Tripwire by

Gotta Love Reacher

Ex-military policeman is lying low in Key West, digging up swimming pools by hand. He is not at all pleased when a private detective starts asking questions about him. But when the detective, Costello, turns up dead with his fingertips sliced off, Reacher realizes it is time to move on. As in Lee Childs two previous thrillers, Die Trying and , Reacher is soon up to his neck in lethal trouble, this time involving a vicious Wall Street manipulator, a mysterious woman (of course), and the livelihood of a whole community. Even the fate of soldiers missing in action in Vietnam is stirred into the brew. But this is not a book by one of the new breed of U.S. thriller writers. Child prides himself on his ability, as an Englishman, to write American thrillers that are utterly convincing in milieu and toughness of action, without a trace of English sensibility. Tripwire is no exception. Every bit as lean and compulsive as its predecessors, it also builds on the freshest aspect of those books: Reacher may be a tough, epic hero, but he always remains human and vulnerable. --Barry Forshaw

Lee Child's work doesn't have people who like it, but rather people who adore it and are addicted to it. I am one of those people.

Tripwire is an excellent read. Child writes in a clear consise way that's never boring or condescending to the reader. His books are not for the overly squeamish, however. There is necessary violence as his main character, Jack Reacher seems unable to avoid involvement with the worst of the worst. He seems to fall into some very dangerous situations, lives extremely sparingly as his life takes him to the various cities throughout the U.S. Reacher respects women, is attracted but selective in his occasi onal romantic involvments. He's not celibate but somehow he hasn't found lasting involvement with what most of us consider a normal life. This is wonderful escapist stuff for those of us who are stressed and sometimnes think it would be great to live as Reacher does, with no strings attached. The work is balanced, Reacher's life can be lonely too.

The details of Lee Child's books are meticulously researched, right down to his descriptions of injuries we hope we never see. From one book to the next Child gives wonderfully accurate detail to an amazing variety of topics. His books capture your interest from page one and don't let go until the very last page. Be prepared for some surprises, the books are not predictable.

My advice to readers is to simply buy all the Reacher books from the get- go, have them on hand for when you need your next "Reacher Fix" and just want to let life pass you by for a little while. Personally, while it isn't really necessary, I like to read them in the order they were written.

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