Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Act, 2005

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Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Act, 2005 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 1 Uncorrected – Not for Publication LSS-D-I LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part I -- Proceedings with Questions and Answers) The House met at Eleven of the Clock. Monday, December 7, 2015/ Agrahayana 16, 1937 (Saka) 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 2 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART I – QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Monday, December 7, 2015/ Agrahayana 16, 1937 (Saka) CONTENTS PAGES RULING RE: NOTICES OF ADJOURNMENT MOTION 1 … 2 ORAL ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONS 2A-27 (S.Q. NO. 101 TO 106) WRITTEN ANSWERS TO STARRED QUESTIONS 28-41 (S.Q. NO. 107 TO 120) WRITTEN ANSWERS TO UNSTARRED QUESTIONS 42-271 (U.S.Q. NO. 1151 TO 1380) For Proceedings other than Questions and Answers, please see Part II. 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 3 Uncorrected – Not for Publication LSS-D-II LOK SABHA DEBATES (Part II - Proceedings other than Questions and Answers) Monday, December 07 2015/ Agrahayana 16, 1937 (Saka) 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 4 LOK SABHA DEBATES PART II –PROCEEDINGS OTHER THAN QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Monday, December 07, 2015/Agrahayana 16, 1937 (Saka) C ON T E N T S P A G E S PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 272-78 BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE 279 STANDING COMMITTEE ON HOME AFFAIRS 279 189th to 192nd Reports STANDING COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY 280 269th to 270th Reports STANDING COMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL, PUBLIC 280 GRIEVANCES, LAW AND JUSTICE 77th Report and Evidence STATEMENT RE: STATUS OF IMPLEMENTATION 281 OF RECOMMENDATIONS IN 260th AND 261st REPORTS OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE ON INDUSTRY – LAID Shri Kalraj Mishra ELECTION TO COMMITTEE 282 Marine Products Export Development Authority BILL INTRODUCED 283 Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate Division of High Courts Bill STATEMENT RE: COMMERCIAL COURTS, 283 COMMERCIAL DIVISION AND COMMERCIAL APPELLATE DIVISION OF HIGH COURTS ORDINANCE– LAID Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 5 BILLS INTRODUCED 284-85 (i) Payment of Bonus (Amendment) Bill (ii) Industries (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill (iii) Atomic Energy (Amendment) Bill SPECIAL MENTIONS 286-308 MATTERS UNDER RULE 377 – LAID 309-09T Shri Om Prakash Yadav 309A Shri Hariom Singh Rathore 309B Shri Sumedhanand Saraswati 309C Shrimati Krishna Raj 309D Dr. Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank' 309E Shrimati Jayshreeben Patel 309F Shri Shyama Charan Gupta 309G Shri C.R. Chaudhary 309H Shri Ashwini Kumar Choubey 309-I Shri Arjun Ram Meghwal 309J Shri Rajesh Verma 309K Shrimati Savitri Thakur 309L Shri Bhairon Prasad Mishra 309M Shri M.K. Raghavan 309N Shri J. J. T. Natterjee 309-O Shri R.K. Bharathi Mohan 309P Prof. Saugata Roy 309Q Shri Balabhadra Majhi 309R Shri Rahul Shewale 309S Shri Y.V. Subba Reddy 309T 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 6 … 310-11 DISCUSSION RE: FLOOD SITUATION IN 312-49 VARIOUS PARTS OF THE COUNTRY Shri Jyotiraditya M. Scindia 312-23 Shri Janardan Mishra 324-29 Shri M.B. Rajesh 330-35 Shri Sudip Bandyopadhyay 336-39 Shri Bhartruhari Mahtab 340-49 HIGH COURT AND SUPREME COURT JUDGES 350-407 (SALARY AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICE) AMENDMENT BILL ( Contd. – Concluded) Dr. K. Kamaraj 350-53 Shri Tathagata Satpathy 354-58 Shri Vinayak Bhaurao Raut 359-61 Dr. Ravindra Babu 362-65 Shri B. Vinod Kumar 366-67 Dr. A. Sampath 368-74 Shri M.I. Shanavas 375-79 Shri P.P. Chaudhary 380-84 Shri Kaushalendra Kumar 385-86 Shri N.K. Premachandran 387-90 Shri Hukumdev Narayan Yadav 391-92 Shri D.V. Sadananda Gowda 393-403 Motion for Consideration – Adopted 404 Consideration of Clauses 404-07 Motion to Pass 407 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 7 RE: BUSINESS OF THE HOUSE 408 INDIAN TRUSTS (AMENDMENT) BILL 409 (Inconclusive) Motion for Consideration 409 - xxxxx 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 8 (a1/1100/ak-ind) 1100 hours (Hon. Speaker in the Chair) … (Interruptions) RULING RE: NOTICES OF ADJOURNMENT MOTION HON. SPEAKER: Hon. Members, I have received notices of Adjournment Motion from Prof. Saugata Roy regarding the issue of foreign policy initiatives; Shri P. Karunakaran regarding rise in prices; Adv. Joice George regarding safety of people living downstream of the Mullaperiyar Dam; Shri Bhagwant Mann regarding fake encounters by Punjab police; and Shri Rajesh Ranjan regarding statements made by various parties on Ram Janam Bhoomi. The matters, though important, do not warrant interruption of business of the day. The matters can be raised through other opportunities. I have, therefore, disallowed the notices of Adjournment Motion. … (Interruptions) ----- HON. SPEAKER: Now, the Question Hour. … (Interruptions) PROF. SAUGATA ROY (DUM DUM): Madam, I have given notice on a very important issue regarding the Indo-Pakistan talks. … (Interruptions) HON. SPEAKER: No, not now. Q. No. 101. … (Interruptions) PROF. SAUGATA ROY (DUM DUM): Madam, please allow me. … (Interruptions) HON. SPEAKER: I have disallowed it. Then why you are saying this? … (Interruptions) 07.12.2015 :: am-ks Uncorrected/Not for publication 9 THE MINISTER OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT, MINISTER OF HOUSING AND URBAN POVERTY ALLEVIATION AND MINISTER OF PARLIAMENTARY AFFAIRS (SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU): Madam, we have taken note of the concern of the Members with regard to the Indo-Pakistan talks at the NSA level, which will be taken to the Minister of External Affairs. We are ready to respond to it, but today the Mauritius President has come and she is pre-occupied. Once you admit it in a different form, then we will definitely discuss it at the earliest. … (Interruptions) PROF. SAUGATA ROY (DUM DUM): Let her make a statement with regard to the issue of Pakistan. … (Interruptions) SHRI M. VENKAIAH NAIDU : This is what I am saying. I am saying Yes, but there is a procedure for it. She is also preoccupied as of now. Thank you. … (Interruptions) SHRI P. KARUNAKARAN (KASARGOD): Madam, I have also given a notice for Adjournment Motion on the issue of price rise in the country. … (Interruptions) HON. SPEAKER: We are taking up the issue of price rise and you know it very well. … (Interruptions) HON. SPEAKER: Nothing is going on record. Why are you saying all these things? … (Interruptions)… (Not recorded) 07.12.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 10 (Q. 101) SHRI HEMANT TUKARAM GODSE (NASHIK): Hon. Speaker, Madam, in the petroleum sector, the basic price of petroleum products are decided and kept common by public sector and private sector oil refineries. In other sectors, for example, in the aviation sector, to fly to a particular destination at a given time, the public sector airlines and private sector airlines do not keep their fare common. The fare differs as per their strategy, techniques and planning, but in this case, consumer has a choice to go for the best lowest price. So, through you, hon. Speaker, Madam, I want to ask this from the Minister. Is the Government planning competition between the public sector and private sector oil refineries for dynamic price market without losing Government revenue? Further, the consumer will also have choice for best lowest price. gÉÉÒ vÉàÉæxp |ÉvÉÉxÉ : +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ, àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ ºÉnºªÉ xÉä ºÉcÉÒ |ɶxÉ =~ɪÉÉ cè ÉÊBÉE BÉDªÉÉ £ÉÉ®iÉ BÉEÉ ¤ÉÉVÉÉ® àÉå |ÉÉÊiɺ{ÉvÉÉÇ BÉEä +ÉxÉÖ°ô{É àÉÚãªÉ cÉäxÉÉ SÉÉÉÊcA ªÉÉ xÉcÉÓ cÉäxÉÉ SÉÉÉÊcA* <ºÉÉÒ ÉË|ɺÉÉÒ{ÉãÉ BÉEÉä +ÉÉvÉÉ® ¤ÉxÉÉBÉE® ºÉ®BÉEÉ® xÉä ´É−ÉÇ 2010 ºÉä {Éä]ÅÉäãÉ BÉEÉä àÉÉBÉEæ] BÉEä c´ÉÉãÉä ÉÊBÉEªÉÉ cè* bÉÒVÉãÉ BÉEÉä 19 +ÉBÉD]ڤɮ, 2014 ºÉä àÉÉBÉEæ] c´ÉÉãÉä ÉÊBÉEªÉÉ cè* +É¤É iÉÉÒxÉÉå +ÉÉìªÉãÉ àÉÉBÉEæÉË]MÉ BÉEà{ÉxÉÉÒVÉ +ÉÉè® ºÉ®BÉEÉ®ÉÒ =tÉÉäMÉ =ºÉ BÉEÉàÉ àÉå ãÉMÉä cé* nÉä-iÉÉÒxÉ |ÉÉ<´Éä] BÉEà{ÉxÉÉÒVÉ, ÉÊVÉxÉBÉEä {ÉÉºÉ ãÉÉ<ºÉåºÉ cè, ´Éä £ÉÉÒ àÉÉBÉEæ] àÉå cé* VÉèºÉä |ÉÉ<´Éä] AªÉ®ãÉÉ<ÆºÉ BÉEÉÒ ¤ÉÉiÉ cè, ÉÊBÉEiÉxÉÉ {ÉEBÉEÇ cÉäMÉÉ ªÉc àÉÉBÉEæ] cÉÒ iÉªÉ BÉE®äMÉÉ ãÉäÉÊBÉExÉ £ÉÉ®iÉ ºÉ®BÉEÉ® BÉEÉÒ xÉÉÒÉÊiÉ ªÉcÉÒ cè ÉÊBÉE ={É£ÉÉäBÉDiÉÉ+ÉÉäÆ BÉEÉä ºÉÖÉÊ´ÉvÉÉ näxÉä BÉEä ÉÊãÉA BªÉɴɺÉÉÉʪÉBÉE BÉEà{ÉÉÒÉÊ]¶ÉxÉ cÉä, ÉÊVɺɺÉä OÉÉcBÉEÉå BÉEÉä ºÉcÚÉÊãɪÉiÉ ÉÊàÉãÉä* SHRI HEMANT TUKARAM GODSE (NASHIK): Speaker Madam, most of the public sector oil refineries are of old technology and because of that the gross Comment [l1]: cd.. by b1 refine margin is less as compared to new technology of private oil refineries. Comment [s2]: shri tukaram godse (b1/1105/sr-vb) cd. Through you, I want to ask the hon. Minister whether the Government is planning to modernise the Government oil refineries to reduce the production cost. gÉÉÒ vÉàÉæxp |ÉvÉÉxÉ : àÉèbàÉ, ªÉc ÉÊ´É−ÉªÉ {ÉÚ®É ºÉcÉÒ xÉcÉÓ cè ÉÊBÉE {ÉÉΤãÉBÉE ºÉäBÉD]® ªÉÚÉÊxÉ] BÉEä VÉÉÒ+ÉÉ®AàÉ +ÉÉè® OÉÉìºÉ ÉÊ®{ÉEÉ<ÉËxÉMÉ àÉÉÉÌVÉxºÉ ºÉ£ÉÉÒ BÉEÉ BÉEàÉ cè* àÉé +ÉÉ{ÉBÉEÉä =nÉc®hÉ nä ºÉBÉEiÉÉ cÚÄ ÉÊBÉE ¤É®ÉèxÉÉÒ VÉèºÉä ºÉ¤ÉºÉä {ÉÖ®ÉxÉä +ÉÉìªÉãÉ ÉÊ®{ÉEɪÉxÉ®ÉÒ BÉEÉ VÉÉÒ+ÉÉ®AàÉ BÉE<Ç |ÉÉ<´Éä] ºÉäBÉD]ºÉÇ BÉEä ¤É®É¤É® cè* +É£ÉÉÒ £ÉÉ®iÉ BÉEä {ÉÉΤãÉBÉE ºÉäBÉD]® BÉEä +ÉÆn® VÉÉä 07.12.2015 Uncorrected / Not for Publication 11 ÉÊ®{ÉEɪÉxÉ®ÉÒ ªÉÚÉÊxÉ]弃 cé, <xÉBÉEÉÒ ªÉc ¤ÉÉiÉ ºÉcÉÒ cè ÉÊBÉE BÉE<ªÉÉå BÉEÉÒ {ÉÖ®ÉxÉÉÒ ]èBÉDxÉÉäãÉÉìVÉÉÒ BÉEä BÉEÉ®hÉ VÉÉÒ+ÉÉ®+ÉÉàÉ xÉcÉÓ cÉä {ÉÉiÉä cé, càÉ VÉÉÒ+ÉÉ®AàÉ BÉEÉä +ÉÉè® BÉEÆ{ÉÉÒÉÊ]]ÉÒ´É BÉE®å, {ÉÉÒAºÉªÉÚ =ºÉàÉå BÉE<Ç BÉEnàÉ =~É ®cÉÒ cè, {ÉÉÒAºÉªÉÚ BÉEÉÒ BÉE<Ç ÉÊ®{ÉEɪÉxÉ®ÉÒ ªÉÚÉÊxÉ] |ÉÉ<´Éä] ºÉäBÉD]® ºÉä £ÉÉÒ VªÉÉnÉ VÉÉÒ+ÉÉ®AàÉ nä ®cä cé* gÉÉÒ ®ÉVÉÉÒ´É ºÉÉiÉ´É (ÉËcMÉÉäãÉÉÒ) : àÉÉxÉxÉÉÒªÉ +ÉvªÉFÉ àÉcÉänªÉÉ, àÉé ªÉcÉÄ ºÉä |ɶxÉ {ÉÚUxÉÉ SÉÉcÚÄMÉÉ* ªÉc ¤ÉcÖiÉ cÉÒ àÉci´É{ÉÚhÉÇ ºÉ´ÉÉãÉ cè* àÉÆjÉÉÒ VÉÉÒ xÉä ªÉcÉÄ {É® BÉEcÉ cè ÉÊBÉE ºÉ¤É àÉÉBÉEæ] BÉEä c´ÉÉãÉä BÉE® ÉÊnªÉÉ MɪÉÉ cè* ãÉäÉÊBÉExÉ, BÉDªÉÉ àÉÆjÉÉÒ VÉÉÒ ªÉc ¤ÉiÉÉAÆMÉä ÉÊBÉE VÉÉä ºÉäx]ÅãÉ MÉ´ÉxÉÇàÉå] BÉEÉ ]èBÉDºÉ cè, 20-20
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