Vol. 462: 1–7, 2012 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published August 21 doi: 10.3354/meps09914 Mar Ecol Prog Ser


Symbiodinium spp. in colonies of eastern Pacific Pocillopora spp. are highly stable despite the prevalence of low-abundance background populations

Michael P. McGinley1,*, Matthew D. Aschaffenburg1, Daniel T. Pettay1, Robin T. Smith2, Todd C. LaJeunesse3, Mark E. Warner1

1College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, University of Delaware, Lewes, Delaware 19958, USA 2Department of Biology, International University, Miami, Florida 33199, USA 3Department of Biology, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802, USA

ABSTRACT: A shift in the dominant species within a colony may allow rapid ac - climatization to environmental stress, provided that the new symbiont is better suited to prevailing conditions. In this study, the Symbiodinium diver- sity in Pocillopora was examined following a cold-water bleaching event in the Gulf of Cali- fornia. Individual colonies were differentially im - pacted by this event based upon their association with either the Symbiodinium ITS-2 type C1b-c (sensitive) or ITS-2 type D1 (tolerant). Real-time PCR indicated a high prevalence of an alternate and compatible Symbiodinium sp. (i.e. C1b-c or D1) residing at low-abundance background levels within many colonies both during and after a 1 yr recovery interval (46 to 52%). However, despite the potential for ‘switching,’ the dominant resident symbiont remained at high abundance during the Resident Symbiodinium spp. remained stable within Pocillo- recovery, with only 2 of 67 colonies (3%) under - pora corals following a cold-water stress event off Baja going a change to the other Symbiodinium type. California, Mexico, in 2008. Pocillopora residing in the Gulf of California there- Photos: T.C. LaJeunesse, M. D. Aschaffenburg, D.T. Pettay fore maintain long-term associations dominated by a specific Symbiodinium sp., where potential com- petition by a second symbiont type is suppressed INTRODUCTION despite the temporary change in environmental conditions that would favor a shift in symbiosis The survival of a coral colony is dependent on the toward a more stress-tolerant species. physiological limitations of both the cnidarian host KEY WORDS: Coral bleaching · Real-time PCR · and its endosymbiotic dinoflagellate (Symbiodinium Symbiodinium · Symbiosis · Pocillopora · Eastern spp.) under prevailing environmental conditions Pacific (Iglesias-Prieto & Trench 1997). The physiological contribution of each partner determines the level of Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher sensitivity or resiliency of a coral to environmental

*Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2012 · www.int-res.com 2 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 462: 1–7, 2012

stress (Brown et al. 2002, Rowan 2004, Berkelmans & ing in the southern Gulf of California, in which corals van Oppen 2006, Baird et al. 2009, Wicks et al. 2012). harboring the sensitive symbiont, Symbiodinium When grown under identical conditions, genetically ITS-2 type C1b-c, were severely bleached, while the distinct isolates of Symbiodinium exhibit consider- colonies associated with Symbiodinium ITS-2 type able differences in their ability to acclimatize to both D1 were largely unaffected (LaJeunesse et al. light (Iglesias-Prieto & Trench 1997, Reynolds et al. 2010a). The present study compared the temporal 2008, Hennige et al. 2009) and temperature stress stability of these Symbiodinium communities within (Berkelmans & van Oppen 2006, Robison & Warner Pocillopora spp. at the end of the bleaching event 2006), both of which are important factors responsi- (May 2008) and following a 1 yr recovery interval ble for large-scale coral bleaching events (Fitt et al. (June 2009) using real-time PCR. This sensitive de - 2001). Therefore, the physiological attributes of a tection technique confirmed that despite the poten- coral’s symbiont are important factors determining tial for populations of D1 symbionts to proliferate and the persistence of coral communities subjected to acute outcompete type C1b-c symbionts, the dominant and long-term changes in their resident environment symbiont remained remarkably stable during recov- (Sampayo et al. 2008, LaJeunesse et al. 2010a). ery for the majority of colonies. If corals continue to survive under the current rate of (IPCC 2007), one mechanism for rapid physiological change could involve a shift in MATERIALS AND METHODS coral symbioses to Symbiodinium spp. better adapted to more stressful environmental conditions (e.g. All experimental coral fragments were obtained higher temperatures; Baker 2001). Therefore, severe from Punta Galeras Reef, Gulf of California physiological stress and disruption of the normal (24° 21’ 15’’ N, 110° 17’ 05’’ W), near La Paz, Mexico. symbiosis (i.e. bleaching) may present an opportu- In May 2008, fragments (~4 to 5 cm in size) from 77 nity for rapid acclimatization by allowing for the pro- distinct parent colonies of Pocillopora spp. were sam- liferation of a tolerant background symbiont popu - pled following a cold-water bleaching event, caused lation, a condition known as symbiont ‘shuffling’ by an unusually strong La Niña cycle in this region (Rowan et al. 1997, Berkelmans & van Oppen 2006, (see LaJeunesse et al. 2010a), based on the visual Jones et al. 2008, LaJeunesse et al. 2009). A coral characterization of bleached (completely white colony; species capable of associating with several symbiotic n = 43) or non-bleached (brown colony; n = 34). This partners could possess an ecological advantage in visual characterization of bleaching was confirmed its ability to adjust to different stressors imposed by by symbiont isolation and quantification, such that global climate change. bleached colonies contained significantly fewer sym- Although most corals appear to develop highly bionts relative to coral fragments sampled 1 yr prior specific and stable associations with particular algal to the bleaching event at this same location in 2007, partners (Goulet 2006), the recent use of increasingly while there was no significant change in symbiont sensitive molecular techniques (i.e. real-time PCR) number for the same comparison in non-bleached have detected low-level, background symbiont pop- fragments (LaJeunesse et al. 2010a). Initially, a frag- ulations that belong to a clade group different from ment from each colony was analyzed for its original the typical dominant symbiont (Loram et al. 2007, Symbiodinium composition (see below), mounted Mieog et al. 2007, Correa et al. 2009, Silverstein et al. with marine epoxy to a labeled 1.5 inch PVC pipe 2012). These findings were used to infer that the coupler, and transplanted back to the reef site for a potential of symbiont shuffling is higher than previ- 1 yr recovery interval. In June 2009, all previously ously thought. However, in only a few cases has it transplanted colony fragments were collected and been shown that background symbiont populations again sampled for the genetic analysis of their Sym- may be ecologically important during episodes of in - biodinium. Ten of the colonies (2 C1b-c and 8 D1 creasing stress (e.g. Berkelmans & van Oppen 2006, corals) were excluded from our analysis due to mor- LaJeunesse et al. 2009). Understanding the flexibility tality or problems with extracting quality DNA (n = of different coral-algal symbioses, as well as the eco- 67 remaining colonies). logical role of background symbionts, is crucial to Small fragments were removed from each coral fully comprehending the biological impact that cli- using bone cutters and preserved in a high salt 20% mate change will have on coral communities. DMSO DNA preservation buffer prior to transport In 2008, an anomalous cold-water bleaching event back to the USA (Seutin et al. 1991). A Wizard DNA differentially impacted colonies of Pocillopora resid- extraction protocol (Promega) was applied using McGinley et al.: Stability in Pocillopora-Symbiodinium associations 3

1.0 mm glass beads to homogenize the tissue from The DNA samples used to construct each dilution each fragment. The genetic identity of the Symbio- were extracted from pelleted Symbiodinium cells dinium sp. was initially examined using PCR-dena- (isolated from the host or a culture [B1] via centrifu- turing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of the gation) and screened by real-time PCR to ensure the ITS2 rDNA to characterize the dominant Symbio- absence of any background symbionts. The conserv- dinium sp. as either C1b-c or D1 (LaJeunesse et al. ative cutoff point represents the highest CT values at 2008). All samples were amplified using the ‘ITS2 which the dilution series remained linear (CT versus Clamp’ and ‘ITSintfor2’ using a touchdown PCR pro- log scale concentration), with a standard deviation of tocol according to LaJeunesse (2002). The resulting <0.25 among the technical replicates.

PCR products were electrophoresed on an 8% poly- The resulting CT values for the C and D primer sets acrylamide denaturing gradient gel (45 to 80% were used to designate each sample into one of denaturant) for 16 h at 115 V (CBScientific System). the following categories: C1b-c or D1 only (a single

The samples were additionally analyzed using pre- clade detected), C1b-c/D1 mixture (<3 CT difference viously developed Clade B, C, and D specific real- between clades), C1b-c dominated with a D1 in time PCR primers designed to target differences in background (C1b-c >> D1; Clade D >3 CT values the rDNA (Correa et al. 2009). This assay provides higher than Clade C), and D1 dominated with a C1b- a greater level of sensitivity than PCR-DGGE for c in background (D1 >> C1b-c; Clade C >3 CT values detecting the presence/absence of any low-level, higher than Clade D). The frequencies of each Sym- background populations of Symbiodinium (Mieog et biodinium type characterized using real-time PCR al. 2007). The DNA concentration for each sample during May 2008 and June 2009 were analyzed by an −1 was diluted to 10 ng µl with autoclaved H2O. Reac- exact Pearson’s chi-squared test for independence tions were performed on an ABI Prism 7500 Se - (StatXact 4; Cytel Software) against the null hypoth- quence Detection System (Applied Biosystems) using esis that the symbiont distribution was homogeneous 2 technical replicates for each sample. Each plate between the 2 sampling points. contained a no-template control and a known refer- ence sample (cultured Symbiodinium DNA from Clade B, C, or D), to account for differences between RESULTS AND DISCUSSION subsequent runs. Each PCR reaction consisted of 2 µl

H2O, 5 µl SensiMix SYBR mastermix (Bioline), 1 µl As previously reported (LaJeunesse et al. 2010a), each of forward and reverse primers (10 µM Clade C DGGE analysis of the ITS2 PCR amplifications and 1 µM Clade D), and 1 µl DNA (10 ng µl−1) in 10 µl revealed that the majority of the bleached Pocillo- total volume reactions. The subsequent thermal pora colonies were dominated by Symbiodinium cycler conditions followed Correa et al. (2009). Cycle C1b-c (n = 36), with only a few colonies harboring threshold (CT) values were established using a com- either a C1b-c/D1 mixture (n = 3) or solely D1 (n = 2; mon threshold value of 0.01 and an Table 1). Conversely, most of the non-bleached automatic baseline. colonies associated with Symbiodinium D1 (n = 24), The upper limit of a ‘positive’ amplification was while C1b-c was the dominant symbiont in only 2 conservatively set at 31.6, 30.3, and 32.3 CT for Clade of these colonies (for an extensive survey, see B, C, and D Symbiodinium, respectively. These cutoff LaJeunesse et al. 2010a). Our subsequent application values were chosen as our limit of detection follow- of real-time PCR identified a considerably higher ing the analysis of a series of seven 10-fold serial proportion of low-abundance, background popula- dilutions (10.0 to 0.00001 ng µl−1) of B1 (Culture #13), tions of Clade C or D residing within these corals C1b-c, or D1 DNA in the presence of a constant DNA than was detected by ITS2-DGGE (Fig. 1). Interest- concentration (10 ng µl−1) of the opposing symbiont. ingly, Clade B Symbiodinium was not detected in any

Table 1. Symbiodinium spp. associated with Pocillopora. ITS2-DGGE identification during (May 2008) and after (June 2009) recovery from the bleaching event

Bleached Non-bleached Total C1b-c D1 C/D mix C1b-c D1 C/D mix C1b-c D1 C/D mix

May 2008 36 2 3 2 24 – 38 26 3 June 2009 38 – 3 2 24 – 40 24 3 4 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 462: 1–7, 2012

40 C1b-c (34) (34) D1 proliferation of Symbiodinium D1 given the in - C1b-c/D1 creased tolerance during bleaching conditions (both 30 C1b-c>>D1 warm and cold water) imparted by harbor ing this (25) (22) (23) D1>>C1b-c particular symbiont (Glynn et al. 2001, LaJeunesse et 20 (20) (18) al. 2010a). However, a comparison of fragments within the individual colonies during and after the (12) % colonies recovery period revealed that a large majority of 10 (6) (6) colonies remained dominated by the same Symbio- dinium type (67%) or showed minor differences in 0 the appearance or disappearance of the background May 2008 June 2009 species (30%; Fig. 2). Overall, only 3% of Pocillo- pora colonies (n = 2) experienced a switch in their Fig. 1. Symbiodinium community structure in Pocillopora dominant symbiont population (i.e. a shift from D1 to colonies. Real-time PCR characterization (n = 67) immedi- ately after a cold-water bleaching event (May 2008) and fol- C1b-c [n = 1] or a shift from D1 to a C1b-c/D1 mixture lowing a 1 yr recovery interval (June 2009). All corals were [n = 1]), suggesting that the occurrence of a shuffling classified into 1 of 5 categories: C1b-c only, D1 only, C1b- event is exceptionally rare. c/D1 mixture, dominant C1b-c with background D1 (C1b-c The dynamics of the background symbiont popu - >> D1), and dominant D1 with background C1b-c (D1 >> C1b-c). Numbers above each bar represent the percentage lations may suggest limited influence of preferential of corals corresponding to a particular category growth or demise of a particular Symbiodinium sp. in response to the bleaching event (Fig. 2b,c). For exam- of the corals from either time point, although Sym - ple, the appearance of a background D1 population biodinium B1 was identified in a small number of was detected in 6 coral colonies after the recovery bleached colonies sampled in May 2008 in areas out- (i.e. absent in May 2008 and found in June 2009), side of our recovery plot (LaJeunesse et al. 2010a). In while this same symbiont was no longer detected as a May 2008, ~2 mo following the cold-water bleaching background population in 7 other colonies following event when affected colonies were bleached but the same interval (Fig. 2b,c). The haphazard pattern recovering, 52% of all Pocillopora colonies contained of background symbiont dynamics is possibly a sam- a single dominant Symbiodinium type (C1b-c or D1) pling artifact due to the removal of coral tissue from along with a detectable background population of different locations between the respective years. The the alternate symbiont (34% C1b-c >> D1, 18% D1 >> relative abundance of each Symbiodinium sp., as C1b-c; Fig. 1). Following the 1 yr recovery (June well as distinct genotypes within a single symbiont 2009), the Symbiodinium community structure was species, can vary at different locations within some remarkably stable despite the high percentage of individual colonies (Pettay et al. 2011). background symbionts (Fig. 1; exact Pearson’s chi- The monitoring of background symbionts over time squared test, p = 0.891). allows us to examine in detail the dynamics of Sym- Recent applications of real-time PCR have detected biodinium diversity in colonies following environ- the prevalence of low-abundance Symbiodinium types mental stress. The present study confirms the pres- associated with corals that were previously thought ence of additional low-abundance Symbiodinium to harbor only a single or small subset of different spp. using a technique with greater detection resolu- symbionts (Loram et al. 2007, Mieog et al. 2007, Cor- tion (real-time PCR; Loram et al. 2007, Mieog et al. rea et al. 2009, Silverstein et al. 2012). These studies 2007, Correa et al. 2009, Silverstein et al. 2012) and suggested that the prevalence of mixed symbiont examines their dynamics during bleaching recovery populations and/or potential for symbiont shuffling (LaJeunesse et al. 2009). In contrast to certain expec- within many corals is greater than previously re - tations (Baker 2001, Silverstein et al. 2012), remark- ported (Goulet 2006). However, the ecological signif- able stability in resident Symbiodinium populations icance and overall contribution of such background suggest that processes are at work that suppress the symbionts to the holobiont fitness remains enigmatic, proliferation of a compatible symbiont present in as many of the corals examined are rarely (if ever) background over the prevailing dominant symbiont dominated by one of the additional Symbiodinium population. The fidelity in partner combination types detected (Thornhill et al. 2006b, Goulet 2007, during and after a bleaching event, in the presence Stat et al. 2009, LaJeunesse et al. 2010b). of background populations of a second compatible If symbiont shuffling was frequent among eastern symbiont, supports the idea that currently unknown Pacific Pocillopora colonies, one may expect a greater molecular or cellular processes govern the dynamics McGinley et al.: Stability in Pocillopora-Symbiodinium associations 5

between these host-symbiont associa- tions (Weis et al. 2001, Rodriguez-Lanetty et al. 2006, Wood-Charlson et al. 2006, Dunn & Weis 2009) and suggests that the selection process may be imprinted on these corals during early development (Ny holm & McFall-Ngai 2004). However, environmentally mediated forces and/or physiological characteristics of each sym- biont type could be equally or more important in preventing the proliferation of a background symbiont (i.e. environ- mental patterns did not favor a symbiont change). For example, a rapid recovery in the remaining C1b-c symbionts may have been facilitated by more efficient nutrient acquisition and faster growth in this alga in the initial recovery interval. More research is required to evaluate factors influencing the stability of these symbioses and how specific stressors (e.g. exposure to anomalously warm vs. cold-water temperature) may differen- tially influence these associations. The stable symbiosis of these Pocillo- pora colonies differs significantly from similar investigations with different types of Symbiodinium C and D, such as millepora, which exhibited a higher proportion of Clade D dominated corals following a bleaching event (Ber - kelmans & van Oppen 2006, Jones et al. 2008). This different outcome is not surprising given that the fidelity of a coral-algal symbiosis can vary depend- ing on both the geographic location and the combination of each symbiotic part- ner (Thornhill et al. 2006a, LaJeunesse et al. 2009). Furthermore, different strate- gies of symbiont acquisition could also be important between these 2 coral species. Pocillopora in the Gulf of California are broadcast spawners but vertically trans- Fig. 2. Symbiodinium community dynamics within the Pocillopora colonies mit their symbionts to their progeny over the recovery interval. (a) Comparison of the Symbiodinium community during egg development (Glynn et al. within a coral colony, labeled as stable, background shift (stable dominant 1991), whereas A. millepora horizontally symbiont with the disappearance/appearance of a background population), or symbiont shift (change in the dominant symbiont). (b) Corals experiencing a acquires its symbiont from the surround- background shift, further categorized based on their dominant symbiont type ing environment (van Oppen 2004). The as well as the appearance (‘Increased’) or disappearance (‘Decreased’) of a symbioses of corals with vertical modes background population after the 1 yr recovery interval. (c) Real-time PCR char- of symbiont transmission usually remain acterization of the Symbiodinium within individual Pocillopora colonies imme- diately after the bleaching event (2008) and following a 1 yr recovery (2009). stable during and after exposure to phys- Symbiont dynamics between sampling points: ––– = stable community; –––= iological stressors (Thornhill et al. 2006b, background shift; ...... = symbiont shift Sampayo et al. 2008, Stat et al. 2009). The 6 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 462: 1–7, 2012

coupling of host and symbiont life histories in eastern algal symbiont communities in Acropora palifera (Scler- Pacific Pocillopora colonies may favor greater inte- actinia: Acroporidae) from Taiwan. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 295: 113−121 gration and stability that is less responsive to exter- Correa AMS, McDonald MD, Baker AC (2009) Development nal environmental conditions and limits or prevents of clade-specific Symbiodinium primers for quantitative competition from other symbionts. PCR (qPCR) and their application to detecting clade D Silverstein et al. (2012) proposed that a gradient of symbionts in Caribbean corals. Mar Biol 156:2403−2411 Dunn SR, Weis VM (2009) Apoptosis as a post phagocytic specificity exists based on the frequency at which a winnowing mechanism in a coral−dinoflagellate mutual- coral contains background populations of an addi- ism. Environ Microbiol 11:268−276 tional Symbiodinium clade. 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Editorial responsibility: Charles Birkeland, Submitted: May 3, 2012; Accepted: July 2, 2012 Honolulu, Hawaii, USA Proofs received from author(s): July 26, 2012