j . V • ' ' i - ■ ...... e ra -— ...... ; ^ - :u i‘;r;fR d ii" '.7 'r' — ------^

/ , i • > ; ,,ts H luto rlco l S ccU ty 83701, , • - , •

7 Weather I > ' ■ i • ^ * * * ‘ ther r - ^ ^ Final ■: • .. GeTTCTaHyHy FaiF air- . :E

- R < e[ d I T e rr r r o r OC a p i pp a a i g i i T

E f f l mi u m t mi g g I I I M ^ e t nn x a m

' By GEORGE^MCARTHURkRTHUR ern provinces* Fragmlenfary enfary re- as hostages to ensure5 that their to em phasize R ed strengthstrength dur-iThrocdur- villages were hithy mor-' ------SAIGON (A P) — Thc-Comtc ’Com m m u- u- ports said guerrillas kidnaped 4 ^ ^ , kidnaped relatives boycotted thehe election ing clectlorv.jjm e. • ta rs eSirly today, and-the guer- • 1. m ounted no less.th an 200 people there In . nist.terro r cam paisn. m ounted le tl^ere in according to . V iet C ong instru'c- ericans \vere '''ere reportedly deploying ' iharply today. M eanwiw hile, hile. the IK t'past few days->about 65 oL A t. least fbiu: A m ericans \vcre bout 65 ot lions. Sljnilar T tidnaplngs have nna 57 w ere wmounded ounded. T hehe'n u f^ ero u s sm all units to disrupt U .S. C om m and-reportedrted three ihem early today. been reported in at if least three At«crtM ns countered 22 inIn the m iles from D a N ang, aw akened reported. .on positions[tleh®- • in,M - '^ere Hpottcd and -B52 p a s t 11 d a y s . the villagers and herdedlerded olf Com m unist gunners Inside J nnd -B52;' UiS. "Comnia'nil'-foV’flcd' llie T Jm r«l.-iy-ni/;?iifilil andan d U iisi!s_jn(££ci.Jla.s curly i<«Jay . iriciJ lo , »■ r J • The jaaJor Red camm paiBn paign to m ost of the m ales' including:luding thciandthci above . tho- dem illtartztrtT e Sunday’s village chief. 1 suspec'cdcicd enemyenem 'y trick a .U.S. N.ivy piitrol boat • ia ’itfR ; terrorize voters before Sunday’s Izohe dividing V ietnam w ere strongholds. • ______^ prcsldontial-an(|. 6cnatoria)-flo&iorla)-floc* > J ^ u ih —V iotnafnofio—AauthorU uthoritios- iofr-harofisIiig-U iSf-M arine-positions ______into Hring ’iHi frmmlly villn^. tlons w as taking-ptace-irfice-lfi the reported it likely thatIt the kid-|kid-lw lth repeated m o rtar• and urtil- O ther C otntpunist "attacksattacks dot- d m - I'^ 'e su e frillas opcnc'd"up on .the politically sehsittve- fiveive north- naped villagers w ere beingbeing-hcldl hcldllery, attacks evidently designed rticuiarly in- boat fromjwlthin tlieVlllagi and. kon'g delta. thctrTHTdrThe Navy boat did.hiic return the fii*^^authorities s4Id. .' j: North of Saigon, guerrillas , blew .up several-small bridges , ri . t i^ JIarmonyin v -f on one of the larger roads about ■ C o u r t ; ^ 0 ^ . ,^p I 20 miles ai)ove the city. U.S. en-' Asked To i ■. .. . - - W ASHINGrON-(AP)..—1-1; n i« - f.- glneers Jmmed/ately started rt- ...... ^ i P resident Johnsonn said lo- -r; pgj„ hoped to have traffic ^ ‘^ce “re "no-deepno- deep restored be/orc Sunday. divislons’V -w lthinI the ad- Saigon police reported four I Repealil CQf JnyentsntoTy TaiL w j!x ’ ! m inistration on Vi^naen Vietnam terrorist strikes/in ihe capital in bom biiig-pollcy. In^fact. IrT T act. the past • 24 hours. One '-Red'--'^ , m t i E (AP) I-oJriHautih DIs^ D ir fiinds'm lsed by local tm lts, are stock, tim ber pruductsc nndand husi.busi- •'e said, he thinksts there’sthere s ogcnt was .shot and killed' by a , ' trict C ourt -w as asked T hursday canstitutionally Invalid.d. ■• ■ ness Inventories w ere, not neces-ncces- ' "’orb harm ony andnd gener- : policeman he had, just wounded, to declare' uncoatlltutlonal.utlonal a T hat thfr partial taxo x exem p- p- sarily distributed geographicallyig raffily i “l asrcem ent nowlow than I w ith a pistdl sfiot. Two Vlet- 1SS7 Iaw -Fepcoling.thes so-«(llcd8o-«(llcd tloh g ran ted for (pertaintin clas.ses In the sam e m an n er asIS ssale^ a l e ? tax t a x i . seen In hele past.past ^, I namese were wounded by gre* lr n v e n t o ' i 7 " t a x i n l d 8b o ; , '‘‘V ; S v i' personal property duringduring the collections. T hey claim»lm ed ed thotthat ' - Johnson, holdingiga a news-new s - ! nade*. T he defendants. ‘ Intltlding inilttding four-year phaseout, of thihe e tax (at sales tax revenues tedisiributed'distributed .contcrcncc-n» his office on The terrorls'm *dia"n6t ’hinder ...... - sstdte tax collector G ydedB K oontz 25 per cent pcr_year) by partial under the law w ould be done so T short noyce. '.saidd he has ; election mrparatlons ln Salgori. ■ ware- Treasurer Warjoric;M arJorie elim ination oT the ad1 valoremvolorem "arbitrarily and dliscrim dlscrim lna- lna - 1 outhorizcd hittingg six out Thousands turned out for a rally ...... DETECTIVES O F THEIH E TVInTV In Falls Police D epartm entsnt look m dro UkoM utom otlvo w are- J of every , seven bom bing- h o u s e m e n ua Jhcy-'Itivcntoryiventery som « e of the npproxlmitdy atdy $2,0«$ 2, 0( In loot' tefevercd throughihrouoh M^ oon. W ere-O rdered to answ erct tax on ' buslntzss inventories^ntories Is tbrily." bombing- in .the middle o(-tho-cIty at lism an. R- targets In 'J^orth V^namV ^nam which the presidential capdl-"' ' burglary Invcsdsations.IS. D ctectivetective C hief T im Q ualls left,6ft,- and D ctectlye' G ary-C order-sort‘v «nrt w' lihln 20 d ay s.to the fom plainl ~Sm te Rep. Sam Eism an. R- lier llefns taken from the f f« “co:o B ulk. PF lant In a recent breakbi.Wta In ° “sW ng for the rulinR onin Ihe'lawihe'law . — T hai the hill Is a1 violation C aldw ell, w as listed, asDs attorney that hove been proposed ; dates' made their last Joint ap-. through (Ires ond other llefns ij b y ^h fl' m lM lnry—~rrathori- m jthori- pea^ance. • the pQ!owi>ower er M iss M oon and K oontr.ontr. w ere Of 350 potentialI targets.targets, North Vietnam T fiurs.d\y S t a l e R e |7. J o h n Pino.>. .D -Poca--P oca- lo levy tnxos bn ccrlalnlain foim s s A da C ounty T reasurer;r M arjorie j thu chief executive;lve saiij, brought to-669 the total of Amcr- tello, dnd form cr.j.A dala CountyC ounty of personal property andind repla'c-replac- C. Jonasson. B annockick County J about 30Q have beeneen auth- ; lean com bat plane.-! officially re- r^iS Dcm ocratlcUhalrm anI EEmmett m m ett ing the ‘revenue from them wwilh ith T reasurer Deloy Giles,liles, A da da 3 . orlzed. H e said allII civ civilian ilian ^ ported lost In the., a ir w ar LootdPiIinjiling Up Ass Detectives E ' funding not controlled byby thethe lo-lo- C ounty A uditor C larcncc-^»lant-:ncc-^»lant - 1 nnd m ilitary advisers against the-Communist-North " -llo u se B ill 243.'rassed;ed cucurlier rlier c.il u nits. ing and B annock C ountynty A uditor |_ ln 'n rg eem en t on those .300.500. ^ th a t began nearly 32 m onths ‘ _ this year by the Idaho10 LLegisla­ egisla- ■ T I»c“pT alntiffs n lso-said 's a id ' llve- live-E m m ett Spm ker, ------■ - - - - ago.------— ------t e ture, provided_Jor phasingl a s l n g outo u t ------Clear Upip SSeries Of*►f> IBurglaries of ■ pro p erty tax es oii inventories,nventorles. ^ tim ber products and liveslock M ore than $2.00a..tn.mncrchan-represents crchan- r the clearingg uup p oof f s.. and.R obetf’R . W eaver!er! W asb>^ asl^ ^ years, 'starting.“ next .jjiornmngside gs Overloierload Causesises Transfers , disc, nil Iji autom otive sus u ttle l e r,r , twot\ burglaries a n d , o n10 e' 'g grand ra n d Jngton St.' N .V 'w cre char/;edreed wwith ith > . . . ' • . . , __ hos been recovered by thethe T w in larcenylo case. A ll w as recoveredecovered gi ran d Itircehy In. connectionction w ith R eplacing th at sourcc-.of-rev*cc-.o f-rev * ------F alls Police D epartm entnt as a ftfollow ing the arrest of tw o 18- the< theft and stripping of a race « - governmental'em m entaj *n,e parents of nearlyy 80 M orn* orn- total as of Sept. 23,I, 19G6, of blned total of 1|530 students last la s t of Mornlngside'. has oftually de> • resu lt of sev eral w eeks of inves- yiyear-old T w in F alls youthsiths ear- car< from Century Au utom t ^ o otive t j v e portion of ingside S^o o l students;nts have 6,017. ______• ______; year com pared'w ith-1.581''thish - 1.561^ th is creased — 2,972 com pared w ith Upnion:— ::------;------;; lier-in l i — the -w cekr-Mtjst-w fJst-w as as Mi Q B hlnir^tf~T nid=K a«^|?W * i‘ ’ . — ■ ■ ijjeh'-ftikccl—ttor ">h'^ thCI’* m e m ost substantialal Increasem crease term. - ^ 3.017 enrolled last ye ar. Senior — D etective CBIcf T imI Q ualls storedsi In garages and sheds at boundI over to D lslrlct *CourtC ourt on _ H oW evcr. the* com plaintlaint filed children to the H arrison50n School has been in tjie iunTBr~lJlBhrnTB r~lJlBh — E rttdllm enl-ln-tho-otomi-olamentarv, cntJiry hleh_jnrollmcnt has train ed . said the loot, tem porarilyly stored .Ibclr.11 homes.. ^ ••• • •• the-charges.i ^T hursday contended suchI » an I ..I'ar- os“« result of cxtfB S;tV tvtrrcgi*- (TTCgi*- schools, w hich registeredred a com - - schofils, despite the overloading somewhat s ta ti^ l^ vS%ntl : In the detectives diinartmartm ent. ent. John C onrad Anderson. R oute . D etectlve fangem cnt w ns -lllcpiiL -and.Jin. tT ailoirthnryranirM onrilnnslde; T-' . '------j :.l thls-year, 1,412-last-ycar.— — ~ ~ ^------G I ary C order.said Investigationcstlcntlon ^ constitutional, and w^ ould nri Ji? im s - E- H . R uglandrsuperinlenyent.,^ n t e ^ e n t . — 1 . All pybIJc and prlvate schoil f the tw o pose an unfair, birden on sales i' follow ing the arrest of the two r pS ?e« in ‘‘" " '"'’ced F riday. , students In Twlir Palls will be on o f^ l. and property lax payers in led to th e larg e'co lleclio n crr-4o«t. • N orn)aT "capacity of M orning- I dismissed on Monday, Labor • Including IdahOf------mo™,, Detweilerslers, Grom r f - -“M ost-of-tho'iiem s. Including ‘ mt so'far ■ ' ' i . ~ Day, and on Thursday,'^'Twln ' Police EngSngirlf^Line ’ teie m fv "T he transfer of stoleate reven- side is IMO. E nrollm ent so far ~ , Falls Day nt'. the Twln-iFaUs, tires, batteries, antl-freeze. m o- overnm ent thl.\ term h as been 679.'. and nine i-k /“ — ■ . tor oil, transm ission oil' oil and ues'■ to. local u n its of governm ent - iw jr t- - Cpunty Fair and-Rodeo.-CoHege--" seslsv d ld clas.

2 Twin ^ila Tlmes-Nowimes-New» . &pt. 1-2, .^67". - :v;. 'For^sit;ist Sem ce 1Battles Maho Fife" D aU y W Repoii^;:^. ■.,..Sei6E -< ;w > -T b « .'uV .\$. i For- spread'tiT tlte-KahllauTT" " Officials dwllnued to0 estimate • Legalliy of bsirtng-state-dijtf est Service look over respqnslbll*respqnslbll- EarlierJa (he three-V/eekiiifthtV /eekii^ht a t p b o u f S200.000 p er_day r _ d a / the Iflclency warrants If^elng being stS^cost-_stud- < Vflll bcgIn^Sln|I!^owS . {cneral's of-qrcws -havo-Bech ret^ced on ^ - F R O M T I MflE E ^E ^ B W S 24-HOUR WEATHERuxtherbUreau.W ire: 7 1Tty of fighting the Sundance agiiinst forest .:fires, the state cost:of fighting.fires di.slat^flh. slate* i led by the attorney general s-of* ( MoQiltalh fIre in north'b'Idaho Idaho to- asked — and got' — assistance :ted-iands: lice.-An aide-said o.mtmoranji..m6moran_ s o m e .f ire s ,..:____, ------from—tha-*Federal—Bureau—oFBureau ”of ^Trtnibte^:ci^^^d._hOW!d._hOWCV CV* d< u m _ o n jh e ..The nutnber of n a tio n I IT .. -The fire wos burningning away Land Management In.directing1. directing e r; th a t a n a cc u ra te figure vHI\vill readyi for Atty. Gen.. AllanM wi G. , nclive’ duty In ' ^^% nipi^atnres: VaHe^FOTecasF^;'------; fr9m -the resort communityimunlty of of control work in the China[ilna Creek n o t b e -a V tila b le-u n tll1 tho'flresthe* fires Shepardi when he^retumsturns to his ffirc7 :qptroi support-w6rk wos ' Chance o f'a ^w ihundershow*idershow- mldlty, 58 at-T.~ F. Entomologyntomology Coolln,1 .which It had threatened arCa south, of Lewiston.,n„ in north are out and the bills'areare In. • * - offlco-ncxt 1 week. .. - ” c6nsJdcrab)v e below .the peak — era - (onlglit • otfaerwiseUe fair Laboratory irith 78 peFCtini> ecflt hu* 1 tWo d a y s'e a rlie r, but it wWAS as re- central Idaho. ^ The state last week exhausted - -tShepard Is&attendlng the na- ( r-?"!?®? - ® w l « . -»S»UUnt - fiationaT^ ' throu^ Saturday. Not: auIte'-Mquite-M mldlty, 55 at Rupert, 4816 at Fair* 1ported out of control1 a and n d dan- S^tatc authorities hadi been ad- its-'cmcrgeflcy fire controlintrol fund tional.I convention off attorneys jadjutani general, said about 3 «t-Buhl, ar~Buhl, lgeroiis.- -- C:'V vised earlier }he situationtion In oth-oth* appropriated fo r the entire•mire two-general two- | in.Portland..Ore. . ,v ‘od“y .compared with a nn July L The' ilde declined- to. »ay j r x r ^ i h&OT-artlmertonlght.-ProbabU- Probnbll- 60 a t C aitleford, 66 a tI Gooding. . Idaho Gov. Don-W. SomueltonSamuelton er-areas was somewhatiwhat im- year period whlch-tegqn July 1. ■»r,f linH utheth££-hIi_caukrch-indicatod 50. Out- hich M 48. eight-inch 7S-71, 2^20-! sp rea d thin, cannot effectively prcsslon Job. with the understandingg it would saidi he will follow the odvic&ill,, ------Buffalo, c le a r:..'w3 .44'44' 7: hl^ U to to, J6w 40 to 50. Out- state land be-reimbursed. Ithe attorney gtfntrai; B utu th he e Mm ia l TTfufsday. i c lo sin g a l forest and^ ■ 7 49 .. look , for Sunday mostlystly fair. Inch 72,' 39>Inch'74; ft.Rupert,It Ruoert. 'a;ige lands in.W ashington a n d - Clnclnnali. clear ... 70,500 50 . .. . T cniperatorcs a t 8 a .mn.: .: S363 aat t four-inch 94-76: atJIuhl,'three-'hi,' thrte- 'wl«d Rahm., . .. dcYicy w ar. P a y e tte counties,- In southwest^ ] ird, three. -^The fire.was still burningbumlng on vised that the Sundanceince blaze {dent Johnson a designationg'nation of al< ban on usipg deflclehcy war* I 4'52 .. Jerome, S7 .at T. F. Weather inch <86*60; a t Castleford, three* - proprlation, £” » Idaho, to unauthorized use/.,,' - Cleveland, dear .... M 52 .. private a ^ state land,i, burwlth-bufwlth- doubled during the nightight — to Idaho as a dlsoster area.mak*irea, mak* rantsi without an Appropriation, « 5 48^ '.. Burean with 68 per ccnt hu- loch 84*73. . j o t a deda- The order authorizes access to Denver, fog ...... 65 4» '.. In one-half mile of thele Kanlksu about 4,000 a c r e s ...... ing the state eligible forror federal except( In the event of a decla- / DCS Moines, doudy . 699 43 43 .. , • ------,— National Forost. 'H ie fire had threatenedned Coolln funds. An initial alliKAtiojiKfttiofl. of rationi of martial'law.,, _- ,J; lhtnre«si)nlyby,|»niilij|oniit . DclroU, dear ...... -<9 « said it had two days earlier ftnd.Gov..Gov. Don $250,000 w as m ade b uit-aides-in t-aid es-in . A'legal^uthority said.sjiphsaid sjiph aa' the coiinty commissioners: • F o rt W orth, cloudy . 89 66 . . The Forest Service sold it had ), Fam SuDpnaryX Y 1 been moving men and4 supplies W. Samuelson authorucdzed use of the governor’s office: said thertfthere declaration< - could- void'vold moil "^imllar-closUres-wcro ordered- Helena, dear 89752"» “-r “ Synopsis, Faj Jnto the area for-two-dflyso -d q y s in the N ational Guar~3 if l!vacuatlonevacuation has been'no'Word'as to whqther | wllcies. earlier for .land liprth of the- - 'Indianapolis, dear • 72 48 .. .0 w hqther the S ? '• A trough of low pressure-Isessurc-Is lowod-i>y,-good-drylfi?-Wcathcr..-Weather., anticipation , the flamesncs would became necessity.. ' . there will be- more. ■' [ _, ■ t unless the Salmon River,. Jacksowillc. dear . 88A- 70 En .. ** deepening off the westcoa?t. coa?L InIn Very- moist air' overe r South* . — . - Kansas-CUy. doudy 71| 5Q_52. .. •• advance of It coolcr airr Isis mov-mov- orn Collfomia and .A .Arizona rizona Los A ncclcs. doudy 103X 77l i .. Ing into Orccon and Washington.ishlngton. poses a threat of heavy showers >; • Louisville, dear .... 722 .5 51. 1 ..^ Some of this codec airlir IsIs ex- ex- In portions of Nevada affffXItah; | AlSe ISU Seminarnar jHearingHeld Memphis, dear •••• J?I «55 :: M percted to> sp read In0 to' 'South. South. A possibiHtjiXxlsts -thatS some F of ^•’ P l a n sIS ; ; M i^^aUey H ospitals^- Miami, clear ...... SI1. 75 .02 em Idaho tonight or SaturdaySaturday this moisture could be carried { F or E iffer’s W ife MHvrautoe.-clm ... 67'' 46 .. ** , accompanied by.an increase in lerom e Hlagic V alley M eme m orialo r i a i ( crease in northward far enough lo pro- | l i t St. Benedict’s, Jerome 1 On Manpower' SALT LAKE CITV (AP)-The ------Mpl3.rSt.Xi»cl5“>' ^ i l •• ( -thunder* duc6- som& locally heavy show* Speed L im it New OrleaiJ6 - inlng and agricultural areas during,rin<. .hithe ‘lion and to give pilots time to Richm onds cloudy . . 877 59M —.V- . v i northwest Is weakening and sec and avolS-otbir planes,ilanes. the M rs. Billie Johnson, both -Je*.-Jc*. S Carmelo Z am ora, M rs. Joseph ‘ . Clint evidence, a s 'w a s a - 9 49 .. moving slowly ' eastward.»ard. A next flvo day8.-Scattered, thun. * • St. Louis, d e a r .. . ^ . 70 49 ^ agency proposed a Italt-ofmlt-ofS 250 roihei-ffillly Stew irt, Grapevine.-irapevlne.- Hutchinson ‘ and Jennier B^o°r*«^ Barnes; T h e sem inar will be h d d .5 W t- s r 65'^ trough of low. p ressu re} will be dershowers appear most likely . ofts Bur- 8, according to Dr. William E. (] ■ S a lt Lk. City, d e a r . 92 6 5 ' . . ' M n « (S O'" 288 m iles anI hour .for,for Tex.; V rs. Ima) Phillipslllps and fall .B ^l; Norman Crofts. Bur- ° San Diego, cloudy... 87“7~74 74 over th e P a d fic n e ar the (Tffast tonight a n d S aturday. M ost ,h of i f traffic under 10.000 feet. ’ s. Marion i^y: Mrs. Mac 'Drandon,lon, J»aul,J ’aul, ^D av li, president. ------. now- p re - this -activity, should be. over, the \ «t. • • daughter, WendeU; Mrs. Marion ‘ ------San Fran,, doudy .. «I .5S55 .. ’with a 'southvesterty now- pr6- peed llmll Pugmire. Wcndtll, andmd Afrs. and' M rs.- -JCeo__Ch»mberlMin,imberJain, Accordln* lo Frank Dj,Scdye, _ - Seattle, clear .....,w W.) ' eoM ... . valllDg over the Noriherehere In­In- southern and eastern mountains' lines pr^ Roa . Shockley^nd son,on, Twin IRlchfldd, Utah. . ' ■ CCollege-of BusInessTTdminlstra*Tdminlsui- •■' E n k ifisjQ p e n T am pa, d e a r . . . - ; . 89i '75 .75 ... . temountaln 'Resioa’duringtring the with the chance of a few sub- . .7 " paring to land. A 250-knotknot limit Falls. • Dism issed tion dean, the Manpower _Prp- . 4?1LER — Entries for shadow Washington, cloudy. 83I 585S v. , 'next fivo daysiv stantlal showers In the. south- £®PPl‘«s to planes flyingIng below ------■ • , cioriceSramhasbiconlM hftimbiectsiaubject of bbox exhibits in the flower de^ -. Tem perata'rei-SaturdaySaturday eastern valleys. Isola'ted show- 1 — Charles Heasley, Clarice 8 ed shw - jo.ooo feet and within 30 miles Gooding. Elizabeth Ryan,van RayRav "numereus proposals InvolvingInTOiv^ partmn cina-srw ^lh Falls •_ thou^ Wednesday will average _ .H lRiLowPr. h U w P r . « t® changesThere* 1 flw-days eral limit until Oct. 30. arc invited to try their sWHs at I (I after. Afternoon temperaturesterature* for1 most of, «outhcnr4Jdaho.ir-Hdaho. Virtually all flying under vis- Jerome: Mrs. Robert Bushey! Bushey, ® “ C alcary ...... 51 f Kimberly; Mrs. Jack Koonce, •-The Manpower-Program•ogram in-in-a arranging boxes. bothJhose fur-..—, E d m o n to n ^ ...... 8S ; 58 5s J will'be. mostly In the> 8^ inIn Widely1 scatter«d showersera seem uum fUght rules ana about half direct con- nlshed by the fair and those fur- I 43 (M eastern valleys. Woodi Riveriflver mosti likely to cauM troublerouble on 0of that under instrumentlentefiAtPocatello fjightfjignt . . ■ . .Fairfield,I ond-Albert-E.•E. Hel-cHel- dudes many areas of direct.con- n Montreal'^-.V**— f? « •'» « ccern to both labor-andid manage- nlshedn by Individuals, Ottawa. 6 I 43 . J Valley and Camas Praldei|rie and Saturday2 with the greatestilest risk rrules Is now dbno below[pw 10,to10,000 SHbSHONE-Mrs. Mary.Cus- “ I 62 . . In the u p p e r 80s to m ldIdde d e &O9 b1 eastern sections. Relatively f< ment, according ’to' the dean, tdatlvcly f«t. the: FAA said. Citing the t these b e . .. R egina ...... 5!j 51' 43 - -- li In-Maglc-Valley. Overnightght lows warm,i weather will kfeep«p crops ccrowing'- number of hi8^-t»r- hlgh-per- returned from the. ® Acad-7“ °; Sons were born to Mrs.rs JoAjin JoA nn ®“ "f* 1* ‘lonely .that these be Torflnto ; ...... l i ■ , using this emy of Idaho reunion’held at ^ Mr aSd understood. • . v : - W innipeg ,...... 25 I 48 I «iU be mosUy la the 40sI and SOs90s develoiriagi rapidly. Noi freezing f< formance aircraft now using this I held at Mills, Twin FalU, and Mr. and ^ I GO ' n><‘y dfop Into the» SOs30s bi t temiMratures are likelyr In most s)space, It said the speed-limitpeed-Ilmit the Idaho State Universitysity cam- Mrs.h Carm'do Zamora, Buhl.Buhl A ;- Among the.xcprcscntatlvcs of •'‘■ W n cW v er...... ^ S ’ Mr-HTffi- Industry, labor and government T w in Falls •Anchoraeo ...... 67 557 ^ \oi .W ® of the colder eastcmtern and ( of the dlstrlpt. However^eri there pproposal Is designed toi promote pus. some 100 persons: who at- ddaughtcT\was born to M m m d'” : 45 *j- southcentral valleys onI one or appearsi to bo a possibilityIblllty of sisafe separation of aircraftIrcraft in tended the Academy of Idaho Mrs.^ J, W. Byce, Gooding.inc ’ 'f‘ will speak duringg the ,sem-sem- , . ^ _- Fairbanks ...... *-66_45 T. » . . Inar are Lt. Gov." Jack Mur- Juneau 59~53 53 ,37.37 ‘two nights early nextt week.-1week.- ll^ t frost In somo of tho high- thistl section of the jitmosphere.mosphere. between 1901 and 1915 b attended ------*' r-.™ .'^C em etery Honolulu • ...... 89 I 75 75- ' |j Normal dally h l|^ and lows for ( ercastern'and'DOrthcentralijtral vat­val- If the. re,strictIon Is put Into the Bgth" annlversay of thoho found- Gooding lyjemorialrvi-iof . Pl’V^J Endlcott Peabody, form er th ls~ p erio d - a re Boises' 83-50, Ileys a fte r th e first of thho e wweek, eek, eicffect. It said, pllou of many j, of the institution. • [>riai . ^vem or of Mossachusettslusetis and , current assistant director of the t Gooding 83-51, Tw in F alUIls 85-17, ThU w in b e «;.-m 9d^deratcly e ra telji Blilgh>spced aircraft may /»» well 'The academy was created by -, Idaho Buriey f SMB, Pocatello 81-47i;-47and and \ w indy period wlrt! afternooniftem oon chdb'secl to fly a b o v e 19,000 feet, „ ' Mrs.'DnnicfwhitelBli!!s:liss: Rob- FcderolF Office of "Emergency i I r ^ A i J ' Ihfe s««ion of the leglsloture ln «rt■. severance, Gooding,Ing. and Planning;P J. Eldrcd Hill Jr., ex- COMPAMIOM _ IlIghLowPr.L o w P r. W®**® 3^*11» ’ W 5. Tw inds fp ^ u e iitly 10 <0 20 m iles thusth thinning conge-stiort and Im- 19®1‘ | operated under that name ^ te Ulyer proving thi over-all. situation.tuauon. yjjjn *' jj-j;, changed • Shoshone, ecutive director of an\ organiza­organlza-l ■ ■ A b e rd e e n ...... 87 47 There will be a littleilei more t per ‘hour In the Snake Hlver P' chS ». Sho.hont, 01 ^3 doudincss but little rainI of cpn*cpn- v\ a lle y s ., . . ^ .- ... to'the Idaho Technical Institute, D ism issed - tltion that specializes in present- I AVA B e a r L ako ...... • /■ S '* ; Mrs. GimrRoney._GoodIng.odlng. IngIr Interests of big industryIndustry to .L O IS ------Dolso- : ...... 02 59 .. D r y , Wai-niein P l* The old Academy was devoted , Congress, and Marvin^in Fried- ■ • W l i # - largely to.JiigjL schoolI classes a daughter .was bomn to Mr. man,n assistant researchirch -dlrec-.dlrec- _ ' ' Burlcy’'.’'’.‘’’.‘.‘‘‘.‘‘‘.Sl 68II -. . 30-Day)ay COutlook ' ^ 1 with special emphasis on bust-busi- ^and Mrs. Danld White,,, Bliss.Bliss, toc,-AEI--CIO,tc representingienting or­or- ‘ , C a ld w e ll...... M 57 iiy_m xi.W eatliei---Seen"D6 6 I 1 courses. , s- ganized labor. • Castleford .V...... M 58 --Warm dry weather willvlll per*M P ccooling trend lowers, dally maxi- - _____ ^ M rs^ C usty. was^ a IBIO stu* _ ------Em m ctt-vr;7V 7V 7rr.'100--58-:r“--58-T— sisist-durinsjDuchs^izSeptenwer;stemger? n muiik tejui^eratures 10~to*12'de^ "W -M inidiSSem oriaL ! F airfield ...... 88 4343 A Atmospheric pressure will be grecsg from the high 70s and low t miversity ' ^ A dm itted . ?' 6H C 1 In the Idaho Stale University lon-BuildingJiL.the-ISUU campus. floJl. ___ Gooding ...... M 6464 h, high much of the time over the aand middle 80s at the.beglnnlng> S m ln g ^ ::------Alumnl-buIletlnr^eptcmbfltnF Jf mbfltnp “= “=Bn:nda— Jncobsenr^urley; r —s r ^.— Northem-Intermountain-Rcfilonf 0 I “ v* EollQwiog_pcescniaiIona_fiC‘he Cra^Q ...... ” 94 64-. N -Region, of-tho-rtionlh-to-the-uppor-60s — sucrTaken>wJinrartMe-r6unIon:'reunion: toulo-CoWwcllrRuperC'^ ------t'; ..£9 into.this area or mlnlmizincizinc the a and low er -TOs by Sept. 30. N0(^ No(^ Generally dry and possibly ... afternoon, speakers, a. question Dismissed '• Iginnlng-tfr 'H H Mcti« f., « ir- H ailey : ...... 85 S353 • . tf/ect of most disturbances:esiTom from maltr mlnlmums cool eight;ht to 10 wSTmer-wcnthcrwi Is. the5 outlook ' f f i . < n I II ' Mrs. Luisa Maldonado, Mini- Siand snswer-perlod bcginnlngTfr 49 the Pacfflc." . ' . d( degrees fro m Jh e upper 40s and fo le tho ses- Idaho Falls ...... 86 49 «« 40s and for the nation on Its Labor.borD.y Doy Twin F a lls j Bridy; P-"’- Je ro m e ...... 96 6161 ' September temperaturesres will jclower 50s to tho upper 30530s and weekend.,w< •• . t e , . r ™ > '™ 53 average two to four degrees Itlower 40s. ■ __ T he U.S.- W eather B ureau said 60 above normal with, less1 doudl*cloudl* Warm.-dry wea(ti6f'shouldiiould be thatth although record lowK“,cm1 tem- News in Brief;’1 6 1 ' - 63 — ^ ness and predpitatlon thanlan usu-usu* irmore'.fa.vornble than'usual‘forisual'for Ptper&tures were set In manynany dt- The Easter Seal Center'r will be Cassia Memorialr i a l Ex-Resident } Dies ^ 7 - al for this month. The.. normal n maturing crops and for harvest*'tmrvest* 1*l 'There is a chance of showers 3 p.m. Anwne wishing: to help by-b; Heybum, and Ritchiechie Joe;Jo o ' her sister, M rs. M. A. Kohlcs, I vcradne 1" aortic sectlonsi^ . > m ay c a ll 733-5745., 0Oakley. .’ 0Oakland, Calif., a formerrmer lesi-icsl------• I ■ With temperatures averaging 1" ...... ■ d e n t. ____ r^ ..Select a.Compamon,lot /U warmer than normaMhec proba.proba* In- the Padfic Northwest,orthwest. ------D bm lssed ...... ?S Is Dedicated » iQd . son, M rs.' Kohles w as m o rrled . to \ bllliy of freezing temperaturesleratures scorched by abnormallylly high T he m o n th ly -;n cetln g, of-rt—uf tlie —M «—Jim_5flhala_flQ(l. son. r s S iS whU»1rou.«ir»,l.^.lh.r. willJ}ft_aligM^.,dln:jnished7-'lt£hed-‘!t temperaturesta and virtuallyually no tLicensed Practical Nunes Asso-' Mrs.^ Joe Hodges and daughter, M ichad Kohlcs in 19I2'anrm6vr At^M shone-irL ie shouId-beT'emembcrcdrhowevr--howevr- rain-along-with-farest-flrcs-in^ dation-'rill-be-hcld-ot-7ijJO ^ Urson. all Buriey:®yLMrSi Mrs! «ed jo Callfornln'from Twin FFalls, alls „ er. ■ lhat a single briefef Inva-Inva-™ "’‘^'y sections, there-appeared _ A v«ii«v Ora-06cnchain—"Rupcrti-^Mfs:r t ; - M rs. ftrfti 1918. H e r' husbandd diedpndiecl~ln 2 SPACES Plus Permanonf P-m- S e p t_ l4 U t-M o g Ic' Valley''“'W SEllis Cook, MrS. Waller Schoa w SHOSHONE — The new• '-park Sion,{ ot a-cold-afr-mass maym nv be ?.^ possibility of some relief irom U e r Schoh 1953.' Survivors Include eight Companion Marktr'IrigVao- shdter erected by the Rt)iary ,. ,k forT Hospital. , ■ ^and daughtcr-.antf..Jamo* Bing- «r MavoV ?“{“ cient to drpp_?Rmpcroturc5«raiur« }P„the heat. But the outlook for re- >1* BlJB- sons_Iivc.daughters,-38 grand* 51V ' dub-was-dedicated'-by Mayor bdow-Jrcezing^partlcularly-inuj ilarlv_in li?Hef-from-thQ-prOlonBed-hcat ~ l??wrailPiflnrnnd'M ^C[Uanot. CItiano clchildren and one greot-grand- T odaysVidor ■BouSiOurirg thc-i^b: fl! w a w lookTa dim IfTHTo^ O ther!- - Fourth of^Jaiy-'ciub-wni-spon- JAlnnlsrHcybum: ------— 3 »«. ,1^ the-.cqli^eT-sections. .Therefore. S <5ll- so r a n old Ume d a n ce a t 8:30 chljd.t-nll.-Calilornia.- residiSlffr E. H.. Ragland discussingicusslns 8'sram of Ladles Night forlor incthe growers-should,q. watch thehe short F ind u d in g Southern Coll- iat^30. Births ft M rs. Pot*. . la West- P-™- Satu rd ay a t th e Twin Falls . , tw o sisters, induding M rs. Pol*„ “real lunchroomom utot "club Wednesday. , . range forecasts and extendedBxtcndiS fomla. Western Montana. West- P- vln Foils A daughter was b6rn‘n to Mr. ,cr. and a brother, Rayllay FFrds, r d s ,' ' ...... ■ O'Leary Junior-High ; .^ ra . A Hawaiian uau was,as. prfr outlooks01 for this possibility.II,V crcm Idaho and. the Southwest;outhwest ^ sinviteci! l_B«rlcy. 8“rley. j, -■ _____ .■ ■■ ng with pared and served by the Rotari* TO 'A R D ' ^ Jerome TIscu* dining withwith at* th tharge' .of arrangem entss wwere ere on01 Oct. 1. Emmett Sept. 24^Pa^ >3 .a t Los a t 8 p.m . S a tu rd ay a t the Ma* . XemetelVAssn, , * tractive nJd^halred g irl. . . He* Mr.M and Mrs.. Gilbert'Pierson,Pierson, ma-andm Caldwell SepL 27,27;' tTwin o i5 Spqk.nc,Spokane, » sonic Temple. It Is. requestedequested Ptprcsented'trophies to-winnersinners inIn BOISE (AP)-AppoIntmentIntment of of. berLoughmiller wearing Harold M:Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Crothers,rothers, FiFalls. Hazelton. Rupert a n d - . tha( a ll officers a tte n d . fofoq;r divisions of the dallylily judg-Judg- Dr.d Gerald B. Conger..CattweltH CaWweltii -A. W. “BILL" MADLAND ‘ ■ r today _____In Dr. C. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Black- Black-O; Oakley. Sept. 24. Jerome Sept.ciJ.,** a . "The hterciiry 'e a rly today Ing- as a member of the Idaho State ' • Lancaster's glasses . • .'Dr. C. M dropped, to the 30i from Maine , ?“ m £ P«». ond Mgr. •. F. Wurster poWng and proddingicodding bum, Mr.' and Mrs. Ferryry Had* 30 30, Shoshone' Sept. 19. RlchHeld O M niti Klun«rking4fgara8ft-helow 5? ___ eup ilwtl,ilf.tt, wMI* th.thi «>|«ntl.n ot H*rbum Vnawn' A cen. Lehman, Mayor and -Mrs. Mrs. on and Saturday untlLTimo v‘ of scr- m govemiffeht expense. Firemen working for about an . 'clvlUia^cn, Isave !ound: A cen* S i hout,to-brlng the-blazee under . - -I ; Harrlitn drspi.lhfll'nflmtt netn# Ondond te tek.i .n the nome.el . —tral heating system with'ovensI'ov^S g®Bomito, Mr. and Mrs. L.-M: vlivlccs:-— -• • • • r' . ' _A IL lh « ry sh to f.i ~>inln8 n«nh end im 3M Hatmaker. Mr.'ona'Mrs*., .Omcc .... ■ ------contrdlHn^the. car which was , and pondaJis. dating from 300 W i ^ ’ I ^ end •oti end onii (o In oH.d^elnT'' ;fire. The car was broughtShto . L/“- - \ . ■ - ..... 3 0 YEARS AGO" ' ‘ : cfilumn cornice o f^ o Meroviii* f ldS. Ward Chapel with Bishop fot room Glenns Ferry so firemen could K -1 - a ------' - SWINGm N O ITn AT AT SHAOOWUNO glui period, 500.?5TAJ>. Efforts F. N. Stowell. Mr. andI Mrs. ^ Bert. Tracx; bfflclating. '.iFinal.1 Final EHi lm o re C O untyC 0 u r t r 0 0 m, William Thomason. Mr:, .and f|| j:30vlo get water to it- ...... - sre-belng mads,^to preserve — rltes-wJUibe-hcld-innhfe-EIbatfe~EIba MountaIn_Homc_Ironul:30vloWc E -jjiu of hum ANO HI* ^ . Mo. J. O. Stimpson, Mrs. Reid ANO^IJ COritlNINTAU ^ ■ them In the garage structure. ■_ t. Wld Cemetery. Friends may call at 5 P.rn.^dncsday-1 , .Hnt-«.c*-.hOTr«s;ooorisssfJsr.j,,,,7;^- Newby;. Clarenco^^ T an a k ar-T ed ^ -Fridnv 'H is' courthouse Tours■» h»ve PaynOTbrtuaryrBurlcyrFrldny '* Twin M il Msnty't )9lh annvet Fi *«lbltantsd.tw.lf.>.Bm.-.tnc:_— Twh'Fetl . the Almo LDS Ward Chapel Sat* IeVt« in* c o m i n g . • fwf^'Fe*IU■■h',■Slnl^^Hr^UtfHta^ epT , , . ’ urdoy. one' hour-prior C* to ser- to confer on thCIr problems in* ■^~By^rrier.'-$1.75-pef-month.— volving the F<^ral government;irnm ent. ' —• '■ ‘ ; v ' ' j- -I • B y M i l t wUWr Idaho and Elko ^ V Jerry Brady, Church's assistant,sslstant, v-Sept. - [ -menoB*'- *P«cl«l, l*a»uf»Kf. e»«f thi 2\ <1 " i t ■ ' - - — eoomyr"Nevad^r‘pne roonlli. . SccompanAhlm. .. . ; t '• • fc« Joy t. HllfpieVing «n hit hl> Hocnm ______; 00; ^ ^-N^EWiYORK:jAE).~ Bcthlfc '• j '. “ I '45, CHIVaoin Impele Swptr.SpoH ra ------months, S9.00; one y « r , J17.00.S17 00. ^ ” 6™ St*®* Corp. today, becam^ m ^ e vievi^forH M ry Ar"Bijrrisris will 1”^ i* Z l^lrw sathif")’^ 1 - • • One prodjicerodjicer be l)dd at 2 p-m. Saturday at' . . . i Vl, p e w jtciring end brakii By Man, ouuldfl Idaho: • One , trananilnitfir-X^nO’ »horp vnit . . . . , . month, » .00; , ihree'^onlhs,lonths J® to reject an administrationin pica Be Bei^gln F u n e ral Chapel, Sho*‘ ' 152095 ■; io* AIM price , restraint and .ra.raised l^ sh

r | - > - -• J - Twin Foils Tlmos-Newi'■ 3 - ^ To Head Ca5Cassia Boaydla ^ .C l ■■Scpi-.i-a, I967 '> -:-;; h HH ------BURLEY—Cassia-eounty-Foieounty-Fofr' the-group.— ------— ^ tli^lower-exhibit.- Wcslim-JilmWcslim-J«m-ber at 'which time n complolo— g J B B l Board -members cicctcdIcctcd DaleDal Hending-the diseusslonisslon by ih iho boree pr08rnfn"‘bpcnlngpcning nighfnighf. financial-rcppn will be-givca. > several other Olncr members ' of the-rair - 5iBg»S t Shelby prcsIdenr--j)nd-«nd GlenGlenn fair *board_inembers•s \^s'build-wAs'buik pnradc date and •severalseveral oincroihei ^ ^ ^ J are Clarence (Tuff) • Park .vice president during iheliheir ing a-new 4-H cxhibirTiuildlntibirT iuildlnc.- ...... mccttnFr-tfais-wcck------______Thc_Jinal-i.(liiciaiaii- wlll-dCQCll ...... - Mnf tliw s . William ~Be'ck, 'J o e . Mr. Shelby has beeti:eti a menm em - on a final accounting*n S of “f ihe.-rc h ^ ' \Tlie nexrmceilnjrijr of tihT^ii h r ^ l r C arlson7" D e ir HbllrCTd. G o n c ~ ; fSC tV ?- ■ beV of the Cassia. County:o u n ty FnlF a ir c e n t fair’s financc.9.. As .soon'.soort^.a% a boirrd w ill-b e .first.p.part a rt of Oclo- Oclo RIneboldNind Robert Sagers. bdnni-,fomJ«Ra«:::four7ycai-fourTycars it-is-known-how^mueh—monemuch—money and Mr? Park has beeneen a menmem' iit available, the boardird willwilUtudx stud ______ber.'for several years.',r s '— ...... lypes of-omstriicifoh and siz :%»t, Ted Kelsey, fciiringIR presidentpresident, of the proposed building, r ' rem ain tf m emiber ber o ol' f ihthe The eli-ciion of.a new pres board,- Don Lovelandnd wwas as nre- dent now. insiend nff (n in JanuarJa n u ary ; tained as secrelary-manaRcrmanager cof as is ihe cuMoni. will‘givc‘«flvlll Bivc,ofil- 1 ------ccrs more time tn plan for Ih ■ 19M fair a tliv ities. '’ilr' Mr. KelscKelwy y \ I a q / | A | ^ M id. I r ^ Democrat Leadeiu c a u c i ^ ,iiscuu « e d In ihihC' Is Dead At ,097 'J^ reviewVif tbe rcccni fair wer - F O R THEtH E FAIR .W a s h in g t o n (a,P) p ) — MrrMri. ■------'T BoFden (Dal5y) HarrimarHarrimart, •ecaitie,: K ! ■ WBSTERN?B■ERNrBbotS well-loved* figure in ',r the "Demc S •. ,DHWIIk! cratic parly, is dcJdI ai 97. • • ■ • - . • , T 6 ny Lem a3,' . - **'Nocona ’ Nocor *'Acme' . Mrs.-Harrimnn* diedlijjd |nin heh e r ^ i j u i ' " - u • Texa*' • For alMla ll'th c laniify""."',' , sleep, Thursduy,-niglii In he ' Ge.orgeiown hofne. surruunde< . by the m emenios of a crowde< WORk^WORK BOOTS llfe-as wclalite. campaign work i er,' crusnd^ fn*r-snci.il-.'right : '-•,-C edarC restrest ••- Wolyerine V • Bone Dry— and pibheei* woman diplom ai. “ I h o p e/' she once told Un ir • W«vco-^»-W a v c j ^ Gcor^a lervicwor afier-deiailingling her h e r lif life ' story. "1 make it soundJnd elcctr’ic,elcctr’ic f f B V I I V t t * and Guiid Moccasins . for ||- Taos and Gi

■'NfOSCOW' (AP) - Tiie Sovic government KxTay ordered theth teiBMIWWIWWiPIIWWW REPRESENTATIVESIVES OF thet: Twlii FoUs'Coimti' Commllteo^ommlttco ' *1ef( arc Roger Abernathy,maihy, Bob Davis. Edd Bossard and A. WWl . expulsion of the U .S...ES.. .E m bassybass AMVSS - — for Ihe UndcrprlvHcged,cged, Inc., meet for on Jnformal dlscusSfondiscusSfon Morgan. Air. Bossard-teard-fs prcsfdcnf prc!?! of (he CAA, whichhich tis t dl» dl- press nicaclie and refuxSil,-fusgy intn aAi. U d 'win FoH»'{Ponn«y‘* |f next door to «*l , as the committee's delegates lo0 IhcIhe (rl>Irl- reeled by M r. M organ.pan. Function Functli of both groups Is tolo help thc_-(hc_ low the ngrlcultum l1 aai.tnche itn ch e ito i oi«. by 7-OP BomiNO cc •■“STccr being elected a s th e c( .omiNO CO. D.wnlown Twin fell. IP county South Central-rdahonl.rdnbo CCommunity Action Agency.icy. From ' underprivileged of MagicMagic ValleyVail “lo help ihcmselves.**-’cs.*<- reiurn-iiriiis assig n mncn en t' t'h h ere. e r e ._ _ - ___so^iocun.-TW iH IH r * tu Clark.', GrcensboVo, $25 bondbond. # , H o Jody B. Ariwld, 16, R.upcrl/WH!R.upcrl/was .. /Valley TrafficTrs Courts...— U ncd'iM lor fcckTcss7c.M drivJnfdriving Gooding City Policee Judge AA. warrant: Coleman J. Fislier, H16^ and his driving licenseise was sui'sui- '■ ’ V. C orier (Iheil R ogere r E. VarV an R upert. $30. Eva N. Severe, I!19. ponded. .- - • Sickle. 20r’JiS for. failureilure to re-rc Burley. $15: Arland J . OlsoiOlson. •. RoRcr K. Fcir.er, 210 3rd Si?S O Tommy C. RUperl. was firitd 525J25 by liey-Hey port an occideni. William C.C 28. Heyburnr $20; Tom m y ( :A;NATI0NA.L BANKb a n k 1 9 Q T . , Onklcv, 16. GDoding. was w as finecfined Hobbs.- Rupert, $45: Randy .J. burn Police Judge Roy SkinneiSkinner , 1.867 19 SI2 for speeding andnd WillarcW illard Stoker. 17. Ruperi. $35:35: Toro FR. f(ir speeding, Scott .MacKenzie.MacKenzie, Wort. T l ^ l s o paid $12 for thithe Ogaw a. 20, Paul, $15;.5:. ThomoThomas is. Rouie 1. Rupert,;, wasjlnciw a sjln e d _ 's amo~cliarRc: —• , _ • H. Griffin, 23. H eyburn.rn, 23. IlejHey- sif, by Judge SkinnerT for speedspeed- Hcnri-W^cMoyne,e , 17.-17, wa:w as burt^. $20. Ing. Larry A. Boyd, Burley.'wa;B urlcy,'w as _ ___ fined $25 b y ^ J u tlg c ^ C a rterrter, Forfeiting boijds injn RtipeiR upert fined $10 by Ju dge Skinner for foi • N. • George . Eden. 65. $l(I?~-a'«$l(n^nd Jvmicc court foe speeding wet • 'I'homas H. Moore. $12.SI2. nitnil foifor N ^ C ll- K ^ la x f i e ld .. 20.20; PauP a u l. Robert Dougins, Egan,gan, lb, 1701 " ...... ■ ■“ ■— . . fa!ilure..io. drive' reasonablyonably and nni and Dougla.s S nviilier,JtV;e r ,- J J i ^ aj - Albion Ave.. Burley,I, WHSw as finedfinec prudently. “ ■"•■■•'I . ' lincf.i. Callt.; f:a w cc h h ; D Dpnn; entils y3.^-foc_5pe«Jing {(rtdd wanwa-t Unccfincii . - Michael Ricijurdsoti.'irdsoil ■ 1515. K- G reener, 22, Burley.;y. 515, nnand sk i by Ju3KC~Skinni:f_nef_ for niii|niii Goodiiig. WHS rim’d 544 by Judg(Judge David 1.: Burcli, -lO. JJaul, $25$25. responding in llle ciiatii>n;atii>n iin lu te ______...... Cnrtci'.-for'driving ntIt nifiiilnight onor - -Fined by Judge ArcherA rcher fcfor lim e. T erry Wajieniiin,_17,;in,_17, Hey- ’ ------' W e ' l l H e l l a dnyiime llcensf.' Dun_E iii-)<- tmder burn, wns fined SIO0 by,Judge by.Judgt ••• —.1- H ^lp'^:.... _ • J o r c s r 19. w as fined^:d $10 foifor control w ere C harless D. VqgVQgt, SKmngrHof-iflJl*«Pi»i!is-J'-'.iwii' , . speeding. Walter Ji boiking.loiking, 20.20 2-1, Boise. $30. and Howard CG. ably and prudently. _ [ ■■ , w as fined $50 for reckieSJp driy 9 M 0 0 0 0 0 A T 7 Ing. with $23 s u sp e n d e d -b j Judge Carter...... ,.Jay I.. Daugii, 16r Gooding wns' fined $13 by Judge Carici . - F ' ' . for speeding, f'rcd A.S Gull. i 20 t was fined ^2 for speeding.' apt I d a lh o S a ' Gale’C. GlllW er forfeitediS 'a a S$2( S l a v e r s - bond on a speCiUQccharge-.^arg&. Don D o n - 5 .Tia Sciimeckpeperr^ paid i $10 fine on n slop sign^y^olatiot| % • I

______was-fin«l_$13_for failureure to yieldylek ^ the right of wav.______- - 1 - ^ M o v e .Fined Uy-Rupert JuStfce o r e . ~ ~ • the Peace Roy T .-A rc h e r fci - , , ■ 'V .speeding w ere Douglas L. Hunt ‘ . e r. 20. Hcyburii. 520 plus $2J Diplomatic " I da a h l o S a \ S ' ^ v . , Battle Set i i v i n g s By Soviets - 4 WASHINGTON (AP) — Thi Soviet Union, possibly fcarim , ' - , _ _ T o — .. Ihe United States seeks to spj XONNIINtCTIONS-jIM ;— y . .‘- nn-n mnlnr Soviet-nuclearmclear testtes S ______t > sitfi.h05 touohed olf a dipiUTHUl-BdipiOmnt n i l P l N R * T n ■ ic b^l ------Observer* noted- thot-one-ollOt-one-^ ^ ------— jf- ■ — ^ ------r - And!)d^ouTneedn-t^V yol eh-w c the islands In iKe a re a Is Nova- 'en-wait'in iinel — ya Zemlya. a major Soviei ------ntomlcnesr^Uer:------:------S | = £ i i y ------I ■ / ■ ...... ^------USEjoMESjiEHSlXAtnLADS f o r J a s t s e l u n ^ r e s ^ j g ^ . i y i , ’t i l 8 A .M . ■' . " ...... —.riTT^ffa i f r r r f i ;

oPltHETELEl-,g,^ ' 6 I _ ■ . Pdyingf .;------

^ 'I'- N o floss. u s s . . fca'. ' | - '■ 1 ' F T R i ~ —Just-bring-jring-^;, -fjj— ■ _ R S T " : JSSSi^HOVIHG issijooc ' j ^ --^rsfoR*eE ^ ' y . ' b fr sayings , 7 - ■ j| ' tp us7~~^" r g . , -n«m -iium cr (iifinm i— ------. , cerfffjtatjr." ~ ~ -"(®GT

: MARQUIS CHILDSLDS ; ■ • E d i t o r ii a l P a g e J u st W ^ hat Js-Infl'L.- • Tt /T*» J j . l l ' ■ ; T 7 1 ' J . ' ■ " O . 1^2. 1 9 6 7 . , ...... - I— aai -----iri7T»ii i »i iii^nM .. W Ai>HlNUlUN-W llh a 'ccon- o n - • lllnitflflon llii; on crcdit saleslies o( eextremely resourceftit WltliWlthsub.’ sub-’ plant at Isfahan. J?ams and pMM Sig^ sai»~ivy«iS 5r ■. - ■ ------T------' ------fllda"abl(TrccOTl'orachlevcfflent~ fllder s n e n t armarr s, n i i e foreign wiM to tlfing dns stiinUars w p from the westw e« tih ihey ey p o w w i4aats by the w»re are ... ----- ■ .. .txhind ,^ h l r him a state, visitoror Is corcommittee (s qtiesUomt«ig the -h have developed a xuimberberofW of trie g part of the. deal withI h Jhe X 'nelfib- w I t t , I ’ * —’ ■' ^ ' ■ , ' ' "-I _____ .lie re this w e e k 'J o 'a..(ar powerBwer aiidand for acrou the CajpUnWin Sea onon. 'siltments the United States can — - -'-;.^ r- — — ------r— - —searchlog- searc qu«fUons...T^-£hah->^ma.Shah->^make cooimltmeiits-wUhout.DUt.the the - iiirrlratiOR.- W ith -th is'hhas M -^ 'gone— g o o fi- tbe-aorth;-- — ------— make ha ls-MoUdflg-«p,-ia-ef. . iti H ff i* of h Iran wants. to_know w what hai___^sanctioa^sar of the Congress.’I.' For-F or- Ila n d r^f&rm o if a ra fllcientscale ie n t scale u Is. however, thethe military'military ■*** f*klsUn 1 1 ■* ! ■ AmeiAmerican policy In tHC MTddleiTddlo clgnclg o W h a r l^ e c n . p a re dr-bade^aKnitkB ' bacle“ li at leastjiijl^!gt-in,the_.Hem-to-thlsJonnBible ta,the_ ahopgliig. .EE ast really Is. ■ ( to- '* • ^ to4ho lowest level thus farar and -' primitivep peasaot nuss'.''Y»• Y..,, .- list that worries poUcjMnate^. If he gets 'on, answer he: wwjll jll certeincer iohlblUons have*,r. been B ut;'^ the. other tidede bere,'.5tate Department W ^ ls - ‘ PHONE 733-d • .succeed.where a.lot’of others'-ithers'- wrlwritten into the act. Thlshis 'i«- fence,fi the Shah has enleteQ^a l e t S l ^ p u t tl» total at JllO.OOO.OOA They f f i iuSir?y'!Sa>i?pSl ■ ' . ■. pettlng.theS same questrotr hi\ve , fleets.fle« It Is hardly oecessary.to«ry.t» - -■ to-a'U tai^reachlng deal -with•with tIa,th e, .aayfliostofitisoBthetmsophis- dcut Gamal Abdel. Nasser. W ill- ■ OUJckil Ofy ood,^oun>y N *w iSpS ^ . ------HSmbeV ef Ai^il 8w*og ol artukifion.ot^ .failed. , falW But for the Shah It his'.adc ' .add.'the deepen^ shadowlow ot SScArlet l ] ^ t L X p ip e» ,Uae lin e 1*Is ticated skle — anU-Mrcraft. the U rited-^tes commitment , . more than ah ticadcmic exer- the overwhelniiflg-Jaualyemut.'^m n u t.'^ In g built, to be completedip l^ inin' mored vehicles, ^s ra ^foot l nin the ortcnd to irfckln* up the pieces Publljhed dall/ ond Soodny. ot t30 Secflnd Eniof8J\om «ond eio»i moll 'mottar Ap'tll '8, - ■ >918. at lh«'poW o»I« Iti Twtn hilll, Idoho, telse. 'V ’ Hc must krtsv whetherirthe the ln,Vletnam.In, ' II1970, th a t w ill sn p p lyVthe..So-.,-door ..th e..S o - j iMi «ould.,be*he.begiani^« E riS i^ left-.tehlnd by-theiritlsh. .and - 5»fe«l W«t, TwJn'Fflllt.,Woho..83301, br Th» - Johnson adminlstcatlon at a A tensive njUi* wt“ *.*bout Y m e n a n d the pow- "Tlme»..New» Publlihing CooipO«y, Ine.' S330rr»ndei lh« oa ol /Aarth 8, J«?9. , a t a At the same time the British -viets' v iriU i.4l£^lioa ofIf Mnatur^ tu rtl .. the fcar'ls, of an extensive mUi- .. „ . .... , moment nioni' of-uncertalnty andd un- are saying they cap no longerlo n g e r g a ^ 'o v e r a IS-yeai* period^ run-, tary aid prograni meshingsshing IranIran’s s er, struggle tl>ere? ' r JAR£D HOW . . JACKi' m MUllOW u u o w n ey ...... •■"'b;"K^f' Cor -Uons arise iwt only forfo r Uthe w -vis-vis- -without even .U ie^jirtu o -of oil. Coming lust when It docs,^ ththe e How,V. th e Shah b '-u k in:g.'wlll e ,'w ill 'a: and en^neerlng firms doing .thethe or those-try-thosc-try- I'or • ^ wU-Nasser DAtE THOMPSON . ■ PAUCj£STANDl«Y STANDI , ’ HAROtO STIIES . ShaWShaVs visit has a symbolice sig- It be1 filled? .0.construction. -. lean Dollw ^ * key-piece on the CompbilnQ Boom Motvjg»f Pf«i» Room MnnoisfMm ' aicvlollon Monogtf I- ' .. niflcaniflcance , bevond ' tho formol J ..njijnr'T ing to direct American policy: >rmal He.does not come as a petl- '. In return Iran'tteta handsome .Does this give the UnitedJniled?taSi SUtes ■T.M —— tnni ------Bw.’r r ' flummery of .such occasion.^,sion.s. tioner.tioi F o r the Shah a nid d the benefits.h The Soviets.ate about orovide th e 25,000 ^ y p U a n soklifers sUII " - - T ho- So 6^3 “ obligation^ to provide the Tho Senate has put a severeevcre ---tne---tBeu- around~hln^ have beeabe ea 1cl o build a ^300,000.000 steel arm s Iran needs or wants? Or Is .there the bal- rth-^U c^ .'anceJnaprolongediodruthleu. •■ / ...... , ■ ' ' . it merely anbther, In.the critical perspective of a majorityJority of the - civil war. Will the Unhed SUtes . ______Senatft.ForeIfin.Relations.ComLa U o S ^ m - ratko a'commitment, however miuee. of the far-flung-flunjt”'c6m- com- Private and unannounced, id' '^Pull To ^M Mar an!^:---■ - 7'-' miunents that strainn America's hclp--frUrtrate--EiSyWlh ambl- capacities - just as the0^ cruoi^cnwl. tions In this key that 7 T h a n k s .A Lo t! ban ghettos''fl-nks Aden?. s '7 dilemma ot the .urban ghettos presses hardest? The Shah Is' ndt likely to go Gce,whi?,'“Uncl(i Lyndon, thanks!1 to some of the family so they’ll beb e --'- -- K K e n - Credit arms sak;s' toTranto'Tran totaltolal home wlih any final—or even Now we-CQn buy a nice, shiny newfW '■ gotgood boys. . $250,000,000 "o re r tho0 ^ four very , sotlsfactory. answers, ^ fireman’s "hat lo wear while \ve'rcrc ]It wai>.a darned-good thlngf>you did m W S' years as granl.milltaryary aid has But his quest for ceruimy prohiblllon__ shtMld_nt thejw ry least stir nt__ pinying with ftrfi up io-the Panhandle,er.:_give-that.$500-m ; pjy Ulion-to'our- kissln'I n ' - 'wig ^ B b I _ ta p ered off. if the .prohibllIqn_ ins,t^ad of having to keep using that kjr l |^ ^ ’ niit in by tiie Senatelate stands, the hipest levof'her'c a new ot kjn in Detroit last year. If^ou hadn’t;t't ; ^ credit sal?s might nolO longer, be.b e .. sense of urgency. corny old “Salmon River Slim’^cow- thethey might really.;Jiave got peevishis h ['/ boy hat that everybody expeffS’tinin thisthi sammerr If you need what;WeWe ^ : ;Idahoan to sport- _ ,ow.owe'f6rhi^Ip m ake up a nicer present3nt ; . ' J ■ "j;::'. > . And please tc|l,„Q)Usiri Farris he’si’s for thJjm this year, you should just ' ' ki 1 perfectly righl Iri getting back at usus ,. haveha' te't us know what It was for. - because we didn't‘pay back on time We could have worn those old shoes • i'i - JAMES MARLOWiRLOW . • whac he loaned us lost year. A fter all,II, * Y-‘for o r a n o U ie r y e a r o r so , a n d th o s e o)id ld , {■'.‘-a 'J ii • • • ■ we’re kin, and-we can’t expect anyly ...• sclschoolbooks coultj have been used for'f o r ' special consideration like, that fancy■y ' a \ w h ile y e t, e v e n th o u g h t h e y a r e a . 'i.; ’s Ere^ng ^ M r. De Gaulle from over across the bit Ih r^ lt’s-^i IC bit dog-eared and out of date. ’,'j Bpnd cets. When, you think nbout.it rWe wqnt ybu'to'know we’re reffd'y* '^{ sensibly, he couldnU'-be-cxi5ec.ted to jq .• ■ WASHINGTON (AP)?) -/N—/Never' ever of tjicm. jumped all over John* to do anything for the family.. Wo a hasty -word betweenveen them.them , son forS B nding U.S. troops inio • pay back, what you loaned to him, j>,„ t - I* may not havc'a^very swanky h o u se ,i;;. Ilraffl' ' They're Waying It cool.3ol. But the the Dominican Re^blic ia I96S anyway; Nobody’s got that m¥chI" gjj(and our_pa>' check-may not be as - - p - a . : ® relationship between1 President when the President said he ----- money, so I guess •youlre-right, the'® •,[„big as'somi^, but we’ll do Qur,best. ’ Johnson and Sen. Robert F. feared Commuxvists mighfiiylo’' ------best'thing is just forget it. n ® M S n e s ^ O : Kennedy looks cool enoughnough to betie take over. * Gosh, if you’re really hard up just?s,t •' ' , You’ve got a lot of expenses, we 4wu6eifl^W-W«ll freezing. ------., Kennedy sa id he thought such say SQ. We can probably get along . ..know, what with trying to help all tlie ftra? The New York'Democratmocrof ha's^-a-moveha's' would-dnmage relationa - make’ any with the rest of Latin America. ' neighbors keep up wj^h the Joneses•s without a loan right now. A.fire’s not ,’‘- Ibeen careful not to make’ any Jim IS frontal assaulLs on'Johnsonohnson and Uier he said'the Dominican' ancThaving to.givc'ali thos,c presents';s' too m uch'to worry about, anyhow...... / ' m m . ihas even praised him.m. perhaps eleclions. which this country - V ' lo pacify the Presidentent in casocase sponsored "rectified the dam- , ___ . . ’!{ . he. thought Kennedy wwas as ouout t to ORC." . g e t his Job. . . • Kennedy, has boen a constant I : - i S C l Johnson, alwqys*wavS* scnsl-handlingscnsU ■ of tive to criticism, having/i^g KKenne- enne- V ietnam , and 'a con- % The Blast i l l - r '^ A " ’-u^dy : around _must he like berng >*‘5 3 . nudged by a not poker. The sen” n to r has been generous)US ^vlih his € 0 " ™ it. w ith Congress ~hcforo ison ndmln. st»>linE onj moro Iroopi to t; 0 ' .fimes-News received from Calvin E. M .’.i , i criticism of the Johnson ndmin* Officials -of the -InternRl Roveniio ..Tin . ' T isiratlo n and.-wlth advice,irice loloo.* o - . u rg ed .th e ccase-fire a t Christ^ Service of the U.S. Treasdry Departrir •' Wright,Wr; district director, Boise. ■ f*' ' . m astim e th a t y e a r be extended . . f In IMS.-less thanH"year after (Johnson cxlondcd II (or a .m cnt,are just a little;disturbed by thee ' The T detailled-:answer to the maga* B ■ » % - L. f_ f 'g o in g to the Senaie buLwhile his recenf "blast” ftntltled '-‘Tyriinny Inn zine zln< article is much, too long to print 'B » L »- .month afterward): was critical • fans wpre thinking of hlm-as.a of the "escJalatlon" of-tho war;, the- IRS”, which was featured in thee in in full.f After^eading it, we must say""^ rag ■S!Sa ' candidate for something In pres- ' “ lied fo r a h a lt in ih^ btudbJn'R ? ; J i y . . . - J d / " U 9U 555.:.i5 ■ shorter. ___, “•'Now N' stop -acting that way. * , , .' issues ... he has been«n an out- diversity of today's Asia";' that _ impartiality of .tax administration. . y,ju I wouldn't have given ilt a If 9Charlie's ihcory is right,t we „ 'To mosrmen," ! explained,plained, suinding. i President ...... and I th e United S u ites drop its oppo- will be made. * • ^ ot of "miniskirts mean nothing more i, —-w —4h»-aj:tid«- in the Digest declared • r second,thought.. cjJcept that,[ I "‘"’'dstand 10 gainrQr-losc;li. lot of ig more forward to campaigningaicnlnc for silion lo the admission of Red 1 ‘ RIght.bff.'we could probably count ’ork ' money, and I .shopld think you’dyou’d *han-a leg show. But when I u China ^ th e ^ U n U e d j°'* ------that-the*author took-'six m onthsf-trhv-,-nn r happened'to be ,in New York' p'oic iJ him in 19G8." *on one ^nnd the nennle-wft-know whn cin tl waV-^he-aB-conwfrnoil-as-l-ami— - see a miniskirt I immediatelyS^jalSly------BuLwhilcJoboMa.ha»-Bono=to= eied miles nnfl htiitfsoo. miuN - lovc tQ-^-ety-the-othcr-dnr and -l-\vair-^‘’^?l • love to pay, taxes. ' _ ^ 7^ TwajWr* waJking downTIfth' Ave. with-iitii- „ "Why'do'n’t^ youTcad the’Wall'-Wall' tfilnlToI Merrill. Lynch, Pierce.Pierce, greot« pains to. get the South views in order to rfiake sure ho didi-^-srs^utf-in-A-fr^e-countiyi-ta^eB-must— _ ni 5 t_ m my-wi y - w /? « 'r ------— • ------■ Slice S treet .InLirnal-nr .;iih.;prihe ig in FennerFpr and Smith.*’______VtolnnnircffJ tn hnlHl ^ Mfflffrnnrv*— (.^ ^ ^ ^ -^ 4y a l--^^hero^-- th n f ilh is -c o u n w .... ,.;.jioL.writQ-olJout -i'disgruntled crack*• \ be paidt or'there will be nothing donele A girlglr In a’miniskirt was wai’k-'-fi, ®a ^iinanclal- mcwsleiter like,tt. ev- " "Wliat about your otherer lech- sSept. 3, Kenriedy^cenilycenlly said d^ble its foreign aid to devet- pots and conniving fax dodger’s.” m c erybody else?" eroerous friends?" tithose elections lookeded flkelike a oping notions over the next few nt alK All things being equal, we are■e loglag towardtow us and my eyes bog, ■ ^ years:-that thece,should be a ». . gled. Naturally, my wife got an- _ "Because this method-is fool- •- /They’re!' not lech eroerous u s fraudl to him. ' ^ . After all this work, the IRS poinfs.,s., of Ihe11 opinion the IR5 Is doing an out- „ .. proof. Itook at that girl over fric . n p . 7»« don’t hSvo to !,.ro." f ™ over friends. They're a brokerageokerage Over a year ago Kpnijwy-sBid= out, the author came up with only Iff} standingstar Job m-alm ost difficult situ- ■ • th ere w ith h er sk irt-alm o«-up st-u p ■ hoiihouse," 1 explained. "I'll bet h in"'Wetnam~ ^rnatbn^s'’sl'um^; aJrtSlb^itlg .» She sold. . • to he lyi bet he favored elections in Vietnam instances of alleged-wrongdouig byf / atioa tio n . • . * ,®y" to her thighs. T hat could mmean ean • the;they're out on the streets'doingS doing hb u t suggested In ternatlonol a tio n al. ob-- '**at m ore h a s n o t been done, J, "You wouldn’t say that if you dihj ___t h e S e r v ic e . *• AiAnd*the,officifJs had every right J ypu cither of iwo-ihinM — tax-freec-frce the .same thinf I’m doingig right 5servers should be thereicre tOvsedto.scd After all this Johnson proba' knpw what 1 was doing,’’ I .saltl.1a id .. bo'nd:bo'nds a re going to be ih demnand and now."nou •• . v , The fiill story of alllG cases'is de-- to nnswei* the-charges of'the maga- what happens. Kennedyedy wasn't bly doesn’t feci that Kennedy, "I know very well what'you’reu're or thetl bottom is going toI fall WeV Went by Saks Fifth Ave. t tailed byjhe IRS release ^?llich the zine th Ave. the only recent critictic on the who gels great glee from shooi-'- 5 zine article. ’ doingdoing.'You're > filling your he;idie;id outo u t c of m utual funds." . and my wife said^KTTvanted"Wanted celections. Now.Johnsonon Isis send- Ing fast water in a raft,'*has—. w jth .cvil thought.” ■ "Ti"The bottom Is going'lo) fall to.alopto., in for a moment.nt. She .inR.li observers, done much to makc~hlnrfccl ;• ' • v,‘ • ■■ ••'rhal’s not tfue,’’ I said,aid. outo u t oof som ething-else if .she tries suggnt^sug 1 study the Industrialslustrials , Critics, ond.Kcnnedyly was one glecfiil. . '' • ' . _ • • ■ "What "W hat I'm rcally^doing is figur-gur- . ■ to bibail a' c ab ,’* m y wife sold.- sold.’ )t. ansflelds^lelds^ lng:the4jousc-toIng. make-it-J-'Wofe-— he is.bnly iri.klndcrgartcn,..idcrgartcn._,{J=“ ------aot^jquippod-wIllmir-cODdilloninRr-:— ;— lamEs are reluming to the fofd.old. KcnnedysKcnn( and their spendlhrifrihrifr coircomfortable." -y> J'o u 5hould accom panyly him.,jU)fiim..,jU) ™ tre a tm c n t-w o u ld -y o u .su F ■ I t ' is modem fn prnctlcally all other re-^~~d^^iS~orT^nd^!th^om c!°on” ^rc” ^^ The Fuibrlghts and the Mans-ms. cohortscohor have liiunched a "Mar- 0 Mar- Congress is voting three•ce bill-bllkl ' ‘*'6 *‘0P. .especiallyf^^aliLav” V ho glioma Is' a nerve cell, - specla-but-ln alr-conditJoninH-il-is. back-In—,_of_lPcr,ccnt - --* ------. — and the Kehnedys, who,vho .ihnllflhnir P la ii'’.-, for the " United Ion- 1 emer>“ crtss a street or-*ighMiy,_ nited lon doliars';jnon>-« -“an emer> ^ - Bcnr *hat m a y b e found In the . tlie’mjddlc ages. ' . ‘ - •;T1«-iTlicrc were H.500 deaths from accidentsis strayedstraycd-fac^ lo ^ fj)rclgn ^:lds ds Stales.,.States '..-Rcn'' -gency program lo pttividce jobs" JHe Should wait a tV near the ay in tho P*" ^e retina. The latter is ling Texns Congressman W. R. whert-«-cverywhe m etropolitanWI news- ■' ^ stop.'but not play In tho able when, the.school was constructed—that duticcluticS tfiose in public' biiildlnES. and r e ^ o i-*i-,‘; . hom e,e. • •=T*ta«ftZE ;7r~hepn rourinc New ^ B pop p e r IS ouiging’-With Job oppor- ' ' reoson-js advanced most always^so ifie air. tlonal t.«. u The side cllects of mepiieny- tlonal activiti^. such a3.hunt}njrand fishingB ' ■ Senator c-niii Robert K ennedv saysnys EnfilnEnglnnd'rarinSr'He-.aayil^- tho- tunitunities.- ...... -. When lie bus come^e.should! toIn-(McsnntoIn>. Include skin conditioning was leU'Outf'But what n foolishI and'ln>n»portaflon-not and' 1 iaimoior vehicles,•• fvthe -'«/.! welfare of our hom.ra^r> W lion If {hft y lctim s a r e ^ f i t e d . j y ■< ' i?ear •spectator: - . 1 . tor-vi '■ Ihlnp ,n Ih. »i,rlJ.------to r vfihicle category w ith 1,900.000 disabling ‘ at any wage. T .Where.was, .whe "Would you do*0 a^ayaway ' ^hiWrM^'raile**a^ruckw cl on Iho' ‘ Q-M jLdau^lbr, 9, has been ~ Ever since ReconstructJon days, those In- .Inlurl Injuries. ., ‘ • / Now, ithese form er disciples: of l-om..TOmewhati- at less resentful—nlful--with-aH-fprBlgn-akl?** with bibus, this'dlstracU-the driver and ' trcnld kentlemen qf_the~ NorthJinve-hffn -T he ‘rented for kidney disease for. ;._-the..spoon-fcfd:evci;j’body_philQ-.--ot_tajilO:- - n f _ m r -rinl1nrg ^ ln v k h ed ..o n-o -o u u r------M y -o n B w er'-w a* :-a n d -Is>•Is>-‘'*lf- -‘*lf- 'ihi ihCDeeds-aIl4iIs,.wils:about.him^ut him=i^wo:^__ — tciling the people Jrom Dixie how to lake Tilt ,11, lui^u jjrppw^lon •of dcnths-eompafcdI -^ Sophy, ^ h ^ ^ are lurting-'fheir-nlien* homef . to disabling Injuries In motor vehlcle accl* en- homefolks becaiise here a t1casr~nhe'Icast—nhe'allcmaUve to foreigh~aid~a\d as ^ 'tedrivennd.walch what'sL«185i?l.;.soiic.bul.at goiFg~ times still sflHfe al-_L: . care*vf their oslo r problem s. dchta. tlon homeward — but they haveive ..the the dollarsd( recirculate * throughDugh lt-l5-T)n:sently-admIn!stcrea'Ts“I r fc trea'Ts— rti'outsidert the”b u sr— ------'y* -• It- took 100 yean for those, chickens to- .' dcnu-r«flccts . severity. Accompanying fig--. ;T learned little! ' . , our o^ own economv.'Tho trouble-lublC' nomnone ot all. Lvote-for nonelOflc aat t ^ T each^ourxhild-hevec-tOve iput:—u^^— Iwr u rin e, ~ '‘ . comu home tn roost, but tell me. suh. how-;■ . ijrt.- •. . 1,0 i„dlalc properly ------Overseas—FiwndlnB. boomer- in h n cT- in h a t this' over-geiierous do- aall." l l .''. , . ' his hi armt-of head out of the.the bus. A-Becauso some vlttims of ' ::^ttr^w :D 3m irtaalw rm TU aiirffiur^r^—Tx»«bltmO]saiJfibirnR injurlM .occurring in.I ' nnged. ,Where we spent the mostost mesilcmestk Vwclfare" keeps dcpen-' Nt on'oddiUonal 12.«0,000-motor vehicle accl- :pen- Now, the w'orldwjde spenderslenders window. w Thatygoes forfor .trains .Jcldney disease react to dietary flfntu,______. - • .nioncy.money we bought the most re- dents dependent. are coming around to tliattviftw. view, and at the'^famllv auto n a< t . Wf»1|.w h ;. “- trpntmnn^ WAV tin*5 ~ SBntmrot. Iri I h iU N o ut-n d ob if F ------IIn fT Y, onkers, 'fjew^ Vo^k, tKCy— ~E \ OWy “ tvcniualiy ujey will re-exaiS:>5eanv VouV should also teach;h himhim-to to. In another,' no general rule cao • ■ ted neighbors Vote aCainsf us.us....found .found a-,family of nino livingB on^on_.’lne Ine our1 wasteful homefront Wei- fo -V. Mft.'SPECTATOR.'SAYS:' ■ GIVEAWAY DEPT.: ^ . rT Wc .si^poctC8"lhc econornies of JClIef I given hyr be 8\ated.-And, since tho long- of^ JClIef In a $600 a m onth miotel^^-^D/e o tc l^ -tH/e programs and... hot>efullv. th •giyoi^-for—jei^s-kidm ^discasB-contlnucr— ■'Ttiff^way smalL vouqpstcrs manage to mis- , . HavHave one cute sjnall and black kittcri.lha'lVl'Wcstcmt!'.'W estern-Eu rope-for-iew-yea nf=^-^itc!* •WliryoTrcnch there, to o . ' ' th ii^^plaffl;^theii^tbli(w,^iK&—ncw pahta' ■arid— needs ------— thc-safety-o(-thft.xbildrcniron under , the.Jiarder It is to cure, J would - needs-B-iit\v^hbmcr-H(nnii^b^i*ed3Jp;iit-r:iftcr-ih(t-r:iftcr'lhoy.were-

------^ ------_ 4 — ■ r V :- ... ■••.".I ^ ------::------^ 1 ■------^ — I __

■ ITwln Pall* Tlm9j;N »w _ ’ ■gH Matierialp r i a l - - -- I •• -' Sept^t.2.-)?^7 IfflS; LPS Meetingsitings jj^H; To Be Used;ed' • X3iurch A lfe S H Bj.Metliodigtsodigts ^^^]H^Reeiervea=- l l l l l "SAkLEY-EIJcr Don«I(lDonald, Ells.EIli BUHI^Adult. membersnbers of Uii Uie '- r W ■ l l | g w orth. Of. the LDS- C:hurch-Wi}U hurch-W ^l Methodist cjiurches in Bahi.aai BOhl. a ^ T ~ " I iM faro "C o m m lttee ran d! Mrs.'~AmvM rs.-Am y CostlefoftTare Joiningig Sunday II In High De^^e ■ L ^ M.| Costro of the .P rim’imory o ry Gen- the first session pf a new ttur u ^ H U erill Botird, will reprcscne p r c s c n t ricuium >yhich 'w illII bbe e IntroIntro- Alfred -lawVence ' Pace -Iir,' church headquartersrs in Sal . ■ ■ H duced In JO.OOO Met.ho.d.Lsi etho.d.U presently serving as the princl-- Lake City at special conference . churches across-the U n lte t pal. of. the Gooding LDS Stake ■ meetings on the welfarevelfare and Stoics...... Scmlnory and area coordinator of the Blolne and Gooding ' youtft activities of the - church ir^ title d '“ Foundation '5tudlei ' Saturday and Sunday In Oak . -Stakes, recently received his Ip Christian Folih.’* the two-yeaitwo-year - m oster Df*rcllgIous education d e - . ley. course.Is designated 10lo glvebasg lv e b as- r t T ’’ ~ Elder Ellsworth Is--oct|ve In !r gree from DrIgham.Voung Uni* Ic knowledge And skills essentia . verslty., ranching and land development.evelopment, t(^ an Aducalional process o: l | | U | | K . -A son of Mr. ond MrS. Alfred ' ' scoiiling (ind ischool board o octiv e tiv ' - Cnris'tinn' growth'aW .'moturity Itie5..Hc Is a former stake presi:presi Bev. Paul V, LitRue, pastor, ex L.7»ace Jr.,, Provo, M r.'Paco, , dent, and was a member of the plains. - minpred In Bible.and "Modem scrlpiuVe; He Received his B.S. church's P riesthoodo o d Home ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ .Based upon the Bible andone ' Teaching Committee. uti/-urc Christian gospel, the course alst I. JAMES B. HUGHES *ACE i n . ' • The P rim a ry Assocfat/on Is rc- u/?0/l,. :lic insfghts iro n . , In I9G3. ' • . sponsible for the weekday reli- ■ ■ • »lll Il'llvtr Ws Ilrst jcr^ S. ■”"» »> ""Wyappolrt. iUg’tfe'hi^ *- ‘- DIVORCE.riLED-nLED- , leaching in tha glous and-social training.ofH;® the »d P«slor or Iho FirstI Sulplliit i -A« LDS sem inaries , the p o st .fo u r . innrdrcn onhe church.h ondand their c h u rc h . Twin Falls. Rev. rommunicat* ,LOS ANGELES ( A P ) ,’Ac years at.Jerome, Rupert and ^ e 's ts . «. «n Hughes, his wife and two sons oltti. . tress D ana W y n terliaslia s (ifed(Ifed suitsuii f>ocoicllo. . Mrs. Castro has served os an r-n! Instructors « jhe,.course wil erv^ os an have moved to TwinVln Foils Quigley. -Castleford, ^int for divorce, againstSt U ww.y . y e ri .. — — — ■' ■■■■ ■ IB B ' officer and teocherr In most from Tacoma, Wosh. ' Buh?, Mslst^ Gregson BauUer. • •■ . USE TiMES-NEWS. WANT. ADS. Q T jH church auxiliary ^organizationsganliotlons, * Mrs. Donald Dieti, Buhl, assist e r a n d M rs. ' ' . • ^CTjB-^’ and wasu-mlsisonaryi.ry fofor r two r r \ r \ r \ • ed by Mrs. ^lao Miller and Mrs o’cars In the East Ceritroi States Leonord Howard. Rev.Rev. -LaRui-LaRue • ‘ : She has served as word:K-^T.F.^BapUst primary .IS t will conduct a "pilotIt class"doss" forfoi e«t— president and slakete primary ^1 tt ‘ - - instructors and otherher churclchurch • . ’ t. ' ‘ p r e i ^ H ^ h i s$ FIRSTf i r s t s servIcQ as'(ho new ministernlnlster cof (h« Twin Falls Episcopal « ...... - school workers. ■ ^ ^Pr n ? S president. C hurch of. (he Asccnslon»Ion I*Is RcRev. John Riley, who cameime here from Son Rafael, Calif.ilir. Rey.Rev. General sessions will.ii boboMd held Church HasIc id Adults who ore unablenable to aat t- ' '. _ j tend the reguisr sessions oi j ... Riley will present hliils first seiservlcc Sunday. ______» •______VV a U O a^m. and 1:30 p.m . Sunday sessions on — -* M in ih'fi-siaTte'feenlcr, wllh^aVadc — Sunday-momlng-ara-cncouraget-encouraged ' i —— v J. . to enroll In a smojlill group toti ' - Baker, slake president,■nt,=^,iSSNe>«;Pastor^ conductconduct. '“* ■ * wiiK-f T»««- meet In a honie foror InformoInformal J t ^ r M • ing^ Visitors arir-welcomeIcomc lo at-at Parishoners of tho First Bap First S.ervice list Church, Twin Falls,S wll study and discussion. •• ' ice Minidokaika Fair1 Eesults n 't h e new hear the Initial'sermon ofIff thei*h^ir T h e - (irst urtit ’ Jn • th e nev T ™ n course-is entitledtied Mon’,Man’s • . By Minister€ F - ■ . S T Y LW/. E SHOW.'. RIcharils, Sandra Hanks, Tanda new paslor, Rev. JamesJa m e s BD. ^ Meaningful Fafth.' . Junior!S!' JllflesV ‘ Smith,' and .Thercssa Peterson, k 'i'ifp cf- Hughes, on Sunday. igful F a fth ." - ..adults uh- — rnrile'H urt, all red. ' . ' piSsp? Photo Contest» U ie & l Holy Communion, will...Ill be Ob,»v. Purpose is to ^elp .adults un iI a z -I D awn P e te rso n , Pfiiirile; Hurt, I,and their f W m eC l Uurle Fredick, ViowZiucL 1 -|-h sep/ed In the First Boptifinf«,u»dersland themseiws .and theii is Scheduled a k U J :u d c ------^ B e d tim e O utfits '. Jio w th e , *fl r iV Church, fllO Sho.shone^ S St. t E., E a t th< A 3S-ycor-old fBrmer CdHfor- lT -fiiilA Teixisa Couch, Sandyidy Spccht.Spccht, ,K i. A J J g.3o ji- _ ■ ■’ ChristlanJiWMan-^iielp^help themthen * T?mmora[*c”ndyS*^ASlnl Spoiisored By •--- nfa resident who holds a B.A. Karlo Lowdcr.,Lindaa RichardsR ichards ^ i w t eoirf. * pInco.Jn'the scheme, ofo: . ------dQ|roo-Iit Wslory'ftnd-a^lheolORl- ? ^ b lu c ^ and-Sherrie-Hanlt»rttil-blui-^— thingSn-The::«uthor^bert;cZJtsbttt-C, cal degree Jrom ihc Episcopal iSiSir'^Brn'lejrewOp tor of psy. iv ' S f f I-inila Th.«c. Allco Pricc,’rice.TJOn:... T!Of Funtimo Fafvbrltes years a^o*SIxt'b'Ave°nue*B^^^venue Batv Leslie, Is a professor of psy. . Scmlnao;. Jn.. .Berkdoy, Calif., nlc'Ruckcr, Julie Jensen,lien, Kath-Kath. Annette Malan, Cynthianlhia Smith BURLEY'— ^A local:al omaleur list .Church. Tacdma,; Wash.Wn.:h InIt chology and counselingling-at at Pa>P» win present his first scrvicVns -rJin Icen Jensen and SandraJra Schab, an d Diane Bromenschenkcj,enschenkc!, photo conteSt is do\v under way that area, he ol^b servedervcd chur churi clfic Schoof'of Religion,jion, BBerke- ette - the, new_mlnister of the. Twin blue: Donna Howkins,ns, J u'Uyu ily in the Burley areaI sponsored ches In Seattle.-Richlandchland aant n d Galif. . FnlU EplscopM_ Church , of the era Lowder and Vickie! Engkraf,'EngkiW, by the Burley Co-Op Supply. Joe Bellingham. - .Wosh.,... and- Infr All adulW of the-communltj Asccnslon Sunday. '■ B renda M artin, Vicki'icki Abo, red. . . Rosenthal, world renownedlowned pho­pho-Coeur d’A l e n e . . . ore welcome to enroll In th< Rev. John Riley was;s recently gccky Hanks. Andrea Smith and Stylish Separatesnies ' lographer, yhl JudgeB alloil photos He rrteived hl,irs of , the Gov. Reagan the Pacific Supply Co^jperatlve ^ School, comthenled on basketbasket- Ml- k r Termed Major 1 o r em ployes of th e local spon^ H u g h es'w ill spook on “ Whoi _ • year. . • G ^ Can Do w k h Vn?rr o u r WoriC’ bn» wrcsUIng pr6spectsr6spects foifor . « \ •!_ IIP T*’® rumors said thoho Curia's pLoses Battle Jud^'e 'o f the ihe coming year, whenen he spoke -M. * l\ ttlc d^'e of the — ^------i=------to Klwanls Club mnen^bers en^bers atai Hi ’ l-J »-J I— Catastrophe nrchconservatlve, 76-year-old, ® contest. Is the celebrated press os An hair-blind A lfredo C ardinal Otta- their Tuesday luncheonton meeUnjmeeting H LOS-ANGELES.'(AP) — An HH: On Tuition”)11 .• photographer who made the l U i e r In the Methodist Church. air pollution expert . ;» H 1 I ■AnpfrlAf 4*kW-him-io-iiiiy.-iiri-::n5E3inj LQC .^^IGELEG Co'.*. . ... ------f lu rwe i i c o f j H - U - f ------'’b llrtk ln rn rte rth c -w o rsrslcP p B S oS -'o S r Knv to thp RoiiaIdJlca'gan"has''losrb'y'a 2- -Tonr:XuniM;iIgBgtln»rWenC?H S /acc being." According to the lie to have Each person enteringtering "the the O . School D istrict No. <13113 aand n d p r» r^ Ig ^ \ s m o g In th o city's hfsiory,,“ 0 '. la lacc c c resignationsns® would rmarein his long halllc lo hive / 1 gram cfta/rman for thehe day, andend B f •'a major catastrophe." enents Im- P"®^® contest will receive a copy , . , Involve C u ria cardinalsl« nast p a st IS.IS the state Board of Regents Im- ifed he. In turn, present^•d D ale ^ A s- ' U - , i I U # - help prevent complete air irnla's uni- famous flag raisingteh'S photo, Is Proposed . r,?.® i L , This Would d e a r the w ay for .rnia s uni Rosenthal v) — - A na- the high school. TTie new coach emissions must be preatlysweeping re­ /reorganizationJ u o n ° '” tto ; t 't y today tional program to brinjt bring Jobs lobs explained game-rulesS3 and dIs-dls- JH ____;______r ~ duced and antismog taws moremakcLihc Curia moree'efficienr 'efficienr •4'’,principle. • ------and Jobless ‘ people‘ together cussed equipment Issued play- rigidly enforced-...... After a two-day meeting, the computers ers, noilng that every effort Is s Anceles modern-.—— . '\ n i n n i > through, tfio u sc Of com putcrs M r I iniUn Louis J. Fuller, Los Angeles liclUbh has pade to protect the boys when )ntrol offi- 3?ie Pope’s Curia reform•form doe-doc- Cn»fornia Board of:f"'SiSund^^raing Regents ../llillg and modem communlctlUbh. has County alrjJ^IIution control offir 8 did not “Rreed to a low a special com- 1> . been proposed by thele Republl- playing football. A fllm j^toow ■ cer, said residents of thellB sprawl­sprawl- umcnt; issued Aug. 18, did not . Ybur.Tooiball," was shown.show n. • I H - V \ / (0 suffer openly insist that agedI cardinals niittee to d e term in e new .stu- JSy . con Party. ing basin can cxpect to suffer ’"-Tu: Mass Is. Set By. inducted as K| V 7 . I ' / ars unless quit. But the pontiff alreadyIreadv hbas a sp a y m e n ts at-, on unspeci- Th® G O P’s C oordinatinglallnR Com- R«v. Job John wfl» Inducted a s ■ ‘ for at least 10 more years unless i£il job op- a new m em b er-b y KKeril e ^ lTh^^ ^ ^ ^ W— •—' strin g e n t action Is taken.cn. '■ asked diocesan prelatescs over o v e r 75 . " “7 Catholic ChurchU rC ll mlllce says a national Job op- S 'tine eyes lo 'submit their resignations,^ignations, Reagan said a number of the GOODfNG-An evenlns-massinlns-mass portunity survey woultf coiled , president, IK r-i i-» ^ -Complaints of smarting eyes Ict-conveiu — a l .• i - \\r 7 /\ ^ sured into has'several llme.t; indicated regents apporently had been irlsh Good* data ‘on Job m n r ltc f conditiiws; o n d lunB/ConRcstkrti poured into f,?r St. Elizabeth’s Parish, Good: l o p i n g ^ b tion will bo held Sept,ipt; 8-10 a t t S h r y / ^ r r ------thft-rW tV -Hcallh-Dgpartmcntepariment his_wish..t^Ilt.. jrelnteses inin_the the "hung up" over"the word tul- iQg.-will.bc.conductcdd eochcach.Sun- Sun- unfilled Jobs, developing Job ------:------this-wceiras-tho .smoju^achedBreached Vatican-based Curia 'do do the tIon.‘------r- “ dav beginning Sept. 3 3. heeds, and rcgfonnrjind"local"jindlocol Sun-Valley.-: s. Cucsis“wero Dr.-Raymond-Raymond fip - ' \ ' i ~ the second highest couru^nriiunTaf-nll mmg.. ^ , By 0.14-7 vote, withth two ab­ab- The St. Elizabeth’s’s’ Catholic job patterns nnd skills, ilres, Buhl, f g time. Smog alerts were;re Issuedissued Tho Rooe na!r~acccnte.dated some stentlons.- the regenisIS rejected church will offer massss o t-8 p.m. This Information would3uid be dl.s.dl.s- H erbert. F r a ^ an .Johnson » • U three straight days,, ending resignations and rejeicred^Tp ctca ' iJtlF 1?cacan*s“ proposi:d-onnuarjnnuaT tui- nnd ot 9 a.m. eoch-Sundaytlundoy with trlbuied by n nationalI communi-communl- and Mr. andT^re. Dan Johnson om la ,— ______[M _ » » I—1— Thursday ntter scatteredred thun- ers:______tion nffcr~hir-hwH-«;uppps»tH’^yi>8cstca323> R e^ Father Dennis OSFalk-con-?SFalk-con- calion&-«y*tom,—uUUilng_com.lilnB—com. and daughters, Canfomla.------■ T e ------dershowers felHirScmthem-€tii-them-€al- -The-ttverage agfr of-car*fiyl»-c a r^ n t^ s P^^c^-studiint— R cagan—paI nmnnsrrf jp o scd ______■- ptifi^r tc c hno fn t^ . Co vocationalvoaitlanal ^ ...... tfq m la ;...... ' running the eongregatlon.s.iHon.s. ’• oro r low ering th ls 7 6 S200 before th^the .Members- from FnTrfigtil-wiHTrf?gtil~wiH co unselors, placem e nnt t person- pcrson- ^ ~ m e smog count litit nearby main-'branches "Sf the Curia, Is encrai new have moss at noon eachacn 2>unoayiiunaay nel,~thCTtTme<»>-sccyjces, labor • Azusft was .54 part percr million 7B. " . *“ ■ '‘charge.'^ . nnd tl^e evening massIS In Good- unions ^ n d .b u sln ess flrrnST------■ p a rts of a ir 'o n M onday,n’day, .70 The oldest of all the IIG cardi- Tho amount of the charge:harge'and and Ing Is designed lo accomodatenccomodoie Many of the unemployedj the Tuesday and ^Wednesday.ednesday. nals is Italian FrancescoSCO Cardi-Cardl- when It goes Into effect:t wcrd left persons who work onI Sunday or report said, Inck neces-sary ^^5H ieligioi!s_l i g l o i i s . ^ ' The highest ever recoraediraed was nal Morano, who is memberlember of blank lo be filled in at subse- stockmen and farmerss qnable to skills. The first step. It said, is — ' ,90 a t Vernon In 1955. * • three congregations. Hee is 95. qucnt regent meetings.:s. . a tten d the., morning m“SS- to learn what skills modem In- • BOOKS dusiry needs most. ' . '1 •....CARDS m m - ““ .. • Sunday Schoolphool g “Just M e d ” — Direcifectofy Of ChChurches, ServicesSei . 1^4'" .. WASHINGTON (AP) — 'W e Just talked.” said theIhweT^ 20-year- • Crenuye PicturePicture W B H B flSB B H H B fli old Oklahoma •jttri off her con; , .Framing •; riRsr McsnrrcBi/wAN riRSr ASSEMBLY OP COO' . LOS FIFTH WARD^>i>^ • „ _ YicroHXjttssioNAiirjmisr versotlon with President-John*dent-John. -• >^\’r T- SUPPLIES txit C. K. Leeutt at Slump .SUJtT.-L.sy.'L, L U.U ' Ha«(ca..Sl-N.^ Bt«h®P'»«onnon'M.~AIcx-l S e c o n d . I. at-Locuil Si.. KeV. O. >;_t-and_ll Uas£c_paiuic>-5uniUy-iHtil£aa>^lt:caC A. Robing. p«iof. Su^! y u yae^if<»l, ' s o n . ‘‘We .Mldri’t makeTiake '■ onyany * ' ' . Ji-««bMl.foc sSaiuy .*fhnol.~ir-a.ra. Worthip,I’orrtip. T09 gti_a3iooL-<:» j j n , . . SactamtPi.««mtot.______inntrrtTnmr n nBTTiTJar earth-shaking-statom en»i--“ 1 5 = = ' • S, Johnaon. P.D1. Ooapcl Hour. — ... WBLK MISSIONARYRY ____ — The lolk between Jane Ann r'lKsr BApniT Shoihon* St. £.. Be». Tncitrn c il }|i>-Hia- a.m. finday uhodT 11 a.m,n, 7:» p.m. vilillltttr. R«*. II. S. Tnomai.S‘‘S**sun'day nli» Amerlcif, ond the President was — -'M' Swpgg^Mrfc'N., !Wcm;~ I:» Wor»>Uj»^. Ouetl^. aptaker ihliH SundaySunday^. Ii || laitr. _ Sunday afftlfeii 10.a.m.j j i i . Sunday.sunaay. nhnnt the 7M av IHn-shB and '• • — er. • Stmdiy-»cfwcsf-fi4l-e.m,-5un3v ! S S S CHRISTIAN SUPPLY »chaot. II «.m.. 7 p.m. Wotuilp.-iWb.' ' 9: «js.- n a m . ------^------~ • J in Ellub«lh. DIvtf. B«». L H. Fill.F ill. Th,i tonerctailon la Inrlied la! .',T.SalUnd ,v:Oia qrRisTiA.N science5»-Room, j a Sunday achool. 7 p.m. gaeraacat. .. S i i rM ^ i ^ a b mer, poinr. Sunday >rr*lc(t:I. t:4]t:0 a.m. i^atls Valley Cniuda.at t B pjo. m J;al S thai ' >« A” ' ' Ourcb »chooI. IWjrtrWerihlp.------| PJO. at ua Mam Atc- E. Sunday aerricti: »:« i.m. ' f ------lUtB School Stadium. Sunday achool. II ».ra. V/oi^lp..)5«.rmW . 1. f . ! S WL'BL m CHURCH op cnnisTIT ' FIRST aiBimA.N^ ...... Man." Bro«« Jr. Sunday aerylco: i:0 aJB. ly lerrlcec ' Ut Shoihona St. N.. Rc*.• Donald L. . atURCII OF GOD,Q . • ■ SuajUr *c5ool, t p.m..S»tramanL ; E N RlO O L L L L N O W l . . }i]9.p.m. iloflman. mlnlittr. Sunday aerrlcaal.U IK] Sceend Ave, -Re». Ralph C Uw«. a.rti. Sufldiy achsel, 19;U t.to. WonftJp. IMMANUEL LimCBRANERA.N Stmon Topic; "Ab Old Tutammt Hip- " » J» Filer Are. t , Ray.y. Harold-ATHaroId^AT — ------:------L - f t o e i t a — ^ FIRST UNrrED PE.VrkcOITALMITAL * Biuile: Ruion reek, aolalit. Ibcn, patlpr. , Sunday aerytcf^ l;j? .a.nL — Mj-rmii'Aw. c..' Mil. J«i‘winfmw>fln7' . Tueiday.- Sundif.'aiHwl. I a.m.. » a.m. WqnMp- jioel-starts Sept»-5 _...- - J ™ „5!ssv„°r5.rr;,.„ • FRE^ WILL BAPT»r fyKet"’i o nuniEL TEMPLE APOSTOUCIS T O U C ^ Alrport-Rgad. Twin Falli. RfT.-Le*la n.—wartoln: —«e-m)fd-ATti-E.7-RcTrrJ-L-Tanktr»--L.-TanVtr»- Perry.Tl»-g.ni.-;-SaBday-3«ioot.- ll-*™^ ^Ekening^SificM5jcH cil ^,slqrJs_Sept. 11 . ^ paiior. Sunday aarrlcai::ei: ’i» « a.m. mon^c worahlp. t p.m.. aynitof wenhlp. Schrecknbett. paitor. Sunday Mrvlcci: TIST. . . Suaday Sthoot. 11 a4n. T A. Wsritalp.Worihlp. prajtr aartlca li held a( I pjo. WMae> ' . 10 a.m. Sundty (Uioal, II a.m.. 7:30 o.m. n e ^ E S a n ^ W#t.hlp. CIO p.m.'Tr«UiH.« Union. ' ip n s r ‘ _ t. ‘a -iw 'm . KtVCDOM HALL OP . I-:' ■ ■ 1 . , / . LDS Sixnf w a r d ''’ jsggyawa'tear i» - « JEHOVAH'S WtTNESSES . , CAREER:R COURSES:CO ' «M lU m tm sifMC. .DlttiopI SoyRoy Dab- U)S PJ«4r W.4BO’i Sunday Jthee^ 11 ( a , ^p »l» p pjfc a . «e^W0^ Mi^itaa Aft.. K. s>uw.®“ S-i rntol> ■ Secrotarlal"Jo)—Accounting—*— Acco. f-x . W h e t h e r yyou're o u ' r e pplanning to buy or PJa. 5«cnam . -- iir^:wi-nmc ------Butino>t.A dminl>: ...... ______... ------Saeraooil.-’ J • -DRivr.i?i cmjRCM se rv ic e , . tJlUimliUstaiUatteril^dic,, , - L - - -you^ro-Iooklng-ataklng-at bullding-plan& ------^ *rnt5r atuitai op the naubenc Motor-Vu Thaaier. Eaatland Orlva 1 ot"sA’.'! ■ •S?ne6rophlc—o p h > = - ■ toM rt^R LDS SECONDn ' WARD ■ ■ e m. 10 IHS a.'n. Speaker, Be*. Howard ?(t;> T5» “I=M Federal for .helpful iiTfo — . Olim, 9'U Aw. N.-. SlihopIP M. M. sum ^)ll^ Uraon. KInbrtly ChrKllan Oiurch. Topic: JB- t -pm. 6»«‘»«n- -Sunday •atfncaa: 'lOHJ -nefori .ha' T1.W - 3P.«.l-m «l«"by ...... -m.- Su:;d.r athi»l.-le:S«-»jniJn- at -p.m.p.m. " ,.n.^sunday «lnfor-Infomrafion " -- ; TT----- W -Pllit Alt.' W.. Bti. Vlnn-o.-Wri- - mar, mlnliiir. SBM«y'Kry|£«t Warihlp. . BTOWt r B. Tudlot,-wott)ii«.--Tyi>«WiHlt».—»H»r _ I a.ta; Sunday »«hool...I9 ».m.• ' . .. ^ SiBidaik iCTTlctil Ifl a.n. Sunday Sthool. : 19:» a.m. aaddUt,'W it, TV. nutlcol[col tn.ln*.tnilrw - - manta, «)yln ^aow», ««nnwi.^bln»

393 liitrd Avs.'N., R>*.- Jim1 A. ktytniJ>Iy«r». ‘ OUR SAVIOR LimiEkAN ’ . ■ ■ ■ m o n^ d D a AIT Y “ *<• ji»" •»’ Volu*. . aA. Su» Secead St. N. at Fourth A*t. Nh R*t. I ------TWINA ^ I N F /^ L S

, , XKtCOPAi; ClItJROt OPor '' ' uH s , >9;IS a.m.-Sw^az icboel. > ^ lB W -V ljM iriM j» -tlM W IMIWr ^------' . • THE ASCE.VSION • ■ 8 H W “ -STAT!ri b0 N ‘■ B&BltOANSm B U S IN4ESS E SS COLLEGE tuiuil. 119 TIBST UNrTFJ) BBJETHRCNiR C N . IIH lI ' KTFI : . -■ '. I .'/uu-r'--.- >_»cxVBe» '-jnrTTil;dXtirT::rBer"Kt!lETr>rai: i - t t r • - ^ t h e _ m o s .ti ::::__ w ith - :\C ^ - n » r « ®ducaltori-^^^i— ^------1. . - ••(M a.m. . only. Lay rMdara: BariBan Lar> wall,w paiior. Sunday aanlcai: Uonilni H v i M ------= T 2 7® (n flr— irtAIN AHO $HOiKDNI-ST«OT_Sssz j ■— . w n.^JaU MaiUa^.{>a

PROSECUTOR DIES nei.N*W* - •‘■ttFAYETTE; Ga.:(Aj') - H. * ’ ^ • 1 -a'/1967. •; S - Kell A n d re w s.-73, w ho h e lp e d ^ < IdahojMM c w s• ' ■ .j - prose'cutB -Naii war cr■ ^ server editor, wllV ’editlit thexon-the-con- while unioii negoUators.ilon.Kuilcd studied ,j- • .-• DiahetesLejs/ ■ : solldatcd- paper. Swisher and se**’wIIl'*Eri * W0-pi>88-‘>lf*r ■f*'®'"om_tho.nci- •*'e_nct- G n , 5 a l e ' A sa m p le ' k it' which enables ' D wight Jensen, Boise, will be . nnyono to tnkc n test for dio*dia- beles at home win bee nvollableavoHnbfe . An Independent candidateliSdate for ■ to c v c o ’ono Jn glc_ Volley govem oc In the 196668 election ' I Fairgrounds Office’ during’the Twin Foils County ' and a former state legislator. , s - i . . Iiler . ^ rnir and Rodeo, stateslie s Larw Swisher sald1i» Is withdrawingrtffiS ' - Retires - ^ CraiB and Dr. C. R. McWil-McWif- from politics. He plans13 to attend • PHILADELPHIAi (»P) (AP) -— ! Phnn« colhd - ' liams, head of the Diabetes De^Der ^ ■ ^ P ' the Collegexf Idaho from -nextnext T^^ey" held E d w a r.d L. • '"''tcctioa Drive here. ' ' Ja n u a ry to M ay, 1968,a. .to towork w ork Clark'* i«lreme!rt"p.'4 party i"riar- - 32M398 . Colled Dreypak. the kit Is dis- on a bachelor’s, degreeree in gov-goy- o,e i«sb hour In suburban . - tributed by Ihe American Dia­DIa- jj^B M emment ' Swarthmore's PennsylvaniaAVvffi jS S S iS iS i- betes Association and used .forfo r . — - Railroad sUlleo. ■ • • dfobcfcs detection in1 hundr^sh u n d r^ s T^wt way be gottot 4oio saysay, - B a ^ o R e s i ^ ' Roodby to manv ofif the busy M W fffW Hm W W PlPP^M '• of communities.'It consists of a served la ;, chcmicaUy;;rcatcd strips t r i p oto l - GLEMNS FERRY -I-1. Reslgna- RiMlcnQ. com m uters he's served la •paper which comes In a return tlons of Mrs. Erma Patterson S Sf IhStSw S- FRIDAV-'and .SATURDAY envelope. ■ • ' - , and M rs.'JulIa Clark as Glenns Thursdav' I Tony Natalie Dr.'WIlIinm KendolMxplalnbdl-c^lalned Ferry Library Boardi m member.s s s Lommon CurtV-Wood ' were accepted by theibontdlhlj board this W "• flat DreypaSv-llke any- u urine rine covered with bright red ta- test. Is only prellminory.iry. People ^ librarlan, Meclothii and servedfS coffee h'THE GREAT RACE" , positive Mt^. ~Lucy Det^, librarian, —■^ivhoso urine le s u show posltlvo daho SUte and doaghauts. . should' not think this Is con- reported that 500 Idoho State lis t com- I Th#' ww«i«ffolly wild ond waely • L lb-rary books have beeSbeen By the time the lut com- .clujlive evidence of diabcicsiabcles un- I and tta" muter train pulled out at later con- TWO nR E HGHTERS on theI at tbe Lake PIru11 recrea-recrea* behind them, to anotherither spot vwhere flames broke tbraugbrough the shelved for six weeks, and that S' . Jess the results •are later con- the last loan of *500 had a total #:M aumt.bB.had seen inoro ■ « firmed b'y a blood test.ist. tlonal area brtisM'Hr^’llr«’ WediK W ednesday run, 'with hose* whipping wh.lpplng line trapping a bulldoior.Idozer. (AP wlrephoto) I..way ofouBo. ^ ------^------circulatIon-Qf.417. Severaleyoral new than SOO well-wishers.* " • ------3 2 4 - 5 5 2 1 ~ Dr. Roy Shoub pointedlie d out ou t In ~ , 281 C aiw ell A ve.. JIO. ^ . Andrew E. Hodkins. 1237 Ella- Eliia- books In the library' are aro being •• •. ■ SNACK BAR AVAILABtll a rccent specch to the locoi Jay- beth BlKd.,.$30;-vlolatlonitlon of the processed. C-Ettes, that those most suscept- f * T C Other fines' Inclii'dc^ L aw rence . Ibla to diabetes are peoples L past - I i S t e JTraffic^Gourts s L I /O j_ B.iRl«s;raiC-T3J?rr?TQr CIrclc. 40; ■ ^ rtlc u ln fly " ' wflnTwi. I'hose ------JlSrdrlving-imho'wronjrlane-of Ills Police 411 N .'^ 'o le St.. Je ro m e, $100, ■ who aro overweight “n“j and thesef e In TlvinjFnlls rPollci rom e, $100, traiCIc; V em on R. Law son. 505 Judge Nor- and Dwight Bair. 471-Jerrerson who have diabctiss In the-famlly.thi> fnmllv Court 83 Ordered by Judge Nor l"Jcfferson Buchonon.SL. $25. nnd Bevprly 1 — A udrey ■ ^ i ry T u n * r .I n c lu d ^ JeanTltfTlIJeanTltfTHS S t^ 'JlO O .V '-'— a.~Tuckcc. 2631/4 Tyler St.. $2S, W rc r have Dr. Shoub sold, "But dlal^cs ut dlaW cs /^rienc flrd. .Riverside, Calif. Fined il for disorderly-ly conduct hQtOalluic-to yield right ol a r s o f m a r - does ..occur In people. oT both lo.oT l»{hj20: Jomes L'Davis,, ««8 a FlftlFifth with aniaittomobllc were/ere Robert way; LeRoy-Arrington, Route 3, icir person- ' -sc3ros~at air ages, evenwen when ^ve. W.. J15r Susan Pocc, -2111-2119 A. McBdde, 430 Fourthth Ave. W.. W ., $10, im proper la n e ch an g e, and they know of.no diabeticbetlc rela­rela- yisw Dr.. J13. ond.and.BenJo-J30; Benjo caiV Abrams, 824 North- 824 N orth- ibasic r» 'g - ______tives. So'testlng for diabetesabetes Is a Lujqn, 253 Jiciickson k s o n St.St., view- Dr;, *30: Leslielie LUvern avern wise precaution for anyone."^ ^ n e . jjQ_ jjj, jjjj. - g j^ in g ^ .. . Scofield,vSap^Francisco, Calif., . SEPARATED W‘ hlle Intbxl- $3Qi_Rob‘crt W. Kuster.-Caid. ^ w i d ! USE 77MES-NEWS WANT/ANT ADS ^o'' driv in g while Intbxl HOLLYWOOD (A ^ — Audrey V - Hera-to-pHera_tQ-pJay_youji favorJfo * . -RESULTS cated-were Tn>cy >-E.-.h . Shields,Shields well, >25', and Glayde S. Mrsen^i Hepburn and Mel Ferreri n 7 : 3 have 0 _ ■ rO R FAST SELUNGJIESULTS Mel6dies-are the. nimble B separated alter 10 years of mar­ i - | k 3 \ Z ^ '____ . - . Mel6dles- PMONE.7a3.S9;ia... , riage, according to their person­ fingers of._,, ®.'_ ' al representative. 1 ^ 3 0 ^ I r y "Jr^ - XGUIDElilDEnmitltMllilWUffllEDMUlI I - U.S. 30 W tti lo Oraixlvltw Ort - ...... - . -ByiL44 0OF,Al P AM ERICA'S M OSTr FAMOFAMOUSSW INGERS N zD -w s;?;: g s ^ T H ■ N O W T G ates O penif 7:30 h ^ - The Do’*o'< AndAnd Oon't'iTofD Tho MarriedJ_Man Man Who'VVWnklnB S i n ^ ' . . ' . ■ i . o r " I j I ...... — — Tl . ------T ha S in g le /i^an W h o 's JJuit u il ThinThl^nili^K . . l«i>dvl*w Ortv* .

• *: ■ . . , I taitoitat\ W pii ■ - ''r ' ■ ** IT The Trufh i f i / / ‘WsflE” W ^ B R A U N - S

. . .. f f M '

B - -at the Plano A _ l ______and .OS rgan. i X_ ^siES E Pb h a k bI

^'ACUIDEHinmEMMIIIiTOEHMHIHIIN’ -ffiS^BAIWWftWBEHNY-^ A m ! ' ■ -V r mDRAWINGS j - ainiwii , ..'.-r"" -.-™ JOEVBISHOP?SIPMEP?SIDMt8ftR?MlCllWiPf.l_. .. - WAOtB M B E m W « IU COX-JAYNE•JAYNEM#F1ELQ*HAIMARCH Ml ‘ ^ M AlAnHAll-imRSE' T I H A a - IDUlSNYEJMHIffll^»B{;imREB«PHaSlIVERS J p r ^^'WHEEL OF ; - —-fflfliSIEVHIS a m s n .. ««L. r 12:^* FORfUNE. . , . ■ '. .. D raw jpga Every ■' ' S t a r t s ” V 6i 0 O < r ! 1 1 W Stacllna 6i00, 81OO, lOiOO 3 : TODAY " .. ■ SAT. . SUN. • MON. ____ g „ J NIN CCASH ^ - [— CtntlnMMl'ftbnra'.OO— “ _____ . - j . ___I— iiigfnsu;w^$25>braw ^- ing^| UJL-L O V E ^ -iZHtrSUNDA^fNDAY-JpWlJlL .1 r f 30II (NO PURCHASEJ R C H A S E N E C E S S A R Y ) ...... ■ •■ M ...... I V LUCKY LICENSE ■ V 'H' 'EDNESDAY and FR ID A Y '""*'' ’ S ! W INw N i I R s ' a r e ..v_ ' S I R«8later.Fraor^FPoo AllAll' Woote DAIMBANI^ IV NK5HTS f H i t . r£cH"'^'' riS ^ ' ^ 1 ' W lhnorsnora PPoated oste A r^ llTilSiig .'W odnoadayay and TTi

,' LaValieand-n d ------

'igZ Sf HIGHWAY .93 ■ jJ h h t i ------1 ^ ^ ^ ^ “MCKPpt; NEV77^

------STARRING l l l n T T r I I

ffl'HimiM M____ ^ -* - ■ -: J i f i l (■>w.>n»aaFucg.Iu8 enjtenjoy a tu ll hour . .niW ARW ^HJldLISp B® bsL=___iyMiU6S BUNNYv > A>_ /! v\^iN ( IRTOplOHW I^JWDniiGLgs fARW AGON"IttfWAW. ------—— . S i O O ^ ChlW*jSnJWJItl.SO ^ ^ ^ m N N IRE R F ~ \ I oWI- ththe e 'WW hee|l O’ Fortune” I _ 3 ------. S a r y e d f r o m . ■" Continuous Sat.,3at., Sun.,Sun. Mon.frpnrlrao - [..JW rnilSOITOfKOll^ ’”1 . Vl11 I—1 , *“' J- DDrawing ra w in, g Evor^ Few Mlnutbt. *1 " . P ^ ' ------R e g iatoRegiator-Frbo.'Bring YdUr — B an u v ,. ' Mia— u m i l ------A d u t t e - o n l ^ ~ ‘ SW*apBtaKoa. Tici

'■ ■'i 'i '

m '. . — -T- AtWUaMhOUM _

"THE W a r • TECHimCOtOlf

'r " — jBMPiisonAm'jiiiwfflsct ;. • - Plusati0:30 '.

[w ToiiliEraDi^]^®^^ B U P l t M t . J i . O O ffT T E L L T H E iH -lB i ■■■-*— . aEWNWfWI f- . - Businessg g - ' - .IV . Si!p>. V-2, 1 9967 6 7 • ~ . ,.T..T'win'Foils Times-Nawa ’s 7 ^ Toda y %'s Market Financialll Report1 • Mirror - \ y PHILtoOMAS.-L ....- T t e A P BnJlnesa Writer : bow-JoneW2p.in. ;k- Grain' .,: . - '‘ T ' '^ 1 ' c:; StocStocks';.'^ y-v. . 1 30 Indus(rialsJK».6S downmpm- 0.63'0,63 • ...Livestock' • ~ NEW YORK (AP) -PMpic-People , • iM V ^G 'fjfY T — ——— 1lff*?d tP rar/i In Ihft _ INCE— «>-Ralb-26J.-Jft-055------— OGDEN------=—I'------— -^-i^p.M rsuimTrarY*rr n ~ M ^ Kb'l!i AT A ULANCCn t jrain fu- window tb'keep their foodoodlre^ fre.s^. ..■ ’, ' '' • I* t h e I NEW YO RK ( A P ) :^ • ‘l5rUUl5-130.43 0.51-^ ____^ ------^ OGDEN (AP) — CSrtllc,and • *; -NEW YORK (AP) «. the \ .'’X ® The card was Jl for the ■ --slock morket-movod-slugolshlyigRishiy Slocks.-~MI ixed; tradingg qulet. quiet. 65 Stocks 320.« 0:17-^ ------■T — _ calves« 200; sm all offering ' s after- Cotioa Higher^, tradingling ac------...... - -slaughter,1 : heifers' 25 lower;?wir- = handlers.againsts.agalnst -passing iceman to stop,“p, tote.a ' In quicf trading lale this afler- > ~ ac- go area, of-ice in-on hiss leather-Icather- noon. - ...... „ .. tiv tiv e.- B j7«i + « slaughter tows about, steady J,’ elevators ip the Chicago airea, C wore gcncVally m h o d 'oon n thetht padded “ -shoulder,' nndI drop^drop: u • -have -$10.000'lo-invcsti .« CHICAGO: ■ • h with lower clo.se. on .Monday: , pledged, to'pay ~ • ThC’ pattern was a return w GhlCJBo Board otTrado.lMi tbday ay In fifn,Q the wooden icebox.c. • 11and would like to get more ih- ^tht-JifillM i-pace^f ihls week's’m tk“ i ,,5*1"“ • - irrcgutar;, liquida.,gS>^P^^--”.»5llquida, E 5 _ 11 other classes untested; receipts ^h\\bl slow frado. Most Americans nowiow rely, f formation aboOt tax-free■tree bond"! bonds, !hf — first:,th ree sessions wjiiclich waswnV ' K ■j»H •••,•; included about .'85 slaughterK rat..nsw dtprc.;snnt ot prKts , ui« nrt ■ Com — Lower; light tradCitr a d e «r K “.'.« * ’ ?.l! \\\ M«> cows 50 slaughter. hcifcrs,-re^ how ever; *on th e refrigeratorfrigerator \Would such bonds pay'y *5®nie Inter-deeminter- the bond at par ^ fa cc » -~ im orrupied by a viRorous ad- ) erve and est cach month? Couid^hey be • yance Thursday.. ' .JOats — Mixed; ilijhl •Irade. trade, fj I'ii? rS lj ”ilt St«i{ i:":-"• m malnder' mostly feederr cattle,cattle; ThursdayJ} .when /he.grain.I!l„ han- ? a n d fre ez er-, lo. preserve a n d c when--the bond V a S , • •i,c /...« Sovbeans— Lower!- lightt trade,tra d e . .siiJanPsi I.:s , w L . ‘‘ , •* : r ! > s lslaughter steers and heifersVew i keep their fresh food frdsh.rdsh. • tcashed „in o r-M id o r som iom ethlng ething its maturity date. - " - - . - .C oins orflldividual 'Siocks out* ] dlers called a sflke at the ex- ^ N n” "^“ i^riiy date, how ever. numbered losses by about 31 to ?n 29 Butcher hogs —'■25 to 50“""“SSI..S cents |j '!! '4 l!Mn 3 individual high good and^^icf „phatlon of thcirTcontract.Id . * But there's a relatively new “ I .m .ii higher;, jccelp ts 3,000: topip 21.00. &S i.»' 7 31 MS’ 3J«i...... V Mil -I*i Ulility. m ostly 16.20-18.20;.20; cut- mission p houses, was largelyirgely of it’s called cryogenics,'" the be-wise to look^atLV!?, some:. ^ depending on in the like period Thursday.day. riiKci-1.40rm ’ 3i itn » s s< 17*1 i i i Icr 15.00-ltl.75; other slaslaughter u g h te r na Igcal, nature. . • . s scicnco of 'supcrcold tempera- ^ tax-free:-l£^SoT bonds £‘s.r'"“” _ Wilh the pritfe -increase for Jlj" :-375i+ classes individual utllitxllitx and Cario't grain receipts were es- tures.ti -— - ;• . — b e tte r know rf a s “ munlcTpai •!; ii com m ercial bulls 22.10-23.10; t ' a 'J lS S l siiSirT^*,^ 'nc'’»tened Jhay>roker.'j atecl-bars sprcading;_gajns jjf hIu MO-23.10; timated at: wheat'fcars.ars. corn , The average temperatureature In a bonds’’, bccause theym are l issued sonic orRffnization . n b jju l.h alf a point were posfiTd ti* • Jit> * .l! few good and ch o icc'275-325175-325 lb 441. aata_l. rye none, baric?arlc2^12, 12, r refrigerator freezing compart comfiart- by states and politicalc a l subdJvl-subdivl- th^, provM es them ^Wtfi Infor- ■ • b y U .S . Sl.ccl. Belhiehom. Re- vealers 28.75-30.00; fee dler er cattle c attle soybeans s 10. ' - ' nm cnt ra n g e s betw een 0 ,and mml- i­ sio n s'o f sta te s, 1 •__ mation. about "deadbcar cus- •• public and Jones & Laughlin,Siin'!''ESV fm M 5:srsiisr..hVN; ! SmIlhK IJ«« 3» 47U! - mSM»! **lCJi K fewf< small lot* good andid choicc . — nnus 5 degrees Fahrenheit,iheit. cold ’The ' interest paid .« on?•« •-such I ^ ^°mers-.'Whac’s the name of that Bethlehem and-lnlanil joined J"' . w + H 510-6M 1b yearling ste eers rs 23.00- '. OGDEN ' ^' c enough to freeze a Juicy,Icy. leg of tbonds Is not subject to Federal Jn th e boost announced e arlier j-i, 15 ? ...... 25.00; couple lo ts -sta n ddard a rd 737- OGPEK (AP) — Wheat,at. deliv- lamb]i into a rock ))ard club. But iincome tax, nnd In most cases . by Republic ond U.S. S te e l.' r>^ y iiiaS lU S shrill!-;I 111? - 'i 763 lb steers, 21.35-21.50;0; couple cerod truck bids: No. I‘red-pro-red-pro- then temperatures-of cryogenics:ryogenlcs |s| not subject lo state income “ General Motors and Chrysler,S.r.sisa-niis^i {|* f; =ll si:' s' ii'‘ t « low choice 3?5-380 lblb heifer ttcin 1.38; mTTea 100 protein ranr g e fr« m minu.4'IOO““to to mminus inus ttaH-in -tho state in which ihe one of which is considered^ like- ‘i" ' i ‘}* and nnd choice 440-585> lb helf-helf. fNo._l red 12 protein 1.41;~No. thatti gases becomo-liquids.^omejids.'iome iall -municipal bonds pay inter- . g e t by the United Au1o"WorJ(*■'Work" (iJnMK^Tw1 ffletals gain supcrstrengthigth and aq eest seml-an,nunliy.- — '— ' crs, declined ahoui a point.•■p""'s;,s Ford ;!'• s:* ' *5i4li’i" -Sheep 1,200; dem and'id' good: \wlieat l.2fi: No. 2 barley.rley. 2.64. fi frti,sh o range c a n b e t sm ashed s o if you p u t $10,000Ijnjro^oao Into one I„; T o K .gained a small fracilnn. — - ntnMi.i 3.:i* I3T *is l - —I f Si s r iS =i:'Ei I ; ss 11J-HPhsi siaui!htcr spring Inmbss strong: Cur arrivals: wheat 24,14, barley iiinto powder. - IIssue of municipal bonds, you . .Ijlonfcrrous mcials were’ pen- >:"i I * }* feeder spring Innjbs strong to 220. . . In the p^st few yeartf.-cryo-artf.-cryo- \would receive interest twice a crally fruciional' gainersS wilhwhh „|,u, i.sS ,1 ;«■,, 311 :iu ... J ' j'J *3U 25 higher; ewes^cnrce;i; supply ...---3L: '--- genics c has coasted out of the re- >year. You could split your mon- American Smeltinn and Aiincon-'kimcoa-. i;iiliiiLLLJ.'*— i_ iU-.i-..S jnosU y-U tflhjanR cJambjLCVcnIy bs-cvenly ----- _ KANSAS-ClTy'—-- - ■—---- S search-riaboratory-and currently oy-by-iinvi)6ting-ln-a.-numbec< da picKing up'half a jwinii-' ' Ji" ; jJ,j X 1. divided between slaughter;hter nnd KANSAS CITY (AP) — Wheat 1, getting practical- applicaUonipplicatjon of diflerent-bona issues with dif- M assey Ferguson, ’o/i and I d?, .d, metai-metal- ferent interest paympnt dates, • about a point; appeared loaded‘headed ™»™r,t .»<...* ' J S’ - lambs near six deck choice..fewioice..few darkt hard i;50'^.1.60, No0 3 1.48'^I.4814 making.p . medlclnc, 'aerospaceaerospace But that normally ^ould create for Ihe lop of the ^ay’s mosi-ncjlOSl-nCj nirn’SI" Aid'»l ]Jj? !J*? iJl* s ; *4 *"i( prim e 39-100 lbs M ngeEC- UUtahs- tohs tb'i;.Wi4, t No 2 red whear-n73t5^■at i;43'4- andn electricity. ; . Iproblems of ‘ additional costs. ttW list. • Cltr I; T.mpa =5? r.l ,«. in :«s 11*. 3IS + (I Z « ,; * [\ T«kIioni* 141 4«i,i 4Sti' <7ti ! +'•>+|i f 22.85-2100;. feeder sprinRnR-lambs -lam bs L-liii^N. 1 No 3.1.41>/ri;'i5'/4N.1 5 / ^ N . I n d u s t r y sources say/ ihev they e.x-ex- Wheayou ' buy in amounts small- Prices were lower on the I’U" I 1 ? _ il five and orit'-half 'decks-choiceks- choice Corn 32 cars': .tjnCh. 10 down _ cOTtnic 'r IhJ; tl«,000. you usually pay A m c riw r n ^ o c k Exchange.’» 'k'rS;?vi?' iiH Ilini , ™ pect the market for co-ogcnlc ' ■*■ J TrMtfo i*:s 13* 'i« ir'2ijj 'lllJ + ^ •ani:,fanPX_.W a f’£& .'U tahsahs 81-83 ’ nf a ceni; No 2 while 1.24- Smachinery and gases to ,growSrow 'more for cach bond., - ssR!. ! !i« Sia [ lb s 21,70-21 JO: sm all lots)ts choicc 11.28N. No 3 1.13-1.27N; No»? V2'yel- 5 from tho millions into) a multi- . You can sell any municipal ' " J R,M. QUOTATIONS ISfJ Ji T«fiSuf ,40 31 1« U 141 lii -—I I anda ia n cy natives 80-95 tbslbs Ilow and mixed 1.233J, NoNf 3 at I billion-dollar ; market between Jbond* you own at any time. - N|:LW'yo«t^sTOCK r.xciiAN0iLc c ;• ^ rjj^ ■ i iS !S i!i;:!!*, ? Te>a>lr»t .«« H 13 ^4 ■» lUH — 14 i< Dciween ^hey. arp marKetabl.c securities T « PU ,31» 4 1 (} I1'4 ' l»li ? 7 ♦ Ii >k 20.50-21.30;? few jihoaringng lambs lam bs 1l.l6'/«.to 1.2-lN. . I’ , , j, how.and 1075i'' . • ^ ,c securities If you'•/eel you'have becn' v '■ TTfttron I.M 39 I r»?i ; M ** iih »l in choicc.'.thufiMcr /Jc.sh 95- Oais J-carj^unch.;to downM >i, . Jofi" P- Adams, presidentesfdcnt of * caii be bought orOf sold ju.si overcharged by a broker' take Abhoit Ub 1 "J« < «»'i ♦ H <'>' '. «[> 106 lbs 19.25-20.85. . t Byron- as stocks and most other bonds ABC Cm .M «■ M'S J7*i J7*i!? !;; + '4 f; fitu Grr?A?r • « - I « s •■ itK - - « ? s ; s . « ' ,.! 5iS >1 Nn 2 whiIC/TP/i.75l4N, No 3 at Borg-Warnerr . Corp's. Byron- ” other bonds your, complaint to the stock ex- Abc« C(. I.M 10 i'.i MU Hut lOMH-Hli - — ■- ' ...... - - ■ 70174.74HN./ - - ’ • -5Jnck-son Divlirfon; estimmates ates theth e arfc-traded,° ------. ACl'_Ind.J.:o. -.41. <>». <•>{. ««'• 'i —_ 'r>JJn!l!fSl»Ul f’"’ ;«0 I 2«i* 2J». !"- - ys TS h°i; i:ii: . «> DENVER . Milo -miHrc 2.06. •• • n cryoRenic But they cannot be tedeemed AdMlllli .<0h T> i " . »:■; 3lh»U ** !t(i ■'•'I lla-Ulhun IJ8.,, 3 101', 5lW SIS’ i-— ,V Vi i T TnaaWAlr l. iso « «1 to( - S . m a n u fa ctu re of cryogenic . Addiro 1.0 . It MS - l l , >Ui DENVER (AP) (USDA)-Cat-DA)-Cat. • Rye l.OSW.I.OS'/^N • ' „pump-s* alone could' amim ount om l toCO (“* >;» a w llm c - a s i?"r°T" “!=Ih?::= ' !!■ « !1K{!9:5,, IJS + H tiei 100: calves nnne:-hoesBBS none; ’-Barley. 1.0-l.nT3N , --- ^SIO m illion to $15 million.llion TThe h e U ^ - S- S a v in g s , BondsIdl"ca can7 b“ be -- js a 'f r. ,s ffi; S!! j«. L llfrclneis : .71s I 4*'j 4» 4HS — \t t L convert cashed for f u l f v a lu e.. This is AictiiAium I ' et :s>! i»H » s + u 'i=, !,, SI ' S Ml- , :1 ! \\ sheepj; none: not enough1 sales on , .Soybeans J,67i/<.2.'75l4NiN • • pumpsp pre used to, convert ^ ue.. pis is But. as an "active trader’" AtlreCp .lot *. IIS < H Kol 1 si'J...,'. Friday to establish prices.ices. . Sacked irfan 43.00-13.75 . gases, i such as nitrogen,n- into su- a‘ point that co n fu sw? marty pco- (doing n lot of in-and.out buvlne AIJriLu :« n :tl VS HI, 77U t» i I 31U— *i _____ . . 'Sackcd siiorts 47,50-48.25..J-25 . percold„ liquid.s. - . - fpie, especially new.investors. AI1r£ l*w l,)0. 7 J*»i 3«i - >•. IloilySu.''11» [ol ' *' jjiJ - V’ ll r i^‘i°!:’' . S"'*. "'“"S) moves AMIrJC I.WH «3 ««, <3'i .5 •>‘i UUntroyal 1.30 31 4iS U4i *''5-+'*4<''5 +.J4 slaughterSl steers and heifersicifcrs of-of. CASH GRAIN . - p ‘cchnology h a s opened>en«l up.*’ ■ , . “ ESW ac,lo,.»te„„.. - i S ; ! s31V s t lV s ' ■ *' ’*'• 25 f/4: ‘;2'»'/4: Y h a s ' g r o v T n 'in to ; a ' " broker - I a2iJb_hciicEsjai.iiMSJS:-uiiitoJ5;-Utility oats t Np. 2 heavy (white! 74'A-74n74U-74n j $i«o*m illton.a-year business, a . wno said 1 do not get any stock AmK??” *;« §i^ :s> ! jm! + S ! iiilM , II , Mi - H and com m ercial cows 1C.50-17.75 IC.50.17.75 soybeans s No. 1 yeltpw 2.8414').2.S4'Ar\. «spokesfnan sa y s. C he m e tro it" A’r.nU IJO .'' ■ 0>J n>! 30>N!8U ii’“/..S.V'l C iBf 'a-.!S'; I'"' i »J'4 * Jf 25.50 higher: 1-2 200-230) lb 20,00- changed c to 3; of a cent a bushel d ductlon ' Co..' and General’.■.i'f K Dy- ' . LINCOLN COUNTY>ttcrOlfTY you want ' things" AmlnvCo |.1> II tttb H i . .,.. IRN I “ Ij $ i| 20',25: 1-3 200-260 lb 19;75-20.2S: |i Sterlirt Blolttr , AmMFdy -« M J«{ U JUi ♦ *i IMiE 5 (“--ssF-li-E iiiii S;75-20.2S: ioiver, September 1.45?4.'^:i-l^: com r namics are among theic leadersleamrs -^bout WOO damageQ resulted to «n ^“"dlcd (hat. way. But if you AMU Cl I.H }l Uii »H Ini . 13 *1 sows strong to 50 higltor:gltor; 1-2 3 .to Inwrr .9^ptPmhi»rlaitem ber j ii> the field, Am MntAtt TII M’i HV, liiiTi I4‘, « M >■'i US, »IM li" -...”...... I"'! I"II nickft. 3H tos los iiliS i#«’, + « V a ■‘iiH .3 350-IU0 1.20';^-5J: oats W lowqr to 94 hn belonging to Richard Calllson, Am Srwt 1 4 w s JSH MS ♦ ^ Irl : 3K -♦ 'i lb 17.50-18,50. . • - higher. »• September 69*J;it rye Vi% mostr active In exploitingoiting tne the 1 driver, Am nioi"i Ini ■ - }> .Sheep 200: not enough to cs- |. Am Sm»li H 17 Mi-. UlJ Ul, *1, ♦ S lr«-«p<:*.|.:4 S +■ I « W JlJi Jj;,. - l! ^ gh to cs- i(i, 1% cents lower, Septemberentcmber t uses of supercold. ; tn tablish nprket. ' l.IS^fl, I arid soybeans-?),i(t lo,to, l*iHJ Olie spokesman saysv« practi-nm cft. A ' P’ostcr, 19, CTcTlIW cents lower,, September:r 2.76%- caliyc every frozen'foodMrf manu.manu- Ferry,’ went to sleep and, the 3 ? VK s l - F !»'! siiT ii ” d S s vehicle left :^he -road- «nd over- AMPI>« » II X*', ll’i U -IK J°I> ; ?ll?i • CHICAGO \’/«■ ' ' - ffircniretr'ln tJw -United States ' d and over- not answer pHone queries.) Amp’t (»'»- U-JTS J5 37N'♦Piiiii.l H ifon ; n-»{ CHICAGO'(AP) - (USDA)-USDA)- , . : ...-'-I ... • ha.s ' been experimenting .with ' I }J " 'i ; Hogs 3.000; barrow s a n d gilts 25 le"g®ou'p**is ^ He told officers hd6 wnswas mak- .2(ik . J;(7 S'*M H:* 51—'-i'4t>«i-TiHx-,' * (j -{rJ»r iisii’ri-.:-!n ; s ...... WhfrlCp KM S 4«i 4(2 44U + S id gilts 25 GRAIN FUTURESfcSi i ccryogenic free^g. One group is I< * ; Kaltrr At 1 i MS 9tv, S4S...... v [ ill 4..1, to mostly 50 hlglier;.- U.S, Is CHICAGO (AP) - tthe Tce-creatn_people who who, arearc ■laR a turn.- going eastast on stotestate -. t jT jr , 'v7j :! i!‘jJ »11 ijifS «f_ 1 , Ka>-KrRaK() .M 31 »U »K » S - Ji V . » • - 1 about 30 head 205.215 lbs 20.00; ■ Prev. thinking of turning out)ut ready- ‘hlgbway1 alternate 26 five miles H'J ... : K»nn«Wl-: 44 4» 4lli 4mI *■ V. v lbs 20.00; . • ■ prcv. ( 6 five mlJes — — ?T -at r>— « t;-—KcntfW-r«0- Ket 4* V ^-IVu 1 .1-2 200-230..lbs>20,00-50;:: W-2D0.M-2D0...... -Hlgh-Uw-Closc-closdTrlose-close^mnde-sundaes,— banano-m a-splits splits Avest-oL.Slii»honc:flt-thg.tlme_He- thc-timtJie " . !T ------; 3h ? - « 250 lbs • 2-3-3 250-270 Wheat . ia n d ' th e like a n d thenI'en quick- was clteifo r failure to be rca- M )• J.-', Jl Jl*. lbs 15.25-75: .2-3 270.310 lbs 18.75- Sep £ 1.45^* 1.44^. 1,45*4-1.451/,5*4 •1.4514 i fre c iin g them In th e irIr original sonable^and1 prudent-In.driving. .- ..... • •• W', it’J E s g s j i f f*’e S.+ ‘fi 6)pyHtl«nl br Tt>* Ait6cl»l«didPtiMioc? Ptc»a lOC? 1!19.25: 1-3-330-400 lbs sowjws s 17.75-117.75- Dec « 1.52 • I.50W-1.5l^.-1.51«l^.l.51« sshape.s. ' « ...^ jk-otrr ,l.n Ji 18.50; 1-3 400-150 Ib.s 17.25-18.00;7.25-18.00; ,Mar f l..n7?i I.Sfi'A I^iJ.55»4!h«J.S5>4> Liquid nitrogen—it becomesiccomes a ^ MINIDOKA COUNTsr 7 1 ^ • ■ ' ’ 2-3 X 450-500 IBs lC.7.M7,.'i0. -f ies Foh- Ju,stlce Court " T” 1 >•! 7*i + 4 AMRRICA.N' STOCK /JtCTIANGE iO. 'May J.60 1,58% 1^3W 1.593i1-59^1 1 liquid a t m inus 320 degrees Foh- 13’i - S ' U h V«1 tnd 5« 7»: 7«i 7H + U 1 c.«.v -Cotilo 5.000; s 'lig h te r s te e r s 'j 7’4 1.58'/i renheit—is being used to some Raymond G. Hull, 68, Burley, t-* - >» i i ll<» IJ’I in{I1>, ♦* *1s LrhLrhman 101( 10 ’ >’i 3«’{ 34S ■•. 34S i; * NEW YORK (AP)' • American Sietk . rer steers'jul- i.SB'/* l,5l?i 1.57’/* 1.58^? r tOFCilv*} H* . 10. UU U J » l' ' — — « U E^cMnit 1 »«l«elrd noon priect:rkan si« k 35* ig 50' higher: Drlmiie 1 1,200-1.-1,200-1.-1 Corn ■ • tdegree to keep nieaf fresh dur*dur- defective1 cqulpmMt,.$lO; J fr r y IJlJ.* J LlbbMc-N M t tl l’.{ 13H 11. + i . _NM 400 lb steers yielding. grade 3 ;Sep' " l,2r- l,20Vi 1.20?i0?i 1.20% i ing shipping.' After a'C truck.truck . Is D.1 Moorft 25. ll^burn, defec« ■ cn;Ai“ '11 m ;- J J I IS 71 4 «S‘ .....71S‘ - t! ; (hd” Hlib Uir liU Ch*! ' -Hr 7li> *1 lllrtu# l.«h • 43 JS 3« 3$U 3$U + + 44 4 1 Ai-rt.Jfin / .SC_ .7 3l[l .17H' 17); - J4 and“ 4 20.00-75: high choicehoice and ]Dec 1.17W 1.17'/41,!7«7J4 1,17^1,17« I loaded wilh'meat, liquidluid nltro- liveI equipment, $l5;..^obert M. 47S-**; unontna l.Hl S3 «S US m »« - — SS A|«.,M.« / ,I0« 3 »({ 'M • SOlJ o« + , TKj T»»,T»S ♦ ’•1. UtinjMtiUr Oil M 7?i 7* 7*; TS * * ti tW AmPuro ,3if S UVi 15!4i » ’'•» li 1 ■*• Ji choicec - 1.150.1,350'-lbs yieldinn j .TOTSff .space and the. meat InstanUy InstanUy. i $10; M ax S h een J r , 13, P au l, ■Md.i IM.. . IH it «ll« 4Hi411, +.S«.S LocltMALoc J.l» 43- M ll-I!' UK 4 +JH.IH ArklUalf l.tS 3 II 31 31 4 i{ ~ yieldinn May l.r.Ji,1.25^ 1.2.‘r!iT2tr ... . Lnrwt Tbctt 33 l< «]> M>iM>i 4.1+1 Aiam! W i K / «_3S good and choice 26.00-27.25;7.25; good Oats ’ . .' rmarket it has' had no loss from Courtrich^'-26,i Minidoka,S H de-I ^ ^ 3 , 1 MU * I, LflnfM;* 1,12 Il'lM i 4> 31 ...... A r>icL« and c;^p" ■ .7014 ' RS ♦ ii Lucky Sir -SB »«-J7t4 Hl J7 + ^i K I! 'K r*,.i ‘!;'.*ii.ra.si!M i 5 r 27.00-75: choiA- 850-1.00QIjOOO lblbs s Mar I !7I»; JIW. .71mI4 .7i'4.7ll/ _ XlittoiUiti.nha-is.bcIngliiMd-ln..4Br—Rupcrt.-\defcctive.. tive.. .cqulpicculiv tmooth gin j/ ||| I l i T - « cJIT^S p J I ' ^ ’V T ? Wi 3H-i.li i i r f yyielding grade'z to «r2C.0W7:D(iniC.0W7:0(inMay .73*4 .1\?l .71%1% .n^ .7T*i 7 Tls g a seo u s form foTtOep3M-900i»>3«.000 ,jui • ..70 .70 .70-. 0 - .>70V{ >70Vi fruiisf and vegetables frwh.frwh. the the Paul, for being'drunk In public, nucyLr l.«a : 3S>( UII TilWd"r.'i5J + H Mx J Sia » S 4. y, cinerama I .IH IH IH + H 11 ,, niuld Cn .M 47 I I7>i I7U— t Mti ‘ 1(3S,24;50-2G.OO: good 23,50.25.00;3,50-25.00; Rye sspokesman says. The gasr^e* J3^rMaj(-i:r'S1iocn,> Paul, per- nulkrcTT M J S US «HIt’ +1^. + 1^4 M»i MatrTimr’ ^ ' 1»' 411. 4Sl? *J«t * « C JJH.+Jl utility and commercialJal cows ‘ - »*t— ‘I E - 'J | V r ^ 1G.-25;18.00. _ _ ]D2C I.2I3I 1,20^1 1.211 1.21%1.21« nitrof g en . for'Ms a blanketinket over —Sheep—400?—spring' slaugtmrrMar slaughter:! 1.25^ 1.25'^ 1,255J 1,2534 t Office • CB"'rina’iil ** s ...... m ManinMarII 1 J« I2S JJ' IS ...... F lahibs steadyrcnoice andumprimCMiiT prime j 1,2« 1.2'/-Ji'i:2S .'1.283{ t ;M m -frorn M arriage licenses Wr 1 30 ] li '77>r4I7>J-4 H H Mel Me&n!) .40b 113 U V 33S 3« + V, Giant V.l ,4S J l l l 'l l 1^4 IH -'M 2 lbs 23.00- ■ • • •______— ffresnncss.l' ' —” ■ ton, nnd K ath ry n A\nn nn McClel- LX A J -•-Cinitoi .»# • «7 : ll-:Ui_31U + H Uei I 5if l" u 24.00; cull to good shorn .slaugh- C«tOPU I.J4 3« 3 jiL JV,i=!!!;!: - i Mtl S;.‘? h ',:!S I! ?!'.■:■!! S - i i rn .slaugh- lani=Kiii; Lynn David•avid Archl- good a* ♦»’fV--- ^ C.cilfr Cp I « MS «<*■ M(4 - —I I Mr, MrrtkC 1.40* It *1 71 M ...... ii ii ii!\ ts’ t ^ te r ewes 4.00-7.50. - CiflcrW .n« 7} 1« U rtS Ramsey. Rupert; Donald W.w. most exfleniivfi. But It's C ltrT r 1.59 « 4lj! 4SS 4«H«S5‘j + + U it MIdSaUllIMid ',71----l’• i n i j i • II in — u s llu ::::: c a t t l e f u t u rlES e s , 1 . "Bid'Asked&cd Traffic Courts CeUrJMtCp : 34 t3!{ t !j 6JU + U ,Mlj iji' -f4 ..The following quotations were / ^ Marlowe. Soldotna. Alaska and to pay.for.'If you »rii ^[k + |! II }||j -|J | ” j|; ions were Affiliated Fund .... 9.24.I,!' 10.00 iSS! Nick Rull. 10, m s Hnedfined SIS $15 llo y c e M arie Reedy. Rupert. .Miiar CrncQ Ini .10 0 US > « 31< l>H|>H + + ii ii Monttco Mol I 4« im; 7> I7i17«; —_ y.y. McCrory wt 4 *S ' ,!l! i >i}j High Loww Close Eaion I and' Howard 16.95iv i 18.40 ift^n *for sp eed in g . Harry,Jesse C«inaA M« 1 JJJj ' **}• 4 ( S - S Mmun IC4h IX 4‘ Burley Police Court- . ■*''* butJget, come hom e ’ 31 MonlOUl 1.S3 Jift lllj. I« 3I» * H 85 J27.90 .Fidelity Trend ... 32.60 35.50 ‘ ntenced to Thomas-Cr-£takcr. 54. 511 9th Old-Ohio < > UU M * U - H Mo! . * f) Dec. . -27.67 27.60 ' 27,fi0 I i'no in ? o d ru n k -d riv in g nnd sentenced to '. M. 311 9th OilMlI SlP't — «0 41 {-«U •«”! ! ;. , 7+!"■ , ' * M™ - ! K I S ’ !* ■ iSl ■?!'. ::::: 60 • 27,60 Keystone B-4...... 9.98117 10.29 in n i 10 d a y s in J a il. The* sentence sentence St., Riipcrt, nnd Kee:cG Benally, WlUi... ChPncu I.Mb * j;| 4J : 41.:41S ♦ *4S MorrHIMoi .. M 43«i.,« 41U 4H 4 +. *4 Paneoaitr Pat t Iti 1^:'-i«'” ...... 27.42 27.3535 27.37 27.37 1Keystone K-1 .... .9.17'II 10.02 ;•;« Iwas suspende^pon paymentM iy m cn of to f3 l. Burley,' S50 e ac:h, h , intoxica­intoxica- • 45j> - 'Y i ,! ;ir[ , iP « - ' - »« >' April 27.05*, 26.9595 2T.0027.00 Keystone f K-2 .... .7.75 7.46 , SHiCr«a“ ib _ 47 j|i 3u{ 3jij Hit' I M ‘h= tion; Gordon- A nderson. 22. Van- _ n K,t Alrlia .(0 S IPtl 7IS 7 ^* ...... Slinafoilif s "j 1« 31 • ! 3 J J ^ lj !...... ! ! " JunoJ 27.07 26.9090 27.00 \Keystone.... .11.321 12.36 ‘ — E ngleh D rive, B urley, $5. -cx- nil JlltTljKSl3]^ + i Nai niic 1 ___Ifl-lliL W 4»K.*H 4IK 4- ii Sp«rryS R »t 1» IIH j*l , 'u iiVi ••••• -i 9 } ;i-U Sal Can .Mb IS }< 37>I 31 + K s - Keystone S.3 .... .11.11 12.13 ... pired driver’s liccnse; Mike 'S, i-ii I S l r :ij S 51 S5 M T l» ■( ' . . Keystone S-4 .... 7.00 7.64 ' Q p f • Flores. 62. LaMoyne Hotel, $50, CocaCola 3-10 37 114 IIIH l» S — S ['§^j Ctywth^ Coulterin ter ! Kcy-stone Fund lfi.14|:g i7:« 17.46 pet\TOlers- Get^-V''.' drunk in a u to : W ilsonM Oliver D i m r s ir i'S il MU .wilI t »? j|; j| j| j jjlj I [rtf ffile^M ^TtC30;* Burfey.Burk^.~^ and g M> ' bidi. lni>rdMl*r iiuouUona d» not jn.^ Mass. I Inv. Growih 12T7S~13.fl7;'7^~” ,97 -D- etw eller Brothers. Inc,.Inc.. TvifinTv^n C harics-'A ftn3H Itr'40, Farm lng- •'ComlCrt* J:m U MH 331i 4 S Nat ded a sub- ton, NJ^I.. $35 cach. li.oSa: intoxication, Iff If'. ■. — C \ * + Jii Nat !i? 11 lilj 4> lijj —it ! • £;;,.r." ‘ ■•^'■7'’'; Mass. Inv. Trust .. 16.98. 18.54 jJ^alls» h a s been aw arded a sub- CnTnwHd M» 31 4 » i. K .4IS * ft Hf« iiiiil Potatoes’ .• • :i BidI Asked Asked-NaUonaUGrowth -^ .. 11.3S 12.42 fiO^ ntcoctln tho d m o u nt to o f $1,700,.;$1,700,- - F r e d IM fe r,-.-J8 ,__ AAmerican riierlc an I I ' Com>)il 4] UU-- S « S Nn jI s T.. '. CHICAGO Albert.s6n’sA ' 10,.37U^10,75•AAaJS ^ 1.15 1 0,00 000 fo r the plum blflg.K. heatingheatinR F a lls;'Jo rd o n Johnson.>n. 21, Friiit- F ruit------—^ CnnFdlf 1.*0 II 34 S 3< * Nf.i National Stock... 9.15 10,00 c ConElreInd 1 4! 4««J' ti 4«i4W -I, *l'‘ , NYi NYcJm'j'liJ ' i JJ’ 1 - i [S ! CHICAGO- (AP) (USDA;i-Po- E j: quiiy Oil — ^ 22.00^^ 22.75 Putnamf .... .'.... 16.341.34 17.86 j a n d a i r conditioning on« thtfTtclI-thtfTlclI. land. N.M., and J o KKee-DJliy. ee-B illy, . CaaFcxxI 1.40 • 137 4>U. «, 4“ > - .a ~ii tatoe-s a rriv a ls o rrtmrack c k 106; jT? r « C o rjT ^ l.T S 32.^ 32.25 Television1 Elcc. ... .12.0112.01 coptcr_^Uc TiInlng__ fadlillcs—atm iU cs_at 22;-Ylsta.'.N.M,.J25_cach,each, Into^Intox- - : ■ — ConNOsi-»;«— 3S-»M-3SH- ?{.> }7 43 * >i NA PlrscSecririvcsl i:CTr^7:M|C.-BmpTJimTi»r^aeliailvme: conlalnr l.lo/' 1W i i'll,+ Maine Potatoes | nnd. New price of W.SOOJOO. sir!.- 33>t 4.'ti Oulb Mir .IS IK M) tU lt^« — 5,87U Lead 14 cents a pound. New 1 Tr* High Low Close u !4jifiU i Xork.____:------;------.- - The project wiJLbeglnimm^ -ESSzfl'ri— H i f e f S S NoV“-‘------n a s—R 20-:$230n r r $ 2 3 0 ■“ -■ iind. East ofately and will be cpmpleted Jn Cfoe StI 1.58 •• I S • 3 . « 1 1 *J ...... SEATO_MEET-SETl£T . ____ . ^L' r the period Auj^. 24-30.0. Quicksilver $508,00 per flask, K-P; .I'TiiS 114 +'ii BANGKOK. Thailand (AP) — . ffummary ...... ■- ' fNew 'York.------'-I' nJnRRw iiiS. ' i J ' v ; '' »*! * SI;li »•« s i.ira-'* Mii'iiJKi l{»^The 27th -semiannual.. confer>confer. ■ Grceir Yellow Blockftck Lentil —— • - OfiEdii 1.44 . !«• n ' *‘i «; ... r*i 1 T re a ty This week *4150 *4.10, J2.90- J7.60 • rx-t S1»«I M 30. «s *^4 iSri ‘4 —' S'BSa p» i,i! KS JiJ ■•■ Vi fencc^oLSoutheast Asia Treaty T I2.90-J7.60 I . ' *pell«i IU4 Organization' military a advisers d v isers L Last wteJc f 5 5 4.10 ;2.902.90, 7.75 ; v. Beef Servtd. f sn J issii" .i'iss'iii'isitiiJ«(? + }| willfbe held Sept. 12-133.1n in the Y ea ra g o 4.75 5.00 2 .6 5 ^ .2 5 In-Frosted Ctbi»«rw r - ---. - . riall«n*i^l«Bdar„ Inj^W sij i 33K — t gf PertFlIm .4lf . M 43W 41H 43>»-* H naiulii-enmplai«/L_gF.ATr.-q _ 73 4 ...... quarters building. Thaihal Air nrun f.o.b. car at shipping .point. gssaa iJ f I ' i ' p * It Chief Macshal - Dawee Chulla*Chulla- SIStorage^ - and haulinOK charges sapya will preside, the; official should^besl ded^e^ ^ ^ \rte c _ n i - .icall-m .-tor s .; t | s k " announcem.cnrsald: — . pii p S :: S ’S i!. !!is n h-lLffi - Finger Steaks SaiT Fan^iitomi!tom atle--^— - — Sa!r!iS-!rSSJr —j-Hemburgjr»t---- i l "3-RU^ECHAM. -tiraiisniissiMissi0n!^ - - llRIrO ..:o S U ^- 4‘> S * S Pro 'j.:a a — i ' Falls1VIafM ts~~'~ _ • Stol# Farm.lniuranc* AganI ~ - I :_ORDER^TO:Gdl—C 5 0 I— . ^hifPfSio! - ^ £-ii^^a-!ia...irs2..s^-M3!)^ , _ ,- ' GRAIN I •- . I 733-9844 ^ ______733-2623______i;nd Jobnwn ' 7 !• » — ^ RC.RCA .lOb IM S4K Ulk S4w ' Z — ft £Bwley ...... ll.ial'Ciiole^llotcSerir^''™t l . u CJ ,»u n>l>l«np ..U..3t.J-.33i;~2Sti— Ik ^ ...... 11.00 1W.2I0. I S l ...... , . . » 3 t . O O 4IH Raynirr l.40b U IIH 3tlt i U'i i s — }kIfc ^ tltU h t sowo ...... :*k io ...... *1.17 Heavy Sowi ...... *10.0».»I3.00 IIP- ( 1 ^ STATE FARMFARI«1' ' DEAN Ji.5?s V S liiJ ii SSW < !V% % V™ ,viv;,■•::!!£ " >:r, . nrpuiisii r u :s «n; >ii 4^ « n *’ ^ r s e ...... 3 ;tO V■ S t i ■ , F ill * CA50AITY-’A50AITY-' . • . ««, 4-is ii»r;on iJo • :o r i f mh »?»• 1- h , s Smali Redi ' V 00 U C 1 '* Z-V ‘ - , c o m p a n ;^ • - .-^2®.26 2nd Ave.. W est ------4 H»all .JOb 30 MU ( + UIF Addison ; ■ {■•*fldc7i_.»»"___5" ______[HwT>t'ot»csii’»lo«nilngl«n,n, III. 3»0T.« p t , y ' , '■ !■ .—M UM r—U t-----ll- a H H n —StRfl -^11 -^1 ' ** -i.” - '■ _ -.

. ,[ • ■•>. .• •■______- ■ _„ ...... • . • ■ • ’ '■-1 ■ - r s ' : 8 Twin faliit Tlm«i-N T lm e s-N o w s ' Sept. 1 -2 , 1961967 7 ~ ■■■■ivijliiii H |B B : Area- Mewlyw(iwivweds-.IJI Are Honoredlored, SgjWi|.: Magicic VVa alley Favprites; MRJM R S.'R EN EH A LE- •' ------r ^ — AtReceptloh:-Dtioh ,^»«l.-3.-.TwIn W l»...... _ .• '■ - ' BOISE — A gartfeitgardeii' recireception at the home ofJ'^..,and^rs.. Mr. and' " Brown, PuddingPtidding A. ' Arnold^ Good Jijiiiiiiiiii ono^ .t I i 111 II BHB b M' Combtnc'Iri'togcaUijcfi pon—pan— / • Yj cup raising ^ rra^rowm t^gar—;------■ bridegroom. Melvln-^Itzc!lvln-^Itzcr Jr., 2 cups water I'cup flour- \ V Kirnbertyr-fmmediately-filediateiy-follow*. Small lump of’ butter 14 cup nuts - ' - X / f e p l j jjph^^riS E S j" ■ing'thelr-weddlng-^ug«-18- .. Bring-thes^iineradionla--inflrodicnte .tn-a ••Uteaspona-cInnamM— ^ Marys' Church. Boise. • . ^11 and sec aslje.sl^e. - >/4 teaspoon nutmeg , • TTie couple h as g o n e.c .tt t o '^ f n ' Combine— ‘ 3 teaspoons baking'powder butter ' . ■ Drop, by spoonfuls into tl Francisco on a honeymooi 1 tabtepooh butter . • honeymoon and R S ^ i!s P l9 V H 0 ^ H —!------boiling s y n ip . a n d bake In. will jelum to Kimberly Ito re- quick o v ert.'~ ' ' ■' side. ^o'w U I bebe teaching'firstteaching ■ _ . . grade in Twin FlIHFills, wniwhile he Goodwill Club operates A farmI outside of Kim-. ill Club eaKS«|.S;..'S,i beriy. His parentsnts are Mr.Mr and,' vorltes'.' If yoi havo.a favortl By ABICML VAN BURENBUR day andHiunKlay;lyi then shesh a n d ; ;•:/ M rs. M elvin Sw/itzer, itzer. KimlKimberly. Membersrs Meet M eet ; My mother my mother takeB off and play rSyf>» - 1 The'ceremony w ^ perfo Mrs. Virgii MaloneMainne ledfed the rccliw.'Just maU If to the Reclt •• DEAR- ABBY: My m ) w is performed Mm. Wallic pcwrtmcnt. Wornen's Poge E. en biK Rlfta ev- solf. leaving myI sister arand me bj^Msgr. J..XL Crecgan. Tbe i^fsSB lFllH ' nag sarute. and Mrs. Vi sends our children big gift Braver at the re-' ltor,\ reciM becomes tl ____ • cry year for theirr birthdaysbirthdays, and « baby sit. with the children.chlldt- - brlde'a sister, Marylary Helen J... • •• was maid of honornor and MichaelMl / ^ % . cent meeting of the GoO'Goodwill ;8he'ol»o sends myly broihenbrothers and My sister ond I are sick ome of Mrs. Otto cannot ^ returnbd.^— me a birthday cardird with S80 en* ttM ' we told ourir mom to't tell , Skok. Lewiston,, and Mrs. G ayM wiS. MELVINiSWnTEfl^JR, SWTTZEB. Club at the borne of Mrs. dosed, but S h i NEVER N EV ER isends Atmt Peggy that we are •4 lord sm i^ . Idahonho .’Falls, were ■ ^ .■ ------• ’ Group singing was led by . ' our wives anything-ng. This nmakes to start charging her for J her othci; racndants.lants. ' ' them feel hurt, andind starts .i.fights sitting. My motherler said, "Don't “ ' ^ ^ i— .--.John'Switzcr. Albuquerqt 14./ I Ronald Scnerupp*r™p"a“ ond. /M 3: Home Decoratinc In o ur hom es. get smart,” _ J M.. brother-orthe.“ TSSiS;brHegi Hqnsen Womeiw o m en S ciauac Severfgave the.^c f e S k— J W— 4M- , . . • for the doy.-A,'S?e/a'i'’gK special gift s' Clos.ses P lan n ed ' ll's not that mother dtdoesn't So my slSter and^arem dTare going know when her.r. -• daughtedaughters-in- to t«H Aunt Peggy ours ^ M ^d^.Joe. Good, "bot"Bbi!e”both Bbis '2 .C lu b OfficersFleers , ? E "''ia ;°* .i'r"3 ' tsw's birthdays oreare becausbecause we What do you think: of. a this? « ; Shtii-"?! ^'fS: “orX'SSeTS kQQw she docs. < - be. we owe our mother th< . ’ A m ong the guestsiuests wero P™ '"” ^ ymond Jobnfon. were won by nj mw: Walker Carr, four classes will be able to tal - would '«rababiy''pn>duee-produce :some plaint, .was, » ♦ ------______M rs. L P . Larsen,irsen, treas treasurer, bo , TklfS. Ed-Onrforff.r<5lidS.'’fs; S ^ ^ ltf^ K S e^ D e" . .,.for,yonr mother to slight ; and Mrs. Robert orating Series No. 1. A rcgi wives deliberatelyIv Is small,small. But occasionally jve must all pput up . syN V A I.L ^^m■^m ela DianeE day In the Jeromeline Odd Fc Fellows' ■ •• ------and Mrs. Elsie Henry,H enry, assi a w lsta n t Will am Owens and M rs. R( Englem an. ' tration fee will be charged. ' ■ ' It docs not JustifyJfy “flgbti“flghU” In with situations which'hich requlrorequl us Converse, daufihlerIter of Mr. and Temple. This iss^t^ the first mete-i 4 / YeofS Note your homes. A wise ondand coo- to give more thann wewo get. . Mrs. Charie?^.. Convene, be- ing of the season. sidetato wife wouldild not holthold her . _____ cnme the brlift.*. of Georg'George L. ' ^ 5i,h“ !i%weS husband responsiblebleforwhat-hls forwhi DEAR ABBY: I am a Shaffer, Sun Valleyrflon-of B l a i r ” dr'-C lub- ISf ^rel'ft&&k''w'.s“ J''w '.s“ E '“/S is " ' docs not do. dl^ased widow who Is " Z S S i Kathryn Blair., ly the nicmbcrs. .. ' . mother ^o^, or does not d “'’d Mrs- G cow A. Shaffer, — '■------m uch ltt.lovc.wlth a wido'wi : Members, of-the-MentorIhe'MenCor Club ? “ chnrapc, Alaska, at a-ca. i r Q e r - dbspfved Ihe unJt’j.47ih An; DEAR ABBY: 1I know thJtMSlet- own age who cJnlms he ? lighted ceremony performec Plans Career _ “ nounced. vlth Mrs. Cat ter has a very slim chanc chance of me. too (I'll call him Get nlaln View Unit- RUPERT-PlannIng a ci "['"J? “jj'iT " *be^ho^ of^Mr ^V L.% fl^S i™ ™ ““I':fs:”& «”■% « H I ; - M l A . getting In the paper,taper, but with Wc both lost 'our mates itlsL lA the'fashion'field is Kai e»K S' Smll»,-TOlvers;-MB,-,B«-Mwc._.B«rchio ... -in f= ll — your answer It willvill surply help the past thrcc.ycars. . StMr-’a S K ^V. R. Chase-wave.w as co-Hosl-gllu. and Mrs.M rs. N lal . »4MNTED ■ ^ other teen-agers withw ith auny aunyjrnb-, . G e o r g e hos a 20-yei M. Monfgoi7>w>- B>*>r.,?au*hter 0' Mrs. Melvin T il- -• ------« ^ u b l o ...... Jcmsi . ■ .. . ' ’ vdaURhter who-resents orftHiint» -M em bers w ere= a,,ke(lior.la'leask ed to i K ’S re "”'' LPNL P N ffor o i Charge Niirse M y aunt ( I ’ll .calluill hher er PPeggy) e xjeorgo says his daughter I Sh^ A n '^ben Ihey Joined the .club several guests I aiso N ursea^ides brinfts her two childrenhlldrcn (o((ages .4 anything against me. porso; ,l5S r r n fashion Incidents/connectedn t^ni^ with, present. Mrs. Bert3ert Brown wa.s / • and 6) to our houso^eyery-1 fmm Pairlcln scrapbook containing pic iso,every-Tues* (hat-fihe" would resent anj t?;^ program chairmnan. an, aand n d . f game Applyppiy with with'"Dlrector of Nursing 7 — ------^ man her father showed aan iri- silhouette-gown T of w white h " J S i T « e '’"s I by M iss G ladys .. . ' Showed ^ m-‘ri!»-wal,ui„e.waistline, I from by Mrs.I cl,srChaso P''"’ »“ by Miss GI S' Strieker. Mrs. Monte Jin Jenkins, __ . , , , ^ M cirian M arta rtin I would like to . marry this which her chapelI train feU.fell. ,‘'‘ ^ 1 . * , Mrs. Ball nnd Mrs.L.P.Ur. Mrs. L. P. V|ey, Q q - man. but how can\ I work aiaround The batteau neckline of of the sch(»I In Members -dlscus-tedcussed canningcai sen - « l ? a r t e r 1en S h «»>'> lew Convalescent Center : Pc^ttern6rn ----- his daughter^He will not nm arry bodice, the three-quarter-le ir Ir fjirolled of- and freezing pro/cctsirojeets for the , sept. IJ mectlns I ■ ■ without his daughter'sIter's bles-blessings, sleeves and the train were t I f f trt-.-f mr u rw r w al a l cc« aree r season...... / PHOIPHONE 423-5591 INTERESTED med with wide Venlse lace. the home Of Mre.-Capltola,,'"SSaVr: k INTER ES: ht-r I fashion mer- Mabel Gourleyf wns a guest,gui sen. - ' ' . A ^Ior headbow secured i* :< • fflations, ■ ------.. B i /T ..DEAR INTERESTED:lESTED: How silk Illusion veil.' She carriea.carrlj a buslneit aA^:. .•frtiioa. .•»«*». airlleeai ■ J I ’ Ihe dau^ter feels aboutIs about y you is crescent .bouquet; of yellow and prepara:«>. pt-^-.w aal mmod?l. ' . m w / , l\ relatively unimportant.Mrtant. H I ow white daisies, _ . Ing. a i ^ a <■>«--«^r^ ^ fmiifmuhing ■# M / II doe* George feel aboutabout you?yoi If Mrs. Gary Converse.torse. Pprtlanil;Ponl rell-m pnxr-’ ..*1. >JS / I daughter's unlustlust rese resent n tm e n t attended ‘‘■hci;.. slster*in*law;Ister*in*Iaw M '^ u d e d in -H>e c u rw - um. r I I -1-1 Is keeping bln from from marrying mar matron of honor. — r . ^ V yon, who n¥eds Wra?Wra? HeHo and LorraineCarr.aformerroa fo rm er room - • j'l ci . bis daughter' deserverve eacheac h other;0 Thate of the bride:de at EasternEas are at home atr (ha Ouur.Ouur.fwn i',>,f5-CvY'. : • ' ______^ashlnglon State College.s College, and A p arim e n u in W arm SpriSpfm«». c w , JPCh5?chc;-*,v': (;-• v ': • COIVFTOEimALL TO PINKY:PW Jeanle .Bare. Sunm Valley and Mr. shaffer is employedmplo>'ed ax Sun w .;c r C fT...... : . . . , • ^ ' / \ T be proof of th e podding Is Ii not Spokane, it-ere bridesmaids,Idcsmaids. Valley. - ' . ^ I ' alw ays In (be eating.lo^ II It’s s whcth-wl Kimberly Ann Converse.^onyerse. niecenl ■ Pre-nuptial showerslowers honoringhono ' \ jq er he comcs backk. forfor »ea of the bn3e. was'i'flower"girl, Oower-gir the-bride were given by-Mrs.by-! • , . • .'. •. //I A lot ot very mediocrelUoae pua^ddtng Q^ry Converse, brotherb ro th er ofo f the W arren Ckjitlandlaidla and Mrs. ] ... i • .. / J : has been consumeded ior la<^lac of bride, was best man.an. with Th(Thom- Glenn Branen att K«chumK^chum and ^ C choice. • Uley..a.s usher. ,Mr.-5_ln±ig-Elegci..Jvt£S-Jgci.-M£S—lacltL , • - ;------. was ring-bear* Bloom, Mrs. Johnhn CheneyChehcy and rid been trrat A/P' ; How has the world been tl Mrs. Richard Hanenbergnenberg aatt: Spo- , jr ing you? Unload your probl church sanctuaryUuarywasdec- was c kane.' 1^^ ^ I V on D ea r Abby. Box 697M. green gladioli • • - J A ngeles. Col.. 900C9. F or a- I’jcenysred dai* . . l I sonal unpublished rreply, in w Aone nelo« w hite. yeUoWjccnLcrcd « ' vl a ulf - addressed,I stamScn-.-*^"^^^^stamped tip o!rs rs glowedslowed In . YWCA_CA- ' " i ■ ' , ... M / 1 TT I. stampea en- Candelabra of yellowlow ddaisies a isie s se t ^ Vn ■■-» «-» ■- | j l ^ •—- y- •v.v.iop.. . , M ; in m int green. BRIDGE)GE I ^ ____: i l h ^ - . ' I . ■ r . As th e Tsrlde le ft th e chu h h NewMembers,fib e rs her bouquet was caught'by Ji - / ' i , • Ann Bafi, Spokane. ■ _LE^S0NS-ONS— L , A reL lnitiated—t e d ------A ft«r-thft-ceT Onuny. nonyrr7c< a rcccp- ''FILER--i-^-Tliree‘eo« ncw^mem-ncw^n g^«.he!d.A t.t^.C:^t^,Conversc onv« -BEGINNINC-BRIDGB-—RIDGE bers were ihltiated into thb MIS. H. t lUROUSUS 73J.47731.47S9 I Matrons Club at'iT the h ^horn m e “S " n 'e bHdels table wa.^Tente , s«pt. 12 ii3o- . f t f l iB a P B f c r i / d • I Mrs. Lynnviile Brown.oS, Thoy Thw are “ four-tlercd[ wedding-cS l n g - S ‘• f ’- ?^hert MrV topped with a . miniature bi '[/ V . 1 r MFsT Rayrpond Reichert, : ling. ^ P tw J S - ■■ ___ 1 Clyde Vonausdeln andond MMrs. rs. r S bridegroom. wi3X'gKWedding b< “ SpT'"" ^ || V Grubb,. __ _ -- - . rjnss and summerr flowers were;w • ' — . Mrs. Everett BonfilchsenranthstiTaSa mm-K'teornllons,Ions. ------• —:=^DVANCED.BRIDGE RIDGE------^------— \ ‘irA .i. Mrs.lBon Albjojvcretcre In chargech , Asslstlns with sonrlnsserving «;were mks. kichaio cooklOK 73)-7970 7S)-79: - OTtKo' scrvlcc. Sue Furness and Nancy nejgel,Flei Tu.idoy •vtnin9.,’s«pt.'Stpu 12 9 4 1 4 . ‘-1.-.,UA.V .sii Plans were madele for tbethe. Oct. ^bo cut the cake;; ClariceC larice CO a rr. lOiOO p.m. ____ ;_SI2ES_34-50 ------j\ - y . “ 9 visit of; Mrs. BartBart Thoi Thomas, who~p(Ja^Cd-pnnch.TQnd-Joarh.-^Qnd-Joanlc -w«in««doy. mofninB.- S«pt;'■ . . Boise, worthy grandand matron.matn , Kloppenburg, whoI poured coffee;cof 9i30.iti30 o.m; ¥- , - Jan Walker presided at.thc gi led nt,tl.c Eucsl d u p i , c a , 5SON5e i e SSONS • i-'TTTATtfH y g g TIMES^NEWS w a n t ' “ er .pen^lns Ihfir her TO SIZE: 50150f ’ FOR fast SELLI?JGl?JG RESULTSRESI m oon a t Shore Lodge, the coi A’by.S«pM I . This Is the way flattery Isis de- — ■- . __ fined for fail. . . princcss IIlines rising (0 a softly’ draped neck r - - and pretty bow. Chooseloose ottoitottoman, — AM f wool, faille.' ■ a n n © ¥ n c i nG g oq f p t i n g : ' : Printed P a ftcmI WI4:9114: WWorn. en ’s sizes 3C. 38, -40;•40; 42. 44. 45. • 48.-50;Sin;3fLrequlrei.3?4yiilr«.3?4 yards ; , J ’■ ' ^ OF — - 39-Inch fab ric. ___ _ ^ ! Fifty «nta In coins:blns for eachc 'Ti li ipattcrti—ndd-15. ccnts:cnts for eeach '/l^ # M } ■ ipa«em_ for_first-class,.mai ~ ." r. and^pcj^l-handllng-li&nd OP'n rn cA L ‘■Marian Martin. Timcs-News.mcs-News. 395 ------P a tjc rn Dcpt;.-232-Wost-I8th.-Wost-18th-St., , New: York,- N.Y. 10011. P rin t ■ SINGLE vW islb SIbN ^ ' namCj iddress withhzlp,8lzeaml zip, size ■ style .nurhben...... 1 • w.. Plan your new fall wardrobe',wardn — '. . ' ' ...... send, now for our new FallAFall-Wln- r'-v ------= — - t c r - p a n c m- c an ilo:ogr-loirfrcsii; g r- io ir fr — ------■ n c j -r-i- ■ excUlng-ahapes-itt-ail-sizet^^ll-siTes.-G&t ______W - W one paitem frco-*cilpc lip couponcoupoi In f^at-^z^nJrerso, .....;L .M talog. Send SO.centsents now. QMS I S ^ 1 E = ^ ONE LOWLOW / ■ ' P I C K< OoT F theweeImIT ^ V' ■ : ' .’BMiN FoolmrWBALL I P t - r L - price: H m r ...... CC h harging a r m i n Buhl H lgh'm lsss doi^doi^'the 'th black and whiteflto check low belted'rhTnl ------lelength-dreB^accenttrated'bjrblacl n £ ^ h - d i I'by-blacknightrarrd-b'ra^hat""' „ • DDr«ss r « s s by b> C harm 'of California,'o r h ia , .. V - ...I.

' * ' lilHO ICK O C - —___ ^ • - Thisrhis .isis jusroTTe' o f the MlMayfdiA's Mini’ni Moc Moods for you ■ , r ...... ! ; . .O N , Y O U R R / ^WJODIAL J O DI j m ' ' _^-_to-Ghof:o-Ghoos€Lio_bej.lij3jT^I on -the "TOllege^drppusrdrniDus-this fall. , ' - 7"^ " sponsoreddI by t. : = ------— r— ------O ne-PrlcelncluderI r i c f u d e s ------^ ' — - - __JThl8aneJThis an^ m any m ore Camipus pus Sho|Shop.F^shlons modeWd et^ everyeve Satu'rdjiy by - — ' INDEPENDENT®ENT - : " r - ovourc,] Y o u r c h o ic e o f a n y f ra m o inI bbur u r lalarge rg e solectloii. , — . . . . ' ' _ . wm ee 'l VM I aayfalt^s y l Teen Ra'sl^ionion Board^a.tLtheBoan R ogc^t?«n RRestac estaurant durlng-.the ' „■■■•;— - QO------L OJ Slngio.^Single.vlalon d aaro r tinted lonaoa.—ilonaoa.—n Co>ryifig ces6;';^l - V MEAT^CO— : ; . . ■ l uuricheon n c h e o n hour. - ' • — • t v - • . COCA COIA » - • > J—WKI^AV-Iieor4TT ! ! i _E q s .v ^ — ^-BOmiNfcCCE; n n CAIN'S-FURNITURE g — «;iPPUANCE-"ANCE-^ ,J™F:Zfcui--— , -•-m:uNrER£st =zz±rfiUDrjUDS:x:,||p^— .' Sfl^factloniOm 5 ESI

J . ' , i.;±E£IERSON-.RSON.^^ ^(^''M A INN AVEIAVENUE WEST ' TWIN'F/T W IN 'fA L ^ 7 3 ^ 6 6 8 ■ ^ : p o wwt^owisTrwH"^^ T ^ o w .;Mo^I|,OIirribuforIb u fo r • ; ' _ — — jaObgn All Pay Saturde t i f e

...... 7 ,■•

- i ______5«pl.J 2 J967T ‘ * l’.-' ;,;Twin.:fQlls Jlm esifewczzzyz

IF air E ntries

DI eaiJlinels . A nnofiiicedd ' -BUHL - CarUMendrlx, Agri­ cultureCl chairman, askedS'meS mem­ ifi U bersb( of the Cedar Drartr'Grange Grange |: .'.Ii ;l jM iHRB21J - to-have-allTfalr-enlrics-at-liwto s-a t~ lM - f fairfa booth by Monday .whenvhen the '-f.'• t- ^HlHm GrangeG met last week. Mr. Hendrix also announcedinounced l.'i'.v '.A ’ . 1' thatth Judging would be held!id TuesTues­ I I- \ Jinui daydi and asked help to0 carry , A ■ theth produce-to ^ e Judges^. ^ -Mrs. Cacl.Hcndrix, iiome eco­ " nomics nt chairman,' announcedinounced • - > ■ f f B r a - y i . "•i[T ■• theth winners In the recentIt Pomo­ Pomo- nant contest held Aug. 155 aat t the th e ;‘ '. v l'^ homehe of Mrs. Don Diclz..Iz.. Mrs.M rs ^ H A 'fl-S l > Herb» Co}>b. won first placelace for • S ' \Sv>^? her.he pothdlders and third place - ^ - forfc a.crochetcd-afghaxw-.Mrs.2-“S“ ’ • -iia W.W R. Ward was awardedled Ital first - S ^ * J | T -.^ placepi for her crocheted edgings,edgings ^ ^ ” i- i ______" ^ secondse ploce on-a crocheted-ta-leted-ta- - blecloth and dolly, and. first ‘V LOOKING O V Ett p r aimloni i^ u n i boolb(Mk for lb<» Twla Fills Coun^.lo u h ^ . - iifiiHter,- a n d ‘c i n CaDibun,aibun, Buid, fair boannHl!liibe>r*n»_f r r s placePi on Idaho fcult ibread.! i Mrs. r ' .:— F a ir ■»! Rodeo a rc , froom m (eft, Tem T( Sbouse, Filer, secretary*-etary-- - fafr1 ward-rK fiitly honoredlored the grangegr at a baiuittet forr their"their Billo Zink placed secondd .fp for"a r--a m a ^e r ot (be fair board;ird; Emil Jerome, Ktma, state gr^g«_ruge_ outstanding< work and participationpartldpatloQ at (he ;alr. ctchild's play outfit. Master Richard Morgan re- ted o'!) tho fair board ?banquet a n q u « - a ' u B t l l j p C attended recently at the Rog- n U - v k t i T.F.iDouiitjinty Fair, R6d('odeofoBebui OutstandingJ . 1 ^ I erson Round-Up Room In Twin T w in ™...... c ® ) Fails.; All grange masterslers and , ^ t t i t t / . thclp wives w e re 'p re se;nt,'. n t. . Spe«Spe- '. - B EUHBKi^'ib 9 H S '- ; Idatio’j most outstandingnc and G1Glassinger, overs'eor,, Filer per.pi Twin Falls County PomonoPomona iaIcon Legion. ^ cJaf guests wero-^s'tate grange ; flP : - - :_}_bc5t county fair and rodeoco will GrGrange: Mr; and Mrs. T. W. G Gronge, and Emil-Jerome,ne, state Harold] Hove, fair boardird pres- mosterm Ermll Jerome andin d MWrs. rs. HiBliiDHifflfe :'b to Mrs. EmmeiiE m m ett ^ j Tlijs w as the vlcVv ex pDressed ressed jSJess Howerton,- -Dfep Creek G Grange, and Blrchle V. Brown, buildingbu ond tho merchants’erchants’ Bauer.Bi Mr. Bauer was reported . ' ' t by 'falr“boara' membffrs duringdurlDR gtGrange; Mr.. and Mrs. _ Ralph PPleasant Valley Grange. - building. bu , 111Ill and his pin was sent; to him. '/ Breeding, Murtaugh Grange; reported • a rcccnt banquet, sponsored by f / jrange; pnlr bonrtl members told the ]Ben Mottern. rodeo chairman.hairmnn. Kclly.Jurnott}?; wos aUo reported “^“the -falr board",i honorlhgIt area Mi;.Bna“J MrSf -Durton Harmon,larm on, grr ran g e rs ond •nii'ws~ mca a irT t n i i m g r iHia iS ?Foduclng the roaeo ^11 be *“ -■} nows vmcdia ond county ordnM grdnge KtKhnbefly Grangt; and Mr.*?r-;nnd and uthis year’s event will .-22^-^ b e ,^ RodeoR c Associates with ?«vLex Con- ,, Mrs. Ted Hicks, lecturer, and “ M rs.'D a v e-C h a d w ick , . Hlolllster ollister best bi ever as a new catnival^ ne Mrs. Carl Hendrix read ”articles. 'tlc”u. EXAMININO NEW‘ HORSEHOUSE MB/ R N foV tw o 4-H h oirse rse chibsclubs aare thm menriMra‘of the J i members.- ■ • J?' rnival Iff ^jiiy as announcer, one of’ the y] 1 to the •'^'vlo Falls County Fair'air Board,Board. They are from left, Bea Moi This banquet Is giveni each ^Grange^, • -—;------s< scheduled and tha(^thcre are tAi .h^Ti c Watermelon was served to the • It. Bea Mottera, 'Tom Shouse,‘#ee^". ^ icre are tip rodeo announcers In the U.S. „ ronomks -Ury-manager.-and-HBroJdlaroId-Hore,-president How, Tlie streamers'lamers hang!hanging from' the celUng-rof the/ 1 rodeo Mr,' and Mrs; Tom Tfpeedy,Speedy, hundredshi iftore'*^lsplays than tv L ^ i ii Sn x ip by the home, cconomlfs - fjycor prior to'tho fair and rodeo 1 ys than 1^0 great specialty actss wwill ill^ be committee.S ’ .w bam were Installed by members memberi of the Saddle Tramps 4-H Cli for a group who havq contrlbut*ntrlbut-Twin Tv Falls Grange: Mr.Ir. and b cererhonyct a t 8 . o.m . each doy _ ^■4-H ’ers-ArerBcrerBusy Preparihijaring^PmjecfC wives honored'■wero Mr^.and r^.and darda .Praw Grange; Mr.r. and andai a lowering ceremonynony aat t Mrs. Nelson- RIpa, CastlefordsUeford MMi rs.H arry Sh>rp, Knull 5S p.m. each day. The.ceponiony .•» Grange; Mr.. .and Mrs'.i'. .Ted Granger'Mr.Gr -arid-Mra. ,Eda Hob.Hat. wwill bo’.woducted.by tho‘”""’™New Amer- p Carnivallival Planned^ ^ For Exhiibitinbiting At T.F.P. Co Cpuiity Fair - About 700 4-H'ers throughoutiroughout Rodeo.Ri ■ , . . ''•ht horse, 67 sheep, 24 swine, somet Twln-Falls County ore currentlyc urrently More th a n 1,500 projects9jccta aare rc P Olan Qenn, extenslon'agrlcul-n 'o s r l c u l - ^“ W-mannscr ot the nir.tor residentsres this year duringring tho tural agent, says these"prolccts projects ™ r y " ” "nil who helped - Twintm Falls County Fair.anda ir.a n d rat»geJromjiprons.to,wool.cont8. J ; , i X . ™mete the jnniiel event txm ■ aod-«venIng dresses In clothing m a d “ ’a:§ “'a wl«Tof'’S ' wifi be.p.U ' IV cam l- division;<11 cookies to broad and val ^ B |H laitoy'cakm in-food-dlvlslonr - Rodeo-nCKt-weelft------^------:st Coast beef, horiics, dairy, swino, sheep, °< 'Presenting this all-newhe carni­ lar^- J ^ H r t$ouItry and rabblls, In" % tho ? aanl- n ? ’ one h « ‘'c ' I H w mal division, and- babysitting..bvslulnn week for area 4-H’ers as well as val, complete' with new rides S H f ' J 8nd games.(or all, is West Const r a i g w I M h B w< woodworking and welding, fores- •.? Shows,.^San Franclsw. theSiebring torg- - "I IK ^ H try, weeds, eic.,Jn the honie cco-eco- est .carnival-company tea Ir? the ' IH g g g g nonomics and miscellaneous divl- B” ' Unllcd'StnpiSr--. 'In Falls p ^ 4 j| Siigllgg^^^KsKBBg H slons.si( mcs'nre - ? rr - K .f V In thu-past 23 years Siebring aaw M Th'e'most activity at'.the“ “ifalr- I HBMlRSfc ‘ Brothers 1 have . presented■ grows, the dent.- So C T 5M grounds Is centered In the barns carnival fun nt the Twin Falls a SiijiS where .4-H'ers,-lead^s and par* County Fair, but as ilmos'ore ' a # B |@ ents-'ere-imporlng-’thoir-staUs changing and .the ialr’in grows, t' and 5fS _ |s l^ . for.to their a n im a ls. ____ _ need for change Is evident.- So u, th i^ a r fair board ofriclalsW lmer, de- S & M K . Great details of-woric-Isk - b fbeing f l n s . cia«[”lo~havo-a' different'and g e B IB ' S6nS'=r^liflirte!:N^lnsrciTpi!:inSTcrgpeJ —faedlng-program^rtftWt* “> la rg e r c arn iv al. • . •...... n q E 9 papering and general decorating. , 5|;.’ '■ lirAccordln^ytQ- Darjene all Wlmer. ages _ n ||H Competltkin Is gijat amongimSng^lS the Check with', us fer oil I^ S m dubsd i in the animal barnsb arn s be-^ y o u r GRINDING, STEAM : Coast Shows, there willjtariy bo 25 of cause.awards are givenm to bestb e st ROLIINGI. FORMULATED, 1 ' the thrill rides for pepple of all ages ^aEU gSB SK ^^a^B decorated;-d« best deaneded areas, -FEEDS, MOLASSES MIX- — V . . and 25 fun games. eti . ING, PELLETED FEEDS. 1 - M iss Wlmei* said, ‘’Many of 9 ^ B the ''In the'animal division:Ion thenth ere '''' t' • rtH(»g nro nf»w tf> thk area . S j^^H willwi be 12< beet projects, 89 1. ■ and one outstandlng-part of.the I carnival is the toy soldierIdes kiddy ’ In- ALLISON’S land, featuring 10 jides forscarey the ' l»e SUPPORT B ILL : 'small set’ trabant> ;WASHINGTON — T hefe'mmber num ber ' FEED MILLS "Some of the thrll-rldes ter>• In- ofof’memberrof the Houseuse spon-.pon- 32&4315, FILER • ^ dude twin ferrls wheels, scramscarey - ■ ■ ■ soring the ‘'Dairy Import Act of I- scooter cars, thrilling trabant> 1967” l3~ now atl9g. ‘H rides Is ONE O F NEW rid es dttrtngd n l i i i thll» e 'W i n F « i a CooM y F « lr ,«i«l f. V % gigantic giant roller coaster, ter- | ^ _ i’ .'T ;•! rifle tJp top and speedy -twists.scram* Rodeo for area residentsnts ti Is tbe tbfr It n h y x U Thl».ride, part of . :r Is.the _2S„canilval ridef_by_W «tJC0Ml 'One of the newest on rides com- Is . rocks, giving lesldentata a thrillthrlUlag ,rlde. This T» - one JoT^ j trabant. This'rideIko twists, ride ' aeveridJ se w rid es fe a tuured^ly re d I9 W1West Coast Shows. u 3-aBd.rocks./AD0thcr_]s.thcille s p in ------^ _2 ------I top which operates on com- x r+ivS except tho North AUantlc-wd cssed air. This top Ilko ride‘ RecordExpected a ; i e a | East North Central regions. n t i z l i i unces up and down whileJjckas spin- -WASHINGTON--~ ------T urkeys p ig. around' et a, very fast T i ferrls ra is e d -in 1967 a re expected ..to COAL I _L_ ■ ' toUl a record I25.B million birds, m ^ T H ISIS7H T I ttII“ :o rfdes elg>^r=ccntiinore-ihanJlaitjanJlait i -Top Q u a llfar.Alyvaya ^ g t . , K ycarrwatcsthe-U^A-Crop-and - ^ = SPRA^QjfcNOW rW lTH--"— I— H-K — ^ ~ sail ZSs? S!’*”" _ hW 1 ARBERGtS- ab( iDd are - As increase In. production o( » 733^7371'," LIQUIDLIQU b ri ttsernept tiirkeyaJajatpected-in3»l|jeglong t i ----- wo H(^lN a.1^-J0A QU.quin' IN ' SmSand)^.M e»orlal Award, vblih « OGEN "32" I rides TN STOCK . . . REAIREADY Tn DELIVER! • ‘ I Ta!r Boarf. Beir-Mottem,Jeft, board.. . ^5cd.” ■ • . ■ X member, holds t 'RpIlca:a a«9aw^rd rd 'wbleh «U1 be awardedd to the b(op eowboy.iliU year at (he ' she.added.thaLUicre.alsojflll l_r _ } PUT .YOUR S f i i i ------rodeo. Tbt cowboy -w yarJ»-wai wla the Uf^e^ne^ao^U^-T:*«r the atandvd rides such es =^mJoilandl&;^ndl& ^^lttC H alineB ^ I «wtrd{— ...... , ; ...... : •. . herJ merryrgo-round' and ferrls ™ ' I _ ^QUIDilQUIDORDRY OR ' - I ’’In .iaddltion to these rfdes iii ;rc~wlll‘ be ■ two spectacular * SPECIAL! 1 CORN CHCHOPPERS O rganjc M at er RainSale :iAti 3SIW, & g c ^ ‘ -^NEW^HOLUND'VNo;ND'VNo. 7171-row head I The selection this year b ' 'i ' "She said these.surprlse rides J I :• Balance your vworlcioad- _ — .-larger - and offe»i.*-brt>airS E _ g r — , "o3N n NiEvirk Wnd IMPROyiwboy ' usually are for large fairs-and ^M lS-GHALW ERy^^ _rLpcn«l»s-both-ln- - S > J l__ iminlly.only. onei-per-faIr.-ltow> dERS- No. 780 2 row head . I, bliekface and -vbltefkM the added, because the - - r a m * . ' ------BpthWith built-inIn aijtomaijtorpatlc Knife Sharpen*; S L - \.- e r s . ______^ ------All sheepmen are. iiivUed-. ^ 11 " 1^ :!^ I l-...... mrnrMS S 5 3 3 ] : : : i _. h erci’-^ ..______~ Rijgged.6 knife Cutter headstforh fine,-icleaiiaari rI ■■ --TOR3R.WE WE FRENT.;.; . ^ - cutting action from-starrom-sta'rt to finfsh."Cuttlng I 18' : SPRAYERSi R .and ^ d - S i ^ : --SBwiiwwww ~ B ^ W T iffilOBSX 3PKB T . ONLY!' l ~ Ijreed^jsa& tihly'aLhlghr at- hJgh^pofld.^thIstrlng_ ||l ^ . .. (U ^ !iH ~ B « e f B rv2 e d trs N#< . ' ;, efficient bloWer .action.action. « • — ■ 9 - PROCESSING t L Pound —fc!OW“«tf:earo"lIneded desigdeslgh~for effiqlent_han-j; |- ^dllhspDroji-lnjrletet u3-8hdWu3-8h( "ybu-th'ese:bBttei—tter- g-|—■ H pilranT j^T S' W(* cviMni »n ~ PTROllB0 lHy^PR_to ^ _ « f W . . 9 \pR 0iiK 2rl_,__ .performing,Cb^-nn ChpppflTs.Chpppi . ■_. • . . 8,: or-^ou^.rtwv^nImJ»^At-you^eqt^ , n P o u l t r y 1 ^ k l l l S i ■i -^0PPTTir-^| T S M fi M EQ LI. •• I » » w. 7 m i a m 1 A^ivlston-of^m^^^pnrCcrgEany atioi ______f^ECMEHIUHSrit-- .______:324rS200-=^- vedtrs N#v«, for details) ^ :.4 ' IPIi.0VE0’'SHQ-Gl:0 'Ur-deqt^ r-« r ...... — ^

MILUNG COMPANY . : «ikL43 seconds irith 510 poln^ : ' ^AdulUjvho piirtldpued.wera I- Hennel Kemer, 1 minute 40 se'c'

nO.--polntar:.^upr.Kemfer. X , mlDut*. U s«eooda-.wltb 60 points;. Glen Ross, J.mioutes 17 seconds and >380 points,, and ' Manuel Kiiig, 3 minutes 3$ sec- : ends ^ 386 points. - • • • '.


• E, LEE AND EUZABETlEUZABETH D EW ^, In « plcUreIr* taken a yeat.ag* In Honolulu, celebrate - th e ir SSrd W edSlngBg annlversaryVE. annlven Lm Dewey Is.tbe only survfviog «ro amoiut tbe Deweys ~ who settled In 'ihlr-areailr-area fromfr( Iowa. Mr. Dewey is xwarlyM arly 82: years oM, and lives with his wife in Burley.______■ riflcv oroars nowl -

XVT* __ rectlon changes gaveive aa dlscouidiscount: ' IDAHO B E A N Boy, 10, Win!Wins Jumping, radng the« tractor-atractor'afid . i/k s z k iz ii • ^ carelcss driving all gaVT’dgaVT’dls- • - « , E l E V A T b R ' ERVINE AND LOIS DOTDEWEY staod.Ia friwt e t the.beweytbe.Dewe: has beea In the Dewey>ewey famfanll ily, for. over 83 .years. The sale of counis.10 .their point ratlnf . bottte la Mafih ValleyValley CanCanyoa where tbe Deweyr Ranch isI • Uw raach to L. 5.L StaiggsS ug^ Isli e i^ B ^ to ba eompktedSSjSibii this T^Gtor .iSveiiJ lfY o lll Participants wero to give -rriooited. Over M acrta a lOT cehte5fed by th» randiindi whichwhlcj _w«keiid. _ starting sfenal to 'iS;- (lie timeJ«< ^ se thej irk Y io er, then proceed through a :set • • . :>Twin Fo ils ' ^26-5119 . ~ I j At ShoshonelU X It; . pattern. Manipulating a tract . finrf *r ond m a n u re sp rea dS'KctS er backw ar • nV ELB I 0 0 I r i SHOSHONE-The art and « I then forward ...... | | % l _ Dewey^ Decloclo Lan^ark,ark, Being Sole ficiency.of drivtag a’ tractor iJacusr wwas through stakes and thcn.forwa ~ ■ ■ r ■ ■ , ' ;h the course ■■ 1 exhibited at the Llncmh Coun J3ECL0 — Five milesniles «i5teast s{ 78 dnw- .-ceoters bearing his; of C.OG an hour; Itt made quiquite field.” inameasurcd . ■ ■' , -I V - expectcd to a difference.—We -dIdn't-haN-didn't-have —The Dewey Ranch•T, hnehas alwa;ni«mv« wltlrboth youths anif adul ) given fo r In. ■ ' teBny-slta-therDewv^^ch.'^ • S a n c lL 'lt nam e.. T h e -so le is A>(pectcd parUclpatlng. Youngest cntro r 8,300 deed- be completed this weekend,reekend. . electric lighU tintllI 19131919 on thetl been something of a landmnr rer th e points ' b c o m p rls d 'o f over 9,300 dec •n " n r S v w as 1(T. y e a r-o ld Gaylen E , ed seres of land, and cnoujenough Arrangements .forir tho salesi ranch. Men would1 get up iat with its large bam, "probab rr the score. the , Acre Maker hA» sn v ? ^ wards; son of Mr. and Mrs. M rs IS S «fto BUvI'land’iLM land is have been made-by Earl-BarnesEarl'Barr 6 a.m.. curry the teams, feedfet the largest tn-’Idaho,'! says ] and Mrs. Sid spreader wasivas rcmov rem oved ' controlled to run thatlac fijurafigure asi of Twin Falls, and.1 Ed E d Bail B a llw th e horses, e a t a t thle e cook bousebous Lee; The barn can be seen fro u - from th e -tra c to r for>r ththe-lO-year- e .10-yei ' . . h i ^ a s 30,000 -acres.«s. But' tlthe of Burley, both realtorsItors special-sped at about 6 a.«r-*«yH7;;a.rjkHv*>7c«-i^v highway 30 as wellveil as fromfro only warne'tnethe youngeryoungest, oij entrant. Ho was13 ^0io smsmall- a llJie VELBICOL BO m L' / but he came out wlthithe be • Dewey Ranch, whifh'ph'-'harl}cen hnrijci itihg In farm and ranchanch proper-propi they were on their: wway ay tgliitc H h ^ th e . Interstate.: vlthithe best had to slide from sideside to side to nch Is more score and at • a three-mlnut In th a t fam ily since:e ]9(H,IM, wwill ty. ’ . . . :------' Tho D ew ey R anch Is m o threfrmlnute, reach the pedals ofthe!lhe machine.machlr ranch }»ing clght-second.tlme rate.ate. His onlyon other • entrants ond tht n o t be the Dewey RRanch anch muvlil sell the his-hi figure to over*a millionlliqn ddolla: ^ la r s . ^ and good times.'It: controls controls th e m achinetl a s. w l l a si w'hctf^or.w'hctl;^ tor seconds with 310 points; GoGary Livestock ' inute -an d - 41 toric ranch to*i- S SKaggSKaggs, ^ e re are writtenn .records In _ ■water rig h ts to Mlarsli' arsh' Creek, Creel not they stayed withinI'lthin'.or^It .or ^ Freeman, one minute-and- - of Salt Lake City,• Utoh.»?^.Utah^M Cassia County datlnc bade 2 ^ 4- but Itays was so. not ' always stakes so. set' up-for-thehe route,l^l-route,^ seconds with 170 points^ointa^ anda n d AAr- Skaggs Is thq owraerer of^someof son: 18G0 (in the land. VSw.“ Tiie Dew Show Is Set jtS l OldI , poplarnearly trees, 100 nearly 1( : ' ' ■ ■ ■ famllyi- who came fwm low . .t jft.i. yp“rs old. provide shadeshade for theth settled, and built the ranch' for tte « th rront.yard of the Dcwcy housi its present size, were preced IKe. National n ,ey j,fg Joiarred and split wit Freeman in ownership of the orlgmoforifffnnr landlai Uvestock Show are being maae.made time nnd they are a part < . ' T Y / SSHOWING K • _ , site by Mn. S. R. Gwin.c S n The show* w in bee held NovNov. the land. ■ Gives Unit[It Living on the propertyroperty cu cur- 10*19 in Ogden and kwill feature featur There are hot springsirings on the! th — of .thea National Natior Rnals of the • - ready until final arrangemenrrangftments lO'dlvlsIons. ranch as well os ' the'the'Manji Mars Lil^LI . ^ , are completed are ErvlneErvlne Dew-Det There also will bea five salessales. Creek waters . . . the«old0renn old Orego rHwll1 SCHOOL dV^rl* RODEO . IIPHHIP n g cy.flntLhij_wife, Lols..The.I?«s..Tho.I?cw' lho_Fat_Stock_5ale;_J:»_p-m!;_i:JO_P-m. Trail cin still be seenwen runntngl runntn, . HEL&-^N-ELKO,-^-ELKO-NEVADA-AUQ. 1 to 6 ^ eys Intend on living; in Burlc B urley Nov. 11; All B reedI BredB red EweEwi ISrouginhe' property. 1 ■BanvBl*0 c6nlrolrdi WASHINGTON ( ^P) ) — SSeen ecre. a fte r the sale, which:h is wherewh'ei Sale, S p.m. Nov 13;; RegisterecR egistered T h e M arsh Creek Canyon, thi tary Orville L. Freeman«eman ba«ba Ervlne's father, E. Lee,.M, presenpresent- Hereford Sale,-]3:3Q} p.m. Nov.Nov home of the Deweyv“S ?anch, . “'d i -Will be.• ShovShown over KSL■ TVTV. weeds than diiappaaj ------—■tola the A grfculture DepartmentDepartm an ly resides: . ■ 14; Registered Sale. 7p;m:Nov.7 p;m: Nov best .described In the-words c to be more aggressive’slv8‘ hi ef-e( E. Lee Dewey ts now nearl n e arly 14, and th e GoIdeA Spike QQuar- u tp Ervlne Dewey. A f n * • Y our weedy land can b e r forts to promote..competitivcompetitive 83 years-old, He- Is ththo-onl o -o n ly te r H orse Y earling F■uturlty utu rity SaleSalt . f.The Ranch, b-unique . . ::9 p.aA;;;.., WED.,w e SEPT. 6th ...... • 'stafiliall with hanh wee markets where the fanner canca: surviving son .of Ervlne'sine's grand-gram 7:30 p.m .- Nov. 16. Ifs all self contained , . . al sometimes for jaany w an AS FILMED BY.'.KSL FOR neet the .buyer on equaliqual terms,term: father \^ o settled herelere In in 190^.190 . Divisions th is y e a r‘atthejive^ a t th e Jiv e I have to do Is openiSn'ii.*." a gati JTHISWASFIU deep.TOQted-pertncBalaa . T o h e lp ' his dfepartmenl-...dartment. do Ervlne >wa^bom on1 tho ranchranc stock show will Includendude bee:beef and there'It is . . . all o y t / Mv//,'without making crop ' this, the secretary hash a s raiseraised In 1913. a n d -h a s two - slster sisters, cattle, sheep, sw ine,ne, colleg8p^roDtBd bu id lB V M pBrennial* — - the status of .a unitalt chargecharged Mrs. Lowell H. Butleritlcr (Mat!(Matll- judging, Appaloosaosa horses:horses; The L. S; S ka^ plan man; ^ ALBERS: M MILUKG COMPANY ______— 'wee«J»,sudiaJ.Cuada.lh: . —With, enforcement'Ofif the padpack* .— - CoQSumer'and Marketiog-Serketlog-Serv- resides In- B n rle y .------weed-HUd^aoWji»iuanith harsh weed Id lle ri'tliiirrirn a H in^^^ S. Lee Dew- T he Rocky' M ountainitaln Rode*Rodeo ' ' Jcej;.the'Tmlt recentlyy was givegiven Without queroon E. Leo De\ 1 ■ rcilorin«»orthl^.«^jor jaany^jvan. Banvel D treats soil, kills Ut'e ratin g .o f a se p arateirate ad^tnl)ad^ml» ^ arid Itis-VHfe rem emember'niorie ber Dioi Assodatloh wni'haveelts'annual lts'annua ------^ -•—B ------as-Tbe Acro:Msi3tf.-.-—•--jx rtn iu ai-aad annual w eeds, a n d does i t - Jstm tlon. • - - ' r." -■ - i*0Ht£lhfr* Dewey ^sMcad-UuiN ead'than champlonshlp-rodeo-during^thit;during:,the ------■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ i V — The role of this unitnit was enem- anyone else around.I. TiThls'l IrThls'82 livestock show. . _ . ■ . %anvd'^aliqu2'lhit making cropland uielcas fo r 2 o r 3 aeasom. ' ' phulzed in ^statementiment Free-Frei years be; enjoys rememberm!me[nberln&' Tho world.charnpIonshlPLmin ^ non-irritatingur/iurf/Baovcl to ikin, killi D controls tbe toughest of m an Usued*5anday sharply crJteri and in his words, "It was a lature' rodeo will beL'ttSSI held Nov — I f !« ■ - t H such a s 2,4-Das.C mita. aaada I t's thistle.be L eafy Spurge, Russian ■ i d ^ th e nation’s poultryloultrybroil- brol lot easier thCRl. . . when-youwhen yc 10 and-ll..ia. conJunctioa.wlUjncUon.wlth ____ _ . . ’ acres in thisMorning area.------G lory d-mmy:::broilef~8rtWa ------V r ------6 fd*f.fro«yo«“dialirDo mm ^aoayniOfTgoBiMauy*^ . . have .little xhance to oargal r n a w m m u m 7 ///////m NOWOW IS T^E TIMEVETO TC SPRAY with processors. trtW e » ;.w ^ y la n d , th a t ft's w i d ^ Imowo 'The study reported m an Baii growers have no alternative t MAGIC: VALLEYVALI GROWERS,IS , |- 1 YOURR produdng broUers for prices o g to ikin, l^ ls weeds o th e r weed killers ? ' l S S £ d i ' '■ H a . ana n o opportunity p i for a. another product fron fered them by big Integrate D mita. It's beea proven o n thousands o f . integrateo ^ Portlllzer■ Plarit M anager-O perator, r concerns. area.------• ' ” The fiSIIonla poultryItry produVrii,totmonb>l

- - UCOL A V CHKMIpU. A IL eOKPOfUTION f2 c SOLUTION Cast Ohio ktiM t, CMms*. lU n ^ «0« t l — T ^ S e^ -lfoYou B There! At Tiie Fair!I m ^ HENRY'S] Drop orbuiftTlfT"!>uifrif7-«)0r - d t^ 7-tdr-ir*‘«hBr^eiii'

1 -Our cu^oi^. applicatorssators a are trained,''ex|^rT -' ^ 1 135 5th'Av#.’SouihFALLS • FEED & ICE . * ' encod'Tnen, using the latlatest, m ost modern9 rT .- T.'^ » ■ ■ ■ '.'■ ■ > !----- ■— ....u ... ___ - t — ■ — . ' ■ T. .--equlpm ent.'rasaurlng-ng you-ofyou^ satlgfactory^re^> rn L- I - y^=^ult»rlr>-all-your:agrlcu!tunSricultural-needsc------— r e « - ^------'EN 24 HOURS “ ■ ' ■ ~ F o r a l l,?!-..PAYS y o u r e A JW E E K - , • ______

so u ih • . ' . ■ , ; A MAGIC4ALI

^ E^HN-DKRE-UNE-LINC 3fc__ yJ3-S67l !an G ro'o ' w e r s r a i l y o u r C h e m i c a l n e e d s . ••• ranga-pf-fractvnrfh* wirf* .djv^fiad IlM Hwl . H |M lEHOU$E;^A$A $ S N . F g q R - I C4ALLEY GROWERS j =.BIIHL-^FILEB-FILER-*-lWIN FAILSS - *- * - J JEROME-L P i „ 13-5671 ■ ■ ^ Jaromr:324-23l8 €iWffiMlENENTSiUES I -KIMBERIY:RIY •-.• HAZELTON * MILNI . ‘■John " J o h n l^iiiw;' ^ l« » ^ i ^ MIIMER-: . 1 - L 5 S - I jdiAI^EN p — i-iiTW tlCTfilU ' . ■— 73 ^ 7 2 7 2 -^ H0UJ511IOLyS?ER->-KRGER^*^Ah^^AMSTERDAM- r4Qj-J^in^fe-N:?^EE " N FARlpfVlp^^^ ■ ■ -r^ ■ being.crowded in close xoniine-confine- of such-severe attacks /romrom the by calves, by havlni.aburd^ta b u Q ^ t hiu half pound more per day and.. _ I roent and by overexertlon.on. Ex-Ex-|hc heat' there, are livestockIt loweslosses natorai nai shades froj^oakoak and re^ required 200 pounds leM . I « a t ^ - , ^ — :7 — “ gyijy n i trees. "■: • for every 100 pounds gain. - CaUfomia workers studiedudied theth e-1 - Think or''discomfort'* dbliara ' effect oi'Shade and breese>reese oh dejdeparting by way of all these ty Fair And ; - : ■'?• cattle gains and foundttd gains heiheatstress cauits and you will 1.63 pounds ^without shade-orihade or be more alert d»ttt-*tcq>pln|:z If -- V breeee,:,but -2.16-pottnd*“ndt~with with stoitoclrlOKei'becaiise'of prevent* Be Outstanding3 shade and (an,.with thehe latter ab: able dlscoip.fort, says U5DA of* je*») ■ Each year, starting,g. next cattle'requlyiflg“ ! IM poundt.unda'less I w ticflclals. rn sa id week> > replica o r th e larg e me> thi top spe* m orlal aw ard plus $100 In» cash; ; w m i w m / i / m a will b e aw arded to^ the all*nll-SS-- g I rodeo. A" ai! into ’ • " f J J x CO: the Sanches, fund which wlll.bewiu.be B '/Pm - JI. u l awarded with, the largeI memo-'memo-'N S IrT-VI rlaUwa^^^- •• . S >1) The cowboy he wins threft of S S?Sion *wards_^l^Swfil—re* li award 0 • > • > . h ■ ' A t tv p>ir celve the large memorial award Q thi d esfin- along with the-money thpt has S c k Munser «ccumultted In the Sanchex S set wo sur.* - - / I s P - I I u e d a t Also at the rodeo will be the S th( ; Coast Mlss’^odeo Idaiio-contest: This C OiNJpLfTE.LIQUP. N ! f > ^ T E , g eh year 16 J tpdeo queens from B Interna- '^''oughout the -4tate are com- K tio ho^^wa« 'All in'all an'excellent fair and & SUPPLEMENT! kll [fi'cr'-iBiL nx^co Is pro m b ed to Twinsirairsiiw’In FaJIs F a lls ® S .i’ - “ S ^ ADD itr:: ■ : :MIX IT , qu SEW M O) ^MACHINES C H I x i iriileb 'tw e area wonea onea «IIdd^ ' that.thereI grain provided ?? to handle the} -cattle - c a t l l eO ® XOA T F IT ^ A _ M als — disease of »asses and grains; salhave to be-'deaped before* M ing, adall new. Presenting the carnival rnent. . ■ . ■ . . ' ^ wlU nttend Boiie <^Uego! for the coming< yeac_Jlm has'beenrbeen ^it has made. Its. appearanceearance thereforethe subjm ' to dockage for -will ' be West^ Coast'Shows; a ,. lety, al* that atone. — ■ . ou ' helping his brother, Micheal';heal ■ Kast, with farm work- thee past >«•malnly-in^e Lenihl variety, al> tha ■ multl.mllilon-dollar corporation.tent, h e sm m im:* m w Q ' though it could be fouiid in any GrainC contaminated with E ^ sa flu m n ^ a t the Stout Ranchch costc o st of k in g HIU. • At the Twin FaUs County^ Fair m MRSI Votkswagen vari^ of wheat or'bariey^ got 3 1 ^y,, got Is also poisonous to,, live* the mi firm will have 25 rides,> upper In- jL - «r • S R V I C E ’^ : - _ j ■ As 'seen in th»‘“fle!d ■«■ « itsIts stockstoi if fed too much. It is toxic Sn Wesley Fink It at the peak'o^ba:jeak o ^ h a rv e a tln g h b w aterm don aiMl eluding 10 rides for the'youngerE a s te rn ?f i»«d tJSiDD c CM m N « ^ ak noticeable time, it appearsappears to all classes of llveatoclc to idi S 4 2 3 * 5 5 8 6 cantaloupe crop at h'ls ranchjnch gqujhsojijfi ot King HUL Mr. Fink ^has se t, a n d M fun gam es. Two sur.* Bin Eldredga ^ l-ln-the ptcUng slieds, sorting melonsm*infia I”in the head, replacing thele ggrain rain sorsom e degree. T h e toxicity l i ac*- prise rldet.also.are planned at - ' several employes worUng-ln-the-pi J!**®” . kernel as a black hard hoM-ilkeoM-iike cumulativecur In the way it affects j?( S . S VERN>RANCEANCE “-:'DON‘w^LACe.V • S ' and cants for shipment y truck to stores Id Magic Valley: j®, the local fair by West Coast Ml substance several times the size the various animals. Pregnantr Shows.ije ye of the normal grain kernel.'nel.' ' mamares and sows have the least . H arv«Ung of the secondd croplcropi of alfalfai hay in the Almo* area *The disease Is quite common«mmon tolerance_andtol< are. subject to: To pay tribute to en interna- of Cassia coun^ iriieariogig completlcompletion. Some grain also is'belogI oemg on some native grasses, hehe said, moremo severe iMses. tlonally famous rodeo perform- n -cut._, .; . _____ It It has been observed iMrtlculBr-ticular* The-amount1 of Ergot in grain■. er, -Joaquin Sanchez, who was. ;J, . ly Cheat.or Bronco Grass-Inirass-ln variesvai ^dely from field to field■ killed shoray' afltr' feaVTftgnast JP Custom grain combiningIg la being,being dona b ^ rts of MchDeldchoeld tjiithe Cassia area for years.rs. The andanc within tho different classes Jrar’s rodeo at Filer, the local ^ by Fred Hainllne, BUsi. _ ■ _ spring ------—i--— cent cei and may not- representipresent poi poison. materials to any class ofES live- NOWI i?i .Giyg^OUR ------■ gngreat loss as far a f the ,y)cldy)cld of "We" do not have a rccommcn-. stock.'Some classes'of livestock)T A.NAM.E ^ . . . THE — Grain harvesting Is wellI] under wayv In the Declo area, with have a tolerancei for feeding ftw ,Z levels of Ergot.contaminated Charles Gummerson, Donin WhlpploW hippio a n d E lm e r MackJo ’’dring doing gvm gH vm ifinnnm ym ^^ JNER RECEIVES ' costom com ing. ; S' ein s'ar" '*'”™’'! Clarence jphllllps and Bob Stevens,Stevei D «lo farmers, are■e still I | . . Bodily Ergot * contaminate grain pn cleaning up followlns the freak \rlndstormV'Inc that hit thelr.ranchesanches S ] • and-of then-la not fit ior_human-usa50 sol CASH! '2'j week doing much damage.amage. .It demolished two slieds,9. totore re §8 3Ut,' Er- and should be thoroughly clean* In our a large tree .and* a registeredreguteredTHolsteln cow beloni^ng- to § iln will ed If used for livestock.feed. he av __ . . fm ~PlhUlp9=hBd-te'b9TlestroyeaTifter-yedTifter’ir-2=by-'4-botrd^pl«ced-h«‘ e'.Ming, added. •nhy=bIonk^r--sllpTef^anr^cur^~thU:{t(iwr^rti'^sTxi^— - -body.------•------1 — -!- : .. •• iage for - This problem hto'appearedSCOTSMAN!' in p ' -1 • our area to a ihnited extent, he . No a g # - Hmlt. “-f^iN STR U i ■ Entar-ar-efttoman. |9 • poR PLEASURE X dcz, who have moved to MounUinMountain I . |- Is toxic Snake River area of Eastern I • FOR BUSINESS ^ toclc to Idaho. ...'.vjT ...... ’ Just giv*glva our-Thrtf^our- M aa^ra yliac-.-., • — ^ ^ ___ _ beanT ^ FOR REQREATION ’ - . dMcrlptiv*iptlva jtarjtam a ‘'•p- ha can c o ' te s te r JlbsoB.'Declo farmer,imer, hash a s c u t a n d rtlketf1il;,and don’ton ’t rois^ i our b j^ I .^.Solo Courseturse i only $195 to field . ■ ^ ' - f - . ' '■■■ ~ Members of the Elba CattlemensCattlemens Association rode the 'forest -rangM-last-^wMk-gathering-the-cattig-tbe-cattia- frcm.-the-hlgher-patturM and .bringing them to thea loverlower pjpastures. In the hUli west of E lb a.- - - - 55 - jtEEDEEbER -m - WINN I V E Rr S S i A R vSAIE l gfinnl OUR NAME 1 A f e r n brldga cellapted4 under a truck load of grain Ihurs* a ' wed al* C O N T E S T ! B R ■day at the E. D. AdUasI Marley rranch near Richfield. . jat|Lester S FlYINSSER’SERVICE^ Inc. GOING ON NOW,'lo w , ENDS SEPT.r. 9fi»9fi»~ ■ MoIt,-ranch leasee. was\JrlvlngIrlWng pie tnide and was cnhnrL Con* S ' ENTRIES NOV nf^h!^ i- " AviatTon Haadquartarsu a rta rs fofof r all o f Magic V alley ■iderable grain ipUled Intoito the didditch from which most of the g~ om m cn- . MASCOT A. N/ water hal been divertedI for the hauling. The Slager Swlnll towing 8 MonW ptl/J^rt. , Tw T in Fall*. 733*5920 MAKE BIG SAVINAVINGS NOWN O} ON ' gerviee, Twin Falls; hoisteded the truck true out. .______jgg WINNER OWER PARTS • I^KERAKE ‘TEETH • SIPHONHPHON TUBES ' _ . $50 C jstloiiigsifsimiethiiig . BOQTS-::-e-GLOVES✓ES *< MOTORS . e• . PUMPS'PU . ==4|,*r,H,j,...^nfrv=blGn ■"w • TOOLTOOLBOXES «f:ENdlFENCING SUPPLIES J I^N A M E THE SCOTSMAl • VETERINARYl/«^SUl^ES---= S - - ~ ■ ■"m y n a M e ' i s ' ...... ADDMSS » GARDEN<1 TOOLS TOOl ( T O W N ." ...... • TRUCK^TIRKriRK f ■ c e s ? lONNY = - ^AUTOMOTiVEOTiVESUPPLIK- “ M iN s i ^ : " “““ISTHE L • AN&ilUNDREtINDREDS MOREI: um . m A. - A N N I UnitedI States§tc BeanI MiMarketing AsscAssociation .... J i MA . • NO MEIVIBElVlBERSHIP FEE ^ ~ • MOWER DISTOBUTING:DIST CO.

• iSUG i^ BEET^-ri;T TYPE C0NTRAC1RACT ^ * 8 0 0 blract Fqctoiy Hood»dJBi«tfibBtor^^ P i t t f g

lAM FOR DECENTENT PRICES i 6631M AIN lA a r ' , TWIN FALLS.ALLS 7 3 3 -5241 g ^ ^ R G A IN ^ n 5TH^ i I ' .... T ”0:R EE=^ ~“=' F•' ' R E E = ^ OFFICE: ALTURASrURAS B P G .V PHONEPHON 733-434S- I PAftKiNGI G U i H i ( ^JrP.-fJaek)SniHh,M«f. H Z I a i i b o n n ^ a g a t i ia a iBi _Tr/c.' 'v.'-.;. .■ -r-- BARGAINSI —:------j — - . , r - ■■ ...... ■

• ■ • ■ • .. ■ ■ . ------r - ' — '7*-

nme»»NBVva— r;.XSept.il-2,:i9& 7^-.'--- • — wIth_oiiLlpbl«^Sh?mld ; ' Reduction.o n OGj fi; • j M . wooms lwcutor-left-onJ'^-j-*if|',®Jt^:ResoiIulions: ■- iB lii^ t. - It’s a good Idea.tosa.to cut off.off.old■ r---.' ■ a - ' n '': flow R S to prevent' seedlli I frora‘8elf-8oWn'ae*ls..SeIf-wS.:J.'5S!0kayedJByf ' lemsioTiSc.Schedule rM S 'fC M ed pUnta revert to.the sic Vm W j CiiiJgCT. m 'agfntn, and a r/i‘rxceiitlonii ■rid a y ,- ^ p t e m b 6 r - i ------Ig^-Forecaa^ robust. Eventually..Ihey'dUilly they'd take K J ^ * r - r ' ,• •• ' BESTlEST BERBETS FOR.MOVIES r '■ v over the parent; plant OriginalOrigl ‘ TUTTLE-.Ttciolutlons oppo^ - -■• T p.m ; 3R, 3, 11:; 8 p.m.. S-'Tlje Rat Race” O»0);ifl60) Deb tie b b ie ' K e y t o S ttations~ a t i o n s ■ By o v ro ::A . :M ^ A R iiN ' - ; W M r i r r bhlox Plants do not change cM-< tog the Gun Contr o l. U w and >• ' 'ReynoMr presents Olie ofo! hher e r b e tter p erform ances in tMs-sU W riter m w m m m 111111— ora. Now’sTgood)dtlme time-tod to.divide v u,g|ng, eooperauon of th e u lt U k t * ' WAs'iIiNGTOn' ( A P ? 1 ■*' • aboDt * J t a ; musIcUiic iih from the sddu and a taxi 'ddancer i i S r 'i-v S S 2SL KUTV.TV Salt Lake (APi - n>e • W «#*aiipK i* r j S K t S B * your phlox and givefive SW?so(ne plantspla grange wlth.other-farm.organl- 0 S n S m S S 2B KBOl-TV BoiseIse Agriculture Departioent'sirtment’fl 1968 1 • •j|- decide'to face life) together:togethen The film attempts to encom^ 3 K1D.TV-Idaho Falls ■ tayournelghbors...Loose4up f*’*' * Commodity ff . • lot of.the seamier^r sWes!d«-of'life.io'fle^York'but o fl ends up w Falls feed grain: stabilizaUiia progr . K 'growi la soli and plantlhfrootsrto ip « ' 4 KCPX-TV Salt; ULake k e may. call for a"SffiJSrS reduction, PES.TOOlIBLEDitOUBLEDVBY Tree 'of■ Heaven. K 'growi ie roots:in Price> program were approved ^ a 1iappDy-«ver-after-«ndingr-ending tKth)>t m a n ag e s to elim lnato any p ies; & aUeys, an Inch^below the groundground,* ,suiw by m Gooding County'fomona 2»«J"Z.?rr 5 KSL-T^-Salt Lake.4 k e ------• frtSm 8 m illion Ui“ to - 16' 0' mllon niill Hom«.j«nIeneniardeners who > backyards of. cities; m alii t^vJoui realism. TonyCurtii,'-Curtii, JackJa Oa&ie and-Key M ^fo^dfordcosur. cost) 7 3 K T V ftv Boise . I want to know ind any .placa otherJter trees con-face.< ilse - ' acres In planting of com; t ill iilt heavy .by resblutioujv^re’consld- r-|,|o 2B-News...Spts.,3ts., wWOr. a r . ' ____ ,4T-Rango ...... > Falls . ghum gram and parley.' 3. wasps' and not stand poor soil,-smokeloU,-smoke or -Phlox ha*-been Wt heavy. fru!ts.-Actual-dust The .m ale'or'stam' or staminate in mildew 'these y;ean.. ^ .. Once the ered a t a meeting of-the Go<)d- . o{..,>^.i.:SL-New8 c . V ^ , 8—Laredo c - 11 KMVT-TV ■nvinfin Fall* Influencing farm'ofHclals-ir?of?lelaU am bohiets out of the fruits.-Acti not start the tm s are the real offenders.'orfeidera/Fd- leaves-wetr the whltUh pow. ',^ - J ^ W U d Wild w west— e st— 7B -rl,aredo . .., . , • ,f omo comncommer- and other annuals?'V If 'y you » "“ a ? ‘pert sn y : thatt dletgnbacdleffenbachia cession.'. -..■■• v, - Tfr-M on Fromm UNCLE c 10:20 4-Movlesr''Man-BeasJ ctal growers'use a plastic CCoo-find kny trace ofOf insectsInsects c>n (Dumb cane) nevernever' blossoiblossoms. A report by Mrs;. Ira K i^er, • . — gram, )settlng an allotment * 6—Tarzanic—-■ - ■ ■ . 'The Robot vs.?s. thetheAxtec Alt f.jo isDsjGefSmurt c “ peris Hawk, madeB of polyeth>polyei them, then, blamle ettt th e ^trou u b l e tmng betauae I B?mgniu;angOl9mi:»CTnorn:. -11—Hogaiib Heroeswroes c Mummy" ------'5*1® 59.3-mlllion~acres compa: lor. Thfcrhawk onslugsorsnalia.-Theydotf.-They-do tteir saw one wlth a blossom on7andm 7 i l5^chaIrman7announced Jud^ . (>- .. - .7:00 2B-Movie,-!-The Rat ------r2B-?is{pls ‘n Petticoati * with 68.2 million this^1 . year. lene-in.a.gray color. Thfcrhi The Rat jj.jjj 2SL-Tonite ShowShow c '• • . 3—Lawreiice Welk < " motion by air cloak-awWagger work at nnlj l^ t. wonder- lf-ybd-aSrte'-or.iMM-or. believebelli ing-oLihe.needlewnfkjnd ataie ' >•,'• •' • ■' Racc” ' , J'®'}' ^ Before it acta thehe departmdeSariment vi j)Ounds.ahd I>licwsrspts;..wiir. nltlcjitth. . 2B-^™iGWcrl c . will offer tfovernment payme cCra pitih o quickly, banishes them; . ^ - • . - 8—Movie. '’Ironside'^ c TOuS “ S S g Hill. V n subotdjintes will bo 6-NcwsrW lhr.. SptT- ironsidjs’^ c on feed g r a ln l a n d h e ld 'o u t r PICK PEARS-AT RIG Jtt " a S the l”vlted 10 pattlclpnte H^-Sla • 10:55 7B ^M ovic. 'T h e W ay 8-M alibu U. c • Tho Way. 7:jo 3-Pro. Footballwll c--e--' productiorl. Similar paymef :ctlve bird ni-TIME: Ever wonder why « It to“ “us ol »■>«'■ E m ll Jenime; Summer ward Bus'* ’ Falace offered in earlier prograi 8:M &—Movie, “A Summer 4-Piccndilly Falace SB; P c S j n “ f Sst L have c ' even-c . pears you. pick Jrpm your c ------^ P J n c c T c ------— ------T^ 12:00 IS C ^ M Q v ie ,‘T•T h h e lroIron il------5=Pro-Football)ail c c -;." ...... were withdrawn fromromoiuye.il this yea lo.ovc™to over-cxpo- irecs ‘“^n mushy or discolo r Palace" program. - • used by wrong Rooting takes place within t i ZSL^taredd c- • • Major" • • 7B—PlcadlUy Palace titr* !>■ nrftHtt. s“ r®* A n y ' "sc a rc c:row^ ro w ." wh ” - in e chances a reI thethn 1968tflffl p n n i. “ nd ‘ no t flowD constan ol Dlace until th e tru n k . If th” e stem«em“" Is '”uS 1 »M0 MItUON B0RB0We6 - - :4:30-p.m.. 3, 4,:1,; 11-Araai11—Amateur ChamplonshiiM-Actlonictioii at Iliie 'Sin c“ ' Hire growing Keep It in a cool plnce^ui CTt it IntS s « . WASHINGTON - More than ilT.. *, gram will be announced In I w ise r ts t ■■ you*n ready 10 ceat a t It.It ‘Pears P o a. bamboo Mie, cut it Into s ■ . ' . ' thrte finishing holc.«is of the 67th 61 U. S. Amateur Is telecastclecast fromf« ____ .B-ilho-SainrT- ?nu"Uiib» “ u y wi«. ‘lia r tJlXte and Hons fo u r Inchess lonRlong and root r 93,000 farm famlllM borrowed the,Broadmoor Golf.Club'Inf.Qub'in (Colorado Springs. The entrants .area . 7B—Boxing C^ ' vembec'because of Its possil ■L Jt . price-bolstering Influence.ontlnoi“c.'^“ S£ than fruit rip- them in a. pot ofr sand and peatP« « 6 0 -million from tha Farmers 5 . survivors of nation-widehwlde qua!qualifying, tournaments. The■he last fivefi 10:00 8-Mov‘ie, 'T hTie e Deadly ^ year-, weakened grain price - raoss. L ay th e piecesieces in hor&(horizon- Hofne-AdministraUon — a reo-- _ 5 ■ amateur champs arara alwalso eligibleell to compcto.-In.19S9.IS59. BroiBroad- Mantis" ' *'•'« P"'“ - tSo„i!lS™ T al.^w '’o”ra.y \RON: ManyM. toUy^ cover-with-jm-inchi-jm-inch or so ord amount — to buy, develop “ moor /lostcd that year’sear’s chawchampionship which-vMtsJom)m apart by 2SL-News. Spts.,jpts., Wthr,Wthr. any gaMcn. Right now yt and enlarge their farms or re- , « rising young a n iasteur te ^ namednanu Jack Nickiaus.’- , plants have dried seeds c m pods pod! 1 on. "JU, vihy J h o buds fanta n off of peat, ^ . , 10:20 2SL/-Movle.-"Ihe: Bi^ 1 store In , a tholr-rose of Sharonan before theytr of?-Holbroofc:irook: <‘I cacan’t finance clcbts during fiscal 1967. 2 •: BEST)EST BETBETS FOR MOVIES . - * liRLinfiT Cut them off and store in djJen. I doubt raise rinnlas.* asterslers or tomatoestomalc Parlor Eating• & glass Jar for next spring’ssprinn’s scsow- RCt a chance to djJen. I doi ! 7 p.m.. 2SL. 8 - “"Innslde’' lronslde" (lOeTMample.thU-made-faMe i--tho. answer, any more. They allgetablightall get a blig vision piloc movie to'see . if you want to stick, with Raymo ico“—Some If you want to^K start f i t nnew if any one knows-the. answ ihr ' SAN FRANCISCO-Some e started car- I ihink It’s the ramen e reason wv. hy I s th e re a cure?'.* I Burr's new 'Merles, set to .debdebut Sept. 14. Burr plays a chief ir.. Spts. .dairymen are puttingrtiM* a■ slot «ior* plants. T hey c an .b e sta rte d c detectives who 1^ crippled:ri'ppled ^ a-sniper-s-buiiet andI’ beco^s becomes « 3-N eS“wihr..*Spts.. ^ fy Indoors, or sownI directly 0out^ an apple trw . has-.'-'Junei„'.'June ddre r o p ’ T om atces frtt several bilgl: :lal officer .for the San Francisco*Fi pbtlco" His first job; fi ooors in latd spring.i.'Avoid Avoid mimov-— to get .rid of excess fruit,fn ibut if the foliagem Is ifs coyei \ ALLIEW' ...... ■llblseus syrai- w ith B o rd e a ik oir r Maneb M aneb beforebeft m M r guy who fired thatthat sniper'sniper'* b u lle t'______t Ies« messv InS Itipines as they have a flcsfleshy Rose of Sharon (Hlb^cus syr ------5-N ew s, Wthr., Spts. ■ow in Um taproot and resehc being moved,m'ov< cus) sets a lot of buds and per- p the diseases strike,trike, you canc M ^ > SATURDAY IrtORNINO.DBNINO. 4-Hdppllyxjpere Hooper . 10:40 4-N ew s Jf plants have a raggedrasRcd Iclook h“PS too many for[or the plant,pla keep It out. Zinniasinlas get alter-alt m m I:S0 4—Farm Report c tjow 10:50 2B-Movie. "Robin Hoo va 'ta chasa On thcm.xut them backb « k lo10 hehMl- Some naturally shedcd so that thet naria blight, andd spraying withw • a - ■ ' ■ ■ 5—Summer .SemesterSripsmp . 8M3rcat03t Show he remaining rest can develop. It's not a idls- Zineb early In seasonason helps. UseI ■ ' ■ ■ emester ^ u.,,, jB-MIghtyeroes Heroes c c Pirate’s** - - ». few cows Into the rallklnfimllkJna ihe remain! - ■ 7:00 2SU-Super Six c ' Russell Hy- case or a queslion..ofjn .of sex, as resistant types. * ® 3^Amcrican .BandstandBandstand — 10:55-4—Weather, Sportsr^?,» .k - parlors some timesiXTa(^ and thai plant wilh captan. Russell 1 38—Captain Kangaroo.Cangaroo, * 4—American BandstandBandstand 11:00 7—Movie, "Writtenfrltten on tlthe :o l.L. Ruble, orids have long spikes ofjuw . ■» .u- Asters get yellowsHows and otherotl - ”a = "s:> « sts of»t theu.«« rose trouoles/Spray plants w ‘ • 3—Mighty Heroes c 5-Mighty Heroesrocs c ...... Wind" animal faed specialistclallst with beauty, coming ia blue, whi pray plants with > r — 5-Capuiln Kangarooingaroo . 11-Cartoons 3—Avengers c , o IU branches d d t or,Sevin to-keepo'K cep outout.i .the AUJED ' I n c . ■ • ' LeslIe'Foods, Iac.vadniltted.!.-.-*itai!tted. purple, rose a n d ray^"5a,?d“S v a rio u s co '& ,'o i.‘cT.: 7B—Super Six c 7B-Klng KongIB II—Avengers c os ttrala olnaiions. Tliey^.are hardy a Inxer .Cut .out igaf h o j^ rs whichilch spread 1the F n *i., •. .u “Blrt *en tbere^* 00 grain f c it hiKb M s e r m lii. i l yoa"w«nt to 8—Super Slx-c^ '■ 12:00 2B -U n d erd q g 11:95 4-M ovie, ""BntUantUe of tha thi . fin Ibe floor., there’se’alesaxna- le ss ma- grow three to five feet high. wa"t t ^ o disease. Also, p ^in t t Inin newlou remove tnet ' ? -7B—Atom Ant^c..c Il-Bascbali c 11-ABC Scopee c - It's put out la bunksxoksintbo in tb« though ^e native tyws w grow ^ell on dry^hilisldes.hiil^es. In buds. Most gardenerslers prefer to •_ ' r 8-A tom Ant c5 12:50 3—Hopplty Hooperloper c . 4-News, Wthr., Spts. corraL mines miRht let their.bush go unpruned and a - FEED LOOSE SALT ^ ______^n—MntHlln finrlltn » rea l cold a re a s lupines miR - M M B M B well be mulched ,wJth cvergree; J S S r *1 8:00 2SL-FHnt8tones..c-s s / t ' 5—Movies. ‘'M rs.'.D :M t '!'^E ?S?7SSlSdn Jt ntber than 7 3 3 .7 3 7 1 .. ^ JB-iFrankenstelnelnar. 7r. c icy and Mr. Malone,”Son?,” ”'' M isso iu -i' ^ Is A T 6 Troubles: Aphids, spraysnrav wi with landscaping your. /fiBme? Se '7. 3—Frankeniielnn Jr. c . "Leave it lo Blondle”Blondle’’ ' ' d sta m p e d en* ^mwwwwwwmawwwmmwmmwwiwvw TAP Panels Are mhlathioilr- Mildew,,' du^pUusr - wiwith mo a self-addressed stamped c - 4—King Kong c • 4—Tccnaners Sound Off "keoB comer velopc foe m yiliustmistralea l^ builc-bul * ‘5—Frankensteinli JJr. r . c c_ 1:00 4—8. J ^ § . , 0 . s»“n i O f f .R esearcher Karathanc'and rot, keep ccnt ler Active In Area« I . « of plant and base dusteddSsted wUhwl tin, How^to-.Undscapc Yc :T ONE THAT YOU 7B-FJintstonesI c " . 2B—Movies, " RRamar a m a r aand t ■ l' "Technical. Action Panels ai V r U v S Own Home. I t's fulla ; T of m mon< o r ; g e t o n e ■ ’ 8—nin tst0|cs*c ■■ n Panels are sulfur. Avoid heavy clay soi c ■ the Jun{;lo Sccret's,’* "T] I V O ...... actlvc in the Twin Falls area. AFRICAN VIOLETS:TS^^ver Ever n^r saving tricks you-cancon do yoiyour- . T; • ll-Fmnkenslcin:in Jr,;«Jr^« Boy From Oklahoma" -G ets A w ai-d ^ slates USDA's William L. Yorl tice a violet with.a wnter-sot • ? 8:S0 2SL-Space Kidettesdettes c - 3—Hlm^eature" _ ^ r___ — ___ DURHAM. N.H. — -Dr. Dr. BoyBoyd cxccutlve secretary,pMr_pf_the he stajstate giaSsy-looking -leaf, or Ic envelope^ K N O WiW WILL W lLl DO THE-JOBt > ' '2B^pace'Ghosts-c^—D sts-c------"l:30'3^K cd City ------O’Dell,"flBrtcultural-diemlst-il-chemist—at groups;— ------> ■ 3—Sbace Ghosts c 2:00 4 -T B A the University of Missouri,■llssourl. hasho “nji} agency have0 assisted 1 g'pS fS S 'S S S “ ri; « 4-Bcaties c ______2:30 3-^TBA_ ------c :. - —" beML,aelectea -by_the_Ithe-Awards Aware Btt(CTlvdevcIcpmenU—-Xiie ' SJOO 3-Worfd of Sportsporta e . , Copimlttee of Poultry.-Sdenciltry.-Science havQ.aided M alu in revlewlr m se Is nsso- tell me what shonld b» d. c ...... TB^jftice Kidettes e In revlmjng ‘'m s & & dlsoose Is ss! ______4-WoEld-oI-sStts-C—ports-c__ AssodatloR-ta-recelve_the_ie(ave_the_1967 thh—feasibUlty- of-■t- ■ ImprovirImproving dal^w iU LEpor drainage,rainage, soilsso — S— “ r7T«=^ce1cide«cir7B-7:r Iter aasslc c AFMAUi;MC,op-Award for-tt S S '~ F O X X I -f------2SL-Westchester Oasslc vard for-the tbeIr\woter system.- . (CHOPPERS - ^ n —Space Ghosts c *•” ‘ . lacking In sandnTumusimus or VIver- 22H-S------8-Movi6.-J!Gang-War^ng-WarU— mi»t-outsta^IBg.coh(ributioa.ljntibutloa to _T},5_a8cnoy-helped-Pleasaiped-Pleasant nilnilUp-ur-r r rHi»'i, >1 I'n ii *ti 1 3 * f H M ...... -.-.'.for..-lVlaBlc'or...lVlaBlc Valley Croissl.. _ _ ^ 2B^upermiui c 11—World of Sports e '' Announcement wasIS mmadtfTu ad ^r* closing their loan for the pupur- of fertUirers. Make s sure u re yyo o u r •. 3—Supennan.c • . - Ing the 56th annual'meeting 1 ' ...... S:S0 5-Zorro 1'meeting of i^hase of tho Top1 Hat RamRanch jon i*-well drained,, and go easyca ° - 4:00 2D-Camco Theater PSA. held on the campusiiM us of ttthe In Twin Falls County.inty. on fertliite'rs for your vloleviolets. ' Unlverslty-.of New Hampshir Ulr«i e 5-TVilighc Zone Hampshire. . . Cottonwoodd UvesUxuvestock UquId plant foods work better,betti fj I "ro^^S^drrel c »h. Presentation of theL^2!3 award ..^2! wt Associationn inIn the SalrSalm- TREE OF HEAVEN:'EN: A rerread- b Qenaral Automotlv*to m o tlv * i' 2S^-Movie,, "HerodHerod theth made by W JT. Diamond, seer ilnel e " jGreat" * ‘ on Creek. arca.U_Ofiw[]]}w ready to er tells us she. hasI a /T/Tree ree of S«rvlc* . . -.*11a il mmak* a k * < • . < ^ II—S^t^ulrrel e “ , ■ tary*treasurer, Americanlerlwn Fet doso their loan for tho pupur- Heaven'Ticar-her-home-and.home-«nd-lt t ... c»r»Jraci-W^ c ck«.. k » . - . 4:30 3—A m ateur Champion-tiampion- Manufacturers Association. 'c •:80.2SI/-^etsons e ’ ' - • sM p c Miffiftn rr#«ip p®se of U n d s i n 't'the h e Salm(Salmon smells like,Itfck; Theh e oodor d o r Is so N«w a Ui*d Han*n* Ttelltrt Ttell*r« The Science Association cred Igcncy also bad thatMt even lingersingers on thet j/ ^ Vif TB-Jetsons c , • • 4—A m ateur Champion*hampion- led Dr. O’Dell with contribulk Creek area. The ^gcncy al ' '4-M ilton the MonsterMoniKrc e ,i,ip,e ,i roup in their clothtis hanging on a line near^nci f‘Vi'i[0 . extensively to the advancemei by. Even the washingihing doesn'tdoesi p lh iiM £ 8—Jetsons c - 6—N ews c ------—-- - ' of basic knowledgee offlf poultinnuin-v purchase. i : ' 2B—Lone Ranger c ■" remove the odor" she tells us.i ' • 7—A m ateur Champiotv-hamploiv- nutrition through his fundamei cferring to is > 5—Lone Ranger c tel approach to nutritionltrit^*^M pro] m etabollsm in the chick. In eev- The tree she is referring to V . ' s h i p c trch was aim- Allanthus.-commonlyily call< calletl Z 11—Lone RangerS*!* e - n—Amateur ChampionChampion- lems. ■ • U ftw case, tbe research was aii J S—Lone Ranger c . ’ 5 h lp c . Cited w ero' publicationslications dd^ ed at determining the undSriund6rly- > 10:00 2SUi^l>lcCoole^ e - 8—News e scribing .factors affectingiffecUng •' theU ing mechanisms behindehlnd thetho nnu* £ TB-Cool McCdol^ool « ; ~ . — J ;0 0 '2 B -N e w s e . , , availability of dietaryary ilno;sine; ian trltlonal observation.in. . Z ' 8-rCool McCool>1 f € ' SyrNews c ■ • y ' extensive series of papers dendeal- Dr. O’Dell was l»rnbom In CsC ap < ' ' ^ ^ 0 ^ ■ i • . I l ^ ^ l McCoolol c c . 8r*DatIng Gameno , ing with copper deficiency,sficiency. ees- roll County, Mo., in 1918. JHe . • < , 2B—Road Runnerner c , pecially in relationn to ..elastln .elasti holds three degrees In agria .• 3—Road Runner c synthesis in chick aorta; arand tural chemistry from the Uj vrith'arRlninelversIty of Missouri.r " “' J: S—Road Runner'^K - - .----- — Prance’s Da airy i r V two papers dealing vrith arglnir •< ♦r-Bugs Bunny-c . - ? M:lO 2SL-Faces andid Places c S u rp lu s R ise! e s s - . ^ iHow to see ththe Fox difference!; ? •■-2B-Beaglese ------“ WASHINGTON - "l^rance’s"l^ranM ! i . I iyit!it! ■ S . , ■ ■ 3-^Beagles c . . .. X-T . production of'surpluss dairy prod-prc I Produceses ” I Check resultsBsultsamei < eM c 5—Beagles c ’■ '^ •■ ucts will continue;-according,according, to i W froyjtii's betjerl ; ■ • ' 4—Magllla Gorillarilla c tho magazine "Forelgn-Agpci,i8,_-!gui.ii. A P R O - L I X . Forin . Profits .. FbR A lt - i to> comptnlcompare forage h a rW o s Is fo see hon , , _____8=§upflOTife-.ii:i_i____ ’• ■ ■ .jnwjnagazino'polnts out th • ► ...Us^Beaglas c " ' “ >■ - betw een 1961 anH WS6ffm°itk-w“ m ilk p: jiv I— ' liq u id ;: ^ jtliey-peifiaimlaaiWdiytnafoHdy^ofCTttiag.-' ' _- - - ll:tO 2B—Tom and Jerry c ductions in France wenLupwenLupsev- sc I 1 ----- N O WS ^ I , Kotloe how some80X06 Ibiagi Ib n ^ harvestes etart cot iilon pounds, ' 1 • • £ . ___3—Tom and'Jerryerry cc en per.cent to 56 billion pound 16 |t^ astozzn^^,{)tttbog-0oii ■S , 2Sl;^MovIe. -n■The io Mystft-andMysti still wns ferowingwing Inln ;t the I - F E E” D ------j CATTIE jtrtbog-^owaasttoJob'weaiBon, . : y N o w avaliabi*T for'"^ t E T ^ M • ' rious Desperado”do" ' first q u a rte r o f 1967.7. Also,Also. foe-It jl ; ^ I—TZiendieclca'Fo&'Wtie &:TRACe MINERAL COMPIEX . 35% .SUGARSAR : I : ^ • DhoUo^ ^ | l l • CONTAINS. NO WIT- . - • »juriiirrim^nnnnmhhnnnnnrinnnr - ' j ■" W a o t i 6 8 . ^.^diflEmocoatt^ d i Q & o n I ’ - V.. Secretary-Treaary-Trva'iurer-Offica Mgr. -• i- I’ Norti-SIds m - ^ d a 'C a n a i - iii «ClENT1FICi§ITIFIGALLY BLENDEDiT ^ I m ITROGEN ■y § JereinJerom a, tdaho . a n d ------i f ln a jib m e ( W ^*iuiia»d«^ «Rh iU k . 1 1! A m e r l i e a»*s * s Only-O n l y F arm n tad Uquidluld .{I . . - ■_ I i c r s m pkk-«(^ «, 7,friaftnewarbtr.7, tr 10 f t BOW I | - — Serving :1J 1 . . i i i . ■ .: c » t u ng 150,000-Acres- - ISM U taforathmmdiutr»t/aa aastnt/c tod*r~ ~~~ ' ■ - - t _ ■'^Frlngitar iiisurdneefrTiLii L inmgnt nriitg wlUr expgrlBnCT ' ...... l .! ->i rO'liatribctoirtt^M M le ^ ^ g s s £ = = M l W ~ . st-End^ Ferlilizer Nocfh ' SideS id e v ^ah p L Co4:;..;n ’’7 " ^ ^ IMAPtEMENr-GO. P tE W _ E = ^ | C hem ical Co.. - >21: N orth U ncbtn ■ - • -Jaram a/^JdahQ |j

■' fy. • V . ... ’..r". ' p s s i l i !z Lt :^-- TW ln.Fa«^fne$.New;'^^B "'T^GKroJa^ ' bE m S' - . Sept.']-2; 1967-: • UruPS&.'CStilBRteBB^KB^niR ^ P ~; Fairfliooth ' -B BS- Sho^miiAFair ■ FILER i^iCKiioliillCcilfcwIllS iB y w E i , | | K Discussed -By 1 B I be on exhlMe -tl^ uj ^at h o n t ^the ^ . ■ I .—— TTwla FilU'CoimtK^ Filr-Sepf ~ H 6- M. Under the spmiorthlp. of the « • "■■' V, Western^ Cbareials' Assoclatjon. B » to / -TheJik'bootff rdrr^^KmiU'^-'* K _ _ In tere st Iq C haroU is (SharO (S har.O * *'• B B S — Criuige-was.dlscu9sedcaurlng-a__ _ B I Lay) caltle- h a» .ir^ '^rapidly ~ recent'ifleetlhg^-the;Grange. ~ r K . . ^ . , . 4he;Tiast se v eral y e a rs is d u e s e . 'M r.'^nd;M n. lU iryr^'rp."' wBSSfSTOHBKMaBl*'"''*B I ^ white cattle ' hive ' provedtoved - to ..' ^ ^ ^ B reported on the- banquet, spon- 1 K E '... cross well-<^ll|\ convention^iv m lo D ^ sored by the TwIif'Falls Coonty . B y -■ bibreeds. matift« e'arlieF. and pro-pro^ ’ ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ Fair'Board,'they attended along r o B duce a- Im d ' tender jneat..!at..M More ore ^ ^ ^ ^ B with other county Grange m as-._ . KOaSHB'JlSBBBSBUmtm 1 ^ .:..— ~ — aitnd-more-bteeders-an.^tumlDg&,tumlDg _ te r» 4)n d -w lv e ^-:— 1_ — ^_____.:_____ KldBsalHBHIiS^^s^S.''" to•Charolals.tc According[ tolo Glen-Glen-r- ^ ^ ^ 1 * .'It was'announced.tha}_three : agS- - .. J------^------:------r = “ Sell yourour cattlecd direct too IddhiIdaho's idrgesf '"^ - ^ B - ln-4he United Slates IWnown bullsbulls ^ B and the Western di^rolalslalsAss*. Ass6- r "'TH ■ •' —, independepehdent meat-t-packer... packe ■ - . ^ B elation' has secured the services ' “ d^*h* ■ -GUARANTEED TALL CORlvI. I. T . (Ftl'erCfRarit&ute'VTwiii ( P tl’e>'Cfe Os, Is iouio u n ra to h av e ^ w n b lc .prtK B 1 ‘ill GDNSMITHING ducc Items Bad, corn, Is ooDO eweexception. Here Mr. C re^i sbowBsbowi bbwt tallfliis eecn stalksks are. withw the. Western Charolals As- G ! Golden Valley nc., Roberts, Idaho Hp says.it ii nine leett to the to|top ot tbe top car of com.-'TU-' '. •■ .. ■:_____W ______. 8( sociation having paid ; m ,000 for VaHey Pacliers, Inc., Rol "■', ■ ■ ofte-half-lnterest -in-thls-bull,Wj^bulh All work done'in- I W e h aive.ut)1lmi.ted v e .u b llm ordera^on.allillclasMsofJfvestbck: clasM S • . — .- . sa id to be th e ^ilghest,it, priced our own sFiop.I. •■ ; • • ■ . ' , I I l , Charolals In the ^vorld. Progeny -' I Milk.OutpUt It)f Apollon are now-being seen my_iloyJej^Mgr._r;_523j;- 523-6360 "■■ ■ _i and the responSe, according to u n " I those-who.have observedS them, JERRY'S jri-p By Rupert.^' [;is enihuslaslit:. a°' - J - - BUYERITER F9R FC THE TWININ FALlFALLS AREA Aside from .-their •disllnct^cIl8llnct)ve -- * w**' •' i CowI Listed »white color, Chsroiais*kre char­ acterized by their length, Jieavy I : GODFREY PAYNE,'PAYHE,,733-4884if no answeranswi call. 733-2384 RUPERT — Hotsteln-Ffieilini-Ffieslin bonu and muscling, andd demon- demoD- V Association of Anierlca' i'has has re- re- st strably;heavy hled.quarters, rarted’ a. production milestonemilestone ______1______. _ for a .T^eabtered Holstein cow t from 'this area. The careerS-N^&)cal:4-H-eiulF-| pro- I ducer has been, credited vrllh t tnoro than lOO.OQO- pounds1^’ ofot HasX Wiener Roast I mlik olitput under officialelal test- . Tjj'g j j - L ivestock 4-H Ci'ub 9 Ing supervision. 1 - )j had a wiener roast priprripr to a fl , AK.-.■■■ DOWNNTHATSTI • 3TllBBif ] Tho 'owner, Louis Bolt and recentri meeUng at- the home ofot 98 . Sons, Rupert, has been1 notified AlvlnJ^roe,t/t club leoder.ider. aS - that Ca Mary Ideographph Fobea During the meeting; demon- 8g I'*-' ,. 4331285.(EX)..has produ-ied-lW.-iced-lW.- ststratlon on fittlng and^howlngih o w ln ga a a S . N O W 1 509 -pounds of m ilk andind 4.221 lam|t b w ds g lv en o y Dcbble3ble MI4 ot^d rt fl . • • . DW WITH \662.days roe.- K athleen Wolf reported- on 9 since becoming two yearsyrars of summerat camp. Plans for -tlie s ': i ^ . - - ■;■ !-■'•—------^---- Tnrgithiw n rwere dUuusted;. . | a i i u p s i : Because of current replaco- ^ i f i l l S S i , ment theifer r^jlng andand pur- Z row* th t t iitav In I § . BieT>eraTODgBr^nd-achlevoTiigl» » i C N I I T T R O e B F lifetime production levelr-iim , proven to be more profitable...... T ie Holstein AssociationM has ® D E 'S - iMii m o re than 36,800 cows on file B th a t h av e attain ed the 50-toa. 8 j- production.milestone. ' .. ' B OR ! GET I • Prbductidn' levels of thisL 5mag- pW)IAT R 0ra - flltndff-cairbo'attributed to sd- B , - I FULL - [ .. eotific advances in feeding and g f s p W ^ V ' management practices, coupled g ' with the genetic Improvements [ g “ SHOP^:|II BENEFIT I / u h d ^ B and longevuy of Registeredered Hoi- B345g », ^ 7i>-'• > ' '-■ \ ' ‘ ' '■■'<■■■ v a i6'40'f6bt span, 1,000 ga " Werhave hav«T*i •pace'*for | t, most accurate meteringIng sy«tr spensonsponsored boys, ond 9irls-l0.fi*': OR :C6l nonce'expenses to colli^.ccojle^>or u^vers|tj^ •• __• ^i"- . • PELLETINGING A & ROLLING ' I CONTAq^-— 1"; ■ —“ynih-of-»Ilh-Sr WHhbut — ' § Intorinted studtnfs er pa^en^parents,.we Invlre.^pu 'tb.-drop ,' ~lnto~our^nvortitzofflce'oiidj.fflw;arid:.lnir«tiflat#_jW s. plqriy *:. MOLA!MOLASSES • I S j i a i m m i i i B E mm 1 ~TB.B.B:;.4|^^r ‘ -.^B ; BiBSBB'B^^BB^ ■ MILLINGLLING CO. : I '■: ■ M : : A Divisionn of CCornatiQH Co. . I rive South 1 TWMTWN FALLS "

i!"','‘i'i'v"',.} '•;,.-.,-,r^.u7."r,7:v. 7------J . y - ^ a , .T-;: .. These rigs have up'to —— ■— • . ,' : ' ' ' I • ; with thei latest, m ort


C . - F A R i W

- g m j p

fasflahd Drive S —-i' - ■ _ r „ ......

l * i E r ' " T‘ N«W1- ” ■ apt; W ,-1967 v - ’ '" ' f MagjieV:fe Valiev’s L ffScene ■ - i « i p (

ips A re --;;: t i i t e T?o'43PSrs o ' 4 ^ ' 7 « ’:WASHINGTON^-El8hP«500iPROO lty/Ba&Itj lng. checJdng accounts, _ ;« a o la n h ip s await 1S67 nntlonallatlonal bubudgeilngUnd spending areare dis- - w li^crs in the 4-H Homele ’Man*'M an- cu cussed a t d u b m e e ti n g — #gemerirproffrajn''conduct«lcted by -'SomefmeinberB-makera-pro-'! - the C o o i^ u v e Extensionon Ser- Jectjet of caring for. theirir own vice.!...... u— TOroom,- from dally upkeep totO dec- 'd e c -' : The.^H member havingIng the oca'tlngoe and remmishlng: OtherO ther ’— best-homeTnanaRcihent-proJect•project tasks-lpvo!vo-ih#-family,-homota; ’,-h o m e —- I '' in the state wllr be namedimed .8 a chchores;—lecteational 'activities, - delegate to the Nationallal 4-H schoolsci and community respon-nspon* ,. a u b Congress in November,-and>cr,'ahd slblllUes.sit All require "using ■ recclve an expense-paid trip to whatwl you hav? to get what you I ■ w ith ' Chicago for the week-longe U.S.. CapitolItol arft ar6 MiMr. and Mrs. John Breeken-reeken- ffore the.Subconimlttce on Parks anda Reereattsnrf-tbtf Senalep5 e n a t^ of today's youth,. ieiimlngling to Knefei,.t Gall Peterson and San- K . ridge. Twin FaUs. Mr.'BreckenriB r ^ e n r l d g e w as to ~WflililflgtOBPOB ' Ift' 1Interior and Insular Affairsffalrs Committee.Comi ...... ^ ' manage money has highI pr^o^ prio^ dndra McBride. Background1 musicmus"c ■'------^ :— :— for the JunlorJlffles models•Is wasw a s ■ ' ;, •. — ^iTRAfES,o,a t e s,• •fo r.a quick itart ______^ I ^ : • ployed -by .Beth Britt, ^ Junior -Production - • ^Modeling a wool coat for the * ps State Aidee Pr“X- Georgaiiansen, R-Idaho, blasted pla County Dairy. Herd Improve-f* blasted plans to modify thO'boundariesjndarles forfoi tho opening qf^Mmo5 of the ceraingcci this should contactK the i n t h e f , ^ T ^ i« c®™ •’“8* and-cook- today\ a proposal by ^ccretarycretory of a “Critlcol .Groundwaterndwat'er lai lands to addltioflSTgroundwater sti ment Association during Aupist projects were on display. ce ndwater state Reclamatiwi Department. oberw. Agriculture Orville Freeman A« 'in Fails development; It would also:pro- R o C i r c l e P ; V . averaged 40 pounds of butterfat w_■ Guests were -Mrs. Arlene i~j rceman Area'* In'Cassia and Twin Falls dc lso:pro- Room 107, Statehouse; Boise. )arwin ^ national farm marketingrte tln g CCou ounties. ‘ tectect the areas i^hero tho devel- idi .per anr 1,IM pounds of Grose, Mrs. Beniamin Roberts. B devel- Idaho. - as the opment has beiin more extensivextenslve — _ ' mlik. rcporti County AgentS '."!Don- MrJ. Bert Khritf. Mra. D.™‘‘•fybojrt. ta . - • The T area Js known as the OP: — a id Youtz.— ^Jpctem = ii .nd Hni. M a r y g ;Mr. Hansen -said. “It would Goose-Creek—goc Rock Creek-Grlti-ek-Grlti- and - the declines the greotest iiifl was over the past several years. . Production figures Include^ll Steams. S,n» ' «cm s to me that Agricultureire Sec*S a ^ calc al Groundwater Area arifl was ovi S r C o n s u m p ti o n O f .. ' .. S t- FxeemanV proposalisal to rIv.(•iven this designation by the Tho1 .modification would divide V; T?i2“ ug[m ‘‘r J S r r S ® t S n K of the crcnteTmadonal-farm-market-narket- statestal Reclamation Engineernoer on thoth( arca lnto-threo atoail“KM critical iV argarineJaateda t e d pervlsor.^ Thomas Bergstroife. Ing board-rwlth powers ofif mman- an- JJan a n . 16, 1962. Since thlat a t dote groundwoter g r areas thot would NEW YORK— A-report on Xwln Falls, showed th a t 1,303 , datoryjarm lujtrkctlng, similar no applications to drill wells In in the future J}d called 4he Arte- p o rt on 'm HBM cows w ere on Usst, w ith 1,176 In ------to= thB -pow cia.,of -.the, N ationalatlonal tho.tho_arca.havo.been_ajlowedowed inIn sionsig City, the Cottonwood,od and "Margarine -.T he Worid■d Sltuo* Yonr Local Si nr^uciion, and J27 dry cows. - 1> ■ • • .. s Labor , Relations Board—IsIs con- an'an- effort to protect existing the Oakley-Keriyon Crrtlchr«®[tidal tlqh;**-published-by-the-U:g7 In the large herds of over-SO,176 In , ------; ; - yto= sistent with other attemptspts by grogroundwater rights-frofn'report-I'report- GroundwaterGr Areas. Department of . Agriculture PACIPiClCOOr COOPERATIVE ZZ cows, Clyde Wright, Filer,.had rPlans v For FairI T administration planners-toJ put a ed-cd_decIinlng;"Watcr_level3-and els-and-The state-rcclamatlon-engl-snin-ongl- showsJhaLthc-averago-consumT ■■'die high pnxluctlon-average of U - ^ , stranglehold on the Americanlerlcan increasedInct pumping costs.I.. nc . wlihUprocessorslthrou^ volun- souisouroes of the"area. As a0 result [orfoi* modification of theI areas KoNorway, the figures ore? 9.1 i GROWERVERS, INC. Ad 72; Wolicr.Matthlescn. Fi- gWi ns and of this lnvcstlgatIon.lt conon now beoe effective ot 6 a.m.., SSept; ept; poundspoi of b u tte r and 47.3: pounds .. I . to! 81 Several demonstratioi)s were ‘“‘y marketing associations and of t M r . 43. 953, 113 B h a -lH : B ialr, onsi y cov- be" determined -the areas•cos In G.«. 1967. th lS 'w o u ld mean- on of !fl. Fi- given. G ra n t Bodily gave ajw_ta dem^- coopemtlves; " free of any gov- be . can- on of margarine. I d l l , Twin F ails. 42, J.353, ^ tick ------; which thoro-appears little,!. if any thattha date the state reclomatlon CURRY Bialr. onstratJon on how to rid sheepand of emment intervention:.— ------whli r , JEROME ^ 51; V em on L assen. Flle^r. grw shown chanBc; • chglneer would start to receive ‘ w T W 7.‘52 50. and Irvin53. Eh- 58 T ticks, er D arla King on h o’ wcows -to "Freeman has already shown chai rr«v nr<« 0” ^* proccss arlplicQtlons lo*^drm lo drill USEUS TIMES-fJEW S WANT^ADS ADS ..733.5671'1 . 3 2 4 - 3 3 8 8 and nine a his. friendship for the Americanlerican It is estimated that (here ore ir s ,- T w in F a lls, 39V1.173r69FUeK arid groom nSa and care'tofhorscs and 1 in that od^imonal wolls'In the areasrcas re- FORFQ FAST SELLING RESULTS in Eh- Terry SobaUca- on dairy s cowsnflik ..farmefv^jr his-comptcte lacklack orof aboutabo' dSQ Irrigation wells in that aULTS f c i — — it®. cow r 200.000 In the' mcdiu^Q size Jicrds69 and of nnaTHSlmpbrtancc(asl of keeping a it—by his ma;iipulaUon-of-€CCif-€ C C accia c c a ' th a t produce nearly 200,000 | p cow'clean and cooling tho milk stocks “*■ to drive-, priccs 'down,•down, acracrc-feet of groundwatero r .o.onr n r M ^cow s, Rogw Stafford,TClnv 1 a lm w t g r l y , w as high with’54, 1.475,.42rds of last to keep .bacteria Out. • And; Jf further proof Is needed nuanually. The water is used almost vak' the exclusively for irrigationon pur- ,. ~ ' Juid 39. Next In line Is Harveyi.TCIm. - — ------^------I • ot this friendship-there wak the exc Freeman proposal that farmersnjmers posMposi and It Is v^^ importantnportant • ' ClubJaeets ■ W'-=Tan=*ir=they^[dn't^compTy W ' ftrew s and Son. F iler, 47, Fallli 1,348, ^HANSEN-The=Luctar^:aovap. ; r b X Swilh hfa ordor., ' ^ TThe modification to thehe critl-cri'tl- ,; ;*'■ 6“ ettes 4-H Club membersling met e t -4r,^®- at the home of.Diane Bodily^ — at^rrFilerr4flrli2ttSr28-and*Mr vnjiS ’ Kathy Vawaer presiding at B • D ale W illiam s. F iler, 45, 1.389, ?{"the_jnfetingUVudtey..CeojJed i .— EXPERrBEAN-BtADIiN BtAD^SHARPENINa-- - 38 a n d 34: R»*sell Riggs.‘"?3* M ur- singing; Tammy Higgins led the I — ta n g h r^ J, 1,255. 47 and 40;; M ar- nos pledse. and Teri .Sobolkaiporlng:!rj ■I &HARD5UR\RD^URFACING- r Jo n -T an n e r. H ansen. 42, 1.205, • S«vo the 4-H Pledge. , i _ _ |I ------t-WE^ALSO -MAKE-r•MAKE-NEW-BLADES ------§ - . 41 and 37; Gary Custcr,.Twln' Vflfts" T he group discussed prep a rin g | — F a lls , 41, 1,398. 3 9 jfld .M i.C ifiltt . , i FOR ANY MAKE BBEAN CUTTER I ‘ — I R andeil. K im bcfly, 41. lT71. 43 H 5la • - and . V •• H . and 39; Harvey Grindstaff, Buhl. ' '4 0 , 1.112, 49 a n d - 44; W arrent ^ d their I COMPLETE BL^VCKSIBLiVCKSMITH M ApHINE. B - H a rt, Buhl. 39. 1,187, 39 a n d 37, "Last }V Meet Held-1at the! SHOP FACILITIES r a ^ t '^>0 Classy Lassies held their ::iLITIES AVAILABLE _ - [ •apd E a rl W atts. M u r ta u ^ , 39, I md 37. meeting recently at the H I,1B5. 26 and.25...... L...... _ ' ’ I J In the small herds, under 25 « l i | PAUllQlllPMENIPMENT ^ jyELblKG I idcF25 w 'fprtheir recor3'books.'The I Filer, record books were wmpleted-for ■ : both had the same high average,-Kiu: ■h.falr,m y Bi •lot 43. Mr: Gregory had an ave^ g .'•age m ilk production ofv erage 1,337 9WMvwwyyv»w»wwwywiivvvwwywww« Wunds from 23 cows, otn whichave^ fl9 • . n were milking; and Mr. ’ Hollo- 1.337 a8 - V y-had an average milk.pro-gwhich a • ‘ ductlon of 1,315 pounds Hollo-a from g - -ft ‘ cows; ot which six were milking,Ik.pro-a a • .... - J : from Q : . ■ illklng. 3 — ^ 4 qo ^ l b bl o O m il l l e e s „ : ' S p i E l 'm AGRICULTIlijIffiA tH =yifflitfc| I S r ^ i F RiV l ^ D IA L e H W E i i ^ . r , " , u . , Qualily seed for I rB H m E P■PORT O l I gh ond: low temporaiuros,. precipltat[orirecipitatlon and .weekly m oanin ___ | | ■• r I ■ Y es*. Guarantefid*G u a ra n te e for 40,000 miless of tread wear.w( - ?66 and current: 1967^ ' fairplanfingr------. Il I ' ShoWlfffTloH^hlgh ond: I GuarantBOd* quality In workmTta^hlp a^hlp an£and materials, — , S temperature for‘1966 and i • I ] ’~"~T967 ~i = PVwhofr-yoo'srtVRh-M' w h o F y ICTEUMiEUM^«=RA01AtT!rBf.-:^^—^ -^^ " - = r ^ 1 0 A A ' all .weather. Up »o,80% :. , Lo Precp. Date Hi h Lo .Precp.3. |g .. ' PlusI fullfoil grip . . . full tracllonfin dl.weothei ■ |*:GAINES WHEAT - p er punctures, oxTra long tread.ad lifeIlf* ondoiic up to 10% j D a t e — . H I ,, ■ L46,. o . .00 -A ug2929 ““ .88 .£ .53 *00d I fawer pundirr , savingsings mftw .gagas eoifi^om pQ r^ too sstandard ta n d a r d 'c '! o n v e n H o h a lt.. — ...... ^ i . Aug 23 . 86 4651 .00 24 24 95 £ 59 - .000 I| j'A lP I N E BARLEY AsIcabaorM■ oboorMICHEUN n "X" RADIAISklS fttC-yoorf^ y o o r eqr.' |*LIITHER BARlElf;I I 24 85 - 56 51 - .Oa ...... 22 5 5 ~ - r ^ £. 8 9 ~ ; 5 r 5 9 . 0d 0 |I r v I ...... 25 92., -. , 156 . 5 4 • T_ 2 2 5 5 . 8 € 7 ------S2 "'-;0dd I ■ t C H E L I i --:* SEffl^RYE^^•I : jtI -26 -■ 91 ,1.54■ 4 4 ^ ^0 0 - — ------22 7 ------« S 7 ------^ 6 0 ------i O l - ^ - j f t U iJUNLlEZ:Z_ |-u-„-2.7-^-^TO “" ■ 45 44' .00 *28.2 8 . r f n . i - . 5 T f ' ::;[«I«UX£D W S - - I - V 2 8 ...... 7 6 “■ • . 452 5 ' .Od * 229 9 8 £ 8 . . 0 0 I p r iRAit A D I A I ^ ^ r - 3 2 9 . . 8 5 -aiL^C2*^^ - . 5 2 ' ; ...... - ..-1967 ' 1 9 6 7 KMean 71.8!. r — - | ^ ------1 ■• r. ..., ■..tompacLila.riatt’lw».iaiia~im!tt«n ljio t hIE e oO rR i i gG l i > f A t B ^ T A i :raTCEI^CORPTIRE^ 8 ' r E E l ; < ‘ ^ iT I I - - 1 9 6 6 M ® a i L ^ C 2 ~ I' ir average^recfpitatioh fors r AAugus u g u s t i s . l ? " ' ' - — I - 0ffifwKf. 'CfttW ef rtfunJ I ' •it GuoranrM» tyby *tlCHHIN'TIIIE COSPOSATIoit! |—— - - ^yeoraverai .rlginal p«rd>a» prlcI and o n d pmpopraporifen &ToiIfMga riifi..

^8 ^ ^ ^ i i r c ) n i iaUltDERST^Z u i i . i 1 I PHI“ i W j iv i i Q i i i TIRE COMco/yipmy _ _ i *iZ?P f O', f ■ iuperf^ieFom fr-flazelt^T;lfenr^in-Palb^ >v -^"| - -;ao6-^Trt:Ave.^wEST- ^ |X ^'-«B urlejfji.R upeFi . . ‘•— j— 7 3 3 ^ 1 4 6 4 — ------s-A /sit^s Homers ^ THI Siii'Bostont o n ' Sso O WHAT ARE 1 W ^ ■ CHICAGO >1 Homo'ninsM runs by ...... RE YOU WAITINGITING FOR? * . •• lommle Agee .and Pete Ward , - ' . - In tho eighth Inning-gave 'the ...... ' . ' ' ' ' ~ Chicago White Sox a 4-2'victory oVer tha Boston Red '£Sax Thufs- ii WHAT AREI^RE YV O U ^ A iT IN G FO HIGHER'pRI^^i day nlgfit and rcduced Boston’s . Emerson,;>n, Mrs, Kingin g Pinch Homer-a llC l. ' American League lead to one- W HAT AREjr h a lf gam e. ?iRE.jraV W AltlNG 1^0 ,LOWlR~tRADES?? r j I t f T ^ hn s c Whlte.Sox rookie Cisco Carlorf ,-. held-BtBton hliless for the first W H A T A(^ Rre E VY o u w a it i niGFOR? g f6 ' PCPOORSELEaiON^? Take Easy 111 '■ slx-^ftlrtings b u t the Redl e d Sox S o x rral- a l. lasy N6t Wins O ver (^i^esn lA a : lifrd-for'twmTuns in the seveolh •• and led M , . - WHAT-ARE.YSRE .YOU w a it i n4G g FOR?FO - HIGHERH E R Fl^f i n a n c e C H A R g I s ? ■ . '. B y DICK COUCH.ICH. '•' may be making hii lastist appear-appear ST. PAUL-MINNEAPOLISNEAPOLIS Agee’s homerun tied!d the score ' • Asitfcfatcd Press Sportsirts Wrilcr ance ' in the Americanin classic.classic (AP) —. Rich Reese’s’s' twjvnin,two-nin at 2-2-and Ward-contributedtributed his ...... r - JL* - I FOREffT HILLS. N.Y.'J.Y. (AP) appeared rusty bur was15 mIn com-com pincn-hit ho m e r ItrRheIC tilihh tilrttH in- In- two-run blast later inn,te„m= the same y o u Kf — Australian tennis ace ’- Roy mand all-the way In-ousting)U5Ung the ning w iped, out Curt B lefary's u icN O W EVERVgERY|fHING IS~G01hGOII^G U P -scyj Emerson began his bid for_nfor_a Frenijijunlor champion.,.Emcran^^m cN two-r}in_shoLilil:the.'.top-or:the ' With DetroitJJd]^Thjirsday^Thjirsday - ■■— third mcn'^ title withh annn easy son next meets Jim CsBorne3stiorhe oof inning antf vaulted'• the-the'- MiniMln- Tiighr-iho--r«guej;BepJ«lL|?s::p left Bos- • -first-round vlctory-in1 thc-U.S.thc-U .S. Honolulii'.’-w ho disposedicd-of “o f In-nesolaIn- Twintf to a 10-9-victory0-9-victory ton':9n.,top. Minncsom)m on^halfone-h'alf NojionnI SinRlcs Champlonsliipstnpionsliips deriit Singh, an Indianidian whoWbc o^er Baltimoro Thursday.sday game ba^k, Detroit-aa full game Thursday while the . lUhllth hour makes.his home in Cincinnati,i5lnnati,6^ 6 The triumph,, coupledipled with behind and Chicago oneme and onN . . ' ^v^Chtlrawa^ of ’Nnncjf-.9 RicheyRichcy 2. 6-3, Q-i;' . , • -n- Boston’s defeac by Chicago:hlcago 4-2H-2 l»olf gajncs out of first .place..placc. , ' • added, steam to Billie,illie, Jean Clark :Graebner of}f BeachBeach- later in the evening; movedm oved the M innesota .staj-cil • in sccon«icycy for the ^“11 410 feet into the right-centerrlght6 8 I I A B V an right-hander Vernonnon Law,Law 3, _ N ew -Yotk_. .000 000 000-0 3 1 ■ who.helped pitch the PltUburgh — Boog PowQir and Dave Johnson Bertaina and Casanova; Bar- PltUburgh Among ' the winnersers were brought In one run before Kline Pirates to their 1960 world se^ 5 ber. Tillotsoa (7), Hamiltonamillon (9) 37 • -FroehJirtff- IH o t New 37 CARS TO o t New could get Larry Hiincy .on a TO SEIECTCT I FROM t •' . rics vic'tory*ovot“the Ne'^-York ‘^ • ° . ' ’. u % n d T illm an. W -B ertalnrtalna. a. 4-4. o'X.. York. who-^>eat-Ed Rubinofflubinoff of grounder for the first out of ththe e i ^ B a r b e r . 9-15. Yankees, has retired after 16 M iami. F la., 7-5, 6-3,, 7-5, - and inning. years with Ihc club. ,., Steve Stockton of Gardenw, 9 City. Kline then struck out pinch __ _ ' Jhe Firalcs announced:ed his re- trimmed Michael tlrement.Thursday and .said he Michael hUter Vic Roinovsky. but Ble- Mullan-or Spi’lngficld.. PPa„ a „ M , fn ry sm ashed his 19th -^tomer Cubs Rally In was quitting tlw season" early “ ^‘y°"0-2,.1.6, on G-1.' - lyin A B Into the right field seals. 385 _ ! I I R I G the advlcc of his doctori. Low BBIE I GUElit ble with a A frica’s Cliff. D rysdale. (ce t .aw ay . . , ' has been’having trouble with a 1031. g 161 pulKd.firoin muscle thee pastr a s t few No. 5. w hipped A rm y Lt;- Ed- B altim ore 010 040 1 0 3 - 9 IG 1 H tu Inning H avelock, M innesota .020 203 022—10-16 1 weeks. °^® “ 'w „„rd N. Ncwmon of Havelock 122-10-16 1 , ^ T .T . -m K “ . S ■ YOlYOOR VOLMlOU)SMOBILE OIDS .BUICKiUICK ID u i a 5 Law left little doubt^thatt^that this N.C.i;i3, W, W . comptetingnpteting a Phoebus. . Dlllman D‘ (5),2 iow“s“^ Bur. To Nip Mels:els time, though, his rQtlremcntcment was sweep for■ the four hardt.X6); Fisher (7), Drabowsky for. re a l. ■ seeded players who0 played (9) and Hancyr'Mcrrltf,' Grant CHICAGO “(AP) -- AI Span- ’ , _ •“! dreaded this day■ hiltbut knew opening day matches. (5).‘ Worthington (7). Kline W (9) Rlcrls-plnch.singrc In the nllth th . It had to' come sometime,'’•time" he While-all of the topip women and Nixon, Zimmcrmnn .W*., (?). W7 inning gave the ChTcagoago Cubs a - ■ . .'SEE YOURR FAFAVORITE YES MAKTI , I said. “ICs a decision cvervevery ath­ath-Seined the second round on —Kline,^ 7H). L-Drabowwsky{ sky{ 7-5. 2.1 victory over the New YYork ork _ lete mu.st make and TmI^^lad glad I Mrs. Donna Floydoyd Fales Home runs — Baltimore.,'J"Jg«-n^M .JJ. ct3niprsday.. I ' BOB LATHAM\THAM~ -JOE ASTORQUIAORQUIA ' ‘ a r t HIRN1NQ_ can.makc ft myself ratherither than o'hflnd/ul ot Americnnrican «lris Kobln$on (18), Johnson (8). BlCr/i? V‘Emie-Bonk3 led ofMho' inning IRNlNQ__l.MlKE-THORNTOr* . ■ have others mnhe it for)r me." bounced back fromm first-setnrst^se^ fary jl3). Mlnnesot:<,'RccscReese (4j. +|. arSingie /md movedmdVo” to sec- ™ '-'733-61-49>1^9 733-2778>778 733-31B0.iilS Q . 733-8883 T . Law's retirement Jett me n* ------on d jv h eo Met rd ic v c r Ron Tir ay- Ron Tay- A.^ ■ - •- a play«s through the first round. rates with only three players KVd lor hit Rrfndy Hundley'7 with «a DEE 'S AVELBERC'ELBERG DON WHALEYHALEY KELLY HOUK ' ABBIE URI g 'u e n T — ------from—their—1560-«hamplonshlp S t a n d i i i ^------^ pttchr^crgnson—JcnWns-cameikfns-came ------7 3 3 ^ 0YA21 4 2 1 ------— T“ ------“ 7 3 3 ;0>01 0 1 '2 '2 ■ ^ s A ^ e s s . . te am -— Robqrto Clemente; Bill In to run for Banlis,”" n n n n d d * 'T Ted e d . —-MA7«roski ana Elroy i Face. ”t™61.Candidates • ' S ■ , .A m erican Lc4guc> f ' B Savage went to a counk-ofnint-of one »' z-" M rs. Law said In Boise she ball and two strikesises Before — ■ * : had anllcipated the announce­ Report At IdaholahO Boston ...... 7?*SfT'5nw ” / Spangler came In to hit for himhim.: . '' ,P ) - T h e M innesota . . . 73 58 -.557 IW m ent h e r husband would)uld rclFrcrcin-e MOSCOW. IiSaho (A P) —The His single to left' won the early. ' • University of Idaho Vandals'a ndals -— D etroit ...... T\ 59;.ra5a^« In 100 de- Chicago ...... 72 59 .550 2W .She said"as"f3T-as she-knowsshe -knows 61 strong—worked out In 100 de- n unearned ' iday, nre- California . . . 66 (15 JM .504 8% 2 ^T^e Cubs scored'an unearned CLDSMOBILE^S^ he has made no definitenite plans gree heat here Thursddy, pre- 474 12% run In,'the firth artcrDon -Kcs- for the future but "IsIs looking paring for a Sept. 1816 -season W s o n W ashington” . 63 70..474 12^4 Iverslty of Cleveland . . 63 71--.470■-'iin n 13 ^ singer reached sccondK on T ifirst S /A TORGNADO O R G t s W lH i into" some business offers.ffers. opener against the University of '457 141/ basem an Bob* Johnson’^'fum ble. In 1960. L aw also compiledompilcd a the Pacific at Stockton.n. B a lU m o re,.-.. 59 .70 .457 14^ iK T v ’i i f t D.lu«-Stocux« - stock No. 0:90 ^ \ u said the N ew 'Y ork . . . 59 74 ■444 .444 leiAWA Glenn. Beckert sacrificed Kes- ig wh«*l. T«l«tceplng (iMtliig \ A 20-5 rec o rd nnd earned:d the Cy Coach Steve Mosseau said the ■420 19U singer 10 third, nnd he scored yoorrff awTjrd, squod'ran through a new1CW se t ofol K ansas C ity '. SS 76 .420 19^^ »tf trunk l»tk, Coyrttiy hcnp,. ' \ lort, con- , .------on BlUy Williams' fnficld our. impailmsql lamp,. Un- - Arm trouble plagued him after drills and held a short, con- rue • ' N ew Y ork m atched this' effort that anrf^c didn't have>e another trolled scrimmage. : • National Uaguo smp, fvn und*r tool, ' , ' Pet CB in the sixth. Clbon Jones,lones. drew ■ - o,|„„. *1 <•¥•», <«•«, ^ew«r ilMr* ' Ui winning season until IDGS1DG5 when '- A scrlm'mafe Is slatedted Saltur- Satur- . W. L. Pet. G,B. crlm m age St. Louis 83 -51 -619* -.619 — Nyc’s first walk withh one out. | |„g, |„oV.t,luelitt, Cl»«Cl*cl<, llghl»r, . he rcceivcd'thc Comebacklack Play- day ahd a full game scrimmage ■545 10 Johnson’s infield outut nudged ■ reHiIng broV*aV* light, 313 feur icoian .season a n d a 2.16 earnirned ed run Musseau said the biggest man Igle up th e . 1 . elr candlllentng; Alt Old r Is Gary Phlladel...... 68 62 .523!s23 13 on Tom m y D avis’ single up thij. OldumbIK average. on the squad this year Is Gary ' \ \- lla n d « rd lofilv r*olur«i, ov*r:. Law, who was knownn as "The‘‘The Grove, a 233-pound tackleckle from San F ra n . . . . 70 W .522- 13 )0 JO -1 4.1 ______is Hans Atlanta ...... G7 64- -.GN-4-SU- New York -000 001 0Q0J0=rl . 4 .1 Dcacon'" because of his-his. unas;»na.- Boise. LIsh'icsi man b H.ni 481 '16^4 C hicago 000 010 000.01—2)0.01-2 8 2 -X \ w-f B- sumlnR demeanor-ond stntus ns Henrick*on.^a=H6-pound-7-llno-und-llno- P.lUibufgh....,.fM.:G9^.48U'J6j4 ^(iO)--and -A ^ V - ---^—^YES-Pfl-..YES-PRICS— n. _ Los Angeles . CO 71 "-45H .<158 2rS21t4 -"ScaVer.-^Tnyl-o r -( 10)-and a n older In the LDSi Church, backer from Rathdrum. - *407 2s(? Grote;’ Nye. Stonemnnn (9). Har* ' • \ V c o m p ile d 'a 162-147 recordord In his The Vondals will grill twice a ~ni-» trt tenstein (1) and Hundley.ndley. W—W ------i c i ’ein ^ w in i- t w r P i r an ').. ■ f l H arten:itein.'< -1. i^ T a y lvi> 3-a.

------USETIMES^NEWSWANT-ADSi;a n t -a d s — ^ ------Valley’^ Hbp(Hbpes For Betteritter Season ' • FOR FASTSELLlNG-RESPIfTS"K E S U I^S DctltJITOCu U W J

VALLEY’ — Valleyley High lllng for a hallback position,iltion, and check, 150 pounds, all juniors,' _ . .. School’s hopes for an Improve­Improve- Car] Stew art, a 15l>-pound3und sen- and Dennis 'Layman, a 140- "15i!5sMbBiLE , four loss lor. will bo trying for• th«th e fulLfuUi pound senior. ______ment'o^ It5 five win. four loss ' CustoiCustom Ho!Iday Sedan \ V and ono tie record of lastjst season back spot. Valley i^dll open ' its season nuriniip Friday at Murtaugh at 2 p.m.; will rt^t on the shouldersulders of According to coach Burloltc, BMuriM Atpan grMn . 42S VI . wpw \ -' feam n: Sept.'e,'Buhl at Valley: Sept. _ Ihc 11 returnlnR lettermearmea and good prospccts' for the team in- jlrirdrwnslk'IrenimlKlan - /__ a ls o ' the” ’^Qoii pwujMCisctts—that th a t ctnac:— um ■ Thtjmpgon;—‘W flL^^^lft-FilcrTarFiicrt no Octr fl. Klm- I- vetwffl ItwItwnb r«U'aM...p^r breUfi l''|^ ' coach Bob Crulblt'e'saysys should pounds, and Richard Qtatman,I^nimnn bcrly at Valley: Oct. 13. Good- M T 1^—'p*w«r iKcfingiKcfing, 6 woy ptwtr watt . tbtua* . I jH S t^inc inp V Gooding Qci. 20 Wood help the team. HO -pounds, both seniorsrs trying v a lle y ; Oct. 27. Wen- GUNS'MltHVNGI N G ( ^ l a - (Up«r»«p«r o««iMry potl»g« - •ifml* ■ . W^ I b«tk«» M «i - r»nwl«.(*Mr«l mlrrw - whil* ■ " -iR etucnlnE at' Ihc c ennier ic r po.il- for back field positions.- - 3 ,’w ells, g STOCK flTTINO, SCOPECOPE i : w ., dell a t W endell; Nov., 3, Wells, wen Km - 4«lum r*«r M«t if o fa f . Dm'i B -.. . ■ tion'.wlll be Jim Ritchie,lie, a ISO*150- T om T eater, 130 pounds,inds. Nor-Nor­ fjev.. al Valley, and'Nov.''N ov. 10, ( MOUNTINC, lEPAIRINO, «tc. 2 ...I. pound’junior; m an 'H arm in, >50 pounds, and ______x w « a ia c 8 and eul. fo d tr f pr!^* f4S)3.50. \m '._ f .BattUng-for the guardird spots Don1 Galindo, 135 pounds,a all Jun-£ ------will be Greg Watkins,s. a a 150- 150- i iors. Wll also be trying; forlKickfor.lwck ... ^ ABBIE’S PRICE M r ^ pound senior, ,Vnl Dille,lille, 150-'field150-' I p o sitio n s.'E a rl Tray aylor, lo r. a .-r~ -.“* pound senior, and Phi)I Stewart.Stew art. 1 12Srpound junior, will be trying a ISO-pound sophomore.ire John >for a back field position.Sf" I . GETMDYm I FOR WfltlfER I Robinette, a 155-pound'junior,d 'junior, Cfalr’Felte.'a’a-IO-jVOuhd;hd senior — ; ’t——}------^— I - and Gary-Vance, a JCO-poundICO-pound andi ..Scott Sm ith, a 130-pouod ^nlor, will be battlingng for a J junior, will be baltling*’lor an ■ Seee us ffor your . - . tackle »|iul.-Tongling*fQr.ar. nnmi end in«nt ' \ \ llh m eelh garage Floors) O r S I I ' «'*w mlrrcr,m , S«at.b«lliS«at.b«ll»-{rranl ond r*oi ' . \ — .P«K.i«m?nh-bytton butbucklti). I i I Q UALITY I WWl-m IT H Aa' NEW - i ARMSTRONG,r| sORfftC’ACING of J rc Hofiiitlix i ASPHALT ^ DON'T WAIT ------DO-IT-PDO-IT-NOW!-Cott l**» to \« v * - .Iyour.p.r»agrrt >urfac>.fac*. th«n to rebuild/la U r. SEE A YES / r ‘‘rTn'i^pTpfes'' C^TILTFOROR ■ FREEFRE ESTIMATE . H . _ MAGIC'VALLEY-'—EY- - - • ------^ G a s^ ii;( l i i i ] aaO A ddison-AvjBnUi-Avan|j^W ert,^T?wIriJfalIa;i------• - ■“ ‘ " Vnliiry^^ 'Biitck- la iii r _____- j . '. . — 7 3 3 -18 2 9 - B_:BuIclfc01dsmoWIa_D]Baiet:_JL n-Ave,^So.— -— : ■■ ' t r f m m...... f. . ’ ' . V - - ; i’„ o 1 6 ' FtldaVr S ip rtn ib lr,.!, « 'TffE ~r/A 4£s^A reyt^^ n ig . Ford To Becomecome ; Ikees ^when he iSt. the-octivft;^ q1i T w o Hookies ^ f. - f , • r*nlc< Imt Mny h>c.aii%. nT nt^m__ i p^iiimlers er Smash ^ C-—^ Y ankee^Ga oach^ C f l - . 7 troublev -He had com plied a 2-4 . ®^^QiiaUfyFoj- • ifQ .NEW YORK (AP)) -T-T WhlteyWhltey record with .a l.W earned run. Q -n-y— Ford, who retired osIS a pitcher average. He. then undertook, sp^ ; |k ^ l|. eorlier this season, 'wlirDe“thc wlirDe“thc clal • assignments''for the ' Van* s rr 500-Mile^Mai^i • W New York Yonkees':'•first first bawbees,ba« traveling th^ghout.lhelr- ^ More3 ERecotds ' ^ By ' coach—acxt~;ieaion,—tho—team,l4ho-tcam farm-gystcm.. , , TM/ypfiM.-K &■ fA P V —■ . — Mid-Thursday.------> . . V Two future rookies, »wr, JaJned-sW one togged .vewrans _ . . . The~ 3&-y(‘ar-oId Ford-wag'ord'-was in in USE T1ME5-NEWS WANT ADS— I Thursday iin^iallfylng forfor^on- Mon- — / ; i:." I'" IV /K J day’s 5l01,000 soulhern-500;mllo - riWr* V'; jfeGolleglege Gaines. stock car race: 1 > • ' ! : 'B y R O B E R T U U0 ggo6 m«^als os -the fotir-day fotir-doy -■' yarborough.. a factory - 3tkte Welcomei)ines 49 Meiif:en }k bIg DbutDOUBLE THRILL I - TOKYQ (AP)-Charley:y Hick-Hick; swimmings and diving mCCt-end-ncct-end- pord driver, was the fastest of i ^ eo* and Mike Burton led an ed. ( • " ^1; ;he second daSjquollfiers, turn- , m Amcrlciin assault on threerce more . Japan’s Yosuke Aflmtsu, -a 23- ji,g four Inps^r tlje mile-and i W O UJDAY D A Y SHOWS j vrorid-nMnSs Thurdoy nlghtnight in In year-old> senior nt Nihonn Univer-^Univer^ Ihree-eighths DarlingtonM Inter- ^.Letterir « termen, Forr G:Grid * Team • letdrhg the formidablee sw(m- sdy,s astonished and pleased ‘"o.the naOdnal-Rnccway ot-an■nn aver- —• . - , a mlhg-ond diving tcflm ■to to four/our homeh fans by v?innlng the men's . 2 ?oo"is “8e of 143.353 miles per hour, — Playen quarterback Bill infram tif Vole, i - ' thorc ch'amplonshlps'i -In thothe platformp diving title with 7Q8.15 POCATELLO (AP) - Ploym c h (if Vale, carrier l&st season, s s. points. Keith RusseU ofif Mesa,M«fi Yorbofough’s time was. was - the ,fron ,,-14 states and threeiree Cana- Ore;,( and running backick Mike Also on . hand are end Bob World University’Gomes.. r ««dnd fastest of.the week, and «H“h^ proxdnces ;wcre on haniihanil iAcker of La Habra,. Calif; Ini'c tough ^ ' : ;L ^ A s tS : t w ' W E E E K - F O R - - |j Tommie Smith in the 100-m?tetfoo-metet touched‘ out Gynthia Goyeitft-rf The Bengals iacic"l>ic tough* the Big, Sky Conference l a s C comPcU- D etroit, Ihe 200 m e te r winner.(Inner, In ving n Jwo-ytar old Dodsc, w.s assignment, of ploying Western i ~ year and had an overall•all record i . • m . - - . dash final of tho track compcucompcU- '■ joo-hietcrr hreasi- breast- the day's sccond best. He turn- . tion. ■ ‘ P J - Athliic Conference school?bSrSSweepstailces- New i k C S ' iof 3-M. McKllIip sayss the con­con- LUSCIOUSsdous Lady Lee" J ,, ,nn stroke In 1:18.9 to • th ee-Ameri-ed.142.3H’to. -/im e ri- nose outi Ford’s . Mexico In ■•their season'openeron'opener . ’ ■•■ ‘ ’ .* >cept In offensive thinking-willnklng will — ^ , , . ; Hickcox, winner of the . 100 ’ David Pearson, who overcame gSept. 16, .as won ns nine other hnve'.to be almo.st t po t a JJ Il y y i ■ ■ • ■______i a n d 200-m eter backstroket^ k V iniS ' ‘ •tall. ■ • 17- handling problems. . to- .post J " • Unda Custovson, a tall. 17- to- .post loughjocs alongS thet trail. s -Field JLed.'. Ichanged If the club Is to10 ' Im- ’ ^ * ' . . ■ ' i ' ■ world record time and a mem- ycaKold from ' Sonmn Crur.C rur. 142.098. «. j j , . • . "You might say the .schedule • - prove. - fc c r,o f th e victoriQUS 800-meterWs iCalif.,>won h e r fourth.gold,m;old-mcd- cd- T he No. 12 spot in th e 44-car ,, M S T^RTING A s m i c FRIDAY | freestyle relay team, bngRcd his ^ H?d •» ■ plenty frlghttning. but we're t5 hklttO“' In pacing the w inningling 400- field went to ^fcyeariold!?• Bud not • going to He down’'KS^Dr.tager and play, g e r . 5y juiclnj? ' J ------lourth-^oal medal. boal‘-hi#-AOOfn'. fl ? m«^(crT«csty1e relay te:am. am . TheThc Moore, -n^bespecfacied-rooklo •, up-lho->^Jrunnlng atiackick..which .which I ______.... BeautifuB eau tifu l E x o tic — _ i _ in c te r tim e and sh ared In ' a ' d -w k 0 d^fc^anCoacir-Eco-McKl)-'CO-MCKD- ‘~S/aEM ,'T^.H:*(y\?')"!— -^ r- i other, swimmers, werec Lynne making-only his second big., began Fagcr. .a- trim bity. coltli'w with lth a Wasca„bitiimp6tent',In 1966. ^ w orld rec o rd 'fOP the 400-meterIO m e te r ® BloofninRion. 111.1- Mor-Mar- track effort aftcK four years ofi*? lip's comment as ISO,SO began I medley r.ejoy quartet. II.;- twlce-a-day drills. rrccofd of blazing spced.'butd/but un- , ' Ono •newcon\er .'ivho-jchecketl tha Randall, Philadelphia,ihla, and seasotiing on ' short.' tracks, Tllcre nre’21 lettbrmen*.retup-len'.return- triedt nt I'/i-mlle.i. headsds an field InXthis/.fall| and who'cbuld- b r .--I.The . 20-ycar-oid_,Indianaliana U. Madclnlne^ ElKs, in-dianapolis.apolis. Moore, who observers , ’say will „j‘ ,inc from the 19G6 squad.,)Uad., plus of'.fivet 3-ycor.-olds nam ed Tliurs- Junior from Phoenix. Ariz., was mllh. the pet’a top factory ride next year, j Illy C orr?^ j' In tfnc*' “"‘1 Sm Ih. the (ettercd in dny' for the fourth rcrfewn[ of ' «!■■■ I clocked In h w orld rec oord rd .59.1:59.1 200j artd 400-meter. record-)iol(Jcrrd-)iol(Jcr probably In a Dodge or Plym- w Hamr>- ■Junior College. . •for thc-leadoff ICR as the team » !kli a -19« th e J230;000-addcd N ew H a m p - ' IS beaten outh, w as clocked a t I41.0G5 in .shire Sweepstakes Classiclassie__ a at t Should Idaho State get;et by New j * - . . ------i w as cau g h t In 3:57.2, eclipsing i, final by on indopendently ^ financed ' lUt or of 43 'Rockingham. ParlTSaturdny.rfaiiy;— ,• Mexic(H>n-Sopt.‘ aCcthoy-uiouldhoy-would ^------’ . • the mark of 3:58.4 set by the |Kone of Dodge Charger. ; _ 0- Ke aug- The track handlcapperer lost no ^still—have to m«t."two>_o{her . . U nited S tate s in the J9G4 Tokyo ,] • • players/^ expected to-Be aug- ano .the Rebels". |'^ I. Smith Qjher qualifiers ' wereere Jim {,mcntcd^by junior fullbackback-Greg *Grc(t ttime making Dr. Fjgor.'hdriledir'M iiled j >-ough foes; .Idaho and■ M Tul^V .sr . j 'p °n.d .t - Olympics in the samee Indoor „ scc^d in ;10.!. . Paschal, who has'drivenn In each EEsnlln- ond Junior centernter Dave f for J)r. Charles Fager, a fumedfamed before | geftlhg into the0 hcirt heart ot of Playing,I, for'you;for'your Entertainment ‘ -pool.- • Barbai'i Fo'rrcll of; LosI-os An- of j;. prevloOs Cabor*Oay c »ho per- Sle Sky Conrorcn.cc ploy. • iborDay .^ho ‘are cxpectcd'peeled • In I Bo'sion neurdsurgeon who per* • ^ ■ ' S aiturday t u r d a y aand Sunday 1 -Hfckcox's b a ckstroke-.;kc . ; 100 Rcfcsr a n d G ary CarJscn ■of o f Rock classic.-!, I39.5M in a Pfymouth; fym outh; compc by the end of the weeif,wceif, formedf brain surgery onin tcamer ' .----- w iped ou t .the fresh standard,ndard. of Island, ii jlf;, broypht theie smallsmall] SQbby Isaac, 139.0G-1 Inoa Dodge: Heading -thb returneesnces are JohnnyJ Nerud, the 1-2 choice to ;59.3 he h a d established on-Mon-on Mon- u.S. (. track squad Its first vlcto-• ,2! ®nd, Bobby Johns, a 12-ycar ^ _____.M——__ r post .hl-s ninth victoryr y ' 'in in II Grid Slate ■ diiy in , winning the individual[idivldual riei.ri M iss F w rell took: theth e IM100 Southern . 500 veleran,-138.577138.577 In ---. . ' c arcc r s in r ls /' r ■ ALSO ' ■ I , • m.qters In :11.6 and Carlsen, li , ! ' I - event, , . , - ' ...... ■ The FlqjJda-bredI sonion ofor ■ The other members of the SouthernS' Cdnfdmia graduate, - - - r "Game Tonisht Rouh'N , Tumble-A.ipiridstra;ils irn ,:• to lo ■ p^nT' rewrd-breaking crew weretere Ken w'onw th e disci»s*throw til 1D4 leet. . alns will be ridden by QrauHn piteza,liteza, ac- ; . K,iti ei*«fai CMUftoid, • p.m, breast- Shot-put spedallst Neil Stein- J In n c Tho Twin FoDs Bruins will t . Merten. Pacoima, Calif., breast- S sMsi Harris Deeisions hosftho Jeromo TigersIgem In'I"' tually ‘ has only one' defeat'j c i c a f ito o Mroke: Doug Russell. Midland^Midland, hnucrh of Oregon U; was third . ol the mar his brilliant career.reer. He . Mot^maln lloine tl rHMtoc. I p.tn, E MONEY I •riifn - ' Burton, a 19-year-old UcLA rrls -Iho CoacH MerI.Eden will b« mllo^ofr the Champagnci.at Aque- ; . Junior from 'C arm ichael, Calif.. T . ; beaten .Gypsy Joe Harrls.'-lho or teom ' duct nearly one year ago. I tSK": Bowling5 )• ^ 1 No. 1 ranwd contenderr for the tjslna; a J a r ^ W .a.enlor teom ,:. <■ S l - ^ . R e c e i vre-One e -One Free-Drink :i • won the 1,500 m e ter freestyleestyle In • v , ■ • ' O r • OS most'*’ In the 5100,000-plus Je rse y B'& B 'LOANS ht In a • "■ WeKerweight crown, withstoodwithstood agarnst ■Um) Tigers, jis .most . 16:34.0; .a n d ' w as cauRht In a ffort by of tho JunlorsTwlIl travelravisi .to- to - D J erby a t G arden S tate P a r k w orld i^cord ot 8:45.5 for KfrnMc/)’ Dmb C»»»« -Sttulti•uifj Kiltniju ‘“ furious last-ditch effort by ;!?il 61^ “fHEMOST"rv . i or Tenan Lucl Lucky Nickels! tatrd Kim- M igucl Bflrrcto to scoreJ a ;Uiian-uiian- Gfcnns Ferry to helpelo ththo o M f ay .30 h e /Jnished firSt, B>4 . meters. He has.B pending mark »; chedulc longtlis-iir front of Mrs.. FFrances r a n c o s -----on-GUNS and , - 6^ 16:34.1 fo r the ,1,500,"'nSkS racked ss; ^ s.r!s? nasi«*Mrf IfliMUitd ;^ .e c isio'n-o'vcr io n -o v « -Elbts . begin their schedule, j; 3obs : . on©e per p e r pper e r s o n o v e r ,21, . , j rhursday Sinco Jerome nndd Twin Center's In Reality, onKMo_bcnKMo_bc SPORTING GOODS ■ up on Aug. 13 iw hfn 't h e e arso S sfci!ki s.'K S'!i r s i r,4-8. s . " t the Puerto Rican Thursday Falls "renewed theirIr grid^rfd . di.<:quallfied-when “ theB ^ udges I ^Noxt to Yollow Cab) ' RoMrvo tholo rlahtrisht to ccancal without notlca. ^ racedThe 800 In a jecortI.8:4B.3.a.«nB .3. ' by Ring rivalry in I960, the DrulnsDruln* ’ , I interference earlyly In thethCil buy, s t ^ T[ItApt. iupt.. . ., ., j ______The Yanks aiSoiwon ^e wort- Ml!» hlh 'iCTilct) lum samt.. KJnitxrIyKirabfriy ' H arris, ranked No. 1 b y Ring ies that -■ race, , . — ' 'i • en’.s 400-mcter freestyle relay In b B*nV.< w . hi|h taimitiio tf.m nm*. i d ^ In g had. won oU six -gmes that - t!ime <1 wmwokii subln. M-. W«h Kf»lehr‘.Tch‘i«m l»»m *M agaiino nnd the W orld Boxing 4:04.2 nnd Peter Williams,lams, a JJ Kimbttiy ntitk; hieh hudl-htndi- Association,i lashed the' Puerto went fodecjsloas.-Thele teams,team s, ' Michigan State .isenioivIV_ from eipa iMm Mrlci. Klinb»ly D«nli.i. :;STi,:;aTt, 1Rican welterweight champimp with tied 6-6 In 1865. r , Pittsburgh, beat;john Ferris,-'crris.-a a . . towudro.«f, •■ Jstunning rights .• in the • middle lUt.I • middle • ...... iiiiiMimuuuuwPB^ _ _ _ ■ ' Stanford freshman. In thele mmen en s5 ptihm DwbUi u i n'c«ti t -4f i *'^^nd3- to carry tho bout. . ------<00-mclcr_indIviduaL.mcdleyzJTV z; ■ . -4:46.7. Ferris' time was 4:57.7. ^ ^ ' T wi v i i h f aI i l t l s C o u u n t y Tills gave the U.S. 24 of the 26 |||iSK 'S .v £ h « ‘. from the distillerslers o f JIM.J B E A M i o u r b o n Tigers Buy' ■ s lll(h IridlTldiitt *»mt. Dob. Chidd. . I V hl^ icrkicb J(>si Hflei. Dlnil* ,Duti. Demeter, AiJdkjPlC T “i ‘'oo;.|iri of'lh< wtakrJlffl MCCofl'm. • •• ■ t« ? s k C M e ; I M i irs Foiu* Players parmrri- gi ln»jranc« drtcatcV D(rilc-i. M: . ------DETROIT (AP) -— Tlieriie De- m MtVty't; ImplrtnHl icfraifd t,i.n.4#n't. trolt -Tigcrs^’nnnoiviced Thurs- J;,' , »:fc'ZV(3cl day the- purchase of outfielderJtfietdcr lllch i indlvidnl t>mr. Donnt Ward. }a:': . , ricve- tndivlduti ntmlCf Sri(«iS. I WEEK Don Demelcr from theii.i Cleve- » "j; s«mp. Andtnem. r lo,nd Indiana; and the additionlition 01of 1)|»V» m Jn*.; 9i:i:-mm- handlcan-If»m ' . -Lisht ■four other players to thei roster.rosier. *• **™f. ABSmoii.nitiif in«.. s:*: high In *«f»icl..ifam icflu. ABdtfion-Olak* Im.i . The Tigers, fighting in theinc handicap uam.Mrlri.» Andir . w h i s , “/ tig h test A m erican Leagu^p;U0 pen- un.DUkau iBt.. I.UJ. >. nant .race- in years, restored , 1 4 D A Y S! •' pitcherfielder GafesJohnny'Podres Brown to and the out- ros- ti y ^^terrThejrhavB been on the dlsa* Sii; - 7~tttcd1l5T7^ ------f t •. Infielder Tommy Matchlck; a. SHS^ k a V . j' f r . d r ' a S f r s . spring training phcnomendnlomenon Silnpign.sii Uti hith tutleh leam |uni. OF FAST .w ith thfe b jc club, w as recalled Conniti Ce coimuti, m : hitb hasdioa ~ fromToledJ'oftKenntemallonftl „ yiiwW ■ ■ ; League. Catcher' Bill' H Heath, eath, »U;u hIth handicap t«tm Mtlii. Ceonlitceonlit • ■ who previously -was with the Tigers this sumrter, alsoi l ? w5swas : ■ _recal]cd from .Toledo.------MACIC'BOWL All ffve ore to be In uniform . for Friday night’s gamen e wwith ith ■Mmitrr InV*d1'?alrt*?h*!nt aub. 4-D; 4-B; , >y Tcaiitr, m th e -Twins at Minnesota, wJjc^ Jl th e p la y er lim it goes froim m 25 to oil.oi JO; llantr Scrd Co. d«(«alnj. r W e al Uui|« No, I. M; o ir lb Jack*lu deflated . 40 m en. • ^ Fm tn WS Tiger General Manager;e r JimJlta reonFt atietin aim Stai* p»ptr. 4«:4'<; ...... : Campbell said third bosemnhjosem on in'MaoumalB{» c at diftaicd Roral Lavni* Don Wert,, but since Aug. 18 ^Uilh^diVidual tani«i-IM r'moa.-:tn: l 6 R O D E O E V EENTS N T S . \ . and SpecIar' At.A t. ■ __ ,jviih:a:croln_lnJtiry._wllLrcJolnILrC joln hunhii IMK-IHual Mn»t. Wlllli Oninonk. 100.00 Rodeo Purse-M aaey-a n e y . ti«: hl|h' acrilch Iram |am». Royal tractions. $5,800.00 F -the Tigers in Minrtesota. . [J •:— , , . with fees added.aC * Campbell did not '.announcennounce t»m«^Mat'‘t^in*'Ho.» h*«h lar Sprlnl the price for Demeter butbu t said {“ "Rillcip l»m a«rUi..Military Inn; other players were involved.ivri.^ g n; ,;s'.g SPEAR RODEO RODE< CO., Associatese s P r o d u u c e r ^ - Lex Connelly,onnelly, Annotiocer :

Wes jcurtls andI Frank CCurry, Rodeo Clownsw n s .. - ^ S E P t . '

THU., FRI r „ 6 - 7 - S - 9

: FREE AFTERNOON AFT rNEWI^RECI;SPEG1AL#-AGTS^ ^ Another FIRSTr & :ONLY:ONL' ACT of Its kind In r ENTERTAI=RTAINMENTI Rodeo. L£ONI ADAMS and His BRAHMA " BULLS,-roman-riding.ani-riding-and^p0cialty.act8..A lso.. ■ r i d i n g ’ CLUB. C L U B . JJAMBOREE-and 1 Leon as “BATMAN”r^A N ” Inli hls..Boman Riding:______/ __cow=;cuTTit^ :_____ ^S~ “Affernqorisr^ed.,"T.hu.ia.,T.hu,r-iTJ.. ^ p.m . Iffarehli■ S reh a ^ JAY SISLER ANDVND HIS FAM OUS DOGS, al- . HORSE SHOW.SHOW, Sat. Afternoon f^ ' ways a thriller. ;§pon'sored • by( FILER WRANGLERETTE'STES .... r

OLDi TIME FIDDLERS,'! ■ . I M I S S m?QDEO O B IDAHO • Saturday*iturday 'afternoon. __ t • ■ Contort and-exhlbltlonixhlbltlon riding each rilght a t' -^DoiDon't Misss O G ur Yecir-eiir-end - : " on the'‘midwayIdway . .'.Com e enJoyHhe--e-- the-rodeo . Final jutjudglng-andXrow ning— Giose-out>uf Deal Onn A/ 1967 MpcModel NOW , tree'entertaliimiliim ent. ent,. ... lots of seats.,t s . . :tq~ b e h e ld S aiturday, t u r d a y . n1night. ^LlVESTOCK V l; ■;; CROPCROI . / ; AND MAf^Yr^Y OTHER'TYPE-e AD ADMISSIONS ■ ■ G o n e rbr’A^'iin5irfr'Gr'ooFdr~“'= l' AcOnlHTi -r^ ~ !»-»., $2.,18.^t 7e.tax $2.25,~— “— ^ •^rA^uHi p W 'le loxi j r sbOc o c * ' ' .ExhIbl»o.r'* Ticke» (l»fsf A Popt;): p#p,»i) . $ 1 .0 0 plOf 3c loi’' ^’$ 1 . 003 3 "0«®.‘G«n«ral.Admisilon....n]si]on.;...'$1.94 plus 6c tax ^2.00 . ...i^ .* ..$ 1.00 pltit 3c »aic.S1.03S i !o 3 Slu^fenti/ 4f. otid Sr..H; r . . HI...... I . . . ------QT> p t.f, p ; ^ R CO.' ■ ^ ivt^ 1 e’hljdwn Under li .T .T.'.r.^V p o i w . ' i,,.../ ..iiVi'i;~i .\'i ~"|aou 30~tf I,f, r .T .".KV. .■■.■.'7;;.48c -plus 2 e 'h n t S O c ' IretfrfH ^^tEEP^^TOYeTA-YOTA------T: ------r ------T------T on sale.at Falr 'Gr'ounds pffice. ■236 ShoshoriBi n a StSt. W . Twin Fnlli F o i i s ~ ~' Z l»h. 733-2891191 a d v a n ciOESERVERODEiO e ODEQi-SEATS-^" PPhone h o n e collect 3^6^393 ■

P •• ^ . -. / — '— I—:

—Sept. l-g; 1967 • //A^5-7W ^fl4/W S45S/A/ffflW 0£«I-^ ' I I ■ - JLj'.iiii.ii i-i..'...»-'aagn ^ ^ ^ ^ M ii|^ ^ ^ g :— -^^-H EPfcU t^'A PnTb'iioiirN k T it oo>4r^^\-\^tfrJJC7»f/^s-7vt ■';r-5«y^f-rr'STi* 7?£4fls«-so7aM•S07aMCW;/?OM'-JV£lLZZUba/7W£ cw _ - • y * - I S GOODoSdW t o ; 7 aSS I IS GOOD pi ' '- . •p O R tL I'L '* * ^ 15 QROWIN'ROWIN' ^ (v. NOTHIN'// V PROBl f-ABpur sN /^L E srr ; ■ - - si6&E^iA.y)Tswi^uK/^ >AHVmNOER )m 6A ^ jna Amefiea-s-^BlWpWj ; j f t y J ^ c o l T y _ _ _ !|j^^^6t5I^Q|^SHOlJL^^..I ' : y iw » » g M M r ''y iti'iH ii'ir r| ,'yiuJi o^e^LineiM m ^ • SIMPLE BIDS .- bids at work. Itdldnltn show. r - J VS. sciENnnc . «ianything lik e 'a diam ond Bti^t a n d ' . In the early thlrUeaI Joha_ltJono-iL’was no-more of iLfotpIng:Ing.bid bid • U rui of-HartfonJ -pointed-*d- outout/ - thanth a fllmple-two-dlamon(Tcueana cue IW 'ANb W^T DULANEY . .; . that there were certain laiyly bWsbids blbid would have been. W hofit« -it ddid id ,. n that should be put to worlc.k. st show specifically -was a a'very very The Blackwood conventionitlon Is gi good hand with tremendouinendous . Vi the most conspicuous examplexample ap spade-, support .Four, spades spades ., ...... ’ . .^ ^ She Got ^ a t “ ■! •* ’' * ' ------m ight not m oke , if Southth held h e k l . I — ...... 11 • - - hat' ' Cr"- NDBTO . XI wnothing at all but .Southth held Rax Mnrsan.>A.D.I. ' ' _ ' - ' -0m ’ ■ trimie more than nothing and ' AJ88542. r* I ' «<■ WW I I MR, USSlBt ' \ | / ' « W*5 wmcM7M HOC FOR ABOUT THICIY S . ” jlK^PHOWS m H She NeedM ' . I f A K W went to four spades. ‘ - ^ ^ WisrTEP '.WStTEP TOBiKB RmeMnJ MiNirre$/ whenWHEN zketuiI RETURNEP TO TOE B X M A | | BeTTEK < ■ Hs-won-the-diamond lead lead-ln -in I m «E WW \^M E A5K£PSK£P M£TOM£ 10 LEAVE,1 X MX». nc tU«WtS QUtTE mSTOCICAL. KEPT J | HEK-AUM 1'^ ^ ^ "beap^e .‘nd W iltTliiiy^V-[isr^k- ^ GIRL Xci^-FOSS^IVE - dummy, ^ p p ^ the kinpIns and.and I M m n sp l - J WAT.NfiWWiwwjjWTPio Bc;^) AT K)M Pf ”BOJevEP H W / * L , • J ___ was mv 16th blrthrfay. f>y . Can- t ' can Dear Wolt: Wbaf'can'you'flay • lifi Ii-n ■ fciii II ^ -TOWiBtf -nr w r e«m. m hce/ ) ‘ j— write about It now; AtfVt first I to to a girl .you're, supposed to bo- KU, V^^uS?W I«U£J'' ■ | H I and^thrfl^^^ln wlih aI second ■ ■ U IM RS^T II' 1/ • .1 .was'terribly angry,'thenthen 7elt 7el,t going go ste ad y w ith, wTio w rotos • A Q 4 K diamond. di EastjnadfrJils best re> I ^ very sorry for myself, and ofly af V052 r Q 0 8 4 lu bestre* HOtj . • and only a fte r you w ere gone; Ofl(I-Tom. •.,■ - SO U TH . j i jack Jor a heart discard,'d. ihuathua V picture. ■ Dea^. Tom': If clrcumstancfes' / • 4 .A 1 0 9 7 3 StSouth made an overtricic^ ' ^ b B m * ^ T / ^ * . . VJ73 V F o r qu ite a -lo n g timne e I pfld* blockbli an immediate reunion, you * North and South congratulatedatuUted ■-£ S u S i9 i8 ^ g'exactly might want to wrltt:^ "Jill.'-I - ♦ J 2 . ca ■ ed myself on knowing exactly m each.other.-oa..tbe-successcess ot—ot—lHgffiSagiWffic^ I and not possibly get back beforo ,~- theirth convention; The game wa* . M' what I wanted In gifts and.not ^ me was - accepting sm nd best. I consid- SeptemberK.-'lToioflrlettcrs^?#-^'Se - B o th v u ln e ra b le}. . ■• teamtei of four-and they knewMW the r ered this a mark of strong-onKchar>'AO cha^ oc substitute, for face-to-face,. Sootb North-South pair weren't'"weren*t"-n£^^^^H r^ f\ - '.W estiJfortii EML.Sooth ,oi H . acter.^ .* . '' andlrealliehowborlng.lt'Js.ttf^ 1 ♦ JPassPa,s «susing It. Thcy~reached<1 • ' rouf” \ ■‘“ Sit homo 'doy aftcr'doy'after' P a ts D ble P a ss '■I A - spades without- It whenI.N .North orth ...... ^^•--L ast-blrthday-I demandednailed a day.S Ifjrou want to accept dates Pflis P a ss 4 - i 4 * .simply .81 bid four spadei overjverhls his Short Riba ' '■' • ■ ■ ;V ,.80good Polaroid camera. My-par* other guys and go to Pau Pasa Pan paruser's pi one spade. Unsclen*Jnscien* r ~ ^ . ' ' . ___ | «• \ -I „ / lu. NEVER Y \ ~ . ~\ 1 \r / S CAN SriUL \y' '“ I( '‘ents *" gave'Ifto me. It was a lot parties.nj I won't think any tha,. ■ OjMntag lead—♦ 3 !; . ti*Uflc, but successfull \ of fun, but after about a month w /R emember WHEN i h e TV'' r l > 6 " / F O R S P t r ^•) (5MEU.1H£Maji.\ ,. S, ■ ■ rao"” worso for. it. Just write and tell *) - thc^-fad. w ore off, and ev'intuallyjygntually „., • so. nie-niost Important , . / FBENOlPPESlCWrWAS . .-1 1 lost it. It' turned up) later In thlng/^ik that we keep honest of one of'these lary bids becom-becom» • ' - CA3U) S^SE _ V ___I M CKANQ HE KlSSeO :..• \ _ - > " ' N S ------^ « , 1 1 ''.I .2 " '"somebody's so^ boat andL it wos nboot how we-fecll" Ara thoso.-K.. ing productive' The conventionvenOoii ^ T h e bidding has been: « S hiined. My'parents -we* angry y, has, put the four no-tnimp to n T o ’ntli p20^'B07r2TK5iT5^' sre angry yguf sentiments?—WalL • , imp lo Weil Nerth E«tt South y 1 and I said, ^So what? It was a gainful employment. -—r— \ , It w as a E>enr E le: 1 havo brothe^In- • 1 « D ble P a u 2 Nrc. I S glfrto me, not to youlV ModembIddiiighascDncemed.pticem^.Paji . 3* ■ Pa„ - J trouble. He often.gets-too - Itself with m any more oftf these ppj j s i * . 3 4 P a « ? \ j Last Christmas I demandedmonded a f^sh{f, with me. I would tell my lacy bids but there Is no} unan-unan* You, South, hold: y ■* tope recorder. My parents*”ts gave mother, but she would notunder> • imlty among players aboutItthem. them. 44K0 VAJ54 ♦43X4>K103f. ' r I mo one but I complainedledit.was it .was ..j stand.'Bwry time this little In* Some experts try to bid simply '■ What do you do now? ' I ’f c a t Jc ast JI5 c h ea p er tKhn .my .m y cldcntri, hnppeav 1 can't say any- •a posslbWi others wont to0 cover A—Did four spades. Yonr -' friend’*. IJoaned It to someone, y, ihjng but ^top'lfr-T hen ho . «s. manybUtra possibilitiesties ASa s kfclnr*nine l ef spades sbeatd b« ■ ■ and it got, broken. ju;Just laughs. Please tell me-what they'can. • ausufficient tronp sapport. for'' • * . ' Last I Tuesday ‘1-had1 a vvery e ry to to do.—Trouhl(^a;— T T *"* CMtaln .Easy The aimple Bidders laugh;hw when hen tbIW* r»U«. . .. • ______nico Die birthday cake but NO pres- D^ar Troubled: Next tlm« the complicated bidders foul up. —- TODAY'S QUESTION ' E R iii^W eV u T X V i;|M6.1 vbuR cranpm^PMOTHSR othsf FAVQtt» Y 1 KNOW,. I'UioTn j ents; enl At fiwt I thought It was a vo your brother-in-law gets cute. the complicated bidders exult -^WFLLTflLK \ ^ 0MB MONTH C03LW6-OFf :WAW joke, but soon found It wasnwasn't. t. tellL] him:''Derek, that’s.it. If you - on Wts partner continues to ■ ■ when a wildcat convention hits BCCAUSB HB'& M ■ c a p o k H B H ' ' (I evei tvetl-^TWK&^vt ) ^BBTiRnTfTTFiTffn Trtuf Wy mother said, “Whatlat coucould d jo do that oncc’more,* I’nvgoing to I S n ' ' \ n ’EK A0

CLAYK.POIXAN— :------1----- 55 *— * 5 ? ss M YtiwDolfyMlHirOoiiyAdr^cvM* >1 »ta.gtclhiUetu V ' . - j p m esjog# fcf Setw doy, i»4UrM : .-J- - tcontsppndiniWruTtatT- A li^ OOD ofyourZodhxblrthsIidhxblrthslgn. kowjo H.~WEVSC0MS i MVeOO'NBSR/>"~H r n-.aUMPIN MKIOfc I l;-wI .-WHSCrV H )sr>bu DOIN' % w y o u r r ALONQWA.VBk COUUO WE /WEU.Xt/B i.1 nn>MIUAR A80UT A H Iui ] HERB a ■ ||>m lM lU W I riHlNK».IF Z7KIMK>.II HAVE done! PUNNO. _ Tf K l I M i u J WE H«i«NTHM/EhT 6i mJltaAI& UOHT// TRAVELHP*nvvELep I]IN ■ w ^ 3 R 4 ^ i* * JE-. a loMnMn ACIRO^ sfr' sfsr“ ,s^ x *W«n3wM a upon

^ ■ -| Greet Juristi" ri ■" .U fiftoH ~ **r>* ■' . " , s w £ . e l luA.(hlef ss35&a decvmntl - ‘Viri • ! I ^ p , p « p _____ f f l * K j v ? " I (J, t'2 6 '\»m Siy om '’'SteSir? ■ i f f i r - U S ; ^ Robin Malona ' . I u n o M wbo act B ioud^i u n a i M S7W

W IN ^ Y ,___COULa______KSAL?7 _iTWtMK>''^ — TOOTzr-^ ^ ^ 7—“ "jM - WeWWIT" 7 ^ G UBALLY. - y ^ ^ t ^ / ^ s Afl*LL-^ oNiy;yj. f c S a YawDotf/itciWt)■D(dlrArdltgHti>»SUuu “ t oci*.»©A© - r J i S d ' S S S ^ *<)wZod|ocblrths»fl |s -Iff -It ' Is

-B titf Bunny - - .i . *■

' ' TeUCPMONRfei:EPWNe.'l U TM' B O S S IS ^ T ■ M S j i g l . WAITIN' FER M e T M I P ^ I - 1 - .. ^ >BEENCNj<.-' ' V i .

^ f > » y • - < • AOUM “ I 30" "’■ j|jp “ “ - ajjST . Mftf*"* s*'“ 'T taB sr • I B ip 5F ” ~"|~H ~ - 1

•iT'-Ti'.TrrsJ'Hnt v iF "lffW f'7 T;-t-u S

. |4iy'|lii' ~ “ K" — - H,., ' -•- ■ V, ■ P T ~ ~ ^ « 3S" ™” _____' J , ■

. 1 8 — Twin Falla Tlfne»rN(iw»rN ew s 7 ; ------~ “S e p t. ]*2,T 9'(5< ^ J ■ I — ^ [c lassified— Trains As* SuppSupply Carriers jLoit 4»nd' Found '. ' T MANILA' (A P )-F c « -lcrles s . aand n d clchief' rail and , tran spsport o rt -link*llnk v lo s t : itetrioom wriitwnich __ ...... ''~'T.T~ C~' ' bamboo rafts iravcllngtt under oiacross .the Red Riverr "created ’’creotcd ciS|}!*b.?S'VnMp' ththe cbvcr of-darkness have rc-re-transport, tr difficulties. B But ut lor.lor- . ' cloiurei. Avnlon brund.. Reward ,, - placed- pi trolnsrand truck*9 «sas wip-sup- rirles, .supplies -and other.th e r. vehR VehK _•.l. affered.-Bo«-P.I4..co-Tlm«i.Neui.------SS moved Largo men'A Jade fins ih . - ' ply carriers across the RedR ed Riv-Riv* ^ de s " are> n evcrlheless m oved*-' victnlty or^niDle Dowl,. Reiwitiil er at Hanoi since .U: S. bombers a”eiil». laddla honei. J.or-rct- ‘error In store If- Hanoi)I does n o« t. - w ■ Told To Keep.t5 C U cry« for pca6e,-Jjut therelere Isis no -— ------;------^ ^ ^ ------:------sign that ilpnpj,moraleB Is suffer- Pirortonols-^SpocIol NolIcet'.9 i f - A liiB from tn e ^ r e s s u re'("-Dbronl-. /’-D bronl- rr...... > ;------;------fVoni Senatelit? , I;la sald._ , v ' -" It Is c l e n r l h a t bom)ombs bs fell ' .^"■Ijy-HARRV KELLY 'c«n■ largely, ’ on civilian dwellings Classified • WASHINGTON (AP) - — Sen-1?, w ith no m ilita ry value,” Docffiii- ate .Democratic Leader Mike j;'la reported. ’'Five ■ hundred ’ Department Mansfield has privately passed‘*iyards from the Doumerer Bridge, ...... - • tho word to President Johnson f.Hanoi side, bombs dug craters to order lobbyists for govern- on - massive earthen dikes. Tsaw ment agenclcs to‘"keepcp ,their.their J. Jong row of frail straw huts at distance^’ from Wie Senate,,5:...... Phuc pi Tan Street flattch«d by -Mansfield IsT understoodItOOd to hinciau, . -----^ — ----_ _ C L O SE D ____• _ have acted aflfer Intense lob- • “ a 'bricic -Choolhousc I for byirig efforts byl official^ of the ■ MONDAY - ■ V' •’ . ^ntagoj»_nnd thi Agencyy for in-In- The-schoolhouseC, was-emptyUS—em pty —------fcrn'atlonal Devklopment YkJS were when„i hit because thee children . . September’4th- blamed for losing—rather than were„ evacuated earlier. gaihlng^votes inu critical bat­ " A t noom im e- lost Aug. 21, tle over foreign aid. ' missile m bombs hit a/h"oV«i hospital ■ 'ii'to'cay" ' Mansfield said inSjn Interviewniervlew jg damagedged three . he asked Mlkc-M\natos, the J ’ buildings and shattereded stained “" uuown's sa i.IvTy siiiivicii ' ~ WARMING .UP in s that Mansfield "didn't "One missile tore.Intollo a brick come IJvo with mo. Your ■ - ncwant people from the agenclcs agencies landingling in a *» niy concern. Let me do yflOf ___ B to lobby. here;..in other words, room ' for paHents. It killedkiiicj ono one , I to keep their distance.’* t»ij f"’ doctor In the next'rootn,tn, one as. or icml-prlvate roomi; turnlihed. • -• [ The problem, MansfleJd-*ug-.1, m- ;ols Ion’ andlTnJuredrihree £e^ ^^N ew s'O f— ,j£ L C o gcstSTwas that officials, con- 1': E fehool DispMspijites^Simimtnmeiingiii So I how provide, tiu: atmoiphere you . ! ^ — cerned with Illation dealing - “ Aug. 22, bom bs fell1 oh jwpii-popu- ■will enjov. Call or ice for Junhcr 1 with their'flgericles’ authority^nnrf or , Huc S trc et In HalIBaenm, Bo com- , By Tho Associated Press•ess priprincipal says even his achod'fijc h o d ’fi UUni nited F ederation of T eachers fin le Florl" funds' become overanxious' and _ Record merclal'tind residentialil quarter,ouarter. m i.:m uer sim i>s AvnrnAULii. twin Routine back-to-school , days rest re: ,rooms arc .going to be threatensthri to submit to the board da Ion and trample on sCeHcB-cbngnisslbn-grussron- ^ * ^ g pile of bricks and splln- . GOODING eOUNTV iqJ and splln- Fallt Men't lleulth Club. Slenm- loom for m ost of the nation'slatlon's Jammed. Jai if a new contract is not reached its the Na- al gardens. ,» vldence of exercUe equip- . , Probolc Court___ ^ou • . tered wood is grim evidence of ment, ' Coireri eummtr inortiman ,, youngsters, but In some cities In1 New York Clty'ThursdaylUrsday by S<^t. ir when classes are llo ociatlon. Another unwelcome byproductyp™ ““ Ihc,j, compltlo wrcek of a res,res- .-Clean up, ivliix. 733-oaV dayi;- F rank A. Spcnccr, Tw in I^“ F a lls"*;It)carScTiU , f{^{ ar disputes th at have thithe teachers union rejected'theted'the schscheduled to begin. Go iromlsed of sucb lobbying was, he sug*— was arraigned on a. charge of ^cc , 8* taurant, drugstore, hardw hardware are _733-cao, cvenlniti. • .______• flulctly Slmmertrtt^ throughhrdugh BeBoard of Education’s latesfsal*e s fs a l- {„'{, C lea rw a ter. F la., school of- lo lion pro-gested, confusion and Irritation — ctimlnaljicRlccL-flf minor chil- ,1,. shop, trade services office and w ‘he summer may mar the! open- aryar offer but submitted a new ficials{jdi nnd Pinellas County Bn particularly when an agency’s *„ dfcn. Thc-defcndanl requested a i_„ he same two prlvote houses." ; fl n I classes. J , pnpropo^ol^'of Its own a s 'negotla*legotla- (^aiteachers agreed Thursday on a ; tho 800 officials are-following the some _ court-nppointqd attorney n n d -r- — — ff,: ■;,'.vs!;.'“a‘«,';'’vr a nuiiii ‘fhc discord centers variouslyriously tiotions on a now contract moved j^.rH.pqinc program calling^ for pul In Eest roijto already covered byly MMans- ans- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTSMENTS ^sii^. • b?ril w as SCI a i S500. P hillip on‘ r is 0" teachers’ salaTJes^iloiegrc-j^egre- to the critical"state. . hint higher-salaries to clear the wny St. to work fleitl or White House staffers; — Dcckcr was'nppointcd- altorney affers; _ -iNvrrATiON fo r bio's' a : ; Ration, the .omnlpresenTtenchere a c h e r ' MI oro,than'30,00Q_of the- «ty city’s s for foJ. resump'tion of classes • in TH d aI y ' -o ati f o m e 11 m es;" observedsbservcd Ttia• Oonrd or Truiteci or ihe Col. - for llle defendant and afipcarcd shorciAO o r slm fily ovcrcrowcrowd- d- 55,00055, classroom " teachers have nub n a lo rs I 'ess or southern Idaho Junior Col. | -on behalf of the defendant and i_„ \ public schools.' scl 000 I stu- f^ansfield, M "they see senators 1 less D litrl« Inviwi &Id> for ihe tur. 'aring ^"8- Delaware high school sipsigned resighatlons whichch ihethe N ea rly 2,000 te ac h ers had sub- de: B have th seen or have been seen by DV nithinsn,i or woidinR auppiici for itie ai waived a preliminary Jiearing. —2; irs don t vocnilonsl, Depariinsnt of the Col. ■ The defendant was bound1 over millm ilted resignations late ( if AmI er- pc'ople, and sen ato rs d o n 't vo . 8;30 p.m. Tor further Information to district court for further dis- Wednesday on the first day of icfi ■cachc^“']^,‘'>■ m' id seen bldi are 10'bo'tubmllledmltted on en « a call 7n3.4030. ______" / the new school year. The agree- sal ■ dl! - per unit outii for Uie loUowinslowing >up-«UP; stSlNOLli 'aU UIY s — Cali 73i-8i43. . p o sition. . • / Vocational Recorded menage — 2< houri a 1 ’79’ers Pioneer'teer Group To > ment.calls for salary Increases i6 ‘ 1 “ ®Ma"nsfIeld did not spiecify |>i Road. Twin day.______■ • • whau-inddent-cauicdha -hls-ra. J' • Ja^es F. Pinker for dri^inc ti a V rmiBlntrfrgm~S41Q-g~ycar~for wo I ------SI’EWCKR.SpircltB-Tegtstwd-fli'ur;------. now te a c h e rs w ith a bachelor's Th( ^ n v in c q u e st ‘0 Johnson: Othei* S ehate < .. .11 ...... contultant: Lytle Gurdner, 30t 7th • without a driver's license, Ralph _[yj I- 8 sources .say it, was priifcipallyfrfcrpliny ‘ (inc'iuilei!■ allaU typei J .Avenue Norlh. 733-7001. P r Youtis, on n charge of 3 Ins'uf- Meet Sept 16L6 AlAt Albion- '/ degree to more ihan'Sl,000 for me I ^ -PmI I due-toic: the activities off people "'Acei"cne-a,s«s , c.r. lcLosi: wEiuH’T tafciv with uex-A- flclent'funds nnd for DauPMar-'Mar* -SPRINGDALE—The-SI 46thh on- ani) * , Falls, waived preliminary heaiV deni old friends ond visiting: with closicloso schools next TU9j_day.\so pro heaiV dent-of the ploneer'group. •• old > open competition on Wednesday Necroand here ch pretty good,’* said ono Sen- ■\Jng and was ordered bound1 oveifove^ Registrationr; will beginn at eoceoch other. ‘ , teacteachers may attend a Wurity - T J B on Friday, Sept. 8. A number of local wi to llie district court Jor furtherirth e r 10:30i0:3 a.m . w ith th e noOn mmeal e al COfficers of the organf^otlonIon In* "prc"professional day" called by gro nv »min ntc sQurcc. “Acatylene Rod 100* M.S. (In- competo for the purse. , Pt ivitt Pi Another, who has witnessed'itnessed Cludeieh aU m e t) l/i c : nnd U" < disposition of the'charge nj_332'1I_332 [0(o'j be served, by PTA w omomen, en, cluelude, in addition to Mr. Lewis, theiith e ir association. i|ie i i ‘" S i S y g ------, lie The torciRn WJ aid battles from both the ’ PRIVATE DliTECTIVii: Skip trae- cdunl\of forficry..Also presentresent x programr will be. given aneVafleV VaiVard Chatburn, -Albion, first ThThe teachers havo rejected ‘‘}ci nim'str^K SinlnlcM Sieel HellBre Rod 22* ’ t nt the proceedings was Gooding jjnr ------intn »r congressionalto and admlmstr^^ < wding jinner and some outstandinginking vievlco president: Asahel Murry,blurry, (heihe Broward board’s promise of i • next lion sides, observed with a prtc* W. ; r • aji!raia.?.”a.';sair County prosecutor, Anjlrew F. nun' 1. Mr. Kimberly, stcond vice .presU a-bc ' ‘spool* MIG vJlr« .035 D — « nl; numbers will be presented. Mr. Kir .presU a ~ b ase sa ld ry up to S6,000 next ^ '’“’^Siced eye; "Al.first they wweren’t r e n t aI _ 3s* spool* Mip-'wiro .3S—Maln—West______Juries, from. Mrs.. Caryl. l.co ___ ^ man.' 'tl'- . County g ram Sept. 5. ' ' | • | 0f^stee=-! = — ^EVANS------=1Ph«nB-7JH«l.-avanlnB-«PP0int-:------, ay on a About, two-tlilrds of-rtho SOOOfi ^ BOCKFOIiD. in. mFV-^__ r —' d cOMPLiiTE lienuiy_jcryicB_iiv_ad.___—^ w:v.i Honk Porls, often boastedd to ^ ^ ^ ~ ; t S l public -schbol teachers 'In Eest ro "4a'f^W a^-A r“-JuHM^^ U.hU’ wife-qolJccn-he could- P -[T- ~ -TnnceantadcnU at reUuceU prl* l. ■ : cla Jane Hall from Carl LcRoy the wny St. Louis, 111., refused to work ls_Planned—fie I— -^ = ■] take care of their sU boys Prosperity—“ ------^Best-Seller—sRcs • in ™t T hursday, the, se cond- d a y -o f - r' on the^Jth Academy?-*33” Maln*We»t.^Pl^^^^^ Hall: Mrs. Dorothy Ellen Layne “standing ... ob my bead." ’ -f- dc'd to RUPERT — Minidoka: cCounty o u rly _7M-a4J,'^ LONDON .(AP)-BrltaIn’» clirschool. M any of the 24,000 stu- mj from John Weber. Layne.• nnd He placed-'thrs od TTiurs- h md 12th School Supt. Camden Meyeroyer re- ofo» 3;00 p.m. ami at thee office of RRUDY IIEWLUTT Veneii beauty nn. " Mrs. Jolene Babcock from Carl j , -I troubles ' Wth Communistlad sub- denti-were sent Home., ause , of ports ba the need for a trusteeistee fofor r Rayborn, Ravbcrn, Webbb & Pike, Ion. 444>i 3rd Avenue North. Phone 1 Carl Jay iho^ockford Mom- Explodes In in rnnlf.).A AUomeyj. at IJO S«scond Street5tre«t Enit. _ 7X).!)430.aii». idaho. lell die rollowlns ^ ------Clerk’s Office -. - u, p ...... tung into a best, sclUng dayau- of mnIcfin Federation of' Teacherseansjn Harold.P«erson._w-ho_rcslgnedrcs gned describedtie property..lo-UieIhe'^ms'heM mgheit £< Baby Sitters— C hild C oro 16 ' - Marriage licenses were issued t,. ■ Market Face^ -'is Ihor. Londoners are I! lining agrre- rlclsaid their membow-woreI. willing this month as a memberr ,l?f .h=the -I""?.. liurtyhom i,fiulm IlIc«n'4 up to buy his, little red book. lowint d icrlbed■rlbed reaiireal .-lo Jerry Laughlln.’ Gooding,^ In g , t ^ e - c a r o of Fho b ^ s stand*and- By JACK LEFLER icreases io^'rctum if the school Jjoard♦ . , s,.,J ^ o o L b o a rd .------proDerry—linrawa—in-Twio—Paili»ri W n~ P alli ~ •“ i ijOTj^EKoffeaT'^aelimes. Phono"" ■ Since police and Chinese*' I •_ - - Counti’. Idaho; -• 5 . and Cathy Jo Drown, Hager- • AP~BUSlness W riter...... inrr-for Twonitf-dlscusr-snirry-Tieittimas: l '^}M r. Peterson resignedI to ns*ns. LOU t and 0 of Homo Acre* Sul>. 57= —man; Howard Mr-ShavcrTGood- chelor's The board has refused saying 5“ P a l'll. ISO PUiiP child care. Divided clan. NEW YORK (AP) — Prosper- l--*8 sume a teftching poslridirrr In ththe e « ld’'i'o^ I" ei. Nursei;->re.k!ndertartcn. kin- Ing. nnd Mary Lou Unrlcker, <4 Kir'i".rrora'7ir,r,000 for f m oney Is not available. sixth 5° grade at the P lo ne’e r •: chine broke." . ^ Ityjtv h as exploded in W all S.treet treet’s s J|! Thoughts of Moo Tse- o n c er -j g, ih#'furniture, nxturei, 5 Buhl: Phillip Wayne Wert,t. and “ colleen Is fn a Rockford fac doctor* T, A desegregation plan In Provi-, - . School.. miimiichlnery and oQUlpmenl and".’“.'If” all of ; —I ffl"733.»M 7.’ - ' ^ ~ " June Johnson, both Wcr^delt. t,. fora face.. ;- ,, tung” was thrown to tho ASdence, R.I., brought' some 75 'f' h u . , hospital wherb she gave , Mr. Meyer told'membersih«r« nfof *'*eJjfJ *>ock of jtoodj. ware#,1. mcrchan-mcrclian- CHCHILDCARE in my .home,on .Van- . . .. Warranty deeds wcrcxfiled by i,| So much'slock is being bought 1 Coun* d e m o n strato rs to the city's Ibers or ,,l of the *upphe<. dlihei. I and sold by affluent'IndivlduaisH i'i s™"”''.* ihc Minidoka County Councilluncll oof f utontllt.un Wlverwarc, food, occounti •_! Dill Bunn to James A. Benson: j, 1 Pinel- school administrative -offices m cetlnD receivable nnd other aiteti or that and institutions that the broker* tft Iho PTA at- a rcccnt meeting G race M. Munster to Bert oted to Thursday night fo r^ "slcep-ln’’ ulUa certain builnei*. ttore and* £ cafe, v °'w ill- 3 ! , hVme.'°Phcma'’ 733. Fletcher: Manning B. Patterson 1 p, "EC- Hrms have been unableS to 5,0™.““"^'™ iday/so Aprotest. - ■...... •------^‘that. memberi' o^ the school ualeduai In 221 Main Avenue Weit, 3 Arthur board will appoint a new• trutrustee ste e Twintw Fall*, Twin Falli County. Ida* " to RlcTiard H. m ins;Tohn-W : i " , keep up -with the paperworkork in- b Bwiumni»>>mnaia>>pmi>uiii>»m~a >, J.j . ll6i Hie school committee met with . ^ 1 brain the trustee election In th e •>’« •loU be held ' fub)ectsubject to RH RHLlAnm child care n my home. H arm s...... -----...------/uuwt As a resultvihe Ne^-York ond • •rlectod them to 'discuss the Issue. The *" tho Deerea of the Dlitrlct1 Court for FencedI bnek yard. P ayroom and fk.nd. . Valley ® trieken spring. .• ' • tw 10. entered toys. 733-283D.______. AVthtir-.J. Manske to John \ AAmcrlco'n n stock exchangescs and ’ mlse of hen scheduled to go into of- Twin FalU County. Idaho, entered t< : Snack Mrs. Clydfr Sinirt*-conductedinducted AubuiIaui 4. 1007. in (he n a iter or Utr- — Clayton Montgomery;,Gcorge..O. s e v e r a l. regional ■"'■CJichanRCS r p 00 next feet when clqss?^sta;t' next ° .1 m X bnfn Hariwick v. Donalda 'l^ Owen EnE m ploym ent A g en c ie s 17 ‘ I.ow to W. A. SallsburV(: Benja- VL f-o .shortened their daily trading X . VO high Ihc council meeting, withil, Mrs. llnrtwlck.f," CivU Ho. 2UU. tTib ml* p.- S3E Traffic Coiu’tsrequest W^ncsday. . lapsed. -. Vance Beckwllh, Fourth DDistrict lStrlct willwii ba made 10 the hlsheit« ^ r« rcipon- M n * ■'“rb ll 0 PE.S/MGS at Pe .onnel .ser- ' 'mln jWarren Farnsworth lofll": Tru- Work Rights jwriods by 90 minutes forir nine ' ■ - , •ear be- 's c ' hThe- demonstrators say they ‘■J; man Grant Farnsworth. days last month to give brokers'rokers' Frankfi Martlndale, Burley, object u to Negro childreni«)i7 being nt President,fT reporting oh ■>" the ex- !•J’}] » . - J 10 fo r ,was fined SIO by Burley Police n fnrm ccutlve commlttce m atingiting of Writtenwr bidi wlU bo accepted at the u . Qi^it claim deeds w ere filed by K clerical, staffs more timo for,was huscd oiii of prcdonunantly Ne- h««M • In oftlcei^ot Rayborn. Raj^bo^rn. WeM ^H«IP Wanled-FomAl. ,18 _R'x#PcyX^lar)ao-Edw.nrd_Hyi'5^yBoardJ[s__;_^| _ ■,_^kM dgeRoland E.;Willis . for c im- T.ro south 'P ro v id en c e 10 .white z3 nim|-^Berrctt±:and— Gernldine :rA-: — '''ThyS i can iioMlllf'Iirin:for liT iJcairi^rarrrc:ja l _ j„ i 'O rM rS : x ^ 'p a l l i . ldaho“ a t any lima prior rt . ‘ ,vc.sifnB~money^liv corporafrnn ______10 th# tlroo.pr thB.iBle.and muit be /v Slta'^r lo Lauren Shaver. J\ aranpn Aldlpho bt'arnardc, 24./nuuie ■j^ni ‘Ig p u al to . In person I8M Enit Acftllinn. i- Aimoiiri(fed“ .•dock.?-has-reachcd tremendous i; j- endobs i; Heyburn, was fined S150 by inst-*^*And In,Venice, La.. Negro and ^ ■i iho*ri'»hi E x p e r ie n c e d Twomnn fry hhik— TWIN FALI^ COUNTi'Y BOISEB (AP) — Trevelynyn E. prt proportions In recent years. .| judi bersW'p drive dates of Sept. 1 ifarbVra lliriiia% M eV i** M 'S. . I Ju d g e W illir fo r .driving, while . °r; wl'tlwhite pupils chanted "We want (0^ 13. and the stale conven* >«w Oib propartlea deierlbedlerlbed ac-5? ’ Evening irrrtn+Apiny In Police Court Wh!White, Boise, president apd[id ex- IIn the first half of this1 year.year, Intoxicated. into: - • . jortcflcuersi3rer^vnntrt*chers!“ I: ■) nnH cordlne 10 luch terms a>I iha. “r m may a y ■ Red RocC Cufe! r ' tion is se t for Nov. 1 , 2; o n d §1' Fines and a<^ions In_TwIn.TVln ecutiveecu director of “Idaho-Citi- 1,2 Iwngod _ o r l a n d J. O lson, 27, Heyburn. Thursday • S as they picketed jhe 2; o n d dnermine to be reaionable,able, UldtUIds CoCOCKTAIL Waltreii. p&one 733-______, S S fK e ScTvorfS!! irolher, 3 a t'T w in " F a lls, -with. F o u rth otherotn than e«ih-bldt-»hmi!d-«mtaln ;;::3 ' FallsT’olIce Court Included'Le-?d Le- zcns.jcm for Right to Work.” an^- liai Stoqk jincd j ,8 b y Ju d g e Willis fo r NoiBuutlivllli;-Vviili;u'^ChOul u iiJ lu- ^ S. Each ■ dticrlptlon of Ihe termts propoiedproposed puP ii:;^ cwlt wanted^ Phonij 733.33^ land'CunnlnRham, 203G llthAve.iiAve. nounced'Frldaynou the memberuiflerajif ExExchnnce-a daily average qf fu.scd to tran sfe r to tho B uras?"• District I ' to serve as hosts. Each • ‘ i S . ? i speeding. D avid R .-T c a l.. 18, Qrc . locn unit was asked to pprepare re p a re ^ D A T i^ rft* r2«th “« ♦rfittoil —Bnl6-j»t.-W.,^ lfi; nnd Robert W, )ire«i!M!pJk :_ . ------= S ? Wlllfe-for-failut^to-yield-to-po-. , , eb School officials decided to i ' s ^ I ~ ^5?:------BARBA«A-lfAimVICK“imvicK“ :.i— rx-JD'IVirirJ.UU i In-thtn9C5-flrsrhalffonrdaIly |c a ^ e r e RA^oiyii^BAYJ)ORW.Jyj?np..<._____ —ni5loW r-201"-JCfrerson“ S t-: r 510.*]"■ ■ wWhite was named., nt—an "'“"y fc c5r.- ; ^ Seliminate the.lOth, llth and 12th scl —a ll^ l0l.-ition-nf-th6-oliy-d^g-or- "overage of 8,2 million.- “f®. lunlst grades at the school because of atpo: the district meetmg were. r In Boise 'ed“ unr ’Fined by Rupert Police Judgtf F y^^con- Rpbc« Gibb^Mr.^EnglcldngJn g aand n d ^ . -dlnQncfr^Leland=A=Mort.=«5. " S id-M^ Trading aho has rockcted ujy > Tse- „ leacher shortage. Venice Is 90 r u >. . i^hen you'use 0 Wan^Adi earner J ills- wTck.-He-awid-th^ ^ ■ VTflju Jake—Wall—fOF-Mipoodlog-u’crc due --furhTnnmnni^iorfo-a'TTnnor/ “ I S miles, south of,New Orleans, in Ha grouiUwrn-wofk-for-onaclmcnt. ^ h&ncej Slcven-Gih8onT-17r'Rupcptr"4l6> thfr 1 p la n s HOT...... : ' ' ' ^ 7UoirTnjrer5irfirnwr.-afiy.1 ■- 1 Fined' for being drunk were \ ' ~ Back In 192G,"vblume on the **^5 rWAMT TO euyA VwEAl-UKUC _-Jolin-Hot. S2S;-Walter D. Con- WWhite listed these boaM mem-rnem- Newn c York eitchango wasIS 601 P«rtP«rt. SlOr^ IS • cha Hfeiii‘y"BmTir^™^and High School.- itfylcesi T h e next countlL^m eetlngnllnrr ,1s U • & CHAKICE OKIACaR- feXPERlEMC "T . n e r. SIS; Ju n a n .Sllvers, S25;5; Ar- bersb e rs: - mmillion || jhoies for the year.ar. By ' OtOthers fined by Judge Wall Saii r TWOSOME OTHER t OL‘oL‘ PlWCH-FpiwcH-pewwy \jA viM -oirTO U 6o r • ’ ' • thur Gordero.,$S5; bond forfeit*orfeit* T-Rr-Or-HemUor-Ashloni-Theo-— -Theo--19C6 J9C • It had- balloonedd ! to for driving.without .due regard'MtVIs Stricken : tb the set for Sent. 8 at Ihe Memorialemonai prizes,TURK? rrsJIpETEwokrrfiowjTOSAV'yEffoccX pete wont ______~ .'c d . R onaldD eS im tis. and Char*Char- doro dor« r Rangen, ' Buhl: RalphR alph 2,205,700,000.2,21 . - w enere Jc.‘'U!!~Cfl'5tro.-2-1, Rinwrrr 'Sho im-and BcfioolrrwithrTCgularnneetingsle ettn g s f d r a o o o p — f a w v th W 6 Uk Ics N. Idcna, on^day cach.t'. 'va;va; SmtSmeed.nmLRuel Earwell._CaId*Cold- , TheT tradjng pace hns niore pO:«0: Joseph'Hr^-Prlost,-16, Ru- left "Wally scheduled for the second Friday Imvcause:.. J (~buthe*oe“ BUTHEdOTSimaycSSjcEop^^/y! grancy. and T ra c y Chlflds, SlOO, well Kratr, than doubled smco ISSDr^ch" ^ c h pert, 523; Iro'Trantham, 81r Ru- But — ------of-each-nibnth. — ______. _ ■ - > V.. A #pR^ R M M jm jm n m P WHEM FOLKS HOPE , SlOO, well; Mr. and,Mrs. A. N. Kratr, tha At Shoshone -• " • •• HBAIHT'Jjf HBAIk f»RA*VBS*THe>':; — ------bond forfeltedii resisting anm of-of* FFile iler; R. W; Dauchm an., Ida- ththe e tow l w as 1,039,000,000000,000 ppert, e rt. $25.. , . ' “ T tha (Iccr. ■ . ' ho IFalls; Charles Marshall;il; Je- sharesslia and the dally averageige3.2 3.2 OtOthers .paying fines Inr __police- ^ SHOSHONE — Henry Arthur boc rome; Leonard A. Gilmore, Kel- million. nill courcourt were Ruby M. Sellers. 25, «Burris, 50, died lata Wednes- at day evening en route to St. the LINCOLN COUNTY.K— logg::-,Pembroke -Rothbono-indind —Since—* 19S2,-the U.S. stockhold*:khold. Rupert. Rup $18, failure to.-yleld: » ___ .J___ Sheriff’s DIoller • . Rtiy-JEcrshaljJtfwMng. • wer . population has Increasedreased AlarA lan K la sterm a n . 16, Pauf. $13 KBenedict’s Hospital of a brain the Douglas ~Hiifcfnnsonr-r4,' ore- W m-_6j:millioa=io=22-mil!lon.lilllon. atop sign.violation. and-Rob«rt ^hemorrhage. • He was strickenOTICE: spr I I 1^ trich , w as cited fo r failure into ob*nh! , ^ Doris Oliason and Ellywn The'sb Investors were part'own^t'own-- L._ML-Willlams.-dS...Rupcrt. $I0,■ .im- ^ nt 10 p.m. whlle.at BelzInuous Snack years, N we are refir*tlr- “ v= f • BiJjflSW i° Laxson; Meridianj Harry ten- ™ icrve the basic ‘ ru e and his e rs o f nearly 7.000 com panies..ales., pediipeding normal flow of i traffic. r t S » °**r. He was talking to twol^oal.and high Ihc FueLBtisInes's . » . andfather. Earl Hutchinson;L Ji® . {9"ton and TTiomas C: P e t e r ^ . school boys when ho collapsed. Vai Nampa: Mark Purcell. Pariha; letrich, was cited for permit. H6..w as born A pril 1. 1917, a t f " ting a minor to drive, alterjf!!Lw._E.,aoBitrd, an ^ • P.ycllsi H E. Police Norwood, Mo., and was a farm I^M A G IPVfALlEY^ROWERS^il ALIEY Jaborci^alLhIsJifc.iHc-servcdOUR: YARDS , . in World^ W a r II. and s pent bis the Dletrlch-Richfield road.“ Mrs. Dalln PohlmmFc.-U, ■ 1955 Rutledge. F . 0 . Jevons anSrs d Ri> ' Has an.openiiIn.openihrfdr a ^ T he t o y w as driving jx 19S5 5150 by last four summers in’j^oshoneIVET^PT. 15fh V V ^ - ’ Mr. l*rt E. Ware,, all Boise. . Chevrolet truck ownetf By Mr. bert _ .STORE-SERVICE'ICE STA'STATION SALESMAK5 while S with a sister, Mrs. aKo Egers- -fhKr Wally sch 8I7 RU- B urkett. . >- ■ ------of-

I»lice ^ ~

4tob«ct? i| - - • •— — -NO------n ;io, im- ^ After 38 continuous y traffic. ^ -Ing from the Coal.and ■MB § ancfwlll I g l^lQ SPQ ljl ^ EFFECTIVES

NS- «-HldurlnB-tne8«i.m4ny-years.'-.

S ' ■ .* N Y E ’b r o t h e r s _ § ^ CITY FUEL co: & I ___ ^ _ AL, GEORGE & * ■, __ ..

-HENt Exfei B i m I ^ Fbfdiifef F h Ghdi:iiigir^T0011 H $E1$EE^

. H«lp' Wontodrr^omofe • '18 8 fa Farni'WoriiL^aiiKj n e ■ ^ Honni Hon lor S .I. ____5 0 - 50 HHoraoi..f7<13, ” .. CG R A IN . C O M B IN IN G3 ' >. ------, AND PRIVACY are hero onI tbls'K . ^ . Bauu<- r — ^ , -- " ' . - . ..J. I-ULL time worK. j'urt oKico nnd New Sto Maitev Mac>)lne. Alio NEWLY redecorated S bedroom•00m 5 *'“«« ^ corner lot.-'4 bedroom pja .r-a - l ii . tlful rpereatloo pkrk in back. -jj- .part wanihoxiie. Wrlie Uox 1M0 . brlek. Double garage, fenced ' J " 0^*17! **JJoeoiB Couniy^*” *23,orof*'*78M*78M a-atnart awva.to .... - . VAWE-PACKED;V “ • • e-o Tlme».Nflw» givlns »fle. pre- *'*■ back yard, clsta 10 new entlegeS ' ^ Sr^raW M "^. Jli v lo « Mpcfleoce, and phooe num. - - ____ site, ready lO move laio today.,,, *®‘* . ‘'VuAaea^ l'1inUM3l*‘basOTeBL 5o5 . ^ Farni-^liiproeiit. - _ bath. 23d Tavlor -Street. 733-«33g. _ 2 S ^ HAY luid STRAV s i hj.. > NEW-CARPET ^ "TEFcE: I - - O f D istln d io n .-, ’ —JOHN - J DEERE No. u ’foraga ;iM 680 iiarvester with Iron cor.1 bead. ■ “SS& SK U W Sffi'. your - —HaullnR nnd S lu ck ln oz ^ . -'-' , . fam- -■ iLow „ INTEREST (laanclng. ,■ low0- •‘gs’.'-ii.nas:;;‘tsnu 270 T OT '■ " friend*. Part time. Do Prerarcd lly Toem. atiactrtd jiarage- ' ' dotdown payment, brick cunitruc.ilS b' n.i>Quincy Strw u Call 7U-IW. Jj!® 'SnU Si ■■ ^Jilldren r '? n " —JOHN DEERE No. » forage -- (or Ihe belidoy leaion. Callc'S 7U^ ■ “r'avM " • . . . tlOfl. 3 W o o m s. exauUlle kltcb., • — .^orTctsJ r i*. /. t. : J ____ 2 BEDROOM wuti lovliy yard. V? 51 110 ACRES 3 miles from-Jerome.-ilQ r T 7 ------g ? a « .p — ItAY itocklng wanted, m oaaI Jay ilasyHa to handle. lltUo tlo«a,'9c-' s t tmi a - Out o( Horn.. .51 ihares o( wnier, NIco-olderMiome° home, Cp5AN:+-iooni*..priY#w' ' t “J entrance, K . . Oroo'!*- __cu.copy Immediately. ^ to- itr and -baotr-watar.t snnrtatloo (umlshcd, _ _ dry. Paid hoipital and v.icntlon. 4f Only 140.000. Jeroma Realty‘7 and ° - f * i \area.l(rwlnM J'alli. ? = m c S S W y . * " '• — Apply In perion to Uorl lloirmim. u> ,, ' 24 3 DEDROOM. 2^alha. baSeitieiin------V®* -. *-LoV ely H om e ! - Insurance.-324^3M... ^ IB 4',ani. .^pARMALt UO dlcsel tractof,. — Troy Natloa«l.'-a)l—Jnd-Avonua .Wprk W pntod,^ _____— 24 _—block 3 ,| garage, and IriigaUon wa« ' J U S T L IS T E D , wIih^nlum^nu^^tldlnjt^Located wii ated SO80^A ACRunarm . norlhside. good im- jn n i "complete tnajor overhauL THIS CHOICE property. 3 bed. at ?*good.' Apartments. - ^|||di<|^ US"''' bifh^ND~ ULtj baW ;»i«r oH -;------TJTJ IHC^SSW wit* tie baler. f ' # ^ ...... ' . . . g ; basement has family room,n, I 43 43 acres M-Jand.. Owa this^ inflot- * jio2S0 ^ncSiei', *water'^'Ea?y*'^te^ros! I l l .11^ fiCASE H»W, wira ur«,baler. ^Elmo G nrrlson • • • 733-C630 ; bedroom and tiled Tiath. liost M MO. P,0 . Box : 30S Mtftmtala llome. ■ Si? engine drive. • - , ' l l ' l ' t m ------4 BEDROOM Oilier home, largo'arga l «locaUoa «nd. only ni.OOO. - fl ^ jSik'‘s5i5« 733^aia _ |9 M C A S E Dt|0 Combine. .•rnent,°JM" R to*5 diillyf Mond"voSdav H tt5T0.TILLlN0=»-LEVELING tO NG livingli'' room. den. formal diningInlng ' ' ...... - r . FrRMEfes"^ JBURLEY. 7t>, M W .^.p o d SOllTa r oOn ; — .. ■.— i------______i Ueons, graia. *e«t,.with belt tnrouBh rrlilny. Trey 'NniUuiuliWnul . CaiCardeni, Inwni. farm nereaue^.a n ™room, newly remodeled kllchen. HAMLETT • . highway west of io*n.'3'bedroom and auger uifloader. Belt Pick- ^ - Laiin^ and 6eaaerj. See'Ken-'Ken- 1-ord1-or iraeior^uiouatod Roia.Tlll-fl» ; w ill Cl at tw.ooo. ' E E A i T Y Ss:modern , home. Holland Benita'i^'^ Es- ' Tho Best Way to Sell.e l l . iup. Excellent. neth Wilier. ______cr. ' R E A L T Y late, 73.V1I)B0, «-> > - ...... T ------is w ltli ---->--'- Kl4EEM^i«4^t»lfl tie balqr, en- WoBtHNli-wretmeiO’Hirl iiaIivcITTT In. DKDICK .POOLER' • 73H3751375 ^,1 "™- «S2?d*'?..'ni!;b7??«tW) -«»J ••MLS” SO ACRES.-Will. Irada (Or . ' A'Vant-'Ad -f-i'flE W j'oilN DEERE NO. 10 ---- Room, board and laundrV. bPr'lv" Own ------SPrfAY THKSU WOW •I------01OIJT A DOWN PAYMUNT, AniAnn Horfmasier - . • 73J-2B10 2 ,[;• Mm*” .. l^a^lportallon.-^a•5a2l, Kunbcrly.IlSi!.'.- •- nedngj aplderi. aphldi. nl*hlcrawK - • C. Harley Williama. . W MLU'O tO Wendell. UttUUes.- Large M comer S^’gd°Lai i?»!gy."cf°^d"a°h°n^ ?SHS^icV'^»7ifl.'' _ ■ P H O N E 733-093111 •' '• • n era tind dandelloni. Gem Spray-;p?ry' Acreages *' - —JOHN DEERE 13 combine. 12'. Holp W pntad-Mal.1 .. T9 R6al Estota PoLlrdda -53- 5 3 c CLUAN-Spncioua lu , o rooms.-ittjroTtore re.re- ».iHCH; model 20. 12' awaUier with , 19 Ing ' ' ' 1 ■...■‘M L S ” . — ' i Z , frlgaraior, l ali uillltici furnished.lumlihed. . . condltToaer. ' T r tT a — 3 D E p n o ^ b o m e s on't^, ■ Srw JSl excellent location.' Phone 733-09733-09;; b. -a^JO liN DEERB-IS combines. • , ------uruuliUlkcHramidlata.amploynienil LJL. JIll|li _ i c ^ l ^ jrai^Me^^and »om6 ~ ■nn n 5 “ sSotWnS^‘W I?MSe*‘ ^r«IS NlcrTiiPdroom-tiomerWUr-a--lUr-a— -F-Farr a rn is-fo r-S o lB ------5 2 —ym - ■ \ BODY MAN “- - i com- :o n house, trailer, car. ana etc etc.-- - ■ F*‘ extra bedrooms In bnsement.t. On ------cxccx^hanM^^™-1408. Evenings. 73J- wa fifieuTN^d - -- iV s B , l,ooo-comb>TiB- i r ~im ------Cbmhlnnlllin body In 2 man body'"''y. f>leluSf'f.?' Experienced ^ warehou*.ihom- AlAlso caiht ------_ **' pcTs” Adults!*on\yl*yh^*''^^^733-0313. Imodcl^ Top.condmotu ■hop,—ExceJlent-work-cundlllonti^on».------i!!„atocK control.'•fcirkllll o p c f J - . ' t i p . oieocr iljyi°i't:°i^M’iKo‘^«n N0RTHS;IDE N O SPECIALSA LS Uc SH || '"piDs farm jor.-well-located T 7 ~ Coniuet forcmanjt. J,,};:alor.-*tnjetr-driver nod’ lia* exiJCr*cxpcr" 3 ACRES• or baro land close «o off motel. Rocky Mountnin .Realty,ReaUy! nH o o u u te i^ F u rn l th f td ; 7 3 / leneo In lupervliory poillloni.iciSs. Twin.T« . atlon ACRES. Heavy soil. *149,000.J,000. ^>12J»12 Main North. J33.H04.;. Eve- - ' - ~ ■^-7 ------r" - G E l i ■ ■ WILLS^OTOR C ontn«.-nw 233. Ciooding;.Idaho. - SOxIJS' COMmtmoiAkxlocatlnn 'n lngs. 73M102. ^ , ' ^ ^ ^ 7; 4Vi ACRE.S ■— S bedroomiioma ■«, irclal 240 ^ R E S . Ideal stock sel-up. Tjjrn: CORNER LOT __ — :!_ -Bodv Shop______X* Diii’; i3 ._ 4;iig t”'pW ’‘U-4^SS'!£S^-. "•“9- WILL irade trlplex'near college in r, '.EQUIPMENT' 2« 4lh .Avenue Well ra; Call , Penctd“ynrd.““2“bciIroonis~pluf“j|“ ----- W' ii'.ir'K;..'"'"'; •■“•"-“i' -j'fJ 1 (» 'a c r e s , Sandy soil. Largo 733. in Luic::ic:;iu JiCXJ. ” : , ; SA-EESilNC. . :—:flE ^ AI.TKHATION.S. E iiS drcMmiiklog. iE ;E Alio jo y - ___niodent home, *J2.000. ------.Alio JO ACRES — S bedroom horns'W ' • ‘ BARNES r E a LTY ___ n.,„ Lot* and Acreaga 54 -■ BARNES REALTY 'I ' -7 ^ANAGER^ ^ (iibrle and sweater bodlu. liklnnerkinncr nearne. Pller. Lovely family room.oom. loj 10J7 niufl Lakes No. 733-S227!.*2-'7 “RO ACRES. Between Twin Falls T Y ' -Your Jnbn-Dpere Dealer** 1 Fill- bnsement, g a r j i g e . and out Karl llarnes ----- 423-MiiBi-MiiB "">* Jemme. lixcellent Improved-oved -^ , H HU1037 Blue U k ct No.. 733-A227733-A227 S. Enstland Drive’ 733-7272 Training. OpporlunityV ■ m^*e __ . bulldlngi.b" . — . . . • uiiBill Hill., ,.,9ia land. *41.000. _ Cart -namei 4U-san4J.VS(»n Chesterci- Sherrets TM-.MOn------— . MATUItli expeAcnc»--d, lilgn acliofll „ -^-'COUNTRY-.UVING—G ___1 -«»j. -f-“ U... ______733.HUfl_733.HUfl_ _.^C. c . M.J.'Oulte::-B0bcni _73»2t21-.;/ - ...^ - In Local V ariety Ciinirt • hou^l J« ACRES of goott'pasture ctoia " 'I :. ■ 40^ACRE-^aoso fdi'ooosbuna,------• Muit hnvo nveraStt nr btiti'r-.. i_ ,7,1. girl wiinls bnby lending, tiouie- i'’ ' i f work.-rlo.'Pbni'c 733.ClFta . , W “ * m s ” • • ' n3 RUUM s nouao partly (umishcd in- - t ii'ij. IHONISti done "inm y some, '/f liefer- f " - ‘ 3737 ACRES -li 3 bedroom home,ome, *4 *4 BI'.nROQht brick. Ureslace,,!ace, '• L /AND N R E A L ESTATC;C CO. 0. ta rg t e 4 bedrooms. 3 baths.I aUall ^eluding walcr and sanltuliun.j K ScO ■ PRICED r RIGHT!. rieflh JIlRli icliuol Kriidunift l>c . 'n c I Ave- -tx,a out buildings. • bi|l Iwecn IIOO. I “■ nue _____ &ss ACRES - 3.bedroom brick..rlck. .eoV .?o^'ir'e"dY^i^b;7u'‘f^m11'h^e^*S2ra^-b a sr ■’“ l!<^n M. .«!tocklon.'ReiU?M *** .' *wlt ™» _EfeK !;=M SL"-. Call Mr. Kulm. 733.Mli iKci.N done. ** A real plclutr-hcune. beauiKully-Kully. me meniT 3 batlii und attached gar. 324-32S0 '-with vU large china closet.. duIIi-IbIlll-IB 2 BiBEDfloo.M home, gas Jumace. ■ • I-ROW Fnrmhind b«t for Intprvltfw nppglnlmcat—^ "i'j-'i'cj'i.T.ra S) i s*";;?:. aEniL i "ft. .Innditaped. Real fftjod out bnlld-lalld* .ngt .nge. Northeast. S2I.!)00. .Fr«d Frx Thiema 733-383S ?pr clien. Water and sanitation liirnished.ished. 103 h arvester. TV Klii’AIKMAN wanted JO mkc ***■ _____ Ings. . 21 2 ilEDUOOSTfuliy carpeled with MW..* Uureo. *70 pec moaUi..aUi. 733- over Boou TV auiM uiiil »crvitc. a u . “ IJTT. . . v . - i ■ , »e^733-~M<. _____ S UNIT mold In Kelciram with *’iL'plleif /or. },V!River In Hagerman. Only 5iS *«.. 5 A C R E S -■ ' 1nlsheU. Oil heat. Cdli 733-1102. In- ' . Wrl{r'n.o*"*»;i9.*’'’l''’m«" ].ree new trailer .park and laundry.id^l'. _ . G G E M S T A T E R E A L T Y Y .T « » . O nOn the flvor — clota to Sub ValVal.' ■ quire nt 431,3rd>venuo West.veVI^ • ’" ' ' *1C r o w Johli Deere beet ^M llm ntel, Cnlf TXi'MW. VVy,! W eonjlder a'tpide. *jj<33 Blue U kes nlvil. N. 7.t3-S33S ley. New Home, 2 car garagee and ItlODEKN 1 'bedroom. No children. children . harVc-sicr. MaUKIUD man wanted; Callle feed- —£iH ICO ACRES. New home.-’vcry shed iivenlngs cull: rJ3-»63 733-37(13 .• good land. Owner_ anxiousy w lo „ 'p v^iih W baih.“ barn, a •|nB inrouRji • winter nnd furmlns BuitnoH.Ri,,}, Opporlunltiol ~30 '30 DUPLEXJl Completely furnished ’ “* world of hantf tools, power tools. *J!;S A S i y - . , and rented.. Only *I3.S00. -"------:------=------' sell sell. (urnllura. drapes — Everything ; 3 ni “ •OEl.Lc.rnd.'omir." ' : goes. Bring a iltlie money, a'thing (ew : 2 tloi ''jA H ' '’pnoifo'733' dcrn 3 bodroom-liome. Write! IloxDm I I ' nntjpLEX i - 2 bedroom (rama"^ ' 4000 ACRES. Prlvflie deeded clolhas, and move In. ' ' 22722711 or 733->4'oi. ' ' hone 733; • *• CASE corn chopper. P-1.1. c-o Tfmr..N«w«.______with' 1 bedroom,, aparinienv .-in range land, very good grus. . Sboshone busln. r"». • TgJ, nusii ilORN REAL-E5TATB. ^ - ( P A R r T I M E *■baw;mcnl, :. , •t b y 'o w n e r , ^ ,,ffi ?m -4iio______• sch sw'-EaVi'’ • 20' SNO-CO*'boIcd hay . ''"and^'eSeVaUr" Un^um’liScd'- house I) n lC K 4 . plet. Each 2 bed- ^ CIIOICU largo lots for h ^ » ^I ln In the StokerSto heat.' Phone 733-3707.SL_____ elevator. _ ...... ___ tupplled ~wlin-pojiliuh. Sllv«r ■ - V ai ’ O"® of Twin FjiIIs (Inest loui. .BARNES REALTY-- “Si l^reck Compiipy. .Pieabo,|S 7 • - 1 BUSINISS"—------a,room apartment, Individual gas ? " li'cT un- H o u * » t-.U n f u rn lih a d , ~ 'T 4 ^ v • (umaces. A real bargain. “ lions. ISOS Doriun Drive. Deluxe 103 14227, T “ n F a llir Wllh®ou“*utlnt*eru'n- 5 ® “ ^ •:iHC“Snpcr M tractor.' ' _ ^ 2 ticilroom bricx plus den, of- U.-i ’0 new Hiiw 3-bedroom apartment. Wall to ]-ri-:E houie rent lii cxclianKe for -NO,SELLiNa_^;:; I fn- (ICC, or 3rd bedroom. .Mnin :jif.r lltmr ill) ^g^?"£iB?% 'i?S‘oi’“idTo,Qo, 733- ^ wall.csrpetiag. Built-In range ami • ' NEED a. slendy Income nnd en- .*lc' S?5.^wS • IHC^350..Irnctor^,.„ ', nuw ' EASY, pleai.int work near liomaamo J°y working with gtrU? Wn have . <“|i ______rtfrigeraior.. air eondllloncd. Wu- . w^Vk“av(iftnble.'’soBthw«r^ nuR Ea; ?2d“ n won^rful huyl OlrlMdom,!K 15SM “.SfcS'ElS -V*'MLS'’ _ . I. Occn len-and snniuiuon fumlshetl. Good . 1'lione 733.1(120. fellreitocklBg ISeneral Pood Prod-n?i- .'^•Ih " , *231 per month inrome. • gar g r_!,pUYER_Supcr..M tractor. liXPURilim illu . milker for grade ucia. iVJ Hcquire* B lo 10 liu«r» per . . l>1u.X ' exceptionally .jilc v U v^»,. ’IliS jlS S S -sJ * Si« week, liarn *«0 to tsoo monthly • -F O R h o n e s t ' 'dur A Unlry. Murlo Drown. Houle® ‘'®- No. I n c u m e. Inwilment required.red. ' punflf*- • - , duplex lOcaUOB. Box IIM Twin Ph . • O LIV ER 77 trac to r. ■ j X nuhl. Stf-flOK.______Write Ilox P-II, .Tlrae«-Ne»‘i. • , DEPENDABLE . -liil!1-niis.______THREET ilir bedrMm house. 220 3rd Avo. EXPliKILNCEU irrlliOIDr iieei)cd.'ei)cd. ' BUHLER REALTY .pe-' 1 ACRE ouuide ci;y limits with 2 nui Year around work. UnfurnUhedlUhed ______■ . ■ ^ ^ ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom,“n l!j r heal estate SERVICEICE- ^ bedroomhid home. I'M (inlshed base- ers ’.SfW “f»T.riKi°oS*'bJdi -rss: *• CASE-630 tractor. ' IfiSO Filer Ave.- Ef tbnih l home, 4th bedroom In baic- mcnt, *1000 will handle. Harold’slaroid's rotroom house, .fenced yard, washer houio included. Curl Nclian,' sai. jToIT J^OK Weil ctKibliatNd turpluijrplui Uf iiownr.t Duhler Helen Wcnpert me ha.c^ ' Or Advice Call mei _ _ _ yard with ln»entory. .Modern 3- • ~ - mcnt, Iuriiublj . We w t d ICO "t/* rih ^ f ~II nuo EBit_,:neBt Estate Service, ™ ------— 'ATTErmorrFACTORY ------iicnli nnd 1’levntor Co-. Pnonee 733- lion for leiite In Durley. llxccllent 4< • ■ . .wnfer *rlghis. Ideal ilock a % _ 1012 Of.32frAllfl. ___ .lnc|.Income opportunity for ambitious3§ “MLSV , “ T ~- fj - FEIJJTMAN REALTORSRS ‘ • fo”row. nui»t nui*l individual.‘'“'i Some financial- ui»l»t- 1 i<)iu noilum home. Ideal (or Inmily in CLEARANCE SALE ’rllnw nnce and- paid trninini; program, ,«73 I-ller-Ave. 7-i3.l!)M J"" IS m SF w s s fSff' IN FOR SCHOOL JU operation. Priced a( only l(H-,000 N,I ^ washer hooku^ Adulia preferred; • _• Apply^ g OSfr E1ba^,^Durley. (PS-MDl. gpSPARKLING new 3 bedroom ' wilh terms. Phono 5U-4409i''™ for C w J J ireferred; tremendous necept- ' . „. brick. 2 bathi, flrenlacp. com-c"rSI , S P A C IO U S ''..-' •Ptappointment. - cm:cation (er duple* or nice homo. 777-77 __|^^nd*^'iru5k drlvef.^'phSna Ya-sS^I. "MU •*; tiletely built-in kttcben. -lovely Phone 733-Htwa) evenings.______^ l l , f®®'". tlrefy *new‘*ifREET. A renl'dollhousa ^ inlinrT ' Ken J ^alterion.. nmker ------lOUSO-^ill ^^0*-4Ottk ^ . T cm u wvnllable. Globe Iteally.«Ally. eV' everything. Immnculate, freih iiniJ " .. Jumaca. a o sa to Seari and Safe. Im Mole and Femafo , 202 0 -la^ - 1 0 2 Addlaon KaVl. 733-26a. tin omi! *"7!lOoT''down "Vaymrni. '^JTIW;I7iw“ ' T' DO DO YOU HAVE a'farm or ranch n « ” a i ; . (er- firop’scol^^fulf baiemen?fYl3?5«!1,500. *!/s pavmcnts *lol.l4 Inierril andin o rs^a T m T S io3 'sa -lW iu r: " X«i;u?No'‘rth.' ____***■; ___ at Lif e t im e Sa v in g s , ah ma- C E vice Jlullon; Kimberly— Idaho. 3 " pnnciiial. Phone 7XI.M9I. ilnys;i„y,; builnets.ln bui Mngic Valley? Sea FOK in -^len n chines new and-With-rull ractory PERSONNEL SERVICE 1‘ S fdaho. 3 jiEDROOMS, 2 balhs. base-sent* v33-8o«r (Igureil8“f“ mcnt finlihed for an apartment. CO " r . - W a » i T AI'e ^^ly i? ^(Sera^if^edVoom'norw^^W per wi . , OF MAGIC VALLEYY ,I p a n IS years. ExcwllenI ^w^m‘ credit i>r *'2.000 or will- trade lor . -H— G E N E LARSEN SALES CO.CU. Of S>' OuUl. Bxectlent (;rr cofflmerclalmerclal _ t"°month. 324-48|g, Jerome. ^ - ______p " n 7v"aTiSbrt:»' ' 1 EVELYN WILSpN •£“.card backing. QUI «3-SUI, Kim-Kl'n- smaller homo or 2 bedroom > Pbohe733«)te-034'9t7l. Gooding>ding use. use' L ib e rt tannt. CaU 430-4(92 DUl’LUXdiTp — two bedroom, gas beat, ' 2UShofhon« street Eait.733-SSajSOl I berly. or 733.3S41.______„ tnobile homo. ,- Chuck Petftirson'733-3CM' ____ .^.at-ilupert.-— ,,t_ ^ ^ -carp«tod.-..dUw>sal.- ^ wasliac-ancifiat-?an(i —4.- 1 4-QtJjL2_rDW .:.W csconjrnnIa______t^OK LEASE: stntlon-]n-BOO»t vol- . ”” - B Y o w n e r ' - ~ t>lwa dryer h M k a n ^ 'llo y b u rnn. . •■.-■- 2 only, 3 row U fte r L oaders 1 ume lejfaUon In Twin-J-ntli. Mnliir FEMALE: producis. II. J, llolmes. 733-0172b’i' LYNWOOD “•'. s Clean seven rooms and (IniiiredisiTed ' ' " M L S ”’- Ml^n^g^isluble (or or nor M l »B* ' or evenings, 7330*00, bniement. Ilreplace. carpet, bdth billh P1 or FARMS IV$ BARNESU r.ge.r.ge heatod wUb 'jla fed %tokw stokur ^^unfurnlVhed. or Shn°^ Really.riSiy.*7«- 733- D C ea le rs P ro te cted on Re- a-JoKTrneraranp^ ^ nnd half, lots of.itnrage. larga'-i » w ...... BAffNES-REALTY—/. . i^oilOT.- r -l.B ,, 304 sm ATamioAramio 0470473: Edna Irish. 733-0882. ,. *;V bltlcK « .p le l" cio.a to Lynwod,™ R E A L T Y ■ ______S m a ll 2 bedroom houso on small,m all ” L^t . double garnge - earpnrt. Individualvldual 810«)< Blue Lakes nivd.'N. >733.|i:lt ■■ ■■ . - s , invest, lot. 24fl 4Ui AvenuB North. >40. Call •. 733- James Danner 73J.7H0 . '■ ■ w .*40. call WESCON, ■ •bnrthand. Able to work nione. SMm'' •* O*"**'- , Jn ;5JJS . ™ """ ™ -'“ . S-lBiB itient properties witft abovo ay- 733 __(3^nouie^ull Jt. J. Scbwendlman * 733-7100 I I araga return on yodr money. Tay. mod . Wasber. 2401 W ajTn ^ r l n g s A ve,, • J ____ .,lof_Agtncy.,Klmb«ny..43j-fcCT, .. rrr: -.-ef-Harley-W UJiams ------^ "T— • ' t'ne-~ Nawi.Nat ~Tyln Palls., ed leerctnrlei, hnokkeeper* nnd t;— ' r Altractivo 3 bedroom home 3 with;;;;^ . F O R s a l e ; ' ^property. P Call Hamleic Realty,. CAUl io -s o u th ------H ttve-Y our^-^------—- seneral otflca glrli slwuy* need-"ed^ MMon a n e y W a n te d - ' 3 6 gas«« (urnuce. Newly painted nn > >n -I 733-4071). Evenings. 733-03M.S?**'” '^om^atad*c«blnl'*iil' ^Cot i?'*cloi?of on). Included1 foun- foun- *-*a3 (OS. Water furnished, 733-DS83.S s 303 t r a c t o r year* at hlgliesl-legnl intereatfi'V If • Onlyg* *8,000...... , J . .“ . —feted., ff-l drapes, good locution.''4-^7' productive soli ....*33,000.1,000. dal doUOa. Cniw U bulltUng 1 iaU« 4ih (1.) AlanBBer-tralnee. age 2I-24.I-M. rutc.ruK «ecurltlei' and-or co-ilgner 1( O" }n,Mo.oo. 131 Jumiirr Na. Tei. 1.000; -W est of sm liay creek store bow. JHIh ______Overhnuled and neccsiory. 733-3JJ9 of wrltu Box _ ; . Wc R e p air AU M akes! . ifc P-12. c-o Timcs-Ncws.______' , Brick 2 bedroom home on Fill. FELDTW^"'kEXLTORS^ t S *75 to’^m.M per week. (2.) ife- — r - _____ more Street In Twin I'nils, 3rd :SiiSSJ 873 Filer Ave., , 733-HMS„.. ■ jsffi.- gS"'.,r a •ponilble young man, ase^ M-33SM M MtJ»i o ttc L eigoni ______44 0Q }|.«bedroom In finished basement. ULTI * ^yEDiw^^MS ^7uiy'‘pas"e"rrom'Z l 'r ’l 0^ ia .MOLYNEUX-^ MACHINERY J-'amlly room, fireplace, cnrpct-r^ f- bed . com- DO ai; k u s southc/ii o( Jerome, Only 7W .-■ furnace. 710'Locust. laqulra'juir«' 720720 V Your Allis-ChBliners Denier ment*^Vrn1nRi™*^eBmnfi5^'?a*g*«i“ IRsfiINSTANT MU.SICT iV-lune-at-your-your - ImIng. Carport and cement-drWe.------■ ve ry -llrtt hifion with tbo revo- .,pU «.-A ll l»ufcn° klicliea...Piv- bed IIOO for I1J5 per weelfr-tf.)^ent1.40 lutlnnnr>’•''®f Pointer Chord System. / - mium northenit location. .Spaciom t)a» S TAYJ-OR'AGENCV ■ - ’I;f‘I"'. Reduced price ol *lU.40u Is be- Go< *'6*we«k. ^ ^ ^ 0 ^ 5 F v a r n S a i i ? i w J w ? 5 « ■ f S . Kimberly - . 4a-5I8» jul; ‘csran'aw rsnfr.!:erome! •outhslda farm. Twin C.^l atudent. (4.) Per»on7tb1e,-iis- ’...rg I a-.a. ?&«■* ■ K" -5J» lo;, replBcemcnt co«t for Immedl-nmedl- sider sidi 3 bedroom home In Jerome. tonner wilh (our-row Farraband . naai, ambltlnui men needed (or UEOINNINUuiioi iludeni openlogi avail- nia lule. Let your family leqra Ihls Prlcc.- I>rl *33,000. Terms, Stockmen's S-aoCTom e^'How gos ^ur^ ‘tS Job Inqulrlet. able (or piano leiiona. Childrenlldrcn Honn r Tavlor 433-H03■r. . .'s !}^ 'E i’SiSS'^ss.’^i s nnd^-adulls, 7J^0085,_2»J Dorah iiyrleny Carr -- — 73.l.«nfl■ M77 - J l« ‘0.-733067.1. .... 2 82*. 823-3374: Bob Ponce. 733-io?», • gra OPnNINGS rOR *• -- - Wei — - Maion sm ith— — •-733-Mn 4r?SIM, lUn: ^ QUALIFIED PEOPLH J GUtTAnTjulT clnsses for beginners now iTwiiK « GOOD lOO.acra eomblaiUoa dairy sen No regutrallon fee charged ' intacl — ------T":------^ ' baibahmonumiu£l^«sold'!°lT’setUesctue andrraw.;cui4)ijarms. and Ooa,lacludei ------.Sirlcllv confidential “ starJlng. n.J 31.50 per lesion. Contact — * SI:_ p 5 H lS a - -' Ormond Smith. Buhl. S<3-«008.- • . - estate. Really aparkles withh new ' '40' 40' cows and railklng eqUpment. Ado ~ 7 i - s 22i__ • T.OVELY 3 bedroom brick wilh ipalm ; | job. now fumace. JJWks so Prl Aportmtnti—Fomlihad 70 ^b» °??Ti?h‘iici5srw",ir^;a.v?oV"ss.^‘!a s Ssih c h S o o l!------l 4 I'.i 4 4 family room, carpeted living' ‘J;vnice on excluilva corner lot.Jl-,:." List- KE"Tal jsr -Wcatiia ; i4i FURNISHED downtown apanmenl SMA ;—— room, large modern kitchen J!?** and' " ed j' for tR.'.tn. All offers consldeivd ran Really for rent.-Llvlag^room , Mdrtwm.I s i s 423 ’= 1 I 'rt'J- utility. On nilm ore. Only *!«,. ?■»»! “.K K M .'lilK m 'i'lSS S ‘ ‘S'* for immrdlaie sale. Twin I'nIIi We at*Ynd KMmt^Board and Reein3in 776 6 slashedsii to sell. Ail machines new ‘^e ®“- ' • «eRealiw n3-3CS2. Dclh Wickham,:kham, nings nin U(K2438, 030-2M er S US- 'i^or s ; i r . s -MSi gWkl'S'i’SS’!' ri.C ’hr'wwHte: V E „1700 DOWTN and *(» monthly.-llhly.- 733-5«?fl. »i Hleb. 7U-3C75. _2Wi MW or K X tlty m te sleeping rootns. Oem tg JffnlSi ? ' oW W 'S IV K appllcaUoni lo Oox 42.4 (orr np-np< AmericanAm .School. Box 7tiIL.nolie.noise. Kxcellentk > furniiut« in c lu dded.. e d .. LovlL ovtL Y . tJlder. Home. 1-ive, hed- liXTi 128‘—and .I44" -wldihs. s c alpo n ------. poinimenc. Give all (juallflcatlontatlons IdahoIda: >3707. -■« ______" _ FlFine location. Lovely fencedmeed roo xoonnr -I'KP DfilW’ living, *dliilng dining ^ g «<*> i« c ^ and 'tmiltr'^cultlvailcm,'.- Lays Ijy i O UNDER,nIJ new managemenu" Nice nil. »” **•. available. Dealers protected on re* ' addreat nod phone number. — H — TT “ yard, shade, grass. Newly paint-'.lalnt-'. ant and.muilc rooms. Fireplace. h « d - -Ver ch and lulet tumiabed apartments. Excel, “Ti Oiner Inttruclion 464 6 ed.'and redecorated. Top contll?onril? • wo.wood doors. Baiemeni with floor P'P Dlani im t ipcauon; *90 to *7S per nonth. A^vas: ,g .^ g Form Work..WontBd. . .23 ^ lachine 312 Shwhoo* Street East or phone ------LliXllN to fly. In the new Aloaly vA-J ;-. ^ tion. 1 bedroom in flnlstwi} _ijrii levped shed and jhop. Iiea,000 with terms. I 733, '•nMftI . m ent.. Large living, ■wffi'. " k K!t-T- on j & v r s a s : y.j : Ajrcoupe {3 cortrnlJ.VrtTate plloi -J"' :llght Near WashlnRinn,. M. / Edward'siward's TaylorTa| Agency. Kimberly. 4n-32»».i S S : SmaIi « « u . l i 'ii,: “ S,? ______U^cpaa fnr a« lltlle as UOO. SulII-Sum. '■'T''* delight Ne *33. Alsdaieeplng room, by weeV S., lolel,-203 new. 0^ a^lectlon^use^swaU^^ CUSTOM ------^------®van Flight Service. Jerome,,3 324- : " : you. Full, prico *3.000. nmnnd^Junlor HlshiSChool. *20.000.RO.OM. 300 ACRES, IM Irrigated. *” CORN CHOPPING • sitiSim. - ______• P R5SS: _ C .a .O O N E Y ._ R E A L r O J l_ g f e ---- Vara-Falrehlldj-Buhl-----t43-W6>-KS»— HlGTi||iGII-KOKQ01/-«ducatlon-*(-l>oma, — -?S -T— niploma -awnTded, 0 .1. aoproved. _ l-POHl 2 flreplaccs, main floor ulllltlei.tllitiei. Irairade for »notel or trailer court. lUe . ______J0 E .B L A 1 R ______Am____ Amcrlcmi_School..BDx_7M!l,.Do1ie, _ lji land. -L e t u i show you this ona today. - CJf CUffTOM FARMING Idaho.______~ IA ap. - Lynwood Realty. 73J-92II. 733 );*; Hem., tor SnI. 50 py'V fTAcinrsrTerf^nJrTT^SFSSm ------r y -- — J g|;:‘-c.rs i u Z J r s ^ ^ujIfiB^omca)^ Rental!.1. BOeo ggs»'o?“.”.'.”'.5 « .5 S ii: - nsurance. StraeL aooding. ------IMMEBIATfi-^ ------“JJ ^ C U ST O M ^ “ l"rVgl? ‘‘sen.’ «34-4495.“'miBn *^oaiald,d. ^ ’’^ndrtnjad°yard!*deep ^nC we'll w lltt, 'n u 52 North ■ nUAUTIPUL ) bodroow, 1nrt«I'ro ■ OCCUPANCY - '<“« m rllns 2271. Shoshone. - cor 2i— added weekly. Cash (or u sp ^ T rt^ MANURE HAULINGJ ___ '. lamlty room and< master bed-bed. 4 4 BEDROOM. 2 baths.\ family_ ii„ ^dfl1re**'"*^ulh-ln^k*l?chen!‘ Carpeting 227 i3S.£Mg; OFFICE space ISO. Sq. ft. to 1.000 - |o — V*raoa-Olan^n •e^i'h* ‘bV^^meViS: . «• jday^ ^-hc5n?-^«ctlM !^a?^ Wrlto^Bo. o-i«,-Tlma«:W;w..^ ^ all new W and J i ’ JofiS------cfttna. 30'^corn”*hea0*!''Trueic*”?f \ f f i y Moanmn-^tates Realty. 7 ^ eo, S Ugl, Ught IndmlrioLEquIpmant^ 8^ g< ; USED INDUSTRIAL ^ reen* eftat? serv°l^';'liomcs.'’Srm«* TJ^jf :learsd. ^ o b U e ” n«ne.*Adu”!e 'ctiy. Pbwe p 6 r ViUlt, beUral rap* "V “ J 'SCO- ranfihes,—commercial, .iVopcrlKi, j„ (;u!rrOM hay atackmg and hauling, of h M " ffl *"jn^t^b«art 0f-&V®ww^nH0*5^^^^ EQUIPMENT ’I twa-worcmcly-alccjlngerbreadiread Iba .ibans. and rentals. L y n w ^ Real- 'lit.SSf NICU apartment at Jtts>A-Mer*-inn. -IHi Reliable. Pbona 42»«H..Klm&tr- .1237 ■ homa-and lu lovely yard*. —- ~—ty. ty . fllO Blue Lakes North!\?33-02ll. Phone Elderly, porwas only. Phonetro-1^ 733- *'{Swii ao*x:umnU^eneUe*Jand___ W ‘i~ j • White you a rs'ln tba mood.'w*l.'» * c C U I J ^ I C HOMES.-,"We Mild- on -387 • bad- would flko'you to see Dr. Craw-IS,':: yo, y o " lot,’VVour floor planar ours. 200 5 5 1 HGAD COW rancb tn Liiila wom -two s w f r ”4' 'i& rittrH ufi- .2° w'M ':- . Quality construelloav-for-k> truly River Valley. One o( tha best. Lkss adi H i one*- competitive' price. ‘T w ln lra lU ,hJ Ig ^?3!aS''S! i S ® -rST 1 1:___ duced to *24.900. Ace. R ealty rjrp TTnT. 733-3317.______I ' ■ 'lioma. - i evening*. s 324<4*. ’ BY OWNKK; immediate Ijossesllon. gn M i t ^ iiUAb.eatlJo ranch. Lou d Ml 5^ _ _ CXSB .H y*r.a wheal tw d j^ 0 ^ J?“}j i7g*‘’'a*pp^iBBcrs'^r«df^'l'RW^rcorn. **«c uoo down, no closing. 3^odroom», 107 » .attached garase. New roo(. carpet, tjtts J!;„£i----- —watarJiaatat’-aad-draPBS.-W e a -l^ MUb CBOOO. ' Bood investmwi propartx.-TOC^ ‘ n isement CASE SOO .Crawlet~»lth hyd M F eo euerllle le M g lo 'd o te r...... ^ ’hono ' II bn\L rOTn'"fioTO. ? S n Jlf^ w S o u l^ m ; ~*Bi "mioiS''"' .gl WHY -BBNT? M ovc-lB-forr-ttJIJO E*;” ^ h ery ■ S ^ y o River Really, Buhl. MV Tl^R ELLIOTTS3 °"I ! u ^ d S^SraieST S24-S250*or^SM , ^ ^ n w r f 5?a"5!* flos*21^ o ^ r ‘ 'u d y . , 11 Idaho H I. Jcroma. ldaho. • - 'Gone 3.1IEDR00M brick, garage,.familySJKny r«otns!'f>IA°apVrol4^.*LSok*l^mrof '• *•?“* . ^ s C o H i row beet harveK tr ' ___ I'room In baiemeni. *l6o6 down,lown. ovi over at SIT Madlsoa. or ,Crestvl«w< TO s - Tafca ■Bre<“i»;H:Ai-loaB.—Pt0B»-7M»-7M----- DrD rlvi—U>»n-«»» •Volc»-auUdaf»uMOH —b « ‘ l **cfl *~l~PhOP» 733.42^. • ., ' . — - I MI2. ^ . . .gui.Supply. T w a PalU .. ~2iid>vcBuysouth 2nd orl!»?% ^^,i - i u C v . . < . . \ - . The ^ n f -Ads J To a ^juy, O)r: r:! Sdi Farmrifi dEcjmpmeninentl-Reqdd NNo. 90 ■ — ' ' — I ’.' —------^ — - 2 0 T w irrsfalis-^immes-News es-N ew s Fumltur®-«,-Hk-6 ood|—odr-l^ii^-l-urnllUf* A 'HH. Ouodj. 1 22 ...... t«...... iIQA ; . t . 124iGo6d Things to EatI t 131331 "autos FOB-^E^^53tI.E' . ' a o o '' ilkQ nVwT'ron; TOMATOES Mor , cannlnB. Cucui. ■ S c p j , V 2.-1967'6 7 • ----- ^— ^ ' , . BAND INSTRPWJ l y l EffrS' E ^ S h“/nt* c o n d S . 7°33*fllOl' a^t'cr” .'^'’ -I- MIW Yamaha.planm: uiod pianoi ■ ■ ■- ' ■ .9 0 ' . ■ . .. .KES — • Admiral «ureo-record playeri -T;Taw ,'„r.iS5fr--»A N ^^— ■ ..Warncf M^ ^ I 3 l Shothonesys: Nortf ! Q y , V . • I-.VBRY INSTRUMENT . ir bo Itln and ...... ■ • ■ked Tbufsday.iay.l^iid Pfiday I.ULLY OUARANTUEOn t u e o - *' Radlor d n a ^ Sets . ',— 12:i j s ■ ! : « ; AUtfUlt - 30 ut ' . jf V^lue-Packed I p.m. Powers Orchurd,rchurd, FllhiFllhr.. . , ■. / 1.50 10 «9.5ff- RCDUIL.T RCiV*: MottjVoiai:tjroiai; 0o! , E,t 32C.4844. ______. -FA R rf EQUIPMVIENT- ENT^- . ■£' .00 to }00.50 ynu name it; we haveB It II a» low. osq cuciimMra. benn* »nd> rei •SSSlRffi-;;;aSsaS‘I’LUTES ...... S4D.30_-50 to ICS.M»69,}0 |[ll,50. M i^Y ^t:iecm ^ 44t MbIi PORAOE HARVESTUnS:* — . iV'*- - • • " potutoti, L an g j.-^ ie"[“ jy . 405tKo/S! Card •. ,- J J J S lIO N ^^. .:S P iGh I A D '''; • / ■ dN'ildfO R$ y • ■’°ow co^n *■’ SPE SAXOPIIOND (one only) E flat iorcl chanRer.l uni^EN . beans,* torn^anil' tumuibes JOllN.DCKRK No, *. wVlh l-foiy W S S •OSCHEVImpaia-Im palo- ' . '59 FORD scda'il" ”Corn*nead tinil pick-up.i-up.'' * • . ■■ ■"DSuVsET."DM ;iy«hIii<. toin. e.: V8. power Countr>v vs. automatic, radio. . ■rsB ■ '! T- T - ti " ifcSV Sa'-.i.^.'-.if.rAt new ilrci. A ' A top buy. .—------® srL .n«,■ ■ FLOORMODELSZLS ' ■ d e m o n s t rT a O t o R S r s ' n-AWi vIo L ’tbi'ie'onlyj'i."*• IIM.M*iSS'?2 t a p e recorder*. TV'*,, iierco*,■lerco*, apap- *'^ipp«>“ Orefl#rff*Duhl.hi. 2 *nortn north 0or 'tip tup.*port*.coupe!l'> . - J360 • . • ------FARMXLl SCO cUoel. complci* .• • . ' VlOl-IN. Dow. CaiO ...... »45.M —— — • SNAHR DRUMS . . . . •Kim from «S,OJ |.i tsff'jg.r.vv.a..'-''''''’" -I ------—TOHA-DBEB^Uft------vt*ieft-i*iiS —Ulug - Lflltei. 73a-lfllil.e Nn j .Sunda.e s ^ '! F i l c o l T ------3 SEW lN aM ACHlNES HA.SS GUITARS M lJo4^l00.00£S:?I- M284, . K ’ u ______. . . a!S.aSs;“"':’' ■ ■ -USED SEWII -hnir or &^/^potVto''&uai " • j g a r r " ' * :* ? ■ Excellem* A^Vondmon,"*” ^ ACCOimiO.SS ..UB.P3 tci'lHS.OO- "r® "'j;;.> j5 i;,.fi,\rf;.‘v .ir . I’RCEMAN iwm lie. cngttre iirive.- MICROPHONES iwltlr-*ianili|t'l^-wami'i*” ’ ' *TAI.IAN Wack matbie-tnppeer»“ oilier* Ifl «‘! A n tiq u e s " ' 13* AKE: , • i'--/,-.' j : i j . Jloy'* clothing, upon* Jack ------'65 FO lib'rofdoi':--'■fordoiC--^ ’C4 FORD.Falcon ' B & B LOANSAMC ■.*r ‘ un. 3»4 Wa»hing1on .South.■Soutlu* KEASONAULY priced:d Wa*h*ta>idi WbVc*'"!ove Cbifom beautiful- 2-tone wlihwllh Station wagon. Fordomatle, r». /~v , On .Shojhone ol Main .•" C \ J i ■ — __ (Na>t..ia..Yi;|low-Cab Co.) ■ “3S5w''Sih;;“3;wr.r‘’‘'cha1r"'’i|36 'S!iiS"!; cnairr, e“ t»,’'dc»krroei?eT»? nnytlmc. PflUl. ;.__ ___ trunk*-.I'ruilu. 438-«a biy " X y .^ " " * * ^ ngei^ewing=G o^ Cab C0.)j------iiiue LBkei-nfter t. - : ------_ — — . S130S-- ’-I- — -■ GEM Gcod Things to Eatat 13:133 Miscellaneous for Sole 14< NE vT a ^ USED • I ” ° '05 FORD fordor' EJNT ^ -^-M ain Avenuelue Nortli ' . 733-334-1Ij. uifiini^crv Cuilom A-l buy. f°^^Unrtnu Hn* L.^nlinu 'CO OLDS 4-door - Rent before you buy. Shop enrly ?ocr s P« k :- 'nterlor.-lor.’ Con,..artConti.arC Thl< aharp U aerie* ihould SALES.JNC.NC. \ .■ while icicctioni nreS complele. k. ■ peaches . wSJe! • •- ?floner'Muiic Center,er, 211 Main picking E lbirtat nnd whita >0 weldina and - - . . , ~ • T02 Pets and'Pat :>uppllBtlai— “TTC no-Ave^Knv^ ., — 'chSS'SrSr |:p; ;S;;S. totii, ^ • io: ------ci.o«i:.ouT of nil in«7 moiicii o ^ — ~COMMERCrAi:s'-=-="CO M M -^ = :. ------' ^ ------C. M. "Duke" Robetlt 733-2MI- Z I 7 ^ HAN-SU /enllh and Curlli Mnthit, cntnrc RCHARD STOW-a,wny bed for rent. « . » . WE SLAUGHTER L'l'nnl, n " in :! ' ART AKIJIND ORCHARD l i i i K _ }.tAaiC-VM.Li:Y-K!iNNEL3 ' mnneV‘unlll'’i?eb?ulrr"y!I c"«inf;,w • hl^hlgHitay ■ wrcJi. JJunncj- J-uraliore. plwn ■ '52 FORD % -to- j o n . 'fi5 DODGE pickup ■'Ii,* . ■ • - O n - F a r ir i.S l a u g'h h tG icr rih i h Cg llOAKDINCi, Any »lio. Ooa»— ______rMcylinder.. 4.«|ii:ed., heavy heavy duty duty Vfl.^4-iprcd.^rartio,| 0:Mxl0 excel- >lU Liiiii, Atf-conailloncttTinil'CQver.-Tinil'CQver*- - ?>>*—- -...... ------—weit~Pll8fle” W3-4B447...... ” - ^rittl-TI'X 1)------„n |.inoli-um------ru*«. '*re* anu whceii, L b , eii rum. NEWI.YWliD'.S upMlnl; TV. Hiidio Icrn*. Banner $3DS , "'"T^~F0R"SALE ' . .,(;|{0<1.MIN0 — All Ilreedil STUI> .SI;KVK;E ami PUl'l’lUS - ^ - 7 7 7 . SI795 ' ■ iM nt.NlM G,Tractor;r. Model '^-North iln ln ^ Lookers . V iSSSSisprariic. Mod-.im». liirff. phone 733-1421.______— ,, . .V(. l-ordomatlc. (Iare*lde bor. X. Mil- 400, UAKILEIT pear* now ryady ready nt thetill MUST SULU. liolng to eoilege. IPB lare*lde bor. -. 4-*peed. ityieilde lox. Krtnccl 1 -In t. Plow . M odel; l ' m . ______I . . '. . : ______7»rsz.«s,i«"A .!s cinnnrl. SHU. (iourlcy Orctinrd. 2 mile* we*l. i (m. iiitch, extra nice. . W) HLAU of HoUtcln spnnuerpnnuer licif-^ici , toy nooillc^ I'roduclngS illvcr I ’S «kln SS mile* we*t. 0 volk*waKen. Al»o Oib*on electrn JI595 • ,000 1I> I.3M nt-d Wliiul. aprliou.. V.r .ir .IK-rr »lhvr »«»> KOod condition.. 733-0031.. 73J-003«,. 2022ti mill's north of Deadmnniman* co.-ncr.co.-ncr gUltur,l324,4iMr-3troine.im ?? niternltrr r, rl; .*^35 _ ■ ]— Int. 12’ D isc on RRubber. ubber, - rt uni] Caclic Slioir L'Jierl•-.M.Iler’hVn: Miller Krn ~ V-’» •______3:6-50.10, Miicr,______Bxsr TIIAILUK hou*e', 3-lni|2-lmi IniernnInicrna- M odel N o..37. (re.lien.fcuin >icU, Kliubcrly 4^-3104)4 — - 423-5I3U. 423-5I3(i usr.D clarinet wilh cnie,m e JM JM. see*AI.IUiKTA Sd Pmcnet ready4dy nt UDur.Uour tlonal truck, camper,. electric gui.gui .59 poRD pickup ’59 FO RD pfckup, - 1 4ih Avenue H30 Him North. Pho.roro 733*K2io 733-H240. " y * ■?'>” we*t. «(I r» milM ir' tnr. violin. Phone 733-oin. . P 'sK U p — Long wheelbaie. *tyle*lrte bo*. MAC;.S KliNNIiLS. 3H« 4m Avenue ------north fruni DeaOmaii * <.orjn:t.ja mlnOm camp. 4->pcrd, Don't wait too long on ' 2 Row Farm hnnd Bcci nVnr l-:.„i. Wendell. 33S-23I7,'I'upplcj'317, Puppiel \vaNTI-:D: Uicd piann In In BOOd aood con. COM ler, 326-5!.I'’- •______I’OK Suic; .cucumber*.. Bfrr»'nen grrrn nep. 1.n*well'». Jerome, .124-43KI. S 6 5 5 o r “nn“'kmd» r.cKl»'c'vd tov I’oodle*, 1-urebrct ;i year* Old. pen. cherry tuniatue*.JC*. 3:«-5440,3:4-5440 WE REllUILD hydraulic Jnck* ix ----- C an B e'J'inan^ed, C ontact-Contact ------,------Ahbotf* Aulo Supply.l“ l2l 12I 3rd’‘Avu‘? 3rd Avu — ALWAYS A LARGEJ\RGE SELECTION SELl TO CHOOSI^ FROM — iw ready «t ■ mifi Wcit. Seediiv. ua lodiiv. t______■ ' Bonk iorn'iuSlap “s'r i i f f x «';i, g;i ______Cryntal Sprlna* Orchard northwe* F irst Security B onk &h;i, 5S; r5a:‘n™“n'S'"'o';: .rd northwe.1 s.-, ■.Ta l l o n tra.hbarren, barrel., J2.W -Tlie SafcsiI PPlace lac e to B'Buy on A-l Car or Pickup ~ R U P E R T . , MJ-SM'I or 543'M;:I, ■______^ me W(i-:il7, W A N T iil); tiu bn^i accnrdianii ______ench. 151 Rote .Street:t North. Narllu Dan Dai . . i b u n HlililSTliHlil) Ancuj DUlli ______I'lipne .'i43-r,!i2«. nuhl." •r""'""’' vS.v"5.uii .i.tii.ir• cucumbers...... r. Diinleii.-Plionc 7.H-217U.' ■ . ,* - • - OPEN EVENINGSEVE TIL 9 - , i^fiv,,d Hcii------. CON.N trombone In vcrv good condi ______-™ n js ■ r.Sl- y ..r Uvoilotk W onl.d 1 1 4 • tion;.PedJar (lule. M4“2S6«.*'j'cr' 324.2S6S, Jcr SWIiET Cnrn fcir *nH;. S77 Adnm; “ a f , “S i ” or trade fot^ n LW CAR DEPARTMENT•ARTMENT ' " USED CAR,DEft^flTMENT -aiik Druke. ------1^— • _ Slrcct,. «3-23S3., llvMiock. 530-2741. Wendell,.Vendell. j 14S 2nd lia * l...... 733.3110 15U 3rd E a i l ...... 713-1011 ■■■■" ■ 'ariv.rii,g^,;;‘s43-4M7.S a iw ; B llul.1, 423.4014, "“i»K"'rsa Kimberly.______« 5"’s iprlngernringcr 'm c;i;v wi DciiiT' and U.selcss r y'rpin^recurdii. 'abTolutciy'iinwlcli lonal mcrchiincllir un coil prld fi:'?>*u'.i,7d;.‘ •• U V E STO C K - a nnU -In'pcrfect condition. Choj.lii cloicuui. Don't m l» innn«'c°hnnte clinnte 10■( ""'’ 'i V o o - , y„„. PHONE COLLECT-E C r ; . ' i Schiil>en. Moznrt, Beethoven.Beethov^.Mi Wll Sporting CoSdi 159 inve Money. I'Arm'A Clly Ulilrll) *c:i with cabinet or *e|iiiralo. Mug w a n t e d ! Model J2Winche'.~ r.- |2 Ul0f». C13 Mmn,Ln»l. Twin PnlH.FnlH hr'‘/r-'iU.'‘i;m7n*ur" Nclieii/i'.’Nei.e'n, 3M- _ _ nnvox radio ..and record piayc D E • cQRuuic, Extra good. •Strombcrg Hoy, Grain and Foadi i d ^ 494 ------L_. . USE THIS HANDY3Y DIRECTDIRECTORY A S A GUIDE TO Curllon 24" TV. radio,of. 'SirombcrB; and recor tiood* condft^. !'h“on» SS-lliT, ——:------Sw Jng ______------rSf . TALLOW CO.- 0 . ' ccptlonul.^N^w **“*''• HUSKY weiiiier plg« lur ■>iOe. i'lium Twin fali^ m - m i S t T & A l REL'ABLOERViCE...SERVlCB..PMOtiEJODAY__ ' ■ KK'r i"A ffS'r.': S Alrnitn;f A p p H o ncBt A HH Egulp. (^ Ip . 1120 2 0 ^nyS W C foP L OVER CO.OOO homempkerfw^*o>t'S"cleJ?n cnn’t b innructloni • Available durlns «ln>ramr night'' ' I wrnnB. They u*e new Ilojt to cleui »hltl. THosc ileilfiii^ to rill piu nJiiSiSw Il'orj'r weM VUKY LATli mudcl J-rlKldalrc — ------^ d ^ c a r p e t—'dthuut-jui. .wtuyr waivr nndnm B ools for Sole 1 6 9 . . :ccd rlilcr«. tri>‘l-prpor IG' refrlRcraliir.Irccier.riliir.irccxer. . s 'I'is; rir„r,£.“"iS §^77" ^ ** “2^’'PODir". 2 ^"^ ” *1“ chine 'i'I.'wjiion-uStcV.aS mcl . ^7m 7®‘,(U ‘ Mam\u,['n CIlh^SLEK 0)iib0ar,50. ”wiU Norll-- • ______------truileri. Sterling boat trailer*. -■ J l'lnt»colu m ”mi' nl lUW. l’hono-3M-lloi fd^^'pavinrni ANSWERINA/ERING SERVICE' ■ . SCOPIW, binocular*. pi*toli.pi*tol*. tern*.tenn ' Pioneer Chain nuw*. r '? - s ' SSvK ''v-a;?[s‘!-H''":r>'n trC d ,;- 441------_ . , ilcvping bi. luBBnse.ise. trunk*, ridrid- JEKOMU IMPLEMENT k ■» iMPANY Joromd before TTStrrrtr.Ttn or niternllei Main Avciiuo ljuit. Open i-TMayl-rWay Va I If T ho T olophonoihono oro r .Any Advertiser In ThisT h is ing cfiuipmcnt.. rclondlna tooii 0 •• • - ? P-ni- ______'111 n p.m._____ *______O Irdctory Is N ot A ns 3 8 6 ' • mcchnnic* tool* nnd compon »■ s..,> s r • UOOD AI’l’ALOOSAS: Riuro nn( Not Answorod. Dial 733-2386. . cni». Red-* Trading Po»t. cplii. rilllei, aeHlinc* Und” imd »lu«» tu""*! r n " c j'‘'l"rp‘* nsworinp■'Service. Day or .Night. L.C£iL______JOHNSON outboard* and-'2>ke^llo^ Ig wui> pFc- -i»tnjnnstn> im uu. L.,u.-wtk T h t f lick rt>om aup. ’ hew Datiuna. McCulloch law* me 325-4703.- bury. Gooding, 1I34...0j j . __ ^ r 7 p « * ^ ~^any. ,“l2'r 2^d*'A^n'S^We'i?:$°"*~ ' • • RliOISTKtlUD Quarier hone, 3' • I cru7cht>. '” alkcr^.” ‘lrno«fl hot xine Molai- year-old mafe. excellcni dlipoil '^condltlolie’f'imil^liuimmnlecd''refrlB- ' ' ' • • , ' . 7 -C•-; -; K v e r e * t Jenning*Ig* equipment. equipment EVlNKUDb und Mercury {jjo'or*. Mfl'l. Ttielt. »on. Green broke. 733-B533 uliei .. Crowley'Pharmacy. 13-B333 ulter cralor*. priced trom KJ,D5,Tcrm».JJ,D5, 1>:rm». rnn*il. mlV 347 .Main Ea*l. Phone ' ten Milling sarvlce. ,'»J-(M7«,. . «l;00 p.m. ______Listed hero> In I n eosy-tessy-tO'fInd clphabotlcal ordardor er aaro r e sorvlco offors'VoiJ-'-can-'an •' DEROER-tntlneer irnn*it. ^ min ™ " ’.‘■‘Bern. u s o o vory d o y . Co ontoct n ti ono of-those firmm s or Ind Individuals for beHfl'r-xor>:~ i‘ with BeWlinn. *tadla-are. Exeei ------SffilEZZnssSilSSz;D .~ M « mV. —Cuiw'u^*(L” yywln^ i!gu.._ri.one riion*c *-‘^^;;’.*‘;?v':!;r'r^air"°.»vicV-"^^^ *or- lentreomllllDn. Marvin™in"lk*.?*03*4‘ lie**, 934 • Daniel*. P''*’"* ______Pome- /rc'cieti SnaTcm^cniE Eem em ionr ionr ------vlco an d .first•St Q Quality U nilty p ro d u cts . . v . • . _____ ^ ftH3,c;ooillng. ______bouBlil, >nlit I>lii)n^ 733-fin4l, IGO Sidney. ;— :------SltAMPOO- your-«wn-cBipj- ,33 .^nlnn^Openarm. fully .ulomatic Phone 7334931 e- » Kitnueriy. «M.ko<.______■■ ■“■•t M W i ■■'0- Konmnre c.eciriejctrie range.rnnge. 733-32H7.______I______'"• MODEL A motor nearly new S150 IB wlin "p7i^ tun-- Miller, hori^cihownaIg nnii'’’1 ''''’JVJ trim-. Conperiono color, excellentxlient conill-condi. ------;------__- •.• •___ 2.000 vntt light 'plant.lint^^^sn^i S5o. Siiur ' Ask-forClassified ana 33H7M, mint, riiqne-*733-7W9_urur 733-3MP,i33-3ji:^ ..tW .rtatunable.^.^^^ Itc-4ia3.-l-l. res ------:-■■ ■' —------— — itc-4ia3.-i-i.. — '— ya^i^fningnvServico-—„ v k . — ^ „k,. ~ - — "/inSntQann:-;:-.—i:-y:~7.— •• • •. i?j‘ ____ • f,i — - • ^ flanien. HCA .poriaBln tiercn,“ detuciinWe'i'an'detaclinble Tno- a e » fin Aluminumninum 'sidnij SidlilR Chooac vouil nt our rcducci'- .1,1.—,1 - - « A A ii^ukui'.i. wlih*8ttinrt.*‘Al3o"--AI90-Silver* hilver* -.«hd.aniulatinn' Phone18 UoydLloyd aulidhiB Supply, 733 onirul, sprnv CLEAN nig*, like new, *o eniy n P^llry.nndJtabbth^i • lOt lOB _tone ponable: Plione ft3;^77^^■ ft3^^7^^^. lla- Kelley- 733-wKg.~------Earwlet nnil do wlih lllue l.uitre. Rent •loctrl MILLERJWDA SALES ------“ ~ A W iH ,~ M.-~ L: - roulsouls -Cu*lOn■Cu*iorn ~inampoo«r—Jir-Krengel'jrengeu iinru;llnrd eiiiy-'nonaM;'scrvlc«----- ’ batalonly. TiiAH bid lieni ior inyjng-iir ronM -M ilking, Equipino.nt■nio.nt -.7~~ -.- ■----- Spraying;.73^5857.-.------1 uaq?^un------Ins, 2 rnMe» wnt oVJerrnne. Ap /• * T foiningOining Uulk mllk CnnK anrf pipeline cn every «f«y and etv- pRAIK rolllns Tleain or dry. Mc"f 3:4-?677.,3:4-t677. .H027...... ______■ ' ■ uiorge'i ‘ Kcnneir Uoarding «I ------tiooi> 'u.^ .| reCrlRcraiiir. .,L . 7ti8 breed*. 324- _ il2 L ____I------'Li------:------1 ;c daytime, *33- Cr^eok. Road. Hanien. Phona U3* - I’OR iBJci .corn itlenec. J’fionei Ken Lev' ^ 1 0 Greeowoiid Drive, 7,t.1.?0flS.______"■ ■" IfQf,. ^ Your^Tcicpliona 1*’never alone. 2i Allred. 3j4.«i:o. Jerome.\e!’^"°; . t *"*•" • Pou ond Pet SiippllcV ]K — ------Ofnamontol 733-238U.Iron- LO.ST brlBhl cArpot T color* S rn ------. . . 77 re Y ^ i r ~ !^5~ trail. Yamaha iv c c.. ioo "Acltlls iirnw ^or aale.•ale. j‘,hono>, .cetnent rtiii'iiliig,:ig, i-ree'enl-i'txe e»ll — !------bel“ j)ulier(ield Itadio & '1VTV ScrviuiScrvii-o ALU.MINUM norm door* ueil-^tor ‘tii'uno pup- ' free c«tlinale» — e tp[>erfl>i»iHl. erfln jla l. I m»te>. 733-MOO. evcnlna». ~ ic experhsnce, Ing), rc g ,.*34.05. i . A R T inci-AL li KKKn'lNO tn U i.j ■ ■v^&'’'« A v ir7 'ir^ ‘'"______“ If .. Ccforhlc . ' .------Home l.umhcrlll=2il 733-22H,______• baul, *125. Ducatl I25cc,.vcry BOod sreat proven »iiv».'ntiiiun'flun t lii(tur>< ITliKMAN i-bi'nler. pun,in.-., -Siai ____■ Why Pay More?toe? ' ;- ■ jiffi.toiM ';' ■ I'COhicm*? Let tonJillon, *103. Excellent, newly GAMBLES-BUHL, IDAHO ' femm ie tile. Thun nt you brighlen: uverhuulcd. Honda IMcc. UCi^, lie, m m eg _ ^ i‘a7e‘r.Sn'o'n%'73!l.34i'j! SNAKE RIV ER AUCTION 1 ° ., iuS™ !"hi ''usirji'” MARY CARTER PAINTS .. . ----- ^------." S ------;------a*-. HONDA -XAWASAKI for road and - ?eUon ! nTR-cia.n7R-C2a. * OUT.VIANU1NO Unglllh .Seller pill v- » n.mr— ounranteetl workmnnihip. 7334»*U h o ,,,.' VALLEY,TREl> .SERVlin ~ « > n n». XrlmniinB, rfipplng and riemovlni CACHU vnlley Dreedlnc.inc. /^ /^UDCln-iidcIK' ,P lc ' >or *nle. I’lioiio !l'}4-424J. 5.'4-424J. Jc- J< Plcku?i^S'A?lllnble S8.9S. Reg. e«llmnte«. Iniuicd lion, Niillon'* lop proven ilre«, . s?f;r£",SS££’: All breed!. Waller Lellch. &ti<403l 1 , Died i'urnlture Jtorooro” upen ' C olor T elevision S'X r’E" a ^ ^ J BOX 81. T.733-3131 I;. 733.3131 Fnt;ni Hi City Dlitributins.lltrlbutlns. C13Cl: 431 Unit’Main. nuhl. MIer Knierprltc,n SS7. > Twin s ilVI O M -JW s! ______^ ' now ' during SAVE JO.tH e 1 1.1 ^ ______Main Ea*t. — -______------1060 HUNDA 303, Uko ftBW. 4000 ’ Vain: Call collect.______---'.___------Cioodlnif. ______■_____ SPOT CASH;H ' ^cfowout*’ n'f^lM? mndc^if'and'*:cli. and PAYPA-i .131 Main Ave. E. .. . 73J-3'4a3.73J-3'4a3, Wanted: Tree topping and removal.removal STOCK ■ hay • utiiifyy trailer*,trailer*. ^new n«v |^c.tual ^miie*,^ Forced ^1-ebruary -ot -XMln l-alU* ______— .Shrubbery irimminB.[. Free- e»tieili- nnd u*ecli All ilte* (or all Jobi C o lli. 102 “T JlF 'iV Si ;!S ! r “ ■ « r o t- v^ru”^ " “ ! mutei. Wood'* Tree Sarvletf. 713-713 ^ p er'a Trailer*. 251 4ih AVenm BANNER FURNITURE — — ^ — _■ • Painting ,,„ndnrj bi.d ■ .Concrelo Forming ----- 'T T T ^nrT T “ fluionl^iTCrSM^riiirsui-ATO iSnni rcrryl' »riund*. AI>o ""ud lervlce. 423-Mi; ^ .. Stuart nrotheri; interior and exte ^ T* BAITERinJr-fm-cnr. tniekptraclot icnool »ew. Meyer'*, concrew t;ontiructlon.ttiructlon. All Ai nor. commercial and reiicfential Top tiuallty Ilood brnnd.brnnd ^ho?e- whole " ------iS S l S " - •cwing ma- lypet. riiilv<«Hii~f(>rm>;.-m*;.'i;u cu rr tlti a,a sand Ill,iiiina 7.13-II.34 or 7.13-ID4H ______' ~ «ale price. Farm &&atC“ City y DUtrlDiUrl- W a n tu d 10 buy: llnlilelneln iDrinser»prinaef ^'ANUAHU I'ootlle. AKC‘ki black*"i“ n ic Ctiine»,'“n"5 «nd“ uVec*,'•.a. Alsoa'i»o Iw"' riilchlnc. etc. I'ree e>tlmt<7ei. 324 ■Ice. Adiiuon bullng. C3-t Main Eait.______lieilert nnd cnn use lieiferi 3 and blood Ilnci. vice, .scl»ior* »barpcnea,1C.I, Skinner'* i;i71. 73J-M02 , 733-7Pp^-^ ' iiltitmg, llour Sllsnr .Wrecker Service. AddUoi 4 miinlti* breil, Eugenes i ' llushri. i ’j . - ^ Sewing Slioppe. Save,On Shopping mate*. Phone Avenue WtJi. PhonoI 733-1234. WINDOW SIIADES; *1. & up.' Side " , • 3;«-;4lX Jerome. •On Shopping ^.„n5rcle•ment. forming, luun.ln- 733-7048, — ------e-»t^oj!rrt*Ki;D—Anpii—¥reii^*^nd fil'uev^H^jIu!. ut-r^M I-U l,-n iilu rn l-tm iy ft-r;tiitci‘; tirrooiM ^ . .: ,. .|.,cim.o ^,0^,09 • ’ ' Vn'rimm r i o a:in>»rt n r» r______t_ only factoryfacton EXCKLI.IiNT. clllclent and econom or weekend!. rKiTgwgwactEB .a” i : « ” p,m'. D c^ntal L bbofblory • ^an*d art luppliej 'k’ing'Ie^'vw"!Tngle Vftiiev nutborlied Kirby, .Vauuam.'auuum. Sale*Sale: . Ical..lhal'* Blue Lutire carpel am lOOd’ quallly JlUOISTUKIil) Do»loii uprewlTilTrrewlillT EEui ;^ ■ ' ycarTTkpcri. ChrUtlan Supply, 733JI077.JI077 . - • " » »«rvice In Muglc Valley. U*lni 3368,______UlvliiKA portuGle lewing mactilne. “ Genuine Kirby part*. Wer f M repair ; ' : !nl ! s s s i r s i . s a - j s ' " ’«« _.loa%tud .ervlce, 733^ 3M,______207 2nd Strccl ------1 vnftiiumi-Jiacuum Clennor* ot Ida '■„ , ,, BlCAaw:mcnt- cligBtna. com- — PHONE , 733.093;1.HM1 ’ "a ‘ui:t‘''work. a m spommSn^^^ ' ■ — Iji. »2?.” pann^" }>umityrV’733-H2**e?7M.H2*“ ^ ' Int^eetlon. Uoyd Craven*.ravM.r 733-7ii| -•------A sk'lif Cjassillcd '------’ ^muSon? • Rei?ui».*'*flc»r offer'!” 33 le?t"yf'fa^!'^7S3^- FuiST *^li. W7 k«niMfl.“ :u'‘ a f r ~‘ . ■■ Would like dui*t£un-S«.»ay-Jkrvicctumiict with vfi1a*e Oil. 73i-5M2? Ourr ‘/uef‘ntflk«/uel ntake* ' home 10 be moVed. StBkd-tiric*Stakfprlc* andanc co. Jerome, ■ ■ ^ — cate. Dance bund ilnnilnil included.included, warm friendi,______■ ■ - • -location. Box O.H.-Tlme»-N»w*.Tlme*-N#w*. PICKUP truck with «amper. Boat. ^ ■SIM. Cnil-4».t35 h»a'dlnO ot vour .chaiw.. . . Cvtry deyi /, _ ,• Publl>li*(/'.v'«fer..ih'» < iry dsyi _ . .... M. Scnricov ic e .^ ' .— 1 41 23 jii.'* ------MhW^.W«>Htlcef-{«r'Hftnnr • bOBi. moiDr >nd iriller. »■ camp - y^n^^upcr.tLJLna-iiJULWejC-Eel‘i ' S S . . w m p o i r - .'V - — ■ ■- DELIVERED'lELIVERED-TO-SlvOOO • r..--- X . H J OH^W Li;'-‘liMid Uundydy <:iarlnetClarinet. : '*Vw^tJln^.'‘"R ^reel -Sepn‘l'^VliQn"e;X'Vli'o'’n"e . ■ ' • ^AGIC VAUEVMILE'V • H( H0ySEH6LDS DAffVl’■ ' - '. -SEARSS : .. ari.oubu«...oa'-cl...c..Jm ..: , . Excellent condition. Phonelone 733-M3I 733-JM;; 3'/. milt» w c«toJWtai. ot'iiOJpilaK PHONE'YOURADYOUR A d TODAYl 733-0^31 CUSTOW KlTCHEI>r-=.TCH EN -=. SK .r’aS V .S S .* .'^ " '’’- . «=rftnWyin.t. TK«^ Bt »*■ e*. — J after 4 p.m, ■ ' ■ ...... /...... - W FLL BILL PREE SERVICES: Frea Ide* roil »AtBi'lii»i T™ ..kw‘- . • /FLL BILL YOU LATERl booK. Free eiperi 'pon*uliatlon. ' “ O kayi ,buk ifpar«nt9-krjo:«ntS'kn9W so much how-comft-voti-tfn'tt oti ^ 'K'ery” p • .. •Houscmoyln^;*3: ■» * ^ A-JJ^AINED-AD-WRI’D-/a50*WRITER_WJa-HELP-YOU,------1------= —VfTO-^flWi.iiimn. l»r«o mla{. —■-. ^ T':rr“ HaviTllOp1d*STHapld^WdfniKo mev"7 ', I I'lrprrlpnrvil UrfntA' hmnfinnvlng d iinwoiiau i-ree c.tlmmei, D. C. Miller, r. mnrtrrwiT. SHASTA* Travel trailer*.’ America'*___ .tultai-.*^neaiuni!i)1e.. P hoiiaina V 733-8041.m -ViIJi! phene 733-t;073, , ...... I • In* credlt.^ian. „ • f“'i'lAiM."Jiiuri»kf^_Ti»iJ«r P4ikr“

“T— ^ t—^ - • ♦ 6 . . — ——TT— ^ •_ :______L- '“7 ” "" . - -I •. • ■ ' ; • \ .r-.-' '■ — IT ' V llie iy> Having^ FFun witfi^Pfi^Patlb,: *oixh & Gorgeorgge S^les

M»bir«.Homcis — m .^U T Q S FOR SALE-_^ ^ 2QQ^£2 Z AUTOs'-FoFsAfP S ' i W- ' Twin Foils timas-Naws' ' 21 . & t 6 h 6 )'& AUTOS FOR SALE ' ' . ■ ■ "M O .V ' ^, J ' ■ FOR YOUK ------_ kROPF — SCHOLt • - . - :r^ELECTION—- - FLEETWOOD — JiO P E s ^ ; • TO'SAVE y o u MONEY ON0N.Y YOUR’M6u ^ T CAR TRADE _ — I!t7 COLUMBIA JWOV-2.,j ■ ■ j,s;.,;ri.r.nh?-.svJlWill be .closed Saturdays...... __T 'OI 'i ■ W ■ bedrooms, icarpctcd. ' and*Sunflays . ‘ - WON^T-YGUfT - ation S a le': rjUJS ^■^963 KIT 12x60'. 2 bedrooms, ' • ^ w 4ry us? ’ carpctcd.;' ■63.GALAXIE .... 5134S 45 '5S ^MOUTH I O n q U used’c^rs.andi.and pickups^ick plus some. .. ''M agic Valley - £00 2-door Aardsop. VR.VB.-i. - ' '' il'iiry-lli:llUdlo.il "heater, 4opj . ^ 'iD C T .F o rd e x c c nj t tlv l v e - c a r s l e f t -In s lo c k . • FAMiEY" - '■jSOJTiASHOA 10x55’, double Mobile ] Homes- million, power iieerlntins ' - vRadlb. hcatT!r,''Mereomatic;ic trarumtransml lsslon, vJWte w all tire s, ; - ■ m i BILTMORfe iOxSS’, 2 *65 PL Y M O U T H 5^95fgg ■. ' 'antee. On“y'»So§im2«*.“*^ -S5ALE-^ A ti ■' ,J •' ' — 'bedrooms. • - Jocol 1 owner, like new...• • ■ .• - -■•WEWItLBE^- - Soorn Fury z-doof. •Ui'. »g2 1 f c . ASKING PRICE $1895j~ .M A K E O F F E R . 1555 __196l-CETROlTER—lOirsST.^r~~CCOSEU----- _ _ " n?ik°°guck~it*i^u~^'*‘'^^— ^ heater... Biuotnallo traniml*- ■ . .1956.F.ORD STATION-WAGON,AGON, V8.V8, rrodlo,.hcater. autom allc.______fully corDeleJ.r2-bcd.-_ • «ion.. powec itcvring. powtr.I 'i i ' ■ ‘ • -1366 FORD LTDD 2-DdOR2-DC)0 HARiJTOP. • ...... $15Q-\ ...:. ■ rooms. . . • For the Labor Day weekendr. — 765'C0MET- :.T.siags■195 - ' ' Ibrake*. Beady to'go. . , Rpj Radio,'Kcoter,: power , steering.teerlng. V8.Vi englne?.Cfnlscomatlc I!" 4-door. O-cyllnder with a . - —tran sm issio n , wTiiie w all tires,Ilres, sharp.'. sh a rp ® ■. “59 1959 CHEVROLET. 2-door.or. 6-cylindcr.6-cylinde standard- shift with 1959 ARTCRAFT 10x50'. 3 3-.. Saturday. Sundny-and-Mondoy- • , i5 • *66 PLYMOVTir ' “ ‘[iii* overdrlver ...... SEPTEMBER 2 - 4 0^ .. A‘SK I N G ‘ P R ICj E ...V ,$ 25 ...V 9 5 ...; M AKE.07FER r bedrooms. See you Tuesday, morning at S“a'^dl'i!-'hVer.S.'’ortfi- 0'^' ...... $395 1983 NASHUA' 8x35'. 1 bed-Jd- • 8 tf.m. '64 ” SkylarkBUICK 4-door ledan. Radio,S?r- ' '» ' % a , 5 . T . ; i ; r e '. ■ . 1964'POI^TIAClAC STAR.CHIEF-STAl - . room..caj:pcted. GATIGATE\J:aY TRAILER CENTERrSR heaier.'automatic irani^nl*- ' e.in^ •Idewall lire*.re*. 4-door sedan.. Radloi " heater,ter, white wall'tlr^s, power steer*er- *4859 4959 OLDS 2-D^R* HARDTOP.RDTOP; Radio,Rad hoater, power st<5i^ • - ' 1?'58 MARATHON 8x45’.; .2 2 AddUon Welt , 733-3410410* * ... •lien, i ,000 mue*.. •••-I- ■ ■ , M U "J ; -Jng, .power/brakes.-extra clean.; . - , . In g ,' power brakes, automatic... autom atic. . bedrooms.- - .j, jg j-' . - A S K I H & ^ I C E - $1795.5. .MAKE OFFERiR . , ' _ ...... :...... ?395^ Toa . '65 DAirr a-door • hardtop..... 6-cyllnder. 51595ler..595 . »63'63 VOLKSWAGEN Convertible. Rebuilt.motor. ... 589s" . 1957 MARLETTE 8x50*, 41 ---- «• New top., ">'• ' . . 19G3'm e r clU ur R yY M O O N T E R E Y - V ' : ■. . i960I960 MERCURY 4-DOORR MONTEREY,MONTER V8, radIo,'.heatcr.*, ■ ^bedrooms. ' ____ d W°'hea»r!^MUym^^ ___ Cu.s(om 4-door' sedan. Breczewayreezeway window,v power aleerln*. *te«rii}g. ^ ' nth--- '6TCHRYSLER 51895595 -pow-power brakes, nutomatic transmission; transmlssii white wall tires, lo- . ' —19S5TFAVELMASTBR—■4 •; . ■' r - m -V A U J E -- V ------“roairb7ns”i5Mrton cit«?.‘ ■300 j~2-door hardtop.-Pull -cal' 8x35*. t bedroom.- ' ---- power, 413 engine with duar,J{, " c a” n 1-o w n c rr e x tra -n lc e .- — ...... - ...... ^95 2 '64 RAMBLER ... 51295195 ram Intiuctloa- earbi • and ASKING AS, PRICE SI2955 . . . , / ...... M A K E O F F E l i ’ . 1958 LIGHTHOUSE 8x35’,, 1I U S E D T R U C K S3 Wagon. 6«cyllnder wim-.Mth-. *h^. Thli ca^ 11 a .rrfal ■ W61 RAM BLER AMBASSADORSSADOR V8 Station Wagon. Radio. . bedroom, ... . overdrive. Low. Ipw mUe- 19G2 F A L C OIN N 4-DOOR 4-DO O WAGOK heater, po^er iteerlng,erlng, nutonautomotlc, factory air,.con- ng -, dltjonlng. ~ / "• -^PICK U PS- ______,gj '66 PONTIAC ...... 53195195 StarStandard transmission, 6-cylindcrrylindcr engine,cn{ a g6od family w a ^ .• — TRAVEL TRAILERS — .______CHEVmLHL... •_C09S______)9S _ _“ DonnevllW 4-door hardtop.lop- on., o n ., • ■ ' ‘...... ^.... . i5795 1967 TRAVELEZE 20', self- ’ ' ’65'55 . IH‘scout Vi00R:RANCH WAGON - • - drive, new MlchelJ;)1 Ilres.lirca. ... ------. . .. 1965 ROADRUNNER 14*. ■63 ■fij IH.*.V4-ton-] .... $1595 •« RAMBLER !i;35 ■ . ' self-contained. 1Long wide, bis VS.'aulomalle Claiilc 000, 4-door lednn. 0.g. CJr/o rujseom ■ ailc transm ission,.I,. VSV8 engine,engine good tires. Book price...... $695 , 595 cylinder. . automatic tran*->n»- ' M»55885. J»eS ARISTOCRAT i« ',- . 1 fi- '61 CHRYSLER...... 5895 New-York«r 4-door. Tull ■■■, f " 'as ASKING PRICE $495 ...... MAKE o f f e:R r ' ' 1962 1962 PONTIAC'CATALINA'4KloorNAM^loor Ihardtop.-Radio, heater, heoter. ' .power and air conditioning.• . ■' j- economy, *ee thi* car. .. . power steering, poweriwer brakes,brakc.t,'automatic. ’63 VOLKS pickup.....5795 1958 CHEVROLET>LET 4-DOOR4-D( SEDAN — ' 1M5 ARISTOCRAT 16’, ' » wlih ' camper. Low mile*, >65 ” CHEVROLET'.... 51895 ' .« .^1095' , ; heoter. iharp. , ‘®*‘ Impalaheater, 4-door aulomtllc eedan. tranimli- Radio. ■ ' Radio, heater, standard transmissloitransmission, overdrive. V8 engine;ne; ...... ------" i’” '*'*";;.".''"* ]M5 ROADRUNNER 25*. .5, , one - *ion. power iieerins. power i|S : A S K IN G P R I C E $295 ...... MAKE OFFER isn1982 CH EV RQ L^ IMPALA?ALA SSPbF P bR T COUPE. V8, radio, ' '61 CHEV \^.ton ...... ‘ 5395 ■ »raket,‘ V8 engine. h e ate r, autom ailc.” ,'' ' self-ctfntolncd. . 6 ,-cyIlnder. 4-ipeed, Ju>t over- age. A very nice car. loirPO R D 4-D00R--STAOOR--STATION WAGON , 1964 RANCHO-EL RAE 15' . . ! ' '65 MERCURY ...... 51895 ...'66 SIMCA ...... 51095095 RadRadio, heater, standard transmission-onsmUslon, overdrive, power st'eer-e r- ...... — I i...... $1295 ^ 7,,c 4-door with Dreeicwiiy. Iiei,_ ln £,.pow er hrake.-!, V8 engine., J '58 FORD FltlO ....l-fc 571S; power atecrln^rMd^brnkef,..... - - : r ------19 6 3 -M E R C U ^ -C O L O NiNY Y - - PARK PARK .Station- Wogon. R a d io ;...... ■- 1961 TRAVELEZE 20’. mod-~ --- , -Lpna wheelbaie, 4-ipSRl. VS...... ^ -ASKLNG PRICE $350 ..i.T H ';.. : .“ . m a k e O F F E R " ■; ern. ' iwiao ii box. *C6 MERCURY " ' heater^-power steering,ring, automatic,automa top luggage cofrler. 735 ••66 MUSTANG'1..... 52495 - ’*'® 3 4-D O O R S E D A N ' .J957 TERRY 16’. . • '59 '59 FORD F-250 ...... 5795ml '’66 J- V», aiuomatle trnn»mto»'•’"f1i>n, . Auiomutlc Montclnlr. 2 t -dQorr n n * hardtop.million.top. po\> '------1955 OLDS 4-DOOR ...... $1235 ' ! - PICKUP CAMPERS —- '• rpftrlnn.'iiir 1 co'n^lUnlng^^ y'.V . btiiutlful, red nnlihwlth all _ Power stcerinR’, power brakes, radio,rat heater, white' wall/all ...... ■...... ' black *ee interior. thli beauty8,000 today. nctuni new «r» tires, local I owner. Immaculate/laculate/ • 1964 RAMBLER' CLASSIC1C 4-DOOR. 1Rodlo, heater, overdrive. ------19CS KAMP AWA^ 8’. ■50 -Sg CHEV, i^.tnn ....'.. 5395 l“y. , cur trade-in. , • '.ASASKING PRICE $495 ...... ____ MAKEOFFER_: r ...... $1195 1964 DREAMER 10'^’. , • ■ ^icljup; , Long wheclbiiic, 4-*■ »(;2 '62T-B1RD ...... 595 ‘gi‘GI DODGE ..I...... 5795795 ■' .' ■ Power jie«rlng.,and brakci,“Cl, " 3 le.itnr wasnn.-A-rtal-goo/i*-and-2-Tons —.! ' ■ — ' PICKUPS''PICKUPS~= ' • v 'Big'B ig *6’ engine, 8__passengcr,nger, adjuadjustable windows, double:bl8 ...... TRA’ILER'CENTER ------ssd- '60 DODGE 5995one doors, right side and'rear,r, radio, heater,he extra sharp. - 19$^1964 .JEEP WAGONEERI 4-wheel drive,dr radio, heater, lock- ,0, • '59 CHEVROLET ...V 5SS0- '60 ASKING P?ICE $17955 ....^ . MAKE OFFER R.ch.lIS-”!<"> "’ '59 CHEV 2-ton ...... 51395S ' . «-on..8-cy.lnder. Long wide 5i-ton frcyllndcr. i R . out hubs. . - (l-cylinclcr. 4-ipced, 2-apecd, ...... ». «ac bed, ■60 CHEVROLET .... 5793,95 ' ,1959 FORDD J/^-TONJ^-TON PICKUP $1995 ; mission, radio, heoter, blg'*6' en- __ '52 DODGE I'A-ton .....595 700 I-Q,nS box, 4-apeed transmission, ra '1964 PLYMOyTH BELVEDERE/EDERE A< 4-door. V8, radio, heater, S ’ ■ :S;'r • -ss CMC ...... <™ glne, a heavy duty rear.hitch.-ich.- 5-ipeed. 2-»peed. New paint. tiiich. run* and look* rcul . "H-lb'n 8-cy1lnder. _ .. •- . standard transm ission,Hon, 3,000 mn iles. EXCEPTIONAL. — COME.. AND. SEE ______------—~2- '/^-Xon.an(tXarfier_____ •50 FORD ...... 5793 A S K IN G P R ^ E $595 ...... M A K E O F F E R ...... $1295 MOBILE HOMES ^ ■63 FORD ...... :...-5lM5,iu5------~Tc\'l- 1inl«—cnBl'>e._4'iptcd.__ _ Marlettc — Mognollo '62 62 IH 1700 .... 52995 :995 . u.ion 4-wiieel drive. B-cylln-■Un- long wlicelbuje. .wide bed.-.------... .. ;--19G4-CHE\£ROLET4/j-TILET4 /3-TON PICKUP - -w-v^Champbh - - 2<5.lon. 10 wheeler tag. Newlew der, 4-ipccd, good tlrei. O.ply urn, cuiiooi cub.cub.' LongI.on widclwx, 4-speed lrnnsriSsio7r.^lr'6’'c5pffiriitm transmJssio iv yy- - -;1»M-M965-CLASSICl4rdMr_atJonTdanT Heater and overdrive. V3« enjlne. 5-»peed. i-»pecd. tiASHUA...... 5S9.T595 *- . dut:duty rcor^hltch.-radio,-heoter,later, real'reardcan...... ' ' • travel Trailers toi- ’62.DODGE ..:..-rr.,. 51095095 ASKING^S PRICE.$15955 ...... MAKE OFFER '62 CHEV 6503 ...... 51795.795 . T,?^'^'i"-..rvr’w^t"ovet'en_. Ji.ion.V8, long, 4-ipeed. 19651955 CADILLAC SEDAN•J DeVILLE Chateau,'radio, heater, Troveleze — Arlstocrot 2- • • wtiier hCiiier.-.Juit right tor 19G5 F O R D FlOO'100 U-TONU -T ( PICKUP power steering, powerower brakeibrakes, power windows and, - . Roadrunner ^ ^peed.* big C*’8;ISxJo'«fre»?**■ shat mouniuln cabin. • . ' LonLong wide box, heavy duty[y rearliltch,rearliltc big /e' engine, 4rSpeedeed -- seats. Automatic speedspeed controcontrol, automatic ftmp. con- '- ■ , ’63 IH 1660 Loadstcr .. 529SS'1995' — -TRUCKS-- TRUCKS— _ . transmission, twin I-beomn ,fro.front n t end end. . . ' trol with air conditioning,Iltlonlng, buibucket seats and console, - ' Pickup Campers 354 Perklni'illeicI tnglnc, 5- - —ASKING PRICE $17955 ...... MAKE OFFER.,.£R... vinyl covered roof. •peed. 2-ipeed, 0:00x20 Ur«.__ ti;o159 INTERNATIONAL 2.tonon '51 CHEVROLET 2-lon • - '• ■ ...... J3995 ■ ■ ^— ^WlnncbagT—----■■'7 '59 IH Model DCOF40S 56995 . s. leedS- •- *l«L:cat.oBg., traniml**ft-eyllnder‘engine.10B. l-»pced 4v . Travel-Trailer RentalsllS Cab-over Inndem dieiel. 230 ' rear axle, top rubber; ,1967 PLYM OUTH F ^ Yf Iin l i 4-di»r ^-diMr hardtop, V8, radio, heat- . -Cunitnifli engine. 5-»peeec'55. INTERNATIONAL 2-toiToiT '50'’50TORD 2-ton ' BILL SPA chanlcally. good. •• . Long. 0-eyllndor. Mpcoil a .PLYMOUTH DIVISION/ISION LEALEASE CAR,JIko new,-oaiy s sraw!'.;!—- »,000 miles, factory’f- warranty.’ -PreiaJero Horse Trailers■» ' '56*55 IH Tractor...... 51595'595 ..1"?.“"“““!: . tT.-v Kood rubber. "Jl:- "Ill Jeromerome, J!' Idaho '' ______gbe,VC0190 alr^«kei. eab.over, _ VS49______en- ,»5j ■ Same location-225 Eastt.Maln-^ . M aln-^ Phona'324;23ll ...... $ 2995-, : __GATEHAY ______-.'58-DODGE . leej:----• ~j.ttm-hfl'52 GMC 7-truek,-lf-»4i*»lUi- ■ ------'. TRAILER CENTER.. ' Mon IS- hay bed. 10 wheej:----S • oveohot. ---- ______OPEK '^ I.f:J:: i . SFRIE T i FR ID A Y T n . i ____ - T ■“ Addlioti we»t «ii ’ JVlMAGIC VALLEY . Kear Uean'i Rlchtield t 'GI CilEVROI.ET • I ^ OPEN DAILY: 8 a.m. 10 6 p.m. . *48 CHEVROLET ’ '6-1 2.I0B. loBg wheclb.ne,-l)lg . 9 PEN SUN.: .10 a.m. t6 B p.g).: International, Inc.IC. 2-lon 14' grain bed. R.cytlndcr engine. , <.|^eed 3 WILLS USEDUSE CARS . ad— :jruck.^noi — „-,7aM itli1266-.- . ------" ' :.... traniinia»lDn.-'(i-ivjwed - re»*r^ - — YQUREE ; E ]VM OT ORS J = - ’SirORD------— / - — --■^gKacrranyw•acrranFWwt - i ^ .DON’T MISS = ALL UNlT^ ' ^ . ■peedT700 tandem main. 3-ipeeddrive V nuxll.8JxiiT. 5- •■ '60 oO FORD y , ! ;y ^ o u r t k a d iJTVOLKS n ' vo^ DEALER ^ ...... T , Office:e Phono 733 733-7365 — -- PREMIERE SHOWINGJ EjEXCELLENT CONDITION)N __ ■ lary .«ranjmlnlpn,.^tn Jlor 300or i;. •• _--- j'»rccdi:.-.Ve^engiBe,.in;.wp=.2-ton rtumn truck S-ipeed. t: \ LOWELL WILLS DICK BO^BOYD ERNIE WILLS ------ovnrhaul-rocenlly.. Coljd.300___ ^^-%e-wiil-trade foi'for anything'any of value—e — ■• • ■• / tM-6582 713-0542733-0542 ...... 733-1888______of the all new l-IMS Dodw VS, A.IOO van. ‘ rubber, new. king riBi. will *Unpe. I—IDU I'OIIU Sui«:r Duty licon-con. »>undl« a 2Wooi bed., . i m QD DG E Pol'nra 4-doorw r O-pa.t.^B-pa.Mcneer .stalitn .\vagonl V8, . MARLETTE SPACE- l-lMfl GMC^Iundy man van. ■ , 3 — Mon dual wheeled trucksicks .._ ^ automatic transmission,on. posverposyer Steeringi andi Wakes, ^ w - ' All vani would muke Vx-ex- ■60'GMC'6t ^ “ 3CK w in d o w ..S h a rp ,.,...... MANOR HOME 1--1904 ^ ^ cellentand I mobile IWB CHEVY'^.- camper*. ‘/r^rgI‘ne,’"’4*ipterrB-.m^*-„,y® J03>03 USED UNITS I n STOCK 20x60’. 3 bedrooms. 2,baths,hs. ion. V». 3-«pced pickupiupi / . ainn s-tpeed rear axle, 823x 13 — 2-ton trucks in stock 1065 FO R D Custom 500 4-doordoor sedan.sedan, V8 motor, Crulseomatici ^ THEISlEISEN’S - ■^Tcrfigfrar«I“Blr\-cond!tlQning.ung.. ' , j—10«4»~1 wlihCMC utilitySSOO-llll-cdb-lrac'T boolei. rae-—--- —,■■^— / ^20-- tirei.------_ ^ ------T";------— ------=— —: on dlsploy dally ot the Twin■win . . Bmer^uiralr^’wiih® 3o‘ 19C5 IMPALA 4-door sporl^cdarf.,.VI•l^cdarf_,.V8, P o w e i/G lid e traniiDls- ;,_nciV. tires,-lllj(fc hew throughouL - Falls fair ond rodeo, Scptem^ •...... 1 . BOB REESE’S RE] , “ slon, power stecring,_nciy..Hrc 6 through September 8*•, ^ _ PlIONIi 733-0443 / ...... 52095-i: 4 :r FffieSe GarsC ' IHC .TRUCKS-G-as & Diesel ^ 1963 IM PALA sport-co u p«.';327' c.'|3 2 7 ' V8V8,'standard.transmission, - — GATEWAY CIIARLIE-S TRUCKS « --- i:.. DODGEGE CITY ______' ____ncw_wh!to_walljJrc.'!.'Only__^._... qnly^._.. . ..s.. 5159515?j 19{1967 E L C A M I N C .E• Li c C i ij t ijPc p ...... ' " ...... - - . 5 liQUIPMtNT •32l'^8, aulomatlcJc transmission,transmlss! power steering, low • TRAILER CENTER<- • 210 Weit ^vc. A Jerome 324-4363«62 q OPEN EVENINGS 'TJL 8 -— 500 BlockB 2nd Avenue S'outhh . 1963196: VALIANT 4-door stationitiop wagonJ^-cylinderwagon motor, auto-uto-,- • , m ileage. Addliim W e« .. -713-2«10. ------chevi^ et' duT' --- ^7 . Kenny Moon - Winn Ellis — Joe Butler __ _ matlc transmission, chrome caicar top carrier. A nice one. ■ ...... SPECIAL PRICE $2695 ... — :------ExcExcellenl ihnpe. new molor.lor. “—“ ...... 51095 1095 ...... : ...... V' 1966 FORD GALAJflE!IE 500'2-d500'2-door Hard^Dp • 'we Will fo"';Po"'?iit.*K&. Cail*»37^ 4."«v‘(^ •CASH . FOR - CARS .. ^ g i960 COMET 4-door stationion wagon. Srcyllnder, stick shift nlOEi.nl»» Hagerwan. ' •_____ ^ : A lf1967 Models ggj *352^' engine, automaticimatlc transr transmission, power steering. = = —any-mpt .v lOB. '2S3- V8-wlth.».200,mllM2S‘^i on -mi 54« . .. ,■YO.U^ .TRADE-m'^^-^®^- ,ln g ...... $195(195 .k new; inside and olu u t.' ■ ------w a t 'c h - f o r • -IK rebuild. ; S-ine«d (rnnimiiilon/i; 2- ---- ~»hced~nxTcT'A'1'^.25 tlreC'epfefi Folo' • ' _ — ^ fiRTyErALm xii• ______ilO33551 M -O PE L 2-door sedan. Stick shift. s hift Just ...... '$145'tu T “—-• “ ...... SF SPEC-IAL-PRIC-E-$I8 9 5 - ^ • — New '’eS-Modcls- bwlbeei bed. Ucenied lor 24,000.‘Vcry^?iy *• MILLER AUTO SALES - -.*.l!And^ou.CQnslstcntly.SaY.o__M------. .. g e t T H ^ ri9GS~MEgCURY~M0NTEREYO N T L K L Y 2- d P o r - r i n n HuLi Coming ^on - MACIC VAU^l:V^NTE"RNATIONAL3NAL momoney on • aupcrior eurif. No ‘ T H ^ t K T - “ ■' " - - BeaiiUfur Sultana wilte,-white,-‘390*.V ‘390* r engine,-all-cfM cr-.------.' .Truck* and ^duiiriul Traclort.clor*. ' "gimmick*.. gir Read the book'and _ -ijj cury's liixury equipmentilpm enL ' -— . • • • |sg — $100 .to .ig50Q - ■ ^^R!S51D0W NaM « ------^BA-KER*S------# = — faM te PER MONTH ' ...... SPECIAL PRICE $2495 . .. - ONU pickup. oNUVi Savc-iiko-.maitliamroriifi*. Pam.Top. tor dmbb522k •^Bock. ■“< creel* Roai), llanJBj^. «Irt Iler. • —r— ■ — ‘ I I • Mobile Homes. . - J^ymoSu!" Do7g^“ Dodf«7^ ■ '6-14e.li M aln'S outh • : ■■.■I: ' I P hone 733-6811.>811. m1965' O L D S M O B IL E 4 -d o o f. -H a 412 Addlion .Ave. Wex 733-39S< Iln iin„ cil cover.'-Daker-r Mobile(^Siio Fh'PSo®* 4?3-Sl73. . . • • , I'lyn^ 4 -d o o r. - H a r d to p ^ ’ Hnme», 412 Addlian Avenue Weit.Wexu ------: • ----- ^ ^ --- ' , Bch.Eldredge ’ ■Jack-^xJack-^x . ■ Woody'Turley:ley • - Automatic jransmlssiorr.^jwwtilssiorr,:,power, new car trade-in. ' ______. - ■ ------, _ 733.; ' ^^^-^MOBILE HOM^ s : haiHARBAUGH MOTOR CO;. ^ S p e c i a l ^ r i c e $2395 \uic't Goodiag.:idalia_l?neM-Ht41W:- -—------1----- — ' f-HMi.lOW^oTup WMnons!”--- We'^V^o“pet^ »45o r w -^-?«J?64rTr4r^ iberly .®®o •_____ - •- ' • ------'— r ------rj:------ifl£IflflS-MERCtlRY-MONTEREYONTEREY-Gustom-— ------. — TRAVEL TRAILERS — SCOUT. scgrr IHS, BO. 4X4. 13"U* hubi. huti .like new. 4.0OO mile*. B47S. cor nrSd " NEW CAR'. •- •. .„«^Wner. -SALBS ?«cW hfd<:' ; IBS- S«'«V PftonTce.___ run* good. lM4Tord nlCVup. cnop- . ‘ LEASING eo. .^ ■ y . e: s.-Ss. ^ L E j ! : ...... SPSPECIAJJPM ] C E $1495 BAKER’S MOBILE HOMESes okiu oiuu:Inal 1920 model A iVd TTelJ^pick. pedSt and *hortened, Lincoln senr. Now lor th« tint time, home-ime- rondi- oidimoblle engine, nredi’-.ernir;g.epnlr; -• modelownowned cnr*.In Twin trucki I-aII«. and leeilng plckupi. all. -1963 FORD GALAXIEIE 500 4-door4-dc Sedan . “rVl^vlfrRS-sSft'Cip"'’-- ' ~-Dnnnifl-CBppr.-7M.42a4. JSi.:.“Mis"A^''par!i5??inrB- >honB —^ make& olter. IQ*-aM8. Gooding. 19G3 PONTIAC ’ I960 CHRYSLER _____ |jc«llv ownri. Jullyullv .gailPM eoulnped.______— 1------:— ■ fsgjy |»B4 TIIUNDERD1RD Landau. Many mod J M .- - ~ B C T n e Y lll^ 4 ^ h nf-»"P------Utto...... SPECIAL':PRICE'$1195— • - I ll AddUTO Avcy'ww ^ KU jpte ^ HOKD I-ton cuttom Aab. Kadlo, ■ p . . " ^ S srAS'»VV?ffiruBsi ■ ‘'" s p e c i a l P R IC E S169S" '- ;* CHEVROLET STATION 'WAGON ___■- Iwk-'phtfei* « I *• r tion.s Price »2i00. 73J-23J9 Eve.^ ° Main Avenue-We*t ■ — ^ I M P S e N S — 1»M H-ton I'ORD pickup. Now-ilre>.-,[y~ '_J • nlng*._ , • . ■ ' . .... —' ■ — ^------^------yg . nalAr..JtnnfIiinI,Iransmlll[l■H trn n cm l« ln n ^Wgr^flve, locally ------.lW i)~ i i i : ’' C A M lN U — owned,-MW car_,trade-in.rade-ln. IN RUPERT.?^ - . i*P;1-ipeed (ranwnliiloiT. Price S4M. CADILLAC.caq] lOJO. ftadio.' heater. . 1958 DODGE LnwlW mileage. 3-tpeedJitlth radio, Speciallic In yiu . nnn■ • -highe*t rora B:00. ca*h 731-OUO ’.bid. Callaller 733-2001B:00 or>TE *vebe- W O R K M A N Pickup and catnpcTj__ heatheater and «lr »hock**^lmmaci»...... SPECIAL PRICE $1295. iiom -MB--i84a-Aiturai„ . , • ---- _ • SPECIAL PRICE 568BI . »»i«jlatel — — . and your needs. ------• - i3AV./U.^£/Aia •PT>nT T TT?T?.q _____...... 3PECIAL-PjtICB:51^-j ------^962-tOTERNATl6NAt-SeOU’i A t - s e o u T : P i e K u i > ------•— • Broadnioro ♦Fleetwood ______Good m’erhlnlfnl i-nmUtlfln-m ,^--,^-.-^Securityi= 'duISS ^ - ^ n iia c A:adillac^ c_ _ ^...... - 1963-BUtCl96 3 -B U tC K ' ' ^ ____ _ Term*. -Job,-*' TV. H?S ^ GMC __ -____ —flrrrrlnl—I doucTl-IT l«diit.'oui«. AutoAutos for. SoU ■ ^ 200 ' Sfe j-jjj, Pwthic' 0^1 .--Buicklick . ■fcr,'low^'.low ro lle a g ftC — ^ nuiBse r«rrl8er«ior,and heater,®“uW 1W7 CHRYSLER . Dunonttrfltor.. a- FORI — ^ ..... r ~ : 7;:.....'TT^ECTA sp; L PRICE'$1195, pner. door hwdtoo. power-awerlng -ppw.-pow. .- orgSm'e™**? iLl.to BW «^¥HDAH0= — r— ---: 1- ••-C an-Y ourTravorlialYT^vorltelV.E:S.':Mair.’: -^^Isi-FeRB^-ON^GKOP-^ffcmip ~ T-~r 6149 ' A rt H lm lng . . . i ...... 733-3150™ •’'?s?s3psir2srs: ^ fs " ''r poRD-J«M rtleon|2-dw.^SW^ndard -- ^-1- - - .:...... ~ ■ .B o Bob b Lothani ...... V 733^149 Art 1 V 4-spM transmission,ion, heavy dduty tlrtf. A-good utillty- ■ eondltJoner^^^S - 2 £^ m S m F 55I'i=^ , FRONK MOTOR Deo SovblUM8“i'.;T:.--733442l^.Ktlly0421 - K elly r.Houk 543-4639 , \ "^out , n^iet-aioo pTm. ■ —^ 2T78 MlSo. T hornton ...... 733-S883i S ' - -■ y vehicle...... — J « J ■ KUNSKILL a - trailer.-^^ « v ”s . 'r w r ^ L..'- Joe'Astbi^^ia 7JS-2m MlSo . .77.TrripE(3A L pRiciliM s C” - CmiIb and Minidoka Counller, B78. 15^ Don Whal«aT'...... 73MI0121012 Abbl(A bble U rlguen 733-1891-3-1891-’ ...... b: • 6iRl' geuing marriedi lM2'"Fom Phone 733-30IW. .___ . . •lC ^ 'rLAMttJM~»0.4a i b e d ^ m! pO>4TI/tCTeaiH: lM»’«e>0lTS«*-«l “‘ilfn ' laoo. T»of«f^'irade” eftmper“ 6i> ^9^Nortl»,W.a*hlnglon. Phone* 733- • and, *ervlc^ factory authorized • , ; • — te E IS E:M I^ :p o :im s^ im au 8*' wide ror -part paymeau COMET lK4' Callen(a 3-Iace> In .The'The^ W otid To Buy A Car — ■TO-»*3. bctwe*en~8^D0*’B?m. .and. and '"r:ajr. “‘fj, Immaculale, l^f.0HB 733.480C..S“' _ 701 MAIN EAST • ' , . . P H O N E 733-T/OO . '. 'B:W p.qi. Of ieo at Hoover Trailerrailer LOWELOWECT overheadi equal loweitDweit IBM"UM'PbNTIAC cyivertlble. 733-0318. cHiTv ' ' OLDSMOSILE.OlBlLE-B'uiCK . - 7oi i S ; ------Lf----- .J&nt-VOnjMEdKjItMo;j>CPlef for-Maalc Valley ' ______E«Eor Mawti WtaUiiii' aufl Utet bnter — ~lng%?d''.^nirei7New ~^bbe i^ltM. - 21___ Tbeisen Show on moXTtgaigrTronr ■j, run I Jj'i. riiii-iiii r-iiill'di^-‘ I — alaa:^* ‘ trciP — fit Main iOUlE ___------___ ;■ ; ___• _____ 733-8721 M •J. ' . , . J \ ^ . r - — Si I-

^^sgBBBSLUjstsSSs^ ■

• ■°'iooo / / #

\ . WJ ^ ' / V i • ’ 1

V a n o t h e r GIGANTIC G1GAN1 CACTUS PETE’SETE’S AAND HORSE SHHU U GIVEAWAY!GIVE R egister'now : and register often>n for ththe FREE FORD BRONCC3RONCO tb bo given awayvay wild onc Cactus Pete’s Series "I” membership> cards. The other FREE■E FORCFORD BRONCO willII be drawn drav^ from names on tho BIG . • JACKPOT bBOARDS, o a r d ; at thtt Horse-ShuShu ancand Cactus Pete’s.s. Your rname' can appear as many " as-20~tln res~onr o] r-t UiB, lip-DIQ -B eA R B SvHner-it7efeoaing~yoor-chaneoa-tq eoaii oa-t q wirt:win!—:------:------

MMIi Y Wv A k i ) itlY I Noww Playiniing in thithe Gainila Rooni Iv ^ ■ '’;t*^p3-.,


, K/ " : F " ~ 5FAMOUSi G A U RtO 0 O ( M BUFFIJFFETS

r .:_- - S E A F O)OD O D EVEEVERY FRIDAY NIGHT:3HT: Ocean Oc * • RROAST BA R pN OF BEEIBEEF: Every Saturday prepired-by • .*_ ' e' evening, i n 'th e Gala RocRoom. Choice prime t It "" '_ __;__' !____ fresh, seafoodsseafoods, flown in and prepirec J r y ytaW 'Tnastor'chefs.• chefs. Complete' assortment-ofment-of-on— ---- :v .. _ j ______bibeef, cooked t<^-perfectioi-perfection and served just ^-inc^l-l_____ ■ "’ . A ^ / i ' , ______V ______trees-and-salacind-salada. ______. ■ _ ■ ^ trie way you likent. It. Do^ns~df;satad^rom—^ D o^ --- wHictr-to-choose;----- ^------—'-----^------""Ll' • "3'1 4TEAT JUSTIST . . r~:- . : 2.95

I _ _ WINVI CASCASH EVERY SUNDAUNDAY WIN $55 to !$500 IN I GOLDEN:N (CAGE DifAWlAWJNGS FREEI S^ p ^ S H •EREE- E R E E CCASH ^ drawing evary/ fiaif-hour-SUNOAY!fiBiflhdur- Yqu do not tiav* ' to mako a purehau to b« ellglblo.eliglblo. BringB your aoriet H member* - d r the-1the^H orSe^Sho^Cloi= C lobf= #^ r -Ste"*,-shlp-carda-for. flpociaj drawinffs-avsry-^Inge-every-hour-on.tlie liour at Cactus

I ■ ' ■ SUNDAYAY-DINNER Dl SIB i FRiEIRIED NpWNo* at CactusctiK=Pete's-- CHICKICKEN J ------1 _____ Served. ^ •’ j6 aia-BaiBar Family Style '; ^ T - J u s t ____

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- - - y . --'- - -7 - •• - - ...... '' ' ■ .... —-— ------;------;-----U.------■—:-----»— . .