Iling up As E Ip Series Of* I Sngirlf^Line ' Its Marcjiers Is Detectives F

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Iling up As E Ip Series Of* I Sngirlf^Line ' Its Marcjiers Is Detectives F j . V • ' ' i - ■ . .......e ra -— ............. ....... ; ^ - :u i‘;r;fR d ii" '.7 'r' — - ------------^ / , i • > ; ,,ts H luto rlco l S ccU ty 83701, , • - , • 7 Weather I > ' ■ i • ^ * * * ‘ ther r - ^ ^ Final ■: • .. GeTTCTaHyHy FFai air- . :E<iition: 1-^-- — ------ ■ 7~. -Tiii. Magic Van^ Niffsi^w'iew sp a p er 2)edlcaled to S n•rlnj rin ; and-.Promollngrand the Growlh^pfow ljj-pf N] ln l iJT J^nied Idahoho CoontlesC oontI - —*-------------- ---------------------------------------------- ■ VOL.M .^O.faS ^...........■ , TWIN FALLS, IDAHO,lAHO, FRFR! ID A Y , S E P T E M B E; r R I',i ; 19671 9 G 7 J ^ TEN CENTS - R < e[ d I T e rr r r o r OC a p i pp a a i g i i T E f f l mi u m t mi g g I I I M^ e t nn x a m ' By GEORGE^MCARTHURkRTHUR ern provinces* Fragmlenfary enfary re- as hostages to ensure5 that their to em phasize R ed strengthstrength dur-iThrocdur- villages were hithy mor-' ------ SAIGON (A P) — Thc-Comtc ’Com m m u- u- ports said guerrillas kidnaped 4 ^ ^ , kidnaped relatives boycotted thehe election ing clectlorv.jjm e. • ta rs eSirly today, and-the guer- • 1. m ounted no an 200 people there In . nist.terro r cam paisn. m ounted le tl^ere in according to . V iet C ong instru'c- ericans \vere '''ere reportedly deploying ' iharply today. M eanwiw hile, hile. the IK t'past few days->about 65 oL A t. least fbiu: A m ericans \vcre bout 65 ot lions. Sljnilar T tidnaplngs have nna 57 w ere wmounded ounded. T hehe'n u f^ ero u s sm all units to disrupt U .S. C om m and-reportedrted three ihem early today. been reported in at ifleast three At«crtM ns countered<?d with ra-ra-'lroflic on Highway 4. the main ' more U.S. planes shot;hot downdown A strong band of guerrillasuerrillas other northern villages, ond au- n ;; ^n* dar-d^lrected f^re on RedR ed gun po-po-'road.from Saigon south Into the ovec N orth- V ietnamn. , raising entered K im N am hamS letet n“fewa“few thorltics-fcur'lhal m oreu rt uare rc.u un- ii- sjjions. Jet nsH aults.on positions losses In 'th e N orth to> 22 Inin the m iles from D a N ang, aw akened reported. .on positions[tleh®- • in,M - '^ere Hpottcd and -B52 p a s t 11 d a y s . the villagers and herdedlerded olf Com m unist gunners Inside J nnd -B52;' UiS. "Comnia'nil'-foV’flcd' llie T Jm r«l.-iy-ni/;?iifilil andan d U i!s_jn(££ci.Jla.siis curly i<«Jay . iriciJ lo , »■ r J • The jaaJor Red camm paiBn paign to m ost of the m ales' including:luding thciandthci above . tho- dem illtartztrtT e Sunday’s village chief. 1 suspec'cdcicd enemyenem 'y trick a .U.S. N.ivy piitrol boat • ia ’itfR ;terrorize voters before Sunday’s Izohe dividing V ietnam w ere strongholds. • _____________ ^ prcsldontial-an(|. 6cnatoria)-flo&iorla)-floc* > J ^ u ih —V iotnafnofio—AauthorU uthoritios- iofr-harofisIiig-U iSf-M arine-positions ____________ into Hring ’iHi frmmlly villn^. tlons w as taking-ptace-irfice-lfi the reported it likely thatIt the kid-lwkid-| lth repeated m o rtar• and urtil- O ther C otntpunist "attacksattacks dot-d m - I'^ 'e su e frillas opcnc'd"up on .the politically sehsittve- fiveive north- naped villagers w ere beingbeing-hcldl hcldllery, attacks evidently designed rticuiarly in- boat fromjwlthin tlieVlllagi and. kon'g delta. thctrTHTdrThe Navy boat did.hiic return the fii*^^authorities s4Id. .' j: North of Saigon, guerrillas , blew .up several-small bridges , ri . t i^ JIarmonyin v -f on one of the larger roads about ■ C o u r t ; ^ 0 ^ . ,^p I 20 miles ai)ove the city. U.S. en-' Asked To i ■. .. - - W ASHINGrON-(AP)..—1-1; n i« - f.- glneers Jmmed/ately started rt- ...... ^ i P resident Johnsonn said lo- -r; pgj„ hoped to have traffic ^ ‘^ce “re "no-deepno- deep restored be/orc Sunday. divislons’V -w lthinI the ad- Saigon police reported four I Repealil CQf JnyentsntoTy TaiL w j!x ’ ! m inistration on Vi^naenVietnam terrorist strikes/in ihe capital in bom biiig-pollcy. In^fact.IrT T act. the past • 24 hours. One '-Red'--'^ , m t i E (AP) I-oJriHautih DIs^D ir fiinds'm lsed by local tm lts, are stock, tim ber pruductsc andnnd busi-husi. •'e said, he thinksts therethere’s s ogcnt was .shot and killed' by a , ' trict C ourt -w as asked T hursday canstitutionally Invalid.d. •■ ■ ness Inventories w ere, not neces-ncces- ' "’orb harm ony andnd gener- : policeman he had, just wounded, to declare' uncoatlltutlonal.utlonal a T hat thfr partial taxo x exem p- p- sarily distributed geographicallyig raffily i “l asrcem ent nowlow than I w ith a pistdl sfiot. Two Vlet- 1SS7 Iaw -Fepcoling.thes so-«(llcd8o-«(llcd tloh g ran ted for (pertaintin In the sam e m an n er asIS sale^s a l e ? taxt a x i . seen In hele past.past ,^ I namese were wounded by gre* lr n v e n t o ' i 7 " t a x i n l d 8b o ; , '‘‘V ; S v i' personal property duringduring the collections. T hey claim»lm ed ed thatthot ' - Johnson, holdingiga a newnews- s - ! nade*. T he defendants. ‘ Intltldinginilttding four-year phaseout, of thihe e tax (at sales tax revenues tedisiributed'distributed .contcrcncc-n» his office on The terrorls'm *dia"n6t ’hinder . .............. - sstdte tax collector G ydedB K oontz 25 per cent pcr_year) by partial under the law w ould be done so T short noyce. '.saidd he has ; election mrparatlons ln Salgori. ■ ware- Treasurer Warjoric;M arJorie elim ination oT the ad1 valoremvolorem "arbitrarily and dlscrimdliscrim lna- lna - 1 outhorizcd hittingg six out Thousands turned out for a rally ............... DETECTIVES O F THEIH E TVInTV In Falls Police D epartm entsnt look m dro UkoM utom otlvo w are- J of every , seven bom bing- h o u s e m e n ua Jhcy-'Itivcntoryiventery «som e of the npproxlmitdy atdy $2,0«$ 2, 0( In loot' tefevercd throughihrouoh ^M oon. W ere-O rdered to answ erct tax on ' buslntzss inventories^ntories Is tbrily." bombing- in .the middle o(-tho-cIty at lism an. R- targets In 'J^orth V^namV ^nam which the presidential capdl-"' ' burglary Invcsdsations.IS. D ctectivetective C hief T im Q ualls left,6ft,- and D ctectlye' G ary-C order-sort‘v «nrt 'w lihln 20 d ay the fom plainl ~Sm te Rep. Sam Eism an. R- lier llefns taken from the f f« “co:o B ulk. PF lant In a recent breakbi.Wta In °“sW ng for the rulinR onin ihe'lawIhe'law . — T hai the hill Is a1 violation C aldw ell, w as listed, asDs attorney that hove been proposed ; dates' made their last Joint ap-. through (Ires ond other llefns ij b y ^h fl' m lM lnry—~rrathori- m jthori- pea^ance. • the pQ!<t tw o w cckA , dctcetivesdctectlves have solved slrjb u rg larlesarles and tw o cases of grand larccnyinr^JS FliJnR-iHe suit w ere A da Coun- of the principle of republican for th e plaintiffs. -• ty ^^csso r R. D .-Uconardson, onardson, form of governm ent because It D efendants listed.l.- " besidesbw ideslj- ties. _The three planes lost over- ' In Tw in Folk. ptfputy A ssM fl 6 r IV irgilrgil K, deprived local units of theth e i>oweri>ow er M iss M oon and K oontr.ontr. w ere Of 350 potentialI targets.targets, North Vietnam T fiurs.d\y S t a l e R e |7. J o h n Pino.>. .D -Poca--P oca- lo levy tnxos bn ccrlalnlain foim s s A da C ounty T reasurer;r M arjorie j thu chief executive;lve saiij, brought to-669 the total of Amcr- tello, dnd form cr.j.A dala CCounty ounty of personal property andind repla'c-replac- C. Jonasson. B annockick County J about 30Q have beeneen auth- ; lean com bat plane.-! officially re- r^iS Dcm ocratlcUhalrm anI EEmmett m m ett ing the ‘revenue from them wwilh ith T reasurer Deloy Giles,liles, A da da 3 . orlzed. H e said allII civcivilian ilian ^ ported lost In the., a ir w ar LootdPiIinjiling Up Ass DetectivesE ' funding not controlled byby thethe lo-lo- C ounty A uditor C larcncc-^»lant-:ncc-^»lant - 1 nnd m ilitary advisers against the-Communist-North " -llo u se B ill 243.'rassed;ed cucurlier rlier u nits. ing and B annock C ountynty A uditor |_ ln 'n rg eem en t on those 500..300. ^ th a t began nearly 32 m onths ‘ _ this year by the Idaho10 Legisla­L egisla- ■ T I»c“pT alntiffs n lso-said 's a id ' llve-live-E m m ett Spm ker, ------ ■ - - - - ago.-------- - — ------------- t e ture, provided_Jor phasingl a s l n g outo u t ----------------------- - -------------------------- Clear Upip SSeries Of*►f> BurglariesI ■of pro p erty tax es oii inventories,nventorles. ^ tim ber products and liveslock M ore than $ crchan- r the clearingg uup p oof f s.. and.R obetf’R . W eaver!er! W asb>^ asl^ ^ years, 'starting.“ next .jjiornmngside gs Overloierload Causesises Transfers , disc, nil Iji autom otive sus u tlet l e r,r , t\two burglaries a n d , o n10 e' 'g grand ra n d Jngton St.' N .V 'w cre char/;edreed withw ith > .
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