ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME A threat to our future ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTENTS This report was written by Debbie Banks, Charlotte Davies, Justin Gosling, Julian Newman, Mary Rice, Jago Wadley and Fionnuala Walravens. 1 INTRODUCTION Picture research by Ingvild Holm Edited by Mary Rice 2 ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME MATTERS EIA would like to express their gratitude to the Rufford Maurice Laing Foundation and CASE STUDIES: Sigrid Rausing Trust for their continued support. Designed by: 6 ILLEGAL LOGGING – PILLAGING THE WORLD’S www.design-solutions.me.uk Tel: 07789 041173 SHRINKING RAINFORESTS Many thanks to Emmerson Press for the printing of this report. (Emmerson Press: +44 (0) 1926 854400) 10 WILDLIFE CRIME - SKINNING THE CAT Printed on recycled paper October 2008 14 SMUGGLING OF OZONE-DEPLETING SUBSTANCES – A CRIME AGAINST NATURE ISBN: 0-9540768-5-0 Front cover images © iStock 18 IVORY – THE SINGAPORE SEIZURE 22 SUCCESSFUL ENFORCEMENT MODELS 24 WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE? 24 RECOMMENDATIONS WHAT IS INTERNATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME? ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATION AGENCY (EIA) 62/63 Upper Street, London N1 0NY, UK For the purposes of this report, International Environmental Tel: +44 (0) 20 7354 7960 Crime can be defined across five broad areas of offences Fax: +44 (0) 20 7354 7961 which have been recognised by bodies such as the G8, Interpol, email:
[email protected] EU, UN Environment programme and the UN Interregional www.eia-international.org Crime and Justice Research Institute. These are: 1. Illegal trade in wildlife in contravention to the 1973 Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of fauna and Flora (CITES); 2. Illegal trade in ozone-depleting substances (ODS) in contravention to the 1987 Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer; 3.