I • All The News of ro.sse oln-e All The Pointes flome oj th_ News Every T~ursday Morning 99 .KerebevaJ 'cu. 2-8900 Complete News Coverage of' All the Pointes

Entered AI Second Clua Matter VOLUME I4-NO. 26 ~~fl~~r Cy~i, .GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, J,UNE 25 1953 .t the Post OWee at Detroit, ,M1ch. fuRy Paid Circulation

HEADLINES' Rescuer Gets Legion Heroism Medal Two ...DayAuto Show 500 More 01 the , Needed \VEEK "Complete Success'; For Goal As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News Bloodmobile at Grosse Pointe Nets Center $2,041 Packard Today and To- Thursday, JU!le 18 HOPING to block a truce, morrow; Transportation South Korean President Syng. Good Response May Bring 'Bigger and Better' bisplay Provided man Rhee, personally leading a Next Year revolt against the United Nations The Community Blood Col .. command, ordered the release At least 2;600 persons attended the Pointes' International lection Committee, headed by of 34,000 anti-Communist war prisoners. The prisoners fled their Custom and Sports Car Show held at the War Memorial Mrs. Lyndle R. Martin of Mid- camps in Pusan and mingled Center Saturday and Sunday, June 20 and 21, according to dlesex road, reported that with civilians who aided their '~y:.'>;<:':"i Thomas A. Demetry, chairman of th~ show. blood donor pledges h a v e escape by furnishing them with ;/. . ":j '1,'he total gate receipts of the,'tJ . fallen short, and that 500 more civilian clothing. President Rhee said his action was too complic- .,i .~,';".;:.....,:.....;..'.:....:.;...:.,'...,.:.,C'.;.:~.:,:.,.,.'.,:.'.',' .. '::.'.:: ...;.t.! ated to explain. As the prisoners :~;;~!~~1:~:::e. t:::~e::e:u:: ,Two Pointe ~~~~~~te~\~ t~e~:~t:t~~~ai spread through South Korea, '! ce~~,~' ~~~~ ~~'tt~l:mt~~~' anyone ~i~~02ft~~~.~st~ne~~: ~~~:;~~~; hopes for an early truce waned. dfj,x'lf':' W omen • • • . H:< .:' dreamed it would be. Everyone, at the United States Public RUSSIA sent in a steel-shod .;:.... :.;.. from the people who came to see I A l- Race Health S e r vi c e (Marine) the show to the manufacturers r Hospital and the Her man armored division to quell a re- ho n volt of 50,000 unarmed East <. '.' :".,;" .' and perso;.s \r had theirtriVa~e I Kiefer Hospital. Germans who battled all day ;' '. "'. "" '\ I cars on ISP ay were ex reme y. d d J I th I t' I days ac f .". . . I . I pleased with the whole affair." Alice Hammon an ean n. e as sever~ ,- Wednesday against a Soviet ,l.... .\ t.," He added that because of the P t Ct' cordmg to Mrs. Martm, the co~- armored regiment and 10,000 . l. . .~: '. 'j. success of the show and the ter- earson 0 ompe e In mittee received only two cal , Communist police. The Rus;;ian nrmored division, sent from the }. H.';' . -,. 'k>} ~~~~~~sr~~Ss~e~~o~r~ b~~g~~~~~ Womi~'s T;a;slo~t~n- .~~~~~Oe~~a~~~~~~lca~~k~e:l' ;~: eastern sector of the Russian zone bases, hammered the demonstra- . '.', ., .... ,.~.!:i.:,o$:<.~>.~.,'.:: ..:.:.. ::: ....• ,~.;.:.}~,:.:.', ..' .... v••.,.•.•"'.....,..•"'::,,~." I \1 betterd~~~iif:lex~e;;~=~ enta Yen u y - ~rF~~~n.~~~~~~n~~~~h=nb~:t~ tors into submission. The strik- f..} \ He stated that from his past ex- There's stars in the eyes of s a er. ers demanded free elections and 1 protested against the Communist j .' :c .,/1 perieneein suehshowsthedee-Alice Hammond, of earn-INlh~r"~~~~~r;v~risK~i:rii:;.f~ system and Soviet occupation. An unknown numbers of strikers were killed and wounded by the Reds. ~~~!.~.J,:.if.~":.~i.tr ,.,.., :~.:._, ,..•.::..::.:.;.;>.~.;'.:.•..: :..:.:.I.:..~.~.;.;:.[:).l..:..::.... ': •. ' /,':',~'1 ~;3y=~l::}{f:i~~:~f~~;!~ 5..' . '._ ~'" . .L .. ',.... , ':' t~~n!~lJ:l~l1~~:~1~~!fi~ :r1ij ~~~~~::~~~;~~E:~~~~:~~jl~{~display of cars, for a suitable plane with lar con~ributor back home: }'riday. June 19 :,~:;;.~,;:.-,:;,,''..... t f L k St CI . . Each car was behind a rustic which they could compete in He said he ~appened to pick up WILLIAM HUETTEMAN who on March 8 rescued two Detroit men from the icy wa ers 0 a e. all' , . . . the Grosse Pomte News and read AMERICAN GUARDS shot and , M d I b RALPH FARNUM l railing, which coupled with the the Women s Transcontmen~ of the need of blood and so of- killed 33 and wounded 93 escap- when their car plunged over the seawall, is awarded the American Legion Heroisr~ e a y • 1 , pas natural background, created a tal air race which starts July {ered his ing prisoners of war as the United commander of Grosse Pointe Post 303, as past commander WILLIAM R. PIERCE looks on. Huetteman, 21, o~ ~40 pleas~nt impression for viewers. 3 until over the week-end I .. t States moved in to counteract Ridgemont, is the first man ever to be so honored by Post 303. Honors will continu~ next week when Farms offICIals The success of the show and ' ,.. Stress lmpor ance South Korean President Syng- have arranged to give a dinner for Huetteman Monday, June 29, at the War Memonal Center. its method of being carried out when they were assUled one The blood collection committee, man Rhee's plan to free anti- brought regrets from no one eX-I of the top-rated mopels for said Mrs. Martin, cannot stress Communist war prisoners. A to- r L- I L cept those who did not take a the events. enough how important the drive tal of 27,000 prisoners have been 'Bl-g more active part in contributing' Alice and hel' husband John is. Many patients in the "Marine" freed in two days, leaving only Street L;tteJ"II Graduatl-on Moment' ztt e .eague to the disp)ay, Mr. Demetry said. have owned several pl~nes i~ and Herman Ki~fer Hospital in- 7,000 still remaining in Allied For 250 GPHS Seni.o'rs., Gl-ven $1,000 Among those 'yl:o, showed their the past but in recent years have fected with TB have been .waitihg hands. A Commu;'list broadcast Protesterl pride inthe exhIbItIOn were Mr. agreed .that was better to rent for months for an operatIon, but f:tated that America deliberately \.' and Mrs. Gene Casaroll, who them. Thus they have rented because of a depleted blood e connived at Rhee's violation of B r1-t- Awards, -.Scholarshi.ps Glyen 'By C-O' uncI-l had two exhibits in the show, and small ones for short business or bank at both institutions,' the the prisoner ~xc~an:e agreement ..\ y (; I, lZenS because of this entitled to ex- social trips for themselves and doctors are helpless. --- hibitor's passes, but refused th.em. larger ones when they set out on The "Marine" Hospita~ will be THE WESTERN POWERS, de- -- I CI fIB' T -1--f-G--d--t- S' 1925 t b 824' Sponsors, Businessmen Do- The couple were responsIble a vacation with their children, converted to a TB hospItal July nouncing Russian ex~cution o.f a Claim Recent Cleanup Drive . ass 0 53 rmgs ota 0 ra. ua es . !nce . 0 I I for ,bl:inging 10 parti~s to ,se~ the / John, Barbara and Betsey. 1, and will absorb 180 TB patients West Berlin truck dnver by rIfle Eff t C lied by Seven Complete Studies While Serving nate Another $1,937; Other exhibit, and each time mSlsted But to get one which would be at once.. . squad, demanded that the Soviet ec s are ance . A d F Firms Aid With Material that they s~ol~ld be allowed to, suitable for the race and keep it \ A majorIty of the patients, Army cease its military terror Unthinking Persons m rme orces Donations pay an admlssl.on f~e fot. them- out for a week or two seemed to ~ome of them war veterans, ~re in East Berlin. The tlnited States; B A't N 0 selves an~ theIr ,fnends. I be out of the question. , I~ desperate need. of an opel a- Britain. and France intervened Dr. Frank Monaghan, direc- G.P.H.S:' JO~IJr~aIi~~l n;tudcl1t At a meeting-held Monday, They saId that It, was fthe 0tnl.y Alice and Jean had to file their tIon, but. before thlhScanfbe dOf~e, as Soviet armored divisions beat tor of the National Clean-up, I Th way they could thInk 0 con 1'1- entry several \veeks ago, so they each patIe~t must ave r0!!l Ive down a' workers' revolt which had. Life's first big moment came to 250 young peop e " urs- June 22, the Grosse Pointe buting to t!le Center o.utslde of entered with a small two.place I to seven pm!s of blood avatlabl~. ~pread throughout Eastern Gel'- Paint-up, FIX-UP Bur e au, day evening, June 18, at the Grosse Pointe High School com- City Council approved ap- making thell' regular gIft. plane which they could get. /. Mrs. Martm slated that she IS many. Protest strikes are stiU Washington D. C., expressed I mencement exercises.. propriation of $1,000 to cover Cars From All Over . T m hopes that persons who have \ein" waged in many cities from his approval oft h ~ recent i The ceremonies were held on the High School lawn with improvements that the Little More than $700,000 worth of Trted for New One already made pledges will keep ~'e Oder to the Elbe River. Nine cle~m.up camp~i?n m the I'the library portico serving as a stage. . League has made to a portion cars were on display at the ex- One Detroit man:,facturer was them at their appointed time or Il.i~s are under martial klw. P mmumlIes _--'C---______of tl1e NeI'ghbor'hood C I u b hibit. 'l'hese included cars from so anxious to s~e a lo~al entrant at least fulfill. their pledges to- .. • • omLC co . . . . The High School Band played ~ . - the United States, practically in the race that he trIed to buy day and tomorrow. June 25 and Satur(1ay. J une 20 '. However, bCityut streetCItizenslitterare upin. 'I "Pomp and Circumstance,"d b h ,a se-. others, gives. a sense of accomp- Field set aside for the League .. evel'y section of the British Em- a new plane tor them to use,. 26, the dates of the coll.ection, THE ROSEN BERGS Julius' In alms .a 0 : , lectlOn requcste y t e senior lIshment.. To show the interest that City pire Germany, France and Italy. but the builder couldn't promIse However, she stressed, anyone In d Eteeh I th '.spIes woeh' b tray-. somet bUSInessff" I distrIcts,. e Theyaccord-laim I class " for' the recessional, . fand the Through. faith in God, GeorgeId t officials have in the league, Coun- Each' car- stood behind the flag delivery.. who has not made an appoint- .' b b . t Ing 0 0 ICla SOUICs. c processIOnal. '1 wo lInes 0 gown- McCormIck felt that one cou a - cilmen Chester F. Carpenter and i fits nation. During the past week, Charles I ment can give blood regardless. ed Am~ncan a~om- om secle s unthinking persons have can- clad figures filed in and took lain happiness. "We should never Kenneth 1". Bergman attended There were severa.1 privately He.Iin.. of Wind~ill Pointe drive, At Packard Agenc~' to Soviet Rus~la and ,t~us en- celled the efforts of the recent '.hel'r places. hesitate to make a supreme sacri- the op"'n"I'ng game, June 6. d 0 d ay as latlon enthUSIast \"ho spon d d th I f m Ihons by ." . owne cars. , ne ml w .w av ~'V - Tile blood collection will take a~g~re elves 0 I cleanup drive. • Everyone stood at attention as fice for men," he said. BUSinessmen of the City, real- devoted entirely to Amencan sored Charles DaVIS last Sum- 1 t th G P 'nte Pa k brmg.mg the ~orl~ cl?ser to a.n The Businessmen's Assodation "The Star Spangled Banner" rang Mary Lou Hornberger played a izing the value of the Little cars and another to foreign mer when he set four w,orld sea- p adce a e r~se ~h Blo~d- ato~lc war,. dIed .In tne electriC has asked both member and non- through the air. cornet solo, "Bride of the Waves." League, have contrihuted sums Imakes place records, decided that in this ar b.tgen~r.' w ~re 't e fon- chair., It IS belIeved t.hat no member merchants to cooperate The Rev. George E. Kurz, of Her accompanist was Harold Bay. ranging from $5 to $300. The' car which drew the most 50th anniversary of flight year ~~~ I \ \\~~ m: ~esl ,5 ofloc~ I L' Am~.ncan has been co~vlcted of Iin continuing clean - up activit~.. S1. James Lutheran Church, gave Mr. Walter R. Cleminson, prin- Sponsors of the Little League, attention was a LaSaeta custom the area should have a real con- 10~g..C C u If tl~ om 'an . a CrIme of such magnitude. The Letters are commg into the the invocation, cipal, made the presentation to as of June 20, have contributed with fiberglas body, owned by tender in the transcontinental D~VIS, l?:~sI1ent 0 ~~ cpr' trial judge c.laimed that the be- City Hall from irate citizens who The A Capella choir sang "Soul the class. Mr, Cleminson con- $1,200, for the organization's 'l'cstaguz;'i brothers. event. r: 0 ~:'t:o~~r~r~~1 :n~arlz.o~ trayal contrIbuted to the ou~- demand that something be done of My Being" and "Beyond the gratulated not only the graduates. use. The sponsors, Sam Barker, "It really was a terrific show," He pushed the right button and t~al,lsPl break of the Korean War, Pres'- about the paper, beer cans, oc- Blue Horizon," Soloists were buJ. their parents. Harold Miller, Grosse Pointe said MI', Demetry, "It may have Alice and Jean have at their dis- ~I' lOr~,' f lln the hospital dent Eisenhower said the p~ir casional liquor bottles and in- Carol Duemling,. and ,Frances "Y9u, too, have completed a Bank and the Grosse Pointe started something that may be posal a Cessna 180, which mapy . ray a I~S !~h user for had changed the cou:,se of hIS- numerable pieces of gum and Bowlin. Beate Kaulfuss was the yery importan~ period of exp~r. Lions ,Club, gave $300 ea~h. beneficial to the Center in the flying: people figure is the be.s~ ~I~:dt~ke c;:;i~e0 the el:ct~er: do- tory. brought the peril of atomic candy bar wrappers and other accompanist. Jence and gUldance," he saId. Merchants also contl'lbllted, future." bet for the race. The plane wIll c 1~ I~r ~'1 war closer, and may be responsi- trash that they say find their way "Achieving Happiness" was ~he "You have carried out your re- They and the donations given be named "Flying Flatfish" as naTe 00. d . 'h' I \'11 be ble for the deaths of tens of mil- onto Citv streets. theme developed by the stud~nt sponsibilities well." are' . WATCH S'l'OI.EN were other Helin sponsored deth soun . c.al, t\h~lCdl. VI '11 lions of mnoren. t persons. ,.. Receptacles Not Used commencemen t .~pea kers~ Carol Dr. James W, BusIlOng, supel-.. Proper' "s Men sWear, $7;5 Jack Trombly, atten dan t at panes,I useb I 0dlpudblbIClzeT T'It onl'Ive,famousWI • • • "Since the National Clean-up de Bruin, Dav!d Terns, and intendent oC Grosse Pointe Pub- Young's Men's Wear, $50; Jacob- City Pier Park, reported ~o City Start at Dawn e ~tn / '/ JI ,,~rsd Damour ANTI - COMMUNIST demon- week" said City Clerk Norbert George McCormIck. l~c Schoo.ls, made the presenta., son's, $50;, Kopp Pharmacy, $50; police that Thomas Weyhmg, 13, The race will start at dawn s~~~i~en~g~~ the ~astside Shrin~ !=trators. inflamed at the ruthless Neff,' "the City has spent $200 for I Need Self-Relianc~ tlOn of dIplomas. Grosse Pomte Drug, $25; Walton- of 799 Loraine avenue, had com- July 3 from Lawrence, Mass., tl b d R nd rves firing-squad justice across the rubbish cans which have been Carol spoke ,o~ s~lf-rel1an~e as He told the graduates, "You Pierce, $25; The Camera Center, plained to him that someone had and the finish deadline is sun- ~ t~e :%r~~g the dri've will b 0 l' d e r. stormed Communist placed at various strategic spots, a means of achlCvmg happmess, have just started to Illl'epare your- $25; Farms Marl~et, $25; Notre stolen his ('l'homas') wrist watch, down, at Long Beach, California, b' os e:ss s Party offices in' West Berlin and but it does not seem to have any She said "we should take charge selves for life, you have jllst Dame Pharmacy. $25; Hamilton's which was left with his clothing July 7. eM' J I Kol acky Mrs Carl attempted to set fire to the build- effect." .. of our lives ... hurl some goal completed the first. step." Treasure Chest, $25; and Henris in the bathhouse while he went All flying must be done during Asn:~~. ~1~~, Verda dambl~ and iog. Meanwhile, Soviet authori, Besides campaigning for a ahead, then fight for it." 6~824 Alumm ~ow Market: $25.. ,.' _ swimming 'Friday, June 19. The daylight hours and VFR, which Mrs. Fred Leonard, all of the ties rushed tanks and troop rein- cleaner city, officials win train Achieving happiness throu~h The 250 graduates made a total , Othel .donol s al e" City Detec watch is valued at '$10. means no instrument flying, Woods Presbyterian Church; Mrs. forcements to the East Sector in thdr l'uns at persons who break service to Jthers was the tOP.IC of 6,824 people who have grad- hve Sel.geant Andl ew . T,eetaert I There are 12 designated stops Walter Griffith, Mrs. Anthony a frantic effort to quell the three- glass ....bottles in the children's OL David .I.'erri's talk. He, said uated from Grosse Pointe High and CyrIL Wy~o, .$84; WIlham W. INJURED HEAD where the entrants may stop for Gbzko Mrs. Donald Hessel, day-old uprising. (Continued on Page 2) that actual help 01' benefit to School since 1925. Farr, $50; ElIzabeth _Langs, $5; William Basinger, 7, of 706 fu~l or overnight if they ,choose. schwerdt, Mrs. Victor Galloway

• • • I --~====-..:....:..--.-::...-_------Seven graduates ~ompleted and C. ~', Thomas, $:). . University place, was taken to ~Ith the s~a~l plane which the and Mrs. K. L. Kimmel, of the Sumla)'. June 21 E dB- their work while serving in the In ~ddltlOn, the m~thels of the Bon Secours Hospital by City gIrls had orIgmally entered !hey Grosse Pointe Methodist Churc~. THE HEAT WAVE that grip- Warm Week n rIngs armed forces. They are Hugh playels collected mOle than $193 P r S t'd June 20 when would have had to stop at most of Drivers of the cars are FranCIS ped the State durin~ the week- • Bevier, Paul Chambers, James from sp~ctato~'s a~ the games. h~ ~~~ureadu~isa~ead while' sWim-, these points for fuel and would Fitzgerald, E. N. 1. S. Coast end took a toll of 11 lives. The P:er Att'endance Record' Cronin, Theodore Nutter, William Fundi~ g~l~edbu\JhIS ma~ne~ ~re 'mingJat City Pier Park.' (Continued on Page 2) Guard, and Albert W. Grant, S. 11 persons lost their lives when III VanBuskirk, Arthur Vaughn, a\I ort tOt t~1 u~ a t~n or I,. I N. Seaman, and their volunteers. they drowned while trying to and Robert Vestal. This brings a nque a e en 0f e sea- 1 Gray Ladies seek relieC from a blistering 97 The warm weather cau-s-ed-t-h-e-p-a-I-P-ier, with the ins!ructor the t~t~ldtOth2~5 boy~ wr-0 have sO~'he over-all total of contribu- Farms City Ask He P Mrs. Anna Mae Earle' will have degree heat. Hundreds of thou- breaking of the previous high personally. Mr. Furton sald. c°r:"P e e ts. he~r gr-a ,ua IOn f~e- tions excluding the City council' , . ' , _ charge of the Gray Ladies. Cov- sands of persons fled the swelter- attendance record at the Farms The Pier attendant and gate. qu~r~me~ ~rI e ~er~mf ?r a er appr~pI:iation, came to slightly II Water Conservatzon ering the phones will be Mrs. H. iog Detroit metropolitan are~ in Municipal Pier for one day. City men have been provided with sel vmg 10 le alme oICes. tl $1937 B Kenzie Mrs. Alan Nason and t t th heat StIrn r',"el' unl'fOI'ms which distin- Class honors were announced more lan , . , n . ' , all attemp 0 escape e_ . Clerk Harry A.. Furton said. The " b M' CI . Beside the cash donations, . Mrs. Robert Law. The previous record of 9:> was Ihigh attendance record of June guish them from persons using y 1, emmson. other companies aided through At a special meeting of the this method of sprinkling, of- Local doctors assisting the Red hit in 1933. 13 1952. of 4 725 persons,~ a Fri- the park. This has' been d0r:-e.to Honor Graduates material donations. Thqyare: Farms Council Monday, June 22, ficials asked the co-operation of Cross will be Drs. Lyndle R. • • • d~y, \VaS bl:oken 'last Sunday aid in locating help for polIcmg H?nor gr~duates, those c~m-. The Bmroughs Adding Machine the officials adopted a resolution all their fellow citizens in com- Martin and Clarence Bec.klein. WHEN the recent tornado June 21, when 4,810 persons eno: requirements when necessary. pletmg theIr ~hree-year lugh company, 5,000 printed programs; affecting lawn and gar d ~ n plying with the resolutions. Those who wish to make ap- passed through Flint, Samuel tered the gate. "We have received many com- school course WJ~h "B'.' average National Bank of Detroit, free sprinkling, and because the City The councils acted on the pointments during the two days Moyzer thanked his lucky stars There were 4,677 persons at ments on the excellent Summer or better, and mcl,udmg those mimeographing; Nash-Kelvinator receives most Of its water from recommendation of Farms City of the blood drive should call that it missed his ~ouse. How- the Pier Park on Saturday, mak, facilities provided this year at ele~ted to the NatlOnal Honor company, free stationery. the Farms, its council at a reg- Eng~neer Murray Smith, who ex- Jacobson's, TU. 2-7000; Grosse ever. a tree. near hiS home was ing a total for the week-end of both the south dock where div- SOCI~ty, were: "Many C i t y employes and ular meeting on the same day pressed hope that this 'method Pointe Packard, VA. 2-7904 or CfI'vI'nghl'm some trouble. so he 9,48"1. lng, bathing and ,swimming are R I Ch a rd. , Anslow, Chl'lstme citizens contributed a great deal I t' .. 'I t \"1'11be fal'r to all and will be a VA. 2-7469 or Woods Theater, ~ d t B d Ph I B h R b adopted a reso u IOn sum ar _ oy p ) hired a tree-cutter to fell the New lighting has been pro- available for swimmers, an a ra y, I Ip eae, 0 ert of their time and labor. its sister citiy's. means to solve the problems of TU. 2-6502. (See Coupon. age 4. tree, a 75-footer, and then turned vided to permit swimming after the north beach, where sun bath- Berner, ~ane Botsford, Ilene Bry- The league's expenses, cover- Effective immediately, .ac- a water shortage. There already _ ~hema!1 downbecause~ewasdark.This was not possible last ing and shallow water are pro- ant, Elame Burr, Evelyn Button, ing preparing and equipping ~he cupants of premises of both cities have been complaints of low HURT IN FALL mexpel'lenced. H~ t,h,en hJr~d an year because of the damage. vided f01' the younger children," Joan :Carver, Walter Clark, Sue play field, uniforms and playmg with street numbers which are water pressure, he said. Louis Wendell, of 1545 East uexperknced cutter, but thIS fel- ,. he said. Clemmson. Jane Condon, Bar- equipment and organization ex- - , kl th' Officials of both cities expres- Jefferson avenue, was rushed to low miscalculated, and the resu:t SWlmmmg hours are 10 8.m. The Council'recently approved bara Coomb:, Annette Danna, penses,. totaled $2,550, f:\en~U~nb:r::r~e~s s~~;~ oe o~~ sed confidence that the people Bon Secours Hospital Saturday. is that Moyzer now has three to 10 p:m. the purchase of electric mooring Carol d~ Br~m, Andrew deRppp, In order to avoid the diffi. nth will go along with the resolutions June 20, after he fell down the sides to his house. It is expected that the swim- I equipment which will provide Mary Dled1'1ch. Kurt, ~wend. culties ,experienced by other nUTmhboes:e~vi~~Y:V:~~~':n;;'~~~ay voluntarily. . basement steps at 1522 East Jef- • • • ming instructor, Jean Corbett, I a convenient method of launch-l Barbar~ Eyre, Elame Fetzer, Little Leagues with amateur The lawn-garden sprinkling ferson. Police surmised he had ;)londa)., June 22 will report for work Monday, II ing and removing boats, making S~lly FIsher, Donald F.ranck, local umpires, Federation Um- do the same on the even num- resolutions went into effect June lain at the bottom of the steps, GEN. MARK W. CLARK ac- June 29. Young. people are urged it possible for those who have no RIchard Gallette, Hem? Gildner, pires are engaged at $5 a game. bered days. '1 St t b unconscious 'for several hours to register early. Registration Imooring .space to use the facili- Donna Goodrow, Amta Hatch, The total cost for 36 games comes Although each city does not 10, and wi111ast untl p em er eused(Continued'South Koreanon Pace President19) can only be made at the MUnIC1-. . ties without hazal'd or de 1ay. (Con tlnue.d on P ag~,..)') to $180• have an ordinance to enforce 5• . before he was found.

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thursday, June 25, 1953 Thur~ Page Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS .N.A Air Race Seniors li?~?~:F:~:~da~dd~~~~et~a~eb~I Junior League Chorus Deserves Pvt, Thomas Stafford Serving in Korea . . Cl b f G- WITH THE EIGHTH ARMY Batta}ion, Stafford entered 'th, 10k, Litter I Th K • (Continued, from ,Page 1) (Continued from Pale 1) (Continu~J • 'from Pa1;.efi 1) Pom,te. e awardedIW~nlS $200u 0 to rosseJune pra'.Ise f0 romC.' mun Ity. 5erv.·Ice IN KOREA-Pvt. Thomas J. Staf- Army last October and received John sWI.mmmg pool in !he City Park. Ihave consumed the four days for J~ne Hester, Cynthia Hobart, Lang. ' 'ford son of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. basic training at Fort Riley. Not only does this entail much I the trip. Hilda Klopfer. Terry Kuhn, June 'Th Ch t S m s h lars'ips ---.------'. 'lersity I exp~nse to clean out the pool, With the' four-place, 170-mile- f Lang, Robert L~acock, Ann Leete, 'are' :war~ed a ea~~n ye~rO to '~wo By l\Iarclge Addams ICho~us are: Mrs. Williams Lane Stafford, of 1721 Anita avenue, Kansas. S. S. K: but It also presents the danger of. an-hour "180" they could make Earle, Lvon, Nancy MacDonald, . f th J' J e Not enough has been said about Mrs. Fel:dinalld Cinelli, Mrs. Joh~ Gro~se ~ointe, Michi~an, is now He is a graduMe of Grosse cently el u n the children cutting their feet I' the trl'p l'n t"'o da'''s \"I.th three Leona Macey, Barbara' McGrath, sel1l ors ,rom e Aanuary °fr$l O OOh 'L Hodge M Clevel nd Thurbe servmg m Korea with the 5th of the 'h'l ' th I ro, oJ D 'd M K '-Al d I h I gra dua tmg cl ass. Slim 0 , _ t e, JUnlor eague Chorus and s, r~.. ~ {. Pointe High School and was later " I e usmg e poo. stops, they figure. The. added aVI c, ee, ~n. Men ~ sso n, is. ranted in two installments.' the pleasure the members give Jr., Mrs. WI!ham Sielbach, Mrs' Regimental Combat Team. 1 d b T b B th d Cost Ac, Depreciation Feared speed gives them much leeway in Wayne Millel', Wllhan~ Millel'. g.,. . . with their melodies. James Gram, Mrs. William Gard, j A radio operator in Head- emp oye Y rau ro ers 4651 BEAUFAtT,South of Forest Elected to A.I.A. The Mothers' Club Scholarships STEERING, are awarded by a joint commit- ,. 3 tilne.r eq.rierhang'/ihg Whenever more WA.4-9300 NEW YORK-Earl Glenn Sie- tee of Mothers' Club Officers and than finger.lip pressure is needed on tbe wheel, new wert of 907 Washington road, faculty to students on the basis Mercury power steering goes to work ••• remove' Grosse Pointe certified public of scholarship, leadership, serv- accountant, has been elected a ice, extra-curricular participation the strain from parking and turning, yet doesn't member of the American Insti- and promise of future success. lacrifice t~.at safe "feel of the road." tute ot Accountants, national pro- The winners are Arthur Neff, > fessional society of CPAs, it was $200; Carole Parnell, $200; John • announced this week. I Serreyn, $200; Frances Crowley, Mr, Siewert is associated with $500; ~arbara E~re, $500; and Joe C. Trepanier, CPA, in De-. EmmYJane Galbraith, $500. 4-way troit I The University of Michigan . __. . .__. . _. -- I Regents-Alumni Honors Awards, .. ; a certificate of recognition of • high scholastic achievement in We feature ••• . high school, were given to Rich- ard Anslow, Philip Beach, Wil- POWER POWER liam Coleman (January), Carol ROJe 11Jal'ie l


. e_a-. _~_~~_~~~. _~ ••• ~.~.' _-w- __ .. •• • •••.•• ec CA • ... -~- ~-- . .

Thursday. June 25. 1953 G R'O.5 5 E POI N'T ENE W'5 . Page Three ...------,1 Pointers AmongU. of M. Grads IDr~ G. R. Maitlan~ Donald Sarvis ,N.A.C.A. Elects Kiwanis Gives ' , "----- . INamed Club PresIdent Promoted to Sergeant to ew eac ers' Thirty-seven Poi n tel'S wer.e wood, Bachelor of- Laws; James I ' -- - d• John -E. Hearst 2 Scholarships Welcome . N T h . among the '1.!niversity 'of Mich- Maynard Lutton, of 314 McKin- Judge and Mrs. Joseph Murphy Donald Sarvis, of 904 Lake. i&an' graduatmg class of 2,789 ley, Doctor of Philosophy. of Yorkshire road held the an. pointe, Grosse' Pointe Park, h,,:; '. John E. Hearst, of 509 Uni- The Grosse Pointe Kiwanis BecallSe of the growth 0/ the Gro.fse'Pointe commlmity tlfat received degrees at com- John Patrick Cannon, of ,1201 nual picnic and election of offi. recently been promoted to ser. ';ersity place, comptroller 0: the Club has awarded scholarships al1d the mbseque1lt increased' enrollment itl the' public mencement exercises on Satur- Nottingham, Bachelor of Arts; eel'S of the Univer~ity of Mich-' geant. He served with the Com- e S. S. Kresge company. was re- in the amount of $200 to recent schools, the Grosse Poitlte School Board has mad,e some' 50 day~ June 13. " Robert Nelson Lehmann, of 1340 igan Club of Grosse Pointe Town- bat Engineers in Korea from De-' '1' cently electc:d a national director graduates of 1\\'0 Grosse Pointe fippointmints to the different faCIlities. They were: . IBedford !-,oad,Doctor of Medicine; ship on Sunday, June 14. cember, 1951, through December, of the NatIonal A'>sociation of schools. d .Tbese appointments hat'e also beetl made because of the Sherburne Car1t,itQ.n B l' 0 W n, Alan. Richard Stuart, of 1115 The following officers and di. 1952, and at that tim~ "vas trar.ts- Cost Accountants at the annual, L . R h' 1906 B ('t. Jr" of 333 Rivard boulevard, Buc~mgham r?8:d, ~ a 5 t e r .of rectors were elected for the year ferred to Japan. He IS now wlth meetin«7 in L A 1 OUIS oe rIg, cau al , I need to replace those teachers leat,ing the Public School eo o~ nge es. Ia graduate of the Saint Ambrose Bachelor of Arts; Yirginia Elinor B~smess Ad~llmstratlOn; Damel 1953 and 1954: Headquarter.s ~ 0 n: pan y 229 system for reaSotl of transfer or retirement. Hearst, w~o IS a past president High School, has enrolled in the Granse, ot' 1101 Whittier roa~, WIrth Hutchms, of 2139 Roslyn, Dr. G. R. Maitland. president;! OBD, a~d IS pltchmg on their o.f the Detrol~ C:hapter of the Na- University of Detroit Dental, By -way of it/troduction to the pare"ts 0/ children who Bachelor of Arts;. Peter Robm Ma<;ter of Arts. Dr. Albert Dieman. vice-presi- baseball team. tlonal ASSOCIatIon of Cost Ac- School. : 'u,ill )a/lend or 'Who are 'lOW at/emling the public schools, 'Johnson, of 1680 Falrholme road, ------dent; Mrs. Hubert, G. Goebel, Donald's brother, John H. Sa1'- countants, has ~een with the During his high school career,) the NEWS is publishing weekly short biographies of those Bachelor of Arts; Alice Anne Guests at the 'home of MRS. secretary, and J. Cullen Kennedy, vis, was recentl~. assigned to Kresge company smce 1929. He is he attained high honors, having whose appoin/mctJ/s hal'e been confirmed. During the com- Kepler, of 418 Mt. Vernon, Bach- ERNEST BRIER, of Touraine treasurer. • duty in, England with Headquar- also a ~ember of the Controll- been elected member of the Na. iug 1//ollths Im/il school l'eopellS hl I,he fall, the biographies elor of Arts; William Leonard road, are her' daughter, MRS. Directors are Mrs. Albert Itel'S and Headquarters Squadron, ers' InstItute o~ Amer~ca, having tional Honor Society, won a Mayo, of 365 Notre Dame, Bach- FRANK GOODHUE of New York Cooper, Willis C. Bullard, ,Dr. 47th Battalion. John wrote home of New teach8rs -will appear in each issue. ~ f serv~d as a natIonal dIrector and scholarship rnedal played the! elor of Arts~ James R. Moore, of City and her little son, RANDY. Albert Law, Mrs. William A. Tar. that he witnessed the whole preSident of the Detroit Chapter. I lead in the seni~r pl~y, was 114 Merriweather'road, Bachelor They'll be here till the end of pey, Mrs. Goebel and Dr: Mait- coronation and enjoyed it ver,/, r:;:-,-:'~'T:i:I~:}~:T/p:r':,:"~>q}l;?:"7\Y/u,::~:~:~~~r~~~'e~~o:l~ th~a~a11~e_ ~~rp:~ awarded the history medal, and of, Arts; Bert 'Harrison Wicking, the month. land. -; much. HUDSON BRADWAY waS hostess stood third in his graduating married and the father of twq of .781 Trombley, "Bachelor t of and DR. and MRS. J. MELTON class with well over a' Baver. children. He recently taught in Act& . ROBB were hosts at a dinner Traverse City and is active in Shirley Ann Griggs, of 972 , party at their home in Lakeland age .. professional . organizations. H e Washington boulevard, Bachelor' avenue. A Country Club ;unch- HIS parent~ are Mr. and Mrs. will take the sixth grade at of Arts; Margaret Louise Har- ' eon was given by MRS. BIGLEN Henry Roehng. Trombly School. \ rington, of 1241 Devonshire road, D. EBLEN for the Schumans on The other scholarship went to • • • Bachelor of Arts; Patricia Sylvia Friday and that evening they June Lang, daughter of. MI'. and Man n, of, 1173 Notti~gham, were entertained at dinner by Mrs. Roy Lang, 1977 B~aufai1. Bachelor of Music; David Selmer MR. and MRS. ED G E R L Y -She attended Grosse Pointe Ramsey, of 1325 Bedford road, D,ENIM AUSTIN. On Saturday evening High School and was also elect- Bachelor of S c 1en c e; David MRS. GEORGE M. SLOCUM in- cd to the National Honor So- f' Dwight Struthers, of 2072 Loch- ~ ~ ,"Hed guests for cocktails at her ciety. moor, Bachelor of Science. home on Roslyn road, in honor June was vice-president of the Jr" y Jeremy David Webster, of 159 IS In style of the visitors, later taking the Gids Athletic Association, the McKinley, Bachelor of Science; party to Grosse Pointe Yacht treasurer of the y.Teen Club a Richard Sutton Schmitz, of 33 Club for an Oriental dinner. member of the Service Club ;nd R a d nor Circle, Bachelor of also the Sports Club. Science, in Design; Paul Martin ••• lor gardening, sailoring, An optimist is a fellow who June graduated with over ,a B Koch, of 1353 Audubon, Bachelor turns onto a "detour and reflects average and has enrolled at Al- of Science in Pharmacy; Joseph , golf ana happily that it has no billboards. bion College. Camille Bee 1, of 689 . South general knock-about wear Renaud, Bachelor of Business Miss Martha Hoke grew up in Administration; John Boussneur Romeo, Michigan. She attended C a I' pen tel', of 546 Lakeland, SLACKS of faded blue, brown, Wheaton College for one year Bachelor of Business Administra- before transferring to Michigan tion. maize or charcoal . . . double- ~t'ate Normal College, from , Jack Sherman Putnam, of 1304 stitched thruout. 4 pockets. Elastic' which she graduated this month. Berkshire, Bachelor of Business waistband. Sanforized-shrunk _... " She will teach the first grade at Administration; Lor a Susan DefcI' School. ' Franklin, of 436 Moran road, 4.95 • • • Master of Arts; Peter Roberts Klaver, of 673 Lincoln road, If~~\')F:~~\j>?";'"':':"""\"Hf.;i~~:;::(~:':i~;j:~;';;;j~;;~Miss Dixie Johnson grew up in .SHORTS, also denim, of faded Fairfield, Iowa, attending both Master of Arts; Thomas William Parsons and Iowa State colleges. Baumgarten, of 1062' Lochmoor, blue, charcoar and maize. Double. r:',,:/!:;:'. She has taught for several years Master of Science; Roger Bon- stitched. Sanforized shrunk, 3.95 ham 'Smith, of 947 Berkshire, t t t ",' in Iowa and Illinois. She will (lnd BE SURE ••••• J teach household arts at Parcells Master of Business Admihistra- Junior High. tion; David Masson -Bogle, of 433 • TO RETURN YOUR Lakeland, Bachelor of Science in SHIRTS to wear with your denims, • • • :' "'I 'Engineering. in matching colors. Soft, absorbent EXPOSED ROLLS TO Joseph George Hipfel, of 374 pre-shrunk cotton, with short Fisher road,,, Bachelor of Science ~"::',:, sleeves ' , , 4.50 US FOR DEVELOPING in Engineering; Lorne James ~:,:.::.:>/'). ," '. ~.', :.'.:: Norton, of 903 Rivard boulevard, ..... AND PRINTING f-".~". Bachelor of Science in Engineer- ing; Richard Grant Iler, of 657 :," . Barrington road, Bachelor of Architecture: Edward R. Sandell, of 828 Neff' road, Bachelor of ,;j Laws: Homer D. Swander, Jr., Wh~ling.s of Neff Road, Doctor of Philosophy; Robert Carlyle Ever- ':1 ?nBI1.lJ weaJt ett, of 312 Lothrop road, Doctor ;.KJ of Den tal Sur gel' y; Robert " 617 Woodward Charles Buslepp, of 1420 Bishop Optn 9 A.M to 6 P.M; Daily G eo r g c j) u d tic h, born in 1 i road, Doctor of Medicine. 6329 W. 7 Mile Road Detroit, received his high sch?o! t,: "Lany Everett McCo1,1achie, of education at Northeastern High ,I ,... liVemofa 330 Stephens, road, Bachelor of Optn Thursday and Friday Evenin,s School. He is a graduate of Mich. It Business Administration; Rich- igan State College of Education, I: ard Farland Fox, of. 284 Ken- where he won varsity awards inr. baseball and football. He served,

Miss Diane ,Klein was born in ;Sgt. R. W. All~r Detroit and graduated froJn • Southeastern High. She gradu- ~1.). ;Rejoins AF , ated from Michigan State College • .. this month. She will take over Security Airman S/Sgt. Ray. the kindergarten at Monteith mend W. Allor Jr. has re-enlist- School. ed for anoiher tour of Air Force Duty. A native of Grosse Pointe, Ai- Grace Church Plans lor joined the Naval Air Reser- Two Bible Schools ves after graduating from S1. PbUl'S High S.chool and went in- The Grace Evangelical and Re- Ito active duty in 1947. He en- formed Church, Lakepointe at 17 J 14 Kercheval TUxedo 1-4096 Here's That • listed in the Air Force when his Kercheval, started its summer Open Friday till 9 :00 p.m. duty with the Navy terminated. schedule for church school and Allor served two years in the w:orship on Sunday, June 21. Both Far East, for which he was a- will begin at 9:45 a.m. through- Big Day Again! warded the Korean Service Medal out the Summer months. with three battle stars. He also The church will also conduct received the meritorious Unit Ci- two Vaoatiqn Bjble Schools for tation and the United Nations children of the community. Junior Didn't Know. • • Medal. The first school started Mon- Allor has volunteered for over- day, June 22, and will extend seas duty with a Security Ser- through July :2, Monday to Fri. vice Unit, in order to serve un. day, from 9:30 a. m. to 12 noon. del' a former commanding officer. Director will be Mrs. Rene He was assigned to Security Snoeck. . Service at Brooks Field, Texas, The second witI start on Aug- " in 1949 and has since married a ust 17 and extend through Aug- San Antonio girl, the former ust 28. Hours will be 9:30 a.m. to Mary Ann Casbeer. 12 noon, Monday through Friday. FRIDAY IS OUR 7th BIRTHDAY 0 ~ . They have two girls, Rose- For further information call mary, 2 -and a baby three days VAlley 2-3823 betwen 12 and old. They are now making their 4 p.m: or VAlley .2-9620 other home in San Antonio, Texas. hours. and 01COUl'dewe1/cele~l'ale a/! I!e,,~e,,~~l31_~~e,,~~ __ da'J long in lhe -ll'adUiona!


~ Villari'! ma~ol'. jl'Jle- t~ / ~ Behi paddinri lhe ,til'lda'J cake , For your protection use our. •• ~ ~wUh our compAmenld. " ~. BUSINESS AS USUAL Safety Deposit Vaults will be carried on behind the barricade llnd • ECONOMICAL • SAFE • PRIVATE y~u can be a~sured of our usual assortments of fine' merchandise in all departments.

Various Size Boxe5' 'j

.,",'''~ t ~'...... , (The Richard. Lehmans)

" BANKING . HQU~S 17150 Kercheval, in.the' Village ~fonday ,hruTh~rt«lar'" o GROSSE PO'INTE , ,8:30,lo3:~::. Woodward Avcnue"at Grand Circus Park ...

' .. •'ri.luvtl 8:30 ~ - AI.. ;" Chi".. ~ h)::6i:OO.. " Exrept for hpln!! r.lo~pd nn ,thp 4th n£ July LJ- e , • • • • '.' '.'.,. " ..... Telehhfll1 TIT. ~.2530 ~UN'HEON and Christm;ls. we serVe daily 11 to 2:30 and 5 to 8:30. 1.7449' -JEFFERSON A'YE.At.Rly'rRO." DINNERS( . , l~~~~~M..,.&V~~~~~ii I 4; oS ,",,~m".-:f.Jero/..Q~~sJtW!~1<;1!!5..?~~!~!gt~n."..,'~

; . ,I,. .... _ ..... __ -- ...... __ .C'"o _~ _~. r-.~ ah ~ ...~_r:- :-':--_~'''~ .~",,:-_....-._ ..~no-_:...... ~.~~,; ....,,""~~_~~&~&~_t!"< __ 4~.("110 _~J"~ t'".. /"'...~ __c;..~_.l-~~ ••':'_ ...~._.J::t_ ...~_.:.~ ...... ~' ...... '7:::_lIC"'" _"~L~'ft:!. .~'!._~~~~~~_~'"_k_':''' ~!._~~"t _~--.J,' ~~_._~_~~.'_'_.'-L'~". ~-~~ _,_- ::. ..._. ~ __ ~ - - - ",- -- -- ~ -~ - - ... - . --~-~~--~~ - " --- . - -~~------...... •

. Page/ Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 25, 1953

ASSIGNED TO CAM~ M OS[l, Honors Po,inte .Engineer' Matthew C. Patterson of 1312 of ' birt: tetraethyl lead,. now u6ed as an Audubon street, University of Girl Scout Ohio State University confer- John J. Jennings, Jr. on antiknock agent . in J}.early all Cincinnati Res e l' v e Officers red on Thomas A. Boyd the hon. forn orary degree, Doctor of Scie~c@ automotive ana aviation gasoline. Training Corps cadet, will attend News summer training camp at Aber- ents at commencement l' e c e n t I y. Out of the investigation came alsc INSURANCE and BO.NDS H. I Mr. Boyd, research consultmt, new . knowJedge about engine deen (Maryland) Proving Ground Research Laboratories Division, combustion and about the best the University announced this 17012 :Mack, at Cadieux Trombly School Brownie Troops General' Motors Corporation, De- composition for gasoline to have, week. Grosse Pointe Park.Phone: TUxedo 2-8232 138 and 885 held their fly-up troit, liv~s st )016 Harvard road. knowledge which helped stimu~ Handmade .. Hand Decorated ceremony recently with 34 girls Mr. Boy~, was born October late the modern re'/olution in A fine place for a no-tipping participating. This comprises .all 10, 1888, at Fairview, Ohio. He petroleum' refining' and the higher sign is on a canoe. of the girls in the 4th grade at received a Bachelor of Chemical octane fuels resulting from it. porcelain the school. Engineering degree from Ohio For his work in the field of Mrs. Howard Maynard, Neigh- Stat~ University in 1918 and later automotive fuels Mr. Boyd re- It Catches Every Breeze! the professional degree of Chemi- bor~ood Chairman, welcomed the ceived the Horning Memorial ; Easy to Assenlble! buttons mothers and guest Brownie Troop cal Engineer. In 1939 Ohio State Award from the Society of Auto- 1242 of Trombly. Mrs. William University awarded him the motive '. Engineers in January McKee was present to see~ her Lamme Medal for meritorious 1950. In 1952 he was granted the buckles former Brownies of Troop 885 get achievement in engineering. honorary degree of doctor of en- See the their wings. She is now leader at. Mr. Boyd began his career a.s gineering from the University of earrrngs Kerby School. a research chemist in the Re- Detroit. - The girls were presented their 'search Division of the Dayton Mr. Boyd is a member of the! Metal Products Company, Day- wiIigs by leaders, Mrs. Raym~md American Chemical Society, the I ton, Ohio. In 1920 that organiza- American Institute of Chemical bracelets' Baer, Mrs. A. Vermuelen, Mrs. SUMM.ERHOUSE tion was merged with General Phil Phillips and Mrs. John Mc- Engineers, t}}e Society of Auto- Motors and became the nucleus a new trend in outdoor living Ilhargie. Their Girl Scout pins motive Engineers, the American of its Research Laboratories Di- necklac'es were pinned on ,by leaders Mrs. Society for T~sting Materials and vision, which was moved to De- several 'others including Sigma ,r Charles Huber, Mrs, A. Louwers troit in 1925. Xi, honorary' scientific society, A prefabricated, .all aluminum frame and and Mrs. C. Grigsby. Intermediate From 1923 to 1947 Mr. Boyd PORTRAIT SCULPTURE in PORCELAIN Scouts Maureen Craigie and and Tau Beta Pi, honorary. en., was h~ad of the Fuel Depart- gineering society. He was presi- scre~ned shelter with countless uses. I Wally Rae welcomed the girls ment of the Research Laboratories dent of the American Society for into Girl Scout troops. By Ruth TeJlnison Division. Together with Charles Testing Materials, 1947-48, and of .Refreshments, served in the F. Kettering, former General the Engineering Society of De- G Outdoor Eating gym, ended the ceremony by the Manager of Research Labora- troit, 1943-44. " • Outdoor Parties troop committee. The girls ended tories, and the late Thomas Mr. Boyd has published more PATTYPRIXT POTTERY their year as Brownies with a Midgley, Jr., he was a ,pioneer .than 50 technical papers, some .• Beach Cabana ( joint cookout at Grosse Pointe in the study of fuel composition under his own name' and some I • In Your Yard .14826 Charlevoix, near 1~lter Park. and combustion, particularly in in collaboration with his" asso- • Campin9 Out • • • the search for means of eliminat- ciates .. He .also is author of two . VAlley 2-936~ Brownie Troop 1242 of Trombly ing knock as a barrier to higher books: "Gasoline-What' Every- • At Your Cottat)e School held a cookout as their compression engines and more one Should Know About it," 1952, • Child's Play Pen last meeting. Troop Committee miles per gallon. and "Research-the Pathfinder members and mothers helped Out of these researches came of Science and Industry," 1935. • Fishing Trips leaders Mrs. Hugo Horny and • Trailer Porches ______, -Mrs. Edwin Peabody. . . I The girls who attended were Minor's Blood DOhation Co~pon I Joan Baer, Lind~ Briggs, Marilyn RELEASE FOR MINORS (AGES 18 TO 20) .. Easily portable IFleming, Shirley Gross, Edna I Kraner, Alex Maile, Ann Marie My (st/nJ (daughter) (ward) :...... has I: on your car top! Helltlqullfters my permission, voluntarily and without charge, to make a donation I Miller, Nancy Miller, Holly . of blood to the American Red Cross and for that purpose may, at his' 60 square leet for I Moody, Cheryl Owen, Susan Pea- or her own risk, submit to the tests, examinations and procedures, I body, Carlyn Pfau, Andre Re- customary in connection with donations of blood. We agree that 01 Iloor splice! i berdy, Ann Smith, Mary Alice neitlier the American Red Cross nor any of its chapters, nor any i Steele, . Kay Stiegler, Sharron surgeon, physicians, technicians, nurses, agents or officers connected Sullivan and Janice Tatti. with any of them, or who may be participating otherwise in this H. PETS . The Troop. Committee and work, shall be in any way responsible for any consequences to SUMMERHOUSE can mean a new way of living Co The SUMMERHOUSE will not rust fer you, your family and the many friends who mothers were Mrs. C. Briggs, him or her resulting from the giving of such blood or from any of the tests, examinations or procedures incident thereto, and we here- -never needs pointing - Frames will envy you this summer hide-a-way. Mrs. F. Smith, Mrs. R. Millet Boxers ••• by release and discharge each and all of them from all claims and are of heavy gouge aluminum- and Mrs. E. Stiegler. demands whatsoever whiCh we, our heirs, executors, administrators SUMMERHOUSE is perfect near that outdoor bar. Everyone champion sired. See them now. Screen wire is strong aluminum beque-with- room for six or seven people, but no or assigns have or may have against them or any of them by rea,: mesh-Easy to move around yet room for flies or other insects which spoil outdoor IJohn H. Kay Wins son of any matter relative or incident to such donation of blood, and we agree that the above-mentioned organization may ,use in amazingly sturdy-Will withstand eating. Poodles ••• ,2nd Lieutenant Bars any way that it may deem advisable said blood or the' residue all types of weather including salt All colors, miniatures and standards. thereof. water creos-Screen wire is eosily I Lt. Col. John' C. Lawrence, IN WITNESS WHEREOF we have hereunto set our hands replaced in case of domage--Can- I professor of Air Science and vas roof is of tailored army-weave T8£tics at Williams College, an- ! and seals this : day of , 19- .. --heavy, waterproof, available in LANDSCAPE CO. C&S " ,nounced that Cadet John H. Kay Dachshunds .•. of 1365 Buckingham road, has attrQctive colors - Forest Green, 17819 Mack Avenue tUxedo 1-9.393 Black and Tans and Red~. Sy the nations I Canary Yellow, Rust Red. , successfully completed his re- (Parent) ~ ; . Between Washington and' Rivard , leading breeder. quirements for a commission as a . Second Lieutenant, United (Child) ...... , , . I States Air Force Reserve. Miniature Schnauzers,' , Cadet Kay received his com- 1 I mission at a ceremony held on Cute Puppies . . . Kittens looking Commencement Day this month. for a home. The newly commissioned ot- I ficer will r~port to Lackland Air Force Base, .Texas, on August Complete Pet suppnes I 15 to assume his duties as an and. Air Force officer. r Poodle Accessories "-- MR. and MRS. JAMES TALL- ~ MAN of Harcourt road left by I plane Tuesday, June 16, for Los Angeles and San Francisco, Cali- .,This 'n' That for Pets I fornia. They will visit for a week I with their oldest son and his 19587 Mack Avenue fa~ily who recently moved to Near Cook Rood theIr new home in Orinda, Cali- \ fornia ..

.more timefir thiA •••

t1btt.~,we'll ;rove every word I and you may win FRE.E A HUDSON lET

PERFOIlMANCEl We'll take you out and put a Jet through its paces. You'll see why it's a new kind of car Because it's wonderf~lIy compact,. it's a delight to handle, drive 1before it has used a teacup of gas. ECONOMYI It takes only a tea- and park ~n today's traffic ••• and there's ample room for six. cup of gas, which we draw into the gasoline meter 88 we drive, to show On any nearby road, hill or highway:you magnificent performer will do it with less you the almost unbelievable gas select, we'll outperfohn and outdemon- gaS than any' ,of them. Powerful state- mileage the Hudson Jet delivers. strate any other make 1ofcar in the lowest ment? You bet! But the Hudson Jet is a price field with ~he new Hudson Jet. 'powerful performer. We'll prove every A 'SCIENTIFIC, What's, more, we'll prove by means o{ word-with just a teacup of gas! Come DRAMA TIC TEST' scieptific. measuring equipment that this in and see for yourself. Our ttTeacup Test'~ uses scientific measuring equipment. It shows you exact, low fuel consumption when"you cook while the Jet is in action. HOW YOU MAY WIN A Illll JET I After "Teacup Test," on official entry . . blank, complete in 25 words or less: ttThe HUDSON advantages of this new kind of car, the com1?8ct Hudson Jet, are •.• f) ~t . -details at Hudson Dealers. Contest ~ A COMPACT, NEW KIND' OF CAR ends Aug. 1, '53.. • Standard uim and other IlpecificatioDlland accessoriell subject to change without notice. .. JERRY LYNCH HUDSON SALES, INC. \ 1324& E. JEFFERSON AND 33&& GRATIOT " . GOOD DRIVERS DRIVE SAFE CARS ••• CHECK YOUR CAR ..

. , r ••••••••• = •• _~ ••.• _~~~.~ __ _ s- •• ... -- - ~-_-~=_= _=z • «MO •••••••••••• c.m. - - - '.

Thu.rsday, June 25, 1953 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Five. Mr and Mrs. Edward Strltter I • • " NEEDS A PULL I MOVING TOO FAST o~ Weston, Mass., announce the TraffIc VIolators To Wed Travel.South Bride-Elect birth of a son, Carl Hunt, born • It is to. very little advantage There seems to be no shortage. on June 7. Mrs. Stritter is the Pay. FInes I former Jean Preble, whose par- After lJIarriage ents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman I=~O:::el:::'d:::::::e:::~:::na:::,~:::h=t~:::V:::~-n-:-w-pu-\-~.-e_r_o_p_e_s._i_i _~;_O_:;_bo_l;_e_i~_,_:;_1_' :_~_e_O\_~o_i~_:_~_~v_o__f_a_s_2_1e Edward L. Randolph, Jr., of 944 In the prE!SenCe of their im- "~!'~~~fi%; H. Preble of Rivard boulevard. Emerson, Detroit, was fined, $21, mediate families, Joanne Russell Wednesday, June 17, by Park and Robert Edgar Gore were Judge C. Joseph Belanger for married last Saturday at Grosse GLASS LOUVRE A CASTLE FILMS cutting in and out of traffic. The Pointe Congregational Church. .':~;~f"1\ FOR RENT feckless driving charge. also The reception took place at the JALO.USIE home of the brid~'s parents, Mr. brought a one month. probation Two story building available for. WINDOWS IInll DOORS and one session at Traffic School. and Mrs. Alfred R. Russell of St. Clair Shores, 'It's Jalousie Time' Dale Pollock, of 18936 Tracey, Robert is the son of Mr. and offices, storage or shop, in the and Drexel C. Blankenship, of Mrs. William Edgar Gore of Mc- 3130 Twelfth, both of Detroit, Kinley. road. were each fined $12 for speeding Kercheval-Cadieux dis~rict .. JAL'OUSIE For her wedding, Joanne chose :.. ::.. on East Jefferson. . a natural linen suit with which ;'. WINDOW & DOOR CO. Dr. Frank Townsend, of 15231 she wore a small, matching hat'. i.:.::'. Box F, 180, Grosse Pointe "Jews 20187 Mack Ave. Windmill Pointe drive, was as- She pinned a corsage of stepha- :. sessed $15 for causing an accident notis at one shoulder. :: TUxedo 2.6606 at Korte and Lakepointe, as was Attending the couple were Mrs. Alice McCartney, of 212 East- Richard Russell, the bride's sister- : ... lawn for the same offense. in-law, and Thomas Garred. i.:. :..

Penelope Christian, of 2015 Immediately after the recep- L:.,:.,:.:..,< East Jefferson, received a sus- -Picture by Carl Joyner tion, the newly-married Gores Mrs. Edmund Wroblos of Cal- Good Grooming;s pended fine, but paid costs of ROSE MARCELLA LIETKE'S left by. motor heading South for vin 'road this week announced more than $6 for causing an ac- engagement to Milton McMahan Jacksonville, Fla. where. the cident in front of 1102 Maryland. was announced this week by the bridegroom is stationed with the the engagement of her daughter, No Happe~stcince I MARIL YN RUTH, to Thomas Laura Gagnon, of 22491 Sun- bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Nava Ail' Base Training unit. Wesiey Follis, son of Dr. and ningdale, St. Clair Shores, had Mrs. John Lietke of Hampton ------road. Mr. McMahan is the son of Lt. Thomas D. Fritsch Mrs. Wesley 1. Follis of Bishop her fine suspt'nded but paid costs road. Miss Wroblos attended the of $10 for ignoring a stop street Mr. and Mrs. Cliffo.rd McMahan Geb N~w Assignment University of Michigan, where, and causing an accident at ~t. of Crawford avenue. The bride- Paul and Balfour. She was also elect attended Michigan State POINT MUGU, Calif.-Navy she was affiliated with Collegi- placed on six months probation. College where she was 'a member Lt. (jg.) Thomas D. Fritsch, son ateSorosis sorority. Mr. Follis of Phi Gamma Nu. An August of Mr. and Mrs. Homer C. attended Michigan State College Darrel Byers, Jr., of 681 Mer- where he was a member of Sigma rick, Detroit, and Nelle Ellsworth wedding is planned. Fritsch of 1009 Harvard road, Chi. He now is a student at Uni- Grosse Pointe, has ~reported for oi 1028 Beaconsfield, were given duty at the Naval Air Missile versity of Detroit Dental School suspended sentences when found Test Center here from the Naval and is a member of Delta Sigma guilty of causing an accident at 20 Receive St. Paul and Beaconsfield. Auxiliary Air Station at Chineo- Fraternity. Wayne Degrees teague, Virginia. ------9'. tll, st,lely procession 10,ncient Mrs. Ruth Blackhurst, of 1650 Westminster! Prior to entermg the Navy, Lt. MRS. GORDON S. COCHRANE Alter road, Detroit, was found Dr. Clarence B. Hilberry, act- Fritsch attended, Dartmouth Col- a former resident of Rivard /l'N tile fOr,eous robes ,nd jtwels, , guilty of parking in an alley and ing president of Wayne Univers- lege. He entered Flight Training boulevaJ;d, now living 4n Lake the brilliant uniforms! obstructing traffic. She was fined ity, conferred degrees upon in July, 1948. Forest, Illinois, is in Houston, 53. 1,288 graduates during the Uni- UN tht lovely young Queen in th. He was commissioned an en- Texas, welcoming a new grand- solemn ceremon,! Lillian Rosati, of 4469 Mt. versity's June commencement sign July 27, 1950, while sta- daughter, CAROLYN COB B, Elliott, Detroit, paid a :>5 fine ceremonies at 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, tioned with Patrol Squadron 7, bom on June 1. Carolyn has a /1'_ E1izabtth II enthroned and crowned! for causing an accident in front June 16, in .the State Fair Coli. Quonset Point, Rhode Island. In two-year-old sister, TEl R I J AVlIl.hl. In five editions of 15023 East Jefferson. seum, DetroIt. September, 1950, he was assigned LYNN. Their .parents are MR. Included in the list of degree to the Air Development Squad- and MRS. JOHN COBB (Joan .t these low prices: Pa~l . Calandra o.r Larchmont, f candioates are 20 residing in this ron 2 in Virginia. Cochrane). i ~t. ClaIr Shores, dJd not appear area. The local students are: ! I mm 16 mm m court to answer charges of R b .t All 1215 IJ d d' K h 1 H' 0 el . en,larvar i Headline $t95 Headline $2.95 spee mg on erc ~va. IS ('ase Road; Marilyn J. Anderson, 391 TU. 5-4127 j Complete $5.95 Complete $9.75 w~s sent to Lansmg. He for- Washington; John H. Auckland, ~• 16 mm Sound Edition $21.75, felted a $13 bond. Jr., 309 Piche; James M. Burges, FINAL DAYS i John V. Boots, of 196 Beech- 1227 Lakepointe; Marvin Camp- J ~wood, Packanacklake, New Jer- bell, 453 Fisher road; Raymond. of our ., I scy, pleaded not guilty to caus- R. Decracne, 1803 Norwood; Ben-I -'. f ing an accident at Whittier and jamin W. Hubbard, 1981 Roslyn : /1/ 011" WE MAKE PHOTOSTATS was found innocent. road; Mrs. Alice S. Jacob, 920! Removal Sale! 'f Bedford road. j ! 33rd YCttl' Drastic Reductions .. i The decor at the Detroit Boat Orville D. Ingalsbe, 799 Lake: .. 1 of Good ..... 01~~ Club's bridge luncheon last week Shore Road; Stella B. Kleffman, I on all f _IRA. E~~::~ 1100 Buckingham road; George I ..J Scn'ice . I ~ ~,". was pretty to see. Deep red P. Kypros, 607 Fisher Road; Good groomir'lj hos f ~ eAM £ R.A sweetheart roses climbed on Ralph L. S~effek, 1351 Holly-' FABRICS ! white trellises, in life-like man- wood; Mauflce F. Logan, 1151 always been a tradition PHOTOGRAPHIC ACCESSORIES nero In MRS. OSCAR F. KEY. IMar.Y~and; Jo~n J. M~lmebach, Here. ore typical savings in our sweeping a r Shepler's, whHe everything 1 Day Photo Finishing '. .' I Jr .. 300 Mt. \ ernon; RIchard A. I I sale! 36" Chinn, 65c yard. All 50" Fabrics, Ope .. Eves. 'Till 9 _ TU. 5-74181 DE!:'IRsSPaHEtYRwMaAsNfoprmOEe~IDLEetl~II~=: Seski, 1204 Aline drive; LeRoy t has TO be done iust a IitHe er IV.! c W 10 I B. Weed, 1227 Roslyn road; Mary I only $1.10 yard. There's everything to 163)7 E. Warren at Courville Icame down from Ann Arbor for F. Wade. 351 Roosevelt place j select from .•• including printed antique better ••. ! the day. Ane R. Will, 283 Hillcrest road; I ------Edmund J. Zeiter, 1305 Bedford. I satins and. novelty weaves. ------i DEANNA BOERNER of Ken- I The PLAID CORNER , 'more d~ive .entertained f~iends i TU. 1-1900 • I con't get M()1n at a paJama party on her. 14th 1 trOlltlet oj DecQrator Fab,.h.s" Main Office and Plant-- \I birthday' recently. Among the I guests were MARJORIE REINS, 15001 MACK 1690' Harper Avenue, at Grayton ARLENE BOERNER and SHAR- j Corner Wayburn (Jut ()f the ION MASON. /J(Jsement f II " , , I e

- ,

Drive il ~!Jr/ LeqrtJ Wh!l Do//qr fOr Dol/qt. }Ol/ Cant; Beqf a /Jonfiqc

SINCE BRUCE WIGLE INSTALLED.. OUR. CRANE . ',.\.\\diii/I//: :.~ WHITE~.: './//'I'!'!I\/'. \ , ...... -. lAUNDRETTE

What a difference this sparkling white ceramic tub will make in your base-' ment! cio easily cleaned, and with a washboard molded into its sloping front! Always smooth, to protect your fragile fabrics, and with your automatic washer, you need only a space-saving single tub. Install the MODERN laundry tub - famous Crane Company's LAUNDRETTE. Wigle sells it-Wigle installs it-Wigle GUARANTEES it- GENERAL lUOTORS LOWEST PRICED EIGHT \Vhen you first sit behind the wheel how easily Pontiac handles, how sure- Your assurance of complete satisfaction. Phone liS TODAY of a new Pontiac for~et its very low footed it is on any type of road. Add to for complete information. • cost and concentrate instead on its all this Pontiac's distinctive Dual- performance. i Streak beauty and you know you're Guide it through city traffic and see commanding a car that represents true ~PLUMBING &~ how its big, high-compression engine fine car quality through a~d throullh. givesyou amazing get-up-and-go. Then We suggest you come in and put take it. out on the open road and' feel Pontiac through its paces. 'Ve're sur", _(EWIGLE how it provides power to spare. you'll agree that here's mighty power- Next, see how relaxed you are in ful proof that' dollar for dollar you ~ HEATING co. ~ Pontiac's roomy, luxurious interior, can't beat a Pontiac. 15304 Kercheval Near Beaconsfield VAlley 2-9070 SEE YOUR NEAREST PONTIAC DEALER • WEST SIDE OFFICE, 9117 HAMILTON, TR. 5.9070

D . "to b b > • , bt .t------....------t, ! l. •

, . .. v.- :a ::--- ~.,...~ "t ... ~. l' II!" ~. ",:. ~""''' 1:.~'" '." ':.... ,":'••• ~•. -"- ".-_Y_.~" ...... ~_":I ... _~-_ "_'_-~_. __ , GROSSe POINTE NEWS Thursday. June 25. 1953 Thursd4

~__ £ .. _ ~ 1 ~.~u i _ My'rUe 1\., two sons, RQbe~t >fl. heyden Funend Hom~, >16300 I Pointer, Ski" Entertiin Young Set Still Time to Join Record Crowds See Horse Show i- Mack avenQ~. Burial will be in and Melville H. Jr.; a SIster, Honoring Terry Phelan Course in Weaving ----- I Ol.itl.u •.ies Grilnd Lawn> Cemetery. Mrs. Charles :J:.,egg, and three Of Culv --.-- I Pointers covered themselves ford, 'J'hree of t!le Thonw~ Patz- He j~ surviv~d by his wife grandchildren. <, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Askin Bt..OOMFl~LD-HILI04S",,- Ther~ with glory in the re~ently con- olcl children put on a blue-ribbon J. R. Ry: .~~ae of Lake Shore ro~d enter- are still openings in the weav.,. eluded and high~y S"Cceli$ful p~rformapce in the FamUy Clas~. l\I~LVlLLE H. K~NN~ny was electel •:uneq members of the young se\ I ing course tor adults at the Kings- Grosse Pointe Horse Show, which ~iss Mary -Mulford alsp too~ Melville H. Kennedy of 301 r: vel' Milita ..1 a >terr.ace party. last .Wedne~- wood-Cranbrook Summer pay ran four afternoons and evenings }lame a top ribbqn for her col- Cloverly road died in St. John It's Cold Storage Time · · · Associatior (\~y (wQmng complnllentmg thelr ICamp beginning this week in this >pa~t week.end on the Hunt lectiQn by -"vinJling the Amateur Hospital on Tuesday,;, June 23" n,ece. T~rry Phelan. (laughter of the studios at Kingswopd School Club> grol,mcts. Wor~ing Hunter Thursday eve- after an illness of two years. : TH I.NGS TO SEN D TO US FOR STORAGE The Assc the James J. Phelans, Jr., of Cranbrook. - - Record crowds watched local- ning. bers whos I Born in Owen Sound, OntartQ, . Mor~~ fQ&d. Terry will bow to. . ites and their horses share> top In ac~ass in which 48 riqers Fur Coats Drap,rie5 > or are attE on January 17, 189~,he had been society next December. 1 The SIX-\~~'* COl,IrSe, ,,:hlCP ho~or8 with big-name animals did their top best, Lauren Edgar Ilankets llleets mornmgs through Fnday, and riders from thc Midwest and Cl\me off with a well-earped a resident in this area fqr the. Ov,rcoats Every ~elf-mad~ -man rclieves l inclu~es instrllctio~ in weaving Eastern states. • fQu~th in the John Lord Booth past 45 years. Wi"ter Sulh Comforters someboqy of a rellPQnsibility. I ~echntq~es of all. kmds for mak- Miss Jeanne Vance, daughter Workhlg Hunter Gl~ss. Other Mr. Kennedy was president of. Hunti", Suits Snow Suits ---~----~--- mg SUlt matcrlals, uphQI~terYJ of Joseph A. Van~e of Hendrie lQcal ribbon winners at Grosse the Detroit Electrotype company, drapery, linens and rugs, in ad- lane, rode her two entries against Poin.te were Jane Pratt, Mary a member of Kilwining Lodge dition to a composite study of tough competition to garner the Luisa Mu~len, SURan De~ler, 297, F and A M, Moslem Shrine, the loom and its functions. top awards in every five-gaited Jane O'Brien, Judy Ollison, Detroit Yacht Club, Adcraft CIIABGOT Ciccly Fidler, currently_ in class. With Jeanne up, "Midnight 1 Arnold Hofmann and William K. Funeral services wJll be held GLASS LOUVRi vise the course. Inquiries should stake. Allen. at 1 p.m. today frOnl the Ver- be made to Dorothy E. Inglis, The other Vance entry, "Mas- --~----- JALOUSI' Kingswood School Cranbrook, tel' Stonewall," too1\ blues in the WINDOWS .,,,1 DOO'S Bloomfield HilIs. stallion or gelding class, the ladies' five-gaited, as well as the r--:""',"1 Fr.e Estimates MR. AND MRS. DUMBAR Harold S.. Rounds Memorial within 24 hours ~I\CMECHAN and their son, Challenge Trophy $500 Champ- (J~»:': SANDY, returned from Bronx- ionship Five-Gaited Stake. ~. ville, New York to their home on "Midnight Express" was Re- ~:..'" JAL'OUSIE Lincoln road this week. Close serve Champ and secon.d-placer WINDOW & DOOR CO. friends of the Olson family, they in this lattex top-drawer event.' attended the recent wedding of MrS. Robert Gray Kales of 20187 t.Aack Ave. BARBARA OLSON to RODNEY Clovel'1y t'ode her reliable black TUxedo 2.6606 ROCKEFELLAR. gelding, "Guardsman," to blue- ribbon glory in the ladies' three- ~ gaited and th€'o$100 championship class, "Guardsman" was also de- NOW! elared Resel'VC Three - Gainted Champ of the show by being run- Comp~ete • ner.up in the $500 Three-Gaited 'fiberglas C ham p ion s hip stake. Other Kales' entries, "Candy K" and I & Investment "Brilliant Star," were also among the winnel's. . ~ Charles Record drove his beau- , .. tiful "Da~zHng Gold" to earn the Fa>cilities blue in the am~teur fine harness, j • • • at Your Fin •• r Tip. and the ~ame afternoon rode "Ir- resistible' in the amateur three- ~urtalns gaited to win top honors. • • • One of the big events of Thurs- Just pick up your phone and call us for experienced day, traditionally junior day of service on your investments. Your inquiries are .wel. the show, is the running off of the 'I'd-Club Challenge Trophy come-by phone, by letter or in person. II class, for whiCh juniors from Grosse Pointe Hunt, Bloomfield Open and Chagrin Valley com- pete over Grosse Pointe's tricky 4 TIME$STRONGER THAN BEFORE~ WATLING, LERCHEN & CO. ! outside course. 1 Jinx McLucas, daughter of M.mb" N.", Yo,i S'oe1 E~eholla' alld 0''''' ,...Ji"i uchanll" I John Nichols McLucas, of Ven- dome road, brought the trophy 3,d Floo,. Ford Buildin •• D.lrolt 26. Mitt.. rho'"~ WOodward 2-5525 back to the Pointe by' winning against a field of 15 riders. Other blue-ribbon winners of • Sun, Mifdew, Fireproof Junior Day were Jane Rueger, • Wash In Minutes • Never Need Ironing ----.----rr------.~------Grace Robinson and Susan Mul- I • Always White As New • Won't Shrin k or Stretch • Sheerer, Yet Stron9~r Price Index Still Rising Its new extra strength means that there's no upkeep problems with this miracle curtain fabric. Resists practi- The Detroit Consumer Price - Index advanced 0.5 per cent from cally everything, and slays fresh, white and 'crisp as t he day it was purchased. Water just rolls off these April to May, according to a re- port released this week by Adolph '1 O. Berger, director.' North Cen- super-sheer curtains to make washing a snap! Bounc y ruffles spring right back with no need of ironing. t. tral Regional Office of the United States Department of Labor's ar Bureau of Labor Statistics, Your choice of a l~rge variety of sizes 'to give your ho me a carefree beauty treatment. During the one-month period, increases \vere reported for food to (up 0.9 per cent), medical ('are I (up 3.9 per cent) and apparel, (up 0.3 pcr cen!). I' The Detroit Consumer Price R Index for May was 115.3. Com. r KENGLASS TAILORED CURTAINS pared with the level of May,

1952" the Detroit index has ad- 40x54" ••••••• t . $5.75 pair vanced 1.9 per cent. Bee .. , 5.95 pair 40x63" .t ••••••••••••••••••••• I.' ord MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM' MIHALIK and their young son! 40x72" ...... •••••••• It. 6.75 pair col . BILL have returned to White- i noi 40x81" ,., "' . 6.95 pair stone, Long Island. They were I eae here for the wedding of ~rs. \ 40x90" ••••••••••••••••• _t •• It ••• 7.50 pair , Mihalik's sister, BETTY ADAMS, ,~who was married to JACK WIL- Ncl LIAMS on June 13. Also from TIERS out of town were Betty's bro- fne

ther and sister-in-law, 'MR. AND 30 inch ...... It .. $3.95 plu MRS. CLYDE MELVIN ADAMS i JR. of Newton Centre, Massa- I 36 inch ...... 4.50 chusetts. With them was their young son, CLYDE III. They ar- • rived just in time for the re- I RUFFLES hearsal dinner on June 12, as I "Mel" had to be present in Bos- I 47x54" ...... S9.95 pair with a York Room Air Conditioner. ton the same day to receive his I Doctor of Science degree. Senior 47x63" . , .. 10.50 pair When it's hot. York cools ".ithoul chilling ••• Mr. Adams of Merriweather road 47x72" 10.95 pair ".hen it's muggy. York dries the &ir ••. when the flew to Boston the same, day to ......

air is dirty. York filters it clean (3creens out be present at the ceremony. 47x81" •••••••••••••••• t ••••••••• 11.50 pair pQIlemr. too) ••• York circulates and ventilate. '11H"""'il,,"~,i~",._,...~ ~ 47x90" 11.95 pair 1~months a year! LET . use L,E A N ~ Double width. 90" ...•••..•.••••.••• 22.95 pair Your Cholel of 13 Beautiful Mod.ll. York's beautirul new 1958 iine is the most complete Triple .width, 90~' ...... 33.95 pair in the entire industry! ~~.l 'Quick, )~IlSY llistallalion- llUUll'diule deli veT)' 00 n~ost model •. CURTAINS ~

AND > YORK brings you MODULATION CONTROL Automatically r.gulale. DRAPES temp.ratur.l Freshen Up for Spring YORK brings you DUAL CONDITIONING lUrI\ the W.therlmeter control fro", "COOLING" to "WARM. ING"-th. answer to chilly ,pring and fall daysl ...... v ...... ,-:' AWAYl ~,,.I'Y,.~H" Oll US RIGIIT IIEAT AIIEADI Of .=£f lH1Rl'S LOTS ,~~~~;!~.~~~~~ Our Service is ~-i>~' Cleaning as near as your phone \1 Specialists -for 33 years on PR. 5-2020 • Curtoil .. • Lamp Shod •• • > • • Drape, • l.ds,reQd • • Slip Covert • IIQnkeb METAL INDUSTRIES, Inc. "~e The Finest in Plumbing and Heating

4737> Elmhurst near 8roadstree' 18561 E. Nine Mile Road, near Kelly City and Suburban Delivery 17141 KEBCBEV AL • GROSSE POINTE "Phone CaU Does It All" WE.- 3 1010

> • - - -~ -- - -...... - .. - • a's •• n •• c. -c-;.. a's •• c « ci • G'C .s';' ,; si=" .';.;".;. •.• ,;:. emm • S.O.cO .••.••••• •• • • •• rr a sa --- 1953 ~ Thursday, June 25, 1953 G'ROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Sev." Pointer Named Head Academy; the Summer ~aval and Ie d ',. '.Dr. A. H. Whittaker Lester F. Ruw.s Are Home several parties feting s.m,. Of Culver Fathera Group Horsemanship schools, and the I ommo ore s ~ob~rt Birely Greene From Parties in St, Louis 13usch and Donald R. MacBah\. woodcraft camp. B Ii S t d • Mrs. Presidellt of Harmonie Mot~h whose marriaue took place .Ryall's son, Hugh. will be a: ({ . a ur all June 17. J. H. Ryall. of 166 Fisher road, FIrst Classman (senior) at Cul- Mr. and Mrs. Lester F. Ruwe The Board -of Directors of The was ele.c~ed pre!?ident of the Cul- vel' next year. He has also at- Commodore and Mrs. Frank A. are back in their Willow lane The greatest enemy of good vcr MIlItary Academy Fathers tended the Summer Nwal School Reid Jr. will be hortored at the Harmonie recently elected Dr. home. They went over to St. government is Old Mam Indif- Association for 1953-54. for two SUlr,mers. Commodore's Ball at the Detroit A. H. Whittaker. of 17000 East Louis where they were guests at ference. The Association has 3,600 memo . .' t Boat Club this Saturday, June 27, Jetierson, vresident for the forth. son's bel's whose sons have attended How .woul~ a .ch~onlc grouch j following the 1}9th Annual De- coming 1953-l954 season. tt . C mar:aage to enjoy hCe If all the un-I troit Boat Club Regatta. ~r are~ en d 109 ulver Milit_a_ry deSirable people were killed off?' . ~ ' Guests at the cocktail party Dr. Whittaker has been a : and dinner preceding the ball • member of Harmonie since 1938. ! will include present commodores He is a member of the staff of : of other yacht clubs. They are: Detroit Memorial Hospitlll and Your Bridal Photograph '- is prominent in local medical Commodore and Mrs, R. Dean i Ament, Detroit Yacht Club; circles. Joesn't H AVE to look E ! Commodore and Mrs. Anthony Among his many' !;\ffiliations, like all the rest. : Mots~hall, Grosse Pointe Yacht Dr. Whittaker is currently a : Club; Commodore and Mrs. member of the Detroit City Plan ~Henry A. Dunlap. Buyview Commission. the Detroit Histori- Lounge on the sand ••• swim in lhe I Yacht Club; Commodore and cal Society and other civic or- • surf in the be$t .:>t style and comrort. , Mrs. lieory J. Cawthra, Crescent ganizations. Come in. today and choose y,)ur I Sail Yacht Club; Commodore and ':1 Other officers elected were CARL JOYNER swimsuit. We've g"lt top.notch s;yle I Mrs. M. J. Heimbeckel', of the .j Bruce R. Lafer. vice president; CUSTOM PORTRAITS d f ' I Edison Boat Club. and Comma ... .1 Hubert R. Haeussler, treasurer, an aorie var;ety. J I dare and Mrs. W. R. Bryant, fit " ~ and Herman A, Hielscher, secre- : Grosse Pointe Club. . tary. 19755 M~ck Ave. j Others will be. Commodore and 1 The newly elected officers TUxedo 1-6200 Swim Sets I Mrs. Thomas Bowles. 81. Chlir were installed at the annual di- by Catalina Yachtsmen Club; Commodore i rectors dinner held June 19. and Mrs. Paul J. Adams, Gl'OliSe .. f': I ',{ ..~~.: S13!! I Ile Yacht Club; Commodore and . , II Mrs. George Vuicic, Windsor ..:~ j ~.' :,., .; Yacht Club; CommQdore and t\ .''.' Mrs. Stuart Paltz, Detroit Power -i . {{ i Squadron; Commpdore and Mrs. j'Catalifta Boxer i Fancis L. Martin. Detroit River I,;:;~~: fi;'"' ,;~< '.', ," , ••.• ,~ Yachting Association; Comma. Swim Trunks ,darel and Mrs. A. G. Grulady. Intel' Lake Yachting Association, S4~ I and Lt. Commodore and Mrs. L. l/ii' /.:~r'...... ,,,...~..i.,.i'":'f,,,,i~~ w.. 8chraff. United States Coast -PIcture by Paul pach from our collection: Boxers, Briefs I Guard. The former AMY LOUISE EVANS, daughter 01 Mr. ! Strings of pennants and lights and Mrs. Aaron L. Evans of Colonial road, married the by Cooper ! will decorate the docks and lawn son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Greene of London, Ontario, where buffet/tables will be set i on Saturday, June 20, in a ceremony at Christ Church. S2!! TO S3~ up for dinner. Following the grand march and present.aUon of • • • • • • awards, there will be dancing White Stag I I under • the stars. ! Working on regatta and party Amy Louise Evans , details are Vice-Commodore Wi}- "4 : liam J. Mullen Jr., Rear Com- Sailcloth : modoreo Harold Waldo and Fleet ; Captain Roger Van Del' Kar, I Weds Robert Greene vacation separateS I i • ~ MEN'S WEAR, Inc. ! W. Brace Kragg5 Jr. Move Christ Church Scene of Marriage of the Daughter of the 16930 Kercheval TUxedo 1-9252 I To Pointe from Ann Arbor Aaron L. Evans of Colonial Read; Bridegroom Son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greene Moving to the Pointe from Ann Open Thursday and Friday Eveningi till 9:00 I Arbor are Mr. and Mrs. W. Brace A four o'clock service in Christ Church, Grosse Pointe I Kragg, .Jr., whose new home will marked the marriage of Amy Louise Evans and Robert Birely 1.95 to 6.95 I be on .Merriweather road. Greene last Saturday. The Rev. Erville B. Maynard heard the couple's vows. ..'------Amy, who is the daughter Donald McGill of London; an. Chevron-pocket Toggle JaCKet in ,~ of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron L. other brothel', Kenneth E. Greene Evans of Colonial road. wore of T?l'onto, and John White of navy, red, blue, charcoal, .the wedding gown of Mrs. Hamilton, Ont. white, brown or yellow; sizes ()(f: , William R. Hamilton. For the afternoon, ¥l's. Evans It was a full skirted gown aC~ected a gr~y marqUisette gowq small, medium or large. I of white wild silk with classic- With small pll1,k.hal:o Her flower:; I ally simple veil attached to a were rubrum lIhes. . Pedal Pushers in navy, red, brown, , rose point juliet. A corsage of roses was PInned white, black, blue or yellow. ~f I Her white prayer book to to the beige crepe frock chosen I ..... <}/j I which was affixed the b~'idal by the bridegroom's mother who. Sizes 10 to 18. treat your lips " / : flowers, was first carried by c?mpletcd her costume with a! , Nancy Flinterman when she was VIOlet hat. I Pedal Pushers, 4.9S Jacket, 6.95 imarried to Edwin L. McPhee Jr. Guests drove from the church I and fingertips The maid of honor was Nancy to the reception at Grosse Pointe I Sheldrake of Wellesley Hills. Yacht Club and from there the to summer color by I Mass., a roommate of the bride's bridal couple left on their wed. : at Bradford Junior College. ding trip. I The maids were Mrs. Gardner They will be at the Alpine i Strawbridge, Mrs. John Strong, Lodge in the Laurentian Moun- REVLON I and .~rs .• James R. Waldron of tains, Quebec for a fortnight after I Eucha, O. which they'll return to Grosse II They wore identical frocks of Pointe to live on Lttkepointe . white tissue taffeta, the sleeveless avenue. .. . . bodices covered with short stoles. The new Mrs. GreeI\e's travel. Beauty is as beauty does ••• co- ! I Their flo",;'ers were pink roses in~ co~tume was a, blue shantung j ordinate your SI-lmmer pinks, and garlands .of the same flowers SUIt With small white hat. I color-matched lipstick and I were: on theIr heads. She pinned the white orchid I Ja(~obsons, . ; William McPhillips of London, from her weddingprayerbook on I nail enamel •.• for the made-for- i Onto was best man for Mr. Greene her suit jacket. each-other look. I who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greene oC London, Ont, Many folks return to religion Kercheval ~t St. Clair Nail Enamel, 60, The guests were seated by the after tlrey've tried everything bridegroom's brother. i n - law, else. Indelible lipstick, 1.10 plus Fed. tOl( ,

Kercheval at St. Clair

-' ; Very specially priced .•. our navy and

white glofers, of supple calf with

weather-resisting neolite soles and re-

---,.,..-,. .. -~--..~ moveable spikes. Truly ---'..~. ..."".. comfortable, they take miles and .. miles of walking over the

fairways with perfect ease. Master.

fully made for precise fit,

long practical wear and good lOOKS. White Summer 9.9.5 Handbags 69 6plus tax CALF '(URF-HUGGING GOLF SHOES Washable pique-finish plastic handbags, worth much more than this special price! Many outstanding shapes and styles from one of our finest makers .... many lined with leather. So ~asy to 'keep gleaming white and sparkling fresh, with a texture that's a perfect companion for all j'our summer costumes.

: - :"'" .... "'f'" , ~ pc; ? _ .it? ,.4 ? ;::; • • • • "? ? ? s u, TI Page Eight GROSSE POrNTE NEWS Thursday, June' 25, 1953 -

, , Society News G.athered From ,All of the Pointes Virginia Motor Trip T~ From Another Pointe Short a'n d. tot h e Po in t e. Te of View I USA CAPTAIN TOM TYREE~""'-~-' ------: will arrive in the Pointe the first M LIB -d Taken by Hibbards By I o~ August to pay a short visit to any ove y rJ es Bride I • • • hIS parents, MR. and MRS. , , C Jane Schermerhorn I HAROLD B. TYREE of Proven .. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edwin:Armstrong Hibbard Leave for Trip to cal road. Captain Tyree will be en , I Virginia Following Wedding in Old Christ, Church; Young Lochinvar in 1953 can be counted upon to have a I route from, hi5, as,sign~ent at Fort w haircut and he has discarded his fine steed for a Ma:Arthul, Cahform~, to ~ew . Bride Vlas Former Barbara Jean Simonds A ere " • • . , . I dutIes at Fort Knox m Lexmg- Mary plane ••• whIch, m so many Pomte romances ..• wmgs ton, Ky. Old Christ Church on East Jefferson avenue 'was the , on a 1 in from not only the West ••• but from the East, North, _ • • scene of the wedding at which Barbara Jean Simonds, daugh- The or South as well • • . . . ' MR. and MRS. CHARLES D. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Warner Simonds, of Lewiston in Gr This was the picture Sunday afternoon when Dr. and K. BROWN (Mary Lundell) have road, and Edwin Armstrong Hibbard, s~n of Mrs. Charles F. tional Mrs. 'VV.Frederic Schreiber of Three Mile drive ••• enter- I announced the birth of a daugh- Hibbard of Seminole avenue, and the late Mr. Hibbard, ex- follo\\l tained a few members of their familv • . . .ter, C HA R LOT T E ANNE changed their marriage vows. And announced the engagement ~of their pust deb daugh- BROWN, May 26. the C The Rev. William B. Sper- ~~"------weat!s tel', Anne McMillan Schreiber to Daniel Edgar Pugh, son of Th' Th -d" *'11 k th . . Fl f 1 f U . IS urs ay WI mar e ry, assisted by the Rev. Wil- Seel?a~h and Cha.l'les B. Hib~ard; Mal 1\~rs. Damel E. Pugh of Orange CIty, a., Ol'mer y 0 tIca, , arrival of former Detroiter, MRS. Ham R. Wood, officiated at .WIlham B. H1bbard aSslsteo of DI N.Y. and the late Dr. Pugh. .. • .. " I CARL M. DE_<\KIN, now of Pitts- the Saturday nuptials Ius brother as best man and the ar.d t1 The young man ••. who s a semor In Harvard s Medl- : burgh. Mrs. Deakin will be the . ." groomsmen were another brothel', weddi cal School .•• came on from the East for the week-end with: houseguest of MISS ELEANOR Followmg the church serVice, Charles F. Hibbard III; the silk p the Schreibers • • • ! HANDY of Lakeland avenue. l\I~. and Mrs., Si.monds enter- bride's Qrothers., Ralph W. Sim- con 13 '" .* - - .. tamed the weodmg guests at onds Jr. and Richard Kimball er ill S I MR. and MRS. JOHN GOR- a ;eccl>tion in their Grosse Simonds; William O. Seelbach long 1 ai 5 for Germany Wednes doy DON HILL, of Cloverly road, are Pomte home. Jr. and the bridegroom's cousin, poin~ Anne ••• daughter of the McMillan and Russel fam- r entertaining at a garden party The bride's two sisters, Mrs. Thomas E. Armstrong. ilics ••• ",,'as introduced to Detroit society last December.! this Sunday afternoon from 4 The J.ohn K .McEvoy and Mrs. Wil- A gown of soft, changeable 01'- "tached At a dance in the Little Club O'iven ~by her maternal I until 6 o'clock. h.am ~, Seelbach Jr., were mar- ganza in golden orchid shadcs b -. • * • into a grandmother ••• Mrs. James Tha;rer McMillan • It' 1 k d t PI 'd ned m the same lovely go\yn was worn by Mrs. Simonds. A Man Sh' h V II 1 C II s a ong wee -en a aCl Barbar~ wore ,n Saturday. jacket covered the bodice of the r e IS sop omore at , e ~s ey 0 ege • • • . for MR. and MRS. WALTER S. qued; ? F,'ashlOned of mell~wed cre.am f1'ock which had full, floor length Next ednesday ••• she salls for Europe ••• and Wilt CLARK and their son SKIP of froth I n satm, the dress had fitted bod1ce, skirt. She comoleted her cos- was al spend the Summer in Germany ••• as a member of the I Touraine road, and DR.' and M'RS. and slim skirt whic~ swept int.o tume with a paie pink straw juliet Experiment in International Living group. • • CLIFFORD BENSON and their cathedral length tram. A delI- chapeau and carried purple pas- 1\"0 date has been set for the wcdding • • • I daughter, KATHY, who are cate tracery of seed pearl em- sion flowers She The brlde-ele.ct ••• donned a lroth~' rcd and whIte: m~toring up togeth~r, leaving the broidery outlined the sweetheart . . of the striped orO"andy for her enga"cment party • • • POinte today. SkIp .graduated neckline and the same motif was ~rs. H1bbard cho~e gray lace orchid: o. >it: >it last Thursday evenmg from repeated on the points of the w1th a small, matchmg straw hat A t: Grosse Pointe JIigh School. long sleeves. and her flowers were a corsage houfia] Coronation Hall Mark - *. , A simple halo of tulle- trim- of deep red roses. shantu If we're around twenty years from now. we'll probably Foui.th of.. July is the "return med in seed pearls held in place After'the reception, the young portrai refer to 1953's June brides as the glamorous voung ladies who I date. to thell home on l't.aumee her fingertip length veil of im- Hibbards left for a fortnight in ,~~ sleeve~ . d C f Y .' I avenue. of MRS. ALLEN M. ported ivory illusion and she Virginia and the Fa1'mington ~ The were marl'l~ orona IOn ~ar... ; LOMAX and her little daughters, carried 8 bouquet of silver moon Country Club at Ch"r1ottesville. ~ smart!; . And ~ve ll'probably re~md you. . that one of COI~ona. JUDY and HOLLY. They are roses. The bride's going away cos- tlOn Year s bndes was partIcularly dehghted that her SlIver Summering at Hyannis. . Her bridegroom's gift of pearls, tume' was a tailored navy suit came from England ••• and had a special coronation hall , * • • was her only jewel. trimmed in white, complemented r~ mark • • • Traveling over to Chicago for Betsy Simonds came from by a small white hat. We'll be talking about Judy Frost .•. \....ho this Friday their daughter JANET'S gradu- Pasadena, Calif, to be her cous- Upon their return they will ~ " R b H d K I ation from Northwestern Un i- ii1 a f ternoon b ecomes l1\...rs. 0 ert u son anz er .•. at a 't' S h 1 f S h in's maid of honor and Barbara's make theil' home in Mapleton it~ . bl h f - , I k verSl y s c 00 0 peec were cer~mon~ set for t he fa~h lOna Ie ours 0 ~ 0 c o~ •.. MR. and MRS. R. J. JOHNSTONE sister, Mrs. Seelbach, was matron road. W The sIlver ••• stunmngly heavy and plam ... IS marked of Meadow lane. of honor. The ~ridesmaids in- Among out of town guests at ijoO~~ ,?:4 in English fashion .•• with both the bride and bridegroom's I .. • • eluded anothel' sister,. Mrs. Mc- the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. ~;" ~~~ first initials parted by a star over the long, engraved K • _. . On Sunday.' June 7, PETER Evoy; Mrs. Charles H1bba.rd III Harold C. Simonds and daughter, a~d Mrs. Aty..ood Austm of Sally, of Pasadena. Calif:; Mr. ;'r, >I< " >it PRINGLE HINKS, five month old so of MR. and MRS. RICH- PIedmont, Caltf.. and Mrs. Joseph Senel" of Balti- Thermometer at 112 . ARD E. HINKS of Bedford road, All wore ~oor-touchmg fro~ks more; Mr. and Mrs. George A. Willow Run is practically given over to out-of-town I was christened in Christ Church, o.f golden. beIge ny!on tulle w.1th Bucks Jr. of Buffalo; Philip M. C. i~~\ guests arrh'ing for thc Frost-K.mzlcl' nuptials. . • , Grosse Poi n t e. THE REV, tightly sh.lrred bodl:es, matchmg Armstrong and his son, Ensign .)It:!,.. ,' .:.. ,' ..:",:{ ~ tulle flowers touchmg the cap Philip C. Armstrong Jr. of Dal- Two ~'Olmg beauties who al'1'i,'ed by plane Monday were I: ERVILLE B. MAYNARD official- ;;":.. . :~ ~ " ' .. ";',~ ',,' ';,,oj ~ f ..t Brenda Black of Portland, Oreg .•.• and bridesmaid Velma ed at the ceremony. Godparents sleeves and yokes. Bows of the ton, Pa.; Mr. and !...Jrs. William ~ -.Picture by Carl Joyner -Picture by Kawamoto same golden shade taffeta w~re Winlde1' and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schueg-Bacardi of New York and Havana, Cuba. • • were ;'\~RS. MORLEY MORGANA MRS. WILLIAM II. GRAVES III MRS. EDWIN ARMSTRONG HIBBARD ttt I used o~ the frocks and the ~1rlS Winkler of Milwaukee; and Mr. ;~~ . . f P tl d 'h \' I I' I of Wmg Lake, J 0 H N A. . "'Th ey came In rom or an ••• n ere c ma IdS Jccn, MOEKLE and ROBERT B. 1\ wore cI~clets o~ brown braided and Mrs. Frederick Hammer of ',' vlslbng Brenda. • • KNIGHT, also of Wing Lake. Fo]- straw. trimmed In straw flowers. Sherman Heights. Calif. I tVill Live A lice Hoover 1'heu" gay garden flowers were It was a reported 112 dc~rees at Willow Run the day I lowing the church s('rvice, the Miss Larsoll, llley arrived ••• and though we imagined a girl who lived I Hinks entertained at a buffet sup- arranged in baskets. 'Ill Utall .[ s JUlte Bride Barbara and Edwin's godchil- IIAND TO BALANCE in Cuba would take this in stride ... we hcard hcr mutter 1 pel" in their Pointe home. Two Weds Doctor dren served as junior attendants. Any family can keep an ex. prcttib' that ii's true thermomcters may soar that high in lof the most interested guests at Not until next May will the, Maids dressed in light green The hour was four last Satur- They were Bebe McEvoy (who pense account nowadays, bu', Cuba ••• but there is, in addition, an oce'an breeze. • • I the christe~in~ ceremony were new MI'. and Mrs. H~rman l<~red-I taffeta attended Maryanna Mar- day afternoon when ,Alice Anne was celebrating her third birth- only one in a hundred can mak\ Both "irIs attended the dinner I>artv ajven Monda\' nirrht I young Peter s slster, SUSAN, and erick Zerweck return to the I garet Larson last Friday evening Hoover took her father's ,arm and day on the wcdding day), Joan it tally with the cash. ' ' ~ • b .' b / brother RICHARD E. HINKS d h t . I f \J~' Mr. and .Mrs. Charles R. l\lu~ph~' Jr. and son, John • • • JR. Mr~. Hinks was the former Pointe to live. r when she became the bride of Dr. stepped own t e cen er als e 0 'he latter will usher at the wcddmg • • • FLORENCE MOSSNER. Following their wedding last I William H. Gravcs III in Jefferson Grosse Pointe Woods Prcsby- >it Ii< :;c _ .. .. Friday, they left for Salt Lake avenue Baptist Church. terian, Church ;0. beco.me Mrs. L. J S.' H Prizes for the recent Grosse City where the bridegroom is sta- Mrs. Frank Tendick of New I Russell Mellen Whlte J}, Itt e I ve r ea rts .,. tioned at Dugway Proving Providence, N. J., was matron of Officiating at the double ring \Ve 't suppl tl b" b t th POInte \\ ar MemOrIal and Garden "th R A d couldn Y 1e ocean reezes... u e \"'t:ISI - 'Center Rose Competition wcre G~ounds. . honor and the bridesmaids were cercmony was e ev. n rew ing Velma did approve of la~e breezees on Tues?ay . • • I awarded Tuesday afternoon at a ,The brIde wa,s the former Margery Books and Mrs. Martin Rau~h assisted the bridegrool~'s When Mr. and Mrs. AddIson Holton entertamed about a i t('::1 given in the War Memorial Susan Jean MerCIer, daughter of Marsack with Linda Briggs, the COUSIn.the Rev. Hugh C. WhIte dozen members of the bridal couple's families. • • II Center. Winner of top honors for Mr. an~ Mrs. C. Edwin Mercier junior bridesmaid. Jr. Aboard their yacht ••• for luncheon • • • her picture garden of hybrid tea,?.f Buckingham road and Herman Maryanna, whose parents are Alice, d.a~ghter of Mr. and Mrs. The party left from the Little Club • • • and florabunda roses was MRS. ~IS the son of Mrs. Herman F. Dr. and Mrs. Ridolph E. Larson Robert ~elth Hoover of North Th' A hI' WILLIAM G. BOALES 0: Edge- Zerweck of Bishop road. of Pemberton road, was gowned BI'Ys dl'lve wo.re a waltz length at evenmg ••• Mrs. Han S e den gave a dmner d MRS ELMER A Thc marriage took place in S1. in white satin trimmed in Alen- bouffant wedding gown of tulle { forr Judy and Bob ~ •• with guests, members of the bridal ! ~r~;~'S J: unu~ual 'climbing €lare of Montefalco Churc.h and con lace. The long {rain of her and embroidered Alencon lace. ,, pa. ty ••• and famIly. • • I roses at her gardens on Grosse was followed by a receptIOn at gown trailed cathedral length. The 'tiny bodice was deeply Place cards were decorated with sterling silver hearts, Pointe boulevard, brought her the Detroit Bo:::t 'Club., Dr. Graves, who is the son of shirred and the lace was used to (Continued on Page 10) I (Continued on Page 10) Alencon lace was appliqued on Mr. and Mrs. William H. Graves finish the scoop neckline. Tulle the bodice of Sue's mousseline de of Wareham drive, was served mitts matched the gown and her soie wedding gown with which by William Sherwood, Stewart veil of imported silk shirred ,she wore a triple tulle veil, fin- Sherwood, Robert Graves. Robert illusion fell elbow length from ! gertip length. Her flowers were Graves, Robert Zinn and Dr. WH- a bridal cloche outlinelJ in nar- i white orchids. liam Bartlett. row lace pattern. ! Anne Mercier was her sister's Champagne lace and organza Alice's only attendant was her II honor maid in a frock of white were combined in the costume of sister, Mary Jane Hoover. whose (Continue(l on Page 9) I (Continued on Page 9) (Continued on Page 9) , --~'.-'--~-- I iUlportallt I S,llllllllel' Sllo"r~stOI)I)el.: sale •• 111' s~,I'il).ietlSe S~llldtl)

white kidskin coalj or white satin 14.9,i

silver and golJ kid combination ~ Eo~' 011

iD~luded: " •

Braided straps intricately arranged to give yqu .

:~:::e:~::tt~7;;:n~~:o;nte.WA'[IO' n' PIERCE UJRLTon-PIERCE we can do.that, too! • KERCHEVAL AT, ST. CLAIR GROSSI POINTE 'IOSSI 'OIITI IIICHEVAI. AT ST. CLAIR ,

- . - - -- '. .- - - . , • 7. S 7 PC a 7S'& 7a 27 sac sa 2a a's. 7 • star 7 hMs sin's" FEs(s'" - -p-g-.-szt'S)-gt-s)zt n , 2 S 2 ?? 2 g72 ges a? ms a7sa. a p ss t " / Thursday, June 25, 1953 G R.O SSe- P 0 r N TEN E W S Page Nine 953 Woman's Page • by; of, and for Pointe Women s -:---=---~------~-----_.--:-.._-.:..-_-----~." . ..-_..:.--_~~----- Thatcher W. Reas Jr," .. Made News This Week Etling.Fgx Home on Littlestone Vows .8poken To Travel in Europe ., ~,' W:'~W~~::dP~W~~h::::~:~~Awaits the DeRosiers ribbon and gladioli for the mar- riage, last. Saturday,' of Peggy Former Mildred Madel Peterson and Bridegroom Receive, Bride Was Mary Isabelle Cobane, Daughter of Dr. John H.' Etling, daughter of the late Mr. - "" ~':~. New Home as Wedding Gift from Her Parents: Married Cobane of Merriweather Road Before Wedding :.', ~ and Mrs. Max. R. Etling, and Trip to John Eugene Fox of Janesville, Last'Saturday in St. Paul's on the Lake rch; to Son of T. W. Rea's of Longfellow Avenue Wise., son of Mr. and Mrs. john 'A. Fox, also of Janesville. When Mf. and Mr~. Eugene Victor DeRosier return from After their marriage last Friday afternoon, the' former The bride is the granddaughter their wedding trip in Northern Michigan, they'll go to live" ~rary Isabelle COQane and Thatcher William Rea Jr. left of Mrs. L. A. Culbertson of in the new Colonial home on Littlestone road which was". '"as the on a European wedding trip. ~ daugi1- Mapleton avenue. given them as a wedding gift by the bride's parents, Mr. and . Their marri~ge took place shade of blue which formed a The Rev. Father Joseph Kress Mrs. Frederick Joseph Madell of Oxford road. .. cwi~ton In Grosse Pomte Congrega- panel running down one side of arlcs F. officiated at the nuptial mass at The marriage of the former ~ tional Church at 4:30 o'clock the skirts. high noon following which the rd, ex- Mildred Madel Peterson and brother, Rene DeRosier; Dr. Rob- followed by a reception at They wore wisps of blue shun- bridal party attended a break- Mr. DeRosier, son of Mr. and est Pinney and James Hennessee. the Co bane home on Merri- tung hats, in this deeper shade, fast in the Palm Room 'at st. Mrs. Eugene Charles DeRos- Mr. and Mrs. Mabel were hosts weat! ler. and carried blue and white bIos- Clair Shores. ier of Haverhill road was to members of the immediate Hlbbard. • . . soms with trailing ivy. Later in the day the reception l\lar" \tho IS the daughter Carol Anne 'Cobane was her solemnized at. a 10 ~'clock family and intimate friend~ at. a as;;i::,tcci of Dr. John lIoward Cobane sister's maid of honor. was held at the Whittier. nuptial mass last Saturday in sn:all breakfast ani reception. m and the and t~e late Mrs. Cobane, wore The bridesmaids were Thatch- Peggy's white lace gown, worn P" th L k HIllcrest Country Club followmg hrother. St . aUAS

....." ~'" Wanted by millions, the bra that lifts the prettiest ~~.~l~ curves-and does it with nary a slip! Warner.Won- .. -.-. ... PUBLI(; S}\LES I derful under cool Summer fashions, in tub.loving cot. ton and nylon sheer. Other styles $0.00 to $0.00. " Not A" Auctio1l, - All Items Priced \ H 0use h0Id' F'urn ish in 9s \ \ : t The accent's on 1014 95 95 ! r-with shapely wires curved Sunday, June 28, from 10 a.m. formerly 29 to 89 up and around (or beautiful, l ~!eathe.easy fit! White only ~ A., Band C cups. $3.50. Est. of 1\11•• E., L. R.i~e

• L. 2112 W. 80ston 'll (Near Fourteenth) Detro;t, Mich. Here we go ••• slashing prices just when your Summer wardro~o still needs fill-ins! That's because Robert never carries over merchandise from ol'!e season to the next. CoHons, si:~ Shantungs, spun rayons ••• styles for eaily and late ... Sunday, June 28, from 10 a.m. everything that has top billing on" this Summer's show! Misses' and Junior sizes included. Come early ••• lll... tllld, , ~il.s. get first pick. ' eiSllltlll • BullJh '" .' 1470 W. Boston Blvd. (Near Byron) ~ I .., TOWN N Detroit, Mich. SALES CONDUCTED BY H. O. l'leNIERNEY frosse pointe-WOOdt Appraiser 424 Book Building , WOodward t -9085 204-tS MACK AVENUE' opposite Howa,'d Johmott's Restauranl • . ;

(,. I \

I ______...-. .-..... _ ~ _~_~~.~ .. ~ ~ ~ ..a:. "" .. ~ s' ' ";,,, • .e; ).~,,;, +e •• - ",;,; ..; b e' ,..;.. .+.:."i,;,.aj,;..";' .•.• +' .' &, ri'.' ••••.•••••••.•.• _ ft• __ 'ft .c ') ". ~.. .- ".,' ' ".; :" ,," ;.- "'~ .,. "" .,...... " .... ".. .. - . '. • ." W" • - .. ,. • \ , . TliursClay, ~une 25,. "'9~ Page Ten . GROSSE POINTE NEWS Tho Association Plans Mis~ Blackmore,' Nan,ey Burgess Short and to the Pointe Summer Picnic Mrs. Sizer ointer T Southern Hon~ymoon Mr. Ze~ma'l Wed HonOl-S, COllple (Continued from Page,S) veled to - second pr'ize. Tied for !hird place 'D~Y WICKHAM of Ridge road, d there, ~ On Saturday, June 27, the Lake Ruth Marian Blackmore and ,were JERRY KULAJA of North left Monday for Wellesley Col- ke claim Shore Lane Subdivision Improve- William Sheridan Zerman ex- In the 'whirl of parties feting Oxford road, and MRS. If'RED- lege and Leilani's graduation. ia Elizab ment Association will hold its Ends at Army Base changed wedding vows jn the Annette ,Baker Torrey"\ and ERICK. H. CURTIS of Yorkshire Mrs. Wickham entertained at a of Mr. Secon7d Annual Summ~r Picnic Grosse Pointe Congregational Francis Peck, whose wedding road. There was also a tie for garden tea for her visitors. MRS. rrestal oj Church on Friday,.June 19. takes' place Saturday, was the fourth prize, won by MRS., W. 'H. GEORGE E. LACKEY, of St. for its members. Lieut. and Mrs. Thomas Joseph Stevenson'to Live at Camp Tom is th Chairman for the picnic is George i dinner and dancing 'pal'ty given POWERS and MRS. FREDERICK Paul avenue, and MRS. CHESLIE The bride, daughter or Mr. and by Nancy Burgess, of Bloomfield W. CAMPBELL. Honorable men- E, PARISH gave a cocktail party om as B. Skimin. Chairman assisting Mr. Breckenridge; Bride Is Former Norma Ann Neeb, Mrs. Jesse H. Blackmore I)f Hills, at the Detroit Athletic tion went to MRS. HOWARD in the former's home. A luncheon ad. The Skimin are: Daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Austin Sipple Neeb Berkshire road, wore a white Club last Saturda'y evening. FREEMAN SMITH _ and MRS. at the Country Club was given by , aus offil Food committee Mrs. John satin cathedral length gown with, Bridal figurines and low bowls" RUSSELL A. ALGER. All com- MRS. JUDSON BRADWAY. gh mass Cooley and Mrs. Emmett Mc- True, to tradition this June, when the young Thomas ts were Namara; provisions committee, Joseph Steven sons Jr. motored off on their Southern wedding a chantilly lace, bodice, illusion of pastel-hued flowers decorated ments of the judges on the gar- • • • neckline, and applique points in the U-shaped table arranged in dens entered in the contest wiLl ception. Harry Chapman; reception com- trip last Saturday evening, it would eventually take them the satin skirt. INGRID PETERSON of West Patricia 1 mittee, Frank Dimmer; games the DAC's ,Pontchartrain room, be available to theil' owners at to the airforce base where Lie'll. Stevenson is an instructor Her close-fitting cap was of where thirty-four guests were the Garden Center Room for a Wind lane left for Hawaii on hantilly 1 committee, Dr. Ray Fonda; chair with the lOlst Airborne Division of' the Army. £t prince and table committee, Chet shirred satin caught with seed seated for dinner. They danced week. ' Sunpay. She will accompany a The former Norma Ann~------pearls and a silk illusion finger- in the adjoining main dining • • • group of University of Michigan 'y sweethe Homuth; ground arrangements, ngth skir Frank Dimmer; and publicity N eeb, daughter of, Dr. and tJp veil. She carried an all-whit~ room. Several Pointers attended the students, chaperoned by MRS cascade bouquet of stephanotis, In the party were 'Dr. Albert MARIE NETTING of Ann Arbor. hed the I committee, Jack Whiteley. Mrs. Austin Sipple Neeb of 'th h't h'd Washington debut of SUZANNE They \"1'11spend the summer on 'as repeat Cel!tere d WI a w I e ore I . D. Rucdemann, Jr., who came' The picnic begins at noon with McMillan road, 'and Lieut. Matron of honor was the from his Air Force station at GARDNER, daughter of former the islands, ers. On he luncheon followed by a short bus- Stevenson, son of the Thomas ied white iness meeting. The remainder of bride's sister, Mrs. Paul F. Clem- Randolph Field, Tex., and will Poi n t e r, AMBASSADOR TO • • • 'tephanotis Joseph Stevensons of Battle mensen of ~Atlantic, Iowa, and be best man in, the'bridal party; CUBA ARTHUR GARDNER and MATTHEY C. PATTERSON, the afternoon will be devoted to Her brid; -Picture by Thomas Creek, exchanged their vows her bridesmaids were Mrs. Don~ Betsy Lamb, of' Perrysburg, 0.; MRS. GARDNER. Three hundred JR., son of MR. AND MRS. games for the children and social t of small At a Saturday, June 20 wed. at an 8 o'clock ceremony in aId Mattison of Ann Arbor, Jean Paul Ruedemann, Nancy Shaw, and fifty guests danced in an MATTHEW C. PATTERSON of activities for the adults. Lois Ko( ding in S1. Clare of Montefalco St. James Lutheran Church. Borlund of Saginaw, Nancy Zer- Rankin Peck, Mary McDonald awninged pavillion where electric Audubon road, has left for a Headquarters for the picnic will Church, the former Mary Bau- man o~ Toledo, the bridegroom's and Eliot S. Peck. butterflies fluttered all evening Svmmer training camp in Aber- be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Following the serv!ce, the man, daughter of Mrs., Else cousin, and Marylin Anderson. The list continued with Nancy long. Hurricane lamps, glowed deen, Maryland, for six-week Frank Dimmer at 35 Shoreham Neebs were hosts to the wed- Bauman of Mt. Vernon road and They wore buttercup yellow Ruedemann, Glenn Friedt, Jr' from atop five foot columns in training course before 'receiving APTI' road, Grosse Pointe Shores. ding guests at their home. 1 enable ~'Ol Walter Bauman of, Jackson, A white orchid and cascade of nylon and lace flowing floor Patricia Touscany, Harry Van the ballroom of the Gardners' a second lieutenant's commission. work \"0(; Michigan, became the bride of length gowns with' off the Wormer, Dorothy Wood, Dick Washington .home. Butterflies He is a June 5 gl;aduate of the tlte kind stephanotis m a I' ked Norma's follow (1"0 the son 'of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J ld r Kuhn, Sue Schlauss, Hugh Nut- wel:e the motIf of the debut. The University of Cincinnati. and girls), prayer book and she was dressed IOU H. Sizer of Kenmore, New York. s er neck mes in lace. They tel', Nancy Sha\",,y of nr'''Shl'11gton,'VYlQ debutan te wore a Parlslan" gown I • • • Vocaticnc in blue pink nylon "tulle over the carried varying shades of blue Frank McBride, Sally Stokes, of of blush peche net with cabbage , Oanie same shade satin. The long sleeves delphinium in cascade bouquets. Forest" Hills, L. I.; Gene Wam- roses f\xing a swirled drape on I The cocktaIl party at THE E. :f:JS )Iaccab "'ood of the molded bodice were fin- The, bridegroom, son Of tpe bold, Sally Martz and George her skIrt. Mrs. Gardner received IRVING BOOKS o~ Wednesday Couple Will ished with pointed cuffs of Alen- late Mr. and Mrs, Donald Coe Palms. , the guests in pink satin with full ,~'as really a surpnse party ~n con lace and the skirt of the Zerman of Toledo, asked John Still 'others were Mr. and Mrs. skirt of gray and pink silk tulle. tne. host. JACK ROSEVE~R S Live ill, Texas gown was bouffant and floor- Linquist of Dearbol:n to be his Richard Keller, Mr. and Mrs. ~ • • • musIc was there to make It a JUST \ touching. best man. Other attendants were David Wormer, Mr. and Mrs, Lou Last week-end the Pointe went melodius Happy Birthday. Her tiny bridal cap of Chan- In S1. Clare of Montefalco Paul F, Clemmensen, Donald Maxon, Jr., the Joseph Lackeys all out to fete MRS. GEORGE • • • tilly lace, also in blush pink, "",;.;,:;;£iIJ Church, at a 12 noon ceremony, Mattison of Ann Arbor, Dale and the Malcolm Holekamps. SCHUMAN and her daughters, Visiting in Middletown, Conn, secured the fingertip length veil The former NORMA ANN Saturday, June 20, Mary Else Coenan of New York .city, and ------LEILANI and MANU of Hawaii. are MRS. HARRY L. NEWNAN Bauman became the bride of L1. of imported silk illusion. NEEB, daughter of Dr. and MFs. The attendarits wore dusty Phelps Connell of Chicago. SA VE A LIFE Most of the hosts have been of ~cKinley plac~ and her daugh- Donald Hubbard Sizer. Austin. Sipple Neeb of McMillan Mrs. Blgckmore wore pale Courtesy and caution during guests at the Schuman's two ter-m-law, MRS. HARRY L. Mary's parents are Mrs. Else pink silk taffeta shantung with road, married fhe s(~-;;f-.Mr. and green chiffon over taffeta caught your vacation trip will cost you beautiful homes on the islands. NEWNAN JR. They arc visiting Kuehn Bauman of Mt. Vernon billowing skirts. The halter neck- ~AME . lines were concealed in church Mrs. Thomas Joseph Stevenson with rhinestone pins at the nothing, might even save a life .On Monday, the visitors, who an6ther Newnan daughter, MRS. road, and Walter E. Bauman of shoul~er and hip line. A small -and that life could be yours. were house guest~ of MRS. VEL- HERNDON WAGERS. Jackson, Michigan. The bride- by shrugs of the taffeta. Tiny of Battle Creek at an evening ,I ADORES groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. eye veils were worn on their ceremony Saturday in St. J'8mes white feathered hat completed heads and they carried cascades Lutheran Church. her costume. CITy .... ~~ BIG Frank H. Sizer of Kenmore, New York. of blaze roses. PHO:-.'E S1111111ier A reception immediately fol- Margaret Fuerstenau or DeWitt. Mich" ' ....as maid of honor and ,Fronn Anc)ther POI.nte,of VI'ew lowing the ceremony was held in : 1llIlIlIIlIllllllnmllllli' the Detroit Yacht Club. the bridegroom's sisters, Mary (Continued from Page 8) Ann and Sara Jane Stevenson of ~~ SALE The bride's J:own was of white Battle Creek, were joined by ••• which the bridesm8ids tucked safely into evening bags nylon tulle, trimmed in lac., A ~~ Margaret Ewart as bridesmaids. and later they'll add sentimental meaning to their charm ~~ Starts June 29th net and lace cap held a finger- 1= tip veil. The bridal bouquet was Lieut. Stevenson asked his bracelets .•• ~,t.' == of wihte spray orchide, lilies- brother, Harry Lee Stevenson, to The 'dinner table flowers had a large round silver wired ~y g of-the-valley and varigated ivy. be his best man and guests were heart ..• with the initials Band J in the very center •• _ i~: ~ WATCH shown to their places by the 11' k "th th I d ft h $'i:;- == Mrs. John Buda, sister of the bride's brothers, Luther and WiJ- a m eepmg WI e 1earts an owers t erne ••• (1\ ~ r, .. ~ = Sunday bride, was matron of honor. liam Nebb; Robert Carey I)f li'ollowing dinner •.. the guests went on to the debu- Bridesmaids were Martha Weth- Charlevoix, Christopher Christ of tante ball Mr. and Mrs. $herman J. FitzSimons Jr. gave at ~~! erbee, Joan Follett of Kalamazoo, I Battle Creek and Norman Amos. the Country Club for their debutante daughters, Joan and r~5 Papers! and Winnie Ash of Flint. They ,;t" ~ ,'{ore b I u e .shantung taffeta Mrs. Neeb's gown was opera Fay •.. f' ~ dresses and carried white flower length taupe silk organza with • • • f ~ roses pinned on her handbag and PIP t t M F d I bO,uquets centered with blue the bridegroom's mother was at- 00 a r y a rs. 0 r s delphiniums. , ~'I Ernst Smortz of Buffalo, New tired in navy lace and wore a Yesterday afternoon ••• Bermuda shorts were the cos- York, cousin of the bridegroom, corsage of sweetheart roses. tume for all ••• when M l'S. Edsel Ford, entertained at a f' :_~ ,vas best man. John W. Buda, A trig traveling suit of gray luncheon and pool party fOl' her nephew and his fiancee ••• ~,,~,",',l' Thomas cloth was worn by the t h I h I k SI - "!-= Robert Osterberg of Lansing and new Mrs. Stevenson ""len the a Ier llome Ol~ t e ..a ~ lOre ••• ~';: James Shelley of Kenmore, New couple left on their wedding trip. . n t Ie e,:enl11g ••• Erlwst K?nzle.r Jr. gave the rehearsal ~L" -===- York were ushers. It was spiked with white linen dJllner for Ins brother at 01(' Umverslty Club' ••• }i1; j Leaving fO[' their wedding trip, collar and cuffs and she wore a And at the same time ••• Judy ••• and Sa'turday's the new Mrs. Sizer wore a blue ~ cotton suit trimmed in navy vel- becoming white straw hat to com- I bride, Betty Lou Givens (who marries Leigh B. Middleditch vet with navy and white acces- plete her costume. ,Jr.) • _ • . sories and pinned a white orchid Shared their spinster dinner ••• which was given at the to her shoulder. , Sailing aboard the "Liberte" Country Club by Sally Woodruff and Ann Bross _ •• who'll bound for France are Anne Glas- The couple left for El Paso, be bridesmaids in both wedding parties ••• Texas, where they' will make gow of Elm court and Karen von their home. Lt Sizer is stationed Ries of Lochmoor boulevard. The Wedding Day Luncheon St#.,.t'i'.g To,l"y! at Fort Bliss. boat sailed from New York har- Mr. and M~s. Ernest Kanzler, Bob's parents, will give bor on June 19. in Paris they the rehearsal dmner at their Lake Shore road home this will attend the,.wedding of Anne's even.ing ••• Spring and Open Friday Evening Until 8:3O-0the! Evenings to 5:30 french teacher in Vassar. After , three weeks in Paris the young And Friday noon ••• Bob'~: cousins ••• Mr. and Mrs. So new ••• so pretty ladies will atteid a 3-month Sum- Benson Ford ..• Mr. and. Mrs. Henry Ford II ... Mr. and I Summer mer school session in the Univer- ~rs. Walter Buhl Ford II ... and Mr. and Mrs. William I sity of Aix-Marseilles- in Cannes. Clay Ford ••. entertain at a luncheon. / APPAREL' 337 I WE) Grosse Pointe store hours, 9:30 to 5:30 I I I 1/ OFF,' I 3 to lf2 Hfmt[H~tHl I , DETRQIT A golden opportunity to really save on iIDlllllllllllllil!lllii GROSSE f'OlliiTE • BIRMINGHAM ~ ". : Cotton suits ~~,,~ for highly styled apparel ... when it's right in I season. We urge early shopping as quantities .. t. .., Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 are limited in some sizes. Mon. tbm Fri. from 0 s'eries Closed Saturday of fine-quality cotton sunning and swimming! Dm';1Jg the Summer Ql eyelets and " ~t~ cotton-nylon laces by , designer Nelly Don. "4%;;., . All Sates Final The kind of beautifully- ~,.; No Alterations 16840 KERCHEVAL, in the Village cut dresses you 'II like to , change-about with your j~\ ~l Cl ~.":;..;;- own accessories. !ff!: , ' ~rl 16726 E. Warren. at York.hire l.' <() 5,tud ios ... " ,- • ,- • Interio,. Decorators * DRAPERIES * REUPHOlSTERY The sleeveleu look, above, * SLIP COVERS in a simple, holter-cut cootdreu * CUSTOM MADE FURNITURE bonded with linen-like Irelin * BUDGET TERMS rayon. Navy, beige, blve, A brand new, fresh.wate: group pink. 8 10 16. ,19.95 Everywhere throughout $rosse of shapely, lined suits by designer Pointe you'll find homes Carolyn Schnurer. Sketched bearing sparkling 'evidence of left, tie-shoulder cude in 'white the decorating techniques with red or navy scroll embroidery. 'N' obtainable at Wanamaker's. Right, bloomer-girl beauty in All work is done in navy or green with white shooting- our own shops ••• exclusive stars embroidery, Sizes 10 to 16. wor.kmanship but inexpensive

OPEN THURSDAYS AND FRID1\YS TU.1-2100 UNTIL 9 O'CT.OCK • 20445 MACK AVENUE opposite Howard ]ohllson's Restaurant

'~ \ .T9S".r Thursday, June 25, '1953 GRO,SSE .POINTE NEWS 'Ig' Er.vell • Thomas Carey Claims pride Debs .. Duplicate Bridge Winners Named poi.nter THo~as Richard Carey Iw?re a pleated frO'Ck of aqua silk Galaxy of .Debutantes Square Dances Lure ge road, rave~ed to Chlcag~ on ,June 12 with full, circular skirt and Duplicate Bridge winner.! bl sIey Col. !1? tner~, at St. MI~hael.s on the matching juliet finished with the afternoon session on June ,ai------and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Me- ('''':antll~y lace. over .t~.ffeta.' its ing straw cap' trimmed with navy Debuts, not previously re-~)------"------Kinnon. pany a .",,:t prmcess lmes dlstmgulshed rose. Her cohage was of Peru- ported in the Grosse Pointe far into the glamorous night. room overlooking the Detroit Harrison, Dr. and Mrs.' Ledru Iichigan .~.:5weet~eart n?ckline and waltz vian lilies and delphinium blos- News and which occured be- A trio of debs claimed aUen- River you will find them fol~- Geib and Dr'. and Mrs. T. H. We Like a Regular Trad' y MRS :{>::~thskirt. Famt aqua silk fin- soms. fore our deadline numbered Hon on Friday. The evening start. Ipwing the calls of We~ Rea. Heenan . Prison Governor (to 'released n Arbor. .oned the neckline and the tone Mrs. Carey's navy taffeta and seven. ed with the dinner party debut Since many are "alumni" of Mr .. and Mrs. Stanle~ Kenn,. convict) -:- "I'm sorry. I find we . mer on was repeated in the bride's slip- sheer frock was worn with a J.,jnda Hart, dressed in a of Judy Man~, daughter 'of the Grosse Pointe Adult Edu- Mr. and ~rs. Ja~k MIlls, Mr. have kept you here a week too p',rs. On. her pra.ycr book. she car. large cartwbeel of navy shantung . 8' d I and Mn. R J. NIxon, Mr. and gown of cilvery blue moire and Thon;as Browmng Mann and long." . : .ed. whlt~ orchids and IVY with ornamented with fade4 pink ~~t IO~ ~,uare ance c a~,ses, Mrs. John Osgood, Dr. and Mrs. accenting ber presentation Bets~ '. C?esbrough, daughter of Convict-"That's all right, sir. ~:('pnanotls. roses. Her flowers were rubrum It s lIke . old-home week .to William Quinlan, Mr. and Mrs. ERSON. . .tb- t. . d}' the WIlham Chesbroughs, at the f I Knock it off next time." MRS. Hcr brida! \'cil fell from a juIi- lilies. I'oe k WI my re s Jppers Country Club, was preceded by a danCe WIth Wes and JUlIe Oscar Richards and Mr. and Mrs. SO~ of e'. of small white flo\~'ers. Also present for the Chicago a.nd a bot.lquet. of .red carna cocktail party when hostesses again. Robert Rein'. t for a 1.015 Koch, as maid of honor, wedding was the grandmother of bons and IVY,t was 1Otroduced "'ere the d b' g" d th' M "Summer Squares," 8S this Dr. and Mrs. Charles Sharrer, LILYAN t . t t d ." e s •an roo ers, rs. n Aber- the bridegroom, Mrs. James J. o SOCIC y a :r ea ance 10 William B. Lowe (Betsy's) and group is known, meets for Mr. and rrtrs. H. J. Sheean, Mr. ix-week APTITUDE TESTS Carey who \\'as in navy silk and the Grosse Pomte Hunt Club Mrs. Percy W. Grose (Judy's). three dances in June' and a and Mrs. Louis J. J. Smith, Mr. Beauty Salon eceiving ~ pink pil.lbox .chapeau flowered !\Iont~ay afternoon by her P:tr- There was a yellow and white like number in July. and Mrs. Louis Steiner, Mr. and" Fo~mer Instructor "nable )'011 to learn the kind 01 t h I I ents, !\Ir. an~l Mrs. Frederick I motif for the dinner. Judy wore Reservations fo rthis month's 'Mrs. S. J. Tutag, Mr. and Mrs. \ Haimlfii~AS~v:.'i~JER~~~Slnl mission. .< ork \'OU ('an best slIcl'eed In or I m ma c mg I acs. She pinned of the 'lIe Kind of stlldl~s \'OU should ! gardenias at her shoulder. P. Ha~t. of HJII~rest road.. diaphanous white nylon net and dances, made weeks ago, are Frank Welbon and Mr. and Mrs. Above Esquire Theater ~~I~O~lr\:'t men and women. bon The young Careys stopped at Rec~lvm? . t"helr guest m the carried yellow flowers with blue filled. Some names may be added Flolo Wilcoxon. .. .V.A••• 2.-3.68.1 ..

Vocofienal Counselinq Institute II the Edgewater Beach Hotel on charmu~g l}vmg room of the club, iris and ivy. Betsy was in yellow for the nights of July 8, 15, and O:mieJ l.. Bcck. Director their honeymon following which Mrs. Hart. chose a gown of char- mousseline de doie, carrying a 22, however. THE E. ., JS8 ~Iaccabees Bid" TEmple 11-$1-1 I th b' d d coal gray organdy. round bQuquet of bachelor but- At these "Summer Squares" dnesday Woodward Sear Warren e n egroom 'reporte for --l military duty at Fort Knox. ~he ~arts asked a. number of tons, yellow daisies and rosebuds. Grosse Pointers share their fun THURSDAY FRIDAY 'SATURDAY. arty on !------theIr lrlend~ to assIst them at . "EAR'S the party. Among these were Mrs. Chesbrougp, (she ~nd the. with dancers from Birmingham, Detroit, Dearborn and other sub- ke it a those who had been in their two fathers recelve~ With the JUST WHAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS WANTED! urbs. y. wedding party including Mr. and debs), was gowned m blue or- :.\Iembl"rshlp in an exclusive private golf and cO\.lntry Among the Pointers attending' Mrs. Edward C. Parker of Met- ganza. are: "MI'. and Mrs. Peter Clem- ~lllb where you can enjoy the game and entertain in amora, Mr. and Mrs. John The party moved over to the . Conn. tne fnendl;).'. dlgmfled atmosphere of :,'our own private 'w. ent~, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cum- club. Mulford, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc- Little' Club where Mr. and Mrs. WNA).l berworth, Mr. and Mrs. Paul .\Jembershlp now a....ailable in this east side club to Naughton, Mr.' and Mrs. Fred.' George Schemm and the deb's daugh- those who quallf;l.. For complete informatIon send to Frouseth, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest erick L. Colby Jr., Harry grandmother; Mrs. Luman W. RY L. Box F-60. Grosse Pointe News. Grw.<»~-z;<:;:::~W:&~::::::~,:~'~~:::.::lW~:(.~~~'~~::&.;,f,;~ill'~;~:": .. pagne organdie gown and Mrs...... ":-:.;...... o:v;V •• ::e~'""'M~~i'\'Y-=t.:-Q$~'w.,'Q.-v.iZ'~"::~~~o.~;<$"~;~ ~ Wheat chose white organ die em- 8peci/kaJions and equipment ,ubject to cha~ withoul nDlic. lIOOGEtOROH£T V.DGlIT ~UI~ - customer! . printed in green scrolls. : The debs and their parents re- 'ceived together. At the Wheat- Leonard party the ushers were H. Hunter Williams IlL, Henry Sleek and smart ••• low and Iithe ••• clean in, every line .••• Moth.Proofed Utuler Ollr "Caulkins, Mark Farrand, Robert that's the especiallook,of this incompanible.-BEAUTY. :. Year Guaraniee. Roney, John Watling, Louis Hurl', Theodol'e L. Sedwick Jr., Robert In every sleek, low line ••. every fashion feature ••• every : Healy, Paul Marden, Paul Town- , send, Raymond C. Leonard, John facet of design ••. here, truly, is incomparable-STYLE~ , : Wheat, Robert Howenstein and I Bill Leonard. In.every fitting and appointment .•• every smart curve It's the ~/Queen/y" . Betsy's Vassar roomate, Beth and contour •.. every detail of form and color. t • Gamble of St. Louis, Mo. was thing to Jot here for the party and Barbara's this, truly, is incomparable-FASHION. guests were Margaret Hodgkin of Wincheste, Ky., Louise Wile of Queen cudomers know Queen's Berlon Lexington, Ky., Margaret Jones Moth proofing, and then' never fail to order I of Columbus, O. and Clay Perry dependable . . ' ! of Cleveland, O. it when sending 'new garments for cleaning. A neat little I~bel (dated) and sewn into the g~rment in your dsssurMce against moths for 5 years.

USE OUR TWO BUSY BRANCHES IN GROSSE POINTE FOR PICK UP - Phone WOo 5.6100 . V-EIGHT AND SIX 1 ueen Cleaners .YOU'VE GOT TO DRIVE IT TO BELIEVE IT -ilz the Village and DYERS. -;nlh8W'oods MICHEL MOTORS 17140 Kercheval 19834 MACK 19391 .MACK AVENUE., Grosse Pointe Woods Phone,T~x.do 5.3044 < It

• J

• .\ ------~ ------'------,,- - -:-....:... ~ - :a#..

ThursClay, ~une 25, °195] Page Twelve G'R 0 SSE. POI NT ENE W S

,III. ',I Rev. Johnson Gives Tal~" Letters to'- the Editor: . News Notes 'from,D.U.S. Rev. Dr. Mar~us W. Johnson, On the grounds Amcricans.re- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, pastor of the Grosse Pointe Con- fuse to visualize any po~slble INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD. most commendable, and un- ...... :...--.------gregational Church, spoke at the emergency, there was much need OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEV AL, GROSSE 1'0 the Euitor: doubtedly cOlltributed a, great Award winners at Detroit Un i- Proscenium Society Awards: Grosse Pointe High School last .to speak in' behalf of realism at POINTE F..<\RMS 36, MICHIGA.N , In behalf of the Grosse Pointe deal to the success of the program versity School were announced Edgar Howbert, Peter Korn,effel, Tuesday, June 23, under the spon- every opportunity, Dr. Johnson Chest X-ray Campaign Comreit- Phone TU. 2-6900- 3'.1 ~ 52 tee, as well as the sponsoring which reached approximately 473 at Commencement exercises at Reade H. Ryan, Jr. ~'. sorship of the Office of Civilian said.. • • to persons every day it was in opeQ- Christ Church, at Awards Day Williams Alumni ASSOCiatIOn Defense. His topic was "Stomach "Thel'e IS always someone. Three Trunk Lines agencies, I should like to express I ation in Grosse Pointe. assembly at D.U.S., and at the Award: David L. ,Wark. for Panic,!' do the, right job at the right °Member Michigan Press Ass'n and National Editorial As'?"n our sincerest thanks to the Grosse Thank you again. Lower School graduation ex- Dr'. Hugh Stalker Oral ,Read- R J h . . t f th . time but thM someone does not Pointe News for your whole- . I is ev. 0 nson, nllnJS er 0 e"l d 't f the blue' hearted cooperation in publicizing Smcere y yours, ere es. ing Awards: Grades 4, 5,6, Joseph church since May I, 1952, was a simp y ~op .ou 0 .' • ROBERT B. EDGAR EDITOH and GENERAL MANAGER . Norbert Reinstein, M.P;H., Winners in grades 4, 5, and 6 M. Dodge, II; Grades 7, 8, 9, Ed- chaplain in the United' States When pamc gnps your nelghb~r- MAT-THEW M. GOEBEL H ADVER'fISING MANAGER the Chest X-ray Campaign. Director of Health Education were the following: Terrill New- ward McIntosh Wiener; Grades Army, having been commissioned h~o?, you may, be among the dls- JANE SCHERV~ORN. __ M FEATURE PAGE. SOCIETY You will l'e pleased to learn FRED RUNNELLS SPORTS EDITOR that this was the most successful To the Ed-i-to-r-:---- nan awards for outstanding 10, 11, 12, Peter Bogle. in 1935 and has five years of clphned. . h JAMES J. NJ AIM : NEWS drive of this kind ever held in The Clean-up Committee of the scholarships Grade 4: Robert Periscript Award: Peter Bogle., active duty in'the South Pacific "Neede}d t ~~e . An~~rl:~~~t :n~ , ARTHUR R. BLYLER AD VERTISIN G Grosse Pointe. Your attention to Grosse Pointe Garden C I u b WiIlia"ls, David Alger, Daniel National French C 0 ~ t est I to his credit. " knqwd w 1a tll' lSg ab ut it" con MARY DENNIS :: ACCO.UNTS an,d coverage of the pro~ram was Council wishes to express sincere. Piggins; ,Grade 5: George Boller" d H b t F I' h'" can 0 some un a 0 , - Daniel DeVlieg, George Lotti Award: E gar ower. ee mg. that IS. ~"..penence I eluded Dr. Johnson. JOANNE HARGIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING I FLORA HARDING _...... CIRCULATION - A - t appreciation for your generous Grade 6: Andrew McGaughey; Terrill Newnan Awards: Grade was applIcable to CIvil Defense -.-- . ' fZVe galns help in awakening the residents John Lyford, Joseph Dodge, II. 7 William H. T. McGaughey Jr., preparation for national emerg- ,INSTALLi\lENT PLAN to the possibilities of improving " J' , B h h d th t tat R" ttl' g Sl'b"rl'a on Entered as second-class matter at the post office, Dctroit, D Peri script Prizes: Poetry, Mer- Charles W. Garratt, ames . ency, e s owe a 0 m s er ussla IS se m .. '1 our community, and in generat. . W ' If . t tit d th . t II t I a few Michigan, under the Act of March 3, 1897. . II. rill Dunn; ~rose, Glynn Conley.' Howbert. Grade 8, Damel . one s se IS no a na ura ,en. e ms a men pan- Spee,ders 01 ing within them' a civic pride Goodeno~gh, Jr., James' M. ency, but one that must be thousQand political prisoners a FULL~ PAID CIRCULATION "Check Your Speed" is the slo. which will, in time, make Grosse Awards for those showing f. J h t' d th Pointe as clean as it is beautiful. greatest improvement in the Stewart, Rooert R. 0 nson; rame. mon . Subscription Rates: $3.00 Per 'Year by Mail. All News and ~~~ O~ei~gtws~~~~th thc:~~~~t~ Most sincerely yours, course of the year: Grade 4, ~r~?e 9, Ro~~rt G. Is~;il, ~fr~~ ~lIllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllflltllllllllltlnl!lIIt1l1l11l11l1ll11l1l1lfllllllltllllll11llllllllllllllll11llllll11lillllllllt11l11ll1lUlfllfllllllllllllllmlllrlllllllPlllllnllll~ Advertising Copy Must Be m Thp. News Office by Mrs. Bert Luther ;Lindzay Tom Henry; Grade 5, Augustus 0 mso~ ancy, • aVI g g Tuesday Afternoon to Obtl,in' Insertion That Wel'k I Michigan under the direction 0f Chairman Ledyard, Jr.; Grade 6, Robert Strother, Grade 1_0, Edgar C. ~ ~ the State Safety Commission. Clean-up CampC\ign Ollison. ' Howbert, Reade. H. Ryan, Jr., ~ EE I "Because speed is Public 1______Sixth grader showing t6e Herbert .N. Hill; Grade. 11, Pet7r ~ HOW MUCH DOES ~ I Enemy No. One on the highways, 'greatest improvement over a 3 Bogle, RIchard Man~oglan, David ~ TAX FREEINCOME ~ Memorial Center Schedule special emphasis is being given Art Display year period: Ricky Kammer. 1,. Wark. . ' ~ ~ 'I to the effort to convince motor- Mclntosh B I' 0 W n Cup for D.. H. Fletcher HIghest .s.ch.01-1~_- '"" ~ ists they should pay more at- h F d 7 8 9 W 11 ------tention to how fast they are go. Traces HI-st~yU1. Sportsmanship Glynn Conley. aI's IP: o~'gra es , " I lam ~ MEAN TO YOU? .' ~ JUNE 26 • JULY 2 - OPEN SUNDAYS 12.5 P.M. . . Perfect Attendance: prade 4, Howard Taft McGaugh~y, Jr. Ig ~ ,;cAll Center Sponsored Activities Open to Public ing," State Police CommiSSIOner A group of about 40 drawings Buhl Ford, Donald JarvIs, Joseph Commencement Awards: WH-' ~ ~ NOTICE: Please caU lost articles at the office. Joseph A. Childs said in announc.f h datl'ng from medl'eval t.:mes to J'ennmgs, an d R0ber t W'll'I lams; Ham GMtaston a eel' M'emorla. I ~= Your income from Stote and M"unidpal Bonds is =i5; They :wiU be held for 30 da~'s. ing the., drive fon h'behalfh he0 is. t ae the present have been selected Gra de 5, Augus tus L edyar,. d J 1'., Scho I'arshlp, Her bert N. H'III, ~=- exempt from all Federal Income Taxes.' y,'elds ~= Grosse Pointe Garden Center R0n111 and Library CommlsslOn, 0 w IC from the- vel'''J_ large permanellt St even Monro,. Bruce B'lrg bauer, George R. F'm,k J l'f Menlona. 1 ~- -~ open for consultations from 10 a.m. to 12 noen and member. collection of the Detroit Insti- Donald. MacFarlane, and Peter Scholarships: David L. Wark, ~ ore higher today thon in the lost twelve years. ~ 2 to 4 p.m.-Tuesdays, 'Vednesdays ahd Thursdays. City and county law enforce. tute of Arts for exhibition in Lord; Grade 6, Robert W~>od. Philip Van Zandt, Robert R. g ~ ment officers, judges, safety 01'- Gallery 37 through August 2. D H Fl t h B k t h' h t J h = - 1 = (Call TV. 1.4594). .. d 1 'll b . . e c er 00 0 Ig es 0 nson. E ~r_-_-----or--_-_--_A 3";, Tax-Exempt A 3 iz% Tax-Exempt EE • • • gamzatlOns an ot leI'S w~ he Because the museum's co11ec- ranking student in Grades 4, 5, Alumni Scholarship: Juhn Ed. ~ If Your Taxable , Yield is E~ual to Yield is Equivalent.. ~ . Frida)' June 26 Iamong those participating 10 t e tion of drawings is so large, it and 6, Andrew McGaughey ward Mogk. g Incotr.e is a Taxable ield of to' a Taxable Yield of ~ Elizabeth Johnson School Co~mencement Exercise~-l1 a.m. a~~eaI. I PI~~St, ra~lOpo:~e~s t~~i is difficult to ::how all of them, Perfect attendance records: Edsel Ford Memorial Scnolar- g $25,000 8.82% 10.29% ~ • " " ~~~~o;'th:a sl~gana~nd urge'driv. but those selected for this sum- Gary Rembacki, John OHaw'ay, ships: James A. Fitzgerald, David \~ :~:~~ 1~'~~~ ~;.~~~ ~ Saturda)', June 27 ers to be constantly aware of mer's showing are characteristic William Curtis, Jock Hoey, and A. Hafford. ' ~ 75,000 '17:65% 2f):;!l~ ~ *High School Orchestra Dance, "Vacation Days" _ On Lake . . of the entire group. Robert Johnson. Terrill Newman Awards: John 'I ~ 100,000 30.00% 35.0U% E their personal danger 10 gomg The exhibition shows the de- . Service Club. Awards: 1st,. Wil. p.' Ottaway, Jr., Richard M. Ne}V- ~_= ~= Side dTerrace. Grades1 9 thru 12.1 Fred9 12 Crissey's Band. Sum- too fast for conditions. velopment of drawing from 12th ham H. Irwm; 2nd, DaVid L. kirk, Thomas M. Cooper, Charles ~ A curren~ list of aVl!ilable tax-exempt bonds and a table of com- EE mer ress-up. $ .50 p"er co~p e >it-p.m. "Figures compiled by the ~tate to 16th century illuminations Wark. E. Robbins.' II ~ pantive ~'ields will be sent on request. E Police show that last year 48 per. which are rarely shown, to very ~edalists: Richard Manoogian, D. H. Fletcher Highest Scholar ~ ~ NIonday, June 29 cent of all violations reported modern examples such as a Richard Erikson, Gary Rem- Award: Edgar HowberL ~ ~ Rotary Club of GrossePointe-Luncheon-Meeting, 12:15 p.m. in fatal traffic accidents were splendid Henri Matisse. work backi, James HowberL Class Cup to Highest SCholarl'~ I{eno,,?er, ~!IacArthur & CO. ~ *Memorial Duplicate Bridge Club __ Herb and Mabel Brown, for speeding~' Childs said. "This (one of the famous Bloi~ series) Curtis PubIi,cati~ns Award: in Class with Highest Averages: ~ ~ Directors _ 1:00 p.m. \hvas the hhigndestdPefrcentaged.wge and several by German con. James Howbert. Edgar Howbert. ~ FORD BUILDING, DETROIT ~ >II • '" ave ever a an a1'.exc.ee m temporary expressionists' sculp. Charles Edwards Memorial Class of 1944 Sportsmanship i ~ ~ any other type of VIOlatIOn. I tors. Trophy: Richard Eriksen. Cup: Hans Becherer. I ~ WOodward 2.3262 ~ Tuesday, June 30 "It is a matter of concern' that Also worthy of particular Rensselaer Medal: Charles R. ------g ~ Optimist Club of Grosse Pointe-Luncheon-Meeting, 12 noon. although we had fewer accidents note are a pencil drawing by Robbins. TOO MUCH LIVING g SAGINAW GRAND RAPIDS ~ Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner-Meeting-6:30 p.m. in 1952, there were more deaths Delacroix for "Hamlet"; the well. Driver Training Awargs: David One of the privileges of man is ~ ( ~ Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner-Meeting-6:30 p.m. due largely to the fact that cars known Michelangelo sketch for A. Hafford, Jock Hoey, Reade H. to live and learn-the catch' is ~ Members Dell'oil and Midwest .Stock E.whal1ges ~ Junior Optimist Club of Grosse Pointe - Meeting-7:30 p.m. hit ,with greater force because the Sistine Chapel, and a de- Ryan, 'Jr., George Black, Edgar that spme men live more than ~ ~ • * * of the speed at which they were lightful work by Boucher. Howbert, Andrew H. Barr. they learn. f1l1l1l1l1l1illlllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIlIIIIIIII:lllIlllIlIlllllllIlIlIlIlIII1I111111nIll1ll1l1l1lIllllllllllllllllllllillllIllIl1ll1ll1l1ll1l1l1ll1ll1l1li~ \Vednesday, July 1 traveling. Speed is the main killer and no driver is so good that he "'Service Committee-Meeting - 10 a.m. can forget the record." "'Memorial Duplicate Bridge Club - Her'l) and ~'Iatc~ Brown, Michigan does not have a speci- Directors - 7:30 p.m. fied maximum speed limit ex- • • '" cept in zones which are specially Thursday, July 2 posted. The law, however, does Children's Painting Class - 0 u t d 00 r s (6-14 yrs.L Renee provide that speed must be con- Kaupiz, Instructor. 10-12 a.m. trolled at all times according to \Vater and Oil Class - Outdoors. Renee Kaupiz, Instructor, conditions, such as type of high- way, amount of traffic, weather 1-4 p.m. and visibility. t Soldiers Dinner. Sponsored by the AuxilIary of Post 303. - 5:30 p.m. Guarcl Agairlst TB, Treatment Programs Poor Meals Summer is the time to guard against taking the "backbone" Ahead of Case-Finding out of our meals because it's "too The dollars which families of minimal type TB. hot to cook." Wayne County give for Christ. In the foreword to the Michi. Nutrition authorities remind us mas Seals each holiday season gan TB Association studv, Dr. that we need well-balanced meals Ire helping to gain ground Albert E. Heustis, State Health at all seasons of. the yea: and that 19ainst tuberculosis. But a new Commissioner. states that for I we need mea~ m our. dIet all ~he = )udy just finished by the Michi- every dollars spent in tubercu- ye.ar for their. pro!em, calones, ,:in Tuberculosis Association losis case-finding, morc than 530 I ml~erals and v~~amms. ,hows that sanatorium treatment is spent for treatment and isola- Meats espeCIally adapted. to tion of the sick. Summer use can .be put mto programs have forged ahead of u, C t 1- t three groups, accordmg to George TB case-finding programs. In voayne oun Y. :> per cen 1\1 t k t' . r t t f th f d f th TB d H lth J. 0 ts, mar e 109 specla IS a The new survey, "Tuberculosis o . e un s 0 e ~l1, ea. Michigan State College. in Michigan," was recently re- SOCIety are spent m fmd~ng There are first the cold cuts- leased by the Association, which case,s of TB through promotion sausages, loaf products and dried \s the parent body of the Tuber. of X-ray programs. beef. Second, canned meats and culosis and Health Society and meat products such as corned part of the organization which beef, corned beef hash, meat ball embraces 3,000 voluntary organi- Young People's dishes, stews, chili and poultry zations seeking to cut down Work Shown products., The third group in'" tuberculosis t h l' 0 ugh 0 u t the eludes the variety meats-tongue. country. One of the most refreshing, liver, heart and sweetbreads. For Wayne County, the study colorful and unusual exhibitions When buying those meats and records a TB death rate of 29.7 to be staged by the Detroit In- meat products remember there is per 100,000 population in 1951 stitute of Arts is the current little or no waste-one pound as contrasted to an average of show of work done by young usually serves four to six persons. 1 f r t d th h Meats w\th a moderate amount 40.6 deaths per 100,000 people in peop e rom Irs gra e roug of waste will serve three or four the five years previous. high school in museum-spon- sored workshops during the past persons per pound, while some The TB attack remains high, W. cuts provide only two or three with a total of 165.8 new TB Inter. servmgs. per poun d. Convemence. cases reported for each 100,000 On view now. this exhibition is, of course, another reason for people in 1951. This was con- will continue on the Institute's the popularity of cold cuts and trasted with an average of 158.9 ground floor through August 15. prepared meats and meat pro- per 100,000 ior the years 1946- Probably the most fascinating ducts. . 1950. Increased efforts in case. of all objects in the exhibition A good practice to follow with finding in 1951 probably ac- are the hand puppets which fifth all Summer meats, including counted for the rise in the 1951 and sixth graders constructed some of those in cans, is to keep figures. after studying the museum's gal- thcm refrigerated. Some canned Success in holding down deaths leries. meats will keep indefinitely at from tuberculosis is largely the . This small army of amusing room temperature, but tinned result of effective hospital care flgl~res was made of chipboard whol or haH hams, whole chick- I program and of research pro- tubmg, yarn, wheat paste and, ens or other meats in large pieces' moted by funds raised by the plumber's asbestos. scraps of may require refrigeration-read I sale o! double cross Christmas cloth, \'.:ire and bits of copper the label to be sure. Seals. screen. For example, a figure The labels will also tell you The new study shows that of a worshipper is complete with just what you are 'buying, the about 43 per cent of patients en- a headpiece of copper screening weight and what else, if any~ tering sanatoriums come with and the costume and fringe sug- thing, will have to be added duro fair advanced disease, 36 Del' cent gest Joseph and his coat of many ing preparation. with moderately advanced tuber. colors. ------culosis and only 15 per cent with Another puppet is an Egyptian nobleman with head raised as though inspecting construction of Exercise Your Pointer's Nephew Gets a pyramid. His beard and hair H~'s'Driving His Cares Away! Battlefield Promotion style suggest t~e wigs and arti- ficial beards oi,en worn in those Tired Feet! WITH THE 45TH INFANTRY ancient days. By Fred Kopp, R. Ph. There's a great industrialist in Detl"Oit, and own personal experience, that there is n'o -well, he's as happy and trouble-free as DIVISION IN KOREA-Karela Work by first and second grad- , it's possible for a motorist to be. Van Ostaeyen, nephew of Tony ers includes chalk

I .

;• , .....,.-~..-~'-""'~"""'-~-'-----.-.--".----$---'"--_ ...--....--...--.--.--~---.--....~...--...-----~.----~...... ----.....

• General News SECTION TWO G~.OSSEPOINTE. MICHIGAN Page Thirteen, Thursday,. June 25, '1953 The young men of today have I . 1he!f fortunes totd by visiting Park Connc•.} Graduation Takes Pointers White, and daughter, Carolyn, of theIr local draft board. A Carload of .Gifts for Orphans Board Officers Edgemere road. The trio returned To Northwestern University to the Pointe together. Also pres- ..------....--..,Appoints Oddy Are Re-Elected In Chicago for the graduation ent at the graduation were Ray's of Raymond C. White, Jr., from brother-in-law and sister, Mr. William C. Oddy, defeated in June Matthews' All officers of the Grosse Northwestern University were and Mrs. Jack Tottle of St. the recent Park election for re- , Pointe Board of Education were Ray's motber, Mrs. C. Hemmeter Joseph, Mo. : election to Council, has been ap- re-elected for 'another year at poodle : pointed to fill the unexpired term the board's or~anizational meet- i of resigned Councilman Peter J. ing last Thursday, June 18. Koenig. They 'ire President .Bert H. ~.~.. Wicking, Secretary Mrs. Alice paradise The Park Council, at its regu- ,:~. lar meeting, Monday, 'June 22, Moody Shaeffer and Treasurer Franklin D. Dougherty. unanimously approved the ap- , pointment of Mr. Oddy, who had Other board members are 'Chet : expressed a willingness to serve Sampson 'and James W. Lee II. : his City. The term expires April The board does .not plan an- other meeting until August. ~ , 1955. At the same -meetIng the coun- BREAK-IN FAILS cil voted approval in the appoint- • The Rev. Father Francis Van : ment of Councilman William De- Antwerp, of St. Ambrose, re- , Baeke as mayor pro tem to sue- ported what looked like an at- : ceed Councilman Koenig, who 151 10 Kercheval tempted breaking and entering i held that office while with the VA. 2-4222 Thursday, June 18. Investigating, Council. Park police found a window grill with several screws removed ~~~~~I WALLET STOLEN BUILD YOUR from the window of part of the George Whitehead, 22, of 263 rectory where the safe is kept. OWN PATIO Roosevelt place, complained to with ea~y-to-insta\l I City police Saturday, June 20, Money talks-but doesn't al. ; that someone had taken his wal- ways speak when spoken to. 'let from his car while it was PATIO SLABS l parked in front of 403 Rivard. Avanabl~ In 4 DUf~r~nt Colors : The wallet contained $35 in cash and Slz~s Iand identification papers. zn Thick Wlr~ R~lnforced Why t,ake less than a Packard.built car? Grand Canyon I HAS UPPER HAND The majority may not always . -Picture by Fred Runnells Cast Stone Co. I be right. but is in a position to Three Omega Eta Tau fraternity members load $125 worth of sports equipment .and II ask the minority whaHt is going '- WOe 2-1572 .: to do about it. canned goods into ~ station wagon for deli very. to St. Peter's Home for Boys, sponsored by Christ Church. Left to right are fraternity. president JACK HOEY, secretary JOHN ------HEMMET.ER and past president TOM MACKEY. The equipment and goods were pur- Enjoy Gracious ,Outdoor Living chased with money raised from the sale of Christmas wreaths. Dartmouth Graduates Majop. C. H. Faught with a beautiful Army Reserve Three From. Pointe Has Openings' Has Korean Assignment HANOVER, N. H.-Dartmouth WITH THE ARMY IN KOREA Hollywood Barbeque Set College marked the end of its Colonel Elmer H. "Bud" Sliter, -Maj. C. H. Faught, formerly of 184th academic year with com- installed. in your yard I QMC-USAR, of 1860 Bi'oadstone 471 Oxford road, Grosse Pointe, - mencement exercises Sun day Michigan is serving with the morning, June 14, at which 563 road, will complete 30 years of Complete with GriU, Table and Benches I service in the United States Korean Communications Zone. Iseniors received Bachelor of Arts degrees. Army Reserve on June 28. Major Faught, whose \vife, John Sloan Dickey,' president The Colonel heartily recom- Emma, and children live at 354 lttek{/JrI Junipero avenue, Long Beach, JJew CLIPPER • of the college, presented honorary mends active Reserve participa- California, is chief of the man- . 4-Door Sodan degrees to seven recipients in- tion to all eligiblp. young men. America'~ newest medium-priced car Also power branch in the comptroller Delivered in Grosse Pointo Icluding President Dwight D. A native of Detroit, .the colonel $ 2 5 9 8 * Patio Slabs section. - built in the greatest of all fine- .Plus ,Ial .. and bra! Ian •• tf an~. Optional Eisenhower and Lester B. Pear- was originally commissioned a o<:Iulpmtnt and while Jlde .... n tlrts ntra. P'onters son, president of the United Na- second lieutenant in the Quarter- A veteran of more than 12 car traditions- for Prlru mar nr)" sll~htl1 in Ml1b,. o;ommunl' years in the army, he w.as deputy only tltI dut to .hlpplns eb.rstS. i Walls tions General Assembly ,and master Corps. Reserve while at- Canadian foreign secretary, who tending Wayne University in post comptroller at Fort Bragg, Veneering gave the commencement address. 1923. North Carolina, before his 'pres- Come in today and find out why they 'call the CLIPPER "the buy" of the year Building I Grosse Pointe graduates were ent assignment. During World He served on active duty for War II, Major Faught served in IJames Swift, of 585 Neff; Robert GROSSE POINTE PACKARD, Inc. five years during World War II, the European Theater and holds IG. Edgar, of 333 Washington 15205 E. Jefferson AVf:. Grosse Pointe. Mich. • having volunteered 10 months the Bronze Star Medal for mer- road, and Richard R. Kuhn, of prior to Pearl Harbor. He served 1565 Fair court. itorious achievement. Built from Distinctive in the European Theater of Oper------_._._--_._. ---.-._------Others who received honorary ations as Director of Supply and degrees are Grenville Clark, for- Service of the 53I'd Base Depot GRAND CANYON STONE mer Fellow, Harvard University: For Those Who ore Slone Minded but Price - Conscious which supported the First and John Jay McCloy, former United Third Armies. States High Commissioner in Germany; Joseph M. Proskauer, Colonel Sliter presently com- Grand Canyon Cast Stone Co. former justice New York Su- mands the 5439th ARASU Sta- .City of tion Complement unit. The 5439th Builders of Fine Patios and Barbeques preme Court and chairman State Adams, assistant to the Presi- is a Post Headquarters unit that 902 Ford Bldg.~ WOo 2-1572 dent of the United States, and meets every Monday evening in Crime Commission'; Sherman Bldg. 90, Fort Wayne. Hugh Gregg, .governor of New The colonel urged every young Hampshire. man who may qualify to investi- gate the opportunities afforded' Teacher. Hurt in this unit. At the present time several vacancies do exist, he ,I. In Accident said. The assignments now available Ii Mrs. Ruth H. Sinnhuber, of offer promotion, advancement in, 874 Nottingham, an expectant education, individual preparation I mother. was taken to Bon Secours for military service, retirement New Hospital, Friday, June 19, when benefits and paid training as- she suffered injuries in an auto semblies, he pointed out. accident. According to police. Mrs. Sinn- huber, a teacher at Foch Inter- Victim Gives mediate School, Detroit, was on Self Oxygen her way to the school where the Sprinkling Regulation faculty was to give her a party in her honor. Park Firemen played a reverse It was the last day of school, role Saturday. June 20, when and the affair was to take place they aided an asthmatic heart I after classes were dismissed for sufferer. the summer. She was retiring as Dr. Edward Norr~, 59, of 6071 .- a teacher. ' Lakepointe, collapsed in the back I RESIDENTS IN EVEN.NUMBERED HOUSES SPRINKLE QN She was dl"iving north on Not- yard of his home and the fire-. men rushed, to the house with: tingham when her car swerved and struck a parked car in front their resuscitator. . I E.VEN CALENDAR DAYS, AN~ RESIDENTS IN ODD.NUM. They assiated the doctor to his I of number 931. She suffered a room, where h~ administered his l _BERED HOUSES SPRINKLE ON ODD CALfNDAR DAYS. lacerated scalp and leg and spine own oxygen as the firemen stood injuries. by and watched. The oxygen She was taken to the hospital equipment is maintained by the by Park police. doctor for his own use in just 16-Year-Old Held such an emergency. - As Peeping Tom At a special meeting of the Council of the NOW THEREFORE, CARPETS and I Park police arrested a 16-year- City of Grosse Pointe Farms held on Monday, BE IT RESOLVED: that the Council of the old youth, Friday, June 19, as a suspect in several window-peep- RUGS BOUND June 22, 1953, the following resolution was City of Grosse Pointe Farms recommends to the ing incidents. residents of said City their voluntary acceptance Patrolmen Gordon Duncan and unanimou:;Iy adopted: Thomas Fraser, acting on a de- c per and adoption of the practices contained in the scription furnished by' witnesses, 35 yard proposeq regulations as follows: picked up the youth. \ America's Big Favorite FAST SERVICE WHEREAS, the Council h~s considered the 'Police said that under que:;:.' (1)' Whf'n used, within a residence or other tioning the teen-agel'. admitted report of the City Engineer indicating the ex- he had been peeping in windows. McCOY I SONS building for drinking, washing, cooking, fire ex- , , • TOfl' in eooling, Further questioning revealed that istence of an emergency occasioned by excessive tinguishing, or sanitary purposes water may be he was responsible for many of OARPE.r COMPANY use of water for lawn and garden sprinkling pur- consumed by any occupant of any premises in the the window-peepings that had t 5720 HAR PER ., City of Grosse Pointe Farms at any time; other- SpatUirtg 800dTastef occurred since March of this . (At Balfour) poses; and year, police said. wi.se, no water shall be usea except as follows: The youth will be arraigned in TU. 1.6088. Asic your fIe.ler 'or , il:3., Juvenile Court on the charge of OPEN MON. AND FRI. WHEREAS, an Qrdinance to cont~ol such use (i) occupants of premises with s,t r e e t being a disorderly person, ac- UNTIL 8:30 P.1\I. numbers which are odd numbers may . . .j cording to poiice. . during periods of emergency is under considera- C! , (lIton ••• use water Qther than in the above ho,", tion by the terms of which the City Engineer will ., RIse .ItfIay manner on the odd numbered days of SERVING THE POINTE FOR 18 YEARS be authorized to promulgate reg~lations; and J h ' Grosse -Pointe Radio . each mont ; . WHEREAS, the City Engineer has submitted (ii) occupants of preinises wit h street and TELEVISION Service numbers which are eve n numbers to the Council for its consideration regulations ALL MAKES may' use water other t h ani n the which he will prop~seJ if authorized to do so by above manner on the even numbered TV Service, the Council's. adoption of ~uch an Ordinance, day of each month'~,

ALL MODELS ru. 5-63.13 , Dealers in Grosse Pointe Serviced by C I T,Y COUNCIL, WANT A NEW TV' SET? See us for top trade-in G R 0 S S,E . POI N T E FARMS, MICHIGAN . allowance on your old .TV DOSSIN'S FOOD PRODUCTS ...... •...... ~ . 18520 Mack Ave. Grosse Pointe Farms , ' . 3659 Gratiot-Detroit 7. Mich. for", e r Iy l 0 cat e din the V i I IQ"g e


~ •• n. tr • t. 't. .. c. s ... ft. #' .~ d" ti h'" .' tt 1 ti Ot > be '* • fn ...... , • +. f • f '- I'. # ... ~ ..rLa: • ~.. A~« '., .... n' O't ,;: " ...... ec:.a" t'X .s- _ • ~:...~ ~. -'\. ~ __ ... .. ,.. • A .!"t... _ .. .. ~ ~ • A#>-.._ _ ••• -to ~ ..... _ _ Page Fourteen • GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. June 2~, 1953 Thursda~ Museum Offers Special Exhibit Frequent. C~ltivation Best Grass:.May New Insecticide'Fights Worms 8ewicj . Fifty Years of Electrical Prog- ,development of home~appliances Need Booster Introduction of a powerful new breaks in the southern states. such as plum CUI-culio, onion Intere, ress 15 the theme of a special dis- from the days of the washboard, weapon into the battle against Some entomologists have report- thrips, and chinch bugs. The tech- play now showing at the -Detroit the coal stove and the ice-box to For Good Plant Growth the armyworms destroying corn ed that the current outbreak is nical chemical deildl"in was de- Former p( Even though .;,tmay seem juSt veloped and is manufactured by Historical Museum, it was an- the present era. of electric laun- By V. R. DePetris . Ne~t years' blossoms are, in a short time since Spring ferti- and grain crops in the Midwest the worst in more than 50 years. Williams. We nounced by Dr. Henry Brown, dries, ranges, and refrigerators. Along with warm weather has' raised hopes t~at the cur- The destructive pests have a ,Sh~l1 Chemical Corporation, phen's Churl reality, developed during' the lizer .was applied, the grass may Julius Hyman & Company. ' ~. director. MOost of the modern home ap- rent rampage of the msect hordes . . . I John Montg~ comes the' feeling of procrastina- previous Summer," To assist this need another booster .now. can be stopped dead. . been appearmg m more and more -Exhibits occupying most of the pliancE; exhibits have been fur- tion. . bud development both pruning If your grass isn't dark green areas as the season advances. day, June H museum's ground floor trace the nished by Detroit' Edison, which We are inclined to 'postpone the and feeding at this time will and growing rapidly, one pound . I Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Dono- hpme of the New hope fo~ farrpers in the Farmers have been advised to van were hosts last Sunday~~ ;';======:=lIiS sponsoring the Museum dis- routine garden work for another prove very helptul, of 12-6-6 or 10-6~4per 100 square pat~ of des~r~ct1onfollows grant- examine their fields daily for Rev. and Mr I pfay in connection with the. com- day, only to. find that tomorrow's By removing or cutting back feet will help, according to James mg of of~lclal label acceptance their presence. ' their honte on East Jefferson~ followed the GROSSE P~INT. pany's Golden Anniversary ob- task has become much more some of the older branches we Tyson, a Michigan State ,College by the UnIted _States Department ' avenue at a party in honor of 'Mrs. We servance. Vintage e qui p m ~ n t arduous. and difficult. " will channel the plant's yigor in .!oil science specialist in turf of Agriculture for use of dieldrin The De~artment of Agricul- Mr. Donovan's parents, Mr. and Chatham H: MnHODIST CHURCH shown is from the museum col- A typical example is that of the development of new vigor- grasses. against armyworms. Dieldrin has !ure previously has ac~ept~d Mrs. Frank Donovan, who werl! lege, made 211 MOROSS ROAD lections and other sources. keeping the garden free from been termeq one of the most Jab~ls .for the u~e of dleldrm celebrating their golden wedding, burgh in 19: ous growths to produce next He advises applying fertilizer annlversary. As an extra feature of the mu- weeds by regular periods of culti- Spring's blossoms. evenly over an area of 200-500 effective weapson available. agamst ma~y agricultural pests, ing his brid SUHbAY, JUNE 28 seum program, .which will con- vation. ton. N. J., w~ \ Feeding will, of coul'se, help square feet at a time. The grass The areR hit by armyworms 11:00 a.m. Mornlnz Worship and tinue through June and July, Weeds grow at an amazing still more, remembering how- should be watered immediately are receiving rush shipments of studies. special demonstrations will be rate. They will outgrow and ever, that water must be applied ft 1" Mr. and M Sflrmon. to make fertilizers available. a er app lCallon of the fertilizer dieldrin, a versatile agricultural Nursery and Kinder- held for various women's organ- smother all. other plants if not insecticide already widely in use of Rolling 1 larten. izations including several church removed. The best method of We should add also that Sum. to prevent burning. against other crop pests. ley. parents groups. At Qne of these demon- controlling weeds is by shallow mer pruning will help shrubs If the lawn is shady, Ty~on entertained I Rlv. HUGH C. WHITI, Postor Long a plague feared by farm- strations, museum personnel will soil cultivation at frequent in~er- further by removing many seed. recommends that the fertilizer ers across the Nation, army- and out-of-t< bearing branches after the blos- should be added once a month TUxedo 1-7878 illustrate the drudgery of turn- vals. worms are at present causing dinner at thl of-the-century ironing as com- This is not .an arduous task if soms have faded. The develop- during the growing season. Here swidespread losses in., Illinois, Club the e carried on regularly. Yet if weeds ment and maturity of seeds. will are some. of his other recom- pared with the ease of working Indiana, and Ohio following out- wedding. ~;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;======~.,. Iwith modern electrical ironing are allowed to attain .any size, deprive other parts of the plant mendations: appliances. their removal becomes more of much vigor. Mowing is important to good Blasted ho Sixth Church of Christ, On another occasion a home difficult. . Dry Mulch Good lawn care. If you have a one- exploded thE Scientist, Detroit economics expert will show the Steals l\loisture , The writer has frequently been' i~ch lawn, it shouldn't grow to advantages of electric cooking. Besides robbing other plants of asked whether various types of more than llh inches before it is MICHIGAN BANK 14730 Kercheval Avenue Among the most interesting of valuable plant food, the rapidly mulch are beneficial to plants. mowed. ~.ooo~;~; the museum's individual exhibits growing weed will also take up The answer depends -on the type Kentuckt bluegrass and red qolJ. 8.J g~ e~QW Buday Service.. 10:30 a.m. is one of three model kitchens- large amounts of moisture. from of mulch which is used. fescue lawns should be kept at and 5:00 p.m. the ground at the expense of Sunday School, 10:30 a.m. as conceived in 1903, 1923 and All dry mulches obtained from ~bout Ilh inches on sunny lawns GLASS LOUVRE \ Wednesday F.veDlnr Testlmonlal 1953. cultivated plants. dry vegetable matter are bene. and from two to three inches in Meeting at 8 p.m. This is not all of the harm re- fictal since they remain loose shady areas. JALOUSIE Headial Room Open Week Day, sulting from weeds. They harbox: and permit air to reach 'the soil. ,Water grass only when it needs % INTEREST. 16348 £. Warren injurious diseases and play host WINDOWS tlnd DOORS 2h 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. It must' be said, however, that it. Water when the leaves are Wednesday 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. to many insect pests of all types. even though this type of mulch slightly wilted and .one good FHA Terms Frequent cultivation is a DEI luday 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. such as buckwheat hulls, ground soaking is enough until the grass PER YEAR FOR 5 YEARS routine operation which should eorncobs, etc.,. if composed of starts wilting again, Tyson said. • be carried on every weef or 10 dried"material, the process, of de- JAL.OUSIE . I.gu'or Sav£ngs Accounts Pay 1V2 % ON F.A Grosse Pointe days. If this is done, we accomp- composition will take place when POOR QUALITY WINDOW & DOOR CO. 'nt.rut P.r V.ar Up To $5000. OF $5 lish several objectives beneficial applied to the ground. The more experienced a man JEFFERSON~AVENUE Memorial to our garden plants. Decomposition of vegetable is in making good resolutions, the 20187 Mack Ave. THE _ First of all, we destroy weeds matter requires absorption of poorer quality he turns out. TUxedo 2.6606 either befor.e they have germin- BAPTIST CHURCH nitrogen, and unless additional Ope1l 7 Church ated or while they are still very nitrogen, such as ammonium 13337 E. Jefferson at Lakeview (Prcsbyterlan) . small. sulfate or some similar nitro- . S41. Eve lIS Lake Shore Rd. I HII~ Secondly, we conserve soil genous element, is added to this ~ ~~~ Hom., J. Armstronl, Mlnlst., MINIS.tERS moisture by creating a mulch Rev. Frank Fltt, D. D. type of mulch it would be quite . I with the loosely cultivated ~oil. harmful to plants. . TWO ITEMS for the PRICE 600 Woodward Ave. 1-5300 Church School Rev. Paul F. Ketchum . Finally, we make it possible Green mulches such as grass " Sunday, 9:45 o.m. I CHURCH SCHOOL ,. 5 Conveniently Located Sranches • ,- 10 I C'].;:.._ _~ 9:30 a.m. for the expanding root system to clippings, green foliage or veget- MORNING WORSHIP -...... --' WORSHIP SERVICE obtain air in order to carryon able matter are not recommended Gratiot ot Harper . . Woodward at Boulevard I ~ 11:00 a,m. the process of. growth, because as they decompose they OF ONE!! M~ Sunday, 11 :00 a.m. 'I <...... '. 9:30 a.m. Grand River at Livernois Grand River at Northlown --...... ~. \ Cultivation Important not. only will take up nitrogen ..., I -- l'~requent and proper cultiva- from the ground, which is one of Grond River at McNichols Road 21020 M, tion is one of the important points the vital elements of soil fertility, This Beautiful of good culture. but also exclude air from the \ D~posits Insured to $10,000 by f.deral Deposit Insurance Corp. 1 Watering during hot and dry soil. .8~ 'kIl~-J.#..! Ask about. our low, low rates St. Paul Ev. Lutheran Church weather is essential to plant Fibrous peat moss which is al- KAUFMANN growth. The frequency and ~ on LOANS and AUTO FINANCING most entirely free from weeds is , ICier's I Chalfont. & Lothrop, GlOSS. PoInte Farms I amount of water required depend an excellent mulch, since it has Aluminum Door on the rapidity of the plants' ------. . OVEN "THIRD ANNIVERSARY" decomposed for many thousands ,• EVERY SUNDAY; I growth and on the transpiration of years in i.ts natural state. and CITY OF , :BAKED 9:30 Sunday School of water caused by the heat and After all is said, shallow and . , ~ Th. T h I r d Annivenory of the , Boned sun through the leaf system. frequent cultivation still remains ;Hlckory-Sm, 10:45 Worship de>!icotlon of the Church building Garden plants, generally speak- as the best method of obtaining • n d Oven-] REFRIGERATOR In our 0\ 10:45 Children'. next Sunday at 10:45. You or. ing, should be given a liberal the optimum of plant growth. ..tabHsllm j amout of water, but never to the ~ro~st1Pointtlrartn~ (3-6) Church welcome. ---_. 15th , \.~ point of keeping the soil soggy Both for the Cost ..~ Tear .' or water-logged. Rev. Charles W. Sandrock, Pastor Mr. Martin Seamon, Vicar More Safety 10 To do so would prevent air of the Summlll of Regular leeling ,e , Z9.; from entering the soil particles, 111:"'" creating a condition not favorable Tips Offered JUNE 15, 1953 ll,;t: Like on Old Keepsake. • • Made to Beautlty O~ to most plants. The soil should Refrigerator Call~d to order at 8:00 P.M. ~. be permitted to become partly The Grosse Pointe Chiefs of the Home dry before watering again. Police stated this week that the Present on roll call: Mayor William F. Gonnolly, Jr .• traffic safety campaign, spon- Bunt to Take It Councilmen Daniel W. Goodenough, John M. S. Hutchinson, The other. extreme is the Alone William G. Kirby, Richard L. Maxon and George L. Schlaepfer. practice of shallow watering sored by the State Safety Com- Eder's whereby only the upper surface mission, and conducted under, Absent: Councilman Neil S. McEachin. • of the soil remains moist while the leadership of State Highway Example: Refrigerator . , ...... $300.00 Mayor William F. Oonnolly, Jr. presided. - , .WHITT all the rest is dry. This practice Commissioner Charles M. Ziegler . Aluminum Door. • . . • ...... 98.00 Minutes of meetings held on May 18th, May 25th and MARKI also is wrong and should not be chairman of the Commission, has June 1, 1953, were approved. lU2' WI received the enthusiastic co~ allowed since it will promote TOTAL' ..••. '..••.... $398.00 The Council sitting as a Board of Appeals heard the appeal shallow rooting of plants. operation of local motorists. of Mr. Leonard Johnston which was denied. Sprinkle GenUy The slogan of. the campaign, You Pay Only . . . . . • • • . . .. 300.00 After public hearing vote on proposed vacation Of the Gentle sprinkling is more ef- which has been in effect since alley east of Mack, north of Calvin in Calvin Park Subdivision, HOME fective than a drenching with a May 4, is c'Keep in Lane-Don't SAVING TO,YOU ..•.. $ 98.00. was tabled indefinitely. H great deal of force. Heavy water- be a Road Hog." An appeal from the refusal of the building inspector to ing causing a run-off will wash The Chiefs offered the follow- 17328 MACK AVENUE issue a fence permit for construction of a fence in excess of Choice away soil as well as plant food, ing 13 safety tips-likely ways {1 feet along Mack Avenue in the rear of 493 Bournemouth, TUexda 1-6130 Bone and actually fail to moisten the to have trouble they call them: was granted. Roll soil to a proper depth. Not enough time to complete After being advised that the low bidder on the Mack the pass.. Pruning and feeding of shrubs Avenue alley sewers had made an error and desired to be '~ Veal I should take place soon after they Passing 'on hills and curves released from his bid, the Council accepted. as settlement ?; have finished flowering. The sim- hiding traffic. for release $300.00, and rejected all bids and ordered are- ple reason behind this practice PUlling in front of a d»iver CITY OF advertisement lor new bids. lIe

is tpat the new growth cycle of who is passing. A communication from the Council of the City of Grosse Our I plants begins after the blooms Passing at intersections hiding Pointe, requesting consideration for an addition to the signal "HOl!tl have faded and seed has formed. light at Fisher and Lake Shore, was referred to the Public rk traffic. ' we •h: Speeding up when another car Safety Committee. c:r~all1 tries to pass you. A petition from property owners on Kerby Lane for the Grosse .Pointe Shores Cutting in on the car you are improvement of the street under special assessment plan Turkey. was referred to the Attorney and Engineer. passing. 0 W. Sell the Planning Commission Straddling two lanes, making Approval was given to the purchase of electric chain I.cou •• W. hoists to replace present hand operated chain hoist for boat it harder for others. .NOTICE the I.,t. Notice of Passing on the right, interfer- mooring. ing with traffic. An annual financial report to the taxpayers was ordered Public Hearing Passing several cars at the' included with the City tax bills payable July. 1st next. same time. TO.TAXPAYERS After examining the tabulation of bids' for furnishing The Planning Commission Crossing centerline of four- the City with five new police cars, the Council approved of the Village of Grosse Pointe lane road.way. acceptance of the low bid. Shores will hold a public hear- Passing in third lane of three- Proposal to .paint the outside of the' Municipal build- ing on Friday, July 10, 1953 lane highway. The r953 City Tax is payable July Ist at ing and garages at 90 Kerby Road was approved. Bids for at 8:00 p.m. at the Grosse Following so closely cars be- such painting are to be opened at noon Friday, June 19, 1953. Poi n t e Shore.s Municipal On being advised by the Engineer that no new applications hind can't pass. the City Office, 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Building, 795 Lake Shore Following a car ahead which is for work in the Public Works Department are being received, Road, for the purpose of con- advertisement for help was approved for insertion in all th~ sidering an amendment to the passing. local papers. , The Chiefs say '-hat if motorists Point~ Farms 36, Michigan. • Master Plan for the Village of The Engineer was authorized to take bids for the pur- Grosse Pointe Shores. . will remember these tips, there chase of a new street sweeper. will be fewer accidents. R. A. Hackathorn Approval.to employ the Davey Tree Company to~cooperate Payment WITHOUT PENALTY can be with the State Department of Africu1ture's survey of elm Secretary Usually the person who talke trees in the Farn:s was given. his head off .loses very little. made up to and including August 31, 1953. The Engineer was asked to make a survey of needed curb You know what a difference a good bath makes in ~ repairs. the appearance of a dog-its dingy fur becomes A proposal to control 1a\"n sprinkling during the summer City of Grosse Pointe Woods As provided a months was referred to the Attorney for drafting of In bright and lustrous. \VeIl, your rugs get even dirt;er by City Charter, penalty appropriate ordinance. than a dog's fur-and a thorough Star cleaning is . The employment of an assistant in the Engineering De- needed to make your rugs look bright, luxuriant and NOTICE TO of I % 'will pe added September I. 1953, partment was approved. . beautiful! Star's workmanship is careful and expert 1% The following department "reports were received: -and their prices are attractively low. So send yonr and. an a~ditional 1/2 of 1 on the I stof Financial, Building, Fire. Police and Treasurer. rugs to Star ~oday! AUTOMOBILE DEALERS After hearing the report of Gunderson & Dobelek, Traffic each succeeding month. Engineers, on the additional survey of the Kercheval-Kerby Sealed bids will be received by the Council of the City of intersection, the. Council tabled the report of the Traffic Grosse Pointe Woods up to 7:30 P, M. on Monday, July 20, Engineers and the Public Safety Committee report in the 1953 at 20775 Mack Avenue, at which time and place bids matter previously submitted. for one (1) Ton Truck will be publicly opened and read. * DAWSON F. NACY A citation honoring the hei'oic act of William Huetteman ',rhis Truck to be furnished in accordance with complete on March 8, 1953, was ordered enteled in the records and 5TAR' specifications which may be obtained from the City Office, a reward for h;s action was approved. 20775 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Woods. ' Treasurer, City of Bills were approved. caRPn CLEANIMe CO•. The' Council reserves the. right to reject ~ny or all bids, • The meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M. increases or decreases quantities, or accept the bid deemed Grosse Pointe Farms LOra;" 7-3400 in the best intere~t of the City. WILLIAM F, CONNOLLY. JR. HARRY A. FUlTON , " 'Ray MacArthur , . Mayo! City Clerk . Rt:g tI1Nl Ctn'pel Cleaning Exclusively 1M 60 YEARS! Published Grosse Pointe News June 25, 1953 City Administrator Published in Grosse Pointe News June 25, 1953.

. . Prompt Service On 'MORTGAGE LOANS . , , DETROIT TRUST-COMPANY Our service is prompt, from application to closing. Our thorough understanding of the problems involved saves both ti~e and money for the borrower. More tBan fifty years Fort at Shelby • WOodward 2-5670 of experIence. -

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i Thursday, june 25; 1953 G R. 0 SSE P 0 r N TeN. E W S Page Fifteen

Sewickley Rites! Spee.d ,Kills, Police Warn Academy Exam ~ These_ appointm~nts wii! be f0t: Iat least'H and. not more than 22 th..~ c!asses ,entering the acade-, years of age, and must be able Interest Pointe 'l "Check YOllr Speed,". the of- it takes four Umes as far to stop. SCheduIed mles In July, 1954. . It t th "d tal d I o mee e rlgl men an I , ficial slogan of the Michigan As- That is almost like s'aying that 1 . - Young men.~who have resided h . . , fthe Former Pointer, Mary Theresa: By Pfed Run,ulls isociation of Chiefs of Police, is Congressman Louis C. Rabaut in the 14th Congressional District p y~lcal reqUl~ements 9 when you do this in the city you has an 0 • for at least two years as of Sep- service academies, Williams, was married in St. Ste. I I just about the most important I are, a~ least four times as likely n .u~ced t~at the ~nl~ed tember I, 1953, and who'desire to. Tlie ex~ct date for the competi- phen's Church, Sewickley, Pa., to I piece of advice that can be given Jl)hn Montgomery Webb on Fri- .----. ------.------' to motorists, according' to the to have an accident. . !St.ates CIVil Servl~e. CommiSSion be' considered for such appoint- tive ex~mina..tion will be an. day, June l~. A reseption in the The C~ty of St. Cl~lr Sh?res years ago. Incidentally, we Grosse POlnle"Chiefs of Polic~ "Watch your speedomet~r and IWIll hold, a competitive examina- ment, should write to Congress- nounce~ later. Congressman' Ha- h9me of the bride's parents. the has applIed t.o the of~lce of the haven't seen Bruce around the In e~plaining the speed prob- watch your speed. When it reads tion at llis request sometime ill [I man Rabaut, 1232 House Office baut said. .' Rev. and Mrs. Benedict Williams, I C~rp!; of Engme~s, Un.lted ?tates waterfront lately, lem they saia, "When you in- 20 ood brakes can sto au in ! the fall in which young men from Building, Washington 25, D. C., ------, fqllowed the afternoon ceremony. ! Almy for a f.ermlt to fill adJa~e~t ...... crease' your speed fron1 20 to 40 , g . . p y Ithe 14th Congressional Distl'ict for' authorization to take this TOOTS A' BORN . Mrs. Webb, who attended Ito the ~hol'e In Iront of th~ CIty s Bayview's "Thin man" -Sob 22~feet. But, when ,It rea.ds 40, Idesiring to be considered for ap- I examination. ' . . miles per hour you not only . db' k 't t . .' . t . ., I' In BIblIcal days a man washed Chatham Hall and Smith Col- MemOrIal Park at MaSOnic ave- Britenbach doesn't knQw how double your speed but you multi- goo la es can s op you m (POIn ments to the United States To be admitted to' either of Jhe h' h d t l' h' If f . Mil;t d N I A' d . Y liS an sore leve ImS! 0 lege, made her debut in Pitts- nue. close he came to taking an in- ply' your stopping distance by less, than 88 feet on the average. I ary .a? ava ca emles I'Academies, a candidate must, on responsibility-today he toots a burgh in 1951. Mr. Webb is tak.- Any interested party enter. voluntary swim off the Toledo four. If speedometers read in stop- may particIpate. J"uly 1 of the 'year admitted, be horn. ing his bride to live in Prince- taining objections to the proposed Y. C... dock last Saturday morn- "When 'you double your speed ping' distance instead of miles . ton, N. J., while he completes hi~ operations, based upon reasons ing, June 20. Bob is one of those. per, . hour all. motorists. would studies. affecting navigation, Jnust file ~ people who left the prerace party ---.------drive more slowly. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Webb, written protest with the Corps early and hit the sack. on Hank Ta k' PI t "A car with bad brakes is I of Rolling Hills Farm, sewick-,O: &ngincers o~fice, 1900

,; ',. of the Luder class boats around River. ; ... I.. ',.... i ~ere although you wouldn't know The City of Po!'t Huron got i : It from the turnout at regattas., behind the project and put up i .. • • $20,000 and the money provided I Ledge Mitchell, past commo- 400 feet of steel sheet piling along Eder's dore of the Little Club, is. back the river's edge from the rail-; WH ITTI ER Phone rin sailing again. He bought Jack road bridge .towards the town. i MARKET 1•.\. 1-0100 i Drumm ie's Luder "Alert" whIch 'In past years the docking fa- i 11325 Whittier. at WbiteblU was a champion' when Bruce cilities left something to he de-! Davenport had her a couple oC sired by the contestants in the ______I Bayview - Port Huron - Mackinac I annual classic. HOME MADE SAUSAGE - QUALITY FRESH MEATS Sam is hoping the Michigan' HICKORY SMOKED HAMS AND BACON Waterway Commission can see' REMOVES EXCESS MOISTURE from ,1, ,the planned project through his I eyes. Sam is looking for the day Choice Cuts Home Made ,Boneless in basements, '"o/rooms, laundries, etc.1 Boneless Ring when the entire Black River from 'BEEF the St. Clair River to the second 1 The amazing n.ew Kelvinator Rolled bl'idge is all contained with steel I Dehunfidifier is a marvel of effi- LOW PRICE Bologna All Leon and piling. Sullivan's big selling point, ciency . .', actually removes Yeal Roast Garlic or Plain Tender is the fact that so many boats! gallons of water from oyer-humid 6ge lb. 55e lb. 6ge lb. make the Black River Q MUST I air in just one day."l'his mean. stop-over in tI:teir cruises through, protection from mildew, rust, $139 the Great Lakes. rot ••• for clothes, drapes, fur- Our meats arlJ a treat to eat stop In any time for real i .. "HO~tE-1\IADE" lunch meat. sliced to your order. All our It is a good place to take pro- 'I niture, tools and sporting'equip- Less Trade-in pork. vral and lamb is home dressed visions aboard, too. A skipper, 6155 We have a complete line of frozen foo1s. dairy products. lc. ment. Come in todayl cream and many oth~r delicacies for house parties. can dock right behind a big super Ii market because the Black River C.mpod, afhoaetiv.: Plug Into tta"cicm' 110-111 Volt A," ...... Turkeys - Ducks - Capons - Frog Legs - Beef Tenderloin runs right through the middle of I NEW fROM - OlDlST MAIr'" M .• W S II th B t Open t'rlday,~ l:ntll 9 p.m. Pho.e INSTALLED IN MINUTESI Port Huron. ' . I ILKTRIC ."RlGfRA. TORS 'OR JHf HOM. IT'S TIME TO GET~"'~ J • e • IS TU. 1.7169 More power to -you 'Sam. We: K.lvino'or Room Air Cond(lioner 8.eau •• W. Buy 16373 E. Warren ... r.quires no carpentry or plumbing. COLBY'S hope you' see your dream come i Here's-----the newest, best reason why you shouldn't ;uffer from sticky the Best. nr. Audubon t.rue even if we are a small boat: Just plug it into any ordinary baM heat-Kelvina!or's brand-Ilew Room Air Conditioner. Get it now-for reeeplode. Available in two pop- man. bedroom, living quarters, office, sick room. Free yourself from sleepless ular sizes,' to _t your needs ------_._.------. ------"'------nights, frot" unproductive working.days. You can get Kelvinator's ccol ellodty. (We'A moke a free ""- Comfort so easily-without any remodeling and at surprisingly low vey of your needs, to determine opemting cost. And be sure to choose Kelvinator for the extra features, which Kelvinotor Is bMt for yow. Catl us-there's /to obligation.) RASIIID~S extra value Kelvinotor givesl • No-draft circulation of cool, filtered, dehumidified air to every part of Ihe room • Air directors, to let you . direct the cool air where you want it • Year-rovnd usefulness • Fif$ "rill Ile,'e,l. he : standard windows. Projects only 9Y:zinches ioto room. Acoustically insulated for quiet operation • Beautifully styled in decorator tones • Get Kelvinator and you. get the bestl Only J.ess Trade-in • UNDERSOLD " '"' " last J.fferson at Beaconsfield ~,. Frozen Foods Stay Far Below Freezing - Even\.During Defrosting. .- VA. 2.4118

, r". ~lt(eLJv1HaEo~ °Magic Cycle" Defrosti~g :.;. $. ~' 1, Catering R.EFR.IGERATOR ~~ • New RolI.Ouf Dairy S~e,1f ; ~ flawless, gracious service • Rot-my Fresh Meat Storage ".. • Greater Flexibility 95 'f t~ Delicious Hot ond Cold Foods • More Beauty . 5399 "':~ • Door Space for, Smaller Items Less Trade-in including Hors d'oeuvres for the Cocktail Hour . . J...: Magie'Cyde defrosting system is controlled by the push button in top trim of the % Food that is simply superb, the sam~ as you have cabinet opening. Whenever you wish to defrost, press the button and defrosting takes .,. " always enjoyed at Al Green's, is available place automatically. W~en Magic 'Cycle system goes into its defrosti,ng cycle, the " refrigerator mechanism discharges warm refrigerant gas into a special line that by- '. whenever you have that special home party or formal function. ., passes the eondenser, thus c;.~rrying this warm refrigerant direct to. the tubing sur- , rounding the \Frozen. Food Chest, There the heat of the refrigerant quickly melts j Peter D. Luzi, our manager and supervisor of away all frost on 'the Frozen Food Chest, without any ,melting of frozen foods. At ,:': ~' :, catering, \vill have tempting suggestions no Inatter completion of the defrosting cycle, the special by-pass line closes and normal refrig- eration resumes automatically. • ::~- how large or srfiall y~ur event may be. ;l" ''{. ~~ >'; ~ ~ ),1 ~ RlIsllitl Brotllers.. I • 25 Years in Same Loco'lion , FINE FURNITURE. APPLIANCES Op~n Eve'ry.Evening till 9:00 16203-17 Mack, 'at Bedford Call TUxedo 1.6655 . . ,

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'TnUN Thursday I June 25, 1953' Page Sixteen G R 0 S S.E POI N TEN E W S , .' ... G. ] I Swindeman ... " Farms' League Scores , Little Has Scores Again .~.. , The Walt Swindeman, two-time In- SquadroI ternational Lightning champion and five-time runner-up, romped After off with the seventh running .lf the Gras the Ken'daB Series held at. Cres- such sub cent Sail Yacht Club last Satur- construct _power b day and Sunday, June 20 and 21, for Lightning sloops. tenanie, ing and Swindeman scored two firsts approxin by and a fourth in the three-race Ilre join fRfD flUnnfllS ::~:~: resies with his Lightning sloop , .. a sumn "Yankee Doodle III" which flys which be the Toledo Yacht Club tiurgee. an oven Smiley, All' Slniles As Dick Krause, also of the 'toledo Y. C. and former Internation31 'champion, took second place with LITTLE LEAGUE Orient Wins Mills Race two thirds and a second. Krause- While some skippers are still smoke billowing up from the is currently the president of the FARMS Next Games ~rumbling over the 1953 Mills I trees on R;ttlesnake Island. It Lightning Associativn. First baseman Bob Herrick de- June 27-Double Header ' Trophy Race last Saturday. June' wasn't smoke. it wa~ swarms, of Wes Weidrick. of Bayvicw sertl!d his initial sack to pitch for Tigers vs. yankees.' • - 20. Paul Smiley and his cracker- pesls. We saw them too. FIrst Y. C" was the only local lad in the Red Sox iast Monday, June Red Sox vs. Indians. jack crew on his 54-foot sloop they would fly about 30 feet eonlention. He finished the ser- 15. and set the Tigers down with June 29-Tigers vs Indians.: as. "Orienl" are palling themselves above the trees then dcsc:end mto ies with 39 points. which was four runs and' seven hits while .June 30-ROO Sox vs. India on the back for the way they the t"'es only to rise again min. four behind the winner and one the Sox were piling up 10 runs July I-Tice", vs. Red Sox. barreled the big blue queen utes later. behind Krause, for third place on six hits for theil' first win of July 2-Yankees VS. Iqdians. . th f1 t f 16 b . the season. . CITY . 'd' 0 .. 11 h On Tuesday, June 16, the In- '. The City Little Leagup swu'n g around the 70-mile course on It looked like the whole island 10 e ee 0 oats. tne western end of Lake Erie to was rl 109 the ,gentle Lake Erie ngma y, t e series was sup:- d' d win dthe overall honors on cor- waves.P b b' I fposed to have " been decided on Yankees,l~ns set 11ownto 4, behmdthe. highthe fl~ingeIght I?tObon onits Mondaythird weekJuneof 15compe.ti-wh#!n g tp. te time over a fleet of 3J I ro a ly more th_an one. Mills ou.r races, bu.t because of con. hit .pitchin perfor. mance of 9- the Cubs edged- the Dod'!!"'r,<".'6 ShIpS.7 Itar ate a June bug sandWIch at fUSIOn on the Judge's' boat (they ld B b M ~... , With the wind out of the south that point in the race.' i didn't have a green flag) one of ~e~l-o 0 amere who was .~o 4. Gillis, who telieved PrestPn .' between five and 12 miles 'n I Jt wasn't just the bugs the: the ,-aces was thrown out wlten relieved by T~d Stanley. The 11- 10 the second inning. was It. hour. "Orien'" and the Timken lads were complaining about. the racc commiltee was protes'- year-old Stanley also collected winning pitcher. brothers 72-foot yawl "Kitty- More than, a half-dozen boats ed ior not displaying the proper t~ree,dlans forbombardmentthree to leadof thetheYan-In- priseThe upsetCardinalson Tu"'sdscored'J a s~r.l'

hawk" slide across the starting Flanked over the rocks at Col- visible signal at the start of the kees. 0;; a). une 0, ..'line between the Toletlo Harbor chester Reef light and all but 1 race. It was th e Yan kees" first. loss theirwhen firstthey defeathanded f theth Braves • light .and Clarence ~rites .r~ce one wer~ lucky enough t~ bounce The Detroit Yacht Club spon. of the season and dropped them .. 0 e seasqn. :co~mlltee. a,board Phll Eouhlher off the :~cks .and contmue on sored the series -which honors into a two-way Iirs' place lie RonOle Llnclaue went the di.t- .Jr sludges boat "Pomp~~o" to the fmlS~ !.me." the lale Commodore Harry Ken- with the Indians ance for the Cards, s'riking $t along WIth ten other CrUJsmg Nub Sarns Revelry was the dall Commodores Art Summer- The Yankees' bClunced right 15 Braves. Eddie Langs beltec:La A ships at 5:~5 p.m. It didn't take unlucky ship. At the time w.e .hit lee,' Eddie Veltman and E. P. back the following day, Wednes- home run for t~le losers. , long for these two beautiful ~nd stuck. fast we were ndmg Robt!rtson ran the series. I day, June 17, ,and bumped th~ . On the followll1g_day the Card- :queens 10 move ou' in front in 10 about SIXth place and had an I Belty Rypsam. tha' enel'gelic Tigers, 15 to 11. in a free-hitting mals suffered a 15 to 10 pasti~g . one of Ihe bes' two-boal scraps I excellent c~.nce to. capture one ,DYC sailorelte. organized the contest which saw the Tigers at the. hands .of the Dodgers. _see~ m. a long tIme. I of the ?lone. spots m ~Iass A. . i whole affair and kept the records outhit the Yankees, 13 to 8. The ~lth D.ICk Choumard ,bemg cred- . FIrst It. was "Orient" who set ComIng up on the -ltght, Davlc i straight so we could pas th (Spectators at the Farms Little League ball games are never in doubt as to the Yankees also contributed more Ited WIth the victory. .: I :the pace but was forced to re- 'Sloss' n~,w Swedish yawl "Kath-I all to you. _ s _ em, score and the count on the bailers thanks to a fancy'electric scoreboard which is wheeled errors to the contest, committing - On Thursday, June 18, the .JInqlllsh the lead to "Kitty- mar III was Just ahead of us five bobbles as compared to the Braves got back on the winning I lout onto the left field f.o,ulline pr~ceeding the games: Brilliant colored spotll'ghts flash \ -hawk" about halfway to Green and because the chart sh.owed h b 11 d .. Tigers' 3. track by beating the Cubs 13 ,to . 'Island: the first mark of, the eleven feet of water prachcally 158 Enter on as 1 e a s an stnkes are. cal,ed by the, plate umpire. 'rhe scoreboard is pallemed . Peter Bumpus was the winning 5. Eddie L~ngs belt~d his ;eco~d You M sure " course. The big black-hulled up to the lighthouse Nubs .and T . T ~fter the ones used 111 some mlI]or league ball parks., Who says our Little Leaguers aren't pItcher who left the mound in home run_ m as many games and .. !\lake ~awl seemed to resent losing her crew. had the genoa }ib set and ennIS ourney In style? the fourth inning Jack Pingel led Cook also slashed a round-trip- , BJIt:. , prestige and p~cked up her skirts drawu~ and ~vere Just. in the i' ------.------.------.------the Yankee attack with a pcrfect per. Teetaert went the distance MaID ..anTdhdanf~ed tOoth~lfront. f:;s~ess hOC cuttmg t~ed st'Phmnaker! Local teen-age stars began Ll-ttle /'C.lub Plan' nl-ng IJunl.or Race day. af< bat, having a triple, to get credit for the Braves' . e lrst 2 -nu e leg of the w en we hear e crew: vieing for honors in the U 't d I d~l.ible and singh~ in as many third victory of the season. ~ course was a close reach and al- of "Kat~mai" yell "Fall off, fall I States Lawn Tennis Assoc' ~1 e. ' P SOt · times at bat. Teddy Hinz gave anoU~r ~houg.h ~'Kittyhawk" got to the off'. "~athmar" had hit too. It tournament which got un~~/~~; Fl-rst Regatta I- n 12 Years I rogram arts The'Indians chalked up their sparkling pitching performani:=e Islana fIrst she had to make a was too late. i last Monday, June 22. at th . I !ourth straight victory by down- ~n Friday, June' 19, wflen he shut . HUt short tack to round it. This was We banged ~m~e, bounced and i Neighborhood Club. - e t Aaron L. Evans, hard-working 109 the Red Sox, 4 to 3, on Thurs- out the Braves with two h(ts t'

the ball game as far as the Tim- came to a grmdmg halt as the I f Fifty-eight entries in fOllr divi- 'The Grosse -Pointe Club, bet-Irangular course. That's the one chairman of the Grosse Pointe' day, June 18. Pete Kross received to win 4 to O. Hinz struck out 14 ken boat was concerned because kenyon needl~ dropped from 7.1 sions made this year's tourn&y Itel: known as th~ Lit.tIe Club. is I to round. credit for the victory and gave and walked 3. as she romped along on the port m.p.h. to zero Just like that. ione of the largest to be held at gomg to stage Its first regatta" . . Yacht Club's Yachting committee, up six hits., League officials have ~stablish- tack a bl()ck became jammed Fo.r the be~ter part of an hour Ithe Club. The entries in th b . since 1941 on the Fourth of July.l Ihe regatta IS o~en to all .saIl was on hand early Sunday, June Saturday s do~ble header, June ed.~a new sta.I'ting time for the and by the time it was cleared an. fIfteen mmutes. the crew and singles-I8 and lmder: e oys I Many of the younger sailors yachts enrolled In recoglllzed. 14, in the Club harbor with his 20, was played 10 about 100 de- games in hopes of giving c-l . •he had overstood the mark. ~k,pper worked hke ,?ad -try- Dave ']'" ...Is. Jim Wood Jeff have never compet~d i~ a little yachi clubs,~ but an cnt~y "-,ust vice-chah'man, Geqrge Cossa- gree temperature. It must have residents a beller opportunity 't~ .In the meantime Smiley and 109 to get our ~hlp floatmg agam Wayman, Conrad Procter.' Har- C:lub regatta and thiS v{l11be the be on ~Ile WIth t~e. betl:Olt RIver boom, for the first of ,the Junior ~een the hot weather the TIgers get to the Little League ban hIS boys skirted the island and but. to no avaIl. old Bate, Ted Sichler W It fust chance for them to see the, Yatchtmg ASSOCiatIOn. Those of Racing Programs in the June and lI!ted ~ecause they bIt:d, the In- park on the Neighborhood Club had the big. blue spinnaker set Fmally we :elu~tantl~ .started Thiil. Bill Connolly, Sa~dv ~Ii:~club proper. _' . 1':oU who ha~e sent -your. two July championship scries. dlan pltchCO'S for 12 hIts and 16 Field. Previously th and were gomg downwind to the the motor willch dlSquahf,ed our ner Bob Semple Scan F' '. Commod",-c- Bob Bryant. "Ice oollars to Seci etary Hal Smith at These arc run with all the fan- runs to chalk up their first win started at 6:15 p.m. e gam~. second- mark. the rocky Col chances. Even with. the motor it Pet~ Wardle 'Bob '[ 0 ' . laJs~l, commodore John Warren and 1415 Parker, Detroit 14, Michigan, fare and technical details used in of the season. The new startin f . . I "R I " 1 ' , \\ rle. 1n1 - d J. h S h h need not worr Y b t' th b' It was the big fifth inning that p.ln. g Ime IS 6.~O chester Reef light. ' OCK eve l'y a most another Lineberger Paul Wee H . rear commo ore ° n tro ave y. our oa IS e}g races, so that the young- "Kiltyhawk" overtook "Orient" halft hour t~ get free. Rocks Buhl. G.' Nichol~on ~nd o;~~ invited the competi~~ skipp.rs en,'ered: . slars will become familia,., with paved the way to victory when . double-header is scheduled lOr on the Jast leg and was first to and lead don t go well together Brown. ' and CIews to the club. for the, The Judges and. tImers, Com- precisely the right racing pro- the .TIgers collected eIght. r~ns. the Fourth of Ju1 w'th th fi' c~oss t~e finish line at the Toledo and the damage 10 the keel and Doubles 18 'and unde~: Idinn;r-dance flowin~ the. ,.ace. modores all. E4 Bodkin, Ray ceedure. ~i~~~~rA;:::I~Ir;;~~h~n~ym~l~~ game getting un%er~ay a~ 1~:~ LIght, but bemg scfatch boat rudder wll~ not be known untIl Bob Brown and '~ave T . That s when the prizes Will be Daley, Dave Davenport. Howard Old salts Bonnie Loranger and pm didn't save he!, time and "Orient" "Rev~lry" IS hauled out for in- Jim Wood and Larry Sco~~~;~ :~wardcd.. . . Fr~nch. Art", Summerlee. Ken Terry Snowday had novice Bill hi~h~os:~~n~n:~~e ~~~~e~~~ble_ .. Standings ~s of June 22 became queen of the 33rd Annual spectlOn. IConrad Proct.er and G. Nichol- Race c~mmlttee chaIrm~n Joh~- Le~Pl?randt, F rank Martin, Bill Duttman as crew in one of the h W ..2 Mills race by 15 minutes and 50 Many of the con t est ant s Ison, Ted Sichler and Bob Mess- ny DetwI{er .says the prIzes WIll PhIllips and Hal Smith, will get Lightenings, but th'ey somehow. we~i~::~;~i.:~:: .;:~v i~~,i~n~e~s, Dodgers T 5 '3 • h h behind the two-hit pitching of 0> 1 s.econds on corrected time. thought the. Toledo Yacht Club I nero Tom Barry and Tom Ireland be awarded In the same manner ..the s.how on the road with a got bogged dourn at the start and Braves. • tl d ' th them urdy who went all the way. .. 0> Gil Pingree's ,vawl "Red Head" race. comm.Ittee was n.egligent in I Sean Fraser and MacMann Alex' t e ot er. DRY A cl.ubs have sct warnmg gun at 12:30 p.m. lost the race to Chuck LOl'enson R p. Cubs ' • 3 was thi~d to finish but dropped lelr lltle~ by not ;Irst sending: Stuart and Tom, Watson, Tom ul?' a IS, tree pn'l.es for fl?ets As usual, the schooner-ketch I and novicc Rupe Benson. to. get credit Cor the victory. Cardinals 1 ' .. v to fourth behind Toot Gmeiner's out a boat to sound the waters' Allen and Paul Wee and B b WIth four or more boats startIng; class will be the first awa at I The GPYC Y ht' 't Purdy also helped the Yankees' Next Games 'i. N . aro d th l' hth' I 0 two fo' th' e b ' .t.r • d .) ac mg comnlI- .l ew ): ork 32 "Apache" whkh I un e .Ig Ollse f~r depth I Semple and Sandy Wiener. ,! 1e oa LS s al 109, ~n 12:40 p.m. with twenty-six other I tee is introducing two new fea- cause considel'ably when he col- June 29-Do(lgers VS. Cardinals. crossed fourth ahead of Bud, Sin- and rocks before sendIng the Boys singles 15 and under: one PIIZ~ fOl: two boats crossmg Iclasses following at five-minute tures this summer in an effort to lected a double and triple him- June 30-Braves vs. Cubs. clair's ketch "Great Bear". It fleet a~'~und th~. new course. Alex Stuart, Pete Smith. Lloyd the startmf? line...... intervales. interest young fry from nine to stlf. July I-D ...dgers vs. Braves. placed eighth in the corrected IOther sKlrpers fIgured the new Semple Ethan Pawsat Tho There Will be gIft PrIZCS for ------17' I '. t '1 T h' Standin"s as of June 20 July 2-Cubs vs. Cardl'nals. standings course more dangerous especially Allen • Bill Connolly' G mas a skipper who comes out and M'd h' M I '11 d m e;l'~lIlgg CO sal il 0 t. IS .. Wilfred "\lcGuire's• Mackinac if_the dfleett twouldb haved .been._'sent Gros~lan , Bill Leona;d ,Ie Eeodrd~ecirclespetition the course with no com- 0 I T5 Ipman.. C'e VI e .Denar.tmoua thai,renF d 0punseless IS.01'onfrOl:nhiS Indians ~ . W4 L1 IJulyvs, 4-DoubleCubs~ Header. Braves. sloop "Kandu" took the Class B ~roun 0 s ~r oar which would Pongracz, Ricky Whit~, Tom Da- D t :1' . t d } . n I raInIng rUIse way, and also on their way are Y~nkees - 4 1 I Dodgers vs, Cardinals. . honors and was eleventh in the ave forced It on a beat to weath- vey. Ed Lange, Leonard Sachs L' Ie WI,el polO e ou~) t :at the three fiberglass sailing dinghys RTIgerS 1 4 July 6-Braves vs. Cardinals. II', fleet while Jimmy Carlin's Pilot er on the second leg which ;s and Mackie Wipner Itt e Clu b courses WI I Include NORFOLK. Virginia - Sched- I . h t' II' . ed So 1 4 J 1 ~,loop "GIOI'V Bea II" took Class dotted with .sltlall islands an'd I Boys und t~e Island b.ut he Igill at the NClghborhood Club on class start,' . . _ ,. An, Old Name .in a Hew Locafion, "'- When we said some of the sk' • held on and skmned the Island Monday, June 29. Entree,; are Now hear thIS The DRYA Ian tic Fleet, will be made by : 13333 East Warren ' VA. 2.1450 , pel'S were grumbling about t~s so close he. und~)lJbtedly could I' free .and ~iII be accepted up to buoys "A" a~d "AA" are NOT some 1,466 scniors and sopho- G LA S S LO U VI E . , - , years'racewcmeantjustthat. ~.hear the bIrds m the trees. and mcludmg Saturday, June 27. MARKS OF .THE COU.RSE. ~n- mores of 25 colleges and uni-,l JALOUSIE --..--~~~--. ...~~~~~~'-'--.~ Elmer Wagner. whcn he got Da.ve 'Deacon" Sloss' new yaWLl So come on boys and girls, stead,. there WIll bc"a ,",vhlte maz k- versities: as well as by the first I' I th bI k X located at and thIrd classmen from the' I back to Bayview Sunday after-' ma km~ her competivc bow in ent'!!' this free tournaI'(lent and er WI a ac WIN noon, just threw up hi~ hands the Mlll~, showed she is going to maybe win a trophy. the southwest ape\x of the _quad- Naval Academy. . ! DOWS anti, DOORS D" ~1 M d S 1 in disgust anQ said "No sir that's be a shppery one to deal with _ _ ",m;wnUWl/;/Ll7. This year, more than 30 ships" • -=-Uh 'For Modern Living' etrol.t s ost 0 ern a es & Service that last time for' me.' in -future races. She finished SIxth fffl//ff/,W///Uff/.UL/HA/AUJ7Uff//U',//7/UffD/dH///,W»"W;W,i///IJd'iWWflH . including the battleships USS ~ u i IS He continued. "I have never: ~ut droPl?ed to ninth 0!1 correc- ~ l1':'1 :;sou!'i and Wis~onsin and the! JALOUSIE H U DSO N II.. ~een so many bugs at one time! tlO~s, which ~as good mas~uch ~ A T YOUR SER VI CE light aIrcraft carner Sa'ipan, will"' I ' • .. 10 all my life. and believe me I ~s It was ~;r fast race on "drmk- E carry some 3,200 trainees to nine WI N DOW & DOOR CO. there wcren't two alike." I tn.g water and the cre~v wasn't ~ ports in South America and the LA.VIGNI~ AUTO Sl\LES .He was refering to the down-l accu~tomed to her whIms and ~ MONDAY THRU FRIDAY - 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Caribbean. They :eft Norfolk, ZO187 Mack Ave. , wmd run on the second leg of I fancle~. '> I~ Va., June 8. " TUxedo. ~6606 Open daily 8 a.m. to 9 p.~. Saturdays till 5 p.m. the course. We can .verify his ----- IE SATURDAY 7:30 to Not'n. I~ 1420 I E. Warren V '\1 _> 3460 statemcnt ~oo. Once we flashed GETS DEGREE ~ Complete Collision Service at Lakcwood J: .• .. 3459 our flash light on the wind p'cn- Lennox L. Shekell, ~r., of 1019 ~ CHAUFFEURED LIM'OUSINES nant o~ the b~~kstay of Nubby So~er,set road,. was one or 3600 ~ . Sarns Revelry .and thcy were semors graduatmg from the Uni- E . by . Factory Trained Experts , . as thick as rice at a wedding. versity of Southern California on ~ Mac McGuire's crew told oC June 13. Mr., Shckell received a E Genuine Parts and Accessories Theo~oJ.e and Theodore 1-3 NAMES thot MEAN FOR ALL 'OCCASIONS / seeing ;:;~;~~was;;;~~~i IWHYTE c~~~~MOBILE, TEmple 3.:1233 QUALITY lint! DEPENDABllITY- , ; 14800 E. JEFFERSON VA. 1-5000 HOURLY RATES or BY THE TRIP of Out-ot-Season Garments ?""IUUAYUYffmAT/.vffDUH.rD'W/un-m}'oum4/4WRuAUH/,",um4tnArkmIYUI>.NTUWmAWm., in our own vault ,~--.~~--.~~~'-'~~~'-''-'~~~~'-'~~~~'-'--.~--.--.--.'-''-' Special ••• This Week •· ~ 1OLDSMOBILE Men's Suits I. (!r,. f"omplete I Cal~tto;c Press~ Cash and Carry 1!'PONTI!~5YOU~~RVICE !KOTCH~R 4-Day 'Laundry Service - Shir~s - Family Bundles

0220 Denby Cleaners ' 15554 Easf Warren Avenu'e _' •• TU. 1.6600' 20087 Mack, at Fai.holme TU.2.6189!. MOTO~ SA.LES, INC. ' •. ~222212" t, Oldsmoblle.Cadillac Sales £I .Service' Pickup and Delivery" v i _, Chafg8 Accounts Invited « . 15210 Mack Avenue East Side De~;o;t's "Preferred". Dealer J .=~=R_~=~=~~a~~=E======~I~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~J/ .. - .

,'\. I- ( ... - M.-e •• m ees.O's. toss. P 2 cC SFee •• 7 2 2 ••••• 1 Cd. se 5 •• tee an. 5 or r a san. a • a a sO •• a.ssea torr'S? a an'7 • ssra? sa as 2 a 1 2 • ...... ~ . s. .. . . • .,. ... ., '* •• .. • -~.''''''''''''--'''''--~~------'''--~------~-----.-. ------...... ~- •

{Thursday, :.June 25, 1953 953' • G R 0 SSE. PO' N TEN E W S W. Smiley (owner of Orient), , !Pointer Graduates 94th Commencement ,exercises of ma -Honor Society. She served as G. P. Power Squadron. Leo J. Kay'and A. G. Herreshoff. Troflabouf Combilled Lake Erie College,. Painesville, secretary of .the Student Govern- :.I'he Grosse Pointe Power From Lake Erie Collere Ohio) recently. ment organization during her Squadrqn is on.e of 135 squadron Services, S;et Her major field of concentra- junior year and as its president unitS established during .the last Has 30 New Members Rae E. GlClrber, daughter of Mr. tion was English. during her senior year. 30 years throughout the-United On Sunday, July 5, the Metho- and Mrs. Johh T. Garber of 1336 While a student at L. E. C., Miss Garber tentatively plam The Grosse P'linte Power Iburg 'and continues 'through Labor States, Hawaii, Alaska 'and' the, dist .and the Congregational Bishop road was awarded a Miss Garber was elected to mem- Squadron is now in its"15th year. Day with a cr~ise to Put-In-Bay. Canal Zone. Like the United churches' will bp.gln their series to begin a teaching career next Bachelor of Ar~ degree at the bership in the Kappa Alpha Sig- year. After a winter of courses" at Commander ~f this outfit is States Power Squadrons, of which of combined Summer services. the Gros~e Pointe Yacht Club in Clifton P Nelsen AP Alfred J it is a member, the G.P.P.S. is For- the four weeks 'of July ,I such subjects as the design and . . ',' . essentially an educational ser- and the first week of August the construction of engines, general D~lt

y ',' .,. '. activities, ,f i s,h in g tackle, nother instruction of the teachers are , , ~i 'I the 21 men and four girls who • ",.I'~ mance :J sporting goods, picnic; and e shut sweated out the hours-long ex- the beautiful ) h\!5 HUNGRY FOR REALLY FOOD? amination concluding the GPPS fill' I Maintenance course," he wrote. beach equipment. nut 14 I • Book Casino , . lblish- available for )r thf' Steahs Claops . private parties 23/.. Cu. Ft. Capacity - City :ity tt') (after 3:00 p.m,) Solid Rubber Wheels ~ ball Sea FOOL' TU, Club '''18N. Until September games \~:: thrn saturdllY Call WOo 1.8000 $6.9.5' rt Evenings only Ext. 263 ; 6:~tJ Barbara Slanwyck Portable Ice Chest Ralph :deekef, Yacuu'm Jugs "JI':OPARDY ~dfor Mlltlnee Only 0150 your saturday '\~mlan\s $1.95 up ~first Esther Gene KellY 1:30 FAVORITE "TAKE ME OUT GI\:dE" As illustrated. Mllcor '1'0 THY. BALL . _ No. 200 COCKTAILS Porcelain lined - with Portable - thrn Tll11rsday spout-keeps liquids hot. Barbecue Grin I.. sunday 28 t.o July 2 2 JuneJose Ferrer or cold. With the NEW .MiUi1C J PRescott Zsa Zsa Gabor OUGF." 5.9299 U)10Ul.1N R lOr)' No. 200 Port. Ie $495 3 (In Techn col Up 4 ...... GriI. - 24937 East Jefferson Thi. new Ifill makea It inals. I Lake Shore Drive at 10 Mile Rd. luore fun to eat outdoors. 'Can be- used anywhere, but ia d.. • WHERE THE PRIME BEEFSTEAK IS KING! Plastic CHARCOAL GRILLS signed for use with the MUcor Pick-Up Cart or mOlt other Swimming 'aves makes of carts or wheel- barrows. It becomes aD "a la Pools .' cart" kitchen, ideal for aU out • door cooking. Soon a. your s.. " meal is ready. roll it around to your cuesta while every- thing'. pipinc hott THIS IS TELEPHONE NUMBER .•• Steel cover of the crill folda THE back to become a handy tra, • for plates, napkin.) r~li.hes • See the No. 200 Portable Barbecue Grill today.

TU.1-9390 J1.LL FOR SIZES $5.95 Up Portable - Carry in your car - can be used in your back yard or on an Chicken Delight outing. See our complete assortment PICNIC BASKETS $5.95 of Barbecues- Quick Readying for pick-up and You bel we're CASTING ROD for delivery service proud oj our Complete with knives, forks, spoons $3.95 to $88.95 18411 Maek Ave., near East Warren ,'cputattot) for and plastic plates. $1.95 The Finest Improved clamp handle Mixed Drinks .Garden Hose - %" R.ubber ~ 1 Ply. of Cord gJass shaft 4!4 ft. long. .... and Cocktails ~.: ' ., """-IJ~'":: Brass Fittings. Fully Guaranteed Note-We use only the C H 0 f C }; S '1' '61 L...... _.~..~ ~~' Regular $5.95 , ,. " I liquors and FRESU fruit Juices. 'Green Plastic> Y2u Gorden Hose- Brass fittings - 5 year guar- Casting R~el antee. Regular $4.95 -...... ' Special at $3.95 $].Z! TU. 5-9657 combines " 6 3 9 0 E A 5 T WAR R E N OPEN A CONVENIENT CHARGE ACCOUNT FINE' FOODS '. - . '. \ '

,with FINE ENTERTAINMENT • Now playing CAFE LODI'E, 2nd PIIIL SKILLj)IAN Week a greot COMt:ldion "Concerts in Miniature" .' CLIFF WINEHILL . ' DONNA Luncheons. 11 :00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m, DANNIELLE Dinner, 5 :00 p.m. to 12 midnight "French SQng,Star" Freddie Paxton's - Orchestra Late Supper, midnfght to 2 :00 a.m. Luncheons Dinners Suppers IJl. Sunday Dinner, 12 :00 noon to 2 :00 a,m. 7 Days Weekly . We Cater to '. Parnes, , Banquets - BIRMINGHAI STORE - East Jefferson & Beaconsfield VA. 2--4118 4066. We,t Maple at Telegraph MI. 6..0111

\ , , a •'. ..

a sr.'?? Ps •••• • nn .e •• 9 •••• neben x mx .n•• 2 em =9 • ,.' S' • .frft' b_ n i '. "__ ' . _ ,.. 1'.. ,: .... . """"• .~-'-' ~.~._.~--~%~------.,- . - - ., -". , -" .._ - -...

Page Eighfeen SROSSE POINTE 'NEWS, Thursday, June 25, 1953 Thur • Y i TR'( C , : TH ...... USE THE , ,

YOUR AD CAN BE CHARGED 3 Trunk Unes DEADLINE 5 P.M. T~ESDA y" '. C~LL TUxedo 2~6900 To' 58'rve You Quickly .: : ------..,.,------, ------~--:::::=:------,,' .. •------. 4-HELP WANTED tt-:..FOR RENT 8-ARTICLES F?R SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE ll-AUTOS FOR SALE 113-REAL ESTATE I 19-PETS ..'" (Male and Female) I (Houses. Apts., Flah, etc,J ------,------..,---- 3" CLA SSIFIED RATES . I LAMPS-SHADES :- Buy direct MOVING to Florida, m"llst sell, 1951 CHEVROLET deltlxe 4-door, RIVARD AND JEFFERSON FREN<::H poodle (miniatu:.f~: PRESENT. housekeeper, for el- LOWER 5-ro.om modern apart- from' manufacturer. Shades, five piece walnut bedroom radio and heater, excellent con- Spotless 3 'bedroom brick, 2 car puppies. Black, outstandmg. C~sh Ads-IS words for SCe derly g e n tie man, in good ment; .awnmgs, screen. porch; parts, and custom shade mak- suite complete, 17 inch Cape- dition. Driven only by present garage, Macadem drive, 60 ft. sho~v prospect~, lo.v?ble c0J!l:' Ch~rge Ads-IS words for 90c health, going in vacation July conyement to CharlevOiX bus; ing, mounting and repairing. hart Mohagapy Console T-V', 'owner. 563 Neff Road, 2nd flOOI', lot gas heat den lavon 1st pamons, gay dIsposItion. Phone Sc Mch add;tiooal word. I 18. Wants white woman for 2 available Aug. 1. Call aft~r 6. Best selection of lam'ps and walnut secretary, French Pro- Grosse Pointe. TUxedo 2-2094. flo~r,' garage: disp~sal, 'air con- KEnwood 1-281I. I" Must live in. $30 a 'week. TUx- TUxedo 1-5769. Adults. shades in town. Lamps by Mar- vincial walnut chair. 260 Moran ------ditioning, $8,000 down, move Call 'I edo 2-3905. ' tin. 14637 Kercheval and Man- road. 12A-BOATS FOR SALE right in. ' BLACK German shepherd fe- ROOM for business man 01' wo- . t' VAll 2 5 ------I ------male' 11 months' pedigreed' I ------d . k C IS lque. f.")" -81 1, 16 FOOT Tilompson speed boat, Beaugrand Building and , ,. t, w. tUXEDO 2-6900 I man; non- 1'10 ers; near on- BOY'S TRACTOR h d t $50 t d h B R 300 ,BICYCLE REPAIR man needed, ner-Chahners bus', l' e fin e d. FOR A BETTER d f 'd ' eavy u y, 33113 horse power Evinrude out- Realty Company 0 goo ome. ox - " NO 3 Trunk Lines full or part-time. Experience y . gra e 0 use 3 to.11 years (adjustable) scoop _ board motor, trailer, excellent 9161 Whittier TUxedo 5-3325 Gl'osse Pointe News. I preferred or will teach you. Re- V,_A_I_Ie_ _2_-9_8_6__6_. furniture. see Neatway Furni- .and trailer, neady new. VAI- , condition, VAlley 1-7186. ------1 ------If. BLUECROSSDRUGS I tired man \velcoine. TUxedo ture, 13930 Kercheval. We al- ley 1-6581. > CADIEUX AND E. VERNOR ENGLISH SEITER PUPS, pedi- 17511 Mack at r\efC $19 !, 1-3402 aftel' 6:30. ROJOIM,1 for . teatchebr'thavai~abatl: ways have tHe things you are 1------R-43, 36 FOOT, sloop, excellent SECTION greed, registered. gun cogs: CUNNINGHAM-DRUGS , u y ,pl'lva e a , prlV looking for. VAlley '2-2115. LIV,INGROOM, dining, hall and racer, and weekend cruising. 4 beU1'00m brick bungalow, 2 TUxedo 1-3080, 5940 He.-.ford. ~ Ne\ll 169-11 Kercheval at l':olre Dame , entrance, garage, Grosse Pointe . : MANAGER for b'icycle, toy store. Park" TUxedo 5-8884. ,CORNICE BOARDS, beautifully stair carpeting for sale cheap; Fully equipped, ready to go. baths, large rooms, recreation I .wil GROSSEPOINTE DRUGS i ' Must be mechanically inclined ------~ custom made by Gre~\Vick. al~o 8 pair drapes. Good con- TUxedo 4-3141. room, AC heat, 2 car garage, 4 MINIATURE poodles, 2 males, atal'l 17051 Kerchcvill ill 51. Clair for repairing and, able to meet '3 ROOM unfurnished apartm'ent Free estimates,. LAkeview dition. TUxedo ~-2582. 1~'REAL ESTATE many extras. See and make offer. 2 females, pedigreed. TUxedo tor HARKNESS PHARMACY for working couple, $70. Utili- 7-6110. ' ( , --- Must be sold. Op,en Sunday1-6. 1-:5820. pla~ ! people. Retired m.m considered, N IQUES FLAGG'S d ------. _ offic 20313~I"ck ties and heat furnished. PRes-' ' A T at rop PEMBERTON, 1st block south o[ Beaugrand Building and " salClry and commission. TUxedo ------1 f t bl . d I t 21A GENERAL SERVICES trit! KOPP'S PHARMACY 1-3402 after 6:30. cott 6-2615. ANTIQUE, china, lamps, pictures, ea a es, pme an .\Vanu Jefferson, 75x135 ft. $3,800 or _ Realty Company - hou 16926 K£'rche\-alat "olre Dame !------crystal, brass and furn. "CI-~lNA ' wash stands, val'ioliS chatrs, make offer. TUxeoo 1"3309, 9161 Whittier TU. 5.3325 ------... MILLER PHARMACY ------MODERN, 2 bedroom duplex, CABINET." 5703 Fischer, De--, chests, mirrors and picture TUxedo 1-6710. ' ------VENETIAN BINDS Vis H945 Kerche'..al and Wayburn.. I GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER, own near stores and beach. Un- troit. WAlnut 4.3321.' frames. 16111 Mack ne.ar Dev-, GROSSE POINTE WOODS .. NOTRE DAME I rQom and bath, one child, 2 furnished. TUxedo 5-1723. ------onshire. , DEAL WITH 2 bedroom brick bungalow, large WINDOW SHADES 17000 Kerchcval ays clf."anm).;. 'I'U 1 1 858~ TU' d maple suite End-'''hle lamp' ~ 'BEST PRICES PAID 24-H •• a Day ~~ , C'1l TE I 3 -~ n • xec a - I or xe 0 " '" < , I' : All Work Guaranteed d,op In at a., mp e -:J180. Refel-. 5-8292. Allison examinmg tablp; 1:arn- FOR MEN'S SUITS' Old Homestead. 20446. _Cape TU'-1-9813 ' 1365 CASS AVE" Detroit f'/lees. ilton treatment cabinet. TU:~-, TOPCO,'\ and SHOES cod, semi-ranch, 1 bedroom down, • ! . . ~__ TS • MOTOR CITY Goth offIces open 8:30 to 5:00 EX-PERIENCED coiored-.~\.o_;_nan!,1_-_.WANT~_D_TO RENT edo 1-6507 evening_s.. ._ I; Tub 3- f 872 12 up, terrace, lot 100 by 183, ,A Earle Richards Service • Electrical Sewer Cleaning Co. • - big house for the money. Open 20397 Mack Ave lu the Wood. • VA. 2.6527 • Mon. thru Sat, Cess wants day work. c1eanmg and r HOUSE-Grosse Pointe, mini. MODERN FURNITURE-6 limed i A fe!ephone call will bring us to Sunday 2-5:30. • ~ • open till 8 p.m. Mon. laundry. TE. 2-1559. I mum 2 baths on second floor, oak dining room chairs, 2-piece I you immediately! ...... & Tues. Eves. IS\VITCHBOARD-Re~-;;ti()nist _ 2 year lease; available Oct. 1. sectional Bell Geddf's love .seat, ------,------G. P. VICINITY MICHIGAN BELL I As:-;t bookkeepel'. Temporary I' _~~~nces. TUxedo 2-1937. converta bed, m~kes 2. t~\'I~l ~r BOOKS bought in any quantity. Bedford 4660. Brick c~lonial. POINTE ,!AI~~~~'II~~~~T~)NERS 01' permanent. East SidC'. Kind- -URGENTLY NE"'D- - one doubJ~ ?ed, 21 yald~ Gull- Entire libraries, bookcases, art 3 bedrooms, tSreakfast room,' oil I .- I , I Men's and Ladies' Suits Tailored Order VA 2-3040 TELEPHONE COMO ANY Iv dip ad. TU. 1-6486 l' ,.. a.., stan dandllion pattern carpet objects. Mrs. B. C. Claes, 1670 heat, recreation, vacant, open , 'ro I I' - i __' . ..:_, :SUl~able qual ~e~s for antIque and pad. 27 inch \....idth. One Leverette. WOodward 3-4267. Sunday 2-5:30. I Alterations. Relining. Cleaning and Pressing • 'ERMI\!':EN1'--f--' --,----d. bl- I COLLEGF GIRr ,. t- ff" I buslOess and lIVlOg quarters for over-stuff chair and slip cover ------'." • . p.I. (epen ~ e j • , -' \\a~l;- 0 Ice 11\....0 adults. Will lease or possibly S10' , .".. ." BOOKS purchased for cash. En- VACANT I hko, 14931 EAST girl who• .<.c...o...c'ml(lr"n' .;1'llrt'<~. work for the '.,;unlmC"I' Ex-," purc has(' P re fer Gr-osse P mnte. ., 2 gl een occaSIOnal chall s. tire' I'bI ral'les. or fine single JEFFERSON, at City Limits cleaning. help with 2 small: perienced. Will also do baby !'arca (: a1.1the ).. one blonde, mahogany coffee items. Midwest Book Sel vice, Grosse Pointe Shores, Lake- I"red 1\1. Schuman.. Established 1925 Open Eves. 'till '1:00 bo~'s. 5 0, seat cover, $3.00. TUxedo 2 '046 Glass and Chino BABY SITTER. 3-5::W: 7-Miie SA-EMPLOYMENT BUREAU references. LO. 7-3900. 1-7535. -0 . 681 Hawthorne, Highly Dllpendable' Sales, Service Vases Drilled and Ker~heva!:~ call before 3 COLORED cnUPLES, cooks. I DR. AND wife wish duplex or PAINT %" 1948 CHRYSLER 4-c;l00rj radio Corner of E. Street " and Installation "". 1,1." Exce p.m. TUxedo ;)-/082. maids, chauffeurs. caretakers. I terrace, available Aug. 01' Sept., dl"III, 4s5POraYR~'M'. electric and healer; automatic trans- RADIOS REPAIRED Beau . IUd I .. electric mission; n(>w tires; ,clean; Exceptionally situated for su- All Work Fully Guaranteed whit. PART TIME. Cunningham Drug Janitors and porters. Day or - T xe 0 1-3416. \ Black & Decker, drill. TUxedo $650.00. 3910 -Three Mile Drive. burban atmosphere-corner lot- weeK. ~'ielri's Employment. TR. -;------. 1 87'89 Grosse POI"nte TeleVI.51.on clal. . Store. needs ~irl tel work sev- 3.7770. [MPLOYED widow, small apart- - . ------beautifully landscaped. Living I I • C ..r. " ':eral evenin~~ a week. soda t' '1'1' f ------DODGE 1951 two door excellent room 15 by 25, opens onto rear I Spec a ties o. ~ fAunt'" 'In K"'fch"'''a' a 1d Not e -L--F-O-R-R-E-N-T------n~eln dorb Idncome, uti lies ur- YOUNG MAN'S tuxedo,. ex- .condition, only 10,000 miles. screened terrace _ full. dl'nl',llg 1"',319E. WARREN • ,. ". <. 'o.' 1 I ! l' 1 _ n1~ le, e room, vicinity east cellent tailoring and condition. bl Dame. (Houses. Apts•• Flats, etc.) ~efferson and city limits. Even- Size 38-39; $24.50, VAlley Will sacrifice. 427 Lothrop room - kitchen has breakfast Phone TU. 4-2990 r4

' t ----,------mgs, ED. 1-3647. 2 4888 Road. , bay - 3 bedrooms, all take twin 'Fully Bonded and Insured. , \' PARLOR l\IAID 0 I 0 _' -\~'"altress 0 7. PLEASANT ROOM. employed ' __ - . MUST SEI:.L 53 DeSoto 'Fire beds :- ,ample closet space - ParUcIPat1ngp~~ct~::ter B\!slness VASES and .. AJsc: to seas~ore, must be expel1- girl or man. References. GOodj 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 2 CLOSET DOORS modern d V 8 r'J b' C TU d carpetmg throughout except bed------STATUES • enced With references TUxedo'. ' • orne. - -. u oupe. xe rooms _ extra lavs. GAS HEAT. .. 0 ItI'------~ If 5-3600. ... I transportation. V~ller 4-2570. TR~DE-IN sofas and chah's. All slab type' with Schalge pard- 2-6505 between 6 p.I;n. and. 2-car garage. Priced for quick -TV and Rad••o Serv-.ce 1 W IRE D .. - . I ,. . in nice condition. Reasonably warlt. $5 each. VAlley 2-4888. 7 pm :II • EXPERIENCED woman under 50 WILL LEASE. spacIOUS 2-~ed- .' d V U hI' C ------.------. - ,. 0- I sale at $22,800. Owner 'leaving ~ . to care for 2 year old twins.' roo~ ho~se. In ~ro:~~. POInte rj~~~.Ha~~er. Po~e~er~n~til 09: L~WN, MOWER" also green hv- 1952 ,CHRYSLER Windsor, 4 door city. G~aranteed Repair Work Full line of floor • Fridays 01' Saturday~. Steady. nt'al. shoppmg dl~tllct, auto- mg loom set, ED. 1-1146. deluxe, all ext,ras Chrysler I. 'television • Radia lamp carts. :'Grosse Pointe Park .. State ref- matlc gas ~eat; $115. a month. FIR E PLACE EQUIPMENT, - SACRIFICE-White gold soli- executive's car, leaving city, Poi nte Rea ty • Sound Equipment Also handmade .. erences. Box M-55, Grosse Box C-299, Grosse Pomle News.' screens. aU types, grates and- taire, diamond and band, value 9,000 miles. TUxedo 5-0735. . I lamp and kerosene 4 Pointe News. . irons,' tools. See display. at $450 D I WO - 5800' -, TU. 1-6640 TU 2-3083 East End Filigree Vases 1 1 • NEW HOME, 3-bedroom. Hal'per SMITH. MATTHEWS. 6 S 40 ,ays - on y. , ;)- ,C A 0 ILL A C "Fleetwood, 60, Pick-up and EXPERIENCED GARDENER to Woods: no small childl:en; ref- Ch 1 Extension 123. 1951 model, 4 door sedan, dark GROSSE POINTE WOODS 1060 . Deliver ar~evolx Ave., WA. 2.7155. 1------16300 t 1'1 F . hId 3 b d TV AND RADIO -. work 1 day every 2 weeks at erences; $15•0 a mont.h TU xe d 0 - TRICYCLE, _best quality, $15; grTtn, , ac ua ml es, car' all' 0 me, mo ern e room i 0 f ~$2.00 per hour. TUxedo 1-2771. 4-0981. I ~UTO DRIVERS! Save 30 per Cal's Colt bouncing hor~e $4. pdarlye,npubyr'chPasreedsidoecntt.' 2 7 ,c 0 m -.ruatl~lcl'thy',laicVtil~vgl't'ydli.nolo'nmg.,2kitbcahtehns,'i, Sal'es & Service ------.---.------. cent! Only $7.26 quarterly buys TUxedo 1-2026 . n 1 95 1 OLLIG BEAUTY OPERATOR. GrMSe! 6 ROOM FLAT .. GrOSse Pointe $5,000/$10.000 Public Liability . Haave original bill of sale., 2~2 car garage, built-in oven II 13940 Kercheval near Eostlown ,_Pointe. go~d opportunity. Calli Pa.l'k, middle aged couple, no with $5,000 Property Damage. BABY GRAND PIANO, very $2900.00 or best offer. TUxedo and' burner, open daily, 10-6. I VA. 4.9823 ELECTRIC SHOP :. VAlley 2-a520. ~hlldren. VAlley 2-0088. TUxedo 1-2376, - I iood condition. TUxedo 5.6967. 5-5847. P. DeCoster, TUxedo 4-2300. 15243 Mack, at' Barham TU. 1-117'1

f' , I " , ~ L 1 . .'• • • as s 2 S SSPS? ' 77 . a. som'ss. reap sa.ss .mmSn.cncascmeQts'sr •••• •• on n # •• °ort •• res • S' P' • • Os = 'b'." -. ,.,.. no ) . ,

3 Thursday, June 25, 1953 G R O'S S E P01NTE NE.WS. Page Nineteen . '" TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS 21i-Paint and Decorate 21r-Cement Work , that of his wife. He told. authori- I Pearson called Rhee's attent!on. THEY GET RESULTS! PAINTING' and ?aperhanging. BRICK, stone and cement work. Headlines ties that he was responsible for 'to the gravity of the s1t~atJon .CLASSIFlEDS . Complete decorating service. New orirepairs: Arthur o. Roo. the death of Mrs. Beryl l!.vans, which has resulted. He s~ld t~e 21 e-Custom Corsets 21II-Rug Cleaning Materials and workmanship TUxedo 1..2450. (Continued from Page 1) whose husband went to. the gal- POW .release was shocking In guaranteed. LAkeview 7-5930. ALL KINDe:. Cement work, gar- Syngman Rhee of breaking his lows' ,protesting his innocence. view of the pro~res8 tha~ was SPENCER CORSETS RUGS, carpet, furniture, clean------.., word and floutin'g' UN authority • • • made by armistIce negobators. ed in your home. Fre.e esti- PAINTING and decorating. In- age, drives,' walk~, bonded. in releasing thousands of war !NDIVIDU ALLY designed. Dress EAST GERMANS, defyins mar- He also t\lld Rhee that it will be and surgical garments. Over mates. 14 years in Detroit. terior and exterior. Herbert TUxedo 5-8292. TUxedo 1-8587. prisoners. In a quick switch from tial law, held protest marches in the South Korean people who 21 years experience. Maude Modern Carpet Cleanel'S Walters. Quick'service. VAlley ALL TYPES of cement work, new words to action the general ,sent their dema~ld for bread. There will suffer in the end, if the- co- TUxedo 2.8385 2.2809. or repair .. Specialists sine" 19~4 a crack United States airborne operation between the Koreans Bannert, 368 McKinl~y. Grosse is an acute shortage of food in No answer-call after 5 ~.m. A.I Paintrng ana Paperhangini in s1de .dri~es, garage floors, In regiment from Japlm to Korea the Russian zone of Germany. and the UN is terminated, , , Poi n t e. TUxedo 5-4027 or , J 21 i-Paint and Decorate Basement sprayed porch repaIr. Reasonable prices for. a "tralni!1g exercise," M!!sn- At least 700 East German police- TOwnsend 7-4312. - . I Outside Estimates Free prompt se~vlce. VE. 9-6492. while, stepping ~p. thetr prot- men who l'e{used to fire on dem. PAINTING, exte.flor. b.est m~- S windows and '. . ,tests, the Communists charged onstrating workers were disarm- tel'ial; immediate serVIce, est!- torm reens BRICK and cement repaIr an:: that Allied authorities made no Pe~lt1\1088 H: 1 21f-Refrlgeratlon ed at gunpoint by Soviet troops , (Bclk and Baled) ing mates free. VAlley 4.4321.' Skilled :~lored workers new. Estimate free. Good, wor , effort to halt the escape of ,pris- and sent to Poland. Several were om- COMMERCIAL AND Domestic. GET THAT NEW LOOK! City-wide references .-:easonable. TU. 2-0898. oner~ an~ abetted PresIdent e.xecuted by firing squads. Top Soil Seeds one Complete 'installations and J:ROM A RELIABLE ED 1-0182 or WA 3-5569 CEMENT WORK. Brick l!1d Rhee s acbon~# '.. I • • • Pea Humus Fertilizers service. Home freezers, sealed .- DECORATOR PAINrING DECORATING walks,. porches, ~iers, repal}f}- THE REBELLION or workers A HOST Of secret defense data Manure Insecticides ' . ing chimneys. No Job too'sma . _ was tossed out to the world and Paintlnn Paperhanging C'llor InterioJl, exteriol', wall washmg, TU' 5-1183. in East Germany continued to Fill Sand. ut:1its, motors, belts, cortrols. to Red Intelligence by the same Would yo. fidei (I IIG Blendin\) Wall Washing Etc. Paper removed. Reliable. Free • grow as 100,000 uranium miners All makes. Work guaranteed. top level defense officials who POR DELIVERY Will }'Ou favor us wits a call estitUate. . A-I CEMENT WORK went on strike. Fighting followed .. . room to your hOllse if Geyman Refrigeration ~ervice, For Free Estimate and Advice DeJohn Decoraton Floors _ Driveways, -Walks this move and 25 workers were attempted to clamp a strict cen- CALL TU..... '859 447 Moross Road. TUxedo 4- J. F. TROMBLEY VA. 4.3227 WAlnut 3-4551 Porch .and Step Rp.pairs reported killed and.300 wound- sorship on the same facts. The If cost )'011 only Gbouf / Defense Department''; Congress 1430. FOR THE FINEST general paint- ~ 11 Immediate Serylce. ed. _ The Russians blamed the row over the five billion dollar D. E. Leydet $59.50 plus lnstGllatlon7 ing and decorating at reason- rINDOW and wall ,washing, wa Guaranteed work. Free estimates East German revolt on "Western 17751 Mock, C1t MIIIt.elll•• 21g-Roofing able cost see Charles A. Schra- paper cleaned. Painting. PRo \ S & G CONCRETE CO. . provocateurs." cut in the air force budget New Hollywood Attic Stair . 8 5-3388. VA. 1-6924 brOught this fact' out to light. .wings down and gives in- der. VAlley 4-03 8. « Tuesday, June 23. ROOF REPAIRING • • • Ie:", stant access to entire attic _ ------M. BROWN, decorator. Interior, ------THE EISENHOWER ADMIN- THE UNITED NATIONS sent E'do tor storage. study. hobbies, Expert on leaky roofs and rt- Painting and Decorating exterior decorating; expe~lenc- M~SONI CONtRACTOR ISTRATION will put a plan into a message to South Korean playroom. bed roo m, home pairing. Private. LA. 6-6233. office. Enlarges your house at Best. ot Grosse Pointe References ed, reliable. TUx~do 5-21'13. LEO MACK effect within a few days whereby Presiden~ Syngman Rhee in which It denounced his release trifling cost. Installed in a few TINNING - Gutters, Conductor Interi"r. Exterior INTERIOR 'and' exterior paint- d C t 134,000 pers'ons will have their hours. Sturdy, safe. Store, Brick Block an emen . h 'b'l.t ot anti-Red prisoners-of-war. UN pipes, tin, canvas, copper decks. I Free Estimotes ' ing. Free estimate. W. R. jobs reviewed wit the pOSSI I I Y FOR STEEL $ Binder, LA. 6-1524. ' No Job Too Small of many thousands of them losing Assembly President Lester B. CASEMENTS ••••••••• 169-: 1': Visit our modern showroom. Gutters unpluged. Private. LA. JOHN R. FORTIER PRo 7.3551 4 1 the protection of Civil Service. PAINTING, papering, paper re- Call. LAkeview- 6- 73 Phlllip Young, chairman of the BASEMENT COMB. . .•••• $5.56 I " WAlnut 4.9300 6-6233. PAINTING, DECORATING moved; neat, reliable; work JOHN ,A: NUCCIO Civil Service Commission, said TAKE IT Er1SY ALUM. DOOR GRILLS••• $2.95 HOME OWNERS! Call TUxedo Wall Washifl9. Storm Windows guaranteed, Mertens, 122 Muir, there wlll be a review of 66,000 1-8170 for gutter repair, rea- c!lnd Screens pc!linted ~nd put TUxedo 2-0063. CEMENT CONTRACTOR jobs in the United States and witll (J SCREENS 8~DUV~~ T sonable prices. Richard Willertz up! Cc!lulking. No job foo r-mall. 21J-WaU Walhing and garage builder. Driveways, 66,000 overseas. He added that BURGLAR PROOF GUARDS 4651 haufoit, South of Forest 50 Roslyn road. 1"erms. garage floors, rat walls, footings, the new order will not affect. WALL WASHING and painting. raise and level garages, porches veterans who hold any of the job~ WIN DOW-DOOR-SKYLIGHT 1c1.nt1!icaUy Radio Operated ED BISCHOFF EXPERT TINNING. Replace old Well recommended. Rig h t and terraces, arid city walks. to be reviewed. ALUM. SCREINS and SASH crawford Marvel-Lift Garage Door. WAlnut 2-6800 'price. TUxedo 1-3870. Easy FHA Terms • • .• HOllY'l\'ood FOldln. Attic Stain gutters with new. Metal decks REPAIRED-REWIRED .. Dasher SlidIn, Closet Door and roofing. Free estimates. PRo 6-5394' / DR. 1-0144 CHARLES E. WILSON, I secre- I PR.7-0483. FOR FINER WALL WASHING ------tary of defense, was the .target of PAINTING BRICK porches repaired, stone h . d' METAL SCREEN PORCHES INTERIOR & EXTERIOR DECORATING . I Gen.Hoyt Vandenburg, w 0 IS 11'- steps, terraces, co.mmerc~a ~e- 1 d t th tary's DISTINCT-CLEAR VISION 700.: 21ft-Rug Cleaning PAINTING & DECORATIl\lG Fl'ne workmanship. "A Grosse P t 0 trlct ect y oppose 0 e seCl'e f pair. Grosse am. e IS 'proposed five-billion-dollar cut ALUM. SCREEN CHRIS C. CHARRON & CO. Pointe Painter or Grosse references. VAlley 4-4568. in Air Force funds. Wilson wrote WIRIBRONZE RUGS, tacked carpet, and furni- Pointers. ______. iiltl WAlnut 2-3986 !It c Sq. ",se,t 16-Mesh 13cSq. om ture cleaners. Home service. Free est imates. 21S-Carpenter Work to Senator Homer Ferguson, stat- 11 ~ ~ ~ F~ Satisfaction Our Guarontee ELMER .LABADIE ------ing that even ,deeper slashes 100 ft. 100 ft. bly Sat!sfaction guaranteed. Free ~ ~ r611s Dust 60-Mesh' rolls r ') CUSTOM' KITCHENS. cabinets, should be made. Gen Vanden- estimate. Call: PAINTER needs work; interio TU. 2-w064 • b k berg bl'tterty attacked what he and exterior. Reliable, nea formica tops, bars, Of) cases. METAL SCREEN DOORS t EXPERT wall washing, reason- Excellent work. Call W. B. called restrictive directives on the lIT~'. RE-NU CARPET CLEANERS decorator. Also A-I wall wash JOHNSON Or CGmbinCltion Mode Your Size - able rates. Call TUxedo 1-4586. Evans, TWinbrook 3-54,38.. Air Force at a most critical time ick. VAlley 2-8085 ing. VAlley 4-7808. Lawn Spray Jew 211-Window Washing ------. in history. . COMMERCIAL ~n..~s.u.~~~~~~~. .~ PAINTING REPAIR SCREENS, p a rc h e s, Wednesday, June 23 13400 littlefield Ave. SCREENS ~ ~ AND DECORATING' WINDOW CLEANING . steps, fences, doors, windows, JOHN R. CHRISTIE, London's Complete Underground ANY SIZE OR SHAPE WALL WASHING , cabinets, bookcases; good work, "Moon Slayer" on trial for the ex- ~ ~ OUR SPECIALTY prompt servic~. S. E. Barber, murder of his wife, confessed Sprinkling Systems TOOL CRIB PARTITIONS ~ ~ Avord Sprrng Rush Service on Screens end Storms 20380 H 0 11 y woo d. TUxedo the slaying of another woman . 6- Brid woshing expertly done 4-0051. . whose husband was hanged for Free ~ltimates - Coli MR. TEG MET At PRODUCTS CO. Seasonab~ Prices Now in Effed .., . EVE nG BEE N S ~ Basement Painting -----;-her murder. 'l'he slayer confessed WEbster 4.21 10 640 E. 1 MIle TW 2.1800 l ,~ TUESTdlMAT2ES.A8 H. E. GAGE.& SON FINE CARPENTRY-Residen~i,al seven murders, which included ~ ~ I xe 0 5- I.t TUxedo 4.0136 and commercial. Porches, .fec-. Evenings ~.,: • Garden Tools • Plant Food I: reation rooms, attics, etc. Re. 21Z-~and5caping -. ., • Fertilizers • Fruit and ~ LA. 7-2701 TU. 2-8022 G. OLMIN modeling of any kind, by Residentiol Gild, Commercial ., • Peat Moss • Shade Trees ~ Window cleaning service. Remove William Brockel. FHA terms . ~ .~cotts Seeds . P & H PAINT STORE storm windows and put up . FEED YOUR .TREES ~ • Seeds • ~ & SERVICE CO. screens. Free estimates. Wall _P_R_e_s_co_t_t_6_-_70_8_3_. _ 07a ~ ~ 118'155 Mack Ave .• near E. Warren Av e. Liquid Fertilizing by Pow~r washing. Insured. LAkeview ALTERATIONS _ kitchens re- We pump a wonderfully rich, ~ M. Viaene Nursery Sales ~ FOR YOUR Spring cleaning an d 6-9479. . modeled, formica counter tops, HIGH NIT.ROGEN fer t i Iiz e r r~ ~ decorating, call TUxedo 1-452 1. bars cabinet work, recreation thoroughly into the roots of your ~ 21807 MACK AVE. Busineu Phone, PRo 7.0639 ~ Free estimates. 21 p-Furniture Repairs roodts, attics, store fixtures and [lZ-, ~ Between 8 and 9 'tile Roads Residenc. Phone, PRo 7-4296 ~. trees, shrubbery, roses, ever- all" FURNITURE REPAIR. Refinish. shelving. Terms .. TV 5-2840. greens, etc. - ~_~_~_'~_._~_;S_'S_~_-_~_'_~_~_~_~_~_~"SS_'__So~_"'~_.S_'~_-~_'n_~_;s.s_~_'~_;s.s_'_~_"_~~_'_~_~_~_'_~_~~__.~ p~p~~~~~~i~G [1- Pt~~;;::;G ing, reupholsterine, springs reo 21t-Dressmaking No muss or fuss. Single trees or tied. Antiques a specialty. rei!. WALL WASHING SERVICE units, or a whole yard. Jish Free Estimates Pick-up and delivery. Ouall, DR.ESSMAKING &nd alterations. Best' and most effective with Barbecues lnw Time for Kiddies to HUGHES DECORATORS LAkeview 1-8249. TUxedo 4-3052. modem power equipment. Eco~ nomical and efficient. Call today. ons, 5293 Yorkshire TU. 5-11 65 21------q-Plastaring Complete sets of life-time castings Ll:P------21v-Brick Repair to design and build • • • or port- ter- EXPERT painting, paper han g- PERFECT REPAIRING, ceilings, ALL BRICK, block and store re- 28 YEA.RS IN THE able units -to toke with you on kes. ing by mecnanics, free esti- cracks. can match antiques. pairs, porches, ste~s, etc. Base~ GROSSE POIN.TE AREA your outings. . ~~ ck mates. Van Assche. TUxe do Satisfaction fully quaranteed. ment water. proofmg. Reason- 4-1187, TUxedo 4-2714. VAlley 4.8274. able. Work myself. Manuel Compete Tree Service . ..~. Marchese, LA 6-9300. PRESTON TREE EXPERT Swings-Slides AND SPRAYING SERVICE Smith-Matthews Foundry Co. 21 y-Piano Service 168-!0 KERCHEVAL 6640 CHARLEVOIX Phone WAf 2.7155 Glide Ride Swings GROSSE POINTE 30 ock PIANOS TUNED. cleaned. moth- TU. 1-0957 TU. 1-3930 lce. Sand Boxes , proofed and repaired Satisfac. ey Teeter Totters tion guaranteed. Reasonable COMPLETE np- rates. Seibert, Edgewater 1. \ A. G. MARX ,CO. Wading Pools 4451. LANDSCAPING • SEEDING and SODDING ASPHALT SLATE TILE COMPLETE PIANO SERVICE- Seeding, sodding, grading, dirt os Bicycfes • PRUNING and ,TRIMMING Tuning, repairing, refinishing removed, top soil, sand, • 9UALITY NURSERY STOCK and mothproofing. W A I nut ROOF REPAIRS Plastic Water Toys • EVERGREENS, FRUIT TREES 1-2025. Place your order early . fill-dirt. Assorted Wheel Toys Tree service. Lawns reconditioned. RE-ROOFING SHEET METAL WORK 21I-Landscaping Free Estimates , TIN OR COPPER SKYLIGHTS GUITER CONDUCTORS .. Open Thur.day .nd Fridoy Innings tlll 9:00 Findlay Nursery COMPLETE lawn garden and GREENWAY ARTHUR G. MARX Estab. 1914 ~'S:. 19720 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe Woods tree service; and maintenance. • Near Cook Road. TUxedo 2-0989 Cal Fleming Lands~aping' LANDSCAPING SERVICE 8106 Mack Avenue • English Lightweight Bicycle WAlnut 1.4330 • With 3.speed geer Service LAkevie'w 6-1297. . ce: end wheel brokes $54~ TUxedo 1-695Q , PRescott 5-3 122 • • A-I TRACTOR WORK • Plowing - Discing PLOWING AND Fences for 43 Years • TYPEWRITER Expert .Lawn Grading DISCING Good ,..• Woods Bike Shop Dirt Leveled - Dirt Removal • SALES .SERVICE .RENTALS BOB KASOM Gardens, Yard~1 and . /. Every style of Fenc• 20373 MACK, opposite Food Fair - TUxedo '-3432 PRo 5-4885 PH. 7-9671 erected fot . '1' Portables and All Makes Acreage .' you WOLVERINE TYPEWRITER CO. LAWN MOWERS TUxedo 1-7455 Inc1udlnl . 13243 EAST JEFFERSON AVE. Chain Link AIl-Ste.1 an" 26 Years in the Same Location SHARPENING ROTO tilling, garden, lawn, Rustic Styles W. J. REHl\I, IUanager Power M'owers 0 Specialty • VA. 2-3560 light grading .. L. W. Dubay • GIRARD PAYE TUxedo 5-2945 • o 1690 I E. Jeffers,;>n. TV 5-9690 WA. 1-6281 Typewriters - Adding Machines LANDSCAPING and lawn cut- ting done in community: Call MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. Office Equipment . 10403 HARPER AYE. RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL 1x3" - 42" Pickets, Go- 16c -VE. 9-7642. thic or po1bted tops, each SALES - SERVICE RENTALS TV. 1-7130 GRASS CUTTING, lawn ~nd garden maintenance, spraYing , lx3" - 48" Pickets, Go. 18c for wecds and red spider; by thic or pointed tops, each ..16749 HARPER experienced men. Evergreen beautiful grade; 6". S" :.A at Bishop d I ~~~~~~y and Gardens. TUxedo and 10" widths. Regularly Ix6" Boards for ranch fence. SPECIALS 28 ~c sq. ft. SPECIAL Select quality 7C --_-.:..._------_._-~-~~. Lin f~...... •••.•t ••••••••••••••• AT*THE BIGGEST LITTLE LUMBER YARD IN THE WORLD* 22C sq. ft. 7" Ball top posts. Cedar, uniform 5" top, select 1 45 Douglas Fir 2x4's q LA 7.3700 Knotty Pine Panelling uauty, each • , LA 1.1&1& Excel~~nt quality. 'c I T Y Re~ersible for moulded or ..v.. joint, No. 2 and better. BeautifUl. c I e a n. FHA We Give white stock. Spe- 7" Plain posts, 5" top 8ge Term. S"&H heavy to No.1. The most beautiful panelling available. cial. Lln. Ft. M .... _ A qual1ty post, each .. Sash and S~re~n','~Co. Stamps ;/~ .. $250.00 per M For Jour For the Handy ar Repai .. Man of the Hous.l Drain tile, cement block, 6" se~:er crock, common brick, .and, grovel. lABORMIX 'SCREENS All Extrllded \ or ready-mixed concrete (requires anly water). PORCH BREEZEWAY Peeky.Cypress Panelling .. • Made to Order • Rewired Combinatiolt i -...... they provide'ven- Something distinctive and different for your recreation room, . . .. Also a complete line of Lumber, Millwork, Paint, Hardware, • All Popular Sizes • Immediate. Service ~ til~tion'& controlled attic room or bar. Will take many kinds of finish. " and Carpenter's Tools '••• at a Saving to You! . air flow• • in Stock .• Repaired Aluminum I $225.00 per M .. Drop in see us this week end, or call W A. 1-1631 for ...they become Un- Prompt Delivery .. Screened Porches Made to Your Order ... Door I obstructed picture ,I windows. • Wood Comb. and Screen Doors Estimates Wiihout Obligation . Oak Flooring Gratiot Lumber Co. • Alum. and Wood Comb. Windows \. 95 , Big mill stock 'of beautiful milled AppalachilO SinC4l 1908 557 ••• K D red or white. Special price to all. .. 10254 GRATIOT AVE., between French Rd. and Harper .- "Your Screen & Storm Sash ~enterll ORD~R YUUIt IJiSULATION AND STORM lASH NOW .. H. M. BLOSSOM, President ~ Completely Installed Sup,erior " Jerome B. Trombley, General Manager S!sh and Scre8n For prompt service. call orders to our desk men 14000 E. 1Mile Rd• Immediate' Service LUMBER SU=rIEi HER~fAN, ARNOLD JIM . \ ••• rs or • - 20460 JOHN R 1.9743Harper, •• twe •• 7 .Id • Mil. Rd.. . tU. 2-4100 OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 5:00 Open Fri. Eve. 'till 9 P. M. Door Dee'oration' Extra TW. 2-8033 p .Th. B\lJett Llttl. L8m", r.,. lit t... Worldl 8.": • let • Owned by Grosse Pointer, C. D. Campbell.. Home phone~ TU. 2-97~2 Evenings Phone TU: 5-7585 " I


11. , Page Twenty GROSSE ,P.OIN,TE NEWS ThursClay, :June 25, 195]- * * * * , . * who~ 'There 'and ,vhatnot Pointer of Interest Good Taste by 1vhooz;1 FllvoriJe Re&ipeJ

\ 0/ :. r~ Came upon an enchanting painting the other day . • • a People in the ~notl1 f1J-~------surance ~ompany s D e t r 0 1t rich variety of visual effects. No lpnger do we have the prob- much more glamorous ••• Abg~ncy WIll fattend a t\lvo-d~ay lem of matching or harmonizing our.bathroom color schemes At the Grosse Pointe Horse Show ... a foreign car just ~ By Jane Schermerhorn to get it. Of course they were ll~IneSS con erence 0f ea mg b r-- h' . h '. back within two or three m'o- coin pan y representatives at ec~use M .artex as co~e ou~ WIth calk stflpes m your shade large than a penny box of matches. drov~ up to ~he It isn't every day a Pointer walks into a newspaper office utes and through. the door came Genoa Cit" Wisconsin begin- ,chOIce of lIlac, nutmeg, pmk, hme, yellow, blue, charcoal or Hu~t Club ..• thr~e passengers got out ••• the thIrd wearmg and adopts a baby but that's what Mrs. William H. Sheppard Christmas. ning June 23. ' solid. colors. Here are towels with a party air! And the g~od' a pICture hat as WIde as Kercheva1. lof McMilJan road did this week. Another Victorian table lamp The local delegates are Frank news is that they are not expensive. Many have shower cur-: PILFERINGS I The baby's name? "GOOD~>-- of satin glass is a beauty spot I L. Klingbeil, manager; Harold tain~ to match. Jacobson's Home Decorative Shop has a whole Groucho Marx finds television ,,'cr)' educating •• ~ accord- TASTE", aged about eight once upon a time, pushed the in the'all-antique dining room at :'ald~, Wayne McC~rty and. Hen- 'sectIon of' t~e store devoted to a "Bath Shop." It was there ing to Reader's Digest ••• every time somebody t~lrns it on he ye~rs-for that's how long thermometer do W n a couple the Sheppards'. Modern cookies IY Wllson. Mr. WIlson Will be we found thIck beach towels from only $2.95 to $7.95 in a host goes in the other room and reads a book •••• Incldent~l1y .••• , the recipes of Pointers r.ave more degrees. twinkle from an old fashioned one of the spcakel's at the con- of colors. the quote was quoted before Groucho has hiS own, hilarIOus. been appearing on the feature "1 was really born a genera- lion glass cookie jar on the .ference. ", ", ", program. • • page of the Grosse Pointe Hon too late," said the. pre.tty marble-topped buffet which i:; ----.------. I For Candlewick ~ollectors ••• there is a 'JeW sbipmenl 0/ Cartoonist-humorist Oliver Herford wa~ on a crowded I News. lad~' who loves the Vlcto~lan beautifully carved walnut. If Ihis clear, heat/ti/Ill paltem. There are st/gar a'ld creamers ••• trolley one aftern'oon, holding his young nephew on his Reason for adoption? Mrs. pel'lod. Her own. needtepOJ~te you'll pause to admire the burl I See Gray ••• and Play I plates ••• relish dishes .•• and 'jusl the tV/Jole line. Ma),be; knees. A pretty young blonde boarded the car and stepped Sheppard and her lively com- chov~rs twdo char;:lIng ~~ctor ~~ in the drop-leaf dining room I Ibere is /be piece )'oll'd like, bill hat,'ell'l fou11d. Fromm's, in the' table you'll be rewarded with one I, in front of them and reached for the strap mittee will call their booth at c all': an yO~ ~~\\'Ify:u ! t.il/age. ' Herford eyed her appreciativly. Then nudging his Christ ,Church, Grosse Pointe's ~pen( ~n. en~ l~~. ~ ~od our of Mrs. Sheppard's prettiest . ' . rummage sale (October 22) by :.n a c air 0 a perl you nephew, he saId, "My boy, why don't you get up and gIve the th t d 'h p' . t begin t.o realize the Victorians smiles. I' I • • ", I~nlist Aid ! To tan evenly without a scoop of white below each eye Is. I.. 1 d t"" a .name .•• an t cre OIn - d . f U I a y your sea ; erg will be able to buy the were the eSlgncrs 0 res u And now, we hope we've I beachcombers dream. That is why you'll be interested in the speCl!I Claire McCardell has designed for people like U3 who need prescrlp-; • * • finished recipes prepared by contour type furniture. helped to introduce you to the' I I According to the Link-Belt News, the rainy day for the persons who contributed Needlepointe is another of the I tion lenses. These ophthalmic frames are exaetly the same sh;spe u' GOOD TASTE chairman. the SLID models, but have little dressed-up touches of gold. The up., which a man sa\'es usuan~' arrives during his "aeation • •• them to the News. Pointer of Interest's hobbies. At A~ :rou may have guessed, I swept sides are flattering. These frames come in onyx, ivory, amber,' . '" '" • ~ In addition to the Good Taste the moment she is occupied with she gives a great deal of her blonde, navy, bronze, mocha, mink, and a multicolored rainbow' Says William Feather: "What you don't know won't hurt pastries, casserole dishes, molded four canvases, delicate' floral cen- pattern. They are on display at our favorite eye specialists, John-: . yOU .•• and it amuses a lot of other people." salads, . salad dressings, jellies, ters wi~h back~ro~nds to be time for otherS. There was ston's Optical Co., on the hill. . Red Cross work, from the days '" ... '" I jams, pickles etc. on sale, buyers worked In eccleSlashcal red (a '" ... when it was on East Jefferson . Earl Wilson Summertime dream: A girl who sticks to her I' will receive the original recipes red. with a hint of purple sym- Whistle slick summer shaping that brushes into some- . . .. •. and they'll also be able to pur- bohcal of the Blood and sorrow:) avenue; she's currently a mem- kmttlng • • • espeCIally In her bathing SUIt. chase a cook book containing These eventually will be kneel- ber of Christ Church's altar thing you'll love for wind and water is just what you'll get .'" .. .. Irecipes for all the News recipes ing pads for the aHaI' oC Christ society; 5he's been interested with an intra-curl cut. The shortest hair length is two and a And Weldon W. West's social treatise: UCertainly let's I being sold at the booth. Church and they will be given in in -helping displaced persons half inches. Hair length refers to the distance from the neck invite him over, but iet's dilute him with friends." I' Now. that's quite a baby MI'S. memory of Mrs. Sheppard's par- feel at home in their new hairline. Master styling ... the kind you find at Marie Bird's '" • .. Sheppard and her committee ents and her brother. country; and at present she's I ••. on the hill changes the coiffure line of the advanced A lad)' named illrs. W. K. Rienecke swears she heard it ,have adopted.. Antique havlnr a job finding rummage sty Ie only insofar as it will emphasize your good features. to contribute to her church's on a lUadison avenue bus: "He's been quite sick. He has that I' GO?d Tas~e . Quaint and old fashioned Delicious pampering ••• we think. ~ale because what seemed the I disease - I've forgotten the name - where the red popsic1es ChAs. mhostdPoGmters pKn?W ,CMhrlst frames circle pictures on the ... t last she could get together rec- . . th 'h't . I " UIC an rosse om e. em- • ea t up a II e \\1 I e POPSIC es. Ioria! take turns on the big an- ,.,.-alls o~ ~he Shepp~rd h<;,me . '.' ently went for the homeless in Imporlant ami wonderftll th;,:gs Ca'" be maJe out of '* rod :------.' nual fair. This year, the Christ- o?e ~Ol al n:edlepOl~te plct~re IS Ko~a; I I sign 'Which angles buo a pale bltie sky,' a grayogreellpipe flgMtfSt Imas fair moves over to Memorial hlg.hllghted I~ b:admg, an mter- We'lJ be gratified if you are' I a dllll broum brick wall; or gray sheds risitlg from gr"y grull \ and Christ Church, for its vari- estmg combmahon of needle- lovely about. helping with the grass, The same thi"gs can be. tlQtle with color film Oil YOllr won- IloUS phil an trophies, gives a rum- crafts. GOOD TASTE booth and hope derflll picni&s; .yollr {lowers .atld boats. AmI we're suggesling that mage sale. ' . There's a Victorian coffee that, come October 22, it will be yot/. get lilt ')'ollr &olor {il1.Jlmpplils at the Camera Center, in the ~avorilijmj From now, until the day be- table, also marble-topped and the one of the shining booths of the Silva village, where the)' handle all types oj color IInd color ~eTvic, •-•• i lore the sale, Mrs. Sheppard carved Belgian. c~binet gracing a whole Christmas season. and her fellow-workers will be corne~ of t~e hvmg room was a bllt last. ", ", of Ii contacting those gracious peo- weddmg glft from Mr.' Shep- C~mpass . i pie who have given Grosse pard's parents. Are you off to a wcinie roast or clambake ••• to a garden for 'Pointe New s their favorite At the garden end of. the room •> -0 out-door grilled hamburgers Of- the beach? Then you could use a leojemary f

, .. '. .

.",.." ...... , .. ' , ...