MARKER GENE(S) Sources: 1. Biotechnology By B.D. Singh, 2. Gene cloning and DNA analysis By TA Brown, 3. Advance and Applied Biotechnology By Marian Patrie, 4. Molecular Biotechnology By Glick et al and 5. Principle of Gene Manipulation By sandy b Primrose et al. Dr Diptendu Sarkar
[email protected] Marker gene • Monitoring and detection of transformation/ transfection systems in order to know wheather the DNA has been successfully transferred into recipient cells, is done with the help of a set of genes. These are called marker genes. • Marker genes is are introduced into the plasmid along with the target gene. • Marker genes are categorized into two types: a) reporter or scorable genes [detected through highly sensitive enzyme assay] and b) selectable marker genes [detected through expression of resistance to a toxin]. • Some genes are used as selectable markers and reporter genes, whereas, some are used either as selectable markers or as reporter genes. 12/10/2019 DS/RKMV/MB 2 Reporter genes for plants • A number of screnable or scorable or reporter genes are available, that show immediate expression in the cells/tissue. A reporter gene is a test gene, whose expression results in quantifiable phenotype. A reporter system is useful to analysis of gene expression and standardization of parameters for successful gene transfer in a particular technique. • An assay for reporter gene is usually carried out at the level of protein quantification. The use of reporter gene is requires a method of gene transfer, either transient or stable. • An ideal reporter gene should have the following features: Scorable markers are very useful in 1)Detection with high sensitivity, molecular biology studies, e.g., assaying promoter strength etc., and to determine 2)Low endogenous back ground, the effectiveness of various 3)There should be a quantitative assay, transformation methods etc.