BRUCE M. JAKOSKY Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Department of Geological Sciences 1234 Innovation Dr. Campus Box 399 University of Colorado University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80303-7814 Boulder, CO 80309-0399 Telephone: 303-492-8004 Fax: 303-492-6444 e-mail:
[email protected] EDUCATION: B.S., 1977, University of California at Los Angeles M.S., 1980, California Institute of Technology Ph.D., 1982, California Institute of Technology (in Planetary Science and Geophysics; Dissertation: The Seasonal Behavior of Water Vapor in the Mars Atmosphere) POSITIONS HELD: Associate Director for Science, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado (2005 - present) Director, Center for Astrobiology, University of Colorado (1998 - present) Professor of Geology, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Colorado (1999- present; Associate Professor, 1992-1999; Assistant Professor, 1988-1992) Faculty Research Associate, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado (1988-present; Research Associate 1982-1988) Lecturer, Dept. of Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Colorado (1983-1988) PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Spacecraft Participation: Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission (MAVEN), Principal Investigator Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, DIVINER investigation, Co-Investigator Mars Science Laboratory, Sample Analysis at Mars investigation, Co-Investigator Mars Odyssey, Thermal Emission Imaging System, Co-Investigator Mars Global Surveyor, Interdisciplinary Scientist for Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Clementine, science analysis team member Mars Observer, Interdisciplinary Scientist for Surface-Atmosphere Interactions Solar Mesosphere Explorer, science analysis team member Viking Infrared Thermal Mapping Experiment, science analysis team member Service to Professional Organizations: 1 President, Planetary Sciences Section of the American Geophysical Union (2008-2010; President-Elect, 2006-2008) American Geophysical Union Audit and Legal Affairs Committee, 2007.