Tentative Program

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Tentative Program Republic Algerian Democratic and Popular HassibaBenbouali University of Chlef, Chlef- Algeria Organize SSENAM'2 The Second Students Symposium on Engineering Application of Mechanics TENTATIVE PROGRAM 1 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ Welcome to the Hassiba Benbouali University Welcome to Chlef, Algeria 2 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ Supported by University Hassiba Benbouali Chlef, University Mustapha Stambouli, Mascara, Algeria Algeria University Houari Boumedien for University Tahri Mohamed, Bechar Sciences and Technology, Algiers, Algeria Organized by Laboratory for Theoretical Physics and Materials Physics, LPTPM, University Hassiba Benbouali of Chlef, Algeria Laboratory of Control, testing, Measurement and Simulation in Mechanics. University Hassiba Benboauli of Chlef, Algeria Laboratory for Rheology and Mechanics, LRM, University University Hassiba Benboauli of Chlef, Algeria Laboratory for Mechanics & Energetic, LME, University University Hassiba Benboauli of Chlef, Algeria Laboratory of Quantum Material Physics and Mathematical Modeling University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Algeria. Laboratory for Advanced Mechanics, LMA, University Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria. Laboratory of Mechanics : Simulation & Experimentation, L2ME, University of Tahri Mohamed of Bechar, Algeria. Sponsoring Laboratoire de Mécanique, Mechanical Engineering Biomécanique, Structure, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Research, Academy of University of Zegreb, Zegreb, Polymère et Structures, Metz, Metz, France Sciences,101990 Moscow, Croatia France Russia University of Belgrade, Serbia Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade 3 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ Aim & Objectives of the SSENAM '2 The objective of the Second Students Symposium on Engineering Application of Mechanics, "SSENAM'2" will be focus on the "Engineering and Applied Fracture Mechanics and Environment" and destined directly on the PhD student evolution. The SSENAM'2 will be held in the Campus of Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef, on the 13, 14 December 2017 with the collaboration of the Mustapha Stambouli University of Mascara and Houari Boumediene, University of Sciences and Technology in Algiers and University of Tahri Mohamed of Bechar. Co-organized by the Laboratory for Theoretical Physics and Materials Physics from the Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef , The Laboratory of Quantum Material Physics and Mathematical Modeling In Mascara University, The laboratory for Advanced Mechanics, LMA from University Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria and the Laboratory of Mechanics: Simulation &Experimentation,L2ME, of University of Tahri Mohamed of Bechar, Algeria. The aims of the first Symposium will be to discuss the present status of the Applied mechanics based constitutive simulation, Reohology and modeling of materials and associated experimental observations methods. It's also an opportunity for scientists and engineers from Algerians Master, Phd Students from the three universities to discuss research activities that could be a basis for future collaborations. Nature & Technology will be the supporting journal of the Symposium where all reviewed and accepted conference papers will be published in special issue "Engineering Applied Fracture Mechanics and Environment". This event will give an overview of the different physics-based models, simulations and the experimental studies for theoretical phenomena and materials. The emphasis will be on the meso-scale, corresponding to grains, which is the relevant length-scale for many basic material properties and degradation mechanisms. Associated experimental studies and the multi-scale models from dislocation to phenomenological macro-scale studies are in the scope of the Conference. The Conference is also an opportunity for scientists and engineers from Algerians Master, Phd Students, Maghreb countries Communities and EU Member States to discuss research activities that could be a basis for future collaborations. 4 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ CONFERENCE TOPICS Session 1: Structural mechanics Session 2: Fluid mechanics ABSTRACT SUBMISSION AND REGISTRATION Second Students Symposium on Engineering Application of Mechanics, "SSENAM'2"is open for registration now. Abstracts (in word format) not exceeding 400 words, for presentations and posters, are to be submitted to the Conference email address ssenam2@yahoo.com. The registration could be done by sending the registration form to the conference email address. The number of participants is limited and preference will be given participants who submit an abstract or PhD participants. REGISTRATION FEE KEY DATES & FUNDING Registration Fees are 2500 DA, payable in advance of the conference, includes: Access to the Conference sessions, Poster area and Workshops, all conference documents and certificate of attendance, lunch, dinner and mid-session refreshments as scheduled in the Conference program. Deadline for abstract submission, December 4, 2017 Notification of abstract acceptance, December 5, 2017 The official language of the Symposium SSENAM'2 meeting is Arabic, English and French. The Official language of the International Conference SSENAM'2meeting is English. All the invited talks, oral and poster contributions must be done in English. Abstract Submission Participants, who would like to make an oral or poster presentation at the SSENAM'2 must submit an abstract for the consideration and approval of the Program Committee. All abstracts must be written, according to the Abstract Template, in English and submitted by e-mail, in format word at e-mail: ssenam2@yahoo.com LOCATION Chlef, the capital of Chlef Province, is located in the north of Algeria 200 kilometres west of the capital Algiers. It is home to the Hassiba Ben Bouali university, and the basilica of Saint Reparatus, which is home to the oldest Christian labyrinth in the world and the site of the Roman citadel, CastellumTingitanum, was known as Al-Asnam (Arabic for "sculptures") for an area of 600 by 300 metres (2,000 by 980 feet) containg many statues. 5 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ During the Roman times, the chlef Province of Algeria was named Castellum Tingitanum. For the French, the old Roman site was the ideal location to construct a military out post in 1843, which they named Orleansville. It was also the reason that one of the oldest churches in Africa came to be located here. No-one could predict that in 1954, the first earthquake would strike Orleansville, and that it was only a taste of what was to come. Together with celebrating the independence of Algeria in 1964, the city also celebrated the birth of a new name - El Asnam. In 1980 disaster struck again, with a 8 earthquake hitting the city and surrounding areas, in which half the city was destroyed and approximately five thousand locals lost their lives. To distance the city and the province from this unthinkable tragedy, it was renamed for a last time to chlef in 1981. Today, visitors will still be able to visit what remains of the Castellum Tingiranum (roman citadel), referred to as Al Asnam. It is a fascinating site as it contains a staggering number of statues. It is also home to the world’s most ancient Christian labyrinths, Saint Reparatus. But mostly, visitors will see endless agricultural landscapes which include dairy farms, fruit orchards and fields filled with barley and wheat. The city is also known for its processing facilities and leather products. Chlef is easy to find and travel to, as it is a vital point on both the rail and road routes that run between Oran and Algiers. 6 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ History of SSENAMCongress The Congress SSENAM'1 was founded onavril 2017 by the "Laboratory of Quantum Material Physics and Mathematical Modeling University Mustapha Stambouli of Mascara, Algeria" as a biannual meeting. SSENAM'1. The Scientific Committee SSENAM’1. Some pictures on the reception, opening ceremony and the Social Programme. 7 SSENAM'2 University Hassibabenbouali of Chlef www.univ-chlef.dz/ Organizing Committee Chairman's Mohammed hadjmelianiKhelil Ali Chahinez Fares Khlil Ali Members Mohammed hadjmeliani Khelil Ali Chahinez Fare Abdella Benarou Omsalem Abdellah Muthanna Bassam Gamal Nasser Hocine Bokort Soudani Mohamed Bensalem Chafik Bouledroua Omar Elazzizi Abdellah Ghouaoula abdelhamid Ouagued Malika Merym Bengalia Amel Mohamed Sadou NatecheTaherHebbal Brahim Scientific Committee Chairman's Hadj Meliani Mohammed Aid Abdelkrim Khelil Ali Univ Hammadi Fodil Boukharouba Taoufik Hamou Zahloul Brahim Zidane Tahar Abbes Abdelkader Hocine Abedi Bouabdellah Guy Pluvinage, Members Fares Chahinez, Algeria Belouchrani M.Amine, Algeria Fodil Hammadi, AlgeriaKhaled El-Miloudi, Algeria Mustpaha Allouti, Algeria Mahmoudi Hacène, Algeria Abdelah Ouagued, Algeria Hamza Samir , Tunisia Publication All conference papers will be published in the SSENAM2 Proceedings, with soft copies provided on a USB key. Selected papers presented at SSENAM will be compiled and published: 1- In the Journal “ Nature & Technology” Classe A: Fundamental and Engineering Sciences edited by Hassiba Ben Bouali University Of Chlef-Algeria, under ISSN 1112-9778. www.univ- chlef.dz/revuenatec 2- In Journal of the Oil and Oil Products Pipeline Transportation: Science & Technology journal.
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