Attachments – Supporting a Business Case for a New Art Museum In
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Attachments – supporting a Business Case for a new art museum in Shepparton 13 January 2015 Attachments A. Visitor and Socio Economic Research Report 89 B. Benchmarking Report 103 C. Market Research Report 128 D. Governance Options Report 144 E. Site Options Report 150 F. Development costs in detail 168 G. Assumptions driving operating forecasts 176 H. Economic and Social Evaluation – cost benefit analysis 186 I. Benefit Management Plan Outline 209 Business Case for an Art Museum for Shepparton – Attachments 88 A. Visitor and Socio Economic Research Shepparton has far lower tourist visitation to attractions in Shepparton to keep these visitors in the Report museums and art galleries than three regional cities city for an overnight stay. (Benalla, Ballarat and Bendigo) whose more general Existing data on visitation to Shepparton museums A1 Introduction tourism profile is almost identical to that of and art galleries is most useful for understanding how Shepparton. This signals both the opportunity and the This work was originally written for the Research the existing SAM has contributed to tourism to the challenge for a new art museum. The opportunity is Report, and answers the key questions of what should city. This analysis is also essential for understanding that if a new art museum can achieve only the be the target markets for a new art museum and what the base case or counterfactual of what happens to average share of tourist visitation to museums and art tourism “success” might look like for a new art Shepparton visitation if there is no change to the galleries of Benalla, Ballarat and Bendigo, this will museum. It does this by answering the questions: current operation of SAM. It is less useful for deliver a useful economic dividend to the City. The 1. Who currently comes to SAM and to Shepparton understanding how a new art museum would challenge is that for this to occur a new art museum and visits a museum or art gallery contribute to future tourism visitation to the city. would need to boost visitation by tourists to museums 2. What are the key target markets for tourist and art galleries in Greater Shepparton City by over Relevant data is available from SAM, the major visitation to Shepparton four fold. national tourism data collections from Tourism The key finding is that a new art museum needs to Research Australia and other competing art galleries, Existing Shepparton attractions have a strong bias build fresh momentum for Shepparton, rather than but each of these sources has sampling problems. toward serving families with young children – an rely on the existing tourism profile of the city or SAM and other art gallery provided data has a unusual bias among Victorian tourism destinations. existing tourist visitation to the current SAM. The problem with sampling as visitors self select on This implies that if a new art museum targeted the existing tourism profile of Shepparton is heavily reliant whether or not to complete a survey – commonly families with young children market it has the greatest on domestic overnight and day trip visitation to friends leading to more tourists to Shepparton or other potential to build length of overnight stay and and relatives (VFR) who live in the city. Within the galleries than locals responding. SAM and other destination profile. The core market of socially aware VFR market and the smaller number of holiday gallery data on total visitor counts does not separately art lovers is far smaller in size and more likely to visit domestic overnight visitors to the city, the core identify repeat visitors and therefore captures many Shepparton on a day trip than spend an overnight or markets are the grey nomads and families with young more repeat visits by locals – for example, many longer in the city. While the core market for the children. friends of SAM visit repeatedly through the year. TRA existing SAM is grey nomads there are few other provided data has different problems with its sampling. Sample sizes that cover visits to Business Case for an Art Museum for Shepparton – Attachments 89 Shepparton are small, so conclusions about market size and growth over time need to be used cautiously leading to the use of averages over the last five years. Business Case for an Art Museum for Shepparton – Attachments 90 Table A.1 Comparing visitation to five key SAM exhibitions In addition, TRA does not count as a tourist children under 15 years of age. 1 Visitation Sam The Golden Speaking in Nick 2014 Indigenous Jinks Age of Colour, Works Selentisch: Ceramic Art Award & Exhibition Colour from the Collection Play (Feb - Bindi Cole To get a more complete guide to understanding how (May-July Prints (May- of Carrillo and April 2014) exhibitions (May- a new art museum would contribute to visitation to 2012) June 2013) Ziyin Gantner June 2014) (June-Aug 2013) Shepparton there is a need to also study case studies Share of visitors to 33% 75% 74% 60% 73% of the impact on visitation of earlier projects in similar exhibition from outside Shepparton cities, as outlined in Section 2 of this report. Share of visitors from 43% 37% N/A 86% 42% outside Shepparton who A.2 Data from the existing SAM stayed overnight in Shepparton Table A.1 presents key visitation data for five SAM Share of visitors who were 0.33% 1% 0% 5% 0% exhibitions. In 2012/13 there were 50,212 visitors to from overseas SAM with 4,441 people participating in a program or Share of visitors who stayed 73% 39% N/A 40% 26% overnight who stayed with event at the Museum. Over 3,800 people had guided friends or relatives tours of SAM including 2,211 in school groups of Rated exhibition highly – 96% for 95% N/A 82% 98% for SAM, 90% for teachers and students. There were 135 SAM excellent or very good Jinks ICAA, 81% for Bindi Cole workshops held. In 2011/12 there was a major Visitors on first visit to SAM 57% 58% N/A 53% 47% disruption to SAM operations with SAM closed for Share of visitors 61+ years N/A 51% 57% 27% 60% redevelopment from June 2011 to February 2012. In old 2011/12, there were 34,459 visitors. In 2010/11 there Main reason for visiting 14% for 9% for SAM 20% for SAM + 44% 31% 45% for SAM, 37% for were 42,076 visitors. Shepparton was to visit SAM + +74% for for this exhibition Bindi Cole and 25% SAM 32% for Exhibition for ICAA (Multiple Jinks responses allowed) Exhibition 1 From the beginning of 2014, TRA also changed its collection methodology for domestic tourism to move from reliance on fixed line How often do repeat visitors 1.2 times 1.8 times N/A 2.5 times per 3.5 times per year phone surveys to also include 50% mobile phone surveying. This led visit SAM each year – per year per year year to a large increase in the number of young people surveyed, but may estimate of median also lead to more culturally aware visitors being surveyed. This change in domestic tourism sampling also caused a break in series that ensures that comparisons with earlier years data are not strictly valid. Business Case for an Art Museum for Shepparton – Attachments 91 visiting Shepparton are doing other activities such as of SAM and their length of stay in Shepparton. Understandably, data from SAM tends to be collected the Motor Museum. 2 Shepparton attractions other than SAM have a on an exhibition basis. Different exhibitions attract weighting toward activities for kids including KidsTown different audiences but visitation has some common The particular questions used by SAM have changed and Aquamoves. The ICAA and Bindi Cole exhibitions themes, including a highly positive response to the for different exhibitions. also provided some data on other attractions visited in exhibitions. Some exhibitions provided data on where people Shepparton. Visitors to Shepparton surveyed at SAM One indirect indicator of the growing role of SAM learnt about the exhibition: were most commonly also visiting the SPC Ardmona . within the community is that over the last two years For the ICAA and Bindi Cole exhibitions, Family Factory Outlet (37%) with other cultural attractions of the estimated median visits to SAM each year by and friends (36%) were the most common source the Motor Museum (10%) and Gallery Kaiela (7%) repeat visitors is increasing at the same time as of information on these exhibitions leading to a less popular. exhibitions show a healthy share of first time visitors visit. Others learnt about the exhibition as a to SAM. However, one needs to be mindful of the Friend of SAM (15%), from the SAM Newsletter gallery closure in the first seven months of 2011/12 as (16%), radio (14%) or from the Shepparton News this affected median visits to SAM each year by (16%) and Age (12%). Of 80 survey respondents repeat visitors for the earlier exhibitions. a high 35% provided details to receive the SAM monthly newsletter SAM visitors tend to be older, with a strong market . For the Nick Selentisch: Play Exhibition, the key position with the over 60s, though this varies by sources of information on the exhibition leading to exhibition. From the data on four exhibitions it a visit were family and friends (34%), SAM appears that the current SAM has around half its Newsletter (25%) and TV (9%). visitors aged 61 or older. Some of the exhibitions measured gender of visitors and proved to receive The bias of SAM visitors toward older age groups for more female than male visitors. The Golden Age of most exhibitions has implications for the other Colour Prints received 69% female visitors while Nick activities of tourists who come to Shepparton because Selentisch: Play was 62% female visitors.