Approved Copra Dryer Manufactures List Name & Address Dryer Capacity 1 M/s Premier Engineering Products 3rd Floor, above Bank of Baroda Building 5000 to 25,000 nuts MG Road, Kochi-682016, Kerala Phone 0484- 2354841. 23538115 Fax 0484-2354841 2 M/s Low Heat Driers Private Ltd 500 to 600 nuts Kizhakkambalam PO, Ernakulam district Kerala, Phone 0484-2658243 3 M/s The Regional Agro Industrial Development 1000 to 5000 nuts Co-Operative of Kerala Ltd (Raidco) Pumpset Manufacturing Unit, Kanjikode west .P.O. Palakkad Kerala 678 023 Phone- 0481-566319,566072 Fax 0491-566319 4 M/s. Modern Engineering Works 500 to 1000 nuts Vazhani PO. Thrissur District Kerala 680 589 phone 0488-465865 5 M/s St.Joseph Industrials 500 to 1000 nuts Near High School, Thiruvambady, Kozhikkode Keraia 673 603 Phone: 9048005566, 0495-252269 6 M/s Evergreen 2000 nuts Amos Centre Anchery.P.O. Thrissur 680 006 Phone-0487-441734 Mobile Phone 987181217 7 M/s Haritha Bio Mass Technology Group 2000 nuts Door No 22/365 Elamthurithy House Girilince, Anchery.P.O. Thrissur District Kerala Phone-0488- 800495 8 M/s. Technology Informatics Design Endavur (TIDE) 500 to 1000 nuts No 100. Hill Gardens, Gate-2, Anchery.PO. Thrissur District Ksraia-680010 Phone 0487-351545 9 M/s. Ensun Technologies (P) Ltd 200 to 1600 nuts At. & Po. Bhairumbe, Tq. Sirsi, Uttara Kannada Dist. Kamataka 581 402, Phone: 0838-4279394, Mobile:09448129648, Email:
[email protected] 10 M/s. Drier Engineering 2000 nuts Near Payyanur Eng. Works, Keloth, Payyannur Kannur District Kerala Phone-0497- 502301 For more details of machinery manufacturers pl.