PRESENT: Provost Jim Todd and Councillors Ellen Freel, Gordon Jenkins, John McFadzean, John McGhee, Helen Coffey, Ian Grant, Maureen McKay, Tom Cook, Lillian Jones, Iain Linton, Douglas Reid, Fiona Campbell, John Campbell, Barry Douglas, John Knapp, Clare Maitland, Sally Cogley, George Mair, Elena Whitham, Depute Provost Claire Leitch, Councillors Neil McGhee, Jim Roberts, Alyson Simmons, Billy Crawford, Jim McMahon, Jacqui Todd, Walter Young, John Bell, Elaine Dinwoodie and Drew Filson. ATTENDING: Fiona Lees, Chief Executive; Alex McPhee, Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer: Economy and Skills; Chris McAleavey, Depute Chief Executive: Safer Communities; Eddie Fraser, Director of Health and Social Care Partnership; Susan Taylor, Head of Children's Health, Care and Justice Services; David Mitchell, Chief Governance Officer; Joe McLachlan, Corporate Accounting Manager; Julie Jamieson, Group Finance Manager; David McDowall, Operations Manager: Building Standards and Development Management; Craig Iles, Development Management Team Leader; Caroline Gordon, Communications Officer; and Julie McGarry, Administration Manager. APOLOGY: Councillor Jon Herd. CHAIR: Provost Jim Todd, Chair.

PROVOST'S OPENING REMARKS 1. The Provost welcomed to the Council meeting Cara Teven, a second year Law student from Strathclyde University who was on work experience within Legal Services.

PROVOST'S REMARKS 2. The Provost began the Council meeting by expressing his heartfelt condolences on behalf of the Council in respect of the terrorist attacks which had taken place since the last Council meeting at the Manchester Arena and in London, and the Grenfell Tower blaze. He advised that the Council had observed a minute's silence and had flown the flags at half-mast to mark these tragic events. The Provost expressed his condolences from the Council and that our thoughts were with those affected. The Provost opened his remarks by congratulating Grange Academy pupil, Billy Gilmour aged 15, who was swopping school life for the bright lights of London after signing for Premier League title winners, Chelsea. The Provost advised that Billy, who was from Ardrossan, had been with Grange Academy's School of Football Performance team since first year and had successfully balanced school work and football training from a very young age. The Provost expressed his pleasure that the Scottish Junior Cup was staying in again, the home of Junior football and the Provost congratulated the well- deserved winners, Glenafton Athletic. The Provost stated that season 2016/17 had proven to be a momentous year for Glenafton Athletic, after being crowned West Region Super League Champions for the first time in the club's history, they had gone 85 on to defeat Talbot in the Scottish Junior Cup final to lift the trophy for the second time in the club's history. The Provost then stated that they had completed the treble after defeating Glasgow Perthshire in the season's end final of the Evening Times League Champions Cup. The Provost then commiserated with Auchinleck who had been pipped in both the Scottish Cup and the League, where they had been going for a remarkable five league wins in a row, by Glenafton. The Provost remarked that this was an incredible achievement and he looked forward to providing Civic recognition for Glenafton at a future stage. The Provost then expressed his pleasure to have joined the Provosts and Chief Executive Officers of all of the Councils in Scotland at the Opening of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland on 20 May for the procession from the City Chambers in Edinburgh to the Assembly Hall, The Mound where the incoming Moderator Designate, Rev Dr Derek Browning, had made everyone very welcome. The Provost then thanked the Killie Trust, KFCSA and Young Kilmarnock who had invited him to take part in the commemorations and 20th Anniversary celebrations of Kilmarnock winning the Scottish Cup and advised that it had been great to meet the Kilmarnock players and staff of Kilmarnock Football Club at the Grand Hall on 20 May. The Provost then advised that that he had welcomed the MGF Wind Band and friends from Kulmbach, Germany on a twinning visit to Onthank Primary School and Academy. The Provost remarked that a special highlight had been the musical performance of Highland Cathedral played jointly by students from Kulmbach, Cumnock and Auchinleck Academies. The Provost went on to express his delight in attending 327 (Kilmarnock) Squadron's Summertime Ball on Saturday 10 June at the Park Hotel, Kilmarnock. The Provost stated that the main purpose of the Ball was to raise much needed funds for the Squadron and that it had been lovely to see everyone as it provided the opportunity for 327 to engage with the wider Squadron community and celebrate their success in this year, the 80th Anniversary of the Squadron. The Provost then referred to Roon the Toon and stated that, leaving the Ayrshire Athletics Arena, competitors raced through the town centre and surrounding countryside over a very fast course on 11 June. The Provost advised that an invitational wheelchair race had taken place just before Roon the Toon and inspirational Paralympian Sammi Kinghorn had completed the 10k course in just 25 minutes. The Provost said that he had been delighted to welcome visitors to Kilmarnock, especially Meg and Bruce from Syracuse, New York who had been in Scotland to celebrate Meg's 50th birthday and that he had presented Meg with a special Roon the Toon birthday cake and a Burns book to mark her big day. The Provost congratulated the Kilmarnock Harriers and in particular Ian Gebbie and Matt Dodds who had organised this wonderful event. The Provost then advised that this month all schools throughout East Ayrshire were holding their annual prize giving ceremonies and that 13 June saw the last prize giving ceremony to be held in Kilmarnock Academy. The Provost further advised that it had been an honour to present the prizes on this momentous occasion and it had been lovely that Frank Donnelly, the former Rector of Kilmarnock Academy, had been the guest speaker for the evening, which had been very fitting. The Provost then went on to advise that he had been invited by HRH, the Duke of Rothesay, to attend the re-opening of the Tamar Manoukian Swimming 86

Pool on 14 June. The Provost stated that it had been a joyous occasion as Rio 2016 double silver medallist Duncan Scott dived in as local schoolchildren jumped into the water to celebrate the re-opening of the pool. The Provost further stated that, built in 1966, the swimming pool had been saved from demolition by the community run group, Afton Water Leisure, and had undergone significant improvement work following funding from the Outreach Programme. The Provost advised that HRH had been joined in unveiling the plaque by Georgette Fulton who had worked at the pool when it opened, starting as a cleaner and ending up as head lifeguard and that her name was also on the plaque alongside that of the Prince. The Provost then stated that the East Ayrshire Support Team, in conjunction with the Psychological Service had invited him to attend the Dyslexia Friendly Schools Awards presentations at The Pavilion, Dumfries House, Cumnock on Thursday 22 June. The Provost further stated that it had been a privilege to present the awards to representatives from each school, including the teachers and pupils as the event had celebrated the ways in which practice, ethos, culture and policy combined to enable all learners to be the best they could be. The Provost then remarked that it had been an honour to welcome serving personnel, veterans and Cadet forces to Council Headquarters on 23 June to mark Armed Forces Day and to have been given the opportunity to show our support and recognition. The Provost went on to thank the Rev Ross McMahan of Cumnock Congregation Church for agreeing to host the Kirkin' of the Council on Sunday 25 June, to mark the beginning of our new Council and expressed his thanks to the Depute Provost and those Councillors and officers who had attended the ecumenical mass. The Provost remarked that the parishioners of Cumnock Congregational Church had extended a warm welcome to the Council and Rev McMahan's readings had been very well received. The Provost advised that His Royal Highness, the Earl of Wessex, had visited Centrestage, Kilmarnock on 28 June. The Provost remarked that it had been a pleasure to have joined him and the Provost was happy to report that he had found the same admiration we all shared for the excellent commitment, drive and enthusiasm Centrestage provided for our communities. The Provost further advised that the Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Edinburgh, Mr Dariusz Adler and the Marshal of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Region of Poland, Mr Całbecki, under the patronage of His Excellency, the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to the UK, had very kindly invited him to attend the programme of Chopin's region - the heritage of Szafarnia, with a piano recital by Rafał Blechacz on 28 June at the Queen's Hall in Edinburgh. The Provost stated that he and the Depute Provost had thoroughly enjoyed the performances, which had been outstanding. The Provost advised that he had invited Mr Całbecki to visit East Ayrshire to showcase what we have on offer. The Provost then referred to the Queen's Birthday Honours List and expressed his delight on hearing that Her Majesty had chosen to recognise - Frank McHugh of 33rd Ayrshire Scouts, with a British Empire Medal for services to scouting and the community; Mrs Jeanette Gilchrist Gordon, Higher Executive Officer, Department for Work and Pensions with an MBE for services to DWP and the community in East Ayrshire; John Wallace Howie with an MBE for services to Business and the Economy (Kilmarnock, Ayrshire and Arran) and Lauren Currie originally a local lass and daughter of one of our own colleagues, Garry Currie from Housing Asset Services who received 87

an OBE for serve to design and diversity. The Provost stated that he looked forward to recognising these individuals, along with the recipients of the New Year's Honours Lit at a Civic Reception later this year. The Provost then stated that on Tuesday 13 June, the Depute Provost and a number of Elected Members had joined the Young Carers and their Showcase event in Carers Cottage. The Provost advised that it had been a fantastic and emotional event which had left all involved in full admiration for these young people. The Provost remarked that it had been particularly poignant that each had invited along a teacher who had taken the time to support them in their school life. The Provost further stated that just last week we had our Annual Learning Disability Awareness Week during which there had been events throughout the Council area that a number of Members had attended. The Depute Provost had attended the Showcase event on Tuesday 20th, in Cumnock Town Hall, where there had been performances from Park School, Things Tae Dae Group, Cumnock Riverside Group, iDance and Strings and Things. The Provost remarked that the hall had been full and a good time had been had by all. Finally, the Provost advised that he would be carrying on the practice of the Provost's Charity and it was his intention to bring a report to a Council meeting after the recess to advise of what his chosen charity would be.

DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. No declarations of interest were intimated by the Members present in relation to the items of business on the Agenda.

PREVIOUS MINUTES 4. There were submitted (circulated) and approved as a correct record, Minutes of Statutory Council Meeting of 18 May 2017 (pages 16-38).

CABINET/COMMITTEE MINUTES 5. There were submitted (circulated) and approved as correct records, with the exception as undernoted, (and with the exception of the Minutes of the East Ayrshire Integration Joint Board and Governance and Scrutiny Committee which were for noting only) the Minutes of the undernoted Meetings, viz:- 5.1 EAST AYRSHIRE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD OF 1 MARCH 2017 (pages 1-8). 5.2 EAST AYRSHIRE INTEGRATION JOINT BOARD OF 19 APRIL 2017 (pages 9-15). 5.3 SPECIAL PLANNING COMMITTEE OF 26 MAY 2017 (pages 39-41). 5.4 CABINET OF 31 MAY 2017 (pages 42-45). (i) Correction to the Minute - Item 3(iv), Page 43 - Additional Welfare Reform Funding Proposal - Noted a correction to the Minute in that (iv) should read "to request the development of an exit strategy from CAB/CVO detailing the sustainable arrangements that would continue in respect of the reduction of foodbank dependency, and in doing so, give due consideration to the extension of the foodbank project funding to March 2019. (ii) Matters Arising - Following further discussion on the Cabinet Minute, it was noted that the Council were one of only three Local Authorities who would be 88

taking part in the Oxfam project called "A Menu for Change" funded from the Big Lottery Fund which would seek to reduce the need for and reliance on emergency food aid. 5.5 GRANTS COMMITTEE OF 1 JUNE 2017 (pages 46-51). 5.6 PLANNING COMMITTEE OF 2 JUNE 2017 (pages 52-56). 5.7 APPEALS PANEL OF 6 JUNE 2017 (pages 57-58). 5.8 LOCAL REVIEW BODY OF 13 JUNE 2017 (pages 59-61). 5.9 CABINET OF 14 JUNE 2017 (pages 62-67). 5.10 GOVERNANCE AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE OF 15 JUNE 2017 (pages 68-71).

REVIEW AND UPDATE OF THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION AND ADMINISTRATION 6. There was submitted a report dated 19 June 2017 (circulated) by the Chief Governance Officer which submitted a draft consolidated Scheme of Delegation and Administration which took cognisance of (i) changes already agreed through Council/Cabinet/ Committees since the last review in April 2015; (ii) further proposed minor changes in light of operational experiences; and (iii) decisions taken at the Statutory Council meeting held on 18 May 2017. It was agreed: (i) to increase the membership of each of the Planning and Grants Committees and the Local Government Licensing Panel, from 11 to 13; (ii) to increase the quorum of each of the Planning and Grants Committees and the Local Government Licensing Panel, from 4 to 6 but defer the implementation of the increase in the quorum for each of these until August 2017; (iii) to appoint two further Members to each of the Planning and Grants Committees and the Local Government Licensing Panel as follows:- Planning Committee - Councillors Mair and Filson; Grants Committee - Councillors Fiona Campbell and name from the Labour Group to be advised; and Local Government Licensing Panel - Councillors Knapp and Maitland; (iv) to approve the proposed revised provision in the Scheme of Delegation in relation to the Cross Party Sounding Board relative to its composition and Terms of Reference as set out in paragraph 15 of the report; (v) to note that the first meeting of the revised Cross Party Sounding Board would be arranged to take place within the August/September Committee cycle; (vi) to note that the revised operating arrangements for the Cross Party Sounding Board would be kept under operational review on an ongoing basis and any identified changes or improvements would be reported to a future meeting of Council for its consideration; (vii) that the previous arrangement for substitute Members at Cabinet be discontinued; (viii) to formally approve the draft consolidated and revised Scheme of Delegation and Administration; and (ix) otherwise, to note the contents of the report. 89

COUNCILLORS' REMUNERATION, SALARY, ALLOWANCES AND EXPENSES 7. There was submitted a report dated 19 June 2017 (circulated) by the Chief Governance Officer which recommended for Council's approval a Members' Salaries, Allowances and Expenses Scheme. It was agreed: (i) to include the Cabinet remits for the Leader and Depute Leader in the table at page 3 of the Scheme; (ii) otherwise, to approve the Members' Salaries, Allowances and Expenses Scheme; (iii) that the Provost's Civic Office expenses be set at an annual maximum of £3,000; and (iv) otherwise, to note the contents of the report.

APPOINTMENTS TO OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS 8. There was submitted a report dated 21 June 2017 (circulated) by the Chief Governance Officer which invited Council to consider various Member appointments to outside organisations. It was agreed: (i) to approve the Substitute Members for the Integration Joint Board, namely Councillors Maitland, Neil McGhee and Herd; (ii) to appoint Members to the outside organisations shown in Appendix 1 to this Minute, noting that appointments to those organisations which had sought affiliation with the Council for 2017/18 would be subject to the determination of the Grants Committee decisions on affiliations at their next meeting; (iii) to note that appointments to Blindcraft Trust Fund and Daldorch House School were not required (iv) to remit to the Chief Governance Officer to make enquiries to whether an appointment was required to Tincornhill Quarry Trust and revert to the Local Members thereafter, to determine any action following the outcome of such enquiries; and (v) otherwise, to note the contents of the report.

ANNUAL ACCOUNTS 2016/17 9. There was submitted a report dated 16 June 2017 (circulated) by the Depute Chief Executive and Chief Financial Officer: Economy and Skills, which submitted the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2017 to the Council for approval and thereafter to forward them to the External Auditors. It was agreed: (i) to approve the unaudited Annual Accounts for 2016/17; (ii) to approve immediate submission of the Group Annual Accounts to the External Auditors; and 90

(iii) otherwise, to note the contents of the report.

STRATEGIC PLAN 2015/18 - SECOND ANNUAL REVIEW AND SERVICE IMPROVEMENT PLANS 2017/18 10. There was submitted a report dated 31 May 2017 (circulated) by the Director of Health and Social Care which presented for comment and consideration the Second Annual Review of the Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Strategic Plan for 2015/18 and the supporting Service Improvement Plans for 2017/18. It was agreed: (i) to note that these Service Improvement Plans for 2017/18 contributed to the delivery of the Strategic Plan 2015-18; (ii) to note that the report was intended to be presented to NHS Ayrshire and Arran Board in line with initial agreement between parent bodies; (iii) to note that the Director of Health and Social Care would consider how to make closer ties with the East Ayrshire Leisure Trust; and (iv) otherwise, to note the report.

Councillor John Campbell left the meeting during consideration of this item.

STRATEGIC PLANNING, COMMISSIONING AND DELIVERY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE SERVICES WITHIN AYRSHIRE AND ARRAN 11. There was submitted a report dated 21 June 2017 (circulated) by the Chief Executive which (i) sought approval for a review of the arrangements for the Planning, Commissioning and Delivery of Health and Social Care Services in East Ayrshire; (ii) requested a review of the Integration Scheme between East Ayrshire Council and NHS Ayrshire and Arran; and (iii) asked to specifically consider opportunities for increased integration at a pan-Ayrshire and Arran level, which might include a single Integration Joint Board. It was agreed: (i) that subject to agreement by NHS Ayrshire and Arran, that East Ayrshire Council and NHS Ayrshire and Arran jointly carry out a review of the East Ayrshire Integration Scheme in terms of Section 45(2) of the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 2014; (ii) to note that the NHS Ayrshire and Arran Board agreed a similar report on 26 June 2017; (iii) to note that, subject to agreement between NHS Ayrshire and Arran, North Ayrshire Council and Council respectively, simultaneous reviews would be carried out of the other Ayrshire Integration Schemes; (iv) to approve the process for the implementation of the review of the East Ayrshire Integration Scheme detailed at paragraph 30; (v) to receive a future report detailing the outcome of the review; and (vi) otherwise, to note the contents of the report.


Councillors Dinwoodie and Douglas left the meeting during consideration of this item and Councillor Simmons left the meeting at the conclusion of this item.

RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMITTEE HELD ON 23 JUNE 2017 RELATING TO PLANNING APPLICATION NO 17/0149/PP: RESTORATION OF FORMER POWHARNAL SURFACE MINE BY INCLUDING NATURE CONSERVATION, AGRICULTURAL GRAZING, ENHANCED PUBLIC ACCESS AND CIRCULATION, WATER COURSE REALIGNMENT AND LANDSCAPING AT POWHARNAL OPENCAST AND GASSWATER OPENCAST COAL SITE, , CUMNOCK, EAST AYRSHIRE BY MINES RESTORATION LTD (Item 4, Page 77, 17/22) 12. There was submitted a report dated 23 June 2017 (circulated) by the Chief Governance Officer which informed Council of the recommendation of the Planning Committee held on 23 June 2017 regarding the above planning application and which invited Council to determine the application for planning permission in terms of the Scheme of Delegation on the grounds that the application under consideration proposed a major development in terms of the Town and Country Planning (Hierarchy of Developments) (Scotland) Regulations 2009, that was significantly contrary to the Development Plan. Council, having considered the terms of the report by the Head of Planning and Economic Development and the recommendations of the Planning Committee, agreed: (i) that the application be approved subject to the conditions and for the reasons detailed in the report and subject to referral to the Scottish Government in line with Circular 3:2009; and (ii) otherwise, to note the terms of the report.

The meeting terminated at 1238 hrs.



ORGANISATION MEMBERS APPOINTED A A76 Corridor Partnership Group Councillors Roberts, Simmons, Crawford and McMahon Armed Forces Group East Ayrshire Veterans Champion (Provost Todd) East Ayrshire Veterans Champion Substitute (Depute Provost Leitch) Auchinleck Indoor Bowling Club Depute Provost Leitch and Councillor N McGhee Ayrshire Area Support Team 1 Officer (to be appointed by Chief Executive) Ayrshire Educational Trust Councillors Cook, F Campbell, Maitland, Mair and Leitch C Community Trust Councillor Roberts Catrine Environmental Heritage Local Members for Ward 7, namely Depute Project Executive Committee Provost Leitch and Councillors N McGhee, Roberts and Simmons Community Engagement Board of Leader of the Council (ex officio) Kilmarnock Football Club Limited Leader of Main Opposition (ex officio) Corporate Trust Provost and 8 Members (4/4) from the remaining Wards, namely Councillors McFadzean, F Campbell, J Campbell, Knapp, Whitham, Depute Provost Leitch, N McGhee, Simmons and Dinwoodie CoSLA Boards  Children and Young People - Councillor F Campbell  Health and Social Care - Councillor Linton  Environment and Economy - Councillor Roberts  Community Wellbeing - Councillor Whitham Crossroads Community Hub Councillor Whitham (substitute Councillor Mair) Cunninghame Housing Association Councillor Reid Ltd E East Ayrshire Coalfield Councillor McMahon Environmental Initiative East Ayrshire Fairtrade Steering Councillor Freel Group 93

ORGANISATION MEMBERS APPOINTED East Ayrshire Local Licensing Councillor J Campbell Forum East Ayrshire Woodlands Councillors Maitland, N McGhee and Jacqui Todd East Ayrshire Youth Work Network Councillor Maitland, Depute Provost Leitch and Councillor N McGhee G Galloway & Southern Ayrshire Councillor Bell Biosphere Partnership Board Galston Regeneration Partnership Local Members (Ward 6), namely Councillors Executive Committee Cogley, Mair and Whitham I Improvement & Efficiency Social Councillor Reid Enterprise (iESE) Irvine Valley Local Regeneration Councillors F Campbell, Cogley, Douglas1, Herd Partnership and Whitham The Industrial Communities Councillors J McGhee and McMahon Alliance Scotland K Kilmarnock Townscape Heritage Councillors Cook, Reid, Roberts and 1 Member Initiative Partnership from Labour Group (name to be provided) [Following the Council meeting, the Labour Group confirmed Cllr J McGhee] Kilmarnock Town Centre Liaison Councillors Cook, Reid, Maitland and 1 Member Group from Labour Group (name to be provided) [Following the Council meeting, the Labour Group confirmed Cllr J McGhee] Kilmarnock Town Centre Councillors Reid, Herd, Maitland and 1 Member Partnership Board from Labour Group (name to be provided) [Following the Council meeting, the Labour Group confirmed Cllr J McGhee] L Lowland Reserve Forces and Veterans Champion, namely Provost Todd Cadets Association

1 Following the Council meeting, Councillor Mair advised that this appointment should be himself rather than Councillor Douglas 94

ORGANISATION MEMBERS APPOINTED M Mair Bequest Joint Advisory Members from the Bequest Area (Ward 6), Committee namely Councillors Cogley, Mair and Whitham N National Gaelic Resources Centre Depute Provost Leitch P Prestwick Airport Consultative Councillor J McGhee (Substitute: Councillor Committee Grant) R Road Safety West of Scotland Councillor McMahon (Substitute: Councillor Cook) Bessie C Roxburgh Bequest Members from the Bequest Area (Ward 6), namely Councillors Cogley, Mair and Whitham S Scottish Liaison Group on Councillor McMahon Radioactive Waste Management Cross Party Councillor Maitland Group on China Shire Housing Committee Councillor Whitham Supplier Development Programme Councillor Jenkins V Victim Support Group - East Councillor Whitham Ayrshire W West Coast Rail 250 Councillor Roberts (Substitute: Councillor Jenkins) West of Scotland Archaeology Councillor Linton (Substitute: Councillor Jenkins) Service West of Scotland European Forum Councillor Jenkins (Substitute: Councillor Bell) Y Yipworld.com Depute Provost Leitch and Councillors Simmons, McMahon and Crawford



GROUP/APPOINTMENT MEMBERS APPOINTED Member/Officer Working Group on Members of each of the political parties or Gypsy Travellers named substitutes, namely Councillors J McGhee, Cook and Reid. Member/Officer Working Group on Councillors Grant, N McGhee, Roberts, Bell Minerals Local Development Plan and Filson Veterans Champion (and Substitute) Provost Todd (Sub: Depute Provost Leitch) White Ribbon Champion Councillor McMahon


GROUP MEMBERS INVITED Greenburn Opencast Coal Site Local Members (Ward 8) Grievehill OCCS Opencast Coal Liaison Local Members (Ward 8) Committee House of Water OCCS Opencast Coal Local Members (Ward 8) Liaison Committee Laigh Glenmuir OCCS Opencast Coal Local Members (Ward 7) Liaison Committee Netherton Surface Mine Liaison Local Members (Ward 8) Committee Powharnal Dalfad OCCS Opencast Coal Local Members (Ward 7) Liaison Committee