PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair item 2 onward) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Dixon, Fearon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Stow, Timbers and Young

Also present Deputy Mayor of MBC, Deputy Mayor of and 76 members of the public.

Clerk – Jason Boom, Hebden Royd Town Council.

The Town Clerk welcomed guests following musical delights from Terry Logan, Chris Manly and The Remmingtons.

1. APPOINTMENT OF TOWN MAYOR It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Young and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED that Cllr Patricia Mary Fraser be Mayor of Hebden Royd for the year 2017/18.

Cllr Fraser received the Chain of Office from Cllr Hodgins.

Cllr Fraser read aloud and signed the Declaration of Acceptance of Office witnessed by Cllr Hodgins.

The Mayor announced her consort to be her daughter Anna Warwood, with support from others. The new Mayor placed the Chain of Office on her consort.

The New Mayor presented the outgoing Mayor with his past Mayor’s Badge and his Memories of the Year and invited him to reflect on his year in office.

Cllr Hodgins spoke of his highlights from the year being the Legion d’ honneur presentations to D Day Veterans and the stage production by Calder Valley Youth Theatre of ‘The Wiz’. He commented that he felt the poorest of society were paying the heaviest price for the failings of the economy.

The Retiring Mayor presented flowers to his consort Hazel Scriven and his secretary Rebekah Cox along with a cheque to Calder Valley Search & Rescue for £1023.13, funds raised throughout his Mayoral Year.

2. NEW MAYORAL REGALIA Cllr Carol Stow outlined the desire for new regalia with a presentation from Jenny Dutson from the Workshop, Hebden Bridge, giving an insight into the design and manufacturing process.

3. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies were received from Cllrs Trickett & Crosland along with CMBC Mayor Cllr Firman Ali and Alan Brooks.

4. APPOINTMENT OF DEPUTY MAYOR It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and UNANIMOUSLY RESOLVED: that Cllr Carol Stow would be Deputy Town Mayor for the Council Year 2017/18. The Mayor placed the Deputy Mayor’s Chain on Cllr Stow. Cllr Stow announced that her son Daniel Stow would be her consort.

5. APPRECIATION OF CHAIRS The retiring Mayor, Cllr Tony Hodgins, expressed thanks to councillors who chaired committees during 2016/17.

Without these committees the council could not progress the aims and objectives of the Town Council.

Community Funding - Cllr Carol Stow - This committee supports the community by meeting requests for financial support from the many wide and varied organisations in the parish.

Environment & Allotments - Cllr Young - The Environment & Allotments committee continues its good work, more events are on the horizon to complement the established Happy Hounds, Christmas Light Switch On’s and Kidsfest.

Picture House - Cllr Yorke, followed by Cllr Carol Stow –The silver lining to the flooding of Boxing Day 2015 is that we now have that first class cinema and it has been welcoming more guests that ever. Cllr Hodgins thanked the manager of the Picture House, Rebekah Fozard and her staff for delivering this wonderful service that we are so rightly proud of.

Neighbourhood Planning – this committee has been led by John Kimber, of Wadsworth Parish Council, Sue Slater of Parish Council and Roger Greenwood of Erringden Parish Council. All have striven to ensure appropriate consultation had been undertaken to make sure that the Neighbourhood Plan will deliver fair policies for all the residents of Hebden Royd.

Staffing - Cllr Young - The Staffing Committee look after the people who put into action the decisions made by the Town Council and its councillors. Thank you to this committee but also thank you to all our staff at Hebden Royd Town Council.

Strategy & Review - Cllr Scullion - Provides direction and vision identifying areas that we need to focus on and attending to the many pieces of legislation that must be considered. 6. SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY AWARD The Mayor explained the award and that it is presented in recognition of exemplary support of the community in the Parish of Hebden Royd.

Senior Award Cllr Young nominated Trevor Bannister for his hard work and dedication following the floods of 2015 starting helping in the Flood Hub in , handing out supplies to those that needed them and in the evenings by heading out to the homes of those affected.

Trevor started to see places that needed attention and noticed how much debris was in the river. He quickly set up the ‘Calder Valley Clean Up Group’ and working alongside volunteers, corporate groups and the National Citizen Service he took it upon himself to systematically work along the River Calder clearing debris. Supported by local councils he created huge mounds of waste which was swiftly removed for disposal.

Trevor is a very modest fellow, he doesn’t like attention for what he does but without his efforts and his determination there are many in the Valley who would have had to endure the floods on their own and spent a lot longer getting back to a normal day to day existence.

Young Persons Award Cllr Courtney nominated Zweyla Mitchell dos Santos Zweyla first became involve with ‘Fair for Youth’ when she was 15, helping organise this annual festival for young people. The festival set out to prove that kids could do it, and they certainly did!

As part of this festival she identified a need for a flexible, cheap and easy to access Public Address System and along with a few friends gained funding for their first PA. Hebden Bridge Community PA now provides equipment for events ranging from private parties to community festivals and corporate events and the project is self- financing (well almost). Members of the group are fully trained and this low cost service, administered and managed by young people is well respected.


Cllr Pat Fraser, the New Mayor, spoke of her moving from a welcoming friendly community in Manchester to another welcoming friendly community in Hebden Bridge in 2003. As an ‘offcumden’ she was honoured to be the New Mayor of Hebden Royd.

She spoke of an exciting year ahead and her hope that in the new year she will be able to inspire residents to work together to defeat loneliness month by month. Her consort, Anna Warwood, spoke of how proud her family was of their mother and her achievements.

She stated that she would be keeping her councillors in line. The New Mayor introduced Luke Ambler representing ‘Andy’s Man Club’ the Mayors Charity for the forthcoming year. This club is aimed at getting men to open up about their mental health problems. Andy's Man Club was formed in early 2016 by Luke after his brother-in-law took his own life.

The group, which has now spread from to , aims to raise awareness of mental health issues among young men.

8. MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Terry Logan with Chris Manley provided musical entertainment to the gathered audience playing songs about life, love and everything in between… Refreshments were served.

Meeting finished at 8.46pm




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Crosland, Courtney, Davenport, Dixon, Fearon, Fenton, Patient, Scullion, Stow, Timbers and Young

Jason Boom – HRTC Clerk plus one member of the public.

Prior to the meeting a minutes silence was observed to remember those affected by the atrocity in Manchester on Monday 22 nd May 2017 and their families.

A letter of condolence and solidarity from our friends in Warstein was read aloud by the Mayor.

9. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. Anthony Rae asked that the Town Council make representations to the government regarding air quality in the township. He stated that Hebden Bridge is not legally compliant with the EU Air Quality Directive, its levels standing at 44 micro grams per cubic metre rather than the prescribed 40 micro grams per cubic metre, the township should be compliant by 2020. He asked that three points be raised with ongoing national consultation: • That air quality needs to be compliant against the EU Air Quality Directive 2008 in Hebden Bridge. • That do they believe that the CMBC forecast can be achieved. • And that they acknowledge that national support is needed to achieve these aims The Mayor acknowledge this request and stated that we should seek out the national consultation, due to finish on the 15 th July 2017 on the issue and raise the profile of this important issue.

10. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Were received from Cllrs Hodgins & Daber.

11. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were received at the time.


a. Application 17/00420/HSE at 9 King Street, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5HL for Single storey extension and associated works. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION b. Application 17/00238/TEM at Former Hebden Bridge Fire Station, Valley Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7BZ for Use of site as a temporary car park (Retrospective). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION c. Application 17/00407/COU at Former Police Station, Hope Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AG for Change of use of former police station to 2 dwellings. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION d. Application 17/00321/FUL at Redacre, Red Acre Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5DQ for Demolition of existing depot/garage and construction of single dwelling. It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION e. Application 17/20053/TPO at Stancliffe, 7 Coiners Fold, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5BS for Fell one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION f. Application 17/00434/FUL at 4 - 8 Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5LH for Proposed demolition of three buildings and construction of temporary flood wall at Nos. 4-8 Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION g. Application 17/00452/FUL at Land West Of 1 Hangingroyd Close, Hangingroyd Close, Hebden Bridge for Change of use from Openspace to form a communal wildlife garden area. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION h. Application 17/00299/LBC at Hebden Bridge Station, Station Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JE for Replacement of existing disused goods lifts with new passenger lifts in same location, including minor alterations to staircase on Platform 2, raising of platform 1 in vicinity of new lift entrance and new lighting to existing subway. Installation of 13 CCTV cameras. (Listed Building Consent).

The Town Council discussed a report prepared by Visits Unlimited, as part of the Make Hebden Bridge Accessible Project, a report endorsed by the Disability Access Forum which looked at the issues of access at Hebden Bridge Train Station.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION asking that the report discussed as part of the consideration of the application be passed to the applicant for incorporation into the plans. i. Application 17/00394/HSE at The Coach House, Brearley House, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX2 6HS for Timber shed/summer house. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION j. Application 17/00496/FUL at Land South West Of 4 Bottoms Castle Gate, , Hebden Bridge for Conversion and extension of existing building to form holiday cottage. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL due to the disproportional extension in the proposal and the poor access to the site. k. Application 17/00516/HSE at 8 Erringden Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AR for Single storey side extension. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION with a note that the garage in the applications drawing does not form part of this application. l. Application 17/00411/FUL at 13 New Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AD for Alter an existing window to create a door and install fire escape. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the grounds of the detrimental effect on the visual amenity in this prominent location. The additional loss of the public parking space should also be noted. m. Application 17/00543/191 at 3 Fair View, Wood Hey Lane, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JQ for Use of land as domestic curtilage (Lawful Development Certificate). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION n. Application 17/00419/HSE at 36 Erringden Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AR for Stone porch to front. It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

o. Application 17/00483/HSE at Dog Bottom Lee Mill Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7AB for Raised driveway with storage room below. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION subject to appropriate measures as mentioned in the application to mitigate surface water run off being approved by the planning authority and delivered.

Note: Cllr Davenport declared an interest in the nest item.

p. Application 17/00553/FUL at Upper Hathershelf Farm, Hathershelf Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX2 6JQ for Construction of livestock building. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

q. Application 17/00490/HSE at 3 Mount Pleasant, Blackstone Edge Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TS for Change of use to granny annex ancillary to dwelling and change flat roof to pitched roof. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

r. Application 17/00453/FUL at Former Brearley Works, Brearley Lane, Mytholmroyd for Change of use from offices (B1A) to Independent School (D1). It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Crosland and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

s. Application 17/00382/FUL at Lower Clough Foot, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5RU for Proposed re-positioning of reception building and compound, motor van waste point, 6 new service pitches and service point and re- surfacing of access gravel link road. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

13. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

14. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 19 th April 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

15. MINUTES OF THE PICTURE HOUSE COMMITTEE held 8 th May 2017 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record and endorse the recommendations therein.

16. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 10 th May 2017 It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record and endorse the recommendations therein.

17. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 17 th May 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

18. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

A vote of thanks was passed to Cllr Hodgins for his year in office as the Town Mayor.

19. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments.

20. AUTHORISATION OF AWARDS It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to release payment of awards previously approved by Council a) Kaberry Barker £1,350.00 b) Mayor’s Allowance £4,000.00 c) Service to the Community £300.00

21. STANDING ORDERS & FINANCIAL REGULATIONS It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to adopt current Standing Orders and Financial Regulations without alteration.

22. CONSTITUTION OF COMMITTEES AND DELEGATED POWERS It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to adopt proposed Council Structure, establishing committees and delegated powers as outlined.

23. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to assign Councillors and substitutes to committees for 2017/18 as below.

Community Funding Committee Christine Bampton Smith James Fearon June Cammack Sue Fenton Sarah Courtney Carol Stow

WW1 Commemorations Karl Boggis Christine Davenport

Environment & Allotments Luke Daber Tony Hodgins James Fearon Scott Patient Sue Fenton Dave Young

Neighbourhood Plan Karl Boggis Scott Patient Tony Hodgins (Voting Member) Jonathan Timbers (Voting Member)

Picture House Committee Sarah Courtney Sue Fenton Catherine Crosland Tony Hodgins Christine Davenport Carol Stow

Staffing Committee Christine Bampton Smith Robin Dixon Karl Boggis Carol Stow Sarah Courtney Dave Young

Strategy & Review Karl Boggis Jane Scullion Catherine Crosland Carol Stow Robin Dixon Dave Young

24. GRIEVENCE PANEL MEMBERSHIP It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to appoint a Grievance Panel for 2017/18 as below:

Grievance Panel Luke Daber Sue Fenton

25. APPEALS PANEL MEMBERSHIP It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to appoint an appeals panel for 2017/18 as below:

Appeals Panel June Cammack Jonathan Timbers Christine Davenport

26. TOWN COUNCIL BANK MANDATE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to retain the current signatories.

27. APPOINTMENT OF HRTC INTERNAL FINANCIAL CONTROLLERS It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to appoint Cllr Pat Fraser as internal financial controller for 2017/18.

28. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to consider this item at the next Full Council Meeting.

29. HEBDEN ROYD TOWN COUNCIL ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2016/17 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to approve the annual accounts of both the Town Council & the Hebden Bridge Picture House.

Thanks were expressed to all staff at the Picture House for the years performance.

30. EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNAL AUDIT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to approve the effectiveness of the Annual Internal Audit Process.

31. ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to approve the Annual Governance Statement for the Financial Year 2016/17 – Section 1 of Annual Return paragraphs 1 to 9.

32. ANNUAL RETURN It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to approve the Accounting Statements for the financial year 2016/7 as set out in Section 2 of the Annual Return.

33. MEETING DATES 2017/18. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to note previously agreed meeting dates for Council and Committee meetings for Council Year 2017/18.

34. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to award Steepfields Allotments & Leisure Gardeners £950.00.

35. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) Review of Licencing Statement Policy CMBC b) Bus Strategy Accessibility Policy Proposal West Yorks Combined Authority c) Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity ) NALC d) Annual Report 2016/17 CROWS e) May 2017 The Clerk f) May 2017 Clerks & Councils Direct It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the communications.

36. DEED OF VARIATION It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to endorse the execution of the variation to the terms of the Hebden Bridge Picture House Lease.

37. THE PROVISION OF DEFIBRILATORS IN HEBDEN ROYD. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to confirm funding, up to a maximum of £1000.00, via the community funding budget for a Defibrillator to be sited at the Picture House. It was also decided that other sites in the Township should be considered for the installation of further defibrillators and these sites passed to community funding for consideration.

38. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Courtney reported on her first meeting on the Town & Parish Liaison Committee and the appointment of Robin Tuddenham as the new Chief Executive of Calderdale MBC. Cllr Boggis thanked Treesponsibility for their publication ‘The Source’. Cllr Timbers asked that minutes from the Disabled Access Forum DAF be included for consideration at future meetings of the Town Council. Cllr Stow reported on the upcoming Handmade Parade.

39. RISK ASSESSMENTS It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to accept the reviewed Town Council’s Risk Assessments.

Meeting finished at 9.25pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 24th May 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Accounts to be paid Payment a Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method b The Workshop Mayoral regalia £9,156.00 Contingency BACS c BNP Parabis Photocopier £883.20 Office DD d Neopost Postage £200.00 Office BACS e Dringtech IT Support £105.00 Office BACS f Dringtech IT Support £84.00 Office BACS g Pennine Pens Website £270.00 Office BACS h Carolyn Warren Accounts Support £150.00 Office BACS I Hebden Flooring Floor Coverings £880.00 Office BACS j HB Light Opera Stage Hire £200.00 Office BACS k Bates Office Supplies Stationery £54.05 Office BACS l LW Foundation Accreditation £120.00 Office BACS m Zurich Annual Insurance £3,047.55 Insurance BACS n Zurich Additional Premium £159.33 Insurance BACS o Pennine Signs DAF Banner £72.00 Office BACS p JRB Ltd Dog Waste Bags £471.60 Env & Alls BACS q YLCA Councillor Guides £13.26 Office BACS r HBCA Access Forum £60.40 Office BACS s HBCA Access Forum £60.40 Office BACS t HBCA Flood Group £37.80 Flood BACS u HBCA Xmas Room Hire £185.92 Env & Alls BACS v HBCA Access Forum £60.40 Office BACS w HBCA Flood Group £19.20 Flood BACS x HBCA Access Forum £85.60 Office BACS y HBCA Data £36.00 Office BACS z HBCA Access Forum £69.60 Office BACS £16,481.31 Receipts Received a CMBC Precept & Grants £287,676 b Picture House VAT £12,026.42 c Various Hanging Basket £1,080.00 d Plot Holder Allotments £50.00 e Mayors Charity Dinner Costs £731.37 f CMBC Station Rd Car Park £7,000.03 £308,563.82 Hebden Bridge Picture House Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Film Royalties £1,944.95 Royalties BACS b Arrow Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS c Arrow Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS d Artificial Eye Film Royalties £186.20 Royalties BACS e Artificial Eye Film Royalties £126.70 Royalties BACS f BFI Film Royalties £159.60 Royalties BACS g Disney Film Royalties £1,826.00 Royalties BACS h Eureka Film Royalties £226.80 Royalties BACS i Eone Film Royalties £198.00 Royalties BACS j Fox Film Royalties £937.66 Royalties BACS k Fox Film Royalties £399.00 Royalties BACS l ICO Film Royalties £145.20 Royalties BACS m ICO Film Royalties £160.30 Royalties BACS n Lionsgate Film Royalties £278.95 Royalties BACS o Lionsgate Film Royalties £164.15 Royalties BACS p Network Film Royalties £153.30 Royalties BACS q Park Circus Film Royalties £197.86 Royalties BACS r Park Circus Film Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS s Picture House Ents Film Royalties £211.57 Royalties BACS t Sony Film Royalties £641.60 Royalties BACS u Snowline Film Royalties £694.50 Royalties BACS v Studio Canal Film Royalties £122.15 Royalties BACS w Studio Canal Film Royalties £393.30 Royalties BACS x Studio Canal Film Royalties £297.85 Royalties BACS y Vertigo Releasing Film Royalties £634.20 Royalties BACS z Verve Film Royalties £247.45 Royalties BACS aa Verve Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS bb Wise realm Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS cc Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £1,359.90 Streaming BACS dd Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £686.70 Streaming BACS ee Cragg Cakes Kiosk £112.40 Kiosk BACS ff Cragg Cakes Kiosk £112.40 Kiosk BACS gg Cragg Cakes Kiosk £110.80 Kiosk BACS hh Cragg Cakes Kiosk £80.40 Kiosk BACS ii Empire Popcorn Kiosk £210.81 Kiosk BACS jj Empire Popcorn Kiosk £173.34 Kiosk BACS kk Suma Kiosk £260.71 Kiosk BACS ll Suma Kiosk £338.23 Kiosk BACS mm Turner & Wrights Kiosk £356.84 Kiosk BACS nn Turner & Wrights Kiosk £356.52 Kiosk BACS oo Turner & Wrights Kiosk £277.42 Kiosk BACS pp Yummy Yorks Kiosk £118.80 Kiosk BACS qq P & B Builders Roofing £247.00 Build main BACS rr POS Yorkshire Film delivery £198.00 Film Delivery BACS ss Empire Brewing Kiosk £86.40 Kiosk BACS tt Matthew Clark Kiosk £317.96 Kiosk BACS uu Matthew Clark Kiosk £324.88 Kiosk BACS vv Vocation Kiosk £143.52 Kiosk BACS ww Reflex Brochure £475.00 Brochure BACS xx Lisa Murdoch Brochure Design £165.00 Brochure BACS yy Phone Coop Internet £18.00 Office BACS zz Unicom Phone £55.03 Office BACS aaa YPO Cleaning £156.83 Cleaning BACS bbb YPO Cleaning £19.56 Cleaning BACS ccc Buzz catering Cleaning £127.26 Cleaning BACS ddd Berendsen Cleaning £64.03 Cleaning BACS eee Neopost Postage £200.00 Office BACS fff CMBC Buildings Insurance £4,382.17 Insurance BACS ggg Mainstage Staging £3,413.74 Stage BACS hhh Mainstage Staging £2,459.76 stage BACS iii National Stage Sound £964.80 Projection BACS jjj National Stage Sound £199.61 Projection BACS kkk Pro Audio Sound £120.00 Projection BACS lll ST John Ambulance 1st Aid Training £156.00 Training BACS mmm Showsec Security £158.40 Security BACS nnn Frog Design Logo £54.00 Office BACS ooo CMBC Rates £4,095.08 Rates BACS £34,164.59




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Crosland, Davenport, Dixon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Scullion, Stow, Timbers, Trickett and Young

Plus three members of the public

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

The Town Mayor, Cllr Pat Fraser made a presentation to Cllr Tony Hodgins in recognition of his year in office as Mayor of Hebden Royd 2016/17.

Cllr Boggis asked that the Town Council consider supporting those affected by the terrible fire at Grenfell Tower, in North Kensington, . It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: that HRTC Officers identify a suitable method of support, initiate it and report back to council at a future date.

62. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. Pippa Fredrik Sen, a Market Street Trader, advised the meeting of a general lack of trade in the Hebden Bridge siting the relocation of the Town Market, to Lees Yard, as the primary factor in this. While supporting the relocation and expanded opening hours for the market she felt there was a need to help traders, readdressing the balance via additional car parking. The former Hebden Vale site was suggested. Cllr Young advised that he planned to meet Pippa on Friday to discuss the issues as the CMBC Ward Councillor and Cllr Timbers advised that the former Hebden Vale site, as part of the Neighbourhood Plan, was being considered for site specific proposals.

63. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllr Fearon and Cllr Bampton Smith, with Cllr Bampton Smith attending the South Branch Meeting YLCA in Blackshawhead.

64. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. Cllr Boggis item 67) a) as a neighbour.

65. HEBDEN BRIDGE TRAIN STATION Mike Troke, of the Upper Calder Valley Renaissance Transport Group, updated council on the improvements being developed for Hebden Bridge Station. He highlighted step free access to the station and the improvements of surfaces throughout, additional lighting, signage and CCTV. Mike indicated further issues to be addressed were approaches to the station, including a shared space proposal for Station Road and booking office window heights.

Cllr Timbers thanked Mike for his efforts and advised that the Neighbourhood Plan was also addressing policies that would encompass the approaches but he did speak against a shared space proposal.

Mike asked that HRTC make representations to the Calderdale MBC Transport Working Committee and Cllr Timers and Fenton agreed to join with Mike to discuss opportunities.

The meeting discussed an offer from the CCG Clinical Commissioning Group Transport & Travel considering the transport considerations of the Calderdale & NHS Foundation Trust reconfiguration proposals. This included visitor transport arrangements, buses not detouring to the hospitals and lack of transport for children.

Comment was also passed on the promise that local access to services would be improved before changes in arrangements to hospital structures. Councillors were invited to a meeting to be held in Brighouse on the 19 th June, the Town Clerk would circulate details.

66. HEBDEN BRIDGE TWINNING SOCIETY Jane Jackson presented to the meeting the following: th th • A report on the HBTS informal twinning visit to St Pol (25 to 28 May 2017) • An update on the programme for the HBTS informal visit from Warstein (19 th to 22 nd October 2017) • Information on the selection of two candidates from Calder High to assist with the “Summer Camp” in Paratico (28 th August to the 8 th September) Cllr Trickett advised that his Mayoral funds were now in the control of Calder High School.


The Town Clerk advised that CMBC had, via the Town & Parish Council Liaison committee, suggested that due to capacity issues and the fact that they weren’t convinced of the added value were considering stopping providing comments on planning applications. The committee had advised that they did not see this as an unreasonable request.

Consequently it has been indicated that this service would cease.

After discussion It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: to communicate to CMBC that the Town Council saw the comments as essential. CMBC Planners were our expert advisors and that the guidance was extremely helpful in helping the Town Council fulfil its role as a statutory consultee. a) Application 17/00148/FUL at 2 Bridge End, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5DR for Change of use of living space to food preparation for existing hot food take away and external flue. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the grounds of the detrimental effect of the visual amenity of this important, prominent site caused by the proposed external ventilation flue. Additionally the detrimental effect on adjacent residential properties due to the fumes from the proposed ventilation flue. b) Application 17/00449/FUL at Burnley Road Garage, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd for Demolition of existing retail buildings, temporary kiosk and redevelopment of the existing site to create a new single storey retail food store (Use Class A1) and associated petrol filling station forecourt with car parking. It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION but with a request that the opening hours in the application be clarified. c) Application 17/00540/HSE at 11 Turret Royd Road, Charlestown, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6PA for Demolition of existing conservatory and outbuilding to facilitate single storey extension. It was noted that this application lays outside of the boundaries of Hebden Royd. d) Application 17/00448/FUL at Carlton Chambers, Albert Street, Hebden Bridge for Replacement windows. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL due to the materials proposed in the application which lies within a conservation area. e) Application 17/00659/HSE at 2 Fair View, Wood Hey Lane, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JQ for Enlargement of existing light well to form doorway and staircase for ambulant disabled access. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION f) Application 17/00589/HSE at 1 The Coach House, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd, , HX7 5QY for Internal alterations, including use of storage room as new living room and the construction of new garage. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

g) Application 17/00588/LBC at 1 The Coach House, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QY for Internal alterations, including use of storage room as new living room and the construction of new garage. (LBC). It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

h) Application 17/00598/LBC at Hebden Bridge Station, Station Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JE for 2 no waiting room refurbishments (redecoration, new flooring, associated signage & lighting), replacement of 1 no existing ticket vending machine on platform 2 with 2no ticket vending machines/smartwall, installation of 2 no new ticket vending machines on platform 1 , station wide wi-fi connect. (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION however the Town Council would comment that the introduction and cumulative effect of the introduction of modern features, such as ticketing machines, could well have an impact on the visual amenity of the station and that the conservation officer should be mindful of this.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

68. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

69. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £18,015.59.

70. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Friends of the Mill Pond £130.00 Invasive Plant Species Control. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: to award £130.00. 71. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) White Rose Update YLCA b) Valley Road Car Park Container CMBC c) Request for Admin Support Community Flood Resilience Board d) Review of Parking Charges CMBC e) Reform of Data Protection LegislationYLCA f) Litter Issues Anonymous g) Noticeboards CMBC Late Item. h) HBCA Opening of GreenwoodRoom It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: that the following actions are agreed in respect of: a) write to Stainland Parish Council offering our congratulations on achieving Parish Status. c) Advise the Community Flood Resilience Board that we currently see availability of Officers to support the project as an issue and cannot assist at this time. d) request that the period of paid parking on Road be extended to a longer stay regime. f) ask the Neighbourhood Manager to investigate why events held outside of the Upper Valley appear to have greater provision for waste removal than those held in the Upper Valley. g) refer to the Environmental, Allotments and Events committee for possible funding.

72. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: to note the activities of the Mayor.

73. ATTENDANCE RECORD It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: To note the members attendance record for council year 2016/17.

74. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 24 th May 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Crosland and RESOLVED: to approve the amended minutes as a correct record.

75. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 31 st May 2017 It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record. 76. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY FUNDING COMMITTEE held 5 th June 2017 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

77. WORKING GROUPS a) The Disable Access Forum (DAF) Minutes were received with thanks. b) The information was noted regarding issues raised at Making Hebden Bridge Accessible Celebration event. These include pavement quality and street furniture. c) It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: that the report be withdrawn and the Town Clerk along with Cllr Timbers consider the contents before resubmitting to full council.

78. MAYORAL REGALIA It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: that the Town Clerk consider camera cases as a possible way of storing and transporting Mayoral regalia and report back to full council.

79. APPOINTMENT OF REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: that the following members act as representatives to Outside Bodies 2017/18.

a) FRIENDS OF CALDER HOLMES PARK Cllr Young b) HEBDEN BRIDGE TWINNING SOCIETY Cllrs, Cammack, Davenport, Dixon & Fraser c) HEBDEN BRIDGE BRASS BAND COMMITTEE Cllrs Bampton Smith d) HEBDEN BRIDGE PARTNERSHIP Cllr Timbers e) MYTHOLMROYD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Cllr Hodgins. f) ROYD REGENERATION Cllrs Patient & Scullion. g) HEBDEN BRIDGE WALKERS ARE WELCOME Cllr Fenton h) YORKSHIRE ASSOCIATION OF LOCAL COUNCILS – South Pennines Cllr Bampton Smith & Patient i) TOWN AND PARISH COUNCIL LIAISON COMMITTEE Cllr Courtney j) HEBDEN BRIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Cllr Scullion k) HEBDEN ROYD FLOOD ACTION Cllr Crosland n) MYTHOLMROYD STATION PARTNERSHIP Cllr Boggis p) OLD PEOPLES WELFARE COMMITTEE Cllr Crosland q) DEFRA Flood Resilience Committee Cllr Dixon for Mytholmroyd Cllr Davenport for Hebden Bridge r) HANDMADE PARADE Cllr Stow s) HEBDEN BRIDGE ARTS FESTIVAL Cllr Courtney t) HEBDEN BRIDGE & MYTHOLMROYD TOWN BOARD Cllrs Stow & Timbers (for Hebden Bridge) Cllrs Bampton Smith & Hodgins (for Mytholmroyd) u) HAPPY VALLEY PRIDE Cllr Stow

80. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES No reports were received.

Meeting Finished at 9.30pm.

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 14th June 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a BNP Parabis Photocopier Hire £615.72 Office DD b Dringtech IT Support £178.50 Office BACS c Bates Stationery £71.11 Office BACS d Bates Stationery £19.79 Office BACS e The Workshop Mayoral Regalia £600.00 Office BACS f Briggs Priestley Engraving £31.20 Office BACS g HBCA Office Refurb £2,557.20 Office BACS h HBCA Data £36.00 Office BACS I Carolyn Warren Account Support £450.00 Office BACS j Blu Planet AMTC Photography £50.00 Office BACS k Neopost Postage £103.25 Office BACS l Neopost Ink £79.50 Office BACS £4,792.27 Receipts Received a Hanging Baskets Various £4,480.00 Env & All b Allotment Fees Various £1,150.00 Env & All c YLCA Training Refund £115.00 Training d BNP Parabis Photocopier Refund £615.72 Office £6,360.72 Hebden Bridge Picture House Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Artificial Eye Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS b Artificial Eye Film Royalties £312.90 Royalties BACS c BFI Film Royalties £123.60 Royalties BACS d Disney Film Royalties £215.00 Royalties BACS e Entertainment Film Film Royalties £580.30 Royalties BACS f Lionsgate Film Royalties £258.65 Royalties BACS g Lionsgate Film Royalties £476.35 Royalties BACS h Lionsgate Film Royalties £222.60 Royalties BACS i Paramount Film Royalties £222.30 Royalties BACS j Park Circus Film Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS k Park Circus Film Royalties £201.40 Royalties BACS l Park Circus Film Royalties £278.00 Royalties BACS m Studio Canal Film Royalties £1,128.76 Royalties BACS n Studio Canal Film Royalties £228.20 Royalties BACS o Thunderbird Film Royalties £189.35 Royalties BACS p Fox Film Royalties £320.95 Royalties BACS q Fox Film Royalties £1,183.36 Royalties BACS r Universal Film Royalties £108.00 Royalties BACS s Universal Film Royalties £506.45 Royalties BACS t Verve Film Royalties £206.15 Royalties BACS u Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £434.26 Streaming BACS v Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £607.50 Streaming BACS w Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £199.13 Streaming BACS x Cragg Cakes Kiosk £166.20 kiosk BACS y Suma Kiosk £293.80 kiosk BACS z Turner & Wrights Kiosk £343.13 kiosk BACS aa Yorkshire Crisps Kiosk £119.00 kiosk BACS bb Yummy Yorkshire Kiosk £88.20 kiosk BACS cc Yummy Yorkshire Kiosk £118.80 kiosk BACS dd Vocation Brewery Kiosk £71.76 kiosk BACS ee Pos Yorkshire Film Delivery £158.40 Film Del BACS ff AR Gas Gas repairs £69.90 Build Main BACS gg Print Bureau School Flyers £120.00 Office BACS hh Brookfoot Print Programme £653.00 Brochure BACS ii Neopost Postage £103.26 Office BACS jj Neopost Ink £79.49 Office BACS kk Berendsen Cleaning Materials £64.13 Cleaning BACS ll Super Stitch 86 Uniforms £109.12 Office BACS mm British gas Utility £27.59 Utilities BACS nn SSE Electric £2,334.33 Utilities BACS £13,223.32




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Crosland, Fearon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Scullion, Stow, Timbers and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

99. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

100. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Daber, Davenport, Dixon and Trickett.

101. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were declared at this time.


a) Application 17/00494/HSE at 63 Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5PD for Demolition of existing garage/shed to facilitate annexe ancillary to dwelling. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

b) Application 17/00542/LBC at Hill House Cottage, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5RF for Installation of solar panels to East elevation (Application to regularise works already carried out) (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

c) Application 17/00646/LBC at 4 Spa Terrace, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5RX for Replace windows to front and rear of property to existing window openings. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

d) Application 17/00705/LBC at Broadbottom Lock, 7 Tow Path, Canal, From Kirkham Turn To Blackpit Lock for Installation of setted arc with raised heelgrips to 4x lock quadrants. It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION e) Application 17/20089/TPO at The Spinney Wood, Palace House Road, Hebden Bridge for Prune two trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

f) Application 17/00579/FUL at High Stones Lodge, High Stones Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TU for Proposed Cattery. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Note: Cllr Fraser declared an interest in the next item.

g) Application 17/00667/FUL at Garage Robertshaw Road, Hebden Bridge for alterations to existing garage doors. It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

h) Application 17/00750/LBC at Wadsworth Banks Farm, Raw Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5RF for Replacement windows (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

i) Application 17/20098/TPO at 15 Caldene Croft, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AE for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

j) Application 17/20102/TPO at 24 Hurst Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HR for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

k) Application 17/20100/TPO at 47 Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AJ for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

l) Application 17/00783/LBC at 12 Lower Hathershelf, Hathershelf Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX2 6JH for Internal and External Alterations (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

m) Application 17/00673/HSE at 7 Market Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6EU for Demolition of outbuilding to facilitate two-storey extension to rear. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fearon and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

The Town Clerk advised the meeting that approximately an additional two hours had been used to prepare planning without the support of the Planning Authority and that on average 9 to 10 applications were considered at each meeting of full council.

It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to Strategy & Review consider ways in which HRTC can undertake deliberations regarding planning applications and where support can be accessed.

103. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

104. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION REFUSED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer REFUSING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

105. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £31.081.43.

It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED : to pass to Strategy & Review the use of helium balloons at future Town Council events.

106. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to May 2017.

107. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Friends of the Picture House £500.00 Historic Film Conservation It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to award £500.00.

108. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) WY Police Commissioner June 2017 Newsletter b) CMBC Central Street Representative c) CMBC Central Street Notice of Adoption d) CMBC Mayoral Regalia Protocol e) CMBC Planners Comments f) Friends of White Lee Rec Notice & Minutes

It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to actions as follows in respect of:

b) Inform CMBC Highways of Representative and endorse the engagement with the DAF. Advise that accommodation can be found at the Town Hall when meetings are planned. d) Acknowledge the communication.

109. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

110. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 14 th JUNE 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record. 111. MINUTES OF THE STAFFING COMMITTEE held 21 st JUNE 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations therein and approve the minutes as a correct record.

112. MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENT, ALLOTMENTS & EVENTS COMMITTEE held 28 th JUNE 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations therein and approve the minutes as a correct record.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to revise the Environments, Allotments and Events committees delegated powers to include decision making and expenditure on events.

113. AUDITORS REPORT The Town Clerk advised that the Picture House Manager was involved with budget setting relating to the Picture House. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : To accept the findings of Yorkshire Internal Audit of Accounts relating to the year ending 31 st March 2017, passing the report to Strategy & Review for discussion.

114. APPOINTMENT OF YORKSHIRE INTERNAL AUDIT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : To appoint Yorkshire Internal Audit for the Council Year 2017/18.

115. CNBC LOCAL PLAN & NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : To note the summary of CMBC Local Plan Initial Draft Proposals for Consultation as prepared by the Hebden Royd & Hill Top Parishes appointed consultant and the updated draft programme.

116. WORKING GROUP a) DAF Minutes from 19 th June 2017 Cllr Timbers reported on the activities of the DAF in particular with regard to Central Street, a drop kerb audit and A Boards.

117. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Stow reported on a successful series of workshops and parade organised by the Handmade Parade, She thanked the Councillors who were involved. Cllr Stow had attended a meeting with Happy Valley Pride and had been impressed with their planning of the event. Cllr Bampton Smith reported on the discussing of Parish Council Precept timing at a meeting of the YLCA South Pennine Branch. Cllr Scullion reported on the recent activities off the HBCA including staffing, occupancy and business performance. Thanks were received from our contribution to the refurbishment of the Greenwood Room. Cllr Scullion shared the meeting of Royd Regeneration which was very well attended. Discussions included an EA presentation including plans for coordinated traffic controls, the plans for the Coop, with Cllr Patient adding that the Mytholmroyd Gala had been discussed.

118. TRAINING It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : To note the events and ask that councillors contact the Town Clerk should they be interested in attending. The Town Clerk was asked to ask YLCA to consider its wording of training events relating to Council Chairs.

119. COUNCILLOR INFORMATION It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : To note the information regarding Councillor Contact Information, Meeting Dates, Committee Membership and Outside Bodies Membership.

Meeting finished at 9.07pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 5th July 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Lindsey Smales NP Fees £840.00 N Plan BACS £840.00 Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a HBCA Town Meeting £457.60 Office BACS b HBCA Mayor Making £415.60 Office BACS c HBCA SLCC £20.00 Office BACS d EPS Platform Hire £193.01 Env & All BACS e CV Skip Hire Allotment Skip £144.00 Env & All BACS f Print Bureau Happy Hounds Leaflet £60.40 Env & All BACS g P & B Builders Hanging Baskets £354.00 Env & All BACS h CMBC Election Fees £3,426.85 Elections BACS I Yorks Internal Audit Audit Fees £300.00 Audit BACS j Neopost Franking £267.19 Office BACS k Sage Payroll Support £847.20 Office BACS l Sage Accounts Support £363.60 Office BACS m Face Paint UK Birthday Activities £275.00 Env & All BACS n Roy's Balloons Birthday Activities £110.00 Env & All BACS o Martha Salter Birthday Activities £120.00 Env & All BACS p Norah Hamill Birthday Activities £120.00 Env & All BACS q Nicola Salter Birthday Activities £266.18 Env & All BACS £7,740.63 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Viking Stationery 52.47 Office BACS b Viking Stationery 109.75 Office BACS c Viking Stationery 122.28 Office BACS d Viking Stationery 124.69 Office BACS £409.19

Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Artificial Eye Royalties £187.25 Royalties BACS b Disney Royalties £99.25 Royalties BACS c Disney Royalties £174.00 Royalties BACS d Disney Royalties £385.70 Royalties BACS e Dogwoof Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS f CineFile Royalties £150.50 Royalties BACS g E One Royalties £182.00 Royalties BACS h GPS Studios Royalties £418.60 Royalties BACS i Lionsgate Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS j Warners Royalties £213.16 Royalties BACS k Warners Royalties £172.90 Royalties BACS l Studio Canal Royalties £362.60 Royalties BACS m Studio Canal Royalties £181.50 Royalties BACS n Fox Royalties £231.00 Royalties BACS o Fox Royalties £422.00 Royalties BACS p Park Circus Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS q Park Circus Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS r Park Circus Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS s Peccadillo Royalties £152.95 Royalties BACS t More 2 Screen Streaming £154.00 Streaming BACS u Trafalgar Streaming £201.30 Streaming BACS v Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £82.00 Kiosk BACS w Eden Farm Kiosk Supplies £145.65 Kiosk BACS x Empire Kiosk Supplies £64.80 Kiosk BACS y James Clay Kiosk Supplies £198.31 Kiosk BACS z James Clay Kiosk Supplies £184.86 Kiosk BACS aa Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £180.47 Kiosk BACS bb Suma Kiosk Supplies -£20.20 Kiosk BACS cc Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £279.56 Kiosk BACS dd Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £264.11 Kiosk BACS ee AR Gas Plumbing £55.00 Build Man BACS ff P & D Builders Stage Alterations £74.00 Build Man BACS gg Rosse Fire Alarms £421.20 Build Man BACS hh PRS PRS Fee £12.37 PRS BACS ii PRS PRS Fee £25.48 PRS BACS jj PRS PRS Fee £9.18 PRS BACS kk PRS PRS Fee £28.31 PRS BACS ll POS Yorks Film Delivery £158.40 Film Del BACS mm ICO Programming £2,601.00 Programming BACS nn Lisa Murdoch Programme Design £165.00 Prog Design BACS oo Phone Coop Broadband £18.00 Utilities BACS pp Brookfoot Print Brochure Printing £624.00 Prog printing BACS qq Neopost Franking £267.19 Office BACS rr Unicom Phone £60.02 Office BACS ss Viking Stationery £204.95 Office BACS tt Cathederal Leasing Hygiene Services £178.31 Cleaning BACS uu Finn Gledhill Legal - Unit 3 £420.00 Office BACS vv Finn Gledhill Legal - Unit 3 £1,446.00 Office BACS ww CMBC Rates £1,365.01 Rates BACS xx Goodman Nash Business Rate Rec £4,940.60 Rates BACS yy FCC Waste Disposal £411.96 Build Man BACS zz Clifford Cooper Heating & Gas Repairs £1,776.00 Build Man BACS aa Clifford Cooper Heating & Gas Repairs £440.16 Build Man BACS bb Clifford Cooper Heating & Gas Repairs £460.80 Build Man BACS cc Calder Valley Security Alarm Repairs £109.20 Build Man BACS £22,091.61




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Boggis, Crosland, Dixon, Fenton, Hodgins, Scullion, Stow, Timbers, Trickett and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

127. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

128. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Bampton Smith, Cammack, Courtney, Daber, Davenport & Patient.

129. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were declared at this time.

130. PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) Application 17/00801/HSE at 6 Woodhouse Grove, Scout Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5JW for Single storey extension to existing house to replace conservatory with Sun Room. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

b) Application 15/00919/FUL at Cal Val Works, Hoo Hole, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5JT for Demolition of existing works building and construction of 21 residential dwellings (Revised Scheme to 14/00918). It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the following grounds: • The site lies in a flood risk zone, its development would have a detrimental impact on properties lying down stream of the site. • The site has poor access which is not addressed in the application. • The proposal is an over intensive use of the site. • Wildlife would be adversely affected by the development. • The proximity of the site to industrial units would lead to conflict as outlined in the CMBC UDP section 4.29 which states that development must not affect employment.

c) Application 17/00575/FUL at Garage Site, West End Terrace, Mytholmroyd for Demolition of garages to facilitate residential development of 5 town houses. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the grounds that the access for the site has not been considered and given the proximity of the local school, fire station, its position in relation to the A646 and the imminent re-orientation Caldene Bridge the proposal would have a detrimental effect on the area. d) Application 17/00760/HSE at 1 Nest Estate, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5BH for Single storey extension to rear & first floor extension above existing single storey side extension. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION e) Application 17/00774/FUL at 24A Bridge Gate, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EX for Remove cladding and replace first floor windows to front, first floor and ground floor windows and doors to rear. It was moved by Cllr Seconded by Cllr and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION f) Application 17/00532/LBC at 2 Little Park Farm, Park Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5BL for Internal and external alterations to include replacement door and windows, replacement staircase and flue to rear roof elevation (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

g) Application 17/20113/TPO at 1 Park Top, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QY for Prune three trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Crosland and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

h) Application 17/00861/LBC at Hebden Bridge Station, Station Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JE for Extension to west end of platform 2 and provision of tactile strips (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

131. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information.

132. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to authorise payments totalling £18,138.29.

133. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end of June 2017 as an accurate record.

134. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) Calderdale MBC Central Street Carriageway Works b) The Clerk July 2007 c) Clerks & Councils Direct July 2017 d) Calderdale MBC State of Calderdale Assembly It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

135. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

136. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 5 th July 2017 It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes and approve as a correct record.

137. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 17 th July 2017 It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations and accept and approve the minutes as a correct record.

138. WORKING GROUP Disable Access Forum Cllr Timbers spoke to the minutes as presented but yet to be accepted as an accurate record by the DAF, highlighting the influence the group and the activities they had taken part in. He shared that the group was developing their constitution and structure. The Town Clerk advised council of the intention to act as the accountable body for a grant application on behalf of the DAF to allow removable access ramps to be provided to a number of locations in Hebden Bridge.

139. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Fenton advised the meeting of a failed attempt to attend a meeting of the Walkers Action Group, she did advise that the group had new pop out walks to publicise and that they were responsive to information provided by the local Tourist Information Centre. Cllr Hodgins informed the meeting of an initiative considering the relaunching of the Mytholmroyd Gala. A group had met with HRTC in attendance. Cllr Boggis advised that the Mytholmroyd Station Partnership had welcomed both In Bloom Judges and It’s Your Station judges recently. Cllr Hodgins confirmed that the Mytholmroyd Community Centre had engaged with consultants to undertake a feasibility study relating to the site, the facilities and the proposed swimming pool.

Meeting finished at 8.20pm.

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 26th July 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Carolyn Warren Account Support £225.00 Accounts BACS b HBCA Data £36.00 Office BACS c HBCA Flood Group Room £19.20 Flood BACS d HBCA Birthday Cakes £20.00 Env &All BACS e HBCA DAF Room Hire £62.40 Office BACS f Print Bureau DAF Printing £40.00 Office BACS g Calvag Material £49.40 Env &All BACS h DA & FR Gibbon Watering £627.00 Env &All BACS I DA & FR Gibbon Watering £1,057.50 Env &All BACS j Event Ents Happy Hounds £450.00 Env &All BACS k Print Bureau Happy Hounds £70.76 Env &All BACS l BNP Parabis Copier Hire £715.20 Office DD m Eurodigital Photocopying £109.46 Office BACS n Neopost Postage £100.00 Office BACS o ETEC Rosettes £33.00 Env &All BACS £3,614.92 Receipts Received a Allotment Fees Allotment Fees £350.00 Env &All b Hanging Baskets Hanging Baskets £360.00 Env &All c Vat Repay - HBPH Vat £1,054.69 d Vat Repay - HMRC Vat £907.62 £2,672.31 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Matthew Clerk Kiosk Supplies £361.30 Kiosk BACS b Matthew Clerk Kiosk Supplies £319.21 Kiosk BACS £680.51

Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Arrow Films Film Royalties £375.85 Royalties BACS b Artificial Eye Film Royalties £157.70 Royalties BACS c BFI Film Royalties £145.25 Royalties BACS d ICO Film Royalties £162.76 Royalties BACS e Lionsgate Film Royalties £1,089.90 Royalties BACS f MUBI Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS g Park Circus Film Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS h Shear Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS i 20th Century Fox Film Royalties £279.88 Royalties BACS j 20th Century Fox Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS k Vertigo Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS l Warners Film Royalties £1,111.96 Royalties BACS m Yorks Silent Film Film Royalties £250.00 Royalties BACS n More2screen Streaming £338.25 Streaming BACS o Trafalgar Streaming £141.37 Streaming BACS p Craggs Cakes Kiosk £76.80 Kiosk BACS q Craggs Cakes Kiosk £144.80 Kiosk BACS r Eden Farm Kiosk £215.59 Kiosk BACS s Matthew Clark Kiosk £279.63 Kiosk BACS t Vocation Brewery Kiosk £71.76 Kiosk BACS u ICO Film Programming £2,601.00 Programming BACS v Helen Mellor Hosting £100.00 Royalties BACS w Showsec Security £158.40 Security BACS x Neopost Postage £100.00 Postage BACS y Phone Coop Internet £18.00 Internet BACS z Npower Electricity £1,393.94 Utilities BACS aa SSE Gas £1,131.84 Utilities BACS bb Lisa Murdoch Programme Design £165.00 Program BACS cc AR Gas Toilet Repairs £45.00 Build Man BACS dd Ashton Electrical External Lighting £2,109.00 Build Man BACS ee Harrisons Lighting £219.42 Build Man BACS ff Pennine Signs Sign £30.00 Build Man BACS gg Pennine Signs Sign £174.00 Build Man BACS hh Berendsen Hygiene Services £80.16 Cleaning BACS £13,842.86




PRESENT Councillors; Stow (Chair) Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Crosland, Dixon, Fearon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Scullion and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

159. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No Questions were asked of the council.

160. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Fraser, Tricket and Bampton Smith.

161. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were declared at this time.


a) Application 17/00889/LBC at Brearley Lock 6 Brearley Luddendenfoot for Halifax Calderdale Alterations to the lock stone coping and repairs to the damaged metal lock ladder. (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

b) Application 17/00737/HSE at 3 Hullett Close Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5QP for Two storey side extension | It was moved by Cllr Dixon Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

c) Application 17/00738/COU at 21 Burnley Road Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5LN for Change of use from company canteen to Cafe (A3) (Retrospective). It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

d) Application 17/00744/OUT at Greenfields Scout Bottom Lane Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5JS for Detached annex (Outline).| It was moved by Cllr Dixon Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION Note: Cllr Cammack arrived.

e) Application 16/01636/LBC at Mayroyd Mill Wheelhouse And Weir Mayroyd Lane Hebden Bridge Calderdale for Raising of roof height and creation of maintenance loft and dry storage area ancillary to the water wheel, reintroducing previously lost window in southwest gable and re-locating previously approved pass door from the northwest elevation to the northeast gable (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL with the grounds outlined at the meeting of the 11 th January still standing. These being: • An inappropriate development in a Conservation Area • Inappropriate materials for the site, with specific concern regarding the timber cladding of the structure and the zinc covered roof • The increase foot print of the development and how it would dominate the location • The adverse effect on the private amenity of neighbouring residents with the walkway and the windows overlooking adjacent properties • Damage to the Wildlife Corridor

f) Application 17/00918/HSE at 9A Midgley Road Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5LW for Construction of balcony and patio doors to upper ground floor at rear. It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

g) Application 17/00936/LBC at Kirby Cote Farm Kirby Cote Lane Cragg Vale Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5TU for Installation of WC and fitting 100 mm waste pipe through rear wall of building (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Dixon Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

163. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information.

164. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION REFUSED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer REFUSING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information.

165. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments to the 10 th August 2017 totalling £17,983.44.

166. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) CMBC Invitation to opening of the Central Library b) CPRE Countryside Voice Summer 17 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the communication.

167. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

168. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 26 th July 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

169. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 9 th August 2017 Following a lengthy discussion where the delegated powers of the Strategy & Review Committee were discussed relating to recommendations for the Standing Orders of the Town Council. Discussion considered the possibility of this being discussed at the next meeting of the Town Council with the Clerk advising that any Councillor could make that request by contacting the Town Clerk directly. It was moved by Cllr Crosland Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

170. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 14 th August 2017 It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record. Thanks were expressed for the hard work undertaken by Anthony Rae.

171. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Stow reported on a successful Happy Valley Pride week with particular highlights being the Picnic in the Park, the Church Service and the many entertainments on offer. The event had attracted lots of visitors from outside of the Town. Cllr Hodgins advised that Royd Regen continue to meet with the Environment Agency as plans are further developed for Flood Alleviation works.

Meeting finished at 8.10pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 16th August 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Carolyn Warren Account Support £165.00 Account Support BACS b Pyroweavers Xmas Light Switch On £700.00 Xmas Lights BACS c Les Cutts Happy Hounds Promotion £50.00 Env & All BACS d DA & FR Gibbon Hanging Baskets Watering £1,440.00 Env & All BACS e HBCA Data £36.00 Office BACS f EPS Generator for Happy Hounds £72.84 Env & All BACS g Briggs Priestley Honours Boards £74.88 Office BACS h Euro Digital Sys Photocopying £105.38 Office BACS i St John Ambulance 1st Aid - Happy Hounds £138.00 Env & All BACS £2,782.10 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Unicom Telephone £56.54 Telephone BACS

Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Arrow Films Film Royalties £164.15 Royalties BACS b Dogwoof Film Royalties £131.60 Royalties BACS c Eone Film Royalties £661.85 Royalties BACS d Kaleidoscope Film Royalties £132.00 Royalties BACS e Lionsgate Film Royalties £564.55 Royalties BACS f Park Circus Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS g Studio Canal Film Royalties £58.75 Royalties BACS h Thunderbird releasing Film Royalties £209.65 Royalties BACS i Universal Film Royalties £2,157.30 Royalties BACS j Universal Film Royalties £969.16 Royalties BACS k Universal Film Royalties £164.15 Royalties BACS l Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £530.77 Streaming BACS m Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £843.16 Streaming BACS n Trafalgar Releasing Live Streaming £481.27 Streaming BACS o POS Yorkshire Film Delivery £198.00 Film Delivery BACS p ICO Training £200.00 Training BACS q Empire Brewing Bar Supplies £86.40 Bar Supplies BACS r Matthew Clark Bar Supplies £361.30 Bar Supplies BACS s Matthew Clark Bar Supplies £319.21 Bar Supplies BACS t Matthew Clark Bar Supplies £305.80 Bar Supplies BACS u Matthew Clark Bar Supplies £318.52 Bar Supplies BACS v Vocation Brewery Bar Supplies £71.76 Bar Supplies BACS w Craggs Cakes Cakes £126.80 Kiosk BACS x Craggs Cakes Cakes £160.80 Kiosk BACS y Craggs Cakes Cakes £32.00 Kiosk BACS z Eden Farm Ice cream £199.68 Kiosk BACS aa Eden Farm Ice cream £174.72 Kiosk BACS bb Empire Popcorn Popcorn £245.80 Kiosk BACS cc Empire Popcorn Popcorn £180.47 Kiosk BACS dd Suma Kiosk Supplies £30.47 Kiosk BACS ee Suma Kiosk Supplies £313.47 Kiosk BACS ff Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £314.86 Kiosk BACS gg Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £324.14 Kiosk BACS hh Yorkshire Crisps Crisps £124.35 Kiosk BACS ii Brookfoot Print Printing £625.00 Programme BACS jj Lisa Murdoch Brochure Design £165.00 Programme BACS kk TGF Stage Stage Equipment £940.80 Projection BACS ll Neopost Postage £806.90 Office BACS mm Viking Stationery £113.10 Office BACS nn Emergency Solutions Evac Chair £660.04 Build Maintenance BACS oo FCC Waste & Recycling £60.77 Build Maintenance BACS pp Berendsen Hygiene Services £63.30 Build Maintenance BACS qq Harrison Light bulbs £82.20 Build Maintenance BACS rr GB Air Control AC Unit Call Out £230.78 Build Maintenance BACS ss Synergy Display Energy Certificate £120.00 Build Maintenance BACS £15,144.80




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Crosland, Dixon, Fearon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Stow and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

178. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

179. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Davenport, Scullion, Timbers and Trickett.

180. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were declared at this time.

181. CALDERDALE MBC DRAFT LOCAL PLAN Documents associated with the CMBC Draft Local Plan were presented by Anthony Rae. These included housing allocations, allocation of potential sites and filtered sites. A discussion followed that raised issues of housing types, housing numbers, sites with existing permissions and proposed uses. Car Parking demand were also considered. Councillors were invited to make comments to the Neighbourhood Planning Committee prior to its next meeting and to prepare proposals for the next meeting of the full council when final submissions to CMBC should be finalised.

182. PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) Application 17/00691/LBC at Stocks Spring Farm, Stacks Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5RP for Extension and internal and external alterations including replacement windows and doors, removal of an internal staircase, removal and insertion of new partitions, replacement downpipes and guttering and installation of CCTV cameras and lights (Application to Regularise works already carried out) (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

b) Application 17/20143/TPO at Cragg Fold, Cragg Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TB for Prune three trees and fell one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION c) Application 17/00980/191 at 3 Fair View, Wood Hey Lane, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6JQ for Use of land as domestic garden area (Lawful Development Certificate). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

d) Application 17/01009/LBC at 1 Mid Birks, Cragg Vale, HX7 5RY for Three rooflights to East elevation and removal of internal wall to create new opening to ground floor level (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

183. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

184. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £17,387.68.

185. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end July 2017 as an accurate record.

186. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Hope Baptist Church Over Door Heating £600.00 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to award £600.00 but to note that this type of heating is in the majority of cases not an environmentally friendly way of heating a space and not a method that the Town Council would regularly endorse.

b) The Heptonstall Village Team The Gift of Giving £300.00 It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to award £300.00

c) Cragg 15 0 to 5km Fitness Project as part of Cragg 15 £500.00 It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to endorse this decision to award £500 made by way of a Committee Chairs decision.

187. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. g) HB Partnership Our Town Meeting & AGM h) DAF Letter of Thanks i) HB Rotary Club Letter of Thanks j) CROWS Path Improvements to Nutclough k) WY Police & Crime Commissioner August 2017 Newsletter l) YLCA White Rose Update m) CMBC Licensing of Sex Establishments Consultation

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information and ask that Cllr Courtney consider the CMBC Licensing of Sex Establishments Consultation and report back to council should she view it appropriate.

188. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

The Mayor asked that Councillors support her upcoming Hope, Peace & Reconciliation Civic Service on the 8 th October. Cllrs Courtney, Hodgins & Patient agreed to assist and Cllr Timbers was nominated in his absence. Others with mellifluous voices may also wish to become involved.

189. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 16 th August 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes and approve as a correct record.

190. MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENTS, ALLOTMENTS & EVENTS COMMITTEE held 30 th August 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fenton and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes and approve as a correct record with a request that future agendas provide more details of the content of the meeting.

191. WORKING GROUP a) Disabled Access Forum 21.8.17. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes.

192. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Stow reported on her attendance at the evaluation meeting of Happy Valley Pride following the recent festival. She was very impressed with the care being taken and the thinking that was being done. Congratulations to all those involved. Cllr Boggis reported on the Environment Agencies initial planning applications for Flood Mitigation Works in Mytholmroyd. He encouraged CMBC Councillors to ensure their passage would be swift through the planning process. Cllr Hodgins advised that the Mytholmroyd Community Centre’s Management Committee has been disbanded and that two trustees had been appointed. He stated that the group remains secretive and uncommunicative.

193. COURSES & CONFERENCES It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Fenton and RESOLVED : to note the YLCA Training Calendar August to November 2017 and to allow Cllrs Fenton & Courtney to attend Developing Yours Skills as a Councillor on the 9 th October.

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 6th September 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a HBCA Data £36.00 Office BACS b HBCA DAF Room Hire £50.40 Office BACS c Dringtech IT Support £84.00 Office BACS d Dringtech IT Support £84.00 Office BACS e Kitson Bros Hanging Baskets £6,162.91 Env & All BACS f Hebden Radio Happy Hounds PA £250.00 Env & All BACS Dog Agility Ultimutts Agility BACS g Display £100.00 Env & All £6,767.31 Receipts Received a Various Allotments £150.00 b Various Hanging Baskets £40.00 £190.00 Hebden Bridge Picture House Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Artificial Eye Royalties £132.65 Royalties BACS b Disney Royalties £571.90 Royalties BACS c E One Royalties £257.26 Royalties BACS d ICO Royalties £166.25 Royalties BACS e Sony Royalties £814.40 Royalties BACS f Studio Canal Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS g Thunderbird Royalties £239.05 Royalties BACS h Trafalgar Royalties £545.33 Royalties BACS i Trafalgar Royalties £317.93 Royalties BACS j Fox Royalties £1,457.00 Royalties BACS k Universal Royalties £108.00 Royalties BACS l Warners Royalties £3,269.51 Royalties BACS m Empire Brewery Kiosk Supplies £86.40 Kiosk BACS n Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £362.60 Kiosk BACS o Suma Kiosk Supplies £251.51 Kiosk BACS p Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £294.64 Kiosk BACS q Phone Coop Broad Band £18.00 Office BACS r Unicom Telephone £57.14 Office BACS Programme s Brookfoot Print Printing £624.00 Brochure BACS t Lisa Murdoch Programme Design £165.00 Brochure BACS u Pos Yorkshire Film Delivery £158.40 Film Delivery BACS Cleaning v Berendsen Towels £77.05 Equip BACS w Ellison Construction Insurance Works £526.35 Flood BACS £10,620.37




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Crosland, Dixon, Fearon, Fenton, Scullion, Stow and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

218. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

219. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Hodgins, Patient, Timbers & Trickett.


221. HEBDEN BRIDGE TWINNING SOCIETY Jane Jackson from the Hebden Bridge Twining Society shared the programme for the upcoming Friendship Visit from St Pol and Warstein (19 th Oct to 22 nd Oct) and invited Councillors to attend the function at the Mytholmroyd Community Centre (Saturday 21 st Oct) advising that fund raising had gone well with further musical events planned to supplement this. Chloe Rowntree and Erin Yates reported on their recent trip to Paratico where they had helped support a Summer School initiative in the Town. They thanked the Council and shared their experiences stating that people had been friendly and welcoming. Jane Jackson advised of a recent request to support a radio programme looking at Twinning Relationships since Brexit. The Town Council was happy to support this.


a) Application 17/00956/LAA at Calder High School, Brier Hey Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QN for Demolition of garage/outbuilding to facilitate portakabin to be used as classrooms for temporary period of 2 years (Retrospective). It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION following a vote to object proposed by Cllr Boggis, seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith.

Cllr Bampton Smith called for a recorded vote:

In favour of no objection: Cllrs Courtney, Fenton, Scullion Stow & Young. In favour of objecting: Cllrs Bampton Smith, Boggis, Crosland & Dixon.

It was noted that the council collectively felt discuss and outrage that this application was retrospective stating that the community and the children relocated to Calder High from Cragg Vale deserved better. The lack of planning, communication and thought by Calderdale MBC Education Department was commented upon.

b) Application 17/00999/HSE at 12 Longstaff Court, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6AB for Two-storey side extension (revised scheme to 14/00402/HSE). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

c) Application 17/01029/LBC at 1 Ewood Court, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QX for Creation of Utility Room and Shower Room, reinstatement of missing stone mullions, minor interventions for services routes. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Note: Cllr Fearon arrived.

d) Application 17/01081/VAR at Mytholmroyd Community And Leisure Centre, Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AF for Variation of condition 2, 6, 7 and 20 on application 14/00942/FUL. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

e) Application 17/20147/TPO at Cragg Fold, Cragg Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TB for Fell two trees and prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

f) Application 17/20158/TPO at 1 Park Top, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QY for Prune three trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Note: Cllr Cammack arrived.

Cllr Bampton Smith declared an interest in the next item.

g) Application 17/20156/TPO at Land Rear Of Park Top Barn, Midgley Road, Mytholmroyd for Management of trees (including removal of saplings up to 10cm in diameter, crown lifting and crown cleaning of mature trees)(Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

h) Application 17/00927/HSE at 20 Nest Lane, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, HX7 5AZ for Raising of roof height to form first floor accommodation including balcony and porch and utility extension to front. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

i) Application 17/20164/TPO at Cuddywood, Cragg Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TB for Prune trees and fell two trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

j) Application 17/01087/FUL at Junction Of River Calder And Cragg Brook, Mytholmroyd for Construction of new flood walls on the left and right banks of Cragg Brook (Elphin Brook) and the River Calder to the rear of properties on Streamside Fold, New Road and Bridge End; flood proofing works to properties at Coiners Wharf and 2-16 New Road; demolition of properties at 18-22 New Road; and the installation of new speed cushions at Mytholmroyd Station access road as part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

223. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

224. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION REFUSED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer REFUSING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the information.

225. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £20,522.02 up to the 21 st September 2017.

226. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end of August 2017 as an accurate record.

227. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Oxjam Oxjam Hebden Takeover PA & Sound Engineer £250.00 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to award £250.00

228. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) The Pension Regular Increasing Pension Contributions. b) HBCA Invitation to Dementia Friendly HB Launch c) 509 Arts Invitation to Calderland d) PKF Littlejohn Completion of Limited Assurance Review to March 2017 e) Andrew Pitts – CMBC Request to arrange meeting. f) Robin Dixon Resignation g) Luke Daber Confirmation of Exclusion h) The Clerk September 2017 i) Clerks & Councils Direct September 2017 Late Item j) Andrew Pitts – CMBC T & PC Annual Conference

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: in respect of the following: d) noted completion of the Audit Process. f) & g) notice of vacancies will be posted on the 28/9/17.

229. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor especially for the returned Trophy via the Halifax Cricket Umpires Association.

230. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 6 th September 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

231. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY FUNDING COMMITTEE held 11 th September 2017 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

232. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 18 th September 2017 It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Dixon and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

233. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 20 th September 2017 It was moved by Cllr Crosland Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes, as amended, as a correct record.

234. CALDERDALE MBC LOCAL PLAN Full Council considered the recommendations of the Joint Neighbourhood Planning Committee and the Strategy & Review Committee once more. Having endorsed recommendations previously Full Council discussed sites and policies which had been omitted or been brought to their attention. It was confirmed that by not mentioning a site specifically it was in fact endorsing and supporting the findings of the site allocations as undertaken by Calderdale MBC.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to submit the following points, already agreed, to Calderdale MBC with the addition of one point submitted by the DAF, supported by Hebden Royd Town Council and one point regarding unallocated sites.

Allocated Sites • LP1501 Land East of Manor Drive – request that it be excluded as it lies within the existing greenbelt. It lies outside of the defined principle of the emerging Neighbourhood Plan in that where possible Brownfield sites should be developed before Greenfield. Flood risk and access are also considerations. • LP1509 Land adjacent to Albion Terrace – Request that it be excluded as this Greenfield site lies within the Hebden Bridge Conservation area and that a suitable assessment is lacking of the area. • LP 1503 Land at Stoney Lane – support this allocation. • LP1556 Land at Rowen House Scout Road – support this allocation.

Filtered sites Of the filtered sites in the Local Plan within Hebden Royd there are three sites that we feel should be reconsidered, these are • LP0919/LP1234 land off Kings Street, Hebden Bridge - Following discussions with the Environment Agency this land could be suitable for re-inclusion with appropriate flood mitigation. Previous planning permission for LP1234 has now lapsed, this was cited as a reason for filtering previously. • LP1504 land at Stubbing Holme Road - Following discussions with the Environment Agency this land could be suitable for re-inclusion with appropriate flood mitigation. The Neighbourhood Plan has developed a policy statement that the site would be suitable for Housing/Mixed Use. • LP0139 Walkleys Canal Side Mill – Despite the site being filtered as it falls below the site size threshold of 0.25ha (site is 0.24ha) it is considered that this is a key site along the A646 corridor and its inclusion in the Local Plan will enable the Neighbourhood Plan to further consider this site. If the site remains unfiltered proposals for this site can be developed.

Unfiltered sites We remain vigilant with regard to these sites and the proposed criteria that may be applied to them in the future. We will continue to research each one and potential implications should they be considered for allocation.

Proposed Calderdale housing requirement of 16,871 (table 6.1): to make no comment at this time in view of the announcement by the DCLG secretary of state on 14th September of a possible change in the way that Objectively Assessed Need is to be calculated, which in the case of Calderdale might result in a reduction in housing numbers.

Approach to Distribution of growth . (Paragraph 6.51 onwards, and table 6.14): to support this analysis (included also in Transport Assessment volume 3 paragraphs 3.6.1-3.7.1) that the western part of Calderdale in the Upper Calder Valley is not capable of supporting substantial housing growth in view of the interacting factors of environmental designations, topography, infrastructure, and Greenbelt.

Use of brownfield land (paragraph 6.48): to support the statement that ‘The Council wishes that as much new development as possible should be located on brownfield land.’

Need for adequate housing allocations for the period to 2032: to indicate that it is the intention of the parallel Neighbourhood Planning process to also be considering the issue of new housing supply; and that if it were to determine that additional housing opportunities should be provided, such allocations should however be made within the Neighbourhood Plan framework, and not the Local Plan. This is so that such allocations are better able to respond to specifically and locally determined need, and to fulfil a core principle of the NP process: to support the provision of housing on brownfield sites in the sustainable locations of Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd, and not on Greenbelt/greenfield sites elsewhere.

Greenbelt review (paragraph 19.1-9): In general to support the outcome of the Greenbelt review for the NP area, which very largely is supportive of the existing boundary. (Please note that this does not comment on proposed changes to village envelopes in the NP area, which is a matter for their respective parish councils).

Catchment and Flood Risk Management (paragraphs 10.29/policy CC4, and 10.5 onwards/policy CC2): to support the approach that recognises the interconnection between uplands and valley-bottom settlements - as represented within the boundary of the neighbourhood plan area - and the need to take action in the former in order to protect the latter; and the ability of the Exception Test identified in 10.14 to continue to permit development in important valley-bottom sites subject to the incorporation of necessary flood risk mitigation. Also to support policy CC3 Water Resource Management.

Local transport interventions (paragraph 13.14): This states that ‘The overall impact of growth across Calderdale on the highway network is begin [sic - assumes this should read ‘being’] assessed as part of the Local Plan Transport Evidence undertaken by WSP.’ The neighbourhood plan process has not yet been provided with an adequate transport evidence base on which to establish its overall approach, in particular relating to future traffic growth/capacity on the A646. The Local Plan needs to provide specific evidence of this type.

Master planning of strategic and larger sites (paragraph 13.40/policy IM7): At present this does not support master planning at settlement level, such as Mytholmroyd within the neighbourhood plan area (but other examples could include Todmorden and other settlements in eastern Calderdale.) The failure to provide proactive master planning at this level has long been a weakness within the overall planning approach in Calderdale, and whilst the neighbourhood plan is now developing a masterplan for Mytholmroyd this will only be available after important elements including the Environment Agency flood alleviation scheme have already been decided. A more strategic consequence is that the opportunities to integrate smaller scale town centre brownfield sites into an overall housing allocation approach has not been identified in the draft Local Plan.

Therefore the policy should be amended to identify a list of Calderdale settlements within which master planning will be supported and encouraged over the plan period, and specifically to bring forward sustainable brownfield sites for regeneration.

Housing mix (paragraph 16.10 onwards/policy HS3): to support this, recognising that a very high percentage of population/household growth across the Plan period will be for the 65+ age group, which will have particular housing type needs (and in the right location). Therefore also to support policy HS4 Housing for Independent Living.

Infrastructure for new development (paragraph 2.1.a) must co-ordinate with existing infrastructure to provide accessible corridors between the new development and places that people need to be – e.g. town centres, schools, hospitals, countryside, neighbouring towns. This will require that existing infrastructure is reviewed AND IMPROVED (as in 2.1) to provide joined-up routes throughout Calderdale for disabled people, by road, rail, footpaths and footways/pavements and public transport. 24 hour accessible public toilet facilities should be provided along all routes."

235. LOCAL COUNCILS AWARDS SCHEME It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to confirm that the Town Council complies with elements of the Quality standard not identifiable on the Hebden Royd Town Council Website.

236. WORKING GROUP a) DAF It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to thank the group for the information and their continued efforts. b) Great War Commemoration Working Group It was reported that a meeting held at the Birchcliffe Centre had developed ideas to commemorate women’s role in the war and this was being developed with the help of Dr Alison Fell from Leeds University. This will be a theme in the events planned in 2018.

237. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Courtney reported on her first meeting with the Hebden Bridge Arts Festival, outlining their funding arrangements. Cllr Boggis encouraged comments with regard to the Mytholmroyd Station Building. Cllr Courtney encourage those present to support the relaunch of Hope Baptist Church as it seems to expand its community involvement and collaboration.

The meeting remembered former councillor Andrew Halewood who had passed away recently and were advised that his funeral would take place at Elland Crematorium at 2.15pm on Monday the 2 nd October.

The meeting finished at 9.20pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 27th September 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Carolyn Warren Accounts Support £150.00 Accounts BACS b HBCA Room Hire £10.00 Office BACS c HBCA Room Hire £50.40 Office BACS d Dring Tech IT Support £84.00 Office BACS e Water Logic Drinking Water £62.09 Hospitality BACS f Euro Digital Systems Photocopying £110.30 Office BACS g PKF Littlejohn Annual Audit £1,560.00 Audit BACS h Pennine Pens Website £235.00 Office BACS National Allotments Membership Env, All & BACS I Soc £66.00 Events Env, All & DA & FR Gibbon Watering BACS j £1,642.50 Events Banksfield Tree Bells Tree Surgery Env, All & BACS k Works £900.00 Events l Neopost Postage £103.98 Office BACS £4,974.27 Receipts Received a Allotment Fees Various Sites £180.00 b Hanging Baskets Various Retailers £160.00 c CFFC Grant Access Forum £2,603.00 d Hanging Basket Grant CMBC & UCVR £999.80 e Yorks Water Refund £345.84 £4,288.64

Hebden Bridge Picture House Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Royalties £530.26 Royalties BACS b Arrow Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS c Eone Royalties £366.46 Royalties BACS d Icon Royalties £114.00 Royalties BACS e Lionsgate` Royalties £169.40 Royalties BACS f Park Circus Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS g Park Circus Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS h Park Circus Royalties £61.00 Royalties BACS i Park Circus Royalties £204.65 Royalties BACS j Park Circus Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS k Park Circus Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS l Studio Canal Royalties £480.90 Royalties BACS m Sony Royalties £841.60 Royalties BACS n Sony Royalties £285.60 Royalties BACS o Sony Royalties £1,115.85 Royalties BACS p Studio Canal Royalties £340.50 Royalties BACS q Fox Royalties £286.30 Royalties BACS r Universal Royalties £108.00 Royalties BACS s Verve Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS t Trafalgar Streaming £1,120.66 Streaming BACS u Trafalgar Streaming £1,251.25 Streaming BACS v Trafalgar Streaming £380.63 Streaming BACS w Trafalgar Streaming £444.70 Streaming BACS x Cragg Cakes Kiosk £11.60 Kiosk BACS y Cragg Cakes Kiosk £82.80 Kiosk BACS z Cragg Cakes Kiosk £160.80 Kiosk BACS aa Eden farm Kiosk £197.76 Kiosk BACS bb Eden farm Kiosk £114.00 Kiosk BACS cc Empire Kiosk £86.40 Kiosk BACS dd Matthew Clarks Kiosk £320.85 Kiosk BACS ee Matthew Clarks Kiosk £479.94 Kiosk BACS ff Matthew Clarks Kiosk £385.53 Kiosk BACS gg Retail leisure Kiosk £138.35 Kiosk BACS hh Retail leisure Kiosk £264.71 Kiosk BACS ii Ridgeside Brewing Ltd Kiosk £81.60 Kiosk BACS jj Turner & Wrights Kiosk £312.37 Kiosk BACS kk Turner & Wrights Kiosk £254.10 Kiosk BACS ll Vocation Brewery Kiosk £71.76 Kiosk BACS mm Neopost Franking £103.98 Office BACS nn CPL Media Advertising £468.00 Office BACS oo Viking Stationery £140.23 Office BACS pp Phone Coop Internet £18.00 Office BACS qq Unicom Phone £70.03 Office BACS rr Paul Ashton Electrical Lighting £387.05 Build Man BACS ss Berendsen Cleaning £59.63 Cleaning BACS tt FCC Waste £512.74 Waste BACS uu Chubb Fire Extinguishers £142.02 Build Man BACS vv Cathedral Hygiene Services £225.11 Build Man BACS ww WCS Water Testing £120.00 Build Man BACS xx HMRC PAYE Settlement £1,245.43 Salaries BACS £15,547.75




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Fearon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Scullion, Stow, Timbers and Young

Emma Green – Deputy Town Clerk

Also: Andrew Pitts CMBC – Head of Neighbourhoods & Amanda Firth CMBC – Safer, Cleaner, Greener Manager, plus six members of the Public

259. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

260. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies were received from Cllr Crosland.

261. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS There were no interests declared.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: To reorder the agenda.

262. PLANNING APPLICATION 5f Application 17/01150/OUT at Land South East Of 15 Mount Pleasant Drive, Mount Pleasant Drive, Mytholmroyd for Residential development of two pairs of semi-detached dwellings and one detached dwelling (Outline).

Representations were made to the Council by two members of the public objecting to the application. Main areas of concern were the loss of trees and the impact of the development on the wildlife corridor and the various species of the habitat including pipistrelle bats. There were also concerns of an increased flood risk if the area is developed. The area is within a conservation area and it was not felt that the proposed plans reflected this.

It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL – The development is not sensitive to the Mytholmroyd Conservation Area and the historic settlement of White Lee, the impact on the wildlife corridor and overlooking of nearby properties.

263. CMBC’s SAFER CLEANER GREENER SERVICE Andrew Pitts spoke, regarding the current financial challenges and the need for further cuts. It is a priority to ensure that service levels across the borough are maintained and CMBC are considering a number of options to ensure more effective working, including restructuring the working week and a review of maintenance levels of all its assets. They are also eager to work with Parish Councils through these challenges to create partnerships to help deliver the service.

There was discussion about what these options might be bearing in mind that the Town Council has finite resources, but there are many possibilities.

Further information was requested from CMBC as to the costs of various tasks that are undertaken and the cost of maintaining the numerous pieces of land such as Calder Holmes Park and White Lee Rec as well as some of the smaller pockets.

It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : That this item should be considered at the forthcoming Strategy & Review Committee and Environment, Allotment & Events Committee. Meetings.


a. Application 17/01121/FUL at Land South East Of 6 Mabel Street, Mabel Street, and Mytholmroyd for Construction of culvert outfall in to the Rochdale Canal from White Lee Clough (Foster Clough) Culvert with associated maintenance access works as part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

b. Application 17/01115/FUL at Land At Brearley Fields, Moderna Way, Mytholmroyd for Construction of a canal overspill structure connecting the Rochdale Canal to the River Calder with improvements to the towpath and associated landscaping as part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

c. Application 17/01155/FUL at Land On The Left And Right Bank Of Cragg Brook (Elphin Brook), New Road, Mytholmroyd for Construction of new flood walls on the left and right bank of Cragg Brook (Elphin Brook), replacement of the existing footbridge and associated landscaping as part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION d. Application 17/01117/COU at Cragg Hall View, 1 Clunters, Blackstone Edge Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 for Change of use from holiday cottage (C1) to dwelling (C3). It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

e. Application 17/20175/TPO at Savile Bowling Club, Savile Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6ND for prune trees and remove young trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

265. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information.

266. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £26,473.06 up to the 12 th October 2017.

267. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end of September 2017 as an accurate record.

268. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Tinderwood Trust Transformation & Accessibility £999.20 It was moved by Cllr Fenton Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : That the application did not sufficiently answer all the questions that councillors would like to ask of it. As such that the application will be deferred to the Community Funding Committee for consideration. Should the Tinderwood Trust timeline not fit with existing Community Funding meetings, then the Chair will call an extra-ordinary meeting to deal with this application.

Cllrs Bampton Smith & Hodgins voted against the above proposal.

269. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. To receive and decide actions on communications .

a) HB Partnership Bob Deacon b) CMBC Parliamentary Constituencies c) HB & District Royal British Legion Remembrance Sunday 2017 d) YLCA White Rose Update e) Dept. for Digital, Culture, Media, Sport Data Protection Bill f) CMBC Charlton Chambers Planning

It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: in respect of the following: a) Cllr Scullion expressed her condolences and paid tribute to the life of Bob Deacon as did Cllr Timbers. Cllr Courtney requested that a letter of condolence be sent to Mr Deacon’s family. b), c), d), f) to note the information e) That the Clerk be asked to undertake the appropriate additional training to carry out this role.

Note – Cllr Timbers left the meeting

270. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT The Mayor gave thanks to those who were involved in and attended the Civic Ceremony It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

271. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 27 th September 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

272. MINUTES OF THE PICTURE HOUSE COMMITTEE held 2nd October 2017 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record. 273. MINUTES OF THE STAFFING COMMITTEE held 4th October 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

274. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 9th October 2017 It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

275. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES a) Cllr Boggis on behalf of the Flood Wardens reminded the meeting that the EA were planning an Emergency Action Day on Friday 20 th October and that the sirens would be going off at 10:45am. He updated the meeting of a new TV show filmed at the Little Theatre called Let’s Get a Good thing Going. Slow the Flow, Incredible Aqua, Sunny Days and Phoenix FM all competed for funding and assistance for their projects. The winners are to be announced.

Cllr Fenton reported that she had been having difficulty making contact with the Walkers Action Group and that recent meetings have been cancelled or moved at short/no notice.

Cllr Bampton Smith reported on the success of the Mytholmroyd Arts Festival which saw 600 visitors over the weekend.

Cllr Patient reported that there are the positions available for a new Chair and Secretary for Mytholmroyd Walkers Action Group.

b) Cllr Boggis will be the new representative for the Calderdale Flood Resilience Operational Group.

The meeting finished at 9.20pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 18th October 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Bates Stationery £3.18 Office BACS b Bates Stationery £37.82 Office BACS c BNP Parabis Photocopier Hire £715.20 Office DD d Carolyn Warren Accountancy Support £150.00 Office BACS Env, All & Calderdale MBC BACS e Litter Bins & Planting £4,861.20 Events Pumpkin Festival Env, All & Valley Life BACS f Advertising £141.60 Events g HBCA Room Hire £62.40 Office BACS h Dringtech IT Support £273.00 Office BACS Euro Digital BACS I Systems Photocopying £107.46 Office j Neopost Franking £205.91 Office BACS k Neopost Franking Machine £267.19 Office BACS £6,824.96 Receipts Received a Allotment Fees £125.00 £125.00

Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Velvet Joy Film Royalties £179.51 Royalties BACS b Ian Clay Decorating £1,321.54 Build Man BACS Yorkshire Film c Archive Digitalisation of Prints £1,500.00 Grants BACS £3,001.05

Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS b Altitude Film Royalties £147.00 Royalties BACS c BFI Film Royalties £272.30 Royalties BACS d BFI Film Royalties £231.00 Royalties BACS e BFI Film Royalties £187.20 Royalties BACS f Eone Film Royalties £503.30 Royalties BACS g Natl Amusements Film Royalties £148.75 Royalties BACS h Paramount Film Royalties £142.10 Royalties BACS i Park Circus Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS j Park Circus Film Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS k Studio Canal Film Royalties £494.56 Royalties BACS l Universal Film Royalties £2,121.50 Royalties BACS m Universal Film Royalties £262.50 Royalties BACS n Vertigo Film Royalties £243.25 Royalties BACS o Warners Film Royalties £166.25 Royalties BACS p More2Screen Streaming £1,077.75 Streaming BACS q More2Screen Streaming £1,001.25 Streaming BACS r Trafalgar Streaming £449.51 Streaming BACS s Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £48.00 Kiosk BACS t Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £144.80 Kiosk BACS u Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £110.80 Kiosk BACS v Eden Farm Kiosk Supplies £149.76 Kiosk BACS w Empire Brewery Kiosk Supplies £86.40 Kiosk BACS x Suma Kiosk Supplies £301.54 Kiosk BACS y Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £320.28 Kiosk BACS z Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £316.39 Kiosk BACS aa Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £274.44 Kiosk BACS bb Yorkshire Crisps Kiosk Supplies £117.02 Kiosk BACS cc Berendsen Cleaning £74.53 Cleaning BACS dd Phone Coop Broadband £18.00 Broadband BACS ee Npower Electricity £1,409.34 Utilities BACS ff SSE Gas £752.43 Utilities BACS gg Yorks Water Water £367.00 Water BACS hh Aubergine Print Printing £76.20 Printing BACS ii Brookfoot Print Programme £646.00 Programme BACS jj Cardiaid Defibrillator £1,497.58 Office BACS kk CMBC Premises Licence £180.00 Licence BACS ll Hebden Flooring Office & Staff Area £960.00 Office BACS mm POS Yorkshire Film Delivery £158.40 Film Delivery BACS nn Stage Electrics Projection Lamp £116.22 Projection BACS oo Lisa Murdoch Programme Design £165.00 Programme BACS pp Neopost Franking £205.91 Office BACS qq Neopost Franking Machine £267.19 Office BACS £16,647.05




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Fearon, Fenton, Hodgins, Patient, Stow, Timbers, Trickett and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

Also: Anthony Rae

283. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. Anthony Rae presented a report on the Use of Reservoirs for Flood Attenuation prepared by the Calderdale Flood Recovery and Resilience Programme Board. The report looked at short term flood risk prevention, prevention prior to permanent measures being in place. It was agreed that the reduction in reservoirs levels to provide storage capacity was good news which sees a 20% reduction of flood risk. Thanks were expressed to CMBC and Yorkshire Water for this trial. Pop up flood barriers were also discussed. Concerns were raised that business were in some instances still un-prepared and another push should be initiated to put protection in against the collective risk of flood. Cllr Boggis expressed concerns that residents and retailers were already becoming complacent against risks and that further education was needed. Cllr Scullion asked that pressure continue to be applied to Yorkshire Water during and after this trial to make it permanent.

It was agreed that the HB Business Forum should be contacted and supported to encourage retailers to consider ways to protect their premises with the water Mark Fund a potential source of funding.

284. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. None received.

285. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None declared at this time.


a) Application 17/20184/TPO at Turvin Farm, Turvin Cottages, Blackstone Edge Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TN for Prune trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Note: Cllr Young disclosed an interest in the next item.

b) Application 17/20170/TPO at 4 Slater Avenue, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DU for Fell two trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

c) Application 17/01181/HSE at 1 Mason Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6AW1 for New window opening to side at ground floor level. It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

d) Application 17/01229/HSE at 2 Eskdale Mount, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7EB for Demolition of existing conservatory to facilitate single storey extension to rear. It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Note: Cllr Young disclosed an interest in the next item.

e) Application 17/01208/FUL at Unit 2 To 5 Linden Works, Linden Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DP for Wheelchair access ramp to front elevation. It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION on the condition that the objections raised by CMBC Highways are addressed to the satisfaction of the CMBC Highways Officer.

It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: that Cllr Timbers introduce the Disability Access Forum to the applicant as a source of advice regarding proposals to this import space.

f) Application 17/01217/HSE at 30 Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AF for Two storey side extension. It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: to RECOMMEND REFUSAL given the close proximity to neighbouring properties and the proposal inhibiting any potential development on adjacent sites.

g) Application 17/20190/TPO at Woodville, Tenter Hill Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TA for Fell one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. Note: Cllr Fearon arrived at the meeting.

h) Application 17/01166/COU at Unit 2 Turkey Lodge, New Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TT for Change of building to three commercial units (use class B1 )(retrospective). It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

i) Application 17/01165/FUL at Units 18A And 18B Moderna Business Park, Moderna Way, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QQ for Fenestration to existing gable end. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Crosland and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

Note: Cllr Trickett arrived at the meeting.

j) Application 17/01153/COU at 22 - 24 Bridge Gate, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EX for Change of use from estate agents (A2) to retail (A1). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

k) Application 17/20193/TPO at 16 The Brook, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, HX7 5ED for Fell two trees (Tree in a Conservation Area). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION to the pruning as outlined in the application NOT the felling as in the applications narrative above.

l) Application 17/01184/FUL at Shoulder Of Mutton, Bridge Gate, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8EX for Proposed balcony terrace (outside seating area) to the rear elevation, installation of new and replacement retractable awnings to front elevation (3no) and rear elevation (2no). Following a lengthy discussion and debate. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL due to flooding issues created by the projecting balcony to the rear of the premises lying too low in the river channel. The detrimental impact on the local amenity value of the area, both visually and with noise and the impact on the Hebden Bridge Conservation Area with the listed Packhorse Bridge being potentially obstructed from view from St George’s Bridge.

m) Application 17/01226/FUL at Former Police Station, Hope Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AG for Change of use from residential use to Shop (A1). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

n) Application 17/10034/ADV at Former Police Station, Hope Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8AG for Two new fascia signs (Advertisement Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

o) Application 17/20198/TPO at 37 Hullett Drive, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, HX7 5QR for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

p) Application 17/00986/FUL at Unit 15A Moderna Business Park, Moderna Way, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QQ for Extension to existing unit. It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

287. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to note the information.

288. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : To authorise payments up to 1 st November 2017 totalling £34,171.58.

Discussion took place regarding payments and it was advised that events organised by the Environmental, Allotments and Events Committee should receive a full evaluation, including the financial benefits to the town which can be fed back to Full Council.

289. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) The Hebden Bridge Piano Festival £1000.00 2018 Festival It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to award £1000.00

It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED : that the Piano festival be requested to consider including a venue in Mytholmroyd as part their festival from 2019.

b) Cllr stow reported on meeting with The Tinderwood Trust. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to fund individual first aid to 50% of the value requested (£125), similarly shed repairs, canopy and potable water (£205) but not support the request for accredited training as the qualification would lie with the individual not the Trust. The reduction in the funded element being of a result of significant use by families outside of Hebden Royd.

290. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) Request to Alter Standing Orders Cllrs Stow, Courtney, Fenton, Fraser, Young, Patient & Crosland. b) CMBC Hebden Bridge Parking Zone Variations. c) CMBC Town & Parish Council Conference. d) YLCA 18/19 Subscription Fees e) HB Partnership AGM Minutes. f) CMBC Revised Parliamentary Constituencies Proposals g) Mytholm Royd Station Building Latest News

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED : to actions as follows in respect of: a) pass to Strategy & Review and note all other pieces of information.

291. ELECTION & CASUAL VACANCY Arrangements were passed to Council for the upcoming Caldene Ward by- election. It was agreed that the Cragg Vale Ward Co-Option be advertised widely..

292. COMMUNICATION WITH CALDERDALE MBC (at the request of Cllr Boggis) Cllr Boggis presented a request to council that HRTC seeks to improve communications with Calderdale MBC. He acknowledged that the dialog between the two organisations was not as it should be and asked that the CMBC Members who sit on HRTC ensure a loop of information flows. Discussion focused on planning and primarily planning enforcement and retrospective planning applications. The Clerk advised that Anne Markwell from CMBC Planning Services had presented information relating to enforcement at the recent meeting of the Town & Parish Council Liaison Committee and that this information would be circulated.

293. CAR PARKING OUTSIDE SCHOOLS (at the request of Cllr Boggis) Cllr Boggis presented images of school parking arrangements outside both Scout Road Academy and Calder High School. He cited examples of parking on pavements, parking on Zig Zag lines outside of school premises during school opening and closing times and the general feeling that the current arrangements were not enforced or were indeed unenforceable. Lengthy discussion followed with Cllr Tricket providing background information on the work he had undertaken in the past. Cllr Boggis presented signage that he felt would improve the schemes and should be included in any alterations to the parking ordered should they need to be made to make the schemes enforceable and appropriate.

It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED : to write to Calderdale MBC Highways, specifically Officer Steven Lee asking for the school parking schemes within Hebden Royd to be considered with regard to being appropriate for the schools current arrangements, to advise if the schemes have been adopted and that their scope can be enforced and should they need to be expanded what would be needed, what would this cost and can HRTC work with Calderdale MBC to deliver this.

The Town Clerk was also asked to contact Calderdale MBC Cllr Barry Collins with regard to a programme of works that they understood was taking place to allow appropriate enforcement at schools across Calderdale.

294. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

295. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 18 th October 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

296. MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENT, ALLOTMENTS & EVENTS COMMITTEE held 1 st November 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

297. WORKING GROUP Cllr Timbers presented the minutes and asked that the Project Plan be presented to the council whenever possible.

298. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Courtney reported on the recent meeting of the Town & Parish Council Liaison Committee where planning enforcement and the role of CMBC had been discussed. Anne Markwell asked that the Town & Parish Councils be the eyes and ears of CMBC planning enforcement. Cllr Boggis advised the meeting of recent training undertaken by the Flood Wardens, the practise event staged by CMBC and the following day’s challenges.

Meeting finished at 9.22pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 8th November 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a DA & FR Gibbon Hanging Baskets 450.00 Env, All & Eve BACS b DA & FR Gibbon Allotments 216.00 Env, All & Eve BACS c EPS Ladder Hire 34.68 Env, All & Eve BACS d YLCA Deputy Clerk Training 400.00 Training BACS e CMBC Fees for Events 52.00 Christmas Lights BACS f Angel Springs Hospitality 45.07 Hospitality BACS g Angel Springs Hospitality 29.74 Hospitality BACS h Sand In Your Eye Pumpkin Festival 7,551.60 Env, All & Eve BACS Mr Wilsons Second I Liners Pumpkin Festival 888.00 Env, All & Eve BACS j CMBC Pumpkin Festival Fees 26.00 Env, All & Eve BACS k HB Light Opera Pumpkin Festival Stage 100.00 Env, All & Eve BACS l EPS Ladder Hire 34.68 Env, All & Eve BACS m EPS Hoist Hire 170.16 Env, All & Eve BACS n EPS Generator Hire 92.81 Env, All & Eve BACS o HBCA Data 108.00 Office BACS Printing Xmas, Pumpkin & p Pennine Signs WW1 661.80 Env, All & Eve BACS q Calvag Pumpkin Materials 101.64 Env, All & Eve BACS r Neopost Postage 96.01 Postage BACS £11,058.19 Receipts Received a HBPH Vat Transfer £7,193.48 VAT BACS £7,193.48 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Ashton Electrical Defib Install £419.16 Build Main BACS b Ashton Electrical Projection Install £883.63 Projection BACS c Ashton Electrical EICR £3,797.63 Build Main BACS d Studio Canal Royalties £192.85 Royalties BACS e Hirst Electrical Projector Repair £198.00 Projection BACS £5,491.27

Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Film Royalties £151.90 Royalties BACS b Artificial Eye Film Royalties £357.35 Royalties BACS c Artificial Eye Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS d BFI Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS e Eone Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS f GSP Studios Film Royalties £330.05 Royalties BACS g Kaleidoscope Film Royalties £172.90 Royalties BACS h Lionsgate Film Royalties £437.15 Royalties BACS i Munro Film Film Royalties £1,565.00 Royalties BACS j Paramount Film Royalties £312.00 Royalties BACS k Park Circus Film Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS l Park Circus Film Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS m Park Circus Film Royalties £294.60 Royalties BACS n Peccadillo Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS o Picture House Film Royalties £376.25 Royalties BACS p Picture House Film Royalties £988.40 Royalties BACS q Picture House Film Royalties £284.20 Royalties BACS r STX Film Royalties £237.65 Royalties BACS s Thunderbird Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS t Thunderbird Film Royalties £153.65 Royalties BACS u Fox Film Royalties £341.26 Royalties BACS v Fox Film Royalties £737.60 Royalties BACS w More2Screen Streaming £739.50 Streaming BACS x Trafalgar Streaming £851.40 Streaming BACS y Trafalgar Streaming £249.46 Streaming BACS z ICO Programming £2,601.00 Programming BACS aa Brookfoot Printing £646.00 Brochure BACS bb POS Yorks Film Delivery £198.00 Film Delivery BACS cc Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £112.40 Kiosk BACS dd Eden Farm Kiosk Supplies £245.23 Kiosk BACS ee Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £320.28 Kiosk BACS ff Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £322.03 Kiosk BACS gg Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £180.47 Kiosk BACS hh Suma Kiosk Supplies £258.07 Kiosk BACS ii Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £260.92 Kiosk BACS jj Vocation Kiosk Supplies £71.76 Kiosk BACS kk Yorks Crisps Kiosk Supplies £117.02 Kiosk BACS ll Print Bureau Printing £57.60 Office BACS mm Print Bureau Printing £120.00 Office BACS nn Viking Stationary £171.56 Office BACS oo Super Stitch Uniforms £161.88 Office BACS pp UKCA PPL Licence £121.54 Licences BACS qq Unicom Phone £63.22 Phone BACS rr Neopost Postage £96.02 Postage BACS ss P& D Builders Proj Room Alterations £530.00 Build Man BACS tt Rosse Battery Upgrade £1,110.00 Build Man BACS uu Rosse Fire Service £285.60 Build Man BACS £17,622.12




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Crosland, Courtney, Fearon, Fenton, Harrison, Hodgins, Patient, Scullion, Stow, Timbers, Trickett and Young

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

Also: Christopher Phillips, Tim Weston and Anne Holdsworth (CMBC) and three members of the public.

322. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

323. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. No apologies were received

324. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. Cllr Bampton Smith item 326 (g.

Note: Cllr Fearon arrived.

325. FILLING OF VACANCY BY CO OPTION (Cragg Vale Ward) Christopher Phillips spoke in support of his application answering additional questions from the council. Tim Weston spoke in support of his application answering additional questions from the council.

The Mayor, Cllr Pat Fraser, closed the meeting to allow discussion.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED : to invite Christopher Phillips to be co-opted on to Hebden Royd Town Council.

Cllr Bampton Smith called for a recorded vote.

For: Stow, Timbers, Fearon, Patient, Fenton, Courtney, Scullion and Young

Against: Hodgins, Boggis, Bampton Smith, Harrison, Cammack, Crosland and Trickett.

Christopher Phillips signed the Declaration of Office but did not join the meeting due to prior commitments. Note: Cllr Crosland left the meeting.

326. PLANNING APPLICATIONS a) Application 17/01301/HSE at 5 Robin Hood Cottages, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5SE for Installation of 2no. conservation type roof lights. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

b) Application 17/01302/LBC at 5 Robin Hood Cottages, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5SE for Installation of 2no. conservation type roof lights. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

c) Application 17/20212/TPO at Angeldale, Hangingroyd Lane, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DD for Prune four trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

d) Application 17/20207/TPO at 14 Slater Avenue, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DU for Prune four trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

e) Application 17/20208/TPO at Land East Of 5 Adelaide Street, Hebden Bridge for Prune two trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

f) Application 17/01333/HSE at 1 Appleyard Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5PE for Removal of hedge to front and side and replace with garden fence 1.5 meters high. It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

Cllr Bampton Smith left the room.

g) Application 17/01313/FUL at Land North Of 1 Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd for Proposed removal of the existing Caldene bridge and the construction of a new bridge upstream on land within the gardens of numbers 2-10 Calder Grove and 3 Caldene Avenue; raising of existing and the construction of new flood walls on both banks of the River Calder; widening of the channel of the River Calder on the right bank; and the relocation of the EA's recorder building alongside associated landscaping as part of the Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Mr Hook spoke regarding residents’ concerns regarding car parking in both the construction phase and following completion and the introduction of residents parking permits. A discussion followed.

It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: to ask that CMBC Planners carefully consider the arrangements for car parking and vehicle movements in the construction phase of this proposal. It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION with a request that planners give due regard to the importance of this proposal and how it may impact on residents both during construction and after completion.

Cllr Bampton Smith returned to the room.

h) Application 17/01383/HSE at 1 Hullett Close, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QP for Demolition of existing conservatory to rear to facilitate single storey extension and two storey extension to side. It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

i) Application 17/01130/FUL at Land Off Hebden Bridge Railway Station, Station Road, Hebden Bridge for Demolition of existing sheds to facilitate new coal storage shed. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

j) Application 17/20186/TPO at Cliffe House, Keighley Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8HH for Prune trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

k) Application 17/10036/ADV at Dusty Miller Hotel, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5LH for 4 Advertising banners (Advertisement Consent). It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL due to its location on a historic building, its size and that it is not in keeping with the conservation area in which it sits.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

327. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to note the information.

328. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE The Clerk answered questions relating to the payments. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED : to authorise payments totalling £19,292.85.

329. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT The Clerk answered questions relating to the Statement of Accounts It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end of October 2017 as an accurate record.

330. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) The Station Building Mytholmroyd Station Building CIC b) Calderdale MBC Brierley Fields Consultation c) Clerks & Councils Direct November 2017 d) The Clerk November 2017

In respect of c) a discussion followed. Anne Holdsworth, CMBC, presented the Consultation relating to Brierley Fields, highlighting the historical use of the site, its use and the effect of the area being allocated as a flood plain. Kate Drury, representing HB Saints Football Club outlined the teams aspirations for the site and their frustrations that they had not been involved in the development of this proposal. Councillors made the following comments:

• Is one pitch as proposed enough to meet demand. • Have VBA been consulted and involved especially with regard to the alterations of Brearley Weir and potential changes in water level variations. • The area will flood again and again, is it right to repair time and time again. • Could a group of interested parties be established to support the sites changing role.

It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Trickett and RESOLVED : to pass this site and the proposals for it to the Working Group on CMBC Services for consideration.

331. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor with an apology for not attending the Remembrance Day Service in Mytholmroyd due to ill health.

332. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 8th NOVEMBER 2017 The Clerk confirmed that notices had been placed in the Hebden Bridge Times and at various locations under control of Yorkshire Water to allow the reduction of water levels in the reservoirs surrounding Hebden Bridge and Mytholmroyd. This in an attempt to provide extra capacity for rainfall storage in times of heavy rainfall.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

333. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN COMMITTEE held 13 th NOVEMBER 2017 It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations therein and approve the minutes as a correct record.

334. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 15 th NOVEMBER 2017 Questions were asked of those in attendance at the committee meeting. Cllrs Trickett and Bampton Smith spoke against the adoption of the recommendation to change standing order 3 i) stating that it was an un-needed change to tradition. It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to endorse recommendations therein and approve the minutes as a correct record.

Cllr Trickett called for a recorded vote.

For: Stow, Timbers, Fearon, Patient, Fenton, Courtney and Young

Against: Hodgins, Boggis, Bampton Smith, Harrison, Cammack and Trickett.

335. MINUTES OF THE PICTURE HOUSE COMMITTEE held 20 th NOVEMBER 2017 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations therein and approve the minutes as a correct record.

336. CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON EVENTS It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note this initial report regarding the 2017 Christmas Light Switch On’s in Hebden Bridge & Mytholmroyd.

337. WORKING GROUPS a) Great War Commemoration Working Group Cllr Stow encouraged additional Councillors to get involved and support this series of activities. b) Disability Access Forum Cllr Timbers was reassured that important planning points commented on by the group would be brought to the attention of Full Council. c) CMBC Service Support This Working group had made a strong start and had the Brearley Fields Proposals added to their remit.

338. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Cammack reported on an interesting initial meeting with the Friends of Stubb Field in Mytholmroyd.

Meeting finished at 9.15pm. Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 29th November 2017

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method Accounts to be Paid a Lindsay Smales N Plan Consultancy £840.00 N Plan BACS b Carolyn Warren Accounts Support £150.00 Accounts BACS c Waterlogic Hospitality £170.14 Hospitality BACS d Bates Stationery £41.56 Office BACS e Bates Stationery £24.10 Office BACS f Euro Digital Systems Photocopying £143.75 Office DD g Beardsworths Spring Bulbs £1,059.00 Env, All & Events BACS h JRB Ents Dog Waste Bags £90.00 Env, All & Events BACS I Dring Tech IT Support £294.00 IT BACS j YLCA Councillor Training £45.00 Training BACS k Recognition Express Staff Badges £11.70 Office BACS l PRS Pumpkin Festival £62.47 Env, All & Events BACS m PRS HB Xmas £43.68 Env, All & Events BACS n PRS Mytholmroyd Xmas £62.47 Env, All & Events BACS o Les Cutts Town Crier - Xmas £100.00 Env, All & Events BACS p PSL Stage & Canopy £300.00 Env, All & Events BACS q Sand in Your Eye Bubble Workshop £600.00 Env, All & Events BACS r Peace Artists Xmas Switch On’s £1,600.00 Env, All & Events BACS s Blu Planet Photography Pumpkin Festival £175.00 Env, All & Events BACS t HB Light Opera Xmas Switch On’s £220.00 Env, All & Events BACS u Gordon Riggs Pumpkins £90.00 Env, All & Events BACS v Hebden Radio Pumpkin Festival PA £250.00 Env, All & Events BACS w Hebden Radio Light Switch On PA £800.00 Env, All & Events BACS £7,172.87

Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method a Berendsen Hygiene Services £59.63 Cleaning BACS b NMCE Dishwasher Repair £102.00 Build Main BACS £161.63

Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Royalties £190.06 Royalties BACS b Dogwoof Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS c Eone Royalties £1,945.20 Royalties BACS d ICO Royalties £195.30 Royalties BACS e Park Circus Royalties £237.76 Royalties BACS f Park Circus Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS g Rising Alternative Royalties £100.00 Royalties BACS h Sony Royalties £671.20 Royalties BACS i Sony Royalties £2,185.20 Royalties BACS j Warners Royalties £200.20 Royalties BACS k Warners Royalties £208.25 Royalties BACS l Trafalgar Releasing Streaming £1,329.37 Streaming BACS m James Clay Kiosk Supplies £198.31 Kiosk BACS n Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £66.00 Kiosk BACS o Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £98.00 Kiosk BACS p Cragg Cakes Kiosk Supplies £100.00 Kiosk BACS q Empire Kiosk Supplies £86.40 Kiosk BACS r Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £421.83 Kiosk BACS s Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £318.28 Kiosk BACS t Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £96.23 Kiosk BACS u Suma Kiosk Supplies £273.19 Kiosk BACS v Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £342.84 Kiosk BACS w Vocation Kiosk Supplies £71.76 Kiosk BACS x Phone Coop Internet £18.00 Office BACS y Unicom Phone £62.07 Office BACS z Aubergine Printing £113.40 Office BACS aa Print Bureau Printing £269.00 Office BACS bb John Baxendale Projection Equipment £1,290.50 Projection BACS cc Calder Wood Joinery Projection Equipment £405.00 Projection BACS dd Lisa Murdoch Brochure Design £165.00 Brochure BACS £11,958.35




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Crosland, Courtney, Fearon, Harrison, Hodgins, Patient, Phillips, Scullion, Stow and Young.

Reid Anderson plus one additional member of the public.

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

362. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked.

363. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies were received from Cllrs Fenton, Timbers & Trickett.

364. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. No apologies were declared at this time.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to rearrange the agenda.

365. CANAL TOWPATH IMPROVEMENTS Cllr Bampton Smith introduced the item out lining the news that City Connect had placed on the reserve list the planned scheme of canal towpath improvements between Hebden Bridge & Todmorden. This was confirmed by Cllr Young.

Reid Anderson spoke on behalf of cyclists stating that Calderdale should get its fair share of the scheme when City Connect had consulted in the area. Of the Borough Council on the area four had received all the funding that they required and only Kirklees had had scheme placed on the reserve list. Mr Anderson advised that the section in Calderdale placed on the reserve list was in a very poor state of repair and yet a section with a good alternative, Luddendenfoot to Hebden Bridge, was included for upgrading. The meeting discussed the suggestion that the Luddendenfoot to Hebden Bridge Section due for upgrade should be swapped for the Hebden Bridge to Todmorden section due to the alternative route being available.

It was agreed that this was a poor decision and the meeting was informed that Todmorden Town Council would also be considering the issue. Cllr Scullion saw the decision as short term and that given it was taken by Officers rather than elected members accountability must be considered. Continuing to lobby for a change is this decision is a must this to CMBC, City Connect and the Combined Authority.

It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to write to the bodies listed with our concerns.

366. ENVIRONMENT AGENCY PRESENTATION Simon Byrne of the Environment Agency outlined the developing Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme and the Reservoirs trial that was underway to provide capacity for rainfall storage. The scheme runs from Waterside Fold to New Road Bridge on Hebden Water, and, from Stubbings to Station Road on the River Calder. It is envisaged that work will begin on the Calder in summer 2018 and in early 2019 on Hebden Water and the Canal.

Simon confirmed that details for the scheme would be returning for further consultation.

Cllr Fearon asked about the removal of a scheme for works at Black Pit being removed from the scheme.

Cllr Scullion asked that the EA keep the public advised on the work of the National Grid when relocating sub stations, that access to the former Hebden Vale site and its future uses be closely monitored and that the EA take due regard about individual applications for planning permission and the cumulative effect they may have.


a) Application 17/01399/FUL at Land South West Of 4 Bottoms Castle Gate, Cragg Vale for Remitted application 17/00496/FUL for conversion and extension of existing building to form holiday cottage. It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

b) Application 17/20197/TPO at 12 Slater Avenue, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DU for Prune Trees (Tree Preservation Order) It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

c) Application 17/01287/FUL at Moorside Farm, Coppy Nook Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5RJ for Extension & Alterations to Moorside Farm It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. d) Application 17/01398/COU at Victoria Wood View 5 Clunters Blackstone Edge Road Cragg Vale Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5TH for Change of use from holiday cottage to C3 dwelling. It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. e) Application 17/01390/FUL at Land North West 4 Cragg Road Cragg Road Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale for Replacement garage (Revised Scheme to 17/00003). It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. f) Application 17/01281/FUL at Land South East Of Far Moorside Farm, Coppy Nook Lane, Cragg Vale for Temporary agricultural workers residential caravan and septic tank. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. g) Application 17/20217/TPO at Gudger Glen View Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6DA for Management of trees (Prune four trees and fell one tree) (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. h) Application 17/01396/COU at 3 Clunters Blackstone Edge Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5 TH for Change of Use from Holiday Cottage to Dwelling. It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. i) Application 17/01312/FUL at Unit Two Turkey Lodge, New Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TT for Extension to existing unit. It was moved by Cllr Davenport Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION. j) Application 17/20224/TPO at Royd House, Thorn Bank, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 8BA for Fell three trees ( Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

k) Application 17/01450/FUL at Unit 9 Moderna Business Park, Moderna Way, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QQ for New windows at first floor level. Wall up existing doorway/window. It was moved by Cllr Davenport Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

l) Application 17/01258/COU at Dusty Miller Hotel, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5LH for Change of use land for siting of mobile food van (Retrospective). It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

m) Application 17/01299/FUL at Round Hill Farm, Cragg Lane, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TZ for Detached stable block. It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Scullion and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION.

n) Application 17/01509/LBC at The Signal Box Station Road Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 6JE for Alterations to signal box to include fitting of safety grilles over windows and doors and removal of modern staircase to first floor (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION with the Planning Authority to be mindful of the emerging community proposals for the site.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

368. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fraser and RESOLVED : to note the information.

369. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Davenport and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £29,299.97.

370. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to Statement of Account up to end November 2017 (copy enc)

371. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) YLCA White Rose Update 12/17 b) Yorkshire Internal Audit Interim Visit c) Hebden Bridge Piano Festival Reply to request d) Flood Recovery & Resilience Board Reservoirs e) West Yorks Police Commissioner Newsletter Dec 2017 f) Hebden Bridge Partnership Invitation. g) CPRE Autumn Newsletter h) CMBC Flood Partner Update i) West Yorks Police Commissioner Annual Report j) YLCA Referendum Principles k) Clerks & Councils Direct January 2018 l) Countryside Voice Winter 2017

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : with regard to:

a) the comments regarding the General Data Protection Regulations with discussion regarding the rights of an individual to privacy and to be forgotten and the maintenance of records and disposal of records. It was suggested that CMBC may be able to support the Town Council with training and Cllr Scullion would look into this possible arrangement.

c) Council thanked the Hebden Bridge Piano Festival for the reply but pointed out possible venues in Mytholmroyd being the Community Centre and Calder High School.

372. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor (enc).

373. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 29 th November 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

374. MINUTES OF THE STAFFING COMMITTEE held 6 th December 2017 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

Discussion regarding the developing of a lone working policy took place with Cllrs asked to ensure staff were supported when attending meetings at night.

375. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY FUNDING COMMITTEE held 11 th December 2017 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

The meeting was made aware of the commitment to ‘Dress the Route’ of the Tour de Yorkshire as it passes through the Parish on the 6 th May 2018.

376. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 3rd January 2018 It was moved by Cllr Scullion Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to endorse the recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record.

377. BUDGET 2018/19 The Budget as proposed by the Strategy & Review Committee was discussed. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and UNAMIMOUSLY RESOLVED: to agree the budget as proposed by the Strategy & Review Committee Financial Year 2018/19.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: to set the precept for the Financial Year 2018/19 at £262,854.00.

378. MEETING DATES 2018/19 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to adopt the dates as presented.

379. COUNCILLORS DETAILS This information was noted.

380. COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: that: • Cllr Phillips sit on Staffing and Strategy & Review. • Cllr Stow sit on World War 1 Commemoration. • Cllr Harrison sit on Environment, Allotments & Events, the Grievance Panel and World War 1 Commemoration.

381. WORKING GROUP Councillors received DAF Minutes & Projects Report and the late submitted minutes from the CMBC Services Support Working Group. Cllr Scullion informed the meeting with much excitement that she was due to meet the CMBC Unlocking Officer in the very near future.


Meeting finished at 9.15pm.

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 10th January 2018

Hebden Royd Town Council Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre a HB British Legion Wreaths £ 40.00 Office b Event Entertainment Face Painting £ 320.00 Env, All & Events c Blu Planet Photography Switch On's £ 150.00 Env, All & Events d Bazzmatazz Performances £ 300.00 Env, All & Events e Norah Hamill M'royd Xmas £ 100.00 Env, All & Events f Nicola Salter M'royd Xmas £ 196.94 Env, All & Events g Trevor Bannister M'royd Xmas £ 200.00 Env, All & Events £1,306.94

Hebden Royd Town Council Item no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Accounts to be Paid a Bates Office Supplies £ 70.71 Office b Carolyne Warren Accounts Support £ 25.00 Office c Dringtech IT Support £ 68.00 Office d Euro Digital Systems Print Support £ 43.85 Office e HBCA Room Hire £ 24.80 Office f HBCA Room Hire £ 2.40 Office g Living Wage Fo’tion Membership Fee £ 44.00 Office h Neopost Rental Payment £ 67.19 Office I Print Bureau Xmas Cards £ 70.00 Office j Recognition Express Name Badges £ 6.20 Office k JRB Enterprise Dog Bags £ 81.60 Env, All & Events l M Builders Merchants Black Bin £ 5.80 Env, All & Events m St John Ambulance M'Royd Xmas £ 93.20 Env, All & Events n Calderdale College NVQ Level 2 Fees 2 00.00 Training o Carolyn Warren Accounts Support £ 75.00 Accounts Support p CMBC Election Fees £ ,260.32 Elections q CPRE Membership Fee £ 6.00 Subscriptions r BNP Parabas Photocopier Rental £ 57.60 Office £6,251.67 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre a Universal Royalties £ 59.00 Royalties b Lisa Murdoch Brochure Design £ 65.00 Programme c Trafalgar Releasing Royalties £ 61.17 Royalties £585.17

Item no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Accounts to be Paid a Artificial Eye Film Royalties £ 40.70 Royalties b Artificial Eye Film Royalties £ 48.75 Royalties c Altitude Film Royalties £ 55.50 Royalties d Altitude Film Royalties £ 47.20 Royalties e BFI Film Royalties £ 120.00 Royalties f BFI Film Royalties £ 219.60 Royalties g Eone Film Royalties £ 120.00 Royalties h Munro Film Services Film Royalties £ 178.15 Royalties I Park Circus Film Royalties £ 195.60 Royalties j Park Circus Film Royalties £ 180.00 Royalties k Seventh Art Film Royalties £ 349.99 Royalties l Soilsiu Films Film Royalties £ 100.00 Royalties m STX international Film Royalties £ 615.30 Royalties n Twentieth Century Fox Film Royalties £ 3,009.60 Royalties o Walt Disney Film Royalties £ 219.80 Royalties p Warner Bros Film Royalties £ 27.30 Royalties q More2Screen Streaming £ 2,517.75 Streaming r Trafalgar Releasing Ltd Streaming £ 586.87 Streaming s Berendsen Workwear £ 59.63 Office t Print Bureau Sponsorship Certificates £ 47.99 Office u Print Bureau A5 School Flyers £ 120.00 Office v Viking Office Supplies £ 61.08 Office w Neopost Rental Payment £ 267.19 Office x CPC Projection Supplies £ 49.80 Cleaning y POS Yorks Film Delivery £ 158.40 Film Delivery z POS Yorks Film Delivery £ 158.40 Film Delivery aa Craggs Cakes Kiosk Supplies £ 204.00 Kiosk bb Craggs Cakes Kiosk Supplies £ 66.00 Kiosk cc Eden Farm Hulleys Kiosk Supplies £ 404.38 Kiosk dd Empire Brewing Kiosk Supplies £ 86.40 Kiosk ee Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £ 330.04 Kiosk ff Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £ 249.59 Kiosk gg Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £ 315.38 Kiosk hh Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £ 319.43 Kiosk ii Suma Wholefoods Kiosk Supplies £ 112.72 Kiosk jj Suma Wholefoods Kiosk Supplies £ 280.02 Kiosk kk Turner&Wrights Kiosk Supplies £ 310.08 Kiosk ll Turner&Wrights Kiosk Supplies £ 262.92 Kiosk mm Vocation Brewery Kiosk Supplies £ 71.76 Kiosk nn Unicom Phone £ 125.29 Phone oo Brookfoot Print Printing £ 646.00 Brochure pp Brookfoot Print Printing £ 620.00 Brochure qq the phone coop Internet services £ 36.00 Internet rr FCC Environment Waste Collection £ 501.09 Waste ss BNP Parabas Photocopier Rental £ 357.60 Office tt Cathedral Leasing Ltd Film Royalties £ 225.11 Royalties uu AM Digital Maintenance £ 746.38 Projection vv AM Digital Sound Upgrade £ 4,631.40 Projection £21,156.19




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Courtney, Fearon, Harrison, Patient, Phillips and Stow.

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

391. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

392. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies were received from Councillors Scullion, Young, Crosland, Hodgins, Trickett, Timbers, Fenton & Davenport.

393. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. None were declared at this time.


a) Application 17/01555/FUL at Land North East St Michaels Church, Church Street, Mytholmroyd for Proposed construction of new flood walls, raising of existing walls on both banks of the River Calder, widening of the channel on the right bank of the River Calder; installation of a new flood gate and minor parapet repairs on the left bank at Mytholmroyd Bridge; and creation of new public open space at the junction of Burnley Road and New Road. It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION, however concern was raised regarding adequate provision of road crossings for pedestrians. The safety of school children and individuals with disabilities was of particular concern. It was agreed to write to the Highways Authority to ensure appropriate consideration to this issue.

b) Application 17/01558/FUL at Mytholmroyd Flood Alleviation Scheme, Burnley Road, Mytholmroyd for Raising of existing and construction of new flood walls on the left and right bank of the River Calder; flood proof rendering at Hawksclough; the installation of an EA maintenance flood gate immediately downstream of Whitehouses. It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

c) Application 18/20004/TPO at 8 Glen View Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6DA for Fell One Tree (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the grounds that a crown lift and appropriate thinning of the tree would achieve a similar result without losing a mature Oak.

d) Application 18/00037/FUL at Unit 2 To 5 Linden Works, Linden Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DP for Wheelchair access ramp to front elevation. It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Applications dealt with under delegation from Full Council.

• Application 18/20005/TPO at Rydal Mount, Moss Lane, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DS for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order).

• Application 17/20223/TPO at Willow Dene, Moss Lane, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DS for Prune two trees (Tree Preservation Order).

• Application 18/20006/TPO at 8 Glen View Road, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6DA for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order).

As per delegated powers, NO OBJECTION.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

395. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to note the information.

396. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £22,196.95. 397. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end December 2017 as an accurate record asking that the Environment, Allotments and Events Committee review fees for Allotments.

398. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) The Canal & Rivers Trust Planning for Waterways in Neighbourhood Plans. b) The Clerk January 2018 It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to note the information.

399. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

400. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 10 th January 2018 It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes and approve as a correct record.

401. MINUTES OF THE NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 15 th January 2018 It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes, endorse the recommendations therein and approve as a correct record.

402. SERVICE TO THE COMMUNITY/YOUNG PERSONS AWARD After discussion: It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to award the 2018/19 Senior Service to the Community Award to Geoff & Sue Mitchell from the Mytholmroyd Station Partnership. It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to defer the 2018/19 Young Persons Service to the Community Award to the next meeting.

403. MAYOR & DEPUTY MAYOR 2018/19 It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED UNANIMOUSLY : to recommend to the Annual Meeting that Cllr Carol Stow be elected Hebden Royd Town Council Mayor for the Council Year 2018/19. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: to recommend to the Annual Meeting that Cllr Stephne Harrison be elected Hebden Royd Town Council Deputy Mayor for the Council Year 2018/19.

404. WORKING GROUP Reports were received and noted from the following: a) Great War Commemoration Working Group b) Disabled Access Forum c) CMBC Service Support

405. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Cammack attended the Cragg Vale Ladies Group and the Cragg Vale Community Association. The Community Association informed the meeting of its activities especially its Historical Newsletter, plans for a 2019 calendar, its spring Treasure Hunt and Spaw Sunday. A request for financial support to improve level access to Cragg Vale Park was likely to be directed to the Town Council. Cllr Phillips was co-opted onto the committee and added that enquiries relating to broadband provision was made and help from CMBC should be sort to assist.

Note: Cllr Fearon arrived.

Cllr Boggis informed the meeting that the Royd Regen AGM had been held with presentations made by Rodney Collinge on Cragg Coiners and Nick Wilding on Ted Hughes. Cllr Bampton Smith reported on another popular business breakfast in Mytholmroyd with EA Presentations. Cllr patient advised that the Mytholmroyd Gala, planned for the 7 th July, has adopted a constitution, is seeking grant funding and is eager to hear from individuals interested in supporting the event.

Meeting finished at 8.25pm.

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 31st January 2018

Hebden Royd Town Council Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Pyroweavers Xmas Fireworks £700.00 Env, All & Eve BACS £700.00

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Dringtech IT Support £105.00 Office BACS b Dringtech IT Support £84.00 Office BACS c Bentley Fielden Wheelchair Ramps £1587.60 Build Man BACS d R Clayton Maintenance of clocks £160.00 Build Man BACS e P&D Builders Notice Board £68.00 Build Man BACS f Mytholm Builders (Xmas Lights) £55.80 Env, All & Eve BACS g Yorkshire Audit Internal audit visit £305.00 Office BACS h SLCC Training £250.00 Training BACS I YLCA Planning Seminar £460.00 Training BACS j Print Bureau WW1 Display £54.60 WWI BACS k Pennine Pens Website £395.00 Website BACS l HBCA Hospitality £9.60 Office BACS m HBCA Room Hire (DAF) £63.00 Office BACS n HBCA Hospitality (Training) £15.60 Office BACS o HBCA Hospitality (Training) £20.40 Office BACS p Neopost Postage £200.00 Office BACS £3,833.60 Receipts Received a Allotment Fees x2 £55.00 Env, All & Eve b British Gas Refund Overpayment £18.77 Office c HeptonstallVillageTeam Grant Repayment £300.00 Comm Fund d CFFC DAF Grant £839.16 DAF £1,212.93

Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £554.73 Kiosk BACS £554.73 Accounts to be Paid Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a Artificial Eye Film Royalties £204.40 Royalties BACS b Dogwoof Film Royalties £580.66 Royalties BACS c Park Circus Film Royalties £1,527.50 Royalties BACS d Park Circus Film Royalties £393.85 Royalties BACS e Park Circus Film Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS f Twentieth Century Fox Film Royalties £1,254.00 Royalties BACS g Twentieth Century Fox Film Royalties £439.60 Royalties BACS h Warner Bros Film Royalties £977.00 Royalties BACS i Warner Bros Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS j More2Screen Streaming £315.50 Streaming BACS k More2Screen Streaming £528.50 Streaming BACS l Craggs Cakes Kiosk £196.80 Kiosk BACS m Craggs Cakes Kiosk £26.10 Kiosk BACS n Empire Kiosk £86.40 Kiosk BACS o J.L Brooks Kiosk £159.29 Kiosk BACS p Matthew Clark Kiosk £303.41 Kiosk BACS q Matthew Clark Kiosk £325.39 Kiosk BACS r Empire Pop Kiosk £317.03 Kiosk BACS s Empire Pop Kiosk £222.59 Kiosk BACS t Suma Whole foods Kiosk £265.51 Kiosk BACS u Suma Whole foods Kiosk £244.87 Kiosk BACS v Suma Whole foods Kiosk £32.30 Kiosk BACS w Turner&Wrights Kiosk £301.94 Kiosk BACS x Vocation Brewery Kiosk £71.76 Kiosk BACS y Yorkshire Crisps Kiosk £117.02 Kiosk BACS z ARGas Services Toilet Repairs £45.00 Build Man BACS aa Cathedral Hygiene Services £225.11 Build Man BACS bb Pennine Signs Sign £48.00 Build Man BACS cc P&D Builders Leaky Pipe £50.00 Build Man BACS dd ICO Programming £2,601.00 Programming BACS ee Lisa Murdoch Programme Design £165.00 Brochure BACS ff Neopost Postage Re-credit £200.00 Office BACS gg npower Electricity £1,688.59 Utility BACS hh SSE Gas £2,061.44 Utility BACS ii Yorkshire Water Water/Sewerage £405.43 Utility BACS jj Unicom Telephone £128.22 Office BACS kk the phone coop Internet Services £18.00 Office BACS ll Viking Stationary £46.13 Office BACS mm Berendsen Cleaning £74.53 Cleaning BACS nn UK Cinema UKCA Subscription £112.80 Office BACS oo Waterlogic Hospitality £32.35 Build Man BACS £17,108.62




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Cammack, Crosland, Courtney, Davenport, Fearon, Fenton, Harrison, Hodgins, Phillips, Scullion, Stow and Young.

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

425. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council.

426. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Patient, Timbers & Trickett.

427. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. Cllr Young item 428 b) & f) Cllr Phillips item 428 e) Cllr Boggis item 428 b), d) & item 436 Cllr Courtney item 428 f)


a) Application 18/00028/FUL at The Hatcheries, Hall Bank Lane, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5HQ for Replacement of the existing external goods lift with a passenger lift. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

b) Application 18/00086/COU at 54 Market Street, Hebden Bridge, HX7 6AA for Change of use from retail (A1) to diner (A3). It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL with concerns regarding adequate extraction from the proposed kitchen area and plans for waste storage from communal land and adjacent to a public right of way.

c) Application 17/00986/FUL at Unit 7C & 15A Moderna Business Park, Moderna Way, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5QQ for Extension to existing unit 7C to create additional storage unit (7d) (use class B8) and storage extension to rear of unit 15A (use class B8). It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

d) Application 18/20015/TPO at Stancliffe, 7 Coiners Fold, Mytholmroyd, Hebden Bridge, HX7 5BS for Fell two trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Fearon Seconded by Cllr Davenport and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION with agreement that the applicant replant with varieties of their choice.

e) Application 18/00165/FUL at 13 - 15 Bank Bottom, Cragg Road, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5SU for Conversion and alterations to one dwelling to form two dwellings. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION with a request that the proposals sewage requirements are considered carefully and that CMBC Highways consider any potential parking on the highway on this busy and fast flowing section of the road network.

f) Application 18/20021/TPO at 12 Slater Avenue, Hebden Bridge, HX7 7DU for Fell four trees (Tree Preservation Order). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Davenport and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

g) Application 17/01561/HSE at 55 Caldene Avenue, Mytholmroyd, HX7 5AJ for Single side storey extension. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Harrison and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Applications dealt with under delegation from Full Council.

• Application 17/20196/TPO at 3 Ewood Court Midgley Road Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5QX for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order)

As per delegated powers, NO OBJECTION.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

429. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information.

430. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : To note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £38,885.33.

431. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Pennine Prospects Walk & Ride Festival 2018 £1000.00 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to award £1000.00

b) CROWS Various Footpath Repairs £517.00 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to award £517.00

432. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) Mytholmroyd Station Partnership Transport for the North b) John Leech School Keep Clear Markings (plans available at the meeting) c) CMBC State of Calderdale 2018 d) Police & Crime Commissioner February Newsletter e) CMBC Parish Precept 2018/19 f) Lesley Mackay HB Station Car Park g) Warsteiner Europafreunde Cultural Meeting h) West Yorks Combined Authority HB to Tod Walking Route i) Paul Monahan Changes to a Listed Building.

It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : that: c) Cllr Stow attend. f) to write to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Network Rail seeking clarification if this proposal has deemed consent. h) write to the Rochdale Canal Trust regarding the need for wash wall repairs. i) write to CMBC regarding the works completed at this listed building.

433. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : To note the activities of the Mayor with special mention to the School Council which was a very productive meeting. It was confirmed that the Mayors Secretary had already contacted those schools which did not attend.

434. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 31 January 2018 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : To approve the amended minutes as a correct record.

435. MINUTES OF THE PICTURE HOUSE COMMITTEE held 5 February 2018 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED : To approve the amended minutes as a correct record.

436. MINUTES OF THE JOINT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 12 February 2018 It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Hodgins RESOLVED : To endorse the recommendations and approve the minutes as a correct record. Cllr Boggis appreciated the recent presentation of the Mytholmroyd Masterplan and the resulting proposals. He felt there was a need for the work to be more in depth and that landowners should be consulted in more. This should then be fed back into the proposals. The Clerk clarified the position of the appointment of AECOM as consultants to the Mytholmroyd Masterplan and their remit. Cllr Hodgins stated he was a strong advocate of the Masterplan, wanting it to think big with far reaching proposals and dramatic plans. He felt it good that errors were being highlighted now before formal adoption.

437. WORKING GROUP a) CMBC Services Support It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to adopt the recommendations of the CMBC Services Support Working Group writing to CMBC to request information relating to the Hebden Bridge Tourist Information Centre.

438. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Stow reported on the recent meeting of the Hebden Bridge & Mytholmroyd Town Board specifically on proposals for a Ted Hughes Trail which was presented at the meeting. The organisers have been advised of potential funding available from the Town Council. A discussion followed with Cllrs Fearon, Crosland and Bampton Smith involved. Cllr Boggis reported on a meeting held by the Trustees for the Mytholmroyd Station Building looking at suggestions for possible uses in the building once renovated. Cllr Boggis commended the work of the Community Flood Resilience Board where he had been advised of the grants available to businesses and residents and the huge body of work going on in the background.

The Mayor allowed Cllr Jane Scullion to speak.

Cllr Scullion advised the meeting that she would be writing to the Town Clerk to resign from the Town Council. The conflict between her role as a Town Councillor and that of a Cabinet Member on Calderdale MBC had grown too great and that she had consequently decided to resign.

Cllrs Boggis and Stow both expressed thanks for all she had done while a Town Councillor.

Meeting finished at 8.55pm Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 21st February 2018

Hebden Royd Town Council Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a SLCC/ALCC Annual Subscriptions £338.00 Subscriptions BACS £338.00 Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Bradford Council Christmas Lights £6,396.00 E, A & E BACS b D.A and F.R Gibbon Pumpkin Fest £72.00 E, A & E BACS c D.A and F.R Gibbon Hanging Baskets £798.00 E, A & E BACS d Dr Lindsay Smales Neighbourhood plan £2,640.00 E, A & E BACS e Carolyne Warren Accountancy Services £175.00 Office BACS f Euro Digital Systems Print Support £99.17 Office BACS g HBCA DAF - Room Hire £60.40 Office BACS h Neopost Postage £103.41 Office BACS £10,343.98 Receipts Received a HB Picture House VAT Repay £6,006.20 Vat Repay £6,006.20 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method a PRS 2017 Fees £2,058.19 PRS BACS b Towngate Tearoom Cakes £243.60 Kiosk BACS c Towngate Tearoom Cakes £132.00 Kiosk BACS d Towngate Tearoom Cakes £98.40 Kiosk BACS e Towngate Tearoom Cakes £111.60 Kiosk BACS f Zip Boiler Repair £123.60 Build Main BACS £2,767.39

Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Film Royalties £474.95 Royalties BACS b Altitude Film Royalties £501.90 Royalties BACS c Altitude Film Royalties £389.56 Royalties BACS d Altitude Film Royalties £389.56 Royalties BACS e Arrow Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS f BFI Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS g Dogwoof Film Royalties £189.00 Royalties BACS h Entertainment One Film Royalties £239.75 Royalties BACS i Munro Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS j Park Circus Film Royalties £311.26 Royalties BACS k Park Circus Film Royalties £282.90 Royalties BACS l Studiocanal Film Royalties £1,756.80 Royalties BACS m Studiocanal Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS n Studiocanal Film Royalties £1,858.96 Royalties BACS o Sony Film Royalties £430.80 Royalties BACS p Trafalgar Film Royalties £406.00 Royalties BACS q Thunderbird Film Royalties £464.80 Royalties BACS r Thunderbird Film Royalties £597.46 Royalties BACS s Twentieth Century Fox Film Royalties £3,264.00 Royalties BACS t Universal Film Royalties £399.20 Royalties BACS u Universal Film Royalties £4,252.50 Royalties BACS v Vertigo Film Royalties £156.80 Royalties BACS w Walt Disney Film Royalties £2,879.00 Royalties BACS x Warner Bros Film Royalties £404.26 Royalties BACS y Yorkshire Silent Film Film Royalties £200.00 Royalties BACS z More 2 Screen Streaming £842.00 Streaming BACS aa J. L. Brooks Kiosk £286.12 Kiosk BACS bb J.L Brooks Kiosk £204.73 Kiosk BACS cc Eden Farm Kiosk £50.18 Kiosk BACS dd Eden Farm Kiosk £140.17 Kiosk BACS ee Retail Leisure Kiosk £141.52 Kiosk BACS ff Retail Leisure Kiosk £141.52 Kiosk BACS gg Matthew Clark Kiosk £226.67 Kiosk BACS hh Matthew Clark Kiosk £297.27 Kiosk BACS ii Turner & Wrights Kiosk £303.58 Kiosk BACS jj Towngate Tearooms Kiosk £196.80 Kiosk BACS kk Vocation Brewery Kiosk £74.40 Kiosk BACS ll Pos Yorkshire Film Delivery £198.00 Film Delivery BACS mm BemroseBooth Paragon Tickets £145.92 Office BACS nn Neopost Postage £103.40 Office BACS oo Viking Office Supplies £51.95 Office BACS pp Print Bureau Dementia Friendly flyers £80.00 Office BACS qq Print Bureau School flyers (July 17) £120.00 Office BACS rr Print Bureau School flyers (Feb 18) £120.00 Office BACS ss Phone Coop Telephone £18.00 Office BACS tt Brookfoot Print Programme £620.00 Programme BACS uu Lisa Murdoch Programme £165.00 Programme BACS vv Berendsen Cleaning Materials £64.07 Cleaning BACS ww Buzz Supplies Cleaning Materials £36.12 Cleaning BACS xx J.G Harrison & Sons Electrician £179.16 Build Main BACS yy P&D Builders Fixing of potholes £145.00 Build Main BACS zz Zip Boiler Repair £154.92 Build Main BACS £25,435.96




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Boggis, Crosland, Courtney, Fearon, Fenton, Harrison, Hodgins, Patient, Phillips, Stow, Timbers, Trickett and Young.

Jason Boom – Town Clerk

463. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No Questions were asked of the council.

464. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs Cammack & Davenport.

465. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. Cllr Patient item 476 Cllr Courtney Item 472) a) Cllr Phillips item 467) a) Cllr Fraser item 467) c)

Councillors were advised that responsibility for declaring an interest lies solely with them. Each member received a paper copy of the DCLG Councillors Guide to Openness and Transparency on Personal Interests. A electronic copy of the document had been circulated prior to the meeting.

466. CALDERDALE MBC LIBRARY REVIEW Roberta Crossley from CMBC Libraries outlined the review process currently underway at 15 of the 22 CMBC libraries. Mytholmroyd Library’s background and position was highlighted, Hebden Bridge Libraries position was not part of the process. Questions were put by councillors and answered with Cllr Boggis sharing that the CMBC Services Support Working Group had discussed the position of the library. Consultation documents were distributed and the process runs until the 30 th April 2018.


a) Application 18/00112/HSE at 6 Daisy Bank, Hebden Bridge, HX7 8PU for Single storey extensions to front and rear of garage. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION b) Application 18/00169/FUL at Mayroyd Mill, Wheelhouse And Weir, Mayroyd Lane, Hebden Bridge for Replacement roof. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fenton and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION c) Application 18/00185/FUL at Land Off Stubbing Holme Road, Hebden Bridge for Residential development of three detached dwellings with additional parking for existing residents of Trinity Street. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL on the following grounds: • adversely increase traffic in approach roads, primarily Stubbing Holme Road • the flood risk assessment does not provide adequate answers in this flood risk area • the proposal is out of keeping with the surrounding area, its size and mass dominating the area • the proposal will overlook adjacent properties affecting residents personal amenity d) Application 18/00160/LBC at Grove House, Burnley Road, Luddenden Foot, Sowerby Bridge, HX2 6HS for Replace single glazed timber windows with triple glazed timber windows (Listed Building Consent). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION e) Application 18/00064/CON at Pitts Farm, High Stones Road, Cragg Vale, HX7 5TX for Conversion of stable building to dwelling. It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Timbers and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION f) Application 18/00238/COU at Former Brearley Works, Brearley Lane, Mytholmroyd for Change of use from D1(Education Institute) to B1 (Research and Development). It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Patient and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

468. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to note the information.

469. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION REFUSED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer REFUSING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to note the information.

470. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note items of information and to authorise payments totalling £17,279.76 up to the 8 th March 2018.

471. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to accept the Statement of Account up to end of January 2018 as a true record.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to rearrange the agenda.

472. MINUTES OF THE COMMUNITY FUNDING COMMITTEE held 5 th March 2018 It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes as a correct record and endorse the recommendations.

473. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL Discussion took place regarding procedure for consideration and funding available.

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Fearon and NOT RESOLVED : to award the full amounts as requested.

a) Hope Baptist Church £885.00 Lunchtime Live It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to award £769.12

b) Hebden Bridge Business Forum £400.00 Access Map Development and Install It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to award £450.00 in recognition of the costs for this application being higher as outlined by the Disabled Access Forum Minutes from 19.2.18.

c) Hebden Bridge Rotary Club £600.00 Bench Seat Design Competition It was moved by Cllr Boggis Seconded by Cllr Harrison and RESOLVED : to make no award and ask the Rotary Club to engage with the Environment, Allotments and Events Committee

474. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) Historic England Birchcliffe War Memorial b) Jane Scullion Resignation c) Environment Agency M’royd FAS Consultation Day d) Robin Tuddenham CMBC Hebden Bridge TIC e) NALC Data Protection Bill f) West Yorks Police Commissioner March Newsletter g) Staying Well Newsletter h) Anthony Milroy Members Responsibilities to consider EA Proposals & Flood Defence Designs i) Clerks & Council Direct March 2018 Late Item j) CMBC Electoral Services Confirmation of Poll in Fairfield Ward It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to note the information as presented.

475. MAYOR’S REPORT/DEPUTY MAYOR’S REPORT It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED : to note the activities of the Mayor.

476. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 21 st February 2018 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

477. MINUTES OF THE ENVIRONMENT, ALLOTMENTS & EVENTS COMMITTEE held 7 th March 2018 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED : to approve the minutes as a correct record.

478. MINUTES OF THE JOINT NEIGHBOURHOOD PLANNING COMMITTEE held 12th March 2018 It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Boggis and RESOLVED : to accept the minutes, endorse recommendations and approve as a correct record.

Note: Cllr Boggis declared an interest in the next item.

479. WORKING GROUPS a) Disabled Access Forum. Cllr Boggis advised that the Forum was supporting the development of Youth House. b) Great War Commemoration Working Group.

480. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES a) Cllr Fraser reminded the meeting of the visit of Warstein’s Burgermeister, Dr Thomas Schoner from the 26 th March to the 29 th March.

Meeting finished at 9.00pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 14th March 2018

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a ICO Data Protection Registration £35.00 Office BACS b Carolyn Warren Accounts Support £150.00 Acc Support BACS c HBCA Data £108.00 Office BACS d HBCA N Plan Hospitality £10.00 Hospitality BACS e Euro Dig Systems Photocopying £104.89 Office BACS f Neopost Postage £206.06 Office BACS £613.95 Receipts Received a Groundworks N Plan Grant £2,640.00 b Dring Tech Credit £105.00 £2,745.00

Hebden Bridge Picture House Item Payment no: Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Method Accounts to be Paid a Altitude Royalties £299.95 Royalties BACS b Arrow Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS c BFI Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS d Disney Royalties £606.55 Royalties BACS e Eone Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS f Eone Royalties £1,741.60 Royalties BACS g NATL Royalties £122.86 Royalties BACS h Paramount Royalties £148.20 Royalties BACS i Park Circus Royalties £273.80 Royalties BACS j Sony Royalties £194.95 Royalties BACS k Universal Royalties £1,564.15 Royalties BACS l More2Screen Streaming £318.50 Streaming BACS m Trafalgar Streaming £1,182.25 Streaming BACS n Trafalgar Streaming £779.90 Streaming BACS o JL Brooks Kiosk Supplies £251.17 Kiosk BACS p JL Brooks Kiosk Supplies £264.83 Kiosk BACS q JL Brooks Kiosk Supplies inc Credits £200.40 Kiosk BACS r Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £132.91 Kiosk BACS s Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £368.82 Kiosk BACS t Suma Kiosk Supplies £268.02 Kiosk BACS u Suma Kiosk Supplies £295.34 Kiosk BACS v Towngate Kiosk Supplies £120.40 Kiosk BACS w Towngate Kiosk Supplies £111.60 Kiosk BACS x Towngate Kiosk Supplies £273.20 Kiosk BACS y Towngate Kiosk Supplies £106.00 Kiosk BACS z Towngate Kiosk Supplies £64.80 Kiosk BACS aa Towngate Kiosk Supplies £136.00 Kiosk BACS bb Turner & Wrights Kiosk Supplies £337.79 Kiosk BACS cc Empire Brewing Kiosk Supplies £86.40 Kiosk BACS dd Empire Brewing Kiosk Supplies £86.40 Kiosk BACS ee Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £351.03 Kiosk BACS ff Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £341.15 Kiosk BACS gg Vocation Brewery Kiosk Supplies £74.40 Kiosk BACS hh Vocation Brewery Kiosk Supplies £74.40 Kiosk BACS ii Brookfoot Print Programme Printing £620.00 Programme BACS jj AR Gas Repairs £45.00 Build man BACS kk Berendsen Cleaning Equipt £77.39 Cleaning BACS ll Clifford Cooper Boiler Service £475.20 Build man BACS mm HB Partnership Advert £80.00 Office BACS nn HB Arts Festival Advert £100.00 Office BACS oo Neopost Postage £206.06 Office BACS pp Phone Coop Phone £18.00 Office BACS qq POS Yorkshire Film delivery £158.40 Film Delivery BACS rr Super Stitch Uniforms £561.28 Office BACS ss YPO Cleaning Materials £41.71 Cleaning BACS £13,920.81




PRESENT Councillors; Fraser (Chair) Bampton Smith, Cammack, Crosland, Courtney, Davenport, Fearon, Hodgins, Patient, Phillips, Stow, Trickett and Young.

Emma Green – Deputy Clerk

In addition there were 8 members of the public present.

493. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME. No questions were asked of the council

494. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Apologies were received from Cllrs Boggis, Fenton and Harrison.

495. MEMBERS’ INTERESTS’ RELATING TO AGENDA ITEMS. Cllr Trickett Agenda Item 495d Cllr Patient – Agenda Item 501

496. PLANNING APPLICATIONS Members of the public had attended the meeting with regard to item 4e.

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: That item 4e be considered before any further planning applications.

e) Application 18/00313/OUT at Land South East Of 15 Mount Pleasant Drive Mount Pleasant Drive Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale for Residential development of two pairs of semi detached dwellings (Outline)

Representations against the application were made by members of the public. Concerns were raised about the impact on the conservation area, the lack of an impact assessment and the fact that the plans had not been altered significantly to reflect these concerns following their previous presentation. Concerns were also raised regards flooding and the impact on the recent works undertaken by the EA at White Lee Clough.

It was moved by Cllr Hodgins Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. The development is not sensitive to the Mytholmroyd Conservation Area and the historic settlement of White Lee, the impact on the wildlife corridor and overlooking of nearby properties. It would also contribute to flood risk and the area, with the loss of further trees and disruption of the already high water table.

Note: Cllr Trickett left the meeting

a) Application 18/00113/FUL at High Stones Lodge High Stones Road Cragg Vale Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5TU for Conversion and reinstatement of existing outbuilding to form two holiday let apartments

It was moved by Cllr Patient Seconded by Cllr Fearon and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. The lack of detailed drawings does not enable to council to make an informed decision. It is suggested that the applicant submit appropriate drawings to support the application.

b) Application 18/00256/LBC at 16 - 18 Foster Lane Hebden Bridge West Yorkshire HX7 8HF for Internal alterations to include removal of staircase and internal walls at no. 16, new staircase from first to second floor, repositioning of internal wall at first floor bedroom and alterations at second floor to make two rooms into one at no. 18 (Listed Building Consent)

It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION . Subject to clarification that the stairs are not an original feature.

c) Application 18/00152/FUL at 25 Erringden Road Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5AR for Dwelling

It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Hodgins and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

d) Application 18/00306/LBC at Dean Head Farm Blackstone Edge Road Cragg Vale Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5TR for Internal alterations and replacement of garage door to form Bi-fold doors/windows (Listed Building Consent)

It was moved by Cllr Fearon Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED: RECOMMEND REFUSAL. The lack of detailed drawings does not enable to council to make an informed decision. It is suggested that the applicant submit appropriate drawings to support the application.

f) Application 18/00336/HSE at The Barn Collon Bob High Stones Road Cragg Vale Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5TX for Demolition of conservatory to facilitate single storey rear extension

It was moved by Cllr Timbers Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

g) Application 18/00280/LBC at 10 Market Street Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 6AE for External and internal alterations following closure of bank (Listed Building Consent)

It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

h) Application 18/00087/FUL at 22 Market Street Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 6AA for Conversion of first, second and third floor to flats and external staircase to the rear of the property

It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED: NO OBJECTION

Applications dealt with under delegation from Full Council.

• Application 18/20030/TPO at Mytholm Court Mytholmroyd Hebden Bridge West Yorkshire HX7 6DT for Prune one tree (Tree Preservation Order)

• Application 18/20032/TPO at Stonehaven Church Bank Lane Cragg Vale Hebden Bridge Calderdale HX7 5TF for Prune two trees (Tree Preservation Order)

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED to note the information

It was moved by Cllr Fraser Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED : that the recommendations on the above planning applications are sent to the Environmental Services Department of Calderdale MBC. When the Chair or Deputy Chair cannot attend, Ward members are authorised to represent the view of Hebden Royd Town Council at meetings of the Planning Committee at Calderdale MBC.

497. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION GRANTED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer GRANTING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to note the information.

498. APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING PERMISSION REFUSED BY CALDERDALE MBC The Clerk reported on Planning Notices received from the Chief Town Planning Officer REFUSING PLANNING PERMISSION to applications previously considered. It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED : to note the information.

499. HRTC & HBPH PAYMENT & RECEIPT SCHEDULE It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Bampton Smith and RESOLVED to note items of information and to authorise payments up to 28 th March 2018 totalling £22,268.15.

500. HRTC STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Phillips and RESOLVED to accept the Statement of Account up to end of February 2018 as a true record.

501. APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT FROM THE COUNCIL a) Orixo Bloco £1000.00 Costumes It was moved by Cllr Stow Seconded by Cllr Fearon and RESOLVED to award £630 for dress fabric, cotton satin and the seamstress.

502. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE TOWN MAYOR AND THE CLERK. a) Paul Monahan Awarding of Grants b) YLCA Member Subscription c) Hebden Bridge Business Forum Note of Thanks d) Calderdale MBC Tourist Information Centre e) Canal & River Trust Canal Towpath f) The Clerk Magazine

In respect of item a) It was moved by Cllr Bampton Smith Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED that the letter be referred for consideration by the Community Funding Committee and a response sent to Mr Monahan stating this.

In respect of other items It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED to note the information.

The Mayor took this opportunity to update the Council on the recent visit of Thomas Sch őne, Mayor of Warstein, and thanked the Council and those involved for their support in making the visit a success.

503. MINUTES OF THE TOWN COUNCIL held 14 th March 2018 Cllr Courtney noted a grammatical error on minute 467c. Cllr Timbers had been omitted from the attendance list. It was moved by Cllr Courtney Seconded by Cllr Young and RESOLVED to approve the amended minutes as a correct record.

504. MINUTES OF THE STAFFING COMMITTEE held 21 st March 2018 It was moved by Cllr Young Seconded by Cllr Courtney and RESOLVED: to approve the minutes as a correct record and the recommendations therein.

505. MINUTES OF THE STRATEGY & REVIEW COMMITTEE held 28th March 2018 Clarification was made as to provision of training in minute 492. It was moved by Cllr Crosland Seconded by Cllr Stow and RESOLVED: to approve the amended minutes as a correct record recommendations therein.

506. WORKING GROUP Disability Access Forum – Cllr Timbers gave a brief update on the work of the group including the collaborative approach with Hebden Bridge Business Forum to develop a specific are for accessibility on the new hebdenbridge.org website.

507. REPRESENTATIVES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Cllr Hodgins gave an update on the recent Royd Regeneration meeting and highlighted the support from the community received at these meetings.

The meeting finished at 8:42pm

Payment and Receipt Schedule Full Council 4th April 2018

Hebden Royd Town Council Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method a CMBC Festive Lights £3,558.58 Festive Lights BACS b CMBC Litter Bin £165.00 Env, All & Events BACS c HBCA Xmas Function £144.00 Events BACS d Neopost Franking £267.19 Office BACS £4,134.77

Hebden Royd Town Council Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method Accounts to be Paid a Howarths Employment Law Support £3,600.00 Employment Law BACS b Smith of Derby Clock Maintenance £204.00 Clocks BACS c YLCA Membership £1,060.00 Subscriptions BACS d Dring Tech IT Support £84.00 Office BACS e Bates Stationery £19.66 Office BACS f Roger Greenwood Clerking Services £201.61 Salaries BACS £5,169.27 Hebden Bridge Picture House Approval of Payments Made by the Town Clerk Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method a Lisa Murdoch Brochure Design £165.00 Brochure BACS b Unrest Royalties £118.96 Royalties CC c Print Bureau Leaflets £40.00 Office BACS d Lionsgate Royalties £365.05 Royalties BACS e Lionsgate Royalties £226.80 Royalties BACS f Lionsgate Royalties £913.15 Royalties BACS g Lionsgate Royalties £213.50 Royalties BACS h Vocation Kiosk £71.76 Kiosk BACS £2,114.22

Item Payee Details Amount Cost Centre Payment no: Method Accounts to be Paid a Arrow Film Royalties £224.00 Royalties BACS b BFI Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS c Burning Bridges Film Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS d Park Circus Film Royalties £229.00 Royalties BACS e Park Circus Film Royalties £180.00 Royalties BACS f Park Circus Film Royalties £195.60 Royalties BACS g Paramount Film Royalties £120.00 Royalties BACS h Studio Canal Film Royalties £2,177.09 Royalties BACS i Studio Canal Film Royalties £152.60 Royalties BACS j Studio Canal Film Royalties £769.20 Royalties BACS k Fox Film Royalties £2,769.60 Royalties BACS l JL Brooks Kiosk Supplies £93.15 Kiosk BACS m Matthew Clark Kiosk Supplies £318.57 Kiosk BACS n Empire Popcorn Kiosk Supplies £132.90 Kiosk BACS o Towngate Kiosk Supplies £239.60 Kiosk BACS p Towngate Kiosk Supplies £240.80 Kiosk BACS q Brookfoot Printing Brochure £620.00 Brochure BACS r Cathedral leasing Hygiene Supplies £225.11 Cleaning BACS s FCC Waste £512.74 Waste BACS t FCC Waste £64.80 Waste BACS u Neopost Franking £267.19 Office BACS v Rosse Fire System £906.40 Build Man BACS w Viking Stationery £111.54 Office BACS £10,849.89 Authorised by



Town Clerk Date