Under Exclusive License to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021 J
INDEX1 A Antisemitism Abandonment theory, 38 conspiratorial, 108 Achcar, Gilbert, 130n4 and the Family Guy, 77–78 African American people and Holocaust education in support for WWII, 21 Germany, 90 teaching about genocide, and indifference to Nazi genocide, 92–94, 97, 109 5, 12, 14, 19–21 Alexander, Jeffrey, 3, 49 links to anti-liberalism and anti- Americanization of the globalism, 110–111 Holocaust, 4–6, 22 and the Oi! rock subgenre, 58–59 Amistad (movie), 94 and resistance to COVID-19 Amy Bellette (Roth character), 29–30 restrictions, 115 Anderson County Review antisemitic, rising, and return to nativism and anti-mask cartoon, 113 isolationism, 109 And Truth Shall Set You Free See also Holocaust education; (Icke), 117 Holocaust memorialization; Anne B. Real (novel, flm), 87 White nationalism “Another Brick in the Wall, Part II” Auschwitz imagery, 2, 106, 113 (Pink Floyd),” 57 Auslander, Shalom, 30–31 1 Note: Page numbers followed by ‘n’ refer to notes. © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature 133 Switzerland AG 2021 J. Demsky, Nazi and Holocaust Representations in Anglo-American Popular Culture, 1945–2020, Palgrave Studies in Cultural Heritage and Confict, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-79221-3 134 INDEX B Cole, Tim, 2 Baldwin, Stanley, 15 Commodifed “Bart vs. Australia” episode (The memorialization, 33, 109 Simpsons),” 79 Conspiracy narratives, 115, 118 Battle of Cable Street, London, 15 Corrupt remembrance, 30, 38 Berenbaum, Michael, 4, 28 COVID-19 pandemic, 113–116, 118 Bieber, Justin, 86 Crimes against humanity,
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