A. Single-Room Occupancy Residential Housing
COUNTY OF PLACER Commun PLANNING Michael J. Johnson, AICP SERVICES DIVISION Agency Director Paul Thompson, Deputy Director MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Board of Supervi FROM: Michael J. Johnson, AICP I'C:'- • Agency Director DATE: June 4, 2013 SUBJECT: SINGLE-ROOM OCCUPAN RESIDENTIAL HOUSING - HOUSING ELEMENT IMPLEMENTATION ACTION REQUESTED 1. Conduct a public hearing to consider the proposed amendments to County Code Chapter 17 pertaining to Single-Room Occupancy Residential Housing and associated amendments to County Code Chapter 15, Article 15.04, 2. Adopt the Revised Negative Declaration prepared for the Single-Room Occupancy Zoning Text and Building and Construction Codes Amendments, and 3. Adopt an Ordinance amending Placer County Code Chapter 17 (Zoning Ordinance), Articles 17.04, 17.06, 17.20, 17.22, 17.26, 17.30, 17.34, 17.48, and 17.56 pertaining to Single-Room Occupancy Housing in order to implement State housing law and the County's Housing Element, and 4. Adopt an Ordinance amending Placer County Code Chapter 15 (Building and Construction Codes), Article 15.04, to add Section 15.04.127 pertaining to local revisions to the standards for Efficiency Dwelling Units in order to implement State housing law and the County's Housing Element. There is no net County cost associated with these actions. BACKGROUND The proposed Zoning Text Amendment is intended to implement State Housing Law for Single-Room Occupancy (SRO) housing and the County's Housing Element Program G-4. The proposed amendment to the Zoning Ordinance would add definitions for SRO housing. SRO complexes with 30 or fewer units would be allowed by zoning clearance (I.E., by right) in the HS (Highway Service) and RES (Resort) zoning districts, and with a Minor Use Permit in those same districts for complexes with over 30 units.
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