Volume 6 Issue 2 Newsletter March ~ April 2011 Ray Emery - Avascular Necrosis ormer condition. Bone necrosis can occur IN THIS ISSUE FOttawa Senator, and Philadelphia as a result of severe osteoarthritis, Flyer, and Kontinental Hockey League fractures, tumours, infections and other Ray Emery Injury Page 1 Brain Teaser Page 1 Atlant Moscow Ray Emery bone disorders but AVN is distinct due Liver Disease Month Page 2 is making a comeback with the Anaheim to the amount of destruction that can Funny Bone Page 2 Ducks following hip surgery to repair occur. The events leading up to AVN Parkinson Month Page 3 avascular necrosis of his femoral head. are not completely understood but the Mental Environmental Page 3 Nutrition Corner Page 4 This is the same condition that ended fi nal step in the process includes the Brain Teaser answers Page 4 Bo Jackson’s dual career in the NFL lack of or complete stop of blood fl ow and Major League Baseball. to the bone. One of the mechanisms is direct trauma to the blood vessels Emery’s hockey career has been supplying the area. The hip is unique a rollercoaster at best. in that it has a very limited Emery was outstanding secondary blood fl ow to in the 2006-07 playoffs the femoral head. Other leading the Senators to joints could have a couple the fi nals of vessels occluded but but by the following June still maintain an adequate was released by those supply but the hip does not same Senators due to making it more susceptible questionable behaviour on the ice to AVN. The trauma in this case could and off. The 2008-09 season found be due to the inherent demands on the Emery playing in Russia in the KHL, hip by a professional butterfl y style Puck Problems a campaign that was capped by the goalie and the trauma that results due Emery/Unidentifi ed Russian athletic to those positions. he learned trainer fi ght behind the team bench. Tthat there was going to be a The ’09 season found Emery between The main cause of concern with AVN shortage of pucks due to a rubber the pipes with the Philadelphia of the hip is the lateness with which tree disease. By the time they Flyers but by March 2010 the Flyers it is usually detected. In most cases ordered their pucks, the ACME Puck organization was announcing that by the time AVN is caught, there is Company was all out. The Leafs Emery’s season was over due to a hip already considerable damage making had to call the Senators, Sabres and injury that would require surgery to less invasive repairs impossible. In Penguins to see if they would share repair. Emery became an unrestricted Emery’s case, the early detection led some of their boxes of pucks which, free agent and in February 2011 signed to the ability to have a bone graft and surprisingly, they agreed to. The with the after the better outcome. In the case of Bo Senators had 14 boxes; Sabres 16 successful rehabilitation of his hip. Jackson, the amount of destruction led boxes; and Penguins 18 boxes. If to a total hip replacement. Remarkably, each team had an equal number of Avascular necrosis or AVN is a term Jackson was able to return to Major used to describe a condition of massive League Baseball but his once blazing boxes at the end and the Leafs paid necrosis, or cell death, of bone and speed on the base path was gone and $1800 in total, how much was each bone marrow occurring as the only, or he retired during the strike of 1994- team paid? the predominant abnormality of that 95. Page 2 March: Liver Disease Awareness

Liver Disease and Hepatitis A, B, and C lthough liver disease is commonly raw or undercooked seafood/shellfi sh HepB Alinked to drug and alcohol abuse, from water that may be polluted by there are over 100 known forms of sewage or by eating food such as HepB is mainly spread through contact liver disease. Liver disease can affect salad greens that have been rinsed with an infected person’s blood, other everyone from infants to older adults. by contaminated water. This is why bodily fl uids and/or unprotected sexual One of the known causes of liver we often like to think of HepA as a contact. HepB is mainly found in blood, disease is viral infection known as viral traveller’s disease, but if a restaurant semen and vaginal fl uid as well as hepatitis. Certain virus’ are known to has an improper food preparation saliva although the virus concentration specifi cally target the liver and in saliva is 1000 to 10000 times less the most common world wide are The Liver than what is found in the blood. hepatitis A, B, and C (or HepA, HepB and HepC). According In those industries such as tattooing, to the Liver Disease Foundation manicure/pedicures or medical/ HepC is the leading cause of liver dental that rely on sterilization transplants in Canada. equipment to clean reused instruments can potentially spread the HepA virus if the equipment malfunctions. Although rare, providing fi rst HepA can be contracted by aid in an unprotected manner (no contact with an infected person, gloves or mask) can increase your or by eating/drinking HepA risk of exposure. Sharing personal contaminated food or water. hygiene items such as nail clippers, HepA is found in the stool of toothbrushes or razors can increase an infected person, so direct contact, environment then the spread of HepA your risk as well. (we hope!!), is unlikely. However, if can occur. Sexual contact or the sharing an infected person working in food of drug paraphernalia with an infected HepC preparation uses the washroom and person may also increase your risk of doesn’t wash his/her hands, the virus infection. HepC is spread through blood to blood can spread to your food. contact – meaning that an infected Other methods of spread include eating person’s blood has to get into your bloodstream in order to contract HepC. This may seem unlikely but HepC is very common worldwide and may The Funny Bone be spread by sharing drug needles, improperly sterilized equipment (as Alcohol Lecture indicated above), sharing personal An elderly man is stopped by the police around 1 a.m. and is asked hygiene items or having a blood where he is going at this time of night. transfusion or receiving blood products The man replies, “I am going to a lecture about alcohol abuse and prior to July 1990. the effects it has on the human body”. The offi cer then asks, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this Some famous individuals contracting time of night?” HepC include Pamela Anderson of The man replies, “My wife.” Baywatch fame, David Crosby of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young and Rolling Stone guitarist Keith Richards. April: Parkinson’s Month Page 3

Parkinson’s Disease History of Parkinson’s Disease Parkinson’s Disease was fi rst described by English physician Dr. James arkinson’s disease is Parkinson in his work entitled An Essay on the Shaking Palsy (1817). Pa neurodegenerative In this short essay Parkinson wrote about “Involuntary tremolous (brain degeneration) disease motion, with lessened muscular power, in parts not in action and even that particularly affects the when supported; with a propensity to bend the trunk forwards, and to neurotransmitter dopamine’s pass from a walking to a running pace: the senses and intellect being neurons in a particular part of uninjured.” the brain that controls movement patterns. Four decades later Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot added rigidity to Parkinson’s excellent clinical description and attached the name Numerous attempts have been made Parkinson’s Disease to the syndrome. www.parkinson.ca to fi nd the cause of Parkinson’s and fi nd a cure but to date neither has Parkinson Risk and the Use of Amphetamines been successful. It affects 1-2% of the over 50 year old population study slated for presentation at the American Academy of Neurology in the US – approximately 1.5 A conference in April, suggests an increased incidence in those individuals million people. A couple of famous taking prescription amphetamines and the development of Parkinson’s people affl icted with this terrible disease (PD). The study showed that those people taking amphetamines, disease include Michael J. Fox, and particularly Benzedrine and Dexedrine, at any point in their lives were 60% Muhammed Ali. more likely develop PD in the future. Statistics show that approximately 3% of people over the age of 65 is affected by PD. The study had surveyed Health Canada Alert almost 67 000 people about their use of amphetamines in the 1960’s and early 1970’s and followed up an average of 38.8 years later. Health Canada has issued an advisory recall, as of February Amphetamines are generally prescribed as a weight loss supplement, usually 2011, for Triad Group’s (a division when all other methods for weight loss have failed. Amphetamines directly of Bowers Medical Ltd.) Sterile affect the release and absorption of dopamine, a key neurotransmitter Lubricating Jelly. These products implicated in the development of PD. are used to lubricate medical devices such as catheters and may be a single sterile product or part of a kit. The voluntary recall is all lots of Sterile Mental Environmental Lubricating Jelly back to 2007 with Canadians use massive amounts of water every year. One solution to the worry that the product may not ease the burden on the water supply is the lowly rain barrel. Rain barrels have been sterilized properly and can cost under $100 including the diverter (used to divert the water from may cause an infection. Health the downspout) and can hold up to 200L of water or more. As a general Canada has not received any reports rule – 1mm of rainfall per square metre of roof equals approximately of adverse reactions or infections 1litre of water in the rain barrel. The average amount of rainfall in related to the use of this product. Toronto from April to September is 425 mm – so for every square metre of roof there is 425 L going into the barrel. The water in the rain barrel See http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/ can be rigged to water our gardens and/or lawns saving water from the media/advisories-avis/_2011/2011_ main supply. 26-eng.php for details on the products involved. Page 4 NNutritionutrition CCornerorner Brown Rice Versus White Rice o which is better for you? Is one better for the savings with brown rice because you don’t have the Senvironment? extra processing as well as the extra costs involved in chemically reinfusing the very nutrients you have Brown rice is not only the better choice nutritionally but just removed!! Brown rice, however, does take longer it is also better for the environment. Rice goes through to cook so some energy is lost there but this can be several processes after harvest before its ready to be mitigated by pre-soaking the rice and by using less cooked. After harvest, the seeds are milled to remove water with the pot lid on to keep the steam in. The the outer grain husks leaving the brown rice. To get the steam also helps speed up the cooking process and save white rice, the brown rice has the germ and the inner more energy. www.greenlivingtips.com/ husk or bran removed. The grain is then polished with glucose (a simple sugar) or talc. The extra processes Brain Teaser Answer remove a lot of the rice’s nutrients which are then reinfused synthetically and called fortifi ed white rice!! Since there were 48 boxes in total, each team This is a similar process to brown and white bread. received 12 boxes. The Leafs received 2 boxes from the Senators, 4 boxes from the Sabres, and The nutrient loss is substantial in the white rice vs. the 6 boxes Brainfrom the Teaser Penguins Answersfor a ratio of 1:2:3. brown rice as well as the dietary fi bre. Some estimates Since the money had to be paid out in the same suggest that the dietary fi bre in white rice is only a ratio, the Senators received $300, Sabres $600, quarter of that found in the brown. and the Penguins $900. Of course Toronto had to pay Ottawa HST of $234 but that was billed The environmental benefi t happens in the energy later!!!

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