GIS queries that can select and sort features for comparison within or across geo- hierarchies of interest. Conceptually, per- haps the best way to visualize how a GIS links attributes to features at various scales is with the simple graphic in Figure 5. This nested Boolean relationship depicts how small features inherit attributes from progressively larger features in the geo-hierarchy. At the same time, each fea- ture in the geo-hierarchy typically has its own unique set of attributes. The stepwise approach depicted in Figure 5 is used to defi ne and assign attributes to the various smaller or larger parts of the geo- hierarchy. Initially, existing digital and printed geologic and geophysical maps are compiled and used to delimit the bimodal suite of igne- ous rocks and their geophysical expression in the MGB study area. Source data for the geo-hierarchy is from published hardcopy and digital data (Stewart and Carlson, 1978; Wallace, 1993; John and Wrucke, 2002; Glen et al., 2004; Crafford, 2007). Geo-hierarchy Figure 3. Generalized physical design schema. Detailed schema is in Appendix A. names are then assigned to the representative

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parts of the nested data-polygons: (HIERARCHY_ sons between similar-sized igneous features of NNR geophysical data (Glen et al., 2004) LEVEL_NAME) and hierarchy level number (HIER- and provides context for a sample contained (Fig. 6). This data set permits geophysical ARCHY_LEVEL_NUM) codes. The GIS ArcInfo within a larger feature of interest. domain descriptions and associated database “IDENTITY” command joins attributes of table attributes to be assigned to a feature that point and polygon features with attributes Assigning Attributes from Interpretive intersects these domains. from polygons that represent features of mul- External Digital Data Sets tiple scale in the geo-hierarchy. Once features ABSOLUTE AGE INFORMATION are fully attributed, GIS queries can be used to The same Boolean GIS intersection approach select and sort information pertinent to indi- described above can be used to attach attributes Geologic age information is fundamental vidual features on the basis of their position to features from external interpreted GIS data data that geologists must be able to retrieve and in the geo-hierarchy. This facilitates compari- sets. One such data set contains interpretations interpret. Ages are classifi ed into two general

Figure 4. (A) Nevada and features representing parts of the geo-hierarchy within the bimodal igneous province in the study area. Eastern (EmagNNR) and western (WmagNNR) magnetic expression of the NNR and associated hierarchy level numbers (described in Hierar- chy module section ); SRV—Santa Rosa Volcanic Field; MC—McDermitt caldera complex. (B) 1:24,000-scale Izzenhood Geologic Map (John and Wrucke, 2002). (C) Sratigraphic section of Mule Canyon Sequence (John et al., 2003). (D) Outcrop photo of unit “Tob” Oliv- ine Basalt of John and Wrucke (2002). (E) of unit Tob; black rectangle is area of intensive study by U.S. Geological Survey.

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categories—absolute and relative. Absolute Relative ages are derived from expert inter- unit that may be correlative to a unit of known ages are further subdivided into precise and pretations based on observations of stra- age that crops out elsewhere. imprecise determinations with different degrees tigraphy, crosscutting relationships, and Relative ages can be assigned in the fi eld if of analytical uncertainty. Precise dates involve correlations between geologic features. absolute ages exist for a unit for which there isotopic dating methods with 2σ uncertainties of Our database schema permits storage and is good regional correlation. Radiometric age tens- to hundreds-of-thousands of . retrieval of relative age information (using determinations on regionally deposited Absolute ages are straightforward to use in RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE attributes in the RELATIVE_ can place maximum age constraints on overly- a relational database because a SQL query can AGE table; Appendixes A and B) that draws ing units (Anders et al., 2009). When radiomet- select data on a sample or samples represent- on long-established geologic methods and ric dates are lacking, paleomagnetic analysis, ing a specifi c numeric age or age range and can concepts that are often missing in earth- mineralogy, petrographic observations, and include only precise ages. In this way, ages hav- science databases. geochemical characterization can provide some ing large analytical uncertainty can be excluded For example, a fi eld geologist relies on constraints on stratigraphically adjacent units. if more precise data is available. multiple observations at the sample, site, and In addition, absolute ages may be available on outcrop scale to determine a feature’s relative one or more intrusions. A relative age can be RELATIVE AGE INFORMATION age. At the outcrop scale, physical observa- assigned to undated intrusions in a shared area tions of tendency, mineral type, that are of the same mineralogy, composition, Relative ages present a different combina- habit and abundance, erosional surfaces, and and structural setting as compared to the dated tion of database and geospatial challenges. superposition all help a geologist to identify a intrusions. The confi dence level on the relative age assignment for an undated intrusion can be noted in the database. GIS Processing Steps Used in Additionally, crosscutting relationships in- Establishing a Geo-hierarchy volving igneous rocks are clearly important to determining relative ages in some areas. Igne- I. Digitize/Compile geo-hierarchy features ous dikes, plugs, and intrusions are younger than everything they crosscut. In the case of dikes and plugs, the features might be mapped from volcanic feeder vents to coeval fl ows. In this example, there may be an absolute age, Eastern magnetic expression of Tha unit Sample locality points but the units that the dike cuts may be undated. the NNR polygon Polygon from Tba unit A dike age brackets the relative predike, mini- (“Basaltic Andesite”) mum age for all units intruded by the dike. Thus II. In GIS: Assign database attributes to geo-hierarchy features the identifying characteristics and geologic fi eld relationships used to interpret a feature’s relative HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME = EMAG_NNR age can be indicated in the database by using HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM = 1150 attributes that describe how a relative age was determined, provide an estimated numeric age range, and include a description of the certainty HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME = Basaltic_andesite of the determined age. HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM = 150 Figure 7 is a conceptual example of how our relational database can utilize relative age information. The physical relationships between geologic units defi ne relative ages when funda- III. In GIS: Use the ArcInfo™ command IDENTITY to mental principles of geology are applied. One populate the database table for the sample locality points approach is to use a sequence number that is part with attributes common to all parts of the geo-hierarchy. of an age table. In this schema, each feature has a unique OBJECT_ID and place in a geo-hierarchy. Lower sequence numbers (SEQUENCE_NUM) are the oldest, and higher numbers are the youngest. The SEQUENCE_NUM requires related attributes that describe how an age of a volcanic unit was assigned, e.g., geologic correlation by an expert IV. The result is that the attributes of the sample locality points are in the fi eld, superposition, crosscutting relation- joined with attributes of the polygon database, thus affording GIS ship, or contact relationship. and database queries for comparing attributes or analyzing characteristics from any table in the geo-hierarchy. Sorting and Displaying Geo-Hierarchy and Age Information in GIS Figure 5. Conceptual example of how GIS is used to assign geo-hierarchy attributes to physical features. Once attributes are joined to the sample locality point, line, or polygon Name and numeric code attributes are attached features facilitate, these features can be queried for comparison within same or between to features in GIS or in database tables to enable geo-hierarchies. co-related data to be selected from various levels

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of the geo-hierarchy. A sequence number as part tures. For example, GIS map data representing base, features of interest that are part of a volcanic of the RELATIVE_AGE table, discussed further in the sites, samples, lines (contacts or faults), and unit fi eld, caldera, stratigraphic section, unit, or sam- Physical Data Model section below, permits sort- polygons can be linked via spatial join-items ple can be queried and displayed so that each has ing based on geologic age. Expert interpretations directly to the relational database or to tables an associated absolute or relative age. The result along with absolute age information stored in the derived from database queries. Each feature in of the query can be used to retrieve GIS features database allow the database user to establish how the relational database has a unique OBJECT_ID or data in the database that are part of a volcanic an age was determined and what analytical uncer- that can be used as a relational join-item to link sequence. A sort function, commonly available in tainty may be associated with an age. all co-related attributes in the database with abso- spreadsheets and in a GIS database, can be used In a practical sense, this information can be lute or relative age. Once the relationships among to sort by the attribute SEQUENCE_NUMBER to select used to link relative ages to geo-hierarchy fea- geo-hierarchy and age are populated in the data- or display features in a relative age sequence.

Figure 6. Geologic example of the nested set geo-hierarchy. Geo-hierarchy and “parts of a tree analogy” (upper right). The ArcInfo IDENTITY command is used to populate a nested set of samples from unit Tba with the database attribute name (EMAG_NNR) and corresponding assigned numeric code (1150) of the NNR. A nested feature (sample) and its associated database attribute table thus inherits the attributes of larger geologic and geophysical features (EMAG_NNR) and (NVm12), respectively. In this example, the magnetic expression of the NNR is shown in salmon (A) (Glen et al., 2004). Insets B and C correspond with the area highlighted with the black rectangle. Inset (B) identifi es four features of the geo-hierarchy: Great Basin boundary is outside the map extents and is not shown; “EMAG_NNR” is the northern Nevada Rift (Glen et al., 2004); Tba is map unit “basaltic andesite” from Stewart and Carlson (1978); yellow triangles are sample sites from the bimodal igneous suite of rocks mainly from the Mule Canyon sequence in Mule Can- yon quadrangle; town of Battle Mountain also shown. Inset (C) shows the geophysical polygon domains from Glenn et al. (2008). Once populated in the nested structure, all intersecting and higher-level attribute tables are available for comparison or further database query—in this example to produce a map showing the relationship of composition to structures and aeromagnetic anomalies at local, intermediate, and regional scales.

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Figure 7. Block diagram representing hypothetical igneous and sedi- mentary stratigraphy, tectonic events, and -deposition events. Within the relational database, features of various scale (site, unit, sample) are assigned a unique OBJECT_ID, as well as a sequence num- ber (SEQUENCE_NUM) that form a compound database key. This com- pound key can be used to retrieve information on a features abso- lute or relative age. In this hypothetical sequence, basement rocks (1) were intruded by an igneous plug (2). A fault cuts the basement rocks (event 3). Mineralization (4) then formed along both the fl ow- path created by faulting event (3) and along the margins of the intru- sion (2). An erosional (5) occurred post faulting. Later, an ash-fall was deposited on top of the unconformity (6). A volcanic fl ow (7) was then deposited followed by intrusion of a dike and vent complex (8). This volcanic complex was then offset by Basin and Range normal faulting (9) followed by ash-fl ow deposition (10). Based on interbedded contact relationship, sedimentation (11) was contemporaneous with basaltic igneous dike injection (12). The fault may be a reactivated early Basin and Range fault because syntectonic sedimentation (13) is localized along the rift. A basaltic cone (14) formed dur- ing dike injection. Alluvial Holocene sediments (15) now cap the entire sequence. Relative age table database fi elds shown to right of block diagram. Defi nitions of database fi elds are listed in Appendix B.

Updating Relative Ages and Sequences that assign one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to- eral tables where reference information is appli- one, or many-to-many relationships between the cable to this part of the database. The database requires additional functional- relational database attributes. ity to update object ages and sequence num- Our complete entity relationship diagram is II. IMAGES MODULE bers as new geologic information is acquired. in Appendix A. The defi nitions that defi ne entity Updateable table fi elds OLDER_ID and YOUNGER_ relationship logical attributes are in Appendix Images are accessed from a generic IMAGES ID are added to store the OBJECT_ID that places B. The schema used for geochemical data stor- table. The attribute image number (IMAGE_NUM) constraints on adjacent older or younger objects age and retrieval is modifi ed from Lehnert et al. is used to join the IMAGES table to several other (Fig. 7). Visual Basic software code is used (2000); however, we developed additional data- tables, e.g., REGIONAL_STRUCTURE, STRUCTURE_ to extrapolate the RELATIVE_AGE_MIN and RELA- base entities and relationships to manage data and SITE, UNIT_REGIONAL_MORPHOLOGY, INCLUSION, TIVE_AGE_MAX, minimum and maximum age information for geo-hierarchy and relative age MINERAL_MODE, and MINERAL tables. Appendix fi elds for each unit, by following the YOUNGER_ID relationships, mineral modes from point counts, A shows the relational links between selected and OLDER_ID links, recursively if necessary, to data, interpreted and mod- tables and the IMAGES table. Image types that dynamically populate these table fi elds. Updated eled data, volcano-tectonic local and regional can be stored or are available for download sequence numbers can then be assigned also structures, environmental rock properties, im- are shown in Table 1. The attribute IMAGE_NAME using Visual Basic code. Some errors in analy- ages, and hierarchy summary reports. Data are retrieves specifi c images for which the name sis, e.g., RELATIVE_AGE_MIN > RELATIVE_AGE_MAX, grouped into seven major data categories or mod- is known. Image type description (IMAGE_TYPE_ also can be detected by this code. ules: (I) References and data sources, (II) Images, DESC) describes the image type, e.g., scanned (III) Hierarchy, (IV) Data batches, method, and map, digital stratigraphic section, fi eld photo- Physical Data Model quality, (V) Unit or Region, (VI) Rock, and (VII) graph, and electron backscatter image. Mineral modules (Fig. 3 and Appendix A). The Physical Model or the actual design of The following paragraphs describe the key III. HIERARCHY MODULE a database specifi es how database records are attributes and relationships between modules in stored, accessed, or related according to require- our Physical Model. Table headings are in small Hierarchy Table ments established during the conceptual design bold capital letters and attributes are in small phase. We use it to assign detailed database capital letters and italicized. Relational join- The hierarchy module can be thought of as the table headings, to populate attribute tables and items in database tables are in bold. main trunk of the database, to which all entities records, to map relationships between logical can be linked on the basis of geo-hierarchy kin- attributes, to store and retrieve data from physi- I. REFERENCES AND DATA ship. Each data point, polygon, site, and image is cal addresses, and to match the physical geo- SOURCE MODULE assigned either by GIS analysis or physical data- hierarchy with logical attributes like tables base attribution to one or more geo- hierarchies. and records. It has two components: the basic At the root of our database schema is the ref- Each feature representing a geo-hierarchy in the logical design and the entity relationships. The erences and data source module developed by HIERARCHY table (Fig. 8) has a unique OBJECT_ID, logical design identifi es all data needs (e.g., geo- Lehnert et al. (2000). We found this schema to HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME, and HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM hierarchy, absolute and relative ages, images, be effi cient, and we incorporated it to populate attributes. The OBJECT_ID is used to relate HIERAR- and numeric and text formats) and also any and store reference and data source information. CHY attributes in the parent HIERARCHY table to relationships developed during the conceptual This module includes names of scientists who other tables. It is intuitive for a user to query the design phase. The entity relationship diagram contributed data and their contact information, database by HIERARCHY_NAME, e.g., “McDermitt_ maps and links these logical design units using as well as published references. The attribute caldera.” However, when a numeric hierar- well-established cardinal rules (Ambler, 2003) reference number (REF_NUM) is used to link sev- chy number (HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM) attribute is

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TABLE 1. TABLES AND ASSOCIATED IMAGE TYPES to acquire the data and the analytical certainty Table name Type of image available for query or download for determined values (Fig. 10 and Appendix A). HIERARCHY Field photos of outcrops and regional overviews, scanned geologic maps This schema pertains to rocks as well as data HIERARCHY_REPORT Digital images of ternary, rock classifi cation, isochron, collected on minerals and inclusions in miner- plateau age plots, and other applicable plots STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION Scanned stratigraphic sections als. Tables that are relevant to the data batches, RELATIVE_AGE Field photo or sample photograph relevant to relative age method, and quality module are named the determinations FEATURE_REGIONAL_STRUCTURE Outcrop and regional photographs or BATCH, ANALYSIS_QUANTITATIVE, DATA_QUALITY_ images METHOD, and METHOD_PRECISION tables. These STRUCTURE_SITE Field photographs of outcrop and samples UNIT_REGIONAL_MORPHOLOGY Field photograph or remote sensing image tables, along with the CHEMISTRY table, which INCLUSION Images of , melt, or mineral inclusions can pertain to either the rock and/or mineral MINERAL Images of minerals module, permit querying of geochemical analy- ses by submitter or by a suite of desired geo- chemical parameters (Lehnert et al., 2000). known for either a named or unnamed feature, on those described in Mineral Deposit Models this attribute can also be a used to effectively (Cox and Singer, 1986) and include, for exam- V. UNIT OR REGION MODULE query the database. ple, hot springs Au-Ag, epithermal vein Au-Ag, Hierarchical features that represent large and -Cu deposits. These attributes The tables in the unit or region module store magmatic features or general geographic areas aid in evaluating the relationship between the attributes useful in characterizing regional fea- (larger than site or sample locality data) have bimodal suite of rocks and mineral deposits. tures or properties of geologic units. additional attribute requirements. Regional features in the geo-hierarchy have a duration, Hierarchy Summary Table Paleomagnetic Data spatial extent, and additional unique attributes. We attribute the database fi eld HIERARCHY_LEVEL_ The HIERARCHY_SUMMARY table provides Paleomagnetic data are acquired to address TYPE with general geo-hierarchy information. summary attributes populated by experts or questions that may be relevant at the unit or Generic examples of HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TYPE populated on the basis of database queries, GIS regional scale. Paleomagnetic data provide include rift_unit, rift_vent, and rift_sample that analysis, and subsequent database upload. The information that is useful for correlation of are all database “branches” in the nested-set current HIERARCHY_SUMMARY table attributes geo-hierarchy. More detailed text comments listed are important to the age, distribution, vol- such as an abstract or report may be uploaded to ume, chemical and physical origin, and com- the attribute HIERARCHY_COMMENT attribute fi eld. position of the bimodal igneous suite of rocks, A HIERARCHY_SEQ_NUM may be assigned to as well as their relationship to hydrothermal each hierarchy. Lower numbers in the sequence mineral deposits (Fig. 9). The report table can are small features, and larger or coarser fea- be modifi ed to meet the specifi c needs of geolo- tures are assigned larger numbers. The HIERAR- gists working on different problems. CHY_SEQ_NUM allows features of various relative physical scale to be queried. IV. DATA BATCHES, METHOD, AND The attribute fi elds NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS and QUALITY MODULE DEPOSIT_MODELS are placeholders for the total number of deposits and the deposit model types How Sample Geochemical Data Is Managed that are spatially or genetically related to geo- hierarchical features. Deposit models are based The method used to store analytical data developed by Lehnert et al. (2000) has been rearranged and modifi ed to fi t our hierarchical tree structure while preserving its functionality. HIERARCHY Four tables are included in this module: SAMPLE, BATCH, ANALYSIS, and CHEMISTRY. Geologists SAMPLE_NUM OBJECT_ID submit samples in “jobs” or “batches” for anal- HIERARCHY_SEQ_NUM ysis by various methods (rare earth elements, HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME trace elements, major elements, and isotopes). HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TYPE The key database relationships between a HIERARCHY_LEVEL_COMMENT HIERARCHY_AGE_MIN unique sample number (SAMPLE_NUM in the SAM- HIERARCHY_AGE_MAX PLE table) to a batch number (BATCH_NUM) and STRAT_COL_NUM IMAGE_NUM related analysis number (ANALYSIS_NUM) defi ne NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS the element measured and its analytical result DEPOSIT_MODELS SAMPLE_ID VALUE (in the ANALYSIS_QUANTITATIVE table). REF_NUM These relationships permit multiple analytical parameters to be selected using a SQL query Figure 9. HIERARCHY_SUMMARY table and for individual or multiple samples. The entities general attributes related to the geo- Figure 8. HIERARCHY table and associated “METHOD” and “DATA_QUALITY” are included to hierarchies. See Appendix B for detailed attributes. provide information on the type of method used descriptions of attributes.

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regionally deposited igneous units and for deter- Our database captures expert knowledge tion number (STATION_NUM) and to the HIERARCHY mining magnetic declination and inclination regarding the multiple ways that relative age table via the (OBJECT_ID). The attribute location that can illucidate postdepositional tectonism, information can be assigned. In addition, if an number (LOCATION_NUM) allows retrieval of geo- e.g., tilting. The PALEOMAG table (Fig. 11) used expert interpretation on the relative age of a fea- graphic information about the site where struc- in this database is modeled after the attributes ture is lacking, GIS analysis can sometimes be tural data has been recorded (Fig. 13). found in Rosenbaum et al. (1995) and the Ocean used to bracket the relative age of an object with A UNIT_REGIONAL_MORPHOLOGY table stores Drilling Program (ODP) Janus database (Rich- the aid of existing digital geologic map data, as morphologic descriptions such as unit thick- ter et al., 2007). was done by Crafford (2007). In this way, rela- ness, area, and volume, in addition to deposi- tive ages can be applied to features of uncertain tional characteristics that describe a feature’s Relative Ages age. A code system was designed to categorize layering and whether the layer exhibits normal absolute and relative age determinations that are or reverse grading. These types of attributes are A simple approach is used to manage relative used to populate the RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE attribute age information. We leverage use of the unique fi eld in the RELATIVE_AGE table. The permissive OBJECT_ID in the database, that is linked to GIS data entries for RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE are indicated objects (e.g., polygon, stratum, unit) or line in Table 2 and Appendix B. (fault, axis, joint). The OBJECT_ID attribute enables a sequence number (SEQUENCE_NUM) Igneous Structure and to be applied using the long-established set of Morphology Information geologic rules for determining the relative age of features in the fi eld or by interpretation of Data for volcano-tectonic related structural geologic mapping, isotopic age, fossil, or other features and unit morphology are managed in determinations in the offi ce, as discussed in three tables. The UNIT_REGIONAL_STRUCTURE Figure 7. Attributes in the RELATIVE_AGE table table stores observations and measurements for defi ne how an age was assigned and give the fault , dike trend, fl ow , minimum (RELATIVE_AGE_MIN) and maximum fl ow direction, and other structural attributes. (RELATIVE_AGE_MAX) age range (Fig. 12). If an age Storage of detailed structural measurements that is assigned by an earth scientist, the RELATIVE_ comprise multiple observations at a site, e.g., AGE_EXPERT fi eld stores the expert’s name that cooling joint sets and orientation, can be stored made the interpretation. In addition, the code in the STRUCTURE_SITE table. The two structural representing the type of relative age determined feature tables UNIT_REGIONAL_STRUCTURE and is stored in the RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE fi eld. STRUCTURE_SITE are linked by the attribute sta-

Figure 10. Tables modifi ed from Lehnert et al. (2000) store geochemical data for rocks. The unique sample number (SAMPLE_NUM) is keyed to the BATCH table where a batch number (BATCH_NUM) is assigned. A single BATCH_NUM has many possible analysis numbers (ANALYSIS_ NUM) that correspond to different analytical techniques or methods of analyses (see METHOD Figure 11. PALEOMAG table and associ- table, Appendix A), chemical parameters item measured (ITEM_MEAS), and results (VALUE). ated attributes.

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TABLE 2. CODES AND DESCRIPTIONS FOR ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE AGES THAT POPULATE THE RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE ATTRIBUTE IN THE RELATIVE_AGE TABLE Absolute Description ABS_HP Absolute high-precision age ABS_LP Absolute low-precision age ABS_FOS Absolute low-precision age determined by fossils Relative REL_G_C Relative age, crosscutting relationship REL_G_I Relative age, intrusive contact relationship REL_G_S Relative age, stratigraphic or superposition REL_G_FOS Relative age determined by fossils REL_G_FAULT Relative age determined by faulting of known timing REL_G_MIN Relative age determined by timing relative to mineralization REL_G_FLD Relative age determined by folding of known timing REL_G_GIS Relative age determined by GIS using other digital data set with features of known age Note: ABS—absolute age; REL—relative age; G—age determined by geo-expert; GIS— age was determined by GIS analysis.

All interpreted rock properties are applicable to can be identifi ed that would enhance or dimin- Figure 12. RELATIVE_AGE table and associ- local and regional questions about rock units. The ish the environmental impacts of past, current, ated attributes. The OBJECT_ID is used to link INTERPRETED_MODELED table stores information or future anthropogenic activities in the area. to physical features that are part of the geo- that petrologists and volcanologists commonly hierarchy; the sequence number is used to acquire when making geochemical and physi- Hydrologic Properties sort features based on relative ages from 1 cal interpretations of how a magma formed by to n (youngest to oldest). using fi eld observations, petrographic analyses, Igneous rocks are important for their poten- and computer modeling of mineralogy and geo- tial as either freshwater aquifers or as aquitards chemistry (Fig. 14). Interpretations for a unit often that focus groundwater fl ow. While mapping useful to volcanologists when making interpre- involve data collection on one or more samples. volcanic stratigraphy, springs are frequently tations about eruption dynamics and processes. Environmental rock properties are stored in identifi ed in the fi eld at contacts between fl ows the ENVIRONMENTAL_PROPERTIES table (Fig. 15). or volcanic layers. Documenting the location, Interpreted Environmental Information Unit environmental rock property attributes along with the overall distribution of seeps and are typically interpretations based on experi- springs, is important information to those inter- Two tables, within the Region or Feature mentation or analysis. Environmental rock ested in identifying water resources for munici- module, INTERPRETED_MODELED and ENVIRON- properties can be grouped into four categories: pal, agricultural, or industrial use. MENTAL_PROPERTIES are used to manage data (1) hydrologic, (2) acid generating and neutral- involving interpretations made from experi- izing capacity, (3) soil nutrients, and (4) carbon ments, analysis, or modeling. sequestration. Rocks with particular attributes



Figure 14. INTERPRETED_MODELED table and Figure 13. UNIT_REGIONAL_STRUCTURE and STRUCTURE_SITE tables and associated attributes. associated attributes.

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Acid Generating or Neutralizing Properties dances of elements (Ca-Mg-Al-Fe-P), which VII. MINERALS MODULE are important for healthy soil development. Propylitic-alteration of igneous rocks can Biologic communities (Al-humus) have been Mineral Mode Table introduce a secondary, acid neutralizing min- shown to be enhanced in soils derived from the eral assemblage (calcite, chlorite, and epitdote) weathering of andesitic rocks (Rasmussen et al., The MINERAL, MINERAL_MODE, and INCLUSION (Yager et al., 2005, 2008a). While historically 2005). We provide several attribute placehold- tables represent additional “leaves” in the hier- overlooked, this environmental rock property ers to permit characterizing the weathering and archical tree structure and are some of the fi nest (if known) could be a useful physical charac- nutrient potential of igneous rocks. resolution data stored. teristic to include in the database, especially Although no modal analyses on bimodal to mine planners who will use this informa- Carbon Sequestration igneous rocks have been determined by petro- tion to help mitigate acid mine drainage issues graphic analysis (point counting), we provide a prior to a mine’s startup. Rocks identifi ed as Intermediate to mafi c composition, igneous placeholder for rock modes because such data having a high acid neutralizing capacity can be rocks that contain -bearing is frequently generated for other igneous suites used as an amendment to mine waste during mineral phases can have a high potential to and because igneous rock databases commonly MINERAL MODE active mining, thereby limiting the after-the- sequester CO2 (Wilson et al., 2005). With report these types of data. The _

fact remediation approach frequently used for increases in atmospheric CO2 occurring, espe- table is designed to store this information. mine cleanup. Land managers can also use this cially in the past 100 years, database attributes Modal data is accessed by a unique combina- information during the remediation phase of a involving the carbon sequestration potential of tion of SAMPLE_NUM and ANALYSIS_NUM attributes project to ameliorate acid mine drainage with rocks’ units are important to include. The car- after the design schema of Lehnert et al. (2000). local source rocks that have a high neutraliz- bon sequestration potential from either carbon The attribute ANALYSIS_NUM links the ANALYSIS ing capacity. capture and storage (anthropogenic) or seques- and MINERAL_MODE tables. The attributes MIN- tration that occurs through natural weathering ERAL_SPECIES and PERCENT_ABUNDANCE account Soil Nutrients processes in both undisturbed and in reclaimed for the minerals that are identifi ed and each lands that involve mine waste need to be consid- mineral’s associated abundance (in percent). Soil can also be useful to con- ered (Yager et al., 2007, 2008b). Two additional attributes, POINTS_COUNTED and sider from an agricultural standpoint. This is MATRIX_PERCENT, facilitate - ratio true because many agriculturally rich soils Stratigraphic Section determinations (Fig. 19). The MINERAL_MODE throughout the world were originally derived table is similar to the CHEMISTRY table, as both from the weathering of intermediate to mafi c The STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION table stores contain quantitative data on rocks: mineral spe- composition igneous rocks that have high abun- attributes of generalized or measured sections cies and element abundance. (Fig. 16). Database attributes include placehold- ers for minimum and maximum age range and Tables Spanning the Rock and stratigraphic column comments or descriptions. Mineral Modules The attribute location number (LOCATION_NUM) links stratigraphic column information to the Five tables (ISOTOPIC_AGE, CHEMISTRY, XRAY- LOCATION table where geographic and physical DIFFRACTION, STANDARD, and FRACT_CORRECT) details of the site where stratigraphic informa- are applicable to data collected from both rocks tion was collected can be queried. and minerals (Appendix A, Fig. 20). Isoto- pic ages are retrieved on specifi c samples via VI. ROCK MODULE the relational join-item sample number (SAM- PLE_NUM) that is co-related between the ISOTO- Sample Table PIC_AGE and SAMPLE tables. Geochemical data

The primary goal of the SAMPLE table is to capture complete descriptions of igneous rock samples (Fig. 17). The primary mineral- ogy, grain size, texture, and secondary altera- tion of igneous rock samples are captured in this table and enable rock unit characteriza- tion. See Appendix B for descriptive attri- butes of samples.

Location Table

A location table stores geographic and physi- cal attributes about a site where data has been collected (Fig. 18). While this table mainly pertains to sample data, it also is linked to Figure 15. ENVIRONMENTAL_PROPERTIES table IMAGE, STRUCTURE_SITE, PALEOMAG, and STRATI- Figure 16. STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION table and and related attributes. GRAPHIC_SECTION tables. related attributes.

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is queried in a similar fashion using the sample database with geologic tools to help expedite ern Shoshone, southern Sheep Creek, and Ivanhoe number (SAMPLE_NUM) attribute and the schema the research process. In this section, we provide areas yield 40Ar/39Ar dates that range from 14.8 to example shown in Figure 10. Most X-ray dif- examples that show how our relational database 16.5 Ma. Southern Troughs volcanics are slightly fraction data for igneous samples are acquired can facilitate petrogenetic research by allowing younger, ranging from 13.7 to 14.3 Ma (Hudson on rocks. However, there is also single-crystal one to compare and contrast both analytical and et al., 2005). Ages reported for topaz rhyolites in X-ray diffraction data on minerals. The STAN- interperative data sets. the eastern Great Basin Province are 13–22 Ma DARD table from Lehnert et al. (2000) lists stan- for Spor Mountain and Wah Wah ranges, and dard values for items measured with the same GEOCHEMICAL COMPARISONS 6 Ma for the Thomas Range (Christiansen et al., data quality as analyses for samples that have 2007; Christiansen et al., 1984; Lindsey, 1982). the same DATA_QUALITY_NUM. The fractionation The following examples demonstrate the Pine Grove rocks are represented by 18–24 Ma correction table (FRACT_CORRECT) also from database utility in evaluating geochemical mafi c fl ows, granitic intrusions, rhyolite fl ows, Lehnert et al. (2000) lists the isotopic ratios used variability of bimodal volcanic rocks in differ- and tuffs (Keith, 1982). Marysvale igneous rocks for fractionation correction. ent parts of the NNR, and in the eastern Great vary considerably in composition and age, as indi- Basin Province. Rocks chosen for comparison cated by the early, 21–22 Ma mafi c, K-rich ; Database Applications highlight compositional differences of 14–19 Ma Mount Belknap and rhyolites; that formed in association with distinct mineral and the late, 0.5–9.1 Ma basalts and rhyolites As mentioned previously, our goal is to pro- deposit types. (Cunningham, 1998). vide earth scientists with a GIS-linked relational SQL database queries were used to create data sets that were imported into the petro- Rock Classifi cation Diagrams logic software, IgPet, to display geochemical trends. The data plotted within the NNR region Classifi cation diagrams are useful for deter- includes: (a) northern Shoshone and southern mining the compositional variability of NNR Sheep Creek ranges east of Battle Mountain in and eastern Great Basin Province rocks. Data the EmagNNR (John et al., 2003), (b) Ivanhoe distribution for these rocks shown on the tradi- mining district on the east side of EmagNNR in tional Le Bas et al. (1986) volcanic rock clas- the Carlin trend (Wallace, 2003), and (c) Seven sifi cation, a system based on the total alkali Troughs volcanic fi eld located near Lovelock, silica diagram, reveals intermediate composi- Nevada, in the WmagNNR (Hudson et al., tions as well as bimodal compositions with 2005). Data plotted for the eastern Great Basin basalt and rhyolite (Figs. 22A and 22B). In Province includes: (a) topaz rhyolites of the addition, among the NNR rhyolites, only Ivan- Thomas Range and Spor Mountain, which have hoe rocks have silica compositions that overlap associated large ion element (Be-Li- those of the topaz rhyolites and the more highly F-U-Cs) mineralization, and Wah Wah Moun- evolved compositions observed at Pine Grove tains (Christiansen et al., 2007; Christiansen et and the Marysvale volcanic fi eld (Fig. 22B). al., 1984); (b) rocks associated with the Pine Grove porphyry, molybdenum-- sys- tem (Keith, 1982); and (c) Marysvale volcanic fi eld (Cunningham et al., 1998) (see Fig. 21). Rocks in the comparison areas nearly bracket MINERAL_MODE the entire time span of Great Basin Province bimodal . Volcanic rocks from the north- ANALYSIS_NUM BATCH_NUM MINERAL_SPECIES MINERAL_SHAPE PERCENT_ABUNDANCE MATRIX_PERCENT POINTS_COUNTED ACCESSORY_PHASE SECONDARY_PHASE

Figure 19. Example MINERAL_MODE table, related attributes, and linked tables. The unique sample number (SAMPLE_NUM) is keyed to the BATCH table where a batch num- Figure 17. SAMPLE table and related attri- ber (BATCH_NUM) is assigned. A BATCH_NUM butes. See Appendix B for detailed descrip- keyed to an ANALYSIS_NUM = 10 corresponds tions of attributes. Figure 18. LOCATION table and related attributes. to mineral mode data.

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125° 120° 115°


Low Sulfidation Ag-Au deposits

Climax-type (Mo-W-Sn) deposits

LIL enriched (Be, F, Li, U, Cs) deposits 45° Gre at Topaz rhyolite Rift Great Figure 21. Locations of low sulfi dation Northern Nevada Rift and Basin Ag-Au deposits, climax-type Mo-W-Sn, and related structures; Province S n na lai dashed where concealed ke P LIL enriched Be-F-Li-U-Cs deposits that River coincide with bimodal . North- Northeastern Transition IV ern Nevada Rift (NNR); southern Sheep Zone (NETZ) ST Creek range (SSC); northern Shoshone 40° SSC range (NS); Ivanhoe (IV); Thomas Range TR NS (TR); Spor Mountain (SM); Pine Grove SM (PG); and Marysvale volcanic fi eld (MV). 0.706 Open triangles are topaz rhyolite localities. PG WW Dashed green line indicates approximate MV NNR boundary of Precambrian located east of 87Sr/86Sr 0.706 isopleth.


0 300 km

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Figure 22. Rock classifi cation based on the 16 total alkali versus silica diagram (LeBas et A al., 1986). (A) Entire compositional range 14 of data. (B) Subset of diagram A showing 12 Tephr i- the classifi cation from dacitic to rhyolitic phonolite compositions. Solid blue squares—southern 10 Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; Phono- Trachy- Trachydacite

O (wt%) Foidite andesite 2 Basaltic solid red circles—Southern Troughs; solid 8 trachy- andesite green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles— Rhyolite O+K Tephrite 2 Trachy- Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale vol- 6 basalt Na canic fi eld; open blue squares—Thomas Andesite Range and Spor Mountain; open purple 4 Basaltic Basalt Basaltic —Wah Wah . Picro- andesite 2 basalt 0 Most rocks are subalkaline using the Irvine and 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75

Baragar (1971) classifi cation, with the excep- SiO2 (wt%) tion of early, 22 Ma, -rich basalts and intrusive rocks, and late alkali basalts in the Marysvale volcanic fi eld (Fig. 23). Intermediate B composition rocks that formed along the NNR 10

have medium to high potassium, based on the Trachydacite classifi cation of Gill (1981) (Fig. 24). In con- trast, the intermediate composition rocks of the 8 Rhyolite

Marysvale volcanic fi eld are all classifi ed as O (wt%) 2 having high potassium (Fig. 24). Dacite

O+K 6 2 Compositional Variation Diagrams Na

Compositional variation diagrams were con- 4 structed using major- and trace-element data- base queries for NNR and eastern Great Basin Province rocks. Major- and trace-element ver- 2 sus silica variation diagrams are shown in Fig- 70 80 SiO2 (wt%) ures 25−29; Figures 30–34 are trace element variation diagrams. A comprehensive interpre- tation of geochemical trends is beyond the scope of this database contribution; however, general observations are noted to demonstrate the util- ity of the database in identifying compositional similarities and differences. Southern Sheep Creek and northern Sho- shone compositional trends are relatively lin-

ear for K2O, Rb, Sr, Y, and Nb versus silica. In 10 contrast, the Marysvale rocks have a larger Alkaline


Figure 23. Alkaline versus subalkaline clas- sifi cation diagram from Irvine and Baragar 6 (1971). Curve indicates alkaline-subalkaline

divide. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Alkalies (wt %) Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid 4 red circles—Southern Troughs; solid green Subalkaline triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue squares—Thomas Range 2 40 50 60 70 80 and Spor Mountain; open purple dia- SiO (wt %) monds—Wah Wah Mountains. 2

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Figure 24. Low-medium-high, potassium 4 classifi cation diagram from Gill (1981). ACID Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red BASIC circle—Southern Troughs; solid green 3 triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine High-K Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld. Note that intermediate compositions

are not in database for Thomas Range, Spor O (wt %) 2 Mountain, and Wah Wah Mountains. K Medium-K 1 degree of variance (Figs. 25B, 26A, 26B, 27A, and 28A). Mafi c to intermediate composition, Low-K Marysvale volcanic fi eld rocks are also enriched 0 in strontium relative to NNR rocks (Fig. 26B). 50 55 60 65 SiO (wt %) In addition, eastern Great Basin Province rhyo- 2 lites show Rb enrichment with relatively con-

stant and high K2O concentrations. With the exception of fi ve Ivanohoe samples that have

relatively constant K2O but are enriched in Rb,

most NNR eruptives have a positive K2O versus Rb trend (Fig. 30A). Wah Wah Mountains, Thomas Range, and 6 Spor Mountain rhyolites are generally geo- A chemically distinct from most rocks along the NNR. Some Ivanhoe rhyolites, however, are 5 geochemically similar in Na2O, K2O, Rb, Sr, Y, Nb, La, and Ce versus silica and overlap those compositions observed in the eastern Great 4 Basin Province (Figs. 25A, 25B, 26A, 26B,

27A, 28A, 29A, 29B, 30A). Topaz rhyolites O (wt %) 2 of the Wah Wah Mountains are geochemically

Na 3 similar to Thomas Range and Spor Mountain rocks, having elevated Rb and relatively low Zr concentrations (Figs. 31B and 33A). Wah 2 Wah Mountains rhyolites, however, are shifted to higher Nb for a given Rb concentration com- pared to Thomas Range and Spor Mountain 1 50 60 70 80 volcanics (Fig. 31B). As new analytical data is SiO (wt %) added to the database, including isotopic data 2 sets that augment existing major- and trace- element data, new interpretations may be pos- 8 sible that describe the magmatic evolution of B rocks that are broadly classifi ed as being part of the bimodal igneous assemblage. 6

Figure 25. Variation diagrams for (A) 4 O (wt %)

versus silica, and (B) potassium versus 2 silica. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep K Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid 2 red circles—Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue squares—Thomas Range 0 and Spor Mountain; open purple dia- 50 60 70 80 SiO (wt %) monds—Wah Wah Mountains. 2

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A 1000

500 Rb (ppm)

Figure 26. Variation diagrams for (A) rubidium versus silica, and (B) strontium versus silica. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles—Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles— 0 Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue 50 60 70 80 squares—Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple dia- SiO (wt %) 2 monds—Wah Wah Mountains. B2000


1000 Sr (ppm) A 500 150

0 50 60 70 80 100

SiO2 (wt %) Y (ppm) 50

0 50 60 70 80

SiO2 (wt %)

Figure 27. Variation diagrams for (A) yttrium versus silica, and 600 (B) zirconium versus silica. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep B Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles—Southern 500 Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue squares— 400 Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple diamonds—Wah Wah Mountains. 300 Zr (ppm) 200


0 50 60 70 80

SiO2 (wt %)

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A 200


100 Nb (ppm) Figure 28. Variation diagrams for (A) versus silica, and 50 (B) barium versus silica. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles—Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue squares— 0 50 60 70 80 Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple diamonds —Wah

SiO2 (wt %) Wah Mountains. B 4000


2000 Ba (ppm) A150 1000

0 100 50 60 70 80

SiO2 (wt %) La (ppm) 50

0 50 60 70 80

SiO2 (wt %)

200 Figure 29. Variation diagrams for (A) lanthanum versus silica, B and (B) cerium versus silica. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles—Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine 150 Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue squares— Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple diamonds —Wah Wah Mountains. 100 Ce (ppm)


0 50 60 70 80

SiO2 (wt %)

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A 6

4 O (wt %) 2 K Figure 30. Variation diagrams for (A) potassium versus rubidium, 2 and (B) rubidium versus cerium. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles— Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open 0 0 500 1000 1500 blue squares—Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple Rb (ppm) diamonds—Wah Wah Mountains.



Rb (ppm) A 1000

0 0 50 100 150 200 Ce (ppm) 500 Rb (ppm)

0 050100 La (ppm) Figure 31. Variation diagrams for (A) rubidium versus lanthanum, and (B) rubidium versus niobium. Solid blue squares—southern B Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles— 1000 Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open blue squares—Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple diamonds—Wah Wah Mountains. Note that lanthanum and nio- bium analyses are unavailable for Thomas Range, Spor Mountain, and Pine Grove. 500 Rb (ppm)

0 050100150 Nb (ppm)

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A 1500

1000 Rb (ppm)

500 Figure 32. Variation diagrams for (A) rubidium versus strontium, and (B) rubidium versus zirconium. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles— Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; open red 0 0 500 1000 1500 circles—Pine Grove; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open Sr (ppm) blue squares—Thomas Range and Spor Mountain; open purple diamonds—Wah Wah Mountains. Note that Rb, Sr, and Zr analy- ses are unavailable for Pine Grove. B1000

500 Rb (ppm)

A 600 500 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Zr (ppm) 400

300 Zr (ppm)



0 0 1000 2000 3000 Ba (ppm) Figure 33. Variation diagrams for (A) zirconium versus barium, and (B) barium versus niobium. Solid blue squares—southern 4000 Sheep Creek and northern Shoshone ranges; solid red circles— B Southern Troughs; solid green triangles—Ivanhoe; cross hatch— Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open purple diamonds—Wah Wah Mountains. Note that barium analyses are unavailable for Thomas 3000 Range, Spor Mountain, and Pine Grove; niobium analyses are unavailable for Marysvale volcanic fi eld. 2000 Ba (ppm)


0 0 50 100 150 200 Nb (ppm)

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Figure 34. Variation diagram for lanthanum versus barium. Solid blue squares—southern Sheep Creek and northern Sho- shone ranges; solid red circles—Southern Troughs; solid green 50 triangles—Ivanhoe; cross hatch—Marysvale volcanic fi eld; open La (ppm) purple diamonds—Wah Wah Mountains. Note that La and Ba analyses are unavailable for Thomas Range and Spor Mountain.

0 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Ba (ppm)

Hierarchy Summary that would normally require extensive traditional by integrating derivative data sets produced dur- data archive retrieval and literature research. ing comprehensive mineral resource assessments Using a HIERARCHY_SUMMARY (see Physical (Wallace et al., 2004). GIS analysis of features Data Model, hierarchy module section above) Bimodal Map Units and Epithermal stored in our relational database could be used to referenced with specifi c HIERARCHY_NAMES or Au-Ag Deposits further evaluate the spatial relationships between HIERARCHY_NUMBERS, a researcher can retrieve areas having favorable metallic mineral potential summaries about a geologic feature or province GIS data layers in Crafford’s (2007) such as those identifi ed in Mihalasky and Moyer of interest, display published maps, select and 1:250,000 scale map delineate geologic units (2004) and bimodal magmatism. compare data for several volcanic centers, and that comprise the bimodal assemblage (Fig. 35). query information at multiple physical scales and These data were analyzed using simple GIS SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION from various geographic centers or regions. The functions to determine the area of each unit in HIERARCHY_SUMMARY table includes a synopsis the MGB study area and identify the metallic There are many database designs currently from published literature sources that capture mineral deposits that occur within bimodal unit available to store data for igneous rocks. Our researchers’ knowledge by storing invaluable polygons. Figure 35 identifi es the area for each primary goal was to add additional functionality expert insights and interpretations. HIERARCHY_ bimodal unit. The total area for all eight bimodal to such a database that we recognize as impor- SUMMARY tables are populated by either compil- units in the MGB study area is 12,793 km2. Four tant in addressing geologic problems. We chose ing interpretations from published literature, or units (Tba, Ta3, Tbg, and Tr3) comprise 96% of the relational database design because by constructing database queries that are used to the bimodal assemblage. Of the bimodal units it adds functionality to database queries that are update the summary reports. These reports facili- in the MGB study area, Tr3 and Tba were found mostly lacking or cumbersome in traditional fl at tate geologic feature and province comparisons to contain most of the metallic mineral deposits. fi le spreadsheet formats. In addition, our data- and help identify data gaps to be fi lled in order to These data suggest that units Tba and Tr3, base provides a way to store information on complete an interpretation. while representing the largest area of all bimodal features having a geo-hierarchy of scale. The To demonstrate the utility of HIERARCHY_ map units in the MGB study area, are possibly design schema has the capability to capture and SUMMARY tables, we have populated the tables the most favorable mineral exploration targets. store relative age information that was deter- with data from four areas in or adjacent to the One other unit, Tri, coincided with a metallic mined by geologic expertise or by GIS analy- Great Basin for: (1) NNR basalt, trachydacite, mineral deposit. Unmapped magmatic centers sis and that may be linked to geo-hierarchys and rhyolite in the MGB study area (John et al., are mentioned in the descriptions for the Tba through a unique object_id and sorted by age 2003); (2) Snake River Plain basalt along the and Tr3 units. While there is only direct overlap using a sequence number. The database permits “Great Rift” (Reid, 1995); (3) topaz rhyolites of one epithermal Au-Ag deposit with an intru- retrieval of multiple data formats that are impor- in or near the (TZ) between sion, detailed studies show that other deposits tant for geoscientists to access. Stored images the Colorado Plateau and the Great Basin Prov- are spatially and temporally related to intrusions include cross sections, maps, outcrop photo- ince; and (4) alkali basalts that erupted in the or magmatic centers in northern Nevada (Hofs- graphs, and thin section photomicrographs that Northeastern Transition Zone (NETZ) along tra and Cline, 2000; John et al., 2003). may be queried and downloaded for display in the western margin of the Colorado Plateau in This example demonstrates the potential ben- third-party software. Our new design elements northern Arizona and north into west-central efi ts of using GIS analysis to quickly identify allow for a geoscientist to interact with the data- (Kempton et al., 1991). The results for the the small-scale (large-area) regional map units base in ways that are similar to how they might four hierarchy reports are compiled in Table 3. that are favorable epithermal Au-Ag deposit tar- address a research question by more traditional Figure 21 shows the geographic locations of gets and would aid in focusing on areas requir- means using hardcopy archives. We welcome the areas summarized in the hierarchy reports. ing large-scale geologic maps for additional participation and future collaborative efforts to These types of data summaries could be a useful detailed analysis. Future, more detailed analysis build on database design and ideas presented in method to track iterative geologic interpretations that investigates the association between bimodal this paper and to add new data for the bimodal and provide a placeholder to store data updates igneous centers and mineralization would benefi t suite of igneous rocks as it becomes available.

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TABLE 3. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NNR, SNAKE RIVER PLAIN, TOPAZ RHYOLITES, NETZ, AND TZ IGNEOUS ROCKS Attribute/ NNR (John et al., 2001) SRP (Craters of Moon lavas) (Reid, 1995) Topaz rhyolites Eastern and Central Great Basin characteristic (Christiansen et al., 1986) Age 16.5–14.8 Ma Generally younger than NNR rocks (>10 Ma to 2 Ma) Preceded, but overlap the age of NNR rocks (22–0.5 Ma) Rock types Tholeiite, basaltic andesite, Olivine tholeiite to rhyolite Mainly high-silica rhyolite; two localities along the , and rhyolite NNR in northern Nevada and one in Jarbidge volcanic fi eld, northern Nevada. Intermediate to basaltic compositions overlap the ages for topaz rhyolites in the Wah Wah Mts., Mineral Mts., and Smelter Knolls

Primary hydrous phases N.A. in John et al. (2001), but N.A. Commonly and . In several generally contain anhydrous examples, biotite and hornblende are -rich; and reduced assemblages topaz as vapor phase and devitrifi cation product

Compositional evolution Early basalts and basaltic Time transgressive sequence from silicic Coalesced or isolated domes and fl ows, fl ow andesite to local sequences erupted from calderas; calderas young to northeast dome complexes, fl ow-banded plugs. Underlying of trachydacite and rhyolite within the Snake River Plain, to basalts and sediments tuff is common with late olivine basalt that covered the ignimbrites.

Structural control NNR Great Rift (Snake River Plain) Extensional tectonic setting, many deposits border the Colorado Plateau

Hot spot position South of hot spot track Over hot spot track No well-constrained relationship to hot spot (south opening zipper) Mineral deposits Low sulfi dation epithermal No metallic deposits known or exposed Economic deposits of Be, U, F, Li, and Sn and in Ag-Au some examples resemble Climax-type Mo deposits

Lead isotope (Pb208/ Overlaps Pacifi c sediments Plots in OIB fi eld N.A. Pb204; Pb206/Pb204) fi eld comparisons by magmatic-tectonic settings (Reid, 1995, fi g. 6) REE enrichment N.A. Preferential enrichments of LREE and HREE with LREE no greater than 200 times chondrite and respect to MREE during differentiation usually less than 100; REE patterns are commonly

fl at, La/YbN 1:3 (with pronounced negative Eu anomalies) Trace elements, LILs, None reported Enrichments of LILE, U, and Th Enriched in large ion lithophile elements (K, Rb, HFS elements U, Th, Y, Be, and Li); and enriched in high fi eld strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ta, and Hf). Trace elements (Ba, Sm, Eu) compatible in: ; (Ti, Co, Ni, Cr) ferromagnesian minerals; and (Zr, Hf) , are depleted

P2O5 concentrations N.A. Plummeting P2O5 with increasing SiO2, consistent with Low to nondetectable on average fractionation. P2O5 could be accounted for by crustal assimilation. Petrogenesis Early mafi c fl ows derived from Magmas originated by crustal assimilation accompanied Fractional of an initially less silicic subcontinental by fractional crystallization involving accessory rhyolite with 0.2 wt% fl uorine and involving enriched by subduction phases; rocks are chemically similar to oceanic extensive fractionation of major phases , basalts derived from enriched sources attributed to , , biotite, and Fe-Ti oxides, and mantle plumes. of a hybrid lithospheric minor but important phases zircon, apatite, with the mantle in the wake of the Yellowstone Plume REE-rich phases allanite, monazite, or )

U-series isotopes N.A. 238U/232Th, 0.7724, (2 Ka, Craters of Moon andesite) N.A. to 1.0158 (Great Rift basalt, absolute age undetermined); 230Th/232Th, 0.860 (2 Ka, Craters of Moon andesite) to 1.041 (Great Rift basalt, absolute age undetermined); 230Th/238U, 1.015 (>10 Ma Craters of Moon basalt) to 1.130 (2 Ka Craters of Moon andesite) (isotopes, calculated initials) REEs N.A. N.A. Yes Strontium isotopes 0.7050, basal part of early N.A. 0.7054 to 0.7142 (silica concentration for ranges (87Sr/86Sr) mafi c fl ows; 0.7064, upper uncertain in Christiansen et al., 1986) part of early mafi c fl ows; 0.7078, trachydacite; 0.7081, rhyolite (determinations reported in (John et al., 2001) (continued)

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TABLE 3. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES BETWEEN NNR, SNAKE RIVER PLAIN, TOPAZ RHYOLITES, NETZ, AND TZ IGNEOUS ROCKS (continued) Attribute/ Alkali basalts from NETZ (Kempton et al., 1991) Transition zone (Cunningham et al., 1998) characteristic Age <17 Ma 23–5 Ma

Rock types Alkali basalts Alkali rhyolite, high K-enriched and non-K-enriched basalts

Primary hydrous phases N.A. Biotite and hornblende

Compositional evolution N.A. Alkali rhyolite and basalt between 23 and 22 Ma; alkali rhyolite dominant between 22 and 5 Ma

Structural control Crustal extension in area that borders Colorado Plateau Episodic intervals of increasing crustal extension with time

Hot spot position No well-constrained relationship to hot spot No relationship to hot spot mentioned

Mineral deposits N.A. TZ mineral deposits discussed as follows: LILs (Mo, W, U, Sn, Be, and F) (Steven and Morris, 1987); Porphyry-Mo (Keith et al., 1986); World-class Be (Barton and Young, 2002) Lead isotope (Pb208/ Overlaps Pacifi c MORB and OIB, and SRP fi eld; however, are lower on Plots above the NHRL line of Hart (1984) Pb204; Pb206/Pb204) average and distinctly lower than NNR rocks comparisons by magmatic-tectonic settings (Reid, 1995, fi g. 6) REE enrichment High ratios of LIL to high fi eld strength elements. Eastern transition N.A. zone magmas have higher Ba coupled with higher Ba/Nb ratios

and lower TiO2 compared with basin and range basaltic magmas; characteristics that are typical of subduction zone magmas Trace elements, LILs, Have Rb, Ba, and Nb concentrations that are similar to subduction- Early basalts are enriched in K, local relative enrichment of K, Rb, HFS elements related basalts of the Andes; although the Andes rocks used for and U with time

comparison are more evolved in SiO2 concentration

P2O5 concentrations Yes, ranges from 0.21 to 1.60 wt% N.A.

Petrogenesis Subduction has enriched the subcontinental lithosphere as indicated Isotopic data are consistent with samples derived from three sources:

by high Ba/Nb, Rb/Sr, and K/Ti ratios, and low TiO2. Transition zone lithospheric mantle; upper crust characterized by radiogenic Pb and magmas are melt-dominated as compared to western Great Basin Sr; and lower crust characterized by moderate radiogenc Sr and magmas that are fl uid dominated. Isotopic characteristics suggest non-radiogenic Pb. An apparent decrease in crustal interaction with that these characteristics were imposed upon the lithosphere at about time that could refl ect either crustal thinning or larger volume of 1.8 Ga, although the effects of recent subduction cannot be ruled magma; both would dilute the crustal signature out. Chemical differences in melt that interacted with the lithospheric mantle refl ect ancient rather than recent subduction processes U-series isotopes 206Pb/204Pb, 17.051–18.449, 17.69978 average; 208Pb/204Pb, 36.889– 206Pb/204Pb, 18.24033 (ave. for early [22–14 Ma] rhyolites); 206Pb/204Pb, 38.543; 37.7044 average (all data for NETZ, <17 Ma alkali basalts) 18.666 (ave. K-rich mafi c lavas); 206Pb/204Pb, 17.53133 (ave. for late [9.1–4.8 Ma] rhyolites); 206Pb/204Pb, 17.8978 (ave. for late [12.7–0.5 Ma] basaltic lavas); 208Pb/204Pb, 38.33543 (ave. for early [22–14 Ma] rhyolites); 208Pb/204Pb, 38.57767 (ave. K-rich mafi c lavas); 208Pb/204Pb, 37.40933 (ave. for late [9.1–4.8 Ma] rhyolites); 208Pb/204Pb, 37.6068 (ave. for late [12.7–0.5 Ma] basaltic lavas) REEs Yes N.A.

Strontium isotopes 0.70342 (Grand Canyon basalt; 44.77 wt% SiO2) to 0.70611 (Southwest 0.70629 (ave. for early [22–14 Ma] rhyolites); 0.706515 (ave. K-rich 87 86 ( Sr/ Sr) Utah basaltic andesite; 58.33 wt% SiO2); 0.704454 average mafi c lavas); 0.706703 (ave. for late [9.1–4.8 Ma] rhyolites); 0.704696 (ave. for late [12.7–0.5 Ma] basaltic lavas)

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38° 22’ 9.7’’

Area of Bimodal Units in meters EXPLANATION 6000000 6 Qtb 50000005000

2 40000004000 5 Ta3 30000003000 Km Tba 20000002000 4 10000001000 Tb 0 3 Qtb Ta3 Tba Tb Tbg Tmi Tr3 Tri Tbg A Number of metallic deposits by unit 2 Tmi 1 Tr3 0 Tri B Qtb Ta3 Tba Tb Tbg Tmi Tr3 Tri Mineral Deposit

Figure 35. Bimodal igneous units in the MGB study area from Crafford (2007). Area by unit in km2 (A); number of metallic depos- its (mostly Au-Ag) by unit (B). Note that most of the mineral deposits that intersect bimodal rocks occur in units Tba and Tr3. Qtb—Quaternary basalt; Ta3—andesite and intermediate composition rocks; Tba—andesite and basalt fl ows; Tb—basalt fl ows; Tbg—basalt, gravel, and tuffaceous sediments; Tmi—mafi c and intermediate intrusives; Tr3—rhyolitic fl ows and shallow intrusives; Tri—rhyolite intrusives. GIS coverages of bimodal units are available from Crafford (2007).

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Appendix A. PHYSICAL DATABASE SCHEMA FOR THE STUDY OF MIOCENE TO HOLOCENE IGNEOUS ROCKS, NORTHERN NEVADA Relational database physical design for the study of Miocene to Holocene bimodal igneous rocks in the Great Basin Province










References and Data Source

Schema is Modified from Lehnert and others, 2000.

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE Table: SAMPLE Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample SAMPLE_ID Text Sample identifi er assigned by sampler/researcher LOCATION_NUM Number Unique key fi eld that links to the master LOCATION table SAMPLE_COMMENT Memo General information about the sample SAMPLE_DEPTH Number Depth in meters below ground surface that sample was collected ROCK_TYPE_GENERAL Text Category of rock type: Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary ROCK_CLASSIFICATION Text Category of rock type: basalt, dacite, andesite SUBAERIAL_SUBAQUEOUS Text Describes if a unit was deposited above or below water: permissive entries are (subaerial, subaqueous) DEPOSIT_TYPE Text Describes the physical characteristic of the deposit, e.g., ash-fl ow, lava, dike, intrusion, etc. CLAST_SIZE Number Size of clasts in centimeters FABRIC_TEXTURE Text Describes physical fabric or texture, e.g., trachytic, amygdaloidal, etc. VESICULARITY Number Describes vesicle content in percent where < 1% is nonvesicular, 1% to 5% is sparsely vesicular, > 5% to 20% is moderately vesicular, and > 20% is highly vesicular VOLATILE_PHASES Text List volatile primary phases if present, e.g., biotite, , etc. ALTERATION_TYPE Text Type of alteration of sample: potassic, sericitic, argillic ALTERATION_INTENSITY Text Grade of alteration: fresh, slightly altered, highly altered FORMATION Text Name of geologic formation sampled MAJOR_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available TRACE_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available. ISOTOPIC_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available MINERAL_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available. INCLUSION_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available. ISOTOPIC_AGE_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available. FACIES Text Description of facies, e.g., outfl ow, intracaldera, vent PERCENT_LITHICS Number Quatity of lithic fragments in percent of whole rock PUMICE_SIZE Number Size of in millimeters where fi ne ash is < 0.062 mm, coarse ash is < 2 mm and > 0.062 mm, ciders and lapilli are < 64 mm and > 2 mm, blocks and bombs are > 64 mm PUMICE_COMPACTION_RATIO Text Ratio of a pumice’s length to average width, e.g., 10:1 DENSITY Number Density calculated in grams per centimeter3 POROSITY Number Porosity determined as a fraction: volume of void space divide by the total volume PERMEABILITY Number Permeability reported as millidarcies WELDING_CHARACTER Text General description of welding: permissive entries (weak, moderate, strong) ZONED_SEQUENCE Text Denotes if part of a compositionally zoned sequence, permissive entries (yes, no) PERCENT_CRYSTALS_WR Number Percent in the whole rock of an ash-fl ow tuff PERCENT_CRYSTALS_PM Number Percent crystals in pumice PERCENT_MATRIX Number Percent matrix of a whole rock IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: HIERARCHY Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample OBJECT_ID Number Unique number assigned to each feature using GIS or other database assigned attribute PROGRESSION_NUM Number A number that allows features of various relative physical scale to be queried, e.g. 1 being the fi nest resolution, and higher numbers having the coarsest resolution HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM Number Numeric code that defi nes each hierarchy; e.g., 1150 = eastern magnetic expression of the Northern Nevada Rift. HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME Name Name of the hierarchy; can be an abbreviation (EMAG_NNR = eastern magnetic expression of the northern Nevada Rift). See metadata for numeric code and name defi nitions and detailed descriptions HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TYPE Text Describes the type of hierarchy, e.g., geologic, geophysical, geographic/physiographic HIERARCHY_LEVEL_COMMENT Text Abstract describing hierarchy HIERARCHY_AGE_MIN Number Minimum age in millions of years for a geologic hierarchy HIERARCHY_AGE_MAX Number Maximum age in millions of years for a geologic hierarchy STRAT_COL_NUM Number Number that identifi es the stratigraphic colum number in the STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION table IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS Number Total number of mineral deposits that are part of a geo-hierarchy DEPOSIT_MODELS Text List of mineral deposit model types associated with a geo-hierarchy and defi ned in DuBray and others, 1995. REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: HIERARCHY_SUMMARY Attribute Data Type Description HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME Name Name of the hierarchy; can be an abbreviation (EMAG_NNR = eastern magnetic expression of the northern Nevada Rift). See metadata for numeric code and name defi nitions and detailed descriptions HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM Number Numeric code that defi nes each hierarchy; e.g., 1150 = eastern magnetic expression of the Northern Nevada Rift. ROCK_TYPE_RANGE Text Rock classifi cation range, e.g., peralkaline rhyolite to thoeliitic basalt STRUCTURAL_CONTROL Text Description of any structural control related to loci of magmatism ERUPTIVE_STYLE Text Description of physical eruption characteristics, e.g., plinean ash-fall deposit; base surge; highly viscous and fl ow-banded lava AREA Number Map area in meters2 VOLUME Number Volume of regional physical feature in meters3 COMP_EVOLUTION Text Description of the temporal, geochemical characteristics, e.g., zoned sequence from high silica, high rubidium to intermediate silica, high barium PETROGENESIS Text Petrogenetic source of magma, e.g., asthenospheric mantle HOT_SPOT_POS Text Description of inferred hot spot position associated with magmatism (continued)

716 Geosphere, October 2010

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Table: HIERARCHY_SUMMARY (continued) Attribute Data Type Description REE Text Description of REE patterns, enrichment, depletion TRACE_ELEM Text Description of trace element characteristics, e.g., high fi eld strength element Hf-enriched HYD_PHASES Text List of primary hydrous mineral phases, or none reported if applicable MINERAL_DEP Text Description of associated or hosted mineral deposits TIME_INTERVAL Text Duration of magmatic episode 87SR86SR_RANGE Text Range of 87Strontium/86Strontium isotopic ratio 206PB204PB_RANGE Text Range of 206Lead/204Lead isotopic ratio 208PB204PB_RANGE Text Range of 208Lead/204Lead isotopic ratio 143ND_144ND_RANGE Text Range of 143Neodymium/ 144Neodymium isotopic ratio 238U_232TH_RANGE Text Range of 238Uranium/232Thorium isotopic ratio 230TH 238U_RANGE Text Range of 230Uranium/238Thorium isotopic ratio 230TH_232TH_RANGE Text Range of 230 Thorium /232Thorium isotopic ratio ISOTOPIC_RATIO Text Isotopic ratio for isotopes not specifi cally listed as a database fi eld HYDROTHERMAL_SYSTEM Text Description of hydrothermal system characteristics, e.g., acid sulfate system associated with an episode of dacitic intrusions MAGNETICS Text General qualitative rank of magnetic signature (low, moderate, high) CONDUCTIVITY Text Qualitative rank of conductivity (low-moderate-high) IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image

Table: STRUCTURE_SITE Attribute Data Type Description STATION_NUM Number Unique station number where multiple structural observations were acquired LOCATION_NUM Number Unique key fi eld that links to the master LOCATION table SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample JOINT_SPACING Text Average spacing of joints in metric units; e.g., 15_cm JOINT_DENSITY Text Describes density number of joints per metric unit; e.g., 10_m JOINT_LENGTH Number Average joint length in meters JOINT_WIDTH Number Average joint width in meters JOINT_ORIENTATION Text Defi nes average strike and dip of joint sets in degrees (right-hand-rule); e.g., 45_70_180_88 JOINT_SET Text Relative age indicated by F1, fi rst formed set; F2 the second formed set, etc. JOINT_SET_EPISODES Number Describes the number of joint sets (1 to n) identifi ed based on relative ages and orientation DIKE_SPACING Text Average spacing of dikes in metric units; e.g., 1000_m DIKE_DENSITY Text Describes density number of dikes per metric unit; e.g., 10_km DIKE_LENGTH Text Average dike length in meters DIKE_WIDTH Number Average dike width in meters DIKE_ORIENTATION Text Defi nes average strike and dip of dike in degrees (right-hand rule); e.g., 45_70_180_88 DIKE_SET Text Relative age indicated by D1, fi rst formed; D2 is the second formed etc. JOINT_OPEN_FILLED Text Describes if joint is open or fi lled with a mineral or minerals and the mineral types if fi lled JOINT_STRUCTURE_SETTING Text Describes how joint formed; e.g., extension, compression IMAGE_NUM Number Unique image number REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: ENVIRONMENTAL_PROPERTIES Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample SAMPLE_ID Text Sample identifi er assigned by sampler/researcher ENV_SAMPLE_COMMENT Text Description of environmental sample characteristics OBJECT_ID Number Number that uniquely defi nes all features in the database NET_ACID_PRODUCTION Number Value in kilograms per ton equivalent NET_ACID_METHOD Text Method used, e.g., Lopakko; SOBEK ACID_NEUT_CAP Number Amount of acid neutralizing capacity in kilograms per ton calcium carbonate equivalent ACID_NEUT_METHOD Text Method used, e.g., Yager and others, 2005 CONFINING_LAYER Text Physical feature is an aquitard to groundwater fl ow: permissive entry (yes, no) SPRINGS_AT_CONTACT Text Denotes if a spring is at geologic contact: permissive response is yes or no SPRINGS_A_B_I Text Denotes if spring is in, above, or below contact AQUIFER Text Identifi es if physical feature is an acquifer: permissive entry (yes,no) AQUIFER_QUALITY Text Describes geochemical quality of water in qualitative terms of drinking water standards: permissive entries (good, poor) NATURAL_SEQ_POTENTIAL Text Describes the natural carbon sequestration potential of physical feature in qualitative terms: permissive entries are (good, moderate, poor) CARBON CAP POTENTIAL _ _ Text Describes the carbon capture and storage potential if physical feature was used to store CO2 in underground reservoir: permissive entries (good, moderate, poor) SOIL_RECOVERY_POTENTIAL Text Description of soil recovery potential from land disturbance that is based on vegetation health in adjacent, surrounding undisturbed. Permissive responses are good, moderate, poor PLANT_TYPES Text List of plant types that tend to grow on geo-hierarchy substrate WEATHERING_POTENTIAL Text Qualitative description of the weathering potential of a geologic substrate: permissive entries: (low, moderate, high) AG_SOIL_SUITABILITY Text Qualitative description of a soils agricultural suitability that is derived from weathering of an igneous geo- hierarchy : permissive entries (low, moderate, high) NUTRIENT_RICH Text Qualitative description of a soils nutrient content that is derived from the weathering of an igneous geo- hierarchy : permissive entries (low, moderate, high) REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference (continued)

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Table: UNIT_REGIONAL_MORPHOLOGY Attribute Data Type Description FEATURE_NAME Text Name of unit or regional geologic entity OBJECT_ID Number Number that uniquely defi nes all features in the database STATION_NUM Number Unique station number where multiple structural observations were acquired CONTACT_RELATIONS Text Description of a unit or regional features contact relationship with adjacent units or features, e.g., chilled margin at base of unit forms vitropyre where in contact with underlying dacite THICKNESS Number Thickness of unit or regional feature in meters AREA_TOTAL_INUNDATED Number Total area affected by unit or feature in meters2 VOLUME Number Volume of regional physical feature in meters3 ASPECT_RATIO Text Ratio of the length to average width, e.g., 40:1 GRADING_NORMAL_REVERSE Text Denotes normal or reverse grading: permissive entries (normal, reverse) LAYERING_TYPE Text Description of layering characteristics, e.g., fi nely layered expressed as (0.5 mm); cumulate layering IGNEOUS_FEATURE_TYPE Text Description of regional igneous feature or unit, e.g., lava fl ow, , fi ssure, ring fracture IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: RELATIVE_AGE Attribute Data Type Description OBJECT_ID Number Number that uniquely defi nes all features in the database SEQUENCE_NUM Number The sequential sequence number that defi nes the relative age sequence from oldest 1 to youngest RADIOMETRIC_AGE Number Age in millions of years RELATIVE_AGE_CODE Text Code description defi ning the method that a relative age is determined (see text and metadata for details) RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE Text Description of how a relative age was assigned; e.g., superposition, cross-cutting relationships RELATIVE_AGE_EXPERT Text Name of geoscientist the determined relative age RELATIVE_AGE_CERTAINTY Text ± age uncertainty in millions of years RELATIVE_AGE_MIN Number Minimum relative age in millions of years RELATIVE_AGE_MAX Number Maximum relative age in millions of years OLDER_ID Number Updatable fi eld that stores the OBJECT_ID’S that places constraints on adjacent older objects YOUNGER_ID Number Updatable fi eld that stores the OBJECT_ID’S that places constraints on adjacent younger objects IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: PALEOMAG Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample CORE_NUM Text Number of core for paleomagnetic analyses MAG_METHOD Text Describes how paleomagnetic analyses was done, e.g., alternating fi eld demagnetization TREATMENT_LEVEL Number The treatment level used for the measurement; AF is in milliTesla (mT) TH in degrees C; NRM is always 0 TREATMENT_TYPE Text How a paleomagnetic sample is treated for analysis; permissive entries are AF = Alternating-fi eld; TH = Thermal Demagnetization and NR = Natural Remnant Magnetization DECLINATION Number Declination of the characteristic magnetization. Characteristic directions are determined by fi tting lines to demagnetization data. INCLINATION Number Inclination of the characteristic magnetization in degrees NRM Number The magnitude of natural remanent demagnetization steps in milliTesla (mT) MAG_REMOVED Number Magnetization removed in magnetization interval: The difference in magnitude between the magnetizations for the lowest and highest demagnetization steps included in calculating the characteristic magnetization; units amperes/meter (A/m) DEMAG_INTERVAL Text Demagnetization interval used for linear fi t: The highest and lowest demagnetization steps in millTesla (mt) used in calculating the characteristic direction DEMAG_TYPE Text Type of demagnetization used, e.g., alternating fi eld; thermal INTENSITY Number Paleomagnetic fi eld intensity: The method used determines the units for the intensity value. Molspin Spinner Magnetometer is in mA/m; Cryogenic Magnetometer is in cgs x10 -6 FREQ_DEPENDENCE Number Frequency dependent susceptibility in percent ARM Number Magnitude of anhysteretic remanent magnetization IRM Number Isothermal remanent magnetization in amperes/meter (A/m) HIRM Number “Hard” isothermal remanent magnetization, determined by dividing the “S-paramater by 2, units in amperes per meter (A/m) S_PARAMETER Number The “S-parameter” determined by dividing the isothermal remanent magnetization acquired in an induction orf 1.2T and the isothermal remanent magnetization acquired in an induction orf 0.3T PARA_MS Number Paramagnetic magnetic susceptibility determined from the slope of the hysteresis curve above an induction of 0.9 Teslas; units in vol.-SI M_SAT Number Saturation magnetization determined after removal of paramagnetic component in amperes/meter mrs Number Saturation remanent magnetization in amperes/meter HC Number Coercivity determined after removal of paramagnetic component in milliTeslas (mT) HCR Number Coercivity of remanence in milliTeslas (mT) MAG_SUSCEPTIBILITY Number Volume magnetic susceptibility in SI units MAG_RESISTIVITY Number Resistivity in ohm meters NORMAL_REVERSE Text Denotes normal or reversed magnetization; permissive entries (normal, reverse) POINTS_USED Number The number of demagnetization steps used in calculating the characteristic direction SECTION Text Number that identifi es the section of core analyzed; cores are trimmed into sections for magnetization analyses DEPTH Number Depth in hole (meters) HOLE_INCLINATION Number Inclination of hole in degrees ROTATION Text Rotation of unit, mountain block, or area based on interpretation of paleomagnetic data and reported in degrees (continued)

718 Geosphere, October 2010

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Table: STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION Attribute Data Type Description STRAT_COL_ID Number A unique stratigraphic column name assigned by reseracher STRAT_COL_NUM Number Number that identifi es the stratigraphic colum number in the STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION table STRAT_COL_COMMENT Text Description of stratigraphic column STRAT_AGE_MIN Number Minimum stratigraphic age in millions of years STRAT_AGE_MAX Number Maximum stratigraphic age in millions of years LOCATION_NUM Number Unique key fi eld that links to the master LOCATION table REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image

Table: INTERPRETED_MODELED Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME Name Name of the hierarchy; can be an abbreviation (EMAG_NNR = eastern magnetic expression of the Northern Nevada Rift). See metadata for numeric code and name defi nitions and detailed descriptions HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM Number Numeric code that defi nes each hierarchy; e.g., 1150 = eastern magnetic expression of the Northern Nevada Rift. PERCENT_XTAL_FRAC Number Percent modeled crystal fractionation in generating melt phases involved PERCENT_ASSIMILATION Text Percent modeled assimilation in generating melt and source or sources listed PERCENT_MIXING Text Percent modeled mixing of melts and compositions involved PERCENT_PARTIAL_MELT Number Calculated percent DEPTH_MAGMA_ORIGIN Number Depth in kilometers where magma originated OXYGEN_FUGACITY Number Calculated fugacity in log units SULFUR_FUGACITY Number Calculated sulfur fugacity in log units OX_FUG_METHOD Text Method used to calculate oxygen fugacity SULF_FUG_METHOD Text Method used to calculate sulfur fugacity MAGMA_TEMP Number Temperature of magma in degrees celsius MAGMA_PRESSURE Number of magma in kilobars TEMP_METHOD Text Method used to determine magma temperature PRESSURE_METHOD Text Method used to determine magma pressure PERCENT_VOLATILES Number Percent volatile phases BULK_KD Text Calculated bulk distribution coeffi cient for a magma crystallizing more than one phase: entry or entries include trace element, distribution coeffi cient value REF_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image

Table: PERSON Attribute Data Type Description PERSON_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each author FIRST_NAME Text First name, middle initial of author LAST_NAME Text Last name of author INSTITUTION_NUM Number Unique ID number for Institution: Gov. Institutions 100-150, Research 151-700, Commercial/Business 701+ PHONE Text Phone Number of Person: XXX-XXX-XXXX EMAIL Text Email address of person

Table: TABLE_IN_REFERENCE Attribute Data Type Description REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference TABLE_IN_REF Number Table number in reference where data are published TABLE_TITLE Text Title of table in literature where analyses were culled

Table: INSTITUTION Attribute Data Type Description INSTITUTION_NUM Number Unique ID number for Institution: Gov. Institutions 100-150, Research 151-700, Commercial/Business 701+ INSTITUTION Text Name of Institution DEPARTMENT Text Department or Institution ADDRESS_PART1 Text Street Address ADDRESS_PART2 Text Additional Address Information CITY_STATE_ZIP Text City, State and Zip Code

Table: AUTHOR_LIST Attribute Data Type Description REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference PERSON_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each author FIRST_NAME Text First name, middle initial of author LAST_NAME Text Last name of author AUTHOR_ORDER Number Order in which author is listed in publication: 1,2,3… (continued)

Geosphere, October 2010 719

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Table: REFERENCE Attribute Data Type Description REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference TITLE Text Title of publication JOURNAL Text Name of journal containing publication VOLUME Number Volume of regional physical feature in meters3 ISSUE Text Number of issue of journal containing publication FIRST_PAGE Number Number of fi rst page of publication LAST_PAGE Number Number of last page of publication PUB_YEAR Number Four digit of publication BOOK_TITLE Text Title of book BOOK_EDITORS Text List of editors of book PUBLISHER Text Name of publisher DATA_ENTERED Yes/No Yes if published data is entered in database

Table: IMAGES Attribute Data Type Description IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image IMAGE_NAME Text Name of image, e.g., Izengood Geologic Quadrangle map IMAGE_TYPE_DESC Text Type of image, e.g., thin section, large-scale map, small-scale map, geotiff, etc. LOCATION_NUM Number Unique key fi eld that links to the master LOCATION table REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: UNIT_REGIONAL_ Structure Data Type Description STRUCTURE_FEATURE_ID Number Unique number that defi nes a structural feature STRUCTURE_FEATURE_NAME Text Name of structural feature; e.g., southeast Sheep Creek range fault OBJECT_ID Number Number that uniquely defi nes all features in the database STATION_NUM Number Unique station number where multiple structural observations were acquired STRUCTURE_FEATURE_TYPE Text Description of structural features; e.g., fault, fold STRUCTURE_FEATURE_DENSITY Text Density of feature per metric unit, e.g. 10_m FLOW_FOLIATION Text Strike and dip of fl ow foliation using right hand rule, e.g. 40_5 PUMICE_FOLIATION Text Strike and dip of pumice foliation using right-hand rule, e.g., 180_7 TRANSPORT_DIRECTION Number Direction of transport in degrees TRANSPORT_DETERMINED Text Description of how transport direction was determined, e.g., paleo-fl ow indicators in an ash-fl ow tuff VOLCANO_TECTONIC_SETTING Text Description of volcano-tectonic setting, e.g., within plate STRUCTURE_COMMENT Text Description of structural feature DIKE_CONTACT_TREND Number Average trend of dike contact in degrees FAULT_DESCRIPTION Text Description of fault FAULT_LENGTH Number Length of fault in meters FAULT_STRIKE Number Strike of fault in degrees (360) FAULT_DIP Number Dip of fault (right-hand rule) FISSURE_LENGTH Number Igneous fi ssure length in meters FISSURE_WIDTH Number Igneous fi ssure width in meters FISSURE_TREND Number Igneous fi ssure trend in degrees (360) image_num Number Unique number that is correlative with an image REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: NORMALIZATION_LIST Attribute Data Type Description NORMALIZATION_NUM Number Number that uniquely defi nes a normalization DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description

Table: NORMALIZATION Attribute Data Type Description NORMALIZATION_NUM Number Number that uniquely defi nes a normalization NORM_ITEM Text Name of element, oxide, or isotope ratio that is normalized NORM_VALUE Number Value of the standard for the item measured that is normalized NORM_STANDARD_NAME Text Name of standard DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: NORM Attribute Data Type Description REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference RESERVOIR Text Acronym or name for a geochemical reservoir NORM_ITEM_NORM Text Name of element, oxide, or isotope ratio that is normalized in the table NORM NORM_VALUE_NORM Number Value of reservoir in the table NORM UNIT Text Unit of compositional value (e.g., PPM- Parts per million, WT%-Weight Percent)

Table: METHOD Attribute Data Type Description METHOD_NUM Number Number that uniquely identifi es a method TECHNIQUE Text Description of method type, e.g., ICP-MS INSTITUTION_NUM Number Unique ID number for Institution: Gov. Institutions 100-150, Research 151-700, Commercial/Business 701+ METHOD_COMMENT Text Remarks on special treatment applied to sample; e.g., leached in 6N HCl. (continued)

720 Geosphere, October 2010

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Table: ANALYSES_SEMIQUANT Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description NUM_ANALYSES Number Number of analyses that were averaged CALC_AVE Text Describes if analysis is individual, part of a group that can be averaged, or is an average

Table: DATA_QUALITY Attribute Data Type Description DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference METHOD_NUM Number Number that uniquely identifi es a method METHOD_COMMENT Text Remarks on special treatment applied to sample; e.g., leached in 6N HCl.

Table: LOCATION Attribute Data Type Description LOCATION_NUM Number Unique key fi eld that links to the master LOCATION table LOCATION_ID Text Location name assigned by sampler SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample CORE_NUM Text Number of core for paleomagnetic analyses LONGITUDE Number X Coordinate, Geographic location in decimal degrees LATITUDE Number Y Coordinate, Geographic location in decimal degrees LOCATION_PRECISION Text Measured Precision of Location (eg. 3-5 meters, < 1 mm) ELEVATION_MIN Number Z Coordinate., Lowest elevation ELEVATION_MAX Number Z Coordinate., Highest elevation

Table: ANALYSES_QUANTITATIVE Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description NUM_ANALYSES Number Number of analyses that were averaged CALC_AVE Text Describes if analysis is individual, part of a group that can be averaged, or is an average

Table: BATCH Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. MATERIAL REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference TABLE_IN_REF Number Table number in reference where data are published

Table: ISOPTOPIC_AGE Attribute Data Type Description SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each sample ISOTOPIC_AGE_MIN Number Minimum age for a sample (in millions of years) ISOTOPIC_AGE_MAX Number Maximum age for a sample (in millions of years) METHOD_NUM Number Number that uniquely identifi es a method GEOL_AGE_PREFIX Text Geologic age prefi x abbreviation, e.g., Q is the abbreviation for Quaternary EON Text Geologic Eon (Phanerozoic or PreCambrian) ERA Text Geologic Era (Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic) PERIOD Text Geologic Period (Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene, etc.) EPOCH Text Geologic Epoch (Miocene, Eocene,Permian, etc.) REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: CHEMISTRY Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to Sample Number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. ITEM MEASURED _ Text Chemical name of analyzed substance: eg, SIO2 (all caps) ITEM_TYPE Text Group name for substance analyzed (MAJ - major, TR - trace, REE - rare earth element, VALUE_MEASURED Number Value obtained from analysis STDDEV Number Absolute standard deviation give for averaged values STDDEV_TYPE Text How standard deviation is reported (“Relative,” or “Absolute”) UNIT Text Unit of compositional value (e.g., PPM- Parts per million, WT%-Weight Percent) (continued)

Geosphere, October 2010 721

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Table: XRAYDIFFRACTION Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. XRD_MINERAL Text Name of mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry PERCENT_ABUNDANCE Number Number in percent that defi nes the percent abundance of a mineral species determined by quantitative x-ray diffractometry XRD_PRIMARY Text Identifi es if a mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry is a primary phase: permissive entry (yes,no) XRD_ACCESSORY Text Identifi es if a mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry is an accessory phase: permissive entry (yes,no) XRD_SECONDARY Text Identifi es if a mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry is a secondary alteration phase: permissive entry (yes,no) SAMPLE_PREP Text Describes how the sample was prepared for x-ray diffraction analyses, e.g., slurry mount, quartz, slide, packed powder, micronized CLAY_PREP Text Description of how was separated for x-ray diffraction analysis, e.g., centrifugation, fl oatation-pipette XRD_HEATING Number Temperature in degrees Celsius that a sample was heated prior to x-ray diffraction analysis GLYCOLATION Text Denotes if a sample was glycolated prior to x-ray diffraction analysis INTERNAL_STANDARD Text Describes what internal standard was used as a monitor for x-ray diffraction analyses PDF_NUM Text Number that corresponds to the x-ray powder diffraction fi le C_CELL_DIM Number Unit cell dimension in anstroms SCAN_LENGTH_2THETA Number X-ray diffraction scan length in degrees 2-theta SCAN_LENGTH_DSPACE Number d-spacing in angstroms DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image

Table: STANDARD Attribute Data Type Description DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description ITEM MEASURED _ Text Chemical name of analyzed substance: eg, SIO2 (all caps) STANDARD_NAME Text Name of a standard; “BCR-1” STANDARD_VALUE Number Value analyzed for a standard STDEV Number Absolute standard deviation give for averaged values STDEV_TYPE Text How standard deviation is reported (“Relative,” or “Absolute”) UNIT_STD Text Unit of compositional value (e.g., PPM- Parts per million, WT%-Weight Percent)

Table: FRACT_CORRECT Attribute Data Type Description FRACT_CORRECT_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a fractionation correction procedure FCORR_ITEM Text Name of the isotopic ratio used for fractionation correction (87SR_86SR) FCORR_VALUE Number Value for isotope ratio that is used for the fractionation correction FCORR_STANDARD_NAME Text Name of standard whose values were used for fractionation correction in case of natural isotope (e.g., NBS981) DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that corresponds to fraction correction used REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

Table: INCLUSION Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to Sample Number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. SPOT_ID Number Unique number that defi nes a an analyzed spot on a mineral, glass, ofl uid inclusion INCLUSION_TYPE Text Describes the type of inclusion; e.g. glass, mineral HOST_MINERAL Text Mineral species that is host to an inclusion MINERAL_INC Text Name of mineral inclusion HEATING Text Describes if a glass inclusion was heated for analysis (Yes, No) HEATING_TEMPERATURE Number Temperature in degrees Celsius if “HEATING = Yes) RIM_OR_CORE_INC Text Description of where a mineral or inclusion is analyzed; e.g., rim, core INCLUSION_SIZE Text X-Y dimension range of a mineral or in micrometers (10 X 30) MIN_KD_ELEM Text Distribution coeffi cient for an element or elements in a mineral, e.g., Eu=0.3 in Ca- MELT_KD_ELEM Text Distribution coeffi cient for an element in a melt IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image

Table: MINERAL_MODE Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. MINERAL_SPECIES Text Mineral name in ROCK_MODE table MINERAL_SHAPE Text e.g., euhedral, resorbed PERCENT_ABUNDANCE Number Number in percent that defi nes the percent abundance of a mineral species determined by point counting and reported in the ROCK_MODE table MATRIX_PERCENT Number Percent matrix determined by point counting POINTS_COUNTED Number Number of points counted ACCESSORY_PHASE Text Mineral species identifi ed as a minor- to trace-constituent (permissive response yes/no) SECONDARY_PHASE Text Mineral species identifi ed as a secondary constituent (permissive response, yes/no) (continued)

722 Geosphere, October 2010

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/6/5/691/5070789/691.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Development of an igneous rock database with geologic functions APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) TABLE: MINERAL Attribute Data Type Description ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc. SPOT_ID Number Unique number that defi nes an analyzed spot on a mineral, glass, or fl uid inclusion MINERAL Text Mineral name in MINERAL table CRYSTAL Text Type of grain (e.g., , microlite) HOST_ROCK_TYPE Text Describes mineral or inclusion host rock, e.g., basaltic glass RIM_OR_CORE Text Description of where a mineral or inclusion is analyzed; e.g., rim, core MINERAL_SIZE Number Size (diameter or length) in millimeters PRIM_OR_SEC Text Describes if a mineral analyzed is primary or secondary MINERAL_KD_ELEM Text Distribution coeffi cient for an element or elements in a mineral, e.g., Eu=0.3 in Ca-pyroxene IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image ROCK_TYPE_GENERAL Text Category of rock type: Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary ACID_NEUT_CAP Number Amount of acid neutralizing capacity in kilograms per ton calcium carbonate equivalent ACID_NEUT_METHOD Text Method used, e.g., Yager and others, 2005 AQUIFER Text Identifi es if physical feature is an acquifer: permissive entry (yes,no) ACQUIFER_QUALITY Text Describes geochemical quality of water in qualitative terms of drinking water standards: permissive entries (good, poor) ACCESSORY_PHASE Text Mineral species identifi ed as a minor- to trace-constituent (permissive response yes/no) AG_SOIL_SUITABILITY Text Qualitative description of a soils agricultural suitability that is derived from weathering of an igneous geo- hierarchy : permissive entries (low, moderate, high) ADDRESS_PART1 Text Street address ADDRESS_PART2 Text Additional address Information ALTERATION_INTENSITY Text Grade of alteration: fresh, slightly altered, highly altered ALTERATION_TYPE Text Type of alteration of sample: potassic, sericitic, argillic ANALYSIS_NUM Number Nominal number associated with type of analysis (1=raw major, 2=trace, 3=normalized major, 5 = mineral mode) ANALYTICAL_CERTAINTY Number ± value in percent

Field Name Data Type Description AREA Number Map area in meters2

AREA_TOTAL_INUNDATED Number Total area affected by unit or feature in meters2

ARM Number Magnitude of anhysteretic remanent magnetization

ASPECT_RATIO Text Ratio of the length to average width, e.g., 40:1

AUTHOR_ORDER Number Order in which author is listed in publication: 1,2,3…

AXIS_TREND Number Trend of fault or fold in degrees

BATCH_NUM Number Unique number assigned to sample number that identifi es a batch or group of samples from an area, section, drill hole, etc.

BOOK_EDITORS Text List of Editors of Book

BOTTOM_INTERVAL Number Th e location of the bottom of a sample measured in centimeters from the top of the section

BOOK_TITLE Text Title of book

BULK_KD Text Calculated bulk distribution coeffi cient for a magma crystallizing more than one phase: entry or entries include trace element, distribution coeffi cient value

CALC_AVE Text Describes if analysis is individual, part of a group that can be averaged, or is an average

CARBON CAP POTENTIAL _ _ Text Describes the carbon capture and storage potential if physical feature was used to store CO2 in underground reservoir: permissive entries (good, moderate, poor)

C_CELL_DIM Number Unit cell dimension in anstroms

CITY_STATE_ZIP Text City, ST and Zip Code

CLAST_SIZE Number Size of clasts in centimeters

CLAY_PREP Text Description of how clay was separated for x-ray diffraction analysis, e.g., centrifugation, fl oatation-pipette

COMP_RATIO Text Range of isotopic ratio of any isotope pair: data entry is “isotope name ratio 208Lead/208Lead, range”

COMP_EVOLUTION Text Description of the temporal, geochemical characteristics, e.g., zoned sequence from high silica, high rubidium to intermediate silica, high barium

CONFINING_LAYER Text Physical feature is an aquitard to groundwater fl ow: permissive entry (yes, no)

CONDUCTIVITY Text Qualitative rank of conductivity (low-moderate-high)

CONTACT_RELATIONS Text Description of a unit or regional features contact relationship with adjacent units or features, e.g., chilled margin at base of unit forms vitropyre where in contact with underlying dacite

CORE_NUM Text Number of core for paleomagnetic analyses

CRYSTAL Text Type of grain (e.g., phenocryst, microlite)

CSD Number Circular standard deviation of three vectors measured during spin measurements

DATA_ENTERED Yes/No Yes if published data is entered in database

DATA_QUALITY_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a data quality description

DECLINATION Number Declination of the characteristic magnetization. Characteristic directions are determined by fi tting lines to demagnetization data.

DEPTH_MAGMA_ORIGIN Number Depth in kilometers where magma originated

DMAG_INTERVAL Text Demagnetization interval used for linear fi t: The highest and lowest demagnetization steps in millTesla (mt) used in calculating the characteristic direction (continued)

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Field Name Data Type Description DEMAG_TYPE Text Type of demagnetization used, e.g., alternating fi eld; thermal

DEPARTMENT Text Department or Institution

DENSITY Number Density calculated in grams per centimeter3

DEPOSIT_MODELS Text List of mineral deposit model types associated with a geo-hierarchy and defi ned in DuBray and others, 1995.

DEPOSIT_TYPE Text Describes the physical characteristic of the deposit, e.g., ash-fl ow, lava, dike, intrusion, etc.

DEPTH Number Depth in hole (meters)

DESCRIPTION Memo Descriptive information about images

DIKE_CONTACT_TREND Number Average trend of dike contact in degrees

DIKE_DENSITY Text Describes density number of dikes per metric unit; e.g., 10_km

DIKE_LENGTH Text Average dike length in meters dike_orientation Defi nes average strike and dip of dike in degrees (right-hand rule); e.g., 45_70_180_88

DIKE_SPACING Text Average spacing of dikes in metric units; e.g., 1000_m

DIKE_SET Text Relative age indicated by D1, fi rst formed; D2 is the second formed etc.

DIKE_WIDTH Number Average dike width in meters

ELEVATION_MAX Number Z Coordinate., Highest elevation

ELEVATION_MIN Number Z Coordinate., Lowest elevation

EMAIL Text Email address of person

ENV_SAMPLE_COMMENT Text Description of environmental sample characteristics

EON Text Geologic Eon (Phanerozoic or Precambrian)

EPOCH Text Geologic Epoch (Miocene, Eocene, Permian, etc.)

ERA Text Geologic Era (Cenozoic, Mesozoic, Paleozoic)

ERUPTIVE_STYLE Text Description of physical eruption characteristics, e.g., plinean ash-fall deposit; base surge; highly viscous and fl ow-banded lava

FABRIC_TEXTURE Text Describes physical fabric or texture, e.g., trachytic, amygdaloidal, etc.

FACIES Text Description of facies, e.g., outfl ow, intracaldera, vent

FACIES_DESC Text Detailed descriptions and comments about the facies

FAULT_DESCRIPTION Text Description of fault

FAULT_DIP Number Dip of fault (right-hand rule)

FAULT_LENGTH Number Length of fault in meters

FAULT_STRIKE Number Strike of fault in degrees (360)

FCORR_ITEM Text Name of the isotopic ratio used for fractionation correction (87SR_86SR)

FCORR_STANDARD_NAME Text Name of standard whose values were used for fractionation correction in case of natural isotope (e.g., NBS981)

FCORR_CORRECT_NUM Number Number that corresponds to fraction correction used

FCORR_VALUE Number Value for isotope ratio that is used for the fractionation correction

FEATURE_NAME Text Name of unit or regional geologic entity

FIRST_NAME Text First name, middle initial of author

FIRST_PAGE Number Number of fi rst page of publication

FISSURE_LENGTH Number Igneous fi ssure length in meters

FISSURE_TREND Number Igneous fi ssure trend in degrees (360)

FISSURE_WIDTH Number Igneous fi ssure width in meters

FLOW_FOLIATION Text Strike and dip of fl ow foliation using right-hand rule, e.g. 40_5

FORMATION Text Name of geologic formation sampled

FRACT_CORRECT_NUM Number Number that uniquely describes a fractionation correction procedure

FREQ_DEPENDENCE Number Frequency-dependent susceptibility in percent

GRADING_NORMAL_REVERSE Text Denotes normal or reverse grading: permissive entries (normal, reverse)

GEOLOGIC_AGE_PREFIX Text e.g., Q for Quaternary

GLYCOLATION Text Denotes if a sample was glycolated prior to x-ray diffraction analysis

HC Number Coercivity determined after removal of paramagnetic component in milliTeslas (mT)

HCR Number Coercivity of remanence in milliTeslas (mT)

HEATING Text Describes if a glass inclusion was heated for analysis (Yes, No)

HEATING_TEMPERATURE Number Temperature in degrees Celsius if HEATING = Yes

HIERARCHY_AGE_MAX Number Maximum age in millions of years for a geologic hierarchy

HIERARCHY_AGE_MIN Number Minimum age in millions of years for a geologic hierarchy

HIERARCHY_LEVEL_COMMENT Text Abstract describing hierarchy

HIERARCHY_LEVEL_ID Number Unique number assigned to a hierarchy using GIS if a GIS related feature or a

HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NAME Name Name of the hierarchy; can be an abbreviation (EMAG_NNR = eastern magnetic expression of the Northern Nevada Rift). See metadata for numeric code and name defi nitions and detailed descriptions

HIERARCHY_LEVEL_NUM Number Numeric code that defi nes each hierarchy; e.g., 1150 = eastern magnetic expression of the Northern Nevada Rift.

HIERARCHY_LEVEL_TYPE Text Describes the type of hierarchy, e.g., geologic, geophysical, geographic/physiographic (continued)

724 Geosphere, October 2010

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/6/5/691/5070789/691.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Development of an igneous rock database with geologic functions APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Field Name Data Type Description HIERARCHY_SEQ_NUM Number A number that allows features of various relative physical scale to be queried, e.g., 1 being the fi nest resolution, and higher numbers having the coarsest resolution

HIERARCHY_VOLUME Number Volume of geo-hierarchy object in meters3

HIRM Number “Hard” isothermal remanent magnetization, determined by dividing the “S-parameter by 2, units in amperes per meter (A/m)

HOLE_INCLINATION Number Inclination of hole in degrees

HOST_MINERAL Text Mineral species that is host to an inclusion

HOT_SPOT_POS Text Description of inferred hot spot position associated with magmatism

HYDRO_SYSTEM Text Description of active or paleo hydrologic properties and relationships, e.g., porous and permeable acquifer; unit or regional geo-hierarchy feature is cross-cut and directly overlain by active deposition of calcareous tufa from geothermal spring

IGNEOUS_FEATURE_TYPE Text Description of regional igneous feature or unit, e.g., lava fl ow, cinder cone, fi ssure, ring fracture

IMAGE_NUM Number Unique number that is correlative with an image

IMAGE_NAME Text Name of image, e.g., Izengood Geologic Quadrangle map

IMAGE_TYPE_DESC Text Type of image, e.g., thin section, large-scale map, small-scale map, geotiff, etc.

HIERARCHY_TYPE_DESC Text Describes the type of image; e.g., map (large and small scale), cross section, outcrop photograph, photomicrograph

HOST_MINERAL Text Mineral name if not melt or matrix hosted

HOST_ROCK_TYPE Text Describes mineral or inclusion host rock, e.g., basaltic glass

HOT_SPOT_POS Text Description of magmatic plume or hot spot relative to eruptive center, e.g., Craters of the Moon basalt directly overlies hot spot track

HYD_PHASES Text List of primary hydrous mineral phases, or none reported if applicable

HYDRO_SYSTEM Text Description of hydrothermal system characteristics, e.g., acid sulfate system associated with an episode of dacitic intrusions

IGNEOUS_FEATURE_TYPE Text Name of the type of igneous feature, e.g., fl ow, lahar

IMAGE_NUM Number Unique image number

INCL_BATCH_NUM Number Number that identifi es the batch of an inclusion, foreign database key to the batch table

INCLINATION Number Inclination of the characteristic magnetization in degrees

INCLUSION_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available.

INCLUSION_SIZE Text X-Y dimension range of a mineral or melt inclusion in micrometers (10 X 30)

INCLUSION_TYPE Text Describes the type of inclusion; e.g. glass, mineral

INTENSITY Number Paleomagnetic fi eld intensity: The method used determines the units for the intensity value. Molspin Spinner magnetometer is in mA/m; Cryogenic magnetometer is in cgs x10 -6

INTERNAL_STANDARD Text Describes what internal standard was used as a monitor for x-ray diffraction analyses

INSTITUTION Text Name of institution

INSTITUTION_NUM Number Unique ID number for Institution: Gov. Institutions 100-150, Research 151-700, Commercial/Business 701+

IRM Number Isothermal remanent magnetization in amperes/meter (A/m)

ISOTOPIC_AGE_MAX Number Maximum age for a sample (in millions of years)

ISOTOPIC_AGE_MIN Number Minimum age for a sample (in millions of years)

ISOTOPIC_AGE_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available.

ISSUE Text Number of issue of journal containing publication

ITEM_MEASURED Text Chemical name of analyzed substance: e.g., SIO2 (all caps)

ITEM_TYPE Text Group name for substance analyzed (MAJ - major, TR - trace, REE - rare earth element,

JOINT_DENSITY Text Describes density number of joints per metric unit; e.g., 10_m

JOINT_LENGTH Number Average joint length in meters

JOINT_WIDTH Number Average joint width in meters

JOINT_OPEN_FILLED Text Describes if joint is open or fi lled with a mineral or minerals and the mineral types if fi lled

JOINT_ORIENTATION Text Defi nes average strike and dip of joint sets in degrees (right-hand rule); e.g., 45_70_180_88

JOINT_SET_EPISODES Number Describes the number of joint sets (1 to n) identifi ed based on relative ages and orientation

JOINT_SET Text Relative age indicated by F1, fi rst formed set; F2 the second formed set, etc.

JOINT_SPACING Text Average spacing of joints in metric units; e.g., 15_cm

JOINT_STRUCTURE_SETTING Text Describes how joint formed; e.g., extension, compression

JOURNAL Text Name of journal containing publication

LAST_NAME Text Last name of author

LAST_PAGE Number Number of last page of publication

LATITUDE Number Y Coordinate, geographic location in decimal degrees

LAYERING_TYPE Text Description of layering characteristics, e.g., fi nely layered expressed as (0.5 mm); cumulate layering

LOCATION_COMMENT Memo Description of location

LOCATION_ID Text Location name assigned by sampler

LOCATION_NUM Unique key fi eld that links to the master LOCATION table

LOCATION_PRECISION Text Measured precision of location (eg. 3-5 meters, < 1 mm)

LONGITUDE Number X Coordinate, geographic location in decimal degrees (continued)

Geosphere, October 2010 725

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Field Name Data Type Description MAG_COMMENT Text Comment fi eld for paleomagnetic attributes, e.g., sampled at base of vitropyre

MAG_METHOD Text Describes how paleomagnetic analyses was done, e.g., alternating fi eld demagnetization magma_pressure Number Pressure of magma in kilobars

MAGMA_TEMP Number Temperature of magma in degrees celsius

MAGNETICS Text General qualitative rank of magnetic signature (low, moderate, high)

MAG_REMOVED Number Magnetization removed in magnetization interval: The difference in magnitude between the magnetizations for the lowest and highest demagnetization steps included in calculating the characteristic magnetization; units amperes/meter (A/m)

MAG_RESISTIVITY Number Resistivity in ohm meters

MAG_SUSCEPTIBILIY Number Volume magnetic susceptibility in SI units

MAJOR_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available

M_SAT Number Saturation magnetization determined after removal of paramagnetic component in amperes/meter

MATERIAL Text Describes analyzed material; e.g., rock, mineral, mineral inclusion, fl uid inclusion

MATRIX_PERCENT Number Percent matrix determined by point counting

MELT_KD_ELEM Text Distribution coeffi cient for an element in a melt

METHOD_COMMENT Text Remarks on special treatment applied to sample; e.g., leached in 6N HCl.

METHOD_NUM Number Number that uniquely identifi es a method

MIN_BATCH_NUM Number Number that identifi es the batch of a host mineral; foreign database key to the batch table

MIN_KD_ELEM_INC Text Distribution coeffi cient for an element or elements in a mineral, e.g., Eu=0.3 in Ca-pyroxene

MINERAL Text Mineral name in MINERAL table

MINERAL_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available.

MINERAL_INC Text Name of mineral inclusion

MINERAL_DEP Text Description of associated or hosted mineral deposits

MINERAL_KD_ELEMENT Text Distribution coeffi cient for an element or elements in a mineral, e.g., Eu=0.3 in Ca-pyroxene

MINERAL_SHAPE Text e.g., euhedral, resorbed

MINERAL_SIZE Number Size (diameter or length) in millimeters

MINERAL_SPECIES Text Mineral name in ROCK_MODE table

MRS Number Saturation remanent magnetization in amperes/meter

NATURAL_SEQ_POTENTIAL Text Describes the natural carbon sequestration potential of physical feature in qualitative terms: permissive entries are (good, moderate, poor)

NET_ACID_PRODUCTION Number Value in kilograms per ton calcium carbonate equivalent

NET_ACID_METHOD Text Method used, e.g., Lopakko; SOBEK

143ND144ND Text Range of 143Neodymium/144Neodymium isotopic ratio

NORMAL_REVERSE Text Denotes normal or reversed magnetization; permissive entries (normal, reverse)

NORM_ITEM Text Name of element, oxide, or isotope ratio that is normalized

NORM_ITEM_NORM Text Name of element, oxide, or isotope ratio that is normalized in the table NORM

NORM_VALUE Number Value of the standard for the item measured that is normalized

NORM_VALUE_NORM Number Value of reservoir in the table NORM

NORM_STANDARD_NAME Text Name of standard

NORMALIZATION_NUM Number Number that uniquely defi nes a normalization

NRM Number The magnitude of natural remanent demagnetization steps in milliTesla (mT)

NUMBER_OF_DEPOSITS Number Total number of mineral deposits that are part of a geo-hierarchy

NUM_ANALYSES Number Number of analyses that were averaged

NUTRIENT_RICH Text Qualitative description of a soils nutrient content that is derived from the weathering of an igneous geo- hierarchy : permissive entries (low, moderate, high)

OBJECT_ID Number Number that uniquely defi nes all features in the database

OLDER_ID Number Updatable fi eld that stores the OBJECT_ID’S that places constraints on adjacent older objects

OXYGEN_FUGACITY Number Calculated oxygen fugacity in log units

OX_FUG_METHOD Text Method used to calculate oxygen fugacity

PALEOSTRAT_AGE Number Age in millions of years that corresponds to the paleomagnetic stratigraphy age

PARA_MS Number Paramagnetic magnetic susceptibility determined from the slope of the hysteresis curve above an induction of 0.9 Teslas; units in vol.-SI

206PB204PB Text Range of 206Lead/204Lead isotopic ratio

PDF_NUM Text Number that corresponds to the x-ray powder diffraction fi le

PERCENT_ABUNDANCE Number Number in percent that defi nes the percent abundance of a mineral species determined by point counting and reported in the ROCK_MODE table

PERCENT_ASSIMILATION Text Percent modeled assimilation in generating melt and source or sources listed

PERCENT_CRYSTALS_PM Number Percent crystals in pumice

PERCENT_CRYSTALS_WR Number Percent crystals in the whole rock of an ash-fl ow tuff

PERCENT_LITHICS Number Quatity of lithic fragments in percent of whole rock

PERCENT_MATRIX Number Percent matrix of a whole rock (continued)

726 Geosphere, October 2010

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PERCENT_PARTIAL_MELT Number Calculated percent partial melting

PERCENT_VOLATILES Number Percent volatile phases

PERCENT_XTAL_FRAC Number Percent modeled crystal fractionation in generating melt phases involved

PERIOD Text Geologic Period (Cretaceous, Paleogene, Neogene, etc.)

PERMEABILITY Number Permeability reported as millidarcies

PERSON_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each author

PETROGENESIS Text Petrogenetic source of magma, e.g., asthenospheric mantle

PHONE Text Phone number of person: XXX-XXX-XXXX

PLANT_TYPES Text List of plant types that tends to grow on geo-hierarchy substrate

POINTS_COUNTED Number Number of points counted

POINTS_USED Number The number of demagnetization steps used in calculating the characteristic direction

POROSITY Number Porosity determined as a fraction: volume of void space divide by the total volume

PRECISION_TYPE Text e.g., double, single

PRECISION_MIN Number Minimum analytical precision

PRECISION_MAX Number Maximum analytical precision

PRESSURE_METHOD Text Method used to determine magma pressure

PRIM_OR_SEC Text Describes if a mineral analyzed is primary or secondary

PUB_YEAR Number Four digit year of publication

PUBLISHER Text Name of publisher

PUMICE_COMPACTION_RATIO Text Ratio of a pumice’s length to average width, e.g., 10:1

PUMICE_FOLIATION Text Strike and dip of pumice foliation using right-hand rule, e.g., 180_7

PUMICE_SIZE Number Size of pumice in millimeters where fi ne ash is < 0.062mm, coarse ash is < 2mm and > 0.062mm, ciders and lapilli are < 64mm and > 2mm, blocks and bombs are > 64mm

RADIOMETRIC_AGE Number Age in millions of years

REE Text Description of REE patterns, enrichment, depletion

REF_NUM Number Unique number assigned to each reference

REF_VOLUME Text Volume of Journal containing publication

RELATIVE_AGE_CODE Text Code description defi ning the method that a relative age is determined (see text and metadata for details)

RELATIVE_AGE_MAX Number Maximum relative age in millions of years

RELATIVE_AGE_MIN Number Minimum relative age in millions of years

RELATIVE_AGE_TYPE Text Description of how a relative age was assigned; e.g., superposition, cross-cutting relationships

RELATIVE_AGE_EXPERT Text Name of geoscientist the determined relative age

RELATIVE_AGE_CERTAINTY Text ± age uncertainty in millions of years

RESERVOIR Text Acronym or name for a geochemical reservoir

RESULT_TYPE Text Description of the qualitative result type; e.g., X-ray diffraction

RIM_OR_CORE Text Description of where a mineral or inclusion is analyzed; e.g., rim, core

RIM_OR_CORE_INC Text Description of where a mineral or inclusion is analyzed; e.g., rim, core

ROCK_BATCH_NUM Number Number that identifi es the batch of the host rock; foreign key to the BATCH table

ROCK_CLASSIFICATION Text Category of rock type: basalt, dacite, andesite

ROCK_TYPE_GENERAL Text Category of rock type: Igneous, Metamorphic, Sedimentary

ROCK_TYPE_RANGE Text Rock classifi cation range, e.g., peralkaline rhyolite to thoeliitic basalt

ROTATION Text Rotation of unit, mountain block, or area based on interpretation of paleomagnetic data and reported in degrees

SAMPLE_COMMENT Memo General information about the sample

SAMPLE_DEPTH Number Depth in meters below ground surface that sample was collected

SAMPLE_ID Text Sample identifi er assigned by sampler/researcher

SAMPLE_NUM Number Unique Number assigned to each sample

SAMPLE_PREP Text Describes how the sample was prepared for x-ray diffraction analyses, e.g., slurry mount, quartz, slide, packed powder, micronized

SCAN_LENGTH_DSPACE Number d-spacing in angstroms

SCAN_LENGTH_2THETA Number X-ray diffraction scan length in degrees 2-theta

SECONDARY_PHASE Text Mineral species identifi ed as a secondary constituent (permissive response, yes/no)

SECTION Text Number that identifi es the section of core analyzed; cores are trimmed into sections for magnetization analyses

SEQUENCE_NUM Number The sequential sequence number that defi nes the relative age sequence from oldest 1 to youngest

SILICA_RANGE Text e.g., 54.23 to 63.3 Wt. %

STRAT_COL_ID Number A unique stratigraphic column name assigned by reseracher

STRAT_COL_NUM Number Number that identifi es the stratigraphic colum number in the STRATIGRAPHIC_SECTION table

SILICA_RANGE Text Silica compositional range in weight percent, e.g., “55.2 to 68.4”

SOIL_RECOVERY_POTENTIAL Text Description of soil recovery potential from land disturbance that is based on vegetation health in adjacent, surrounding undisturbed. Permissive responses are good, moderate, poor (continued)

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APPENDIX B: ATTRIBUTE DESCRIPTIONS FOR EACH TABLE (continued) Field Name Data Type Description S_PARAMETER Number The “S-parameter” determined by dividing the isothermal remanent magnetization acquired in an induction orf 1.2T and the isothermal remanent magnetization acquired in an induction orf 0.3T

SPRING_A_B_I Text Denotes if spring discharges above, below, or in unit: permissive entries are (above, below, or in)

SPRINGS_AT_CONTACT Text Denotes if a spring is at geologic contact: permissive response is yes or no

SPOT_ID Number Unique number that defi nes a an analyzed spot on a mineral, glass, ofl uid inclusion

87SR86SR Text Range of 87Strontium/86Strontium isotopic ratio

STDDEV Number Absolute standard deviation give for averaged values

STDDEV_TYPE Text How standard deviation is reported (“Relative,” or “Absolute”)

STANDARD_NAME Text Name of a standard; “BCR-1”

STANDARD_VALUE Number Value analyzed for a standard

STATION_NUM Number Unique station number where multiple structural observations were acquired

STRAT_COL_ID Number Unique number that defi nes a stratigraphic column

STRAT_COL_NUM Number Unique numeric code that defi nes a stratigraphic column

STRAT_COL_COMMENT Text Description of stratigraphic column

STRAT_AGE_MAX Number Maximum stratigraphic age in millions of years

STRAT_AGE_MIN Number Minimum stratigraphic age in millions of years

STRUCTURE_COMMENT Text Description of structural feature

STRUCTURAL_CONTROL Text Description of any structural control related to loci of magmatism

STRUCTURE_FEATURE_ID Number Unique number that defi nes a structural feature

STRUCTURE_FEATURE_DENSITY Text Density of feature per metric unit, e.g. 10_m

STRUCTURE_FEATURE_NAME Text Name of structural feature; e.g., southeast Sheep Creek range fault

STRUCTURE_FEATURE_TYPE Text Description of structural features; e.g., fault, fold

SUBAERIAL_SUBAQUEOUS Text Describes if a unit was deposited above or below water: permissive entries are (subaerial, subaqueous)

SULFUR_FUGACITY Number Calculated sulfur fugacity in log units

SULF_FUG_METHOD Text Method used to calculate sulfur fugacity

TABLE_IN_REF Number Table number in reference where data are published

TABLE_TITLE Text Title of table in literature where analyses were culled

TECTONIC_SETTING Text Description of regional tectonic setting; e.g., rift, subduction

TEMP_METHOD Text Method used to determine magma temperature

THICKNESS Number Thickness of unit or regional feature in meters

TIME_INTERVAL Text Duration of magmatic episode

TITLE Text Title of publication

TOP_INTERVAL Number The location of the top of a sample measured in centimeters from the top of the section

TRACE_DATA Yes/No Yes where data is available.

TRACE_ELEM Text Description of trace element characteristics, e.g., high fi eld strength element Hf-enriched

TRANSPORT_DETERMINED Text Description of how transport direction was determined, e.g., paleo-fl ow indicators in an ash-fl ow tuff

TRANSPORT_DIRECTION Number Direction of transport in degrees

TREATMENT_LEVEL Number The treatment level used for the measurement; AF is in milliTesla (mT) TH in degrees C; NRM is always 0

TREATMENT_TYPE Text How a paleomagnetic sample is treated for analysis; permissive entries are AF = Alternating-fi eld; TH = Thermal Demagnetization and NR = Natural Remnant Magnetization

UNIT Text Unit of compositional value (e.g., PPM- Parts per million, WT%-Weight Percent)

UNIT_STD Text Unit of compositional value (e.g., PPM- Parts per million, WT%-Weight Percent)

VALUE_MEASURED Number Value obtained from analysis

VESICULARITY Number Describes vesicle content in percent where < 1 % is nonvesicular, 1% to 5 % is sparsely vesicular, > 5 % to 20 % is moderately vesicular, and > 20 % is highly vesicular

VOLATILE_PHASES Text List volatile primary phases if present, e.g., biotite, amphibole, etc.,

VOLCANO_TECTONIC_SETTING Text Description of volcano-tectonic setting, e.g., within plate

VOLUME Number Volume of regional physical feature in meters3

WEATHERING_POTENTIAL Text Qualitative description of the weathering potential of a geologic substrate: permissive entries: (low, moderate, high)

WELDING_CHARACTER Text General description of welding: permissive entries (weak, moderate, strong)

XRD_ABUNDANCE Number Quantity in percent of mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry

XRD_ACCESSORY Text Identifi es if a mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry is an accessory phase: permissive entry (yes,no)

XRD_HEATING Number Temperature in degrees Celsius that a sample was heated prior to x-ray diffraction analysis

XRD_MINERAL Text Name of mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry

XRD_PRIMARY Text Identifi es if a mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry is a primary phase: permissive entry (yes,no)

XRD_SECONDARY Text Identifi es if a mineral identifi ed using x-ray diffractometry is a secondary alteration phase: permissive entry (yes,no)

YOUNGER_ID Updatable fi eld that stores the OBJECT_IDS that places constraints on adjacent younger objects

ZONED_SEQUENCE Text Denotes if part of a compositionally zoned sequence, permissive entries (yes, no)

728 Geosphere, October 2010

Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/gsa/geosphere/article-pdf/6/5/691/5070789/691.pdf by guest on 25 September 2021 Development of an igneous rock database with geologic functions

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