Arxiv:1708.01260V1 [Astro-Ph.GA] 3 Aug 2017 2 HSYUETAL

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Arxiv:1708.01260V1 [Astro-Ph.GA] 3 Aug 2017 2 HSYUETAL DRAFT VERSION MAY 2, 2019 Typeset using LATEX twocolumn style in AASTeX61 THE LITTLE CUB: DISCOVERY OF AN EXTREMELY METAL-POOR STAR-FORMING GALAXY IN THE LOCAL UNIVERSE TIFFANY HSYU,1 RYAN J. COOKE,2 J. XAVIER PROCHASKA,1 AND MICHAEL BOLTE1 1Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of California Santa Cruz, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95060, USA 2Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy, Department of Physics, Durham University, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE, UK ABSTRACT We report the discovery of the Little Cub, an extremely metal-poor star-forming galaxy in the local universe, found in the constellation Ursa Major (a.k.a. the Great Bear). We first identified the Little Cub as a candidate metal-poor galaxy based on its Sloan Digital Sky Survey photometric colors, combined with spectroscopy using the Kast spectrograph on the Shane 3 m telescope at Lick Observatory. In this Letter, we present high-quality spectroscopic data taken with the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer at Keck Observatory, which confirm the extremely metal-poor nature of this galaxy. Based on the weak [O III] λ4363 Å emission line, we estimate a direct oxygen abundance of 12 + log(O/H) = 7.13 0.08, making the Little Cub one of the ± lowest-metallicity star-forming galaxies currently known in the local universe. The Little Cub appears to be a companion of the spiral galaxy NGC 3359 and shows evidence of gas stripping. We may therefore be witnessing the quenching of a near-pristine galaxy as it makes its first passage about a Milky Way–like galaxy. Keywords: galaxies: abundances — galaxies: dwarf — galaxies: evolution arXiv:1708.01260v1 [astro-ph.GA] 3 Aug 2017 2 HSYU ET AL. 1. INTRODUCTION (LRIS) at Keck Observatory. We analyze the spectra and The observed galaxy luminosity function (LF; Schechter derive chemical abundances in Section3. In Section4, we 1976) indicates that low-luminosity, low-mass galaxies are discuss the physical properties of the Little Cub and the envi- the most common type of galaxy in the universe. From the ronment in which it resides, including its potential interaction luminosity–metallicity (L–Z) relation (Skillman et al. 1989; with the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 3359. We conclude our Pilyugin 2001; Berg et al. 2012), we then expect these low- findings in Section5. luminosity galaxies to be among the least chemically evolved 2. OBSERVATIONS AND DATA REDUCTION environments in the universe. Metal-poor environments provide a unique opportunity to The Little Cub was selected as a candidate BCD based study the conditions under which the first stars might have on its photometric colors in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey formed in the early universe and the subsequent chemical (SDSS) Data Release 12 (DR12). Its discovery is part of a evolution of galaxies (e.g., Cooke et al. 2017). Local studies larger program led by the authors to increase the current mea- of metal-poor systems have typically focused on nearby blue ger population of the lowest-metallicity galaxies using pho- compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies, whose active or recent star tometry alone, thus circumventing the need for pre-existing formation produces observable emission lines from their H II spectroscopic information. Specifically, we queried SDSS regions. BCDs are also of particular interest for determin- DR12 for extended objects (i.e., classified as a galaxy by ing the primordial helium abundance that was set during Big SDSS) with photometric colors similar to those of Leo P, I Bang Nucleosynthesis (Izotov et al. 2014; Aver et al. 2015), Zwicky 18, and other known low metallicity systems. We vi- constraining the physical properties of massive, metal-poor sually examined the SDSS imaging of 2505 candidate BCDs stars (Thuan et al. 2005) that dominated the chemical and to eliminate contaminants, such as star-forming H II regions physical evolution of the first galaxies, and understanding in larger galaxies, and selected a subset of systems to ob- how these stellar populations interacted with and enriched serve and estimate their metallicity. Currently, follow-up their surroundings (Madau et al. 2001; Furlanetto & Loeb spectroscopy has been obtained for 158 candidate BCDs; of 2003). these, about 100 new BCDs have been identified, including However, the number of observed low-luminosity, low- the Little Cub. Further details of this survey, including the metallicity systems is much smaller than the number of sys- full sample of systems discovered so far, will be presented in tems predicted by the LF (Morales-Luis et al. 2011). Al- a forthcoming paper (T. Hsyu et al. 2017, in preparation). though the detection of low-luminosity systems presents an observational challenge due to their intrinsically low sur- 2.1. Lick Observations face brightness, observational biases alone cannot account The Little Cub was first observed on 2016 February 2 us- for the dearth of observed BCDs (Sánchez Almeida et al. ing the Kast spectrograph on the Shane 3 m telescope at Lick 2017). Numerous efforts have focused on the detection Observatory. The Kast spectrograph is equipped with sep- of new BCDs (Izotov et al. 2012; James et al. 2015; Gu- arate blue and red channels. We used the 600/4310 grism seva et al. 2016; Gao et al. 2017; James et al. 2017), but on the blue side, the 1200/5000 grating on the red side, and progress has been slow, particularly in the lowest-metallicity the d55 dichroic, for an approximate wavelength coverage of regime. Aside from the well-known, low-metallicity systems 3300–5500 Å and 5800–7300 Å. I Zwicky 18 (Zwicky 1966), SBS 0335-052 (Izotov et al. Observations were made using a 200 slit aligned at paral- 1990), and DDO68 (Pustilnik et al. 2005), which exhibit lactic angle to best compensate for differential atmospheric higher luminosities given their metallicity (Ekta & Chen- refraction, for a total exposure time of 3 1800s on both the × galur 2010), only two new systems that push on the lowest- red and blue channels. The spectrophotometric standard star metallicity regime of the L–Z relation have been discovered: Feige 66 was observed to calibrate the flux of our spectra. Leo P (Skillman et al. 2013) and AGC 198691 (Hirschauer Exposures of the Hg–Cd and He arc lamps on the blue side et al. 2016), both through the blind H I 21 cm line Arecibo and the Ne arc lamp on the red side were obtained at the be- Legacy Fast ALFA survey (ALFALFA; Giovanelli et al. ginning of each night for wavelength calibration. Bias frames 2005; Haynes et al. 2011). and dome flats were also obtained to correct for the detector In this Letter, we report the discovery of one of the lowest- bias level and pixel-to-pixel sensitivity variations.1 metallicity BCDs currently known, J1044+6306, found in the Initial observations of the Little Cub included the detec- constellation Ursa Major (a.k.a. the Great Bear), which we tion of the [O II] doublet at λλ3727,3729 Å, Hβ emission nickname the Little Cub. In Section2, we present the results of our spectroscopic observations of the Little Cub made us- 1 The data presented in this Letter were reduced with the PYPIT spec- ing the Kast spectrometer on the Shane 3 m telescope at Lick troscopic data reduction pipeline, which is available from: https:// Observatory and the Low Resolution Imaging Spectrometer THE LITTLE CUB: A NEAR-PRISTINE GALAXY 3 at λ4861 Å, the [O III] doublet at λλ4959,5007 Å, Hα emis- 60 10 sion at λ6563 Å, the [N II] doublet at λλ6548,6584 Å, and the LRISb 50 8 4363 λ ) II ] λλ 1 [S ] doublet at 6717,6731 Å. The temperature-sensitive 5007 3727+3729 β − λ 6 iii λ ] ] H ˚ A [O 40 ii iii oxygen line at [O III] λ4363 Å necessary for a direct oxygen 2 − 4 [O [O cm abundance measurement is not detected in our Kast observa- 1 2 − 30 4363 γ tions. To obtain a first guess of the metallicity, we assumed λ erg s ] 4959 4300 4325 4350 4375 4400 H λ iii 17 -3 ] an electron density of n = 100 cm and an electron temper- − 20 10 e δ iii [O H [O T 8 ✏ ature of e = 17,000 K in the high ionization zone, which are H Flux (10 10 6 values typical of H II regions (similar values were derived for 6548 6584 λ λ 10 ] ] the H II region in Leo P; Skillman et al. 2013). This method 4 ii ii 0 [N [N 8 4363 2 λ indicated that the Little Cub is extremely metal-poor, with an ] 3700 3900 4100 4300 4500 4700 4900 5100 6 iii ˚ estimated metallicity of 12 + log(O/H) . 7.26. 6525 6550 6575 6600[O 6625Wavelength (A) 4 120 ↵ 2.2. Keck Observations 2 H 100 LRISr 4300 4325 4350 4375 4400 ) Follow-up observations of the Little Cub were made using 1 10 − ˚ A LRIS at Keck Observatory on 2016 February 16 and 2016 2 80 − 8 cm April 3, with the goal of detecting the [O III] λ4363 Å line to 1 6 6548 6584 − 60 λ λ ] ] obtain a direct oxygen abundance measurement. Using the 4 ii ii erg s [N [N 17 6584 − D560 dichroic, the 600/4000 grism on the blue side, and the 2 λ 40 ] ii [N 600/7500 grating on the red side, we achieved a total wave- 6717+6731 6525 6550 6575 6600 6625 Flux (10 λλ 20 ] length coverage of 3200–8600 Å, including a 200 Å overlap ii ∼ [S between the red and blue spectra near the dichroic ( 5600Å). ∼ 0 We acquired 3 600s and 6 300s exposures in February on × × 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 6700 6800 6900 7000 the red and blue sides respectively, and in April we acquired Wavelength (A)˚ 3 1200s and 2 1875s exposures on the red and blue sides.
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