Unit 1: Introduction to Hunter Education Topic 1: Safety Rules Video: Welcome to Hunter Ed The Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety Topic 2: The Importance of Hunter Education Why Hunter Education? Responsibility, Safety Skills, Knowledge, and Involvement Topic 3: Funding for Hunter Education Hunter Education Funding Sources Pittman-Robertson Act Topic 4: Summary What You Learned Unit 1 Quiz Unit 2: Know Your Firearm Equipment Topic 1: What is a Firearm? Defining a Firearm Basic Parts of a Firearm Animation: Parts of a Bolt-Action Rifle Animation: Parts of a Pump-Action Shotgun Animation: Parts of a Double-Action Revolver Animation: Parts of a Semi-Automatic Pistol Topic 2: What is Ammunition? Defining Ammunition Basic Components of Ammunition Rifle and Handgun Cartridges Centerfire and Rimfire Ammunition Shotshells Choosing the Correct Type and Size of Shot Shot Sizes Non-Toxic Shot Topic 3: How a Firearm Works The Basic Process How the Rifle and Handgun Fire Video: How a Cartridge Is Fired Video: How the Rifle and Handgun Fire How the Shotgun Shoots Topic 4: Common Features of Firearm Actions Introduction to Firearm Actions Bolt Action Video: How a Bolt-Action Rifle Fires Lever Action Video: How a Lever-Action Rifle Fires Pump Action Semi-Automatic (or Autoloading) Action Video: How a Semi-Automatic Handgun Fires Break (or Hinge) Action Video: How a Break-Action Shotgun Fires Revolving Action Video: How a Double-Action Revolver Fires Common Actions on Rifles and Shotguns Common Actions on Handguns Topic 5: Common Features of FirearmsFirearm Safeties Safety Mechanisms Typical Locations of Safeties Types of Safeties Safeties Don't Replace Safe Handling Topic 6: Common Features of FirearmsMagazines and Sights Magazines Introduction to Sights SightsBead and Open SightsAperture (Peep) SightsDot and Telescopic (Scope) Topic 7: Differences Between Firearms Differences Between Rifles, Shotguns, and Handguns Rifling in the Rifle or Handgun Bore A Rifle's or Handgun's Caliber A Shotgun's Gauge Shotgun Choke and Shot String Types of Chokes Shot String at Various Distances Steel Shot Topic 8: Using the Correct Ammunition Match Firearms and AmmunitionCorrectly! Safety Practices to Help You Avoid Using Wrong Ammunition The Danger of Using Wrong Ammunition Beware of Hang Fires Topic 9: A Firearm's Range Know Your Firearm's Range Maximum Projectile RangeRifle Maximum Projectile RangeShotgun Maximum Projectile RangeHandgun Topic 10: Cleaning and Storing Firearms Firearm Cleaning Basics A Cleaning Kit General Cleaning Instructions Steps for Cleaning a Firearm Where To Use a Brush, Cleaning Rod, and Cleaning Cable Video: Cleaning a Firearm Storing Your Firearm Storing Ammunition Topic 11: Summary What You Learned What You Learned (cont.) What You Learned (cont.) Unit 2 Quiz Unit 3: Basic Shooting Skills Topic 1: Good Marksmanship and Accuracy Fundamentals of Good Marksmanship Know Your Accuracy Limits Topic 2: Rifle Shooting Alignment Aligning an Open Sight Determining Your Dominant or Master Eye Sighting-In a Rifle Optional Sighting-In Techniques Sighting-In Procedure Adjusting Your Sight Video: Sighting-In a Rifle Rifle-Firing Techniques Firing PositionsProne Firing PositionsStanding Firing PositionsSitting Firing PositionsKneeling Topic 3: Shotgun Shooting Shooting a Shotgun vs. a Rifle Choosing the Proper Choke Matching Choke to Your Quarry Patterning Your Shotgun The Patterning Procedure When Is Your Shot Patterning Correct? Shotgun-Shooting Stance Pointing, Shouldering, and Pulling the Trigger of a Shotgun Leading the TargetSwing-Through Method Leading the TargetSustained Lead Snap-Shooting Topic 4: Handgun Shooting Handgun Loading and Handling Video: How a Double-Action Revolver Fires Video: How a Semi-Automatic Handgun Fires Handgun Shooting Position and Grip Handgun Sight Alignment and Aiming Handgun-Shooting Techniques Topic 5: Summary Protecting Your Vision and Hearing What You Learned What You Learned (cont.) What You Learned (cont.) Unit 3 Quiz Unit 4: Basic Hunting Skills Topic 1: Planning and Preparation Steps You Should Take To Prepare for a Hunt Know Your Quarry Understand Animal Characteristics Topic 2: Hunting Strategies Still Hunting Stalking Posting Using Ground Blinds Using Elevated Stands Game Calling Driving Flushing and Hunting with Dogs Trapping Topic 3: Vital Shots Where To Shoot Animation: Choosing the Proper Shot Angle Shot AnglesBroadside Shot AnglesQuartering-Away Shot AnglesQuartering-Toward Shot AnglesHead-On Shot AnglesRear-End Trailing Wounded Game Approaching Downed Game Topic 4: Field Care of Game Field Care Basics Field Dressing Techniques A Game Care Kit Field Dressing Larger Game Transporting Game Topic 5: Summary What You Learned Unit 4 Quiz Unit 5: Primitive Hunting Equipment and Techniques Topic 1: Know Your Muzzleloader Parts of a Muzzleloader Firearm Muzzleloader Locks In-Line Muzzleloaders Muzzleloading Rifles, Shotguns, and Handguns Powders for Muzzleloaders Projectiles for Muzzleloaders Topic 2: Basic Muzzleloader Safety and Skills Basic Muzzleloader Safety Loading a Muzzleloader Steps for Loading a Muzzleloader Steps for Loading an In-Line Muzzleloader Unloading a Muzzleloader Firing a Muzzleloader Muzzleloader Hang Fire Situations Cleaning a Muzzleloader Topic 3: Know Your Bow and Arrow Speed and Range of Modern Bows Common Bow TypesLongbow (Stick Bow) Common Bow TypesRecurve Bow Common Bow TypesCompound Bow Stringing a Bow Parts of an Arrow Common Types of ArrowheadsPoints Common Types of ArrowheadsBroadheads The Crossbow Topic 4: Bowhunting Safety and Skills Preparing for Safety Before You Go Out Bow Shooting Safety Broadhead Safety Safety Accessories Bow Shooting Position Nocking an Arrow Drawing and Anchoring the Bow Aiming the Bow Holding and Releasing the Bow Topic 5: History of Primitive Hunting Equipment History of Firearms History of the Bow and Arrow Topic 6: Summary What You Learned What You Learned (cont.) Unit 5 Quiz Unit 6: Be a Safe Hunter Topic 1: Why Firearm Safety is Important Introduction to Firearm Safety Firearm Safety in the Home Hunting Incidents Four Main Causes of Hunting Incidents Firearm Safety at the Shooting Range Topic 2: Safely Carrying Firearms in the Field Introduction to Safe Carries Proper Field CarriesTrail Carry Proper Field CarriesSling Carry Proper Field CarriesElbow or Side Carry Proper Field CarriesTwo-Handed or "Ready" Carry Proper Field CarriesCradle Carry Proper Field CarriesShoulder Carry Proper Field CarriesFor Three Hunters, Side by Side Proper Field CarriesFor Three Hunters, Walking Single File Proper Field CarriesFor Hunters Facing One Another Crossing Obstacles Checking for Obstructions Topic 3: Safely Loading and Unloading Firearms Loading Firearms Unloading Firearms Topic 4: Transporting Firearms Safely Transporting Firearms Gun Cases for Transporting Firearms Topic 5: Safe Zone-of-Fire What Is a Zone-of-Fire? Determining Your Safe Zone-of-Fire Maintaining Your Safe Zone-of-Fire Topic 6: Other Safety Considerations Self-Control and Target Identification Shooting Accuracy Alcohol and Drugs Topic 7: Hunting from Elevated Stands Introduction to Elevated Stands Pros and Cons of Elevated Stands Types of Elevated Stands Portable Tree StandsHang-On Stands Portable Tree StandsClimbing Stands Portable Tree StandsLadder Stands Tripods, Quadpods, or Tower Stands (Free-Standing) Elevated Stand Location Fall-Arrest Systems (FAS) Fall-Arrest System Safety Guidelines Avoiding Suspension Trauma Hauling Hunting Equipment into a Stand Elevated Stand Safety Topic 8: Hunting With Boats Trip Preparation When Hunting With Boats Transporting Firearms in a Boat Zone-of-Fire in a Boat Surviving Water Emergencies Types of Personal Flotation Devices Dealing with Cold Water Immersion Survival Steps If You Cannot Get Out of the Water Topic 9: Hunting With All-Terrain Vehicles Introduction to All-Terrain Vehicles Rules for Safe and Ethical Operation When Hunting with ATVs Know the Law Before Hunting with ATVs Topic 10: Summary What You Learned What You Learned (cont.) What You Learned (cont.) Unit 6 Quiz Unit 7: Be a Responsible and Ethical Hunter Topic 1: Why Do We Have Hunting Laws? Before Hunting Laws Benefits of Hunting Laws How Hunting Laws Are Passed The Hunter's Image Matters Topic 2: Hunter Ethics Being an Ethical Hunter Respect Natural Resources Respect Other Hunters Respect Landowners Respect Non-Hunters Gray Areas of Ethical Behavior Topic 3: The Five Stages of Hunter Development Becoming a True Sportsman Five StagesShooting Stage Five StagesLimiting-Out Stage Five StagesTrophy Stage Five StagesMethod Stage Five StagesSportsman Stage True Sportsmen Become Involved Topic 4: Summary What You Learned Unit 7 Quiz Unit 8: Preparation and Survival Skills Topic 1: Importance of Planning and Preparation Preparing for Risks Four Key Parts of Preparing The Hunting Plan Physical Conditioning Clothing Day Pack-Survival Kit and Equipment Topic 2: Topographic Maps and Compasses Reading a Topographic Map Selecting a Compass Understanding Declination Plotting Your Progress Global Positioning System (GPS) Topic 3: Survival Skills Switching Into Survival Mode Rules of Survival S.T.O.P.Stop, Think, Observe, Plan Preparing a Shelter Starting a Fire Signaling for Help Drinking Enough Water Finding Food Topic 4: Coping With Extreme Weather Hypothermia Symptoms and Treatment of Hypothermia Frostbite Basics of Cold Survival Without Fire Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Topic 5: First Aid Basic First Aid First AidBleeding First AidBroken Bones First AidBurns, CO Poisoning, Chest Wounds, and Shock First AidSnakebite First-Aid Kit Topic 6: Summary What You Learned What You Learned (cont.) Unit 8 Quiz Unit 9: Understanding Wildlife Topic 1: Wildlife Conservation Conservation and Preservation Lessons in Wildlife Management Causes of Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Management Habitat Balancing Act Carrying Capacity Factors That Affect Surplus of Game Animals The Hunter's Role in Wildlife Conservation Topic 2: Wildlife Management and Conservation Principles The Wildlife Manager's Role Wildlife Management Practices Beneficial Habitat Management Practices Topic 3: Wildlife Identification Developing Wildlife Identification Skills Large Mammals Small Mammals Upland Birds Waterfowl Wetland Birds Birds of Prey Rare, Protected, or Endangered Species Continue Your Wildlife Education Topic 4: Summary What You Learned What You Learned (cont.)

* The first mandated hunter education program began in New York in 1949 to redu ce hunting incidents. *Responsibility, Safety Skills, Knowledge, and Involvement *The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service provides federal aid to state wildlife agencie s to support a variety of hunting-related projects, including hunter education, land acquisition, and improvement of wildlife habitat. The Federal Aid in Wildli fe Restoration funding was established in 1937 by the Pittman-Robertson Act. State wildlife agencies sponsor the hunter education programs that are found in each state or province. Non-governmental organizations (Ducks Unlimited, National Rifle Association, Int ernational Hunter Education Association, etc.) offer hunter education and firear m safety education materials and training. Many firearm and archery manufacturers provide training materials to teach hunte rs how to use their products safely. Local hunting clubs, civic clubs, and businesses often provide the facilities an d equipment for hunter education courses.

The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, popularly known as the Pittman- Robertson Act, was approved by Congress in 1937. The Act provides funding for th e selection, restoration, and improvement of wildlife habitat, and for wildlife management research. The Act was amended in 1970 to include funding for hunter e ducation programs and for the development and operation of public target ranges. Funds for the Act come from an 11% federal excise tax on sporting arms, ammu nition, and archery equipment, and a 10% tax on handguns. One-half of the excise tax on handguns and archery equipment is used for hunter education and target r anges. These funds are collected from the manufacturers and are distributed each year to the states and territorial areas by the Department of the Interior. Each states proportion of the federal funds is based on the area of the state and the number of licensed hunters in the state. The state covers the full amou nt of an approved project and then applies for reimbursement through federal aid for up to 75% of the projects expenses; the state is responsible for the other 2 5% of the projects cost. *The first step to becoming a responsible hunter is knowing your equipment and h ow to use it safely. *All modern firearms have three basic groups of parts. 1# Action, #2 Stock #3 Ba rrel *Other Firearm Parts -bore Inside of the firearm barrel through which the projectile travels wh en fired -breech Rear end of the barrel -firing pin A pin that strikes the primer of the cartridge, causing ignition -receiver Metal housing for the working parts of the action * Defining Ammunition Modern ammunition varies depending on the type of firearm. Rifles and handguns u se a cartridge containing a single projectile (bullet). Shotguns use a shotshell containing either a single slug or a large number of small projectiles (shot or pellets). However, the basic components of cartridges and shotshells are simila r. -cartridge Ammunition used in modern rifles and handguns; a case containing pri mer, gunpowder, and a bullet -shotshell Ammunition used in modern shotguns; a case containing primer, gunpow der, wad, and a slug or shot case The container that holds all the other ammunition components together. Its us ually made of brass, steel, copper, paper, or plastic. primer An explosive chemical compound that ignites the gunpowder when struck by a f iring pin. Primer may be placed either in the rim of the case (rimfire) or in th e center of the base of the case (centerfire). gunpowder A chemical mixture that burns rapidly and converts to an expanding gas when ignited. Modern smokeless powder will burn slowly when ignited in the open (outs ide of the case). Black powder is less stable and can be explosive when impacted or ignited in the open. projectile The object(s) expelled from the barrel. A bullet is a projectile, usually co ntaining lead, fired through a rifle or handgun barrel. A slug is a solid projec tile, usually of lead, fired through a shotgun barrel. Shot is a group of lead, steel, tungsten alloy, or bismuth pellets fired through a shotgun barrel. wad A seal and/or shot container made of paper or plastic separating the powder from the slug or shot in a shotshell. The wad prevents gas from escaping through the shot and holds the shot together as it passes through the barrel. Common Types of Rifle Bullets Pointed Soft Point: High velocity, accurate bullets with a flat travel path (trajectory); excellent mushrooming Rounded Soft Point: Popular for low-velocity calibers; recommended for tubul ar magazines Protected Tip: Highly accurate with excellent expansion Full Metal Jacket: Maximum penetration without mushrooming; these bullets ar e illegal for big game hunting in most states Common Types of Handgun Bullets Roundnose Lead: Good penetration, little expansion Full Metal Jacket: High penetration, no expansion Semi-Wad Cutter: Balances penetration and expansion Hollowpoint: Designed for high expansion on impact Wad Cutter: Flat-ended, used for target shooting; creates clean hole in pape r Hunters Tip In tubular magazines, the bullet tip of one cartridge rests directly on the prim er of the cartridge immediately ahead. For this reason, use only rounded or blun t tips in tubular magazines.

Centerfire ammunition is used for rifles, shotguns, and handguns. In this type o f ammunition, the primer is located in the center of the casing base. Most cente rfire ammunition is reloadable. Rimfire ammunition has the primer contained in the rim of the ammunition casing. Rimfire ammunition is limited to low-pressure loads. Rimfire cartridges are not reloadable.

Shotshells Shotgun shells (shotshells) use a slug or shot as the projectile(s). A slug is a solid projectile, usually of lead, used for hunting big game wit h a shotgun. Shot are multiple pellets fired through a shotgun barrel. Shot size is adapt able to the game being hunted. This type of projectile is used typically to hunt game birds and small game animals. The shotshells must match exactly the gauge and length specified by the ma nufacturer. This information usually is found on the barrel of the shotgun. Shot guns may be chambered for 2½-inch, 2¾-inch, 3-inch, or 3½-inch shells. This refers to the length of the shell after it has been fired. Never load a shotshell that exc eeds the approved shell length stamped on the barrel of your shotgun. lead balls on scale weighing one pound Cutaway view of shotshells Glossary gauge Term used to designate bore diameter of a shotgun; gauge is the number of le ad balls with diameters equal to the diameter of the bore that, when combined, w eigh one pound

Choosing the Correct Type and Size of Shot You also must choose the correct type and size of shot for the shotshell. In gen eral, as the size of your target decreases, you should decrease the diameter of the shot you use. As pellet diameter decreases, more shot can be placed in a standard shotshel l. The smaller the shot "number," the larger the pellet diameter. Shotshell marked as "magnum" means the shell has more shot or more gunpowder than a regular shell. Magnum and regular shotshells are interchangeable if the correct gauge and shell length are used. Comparison of three shot sizes Steel shot pellets react differently than lead when shot. Steel weighs about 2/3 as much as lead but is much harder. Steel does not deform and is not as unstabl e in flight. It will produce a tighter pattern than lead shot. If using steel sh ot for hunting, choose a steel shot size one to two sizes larger than the lead s hot you would select and choose a less constrictive choke.

Shot Sizes Shot size is adaptable to the game being hunted. As pellet diameter decreases, m ore shot can be placed in a standard shotshell load. The smaller the shot number , the larger the shot size.

Non-Toxic Shot Non-toxic shotshells Non-toxic shot is required throughout the U.S. for waterfowl hunting. Studies sh owed that many waterfowl died each year because of lead poisoning. Lead pellets from traditional shotshells were picked up and digested by waterfowl. The toxic effect spread to other birds, such as the bald eagle, who consumed the poisoned waterfowl. To reduce this problem, conservationists worked with shotshell manufa cturers to produce effective alternatives to lead shotsteel, tungsten alloy, or b ismuth shot.

The Basic Process Projectile being shot from the barrel The same physical process is used to shoot shotshells from shotguns or cartridge s from rifles or handguns. Pulling the trigger causes the firing pin to strike a nd explode the primer in the base of the cartridge or shotshell. The spark from the primer ignites the gunpowder, which burns rapidly and converts to a gas. The gas rapidly expands and drives the projectile(s) through the barrel with great force. ** Wads The escaping gases produce a "bang" as the wad and shot leave the barrel . The wad quickly opens and falls away. The shot cluster spreads. This spread is called the shot string. Firearms can be classified by their action type. The action of a firearm is made up of parts that load, unload, fire, and eject the shotshell or cartridge. Acti ons are either single-shot or repeating styles. Single-shot firearms must be rel oaded each time the firearm is fired. Repeating firearms have extra cartridges o r shotshells ready in a magazine, cylinder, or extra barrel.

Bolt Action A bolt-action firearm operates like opening and closing a door bolt. The bolt so lidly locks into the breech, making it accurate and dependable. Bolt action rifle To open the action, lift the handle up and pull it to the rear. If the firearm is loaded, the cartridge or shotshell will be ejected as you pull the bolt to the rear. To make sure its unloaded, visually check both the ope n action and the magazine for extra cartridges or shotshells. You can store a bolt-action firearm safely by storing the bolt separately fr om the firearm.

Lever Action The lever-action firearm has a large metal lever located behind the trigger. Thi s handle usually forms the trigger guard as well. Lever action rifle To open the action, push the lever downward and forward, which extracts the cartridge case from the chamber and ejects it. If a magazine holds extra cartrid ges, another is immediately ready to be loaded into the chamber. Its often difficult to tell if a lever-action firearm is loaded. To unload, p ush the lever downward and forward repeatedly until no more cartridges are eject ed. To make sure its unloaded, visually check both the chamber and the magazine f or additional cartridges. Most models also have an exposed hammer, which can be dangerous. Always use extra caution to keep your hands away from the trigger while work ing the lever action.

Pump Action The pump-action firearm is fast and smooth. It allows the shooter to re-cock the firearm without taking his or her eye off the target. The pump action also is r eferred to as slide action or trombone action. Pump action firearm To open the action, slide the forestock to the rear, which extracts the cart ridge or shotshell from the chamber and ejects it. Sliding the forestock toward the muzzle closes the action and readies another cartridge or shell for loading. A pump-action firearm will open only after its fired or if a release lever is pr essed and the forestock is pulled to the rear. To make sure its unloaded, you must visually check both the chamber and the m agazine for cartridges or shotshells.

Semi-Automatic (or Autoloading) Action As each shot is fired manually, the case of the cartridge or shotshell is ejecte d automatically and the chamber is reloaded automatically. Semi-automatic action firearms To open the action, you must pull back the bolts operating handle (on a rifle or shotgun) or the slide (on a pistol). Most semi-automatics, when the bolt or slide is pulled back, will lock in the open position if the magazine is empty. I f the firearm does not lock open, it means that a cartridge or shotshell from th e magazine has gone into the chamber, making the firearm ready to fire. A few se mi-automatics do not lock open and must be held open to check the chamber. To unload, first remove the magazine and lock the action open. Then make sur e its unloadedvisually check the chamber for an additional cartridge or shell. When closing the action for loading, pull back to unlock the bolt or slide a nd then let go, allowing it to travel forward on its own. Do not guide it forwar d with your hand because it may not seat properly. On a semi-automatic, the trigger must be pulled each time a shot is fired. T his makes the semi-automatic different from the fully-automatic firearm, which f ires continuously as long as the trigger is held down. The fully-automatic firea rm may not be used for hunting or sport shooting.

Break (or Hinge) Action The break-action firearm operates on the same principle as a door hinge. Simple to load and unload, a hinge action is often chosen as a hunters first firearm. Break action firearms To open the action, point the barrel(s) at the ground. A release is pressed, and the stock drops downward. This allows the cartridges or shotshells to eject or to be removed manually if the firearm is loaded. Hinge-action firearms have a separate barrel for each shot rather than a mag azine. Most models have one or two barrels, but some have up to four. Some models also have an exposed hammer(s), which can be dangerous.

Revolving Action The revolving action takes its name from a revolving cylinder containing a numbe r of cartridge chambers. One chamber at a time lines up with the barrel as the f irearm is fired. Revolving cylinders may rotate either clockwise or counterclock wise, depending on the manufacturer. This type of action usually is found on han dguns but may be found on some older rifles. Revolving actions are referred to a s either single action or double action. Revolving action firearm Glossary single action Will fire only after the hammer has been cocked manually. double action Pulling the trigger both cocks and releases the hammer. A double-action revo lver typically also can be hammer-cocked like a single-action revolver.

Common Actions on Rifles Single-shot rifles are usually break or bolt actions. Repeating rifles include t he bolt-action, lever-action, pump-action, and semi-automatic types. Operating t he lever, bolt, or forestock ejects the empty cartridge case, chambers a new rou nd of ammunition, and cocks the gun. Common actions on rifles Common Actions on Shotguns Shotguns use many of the same actions as riflesthe pump action, semi-automatic ac tion, and bolt action. They also use a break action as either a single barrel or double barrels. The double barrels can be arranged horizontally (side-by-side) or vertically (over-under).

Common Actions on Handguns Handguns fall into two basic types: revolvers (that fire from a revolving cylind er), and pistols (all other types, including auto-loading and single-shot handgu ns). There are two common types of action used in sport shooting. Single-action means that the gun must be manually cocked for each shot (revolver s) or for the first shot (autoloaders), usually by pulling back the hammer or cy cling the slide. Double-action means that trigger movement cocks the action as the trigger is pul led during firing, but the gun can also be manually cocked like a single action. A gun which can be cocked only by trigger action (no manual cocking) is known b y the term double-action-only. Single-action's manual cocking allows a shorter, lighter trigger pull that is an aid to accuracy; but an accidental light touch of the trigger will usually fire a cocked single-action gun if the safety is off. Double-action's trigger-cockin g allows a faster shot, since no separate manual cocking is needed. A double-act ion gun's longer, heavier trigger pull is also considered safer. In fact, many d ouble-action guns, especially revolvers, have no mechanical safety at all, since only a long, deliberate pull will fire the handgun.

Safety Mechanisms A safety is a device that blocks the action to prevent the firearm from shooting until the safety is released or pushed to the off position. The safety is intende d to prevent the firearm from being fired accidentally. However, safeties should never be relied on totally to protect against accidental shooting. Safeties are mechanical devices and subject to mechanical failure from wear and other factor s, and can fail when least expected. Also, safeties can be bumped from the safe position unknowingly as your firearm is being handled or as it catches on clothi ng or tree branches. How Safeties Can Fail A safety is only a backup to safe gunhandling habits.

Typical Locations of Safeties All safeties are located around the receiver of the firearm and are usually easy to spot. The red outlines indicate where safeties typically are located on rifl es, shotguns, and handguns.

Types of Safeties Cross-Bolt Safety Common on pump and semi-automatic firearms A simple, push-button action that blocks the trigger or hammer Usually located at the trigger guard or ahead of the hammer Cross Bolt Hammer Safety Cross Bolt Trigger Safety Pivot Safety Common on handguns and bolt-action rifles A pivoting lever or tab that blocks the trigger or firing pin Located on the frame (blocks trigger) or on the bolt or slide (blocks firing pin) Pivot Bolt Safety Pivot Slide Safety Slide or Tang Safety Common on some rifles and break-action shotguns A sliding bar or button that blocks the firing action Located on the tang (a metal strip behind the receiver) of break-action fire arms or on the side of the receiver on some rifles Slide Safety Half-Cock or Hammer Safety Common on firearms with exposed hammers Positions the trigger at half-cock, away from the firing pin Engaged by placing the trigger at half-cock; some firearms automatically reb ound to the half-cock position after the trigger is released While not a true safety, it sometimes is described as a mechanical safety de vice by firearm manufacturers

Safeties Don't Replace Safe Handling Instructor showing safety on firearm Hunters Tip You should never replace safe firearm handling by trusting the safety on a firea rm. A safety is a mechanical device that could fail. Dont release the safety unti l just before you shoot. Knowing where the safety is and how it works is not always as simple as it might seem. There are many types of safeties. Sometimes persons alter or modify their guns to disable the safety. This is very dangerous, especially if the gun gets into the hands of an inexperienced shooter. Be sure you know how the safety work s on your own gun or any others you handle. Never alter or modify your firearm y ourself. Have an experienced gunsmith look at your gun if the safety does not wo rk or if anything else is wrong with it.

Magazines Magazine with a semi-automatic pistol In repeating firearms, the magazine is the place that stores the ammunition that has not been fired. When you work the action, a cartridge is picked up from the magazine and placed in the chamber ready to be fired. Magazines are designed with a spring and follower that push against the cart ridges to move them into the action. When checking a magazine to make sure its em pty, you must be able to either see or feel the follower; if you cannot see or f eel the follower, there may be a cartridge jammed in the magazine, which can be dangerous. Tubular magazines require close attention to make sure a cartridge is not jammed in the magazine. Magazines may be detachable or fixed. Detachable magazines allow you to remove extra ammunition from the firea rm simply by removing the magazine. Fixed magazines require the ammunition to be removed manually from the g un itself. These include tubular, hinged-floorplate, and revolving magazines.

Introduction to Sights Rifle scope A sight is a device used to line up the muzzle with the shooters eye so that he o r she can hit the target. Sights are more critical on a firearm that fires a sin gle projectile (rifle and handgun) than on a firearm that shoots a pattern of sh ot (shotgun). Shotguns usually have a simple pointing bead. Rifles typically hav e an open, aperture (peep), or . Most handguns have an open sigh t, although some specialized handguns have a dot or a telescopic sight. Remember **Never use the scope on your telescopic sight as a set of binoculars!

SightsBead and Open Bead Sight: Simple round bead set into the top of the barrel near the muzzle of a shotgun. Some shotguns have a second, smaller bead about halfway back on the b arrel. The shooter uses the shotgun to point at and follow a moving object. The be ad is used only for a reference as the shotgun is pointed and moved to follow fl ying or running targets. Bead sight Open Sight: Combination of a bead or post front sight and a notched rear sight. These sights are simple and inexpensive. Open sights allow quick sighting. To ai m, you center the top of the bead or post within the notch of the rear sight and line up on the target. Open sights can be fixed or adjustable.

SightsAperture (Peep) Aperture (Peep) Sight: Combination of a bead or post front sight and a round hol e set on the rifles receiver close to the shooters eye. To aim, you center the tar get in the rear peep or aperture sight and then bring the front sight into the c enter of the hole. An aperture sight lets you aim more accurately and is adjuste d more easily than an open sight.

SightsDot and Telescopic (Scope) Telescopic Sight (Scope): Small telescope mounted on your firearm. A scope gathe rs light, brightening the image and magnifying the target, and does away with al igning rear and front sights. The aiming device inside the scope is called the re ticle. To aim, you simply look through the scope and line up the crosshairs, post , or dot with your target. Telescopic sights provide the most accurate aiming, w hich makes them popular for hunting. Dot Sight: Small device mounted on your firearm. A dot sight uses electronics or optical fibers to project a glowing dot or other mark on a lens in front of the shooters eye. Some dot sights also magnify like telescopic sights. Differences Between Rifles, Shotguns, and Handguns The main differences between rifles, shotguns, and handguns are their barrels an d the type of ammunition used. Comparison of rifle, shotgun, and handgun barrels The rifle barrel is long and has thick walls with spiraling grooves cut into the bore. The grooved pattern is called rifling. The shotgun barrel is long and made of fairly thin steel that is very smooth on the inside to allow the shot and wad to glide down the barrel without fricti on. Its thinner than a rifle barrel since it does not have to withstand as much p ressure. The handgun barrel is much shorter than a rifle or shotgun barrel because th e gun is designed to be shot while being held with one or two hands, rather than being placed against the shooters shoulder. The bores of most handgun barrels al so have a grooved pattern similar to rifles.

Rifling in the Rifle or Handgun Bore A bullet fired from a rifle or handgun has a spiral spin that keeps it point-fir st in flight, increasing accuracy and distance. This is achieved by the rifling inside the barrel, from which the rifle got its name. The barrel is thick and ha s spiraling grooves cut or pressed into the bore. The ridges of metal between th e grooves are called lands. Together, the grooves and lands make up the rifling. Rifle, handgun and shotgun bores The bore of a rifle or handgun is grooved, which puts a spiral spin on the bulle t for greater accuracy. The bore of the shotgun barrel is smooth because rifling would spread the shot pattern too soon. Glossary grooves The spiral cuts in a rifled bore lands The ridges of metal between the grooves in a rifled bore

A Rifle's or Handgun's Caliber Caliber is used to describe the size of a rifle or handgun bore and the size of cartridges designed for different bores. Caliber usually is measured as the diameter of the bore from land to opposite la nd and is expressed in hundredths of an inch, thousandths of an inch, or millime ters. For example, a .270-caliber rifle bore measures 270/1000ths of an inch in diameter between the lands and has a larger bore diameter than a .223-caliber ri fle. However, there is no standard established for designating caliber. In some cases, the caliber is given as the diameter of the bullet, which is the distance between the grooves. Caliber designations sometimes have a second number that has nothing to do with the diameter. For example, the popular .30-30 is a .30-caliber cartridge, but th e second number is a holdover from the days when the cartridge took 30 grains of powder. The 06 in .30-06 refers to the year (1906) it became the official ammunit ion of the U.S. military. Every rifle or handgun is designed for a specific cartridge. The ammunition must match the data stamp on the firearm. For example, there are several .30-caliber firearms that use the same bullet size but are designed for different cartridge s (the .30-30, .30-06, .308, and the .300 Savage). If you cannot find the calibe r stamped on the firearm, take it to a qualified gunsmith.

A Shotgun's Gauge Shotguns are classified by gauge, which is a measure related to the diameter of the smooth shotgun bore and the size of the shotshell designed for that bore. Common shotgun gauges are 10 gauge, 12 gauge, 16 gauge, 20 gauge, and 28 gau ge. The smaller the gauge number, the larger the shotgun bore. Gauge is determin ed by the number of lead balls of size equal to the approximate diameter of the bore that it takes to weigh one pound. For example, it would take 12 lead balls with the same diameter as a 12-gauge shotgun bore to weigh one pound. Today, how ever, gauge can be measured much the same way as caliber by measuring the inside bore diameter. The .410-bore shotgun is the only exception to the gauge designation for sho tguns. It has an actual bore diameter of 410/1000ths of an inch, which is approx imately equivalent to a 67½ gauge. Each gauge of shotgun shoots only shells of the same gauge. For example, 12- gauge guns use only 12-gauge shells. The gauge of a shotgun is usually marked on the rear of the barrel, and the gauge of a shell is marked on the shell as well as on the factory box.

Shotgun Choke and Shot String When a shotshell is fired from a shotgun, the pellets leave the barrel and begin to spread or scatter. The farther the pellets travel, the greater the spread of the group of pellets (shot) both in length and diameter. This spread is called the shot string. To control the shot string, shotgun barrels have a choke that w ill affect the shot pattern when the shot string hits the target. Shot strings The illustrations of shot strings represent the full load of pellets at a partic ular instant in time after a shotshell is fired. Glossary choke The degree of narrowing at the muzzle end of the shotgun barrel shot pattern The spread of shot pellets after they hit a non-moving target shot string The three-dimensional spread of shot pellets after they leave the barrel

Types of Chokes Your distance from the target determines the choke you need. The choke of a shot gun determines shot string only. It has no bearing on shot speed (velocity) or d istance (range). That is, the choke does not alter the shotguns powerit just contr ols how tight or spread out the pellets will be at a specific distance. Example of cylinder choke on a shotgun Cylinder choke is an unconstricted barrel. The shot string spreads quickly. Example of improved cylinder choke on a shotgun Improved Cylinder choke has a slight constriction. It allows the shot string to spread fairly quickly. This is a good choice for quail, rabbits, and other uplan d game at relatively close ranges. Example of modified choke on a shotgun Modified choke has moderate constriction. The pellets stay together longer, maki ng the shot string denser and more useful at longer ranges. This choke is used o ften when dove hunting and when using steel shot to hunt for ducks or geese. The re is also an Improved Modified choke that is slightly tighter than Modified. Example of full choke on a shotgun Full choke has tight constriction. The shot string holds together even longer, m aking this choke good for squirrels, turkey, and other game shot at 40-yard and longer ranges. Turkey hunters sometimes use Extra Full or Turkey choke for even denser patterns at long range.

Steel Shot Steel shot weighing one pound on scale Steel shot is slightly lighter than lead shot of the same sizereducing its veloci ty and distance (range). Also, steel shot is harder than lead, so the individual pellets stay round, keeping the pattern tighter. Some hunters use steel shot one or two sizes larger to make up for the differenc e in weight from lead shot. Others use the same size steel shot or even smaller steel shot to get more shot into their patterns. You should pattern your shotgun with various loads of steel shot before hunting waterfowl with it. Effective pattern density is the key. Maximum pellet counts spread evenly across a 30-inch circle are best. Full chokes generally produce poor patterns with ste el shot.

Match Firearms and AmmunitionCorrectly! With so many kinds of firearms and types of ammunition, its not always easy to ma tch the proper ammunition to your firearm correctlybut getting it right is critic al. If you match the wrong ammunition to your gun, you can cause an explosion, i njuring or possibly killing yourself and any bystanders. To match the proper ammunition to your rifle, shotgun, or handgun correctly: Data stamps on gun barrels showing gauge and caliber designations Read the specific caliber or gauge designations on the side of the barrel. M atch that designation exactly. For example, if it says .270 Winchester, you cannot use .270 Weatherby. Shotgun barrels will give the gauge and the length of the cha mber (for example, 12 gauge for 2¾-inch shells or 20 gauge magnum for 3-inch shells). Carefully read the information on the lid of the ammunition box. With shotgu n ammunition, always check both the gauge and the shell length, and whether its a magnum load, to ensure it matches the data on the barrel. Finally, match the information on the barrel to the information on the cartr idge or shotshell before you shoot. If in doubt, ask a more experienced shooter or a qualified gunsmith. Some store clerks, although they sell ammunition, may n ot know about the differences in sizes or the type of firearm you shoot. Glossary load The amount of gunpowder in the cartridge or shotshell together with the weig ht of the bullet or shot charge

Safety Practices to Help You Avoid Using Wrong Ammunition Safety practices that will help you avoid using the wrong ammunition are: Ammunition cartridge markings Purchase only the correct ammunition for your firearm. Buy the exact caliber or gauge and length of ammunition for which your rifle, handgun, or shotgun was designed. For example, shotshell must be the correct length for the shotgun. Th e data stamp on the barrel of the shotgun will identify what length shell can be used. Never use a shell that is longer than this length. Carry only the correct ammunition for the firearm youre using. Never mix ammu nition such as carrying a caliber or gauge your companion uses. A common mistake involves putting a 20-gauge shotshell into a 12-gauge shotgun. The smaller gaug e shell will slide through the 12-gauge chamber and partly down the barrel, caus ing an obstruction. The shooter, especially when excited by the presence of game , then might insert a 12-gauge shotgun shell behind the 20-gauge shell. Remember Reloaded shells may have wrong information or have been improperly reloaded. It' s important to mark reloaded shells clearly. Use only shells or cartridges that you have reloaded yourself or that have been reloaded by a person whom you know is competent.

The Danger of Using Wrong Ammunition Damage to gun resulting from use of wrong ammunition Smaller shotshells (such as 20-gauge shells), if mistakenly fed into a 12-gauge gun, will slip past the chamber and lodge in the barrel, causing serious persona l injury or gun damage if a 12-gauge shell is loaded and fired. Some rifle and h andgun ammunition also may fit into the wrong gun, creating a dangerous obstruct ion. The caliber or gauge stamped on the end of the shell must match that stampe d on the . Some barrels are not stamped. Be sure the right ammunition is used in your gun.

Beware of Hang Fires Checking a firearm for a hang fire Hunter's Tip Hang fires happen when the firing pin has struck the primer and there is a delay before the gun fires. This can occur for several reasons, such as a faulty firi ng pin or spring, defective primer, or other cartridge-related problems. A misfi re is when the primer fails to ignite the powder. Hang fires and misfires can ha ppen with any kind of firearm. Always treat a misfire or a hang fire as if the firearm is going to discharge at any second and keep the firearm pointed in a safe direction. Leave the action close d and retain your shooting position. Most importantly, maintain safe muzzle cont rol at all times. Failure to follow these safe handling practices could result i n a tragedy.

Know Your Firearm's Range Aiming at a target with a handgun Knowing your firearms maximum projectile range is critical to being a safe and resp onsible hunter. The maximum projectile range tells you at what distances your fi rearms projectile could cause injury or damage to persons, animals, or objects. W hen hunting, knowing the effective killing range lets you immediately assess when a shot will give a clean kill. The effective killing range will always be less t han the maximum projectile range. Learning to estimate distances and knowing you r firearms projectile range and your effective killing range are important parts of hunting. Understanding Ballistics .22 LR can reach 1,760 Yards (over a mile) .243 2.5-3.5 miles .270 2.5-3.5 miles 30-30 2-2.5 miles .308 2.5-3.5 miles 3 main choke sizes for shotguns - Full - Modified - Improved Shotgun shot length 150 yards-400 yards

Firearm Cleaning Basics Clean your firearms after every use to keep them in top condition. Every hunter should own a complete cleaning kit. Man cleaning his rifle Work on a cleared table or bench. Always give cleaning your full attention. Neve r clean a firearm while doing something else. Follow these basic steps to clean your firearm. Point the muzzle in a safe direction, and make sure the gun is unloaded. Remove all ammunition from the cleaning bench. For the most thorough cleaning, field strip the firearm as directed in the f irearm owners manual. Then clean each part separately.

A Cleaning Kit A cleaning kit should include: Assorted rod tipsbrushes, mop tips, slotted tips, jag tips Bore light Clean cloths Cleaning rods Cotton swabs Dental mirror Gun grease Gun oil Gunsmith screwdrivers Patches appropriate for the caliber or gauge of the firearm Pipe cleaners Solvent Stand to hold the firearm securely in a horizontal position Toothbrush

General Cleaning Instructions Follow the instructions in your cleaning kit. If possible, clean the barrel from the breech end, using a bore guide and a cleaning rod holding a bore-brush or p atch, wetted with solvent. Pass the brush/patch all the way through the barrel. Repeat several times with fresh patches. You may need a larger brush for the cha mber. Use a hand brush to clean the crevices where powder residue accumulates. F ollow with a dry patch, and finish with a lightly oiled patch for the barrel. Us e cloth for other parts. A Cleaning Kit for Firearms Use a flexible pull-through cleaning cable when cleaning firearms with lever or se mi-automatic actions to prevent dirt, grime, or debris from being pushed into th e action area. Use cleaning solvents in a well-ventilated area and only as directed. If cleaning from the muzzle end, use a muzzle protector so that you dont damage t he rifling near the muzzle.

Know Your Accuracy Limits Ethical hunters know their personal accuracy and limit their shots accordingly. Know your firearm accuracy limits An 8-inch paper plate is the standard target for establishing deer hunting a ccuracy. An 8-inch target is about the same size as the vital area of a deer. Yo u need to be able to hit the paper plate consistently at the same distance and f rom the same shooting position you will be using when hunting. The fact that you can hit an 8-inch target at 100 yards from a bench rest does not mean you will be able to do the same from a standing or kneeling position. Before hunting, practice until you are confident you can hit the required ta rget at the distances and from the shooting positions you expect to use in the f ield. When hunting, limit your shots to your most accurate range.

Sight Alignment Sight alignment is the process of lining up rear and front sights. The sight pic ture is the image you see when the sights are aligned correctly with the target. To ensure that the bullet will travel to the target in your sight, its necessary to sight-in your rifle. Before you can do that, you need to determine your domi nant or master eye. Open sight With an open sight, you line up the target with the blade or bead of the front s ight within the notch of the rear sight. Aperture sight With an aperture sight, you line up the target so that the front sight is within the rear peephole. Telescopic sight with a crosshair With a telescopic sight with a crosshair reticle, you line up the target with th e crosshairs of the sight. Telescopic sight with a dot reticle With a telescopic sight with a dot reticle, you line up the target with the dot of the sight. The dot must be centered.

Remember Good vision is the foundation for good shooting and hunting safety. Have your ey es examined on a regular basis. Hunter's Tip If you are color-blind, you should be especially cautious when hunting. You may not be able to distinguish the fluorescent orange clothing of other hunters nor the color markings that help identify game.

Sighting-In a Rifle Rifle bullets dont travel in a straight line. They travel in an arc, formed by th e pull of gravity. Sighting-in is a process of adjusting the sights to hit a targe t at a specific range. Deer hunters, for example, often sight-in their rifles to hit the bulls-eye at 100 yards. Typical bullet trajectory All rifles should be sighted-in before every hunt using the ammunition you plan to use, especially rifles with peep or telescopic sights. Guns you sighted-in pr ior to your last outing could have been knocked out of alignment by a single jol t. That misalignment could mean the difference between a successful hunt and a d isappointing experience. Other than ensuring accurate shots, sighting-in a rifle has other advantages: Forces you to practice Makes accurate shooting possible Helps identify problems with your shooting technique Helps determine the farthest range at which you can hit your target Improves safety by helping you know where your rifle will shoot Builds confidence in your shooting ability

Optional Sighting-In Techniques Sighting-in technique Use bore or collimator sighting-in initially to line up the rifle on the paper t arget. However, these techniques alone are not sufficient to sight-in a rifle. Y ou must make final adjustments by firing the rifle with the same ammunition you plan to use in the field. Bore sighting-in with bolt-action rifles: Remove the bolt, brace the firearm on sandbags, and look directly through the bore. Correct the rifles position unt il you see the bulls-eye in the center of the bore. Adjust the sights to give you a good sight picture. Collimator sighting-in for rifles without bolt actions: A collimator slips i nto the muzzle end of the barrel and allows you to adjust the sights much like b ore sighting-in. Remember You must sight-in your rifle with the ammunition you plan to use. Be sure you si ght-in and practice firing your rifle before you go hunting.

Sighting-In Procedure Fire your rifle from a solid bench rest with the forestock resting on a pad or a sandbag. Dont rest the gun on its barrelit will shoot higher than normal. Ideally , use an adjustable shooting tripod with sandbags. A spotting scope is also usef ul. Use a sight-in target to adjust your sights Sight-in instructions are printed on some targets available from retail outlets or manufacturers. The sighting-in process for most centerfire rifles begins at 2 5 yards and then should be repeated at 100 yards. The basic steps involve firing at least three shots carefully and consistently at a target. If the bullets for m a relatively small group of holes on the target, but not where you were aiming , the sights will have to be adjusted.

Adjusting Your Sight When adjusting peep or telescopic sights, the rear sights or dials are adjusted by a certain number of minutes-of-angle or clicks in a certain direction. Read the sights instruction manual to see how much each click changes the sight at 100 ya rds. The rear sight is moved in the same direction you want your shot to move on the target. Moving shots from side to side is adjusting for windage. Moving shots up o r down is adjusting for elevation. Specific instructions about trajectory and what fractions or inches you should b e above the bulls-eye at 25, 50, or 100 yards are usually included on sight-in ta rgets. You also might consult a ballistics chart or get help from an experienced shooter. Screw adjustment on a rifle sight Glossary minutes-of-angle The standard measurement unit of shooting accuracy; one minute-of-angle (MOA ) is 1/60 of one degree, or approximately one inch, at 100 yards 1 Click= 1/2 MOA 1/2 MOA= 1/8" at 25 yd 1/2 MOA= 1/2" at 100 yd.

Rifle-Firing Techniques Using correct firing techniques will help you steady the rifle for the most accu rate shooting. Bear in mind that these are only the basics. Further study will h elp you understand other factors that can affect your accuracy, such as wind, he at, and parallax. Shooting from a rest Shooting from a Rest: When shooting in the field, the safest and most accurate s hots are taken from a resta log, large rock, or other stable object. Dont rest the barrel directly on a hard surface, or it will shoot higher than normalput some p adding, such as a hat or a jacket, under the rifle. Breathing: Your breathing can move the rifle just enough to throw off your shot. When youre ready to shoot, draw a deep breath and exhale about half of it. Then hold your breath as you squeeze the trigger. Bear in mind that if you hold your breath too long, your heart beats faster, which increases your pulse and causes the rifle to move. If you notice this hap pening, take another breath and start over. At times the excitement of spotting game will make it more difficult to cont rol your breathing. Try to relax and follow the correct procedure. Trigger Squeeze: Jerking the trigger or abruptly clenching the trigger hand can move the gun enough to cause a miss. To squeeze the trigger without jarring the gun, simply apply slow, steady pr essure until the gun fires. Practice makes breath control and proper trigger squeeze habitual. Follow Through: After the bullet fires, its important to continue the squeeze or follow through. That prevents you from jerking the gun before the bullet has lef t the barrel. Four Fundamentals for an Accurate Rifle Shot Aim carefully, aligning your sights. Take a deep breath, and then release about half of it. Squeeze the trigger slowly. Follow through.

Glossary parallax Optical bending of telescopic crosshairs in relation to the target

Firing PositionsProne There are four standard rifle firing positions: prone, standing, sitting, and kn eeling. Prone The prone position is the steadiest of the four positions. Because its the easies t to hold, its the best position for mastering the fundamentals of shootingaiming, breath control, trigger squeeze, and follow through.

Firing PositionsStanding With neither arm supported, this is the most difficult position for firing an ac curate shot. Rather than trying to hold the barrel steady, which is impossible, try to keep movement of the barrel to as small an area as possible. Smooth, natu ral motion will produce the best shot.

Firing PositionsSitting Both arms are supported by your legs. Next to the prone position, this is the st eadiest position.

Firing PositionsKneeling With only one arm braced, the kneeling position is less steady than the prone an d sitting positions.

Shooting a Shotgun vs. a Rifle Point a shotgun. Point a shotgun. Focus your eye on the target. Pull the trigger. Aim a rifle. Aim a rifle. Focus your eye on the crosshairs or front sight. Squeeze the trigger. Remember Point a shotgun. Pull the trigger. Aim a rifle. Squeeze the trigger.

Choosing the Proper Choke As with rifle shooting, good shotgun marksmanship begins with proper preparation , which includes adjusting your gun and ammunition for maximum performance and m astering shotgun techniques. A choke allows you to fine-tune your shotgun for the type of game youre hunting. Built-in or attached to the muzzle end of the barrel, the choke is a constrictio n that controls the shot string, thus affecting pellet density at various distan ces. The tighter the constriction, the greater the distance that the cluster of pelle ts stays together. The looser the constriction, the faster the shot pattern spre ads. Recall that the most common chokes, ranging from tightest to most open, are : Full Modified Improved Cylinder Cylinder (unchoked)

Matching Choke to Your Quarry For example, someone hunting small, fast, close birds would generally use an imp roved cylinder or modified choke, which creates a broad shot pattern that spread s quickly at close ranges. Conversely, someone hunting a larger, less mobile bir d that is usually farther away, such as a turkey, would select a full choke, whi ch concentrates the shot in a smaller area. Pellet size also varies based on the size of the game. The chart below suggests choke selections for a variety of ga me. It is intended only as a guidechoice of choke may vary depending on ammunitio n, target distance, and hunting conditions. Always pattern your shotgun for the quarry you are hunting and the ammunition you are using. Quarry Commonly Used Choke (based on typical distance from quarry) Goose Improved Cylinder or Modified Duck Improved Cylinder or Modified Turkey Full or Extra Full Pheasant Improved Cylinder, Modified, or Full Grouse Improved Cylinder or Modified Woodcock, rail, or snipe Improved Cylinder or Modified Dove Improved Cylinder or Modified Quail Improved Cylinder or Modified Rabbit Improved Cylinder or Modified Squirrel Modified or Full

Patterning Your Shotgun No two shotguns will shoot identical pellet patterns. In some cases, the pattern will be off-center. In other instances, there may be gaps in the pattern. In ad dition to the firing characteristics of the gun, the guns choke, the brand of sho tshell, the shot size, and the type of shot also affect the pattern. In order to select ammunition that provides the best performance, its necessary to pattern you r shotgun. Hunter with shotgun Remember Shots at game birds in flight should be limited to your maximum effective range. T his is the distance at which you can hit the target consistently. Shooting beyon d this distance leads to an increased number of birds wounded and lost. Also, fi ring at game too close may destroy the meat.

The Patterning Procedure Patterning can be done with simple, homemade targetssheets of blank paper about 4 x 4 feet in size. A commercial target with a bulls-eye also can be used, but the bulls-eye is used only to aim atit is not used in steps 2-4 below. To pattern you r shotgun, follow these steps: Pattern density Fire one shot at the center of the target (or bulls-eye) from the distance th at you expect to be from your quarry (for example, 35 yards if hunting game bird s). Repeat this two more times, each time with a new sheet of target paper. On each of the three targets, draw a 30-inch circle around the densest part of the shot pattern. (This is not necessarily the center of the paper.) On each of the three targets, count the number of pellet holes that fall wit hin the 30-inch circle, marking them with the marker as you count each one. Calculate the percentage of the load that is expected to land in a 30-inch c ircle at the distance that you expect to be from your quarry. Average the pellet counts within the 30-inch circles (add the three coun ts from the previous step and divide the sum by three). Then divide the average pellet count by the number of pellets in the loa d for the ammunition you are using, and multiply this result by 100.

When Is Your Shot Patterning Correct? The pattern of pellets within a 30-inch circle should be of a proper, even densi ty to ensure a clean kill. The pattern should contain a sufficient percentage of the load, which should be at least 55% to 60%. Continue this process, trying different choke and load combinations, until you g et an even pattern density with a sufficient percentage of the load within a 30- inch circle while shooting from the distance that you expect to be from your qua rry.

Shotgun-Shooting Stance Unlike rifle shooting, quick reflexes and flexibility are essential for effectiv e shotgun shooting. Proper shotgun techniques will help you develop the rapid, f luid response you need to hit your target. A shotgun is almost always fired at a moving target from a standing position . You must be able to swing freely over a wide arc and maintain control. That re quires a relaxed, balanced stance. Stand with your feet spread about shoulder-width apart and your knees bent s lightly so that you are balanced perfectly. Bring your left foot slightly forwar d (if youre a right-handed shooter), and lean your body in the same direction. Th e position of the feet is important. The toes of your forward foot should point at about 45-degrees toward the target. Take the time to place your feet properly , even for a quick shot. Keeping your knees slightly bent makes it easier to swing with a moving targ et. The bent leg to the rear supports the movements of your hips, allowing you t o swing smoothly. Proper shotgun stance Use a relaxed, balanced stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and your weig ht slightly forward on your left foot (if youre a right-handed shooter), and lean your body in the same direction.

Pointing, Shouldering, and Pulling the Trigger of a Shotgun Pointing a Shotgun Because targets usually appear suddenly and move quickly, theres no time to ai m a shotgun. Its designed to be pointed, with the eye sighting along the top of th e barrel or rib. The sight is usually a bead on the front of the gun. Your eye must be in lin e with the barrel, so its important to position your head properly on the stock. When you bring the gun to your face, the stock should fit snugly against you r cheek with your eye on that side above the centerline of the gun. If you cant a ssume that position comfortably, you may need to adjust the gun fit. Hunter pointing shotgun Shouldering the Shotgun When you bring the shotgun to your shoulder, the stock should be brought to your cheek first and then back to your shoulder. A common error is lowering the head and cheek to the stock, instead of bring ing the stock all the way up to the cheek. When done properly, with your head na turally erect, the gun butt always should come to the same spot on your shoulder . Pulling the Trigger Unlike rifle firing, quick trigger action is important when hunting with a s hotgun. Slap the trigger rather than squeezing it. Because the trigger is pulled quickly and the body and gun are typically in motion, breath control isnt necessary. Continue the shotguns swing as you pull the trigger. Stopping the swing as yo u shoot will cause you to hit behind a moving target.

Leading the TargetSwing-Through Method The two most common methods of leading targets at long distances are swing-throu gh and sustained lead. Leading the target with swing-through method Point your shotgun at a moving target and swing with it. Increase the speed of t he gun so that the muzzle passes the target and then fire. In other words, liter ally swing through the target and fire at a blank space in front of the target. Sw ing-through is the best technique for the beginning student.

Leading the TargetSustained Lead Leading the target with sustained lead method This method is a little more challenging because it requires more experience. Yo u estimate the length of the lead necessary to hit the target and maintain that lead as you swing with the target, fire, and continue the swing.

Snap-Shooting Snap-shooting method Snap-shooting is a technique to use if you must make a quick shot and the target is straight ahead at close range. You simply raise the shotgun and point where you think the target will be when the shot arrives.

Handgun Loading and Handling Handguns ready for loading Hunting with handguns has been growing in popularity in recent years. Many of th e fundamentals of rifle shooting also apply to handguns. Single-action revolvers typically load through a gate on the right side of t he frame. To rotate the cylinder, pull the hammer back to half-cock. For a safer carry in the holster or hand, leave an empty chamber in front of the hammer. Double-action revolvers have cylinders that fall downward, exposing all cham bers for loading. Semi-automatics usually fire rounds stored in a magazine that is inserted in the grip or handle.

Handgun Shooting Position and Grip Use eye and ear protection. Assume a stable position. Grip the handgun with both hands. Do not cross the thumb of the supporting hand behind the slide of a semi -automatic. Body position and grip are vital to hitting the target. The hand position on the grip of a pistol is especially critical. Although the grip configuration of the revolver and semi-automatic are different, the gripping procedure is the sa me. Hold the handgun high on the grip so that the recoil is directed back to the hand and arm in a straight line. This allows better repeat shots and more accur ate shooting. Use a two-handed hold whenever possible, applying pressure from fr ont to rear. When hunting, use a tree trunk, steady limb, or other stable object as a res t. Placing some padding, such as a hat or a jacket, on top of a hard rest helps with your aim.

Handgun Sight Alignment and Aiming Sight Alignment Sight alignment, which is important in rifle shooting, is even more importan t in pistol shooting because of the shorter distance between the sights. Typical ly, handgun sights consist of a square rear notch sight and a heavy square front blade sight. This arrangement is easy to align. Most handguns are initially sighted-in at 50 feet. Aiming a handgun Aiming At the shooting range, many handgunners use a sight picture that places the bulls-eye on the top of the front sight, rather than placing it in the sights ove r the center of the target. However, hunters should hold the alignment directly over the vital area. Scopes with long eye relief have become popular with handgunners and offer e xact sighting for hunters. Scopes may take longer to align on a target than open sights, but theyre usually more accurate.

Handgun-Shooting Techniques Two-handed handgun grip The pistol shooting fundamentals of breath control, trigger squeeze, and follow through are almost identical to those in rifle shooting. There are, however, som e important differences to remember. The first joint of the finger should take up trigger pressure, not the tip a s is often done with rifles. When a revolver is fired, powder flashing at the front of the cylinder can c ause burns. Be sure to keep your fingers away from the front of the trigger area . The slide and hammer of a semi-automatic gun can deliver a bruising blow whe n held too close to the body. All handguns should be fired at arms length. Remember Use a good holster with a safety strap. Draw a handgun only when you see game. Cock your gun only when ready to shoot. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

Protecting Your Vision and Hearing Shooting a firearm can cause immediate and permanent hearing loss and can damage your vision. When shooting any firearm, always wear properly fitting ear protection. For target practice, use an earplug or earmuff (or both) with a high Noise Reduction Rating (NRR). When hunting, use electronic or non-linear devices that allow nor mal or even enhanced hearing but block damaging levels of sound. For more inform ation, visit the National Hearing Conservation Association website. Always wear suitable eye protection, such as shooting glasses with high-impa ct lenses, to prevent injury from a ruptured shell or firearm malfunction. Wear eye protection also whenever disassembling or cleaning a handgun.

What You Learned An essential skill needed to be a successful hunter is good marksmanship, which is accurately and consistently hitting the target where planned. Ethical hunters know their personal accuracy and limit their shots accordingly. The three fundamentals of good marksmanship are proper sight adjustment or patte rning, proper shooting technique, and practice. These fundamental apply to rifle s, shotguns, and handguns. Rifles Hunter education course review and summary Sight alignment is the process of lining up rear and front sights on a rifle. Th e sight picture is the image you see when the sights are aligned correctly with the target. To ensure that the bullet will travel to the target in your sight, i ts necessary to sight-in your rifle using your dominant or master eye. All rifles s hould be sighted-in before every hunt using the ammunition you plan to use. Hunter education course review and summary Using correct rifle-firing techniques will help improve your accuracy. The four basic fundamentals you should master are shooting from a rest, controlling your breathing, squeezing the trigger slowly, and following through with the shot. Hunter education course review and summary The four standard rifle-firing positions are prone, standing, sitting, and kneel ing. Prone is the steadiest position, and standing is the most difficult.

What You Learned (cont.) Shotguns Hunter education course review and summary Built-in or attached to the muzzle end of the barrel, the choke is a constrictio n that controls the shot string. The most common chokes are full, modified, impr oved cylinder, and cylinder (unchoked). A choke allows you to fine-tune your sho tgun for the type of game youre hunting. Hunter education course review and summary No two shotguns will shoot identical pellet patterns. To select the ammunition t hat provides the best performance, you must pattern your shotgun. The goal is to p roduce a pattern of pellets with even density and a sufficient percentage of the load within a 30-inch circle. Hunter education course review and summary Using proper shotgun-shooting techniques will help improve your accuracy. The fo ur fundamentals you should master are standing in a relaxed, balanced shooting s tance; pointing the gun with your eye sighting along the top of the barrel; shou ldering the shotgun by bringing the stock to your cheek and then back to your sh oulder; and pulling the trigger quickly as you continue to swing the gun. Hunter education course review and summary The two most common methods of leading targets at long distances are swing-throu gh (best for beginners) and sustained lead. A third method is snap-shooting.

What You Learned (cont.) Handguns Hunter education course review and summary Many of the fundamentals of rifle shooting also apply to handguns. The way you load a handgun depends on whether it is a single-action revolver, a double-action revolver, or a semi-automatic. Hunter education course review and summary Body position and grip are vital to hitting your target. With both hands, hold t he handgun high on the grip and at arms length. Use a stable object as a rest whe n hunting. The pistol shooting fundamentals of breath control, trigger squeeze, and follow through are almost identical to those in rifle shooting. Hunter education course review and summary Ear and eye protection are essential when shooting any firearm. If you don't pass, you will be required to take the quiz for this unit again. So , if you need a quick refresher, you may re-visit any of the unit pages now befo re beginning the quiz. Once you click to begin a quiz, you cannot return to the course material unt il you complete the quiz. Choose the best of the four possible answers for each multiple-choice questi on. You will pass if you score 80% or higher. If you get disconnected, dont worry. We will remember your place. Simply log back in and resume testing. You will be prompted to answer your remaining questions.

Steps You Should Take To Prepare for a Hunt A successful hunt begins with careful planning and preparation. The process usua lly requires more time than the hunt itself. Reviewing safe hunting practices Here are some steps you should take to prepare for a hunt. Educate yourself about the game youll be hunting and its environment. Obtain the most current state regulations. Buy appropriate clothing and gear for the environment. Secure lease arrangements and permits (dogs and horses may require a veterin arians certificate or a current vaccination record). Visit the site in the off-season to prepare blinds and cabin facilities. Sight-in rifles, handguns, and bows; pattern shotguns. Sharpen your skills at the shooting range. Pack extra firearms, scopes, bow strings, etc.

Know Your Quarry Of all the steps of preparation, educating yourself about the game youre hunting is one of the most critical. Understanding your quarry will increase your succes s and add to the enjoyment of the experience as well. Large mammal: Pronghorn Pronghorn Antelope In many cases, knowing your quarry is also necessary to ensure that youre taking legal game. For example, you may need to determine the sex of game birds on sigh t or quickly recognize protected species as they move into firing range. If you hunt in a region where white-tailed and mule deer occupy the same area, youll nee d to know how to identify both. Upland bird: turkey Male Turkey Small mammal: rabbit Black-Tailed Jack Rabbit There are many ways that wild animals are classified, but hunters are concerned with four basic categories. Large mammals Big game, such as deer, elk, and bear Small mammals Small game, such as rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons Upland birds Turkey, grouse, quail, and dove Waterfowl Ducks and geese Remember It is critical that you educate yourself about your quarry when preparing to hun t. Understanding game species will add to your enjoyment and increase your chanc es of success as well.

Understand Animal Characteristics Whatever youre hunting, a basic understanding of an animals characteristics will h elp you develop an effective strategy for identifying and tracking it. Birds over marshland Animals can be identified by four basic characteristics. Distinctive Markings The black cheek patch on male pronghorns; the flags of the white-tailed deer; the face pattern on a gray fox; the green head on a mallard drake; the red, whit e, and blue on the head of a male turkey Sounds The wild call of the sandhill crane; the familiar honk of the goose; the gob ble of a strutting tom; the grunt of the deer; the howl of the coyote Movement The bounce of mule deer; the fast or slow wing beats of some waterfowl; the zigzag in-flight pattern of the common snipe when flushed Group Behavior Flock patterns, such as the familiar V shape of certain migratory birds; vario us types of herd behavior Further study will help you learn other ways to identify and understand your qua rry, including signs the animal leaves, camouflage capability, and behavior.

Still Hunting Hunting techniques are skills honed through education and experience. Ideally, b eginners should seek the guidance of experienced hunters on their initial hunts. Still hunter crouching by edge of marsh Still hunting often involves stopping for long periods to scan and listen for ga me. As the name implies, still hunting is walking stealthily through an animals habit at, stopping frequentlysometimes for long periodsto scan and listen for game. Typi cally, big-game hunters use this method in unfamiliar terrain or where stands ar e impractical or forbidden. As a general rule, spend at least ten times longer being still and observing tha n walking. Keep a low profile; a human silhouette will spook many game species. Use binoculars in open terrain to identify movement properly. If you still hunt effectively, game will be unaware of your presence but so will other sportsmen. To avoid being mistaken for game by other hunters, always wear fluorescent orange. Stalking The difference between still hunting and stalking is that when stalking, you fol low signs leading to a particular type of game or group of animals, or close the distance to game already spotted. Hunters tracking in snow Stalking often involves following tracks to lead you to the type of game you are hunting. You may follow tracks on trails or a morning dew trail through leaves and brush. O r you may follow sounds or scents of animals, such as elk, sheep, or collared pe ccaries. Or you may simply need to sneak closer to an animal for a better shot. Stalking requires total focus because you must remember to keep downwind, stay q uiet, stay alert, and remain patient. When turkey hunting, the sound you hear may be another hunter "calling." For saf ety, you should not stalk turkeys.

Posting Posting involves sitting or standing in one spot. The location may offer a vanta ge point or a spot near the animal's trails. Hunter posting in a marsh Posting is effective when you know where game is traveling each day and you're n ot allowed to use a blind or stand. Hunter's Tip The key to setting up a posting site is finding a location that allows you to fr eely swing your firearm or draw your bow.

Using Ground Blinds Ground blinds are makeshift or temporary structures located on the ground that c onceal the hunter. They're made of everything from plywood to branches. Hunter in ground blind Ground blinds, often made of branches, conceal the hunter. You should situate ground blinds: Downwind, based on the normal wind pattern during a given time of day, such as morning Away from the sun Where the foreground and background are safest

Using Elevated Stands Elevated stands (tower stands or tree stands) offer a number of advantages to bo th firearm and bow hunters. Tower stands are above-ground seats or blinds that c onceal the hunter above the level of the quarry. Tree stands are stands placed i n or against trees. Aiming from an elevated stand Remember You should check the condition of elevated stands routinely. Also, inspect for i nsects, owls, and small mammals before entering the stand.

Game Calling Calling is an effective technique for most animals. There are a variety of sound s that can be imitated to draw game to you. Territorial sounds: Deer "rattling," elk "bugle," or a turkey "gobble" Feeding sounds: A duck's feeding "chuckle" Distress sounds: Inviting coyotes, bobcats, or foxes to feed Hunter calling game Remember There are hundreds of sounds that can attract all types of wildlife. A skillful hunter uses these sounds to attract animals close enough to him or her for an ef fective shot.

Driving Driving hunting strategy Driving involves a group of hunters, some acting as "drivers" and others as "pos ters." Drivers spread out across a field or woods and push game out of cover. Posters take positions at the end of the cover to intercept game pushed out by the drivers. The success of a drive depends on good organization and being familiar with the terrain. It is critical that everyone involved in the drive is aware of the position of o ther drivers and posters. Wear fluorescent orange, and never shoot in the direct ion of another hunter.

Flushing and Hunting with Dogs Flushing Flushing involves using noise, movement, or dogs to cause game to become nervous and leave cover. Pause frequently when attempting to flush game. When you vary your pace, your qu arry may think it has been detected and be more likely to leave cover. Hunting dog A trained hunting dog can be an excellent hunting partner. Dogs There are several breeds of dogs that can be used for hunting different game spe cies. Some dogs can be used to hunt several types of game animals. Pointers are used primarily for upland game birds. Retrievers are large, hearty dogs used primarily to retrieve waterfowl; they also can be trained to hunt other game birds. Spaniels are used mainly as flushers. Hunting Hounds are used to hunt raccoons and rabbits in the Southeast, lions and bears in the West, and deer in some states. Trapping Trapping furbearing animals was once a full-time occupation. Today, regulated tr apping is an important tool for managing our nation's natural resources. Trapping helps control animal populations by minimizing starvation, reducing spread of disease, and controlling habitat damage or destruction. Trapping helps protect personal property by preventing or decreasing: Flooding caused by beaver dams Damage to homes, trees, gardens, and agricultural crops Killing of livestock or pets Trapping protects certain endangered or threatened species from predatory fu rbearers. Box trap When used properly, trapping can be an alternative method to hunting for harvest ing furbearers and an effective tool for wildlife management. Trappers should le arn about the type of traps appropriate for the animal they're seeking and follo w the trapper's code of ethics: Obtain the landowner's permission. Avoid setting traps in areas where domestic animals may be caught. Set traps to capture the target animal in the most humane way possible. Check traps at least once every 24 hours, preferably in the early morning. Record trap locations accurately. Identify all traps with waterproof name and address tags. Use as much of the animal as possible. Dispose of animal carcasses properly. Make an effort to trap only the surplus animals from each habitat. Assist landowners who are having damage problems with wildlife. Dispatch trapped furbearers in a humane manner. Obtain all required licenses, tags, and permits. Since trapping laws vary by state, check the state's regulations before you go trapping. bodygrip trap Bodygrip traps catch the animal's entire body. Foothold trap Foothold traps catch the animal when it steps on the trap. Snare restraint or cable device Snares or cable devices use a loop of cable to catch a furbearer by the neck, bo dy, or leg. Traps can be set either on land or in or near the water. Some types of traps are designed to kill the trapped animal, and others are designed to capture the ani mal alive and unharmed (live-restraining devices). The most common type of killing devices are bodygrip traps. Live-restraining devices include foothold traps, enclosed foothold devices, cage traps, and some types of cable devices. With these traps, you are able to r elease non-target animals. Some furbearers are found more often in or near water. For these animals, tr appers use submersion trapping systems, which hold the animal underwater until i t dies. Glossary dispatch To put to death quickly Where To Shoot Every hunter wants to bring home the game he or she is seeking; true sportsmen s trive to do it by inflicting a minimal amount of suffering. To achieve these twi n goals, its essential that you understand the anatomy of the game youre after and learn how to place a shot for a clean kill. Vital organs of a deer The most effective shots are delivered to an animals vital organsheart and lungs. In large game animals, these organs lie in the chest cavity behind the front sho ulder. A lung shot is the most effective shot for big game. The area of the vital organs also contains major blood vessels and arteries. A s hot in this area causes considerable bleeding. If the animal doesnt die immediate ly and tries to flee, it will leave a blood trail thats easy to track. Aside from being a good marksman, the key to a clean kill is patience. Hunters s hould limit shots to the vital organs only. If you do not have clear shot to the vital organs, wait until the animal presents the best possible shot.

Shot AnglesBroadside The broadside shot angle is the preferred shot angle for both firearm and bow hu nters for larger game animals, such as elk, deer, and bear. Firearm: The broadside position offers several excellent shots for a firearm hunter. The best target is the shoulder and chest area. A bullet of the correct weight and fired from a firearm adequate for the game will break the shoulder b one and enter the lungs or heart. Bow: The broadside angle offers the best shot for the largest big game anima ls, such as elk, deer, and bear. For most big game, the aiming spot is straight up from the back side of the front leg, one-third of the way up from the bottom of the chest. An arrow will penetrate the ribs but not the shoulder bone; wait u ntil the near leg is forward, and aim behind the shoulder. Vital organs of a turkey The most effective firearm shot for a turkey is to the head and neck. The prefer red shot angle for bowhunters is broadside, aiming for the heart or lungs. Vital organs of an elk The preferred shot for larger game animals, such as elk, deer, and bear, is broa dside.

Shot AnglesQuartering-Away The quartering-away shot angle is when your target is facing away from you, but at an angle. The animal is usually looking away from you. Shot angle quartering-away Firearm: For firearm hunters, the quartering-away position offers several ai ming spots on all big game. The area just behind the shoulder is the best aiming spot for direct penetration of the vital organs. Focus on hitting the chest are a above the opposite front leg. Bow: The quartering-away shot angle offers a good opportunity for a clean ki ll on antelope, white-tailed deer, mule deer, black bear, and other big game of similar size or smaller. This is not a good shot for bowhunters on larger game b ecause their massive stomachs and intestines will block a clean shot to the lung s or heart. The opposite front leg is a good reference point for aiming.

Shot AnglesQuartering-Toward The quartering-toward shot angle is when the animal is facing toward you, but at an angle. Since the animal is typically looking your way, it most likely will s pot your movements. Shot angle: quartering-toward Firearm: The quartering-toward angle presents a clean shot to the vital orga ns. An effective shot can be taken at this angle by aiming at the front of the s houlder of the near front leg. Caution: A light bullet may deflect off the shoul der bones of large game, such as elk, deer, or large bears. Be certain to use a firearm and ammunition adequate for the game you hunt and the angle of shot you might select. Bow: This angle offers a poor shot opportunity and should not be taken. Heav y shoulder bones shield the majority of vital organs from broadhead-tipped arrow penetration. Also, bowhunters should never fire an arrow at an animal that is l ooking at them.

Shot AnglesHead-On The animal will certainly detect your movements with a head-on shot angle. Shot angle head-on Firearm: A head-on shot can be effective if you have an adequate firearm and your firearm is already positioned for the shot. However, head-on shots rarely result in a clean kill and ruin a lot of meat. Aim at the center of the chest to hit the vital organs. Bow: These angles offer very poor shot selection and should not be taken. He avy bones in front and muscle mass and non-vital organs in back block penetratio n of the main vital areas.

Shot AnglesRear-End Shot angle rear The rear-end shot should not be taken by hunters using firearms or bows. Remember It's difficult to hit a vital area on an animal that is running or moving straig ht away from you. Rather than risk crippling the animal or ruining meat, wait fo r a better shot.

Trailing Wounded Game Trailing wounded game It is a hunters ethical responsibility to stop the hunt and search for any wounde d animal. You should wait for at least a half-hour to an hour before trailing a deer, unless the downed deer is in sight. Make a practice of carefully observing every movement of a game animal after you shoot it. Investigate the ground and trail after shooting before assuming y ou missed. Once at the site of the shot, look for signs: Blood on the ground or vegetation Broken twigs or branches, or scattered leaves A dew line if early in the morning Tracks Hair, meat, or bone fragments Downhill trails, especially toward water If you lose a trail, search in a circular or grid pattern and try to pick up the trail again. Use fluorescent orange flagging to mark the blood trail in case darkness or weather forces you to quit the search and return the next day. Marking the blood trail also shows where to look for more signs if you lose the trail. Be sure to remove the orange flagging after use. Remember A clean kill improves the flavor of game meat. A wounded animal that has to be c hased down yields strong-flavored meat because waste products, produced by stres s, accumulate in the flesh.

Approaching Downed Game A downed deer or other large animal should be approached carefully from above an d behind the head. If the animal appears to be dead, wait a short distance away for a few minut es. Watch for any rise and fall of the chest cavity. Notice if the eyes are closedthe eyes of a dead animal are usually open. You can be certain that the animal is dead if the eye doesnt blink when touched with a stick. Hunter approaching a downed deer Approach downed game from above and behind the head and wait a short distance aw ay, watching for any rise and fall of the chest cavity. If the animal is still alive, it should be finished with a quick shot to the bas e of the ear. If you wish to mount the head, place your shot in the heart-lung a rea. For bowhunters, the only option is placing an arrow in the heart-lung area. Once the animal is dead, follow the state regulations for reporting or recording a kill. Some states require you to tag the animal immediately and indicate the date of the kill. Then begin field dressing.

Field Care Basics The way you handle game after its harvested can have a significant impact on the quality of the meat. Bacteria spoils meat The growth of bacteria is the cause of spoiled meat. Three factors contribute to bacteria growth. Heat: Heat is the number one concern. Bacteria grow rapidly in a carcass, es pecially if its allowed to stay warm. Meat begins to spoil above 40° Fahrenheit. Th e higher the temperatureand the longer the meat is exposedthe greater the chance o f spoilage. This is particularly true with large game. Moisture: Moisture also encourages the growth of bacteria. Dirt: Dirt can introduce bacteria.

Field Dressing Techniques Basic field dressing techniques help cool game by removing entrails, which lower s body heat by allowing air into the body cavity. As a rule, its best to field dr ess immediately. Field dressing a deer When cooling the body, use available shade. Hang deer, if possible. For larg er animals like deer, elk, and moose, you should prop the carcass open with a cl ean stick to allow air to circulate. In warm weather, its helpful to place squirrels and doves in a cooler after d ressing, as long as they remain dry. Dispose of entrails carefully. Dont leave them lying by the side of a road or near a residence where they can be dragged home by a dog. Keep meat clean by covering it with cheesecloth. This also protects it from flies, which lay eggs in exposed flesh. Rubbing meat with black pepper also will repel insects. If you have to drag the game to camp, try to keep dirt and debri s out of the chest cavity. Because moisture damages meat, dont use excessive amounts of water to wash th e cavity. Allow it to dry. If you plan to process the animal yourself, skin the animal as soon as possi ble to allow the carcass to cool. Finally, a sure way to ruin meatas well as earn the disdain of non-huntersis to ti e the animal to the hood or roof of a car, where its exposed to heat, exhaust fum es, road salt, and airborne dust.

A Game Care Kit Other typical items include: Black pepper to repel insects Cheesecloth bags for organs you plan to use as meat (heart, liver) Cooler and ice Disposable plastic gloves Fluorescent orange flagging Foil Gambrel and pulley system Hand towels Large bag for caped or trophy head Plastic bags for cleanup Plastic or cotton gloves Salt (noniodized) for hide care

Here are some additional tips for dressing large game. Field dressing large game Because its harder to move larger animals, you may need to skin and quarter t he animal to pack it out, particularly in a remote area. If youre unable to hang the animal for skinning, begin by making a lengthwise cut and removing one side of the hide. Then turn the animal onto the skinned hi de and skin the other side. To keep dirt off the meat, use the inside of the removed hide as a protectiv e mat as you quarter the animal. Put each quarter in a game sack and attach the sacks to a backpack frame for the hike out.

Transporting Game Keep the dressed game cool and free of insects. If youve quartered the animal, pa ck the quarters in ice chestsdont process the deer beyond quartering until you rea ch your final destination. Be sure to keep proper evidence of sex if required by y our game laws. Loading bagged deer in back of pickup truck When transporting game, be sure to keep it covered to avoid offending others. Most hunters take their game to a commercial meat cooler, where a typical white- tailed deer can be properly aged up to three or four days at 40° Fahrenheit.

What You Learned Hunter education course review and summary By learning about your quarry before you go hunting, you will be able to: Increase your chance of success. Enjoy your hunt more. Make sure you are taking legal game. Hunter education course review and summary Animals can be identified by four basic characteristics: their distinctive marki ngs, the sounds they make, the way they move, and their group behavior. Hunter education course review and summary There are various strategies you can use while hunting. These include still hunt ing, stalking, and posting. You may use ground blinds or elevated stands to conc eal or position yourself. Game calling, driving, and flushing are techniques use d to expose game. Dogs can help locate and retrieve game. Setting traps is a tec hnique used for certain game when allowed. Hunter education course review and summary To bring home the game you are seeking while inflicting the minimal amount of su ffering on the quarry, you should learn how to place a shot for a clean kill. Th e most effective shots are delivered to an animals vital organs the heart and lun gs. Hunter education course review and summary The shot angle is the angle at which the animal is standing in relation to the h unter. The different types of shot angles are broadside, quartering-away, quarte ring-toward, head-on, and rear-end. Know which angle offers the best chance of a clean kill for different game and which shots should not be taken. Hunter education course review and summary It is a hunter's ethical responsibility to stop the hunt and search for any woun ded animal. Watch its movements, and follow signs such as blood or tracks. Hunter education course review and summary The best way to approach a downed deer or other large animal is from above and b ehind the head. Make sure that it is dead, and then tag it immediately. Hunter education course review and summary The growth of bacteria is the cause of spoiled meat. Three factors contribute to bacteria growth heat, moisture, and dirt so it is best to field dress the anima l immediately. Hunter education course review and summary When transporting game, be sure to keep it covered to take the necessary steps t o avoid offending others. Also keep the dressed game cool and free of insects.

Parts of a Muzzleloader Firearm Primitive hunting arms include the muzzleloader firearm, the bow and arrow, and the crossbow. Today, these hunting arms are sought both as collectors items and u sed for sporting purposes. Muzzleloading rifle with parts labeled Remember Muzzleloader is the term given to early firearms because they are loaded from th e muzzle or open end.

Muzzleloader Locks On these early firearms, locks played the role of modern-day actions. Matchlock and wheel lock muzzleloaders are rare and valuable, but they also may be unsafe to use. Flintlocks and percussion locks are the muzzleloaders typically used for shooting competitions and for hunting. They are generally less expensive, light er, more reliable, and easier to load and maintain than matchlocks and wheel loc ks.

In-Line Muzzleloaders Parts of an In-Line Muzzleloader In-Line Muzzleloader: In the in-line muzzleloader, either primer or a percussion cap is placed on the nipple or breech plug. An ignition system that is in direc t alignment with the bore of the firearm causes the cap to ignite the black powd er charge, and the gun fires.

Muzzleloading Rifles, Shotguns, and Handguns Muzzleloaders are most commonly rifles. However, there are also smooth-bored muz zleloadersshotguns. Shotgun muzzleloaders can have either a single barrel or doub le barrels joined side-by-side. When loading the double-barreled muzzleloader, i ts critical to avoid putting the two loads down the same barrel. Double-barreled guns usually have two locks, one for each barrel. This allows the shooter to fir e each barrel separately before the gun is reloaded. Most double-barreled guns w ere designed with two triggers. Muzzleloader handgun Muzzleloading handguns come as both pistols and revolvers. Pistols are mainly si ngle-shot. The revolvers contain multiple-shot chambers. Chain firing muzzleload ing revolvers can be dangerous. When the chamber round is fired, it produces spa rks that could accidentally ignite loads in another cylinder(s). Therefore, be s ure to protect each load in the cylinder with a coating of grease to prevent spa rks from entering the open end of the other cylinders.

Powders for Muzzleloaders Do not use smokeless powder Black powders for muzzleloaders Black powder is the only type of powder that should be used in muzzleloaders. Ho wever synthetic substitutes, such as Pyrodex®, also can be used. Dont use modern-da y smokeless powders in black powder firearms. Smokeless powders can cause seriou s injury if used in muzzleloaders. Black powder is made of potassium nitrate (saltpeter), sulfur, and charcoal. Whe n ignited, it causes a dense cloud of white smoke. It comes in four sizes or gra nulations. Fg Coarse grain typically used in cannons, rifles larger than .75 caliber, and 10-gauge shotguns or larger FFg Medium grain typically used in larger rifles between .50 and .75 caliber, 20 -gauge to 12-gauge shotguns, and pistols larger than .50 caliber FFFg Fine grain typically used in smaller rifles and pistols under .50 caliber an d smaller shotguns FFFFg Extra-fine grain typically used as a priming powder in flintlocks Pyrodex® and Clear Shot are black powder substitutes that can be used in amounts e qual to black powder, but loading may vary. Be sure to get instructions from a q ualified gunsmith for loading procedures. Substitutes are not recommended for us e in flintlocks because they may not ignite from sparks as easily.

Projectiles for Muzzleloaders Three types of projectilesthe round ball, the bullet, and shotare used in muzzlelo aders. Most are melted and cast from pure lead. Round balls are used mainly for target practice but also can be used for hunting. Bullets are preferred for hunting because they are generally more accurate at certai n ranges. Shot pellets are designed to spread, just as with todays shotguns.

Basic Muzzleloader Safety Muzzleloaders take significantly more knowledge to operate than modern firearms. They also present greater risks. Several rules must be followed to ensure safe operation. Hunter loading muzzleloader in kneeling position Keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Do not lean over, stand in fron t of, or blow down the muzzle. Use only black powder or a safe substitute in a muzzleloading firearm. Wait until youre ready to fire before you prime or cap a muzzleloader. Always wear shooting glasses and ear protection when shooting a muzzleloader ; a long-sleeved shirt is also advisable. Never smoke while shooting or loading or when near a powder horn or flask. Load a muzzleloader directly from a calibrated powder measuredo not load from a horn, flask, or other container. A loose spark or glowing ember in the barrel can cause the powder to explode. Load only one charge at a time. Unload a muzzleloader before bringing it into your home, camp, or vehicle. Stay with your charged muzzleloader at all times Video: Modern In-Line Muzzleloading Safety Loading a Muzzleloader Loading or charging a muzzleloading firearm presents some special concerns becau se it requires the muzzle to be pointed upward. For rifles, position the butt on the ground between your feet. You should be fac ing the underside of the barrel. The muzzle should be pointed upward and away fr om your body. Never work directly over the muzzle. Determine if the gun is already loaded by checking the barrel with a marked ramr od, which has an unloaded or empty marking. If you arent sure, consult an experienc ed muzzleloader user or gunsmith. Always load a muzzleloader with muzzle pointed away from your body Measure out the proper amount and type of powder using the calibrated powder mea sure. Replace the powder flasks cap, and swing the flask to the other side of you r body. Pour the powder into the barrel from the measure. Tap the barrel to make sure all powder falls to the breech end. Center a lubricated precut patch over the muzzle. You can lubricate the patch us ing a manufactured lubricant or using saliva by placing it in your mouth. Lay th e ball on the patch with the sprue or flat side up, if the ball comes with this feature. Then seat the ball and start it down the barrel using the short starter . Use the longer ramrod to push the ball the rest of the way, making sure its seate d well on the powder charge. Push the ramrod in short strokes, gripping it just a few inches above the muzzle. If you use longer strokes, you might accidentally snap the rod and injure your hands or arm. Your ramrod should be marked to show when the ball is properly seated over a specific load, such as 70 grains of FFF g powder.

Steps for Loading an In-Line Muzzleloader Steps for loading an in-line muzzleloader Check for load and swab bore dry. Open breechblock to install cap/primer. Point in safe direction and close block. Clear channel by firing cap. Drop in powder or pellets. Place bullet in muzzle. Use starter to push bullet into muzzle. Use ramrod to seat bullet completely. Open breechblock. Install cap or primer. Close block and put on safe or fire.

Unloading a Muzzleloader There are three ways to unload a muzzleloader. Unload a muzzleloader by discharging it into a suitable backstop. Do not fir e into the air or into the ground at your feet in case the projectile ricochets. Use a CO2 discharger to clear the barrel. Percussion Lock Muzzleloaders: Slip the discharger over the nipple. Flintlock Muzzleloader: Place the discharger against the touchhole. On a modern inline muzzleloader, remove the breech plug and simply push the projectile and powder out the back of the barrel. When a muzzleloader is unloaded, place your ramrod or loading rod in the barrel before leaning the firearm against a good restthis will prevent debris from falli ng down the barrel and blocking the touchhole. CO2 Discharger Remember If your muzzleloader has not fired in 30 seconds, re-prime the pan and try again . Wait another 30 seconds. If the muzzleloader still fails to fire, use a CO2 di scharger to remove the projectile and powder charge. If the CO2 discharger fails , consult your owner's manual for proper procedures to unload your firearm safel y.

Firing a Muzzleloader Percussion Lock Muzzleloader: When youre ready to fire the muzzleloader safely, p lace the percussion cap on the nipple. Be sure that your surroundings and your b ackstop are safe. Then aim and fire. Shooter firing muzzleloader Flintlock Muzzleloader: When priming a flintlock, pull the hammer to a half-cock position and open the priming pan cover. Check your flint, making sure the sett ing is tight and properly adjusted. Insert a vent pick or fine wire into the bar rels touchhole to make sure the opening is clear. With your pan primer, fill the pan about three-fourths full of FFFFg powder. Close the frizzen and pull the ham mer to full cock when youre ready to fire the shot safely. After firing, place the hammer in the half-cock position and swab the barrel to remove sparks that might be inside.

Muzzleloader Hang Fire Situations Muzzleloader hangfire Sometimes a muzzleloader will not fire immediately when the trigger is pulled. T his is known as hang fire and requires great caution because the gun might fire so me time after the cap or flint created the initial sparks. Keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, preferably downrange. Dont take it anywhere that it could injure someone or damage property if it f ires. If a muzzleloader doesnt fire properly, get help from an experienced shooter to unload it using a ball discharger.

Cleaning a Muzzleloader Firing a muzzleloader leaves a corrosive residue inside the barrel that causes p itting and reduces accuracy. The buildup of residue, called fouling, also will m ake loading difficult. To avoid fouling, swab the barrel with a moist patch after each shot. The patche s or cleaning rags used to wipe the barrel must be the correct size and should b e made of cotton or approved synthetic materials. Follow the recommendations of retailers who sell muzzleloaders or those who regularly use muzzleloaders. Thoroughly clean a muzzleloader after each shooting session. Black powder residu e can damage the barrel if left overnight. Clean the guns lock periodically. Normally its held in place by one or two bolts. Once the lock has been removed, scrub both sides with an old toothbrush and hot water. Make sure the entire lock is completely dry, and then lightly oil and rep lace it.

Speed and Range of Modern Bows Modern bows can shoot arrows up to 400 yards at speeds of more than 200 miles pe r hour. Any bow can be dangerous at any range and should be handled responsibly. However, the bow is a short-range hunting tool. Shots are usually limited to 40 yards or less; at this range, the arrow penetrates and can even pass through an animal. To ensure accuracy, most shots are taken at 15 yards.

Common Bow TypesLongbow (Stick Bow) Proper bow selection and fit are essential to your accuracy and performance when bowhunting. Longbow (Stick Bow) Longbow The "traditional" bow, which has straight limbs that form an arc when strung Used by those interested in traditional shooting with little additional equi pment

Common Bow TypesRecurve Bow Recurve bow with parts labeled Recurve Bow Much like the longbow, but the limbs curve back away from the belly of the b ow, which can provide more power in a shorter bow than the longbow A popular choice because it's smooth and quiet

Common Bow TypesCompound Bow Compound bow with parts labeled Compound Bow The most popular bow for both hunting and target shooting A bow with many styles, but they work basically the same way; wheels and cab les attached to the limbs make it easier to hold at full draw (pulled completely back) and able to propel an arrow faster than either a longbow or recurve bow

Stringing a Bow The safe and easy way to string a recurve bow or longbow is to use a bowstringer . The push-pull or step-through method can be hazardous to yourself or your bow. A bowstringer is simply a strong cord with a loop or pocket at each end that fit s over the limb tip of recurve bows and some longbows. By standing on the loose middle of the cord after its attached to the tips, the limbs can be flexed as the handle is pulled. This allows the bowstring to be slipped safely into place. Hunter using bowstringer to string bow To replace compound bow strings, you must use a bow press or have double tears a t the end of each cable. Double tears allow you to change strings by stepping on the string being replaced first and on the new string second. A bow press is us ed to place and hold tension on the limbs, allowing the strings to be changed. I nexperienced bowhunters should have a qualified dealer or individual replace the string on a compound bow.

Parts of an Arrow Arrows have four parts. Shaft: The long spine of the arrow. Modern arrow shafts are made of wood, fiberg lass, aluminum, or carbon. The arrow, regardless of shaft material, must have th e correct stiffness to match the bow. As an arrow is released, the shaft bends b efore straightening in flight. Incorrect stiffness will cause the arrow to fly e rratically and inaccurately.

Common Types of ArrowheadsPoints Arrowhead types Bullet Point: Steel point used for target shooting and small game hunting. Blunt Point: Used for small game hunting and some types of target shooting; made of steel, hard rubber, or plastic. Field Point: Steel point used for target shooting and small game hunting. JUDO Point: Designed with spring arms attached to catch in grass and leaves, pre venting arrow loss; used for "stump" shooting and small game hunting. Fish Point: Long, barbed or spring-loaded arrowhead that spears fish and secures them until landed with an attached line.

Common Types of ArrowheadsBroadheads Broadhead points Broadhead: Used primarily for big game hunting. The number of steel blades it co ntains may vary. The only arrowhead that may be used for big game hunting is the broadhead. It must be solidly built and always razor-sharp. Many states have la ws governing the minimum diameter and number of cutting edges of the broadhead u sed to hunt big game. Expandable broadhead arrow points Mechanical (Expandable) Blade Broadhead: Blades are retracted close to the ferru le before the shot. Upon impact, the blades expand to expose the cutting edges. These are recommended for use only with bows rated 50 pounds or more because mos t require additional energy to open upon penetration.

The Crossbow A crossbow is a bow with a rifle-like stock that shoots bolts or short arrows. Crossbow with optical sight Safe use of a crossbow requires following the safety rules for both firearms and bows. Many states have laws which limit the use of crossbows. Never travel with a loaded, cocked crossbow. Like conventional bows, the crossbow is limited to short-range shooting.

Fletching: The plastic vanes or feathers on an arrow. Fletching creates wind dra g and also can cause the arrow to spin similar to a rifle bullet, providing stab ility and accuracy in flight. Fletching is made up of three or more vanes or fea thers. One of the feathers will be a different color and is called the cock feathe r. The remaining feathers are referred to as the hen feathers. Arrowhead: The point of the arrow. Many different kinds of arrow points are avai lable, each with a different purpose and advantage. Nock: A slotted plastic tip located on the rear end of the arrow that snaps onto the string and holds the arrow in position. There is a certain point on the bow string, called the nocking point, where arrows are nocked. Fine tuning of this loc ation, by moving it up or down the bowstring, is usually required.

Preparing for Safety Before You Go Out Many states require a bowhunter education course to hunt legally with archery eq uipment. Even if not required, taking a course will give you an excellent start to becoming a safe and skillful bowhunter. Before practicing or hunting, an archer must examine each arrow to make certain there are no cracks or breaks in the shaft and that the nock is in good conditio n. A cracked or broken nock can be replaced, but a shaft that has cracks or brea ks should be discarded. Never use a cracked arrow. The shaft may shatter on release and be driven into t he shooters wrist or arm. Some common types of damage to look for are: Cracks and splinters in wood arrows Creases, dents, or cracks in aluminum arrows Crushed sidewalls on fiberglass or graphite arrows Safe broadhead quiver types Always keep broadheads in a covered quiver.

Bow Shooting Safety An arrow is as deadly as a bullet, so the basic safety rules that govern firearm shooting also apply to archery. Although shooting accidents are rare among bowh unters, they do happen. Archers must obey a few common safety rules, whether on the range or in the field. Hunter with a bow Release an arrow only when the path to the target and beyond is clear. Make sure theres something to stop the arrow if you missnever shoot over the h orizon. Avoid shooting an arrow in the general direction of another person. Arrows a re easily deflected. A small twig, unseen by you, can cause an arrow to veer dan gerously off course. Dont shoot straight up. A falling arrow carries enough force to penetrate the human skull. Carry arrows in the nocked position only when slowly approaching gamenever no ck an arrow or draw a bow if someone is in front of you. Use a haul line to raise a bow and quiver into a tree stand to avoid serious injury.

Broadhead Safety Broadheads kill by cutting blood vessels, unlike the high energy shock of bullet s. Hemorrhage is typically the result. A responsible bowhunter will use razor-sh arp broadheads and only take shots that allow a clear, close shot to the vital a rea of the game animal. Many archers injuries come from broadheads. Broadheads must be kept razor-sharp f or hunting, which creates a safety problem if they are handled carelessly. Using a broadhead wrench To prevent injury: Use a special wrench to screw on broadheads. This device covers the blades w hile a broadhead is being tightened on an arrow. If a wrench isnt used, the sligh test slip can cause a serious cut. When sharpening broadheads, always stroke the blade away from your hands and body. Keep broadheads covered with a quiver while traveling to and from the field. Many arrow injuries occur while loading or unloading equipment in vehicles. While dressing bow-killed game, remember that the broadhead may remain in th e animal. Use great caution until all parts of the broadhead have been found.

Safety Accessories To protect the three fingers that draw the bowstring, archers wear three-fingere d gloves or finger tabs, or use mechanical releases. A mechanical release snaps onto the string and is pulled back with the shooting hand. The archer pulls a trigger to release the string. An armguard protects the inner part of the bow arm during release as the string snaps back. The armguard prevents the bowstring from hitting loose clothing and also helps protect the arm if an arrow breaks during release.

Bow Shooting Position Stand at a right angle to the target with your feet approximately shoulder-width apart. The stance should feel comfortable and balanced. If you prefer, you may slide your front foot back a little, creating a slightly open stance.

Nocking an Arrow A nocked arrow should be positioned about a quarter inch above the arrow rest on the bow handle. On most bows, a small brass band called a nocking point is crimpe d onto the bowstring to mark the correct position. To nock the arrow: Grasp the arrow between the thumb and index finger of the right hand (if your e a right-handed shooter). With your left hand, hold the bow parallel to the ground about waist high, s tring toward the body. Lay the arrow shaft on the bows arrow rest. Align the slot in the nock with the string, while making sure that the cock feather points up (while the bow is parallel to the ground). Pull the arrow back until the string snaps into the slot. Finger position when nocking an arrow When the arrow is nocked and the bow is raised, the cock feather points to the l eft if you are right-handed.

Drawing and Anchoring the Bow To draw the bow: Grip the bow handle firmly in the left hand, but dont squeeze. With your bow arm straight, raise the bow to a point that your arm is parall el to the ground, while simultaneously drawing the string back to your anchor poi nt with your shooting hand. The anchor point may be the corner of your mouth, you r cheekbone, or your chin. Practice will help you determine your best anchor pointone thats both comfortable and provides the most accurate shooting. Your fingers should touch the same anch or point each time you draw the bow. Drawing the bow If you are right-handed, raise the bow as you pull back the string with the thre e drawing fingers of your right hand. Simultaneously extend your left arm.

Aiming the Bow There are two main methods for aiming bowsbowsights and instinctive aiming. Bowsights work best when the distance to the target is known. For instance, when hunting from a tree stand or blind, you can measure the distance to the area wh ere you expect the game to appear. Then its a matter of lining up the appropriate sight pin on the target. In hunting situations where its hard to know the exact distance to the target, bowsights may not work well. The key to using bowsights is to practice judging distances. Illustration of a bowsight and sight pins Instinctive aiming is more versatile than the bowsight method. You simply look a t the intended target with both eyes open and release. You adjust the aim for di fferent distances by instinct developed with practice. Instinctive aiming takes longer to perfect than the bowsight method, but it eliminates much of the guessw ork from shooting under some hunting conditions. Bowsights vs. Instinctive Aiming Bowshot aiming: bowsight With bowsights, you line up the appropriate sight pin on the target. Bowshot aiming: instinctive With instinctive aiming, you simply look at the intended target with both eyes o pen and release.

Holding and Releasing the Bow Allow your fingers to slip quickly away from the string. This gives the arrow a straight, stable flight. Keep your bow arm pointed directly at the target after the release. If the bow i s jerked on release, the arrow will fly off target. Follow through by leaving your drawing hand at the anchor point well after the s tring is released. Releasing the string Remember A bow should never be dry fired. Releasing a string without an arrow nocked transf ers energy back to the limbs instead of the arrow. The bow can fly apart, injuri ng anyone nearby.

History of Firearms The Chinese are believed to be the first to use gunpowder, now called black powde r. The first firearms were tubes closed at one end, usually made of brass or cast iron. Early firearms were loaded by pouring black powder and shoving a projecti le into the tube from the muzzle end, and then igniting the powder using a light ed wick or match. The powder burned, creating pressure that launched metal objec ts or arrows. These firearms are called muzzleloaders due to their loading process . Frontier hunter with muzzleloader Advances in ignition systems were the major changes that brought about modern fi rearms. Matchlock ignition was developed in the early 1400s. When the trigger is pul led, a lighted wick is lowered into a priming pan located next to a vent hole dr illed into the closed end of the barrel. When the priming powder ignites, it lig hts the main charge. Wheel lock ignition replaced the wick of the matchlock in the 1500s. When th e trigger is pulled, a coiled spring forces the rough-edged steel wheel to spin against a piece of iron pyrite, creating sparks to ignite the powder in the prim ing pan. Flintlock ignition appeared in the late 1600s. When the trigger is pulled, t he hammer holding a piece of flint falls against a steel cover (the frizzen) sit ting over the priming pan. The hammer knocks the cover out of the way, and the c ollision of flint and steel causes sparks that ignite the powder in the priming pan. The percussion lock (also called caplock) replaced the flintlock in the early 1800s. Early percussion locks used priming compounds inside a metallic foil cap placed over the vent hole. When the hammer strikes the cap, the resulting spark ignites the main charge. The next advance, in 1835, was to arrange a series of percussion locks and b arrels on a rotating wheel (cylinder) to allow a rapid succession of shots (Pate rson revolver). With a single hammer and trigger, multiple shots can be fired wi thout reloadinga repeating firearm. The percussion cap revolvers are the forerunn ers of modern revolvers. The percussion cap also paved the way to the self-contained ammunition we ha ve todaycartridges and shotshells. In the mid-1800s, gunpowder, the projectile, a nd the primer were put together into a single housing that could be loaded quick ly. Actions were developed to allow shooters to load cartridges and shotshells a t the rear, rather than the muzzle, end of the barrel.

History of the Bow and Arrow The use of the bow and arrow is recorded as early as 3000 B.C. The Egyptians used bows shorter than a mans height, with arrows two feet long or more. Early bows were C shaped. When shooting these bows, the archer would pull the string with a ring held around the thumb. The early longbow was 56 feet in length and was usually made of yew. The legend of Robin Hood romanticized the longbow. Native American Indians were Americas first bowhunters. European settlers bro ught their skills to America and contributed to the development of bows and arro ws in the U.S. In 1879, the National Archery Association was founded. It initiated the firs t U.S.sponsored tournament in 1879. Bowhunting did not really take off until the 1950s and 1960s as hunters lear ned more about this sport and about newer bows that were being developed. Like other methods of hunting, the bowhunter first must acquire the knowledg e and skills necessary to be a safe and responsible hunter.

What You Learned Primitive hunting arms include the muzzleloader firearm, the bow and arrow, and the crossbow. Muzzleloaders Hunter education course review and summary Muzzleloaders are loaded from the muzzle or open end of the gun. They have a loc k instead of the action. Muzzleloaders are usually rifles but can be shotguns (s ingle barrel or double barrel) or handguns (pistols or revolvers). Hunter education course review and summary Another type of muzzleloading firearm is the in-line muzzleloader. Its parts are recoil pad, striker safety, trigger safety, breech, scope mounts, rear sight, f ront sight, ramrod, and stock. Hunter education course review and summary Only use black powder or a synthetic black powder substitute in muzzleloaders. D o not use modern-day smokeless powders due to the risk of serious injury. The four sizes or granulations of black powder are Fg, FFg, FFFg, and FFFFg. Hunter education course review and summary The three types of projectiles used in muzzleloaders are the round ball, the bul let, and shot. Select your ammunition based on the type of shooting you plan to do. Hunter education course review and summary To protect yourself from the increased risks of using a muzzleloader, remember t o follow safety rules when loading or unloading your firearm. The primary rule i s to keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Do not lean over, stand in fro nt of, or blow down the muzzle. Hunter education course review and summary You should swab the barrel of your muzzleloader with a moist patch after each sh ot to avoid fouling. Then thoroughly clean the muzzleloader after each shooting session.

What You Learned (cont.) Bows and Arrows Hunter education course review and summary The bow is a short-range hunting tool. Hunter education course review and summary Proper bow selection and fit are essential to your accuracy and performance when bowhunting. The most common types of bows are the longbow (stick bow), the recu rve bow, and the compound bow. Hunter education course review and summary The safe and easy way to string a recurve bow or longbow is to use a bowstringer . To replace compound bow strings, you must use a bow press or have double tears at the end of each cable. Hunter education course review and summary Arrows have four parts. Shaft The long spine of the arrow Fletching The plastic vanes or feathers on an arrow Arrowhead The point of the arrow Nock A slotted plastic tip on the rear end of the arrow

The common types of arrowheads are bullet point, blunt point, field point, JUDO point, fish point, and broadhead. The broadhead is the only arrowhead that may b e used for big game hunting. Hunter education course review and summary The crossbow is another short-range hunting tool. It is a bow with a rifle-like stock that shoots bolts or short arrows. Safe use of a crossbow requires followi ng the safety rules for both firearms and bows. Before hunting with a crossbow, make sure it is legal in your state. Hunter education course review and summary Before practicing or hunting, an archer must examine each arrow. Check for crack s and splinters in wood arrows; creases, dents, or cracks in aluminum arrows; an d crushed sidewalls on fiberglass or graphite arrows. Discard any shaft that has cracks or breaks. Hunter education course review and summary An arrow is as deadly as a bullet, so the basic safety rules that govern firearm shooting also apply to archery. Hunter education course review and summary Broadheads must be kept razor-sharp for hunting. To prevent injury, use a specia l wrench to screw on broadheads, keep them covered with a quiver, and take speci al care when field dressing bow-killed game. Hunter education course review and summary To shoot a bow and arrow: Stand at a right angle to the target with your feet approximately shoulder-w idth apart. You should feel comfortable and balanced. Nock the arrow, then simultaneously raise the bow and draw the string back t o your "anchor point." Aim and release the arrow by letting your fingers slip quickly away from the string. Never dry fire a bow.

Introduction to Firearm Safety Whenever firearms are being handled, an incident can occur if the firearm is not handled responsibly. Preventing hunting incidents depends on knowing and unders tanding firearms, and handling them skillfully and safely. Responsible hunters p ractice safe habits until they become second nature. The Four Primary Rules of Firearm Safety Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Treat every firearm with the respect due a loaded gun. Be sure of the target and what is in front of it and beyond it. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot.

Firearm Safety in the Home Statistics show that more than half of the fatal firearm incidents reported each year occur in the home. Since almost all incidents are caused by carelessness a nd lack of knowledge, its the hunters duty to help prevent firearm mishaps in the home. Most importantly, lock guns away where children cant reach them, and store ammuni tion in a separate location. Check to see that a firearm is unloaded before allo wing it in any building or living area. The cardinal rule of firearm safety Practice these safety rules if handling a firearm in the home. Immediately point the muzzle in a safe direction when you pick up a firearm. Keep your finger off the trigger. Always check to see that the chamber and the magazine are empty. If a gun is taken from storage to show friends, be sure they understand safe gun handling rules.

Hunting Incidents Officer speaking with hunters after a hunting incident From a law enforcement perspective, a hunting incident occurs when a hunter dire ctly or indirectly causes personal injury or death while using a firearm or bow. More broadly defined, a hunting incident is any unplanned, uncontrolled action t hat occurs while using a sporting arm. It can include near misses. Being responsible in order to prevent hunting incidents is your first priority. Remember The most common hunting incidents result from hunter judgment mistakes. Eighty percent of all firearm incidents occur within 10 yards of the muzzle.

Four Main Causes of Hunting Incidents Hunter Judgment Mistakes, such as mistaking another person for game or not check ing the foreground or background before firing Safety Rule Violations, including pointing the muzzle in an unsafe direction and ignoring proper procedures for crossing a fence, obstacle, or difficult terrain Lack of Control and Practice, which can lead to accidental discharges and stray shots Mechanical Failure, such as an obstructed barrel or improper ammunition Hunter aiming at unsafe target Be sure of the target and what is in front of it and beyond it. If you cannot se e what lies beyond the target, this is considered a skyline shot. Do not take sk yline shots. When hunting, many hunters get in the zone when ready to shoot game. Addrinalin e rushes can contribute to errors which can be fatal. Always practice fire arm safety.

Firearm Safety at the Shooting Range A successful hunt begins with target practice at the shooting range. Hunter at shooting range Many of the rules that govern safe firearm handling in the field apply to the sh ooting range. But a shooting range has some additional requirements. Read all range rules that apply to the type of shooting you will do that day . If there is a range master, be sure to follow his or her instructions while shooting. When not shooting, unload your firearm and leave it on the range line or ben ch until youre given further instructions. Dont handle your firearm while other shooters are downrange. Step away from t he firing line or bench until the range is clear and the range master instructs you to approach the line or bench. If no range master is present, all shooters must decide on safety commands b eforehand so that its clear when someone intends to go downrange. Before any person goes beyond the firing line or downrange, unload your fire arm and step away from the line until the other person returns. Under no circumstances should you shoot a firearm when someone is downrange or past the firing line. Always wear hearing and eye protection, even if youre watching others shoot. Respond immediately to anyone calling for a cease fire.

Introduction to Safe Carries Safe carry of a firearm There are several ways to carry a gun safely and still have it ready for quick a ction. Three rules apply to all carrying methods: Muzzle pointed in a safe direction and under control Safety on until immediately before youre ready to shoot Finger outside the trigger guard

Proper Field CarriesTrail Carry Trail carry Leaves a hand free for balance, but dont use it when youre behind someone. Not rec ommended when walking in snow or brushdebris can get in the barrel.

Proper Field CarriesSling Carry Sling carry Easy carry for long treks through open country. Keep a hand on the sling when wa lking so that it doesn't slide off your shoulder if you trip. Not recommended fo r thick brush because the gun could be knocked from your shoulder.

Proper Field CarriesElbow or Side Carry Elbow or side carry Comfortable, but it has the least muzzle control. It also can snag in brushy ter rain. Use it when no one is in front of you.

Proper Field CarriesTwo-Handed or "Ready" Carry Two-handed or ready carry Provides the best control, particularly in thick brush or weeds, or when you nee d to fire quickly. Can be used as either a right- or left-handed carry. Use only if your gun would not be pointed at others while walking side-by-side.

Proper Field CarriesCradle Carry Cradle carry Comfortable and secure; reduces arm fatigue. Like the two-handed or ready carry, can be used as either a right- or left-handed carry. Do not use if your gun wou ld be pointed at others when walking side-by-side.

Proper Field CarriesShoulder Carry Shoulder carry Good choice when walking beside or behind others. Dont use it if someone is behin d you.

Proper Field CarriesFor Three Hunters, Side by Side Carry selection is based primarily on muzzle control and terrain. Safe carries, with three hunters side-by-side If three hunters are walking side by side, the ones at the sides may carry their guns pointing either to the side away from their party or to the front. The one in the center should keep the gun pointing to the front or up.

Proper Field CarriesFor Three Hunters, Walking Single File Carry selection is based primarily on muzzle control and terrain. Safe carries, with three hunters in single file If three hunters are walking single file, the one in the lead should have the gu n pointed ahead but never over the shoulder. The one in the middle must have the gun pointed to the side. The hunter in the rear may point the gun to either sid e or the rear.

Proper Field CarriesFor Hunters Facing One Another Carry selection is based primarily on muzzle control and terrain. Safe carry, hunter with dog When facing another hunter, any carry is safe except the trail carry or forw ard-facing elbow or side carry. Remember that the same rules for safe carry apply when your hunting companio n is a dog. Crossing Obstacles Always unload guns before crossing fences or other obstacles or before negot iating rough terrain. Cross wire fences close to a fence post to prevent damage to the fence. After unloading it, place the gun on the other side of the fence or obstacle to be crossed, with the muzzle pointed away from you and your crossing point. T hen cross the fence and retrieve your gun. Pull a gun toward you by the buttnever by the muzzle. If two people are crossing, one person gives the other person both guns, cro sses first, and then receives the unloaded guns from the other hunter.

Checking for Obstructions Occasionally you may trip or stumble in the field, accidentally dipping the barr el into the ground or snow. Immediately check for an obstruction. Hunter removing barrel obstruction Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Open the action, and make sure the firearm is unloaded. Check for debris in the barrel. If the firearm is a break action, look throu gh the barrel from the breech end, or use a barrel light to inspect the barrel f or obstructions. Remove any obstructions with a cleaning rod. Check the barrel again to make sure no debris remains. **ONLY USE CLEANING RODS FOR CLEANING OR CLEARING DEBRIS FROM BARRELS!!!

Loading Firearms Even something as simple as loading or unloading a firearm can result in tragedy if it isnt done properly. Heres how to do it safely. Hunters loading firearms Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Open the action; make sure the barrel is unobstructed. Put the safety on if the firearm can be loaded with the safety on. Load the ammunition. Close the action. Put the safety on if you were not able to do so before loading.

Unloading Firearms Hunter unloading a firearm Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Put the safety on if it is not already on. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard. Open the action. Remove the ammunition by first detaching the magazine. Eject cartridges or s hells if its the only way to remove them. Make sure the gun is empty by checking both the chamber and the magazine. Remember Removal of ammunition from the magazine or removal of the magazine from the fire arm does not mean the firearm is unloaded!

Safely Transporting Firearms Transporting firearms involves both legal and safe practices. In addition to fed eral laws, there are regulations that vary from state to state. Hunter casing rifle for safe transport General Rules Always unload and case firearms before transporting them. In many states, th is may be the law. The action should be open or the gun broken down, whichever m akes the firearm safest if its mishandled. Firearms should not be displayed in window gun racks because the display may provoke anti-hunter sentiment. Its also an invitation to thieves. Lean a firearm against a secure rest only. A vehicle does not provide a secu re resting place. A gun that falls over might accidentally discharge or be damag ed.

Gun Cases for Transporting Firearms Padded, soft-sided gun cases Padded, soft-sided case Material: Canvas, nylon, neoprene, polyester, or leather Advantages: Light, easy to handle and store Many designs accommodate scoped rifles Offered in camouflage Waterproof and floating cases available for duck hunters Less costly than hard cases Disadvantage: Less protection than hard-sided cases Lockable, hard-sided gun cases Lockable, hard-sided case Material: Aluminum or composite Advantages: Lightweight but sturdy Meets airline standards Can include deep foam padding that holds firearm in place and cushions impac t Composite models can be molded to fit firearm Available in waterproof models Disadvantage: Bulkier and costlier than soft-sided cases Gun socks Gun sock Material: Durable stretch fabric (polyester/acrylic) or soft pile materials Advantages: Lightweight protection from dust, dirt, and moisture Offered in camouflage Often used as a second case to carry a firearm from a vehicle into a hunting area Disadvantage: Minimal protection from elements or impact

What Is a Zone-of-Fire? Safe Zone-of-Fire The area in which a hunter can shoot safely is referred to as a zone-of-fire. Be fore setting off in a group, hunters should agree on the zone-of-fire each perso n will cover. A zone-of-fire depends on many factors, including the hunters shoot ing ability, the game being hunted, the hunting environment, and the hunting str ategy being used. A hunters zone-of-fire changes with every step. This is particu larly true of groups hunting birds, rabbits, or other small game. For safety purposes, its best to have no more than three hunters in a group. For new hunters, two is a safer number until they become familiar with maintaining a proper zone-of-fire. Remember A hunters zone-of-fire changes with every step. Its important to remain alert and aware of your companions locations at all times.

Determining Your Safe Zone-of-Fire Hunters observing safe zones-of-fire Hunters should be spaced 25 to 40 yards apart and always in sight of one another . Each hunter has a zone-of-fire which spans about 45 degrees directly in front of each hunter. (Some states require an adult to be immediately beside a youth h unter. In this case, the adult should be a supervisor onlynot a hunter.) A way to visualize 45 degrees is to focus on a distant, fixed object that is str aight out in front of you. Stretch your arms straight out from your sides. Make a fist with your thumbs held up. Gradually draw your arms in toward the front un til both thumbs are in focus without moving your eyes. This will give you your o uter boundaries. Target Fixation can help you focus on your shot but can make you shoot out side of the zone of fire which is dangerous. You might not notice homes, roads, or o ther hunters ect. Always shoot within your zone of fire and be aware of what is in front and behind where your profjectiles travel. Never let the hunt sway yo ur awareness and safety of others.

Maintaining Your Safe Zone-of-Fire When hunting in a group, hunters should shoot only at game in front of them. If three hunters are walking side by side hunting pheasants, the hunter in t he center will shoot at birds flushed in the middle which fly straight away. The other hunters will shoot at birds flying toward their end of the line. If a bird turns and flies back across the line of hunters, its best if all th ree hold their swings and do not fire. The same is true of a rabbit scurrying ba ck between the hunters. No hunter, especially when swinging on game, should allow his or her gun to point at a person. Better to pass up a shot than risk injuring someone or damagi ng property. Everyone hunting in these situations should wear daylight fluorescent orange whether its required by law or not. Unsafe shot: Both hunters aiming while one hunter is in front of the other Only one hunter should aim at the target. Also, hunters should only shoot if the re is an adequate backstop. Dont shoot at a skylined animal.

Self-Control and Target Identification Never run while carrying a firearm Some hunters may become overly anxious or excited on a hunt, which can lead to c areless behavior. They may fire at sounds, colors, movements, or unidentified sh apes, or simply shoot too quickly. In the excitement after hitting their target, they may swing a loaded firearm toward their companions or run with the safety off toward a downed animal. Slow, careful shooting is not only safer, but it also produces a higher degree o f success. Hunter's Tip Self-control is an essential aspect of hunter safety. Only shoot when you know t he target is legal game and that no people, domestic animals, buildings, or equi pment are in the zone-of-fireremember that bullets can pass through game and cont inue on for some distance with deadly force. Remember In addition to gun handling, several other factors affect your safety during the hunt: Weather, especially the sun's glare Pests, such as fire ants, snakes, and bees Your emotional state Your stamina, especially when hunts are physically demanding

Shooting Accuracy Shooting accurately is not only the key to successful hunting, but its also a saf ety factor. Some incidents, often deadly ones, have occurred when stray bullets have hit people out of the shooters sight. Be sure you have a proper backstop bef ore you shoot. Hunter taking aim at an elk Accuracy is also essential for achieving a clean kill. No real sportsman wants t o wound game and cause needless suffering. You must learn how to hit the vital o rgans of the game you hunt. Knowing your game, equipment, and skill level will t ell you when youre in position to make a clean kill. Remember A rifle scope should never be used as a binocular. Alcohol and Drugs Consuming alcohol before or during the hunt increases the risk of incidents beca use it impairs coordination, hearing, vision, communication, and judgment. Drugs can have a similar effect. If you have to take prescription medicine, chec k with your physician to see if its safe to take while hunting. Because you can drink faster than your system can burn the alcohol off, there is an increasing level of alcohol in your blood. This level is referred to as Bloo d Alcohol Concentration (BAC). Never drink and shoot! Remember The best thing you can do for your safety and the safety of others is simple Dont drink and hunt!

Introduction to Elevated Stands Elevated stands place the hunter above ground level. They can be tree stands pla ced in or against trees, or free-standing structures. They have become increasin gly popular in recent years with both firearm and bow hunters. While they offer certain advantages, they also have some drawbacks, including a degree of risk.

Pros and Cons of Elevated Stands Advantages Provide a wider field of visiongame is spotted sooner than at ground level Allow time to plan for best shot through earlier detection of game Position a hunter above the animal's normal field of vision Make a hunter's scent harder to detect and movement less noticeable Make a hunter more visible to other sportsmen so that he or she is less like ly to be hit by a stray bullet Provide a good backstop for arrows or bullets due to shooting at a downward angle Elevated tree stand Disadvantages Increase risk of injury resulting from falling Can be difficult to carry, especially large, portable stands Provide no protection from cold or wind Give little room for movement Cannot move toward game while hunting

Types of Elevated Stands Portable Tree Stands Portable tree stands can be safe and environmentally friendly. Homemade stands s hould not be used. Commercial stands that are manufactured, certified, and teste d to industry standards are best. You should follow the manufacturer's instructi ons and also practice installing a tree stand before you go hunting. Portable tr ee stands come in three basic types: hang-ons, climbing stands, and ladder stand s. Portable Tree StandsHang-On Stands Hang-on stand These simple stands provide about four square feet of space. They must be hauled into place and secured to the tree with belts or chains. These stands require s eparate climbing aids such as segmented ladders or climbing sticks. When install ing a climbing aid, determine your climbing route first. Attach the aid to the t ree so that it extends above the stands platform and you can step down onto the c enter of the platform.

Portable Tree StandsClimbing Stands Climbing stand These self-climbing stands are designed for trees with straight trunks and consi st of two sections. A hunter walks the stand up a tree by moving the top section w ith the hands and the bottom section with the feet. While still on the ground, a djust the stand to allow for the tapering of the tree that occurs as you go up. When climbing, go slowly, take small steps, and keep the two sections of the sta nd connected with a tether. This stand is not suited for trees with shaggy bark or with branches between the ground and the desired elevation. Never use these s tands on trees covered with ice or snow.

Portable Tree StandsLadder Stands Ladder stand Ladder stands provide a platform 10 to 20 feet above the ground. The built-in la dder lets you use these stands with a wider range of trees. Due to their size an d weight, hunters normally assemble and set up ladder stands before the first da y of hunting. Three to five people are needed to erect or take down a ladder sta nd safely. When setting up the stand, clear the base area of all rocks and debri s, making sure the ground is level. Then lean the stand against the tree and cha in or strap it into place. Using all parts, assemble the stand as instructed by the manufacturer.

Tripods, Quadpods, or Tower Stands (Free-Standing) Tripod stand These stands are similar to a ladder tree stand but are free-standing and do not require a tree. They can be placed anywhere that has a firm base. Some resemble one or two chairs atop stilts. Others are enclosed, box-like platforms.

Elevated Stand Location Bowhunter in treestand Place a stand adjacent to game trails or where game sign is abundant. Place a stand no higher than necessary. Never place a stand in a dead tree, in trees with large overhanging dead lim bs, or on or near utility poles. Select only trees that are straight. Locate the stand downwind from the animals' expected route. Never place stands on fence lines or near another landowner's property.

Fall-Arrest Systems (FAS) You should use a fall-arrest system (FAS) that is manufactured to industry stand ards. Never use single-strap belts and chest harnessesthey can be deadly. Before hunting, carefully read the manufacturers instructions for proper use of your FAS and follow all safety guidelines. Most tree stand falls occur when a hunter is climbing up or down a tree. Always use a properly fitting FAS that includes a full-body harness at all times when y our feet are off the ground. Make sure your FAS includes these components: Full-body harnessthe vest harness is a very effective style of full-body harn ess Linemans-style belt and/or climbing beltused when climbing up and down the tre e Tree strapgoes around the tree Tetherattaches the harness to the tree strap Suspension relief strapprovides a loop to stand in if you fall

Fall-Arrest System Safety Guidelines With an adult present, practice adjusting and using your FAS, including the susp ension relief strap, at ground level before hunting from an elevated stand. To protect yourself if you fall, always wear your FAS full-body harness, attachi ng it to the tree at ground level and keeping it attached throughout your hunt. Attach one end of the FAS linemans-style belt to one side of the FAS full-bod y harness, wrap the belt around the tree, and attach the other end of the belt t o the other side of the harness. Use the FAS linemans-style belt with your FAS full-body harness when you are installing or uninstalling the stand or the climbing aids for a hang-on tree sta nd. Also use the belt with your full-body harness when you are climbing into or out of a hang-on stand. Vest (full-body) harness When you are in any tree stand, including a ladder stand, use the FAS tree strap and tether to attach your FAS full-body harness to the tree. Attach the tree st rap to the tree so that the strap is at, or above, head level when you are stand ing. After attaching the tether, adjust both the tree strap and tether so that y ou have no slack in the tether while seated in your stand. If you fall, you do n ot want to drop below a level that would keep you from returning to the platform . Discard any FAS that shows signs of wear and tear or has been worn during a fall . Also adhere to the expiration date sewn into the FAS by the manufacturer. Due to the risks of injuries or death, hunters who choose not to wear and use th eir FAS properly should stay on the ground to hunt. Remember If you should fall while in your stand: Do not panic. Your FAS will hold you. Signal for help. Climb back onto the platform as quickly as possible. Take actions to avoid suspension trauma if you must wait for rescue. If you do not have a suspension relief strap, keep moving your legs. Avoiding Suspension Trauma Hanging motionless and suspended in your FAS after a fall can cause the leg stra ps to constrict blood flow. The pressure can make blood pool in the legs, limiti ng circulation and depriving organs of oxygen. This is called suspension trauma and can lead quickly to unconsciousness followed by death. To avoid suspension t rauma while you wait to be rescued: Step into your suspension relief strap and stand up to relieve the pressure caused by the leg straps. If you do not have a suspension relief strap, move your legs continuously by pushing off from the tree or raise your knees and pump your legs frequently to keep your blood flowing until help arrives.

Hauling Hunting Equipment into a Stand Hunter using haul line to haul rifle up to elevated stand Never carry your hunting equipment up or down the tree with you as you climb . Always use a haul line. Before attaching the haul line to your hunting equipment: If using a firearm, unload it and open the action. If using a bow, put the arrows in a covered quiver secured to the bow. Use a haul line of heavy cord attached to your stand to bring up your huntin g equipment or to lower it prior to climbing down from your stand. If using a firearm, attach the haul line to the firearm's sling so that the firearm hangs with the muzzle pointed down. If using a bow, attach the haul line so that the arrow fletching points down when raising your equipment and points up when lowering it. Slip the end of the haul line through your beltleave it untied so that it can pull free if you fall. Put on your FAS full-body harness, secure yourself to th e tree, and climb to your stand. After you are in the stand and secure, haul up your hunting equipment and un tie the haul line. Hunters Tip Before hauling a firearm into a stand, make sure it is unloaded. Also, you can a void getting debris in the barrel by placing a cover over the muzzle. Once you a re securely in the stand, check for obstructions before you load.

Elevated Stand Safety Illustration of injured hunter lying on the ground, who fell from a treestand an d who was not wearing an FAS Merely climbing into or out of a tree stand or other elevated platform to hunt p uts you at risk. Long hours spent waiting in a stand, as well as poor safety tec hniques, can lead to accidental falls. To protect yourself, use good judgment an d follow these recommendations, always putting safety first. Purchase a commercial stand that is manufactured, certified, and tested to i ndustry standards. Read the manufacturers instructions and watch the video that accompany the st and. Review this information each season before using the stand. Attach your FAS to the tree while at ground level, and keep it attached thro ughout your hunt from the time you leave the ground until you get back down. Use a tree stand only during daylight hours. Practice first with your tree stand and FAS at ground level, using all safet y devices that were included with the stand. Then continue to practice, graduall y going higher. When climbing into or out of a tree stand, always use three points of contac t with your hands and feet. Keep a firm hold on the climbing system as you enter or leave a platform, an d dont let go until youre certain you are secure. Get enough sleep to ensure that you are well rested before using a tree stan d. Carry a signaling device, such as a whistle, radio, or cell phone, to let ot hers know if you have a problem. Take your time and plan every move you make while installing and using an el evated stand. Check your stand carefully prior to each use. Do not leave a stand attached to a tree for more than two weeks. Never exceed the weight limit of your stand or FAS. Remember that the weight includes you plus your equipment. Do not climb with anything in your hands or on your back. Use a haul line. Raise and lower all hunting equipment on the opposite side of the tree from your climbing route.

Remember Most tree stand falls occur when a hunter is climbing up or down a tree. Be sure to use a fall-arrest system at all times when your feet are off the ground.

Trip Preparation When Hunting With Boats Hunters often use boats in difficult conditions, such as wind, cold, and snow. S pecial care must be exercised to ensure a safe trip. Duck hunters wearing camouflage flotation jacket with dog in boat Hunters can wear a camouflage flotation jacket, instead of a traditional PFD, wh en hunting from a boat. Trip Preparation Leave a hunting plan with family or friends with details on the boating port ion of your trip. It should include your planned route and when you plan to retu rn. Be sure the boat is large enough to carry you and your gear safely. Load gear low in the boat, and distribute the weight evenly. Have each person on board wear a personal flotation device (life jacket). Have throwable personal flotation devices on board in case someone falls ove rboard. Stow required visual distress signals. Check an up-to-date weather forecast before heading out. Cancel your trip if wind and water conditions arent safe.

Transporting Firearms in a Boat Transporting firearms in a boat The same rules apply as when transporting firearms in a vehicleunload and cas e firearms before transporting them. The action should be open or the gun broken down, whichever makes the firearm safest. Before boarding the boat, place the unloaded firearm into the bow (front) of the boat with its muzzle pointing forward. When hunting with others, the first person settles in the bow position facin g forward after the first gun is placed. Next, place the second unloaded firearm in the stern (rear) of the boat with its muzzle pointing rearward. Then, the se cond person settles in the stern position facing rearward. Repeat the procedure when unloading.

Zone-of-Fire in a Boat When duck hunting, the back-to-back position is the safest, with the zone-of-fir e confined to a 180-degree area in front of each hunter.

Surviving Water Emergencies Always wear a U.S. Coast Guardapproved personal flotation device (life jacket) wh ile youre in the boat. Life jackets will not only keep you afloat, but theyll also help you keep warm. Two hunters holding onto a capsized hunting boat If you get caught in a storm and your boat swamps or capsizes, stay with the boa t. Most small boats will float even when upside down or filled with water. Signa l passing boats by waving a bright cloth, or raising an oar if one is available. Placing an oar under your back and shoulders and another under your legs can hel p you float. If decoys are in reach, stuff them inside your jacket. Chest waders and hip boots also will help you stay afloat. If in chest waders, trap air in the waders by bending your knees and raising your feet. Lie on your back. If in hip boots, trap air in the boots by bending your knees. Lie on your st omach. Equip your boat with a means for re-entry (ladder, sling, etc.) to use if you sh ould fall into the water. Remember Don't press your luck in cold weather. At the first sign of a storm, head for sh ore.

Types of Personal Flotation Devices Type I offshore pfd Wearable Offshore Life Jacket Type II near-shore pfd Wearable Near-shore Life Jacket Type III flotation aid Wearable Flotation Aid Type III inflatable pfd Wearable Flotation Aid Type IV throwable cushion Throwable Device Type IV throwable ring buoy Throwable Device

Dealing with Cold Water Immersion Sudden immersion into cold water can cause immediate, involuntary gasping; hyper ventilation; panic; and vertigo­all of which can result in water inhalation and dro wning. Immersion in cold water also can cause sudden changes in blood pressure, heart rate, and heart rhythm, which also can result in death. Prepare for boating in cold water conditions by always wearing a secured life ja cket. Also wear layered clothing for insulation. Stages of Hypothermia The best prevention is to take all measures necessary to avoid capsizing your bo at or falling into cold water in the first place. If you do fall into cold water : Dont panic. Try to get control of your breathing. Hold onto something or stay as still as possible until your breathing is controlled. When your breathing is under control, perform the most important functions f irst before you lose dexterity (10-15 minutes after immersion). Put on a PFD immediately if you dont already have one on. Dont take your cloth es off unless absolutely necessarythey help insulate you. Focus on getting out of the water quickly before you lose full use of your h ands, arms, and legs. Try to reboard your boat, even if it is swamped or capsize d. Get as much of your body out of the water as possiblethe rate of heat loss wil l be slower than if immersed in water. Remember If you fall into the cold water, remain clothed; clothing helps retain body heat .

Survival Steps If You Cannot Get Out of the Water If you cannot get out of the water quickly, act to protect against rapid heat lo ss. In as few as 10 minutes, you may be unable to self-rescue. Stay as motionless as possible, protecting the high heat loss areas of your body, and keep your head and neck out of the water. Safety typically looks closer than it actually is, so staying with the boat is usually a better choice than swimming. Adopt a position to reduce heat loss. If alone, use the HELP (Heat Escape Le ssening Posture) position; or if there are others in the water with you, huddle together. Be prepared at all times to signal rescuers. When a victim has these symptoms, dry clothing, heat, and medical attention are required immediately: Bluish-white appearance Weak heartbeat Shallow breathing Rigid body muscles May be unconscious HELP: Heat Escape Lessening Posture HELP Heat Escape Lessening Posture HUDDLE technique for conserving body heat when in water Huddle Retains body heat and increases survival time

Introduction to All-Terrain Vehicles All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are special-purpose vehicles that require careful, r esponsible handling and good judgment. Hunter and all-terrain vehicle (ATV) Theyre useful for traveling into back country, but they can damage the enviro nment if used recklessly. They also require training and practice to handle them safely on rough terrain. Studies show that the majority of ATV accidents occur when the rider unexpec tedly encounters an obstacle, such as a rock or a ditch. Maintaining a safe spee d is critical. If you use ATVs to hunt, prepare yourself and your family by attending an ap proved ATV course. Before hunting with ATVs on private land, be sure to get the landowner's per mission.

Rules for Safe and Ethical Operation When Hunting with ATVs Always follow the rules for safe and ethical operation. Hunter on an ATV Wear a helmet approved by the Department of Transportation. Wear protective clothing, including goggles, gloves, and boots. Carry firearms unloaded, cased, and on a proper gun rack. When using the plastic scabbard mounted on an ATV, clear the inside of the s cabbard of debris and check your firearm's muzzle for obstructions. Stay on the main roads and trails. Pick your route carefully to minimize terrain damage. Don't drive over crops or planted fields. Don't shoot from an ATV. Use ATVs only to get to the hunting area or to haul an animal from the woods .

Know the Law Before Hunting with ATVs Hunter on an ATV Shooting from vehicles is unsafe, unethical, and in many instances illegal. In many states, it is illegal to hunt from any motorized vehicle, including ATVs; this includes molesting, stirring up, or driving any game animals or game birds with a motorized vehicle. It is illegal in some states to operate an ATV off the trail, or there may b e trails specifically closed to ATV use. In many states, it is prohibited to operate an ATV off roads or trails in a manner that damages or disturbs the land, wildlife, or vegetation. Some states require that ATVs be equipped with approved and operating spark- arresting mufflers and comply with sound regulations.

What You Learned Responsible hunters practice safe habits until they become second nature. Hunter education course review and summary Practice the four primary rules of firearm safety. Point the muzzle in a safe direction. Treat every firearm with the respect due a loaded gun. Be sure of the target and what is in front of it and beyond it. Keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot. Hunter education course review and summary If you are handling a firearm in the home, also follow these safety rules. Immediately point the muzzle in a safe direction when you pick up a firearm. Keep your finger off the trigger. Always check to see that the chamber and the magazine are empty. Hunter education course review and summary A hunting incident is any unplanned, uncontrolled action that occurs while using a sporting arm. It can include near misses. The four main causes of hunting inc idents are hunter judgment mistakes, safety rule violations, lack of control and practice, and mechanical failure. Hunter education course review and summary There are several ways to carry a gun safely and still have it ready for quick a ction. Three rules apply to all carrying methods: Muzzle pointed in a safe direction and under control Safety on until immediately before youre ready to shoot Finger outside the trigger guard Hunter education course review and summary Six proper field carries hunters can use are trail carry, sling carry, elbow or side carry, two-handed or "ready" carry, cradle carry, and shoulder carry. Do no t use the trail carry when you're behind someone. Do not use the elbow carry whe n someone is in front of you. Do not use the shoulder carry when someone is behi nd you. Hunter education course review and summary Carry selection is based primarily on muzzle control and terrain. When walking w ith others, be sure all hunters keep their guns pointing away from their compani ons.

What You Learned (cont.) Hunter education course review and summary Always unload guns before crossing fences or other obstacles or before negotiati ng rough terrain. If alone, place the gun on the other side of the obstacle, cross, and pull t he gun toward you by the butt. If two people are crossing, one person gives the other person both guns, cro sses first, and then receives the unloaded guns from the other hunter. Hunter education course review and summary Occasionally you may trip or stumble in the field, accidentally dipping the barr el into the ground or snow. Immediately check for an obstruction. Hunter education course review and summary When loading or unloading a firearm, always point the muzzle in a safe direction and make sure the safety is on. Hunter education course review and summary Before transporting a firearm, always unload it and put it in a case. Three typi cal gun cases are a padded, soft-sided case; a lockable, hard-sided case; and a gun sock. Do not display a firearm in a gun window rack. Hunter education course review and summary The area in which a hunter can shoot safely is referred to as a zone-of-fire. Be fore setting off in a group, hunters should agree on the zone-of-fire each perso n will cover. Its best to have no more than three hunters in a group. Everyone should wear daylight fluorescent orange. Only one hunter should aim at a target. Hunters should shoot only at game in front of them. Hunter education course review and summary Hunters should follow these other safety practices also. Self-control and target identification Only shoot when you are sure of your target and have a safe zone-of-fire. Accuracy Accuracy is essential for achieving a clean kill. Be sure you have a proper backstop before you shoot. Alcohol and drugs Avoid consuming alcohol or drugs before or during the hunt . It increases the risk of incidents.

What You Learned (cont.) Hunter education course review and summary Elevated stands place the hunter above ground level. They can be tree stands pla ced in or against trees, or free-standing structures. While they offer certain a dvantages, they also have some drawbacks, including a degree of risk. Hunter education course review and summary Portable tree stands are one category of elevated stands. These stands can be sa fe and environmentally friendly. Homemade stands should not be used. Commercial stands that are manufactured, certified, and tested to industry standards are be st. Portable tree stands come in three basic types: hang-on stands, climbing sta nds, and ladder stands. Hunter education course review and summary Tripods, quadpods, or tower stands are similar to a ladder tree stand but are fr ee-standing. Hunter education course review and summary When hunting from an elevated stand, you should use a fall-arrest system (FAS) t hat is manufactured to industry standards. Make sure your FAS includes a full-bo dy harness, linemans-style belt and/or climbing belt, tree strap, tether, and sus pension relief strap. Never use single-strap belts and chest harnesses. Carefull y read the manufacturers instructions for proper use of your FAS, and follow all safety guidelines. Hunter education course review and summary When you are in a tree stand, use the FAS tree strap and tether to attach your F AS full-body harness to the tree. If you should fall while in your stand: Do not panic. Signal for help. Climb back onto the platform quickly. Act to avoid suspension trauma if you must wait for rescue. Use your suspens ion relief strap, or keep moving your legs Hunter education course review and summary Never carry your hunting equipment up or down the tree with you as you climb. Al ways use a haul line attached to your hunting equipment. Unload your firearm and open the action. Put arrows in a covered quiver secured to the bow. Hunter education course review and summary Hunters often use boats in difficult conditions, such as wind, cold, and snow. S pecial care must be exercised to ensure a safe trip. Leave a hunting plan with family or friends. Load the boat properly. Make sure each person wears a life jacket. Do not go if wind and water conditions arent safe. Hunter education course review and summary Before boarding the boat, unload and case each firearm. Place the firearm in the boat first. When duck hunting with two persons, sit back-to-back. Hunter education course review and summary To survive a water emergency: Always wear a U.S. Coast Guardapproved personal flotation device (life jacket ) while youre in the boat. Life jackets will keep you afloat and help you keep wa rm. If you get caught in a storm and your boat swamps or capsizes, stay with the boat. Hunter education course review and summary Sudden immersion into cold water can cause immediate, involuntary gasping; hyper ventilation; panic; and vertigo­all of which can result in water inhalation and dro wning. If you fall into cold water, dont panic. Put on a life jacket immediately if you don't already have one on. Try to reboard your boat, or get as much of yo ur body out of the water as possible. Hunter education course review and summary All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) are special-purpose vehicles that require careful, r esponsible handling and good judgment. Carry firearms unloaded, cased, and on a proper gun rack. Use ATVs only to get to the hunting area or to haul an animal f rom the woods dont shoot from an ATV. Check on your states rules and regulations b efore using an ATV when hunting.

Before Hunting Laws Deer During the 19th century, many game animals were hunted nearly into extinction. T he thundering herds of buffalo that once roamed the plains were reduced to about 800 head. The beaver was almost wiped out. Once plentiful elk, deer, and prongh orn had been reduced to a fraction of their original number.

Benefits of Hunting Laws Game Conservation To conserve wildlife for future generations to enjoy, wildlife management laws w ere passed. These laws allow game to flourish by: Establishing hunting seasons that limit harvesting and avoid nesting and mat ing seasons. Limiting hunting methods and equipment. Setting bag limits on the number of animals that can be taken. Establishing check stations and game tag requirements to enforce the laws. Remember A substantial amount of funding for wildlife management comes from the purchase of licenses, which annually raises millions of dollars. Safety, Opportunity, and Funding In addition to ensuring the availability of game for future generations, hunting laws: Establish safety guidelines for hunting that protect both hunters and non-hu nters. Offer equal opportunity for all hunters, whether they use modern firearms, m uzzleloaders, or bows. Ensure adequate funding for wildlife programs by collecting license fees. Fair Chase Hunting laws also define the rules of fair chase. The concept began in the Middl e Ages when hunters increased the challenge of sport hunting by setting rules th at limited how they took game. A game warden More recently, fair chase rules were developed to stem public criticism of hunte rs. One of the earliest models was the Fair Chase Principle established in the lat e 1800s by the Boone and Crockett Club, which was founded by Theodore Roosevelt. Those who violated club rules were expelled. The rules were later expanded, banning the use of vehicles, airplanes, and radio s; electronic calling; or shooting in a fenced enclosure. Many states have made those rules into law.

How Hunting Laws Are Passed In most states, a wildlife management agency sets hunting regulations. These age ncies will have regular meetings where the public can voice their concerns and m ake suggestions. Hunters wishing to propose changes to the regulations should pa rticipate in these meetings or join a hunting organization that interacts with t he agency. A hunter meeting with a game warden Know the Law Ignorance of hunting laws is not a valid excuse for violating them. It is the hu nter's responsibility to review state game laws before the hunting season.

The Hunter's Image Matters Responsible hunters welcome laws that enforce sportsmanlike hunting practices be cause the behavior of irresponsible hunters has caused some people to oppose hun ting. Three generations of hunters Nationally, about five percent of the population hunts, and roughly the same per centage actively opposes hunting. The rest of the population is predominantly ne utral. However, bad behavior by hunters could sway some of the neutral crowd int o the anti-hunting camp. How Hunters Make a Positive Impact Put in countless hours to improve wildlife habitat. Help biologists transplant game species and save other species from extincti on. Encourage others to practice ethical behavior.

Being an Ethical Hunter While hunting laws preserve wildlife, ethics preserve the hunters opportunity to hunt. Because ethics generally govern behavior that affects public opinion of hu nters, ethical behavior ensures that hunters are welcome and hunting areas stay open. Hunters safely loading firearms in the field Ethics generally cover behavior that has to do with issues of fairness, respect, and responsibility not covered by laws. For instance, its not illegal to be rude to a landowner when hunting on his or her property or to be careless and fail t o close a pasture gate after opening it, but most hunters agree that discourteou s and irresponsible behavior is unethical. Then there are ethical issues that are just between the hunter and nature. For e xample, an animal appears beyond a hunters effective range for a clean kill. Shou ld the hunter take the shot anyway and hope to get lucky? Ethical hunters would say no. The Hunter's Ethical Code As Aldo Leopold, the father of wildlife management, once said, Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when no one else is watchingeven when doing the wrong thing is legal. The ethical code hunters use today has been developed by sportsmen over time. Mo st hunting organizations agree that responsible hunters do the following. Respect natural resources Respect other hunters Respect landowners Respect non-hunters Glossary ethics Moral principles or values that distinguish between right and wrong; they ar e unwritten rules that society expects to be followed.

Respect Natural Resources Example of a habitat Leave the land better than you found it. Adhere to fair chase rules. Know your capabilities and limitations as a marksman, and stay within your e ffective range. Strive for a quick, clean kill. Ensure that meat and usable parts are not wasted. Treat both game and non-game animals ethically. Abide by game laws and regulations. Cooperate with conservation officers. Report game violations.

Safety Tip When approached by a law enforcement officer, point your muzzle in a safe direct ion and follow the officer's instructions!

Respect Other Hunters Hunters talking together Follow safe firearm handling practices, and insist your companions do the sa me. Refrain from interfering with anothers hunt. Avoid consuming alcohol, which can impair you to the point of endangering ot hers. Share your knowledge and skills with others.

Respect Landowners Ask landowners for permission to hunt. Follow their restrictions on when and where you may hunt. Treat livestock and crops as your own. Offer to share a part of your harvest with the owner. Leave all gates the way you found them. If you notice something wrong or out of place, notify the landowner immediat ely. Never enter private land that is cultivated or posted, unless you have obtai ned permission first. Hunter shaking hands with farmer How To Ask Landowners for Permission Make contact well ahead of the hunting season. Wear street clothesno hunting gear or firearms. Dont bring companionsa crowd could be intimidating. Be polite, even if permission is denied. Your courtesy may affect the outcom e of future requests. Hunter speaking to landowner Contact the landowner while wearing street clothes and well in advance of when y ou wish to hunt. Landowner Complaints About Hunters Dont get permission to hunt. Dont tell the landowners when they arrive at or leave the property. Make too much noise. Leave litter behind. Carry loaded firearms in vehicles. Drive off the ranch roads. Dont leave gates as they were found (open or shut) when the hunter arrived. Shoot too close to neighbors or livestock. Leave fires unattended. Violate game laws. Drink alcohol to excess.

Respect Non-Hunters A hunter meeting a non-hunter Transport animals discreetlydont display them. Keep firearms out of sight. Refrain from taking graphic photographs of the kill and from vividly describ ing the kill while within earshot of non-hunters. Maintain a presentable appearance while on the streetno bloody or dirty cloth ing. How To Behave If Confronted by Anti-Hunter Protesters Remain calm and polite, and do not engage in argumentsnever lose your temper. Never touch an anti-hunter or use any physical force, and especially never t hreaten an anti-hunter with your firearm. Report hunter harassment to law enforcement authorities. If possible, record the vehicle license number of harassers.

Gray Areas of Ethical Behavior As in every human endeavor, there are gray areas of ethical behavior that come d own to a matter of personal choice. A balancing act: personal ethics Examples of gray areas of ethical behavior, which may even be illegal in some lo cales, are: Baiting deer with corn or protein pellets Shooting birds on the ground, on the water, or in trees Shooting from a vehicle or boat within private boundaries or on private wate rs Remember Hunting is a privilege and can be taken away if hunters fail to act responsibly.

Becoming a True Sportsman Becoming a sportsman It should be the goal of every responsible hunter to become a true sportsman. As a hunter gains experience and skill, studies have shown that he or she will typ ically pass through five distinct stages of development. Keep in mind, however, that not everyone passes through all of these stages, nor do they necessarily do it in the same order. The five stages of hunter development are: Shooting Stage Limiting-Out Stage Trophy Stage Method Stage Sportsman Stage

Five StagesShooting Stage The priority is getting off a shot, rather than patiently waiting for a good sho t. This eagerness to shoot can lead to bad decisions that endanger others. A com bination of target practice and mentoring helps most hunters move quickly out of this stage.

Five StagesLimiting-Out Stage Limiting-Out stage of hunter development Success is determined by bagging the limit. In extreme cases, this need to limit out also can cause hunters to take unsafe shots. Spending time with more mature hunters helps people grow out of this phase.

Five StagesTrophy Stage Hunter with trophy buck The hunter is selective and judges success by quality rather than quantity. Typi cally, the focus is on big game. Anything that doesnt measure up to the desired t rophy is ignored.

Five StagesMethod Stage Method stage of hunter development In this stage, the process of hunting becomes the focus. A hunter may still want to limit out but places a higher priority on how its accomplished.

Five StagesSportsman Stage Experienced hunter instructing beginner Success is measured by the total experiencethe appreciation of the out-of-doors a nd the animal being hunted, the process of the hunt, and the companionship of ot her hunters.

True Sportsmen Become Involved Hunter instructing younger hunter Part of the process of becoming a true, responsible sportsman is becoming involv ed in efforts to make hunting a respected sport. That includes teaching proper k nowledge and skills to others, working with landowners, and cooperating with wil dlife officials. It also includes joining conservation organizations dedicated to improving habit at and management efforts. Young hunters can be involved by joining organization s such as 4-H, Boy Scouts, and Girl Scouts, as well as by participating in wildl ife projects in their local communities. Responsible, ethical behavior and personal involvement are both essential to the survival of hunting. How you behave and how other people see you will determine whether hunting will continue as a sport. What You Learned Hunter education course review and summary During the 19th century, many game animals were hunted nearly into extinction. H unting laws were passed to: Ensure the availability of game for future generations. Establish hunting seasons to limit harvesting and avoid hunting during nesti ng and mating seasons. Limit hunting methods and equipment. Set bag limits. Establish check stations and game tag requirements. Define the rules of fair chase. Hunter education course review and summary Responsible hunters welcome laws that enforce sportsmanlike hunting practices be cause the behavior of irresponsible hunters has caused some people to oppose hun ting. Hunter education course review and summary Ethics are moral principles or values that distinguish between right and wrong. Ethical behavior ensures that hunters are welcome and hunting areas stay open. A ldo Leopold, the father of wildlife management, once said, Ethical behavior is doin g the right thing when no one else is watchingeven when doing the wrong thing is legal. Hunter education course review and summary Most hunting organizations agree that responsible hunters: Respect natural resources by leaving the land better than they found it; adh ering to fair chase rules; striving for a quick, clean kill; and abiding by game laws and regulations. Respect other hunters by following safe firearm handling practices and avoid ing alcohol before and during a hunt. Hunter education course review and summary Responsible hunters also: Respect landowners by asking for permission to hunt well ahead of the huntin g season, treating livestock and crops as their own, and leaving all gates the w ay they find them. Respect non-hunters by not displaying animals theyve harvested, keeping firea rms out of sight, and not wearing bloody or dirty clothing. Hunter education course review and summary Hunters typically pass through five distinct stages of development. Shooting stage The priority is getting off a shot, rather than patiently wai ting for a good shot. Limiting-out stage Success is determined by bagging the limit. Trophy stage The hunter is selective and judges success by quality rather th an quantity. Method stage The process of hunting becomes the focus. Sportsman stage This is the most responsible and ethical stage where success is measured by the total experience. Hunter education course review and summary Part of the process of becoming a true, responsible sportsman is becoming involv ed in efforts to make hunting a respected sport. That includes teaching proper k nowledge and skills to others, working with landowners, cooperating with wildlif e officials, and joining conservation organizations.

Preparing for Risks Hunting is a safe sport, but it does involve a certain amount of risk. Aside fro m firearm safety issues, a variety of incidents can occur on a trip outdoors. Th e rougher the terrainparticularly when its unfamiliar terrainthe greater the chance of accidents. Climate extremes also increase the risk. In remote areas, theres a lways the possibility of becoming lost.

Four Key Parts of Preparing Planning for the hunting season Be Ready: To help you avoid or minimize problems, its essential that you plan car efully for the hunt. Responsible hunters anticipate potential problems and make plans to deal with them. Considerations include terrain, location, weather, dang erous game, and the potential for forest fires. Know Your Location: Learn as much as you can about your chosen hunting area befo re you arrive. Purchase a topographic map, and familiarize yourself with the ter rain. If the location is within a convenient drive, its a good idea to visit the area in the off-season. Prepare for Safety: You also need to assess your physical condition and equipmen t. Refresh your memory of hunting and firearm safety rules, and review the rules with your hunting partners. Tell Others: Prepare a hunting plan that tells where and with whom you are hunti ng and when you expect to return. Give specific directions on your route to your destination and any alternate destinations. Leave the plan with a family member or friend. Do not deviate from your hunting plan without notification. When hun ting with a group, each person should discuss their route plan.

Physical Conditioning Hunters maintain their physical condition Hunting often demands more physical exertion than youre accustomed to doing. Cond itions that may hamper your physical ability to perform safely and responsibly w hile hunting include: Allergies Asthma A heart condition Excess weight Poor physical conditioning Your mental condition impacts your performance as well. Prepare for your hunt by getting in shape well in advance. The amount of time th at it will take to get in shape will depend on your physical condition and the d ifficulty of the planned hunt. Clothing Clothing also can affect your ability to perform safely and responsibly. Select clothing based on the weather you expect, while being prepared for the worst. In warm weather, wear a hat and light clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible to prevent heat exhaustion or sunburn. Cold weather conditions call for clothing that is worn in layers. Layers offer s uperior insulation. Also, as weather warms up, you can shed a layer at a time to stay comfortable. Layers should include: A vapor transmission layer (material such as polypropylene)worn next to the b ody; it should release moisture from the skin while retaining warmth. An insulating layerweightier or bulkier; it should hold warm air around you. A protective outer layeravailable in various weights and materials according to conditions; it should protect the inner layers from water and wind. The most important clothing choices are a daylight fluorescent orange hat and da ylight fluorescent orange outerweara shirt, vest, or jacket. Daylight fluorescent orange clothing makes it easier for one hunter to spot and recognize another hu nter because nothing in nature matches this color. The orange color of the cloth ing should be plainly visible from all directions. This is required by law in ma ny states.

Other Clothing Essentials A hat or cap with earflaps and gloves to retain body heatmost body heat is lo st through the head and hands; gloves also protect your hands from abrasions and rope burns Footwear that is sturdy, suitable for the conditions youll encounter, and bro ken in before the hunt Two layers of sockspolypropylene against the skin and a wool outer layer Remember Wool is the best all-around choice for insulation because it still provides warm th when wet. The best clothing combination in bad weather is polyester or polypr opylene underwear and shirt, wool pants, heavy jacket, and water repellent rain pants and parka. Soaking wet clothing can lose heat several hundred times faster than dry clothing. Cotton clothing (underwear, T-shirts, jeans, flannel shirts) is a poor choice for cold, wet weather. When wet, cotton loses its already limi ted insulating ability and can cause rapid transfer of heat away from the body, increasing the risk of hypothermia.

Day Pack-Survival Kit and Equipment In addition to your hunting gear, which includes your firearmor bowand field-dress ing equipment, you also should prepare a day pack that includes emergency suppli es. Although the contents will vary based on conditions and personal preference, an emergency day pack could include: Blades and ropes for a survival kit Base plate compass with signal mirror Candle Emergency high-energy food Extra boot laces Extra pair of glasses Extra two-day supply of prescription medicine Fire starterswaterproof matches, butane lighter, etc. First-aid kit Fishing line and hooks Flashlight with spare batteries and bulbs Folding saw Iodide tablets for water purification Knives Map Metal, waterproof carrying case that can double as a cooking pot Nylon rope One-sided razor blade Plastic sheet or large garbage bag Poncho Signal flares Small can of lighter fluid Snare wire or twine Thermal foil blanket Tissues Water Whistle (plastic) Additional Equipment Binoculars or spotting scope Biodegradable trail markers Duct tape Hatchet or ax Pencil and paper pad Shovel Sleeping bag appropriate for climate

Reading a Topographic Map Whenever youre in a remote or unfamiliar area, a topographic map and compass are a must. Topographic map Topographic maps are created from aerial photographs and reveal the contours of the land, including hills, ridges, and valleys, as well as lakes, rivers, creeks , trails, and roads. Contour lines show the elevation of the ground. Contour intervals reveal how much vertical distance there is between each co ntour lineclosely spaced contour lines indicate very steep slopes. Contour lines that are sharply tapered indicate an uphill direction. Rounded contour lines typically indicate a downhill direction. Remember If you're an experienced map reader, you can: Read terrain. Determine direction. Follow rivers, valleys, and ridges. Find your location in relationship to your camp. Identify areas preferred by game animals. Selecting a Compass The orienteering compass is a critical piece of equipment for outdoor travel. A good orienteering compass has these features: Clear base plate that allows you to see the map underneath Straight sides for aligning two points or for drawing lines Liquid-filled needle housing that keeps the magnetic needle relatively stead y when taking readings Two arrows: a direction arrow painted on the base plate (or you may use the edge of the compass) is used to point the compass from your starting point to yo ur destination; an orienting arrow, located in the needle housing, is used to or ient your compass to your map Orienteering compass with parts labeled Remember Metal objects, such as knives, gun barrels, belt buckles, etc., will affect a ma gnetic needle.

Understanding Declination Compass and topographic map Topographic maps are drawn to true north (North Pole), which is indicated by the grid lines on the map. However, a compass will always point to magnetic north, which is in the Hudson Bay area. The difference between true north and magnetic north is called declination. When true north and magnetic north are aligned, youre at zero degrees declination . Your compass needle will point to true north. However, if youre east or west of zero degrees declination, your compass will not be in line with true north. To compensate for declination: Center the north arrow (the N) of the compass dial along a north/south line of the map. Check the diagram at the bottom of the map that shows whether magnetic north is to the left or right of true north. Turn the compass dial the correct number of degrees left or right as indicat ed on the map. The N is now pointing at magnetic north. Hold the compass level in front of you and rotate your body until the tip of the compass needle aligns with the N on the compass dial. The direction arrow on the base plate now points in the direction you want to go.

Plotting Your Progress Two hunters reading a GPS As you hike into unfamiliar terrain, you can keep your bearings by taking freque nt compass readings and plotting your progress on a map. Note key points, such as stream crossings, to help you find your way back. Pay particular attention when you reach a high point at the top of a ridge; use the elevation to locate landmarks visible from there. Learning to set a course and take bearings takes study and practice. The best wa y to become proficient with a compass is under the guidance of an experienced in dividual.

Global Positioning System (GPS) The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a navigation system based on a networ k of satellites. Users with a GPS unit can determine their exact location (latit ude and longitude) in any weather condition, all over the world, 24 hours a day. GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day and transmit information to the earth. GPS receivers use this information to calculate the users location by comp aring the time a signal was transmitted by a satellite with the time it was rece ived. The time difference tells the GPS receiver the distance from the satellite . By calculating the distances from several satellites, the receiver can determi ne and display the users location on the GPS unit. Once the users position is determined, a GPS unit can calculate other informa tionbearing, trip distance, distance to destination, sunrise and sunset times, an d more. GPS receivers are accurate to within 15 meters (49 feet) on average. Certain atmospheric factors and other sources of error can affect the accuracy. Accurac y can be improved with a Differential GPS (DGPS) or WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System).

Switching Into Survival Mode Planning and preparation should keep you from having an outdoor misadventure. If something does go wrong, switch into survival mode. Hunter with emergency blanket Most everyone who treks into the wilderness gets turned around occasionally. How you respond in the early stages often determines if your disorientation becomes a temporary inconvenience or a traumatic ordeal. If you keep a cool head, youll usually get your bearings fairly quickly. Think through recent events to see if you can retrace your path. If you decide y ou cant return to your camp or car, commit yourself to spending the night where y ou are. If you remain in one spot, its very likely that you will be found in a fe w days. You now have three priorities: shelter, fire, and signal.

Rules of Survival Survival items Give a responsible person your hunting plan. Dont travel or hunt alone. Take enough food and water to last for several days in an emergency. Bring a map and compass, and always orient yourself before leaving camp. Wear layered clothing and take extra clothing, preferably wool and polyester , with you. Plan your outings so that you can return to camp before dark. Never leave camp without taking fire-starting equipment and a foil blanket. Dont panic if you become lost.

S.T.O.P.Stop, Think, Observe, Plan When you find yourself in a survival situation, the most important tool is your brain. Stop when you realize you've got a problem. The first thing to do is admit to yo urself that you are in trouble. Think about what you need to do to survive. Observe the area; and look for shelter, fuel, etc. Plan how you are going to use your survival kit and your other available resourc es. Dont wait until dark to plan! Remain calm. Think clearly. Use the tools you have available to you.

Preparing a Shelter Start preparing your camp well before dark. Look for a natural shelter, such as a rock overhang or a thick stand of evergreens. The site should be dry and well drained, and protect you from the wind. Ideally, it also should be near water an d plenty of firewood. Hunter sitting under a lean-to shelter If no natural shelter is available, pick an area with materials nearby to build a lean-to or debris hut. A lean-to is constructed by leaning branches against a horizontal support to for m a frame for a roof. Be sure to orient the opening away from the wind. Cover th e frame with evergreen branches to block wind or precipitation. Leaves and twigs are another option. If you need additional protection, you can add side walls. Build your fire where its heat will radiate into the shelter. Your sleeping area should be located between the shelter wall and the fire.

Starting a Fire If there is snow on the ground, build the fire on a platform of green logs or ro cks. If the terrain is dry, clear a patch of bare dirt to avoid starting a grass or forest fire. Starting a fire A tepee of larger sticks enclosing the kindling is a good way to start a fire. Gather everything you need before starting the fire. Pile fuel ranging from smal l twigs to fuel logs next to the fire site. Collect more fuel than you think you can use; you may need more than you estimate. Pile fine twigs, grass, or bark shavings loosely as a base. If you cant find dry kindling, remove bark from trees. Use your knife to shave dry wood from the insi de of the bark. Place slightly larger sticks on the starter material until you have a pile about 10 inches high. If theres no breeze, light the kindling in the middle of the base. If there is a breeze, light one end of the kindling so that the flame will be blown toward the rest of the fuel. As the kindling lights and the flames spread to the larger tw igs, slowly add more wood to the blaze. Add larger pieces as the fire grows. A l arge fire will throw more heat and be easier to maintain. Signaling for Help When you decide to stay put and wait for rescue, prepare help signals as soon as possible. The international emergency sign for distress is three of any signal: three shot s, three blasts on a whistle, three flashes with a mirror, or three fires evenly spaced. If youre near an open space, walk an X in the snow, grass, or sand. Make i t as large as possible so that it can be seen easily from the air. Placing branc hes, logs, or rocks along the X will make it more visible. Do not light signal fir es until you hear an aircraft. Adding green boughs, preferably pine if available , to the fire will help create smoke. Once you have a shelter, fire, and your signal prepared, you can focus on water and food. Three blasts on a whistle is the international signal for help Personal Locator Beacons Personal locator beacons (PLBs) provide a distress and alerting system for use i n a life-and-death situation. A PLB is a small transmitter that sends out a pers onalized emergency distress signal to a monitored satellite system. When you buy a PLB, you must register it with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administr ation (NOAA). PLBs are a highly effective and internationally recognized way to summon help.

Drinking Enough Water Even in cool weather, you need two to four quarts of water a day. Under most con ditions, humans can only last about three days without water. Pure drinking water is rare, even in the most remote regions. Clear mountain str eams often are contaminated by Giardia lamblia, a parasite that causes serious i ntestinal sickness in humans. The best way to purify water is by boiling. Chemical purifiers such as iodide or chlorine and filter systems can be used, but some may not be satisfactory. Neve r make survival problems worse by drinking unsafe water. Solar Still Solar stills can provide emergency drinking water. Ground water condenses on a p lastic cone set in the ground and drips into a collecting pan. Solar still To make a solar still: Dig a pit 3 feet wide by 18 inches deep. Place a shallow container in the center. Run a tube from the container to the edge of the pit. Lay clear plastic over the pit and place a rock or a little soil in the cent er to form a cone. Draw water through the tube to avoid disturbing the still. Make several stills if you have no other source of water. Finding Food Hunting to provide food Humans can go for two weeks or more without food. Although the need for food is not that urgent, youll be more comfortable and clear-headed if you eat. Anywhere there is game, there is food, but probably not what youre accustomed to eating. Before you head into a remote area, its a good idea to learn whats edible in that particular region. Hopefully, youll be able to use your hunting equipment to harv est the bulk of your food.

Hypothermia Some of the most common and dangerous risks to hunters result from exposure to e xtreme weather. Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it, caus ing your core body temperature to fall. Hypothermia is often induced by cold, we t conditions, such as rain, snow, sleet, or immersion in water. However, hypothe rmia can occur at temperatures as high as 50° Fahrenheit. Hunter wearing rain-gear Hypothermia is often induced by cold, wet conditions, such as rain, snow, sleet, or immersion in water. Moisture from perspiration, humidity, and dew or rain on bushes and trees also c an soak your clothing over time, putting you at risk in cold weather. Wet or dam p clothes will draw heat out of your body more rapidly than cold air. Wind lower s your body temperature as it evaporates moisture from your body. Resting agains t cold surfaces also will draw heat from your body. Prevention of Hypothermia Hypothermia can be prevented by dressing properly, by avoiding potentially d angerous weather conditions, and by drying out as quickly as possible when you g et wet. High-calorie foods, such as chocolate, peanuts, or raisins, provide quick en ergy that helps your body produce heat.

Symptoms and Treatment of Hypothermia Symptoms of Hypothermia Uncontrolled shiveringusually the first obvious symptom, but ceases as hypoth ermia progresses Slow, slurred speech Memory loss Irrational behavior, such as removing clothing Lack of body movement Sleepiness Unconsciousness, which could lead to death Hunter sitting near campfire, warming himself Treatment of Hypothermia Find shelter for the victim. Remove wet clothing, and replace with dry clothing and other protective cove ring. If there is no dry clothing, use a fire to dry one layer at a time. Give warm liquids to rehydrate and rewarm, but never give the victim alcohol to drink. Quick-energy foods also produce inner body heat. For mild cases, use fire, blankets, or another persons body heat to warm the victim. In more advanced stages, rewarm the victim slowly by placing one or more per sons in body contact with the victim. Place canteens of hot water insulated with socks or towels on the groin, armpits, and sides of the neck of the victim. A victim at or near unconsciousness must be handled gently, and not immersed in a warm bath or exposed to a large fire, which can lead to traumatic shock or death. Immediately contact emergency medical personnel to evacuate the victim t o a hospital for treatment. **REMEMBER!!! HYPOTHERMIA IS THE NUMBER ONE CAUSE OF OUT DOOR FATALITIES!

Frostbite Wind chill chart Frostbite occurs when tissue freezes. The best prevention is to avoid severe wea ther. If youre caught in extremely cold weather, pay attention to your head and e xtremities, such as fingers, toes, ears, and nose. Wear a face cover if the temp erature is below 0° Fahrenheit. If you experience any symptom of frostbite, treat immediately. Symptoms of Frostbite Skin turns off-white. Prickly or tingling feeling occurs as ice crystals form. Pain may be present initially, then disappears as frostbite progresses. In severe cases, victim experiences a loss of feeling in the affected area. Treatment of Frostbite Warm the affected area with body heat, but avoid rubbing the areait can damag e tissue. Dont use hot water or other external heat sources, which could cause burns. Wrap with warm, dry clothing. Move to a warm shelter. Drink hot liquids. Get medical attention.

Basics of Cold Survival Without Fire Prevent hypothermia by wrapping your body in a thermal blanket Wear proper type of clothing (no cotton). Stay dry. Use water-repellent outer garments. Build a shelter. The best is a nylon tarp shelter as it will protect you fro m wind, rain, and snow. Insulate the floor of the shelter with pine boughs, if a vailable. Avoid contact with cold surfaces (the ground, rocks, or snow). Wrap your body in a thermal foil blanket. This will maintain a temperature o f 60° F inside the wrap even when the outside temperature is -10° F. Limit your physical activity to conserve energy.

Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke Hunter staying hydrated Heat Exhaustion Heat exhaustion is the opposite of hypothermiathe core body temperature increases , usually as a result of hot and humid conditions, plus a lack of water. Prevention of Heat Exhaustion Drink plenty of water. Take frequent breaks if youre hiking to or from your hunting spot, especially when carrying a large load. Dress in layers, and shed layers as physical activity increases. Symptoms of Heat Exhaustion Pale and clammy skin Weakness Nausea Headache Muscle cramps Treatment of Heat Exhaustion Move to a cooler place and drink water. Fan to lower body temperature, but don't over-chill. Heat Stroke Heat stroke should be treated as a medical emergencyit can be fatal. Symptoms of Heat Stroke Dry, hot, and flushed skindark or purple in color Dilated pupils Rapid, weak pulse Shallow breathing High temperaturemay be in excess of 106° Fahrenheit Treatment of Heat Stroke Wrap in a sheet and soak with coolnot coldwater. Fan, but don't over-chill. Get to a hospital immediately.

Basic First Aid Every hunter should take a first-aid course to learn what to do in case of injur ies. Broken bones, bleeding, and burns are some of the common injuries that coul d occur while hunting. Hunter receiving CPR Remember Every hunter should take a first-aid course and a course in cardiopulmonary resu scitation (CPR) to be prepared to handle outdoor emergencies. A prepared hunter also will carry a complete first-aid kit.

First AidBleeding Severe bleeding is a life-threatening medical emergency. The rapid loss of just two pints of blood can result in shock and loss of consciousness. A victim can b leed to death in a short time. Apply direct pressure To Stop Bleeding: Apply direct pressure on the wound. Cover with a sterile gauze pador the cleanest cloth readily available. Concer ns about infection are secondary when it comes to preventing massive blood loss. Press the pad firmly over the wound using the palm of your hand. Dont lift th e pad to check the woundit will only renew bleeding. When a pad becomes soaked, put a fresh one directly over the old pad. If the wound is on a limb and theres no fracture, raise the limb above the le vel of the heart. Gravity will reduce the blood pressure in the limb. Direct pressure and elevation are usually sufficient to stop bleeding. If profus e bleeding continues, try shutting off circulation in the artery that supplies b lood to the injured limb.

First AidBroken Bones You can assume someone has a broken bone if pain lasts more than a few minutes, moving the injured area is difficult, or there is swelling in the injured area. If you have to transport the victim a long distance, its best to immobilize the j oint above and below the break to prevent further injury and relieve pain. Dont t ry to straighten the limbsplint it the way you found it. For a broken foot, do not remove the shoe. Tie a pillow or thick padding around the foot over the shoe. To splint a broken leg: Place a blanket or some other type of thick padding between the legs. Bind the injured leg to the uninjured one with strips of cloth. Bind the legs together snugly at several places above and below the painful area. Arm in splint Moving an Injured Person Moving a victim with a back or neck injury should be left to paramedics or other professionals since permanent damage could result from improper handling. If a victim must be pulled to safety, move him or her lengthwise and headfirst, supporting the head and neck. Keep the spine in alignment.

First AidBurns, CO Poisoning, Chest Wounds, and Shock Treating shock in the field Treating Burns First- and second-degree burns with closed blisters are best treated with cold w ater. Immerse the burned area, or cover it with cloths that have been soaked in co ld waterdont use ice water. Avoid using butter or any type of greasy ointment because they can interfere with healing and cause an allergic reaction. Second- and third-degree burns with open blisters should be wrapped with a loose , dry dressing. Treating Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Improperly working camp stoves and lanterns, as well as wood and charcoal fires, can produce lethal carbon monoxide. Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include headache, dizziness, weakness, and difficulty in breathing. The victims skin can turn red, and he or she can lose c onsciousness. Get victims into fresh air immediately, and keep them lying quietly. Prompt medi cal care is essential. Treating a Chest Wound A bullet striking the chest can cause a sucking chest wounda deep, open wound of the chest wall that allows air into the chest cavity. All chest injuries are very serious and need immediate medical attention. To respond immediately to a chest wound: Use the palm of your hand to cover the wound until a bandage is located. Cover the wound with sterile gauze, a clean cloth, plastic, or foil. Make sure the wound cover forms an air-tight seal. Hold the gauze in place with a bandage or tape. If the victim has trouble breathing, remove the bandage and replace it quick ly. Transport the victim to the hospital with the injured side down. Treating Shock Shock can result from any serious injury. Symptoms include pale, cold, clammy sk in; rapid pulse; shallow breathing; and fear in the victim. To treat shock: Keep the victim lying on his or her back. In some cases, shock victims impro ve by raising their feet 8-10 inches. If the victim is having trouble breathing, raise the victims head and shoulde rs about 10 inches rather than raising the feet. Maintain normal body temperature, and loosen any restrictive clothing. Try to keep the victim calm and comfortable, and get medical help as quickly as possible.

First AidSnakebite Most doctors agree that the best response is to rush the victim to a hospital em ergency room. Do not try to remove poison from snakebites. Cutting and suctionin g the bite can do more harm than good. Venomous snakes Fear and panic aggravate snakebite reactions. Calm the victim as much as possibl e. Keep the victim in a reclining position to slow the spread of venom. If the b ite is on a limb, keep the wound at or below the level of the heart.

First-Aid Kit Suggested contents for a first-aid kit include: 2-inch-square sterile gauze pads 2-inch-wide gauze bandage roll 4-inch-square sterile gauze pads 42-inch-square cloth for triangular bandage or sling Antacid Antibiotic salve Aspirin Assorted adhesive dressings Assorted butterfly dressings Cell phone Cotton swabs Decongestant Eye dropper Hand sanitizer Instant chemical cold packs Instant chemical hot packs Latex gloves Moleskin Needles One-half percent hydrocortisone cream Petroleum jelly Roll of 1-inch adhesive tape Roll of 2-inch adhesive tape Safety pins Scissors Single-edged razor blades Sterile eyewash Thermometer Tweezers

What You Learned Hunter education course review and summary Hunting is a safe sport, but it does involve a certain amount of risk. To plan p roperly when you prepare for your hunt, remember these four areas. Be Ready Anticipate potential problems. Know Your Location Familiarize yourself with the terrain. Prepare for Safety Assess your physical condition and equipment, and firearm safety rules. Tell Others Prepare a hunting plan. Hunter education course review and summary Since hunting demands a lot of physical exertion, be aware of any conditions tha t could interfere with your abilities such as allergies, asthma, a heart conditi on, excess weight, poor physical conditioning, or poor mental condition. Hunter education course review and summary Select clothing based on the weather you expect, while being prepared for the wo rst. In all types of weather, always wear a daylight fluorescent orange hat and daylight fluorescent orange outerwear. Daylight fluorescent orange clothing make s it easier for one hunter to spot and recognize another hunter because nothing in nature matches this color. Hunter education course review and summary In addition to your hunting gear, which includes your firearmor bowand field-dress ing equipment, you also should prepare a day pack that includes emergency suppli es. Hunter education course review and summary Whenever youre hunting in a remote or unfamiliar area, use a topographic map and compass. As you hike into unfamiliar terrain, you can keep your bearings by taki ng frequent compass readings and plotting your progress on a map. Hunter education course review and summary If you become disoriented or if something else goes wrong, you have five primary requirements for survival. Shelter Start preparing your camp well before dark. Fire Gather more fuel than you think you can use. Signal Use the international emergency sign for distress which is three of a ny signal. Water Drink two to four quarts of water per day, purifying it if necessary. Food Eat to keep yourself more comfortable and clear-headed. Hunter education course review and summary The eight rules of survival are: 1) Give a responsible person your hunting plan. 2) Dont travel or hunt alone. 3) Take enough food and water to last for several days in an emergency. 4) Bring a map and compass, and always orient yourself bef ore leaving camp. 5) Wear layered clothing and take extra clothing, preferably w ool and polyester, with you. 6) Plan your outings so that you can return to camp before dark. 7) Never leave camp without taking fire-starting equipment and a f oil blanket. 8) Dont panic if you become lost.

What You Learned (cont.) Hunter education course review and summary Hypothermia occurs when your body loses heat faster than it can produce it. Hypo thermia is often caused by cold, wet conditions. To help prevent hypothermia, dress properly, avoid potentially dangerous wea ther conditions, and dry out as quickly as possible when you get wet. To treat the victim, find shelter, remove wet clothing, give warm liquids, a nd rewarm the person. Also contact emergency medical personnel to evacuate the v ictim to a hospital for treatment. Hunter education course review and summary Frostbite occurs when tissue freezes. To prevent frostbite, avoid severe weather. To treat frostbite, warm the area with body heat and warm, dry clothing; mov e to a warm shelter, drink hot liquids, and get medical attention. Hunter education course review and summary Heat exhaustion occurs when the core body temperature increases. To prevent heat exhaustion, drink plenty of water, take breaks while hiking, and remove layers of clothing as you get hotter. To treat heat exhaustion, move to a cooler place, drink water, and fan yours elf. Heat stroke can be fatal. To treat the victim, wrap in a sheet and soak with coo l water, fan, and get to a hospital immediately. Hunter education course review and summary Severe bleeding is a life-threatening medical emergency. To stop bleeding, apply direct pressure on the wound, cover it with a sterile gauze pad, and elevate th e wounded area above the level of the heart if possible. Hunter education course review and summary You can assume someone has a broken bone if pain lasts more than a few minutes, moving the injured area is difficult, or there is swelling in the injured area. If you have to transport the victim a long distance, dont try to straighten the l imbsplint it the way you found it. Hunter education course review and summary First- and second-degree burns with closed blisters are best treated with cold w ater. Second- and third-degree burns with open blisters should be wrapped with a loose, dry dressing. Hunter education course review and summary Get victims of carbon monoxide poisoning into fresh air immediately, and keep th em lying quietly. Prompt medical care is essential. Hunter education course review and summary Shock can result from any serious injury. To treat shock, keep the victim lying on his or her back, try to keep the victim calm and comfortable, and get medical help as quickly as possible. A bullet striking the chest can cause a sucking chest wound. All chest injuries are very serious and need immediate medical attention. Hunter education course review and summary Most doctors agree that the best response to a snakebite is to rush the victim t o a hospital emergency room. Do not try to remove poison from snakebites. Hunter education course review and summary Every hunter should take a first-aid course and a course in cardiopulmonary resu scitation (CPR) to be prepared to handle outdoor emergencies. A prepared hunter also will carry a complete

Conservation and Preservation The concept of wildlife conservation has been around since ancient times. Restri ctions on taking game are mentioned in the Bible, and the first official hunting season may have been established in the 13th century by Kublai Khan. Today, wildlife conservation has evolved into a science, but its goal remains es sentially the same: to ensure the wise use and management of renewable resources . Given the right circumstances, the living organisms that we call renewable res ources can replenish themselves indefinitely. Preservation is another means of protecting or saving a resource, such as by out lawing hunting of endangered species. Both preservation and conservation are nec essary to sustain resources for future generations. Glossary conservation Wise use of natural resources, without wasting them preservation Saving natural resources, but with no consumptive use of them

Lessons in Wildlife Management Initially, wildlife management in the United States was skewed toward protection . In the early 1900s, for example, wildlife managers attempted to preserve a mul e deer herd in the remote Kaibab Plateau of Arizona. Hunting was banned, and pre dators were destroyed. The result was severe overpopulation, habitat destruction , and mass starvation. Buck with doe The Kaibab Plateau was opened to hunting in 1929, which brought the population i nto balance with the habitat. Today, a large, healthy herd of mule deer inhabits the area. Around the same period, a similar event took place in Pennsylvania. Deer had bee n brought into the state after the native population was thought to be extinct. With most of the predators eliminated and little hunting allowed, the herd grew out of control. As the food supply dwindled, thousands of white-tailed deer star ved to death. From these hard lessons, wildlife managers learned that there is more to conserv ation than just protecting wildlife. They discovered that nature overproduces it s game resources and that good wildlife management yields a surplus that can be harvested by hunters. The North American Model of Wildlife Conservation In the first two decades of the 20th century, sportsmen from the United States a nd Canada developed a set of guiding principles for managing wildlife resources. Called the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, these seven principle s provide the foundation for the success of fish and wildlife conservation in No rth America. Wildlife is public property. The government holds wildlife in trust for the benefit of all people. Wildlife cannot be slaughtered for commercial use. This policy eliminates tr afficking in dead game animals. Wildlife is allocated by law. Every citizen in good standingregardless of wea lth, social standing, or land ownershipis allowed to participate in the harvest o f fish and wildlife within guidelines set by lawmakers. Wildlife shall be taken by legal and ethical means, in the spirit of "fair c hase," and with good cause. Animals can be killed only for legitimate purposesfor food and fur, in self-defense, or for protection of property. Wildlife is an international resource. As such, hunting and fishing shall be managed cooperatively across state and province boundaries. Wildlife management, use, and conservation shall be based on sound scientifi c knowledge and principles. Hunting, fishing, and trapping shall be democratic. This gives all personsric h and poor alikethe opportunity to participate. Glossary habitat Complete environmental requirements of an animal for survival: food, water, cover, space, and arrangement wildlife management Science and practice of maintaining wildlife populations and their habitats

Causes of Threatened and Endangered Species No North American animal has become extinct because of sport hunting. Habitat Management The habitat is where a species fulfills its basic life needs: nourishment, procr eation, and rest. If not managed properly, urban development can result in habit at loss, which presents the greatest threat to wildlife. Habitat management, the most essential aspect of wildlife management, safeguards the essential elements to meet these needs. Elements of a viable habitat Food and water are necessary to all wildlife. Competition for these elements among species makes cover, space, and arrangement top priorities. Cover protects animals from predators and the weather while they feed, breed , roost, nest, and travel. Cover ranges from thick weeds and brush to a few rock s piled together. Space is necessary for adequate food among wildlife, territorial space for m ating and nesting, and freedom from stress-related diseases. Arrangement of these elements ideally allows animals to meet these needs in a small area to minimize energy use while fulfilling their basic needs. Edge effect refers to the consequence of placing two contrasting ecosystems adja cent to one another. Most animals locate where food and cover meet, particularly near water. An example would be a river bottom, which offers many animals all t heir habitat needs along one corridor.

Habitat Balancing Act Habitat before development Before Urbanization Habitat after urbanization After Urbanization Remember Habitats must be in balance in order to support wildlife. Remove a certain popul ation of plants or animals from a community, and the community may not survive. This typically happens when urban development pushes into wildlife areas.

Carrying Capacity The resources in any given habitat can support only a certain quantity of wildli fe. As seasons change, food, water, or cover may be in short supply. Carrying ca pacity is the number of animals the habitat can support all year long. The carry ing capacity of a certain tract of land can vary from year to year. It can be ch anged by nature or humans. Factors that limit the potential production of wildlife include: Disease/parasites Starvation Predators Pollution Accidents Old age Hunting carrying capacity Carrying capacity is the number of animals a given habitat can support all y ear long without damaging the animals or the habitat. Factors That Affect Surplus of Game Animals Remember If the conditions are balanced, game animals will produce a surplus, which can b e harvested on an annual, sustainable basis.

The Hunter's Role in Wildlife Conservation Since wildlife is a renewable resource with a surplus, hunters help control wild life populations at a healthy balance for the habitat. Regulated hunting has nev er caused a wildlife population to become threatened or endangered. Hunting is an effective wildlife management tool. Hunters play an important role by providing the information from the field that wildlife managers need. Funding from hunting licenses has helped many game and non-game species recover from dwindling populations. Hunter wearing hunter orange Hunters and Wildlife Conservation Hunters spend more time, money, and effort on wildlife conservation than any oth er group in society. In addition to participating in the harvest of surplus anim als, hunters help sustain game populations by: Filling out questionnaires Participating in surveys Stopping at hunter check stations Providing samples from harvested animals Helping fund wildlife management through license fees

The Wildlife Manager's Role Wildlife Restoration logo The wildlife managers job is to maintain the number of animals in a habitat at or below the habitats carrying capacity so that no damage is done to the animals or to their habitat. In a sense, a wildlife managers task is similar to a ranchers. Just as a rancher l imits the number of animals in a cattle herd to a level that the habitat can tol erate, wildlife managers try to keep the number of animals in balance with their habitat. In addition to looking at the total number of each species in a habita t, wildlife managers also monitor the breeding stockthe correct mix of adult and young animals needed to sustain a population. To manage a habitat, wildlife managers must consider historical trends, current habitat conditions, breeding population levels, long-term projections, and breed ing success. With that knowledge, wildlife managers have a variety of practices at their disposal to keep habitats in balance.

Wildlife Management Practices Monitoring Wildlife Populations: Wildlife managers continuously monitor the birt h rate and death rate of various species and the condition of their habitat. Thi s provides the data needed to set hunting regulations and determine if other wil dlife management practices are needed to conserve wildlife species. Suppose each adult pair of waterfowl produces six young each year and none of th e factors that limit wildlife production are active. At the end of the fifth yea r, the initial pair will have grown to more than 2,000 waterfowl. Drake, mother duck and ducklings Habitat Improvement: As succession occurs, the change in habitat affects the typ e and number of wildlife the habitat can support. Wildlife managers may cut down or burn forested areas to promote new growth and slow down the process of succe ssion. This practice enables them to increase the production of certain wildlife species. Hunting Regulations: Hunting regulations protect habitat and preserve animal pop ulations. Regulations include setting daily and seasonal time limits, bag limits , and legal methods for taking wildlife. Hunting: Hunting is an effective wildlife management tool. Hunting practices hel p managers keep animal populations in balance with their habitat. Predator Control: In rare instances, predators must be reduced to enable some wi ldlife populations to establish stable populations, particularly threatened or e ndangered species. Artificial Stocking: Restocking of game animals has been successful in many part s of the nation. An example of restocking is trapping animals in areas where the y are abundant and releasing them in areas of suitable habitat where they are no t abundant. Controlling or Preventing Disease and Its Spread: Disease can have a devastating effect on wildlife. Avian cholera, for example, poses a serious threat, especia lly to ducks and geese on crowded wintering grounds. Once avian cholera occurs, managers must work to prevent its spread by gathering and burning waterfowl carc asses daily. Management Funds/Programs: In addition to Pittman-Robertson funds, many states h ave initiated programs that help finance conservation efforts. Glossary birth rate The ratio of number of young born to females of a species to total populatio n of that species over one year death rate The ratio of number of deaths in a species to total population of that speci es spanning one year predator An animal that kills other animals for food succession Natural progression of vegetation and wildlife populations in an area; for e xample, as trees grow and form a canopy, shrubs and grasses will disappear along with the wildlife that use them as cover

Beneficial Habitat Management Practices Habitat with water Beneficial habitat management practices include: Brush pile creation Controlled burning Diking Ditching Food plots and planting Mechanical brush or grass control Nuisance plant or animal control Timber cutting Water holdings

Developing Wildlife Identification Skills Developing wildlife identification skills is a basic requirement for hunters. Kn owing the key characteristics of animals will help you distinguish between simil ar species and between the male and female of the same species. Mistakes in iden tification can lead to illegal harvest of game or non-game animals. To identify game properly, you must learn to recognize key characteristics of the animal your e hunting. Identifying animals accurately is a skill that improves with experience. It can be difficult, especially when you must observe quickly or when the differences b etween animals are subtle. Sometimes the difference between animals in the same species is only the size of their ears or distinctive coloring. Scat and tracks provide additional clues for identifying species. Many resources are available for learning about wildlife. Good sources are books , television shows featuring hunting and nature topics, and websites such as tha t of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It is common to categorize wild animals into groups that are similar in some way ; for example: Large mammals Small mammals Upland birds Waterfowl and wetland birds Birds of prey Within each of the groups, species may be "threatened" or "endangered." Some spe cies are protected from hunting because their numbers are small and they produce no surplus to harvest. "Threatened" and "endangered" species are protected by l aw.

Large Mammals The large mammal group typically includes horned animals, antlered animals, bear s, and large members of the wild cat or wild dog families. Horned or antlered animals have these key characteristics. Horns are hollow and are not shed. Wild sheep and goats have horns. Antlers are solid bone and are shed annually. Members of the deer family hav e antlers and rub their antlers on trees. Horned and antlered animals are cloven-hoofed (their hooves have two parts). Horned and antlered animals are ruminants (they chew cud). A ruminant digest s its food in two steps. First they eat food and regurgitate it (cud), and then they eat it a second time. They have a hard upper pad that they use to mash thei r food. Characteristics of Mammals Mammals are warm-blooded animals with hair. Young are nourished with milk fr om the mother. Mammals can be carnivorous (meat eating), herbivorous (plant eating), or omn ivorous (meat and plant eating). Mammals seek to regulate their temperature. Mammals in cold climates must ke ep warm, and mammals in hot climates must keep cool. Small mammals live shorter lives than large mammals, in general. Mammals vary in social behaviorsome species live in groups, and other species are solitary except when mating or raising offspring.

Small Mammals Two of the most common small game animals are rabbits and squirrels. By studying these animals, you can learn to recognize their tracks. Some small mammals that are sought after primarily for their pelts are called fu rbearers. Two popular breeds are fox and mink.

Upland Birds Popular upland birds that are found across the country include turkeys, pheasant s, grouse, and quail. The term upland refers to where they are often found. The basic shape of upland birds is similar to chickens. They also have short rou nded wings that are good for short flights and strong legs that are good for run ning. Most male upland birds have more colorful feathers than females. The females plai n feathers help her provide camouflage cover for her nest.

Waterfowl Waterfowl are warm-blooded animals that live on or near water, and include divin g ducks and puddle ducks. Puddle ducks are found primarily on the shallows of lakes, rivers, and freshwate r marshes. Puddle ducks prefer to feed on or near the waters surface. They launch themselves directly upward when taking off. Diving ducks inhabit large deep lakes and rivers, coastal bays, and inlets. Divi ng ducks obtain most of their food by diving. They must run across the water to build up speed to take off. Some Examples of Waterfowl Canada Goose Wood Duck

Wetland Birds Wetland birds live close to water in marshy and coastal areas. Examples are cran es and snipes.

Birds of Prey Birds of prey feed on other birds or mammals. Examples are eagles, falcons, and owls. Birds of prey are found throughout North America.

Rare, Protected, or Endangered Species Some species are protected from hunting because their numbers are small and they produce no surplus to harvest. Animals that are labeled "rare," "threatened," o r "endangered" are all fully protected by law.

Remember No North American animal has become extinct because of sport hunting.

--Continue Your Wildlife Education The publication Today's Wildlife gives the identifying characteristics, habitat, and range of most of the wildlife you may encounter. As a responsible hunter, you should educate yourself about wildlife prior to you r hunt. The ability to accurately identify species will make you a better hunter and will increase the enjoyment of your hunting experience.

What You Learned Hunter education course review and summary The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure the wise use and management of re newable resources without wasting them. Preservation saves natural resources wit h no consumptive use of them. Both are necessary to sustain resources for future generations. Hunter education course review and summary Wildlife management is the science and practice of maintaining wildlife populati ons and their habitats. Wildlife managers know that nature overproduces its game resources and that good management yields a surplus that can be harvested by hu nters. Hunter education course review and summary The most essential aspect of wildlife management is managing habitat for game sp ecies. This provides a species the essential elements needed to meet its needs: food, water, cover, space, and an arrangement of these elements that lets animal s meet their needs. Hunter education course review and summary Carrying capacity is the number of animals a given habitat can support all year long without damaging the animals or the habitat. Hunter education course review and summary Factors that can limit the potential production of wildlife include disease/para sites, starvation, predators, pollution, accidents, old age, and hunting.

What You Learned (cont.) Hunter education course review and summary Hunters play an important role in wildlife conservation. Hunters help control wildlife populations at a healthy balance for the habit at. Hunters provide information from the field that wildlife managers need. Funding from hunting licenses has helped many game and non-game species reco ver from dwindling populations. Hunter education course review and summary Wildlife managers use a variety of practices to manage a habitat and keep it in balance including: Monitoring wildlife populations Improving habitats when an area changes Setting hunting regulations Allowing hunting to balance animal populations in a habitat Controlling predators Artificially stocking animals Controlling or preventing disease Initiating funding programs Hunter education course review and summary To identify game properly, hunters must learn to recognize key characteristics o f the animal being hunted. Knowing the key characteristics of animals will help hunters distinguish between similar species and between the male and female of t he same species. Mistakes in identification can lead to illegal harvest of game or non-game animals. Hunter education course review and summary Wild animals are generally divided into five groups. Large mammals Small mammals Upland birds Waterfowl and wetland birds Birds of prey