244 Case report Massive pyuria as an unusual presentation of giant infected urachal remnant in a child Mirko Bertozzia, Alberto Verrottib, Giuseppe Di Carab, Sara Riccionic, Victoria E. Rinaldib, Elisa Magrinia and Antonino Appignania Urachal remnants (URs) are manifestations of an Annals of Pediatric Surgery 2015, 11:244–246 incomplete regression of the urachus; therefore, there may Keywords: differential diagnosis, infected urachal remnant, laparoscopy, be different types of remnants such as cyst, sinus tract, pyuria diverticulum or patent urachus. The clinical presentation of aS.C. di Clinica Chirurgica Pediatrica, bS.C. di Clinica Pediatria and cSezione di a urachal anomaly includes umbilical discharge, lower Radiologia 2, S. Maria della Misericordia Hospital, University of Perugia, Perugia, abdominal pain and urinary tract infection, although a UR Italy may also be asymptomatic. We present the case of a Correspondence to Mirko Bertozzi MD, S.C. di Clinica Chirurgica Pediatrica, 2.5-year-old girl who presented with abdominal pain, S. Maria della Misericordia Hospita, Perugia University, Loc. S. Andrea delle Fratte, 06100 Perugia, Italy stranguria and massive pyuria in which a giant infected UR Tel: + 39 075 5786451; fax: + 39 075 578 3376; was found. The diagnosis was made using abdominal MRI. e-mail:
[email protected] The child was subjected to laparoscopic-assisted drainage Received 23 April 2015 accepted 27 August 2015 and had an uneventful postoperative course. Ann Pediatr Surg 11:244–246 c 2015 Annals of Pediatric Surgery. Introduction confirmed with an MRI, which revealed the presence of Urachal remnants (URs) are manifestations of an an infected UR, extending from the umbilicus to the incomplete regression that may occur at various levels bladder dome with a urachovesical fistulization (Fig.