The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1926

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The Frisco Employes' Magazine, April 1926 R. F. CARR, Memphis W. E. LOWRY, Hickory Flat, Miss. II President Vice-Pres. and General Manauer I . ..,. - , Y FLAT, MISS. SPECIALIZING IN RAILROAD BUILDING MATERIAL Strong as Ever for the "Frisco" GENERAL OFFICES P. O. BOX 1032 MEMPHIS, TENN. Phone Main 2312 Hussey-Hobbs Tie Company RAILROAD CROSS TIES AND SWITCH TIES POLES-PILING ST. LOUIS, MO. ROGERS, ARK. HOUSTON, TEXA: --------- L. EmPuckett, Inc. AMORY, MISS. HARD WOOD YELLOW PINE Lumber "WE HELP MAKE THE FRISCO SAFE" Apr - FR I SC 0 ties, timbers and piling have their life greatly prolonged by preservative treatment at the SPRINGFIELD, MO., and HUGO, OKLA., PLANTS of the AMERICAN CREOSOTING COMPANY LOUISVILLE - KENTUCKY DUPLICATE AND REPAIR PARTS FOR LOCOMOTIVE MAINTENANCE A most important part of Baldwin Service is the manufacture and forwarding of duplicate and repair parts to keep every locomotive in working order. Much delay in making repairs, and consequent loss of time from service, is saved by having on hand an adequate supply of those spare parts which are most likely to require replacement. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS The Mount Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. P -- 3 Just completed, New Repair Shop, 500' x 150'. Capacity Fully equipped with 10,000 Freight Cars; Cranes, Electr ic 150,000 Wheels; Heaters, etc., enabl- 20,000 tons Forgings. ina us to worK in all kinds of weather. - BUILDERS OF FREIGHT CARS MOUNT VERNON, ILLINOIS April, I926 - - Employes: pl In .\valon you And ev(.rythlng .)ne \voulrl dernal a community-f , ing, hnniep bur 1 arid ~>lrtksure. The soil of .ir ~~roduwsmore r tables per acre ' I the 11er capita nroduction of 1. Think. Hcrr we have ; ' well-auktrded ha Pensncola le er. c*l'ctl 1ly experl. locatrd on one o, \vorld's g r P 8 I natural land4 harbors. This 1)f the Friuco's , \\There now n.; shipped tremc. cnraocs of :: 1 c.olton :111d r, a o t h e 1- cornmt 1 thnt nre ~rou ? m:rnulnrtur~d the Itoek 1, '1 f+isco :~ndrn~ v & Nashville Lir~ f Thc nxt 1on known S~mnish IY wlth th~ naturnl adrar .Ivalrrn H~OUIII V( an ~xcac.llent It mitr or R snf b wndC~l~!t,pn inv~strn(.nt. 1 '0 rate and cornl' Read what Mr. Yoakum Says of Pensacola .r .r (,st city, thc. (:ulS'x lnl'gcsl liort, fol, thc: I~'1.isc.o will 111n1<c>it so". Thc 1'0.nsac.oln Sews xors on to say th:lt AVA L ON BEAC 2 13 North Seventh Street, Ground Floor, Hol gU The Stamp of Character - Means Cross Ties Plus- Plus - That security which has its foundation upon the ownership in fee of thousands of acres of standing timber- Plus - A stock of cross ties always on hand, assembled with foresight and held in preparedness for those who depend upon us- Plus - The ownership and absolute control of treating plants where value is added to the natural product, not only through the mechan- ical and chemical processes involved, but also through the experience, care and business integrity that are an integrai part of the seller's obligation- Plus - A warranty that the product bearing this brand is delivered in accordance with the terms and spirit of our promises and that this warranty survives acceptance by the purchaser-and last, but greatest of all- Plus - The pride and ambition of all the men who stand back of this brand eager to carry on the good name of a business founded over forty years ago and to make this brand truly a present-day symbol of their very best efforts. T. J. Moss TIE CO. SAINT LOUIS Misses Agnes King and Anna Willigan Win Jefferson Memorial Election With Total of 1 1 7,000 Votes and Outdistance All Rivals Enthusiastic Support of 30,000 Officers, Employes and Friends of Frisco Lines Send Candidates on American Birthday Tour Through Europe-They Are Grateful to Friends for Help I-IJ':S the r\meric:un Birthtlay I'arty sails from ever know ho~happy I am, antl to think that I have Ke\v York, July 24, on the "Ati~erica"of thc so many f rientls who havc put mc over. If it were not United States Lines on a two-months' tour of for them all, I could never havc (lone it," was her T:urol)e, the t\vo girl tlclegates \vho lead the tlclegntion ju1)ilant comment. \\.ill flj. the hnnner of "1:risco 1,ines". "You lino\\r," she saitl, "I'll always believe now that , \ I he rapid contest of the jcfl'crson ll'emorial J<lection, the tlrirtl time is a charm. 'J'his is my thirtl attempt \vhich 1,ut the two l~riscogirls to to cross tlic ocean, but I'm quite the tol) of the list, seems to them - -~~ hul-e I am going this time." Tlrr ujJ/~rrcitr/it~r~iL,/iil-/~ .lIiss~~s I<i/r<g t11rt1 a sort of clrcnm, and the realiz- IW'illi,qu~r tlrrir tho~tstrritisof "1-Tave j.ou any spccinl places ation of it all will not I)e com- loyirl I:ri.cco fr-irrrtis iir tlrc trccor~rptr~r~i~rgj.011 arc :IIIS~~USto see T" she was, is ftrr froirr crrr itflc sort of ",qirlislr [)I-chencletl ~~ntilihc boat sails ~l~cr/trr",7'lic.i ~irrtrir/cvcr! .ii>orilof il trrrii asl<ctl. ir-om the tloclis of Sew \Irorli crrc willirry 10 prove il. "Oh, no. 1 jmt want to see it 1:rolrr tlrc Iirrri~ Ihcy /LC(II. tlrc 111tr~l of all. I \\.ant just to he one of the ant1 the new nncl strmge crrlxri- fhc' Iltrrboi- flcy us if ttrkcs tlic ".lrrrcricar~" encc of crossing thc ocean :und out pus1 Ilrc .\'lcr/ic/c of /.ibrrl~, rtirlil Ilzc 1)al-ty, and to Imow that through vie\ving tlic wonclers of the oltl prtrsrr's Ins/ sliorrl of "~111tr.cl1orc" i-irigs irr my friends I have heen nblc to thrir r.crrs. ~;~.or~roir/l~s Iut~r (IS /tic\' tfi~ w)rltl, is actually esl)ericncetl. r~rrborl,~ti/ .Yc,zil J'ork uqtrirr. .lliss liirry trrrtl contribute in n small \yay to this Jliss IVilliyrrir iL'ill 6olh 6r i~oi-l<iir,qfor llrc Miss Agnes King had the 1;risco 1.irrr.r crrrti for Frisc.o ff11k.c. \vontlerful cause. I shall be glad atltled honor l)esto\\xtl upon her Tl~rorr~jlr1l1c ct111~1rii1.ct~f tlrc 17risco .lIugtr- that I am an .,\merican antl glad, of winning first honors, \\-it11 n .zirrr, Iltc l.zL,o olti-wurlti Irnz'clrrs ic.ill prc7- most of all, that 1 can rcl)resent scwf tr lrrtc Irtrz~rlo~jrri~of Ilicir ?.I-p~~rirrrcrs total of .50.133 votes to her credit, OII fhr fi.'rcr(]prtrr~j(rrrrrt. the b*riseo 1,in~s on my trip antl \\-as designatetl as chairn~:in IVitll tlrrrrr thc flro~rstrr~dsof Frisco fnll:s roI am sure that I shall a!ho Izrlpcti clrct tlzcrrr rL*illslrnrr, (11 lrusl irr of the delegation of six repre- pnrt. thr plccrsrtrcs crrrti ~vrrrlrrs of 1lri.e ask some of thcm, who Ilaw sentatives from the 40th State. rr~~~de~~rr-dttypilg~~irrrtzgr. been to '2mcrica, if they have Xliss .'\ma Willigan, the Spring- The tortr Irnp~s.\'rzk: Yorl; or1 Jrrly'~~111y- ever ritltlen on thc I:risco, tlre jorrrtlr urrd tlrc first irrstol~~~cr~tof the tr(rz!rl- field canditlate, polled 57,074 oyrrc n~-illtrpprrrr- iir tlr(, ilrty~rs/i.tsrtc of 111~ I)est milro;itl in .-'merica, and votes, an(] since the contest, latc Frisc-o -lIu,qo::irrr. wi~hthe finest nlen and wolnen It a,dl Or trrr irr/rrcstirry ~;.ork.~~~'cll ~~vrtlr in its organization of any in the contributions to the Jefferson rrtrdirrg. -1IV. I.. [I.. Jr. Jlemorial 1:untl have s\vellctl the whole worltl." total over the required number I 'or :L n~omentshe was quite for each to 18,000 more than necessary. rh~qhtful. "Can't you think of some way in \vhich I Frisco Colors Led can thank tlie~ii? Isn't there something I can say that I 1Ihe manncr in which the cmploycs lmt over this will assure thcm of my sincere a1)preciation for their campaign, with their t\vo cnnditlatcs in the field, is splcntlitl support? It was all so quick and so wonder- an ablc demonstration of the big way in \\;hich they rally ful.-every employe did his or her Inrt in such a grand to the spirit of the occasion, whatever it may be, nlanner that I feel there is no way I can convey to clctcrmined that Prisco colors shall lead. them my deep appreciation." 3Iiss King-, \vhen the final votes \vere counted, antl .\ntl SI iss \\'illigan, the S1)ringfieltl cantlitlate ! Evcry she found that on the last minutc 34,150 votes hat1 hecn 1):1ss that leaves her desk, after having the signature deposited in her name, was almost overjoyed. of ":\. I<. \\'illiganU afl'isetl to it, must reflect the "I iust can't helievb that it is all true. Nohotly \\:ill snlile \\;hich \\-on't come oB. his or her s~ipl~ol-tin votes. mishcs the Jlisses King ing seasickness!), thc Ijest of lucl; and health, and a and \\'illigan thc merricst of voyages (with no attend- n.ontlcrfu1 experience thronghout.
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