
Sound Connections Unity’s New Thought Music Resource

Issue #88 January 2013

Produced by Music Ministry Team and the Sacred Music Resources Department. Richard Mekdeci, Editor Sue Riley, Team Chair Blair Tabor, David Ezell, Carole Tomhave, Melinda Wood-Allen, Todd Lowry, Sheryl Meyers, Megon McDonough

This Month’s Highlights─page 2 Conscious transformation begins right in your own congregations and music leads the way.

2012 Sound Connections Music Conference at Unity Village─page 3 Announcing next year’s keynotes. Make plans now to attend.

Feature Article─page 4 Columbine Unity Church, Boulder, Colo., is growing thanks to its dynamic music program.

CD Review─page 7 Sandy Shanin: I Live in This Moment, customizable affirmation CD

The Mailbox – Your Questions and Comments─page 8 Lots of fun responses to our Christmas Carol discussion, including an Aussie Jingle Bells!

New Releases, Resources & Events─page 12 See what’s new and what’s coming up

New Thought’s First Online Choral Library!─page 14 Our library is growing. Submit your choral originals or arrangements today.

Job Openings for Music Directors─page 15 New! Unity of Loveland, Colo./Unity Church of Bay Area, League, Tex./Unity of Murfreesboro, Tenn./Unity of Davis, Calif.

This Month’s Free Sheet Music Offering─page 16 “My Higher Power Is Taking Care of Me,” a “customizable” chant by Sandy Shanin

New Thought’s First Music Director Listing: Online Only Currently over 180 music directors in 41 states and Canada. Help us make this a complete listing for all of New Thought. Update/add your name to this valuable resource.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 1 ThThhiis Month’s Highlights

Greetings, Sound Connections Family!

If you’re reading this, congratulations! You’ve survived the end of the world. But seriously. If you are keeping with the more positive, less apocalyptic interpretation of this Mayan milestone, you are preparing for a shift in global consciousness─a shift that can be seen and realized first in your very own congregation. Even more empowering is the truth that the accessibility and acceptance of the art of music makes it possible for you as a music director to accelerate that shift in your community. Now more than ever, the music we listen to, sing and write for our congregations can be a prime factor in directing them towards a more united, healed and transformed way of thinking. Whether you believe the Mayans had an inside track to human evolution, or the calendar makers just ran out of stone, the truth is that this event has created a common thought or idea among visionaries like Barbara Marx Hubbard (Birth2012.com) that has permeated the race consciousness and created a space for this shift─whether foretold or not, to occur. I see it as the similar shift that occurs in our individual minds when, as children maturing in our knowledge and reasoning, we discover there really is no Santa─at least not in the traditional sense we were told. That simple truth realized, altered the way we saw Christmas, our parents and society. It changed the way we see and think about what Santa Claus represents and it indicated a maturity and understanding in our growth to the next level of rational thinking. It was a natural progression in our maturity as individuals. A global transformation of consciousness to a more interdependent, socially conscious, compassionate, peaceful world is also a natural progression in our spiritual maturity as a race. I believe that churches and spiritual centers are on the front line guiding this shift and that the more open, universal and inclusive denominations like Unity will lead the way towards our ultimate goal of creating a world that works for everyone. Now more than ever, the music we choose and use must be positive, inclusive, uniting and healing so that we send out that vibration and, according to spiritual law, attract to our centers those individuals with that same consciousness of transformation. Music Ministers unite! You have a powerful tool in your possession and a huge responsibility to send out only messages of positive transformation to your flocks. Unity Worldwide Ministries is always working to insure you have plenty of that kind of music to use in the coming year. I look forward to serving you and this movement in what could be the most amazing and exciting year in our history. Yes, it could be the end of the world─as we know it. Richard Mekdeci LUT Sacred Music Resources Coordinator Unity Worldwide Ministries

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 2 SoSoouund Connections Music Conference Ongoing Updates

SC-9 September 16–20, 2013 At Unity Village

Announcing next year’s keynotes!

Rev. Michael Gott

An amazing voice and an amazing minister. Formerly Music Director at Center for Spiritual Living in Reno, Nev., Michael now serves with Howard Caesar as Associate Minister of Unity in Houston, Tex. Michael’s music and message will inspire and uplift you.

2013’s Grace Note Award Recipient – Daniel Nahmod Daniel has taken the New Thought message to literally millions of people around the world through his music. It crosses all religious, social and cultural boundaries, and is sung in practically every Unity and New Thought church and center in the world. Daniel is also known for leading inspiring retreats and workshops.

“Richard, I want to thank you for the perfect introduction to Unity Village and all the New Thought Music. I had a mountaintop experience at Sound Connections that I certainly was not expecting! I had two intentions while there ... to bring back new music for my congregation and music for my choir to share their love! I found both! So, I think of you and all the facilitators every day and I don't want to lose the great light that shone through that week…. Thanks and have an incredible year, I hope to see you next year!” David Craig

Plan now to attend New Thought’s Premier Music Conference by including it in next year’s music budget.

Be sure to become a Facebook “Friend” and rate the page after your visit.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 3 ThThhiis Month’s Feature Article

Columbine Unity Church: Music Is Making a Difference Columbine Unity Spiritual Center Boulder, Colorado Rev. Scott Schell, Minister Ron Troester, Music Director

Our church began its growth in 1993 when a group was formed with the intention of making a different experience for Unity in the Boulder area. With the addition of a building in 2005, the church has grown to around 300 members in two services each week.

The music director position began in October 2012 where it was two separate individuals doing the choir and the worship song leading each week. These were combined, and Ron Troester was hired. Ron was the music director at Unity of Omaha, Nebraska, for 8 years, and music director at the Center for Spiritual Living, Denver, Colo., for one year. He has attended 5 Sound Connections Music Conferences, hosted 3 PosiPalooza! Concerts, has a master’s degree in Choral Music and is a professional musician in the Denver/Boulder/Parker/Evergreen, Colorado, area. He teaches voice and piano in Boulder, and serves as a music director for several different musical theater companies throughout the year.

As the goals were formed for the music department growth and development, these following accomplishments have occurred in the past year under his leadership. With an amazing congregation of talented and committed members, Columbine Unity Spiritual Center continues to inspire and attract new people each week through the message, meditation and music.

“It has truly been a blessing to be able to be on staff and helping grow music at Columbine—it takes a team and we are working to make that experience each week!” Ron

1. The participation in the music department has grown to over 20 percent of Columbine attendees—up 15 percent from previous years. This involves special music soloists, the Columbine Chorale, One Achord Singers and Bands, and in-house bands. Youth are becoming a part of the experience as well, which will add another 5% of attendees to the Sunday celebration experiences. Church attendance has grown 10% overall from last year, a reverse from the normal trend of churches throughout the country, especially Unity churches. A recent survey of congregants have felt that music contributed highly to the growth and regular attendance—especially in

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 4 a community that is known for skiing, numerous outdoor activities like hiking, biking, etc., and people who travel a great deal.

2. The Columbine Chorale has grown from 26 on Christmas Eve last year to 42+ people this year. Music has continued to become more challenging, and people are committed and stepping up to the true potential—with selections of a variety of styles of choral music that will inspire, encourage, and challenge the singers and congregation. The Chorale has performed for special occasions at Christmas, Easter, and Palm Sunday, and provided special music four other times throughout the year.

3. One Achord Singers and Band was started to perform the joy songs each week, and currently has 24 members, which includes two different bands consisting of a drummer, guitarist, bassist; and wonderful singers who lead the singing each week for 9 different Sunday sets of joy songs. We have a book of songs for each member of music for services—over 60 songs! They have also provided special music for our Picnic Sunday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Making up harmonies, singing skills with a mic, and performance techniques are the prerequisite for this ensemble. We begin each service with a Call to Celebration selection performed by the One Achord members, to get us focused into the Sunday celebration experience.

4. We provide a variety of musical experiences each Sunday for the services, including bringing in soloists for live performances in service performing musical styles of jazz, blues, contemporary, folk, traditional, classic rock, reggae, African drumming, classical, and pop. We have provided backup Columbine singers for soloists, as well as our Columbine musicians who can provide the accompaniment for these performers.

5. We have added sound and instrumentation that is now standard for each service, as well as TV screens for the words for the congregation, and one in the back of sanctuary to help lead words. Music is being selected to work with the theme of the morning talk. Marketing on Facebook and on the website has been added featuring the music department and the special music each week.

6. We have featured our own Columbine musicians each month: in-house band Spirit Rising and trio Clisset and Company who write originals as well as do much New Thought-inspired music.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 5 We have 5 professional musicians within the congregation who help with backup band work, solos for special music, and outdoor concert experiences in the summer.

7. We are adding youth to the Christmas Eve service this year—as well as encouraging youth to perform in their own special services of YOU and Coming of Age. A band and several performers will be a part of the Hanging of the Greens celebration with the “Boulder Valley Home Companion” performance in December. An upcoming performance during the summer of a musical theater production is being planned, looking at Godspell, or a Broadway music revue of songs of a spiritual message. Also we had a Mardi Gras Sunday in February, a Columbine Eagles Sunday, Patriotic Sunday, a Classical Music Sunday, traditional Thanksgiving music Sunday, a South Seas Sunday in July, and we are looking at a Blast From the Past Sunday in the future.

8. We provided backup band and singers for national NewTthought musicians that are special music guests: Lisa Bell, Bukeka Shoals, Chris Pfeiffer, Marcy Baruch, Rebecca Abraxas, Robert Anderson, Mark Stanton Welch, Greg Tamblyn, Justin Roth, Luke Halpin, and Chuck Pyle.

9. A Creative Worship team is being started to come up with ways of incorporating dance, drama, visual arts and music into the Sunday experience. Dance is being used in the next months, as well as visual art on the screen during the Christmas season.

10. The biggest goal: to touch people through the influence of music in each of our Sunday celebration experiences!

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 6 CD Review

I Live in This Moment Affirmation Songs by Sandy Shanin Reviewed by Richard Mekdeci

Some CD projects are for entertainment, some for inspiration and some for inspiration and entertainment. But I love it when a CD is created to be more than just an audio experience, for instance, an interactive CD that allows you to personalize each song to suit your own situation. Well that is exactly what Sandy Shanin has created with her “I Live in the Moment” project.

Though only six songs long, there are 12 tracks on the CD. The second set of 6 tracks is a repeat of the first songs, with the space for the listener (or Music Director) to personalize the lyrics during the verses.

Each of the six songs was written in a fill-in-the-blank format with two versions of each song. The original versions (tracks 1-6) are recorded with all the verses completely realized. You can listen to the songs or sing along if the lyrics provided suit you. Then on tracks 7-12 each song is repeated as an “Instrumental Affirmation.” In that recording the chorus is fully sung but the verses with the affirmation is instrumental so that you can sing along using lyrics that you make up. Sandy even has “Suggested Fill-In” lyrics listed on her website.

This way of personalizing each song is a great method to allow you to make each song your own, or if you are a Music Director, it allows you to add words specific to your lesson title or special themed service.

The shortest track is a hefty 5:19, but Sandy leaves plenty of time for the songs to work their magic in a group or workshop situation. There are chants addressing the inner child, your self worth, and for seeking comfort and guidance.

My favorites are Track 2, “Love Is Opening My Heart” and Track 4 “Just as I Am, I’m Good Enough,” an upbeat celebration of the self that is a declaration that we are each “nature's own unique design.” Both are duets with hit singer/ Alan O’Day (Angie Baby, Undercover Angel) whose sweet tenor voice is an excellent change-up for the guys to sing along as well.

Many of you longtime Unity music aficionados may remember Sandy Shanin from the original Love Notes project that was in place between 1995 and 1998. Her song “My Higher Power Is Taking Care of Me” was included in the Best of Love Notes songbook collection and is also included on this project as a personalize-able song. It is also attached at the end of this newsletter as this month’s Free Sheet Music attachment.

Track 6 is the title song “I Live in This Moment” and has a fun upbeat, light pop feel that brings us home on a high note and positive message. Sandy is a great songwriter and singer. I love the quality of the songs, and the beautiful performances as well as the tracks

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 7 which are professionally produced by Elton John’s late brilliant keyboardist/arranger, Guy Babylon, and talented songwriter, Joel Wachbrit. Still each song is also an easy play for a soloist or small music department.

If you plan to use chant or sacred singing in your service or for special presentations, this CD is a great source for high quality, singable and customizable chants. Sandy provides the lyrics, instructions on how to personalize your songs, and suggestions for personalized lyrics at her website www.affirmationsongs.net.

TThehe MMailboxailbox – RReader’seader’s QQuestionsuestions aandnd CCommentsomments

Where Do You Stand on Christmas Carols and New Thought Theology? Last week I put the question out there “Which of these three options do you exercise when choosing Christmas music for your church? 1) Adapt the words. 2) Sing them as-is. 3) Find completely new songs. This response is from longtime Minister of Performing Arts at Unity Church in Seattle, Wash., Erin McGaughan.

Richard, Mostly, we sing the old (carols) like they have them in the hymnal. I do verbal intros throughout the month to make it clear to newcomers that it’s just for the holidays. E.g. “Turn, in your hymnals… Yes we have hymnals! I know, amazing, right? But this time of year we love to dip back into some traditional things, too.” We put the lyrics on the screen too, but first we want them to pick up the book because it’s part of the traditionalist moment. I worked in a CSL for a while and it was much harder to do the old carols, and people really missed them at the holidays.

Sometimes I might also say something to play up that what we’re singing is old: e.g. or “this carol actually comes from 1760, which is pretty early, most of the favorites you hear in shopping malls come from the 1800s, so this one is even more vintage, ye olde lyrics.” I think this lets people sing for the reason they really want to sing, which is that they know the tunes and the words. I do drop some of the more heinous verses when I can. And I rarely do “God Rest Ye…,” though it makes an awesome instrumental jazz prelude.

Several times I’ve done a little teaching session with the choir where we discuss and deconstruct the old lyrics. For Easter we looked at how the hymnal version of “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” differs from the Wesley version, and it made us really love the hymnal lyrics. The difference is very few Unity people know the complete old lyric on those Easter songs, whereas the whole world knows Christmas lyrics.

One of my musicology professors said that Christmas carols were the only true folk music of Americans–a shared repertoire that just about everyone knows, whether they go to church or not. That’s really the point of singing these songs, it’s not really even a spiritual moment, so much as it’s a community moment, tribal bonding–the “yes, you’re in” moment–which is weakened when you change the lyrics to be contemporary conscious. E

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 8 And from David Ezell, Music Director at Unity of Columbus, S.C., and longtime member of the Music Ministry Team:

I agree that it's great to sing the familiar songs at special times, and that some words are not what we have come to teach about Jesus. Last year, when our church finally got a TV system for PowerPoint, I started tweaking lyrics in the Christmas and Easter hymns in the Wings of Song book. Words I have used to replace "king" include ring, sing and bring. Other words in my rhyming dictionary include: swing, everything and spring.

I have written a couple of carols with original words and music and posted them on my website: “Christ Within” and “Christmas Time.” You can find them at http://www.heartwindmusic.com/christmas2.html. David Ezell

More Fun With Christmas Carols and New Thought Theology

Hey there, Richard, Just read your article about sacred Christmas cows and thought it was very timely. I still think that new lyrics to old Christmas songs can be done, but the key I think is using beautiful language that doesn't suddenly "pull you out" of the musicality of the song. When I look at lyrics that have a lot of clinical and left-brain language, I go a little crazy.

For example, I just re-wrote the Agape re-write of "Go Tell It on the Mountain." And it works, both as a congregation song and as a solo vehicle with a gospel treatment:

Go Tell It on the Mountain Chorus: Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and everywhere Go tell it on the mountain That Christ within is born That Christ within is born.

verse 1 When I was young and troubled, I didn't want to see That everything I needed Was here inside of me.

verse 2 I have walked in darkness, I've yearned to see the light. But God is always present And makes my shadows bright.

verse 3 Spirit lives within me You hear it when I sing It lives and moves right through me As precious as everything.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 9

verse 4 Now I am a seeker And peace has come to stay. I let the Spirit guide me And love shows me the way.

And here is what I did last year with "It Came Upon the Midnight Clear":

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear

1. It came upon the midnight clear, That glorious song of old, From angels bending near the earth To touch their harps of gold:

"Peace on the earth, good will to men, From heaven’s all-gracious King." The world in solemn stillness lay, To hear the angels sing.

2. The quiet birth of a new idea Within every life, every soul; Reveals the radiant love of God As every heart is made whole.

And though the earth may appear to be Divided by death and its sting; The voice of Spirit may still be heard As blessed angels sing.

3. With every season, with every turn Our wisdom, our stories unfold. And with the ever-circling years The Christ within shines like gold.

Receive you now, precious child of God; And live in the angels' embrace. The world in holy stillness lay And sings amazing grace.

Sydney Lehman Music Director, Unity Church of Portland, Oreg. [email protected]

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 10 Jingle Bells From Down Under

Richard, thank you, thank you! Having done my annual agonize over Christmas songs, I read your column (“Christmas Carols and New Thought Theology,” December Sound Connections) and how good to find that I am not the only one that goes through that. Thank you for the suggestions for word changes, I will incorporate some of those.

We do change the odd word or phrase right through Wings of Song and other songs, and as our words go up on the screen the congregation doesn’t know its been changed.

But Christmas carols! That is a sacred cow! I agonize over which ones to include that I can get through without puking, and mostly just have to grin and bear it. Not only the religiousness, but also the inappropriate season─Christmas here (in Australia) is our hot season!

For your own entertainment, here are the words to our Australian version of “Jingle Bells”:

Dashing through the bush, in a rusty Holden Ute* *(Utility = cabin + tray) Kicking up the dust, esky in the boot* * (drinks in the cooler) Kelpie by my side, singing Christmas songs It's summer time and I am in my singlet, shorts & thongs!* *( rubber shoes)

Oh, jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Christmas in Australia on a scorching summer’s day Jingle bells, jingle bells Christmas time is beaut Oh what fun it is to ride in a rusty holden ute!

Engine’s getting hot, dodge the kangaroos Swaggy climbs aboard, he is welcome too All the family’s there sitting by the pool Christmas day, the Aussie way, by the barbecue!

Jingle Bells, etc.

Come the afternoon Grandpa has a doze The kids and Uncle Bruce are swimming in their clothes The time comes round to go, we take a family snap Then pack the car and all shoot through before the washing up!

Jingle Bells, etc.

Blessings, Rhonda Murray Minister, Unity Reflections of Truth, Brisbane, AUS [email protected]

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 11 NeNeewww RReelleeaasseess,, RReessoouurrcceess && EEvveennttss

We welcome you to send us news of CD releases, concert events, or YouTube links that you have come across that would be of interest to our community. It could be New Thought songs you’ve discovered on YouTube, touching stories for sermons, new music from your favorite artists or from your church. Links will be rotated off every 3 months. Send your link to [email protected].

New Releases

Live in Joy by Barbara Whitney Chants and affirmations in song. Upbeat, singable for congregation, choir and small groups Order from Barbara at [email protected].


Resources & Links

Hello, Unity Music Family. I wanted to share one of my songs with you. Hope you enjoy! Much peace! “New Day of Light,” written by Kim Gerhold and performed by Kim Gerhold and T.R.U. at New Thought Unity Center, Cincinnati, Ohio http://youtu.be/ZGOzk4UhAEE 12/12

For some humor, here is a link to a video that, apparently, a church uses during their service to promote good cell phone etiquette: http://www.youtube.com/embed/D2_c81Nnsc0 11/12

Spirit SongScribe Music Transcription My name is Deana Ingraham Gurney. I transcribe your original songs, creating professional-quality lead sheets (vocal melody in standard notation, with full lyrics and chord symbols), in high-resolution printable PDF form. www.spiritsongscribe.com

www.innernetevents.com The most extensive Spiritual Event Directory serving the southern California region

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 12 Events

Presents The Eighth Annual Posi Music Festival January 18–22, 2013, Orlando, Fla., Marriott Airport. 3 nights and 4 days of concerts, workshops, song circles and jams. Whether you’re a fan or an artist, you’ll find a tribe of like-minded music lovers to celebrate the empowering power of Posi music.

Confirmed artists and presenters include: Karen Drucker, Jana Stanfield, Harold Payne, Karen Taylor Good, David Roth, Faith Rivera, Tom Kimmel, Greg Tamblyn, Sloan Wainwright, Robert Anderson, Jan Garrett, JD Martin, Gerald White, Penny Nichols, Nathan Aswell, Glen Roethell and many more. Visit www.emPowerMA.com to register.

Totally Cool Song School Pre-event: Thursday, January 17–Friday, January 18 Sharpen your songwriting chops by spending two days with some of the best on the planet. Small classes, mentoring, song critiques. Sign up today for classes with Jan Garrett, JD Martin, Tom Kimmel, Greg Tamblyn, Harold Payne and Faith Rivera.

Mark your calendars to join us for the 2013 Unity People’s Convention, June 813. wwww.unityworldwideministries.org/conventionww.unityworldwideministries.org/convention

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 13 UUnity’snity’s OOnlinenline CChoralhoral LLibraryibrary

Unity Worldwide Ministries is now your source for New Thought choral music. After publishing many books of songs primarily for solo and congregation, we have developed a new online distribution model especially suited to choral music.

As director of a choir or small vocal ensemble, you can download and print the required number of copies for your group. To help you choose just the right song, samples of the audio and sheet music, as well as complete lyrics, are as close as your internet connection. If your minister gives you a topic for a service, you can look up lyrics by subject, or search for keywords found in the lyrics on the site.

For a small choir (up to 10 members) full choral arrangements are $15.00. For a larger choir the price is $25.00. Unity Worldwide Ministries has selected Heart Wind Music, LLC, David Ezell, President, as the sheet music host site for the library. Audio for many of the songs in the library is available from empower Music and Arts.

Submissions will be an ongoing process, so if you have a choral arrangement of an existing New Thought song or an original choral song for any theme or special service, you can help us build a huge library of available material for you to have at your fingertips.

Submission Criteria • We are asking for “print-ready” arrangements in PDF format, professionally transcribed in Sibelius or Finale formats with piano or lead sheet and voice parts included. (Contact Richard Mekdeci for a list of qualified arrangers who can help prepare your scores for publication.) • When possible, please include an MP3 audio of the song being performed. This does not have to be a professionally-done studio recording, but enough to give the buyer an idea of the complexity and feel. A good-quality, live church performance should be adequate in most cases. • Please include a lyric sheet for each title and a suggested usage for each song (e.g., Christmas, Volunteer Sunday, Burning Bowl, general use, etc.). • Songs will be screened for quality, sing-ability, and lyric content to insure compatibility with New Thought theology. • If you submit an arrangement to an existing song that you did not write, you should have permission from the songwriter for that arrangement. When you are paid for sales, you will be responsible for compensating the authors through whatever agreement you have with them.

To select and purchase choral music, you can go to http://www.heartwindmusic.com/unwomionchli.html. For information about submitting songs for inclusion in the library, go to http://www.heartwindmusic.com/absusotobein.html.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 14 JJobob OOpeningspenings fforor MMusicusic DDirectorsirectors

Unity of Loveland, Colorado, is seeking applications for its new Music Director. We are open to Spirit for the right musician willing to assist in our growth process. We currently serve approximately 50 congregants on Sundays, and are looking to create a choir, and possibly a small band for Sunday Mornings. The right person will understand that the position is part-time, however, temporary living quarters may be provided as well as a percentage of income from Sunday services. The base salary is $400-800/month based on experience and musical abilities.

This person will have ability to interact with our community in a positive and uplifting way, be available to meet with Spiritual Leader and music committee for input and planning. This person will have piano/organ background and be willing to attend the annual Sound Connections Music Conference. Questions and resumes should be directed to John Beerman, Spiritual Leader, at [email protected]. Thank you! 1/13

Unity Church of the Bay Area, League City, Texas, has an opening for a part-time music director. We have a vision of a dynamic, contemporary New Thought music program, and we are willing to grow into it! We are calling to us a talented person who can sing, lead congregational songs, read music and have the ability to play the piano (other musical instruments a plus). Primary duties include: selecting music for Sunday and special services, leading congregational songs, scheduling guest musicians, developing and leading a choir, directing a Children’s choir or presentation for holidays, and possibly creating a band. To arrange for an interview, contact Rev. LaVern Watters at [email protected] 12/12

Unity of Murfreesboro, Tenn., has an opening for a part-time music director. We are a small but warm and welcoming spiritual community. We are looking for some one who can read music and work well with others. Ability to lead and direct a team of volunteer musicians and singers, coordinate stage set-up, equipment and sound required. Will be required to develop a repertoire of both traditional and contemporary music appropriate for Sunday services and provide background music for meditations. Ability to write music a plus. Familiarity with PowerPoint also a plus. Familiarity with Unity spiritual principles preferred but not required. 4-5 hrs per week including 3 hours on Sunday. Call Rev. Shirley Bowman at 615.692.4636 to arrange for an interview.

Unity Center of Davis, Calif., wishes to hire a part-time music director. We are enthusiastic about the prospects of finding a talented and dedicated musician who can lead and build our music program to a new level of inspiration and professionalism. The ideal candidate would have strong vocal skills, coaching and leadership ability capable of leading congregational singing, occasional soloing and selecting appropriate music for Sunday services. Guitar or other rhythm instrument skill a plus. We are offering a stipend of $250/week. Contact [email protected] for detailed job description.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 15

TThishis MMonth’sonth’s FFreeree SSheetheet MMusicusic

Enjoy this lovely chorus with short customizable verses (see this month’s CD review) by singer/songwriter Sandy Shanin. For more sheet music by Sandy go to www.sandyshanin.com.

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 16

This service is offered with permission from the author. Please contact the author to request more copies or other arrangements. If you would like a piece of your sheet music offered in Sound Connections, just send a PDF file of your song to [email protected].

www.unity.org/music [email protected] 17

Please feel free to forward this email to a friend. To sign up for any of Unity Worldwide Ministries’ e-newsletters, go to www.unity.org/enews.

401 SW Oldham Pkwy Lees Summit MO 64081

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www.unity.org/music [email protected] 18