Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata Discourse Research In The Multitude of Approaches An Academic Journey of Anton Suratno Faculty of Language And Arts Soegijapranata Catholic University ©Soegijapranata Catholic University 2020 All rights reserved. Reproduction or transfer of part or all of the contents in this book in any form, electronically or mechanically, is not permitted, including photocopying, recording or with other storage systems, without written permission from the Author and Publisher. Cover Design : Bayu Widiantoro Layout : Ignatius Eko Publisher: Universitas Katolik Soegijapranata Anggota APPTI No. Jl. Pawiyatan Luhur IV/1 Bendan Duwur Semarang 50234 Telpon (024)8441555 ext. 1409 Website : www.unika.ac.id Email Penerbit :
[email protected] [ii] I would like to express my special gratitude to Professor Ridwan Sanjaya (The Rector of Soegijapranata Catholic University) as well as the former Rector (Prof Budi Widianarko) who encouraged me to take the golden opportunity in my academic career to write books on the topic of my expertise (Discourse Analysis). Secondly, I would also like to thank my friend Dr. Ekawati Marhaenny Dhukut, M. Hum and Ignatius Eko who helped me a lot in finalizing this book within a relatively limited time frame. I cannot express enough thanks to my colleague lecturers for their continued support and encouragement: Dr. Angelika Riyandari; Dr. Heny Hartono; and other lecturers. I offer my sincere appreciation for their tireless support and motivation to make this book into existence. The completion of this book could not have been accomplished without the support of a few lecturers and students who were involved in making the research reports available for this publication.