MTA Neighborhood Maps: Midtown
East Green Rumsey Playfield Naumburg Bandshell Mineral Springs Croquet Green E Bowling V Midtown I Green R The Mall W D • E • • B T R CENTRAL PARK TIMESS SQUARE THEATER DISTRICT GRAND CENTRAL I S D T A E Streets Eighth Av, F-J2 West 56 St, D1-7 1871 House, B10 Barney’s New York, B8 Bryant ParkD Hotel, L7 Central Synagogue, E10 Da Vinci Hotel, E2 Fifth Avenue Synagogue, B7 Grolier Club, C9 HSBC, L7 Lever House, F9 Metropolitan Center, B1 NY Convention & Visitors Bureau- Paraguay, Consulate of, K12 Princeton Club, K6 Russian Tea Room, D4 Social Security Admin, L12 Trinidad and Tobago, Cons. of, J11 Exit St, M11 West 57 St, D1-7 Actor’s Temple Theatre, H1 Bass Hotel, H11 BuckinghamR Hotel, D5 Century Club, K7 Dante Park, A1 Fiji, Consulate of, L11 Gucci, E7 Hudson Motel, D1 Lexington Hotel, H10 Metropolitan Club, B7 Visitors Center, F4 Paramount Building, K4 Producers Club Theatre, K1 St. Agnes RC Church, K10 Sony Building, E8 Trinity Baptist Church, B12 Archb. Sheen Pl, K10 Father Duffy Sq, H5 West 58 St, D1-7 Affinia Fifty Hotel, G11 Bear Stearns, J8 BulgarianI Consulate, B10 Chambers Hotel, D7 Dartmouth Club, J8 Firehouses: C4, F10, H2, K6, L12 Guinea Consulate, K11 Hudson Theatre, J5 Library Hotel, L8 Metropolitan Transportation NY Helmsley Hotel, L11 Paramount Hotel, J3 Project FIND-Woodstock Senior St. Bartholomew’s Church, G9 Sony Wonder Technology Lab, E8 Trump International Hotel & Towers, B2 Broadway, B1, E3, M5 Fifth Av, B-L7 West 60 St, C1 Afghanistan Consulate, L10 Bedford Hotel, M10 BurlingtonV House, E5 Chanin Bldg, L10 David Rubenstein Atrium/Lincoln First Church of Religious Science, H7 Haitian Consulate, M8 Hungarian Consulate, F11 Lighthouse for the Blind, C10 Authority, J8 NY Hilton Hotel, E5 Paramount Plaza, G3 Center, K5 St.
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