‘Quantum K’

Returning to our original blueprint.


Andrew J Kemp Copyright ©© Andrew J Kemp

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be utilised or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

Andrew Kemp asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work

First printing - November 2005

Second printing - August 2006

Third printing – August 2007

For further copies, contact the author on:

[email protected]

Tel 0117 962 0008


iiii ‘Quantum K’


Overview and Introduction

Section 1 - The ‘Quantum K’ system and how to use it.

Chapter 1 The ‘Quantum K’ system 11

Chapter 2 Self-help using ‘Quantum K’ 99

Chapter 3 Working on other people 1515

Section 2 – Healing principles

Chapter 4 The universal healing model 2121

Chapter 5 DNA healing 3535

Chapter 6 Resonance 45

Chapter 7 Fractal geometry 4848

Chapter 8 Harmonics

Chapter 9 Sacred geometry

Chapter 10 Naturopathic steps 5757

Section3 – Technical data

Chapter 11 Healing section governing principles 7070

Chapter 12 Physical healing 7272

Chapter 13 Emotional healing 9494

Chapter 14 General healing 101

Chapter 15 Spiritual healing 109

Chapter 16 Chakra healing 113

Chapter 17 Affirmations 118

iiiiii Introduction

I make a simple claim for this book – read it and you will tune into a source of healing . The book itself is just ink and paper, but the intent it carries provides its healing power. Just as an anti-virus programme will cleanse your PC, so this book can remove blocks to your health, helping you return to your highest state of being. In this sense it differs from self-help manuals where the message is one of direction and knowledge, designed to help you implement a new way of life, a new golf swing or a new understanding..

The book is a key, no more than that. When you hold it with intent to heal, you access its vibration from the quantum energy field and draw in whatever help it can offer you at that time. You do not even need to read it for this process to start as I have demonstrated many times in my clinic; simply holding it is enough.

In has taken substantial effort from a number of people to reach this stage and the pages that follow are the result of this work, combined with synchronistic events and a big spoonful of good fortune. I am not a scientist by training but I make no apologies for that. There are enough extraordinary people pushing back our intellectual boundaries and taking our understanding of the human mind, body and soul to a new level. To make use of these discoveries, we also need experienced health professionals in their shadows who can reach into this work and translate the knowledge into new techniques with practical healing benefits. This is my role, and if you will pardon me the self-indulgence, I will tell you how I arrived in this position.

Despite being academic at school, my disillusionment with education took me away from further studies and straight into a career where I could engage in the cut and thrust of the business world, or so I thought. As with most people without a clear vision or passion, I drifted through office work, burying myself in function and process where regular promotions and material rewards justified the lack of any sense of true achievement or value. I was destined for a comfortable but emotionally numb existence.

It was only my ongoing health problems that broke me out of this pattern. As with many others, the limited framework of the medical profession had failed me and my seemingly disconnected range of minor symptoms served only to generate an ever more disparate range of prescriptions from my GP. My life was making me ill, but at the time I had no idea that my emotional health was core to my physical balance.

By sheer chance, I overheard a colleague saying how her rheumatism had been helped by a kinesiologist and that a simple detox and change of diet had brought about huge improvements in her symptoms. Intrigued but sceptical, I made an appointment and so began my first real passion.

For those who have not heard of kinesiology, it is a relatively new form of complementary healthcare created in the 1960s by a chiropractor called Doctor George Goodheart. He discovered that messages from the brain to the muscles could be disrupted by any number of stresses, including foods, hormones, emotions,

iviv chemicals and physical ailments. By gently testing a relevant muscle, he could find imbalances throughout the body and, more importantly, identify an appropriate correction.

Once I had accepted that the basic principle was sound, this simple concept appealed to the logical part of my mind. I had finally found a calling, something I could throw myself at with complete abandon. It was powerful, flexible and relatively easy to master in its basic form.

In fairness to my employer, they allowed me to indulge my passion and even let me write health related articles for the company’s ‘Team Brief’ as I trained. Looking back now, this was very forward thinking as companies in the 1990’s were very blinkered and not even close to recognising the spiritual needs of their employees. Our personal growth was geared towards improving competence and skill, seeking success within the boundaries of their core values, not our own.

I was therefore very lucky to be allowed to work part time as my client base grew and I started to convert my passion from hobby to profession. As I have since come to realise, those seemingly wasted years had been an ideal training ground. I had learnt about marketing, customer service, image, communication and business planning. All too often, good therapists fail to achieve their full potential due to a lack of core business skills. I had spent years developing just that and my frustrating minor health issues had given me a perspective that helped generate true empathy with the suffering of my clients. My previous years had not been wasted after all.

I had stumbled across a very powerful therapy, one that could expand with my own growth and flexible enough to move with my own developing spirituality. As I changed, so did my client base and I started to work with pretty much any issue, ranging from simple physical symptoms to complex cases of abuse and emotional distress. No-one can guarantee success, but I like to think that everyone who comes to see me gains something from the experience.

So, with 5000 treatments under my belt and an ever increasing armoury of techniques, I started to question the complexity of my therapy. I had become one of the busiest kinesiologists in the country, but was not entirely happy with the way I was working. True healing should be easy and any technique that took many steps to implement could not come from pure truth. I wrote an article to this effect in our trade magazine and this brought me into contact with a man who would help me make the next major change in my life.

That man was Brian Jenner, a total maverick and one of life’s true characters. He often referred to himself as ‘Sir Brian’, after being given an honorary knighthood by the ruler of a small ‘province’ in Australia that had declared itself independent from the main Government. That was Brian all over, a swearing, gambling, blaspheming ex-minister, but someone who had a pure love for mankind and was not afraid to fly in the face of convention to find his own truths and serve his Maker.

vv Brian was an experienced kinesiologist in his own right, having spent 30 years researching while teaching and practicing Touch for Health, a popular version of kinesiology. He had come to believe that the establishment over the centuries had suppressed many core truths and that we need only revisit the work of earlier pioneers to discover the falsehoods of vaccination, germ theory and conventional medicine generally. In the days long before the internet, he used to fly around the world to stay with forward thinkers like John Ott and Bruce Cathie, while revisiting the discoveries of previous Noble prize winners whose work had been allowed to fade into obscurity.

While he researched, he started to develop his own code book, capturing his latest thinking within a short manual that he would download into his clients by holding their forehead points for several minutes while he read out the technical data. He certainly developed a strong following and some of the ‘thank you’ letters he received were truly amazing, often confirming near miraculous healing based on the speed of their recovery and the depth of their improvements.

I still believe that much of Brian’s healing capacity came from his unshakeable faith that God was working through him. He was an enormous personality and when he said you were going to heal, you’d better get on and do it quickly! Whatever your condition, he fully expected you to rise from the treatment couch a changed person. It appears that many did and I still meet people today who attest to the power of his treatments.

As you might expect, Brian’s strength of character did cause difficulties. He would accept no revisions to the code book he had so painstakingly developed over the decades. We talked often about the power of intent but I could not persuade him that many of the abbreviations made little sense to anyone other than himself, which had to deny other users clear understanding of the concepts being applied. There was no structure, no naturopathic protocols to ensure that detoxification occurred only after the drainage pathways were open etc; basically it was devoid of all the tools I had learnt over the years. We were coming to an impasse.

And then Brain died. He was a good age thankfully and had a massive heart attack right in the middle of delivering a lecture to a packed hall of therapists. He passed away explaining his life’s work; what an honourable and worthy way for such a great man to go. He was a dedicated and passionate pioneer and it was an honour and privilege to have known him, even for just a few short months.

I now realise that his life’s work had been completed and it was time for his ‘student’, as he called me, to take over the reins. He had often talked about his need to retire gracefully so that I could continue with his work, but I didn’t expect the handover to be so sudden. It did at least allow me to proceed with a free hand to start over afresh, while still honouring his basic principles.

Although I disagreed with the structure of some of Brian’s detailed work and design, his core concepts were ground breaking at the time and remain so now. The key lessons I took from his work were the following:

vivi 1.1. Healing should be simple 2.2. Healing can be delivered through the focused intent of therapist or patient 3.3. The Universe, including the human body, obeys the laws of fractal geometry and the correct equation can be re-run to correct imbalances in mind and body. 4.4. Numbers are understood by our bodies as concepts and 12 digit sequences can talk straight to our DNA to provide healing.

Some scientists, like the Russian microbiologist Garjajev, have validated aspects of Brian’s theories and I will refer back to this later. Some of the more esoteric thinking has been supported by channelled writings, such as the Kryon work by Lee Carroll. I have yet to see anyone else refer to the potential to heal the human body using fractal geometry, nature’s maths, so in that sense I believe this remains his discovery.

So, there I was, with a few exciting new concepts and the prospect of applying them to everything I had learnt during the years of my own practice. I spent the next few months in the winter of 2005 working during the day as a kinesiologist and developing the system in the evenings. I also took the opportunity to interview a wide range of health practitioners I had come to know in Bristol, so I could include some of their expertise in my manual, not just the concepts I had explored as a kinesiologist.

Although I only shared the first few copies with friends who also knew Brian, it soon became clear that there was a wider audience waiting. The concept of healing through a book is a difficult one for many of us to accept, but energy workers in my own profession would be natural supporters of this work if it did indeed deliver what it promised. The beauty of kinesiology is that we are working with unconscious body intelligence – or superconsciousness if you prefer - so the muscle test only responds to valid remedies.

In my own case, I found that if I needed to support a client’s liver in preparation for a deep detoxification, the usual homeopathic or herbal remedies no longer showed as being highly effective. Instead, my clients were responding, through the muscle test, to the energetic liver support that was available to them in the manual. I was particularly satisfied with the integrity of this test because the supplements I used to recommend carried a commission and the profits I made on these enabled me to keep my treatment fees well below the industry average.

I was quite happy with this arrangement but I was now left with hundreds of pounds worth of nutritional supplements that were no longer testing as necessary. This was certainly not my plan, but I trusted the process and waited with baited breath for my clients to come back a month or so later so I could check their progress. Thankfully, they reported improvements at least as good as I used to generate and, from their viewpoint, at a much lower cost.

Looking back, there was nothing more fulfilling in those early days than feeling the energy change as the system was delivered and hearing clients describe their improvements in the weeks that followed. For the majority, the changes were clear and measurable, but for many there was also an intangible feeling that something important has happened, with a new feeling of lightness and optimism.

viivii By now, I was confident that the system worked and with good anecdotal feedback from my close colleagues and impressive results from my own survey, I tentatively shared my discovery within a kinesiology magazine. The interest this generated encouraged me to write a short series of articles explaining the process while sharing some of the technical coding. My goal was that other therapists would feel the energy of the coding, or find their clients ‘demanding’ it from them during a treatment.

One year later, I had sold over 400 manuals, covering about 30-50% of the kinesiology market. It is hard to be more specific about the level of saturation, but there are not that many of us practicing this wonderful therapy yet, although numbers are growing fast. Most of the manuals had come from personal recommendations, so to a large extent I just sat back and let the orders come in.

The next step was the harder one of taking it to the public at large, a much bigger challenge because, without kinesiology to validate its use, it would be hard to prove that it worked and many potential readers would be less sensitive to the healing vibration it brought.

Thankfully, that too has proved to be no obstacle and I have been fortunate to find support for my work in the publishing world. I hope you are one of many that have come across this book and I sincerely thank you for taking this leap of faith. Your healing has already begun.

Moving on, I must now change tack slightly and look beyond its development to the role of ‘Quantum K’ in the modern world. Many therapists have commented how much harder it is to help their clients than it used to be. Although energy flows more easily now than ever before, we seem to have deeper issues to address and less capacity to lock them away where they can fester without causing direct symptoms. If you will indulge me for a moment or so, I’ll tell you why I think this is and why this adds weight to the need for this system.

First of all, the world has changed hugely. Have you noticed how all the pillars of establishment are rapidly being destabilised? My first memories are from the 1960s when the individual played a supportive role and looked for guidance and inspiration from leaders within the community, people with positional power. We aspired to move up the ladder, our success recognised by material gain and increasing stature.

Some of the key institutions in society were the banks, the legal profession, the medical profession and organised religion. I have nothing but respect (and some sympathy) for the individuals working within them, but plenty of concerns about the bodies they represent.

Banks – It used to be a great privilege to be judged suitable for a loan or mortgage from your bank manager. Nowadays, if you can get past the call centre screening, you are likely to find a salesman looking to lend you a disproportionately large sum against a charge on your house or business, with highly profitable insurance policies to back them up.

viii Legal profession – the industry should be champions of freedom and justice. Instead, we tend to hear more about ambulance chasing, accident specialists and the prohibitive cost of pursuing justice through the Courts. The net result is paranoia from the Health and Safety experts and rapidly rising insurance premiums.

Doctors – – again, I have the greatest respect for the individuals, but the unsavoury truth is that conventional healthcare just isn’t working for most of us. Death and injury from medical intervention, secondary infections, the vaccine controversy and waiting lists are all undermining our confidence in the NHS. Even the pharmaceutical Companies accept that their drugs do not work for most individuals.

Religion - interesting that while belief in God is stable or growing, organised religion is struggling to fill seats. In previous centuries, we needed a controlling influence and a strong rule-base that could guarantee our entry into Paradise. This all helped us make sense of a cruel world. Nowadays, we are opening up to our own spirituality and developing a more personal relationship with God that drains our motivation for formal worship. The establishment of the Church has also been rocked by many de- stabilising forces, including women as priests, sex scandals and the whole concept of being born in sin.

Looking beyond these big institutions, there are other forces at work trying to limit our aspirations. The media, and Hollywood in particular, have a lot to answer for. If you look at most American films they overtly promote materialism and both physical and institutional power as core objectives. If not rich and powerful, the hero can kill with ease and surely will, many times. We are led to believe that violence and crime are natural parts of life and that mankind is inherently flawed. This simply is not true.

So, if we are starting to reject these values, what is replacing them? The answer is the individual. It is time for us to stop looking outside for guidance and inspiration. The greatest truths are already within us, waiting to be released.

To help us on this path, we must understand that true success is available to us all, but is a reflection of what we become rather than what we have achieved or accumulated.

As I see it, we are in the middle of an exciting global development where we are reclaiming control of our lives, looking for greater fulfilment. We are slowly starting to recognise the futility of the hamster wheel existence, where we are in debt from the moment we leave education, mortgaged to the hilt at 25 and working 45 hour weeks thereafter to cover the interest on these debts. This is no longer enough.

At a macro level, the new paradigm works like this:

1. Disempowerment of institutions and movement away from their material values. 2. Re-establishment of the health, power, and core values of the individual based on tolerance, love and mutual respect. 3. Developing group and ultimately global consciousness based on these new values.

ixix To move into this new strength as individuals, we must leave behind all old trauma, illness, and fear. What we used to battle with over a lifetime, (or many lifetimes if you believe in re-incarnation) we must now clear in a few short years. This is why my clients need so much more help than before; we are all clearing our ‘stuff’ at an incredible pace.

Once we find the first seed of this inner strength, we start to realise that true healing comes from within. If you are on a search for a wonderful therapist who can take away your pain, then I believe you are misguided. The healer is in YOU. All other people can do is show you how to access this inner strength and help you remove the blocks to your own recovery and growth. This is in no way denigrating the role of a Divine influence, but to truly connect with our Creator we have to look for that little spark of Divinity lurking within us all.

Once we start this process, it will evolve continually, expanding beyond our own development to those around us. Just by living and honouring our core values we will influence all those we meet. We all know that kind of person, the one that turns heads when they enter the room, who exudes their truth with every cell in their body and just knows that they are on their optimum path.

We must all aspire to be like this.

Ironically, as we each become more confident in the moral codes we are unveiling within ourselves, we will start to tentatively share them with our nearest and dearest. As we do so, we will find that they too have made the same inner discoveries. A whole new unifying value system is emerging from within us that we can follow in our own personal ways. If you doubt that this process is happening, I could quote hundreds of examples, but here are just a few:

•• More people are involved in charity work than ever before (25%)

•• The global concern about the environment has now reached such a level that Governments have had to adopt new policies to address the public concerns.

•• Interest in spirituality, complementary healthcare and the ‘new age’ movement is growing year by year as individuals look for new meaning in their life.

•• Men and women are negotiating part-time contracts so they can spend time at home watching their children grow up, or pursue some other calling beyond their core occupation. No more ‘jobs for life’.

•• Healthy eating and the organic industry are all gathering strength. Awareness of the dangers of junk food, artificial additives, chemicals in cosmetics and GM are growing at an incredible pace. The major supermarkets are being forced to react to public demands, while fast food chains are desperately watching their profits suffer as they try to react to this change in public awareness.

xx This brings us back to this manual. I would ask you to read it with a loftier ambition than mere mitigation of symptoms. Do not just look for good health when there is so much more available. The technical solutions in this manual may not seem important intellectually, but they resonate with every cell in our body and open us up to reconnection with our higher self. This improves our intuition and ability to find our answers for ourselves. When that happens, your true healing can begin.

So, please read this manual, gain whatever you need from it, and then lend it on or use it yourself to help other people. I’ve done my bit, now you can do yours….


This third edition is the most powerful of the three. The definition of the healing process through symbols and harmonics has helped focus our intent on exactly where healing energy comes from and its breadth of influence. By recognising and defining exactly how we are interlinked within this incredible Universe, we increase our healing potential.

The strength of this system is also dependent on its breadth of coverage. For that, I owe my thanks to the range of pioneers, researchers and teachers outlined in the bibliography, along with Lynne Williams, Louise Evans, Jeni Briggs and Colin Kingshott who have honoured me with the benefit of their experience and innovative ideas.

I must also thank Jan Dorman, Phaedra Badcock, Annie Smith and Ann Freeman, whose commitment and connection to Universal Intelligence has provided some of the inspiration behind this system and helped me improve my own access to this source of all knowledge. Phaedra, in particular, gave me the inspiration to rework all of the core concepts from scratch in time for the third edition – just when I thought I was due a break!

Above all else, I must acknowledge the contribution of Brian Jenner, who recognised the capacity of the human body to respond to harmonics and fractal geometry. His basic faith in the power of intent is a cornerstone of a range of new therapies springing up independently around the globe. His passing hands the reins to a new generation and this is my attempt to do justice to his decades of hard work and commitment.

I truly hope you benefit from it.

Andrew Kemp KFRP Dip MESK

xixi Chapter 1

The ‘Quantum K’ system

“The harmony of the world is made manifest in form and number, and the heart and soul and all the poetry of natural philosophy are embodied in the concept of mathematical beauty”

Sir D’Arcy Wentworth Thompson (1860 – 1948)

There are many layers of intelligence within each one of us. Our physical bodies are the visible gateway to the external world, engaging with our surroundings through instinct and the five core senses. This process is supported by self-regulating systems that pilot our internal ‘ship’ outside our awareness or control.

This ongoing stream of stimulation and information is assessed by our conscious mind, based on our education and belief systems. The filtered residue is then deposited into our subconscious mind, which keeps these records in meticulous order and detail, assessing the response to future events based on the outcome of similar past experiences..

Above all of this lies our super-conscious mind, or ‘Higher Self’. This is the part of us that has access to Universal Intelligence - the all encompassing wisdom that knows the answer to every question before it is even asked.

This subtle intelligence always works with our best interests in mind, if we let it, and in an ideal world this would ensure perfect health. But this is not an ideal world. We have evolved too slowly to keep pace with modern living and modern problems.

We are confronted by a constant barrage of environmental toxins from our cosmetics, our food and even the air we breathe. Combine this with electromagnetic stress from our telephones, watches, computers and freezers and it is easy to see why the delicate communication network between our cells is often clouded.

We must also consider our emotional balance, which is determined by the reference points available to our subconscious mind from previous events. Past traumas, especially during childhood, can lead to inappropriate reactions to current situations.

If we are to find true balance and health, we must address these issues and more. In effect, this emotional and physical ‘smog’ has disconnected us from our Higher Selves and we are forced to survive with only our programmed reactions and left brained logic centres to guide us. If we are to re-establish this higher connection, we must remove these blockages.

11 This is the primary objective behind ‘Quantum K’. It acts as our ‘foster parent’, offering temporary guidance until we can return to a life based on intuition derived from our higher intelligence. Once this has been achieved, we can reconnect with the untarnished blueprint that lies in the energy field surrounding us all, returning to the perfect state with which we were conceived.

As a race, we have created most of these problems for ourselves, so now we must take the first steps to put them right….

Why this system works

This programme is the result of years of research. It represents a combination of concepts fundamental to good health, drawn from a variety of healthcare modalities.

I have used the experience I have gained from thousands of treatments as a practicing kinesiologist to form the backbone of this system. I have then added the results of my studies of pioneers in the same field and asked for additional input and critique from a range of other healthcare practitioners, including chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopaths and spiritual healers. This self-healing manual is the result.

The goal of a ‘Quantum K’ balance should be clear from the overview above. It does not look to address individual symptoms as these are intentional strategies by our body to manage issues as best it can. To simply ask for their removal would be detrimental to health and, in truth, our bodies would probably ignore such instructions.

This protocol aims to go deeper than symptom management. We must go to the underlying causes. This means looking at the emotional, physical, spiritual, environmental and quantum issues that forced our bodies to fall out of balance in the first place.

All the information behind this guide is held in the Zero Point Field, that is, the unlimited source of energy that quantum physicists recognise as the font of all knowledge, past, present and future. When you use ‘Quantum K’, you tune into this source of healing and energy, joining with the spider’s web of connections that link each manual. As I will explain later, all healing carries consequences that extend well beyond the health of the recipient; it lights up the whole energy grid, the Planet and beyond, with unimaginable benefits to the unseen world around us. More on that later.

The procedures I have included do, on occasions, use medical or scientific terms that you may not fully understand. Do not worry. These are all commonly accepted within their particular area and the basic energetic connection between each one of us allows us to work with accurate intent. Our cells understand and that is all that matters.

This is particularly relevant when working with babies and young children as they will have, at best, very limited verbal communication skills. At some level they absorb the intent behind the programme. After all, babies feel hunger, tiredness and the love of their parents long before they can put these instinctive feelings into words.

22 As evidence of the effectiveness of this system, I have conducted a survey of my own clients in clinic. This is not exactly the same as using the system remotely, but the only significant difference is that I use diagnostic techniques to specify exactly what toxins or negative emotions the client has. This is not essential to recovery, but for many this information is re-assuring, especially when formal medical testing has found no clinical explanation for their symptoms.

Other than that, it is just me, my clear intent, and the concepts explained in the manual. If you follow these recommendations carefully, there is no reason why you should not achieve the same results as my clients in this survey. In fact, there are several reasons why your progress should be better:

1.1. The survey was conducted while this system was under development, in part based on Brian Jenner’s original prototype. Its potency has increased substantially since, in line with the added input from other therapists and my own developments. 2.2. I could assess, at most, two treatments during the monitoring period. You may use the system every day if you wish. 3.3. The final measurements were taken while clients were cleansing their systems. Although detoxing is designed to be a neutral process, it is not an ideal time toto measure improvements.

The survey was conducted between July 15 thth and November 15thth 2005 and includes every new client that I started seeing during this period and saw at least twice. This is a short timescale, but the 36 qualifying case studies are more than enough to produce statistically significant results.

Here is a brief summary of the results:

8 8

7 7

6 6

5 5

4 4

3 3

2 2 SSttaarrt 11sst 22nnd d Overall health 44..449 33..448 22..997 7 Symptoms 77..335 55..335 44..889 9

Each client assessed their progress at the beginning of each session, so the results of the first treatment were established at the start of the second. I used an assessment scale of 0-10, where 0 is as good as it could be over the last week and 10 as bad as it could be, so a diminishing graph is good!

33 I was particularly pleased with these results because the survey period was very short, with on average only 9 weeks between start and finish of the monitoring. For clients who had suffered chronic symptoms for an average period of 7 years (with a median of 4 years), such a quick response is very significant. These treatments were not for common colds or acute injuries, but for symptoms that had defied all previous treatment and the healing potential of their own bodies.

As the system keeps working until there is no more to do, there would be further improvements in the weeks that followed. Of course, the point of this study was to prove that this system works, not necessarily the extent or speed of its effectiveness. I am also happy to report that not one person reported worsening health during this study, despite the risk of personal circumstances adversely influencing the results. The fact that ‘Quantum K’ is safe should not be taken for granted in an age where so many illnesses result from medical intervention.

The headline results are:

•• The average overall health rating improved by over 1.5 points from its starting position, that is a 33% improvement towards good health.

•• The average symptom reduction was nearly 2.5 points, an even more impressive figure in real terms, and again a 33% improvement from its starting position towards being symptom free.

•• No-one recorded worsening levels during the survey.

•• 88% of participants, that is close to 9 out of 10, recorded improvement in their measured symptoms during the survey period (some of the remaining 12% improved afterwards). This attests to the wide breadth of this system. It doesn’t matter what symptoms or underlying causes afflict you, there is a very high probability that ‘Quantum K’ can help.

•• No supplements of any type were used or recommended for any clients. The improvements arose solely from the protocols in this manual, including basic naturopathic steps, such as avoiding common problem foods.

•• Over 90% of participants were referrals from other therapists or clients.

The bottom line is that this system works. When you use it, have confidence that it is a powerful health support at a number of levels and be open to whatever positive changes it may bring.

If you still harbour some doubts about how simply reading a book can help you access healing energies, I fully understand. The awareness of our connection to an all- encompassing energy field is timeless but largely lost to the modern world. Ancient cultures like the American Indians and the aborigines knew how to live healthily in harmony with their environment, but as we ‘evolved’ into an industrial and commercial world, we lost track of these pure connections.

44 This is slowly changing as we start to recognise the truths we have forgotten. The Western world is starting to wake up to the possibilities of subtle energy healing. Crucially, we are able to do so through any media, whether television, books or lectures; we do not need a therapist to give it to us - the potential to heal lies within us all, just waiting for the call to action. Anything that gives us that ‘ah ha!’ moment of pure understanding resonates right into our cells and triggers the journey to healing and enlightenment.

This book has that potential for you. How did you feel last time you read a Stephen King novel, or saw a frightening film, did you have an adrenalin rush, trouble sleeping? Do romantic films or books give you a nice warm feeling, perhaps a release of endorphins from the brain?

If the answer is yes, as I’m sure it is, you are the same as everyone else - susceptible to physical and psychological change from sensory stimulation. I am simply asking you to accept that this principle can be extended to offer genuine and worthwhile long-term health benefits. It is only a small leap of faith…

If you are still not convinced, it’s time to play my final card as it were…. feedback from clients who have used the manual on themselves or as a therapist. These comments were mainly received in the first few months after the first edition was released:

“I have used the system many times on myself at home. When I first received the Quantum K manual I had been feeling emotionally traumatised for a couple of weeks, and couldn’t seem to find a way out of my anxieties. During my first self-treatment, my body was twitching and jumping, and I felt huge amounts of stress just leave my body. The next morning I woke up at peace – all my stress seemed to have evaporated. Of course, it could be argued that just holding the Emotional Stress Release points alone will relieve the body of emotional stress. But over the next few days my body showed clear signs of detoxing – aching and tiredness. As I continued to use the system I felt better and better, both physically and mentally”. Karn

" I used it the other day when I had a very sudden onset of nausea and weakness. I was so overcome by this sudden condition that I felt I had to lie down. I just held your book while I was resting for a while concentrating my thoughts, and within an hour I was a different person. I was full of energy, the nausea had completely vanished, my appetite was back and I never came down with the bug! All thanks to your great work!" Christine

“I have been working with a few clients with Quantum K and it certainly seems a very powerful modality, the couple of clients I have worked with have gone completely cold within a matter of minutes and lots of visualisations of different colours, one person even had to go to sleep for ten minutes before they could get off the plinth. All have shown good signs of improvement with their presenting conditions.” Alan Kane Dip K, M.I.G.P.P., M.K.A.I. Director, Midlands Therapy & Training Centre

55 "I read the 'Quantum K' manual on a Friday evening and the next day was the first day for ages where I have not had to take an enforced rest of an hour or so during the afternoon. My energy has stayed good since and is undeniably connected to using the manual". Stella

“Many thanks for the latest copy of Quantum K - it’s amazing! Seems to get more and more powerful! There have been a couple of cases recently where clients at the clinic have arrived so traumatised, I've felt Quantum K was the only option to dramatically shift things and reprogram their negative patterns of belief - and in both cases the clients were like different people by the end of the treatment - like a huge weight had been lifted off them (one couldn't stop laughing, and said he hadn't laughed for months)”. Karn

“Thanks for the manual Andrew – it’s a great system so comprehensively put together. My fingers began to tingle even before I started reading it and when I placed it on my mother's lap her first comment was 'Gosh, the heat from it! I'm recommending it to lots of colleagues and friends”. Susanne

“I want to thank you for the gift you are making to humanity with your manual. AtAt the moment, your book is coming up in every session with my clients, so I am pleased to be contributing to its activation!” Viviane

“I have been lent a copy for a few days and feel unable to let it go. What a wonderful book, thank you so much for producing it and sharing it” Linda

“I opened the manual at the spiritual Healing section and decided, for a change, to follow my intuition rather than muscle test what to do. I read through about 10 pages and followed that by relaxing with my ESR points held. Much yawning later I feel fantastic. What’s amazing though is that while I was reading the pages, they started to glow, as though lit from behind with a very white, almost UV light. I felt so ‘plugged in’ to what I was reading, that I decided not to be too surprised by this; I suppose it was a bit bizarre though.” Anna

“I am still having amazing results with Quantum K. I use it in conjunction with my Human Design info and the results are pure magic. Many thanks for all your hard work.” Nancy

“My first measurable success on a friend/client who was sensitive to the energy of a TV, of a mobile phone, of an electric razor (i.e. muscle test 'off'). After going through the electromagnetic stress page and a couple of selected items from page 73, she muscle tested strong when close to the TV and holding the 2 items switched on all at the same time. Wow ! Most impressive !”!” John

66 "It is fascinating stuff! I think it will become my favourite book! It is so positive and gives out so much hope.” Christine

My confidence in this system is also supported by my own access to Universal Intelligence in the Zero Point Field via muscle testing. Using ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ questions, I can ask for confirmation of whether I am on the right track and what areas need further work. I cannot access new concepts directly, that has to come from research and inspiration, but I can validate what I do develop.

This safety check is very reassuring. I like to measure the overall worth of the system out of 100, where the top score is instant and complete recovery, in other words a potential miracle. I am confident that the only barriers to this target are our lack of understanding and imagination. Thousands of ‘terminally’ ill people have made full recoveries and confounded the medical profession 11. What did they know that we didn’t? Was it faith? Surrender? Medicine? Divine intervention? We must keep looking for these answers.

Against this lofty goal, ‘Quantum K’ used at home is currently 76% and my explanation of the concepts in this manual is 96% accurate. The system’s effectiveness rises slightly to 80% when I use it in clinic, which is not entirely surprising as my faith in its power and my attunement to energy may add a further dimension to the treatments.

I am convinced that it will be possible to attain 100% effectiveness within the next few years, but not necessarily through continual extensions to this system. What will change is not the fundamental energy of this manual but the energy of YOU the reader. As the world changes in line with the concepts I talked about in the introduction, the same detail in this manual will gain extra power and go deeper into your DNA. So, use this system regularly over the years ahead and you will find it continues to help you as you open up to a deeper level of personal healing.

I could use the percentage scale I mentioned earlier to compare ‘Quantum K’ with other natural healthcare systems, but that would be unethical and my own bias might impede the accuracy of the results. However..… I couldn’t resist finding an effectiveness level for conventional medicines. The score came to 15%, which reflects the fact that their goal is primarily suppression of symptoms rather than the resolution of underlying causes. Interestingly, just over half of this benefit is placebo.

This high level of placebo benefit may sound strange, but on reflection it makes sense. Many people go to their doctor just to get a prescription, confident that whatever is recommended will make them better. This activates quantum principles and their intent delivers their expected outcome.

This is a very real effect, and don’t the pharmaceutical companies make the most of it! Have you noticed the life cycle of a drug? First of all there is the creation of a need,

11 Caryle Hirscberg - Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography

77 a new disease, or accepted limitations in an old (out of patent) remedy, possibly concerns about side-effects. Then, we hear of a new ‘wonder drug’ in the final stages of testing that will solve the issue. The public clamour for this, but it’s not quite ready yet and it’s very expensive, so has to be approved by the local NHS trust and even then you will have to wait for it to be released.

By now the media are all over the story and by the time you are able to get it approved you are so desperate for it and confident in its powers, it can’t fail to help. Then the cycle starts over again.

This is very clever marketing, used the world over in all industries. Create demand through expectation, make your client wait, then deliver low stocks, then flood the market, then work on its replacement. The winter 2005 rush for the flu vaccine was a classic example of this. We were force fed the bird flu pandemic risk until it became hysteria, we all rushed to our GPS for a flu jab, which of course is totally ineffective against it, then supplies ran out.

Apologies for this short diversion, but I think it is important to reaffirm that although conventional medical attention does have an important role to play, especially with accidents and emergencies, a combination of the best of both worlds is the optimum route.

So, please use this manual and any other therapy you have confidence in. If you want to use appropriate herbs, homoeopathic remedies, etc they will all aid your recovery. Your internal intelligence is more than capable of processing supportive help for the work in this manual that will aid, rather than duplicate, remedies that are already in hand.

Of course, I must stress that nothing in this system is designed to constitute medical advice or treatment. You may wish to include its use within a treatment plan devised by a qualified healthcare practitioner. It is also advisable to remain under your doctor’s supervision throughout any major health challenge.

88 Chapter 10

Naturopathic steps

One of the biggest obstructions to our health is our environment. Unfortunately, most of us suffer from pollution, pesticides, additives, stress, mortgages and traffic jams, which allall detract from our capacity to maintain good health. The ‘Quantum K’ system has been designed to overcome the specific stresses that accompany modern living, but it is not easy to offer ongoing protection when this exposure is so relentless.

To get the best from the system, there are several additional ‘naturopathic’ steps you should consider. They will help the speed and depth of the improvements you experience so please do try to follow as many as you can where you feel they are appropriate.

Healthy digestion

This is crucial to our overall state of well-being. Our digestive tract is one long waste disposal unit and imbalances anywhere along its length affect the function of virtually every other part of our body. Excessive toxins leaking out of a putrefactive bowel pollute our bloodstream and force our excretory system to use valuable energy cleaning it up. We are likely to have spots, bad breath, weak nails, body odour, bloating, flatulence, joint pain, acid reflux and every cold going. As for high energy, forget it !

There are many truths about healthy eating that receive broad media coverage - like the benefits of organic foods, probiotics, fruit and vegetables, fibre, avoiding sugar and keeping hydrated. The following tips are less well-known but just as important for healthy bowels and abundant energy:

•• Chew your food thoroughly and take your time eating. Chewing ensures that the food bolus is mixed with enzymes in your saliva. A problem at this stage delays proper digestion and encourages putrefaction in the small intestine or bowel - leading to gas, bloating, discomfort and the proliferation of unhealthy bacteria and yeasts. At least 14 chews per mouthful is best – try it and see.

•• Cut down on wheat. Modern varieties are low in nutrients and high in gluten and chemicals. They clog up our bowels, hinder absorption of nutrients from other food sources and make us tired and lethargic. Fruit, vegetables, pulses and oats are much better sources of fibre.

•• Eat your largest meals at breakfast and lunch, when your digestive system is working best.

8383 •• After every meal, make sure your ileo-caecal valve is in balance. This valve is easily stressed and can remain fixed open or closed. If open, toxins from the bowel seep back up into the liver via the hepatic duct and across into the pancreas. If shut, putrefying food in the small intestine follows the same route. Either way, this leads to poisoning of the blood and a myriad of symptoms, including fatigue, diabetes, joint pain, brain fog, PMT and headaches.

If you have any sense of indigestion or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, I strongly suggest you massage the following energy points after each meal:

 the ileo-caecal and houston valves, halfway between your navel and the top of your hip bone

 where the shoulder muscle joins the arm bone. These points are on the outside of your arm, on the only place where you can feel the bone through the muscle.

 the base of the skull, about two inches behind your ears.

Please do not worry about being too precise. Massage a broad area if you wish, just make sure your intent is to stimulate your ileo-caecal and houston valves when you do so.

•• Give thanks for each meal. There is some evidence that asking for your food and drink to be blessed has an energetically beneficial effect and raises its nutritional status. Even if you can’t accept this concept, spend a few moments in anticipation of your meal as this stimulates your digestive system and triggers the release of stomach acid and enzymes.

•• Never chew gum as this leads to the unnatural secretion of stomach acid and enzymes. Your body expects a meal to be on its way and this ‘teasing’ of your system will eventually result in a shortage of acid and enzymes when you do need them.

•• By all means have some fluids with your meal, but restrict yourself to a small glass of whatever you fancy. Your stomach acid and enzymes work best when undiluted.

•• Please remember that putrefying food resulting from low stomach acid can react with the oesophagus and cause a reflux like feeling. If you reach for the antacids you might get a temporary relief by forcing the stomach to produce more acid to compensate, but in the long term you may be making the situation worse and suppressing your frontline immune defences. It is the low PH value of our stomach that protects us from invading bacteria and parasites in our food. Please do discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist if you are a regular user of antacids.

•• When you eat, eat. Do nothing else. No reading, no telly, no intense discussions; just you, your meal and your appreciation of it.

8484 Healthy mind

Our character is shaped by the stresses in our environment from the moment we are conceived. When we are young, our conscious mind is insufficiently developed to filter the comments and events being transferred into the unlimited memory bank in our subconscious. We then respond to future situations in accordance with the programmes and behaviours set at this earlier age.

As we grow up, the risks change. It is all too easy to develop ‘emotional addictions’ where we are caught up in life’s dramas and need a daily dose of the brain chemicals that feed them. Examples are the need for confrontation, control, cigarettes, love or food.

When our cells regenerate they create receptor sites based on our perceived needs at that time. If we become caught up in our emotional dramas, we create more sites aimed at receiving the stimulating brain chemicals (neuropeptides) triggered by those emotions and less sites for nutritional stimulation, debris removal etc. This affects our long term physical health. Worse still, the more emotional receptor sites we have, the more of that stimulus we need to generate the same buzz. If we don’t satisfy that need, we get withdrawal symptoms until we bring a person, event or situation into our life that will feed it.

Another way the mind can adversely affect our health is through over-reliance on the intellect. The slowest people to respond to healthcare intervention are those who are in a constant state of analysis and symptom assessment. Quantum principles make it very clear that thoughts and consciousness are energy. If you think of a health concern, your very thoughts energise it and make it worse!

This is very tough because it is only natural to wallow a little bit in our misfortune when we are feeling poorly; but does a continual assessment of how you are feeling help in any way at all? Of course it doesn’t.

The way around this is to keep busy and distracted when you are unwell. Under no circumstances talk about how you are feeling unless it is good news or you are affirming an improvement and how much better you are. Once you have decided what practical steps you are going to take for your health that day, like whether you need a painkiller, let it go. Plan an exciting time of surprises and innocent fun. Play music, paint a picture, go for a walk, dance, see a romantic film, spend some money, have a capucchino, watch the children playing in the park etc etc….. This process helps in three ways:

1.1. You stop giving creative energy to your negative symptoms.

2.2. You release the ‘inner child’ within you. This often suppressed part of our nature carries the memory of the unlimited power of our youth; when love was pure and anything was possible. Be unstoppable again!

3.3. Our logical mind is the most limited part of our soul. It blocks our connection to our higher intelligence and stops our natural healing powers from taking over. By suppressing it we allow a much greater power in. ‘Let go and let God’ is an appropriate phrase here, although it is a team effort.

8585 We all know this to be true at a deep level. When we move our consciousness away from our symptoms we forget any pain and problems in our life. Remember that walk in the park, the day the grandchildren came over, that lovely film on the telly…they all allow us to release our attachment to our negativity. But don’t let this be a passive process; plan ways to have fun in your situation while you heal.

Take control of your life again.

There is another internal process that will help your recovery.

1.1. Try to understand what the problem means to you, what lessons are to be learnt. Do your symptoms stop you from facing up to a situation, getting a job, finding a partner?

2.2. Ask for peace over your situation. If you worry, you will energise the negativity in your life and make it harder to move on. Meditate, do yoga or simply follow the distraction techniques I have already discussed to let the inner child out to play. If you can accept the perfection in your situation, you are halfway there.

3.3. Accept ownership of your problems. Do not blame your upbringing, your financial position or your partner. Do not be a victim.

4.4. Recognise that this problem has a solution. There is always a balance of energies in life, no problem comes without a way out of it. Simply visualise yourself being in a position where your problem is resolved, enjoying every potential of the new you. Do NOT try to imagine what steps are necessary to take you there as that will limit the options open to you. Simply accept that there is a solution for your troubles and wait for synchronistic events to bring appropriate situations and people to your aid.

Here are a few other tips to help you live in emotional balance and harmony. These reflect my own belief system, so if you disagree, that’s totally fine, but please don’t take offence.

•• Say positive affirmations every day. Whatever resonates with you is fine, but ideally base them around the three key areas of deserving, self-acceptance and forgiveness. Say each phrase three times. For example: ‘ I deserve unlimited abundance in my life’. ‘‘ I love myself just the way I am’. ‘‘ I forgive myself for any mistakes I think I have made’..

•• Every day, find at least a couple of occasions when you can do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes. Sit comfortably, breathe deeply through your left nostril for a few seconds and clear your mind. Shut down the logical centre of your brain and open up to intuition and inspiration.

•• Write down all that you want and deserve out of life on a piece of paper - financial success, a loving partner, good health, whatever you wish. Use the present tense e.g. ‘ I am in perfect health’. Sign the list as confirmation of your intent and read it

8686 out loud three times. Feel free to update it or re-read it as often as you wish. Your thoughts, words and intent form your reality, so be adventurous!

•• Avoid violent or negative TV and do not pick up a newspaper until you can see the positive aspects of all you read. We are all here to grow and experience. Do not assume that the handicapped or the poor are any worse off than the rest of us. It all depends on their perspective and what they chose to experience. It is easy to judge events from a narrow viewpoint, but in a much wider sense everything that happens to us is perfect and accords to some higher plan. Heavy rain can be a nuisance or a blessing depending on whom it falls upon.

•• Briefly plan your day when you wake up in the morning. Imagine every event going exactly as you would wish, but leave scope for some pleasant surprises. There is a wonderful film available on DVD about how to use quantum principles to uplift your life called ‘what the bleep?’ Have a look on www.thebleep.co.uk if you want more details.

•• Live in the moment. Once you have planned your day, do not think ahead again. Focus on getting the maximum pleasure out of every second, recognising that you cannot change the past or the future. There is only a continual stream of ‘now’ to think about.

•• At the end of the day, spend a few minutes reviewing what happened and see if you hold any festering resentments or negative emotions about the way you or other people have behaved. Ask that all such interactions be blessed with love, forgiveness and peace so that you can start the next day afresh.

•• Ensure that everything you do complies with my favourite seven words:

“There is enough. We are all one”


If you suffer from stiff or creaking joints, aches and pains, dry or cracked skin, premature wrinkling, headaches, dizziness, urinary infections, fatigue, constipation or excessive hunger, you are probably dehydrated......

Water is a means of transporting vital chemicals around the body. The blood plasma carries water to all body tissues and is the medium through which waste products are excreted via the liver, kidneys, lungs and skin. Water maintains the protective mucous membrane around the stomach and is key to digestion, absorption and the lubrication of our joints.

Dehydration causes the body to release the inflammatory chemical histamine, which has been linked to asthma, allergies, backache and arthritis.

8787 Most of our need for water is met by fluid intake, some is extracted from our food and some from our cells as a by-product of glucose metabolism. In normal circumstances and weather, our daily balance should be maintained as follows:

Intake Litres Loss Litres Drinks 1.6 Urine 1.5 Food 0.4 Sweat 0.5 Cell metabolism 0.4 Breath 0.3 Faeces 0.1 Total 2.4 Total 2.4

Tea and coffee are not ideal sources of water, but recent studies suggest that the diuretic effect of the caffeine causes our kidneys to excrete only a fraction of the overall intake and the net result is beneficial.

Mineral water can be stored for a long time and high levels of bacteria can accrue in the months or years that pass before it is consumed, combined with toxic chemicals if the container is made of plastic.

There are often high levels of minerals, but not always in a form that is easy to absorb or in the optimum proportions and some, such as nitrates, are toxic.

The alternative is tap water. Suppliers are quick to point out how clean their product is, but in big cities the water is often heavily treated with chemicals to kill bacteria and, being recycled many times, has lost its natural energy. The principle of homoeopathy has now been scientifically proven, so if water retains the memory of what it is exposed to, what does that say about recycled sewage? It doesn’t bear thinking about. Falling sperm counts and early menses may continue to be an issue while we remain exposed to the artificial vibration of hormones in our food and water supply.

The ideal water comes from tumbling mountain streams and waterfalls. This generates an electrical charge similar to electrolysis, creating negative ions, which in turn make the water alkaline. People drinking mountain alkaline water are known to have less disease and greater longevity. Ionised water destroys free radicals and breaks down acid salts in the body caused by the consumption of acid forming foods such as meat, potatoes and sugars. The smaller water molecule is also better absorbed and is therefore a more effective cure for dehydration.

Dr Hayashi M.D, the Director of the Water Institute in Tokyo, has been working with water properties for decades. In Japan, ionizing water filters are used across the country to aid good health and their use in hospitals has delivered measurable improvements in patients’ recovery times from illness and disease. The optimum frequency to create this negatively charged water is minus 238 millivolts negative electrical potential.

8888 There is also much to learn from the work of Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958), a largely unrecognised pioneer in this field. By studying fish in streams and by closely observing the natural water cycle, he was able to solve basic problems of energy transformation. One of his main discoveries was that the properties of stream water changed in the evening as it cooled to around 4 degrees centigrade and it became more energised and viscous. This enabled him to develop log flumes with only a minimal water depth.

The third body of work to consider is that of Russian molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev. Until very recently, scientists only understood the purpose of the 10% of our DNA needed to build proteins and considered the rest to be ‘junk’. Garjajev discovered that this extra 90% of our DNA acts as data storage and communication, obeying laws of syntax and grammar similar to the human language. It could therefore be programmed by carefully structured intent, words and thoughts. We know that happy, positive people tend to be healthy and this is further proof to support the work of neuroscientists like Candace Pert.

These concepts receive further backing from Masaru Emoto in his book ‘Messages from Water’. His laboratory team found that frozen water crystals responded to music, words, pictures (yes, pictures!) and intent. Polluted water created partially formed, unattractive, crystals whereas positively programmed water formed an infinite variety of hexagons in spectacular detail and pattern.

The practical application of these experiments is that we can program our water to replicate its optimum energetic state, plus any other positive messages we choose to include. This can be done by thought, intent or the written word.

So.... and you’re going to need to take a deep breath here ..... you can take your water in whatever format you choose and program it. You now know that healthy water is at minus 238 millivolts negative electrical potential and about 4 degrees centigrade, so whenever you hold a glass with the intent of energising it back to its original quality, it will happen within a few seconds. You don’t even have to remember the exact formula, your subconscious will have stored it for you.

Add whatever positive intent you feel is personal to you; love, healing, forgiveness, self- esteem etc. Write these words on your water jug if you wish. It all works the same. This may sound outrageous, but I have tested it using kinesiology and it works. The new water has a vital force raising quality that was not there before. Try it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


We can survive for weeks without food, days without water, but only minutes without air. Our molecules are made up of minerals based on hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, supported by water. These base elements all come from the air, so how can air quality be anything other than essential to our health? Most eastern practices, like yoga, have recognised this basic truth for thousands of years.

8989 The issue nowadays is that the air has become highly polluted with toxic chemicals. We work in climate controlled offices, drive polluting cars and keep the windows shut to keep the heat in. Even in the great outdoors the air has too much nitrogen in it for our bodies to remain in balance.

The net result is an excess of positive ions in the air - the kind that make us feel uncomfortable prior to a thunderstorm when the air feels so ‘heavy’. Instead of the natural balance of 60% negative ions and 40% positive, the ratio is often reversed. This positive air creates an acidic environment in our bodies which leads to a lack of oxygen around the cells and eventually chronic ill health. The situation is aggravated by any mercury fillings as they positively ionise our saliva as it passes over.

So, we all need more negative ions, the kind the give us that lovely refreshing feeling by the seaside or after a shower. The good news is that negative ions are FREE. You don’t need an expensive ionizing machine, simply take advantage of a simple breathing technique based on the yoga practice of ‘pranayama’. The difference here is that we are not looking to balance our breathing, but to create an artificially high level of negative ions in our system. Simply block your right nostril and breathe rapidly 30-40 times in and out through your left, as fast as you wish.

Do this 3 times a day, EVERY DAY. Find a routine - at red lights, in traffic jams, when you wake up, when you watch T.V. Whatever suits you, but please do it. This is very energising and will restore the natural alkalinity of your blood. Just be careful not to make yourself light-headed, practice in a safe environment first and find the pace of breathing that works for you.

On a similar subject, there are other problems with the modern artificial environment. Florescent strip lighting and even normal bulbs have a restricted light spectrum. This is damaging to our health11, so wherever you can, replace normal bulbs with daylight bulbs. These are better, if not perfect, and can be obtained from most lighting stores at modest cost.

Salt – friend or foe?

Salt has been given an unfortunate press over recent years. Just like cholesterol, it has been deemed a ‘bad boy’ in nutritional circles and yet both are essential to life and good health. It is worth taking a few moments to examine salt to help separate truth from fiction.

First of all, it is interesting that sea salt and human blood have many similar properties and mineral proportions. Perhaps we should not be too surprised. Evolutionists claim we evolved from the oceans in our distant past so it is only natural that our blood should retain some links. In spiritual circles, the sea is seen as a source of purification and may yet save mankind from its own mess by absorbing the pollution we are relentlessly flooding into the atmosphere and oceans.

11 John Ott - Health and Light or see www.raysender.com/ott.html

9090 This takes us back to the basic concepts in the earlier chapter on the Universal Healing Model - we really are at one with our environment; in a basic sense we are made from it.

I have been to the natural salt mines of Wieliczka outside Krakow in Poland and it was one of the most amazing days I can remember – a true wonder of the world. It was not just the miles of tunnels and the underground chapel that struck me but the purity of the air and the fact that germs cannot survive in that environment. Respiratory, skin or infectious conditions simply did not occur amongst its mining population and the salts are still sold today for their health giving properties even though the site is no longer actively mined.

This has to make us question the general image of salt in health. It is one thing to vilify the unnecessary addition of processed salt to our food, but it is another to ignore the health benefits natural salt can offer. Researchers like Dr. Jacques de Langre has spent most of his life looking into the properties of salt and concluded that a low salt diet has no effect on longevity and offers no protection against cardiovascular disease. Suffice it to say that the subject is a controversial one and we should try to form our own opinion.

If you want to use salt to our advantage, you must buy either Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate) or sea salt that has retained its natural minerals. You do not need to ingest it, simply put a cupful in a hot bath at least once each week and soak for 20 minutes or so.

Here are a few examples of the benefits this salt treatment could offer. It:

•• Improves mineral balance in the body, by their absorption through the skin in ideal proportions. •• Improves heart and circulatory health, reducing irregular heartbeats, preventing hardening of the arteries, reducing blood clots and lowering blood pressure. •• Improves the body's ability to use insulin, reducing the severity of diabetes. •• Softens and heals the skin, killing bad bacteria •• Flushes toxins and heavy metals from the cells, easing muscle pain and helping the body eliminate harmful substances. •• Improves nerve function by regulating electrolytes. Calcium is the main conductor for electrical current in the body, and magnesium is necessary to maintain proper calcium levels in the blood. •• Relieves stress. Excess adrenaline and stress are believed to drain magnesium, a natural stress reliever, from the body. Magnesium is necessary for the body to bind adequate amounts of serotonin, a mood-elevating chemical within the brain that creates a feeling of well-being and relaxation. •• Cleanses the body’s aura (our subtle energy field) and in so doing soaks away unwelcome old emotions and stress.

If you do follow this suggestion, I suggest you make a ceremony of the procedure by staying in the bath while the water drains away down the plug-hole. Watch your troubles simply disappear in front of your eyes…..

Needless to say, anyone with high blood pressure should seek medical advice before using salt in any way suggested here.

9191 Wheat and gluten

Did you know......

1. Wheat is Britain's number one food allergen, yet the average person eats over a quarter of a pound of it every day.

2. Wheat is sprayed with pesticides before and after harvesting and the normal refinement that follows removes around 70% of its vitamins and minerals.

3. Wheat has been genetically engineered to yield a higher percentage of a sticky protein called gluten. This allows more bubbles to form in the baking process - creating a lighter loaf and reducing manufacturing costs.

4. Gluten has a structure alien to the body's metabolism. It sticks to anything it touches and surrounds smaller molecules like sugar, cholesterol, fats and salts, which then enter the bloodstream only partially digested.

5. Weevil damage in storage has been greatly reduced since the new versions of wheat were introduced into the food chain. Although it is deemed safe for human consumption, the animals will not touch it!

6. Many people are wheat or gluten sensitive without necessarily showing an immune based response on conventional testing.

7. The sticky nature of gluten can lead to constipation by encouraging hardened faecal matter to stick to the intestinal wall. This can upset the balance of friendly and unwanted bacteria in the gut, allowing other organisms such as candida albicans to take hold.

8. Wheat is mucus producing, which can inhibit absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract as well as exaggerate the symptoms of sinusitis and the common cold.

9. Wheat is found in bread, but also in cakes, biscuits, couscous, semolina, pasta, cereals and sauces. Gluten is found primarily in wheat, but also to a lesser extent in oats, barley and rye.

Here are a a few of the most common symptoms resulting from a wheat sensitivity, but this is by no means a complete list:

nausea insomnia abdominal bloating flatulence constipation diarrhoea sore throat sweating tiredness skin rashes acne migraine sinusitis depression anxiety confusion

9292 If you do decide to go without wheat for a while, there are many gluten-free alternatives, including rice flour, buckwheat flour, corn, millet and quinoa. The older wheat grains of spelt and kamut have a gluten molecule that is much easier for our bodies to break and are often acceptable alternatives. When testing food sensitivities using kinesiology, I have found that about 90% of people sensitive to modern varieties can cope with the older versions.

Personally, I use Dove’s Farm spelt flour and can prepare a loaf ready for baking in 15 minutes. It’s fresh, nutritious and particularly well suited to toasting.

Also, rather than trying to buy or make gluten free alternatives, why not try something completely different, like a salad, seafood rice, or a filled jacket potato. Also, how about......

 porridge sweetened with a banana or  Nature’s Path products - Millet Rice, Mesa Sunrise or Heritage Flakes  wheat free muesli  a tofu, banana and rice milk shake  a cooked breakfast  spelt or kamut pasta

There are some critics who argue that wheat is essential to our good health and caution against removing it from our diet unless we have taken a medical test proving some sort of allergic reaction to it. I strongly disagree with this viewpoint. We certainly need fibre in our diet but this need can be met in a number of other ways. Our species evolved before the farming of grains became so entrenched in our culture (especially the hunter gatherers that make up blood group O), so it is a fallacy to say we cannot live healthily without it. We have done so before and can do so again.

Please do try to give up wheat for a month and see how you get on, especially if you are prone to indigestion. Once you become used to the higher energy levels and better health that normally follows, you may never go back!


Pure, white and deadly......

Our bodies can obtain energy from fat and protein, but we need carbohydrates as a core base. When we eat complex carbohydrates such as pulses, vegetables and fruit, we benefit from a diet that is highly nutritious and good for our digestive system. Energy is released gradually as it is required.

The sweet taste of carbohydrates is appealing to us as most sweet foods in nature are safe. Now that we have discovered how to extract this sugary element from the rest of the food, it is easy to feed our natural addiction. As a result, our basic diets are often so highly refined that our bodies are forced to digest foods for which they were not designed.

9393 This is not good for us. In response to this sugar rush our bodies release large quantities of insulin. This hormone quickly converts the sugar into glycogen and fat, ready for use at a later date.

Unfortunately, this process relies on a complicated cycle of feedback within our bloodstream and our bodies invariably over-react to the influx of sugar. In a short time, our blood sugar levels have changed from high to low and this initial surge of energy has turned into lethargy and fatigue.

Over the long term, we can literally run out of insulin or become insensitive to it. This can lead to diabetes, where blood sugar levels remain consistently high if left untreated.

So, sugar and processed foods are not good for our health. When I test my clients in clinic, I find that the vast majority have a higher percentage of carbohydrates in their diet than their body desires. Most of their metabolisms would respond better to an increase in proteins and healthy fats. This means less grains generally, including wholegrains as well as refined grains; with our fibre requirements met primarily through fruit and vegetables.

Here are some more disturbing facts :

1. Sugar provides empty calories. It gives us energy but with no nutritional value to support our many body systems. As it is easy to digest, it is possible to consume excessive calories without feeling full.

2. Refined foods such as white bread, some cereals and white rice cause a similar rise in blood sugar levels. The refinement process has effectively part-digested the food before we eat it.

3. As excess sugar is partly stored as fat, a diet high in sugar can lead to obesity and heart disease.

4. After a sugary meal, the insulin released can lead to low blood sugar - a condition known as hypoglycaemia. This produces a wide range of symptoms, including hunger, fatigue, poor concentration, nervous irritability, dizziness, depression and headaches.

5. Sugar is the primary food source of unwelcome guests that may lurk in our digestive tract, such as unhealthy bacteria and parasites. It also feeds the candida fungus that lives within us all to some extent. A diet high in sugar and refined foods can cause imbalance in this delicate internal environment and aggravate existing conditions.

6. Alcohol and other stimulants such as tea, coffee, soft drinks and cigarettes force the body to release adrenaline and other stress hormones. Our basic instincts - formed thousands of years ago - encourage the release of sugar into the bloodstream to help the muscles cope with whatever 'fight or flight' challenges lie ahead. As modern stresses rarely require a physical response, our bodies must undergo a frantic internal battle to stabilise our blood sugar.

9494 7. Finally, it is important to remember that fruit is not as bad for blood sugar levels as you might expect. Its sweetness is largely based on a sugar called fructose, which must be converted into glucose before becoming available for use. This metabolic conversion ensures that the increase in blood sugar is gradual and manageable.

So how do I reduce my sugar intake ?

1. Follow a diet high in whole-foods including beans, seeds, nuts, fruit and vegetables. Do not overcook these foods as this removes key nutrients and makes the final product too easy to digest.

2. Avoid refined and sweetened foods. When buying bread (if you must) and rice, choose brown rather than white. Use the table below to determine which foods are good for your blood sugar and which are not - there are some surprises!

3. Dilute fruit juices with water and avoid dried fruits if possible.


Here is a brief summary of my top 10 tips for good health:

1.1. Rub your ileo-caecal valve after every meal. 2.2. Respect your food and the eating process. 3.3. Take ownership of your symptoms. 4.4. Say positive affirmations every day. 5.5. Visualise a wonderful day on waking and then live in the ‘moment’ thereafter. 6.6. Release festering emotions daily by giving forgiveness and sending love. 7.7. Energise your water and drink plenty of it. 8.8. Left nostril breathe at least 3 times per day for a minute or so. 9.9. Cut down on wheat, sugar and grains generally. 10. Take sea salt or Epsom salt baths every week.

9595 Chapter 11

Healing Section - Governing Principles

The following healing suggestions are offered to your inner intelligence along with the tools necessary to implement them. Please read the following chapters at normal pace, scanning the harmonics and fractal equations quickly rather than analysing them in any detail. Your unconscious mind will store all the data with perfect accuracy and order. The whole process should only take about 30 minutes.

To help the energy changes, please place your hands on your torso once you have read this section. You should do this for approximately 20 minutes or until you feel that the need to do so has passed.

These detailed propositions in the following chapters are designed to support the inner intelligence in its efforts to find and maintain homeostasis. The benefits of each step should be self-evident, but the following safety measures are to be followed:

•• All suggestions are voluntary and should only be followed if appropriate.

•• All changes should be vital force enhancing at some level once fully implemented. If a completed procedure lowers vital force, then it should be reversed.

•• If a procedure is not needed immediately, it may be kept available for a more appropriate time in the future.

•• The procedures follow a rough chronological order, but this order may be over-ridden if appropriate.

•• All elements of this programme to be repeated whenever necessary, while retaining our right to free will.

•• The need to repeat aspects of this programme will be identified by either the higher self or the conscious intent of the user.

•• Instructions should be implemented at the physical, emotional, etheric, astral, soul and blueprint levels at all dimensions of the body where they are needed, across the Universe and all dimensions and times – every moment of now.

•• All harmonics are written in a straight line but represent a spiralling list, where the last number loops back to the first, creating a repeating concept, apart from the ‘reconnecting to Universal intelligence’ sequence at the end of the general energy section.

9797 •• All harmonics and the toning elements within fractal equations to resonate at the optimal frequency of 12000 Hz.

•• All fractal equations to be supported by the colour vibrations of brown for earth, blue for air, green for plants, gold for light and white for purity.

•• Each fractal equation should resonate with all the colours of the rainbow, including the primary colours of gold, silver, bronze, zinc, carbon and shades of amber.

•• The Zero Point Field is to be checked for enhancements made to the system every time it is used, so that the energy of the latest version is always available.

We recognise that time is quantum in nature and defies division or the artificial constructs of past, present and future. As such, we ask that these healing concepts transcend our veiled understanding of time and apply always, in all ways.

Number 6 8 4 1 2 4 7 5 1 5 3 55 Gateway 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

 Fibonacci Sequence F(n+2) = FF (n+1) + FF(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞ 3 dimensions, Orange, C,E,G Major Octave C3,5. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 11

This system to be underpinned by the following fractal equations, symbol and harmonics:

 Fibonacci Sequence F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ ++∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,D,G Major Octave C8. 20 seconds. Starting (n) = 0 and (n+1) = 1

 Julia Set 9 Iterated 922 + C -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ Violet 3 dimensions C,F,G Major Octaves C7, C8 and C10. 17 seconds

Crystal : Fire Opal Plant: Mistletoe Master Number 1 Number 6 8 7 9 5 5 8 9 8 9 9 88 Gateway 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 11

9898 Chapter 12

Physical Healing

Compare the perfect blueprint for our physical body contained in our Soul Star Chakra against the cells of our current physical body. Produce missing cells identified during this comparison by applying the harmonic of 264 to pure light energy drawn from the Zero Point Field, via the Earth’s electromagnetic energy grid, recognising the equations and harmonics:

M = c + 1/c

22 E E = (c + 1/ 1/ CC ) cc)

E = mc22

E E = ((2c + 1/2c)(2c)22))

972 The harmonics of time (97200 grid seconds in one earth day) 324 Earth resonant harmonic 648 (324 x 2) Harmonic temperature scale

In this Dirac equation for quantum energy flow, mm is the rest mass of the electron, cc is is the speed of light, p p is the momentum operator, is the reduced Planck’s constant and xx and t t are the space and time coordinates

Where new cells are required, use the birth unzipping angle of the DNA / RNA of 7 degrees 20 mins short of 360 degrees. Having healed the physical body in this way, heal also the light body at all times, levels and dimensions.

Repeat this process and identify extra cells and rogue cells that do not comply with our perfect blueprint, ensuring that extra cells no longer replicate and all future cellular replication from rogue cells follows the blueprint rather than the existing tarnished or diseased pattern.

Crystal: Sodalite Herb: Thyme Flower: White Orchid Master number 4 Number 7 3 2 1 0 6 3 9 1 2 7 88 Gateway 4 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 00

9999 Preparation for detoxification

•• Identify and prioritise the 10 most important obstacles to good health. Pass this information to the internal reasoning centres within every cell.

•• Build the energetic pathways required to facilitate utilisation of homoeopathy, flower essences, herbs, supplements and all other vibrational energy tools.

Fibonacci Sequence F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green C, E,F Major Octaves C1 and C3. Starting (n) = 5 and (n+1) = 8

Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Jasmine Master number 7 Number 6 4 2 4 7 3 8 5 3 9 5 55 Gateway 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 00

•• Enhance all energetic and metabolic pathways to provide more leverage and resiliency, replacing any neural pathways damaged by trauma, toxins or disease.

•• In preparation for detoxification, balance all pathways to drainage, including colon flora, spleen, liver, lymph, gall bladder and kidneys. Maintain these pathways during the detoxification process.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue C, F,G Major Octaves C3 and C6. Starting (n) = 3 and (n+1) = 5

Crystal: Rainbow Quartz Plant: Nettle Master number 9 Number 6 7 1 3 6 9 4 6 3 9 6 33 Gateway 6 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 00

•• Uncloak stealth adapted viruses, parasites and other toxins by converting rigid signals to alert signals.

•• Increase production of glutathione by absorbing the vibration of carduus marianus, the seed of milk thistle. Use these extra glutathione levels to bond toto and excrete all heavy metals in the body.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White B,D,G Major Octaves C5 and C6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

•• Rehydrate cells and maintain optimum intra/extra cellular fluid levels.

100 •• All fluid consumed and already in the cells to have a negative electrical potential of minus 238 millivolts and the properties of water approaching + 4 degrees centigrade. Vibrate with the energy of universal intelligence.

Crystal: Generator shaped Petalite Plant: Rose Master number 4 Number 6 9 9 2 2 8 7 8 9 8 8 99 Gateway 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Immune Function

•• Increase immune function to 100%.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue C,E,G Major Octaves C4 and C5. Starting (n) = 6 and (n+1) = 9

•• Psychoneuroimmunological connection between the brain, DNA and immune system using endorphins and other neurotransmitters to be restricted to immune raising feedback only.

•• Thymus and other immune functions to differentiate between own cells and external toxins from the blueprint held in the morphogenetic field.


•• When the drainage pathways are clear, all toxins are to be excreted from the body, including parasites, heavy metals, chemical residues, pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Select a timescale that ensures there are no noticeable detoxification symptoms or other negative reactions from this process.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green B,D,G Major Octaves C4 and C6. Starting (n) = 4 and (n+1) = 10

•• Order of detoxification to allow for any protective effect that parasites and candida may be offering against more damaging toxins, for example:  As a physical barrier between the cells and heavy metals  As a sponge to temporarily soak up other toxins  As a breathing support so that cells may exchange gases and avoid the asphyxiating effects of heavy metals and chemicals.

In the absence of any other considerations, heavy metals and chemical residues are to be removed before parasites, candida, bacteria and viruses.

101 Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,F Major Octaves C3 and C10. Starting (n) = 7 and (n+1) = 8

•• Remove residues and negative effects of medicines, recreational drugs, cigarettes and nutritional supplements, including any blockages they may create to the existence and generation of energetic pathways.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,D and G Major, Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

•• Remove fungus in its mycelial form:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green B,D,G Major. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

•• Remove the bacteria, virus and any other toxic residues left from vaccination, immunisation and any other injections. Remove these toxins from any areas affected, including the brain, cerebellum, brain-stem, cerebrospinal fluid, liver, kidneys, intestines, ovaries, testes and prostate.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,F,G Major Octaves C3 and C5. Starting (n) = 6 and (n+1) = 10

•• To delete pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, gangrene, metals released from amalgam fillings, pollution, vaccine residues and all emotional and physical trauma from the gums, dental tubules, tonsils, root canals, sites of tooth extractions, the jaw bone and any metastases:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,F Major. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) =3

Crystal: Pietersite Plant: Ginkgo Master number 8 Number 1 2 5 7 7 9 2 6 7 4 8 44 Gateway 4 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 33

•• Eliminate excessive fluid retention from in between the cells of the body tissues and remove trapped blood plasma proteins.

Crystal: Rose quartz Plant: Nettle Master number 5 Number 5 4 2 6 3 4 1 4 7 8 7 88 Gateway 2 0 3 0 0 3 3 3 0 0 3 0 11

102 Brain and nervous system

•• Restore natural cranial resonance to Universal resonance, (between 840 and 890 megacycles per second) ignoring all interference, including that from electromagnetic stress and negative belief systems.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,E,G Major Octaves C6,7 and 10. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 22

Crystal: Amber Plant: Passiflora Master Number 9 Number 2 3 7 8 3 5 7 8 3 3 5 99 Gateway 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

•• Restore full nervous system function and cancel neurasthenia (nervous exhaustion).

Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Basil Master number 9 Number 2 3 4 5 2 4 4 6 7 9 5 33 Gateway 5 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1

•• Delete any stress receptors activated on the brain or nervous system, restoring full function of any cells where stress receptors have been de-activated. Include the following:

Myelin sheath Meninges Limbic-emotional nervous system Cranial nerves Central nervous system Dopamine tissue Sympathetic nervous system Amygdala Peripheral nervous system Glenliol neurons Parasympathetic nervous system Dendrites Autonomic nervous system Striatum Co-ordination centres Basal ganglia Perception centres Cerebral cortex Brain Stem Corpus callosum Cerebrospinal fluid Striatum

Crystal: Transmitter shaped blue beryl Plant: Rue Master number 6 Number 3 3 6 6 9 9 8 6 2 6 7 44 Gateway 7 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,D,G Major Octave C3. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 5

•• Ensure appropriate balance between the left and right brain hemispheres.

103 •• For symptoms of chronic fatigue or similar, restore grey matter to optimum levels and heal any neurotransmitters that are creating excessive sensations of pain and fatigue. Also, heal all faulty gene expression within the white blood cells.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,D,E Major Octave C7. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

Post detoxification healing

•• Release putrefactive and post-putrefactive matter from the bowels along with excessive mucous, mucoid plaque and gluten residues, maintaining optimum levels of healthy bowel bacteria. Assess all emotional connections to the bowel and heal any imbalances found.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,D,G Major Octaves C3 and C4. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

•• Heal ‘leaky gut’ i.e. excessive permeability in the colon and small intestine

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White B,E,G Major Octaves C2 and C6. Starting (n) = 3 and (n+1) = 4

Brownian motion

•• Using co-ordinated Brownian motion (i.e. by controlling the normally random bombardment of cells by molecules and atoms), perform the following actions:

1.1. Direct T-Cells from the Thymus straight to the site of any infection.

2.2. Send releasing hormones from the hypothalamus directly to the pituitary to improve internal hormonal feedback.

3.3. Direct all internal hormones to their targeted gland, removing any toxins blocking the receptor sites.

4.4. Encourage the efficient removal of cellular waste and debris from the lymphatic fluid into the bloodstream.

5.5. Move any misaligned bones or vertebrae back to their optimum position.

104 6.6. Detach arterial plaque from the artery lining molecule by molecule to facilitate safe excretion from the body. Restore optimum blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

7.7. Perturb the jaw bone where needed to stimulate a cellular change from osteocytes to osteoblasts, aiding new bone formation to heal Neuralgia Inducing Cavitation Osteonecrosis..

8.8. Detach mucoid plaque from all affected sites in the body at a safe and appropriate pace.

9.9. Clear blockages in the pores to help perfect skin health, appearance and efficiency as an excretory mechanism.

10. Perturb the internal bone structures to maintain optimum balance between osteocytes and osteoblasts and thereby protect bone strength and density.

11. Perturb the surface of any stones or sediment in the gall bladder or kidneys to disrupt its structure and facilitate safe excretion from the body.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green B,C,E Major Octave C4. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

Allergies and sensitivities

•• Remove food sensitivities and allergic reactions:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) 3 dimensions Yellow B Major Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

Crystal: Pineapple Amethyst Plant: Fennel Master number 9 Number 4 6 7 8 5 2 7 3 6 4 6 55 Gateway 6 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1

•• Remove allergic reactions to all inhalant and contact substances, including tobacco fumes, pollution, exhaust fumes, grass pollen, tree pollen, chemicals, cosmetics and household cleaning products:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) 3 dimensions White C Major, Starting (n) = 5 and (n+1) = 6

Crystal: Flourite Plant: Ginger Master number 7 Number 3 4 6 7 7 8 9 7 4 2 6 77 Gateway 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 00

105 •• Desensitise the body to the candida toxin acetaldehyde:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White C,D,G Major Octaves C5 and C6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

•• Increase tolerance levels of all foods and inhalants to the maximum level possible whilst still encouraging appropriate dietary rotation and maintaining necessary protection against toxic side-effects.

•• Desensitise all cells in the body to inflammatory chemicals, including histamine, where the cells are either over-sensitive or where the chemical production is excessive. In particular, protect the skin, lungs and sinuses from this over-reaction.

Crystal: Blue Pectolite Plant: Wild Thyme Master Number 8 Number 3 8 6 2 8 5 2 2 2 7 3 55 Gateway 6 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

Future vaccination

•• Vaccinate against Avian Flu H5N1 and any other type of influenza or contagious virus by producing anti-bodies to that particular strain when needed.

Crystal: Iolite Plant: Rauwolfia Master number 11 Number 2 3 4 5 9 2 3 7 3 4 7 77 Gateway 4 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 00

General structure

•• Restore and repair all directional plates in the joints of the body.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green C,D,F,G Major Octaves C3 and C4. Starting (n) = 4 and (n+1) = 5

•• Restore ileo-caecal and houston valves to 100% competency and delete all stress receptors activated on them.

106 Crystal: Idocrase Plant: Gentian Master number 8 Number 3 5 1 5 8 4 2 4 9 7 2 33 Gateway 7 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 00

•• Reset shock absorbers

•• Remove all stored memory of shock, trauma or impact from the tailbone. Replace the tailbone in its proper position and restore proper movement of bone marrow.

Crystal: Topaz Plant: Artemisia Master number 1 Number 6 8 7 9 5 5 8 9 8 9 9 88 Gateway 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0

•• Repair all fixations and subluxations of the vertebrae, restoring balance from cranium through to coccyx. In particular, remove chemical, environmental, emotional and physical imbalances from the CT junction C7/T1 (and its links to the jaw muscles), T1/T2, L4/L5, L5/S1 and the TL junction T12/L1.

While assessing the vertebrae, correct any scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis and dural torque.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White C,D Major Octaves C3 to C8. Starting (n) = 0 and (n+1) = 1

Crystal: Emerald Plant: Ginkgo Master number 11 Number 1 7 6 1 5 9 3 5 9 6 6 77 Gateway 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 00

•• Correct all structural misalignments where the body has moved away from its perfect blueprint, fixing the imbalances at all dimensions and energetic levels.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Red •• B,D,G Major Octaves C2 and C7. 14 seconds. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

Crystal: Rainbow Obsidian Plant: Passiflora Master number 11 Number 4 3 7 9 6 5 4 3 0 2 7 66 Gateway 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 00

107 •• Delete all stress receptors and stress memory throughout the body, including the acute response to recent trauma. Delete the stress receptors from the sensory energy function i.e. sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell and perception. Restore cells affected to optimum function. In particular, assess:

Liver Heart Ears Small Intestine Kidneys Stomach Tongue Pancreas Bladder Ligaments Jaw Joints Gall Bladder Eyes Gonads Hyoid Lungs Tissue Brain Pelvis Colon Spleen Lymph Blood

Electromagnetic imbalances

•• Build an organic sheath around high voltage/amperage in any part of the body where it must be isolated away from bio-electromagnetic energy at low voltage and low amperage. All cells to ignore electrical signals that exceed the body’s natural voltage/amperage and repair any internal circuits so damaged.

22 Julia Set : 5 Iterated 5 + C -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green B,E,F Major. Octaves C7, C8 and C10.

Crystal: Iron Pyrites Plant: Chamomile Master number 11 Number 3 4 5 7 9 1 2 5 7 8 3 22 Gateway 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 11

•• Block HAARP and any other electromagnetic waves that interfere with the pineal gland and the body’s natural vibrational field.

22 Julia Set: 6 iterated 6 + C -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White A,B,G Major Octave C6.

•• Isolate the physical and energetic body at all levels and dimensions from the negative influences of man-made electromagnetic energy of any type.

Crystal: Topaz Plant: Pepper Master number 9 Number 9 9 5 1 2 4 5 7 8 6 4 33 Gateway 3 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 11

108 •• Assess the energy flow through the circadian rhythm of the jaw generated through all the tooth pegs, checking the teeth individually and in conjunction with all neighbours, during bite and at rest. Include any stress from impacted wisdom teeth and dead teeth.

During this assessment, look for any negative vibrations and electromagnetic impulses being generated either outside the normal predominance time for that meridian or at a voltage/amperage above normal parameters. If inappropriate impulses are identified, ignore them when they are triggered and ensure they do not stimulate any organs or bodily systems connected to that meridian.

Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Hawthorn Master number 11 Number 5 4 7 6 7 9 3 8 3 2 8 33 Gateway 7 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 00

Past physical traumas

•• Release any manifestation of brain damage or other disability resulting from the suggestion of this as a possibility by anyone, including family members and the medical establishment. Assess all time periods, but pay particular attention to pregnancy and the birth process.

Crystal: Obsidian Plant: Peppermint Master number 7 Number 8 7 6 5 9 6 2 3 8 5 5 66 Gateway 6 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 2 1 00

•• Restore correct energy flow through meridians and all other lines affected by tattoos, body piercings or studs of any type. Absorb the energy of Tibetan 8’s over the affected site to encourage the free flow of energy.

•• Remove all residual trauma resulting from any invasive procedures, including:

Ultrasound MRI scan Chemotherapy Foetal monitoring Dentistry EEG / ECG Amniocentesis Vasectomy All surgical operations Birth of self or child Circumcision X-rays Radiotherapy Injections Vaccination

22 Julia Set: 3 iterated 3 +C -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White B,C,G Major Octave C6 and C8

109 Crystal: Carnelian Plant: Rose Master number 3 Number 6 7 5 6 4 9 4 3 4 8 3 77 Gateway 5 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7

•• Restore full ribosome activity to repair cells damaged by trauma and disease, rebuilding all cells affected including tissues, joints, ligaments, tendons, skin, organs, muscles and bone.

Crystal: Grossularite Plant: Calendula Master number 1 Number 9 8 5 2 4 7 3 5 8 1 9 33 Gateway 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11

•• Delete the cellular memory of any trauma, stress or injury from all dimensions of the body, physical and etheric.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,G Major Octave C4,7. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 7

Crystal: Hawk’s Eye Plant: Laurel Master number 7 Number 3 6 8 1 5 8 4 5 9 3 8 11 Gateway 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 11

•• Restore correct energy flow through meridians and all other lines affected by operations, accidents, scars, injuries and all trauma of any type. Absorb the energy of Tibetan 8’s over the affected site to encourage the free flow of energy.


•• Delete all toxins blocking the receptor sites of any of the endocrine glands, restoring optimal internal communication.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Red B,C,E Major Octaves C5 and C8. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

•• Return the adrenal glands to optimum capacity and balance.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,C,E Major Octave C3. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 3

110 Crystal: Garnet Plant: Cardemom Master Number 5 Number 3 3 4 5 3 4 7 5 6 5 7 77 Gateway 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

•• Delete all stress receptors active within the endocrine system, restoring all cells of the glands affected to optimum function. Include:

Pineal Adrenals Pituitary Pancreas Hypothalamus Ovaries Thyroid Uterus Parathyroid Mammary glands Corpus luteum Testes Thymus Prostate

Crystal: Sunstone Plant: Coriander Master number 1 Number 3 4 7 6 1 5 5 8 7 8 3 77 Gateway 3 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0

•• Remove excess free radicals resulting from emotional stress, fat consumption, drugs, pollutants, smoking, chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, allergic reactions and excessive exercise. Remove all oxidative stress resulting from hyperthyroidism and thyroxin production, including that taken by medication.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,E,G Major Octaves C3, C7 and C10. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 3

Cranium and jaw function

•• Cancel stress receptors on the jaw and the circadian rhythm of the jaw. Restore optimum bite and occlusion.

•• Ensure sockets in the jaw have a natural negative charge, through which they conduct the circadian rhythm.

•• Restore optimum function of the cranial rhythmatic impulse. Delete stress receptors on the tempero-mandibular joint relative to the cranial rhythmatic impulse.

111 Crystal: Smoky Quartz Plant: Melissa Master number 8 Number 7 6 7 7 9 6 7 9 3 4 7 88 Gateway 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 11

•• Restore natural movement of the cranial plates.

Crystal: Iolite Plant: Cardus Master number 3 Number 3 7 9 1 5 4 8 3 2 1 5 99 Gateway 3 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 11

Cells, genetics and D.N.A

•• Restore DNA helixes to their highest potential.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,F,G Major Octaves C2,3,4,5 and 6. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

Crystal: Emerald Plant: Sandalwood Master number 11 Number 2 4 5 6 7 9 2 3 4 6 8 99 Gateway 8 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 00

•• Support the internal DNA structure.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,G Major Octaves C2-6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 33

Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Malva Master number 3 Number 3 6 7 5 7 6 7 8 9 4 5 88 Gateway 6 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 11

•• DNA replication to follow deterministic laws and occur at the perfect unzipping angle of 7 degrees 20 minutes of arc short of 360 degrees, leaving behind any mutations caused by genetics, toxins, emotional or physical trauma, electromagnetic stress, radiation or any other cause.

Crystal: Unakite Plant: Myrrh Master number 9 Number 7 2 1 9 2 4 7 2 9 1 1 99 Gateway 5 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 11

112 •• To create vibrational harmony within all atoms of the body across all dimensions.

Crystal: Howlite Plant: Damiana Master number 3 Number 5 7 7 7 3 0 6 1 9 4 3 55 Gateway 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 00

•• Identify any epigenome activity, i.e. any biochemical reactions that are turning genes on and off without altering the DNA strands. Where needed, open the Chromatin (the combination of DNA and proteins in the cell) so that silencedd genes can re-establish connection and expression with the DNA. If there are cancerous cells present in the body, cancel any epigenetic silencing of gene expression and reactivate the genes that control abnormal cell proliferation.

Crystal: Stillbite Plant: Lavender Master number 5 Number 3 6 7 9 6 3 1 4 2 9 2 77 Gateway 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 11

•• Look for similar epigenome imbalances that may have been inherited from previous generations through environmental and emotional stresses. Cancel these taints so that gene expression can follow the perfect blueprint.

Crystal: Topaz Plant: Nettle Master number 1 Number 7 4 5 6 3 2 5 6 6 9 7 44 Gateway 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 00

•• Identify any DNA mutations, inherited or otherwise, and delete them by returning DNA replication to the perfect blueprint stored in Universal Intelligence.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green D,E,G Major Octave C6. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

Crystal: Quartzite Plant: Ginger Master number 1 Number 2 7 9 3 5 8 1 2 4 3 5 66 Gateway 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 11

•• Using the process of RNA (ribonucleic acid) interference, RNA molecules to destroy all messages from the DNA to the ribosomes that could be translated into faulty proteins i.e. proteins that do not conform to our perfect blueprint.

113 Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Red C and G Major Octave C9. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

Crystal: Sulphur Plant: Gumplant Master number 6 Number 3 8 9 1 4 2 7 8 3 4 5 66 Gateway 3 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 00

•• Use the RNA interference process to stop the replication of any organism foreign to the body, such as viruses, parasites and bacteria.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Orange B,E and G Major Octaves C7 and C10. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) =2

•• Apply appropriate energy to the crystalline lattice that controls the magnetic imprint of the DNA to correct any imbalances found and move the DNA towards its optimal potential.

Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Anise Master number 8 Number 3 8 9 3 7 6 7 5 9 1 8 55 Gateway 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0

•• Supply sufficient monatomic gold and platinum group metal from the Zero Point Field in its superconductive state and place it on the telomeres at either end of all abnormal DNA strands. Allow the superconductive state so created to encourage the rebuilding of the DNA and damaged cells to their perfect state, reactivating the body’s ‘junk’ DNA and any under-used parts of the brain. In so doing, correct the physical and light body.

Crystal: Fuchsite Plant: Fennel Master number 6 Number 3 7 8 3 5 6 7 1 9 0 8 33 Gateway 7 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 11

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green B,E, Major Octave C3,5,10. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 4

•• Remove all emotional blocks that inhibit the communication between our DNA and the crystalline lattice around it.

Crystal: Ulexite Plant: Clove Master number 7 Number 1 6 8 3 1 9 1 8 3 7 2 33 Gateway 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0

114 •• Restore right spin of cells to aid the healing process and the correct function of the sodium potassium pump.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Black B,C,G Major Octave C5. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

•• Cells to have sufficient receptor sites to ensure optimal release of toxins into the extracellular fluid. Crystal: Olivine Plant: Mate Master number 7 Number 3 2 6 7 5 1 7 6 8 7 3 66 Gateway 7 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

•• Chromosome replication to exclude any inherited traits from the Psora, Syphillinum, Influenzae, Carcinosin, Tuberculosin, Gonorrhoea and any other relevant miasms, including those from planetary and stellar origins or from radiation, heavy metal pollution, vaccination or radiation.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White B,C,G Major Octaves C4 and C6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

•• Correct any x and y chromosome imbalances resulting from attempts to honour a parental desire for a baby of the other sex.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,G Major Octaves C3 and C5. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

Gases, ions and light

•• Eliminate excessive nitrogen from the body to optimise internal gases and allow perfect photosynthesis within the cells. Cells to be stimulated in the ratio Hydrogen x5, Nitrogen x1, Oxygen x3, Carbon x3.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) 3 dimensions Black C,E Major Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) =3

Crystal: Topaz Plant: Hyssop Master number 9 Number 4 5 6 5 5 7 8 8 8 7 9 99 Gateway 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 00

•• Ensure perfect light refraction within the cells

115 Crystal: Basanite Plant: Juniper Master number 1 Number 4 5 7 5 5 7 8 8 8 7 9 99 Gateway 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 11

•• In artificial light conditions, enhance the restricted wave range to the spectrum of natural sunlight by drawing the missing elements from the Zero Point Field. Neutralise the flickering perceived by the brain from fluorescent lighting or other restricted wavelength sources, thereby removing all risk of fit, seizure or other neurological distress.

Crystal: Ulexite Plant: Damiana Master number 7 Number 3 6 2 5 1 4 6 8 4 1 5 77 Gateway 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 1

•• Use the beneficial properties of the inert gases Argon, Neon, Xenon, Krypton and Helium to stimulate healing through the chakras and the etheric energy field, across all relevant dimensions. Ensure that there is the energy of 3% Xenon in the gases inhaled so that the building blocks of our etheric energy field are available in optimum quantities.

•• These inert gases to be used in whatever combination and proportions support optimum healing. In particular use the gases to help in the following areas:

Helium - Reducing migraines and headachess - Sleep patterns - Opening up the crown chakra - Physical repair during sleep

Neon - Helping indigestion - Grounding - Healing the root chakra - Anti-viral

Argon - Negative thoughts from this lifetime - Self-empowerment - Healing the solar plexus chakra - Sleep patterns

Krypton - Negative thoughts from past lifetimes - Epilepsy - Improving psychic abilities - Brain function

Xenon - Regeneration of teeth, bone & skin - Hip and backache repair - Lungs and breathing - Repair of organs and tissues

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,D,G Major Octaves C2 and C6. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

•• Correct balance and volume of ions to maintain perfect alkaline/acid balance in all bodily systems.

116 Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White B,E Major Octaves C2-6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 3

Crystal: Emerald Plant: Clary Sage Master number 7 Number 5 7 9 5 2 5 9 8 6 7 5 22 Gateway 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11


•• All postural suggestions to benefit from:

Crystal: Tiger’s Eye Plant: Fennel Master number 4 Number 4 2 4 4 6 7 5 8 7 8 2 11 Gateway 6 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 00

•• Correct any inaccuracies in proprioception, i.e. restore the internal positioning and balancing awareness that controls sensory perception. Return all postural control to the brainstem, overriding bad learned habits.

•• Assess each muscle for tension and relax it if under stress. Allow antagonist and stabilising muscles to strengthen as necessary to ensure muscular and skeletal balance.

•• Re-establish primary control by allowing the neck and shoulders to be free, so that the head can go forward and up, allowing the back to lengthen and broaden.

•• Maintain natural breathing patterns at all times, especially when talking.


•• Remove all stress, historical or current, arising from:

Vivaxis, i.e. leaving birth place Chemtrails from aeroplanes Microwaved food Petrochemical pollution Solar flares Environmental vortex

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Green B Major Octave C2 Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 2

117 Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Bergamot Master number 1 Number 1 8 5 3 6 7 9 8 6 4 2 55 Gateway 5 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 11

Nutrition and absorption

•• Gulonolactone Oxidase to be produced to complete the enzyme conversion of blood glucose to Vitamin C.

Crystal: Sugilite Plant: Carduus Master number 6 Number 3 6 8 5 5 8 5 8 6 9 6 99 Gateway 3 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 11

•• Nutrition to be distributed to areas of greatest need and priority in the body.

•• All necessary vitamin, mineral, amino acids, essential fatty acids, fluids and cell salts to be taken at optimum levels from nutritional consumption. If essential nutrients are being depleted by medication, a poor diet, or any other reason, draw the necessary vibration from the Zero Point Field.

Crystal: Topaz Plant: Myrrh Master number 4 Number 6 9 6 5 6 9 5 9 6 7 8 99 Gateway 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 00

•• Cellular reproduction to include optimum number of receptor sites for nutritional stimulation.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow C,D,G Major Octaves C5 and C10. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 10

•• Digestive enzyme, stomach acid and bile to be at optimal levels when required to ensure perfect digestion of all food and drink ingested.

Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Rhubarb Master number 3 Number 4 7 1 7 4 3 7 4 3 8 8 11 Gateway 7 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

118 Miscellaneous

•• Body temperature in normal, healthy, resting conditions to be maintained at 98.804 degrees Fahrenheit.

•• Restore optimum blood chemistry.

Crystal: Tibetan Quartz Plant: Lemon Master number 8 Number 5 6 5 2 7 4 3 9 2 5 8 66 Gateway 5 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 00

•• Block all man-made electromagnetic stimuli to the lattice surrounding our DNA that block the desire and ability to be healthy.

Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Palmetto Master number 8 Number 3 6 8 1 9 5 2 7 3 5 4 99 Gateway 2 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 00

•• Remove all chronic physiological reactions in response to stress.

Crystal: Sulphur Plant: Ginkgo Master number 6 Number 3 8 2 4 6 1 7 5 3 4 8 99 Gateway 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 11

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Red B,D,G Major Octaves C5 C8 and C10. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 3

•• Optimise homocysteine levels by using the vibration of folic acid, vitamins B6 and B12, to ensure complete conversion of the amino acid methionine to cysteine.

•• Activate and optimise receptivity to colour therapy and sound therapy

Crystal: Sardonyx Plant: Verbena Master number 7 Number 3 4 7 6 5 8 6 7 9 5 4 66 Gateway 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 00

•• Absorb the optimum vibration of any of the following homoeopathic remedies that would be life force enhancing and support the intent behind this system.

119 Aconite, Apis Arnica Arsenicum Belladonna Bryonia, Cantharis Chamomilla Hypericum Ignatia Ledum Mercurius Nux Pulsatilla Rhus Tox Rhus Grav Silica Vomica Ant Tart, Arg Nit Calc Carb Calendula Carbo Veg China Drosera, Hepar Ipecac Kali Bich Lachesis Lycopodium Sulph Mag Phos Natrum Phosphorus Sepia Staphisagria Sulphur Mur

•• The higher self and internal control systems to agree the optimum body weight and composition, releasing all connected negative thoughts and any ‘famine’ worries created by previous low calorie or restricted diets. Metabolism to adjust to the new metabolic rate agreed.

Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Turmeric Master number 4 Number 4 3 6 2 6 4 5 1 2 8 2 66 Gateway 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 11

120 Chapter 13

Emotional Healing

•• Release any negative core beliefs from all levels of the energy field, across all times and dimensions. Include the following beliefs where they apply:

About myself

I I can do it I deserve pleasure I I get it right I deserve love I I am good enough I am lovable I I am intelligent I fit inin I I am successful People listen to me I I am competent I can show my true self and feelings I I am worthy I do not need to please others to be worthy I I am visible I deserve to be alive I I am significant My parents are proud of me My mistakes are forgivable I am interesting I I can have what I want I give out enough love I I deserve happiness I am creative I I deserve abundance People respect me I I always meet people’s expectations I am attractive My opinions count I fit in with the crowd It’s OK to have fun I do what I want to dodo I I have found my calling I am secure I I am in the right place I am meant to be here I I am proud of myself I am in control I I am in charge of my life I have choices I I can stand up for myself I am clean I I can say no I am powerful

The world

Life is meant to be fun People are basically kind and loving Happiness is always long lasting I can make a comfortable living The world is a safe place Hard work is not essential People are out to support me I can be calm in today’s world Life is fair Good people are in the majority Life is kind There is a higher plan to my life Mankind deserves to be honoured Mankind will survive

121 My relationships

There is someone special out there for me I can live independently from my partner I I am meant to be in a relationship I can find someone special Divorce is OK We can have different hobbies The opposite sex can be trusted Relationship issues are rarely my fault The opposite sex are similar to us My partner listens to me I I always come out fine Love is wonderful I I tend to get it right I am attractive and loveable My partner can see my viewpoint I give my partner freedom Partners want me for sex Partners always support me Partners want me for me, not my money Relationships are worth the effort My partner can survive without me I can express my true self Other people meet my expectations I can be happy and single Relationships can last My partner is good enough Relationships can be easy My partner understands me

•• Support these core beliefs with the relevant emotions derived from the following statement:

“I am unique, beautiful, talented and lovable. I accept that everything I do, feel and say on my life’s path is part of my growth to higher states of understanding and consciousness. I see the world as a wonderful playground for me to express my magnificence.”

•• Cellular replication to occur without receptor sites generated by emotional addictions. If relevant, remove receptor sites connected with smoking.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Red D Major Octave C4. Starting (n) = 3 and (n+1) = 5

•• Assess cellular memory from all previous time periods and remove inappropriate belief and behaviour patterns generated from:

 Inherited beliefs from family or identification with unhelpful characteristics  Imprints on the subconscious created during times of emotional stress  All past negative experiences and traumas  Self-destructive and self-punishing tendencies  Conflicts within the internal belief system  Body comparisons with other people  Negative body comments including metaphors e.g. ‘you are a pain in the neck’ Crystal: Rhodolite Plant: Rose Master number 5 Number 1 5 7 9 8 3 5 7 1 4 2 77 Gateway 5 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 11

122 •• By rebalancing all energy systems, remove all negative emotions and energies, including those derived from:

Abandonment Abuse Addictions Adultery Alcoholism Anger Apathy Appeasment Betrayal Bitterness Brain damage Child abuse Complaining Conflict Cowardice Cruelty Depression Despair Domineering Doom Doubt Ego Envy Escapism Excesses Failure Fear Fatigue Forsaken Frustration Greed Guilt Hate Hate of God Hate of life Hate of men Hate of self Hate of women Health abuse Helplessness Illness Injustice Insanity Intolerance Jealousy Judgmental Lethargy Low self-esteem Lying Malice Negativity Panic Paranoia Promiscuity Rejection Resentment Restlessness Revenge Sadism Self-centrednesss Self-destruction Selfishness Self-limitation Self-punishment Separation Sexual abuse Sexual perversion Sexual coveting Stinginess Suicide Terror Unforgiveness Unhappiness Unworthiness Vengefulnesss

Crystal: Tourmaline Plant: Bergamot Master number 1 Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 88 Gateway 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 00

•• Replace the energies so released with:

Abundance Acceptance Awareness Beauty Caring Cheerfulness Cleanliness Comfort Concern Confidence Consideration Constructiveness Courage Courtesy Creativity Desire Determination Endurance Enthusiasm Faith Forgiveness Freedom Friendliness Generosity Gentleness Giving Freedom Grace Gratitude Happiness Harmony Health Helpfulness Honesty Hope Hospitality Intelligence Involvement Joy Justice Kindness Laughter Life Listening Love Love of God Love of Life Love of Men Love of Self Love of Women Loyalty Mercy Optimism Order Passion Patience Peace Perseverence Poise Prosperity Punctuality Purpose Relaxation Responsibility Reverence Self-control Self-esteem Self-forgiveness Self-preservation Sincerity Sobriety Strength Success Supportiveness Sympathy Tact Thoughtfulness Tolerance Trust Truthfulness Understanding Vitality Wholeness Wisdom Worthiness Zeal

Crystal: Celestite Plant: Gentian Master number 1 Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 88 Gateway 7 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 11

123 •• To remove limitations in cellular beliefs, apply:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions White B Major Octave C3. Starting (n) = 3 and (n+1) = 6

•• Restore true creativity under the auspices of:

Fibonacci Sequence F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Violet C,F,G Major Octaves C1 and C6. Starting (n) = 9 and (n+1) = 9

•• Release any negative energy attached to vows, whenever they may have been made. In particular, release the negative consequences of promising long- lasting love to an ex-partner, including marriage vows to a previous spouse.

•• Release and cancel any negative energy attached to curses, whenever they may have been made. In particular, release the negative consequences of limiting comments made by people in authority, such as teachers and parents. Examples are “you will never amount to much”, or “I wish you were as clever as your brother”.

•• Remove any ‘psychological reversal’ that is encouraging the survival and vitality of any toxins in the body, in particular candida and parasites. Release the negative energy around all historical traumas that have created or supported these self-destructive tendencies. Absorb the affirmation ‘Even though I may have candida/parasites, I deeply and completely love, forgive and accept myself’.

•• Release any stored trauma and negative memories from being laughed at, scolded, crying, sobbing, or being made to cry or sob.

•• Remove all trauma and negative emotions from all the energetic fields of the body acquired from past events, including:

Emotions felt in womb Bullying Religious procedures The birth process Bereavement Religious indoctrination Abandonment Sexual abuse Schooling Conflict of territory Emotional abuse Bullying Attempted suicide Parental betrayal Domestic abuse Medical consultations Adoption Violent crime Past traumas Lack of sexual fulfilment Sibling rivalry Rejection on gender Ist menstrual cycle Birth of children Abortion Miscarriage College / university Being born out of wedlock Drug abuse Affairs Car accidents Physical injury Threat of physical injury

124 Crystal: Amber Plant: Celery Master number 1 Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 88 Gateway 5 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 11

•• Restore natural instinctive functioning of the amygdala. Ensure normal processing of frightening stimuli at an unconscious level in the ventral region of the amygdala and at the conscious level in the dorsal region.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,G Major Octaves C5 and C6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

Crystal: Garnet Plant: Mate Master number 11 Number 2 5 6 7 5 3 6 4 7 7 8 55 Gateway 4 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 11

•• Remove all the memory of fearful events stored in the anterior cingulate cortex.

Crystal: Howlite Plant: Dandelion Master number 3 Number 2 4 2 5 7 7 4 8 9 4 1 44 Gateway 5 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 11

•• Review all memories from conception onwards and heal all negative emotions resulting from them, including depression, fear and anxiety.

Crystal: Ulexite Plant: Garlic Master number 4 Number 7 4 6 8 3 4 5 8 3 4 7 88 Gateway 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 11

•• Assess whether the conscious mind is sustaining symptoms through excessive attention and over-analysis. If so, the higher self should encourage a reduction in this intellectual ownership of symptoms, so that natural healing powers may be reinstated. Provide opportunities for playful fun so that the purity and optimism of the inner child may be released and allowed to thrive.

Fibonacci Sequence F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,E,G Major Octaves C7 and C9. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 7

125 Crystal: Blue Pectolite Plant: Pepper Master number 4 Number 2 8 6 5 3 7 1 2 3 9 7 55 Gateway 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

•• Bring into general awareness all past experiences held within the conscious, subconscious and body intelligence that are being avoided or denied. Please enable the blocked emotion to be recognised, healed, and released.

•• Review all relationships for this person and soul, during any time period. Remove all negative emotions still held within the energy field. Focus in particular on the following relationships and their potential issues:

Mother in utero / breastfeeding Girlfriend Bosses Mother generally People in authority Subordinates Parents when taken to school Children Step-parents Father when away from home Step-children Ex-partners Father generally Nephews / cousins Spouse Both grandmothers Sisters Ex-spouse Both grandfathers School friends Partner of ex-spouse Uncles College friends Religious figures Aunties Pets God Friends of parents Work colleagues Brothers Boyfriend Other friends Other relatives

Crystal: Tibetan Quartz Plant: Palmetto Master number 6 Number 7 8 4 7 5 2 1 9 2 1 8 66 Gateway 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 11

•• Assess whether symptoms are self-serving at any level and, if so, remove all of the underlying emotional causes that work against the optimum life plan.

Crystal: Tourmaline Plant: Belladona Master number 6 Number 4 3 5 7 6 8 2 4 9 3 4 55 Gateway 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 11

•• Undo negative effects on the cells and DNA of astrological influences, whether real or perceived, from birth onwards.

Crystal: Zincite Plant: Ginkgo Master number 5 Number 8 6 7 3 4 9 3 7 5 4 2 11 Gateway 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 11

126 •• Reassess all memories to see if any perceived ‘facts’ are in reality distorted belief systems. If so, please correct any misconceptions and remedy any adverse effects they may be having on behaviour.

•• Heal any sense of rebellion against all other people and institutions, including family members and self. Replace with patience, kindness, forgiveness and understanding.

Crystal: Indicolite Plant: Jasmine Master number 9 Number 5 6 8 6 9 4 7 5 8 6 2 66 Gateway 4 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 00

•• Assess whether the parental bonding has occurred fully. If not, establish the ideal ages for this bonding so that it may happen now, healing any feelings of insecurity that may have resulted. Similarly, if the parental bond remains inappropriately strong or smothering, decrease it to a more balanced level.

Crystal: Emerald Plant: Juniper Master number 9 Number 6 3 4 7 8 5 6 4 5 9 7 88 Gateway 3 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 11

•• If a previous trauma has stopped the natural maturing process, so that the body or personality is left at a certain age, please release this blockage so that all elements of the mind, body and soul can operate at the correct emotional age.

Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Malva Master number 8 Number 6 4 2 1 7 5 6 4 8 9 7 33 Gateway 3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 11

•• For symptoms of depression, ensure that levels of Cortical Releasing Factor (CRF) and the ACTH it stimulates are produced at blueprint levels, thereby reducing the levels of these stress hormones. Where elevated CRF is the result of earlier trauma and upset, please heal these memories with light, unconditional love and total forgiveness.

127 Chapter 14

General healing

Quantum Healing

•• All quantum effects to be amplified by the vibration of:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue BB,,FF Μajor Octaves C2,3,4,5 and 6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 33

Crystal: Peridot Plant: Sage Clary Master number 5 Number 2 6 7 6 4 7 9 6 7 5 5 44 Gateway 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 00

•• Focus tachyon energy into all levels of the body and its surrounding energy fields to ensure perfect connection with Universal Intelligence.

•• Ensure all interractions between the body’s Subtle Organising Energy Fields (SOEFs) and tachyon energy lead to the harmonisation and evolution of the SOEF rather than destabilisation and decay.

•• Use Zero Point Field energy focused through tachyon particles to revitalise all foods and drinks consumed to their optimum energetic state, overriding the effects of cooking, processing, storage, freezing, genetical modification, pesticides and fertilizers.

•• Remove all interference from consciousness that is blocking the flow of tachyon energy into the body and its various energy fields.

•• Ensure all bifurcation points within the body’s Subtle Organising Energy Fields (i.e. the moment when they temporarily collapse and reform) have sufficient tachyon energy available to re-establish themselves at the optimum level of vitality and the highest level of order.

•• Re-iterate to infinity the natural fractal progressions set at conception where they have moved out of perfect alignment.

129 •• Assess the ‘pilot wave’ (the vibrational frequency we put out ahead of us that attracts people, events and situations into our lives). Cleanse the wave of any negative energies and emotions.

General healing

•• Please control ego, to help awareness of the connection that exists between us all, the power of One and the illusion of separation.

Crystal: Heliotrope Plant: Celery Master number 4 Number 3 8 6 2 7 9 5 3 7 8 5 44 Gateway 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 11

•• All physical elements of the body and its associated energy field to be formed from harmonic frequencies of light as denoted by the equation:

22 E E = (C + 1/ 1/ CC ) C

•• Synchronise with:

Earth vibration: Speed of light:

Crystal: Turquoise Plant: Mate Crystal: Iolite Plant: Comfrey Master number 2 Master number 88 Number 1 7 0 33 Number 1 4 3 99 Gateway 3 0 1 0 00 Gateway 4 1 1 0 00

•• Superconscious, conscious and sub-conscious mind to remain in perfect contact and balance at all times.

•• Please ensure the Governing meridian replaces energy to the Central meridian as it is used.

•• Delete all stress receptors on the meridians and chakras and restore optimum function and balance.

•• Please ensure suitable ‘grounding’ at all times.

130 •• Establish the ‘constitutional factor,’ i.e. the aspect within the Chinese 5 element theory that normally controls behaviour and emotional health. Conclude all internal energy work with the balancing of this element.

Crystal: Tree Agate Plant: Rue Master number 9 Number 8 3 4 5 3 7 4 4 5 6 7 77 Gateway 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 11

•• Correct all electrical switching within the energy meridians

Crystal: Thulite Plant: Lemon Master number 5 Number 3 2 4 8 7 6 6 2 4 9 7 11 Gateway 4 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 11

•• Please use to optimum effect the spiritually uplifting properties of negative green, ultraviolet and the higher harmonic frequencies of gold. At the same time, neutralise any negative influences of negative green that may emanate from all structures, buildings, statues and shapes generally.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,F,G Major Octave C7. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

•• Remove all geopathic and underground water stress from the home and place of work by flooding the area with light, converting all negative lines to positive lines. In so doing, please remove the negative effects of radon gas, and black streams. Repeat this process whenever needed.

Crystal: Boji Stone Plant: Arnica Master number 8 Number 7 8 6 5 9 3 1 6 8 5 3 11 Gateway 6 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 11

•• Adhere to the statement ‘I live in the moment, I do not dwell on past events and I think ahead only so that I may adequately plan for my future tasks and responsibilities’.

Crystal: Diamond Plant: Ginseng Master number 6 Number 5 3 6 8 4 7 1 2 4 8 9 33 Gateway 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 11

131 •• If a symptom is a strategy by the Higher Self to offer direction or teaching, bring this guidance to conscious awareness so that the energy blockage around it can be released.

•• The conscious mind is asked to release all fear and disconnect from any energies feeding on it.

Crystal: Tektite Plant: Radish Master number 3 Number 8 9 8 7 8 8 9 6 2 4 5 11 Gateway 7 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 11

•• Connect fully with the Earth and Nature to draw whatever life-enhancing energy and understanding they may offer.

Crystal: Iron Pyrites Plant: Hamamelis Master number 4 Number 3 6 9 2 4 8 3 9 3 7 5 88 Gateway 6 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 11

•• Using the multidimensional vibrating loops of ‘string’ that are the base of all matter, reconnect to universal energy and its full healing potential

Crystal: Kyanite Plant: Gumplant Master number 7 Number 3 6 7 1 8 9 4 7 5 3 6 22 Gateway 3 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 00

•• Resonate with the statement ‘Now is the time to heal and I choose to heal’ until it is fully accepted by every cell in the body.

Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Ginger Master number 4 Number 3 5 9 1 5 5 7 8 3 2 9 11 Gateway 3 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 11

•• Create perfect resonance of the arachnoid membrane of the brain, restoring our cellular memory of our true identity.

Crystal: Turquoise Plant: Comfrey Master number 5 Number 7 1 1 1 9 5 0 6 2 3 4 22 Gateway 5 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 11

132 •• For general healing and reconnection to Universal Intelligence :

Crystal: Green Tourmaline Plant: Anise Master number 66

Number 7 3 0 6 5 4 3 8 7 6 2 1 2 5 7 9 3 4 2 7 5 4 3 9 Colour O B W R G I Y W V B W B O Y G I B G W B G I Y G

Crystal: Turquoise Plant: Olive Master number 1 Number 3 4 7 6 8 6 4 8 6 3 4 55 Gateway 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1

Crystal: Iceland Spar Plant: Benzoin Master number 11 Number 1 4 3 8 2 9 4 4 5 7 8 99 Gateway 4 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 00

133 •• Activate the crystal merkabah, tuning the 8 original cells in the Zona Pellucida back to conception, cleansing them of all negative vibrations and then retuning them to the present time.

Crystal: Garnet Plant: Melissa Master number 3 Number 9 9 7 8 9 8 7 9 9 9 9 99 Gateway 4 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 11

•• Ensure perfect conversion of all substances consumed into their highest light frequency. Stimulate the cells with this perfect vibration.

Crystal: Jade Plant: Wormwood Master number 11 Number 5 8 6 2 6 6 9 6 4 5 1 77 Gateway 6 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 11

•• Delete the negative effects on all dimensions of the expansion of the psychic centres of the body, while still allowing full development of intuition and connection to the Higher Self.

Crystal: Amethyst geode Plant: Juniper Master number 8 Number 3 5 6 7 5 9 1 5 4 3 7 77 Gateway 8 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 11

•• All harmonics to be supported by the key numerological meaning behind each number:

Number Meaning

0 0 The container of all, the absence of quantity. 1 1 The beginning, the Creator, unity, the sum of all possibilities. 2 2 Duality, the dual nature of life with separate spirit and body. 3 3 The physical realm, creation, completion and growth. Body, soul and spirit. 4 4 The illusion of time. The 44thth dimension. Wholeness, completion, justice, perfection. 5 5 The human form and the five senses. 6 6 Equilibrium, harmony, balance, union, love, health, beauty, good luck. 7 7 Humanity, connection to God/Source, the Universe, perfection. 8 8 Infinity, paradise regained, solidarity, completion. 9 9 Fulfilment, attainment, compassion, earthly paradise. 10 Rebirth, awakening of soul, perfection, completion. (shown as ‘1’ in manual). 11 Master number, intuition, idealism, love. Has negative concept of treachery and betrayal from hidden enemies.

134 •• The five senses, supported by every DNA sequence in our body, to accurately translate all waveforms received into physical reality, ignoring interference and bias from negative emotions, trauma, pollutants, chemicals and man-made electromagnetic energy fields, subliminal programming and symbolism.

•• Return the Assemblage point to its optimum position and angle, correcting any fragmentation and anchoring it at this new point. Ensure that we behave, feel and see the world in line with this new position.

Crystal: Tourmaline: Plant: Basil Master number: 77 Number 1 4 5 4 4 7 8 9 9 8 5 66 Gateway 7 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 11

•• Cancel any inappropriate survival mechanisms that go beyond our basic protection in times of acute physical danger. In particular, cancel any programmes based on sabotage, suppressed traumas, self-limiting fears and beliefs, shock and secondary gain.

Resonate with the affirmation “the world is a safe place for me to live in”

Crystal: Blue Pectolite Plant: Lemon Master number: 4 Number 6 4 2 0 3 3 0 1 4 6 2 00 Gateway 6 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 00

•• Understand that true success is available to us all, but is a reflection of what we become rather than what we have achieved or accumulated.

•• Create balance between the various archetypes that help define our personalities and character. Ensure that the positive attributes of each style are used when appropriate to support our life’s journey and the negative aspects healed.

•• Avoid any negative healing reaction by absorbing the resonance of 762 hertz for the optimum time period at the optimum frequency.

•• The higher self is asked to phase conjugate, or block, all foreign vibrational transmissions that are inhibiting our natural balance in any way or our ability to detect foreign energies within our energy field.

135 General Healing symbol

I want and deserve perfect health

136 Chapter 15

Spiritual Healing

•• Under the Laws of Grace, we ask the powers of the Light, with our grateful thanks, to clear and protect all levels of the energy field of this soul and its family, loved ones and soul group, within all dimensions and at all times, past present and future, across the entire Universe.

Please honour the requests of this section with unconditional love, forgiveness and without judgement; protecting and cleansing the property and environment of this soul, its family and loved ones.

Crystal: Blue Pectolite Plant: Clove Master number 8 Number 3 6 7 5 7 8 9 8 9 9 9 99 Gateway 2 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

•• May all negative thought forms, energetic attachments, fixed and fluid, possessions, alien energies and cordings within the mind/body energy field be bound and taken into a place of choosing of the Light. This process to be assisted by the following:

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Black B major Octave C3 Starting (n) = 0 and (n+1) = 1

Crystal: Ulexite Plant: Chicory Master number 3 Number 6 9 6 9 6 6 3 3 3 6 6 33 Gateway 3 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0

Use also the harmonic of Holy Water from Lourdes:

Crystal: Sardonyx Plant: Damiana Master number 5 Number 7 6 3 77 Gateway 1 0 1 11

137 •• May the same releasing process be repeated for this soul, soul group and loved ones across all dimensions anywhere within the Universe and over all time periods, past, present and future. Include also any transitional status, such as in the womb, during conception, after death and during the vulnerable periods around any significant vibrational change. This help is honoured and received with thanks.

•• To help remove external energies into the light, please use the vibrational energy of a perfectly formed six sided clear quartz crystal.

Crystal: Clear Quartz Plant: Fennel Master number 7 Animal: Aye-aye Number 2 7 1 4 5 8 9 3 2 7 3 4 1 0 8 66 Gateway 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1

22 Julia Set: 9 iterated 9 + C -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ all dimensions White C Major Octaves C3,7 and 10, continuously in all directions of time and across all systems of time.

•• Please seal the energy field against further interference from powers of less than 100% light and maintain this protection indefinitely. May this happen across all dimensions and all time periods, past, present and future.

138 Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,G Major Octave C4. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 6

•• Please may this soul be released from all conscious and unconscious contracts made with energies of less than 100% light in any lifetime, past, present or future and in any dimension. Please include contracts made by anyone in this body and its entire genetic lineage.

•• We ask that any and all soul elements and personality traits left in previous relationships, arising from any time period or lifetime, past, present or future and in any dimension, be healed with light in line with the processes detailed in this section. When clear of any influences from energies of less than 100% pure light, and at the appropriate time, these lost soul elements to be returned to this soul and fully integrated, with unconditional love, forgiveness and no judgement. Crystal: Jade Plant: Garlic Master number 3 Number 9 8 6 4 5 5 5 6 3 5 5 5 8 7 9 66 Gateway 7 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1

•• We ask that the powers of the Light provide protection against ‘psychic attack’ and ‘psychic energy draining’ from any source. Please ensure that all negative cords connecting to these energies are permanently cut and healed, with unconditional love, forgiveness and no judgement.

•• May all attached elements of other people’s souls and personalities, arising from any time period or lifetime, past, present or future and in any dimension be healed with light, relieved of any influences from energies of less than 100% pure light and returned to their source. Please also cut and heal energetic bonds with that source, with unconditional love, forgiveness and no judgement.

Crystal: Howlite Plant: Benzoin Master number 7 Number 5 6 8 9 6 3 6 5 8 8 9 66 Gateway 8 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0

•• Please bring all soul energy that has shifted out of alignment, evacuated or faded, back into perfect balance, where it will be received with thanks and honour.

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Red B,D Major Octave C4. 20 seconds. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 33

139 •• Please sever and return to the light as light any vows of poverty, chastity, solitude, isolation and suffering made in any lifetime, past present or future, in any dimension, anywhere in the Universe, undoing the effects of these vows in all directions of time.

•• We petition Source and all relevant souls to release this soul from any adverse influences generated from past, concurrent and future lives, at any time, in any dimension, and in any place. Where forgiveness is required, we humbly request it from all those affected and ask that it is accepted with honour, unconditional love and no judgement.

•• Please assess the optimal aura width so that the energy field is protected from unwelcome interference from other people and adjust the aura width depending on circumstances and environment.

Crystal: Bloodstone Plant: Parsley Master number 9 Number 3 4 7 4 1 5 8 2 6 4 3 77 Gateway 6 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 00

•• Please ensure that all cells ignore all transmissions from sources that are not true to the Light, including anything at the frequency 4.53.

•• We also ask you to nullify inappropriate foreign objects in the body.

•• Please apply the same cleansing and growth process to all guides and spiritual supporters for this soul so that all assistance from spirit comes from a place of light and supports the optimum life plan.

•• Where an energetic attachment needs persuasion to leave its current home in favour of a journey to the light, we invite the powers of the light to explain to this lost soul the following:

1.1. That it is no longer in physical form and is intruding on a soul that is..s.. 2.2. Once we have left our physical form, it is never appropriate to attach to the energy field of another incarnated soul. It hinders the journey and evolution of both souls affected. We cannot retain our material wealth, power or relationships. 3.3. If we have lessons still to learn, we can come back again in physical form if we wish. 4.4. When we return to spirit, there is no judgement other than that imposed by ourselves on reflection of our life’s events.

140 5.5. There is no punishment inflicted on us by a higher power for our perceived errors or poor judgement. There are only lessons to learn which we may choose to re-examine in a subsequent incarnation. 6.6. Souls we have ‘wronged’ are not waiting in spirit to exact their revenge. 7.7. We may have chosen the key elements of our previous life as a means of exploring the different emotions and lessons of life in physical form. 8.8. Any other information deemed appropriate

•• If this explanation can be supported by the appearance of appropriate loved ones, other members of that soul group, or souls apparently wronged who wish to show their forgiveness, please facilitate this re-union.

•• Where the energetic attachment has forgotten its connection to light and love, we ask the powers of light to remind it of its own spark of light and Divinity held deep within, showing it love and protection. In particular, please stress the following:

1.1. The light is the truth 2.2. The light is stronger than the dark 3.3. There is a spark of light within every soul 4.4. The light represents love and healing and does not burn or cause harm 5.5. A soul cannot cease to exist 6.6. There is no punishment for losing ones way, only future lessons that the soul may choose to explore. 7.7. These basic truths can be tested and proven in the safety of a protective bubble of light extending around the soul. 8.8. If the points above prove the falsehood of their previous understanding, that soul should challenge all threats of punishment and fear it has ever been subjected to.

•• If any spirit attachment is threatening the host with damage to their loved ones if they are forced to leave, we ask that these loved ones are protected so that the host can exercise their free will to release the attachment without fear of reprisal. Similarly, if there is any threat that removal would negate the beneficial aspects of that relationship in past, concurrent, present or future lives, please ensure that replacement support is made available from other light beings so that the attachment can be released safely now.

•• If the attached energy claims rights of possession due to breaches of Universal law, whether in this life, a past life, or through this soul’s ancestral lineage, we petition the powers of Light to heal these breaches so that the attachment can be released. In particular, we ask for healing under any of the following possible headings:

141 Attaching to family Attaching to couple Attaching to a group Attaching to individual Curses made Curses received Spells made Spells received Blackmail Threat to stop help Threat to harm others Threat to harm host Energy misuse Action at expense of others Wishing ill of someone Bullying Free will compromised Spiritual viruses Vows made Inappropriate prayer Self-judgment Judgment of others Punishment of self Revenge on others Psychic attack incoming Psychic attack outgoing Violence victim Violence perpetrator Contracts made Contracts broken Promises made Promises broken Occult practice Animal ritual sacrifice Human sacrifice made Sacrificed ritually Emotional abuse given Emotional abuse received Physical abuse given Physical abuse received Sexual abuse given Sexual abuse received Suicide Bigamy Property bad energy Property vortex/wormhole Bad objects Cursed land Organ transplant given Organ received Blood transfusion Abortion Sexual activity Sexual fluid exchange Addictions Operation Religious activity Religious fear of punishment Rejection of God Need for power Materialism Murder Prejudice Soul loss Issues with energy itself Sense of karmic payback Feel deserves punishment Animal mistreating

•• Please heal and close any inappropriate vortices of energy resonating within my chakras, or anywhere else within my energy field. In doing so, please release their connection to other dimensions.

Crystal: Quartz Plant: Garlic Master number 6 Number 4 7 6 9 8 8 7 3 1 4 6 66 Gateway 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 00

•• Please release any negative effects within my energy field of any interference in my receipt of sunlight energy; either direct or reflected from the moon.

.. •• We ask all this from a position of respect, appreciation and understanding and all information changes and healing is received with thanks, honour and unconditional love.

Crystal: Obsidian Plant: Boldo Master number 4 Animal: Great White Shark Number 9 6 8 6 5 8 5 6 3 6 8 66 Gateway 6 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 00

142 Chapter 16

Chakra Healing

•• Integrate all 36 multi-dimensional chakras, opening them when appropriate and healing all imbalances in their spin, size and overall health. This might require the opening up of a higher dimensional chakra or the healing of issues at a lower level. All resonances in Octave C10:

(Although there are 36 sets of codes in total, this does not mean that there are 36 separate chakras. We are only working here with the 7 core chakras plus an 8 thth – – which I know as the Soul Star Chakra – in the 3rdrd dimension. We are therefore looking to stimulate and heal our core 7 chakras at the 3 rdrd, 44thth, 55thth, 66thth and 7thth dimensions as we become ready to take these steps towards our highest state of being while in physical form.)

Fibonacci Sequence: F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Yellow B,C,D,E Major Octave C3,7,10. Starting (n) = 1 and (n+1) = 5

Chakra 1 – Base Crystal: Transmitter Quartz Plant: Dill Number 2 7 9 0 1 1 7 8 8 9 0 11 Gateway 2 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 00

Chakra 2 – Sacral Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Radish Number 1 0 1 7 8 9 0 6 7 8 5 55 Gateway 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 11

Chakra 3 – Solar Plexus Crystal: Garnet Plant: Turmeric Number 7 8 7 7 4 3 4 7 6 7 6 55 Gateway 4 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 11

Chakra 4 – Heart Crystal: Fluorite Plant: White Willow Number 4 5 4 6 8 6 7 8 8 7 6 66 Gateway 8 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 00

143 Chakra 5 – Throat Crystal: Sugilite Plant: Boldo Number 5 6 6 7 8 6 7 7 7 7 7 77 Gateway 7 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 00

Chakra 6 – Brow Crystal: Elestial Elbaite Plant: Lavender Number 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 55 Gateway 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 11

Chakra 7 – Crown Crystal: Garnet Plant: Hyssop Number 5 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 66 Gateway 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 11

Chakra 8 – Aura Crystal: Sunstone Plant: Clary Sage Number 6 6 6 7 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 33 Gateway 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 11

Chakra 9 – Base (Earth) Crystal: Topaz Plant: Turmeric Number 6 5 5 5 5 5 1 2 2 3 3 33 Gateway 4 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 11

Chakra 10 – Sacral (solar system) Crystal: Arebula Plant: Gentian Number 5 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 33 Gateway 7 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 00

Chakra 11 – Solar Plexus (galaxy) Crystal: Amber Plant: Lavender Number 3 3 3 2 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 33 Gateway 8 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 11

Chakra 12 – Heart (Universe) Crystal: Dragons Blood Plant: Pepper Number 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 33 Gateway 7 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 00

144 Chakra 13 - Throat Crystal: Sulphur Plant: Turmeric Number 3 2 1 1 2 3 5 5 5 5 5 55 Gateway 8 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 00

Chakra 14 – Brow Crystal: Ulexite Plant: Camphor Number 6 6 6 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 66 Gateway 9 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 11

Chakra 15 – Crown Crystal: Nephrite Plant: Chamomile Number 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 66 Gateway 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 11

Chakra 16 – Base Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Pepper Number 8 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 3 3 33 Gateway 4 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 11

Chakra 17 – Sacral Crystal: Sulphur Plant: Sesame Number 10 10 10 10 9 9 2 2 2 3 3 33 Gateway 5 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 11

Chakra 18 – Solar Plexus Crystal: Elbaite Plant: Ylang Ylang Number 9 10 9 9 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 Gateway 6 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 00

Chakra 19 – Heart Crystal: Stillbite Plant: Garlic Number 10 9 9 9 10 10 3 3 3 2 2 22 Gateway 3 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 00

Chakra 20 – Throat Crystal: Sunstone Plant: Cardus Number 11 9 9 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 22 Gateway 2 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 11

145 Chakra 21 – Brow Crystal: Diamond Plant: Chicory Number 10 8 9 9 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 Gateway 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 00

Chakra 22 – Crown Crystal: Emerald Plant: Yarrow Number 9 10 9 9 10 10 3 3 3 3 3 3 Gateway 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 11

Chakra 23 – Base Crystal: Sugilite Plant: Comfrey Number 10 9 9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 5 Gateway 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 11

Chakra 24 – Sacral Crystal: Dragons Blood Plant: Hamamelis Number 9 10 9 9 9 9 6 6 6 6 6 6 Gateway 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 00

Chakra 25 – Solar Plexus Crystal: Sulphur Plant: Peppermint Number 9 10 10 10 10 10 6 6 6 6 6 66 Gateway 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 00

Chakra 26 – Heart Crystal: Variscite Plant: Wormwood Number 10 11 11 10 10 10 5 5 6 6 6 66 Gateway 4 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 11

Chakra 27 – Throat Crystal: Fuschite Plant: Bergamot Number 10 10 10 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 6 66 Gateway 5 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 00

Chakra 28 – Brow Crystal: Stillbite Plant: Angelica Number 10 10 10 10 10 9 6 6 6 6 6 66 Gateway 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00

146 Chakra 29 – Crown Crystal: Elbaite Plant: White Willow Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 5 5 5 5 5 55 Gateway 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11

Chakra 30 – Base Crystal: Sunstone Plant: Camphor Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 44 Gateway 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00

Chakra 31 – Sacral Crystal: Fire Opal Plant: Pepper Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 44 Gateway 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Chakra 32 – Solar Plexus Crystal: Cymophane Plant: Valerian Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 2 22 Gateway 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Chakra 33 – Heart Crystal: Stillbite Plant: Cinnamon Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 11 Gateway 8 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Chakra 34 – Throat Crystal: Fluorite Plant: Turmeric Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 11 Gateway 9 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Chakra 35 – Brow Crystal: Blue Pectolite Plant: Ginseng Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 11 Gateway 6 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

Chakra 36 – Crown Crystal: Vogel Quartz Plant: Rhubarb Number 9 9 9 9 9 9 2 2 2 2 2 22 Gateway 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00

147 Chapter 17


Please absorb the healing intent behind all of the following affirmations where appropriate:


I deeply love and accept myself just the way I am.

I resonate with the love that exists in every cell of my body.

This love is limitless; a bottomless well that radiates out from me in all directions, uplifting all who come into contact with me.

In return, I feel the love of those I meet and recognise the source of love within them.

I attract loving people and situations into my life, returning the love I exude many times over.

I allow the unconditional love of the Universe into my life and let it work within me, lifting my life to new realms of possibilities.

By allowing love into my life, I am filled with a constant state of bliss. I see the perfection and purity in all people and all situations I encounter.

I live in the flow of life and the flow of life lives within me. Loving events and people seek me out, recognising that I totally deserve them.

I give thanks for the loving gifts I receive and my gratitude enhances my gifts in an ever increasing virtuous circle.


I understand my needs and desires. I attract other people into my life who will help me manifest my needs and in doing so I help them meet theirs.

I attract others into my life who help me express my completeness.

My life is harmonious.

I have the perfect partner.

149 Healing

Now is the time to heal. I accept that whatever loving support I receive, the ultimate choice and responsibility to heal is mine.

Every cell in my body vibrates with perfect health.

I heal quickly and easilyy

I choose events and people in my life that support my healing. I choose to consume vibrant food and drink and to take all other steps that respect my body and help my healing.

I love my body and treat it accordingly.


I deserve unlimited abundance in my life.fe.

My career is rewarding and fulfilling and I am paid appropriately for my efforts.

I trust the Universe to provide me with all that I need.

I am a successful person and my intuitive and creative abilities flow through me at all times.

I have complete confidence and faith in myself.


I make no judgement about myself or other people.

I forgive everyone who has ever harmed me physically or emotionally, whether intentional or inadvertent.

I forgive myself for being weak when I should have been strong, dominant when I should have been sympathetic and silent when I should have spoken up.

When I forgive, I do so completely and unconditionally.

I accept that there are no mistakes, only learning opportunities, and that sensible risk taking is a necessary part of my growth and development.

I live in the moment and release any worries that past or future events create within me.

150 Bibliography

Author Title

William Baldwin Healing Lost Souls Robert Brennan The Alexander Technique Workbook Bruce Cathie The Harmonic Conquest of Space Bruce Cathie The Energy Grid Bruce Cathie The Bridge to Infinity Leon Chaitow Fibromyalgia and Muscle Pain Leon Chaitow Candida Albicans Daniel Condron Permanent Healing Diana Cooper A New Light on Ascension Peter D’Adamo The Eat Right Diet Brenda Davies Journey of the Soul Robert E Detzler The Freedom Path Robert E Detzler Spiritual Healing Robert E Detzler Soul Re-creation John Diamond Life Energy and the Emotions David Elkington In the Name of the Gods – the mystery of resonance Masaru Emoto Messages from Water Jonathan Goldman Healing Sounds Richard Gordon Quantum Touch – The Power to Heal Amit Goswami The Quantum Doctor David Hawkins Power v Force Caryle Hirschberg Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography Patrick Holford The Optimum Nutrition Bible David Icke Infinite Love Is The Only Truth Brian Jenner There are no diseases…only diseased conditions Kryon Partnering with God Book VIVI Kryon Letters from Home Book VII Kryon Passing The Marker Book VIII Lynn McTaggart The Field Lynn McTaggart What Doctors Don’t Tell You Barbara Marciniak Family of Light Barbara Marciniak Earth Barbara Marciniak Bringers of the Dawn Arnold Mindell The & Healing Michael Murray Encyclopaedia of Natural Medicine Carolyn Myss Sacred Contracts Dr Eric Pearl The Reconnection – Heal Others, Heal Yourself Candace Pert Molecules of Emotion Roy & Ann Proctor Healing Sick Houses Margaret Ruby The DNA of Healing Rupert Sheldrake A New Science of Life Ian Stewart Does God Play Dice? Gordon Stokes Body circuits, pain and understanding Eckhart Tolle The Power of Now Tortora Principles of Anatomy & Physiology Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology Coby Zvikler The Key to Gabriel

151 Chapter 2

Self–help using ‘Quantum K’

Issues and symptoms helped

The program can help in a number of ways. The following is only a short summary of the areas it may address because there are no limits to the symptoms, traumas, or emotional issues that might be relieved at some level:

 Traumatic events  Low self-esteem  Disturbing memories  Guilt  Stress  Old operations  Vaccination damage  Damage from mercury fillings  External radiation  Hormonal imbalances  Psychic attack  Energetic attachments  Structural imbalances  Pain  Ultrasound, MRI or X-ray damage  Old injuries  Low immune function  Toxicity  Poor absorption of nutrients  Birth trauma

Helping with emotional issues is clearly crucial. Our physical health is a direct mirror of our emotional balance. Doctors know it, we know it. If you are happy and your life is in balance you will be physically healthy. Major diseases are at least in part a reflection of accumulated trauma, stress, regret, grief, betrayal and guilt.

Of the physical imbalances, some of the most important are protecting us from electromagnetic stress, removing DNA mutations and undoing the possible after- effects of vaccination.

Electromagnetic stress is a huge issue today that affects every one of us. The airwaves are full of powerful energies that damage the gentle currents flowing naturally within our own body. We are swamped by the interference from freezers in supermarkets, mobile phones, televisions, microwaves, mains wiring and PCs. Even the energy field from a battery watch subtly damages our health. When I test the loss of immune function caused by electromagnetic stress it is often over 30%.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, our bodies are more susceptible to this damage than ever before. Our mercury fillings and crowns act as radio receivers and transmit these high voltage, high amperage signals via our energy meridians to various organs throughout the body.

99 These signals are not in harmony with the natural electrical pulse of our own nervous system. The net result is damage to the delicate way our cells communicate with each other, leading to emotional and physical imbalance.

These unnatural frequencies are also damaging to our circadian rhythm, the natural cycle of life that controls our sleep patterns, energy and hormones. This process is controlled through our tooth pegs, which have a slight negative charge to attract the positive charge of the circadian rhythm in turn during each day. This is why the chinese ‘5 element theory’ recognises the dominance of certain acupuncture meridians at set times during the 24 hour clock.

The ‘Quantum K’ programme protects us from electromagnetic stress in the environment. It also instructs our internal systems to ignore the unnaturally high voltage and amperage signals received through our fillings and any other metal in our body, a bit like ‘Dolby’ noise reduction on an audio tape. This helps us manage the way this metal amplifies the natural communication channels in our teeth.

The DNA section is particularly significant because many chronic diseases stem from genetic mutations, either inherited or generated during this lifetime. Scientists are starting to understand the adaptable nature of DNA and its capacity to change on replication to a different form. In the main, this capacity to change results in dysfunction and disease, but with the right intent, we can use this principle positively and reverse the harmful effects of modern living.

The research of Russian molecular biologist Pjotr Garjajev has shown that our DNA can be changed by positive intent, proving the beliefs that spiritual masters have intuitively felt for thousands of years. So while conventional research focuses on stem cell therapy and surgical transplanting of DNA, we can take a simpler view. As we know how DNA replicates, we can reprogramme it to remove any inherent diseases and malfunctions.

This system attempts to do just that and anecdotal experience is very encouraging. You will see from the technical section that there are several headings with very detailed intent, some drawn from the latest work of quantum physicists like Hal Puthoff, some based on the timeless knowledge passed down from ancient civilisations. I don’t mind which one is most effective, our Higher Self will action any intent that is life force enhancing.

Moving on to vaccination, this is a controversial area which forces parents to make a very difficult decision. As well as the potential link to autism and bowel disease to consider, there is also the possibility of more subtle damage caused by the injection of toxins and viruses behind our front-line immune defences.

From my own anecdotal experiences, I have found vaccine damage to be an issue for many clients with chronic bowel, bladder, brain or skin conditions. There can be a reservoir of toxins created in the brain stem and spinal fluid, which leak out where the dura (the membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal column) is at its weakest. This is why these clients seem to battle with an ongoing predisposition to infections and inflammation. Removing this source of toxin is a crucial step in their recovery.

1010 There is also the risk with vaccination of the viruses involved going inwards after exposure rather than being cleared out fully from the system. By allowing the immune system to work against the actual virus during childhood, we may be better protected against other diseases in later life.

At least parents now have a third option of having their child vaccinated, but with any harmful residues removed naturally afterwards using this system.

On a broader level, it is worth mentioning that ‘Quantum K’ is not designed simply to correct imbalances. Many of the procedures target physical, emotional and spiritual growth; expanding our being to a level beyond basic good health.

I firmly believe there are possibilities available to us in this new Millennium that have been denied to our recent ancestors. We can find a state of permanent ‘bliss’ in life as we co-create our own realities, helping us see the world in a new light; finding comfort and peace in even the most testing of circumstances.

This system cannot deliver all of this, but it is designed to remove the blocks that hold back our development and stop us launching into a new paradigm, a new potential and a new self. If you are already on this path, it will accelerate your journey forwards.

So, if you are reading the manual for the first time, I hope you are growing in confidence that this system might just help you in a tangible way with whatever areas of your health need support.

Of course, not all healing can be felt immediately. A heavy metal detoxification might not make you feel any different now, but could protect you from senile dementia in your dotage, or delay the onset of arthritis.

Can Quantum K help everyone?

I am often asked whether ‘Quantum K’ works for everyone. I honestly believe that the answer is ‘yes’, that everyone benefits to some extent, although miracles are rare. There are lots of possible ways you might be helped:

 Direct relief from physical symptoms  Release of emotional traumas and stress  Help in finding peace  Finding meaning out of life’s traumas  Protection from future illness  Spiritual growth

To counter this, there are two areas that I believe are hardest to help:

 Injury where the damage is severe and entrenched in the physical body.  Spiritual, or karmic issues, where the client has further lessons to learn from their symptoms before it is appropriate for them to be released.

1111 Of course, this system does not need to find a cure for all diseases to be worthwhile and helpful. As the old saying goes: ‘if you are lucky you will be helped, if you are really lucky, you will know in what way’!

For me, life is a wonderful vehicle for growth and the evolution of our soul. It is the way we come to terms with our issues that defines the value of our journey. If this system could help us all find true peace, enlightenment and understanding, there could be no greater achievement.

It is also worth referring briefly to the wisdom of in his book “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success” when he says that our intent should be to “relinquish your attachment to the outcome. This means giving up your rigid attachment to a specific result and living in the wisdom of uncertainty”. This manual has come into your hands for a reason. Do not assume to know what that reason is, just trust that it is there and go with the flow.

How to use the system on yourself

There is plenty of detail in the pages that follow, but when you read them, please remember that the system is incredibly simple to use. You could start benefiting from it right now if you wish. It’s as simple as ABC:

A. Hold the book B. Give intent to draw appropriate healing energy from it. C. Relax for a few minutes, with your hands resting comfortably on your torso.

It’s that easy.

Of course, to get maximum benefit from the manual you do need to read it. Once you have read the first chapters, you are ready to absorb the technical content. I suggest you find a quiet area where you won’t be disturbed, play some relaxing music in the background if you wish and sit or lie down somewhere comfortable.

You should then read the technical section of the manual reasonably carefully. You do not need to analyse or attempt to understand each equation or harmonic, just try to ‘absorb it’. Once you have done so, the entire programme is in your unconscious mind, word for word, and if your intent is to benefit from it personally, then this process will have started.

I cannot stress strongly enough that this guide is not aimed at your conscious mind but at your inner intelligence, which is unlimited in capacity with a photographic memory and reasoning capacity beyond the wildest dreams of modern computer designers.

Under quantum principles, we can even draw the energy from the system without opening the manual. I have witnessed sensitive people feel a strong energy surge just by picking it up. They are tuning into the Zero Point Field around us where its energy is stored, feeling the power of the whole process before they have consciously read a word of it. This is quantum physics working in a very practical way.

1212 Once you have engaged with the system in some form, you may feel a tingling or energy changing within your body. This is partly the effect of the fractal equations starting to build, but is also the result of the re-ordering of your physical, emotional and spiritual self. You may even yawn or find you are breathing deeply. This sensation can last for several minutes, depending on how much energy is being released.

You should support this process by placing your hands anywhere on your abdomen in a comfortable position. This opens up the healing potential of your hands and triggers the process

After you have ‘downloaded’ the technical data, you may feel more positive and relaxed, with perhaps a lightness or sense of optimism reflecting the release of negative energies and old unwelcome emotions. Do not worry if you feel nothing at all, the system is still working!

Over the next few days, you may notice the effects of the physical changes that have been triggered. The system has many safety protocols that ensure you only release toxins once your drainage channels are fully functional, in other words, once your liver, kidneys and lymphatics can cope with the extra workload. Nevertheless, you may feel a bit tired, ‘fluey’, or emotionally unsettled at some stage, which is a good sign that changes are taking place.

You may even revisit old symptoms for a while or your current symptoms may temporarily worsen. This is not a side-effect of the treatment; anything being released comes from deep within your own body.

You will automatically choose a safe and appropriate time-scale to make whatever changes have been triggered. Some benefits are immediate, some take weeks and some even longer. The body is being asked to heal itself and this can take time.

One interesting trait I have noticed is that the client’s personality will often dictate the speed of the process. The ‘intent’ of those who are naturally impatient and want quick results will override the safety protocols within the system. For them, any detoxification required will happen quicker, yielding earlier improvements but sometimes at the cost of a poor week or so as raised glands, or cold like symptoms, emerge.

This reinforces the point that intent is everything. Within reason, your expectations and desires determine the depth and speed of the results.

In an ideal world, you should only need to use this system occasionally. In practice, we are continuously exposed to toxins, emotional challenges and environmental stress. Some of the steps within the system repeat whenever they are needed, but in the main you will need to decide if a ‘top-up’ is necessary and repeat the procedure. You will then draw from it whatever elements are needed at that time.

1313 The beauty of follow-up treatments is that your unconscious has already registered every word of the programme and you do not need to repeat the detailed reading of it. Simply place the manual on your body as a sign of your intent to use it again and place your hands on your torso as before, until you feel that the energy ‘exhaust’ has been fully released. You will only draw from the system those aspects you need at that time.

You should use your intuition to determine how often to use the system on yourself, but as a general guideline I suggest the following:

 Use the system for 20 minutes on the first occasion  For the next couple of weeks, use the system for 10 minutes every day.  After that, use it for 10 minutes every week for 2 months.  Thereafter, use it for 10 minutes every month.

There are three advantages of regular ‘top-ups’:

1.1. You may deal with imbalances that are yet to manifest into symptoms. 2.2. You will gain access to any enhancements made to the system since your last treatment. 3.3. As you change and grow, the same remedies may benefit you in a deeper way.

As a final word about personal use, I must stress that this programme is not designed to cause conflict with your own belief system. If you feel uncomfortable with any element of it, you need only affirm your desire to change or omit that particular section.

All I ask is that you do so with some caution as each step has been carefully researched and there is an inbuilt safety protocol that removes any element that does not work in your highest interests.

1414 Chapter 3

Working on other people

Once you have used the system on yourself, you can start using it on other people. The transfer of intent relies on tachyon energy, an immeasurable carrier wave that travels faster than the speed of light. As soon as a contract to transmit and receive the system has been entered into between you and another individual, the job has been done. It is like dropping a stone into a calm pond. The stone disappears immediately but the ripples from its impact resonate backwards and forwards for a while afterwards.

As the transfer is instantaneous, you can even offer it to people you pass on the street or friends and relatives, on the grounds that their higher self will accept the exchange in the absence of conscious agreement.

I have done this many times and had wonderful feedback about unexpectedly quick recoveries from operations, accidents and ill-health. The bottom line is that when you use this system with love and pure intent that alone has unlimited power and you will be rewarded with results. It is like a prayer with focused intent.

This approach can be very effective and may be all you can do in some circumstances, but it is not the optimum procedure. You will obtain quicker and deeper results if you are with the recipient, helping them process the energy received.

Ideally, you should sit behind the person you plan to work on while he or she is sitting comfortably or lying down. As this system is now firmly embedded within your unconscious, you need only have the manual in your lap or nearby to reinforce your intent.

You should then place the index and middle fingers of each hand on the two slightly raised areas in the middle of the forehead above the pupils, left fingers on left point, right fingers on right point, with your thumbs meeting around the back of the head. In this way, you can channel the healing energy we all carry in the palms of our hands directly into the person in front of you.

1515 Personally, I ask for ‘Divine protection’ before I work on a client to ensure the energy flow is pure. I suggest you do the same, or ask for ‘sacred space’ if this is more acceptable to you. You could even light a candle with similar intent.

You may prefer to read appropriate sections of the manual while you hold the forehead points but it is not strictly necessary – it has all passed over the moment you both agreed that this should happen.

While you are doing this, you may feel the connection with the other person’s energy and the release of blockages and old energy patterns. This is not harmful to you in any way provided your intent is clear that you are a conduit and not the ultimate recipient of this energy. My intention is to release it to the light and you may wish to do the same. This process should actually make you feel better because you are receiving the balancing system yourself and releasing your own old energies as you do so.

For me, this procedure normally takes about 15 minutes, but I know other therapists who hold the points for longer, sometimes up to twice as long. It all depends on personal choice and your priorities for the time you have available. I do suggest you hold the points for at least a few minutes as this reaffirms your commitment to download the system. Intent is everything and you should be absolutely clear about what you are doing to download the system properly.

Working remotely

You may wish to help someone who cannot be in the same room as you, for instance a relative who lives overseas. This is certainly possible and can achieve wonderful results.

Ideally, you should obtain the recipient’s conscious permission before you send them healing, but if this is impractical should proceed anyway on the understanding that you are acting in their best interests. The pre-requisites for this approval are that you are acting with pure intent and are not attempting to obtain inappropriate personal information.

The energetic link will also be supported by some form of ‘witness’, such as a photograph, lock of hair or personal possession, but this is not essential. If you do have one, either hold it in your hand or keep it nearby to clarify your intent about the intended beneficiary.

When you are clear about who you wish to help, simply hold your forehead points as usual or place your hands on your body and let the energy flow.

When working with friends and family, one other possibility is to treat a connected group of people at the same time. Simply make your intent very clear and the energy will be transferred to everyone in that group, to be used in different ways to meet the individual needs of each recipient.

1616 Here are some examples of groups that might appreciate your help:

 Members of a family where there has been a bereavement or illness  Members of a soul group to help with lessons, karmic or otherwise  Work employees in a stressful occupation  Those affected by a natural disaster  Local communities with high crime rates

In short, you can direct the energy to as small or large a group as you wish. Like a focused prayer, your pure intent will be honoured.

Procedural summary

Working on yourself – initial session

•• Set aside at least half an hour when you will not be disturbed

•• Find a quiet area to sit or lie down

•• Play some quiet background music if you wish, no vocals!

•• Scan the technical section, with the clear intent of downloading the system

•• Place your hands comfortably on your abdomen as you do so

•• Allow yourself to breathe deeply and yawn if you feel so drawn

Follow-up work on yourself

•• After the initial ‘download’, use the system on yourself for about 10 minutes every day for the first 2 weeks, then 10 minutes every week for 2 months, followed by at least 10 minutes every month thereafter.

•• After this first burst of intensive use, it is still important to have regular top-ups, especially when you are under stress, ill or after a trauma.

•• Regular monthly top-ups ensure you treat imbalances as they arise, ideally before they manifest into symptoms. They also allow you to benefit from any enhancements made to the system since your last treatment.

•• For each repeated use, follow the basic procedure but remember that you do not need to re-read the manual.

1717 Working on other people

•• Obtain the conscious agreement of the person you wish to help, if possible

•• Sit behind the recipient, with the manual on your lap or nearby

•• Hold the forehead points for about 15-20 minutes

•• Read specific pages of the technical section if you wish, or simply sit there as it is absorbed

•• Repeat whenever needed, especially after traumatic events, illness or times of stress

Advanced techniques for kinesiologists and other therapists

When I am using the system as a therapist, I offer the complete balance to my clients to underpin the treatment. For most this is enough and will remove the key energetic blockages, but for some there is more to do.

When I find a specific area where extra work is regularly required, I build it into the system, but the beauty of the human being is that we are all unique individuals and the same symptom in two people can have entirely different underlying causes.

Having used the system once, I sometimes find I need to explore specific areas in more detail. For example, there are general instructions in this guide to help rebalance the Tempero Mandibular Joint. This is often enough on its own, but if the client has tension in this area due to cranial faults, teeth grinding at night, a stressful relationship and financial worries, these specific connections may need to be found to encourage a speedy recovery.

You can use your own therapy to manage these complexities, or extract elements of ‘Quantum K’. This is relatively easy if you have training in kinesiology muscle testing or other diagnostic techniques that support ‘causal chain’ investigations.

With the problem in mind, simply dowse or muscle test to see which pages and specific remedies are relevant. With this extra detail established, you can hold the forehead points with this extra focus in your intent. It does not matter if you have already applied the system in full, there will often be a further energy shift as the body processes this linked chain of imbalances.

This step is not essential, but the more energetic ‘exhaust’ you help the client remove in session, the less there will be to do in the weeks ahead. It will speed up the recovery, but the inner intelligence stimulated by the use of this system would have got there anyway, in its own good time.

1818 I often ‘lock in’ an imbalance and then turn each page of the technical section and muscle test to look for a changed response, drilling down to a specific remedy once a page shows relevance for the client.

One other technique I occasionally use is to design a specific harmonic sequence or fractal equation for my client. This is particularly useful when I have ‘stacked’ a list of imbalances that are unique to that person, or when one particular symptom has a series of complex underlying causes.

In effect, we are converting a complex series of issues into a single unwelcome vibration and then deleting it. By all means experiment with this yourself, all you need to do is dowse or muscle test for the exact details using the framework from the technical section of this book.

This extra step can be a worthwhile use of your time – if you are experienced with your fingers you can create a bespoke harmonic matrix in about 2 minutes. Here is a summary of the steps:

1.1. Lock in, therapy localise or otherwise open a circuit on the key symptom 2.2. Muscle test to see if a specific harmonic or fractal is required 3.3. Dowse to find the exact details using the framework from the Technical Section. 4.4. Write down the details and place them on the client along with the book. 5.5. Hold the stress release points as usual.

Do not worry if this sounds too complicated or time consuming. It is like applying a surgeon’s scalpel to a set of symptoms but that does not in any way infer a weakness in the basic system. The core ‘Quantum K’ programme will still work, this technique may just work a little quicker.

At the other extreme, there will be times when you might decide against using the whole system on certain people, especially if they have already received the complete version on an earlier occasion. For instance, if you knew of someone who has just been given mercury amalgam fillings, you might want to use the procedure that helps the body release any mercury vapour inhaled, while offering protection against the high voltage/amperage charges that the fillings would then transmit through the subtle energy systems.

Focusing your intent on this specific item by reading it silently while holding the frontal eminences will achieve this end. You can even do it remotely if you wish! Just be clear about what you are trying to do.

It is also possible to work on clients who are not present, using a third party in surrogacy. This allows you to access information about that person, assuming you have permission to do so. In that sense it differs from simply sending a prayer of intent to download the entire system.

1919 This is my suggested procedure, using muscle testing:

1.1. Ask for ‘Divine protection’ 2.2. Ensure the surrogate is in good balance and prepared to act in this role 3.3. Ask if it is appropriate for the person present to act as surrogate for Y 4.4. If the answer is ‘Yes’, ask if the person present is now in surrogacy for Y 5.5. Investigate particular symptoms if you wish 6.6. Place this manual on the surrogate’s body as a sign of clear intent 7.7. Dowse to find out how long you need to hold the frontal eminences 8.8. Hold the frontal eminences for the agreed period 9.9. When this time has elapsed, remove the manual and your fingers 10. Ask if it is now appropriate to cancel the surrogacy 11. If ‘Yes’, check that the surrogacy has now been cancelled 12. Check if the surrogate is in surrogacy for anybody else 13. If ‘No’ to question 10, see if other work is necessary 14. Once work has finished, check if the surrogate needs balancing in any wayy

I must stress that this work is not to be undertaken lightly because you are exposing the surrogate to the energies of another person. If you are too closely involved with the intended beneficiary of this work, you may even find that you have inadvertently become entwined with their energies yourself, as well as the surrogate. You may cancel the surrogacy on the person you are working with, but leave yourself linked. This is not at all desirable, so please only attempt this kind of work if you are experienced in this area.

Finally, it is worth stressing that any therapist can use this system effectively with their clients. Reflexologists can download the data through the feet, masseurs and osteopaths through touch, hypnotherapists through intent. You need only be clear that you wish to offer the client whatever healing energy they need and it is done. You are simply the conduit through which the vibration of ‘Quantum K’ is passed.

2020 Chapter 4

The Universal Healing Model

Having now covered the ‘how to’ aspects of this system, it is time to move on and look at the principles that provide the underlying healing potential. This is not a tangent to the main purpose of this book, but very much part of it. The phrase ‘knowledge is power’ is a fundamental truth. If we understand life and the influences and mechanisms behind our health, we are many miles down the road of controlling it in a positive way.

The first step in this process is to look at a model that defines the connection between us all and how individual healing fits within the framework; the blueprint as it were. The next stage of this section explores the recipient of this healing - our DNA - and how this most marvellous of all building blocks holds our autobiography for this life and perhaps many previous ones as well. This will be followed by chapters on fractal geometry, harmonics and sacred geometry which are the tools I use to engage with the wider model.

We will then be prepared to take the final step and look at the technical data itself; fully armed with focused intent and understanding to ensure that the healing principles are absorbed with maximum benefit.

So, to begin this journey, we need to have a quick look at the concept of healing – where it comes from, how it is triggered, where it goes and how it is transmitted. This is a huge subject, so my apologies for offering such a brief overview, but there is onlyy so far we need to travel down this road for the purposes of this system.

A healing model

Whenever we place our hands on ourselves or another person with intent to heal, we trigger a powerful process that resonates around us, lighting up the energy field that links us all. But how exactly does this work? What is the sequence of events that follows this intent? By defining a process in this chapter I am attempting to answer this question, without suggesting that this is the only healing path.

For me, understanding this process is important if we are to extract maximum potential from this healing system. ‘Quantum K’ depends on the core assertion that focused and specific intent carries more healing power than a simple request to get better – if we could just ask our bodies to heal then we all would and disease would be eradicated at a stroke, but we can’t.

2121 The reason we can’t work with this simple intent is our intellects tell us otherwise; we have been brainwashed with the limitations of the human form, that disease and entropy is inevitable and possibly even deserved due to our past ‘sins’ and errors of judgement. If we are to overcome these blocks, we must have an understanding of the process so that we can let these obstructions go and release our highest healing potential.

If our internal systems could talk, they would say that they were doing the best they could in difficult circumstances, trying to maintain homeostasis in a polluted and troubled world. They would also argue that they are desperately trying to work out what level of health we actually want for ourselves, trying to find consistent intent within a lifetime of insecurities and conflicting messages.

‘If I am ill today I don’t have to go to work’…..

‘I don’t deserve good health after the way I treated my last partner’…….

‘If I have the potential for high energy, why did my doctor tell me I should expect to slow down at my age?’……

‘If I am truly loveable, why did my mother ‘abandon’ me at a nursery when I was four years old?’……

The ‘Quantum K’ system offers a specific set of instructions to help our basic systems make sense of these issues and more. It allows our higher intelligence, or our soul if you prefer, to offer parental guidance to the confused, child like, database within our unconscious mind. This is why it works.

If we accept the premise that an understanding of energy flow helps focus our intent and enhances our healing, we must now define this process. The following information was obtained through a combination of dowsing and channelling by myself and trusted colleagues and is as complete as I can be at this time.

There is more detail to come in the years ahead, especially concerning the higher chakras and ultimately we will be able to access them through sacred geometry and symbolic drawings. However, as we stand, we are apparently not ready to work with this vibration and must wait awhile.

When you read the following please do try to try to create a visual picture so that your own intent can be upgraded as your cells are stimulated by these basic truths.

The power in our hands

When we attempt to heal others, or ourselves, we do not create a new circuit. We are already plugged in to everything that exists across all time and space. We are the train that never leaves the tracks, giving and receiving energy with every breath.

2222 What our intent does engender is a focused current within this infinite circuit. The batteries are unlimited; we simply draw more energy from them and direct it in a specific direction.

If we have to choose a starting place within the circuit, it is our hands. When we lay hands on our loved ones, or ourselves, we trigger a very special process. They contain many chakra centres along with energetic symbols based on the timeless knowledge of sacred geometry. I believe the symbols look like this:

Note how the hand contains a number of different symbols, the circle, the 5 sided pentagram and the triangle.

In the right hand shown here, there are 9 of these symbols, all in the palm of the hands, resonating across the dimensions. They occupy the same space, but overlay each other to form a three dimensional shape, like a musical note played in many different octaves.

In the left hand, there are also 9 of these symbols, all identical. The key difference between the two hands is the direction of the triangle.

If you imagine the symbols for each hand overlaid, the triangles in the centre form a perfect Star of David, another very powerful healing icon.

It is this Star of David alignment formed out of the two triangles that initiates the healing process. This is why you rarely see any healer working one handed; it is the combination of energies that is so important. This concept is well known in Chinese medicine as the two hands have opposite polarities within them, Yin and Yang, as does each finger. It is the combination that provides the balance and harmony.

To trigger the healing circuit, you do not need to hold your hands directly above each other so that the symbols physically align. We are working with intent here, so as long as you are using both hands somewhere near or on the body, the energies will work together.

2323 This process is enhanced by the gateway harmonics in the technical section of this book. These harmonics, which are mainly in binary code, help activate the healing energy in the hands. The coding is a simple language that our bodies recognise even if the true meaning is beyond our intellectual understanding.

It is also worth mentioning here that these healing concepts apply equally to remote treatments. You do not need to have your client present with you when you work, so long as you have some kind of ‘witness’ to make your energetic connection. You can use a photograph, lock of hair, personal possession or whatever is available to reinforce the link. Even if you do not have a witness, do it anyway. The energy will work its way there somehow if your intent is pure.

The wider energetic network



Solar System


Animals Crystals

Air Water


Having initiated the healing process through the hands, we activate all the energetic links that run through them. These are live, continuous circuits, so we are not switching them on as such but enhancing the amperage of the current that flows through them. This current flows in both directions so we are drawing from and feeding into whatever energy system lies at the other end.

The healing energy feeds down through the lower centres within our own energy fields, namely the solar plexus, sacral and root chakras. From there the energy passes through the Earth Star chakra and into the molten and crystalline core of the earth

2424 itself. This resonance then echoes through the oceans of the planet, the plants, animals, minerals, earth, atmosphere and mankind itself before anchoring into the electromagnetic grid.

This is why we are all linked at a fundamental level; each thought, action and deed resonates through us at some level. This simple model also casts some light on why , , herbs, Bach flowers, Yoga, lighting candles, animal essences etc all have healing potential. They do not act in isolation, they are part of the immeasurable network of energetic cords running through the planet at any given time. We are not creating something new when we access them, we are amplifying what already exists.

It also explains why it is so crucial for our planet to have such a broad ocean coverage. The earth is one huge electrical motor, powered by its crystalline core, with the energy transmitted around its surface through the medium of water. I often wonder what crystalline shapes Dr Emoto would produce from freezing the different oceans and seas around the planet. What stories they would tell! They must hold the memory of every event, every thought and every emotion that has ever happened on our world. It would be particularly interesting to see how this record changes over the years in line with the evolution of the planet and its occupants. Seawater crystals would make a perfect energetic record of our times.

I have read in numerous channelled works that the mammals of the world’s oceans are crucial to our existence and anchor the energetic grid around us. This would certainly explain our affinity with dolphins and whales and what better place to perform this role than the super conductive waters of the oceans.

On a similar theme, I have heard it proposed that the melting of the polar ice caps is also part of our wider healing. When the water froze all those years ago, it captured the vibration of that era, along with a level of knowledge and awareness that we have long since lost. Releasing this ancient vibration back into the oceans now is an important step on our evolutionary path.

One other interesting point you may have noticed here is the similarity between this model and the Chinese 5 element theory. My old colleague, Brian Jenner, used to argue vociferously (not uncommon for a man with so much passion and heart) that the 5 element theory was unbalanced and is missing a 6 thth element of ‘air’ to bring it into harmony. This leaves us with the 6 core elements of air, water, earth, fire, metal and wood, all of which are already included on this model in some form.

When we instigate healing, we are invoking all of these elements with our intent, seeking balance within their vibrational realms. The ‘Quantum K’ system fits nicely into this model by amplifying these energetic connections. The harmonics and fractal equations speak a language our bodies understand and literally light up the energy grid like one huge firework display, sending healing along all its connecting tributaries.

Looking in the other direction on our model, the healing energy we trigger from our hands also runs upwards through our heart, throat, brow and crown chakras and then into the Solar System, Galaxy, Universe and beyond.

2525 We must also remember the inter-dimensional aspect of this energy work – we are accessing an energetic network well beyond our comprehension. A three dimensional view of this process ignores the other dimensions that share the same geographical space and are intrinsically linked to our own existence.

There are new chakras within this network and when the time is right we will all have access to the amazing power and beauty they hold. I have had a tantalizing glimpse of their structure and form on a ‘look but don’t touch’ basis and I can’t wait to engage fully with them in the future when we are ready to ramp up our healing potential. For now, there is more than enough for us to work with.h.

Before moving on, we need to look briefly at the ‘God’ question. For many, healing is the result of a direct intervention from a Divine source and the process is as simple as that. We ask and He delivers. I have no issue with that view as it is now proven within hospital trials that prayer offers a measurable benefit to the recipient 11..

There are, of course, other slight variations on this view. It could well be argued that the Divine intervention came not with the prayer, but with the original act of creation when we were all blessed with the power to heal others. Our prayers simply put this potential into effect.

A further variation on this view is that we have been allowed free will to determine our lives for ourselves, evolving in our journey through our mistakes and successes. In this context, healing comes when we demonstrate that we have learnt about the nuts and bolts of life and understand the mechanics behind our existence and how to use these core rules to our advantage. The healing therefore comes from within, not from any external source.

I’m not sure it matters which of these viewpoints we follow, so long as we are fortunate enough to recognise some meaning in our lives and some higher purpose. Personally, I do believe that we have, as a race, been given the power and capacity to heal our issues. At some level, all our physical and emotional problems have been created by the free will of mankind. This is not to say that each individual has caused their own symptoms, only that as a race we have contributed to the world’s plight and must take collective responsibility for doing so.

As Lee Carroll writes in ‘Letters from Home’:

“How does it make you feel to know that the thing you are trying so desperately to co-create and figure out has already been accomplished? It is in the storehouse of a place that you are in and always have access to. It has already been solved! It sits on the golden tray, and the hand of the golden one that sits within you is holding the tray.”

11 RC Byrd ‘Positive therapeutic effects of intercessory prayer in a coronary care unit population’ Southern Medical Journal 1988

2626 Beyond simple well-being ….. there is peace

It is a good time to take a step back and recognise that the whole point of this detail is to satisfy our thirst for knowledge but the end result of this journey is the recognition of the inherent simplicity in the healing process. By all means study the detail, but remember that at its core, healing is based on simplicity, belief and pure intent. Some of the highest healing can come from children who have no technical understanding of the mechanics, but have uncluttered minds and a purity that transcends the intellectual blocks we might apply as adults.

Throughout my research for this book, I was constantly nudged by my ‘tuned-in’ friends to see through the detail, with images of petri dishes with crosses through them, replaced by plants and flowers. These examples of nature are complex in design but inherently beautiful, pure and self–regulating.

To use another analogy, in whatever profession we follow we need to practice and understand the building blocks so that we can rely on an instinctive response when the time comes to put our training into effect. Healing is much the same, especially with ‘Quantum K’. It is good to understand the process, but when we attempt to heal, our focus should be pure and uncluttered.

In effect, the detail in this book that seeks our original blueprint state is the wine within the chalice. Outside the chalice of wellness lies our ultimate goal – the realisation of true peace. This is not just a concept, it is a consciousness that exists beyond the vibrational world. It is there for all of us, around us but also within us. It is the space we occupy when we have reached pure love and enlightenment and if we could truly tune into it we would need no other healing and the rest of this book would be unnecessary.

My understanding is that ‘peace’ is held within all the waters of the planet. This means it is available to us in the oceans, crystals, plants, air, animals, and even in ourselves as water based mammals. It is not a vibration as such, it is the perfect stillness that exists beyond the vibrational nature of the physical world.

I have touched the essence of pure peace in meditation and it is a very special experience, the purest energy I have ever come across. It is powerful at the best of times, but particularly so when illuminated by the shadow of illness, fear and other low emotions that most of us have locked away over the years. It leads to a wonderful place, but by necessity exposes us to all our inner demons in the process. The road to spiritual healing usually does, but is always a journey worth taking – in fact it’s the only journey worth taking.

So, how do we know when we have found true peace?

I believe the best measure is our self-esteem. Our spiritual evolution can be seen as an open-ended journey to enlightenment, but our self-esteem should reach an optimum point. We reach this point when we have released the impact of life’s knocks and traumas, its cruel comments and perceived failures; when we can speak our truth without fear of ridicule, help others without attachment to the outcome and face the future with genuine excitement about the challenges that lie ahead. It is that lovely

2727 state where we recognise the spark of purity and perfection in ourselves and the connection to all that is, but stop short of ego, separation and that dangerous watershed where confidence becomes ego. When you live within the boundaries of that narrow window, you live in true peace.

So, let us shoot for the stars here and look for peace. When you use this system, please remember that this is our ultimate goal and the specific details are merely stepping stones on our way towards this highest of all objectives. The detail is necessary to satisfy our intellect but healing comes from that quiet, uncluttered, unattached place within our hearts and souls.

As such, this concept sits above and beyond the detail held in the technical sections of this manual. This is therefore a good juncture to energise it here. This reinforces the fact that true peace surrounds our emotional, physical and spiritual selves and its beauty should not be lost within the pages of technical data that follow.

To help tap into this energy, I am relying on several different concepts - words numbers and symbols. When you give intent to access these concepts you are a long way towards touching pure peace. You can either do this now by following the procedural steps I have described in Chapter 3, or wait until you have read the rest of the book. It’s up to you, but you will be healing as you read, that is unavoidable.

Step 1 – The harmonic sequence underneath the picture is the first one in this book and because it sits above all the others, is slightly different in structure, being 13 digits rather than 12. The 12 digit sequences apply to imbalances within the human form, whereas this longer sequence is accessing energy outside both our physical bodies and our vibrational world. It translates the indefinable concept of peace into a format we understand.

The diagram is Fibonacci’s spiral – the natural, unlimited curve created when basic squares bearing Golden Ratio proportions are developed into an evolving design. This shape is found in numerous natural examples, including shells, plants, DNA and the human ear. Together, the shapes and numbers translate the concept of peace into a format we can understand at the cellular level. See if it does anything for you:

2828 Colour: White and blue Animal: Dove Master number 7 9 7 8 3 1 7 7 8 5 6 9 9 9

Step 2 - I was planning to design a symbol accessing pure peace through the power of sacred geometry. As it turns out, there is no need as the energy has already been accessed through the incredible work of Heather Willings, who has kindly given me permission to use a sample of her work here. If you find these drawings as amazing as I do, by all means contact Heather direct on her UK number 01747 85 26 33 for details of the full range.

The combined symbols of peace and well-being

2929 Step 3 - The final step is a mnemonic of sorts that opens our hearts to the simplicity of the connection that exists between us all. If we truly lived our lives with these three words at our core, the world would be a very different place. Absorb its meaning and give intent to live by its truth:

“We are one”

I hope you have found this summary interesting but it is intended to be no more than that. It explains for your intellectual satisfaction what happens when we engage in the healing process and, in so doing, should help remove the mind based barriers to healing that are all too often reinforced by modern living and indoctrination. It de- programmes the blinkered system of healthcare put forward by the modern establishment and helps us recognise the basic power and right we have to be happy and healthy and to heal ourselves when we temporarily drift out of this natural state of balance. Be under no illusion, good health is our basic right as human beings and it’s time for us to claim it back.

3030 Chapter 5

DNA healing

So, we have a model that governs our healing intent. It is now time to take a look at what I believe is the final resting place of this healing – our DNA. This is the ultimate of all record keepers; it holds our genetical blueprint so that each new cell it generates maintains the core essence of ourselves and our unique attributes. However, it is no mechanical piece of factory equipment, it is an extraordinary piece of intelligent engineering that allows itself the freedom to regenerate our cells based on the various influences from our external environment, good or bad.

In this chapter, I want to take a brief layman’s look at how science has arrived at its current view of DNA, how this understanding is limited by our inability to look beyond what can be seen or measured and then delve into the exciting world that lies beyond. This will allow us to explore the true causes of disease and the fallacies of our current understanding of the process of contagion. I ask you to take this journey with me because knowledge is power and if you truly understand yourself you are already on the healing path.

But first, a brief history of the accepted wisdom of today.

DNA – the ruler of the roost – or is it?

Science normally moves forward in tentative steps; first a discovery, then ridicule, then acceptance, then review. Even the basic principles of Pasteur’s germ theory are still being hotly disputed outside the pharmaceutical industry. The concept of the germ holding the power is so fundamental to modern medicine that only small voices dare suggest that the environment is more important and that bacteria is the ‘mopper upper’ of disease rather than symptomatic of the disease itself. More on that later.

The current hot subject is DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic acid to give it its full name. This two stranded building block of life contains our genetical blueprint and about 5-10% of it is used to create new proteins when read by our RNA. The DNA, in conjunction with proteins, make up our chromosomes. Our chromosomes sit within the nucleus of our cells and our cells make up the structure of our organs and physical bodies. In simple terms, the evolving structural order looks like this:

DNA  chromosomes  cell nucleus  cell  organ  body.

3131 In 1944 scientists first discovered that DNA contained hereditary information and the later work of Watson and Crick reinforced this central role by suggesting that DNA controlled its own replication, leaving us victims to our genetical inheritance. The Human Genome project was set up in the late 1980s to catalogue all human genes. The objective was to link a faulty gene to each of the major diseases and in doing so take a major step towards eradicating some of mankind’s greatest enemies.

This is where the DNA bandwagon first started to lose its scientific impetus. We have 100,000 or so different proteins in the body, so must have the same number of different genes, or so the theory went – one gene, one protein. It was therefore a shock to the establishment to discover that there were only about 25,000 different genes. In effect, the mechanism that separates man from the beast is nothing to do with the complexity of our gene pool. If fact, we have the same number of genes as a common rodent and only a few percent more than a banana. Thankfully, there is much more behind our design than this.

This brick wall paved the way for the supporters of epigenetics to take hold. This branch of science suggests that the environment is more responsible for our health and happiness than our inherited genes. It proposes a control system of 'switches' that turn genes on or off, without altering the DNA sequences themselves. It also suggests that our life experiences, including our nutrition and stress levels, can control these switches and cause disease in the individual and heritable effects in future generations.

The emphasis within the scientific world has therefore shifted away from the power of the DNA within the nucleus to the proteins that surround it. Cells can only replicate when the protein sleeve detaches from the double helix allowing the RNA to read the exposed segment of DNA. This segment and the gene it represents can then reproduce.

The new thinking behind epigenetics has shown that this protein sleeve is governed by environmental influences, including toxins, emotions and nutrition. These outside influences allow us to create hundreds of different proteins from the same genetic blueprint stored in the DNA, much as we can create hundreds of different shades from the basic red, blue and green colours generated by a standard television set.

This explains why the human genome project could only find a fraction of the different genes anticipated – our bodies use environmental influences to modify the basic blueprint and create the rest of the different proteins in the human body. The lid was off and recent studies (Willett 2002) have shown that true hereditary factors account for only 5% of disease, including cardiovascular, diabetes and cancer. The rest is down to environment.

The suggestion of an environmental influence to our gene expression is controversial, as is the potential for these influences to be passed through the generations, but evidence is mounting. In the remote town of Överkalix in northern Sweden, parish registries of births and deaths and its detailed harvest records show that a famine at critical times in the lives of the grandparents can affect the life expectancy of the grandchildren.

3232 After the tragic events of September 11th 2001, Rachel Yehuda, a psychologist at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, studied the effects of stress on a group of women who were inside or near the World Trade Centre and were pregnant at the time. Her results suggest that stress effects can pass down generations. Meanwhile, research at Washington State University points to toxic effects – like exposure to fungicides or pesticides – causing biological changes in rats that persist for at least four generations.

We are, in effect, walking biographies of our grandparents; we represent the air they breathed, the food they ate, even the events they witnessed, despite never experiencing these things ourselves. What we do in our lifetimes could in turn affect our grandchildren. I have often wondered whether the peace movement of the 1960’s was an inevitable reaction by the next generation to two previous global conflicts; this new thinking suggests that it may well be, and may even have been encoded into their genes.

Two of the most pioneering thinkers in this field are Bruce Lipton - ‘The Biology of Belief’ and Dawson Church – ‘The Genie in your Genes’, both of which are essential reading if you are interested in the basic science behind epigenetics. Part of their groundbreaking work focuses on the role of the cell membrane rather than the cell nucleus in determining the day to day function and health of the cell itself. They have shown that the receptor sites in the membrane receive external stimuli that determine which aspects of our DNA replicate to produce the next cell.

This basic concept is supported by Candace Pert in her own research and we now have a reasonably clear and demonstrable understanding of the process by which our environment, including our emotional balance, affects our physical health.

In my own experiences, I have worked with many clients who seem to hold emotions that cannot be explained by their own lives. They talk of shame and guilt yet cannot name an incident that could justify such a deep negative belief. Even tracking back into the unconscious record of their life, or past lives, yields no clues as to the origin of this emotion.

On many occasions, they carry the guilt of their ancestors, passed on to them through epigenetic influences and stored in their DNA. They may even carry the foreign energy attachments that accompanied that previous life, especially within the amygdala, the centre of emotional response. More often that not, the trigger point is many generations back and by understanding the nature of the trauma, such as violence, abuse, adultery or illegitimacy, we can release the resonance that has been passed down the generations. What’s more, in doing so, we heal the ancestral line as well as the client on the couch.

I have found a preponderance of triggers dating back to 5,6, or 7 generations. This takes us back over 100 years to a time when most layers of society had a strong code of acceptable behaviour and anything that did not comply was neatly swept under the carpet and kept within the family. This was reinforced by a strong church with clear views on the sin we carry. In a sense, hypocrisy ruled, but there was certainly not the ‘laissez faire’ attitude to adultery or illegitimacy that we see today and divorce was rarely an option.

3333 This may explain why the emotions of guilt and shame are so predominant in our inheritance. Events may have been covered up, but our emotional health cannot be denied. It can only be compartmentalized, where it festers away, predisposing ourselves and our descendents to a heightened risk of disease.

It may also explain why certain trends pass from generation to generation. We hear much of the abused becoming the abuser, but perhaps this is not just learnt behaviour. It makes as much sense to recognize that both generations were afflicted by the same inheritance and were playing out the role encoded into their genes, passing on the hate or despair they were born with. When I tune into this facet in clinic the energy changes immediately and the sense of lightness after it has been released is palpable.

These facets can even pass across the genetical barriers to spouses and non-blood relatives. The process of entrainment draws people in close proximity into similar resonance, just as the pendulums of grandfather clocks and the timing of female menstrual cycles come into alignment over time.

One final thought on the subject. I have yet to find any epigenetic inheritance triggered that affects more than seven generations. Seven is a very powerful figure, we seem to live in seven year cycles, with echoes of earlier events repeating themselves at these regular intervals. It also has biblical implications. There are many controversial and often contradictory quotes in the old testament about ‘the sins of the father’ being passed on to the children. They support the concept but not the seven generations. The main reference to the seven generations is the curse applied to Cain for the slaying of his brother Abel. Perhaps this was the first example of epigenetic activity given in metaphorical form.

So, getting back to our primary question, we surely now have the answer; the DNA is just a stable blueprint that provides the building blocks for the creative design of the human body, the artist’s palette of colours but not the painting itself. …..or is it…..?

The problem we have now is that this understanding, which I would not dispute for a second, can only cover what we can see and prove using scientific observation. It is also framed by our current awareness which inevitably falls short of a complete understanding of the mechanics behind the human being. There are two issues untouched by the science of epigenetics:

1.1. What is the purpose of the 90-95% of our DNA that is not used for protein manufacture? This mysterious element is inappropriately named ‘junk’ DNA - a very unflattering term as nature rarely allows wastage on this scale.

2.2. Spiritualists suggest that our 2 helix DNA represents only a fraction of its true potential. At our highest level of existence, we have a 12 helix DNA that exists in a multi-dimensional state.

3434 If this is true, we are back where we started. I believe there is this extra element to our DNA which reinstates it at the centre of our existence. This is not to denounce any of this other work I have touched upon here, only to say that we may need to look deeper. I believe that these wider facets of our DNA hold the key to our true essence along with a detailed autobiography of our history in this life and beyond.

The hidden mysteries of our DNA

To understand the true potential of our DNA, we must open our minds to possibilities beyond our normal understanding. It must surely be safe to say that nature would not allow 90% of our DNA to be ‘junk’, we just need to understand what that purpose is. There are some key references that I believe help us find the answer.

First of all, there is the work of the Russian microbiologist Pjotr Garjajev and his research team. Their assertion is that our DNA is a data storage and communication device. It is an organic superconductor whose long strands receive input from the outside world. The structure of the DNA strands is so similar to the syntax and grammar of language that this input does not even need to be interpreted or converted into a form that our DNA can hold.

They were even able to restructure the DNA strands and correct genetic malfunctions by using suitably modulated lasers that could transmit a signal directly into the DNA. This supports the key assertion that our health depends on our thoughts, words and beliefs. If this basic understanding can be taken forward, the future of DNA therapy could be so much more straightforward than the mechanical intervention of stem cell replacement. We need simply find the appropriate resonance and transmit it directly into the DNA strand to be repaired. When I try to stimulate the healing process with my clients, this is exactly my intent.

These scientific findings are supported in Book VII of the wonderful series of Kryon channeled works by Lee Carroll. He suggests that our DNA is a massive record keeper that exists in a multi-dimensional state, holding our entire soul or ‘akashic’ record. Specifically, it contains:

•• details of all the events and emotions of this lifetime

•• similar information for all our previous lifetimes

•• the contracts we have agreed to honour

•• the plans and challenges we have in place for the future

If we explore this thinking further, we are limited only by the breadth of our imagination.

3535 I see the Universal world is one huge cog, of unlimited proportions, revolving around a Divine source at its centre. Attached to this is the cog of the planet Earth, tiny by comparison but still large enough to overwhelm our limited human perspective. As individuals, we attach to the planetary cog and looking to our left and right we see the mini cogs of billions of souls all engaging in their own personal lives and stories. Above us the light is hazy and we catch only a veiled glimpse of the future slowly turning in our direction. This larger cog turns very slowly, but to us as tiny attachments this seems quick enough and the complete revolution of our personal life cog barely registers as movement on the master reel to which we adhere.

Where we touch the larger reel, there is an interference pattern created representing the interaction between our personal story and the passage of time within the wider picture. The point of interaction is our DNA. As world events open up around us, so our DNA revolves, revealing the challenges and lessons we have chosen to experience in this particular attachment to the master reel.

The result is a like an early printing press, making temporary contact with the paper but leaving a permanent impression that can be read at any time thereafter. Our DNA is the same. On its own it is powerless, but when combined with the passing of time it leaves a pattern of our lives that forms our Akashic record i.e. the history of our soul’s journey. In preparation for our lives we choose where to join the master cog and some of the impressions that will be made as our life revolves - pre-planned synchronicities to guide us on our way.

Of course, the ink we apply and the colours we create are up to us to determine as we live our lives. Will we create a masterpiece or a tangled mess? That’s our challenge, but the DNA will record the impression we create as we touch the wheel of life and whether there are areas that need further work in a future attachment.

These interference patterns are the subject of the next chapter, but for now it is enough to say that our DNA stores and transmits all of this information. It emits photons, which are elementary particles travelling at the speed of light that carry electromagnetic charges of all wavelengths. These are picked up by the trillions of other DNA strands in our body, ensuring that each cell knows the status of every other.

Cells have specific responsibilities and are more affected than others by particular emotions. Our liver cell DNA may store and act upon the resonance of sadness whereas our kidneys may respond more to the enregy of fear, but together they make an all knowing team.

This holographic understanding of the human body is essential knowledge. It explains why scientists struggle to attribute a particular memory to a particular part of the brain. Our bodies have billions of radio stations transmitting their signals through our DNA and any organ can tune into this signal if they wish. If we lose function through illness or

3636 trauma, the brain may ask another organ to increase its own workload to take up the slack.

If we put these thoughts together, we have a small insight into the extraordinary power of the DNA within our cells and its potential to influence our lives and our health. This is not to deny the role of epigenetic activity. Both models share the core belief that our health is not pre-determined by the genes contained in the protein producing elements of our DNA, that our past and present environment have a crucial part to play.

The good news is that both models can be valid. Epigenetics explains how our environment affects protein production, suggesting that the cell membrane itself carries the real intelligence that dictates which proteins we produce and which genes we activate at any given time. All I am suggesting here is that the DNA itself has hidden depths that we cannot yet see or measure. It sits beneath the gene level rather than above it, with a capacity to act like an antenna and receive and transmit signals throughout the body and beyond. This explains its effectiveness as a record keeping and communication device. It is the building block behind the holographic nature of our bodies and ensures that each cell knows the status of every other.

In effect, our environment influences all aspects of our physical presence, from the measurable affects on our cells, through to the genes and then down to the DNA itself. Each level of our existence is influenced by the next level above and below it, so when the protein producing element of our DNA is copied as part of the creation process, it is receiving direction from both the subtle coding within its overall double helix and the cell membrane above it.

Healing through our DNA records

If we accept the principles I have outlined above, we must recognize the enormous role we have in our own health and that of our offspring. We can no longer blame our genes or metabolism, we must accept that we can undo the external influences to our health and happiness with the same creative power that generated them in the first place. Our DNA is our personal autobiography, so to find true healing we must heal our DNA record.

This is not an easy proposition as there are so many influences on our health to consider. I believe they can be summarised into ten key headings that now follow. These are all covered directly or indirectly within the healing sections of ‘Quantum K’ but as understanding helps the healing process I make no apologies for briefly covering them now.

3737 1.1. Experiences from our current life – physical imbalances and negative core beliefs resulting from the environment and traumas of this particular incarnation.

2.2. Our physical environment – electromagnetic and geopathic stress, pollution, poor nutrition, toxicity and lack of sunlight.

3.3. Social programming – law, religion, schooling, parental influences and other indoctrination that may take us away from pure truth.

4.4. Our spiritual environment – energetic attachments, curses, vows and low vibrational objects in our possession.

5.5. Our spiritual history – past life influences that affect our physical and emotional balance in this lifetime, raising symptoms and insecurities that seem inappropriate based on our upbringing and current circumstances. This includes pre-life contracts that may no longer be appropriate to our highest growth and soul loss/theft.

6.6. Our spiritual family – other aspects of ourselves enjoying physical form in another dimension, plus the influences of other soul group members, our guides and helpers.

7.7. Ancestral inheritance – the influence that the emotions and traumas of our ancestors may be having on our lives now. In effect, the epigenetic activity I have already described.

8.8. Disease patterns - the disease blueprints contained in the electromagnetic field around us that contain germs and diseases, including the coughs and colds of our nearest and dearest. More on this in the next chapter.

9.9. The disease inheritance - the disease profile of our ancestors, miasmic taints that are core to classical homeopathy. As an example, syphilis in a distant relative may well predispose us to eczema or other skin diseases now.

10. The collective unconscious – Carl Jung’s archetypes that form the structure behind our individual personality types. We all have elements of the warrior, the child, the victim and the saboteur etc within us. The key is to keep them in balance so that their influence supports our growth rather than detracts from it.

In a sense, this unique complexity is what separates man from beast and it is the ups and downs of our soul’s journey that make us vulnerable to types of disease that are unseen in the animal kingdom. If we look after these 10 facets, we cannot fail to be happy, healthy and fulfilled.

3838 Chapter 6


The concept of increasing ones vibration is widely used by those looking to evolve towards higher states of health and understanding. Science does not deny the vibrational quality of all living matter, but certainly disputes these more subtle claims.

That is not a problem here because I am looking at this subject from a different viewpoint, running parallel to the accepted laws of biology rather than competing against them. Science seeks measurable truths, such as the structure of our cells, how the brain communicates to our body through neuropeptides, how we maintain homeostasis through hormones and negative feedback cycles and the mechanism of disease. I want to look at the same issues but from a resonance viewpoint, examining the subtle communication processes that we feel but cannot see. This follows on nicely from the previous chapter on DNA.

I am keen to avoid going over old ground here as this is a heavily covered subject, but I do want to use my experience with clients and the input from my usual sources to hopefully add to the debate. In particular, I want to cover the subject of internal communication between our cells. This is important within the context of this work because these principles underpin the technical section of the manual. I am asking our bodies to absorb data and heal through the application of focused intent, so we need to understand the process by which this happens. We cannot engage the powerful simplicity of our intent unless we have a clear grasp of the mechanics behind it. When I drive my car it is a reasonably automatic process, but I needed years of training and practice first to ensure that this instinct is correctly guided. The same applies here.

The holographic body

Most ball sports are based around reaction time to some degree. When well trained, the body needs to respond almost automatically once the brain has determined the correct move to make. I know from my own experiences playing cricket that if a bouncer is aimed at my head, I will instinctively duck or rock out of the way before my conscious mind has issued any instructions to the rest of my body to do so. The speed of reaction required is far too fast to be delivered by a feedback loop communicating through the nervous system, regulating the contracting and extension of muscles through a series of neurological stimuli.

3939 Our responses can only be explained if every cell in our body is tuned into the collective whole. When we decide that our head needs to move to the left, allall the cells within our nervous system act on this signal instantaneously. The reason they can do this is that our cells are in constant communication with each other through our DNA. The photon emissions from our DNA travel at the speed of light (not surprising as they are the component parts of a light wave), so once the conscious intent has been set, the muscles can respond instantaneously. Consciousness pervades every cell in our bodies, so when a decision is made, it is available instantaneously throughout. If our defence mechanisms relied on a series of ion exchanges through the cells of the nervous system, predators would have long since seen to our extinction as a species.

The best analogy I have for this is the schoolteacher talking to the class. The teacher could whisper the message to the first pupil who then passes it on to the next person and so on. Apart from being cumbersome and time consuming, there is a great risk of it being diluted or altered. It is much more effective for all concerned if the message is spoken out loud for all students to hear together.

Another way of looking at the interconnectedness of the human being is through the holographic model. This is a largely metaphorical explanation for the way all cells within our body seem to understand the status of every other.

The first serious proponent of this theory was Karl Pribram, as explored by Michael Talbot in the book ‘The Holographic Universe’. His basic premise is that our bodies are holographic in nature and we live within a holographic universe. In effect, all our cells contain complete information about the status of all of the others. This basic principle underpins most complementary healthcare, where therapists treat the client as a complete unit, looking for ways to heal the individual as a whole rather than merely address specific, localised symptoms.

The holographic model also explains how the brain is able to store so many specific memories – in the order of 2.8 x 102020 over a lifetime according to Talbot – which far exceeds the number of neurons in the brain. In a hologram, each different angle of view could create a different picture, so one neuron could contain a number of memories. I suspect Pribram and Talbot intended this to be a metaphorical model rather than a literal one because the practical explanation they offer gives us the clearest image of this process at work:

“Neurons possess branches like little trees, and when an electrical message reaches the end of one of these branches it radiates outward as does the ripple in a pond. Because neurons are packed together so densely, these expanding ripples of electricity – also a wavelike phenomenon – are constantly crisscrossing one another, creating an almost endless and kaleidoscopic array of interference patterns, and these in turn might be what give the brain its holographic properties.”

This proposition applies to the electrical activity of the brain, but as DNA is also a transmitter, it is easy to extend this model to the rest of the human body.

4040 Resonance behind the holograph

So, if our bodies are holographic in nature, how does this work in practice? I have already mentioned the photon emissions from our DNA. These electromagnetic particles have wave-like properties and are emitted from the aerials in our DNA at the speed of light. Their emissions are available to the billions of strands of DNA in the rest of our body to receive and act upon. They have been measured outside of the body to a range of 50 miles in Russian military trials, so goodness knows how far their presence is truly felt in a universe unlimited by the boundaries of our scientific equipment. This photon resonance explains the practicalities behind the laws of attraction – we radiate out our emotions and beliefs and receive back events and people in line with our own signals.

The sheer scale of this is mind-blowing. We each have trillions of cells and billions of miles of unraveled DNA, all emitting their photon signals in waves that crash into each other, forming interference patterns that create a new resonance afresh. Each point of impact represents a new expression of our consciousness, where one influence meets another to create a third.

As a practical example, imagine someone with a ‘guilt’ based belief system stored in their DNA based on childhood events. This signal will be on continual transmission, perhaps weak, perhaps strong, but it will be there at some level to influence every thoughtt and decision made thereafter. When this theoretical person thinks about, say, their job prospects, these two resonances will meet to create a third – a hybrid of career and guilt. This thought would have a lower resonance than a combination of career and confidence and would have a less supportive and perhaps even damaging effect on that person’s decisions and behaviour.

To give an idea of the scale involved here, we can consider four resonances being released from four strands of DNA which we will call A, B, C and D. You might think this would create 4 interference patterns, but if we apply basic factorial mathematics, we find that there are in fact 15 combinations. We have:

A, B, C, D, AB, AC, AD, BC, BD, CD, ABC, ABD, ACD, BCD, and ABCD.

In other words, if we drop 4 stones into a pond, there will be an interference pattern based on these 15 different combinations. If we repeat this process over and over, we create a continuous and stable pattern based on these templates.

If you expand these concepts to allow for the trillions of strands of DNA, the number of interference patterns is beyond our imagination. Using this model, it is easy to see how our DNA has the capacity to store the detail from all of our history, the myriad of

4141 different frequencies creating a master signal which is in effect an average vibration for that individual, as unique to them as their own smell. This harmonic resonance in turn transmits to a wider audience and forms part of the species resonance for mankind.

There is an interesting tangent to all this. If photon emissions create interference patterns that define who we are and our consciousness level, what lies in the spaces in between, at the frequencies where there is no activity? This is the space in between the waves, the area outside of vibration, where there is no movement at all. We are back to the world of peace, the space beyond our world where God / Source / Universal Intelligence resides that provides the silence against which our resonance can be felt.

Most ancient cultures acknowledge the power of quiet time and meditation. They talk of the answers to all our questions being within us and discourage us from looking outside ourselves for healing. This now makes more sense, when we calm our minds we also calm the pond of interference patterns created by our DNA. How can guilt and shame take hold of us when we deny them the opposing ripple with which they can interact? They still broadcast their negative signals, but with no conscious thoughts to engage with, the power of the process eludes them. They echo off into space with minimal impact.

This allows us the opportunity to connect back to Source. When we do so, we absorb healing and knowledge via these spaces, at some point converting the purity of this connection back into the positive resonance most appropriate to us at that time. Healing really does come from within.

Good and bad resonances

The vibrational world frames all existence; even the spiritual dimensions have a resonance, albeit too high for us to appreciate while in physical form. This begs the next series of questions – what is a good resonance? What happens when a good resonance meets a bad one, when fear and love compete against each other?

I want to consider these issues at the conceptual level, but we still need to agree a basic understanding about the properties of waves so that when I use the phrases ‘frequency’ and ‘amplitude’ we have a shared understanding of what that means.

To start then, we need to agree on photons. These are quantum level particles that make up light waves. They travel at the speed of light and can have a variety of frequencies to reflect the light wave they represent, whether that is red, green, or the resonance emitted from our DNA. They are the quantum particles that form the interference patterns within our bodies that I have referred to already. In effect, they are the practical mechanism by which every cell knows the status of every other.

4242 Moving on, these photons make up light waves that can have a variety of frequencies and amplitudes. To explain this further, here are two waves:

y y yy

1 second 1 second

6 6 Hertz 1 Hertz

Assuming the length of the horizontal axis represents one second, the above graphs show sine waves with different frequencies measured in Hertz. One Hertz means one complete oscillation per second. The higher the frequency, the higher the vibration, so when we talk about evolving and increasing our vibration, this is the specific measure to which we refer.

As a separate issue we have amplitude. This is the power of the wave i.e. the strength with which that frequency is broadcast:

1 second 1 second

6 6 Hertz 6 Hertz Low amplitude High amplitude

If someone has a healthy body, the organs will resonate at the correct frequency but will also have a high amplitude. This makes the state of good health more robust and it will take more interference from bad energies and toxins to detract from this core vitality.

These waves are continuous, making a constant tone at that frequency in line with the steady release of photon particles from the DNA. There is, however, an important stillness in the frequency spectrum not being used, just as a musical chord depends on the space created by the notes not being played.

4343 So, if we restrict ourselves to a conceptual view, we need to know how resonance impacts on the three key areas of good health, illness and healing.

First of all, I do not believe that there is one perfect resonance in the human body any more than there is a perfect note in music. Our bodies are a composite of hundreds of different systems, each of which has an ideal frequency that combine to create an overall frequency. This aggregate sound is harmonious when the body and mind is in good health.

When these organs are exposed to discordant vibrations from low emotions, toxins, environmental stresses etc there is a battle between the healthy vibration of the organ and the external influence. To stay healthy, we must ensure that the positive influences on that system exceed the negative ones. This applies at the esoteric level of resonance that we are looking at here, but also at the more measurable biological level.

The laws of attraction dictate that we magnetically draw in frequencies most similar to our own. Like attracts like. These laws apply at the macro level where as individuals we may draw in events and people that most closely resonate with us – and this may work in a negative as well as a positive way. Someone with an abusive history may attract abusive people just as strongly as a loving person will attract loving people.

Confused thoughts, contradictions between our conscious intent and faulty belief systems create a disjointed resonance and a muddled attraction. We think we know what we want and deserve, but our DNA may be emitting a different photon signal.

These laws also apply at the micro level where specific organs have a natural affinity for specific emotions, in effect the essence of Traditional Chinese Medicine. As an example, our kidneys are vulnerable to the vibrations of fear and sexual indecision because they share the same basic frequency.

Any complementary healthcare therapist will confirm the affinity of organs and certain emotions and I believe this is why. In other words, if an organ is resonating at 1000 hertz it would naturally pick up emotions, good or bad, that resonate close to this frequency. It is as though each organ is tuned into a particular radio station and will pick up these influences above all others. This goes against most thinking that suggests that low emotions are low frequencies. I believe they are damaging to our health because they operate within the frequency spectrum of our physical body, whether high or low. If they did not, they would pass us by, as would the transmissions of Classical Gold while we are tuned into Radio 1.

Of course, where they do interact they can cause havoc. Their damage comes from creating chaos out of order through affecting the natural order and structure of a healthy vibrational wave. Dr Emoto’s work with water crystals confirms this – all the inherent strength and beauty of the water crystal is lost when exposed to the disruptive frequencies of low emotions.

4444 If we return to our wave drawings, we can see pictorially how a low emotion might distort the health of a healthy vibration. How does this look to you?

When I look at it, it makes me feel very uncomfortable; it still resonates at 6 hertz because there are 6 cycles in the extract shown, but it is discordant. When this interferes with the symmetrical and structured wave of our healthy organ it will cause damage, hopefully very little, but this will depend on how strong it is.

Incidentally, when I dowse to see which emotion this most strongly resembles, I get the answer guilt. Nasty! I suggest you don’t look at it for too long.

In contrast, a healthy emotion would have a more even, structured look in line with the waves I have drawn earlier. These serve to support the strength of the organ and protect it from the weakening effects of any discordant vibrations.

This then brings us back to amplitude. If our kidneys in the example I am using are at a healthy resonance, they should have a high amplitude, which would translate into a strong energy system and balanced chakras. External influences will either add to or detract from this core strength. If these influences are positive, the owners of these kidneys should be in ‘vibrant health’ as the saying goes, but if fundamentally negative, this could lead to illness. There is therefore an important distinction to be drawn between someone with a little bit of fear of public speaking and someone who lives permanently in a state of deep anxiety.

The frequency will not change – the kidney is still a kidney after all. It will not transmute mysteriously into a liver, (more on this concept later) but it could become stronger or weaker depending on the balance of influences.

In numerical terms, the influences on these mystical kidneys could look like a profit and loss account. They could have a natural vibration of level +100, which would be supported by the benefits of a happy and loving family (+5) but detracted by the influences of a stressful job and the fear of redundancy (-8). The net result would be +97 which might be enough to maintain sufficient balance in the kidneys for them to fulfill their duties. If not, the frequency emitted would be recognized by the body’s internal brain and the body would compensate – drawing energy from other systems. The kidney meridian might then test weak to a kinesiologist, representing the first stage of ill health.

4545 If we summarise this section then, we have the following rules:

1.1. Each organ in our body has an optimum frequency.

2.2. A healthy organ has a high amplitude within this frequency.

3.3. Each organ resonates with positive and negative influences of the same frequency.

4.4. Low emotions and toxins have a discordant, unstructured wave that destabilises the structure of the healthy organ it interferes with.

5.5. The overall health of an organ depends on whether the positive influences are stronger than the negative.

The resonance of spiritual growth

We must now consider the concept of spirit and spiritual growth, of raising our vibration as individuals and a species, rising to higher levels of understanding and consciousness.

This has to be a theoretical study, but for me the key point here is that we still have a physical body. We are still composed of flesh and blood irrespective of our state of enlightenment. This visible body does not change so the frequency in which we operate also remains static.

The big changes are in the multi-dimensional nature of our bodies. There is almost unlimited channeled information on the evolution of our DNA towards a 12 stranded version that represents the highest potential of who we are. These extra strands exist in a world we cannot see but can access through our more intuitive senses. When we feel we have evolved, we feel more at peace, more connected to the world at large and can start to tap into a sense of unconditional love for mankind as a whole.

In other words, although our physical bodies remain unchanged, our emotions and our thoughts are rising in frequency. As we open up the extra strands and potential of our DNA, our overall resonance climbs as we start to vibrate across a broader spectrum.

This heightens the disparity between old thought patterns and beliefs stuck in our unconscious and the higher states we are hoping to reach. Our spirit cannot ascend to new lofty levels if we have low vibrational emotions holding us back. They will act as an anchor that will inhibit our growth into this new potential.

This is why we are all being challenged to clear our ‘stuff’ quickly. Our overall progress is measured by the lowest vibration we have left and there is perhaps more at stake now than ever before.

4646 If we accept that we exist beyond our physical bodies, we can view ourselves against a scale of increasing resonance. Starting with our physical body, we move up through the etheric bodies and beyond into higher dimensions and then to the realm we occupy at the soul or consciousness level. I have dowsed to find the relevant levels and came up with the following:

12,000 Soul vibration in spirit 1111,268 Hertz uu wards


Higher dimensions 8000 Hertz 2345 – 11,268 Hertz 6000

4000 Realm of soul loss 2245-2345 Hertz 2000 Etheric bodies 1624 - 2245 Hertz

Physical plane 0 – 1624 Hertz

The physical and etheric bodies have historically been the focus of most healing. When we look to grow beyond our current limitations, opening up the 12 multi-dimensional strands of our DNA, we move into the ‘higher dimensions’ that exist between 2345 and 11,268 Hertz. Above this lies the level of our soul when not confined to physical form; the resonance to which we return after death and to which many aspire if targeting the much discussed ‘ascension’ status while in physical form.

An interesting layer is that just above our etheric bodies. This is the small bandwidth layer of soul loss, where aspects of our core self reside when forced out of our physical and etheric bodies through severe trauma or upset.

I used to consider ‘soul loss’ in geographical terms, with the missing essence floating somewhere outside the physical body waiting for healing and an appropriate time to return. I now see soul loss in resonance terms, where the essence lost has not moved in time or space but merely increased its vibration to move just outside the physical and

4747 etheric spectrums and just safe from the zones where the trauma and low emotions lie waiting.

When we attempt to heal these imbalances, understanding this concept gives an extra level of intent to help focus the healing. When the core trauma is healed, the soul essence can drop in resonance and re-engage with the etheric bodies.

Vibrational healing

If we continue to look at healing as a form of wave management, we must establish how we can best neutralise or transform the negative, discordant, resonances of our low emotions and toxins.

If we take our example of guilt again, we have an uneven wave that interferes with all that it touches. We have two choices here, either delete it or convert it to a more balanced vibration within the same frequency.

To delete it, we can use a concept called ‘phase conjugation’ which formed a strong part of the early versions of my Quantum K healing manual. In effect, we create a harmonic resonance that exactly mirrors the vibration we wish to delete. The effect looks like this:

+ + ==

Guilt + Phase conjugation = Nothing

In recent months I have moved on from this concept because I think there is a better process. Rather than delete it, we should try to heal that emotion. If we apply the appropriate healing, we can convert it back to a healthy and harmonious wave pattern – a chance for redemption if you like. This then reinforces our good health and becomes a positive vibration in our energy field.

I suspect that Reiki and other forms of energetic healing work in this way. They are intelligent energies, so when we channel them we bring in a vibration that can take any form and will vary depending on the circumstances of the client.

There are a wide range of therapies gaining popularity based on resonance healing. In the medical world we have ultrasound treatment for kidney and bladder stones. We also have

4848 bio-resonance machines working directly with these concepts and zappers to delete parasites.

In Germany, they are pioneering using mild electrical currents at the appropriate frequency to treat tumours. The frequency chosen is absorbed by healthy cells but destroys the cellular integrity of cancerous cells until the tumour literally blackens and atrophies.

The intent behind the harmonics in Quantum K is also vibrational in nature. The number sequences I use speak directly to the crystalline structure of our DNA and seek to transmute negative emissions so that the structure and resonance of any DNA holding a negative emotion is retuned to blueprint status i.e. its optimum state of existence. I also invoke the vibrations of crystals and plants to support this healing.

Here is an example specifically geared towards emotional cleansing. If you picked up any negativity from looking at the ‘guilt’ wave I drew earlier, scanning this will undo it:

Crystal: Tourmaline Plant: Bergamot

Master number 1

Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 8

Gateway 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

The beauty of the harmonics in Quantum K is that they deal with damaging records held in our DNA before they have been converted into photon emissions. We need to know exactly what we are looking to heal to help focus our intent, hence the technical pages detailing all the different causes of ill health. Using this comprehensive list, we can address the deep underlying issues rather than try to simply heal the physical and emotional symptoms resulting from them. If we rely on herbs and healthcare procedures to address specific organs that show imbalance, we can be accused of the same superficiality that we direct at the medical profession, we are just using natural solutions rather than drugs.

The beauty of vibrational healing is therefore its depth when used properly. It can also offer instantaneous relief and I will give you two example of this from my experiences as a a kinesiologist.

First of all, there is the tried and tested dehydration test. A weak arm to the appropriate test is instantaneously corrected when the client drinks a glass of water. Now in all practical senses, the water is sitting idly in the client’s stomach, so why does the muscle test strong? It could be argued that this is the body’s way of saying that a remedy is in place, but I believe it is much more natural than that. I believe the body has already drawn much of what it needed from the vibration of that water the moment it passed the client’s lips. Water has a resonance that is picked up immediately by all the cells in the

4949 holographic body. Its healing properties are released immediately, including its electromagnetic frequency, ideally –238 millivolts negative electrical potential.

The same can be said of food. Its vibration interacts with our cells immediately it is consumed. The molecules of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals, vitamins etc are too large to be directly absorbed by the molecules within our cells; it is their light frequency that stimulates and energises our cells. About 96% of our body composition is Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Oxygen, so we are fundamentally gases held together in physical form by carbon. We are much closer to plants than we like to believe, our energy drawn from the light emissions of our food just as a plant photosynthesizes its own primary food source – the sun.

This is a huge subject; suffice it to say that there is an invisible vibrational world running alongside the observable biological one that we study at school.

While still on the subject of instantaneous healing, it is worth looking at another example, that of detoxing. If we use herbs like chlorella to cleanse the body, we are relying on the biological chelating process to bind the herb with the metals in preparation for their excretion. This can take months and there is no guarantee that the herbs will root out every toxin.

The advantage of vibrational healing, whether through homeopathy, bio-resonance, Quantum K or targeted Reiki, is that we are tackling the damaging resonance of the heavy metals as well as their physical properties. When I test the level of toxicity after a treatment, I quite often find that it measures as ‘zero’. This has always intrigued me as the molecules of metal must still be there in some form. I believe the body is saying that the negative vibration has been cancelled even though the molecules remain. I suspect the metal still looks like metal, but it has been vibrationally neutralized and no longer creates damaging interference patterns with our healthy cells. Residues will be excreted in due course but the healing has already occurred.

This honours my overriding belief that healing should be simple. We need to understand the process by which it is achieved, but having done so, our intent can be clear and uncluttered.

The germ theory

Finally, we need to cover the connected subject of germ theory because the process of contagion has vibrational interference at its core. If our DNA can store and resonate emotions, can they do the same for diseases?

To reach any sort of conclusion on this huge subject, we need to briefly look at the history of Pasteur’s germ theory that underpins modern medicine and then see where it

5050 falls down and if there is a greater truth waiting for us. I stress again – if you understand what makes you ill, you are halfway towards a cure, so please bear with me.

I believe that there are archetypal disease patterns as well as archetypal personality types held in the ‘collective unconscious’. Carl Jung’s term is well known, referring to the way standard behaviour types influence the individual. I prefer to see this as the vibrational influence of man’s consciousness on the electromagnetic earth grid that surrounds us all. This grid records humanity’s resonance; in effect a summary of the personal records held within our own DNA.

We therefore have a responsibility to watch what we think and say as we are nourishing the quantum energy field with these vibrations. When enough people think in the same way, the combined resonances create an energetic tidal wave that takes form, creating either compassion and love or hysteria and prejudice. The frightening power of this phenomenon is that it takes only the focused intent of a small minority of the population to create a movement that affects us all. There are obvious examples in our recent history to illustrate this point, from terrorist fears and racial tensions on the one hand, to compassionate responses to natural disasters on the other.

In terms of disease, I believe that just as individuals create patterns of illness in themselves, so the type of disease we contract is based on the collective vibration of the human race. Low vibrations in the collective unconscious translate into the physical realm. We can effectively download disease patterns from the quantum energy field around us and when we evolve as a race, so do the diseases we create. Smallpox and Polio are now replaced by Asian flu, MRSA and AIDS. One day, when we have evolved beyond the vibrational spectrum of illness and disease, there will be no afflictions to affect us. The meaning in our lives will come from spiritual growth, not day to day battles with our health.

This may sound fanciful, but I have seen so many of my clients contract bacteria and viruses almost at will. As one batch goes, so another appears. This paper chase of infections continues until we intervene in some way and find the underlying cause of their illness, which is invariably emotional or environmental in origin. Until we make this discovery, the emotional imbalance draws in a disease or infection from the quantum energy field or other people of similar resonance.

Pasteur’s germ theory underpins modern medicine but is does not recognize these external influences.

Even Florence Nightingale recognized this fact, publishing an attack on the germ theory in 1860, over 17 years before Pasteur had even adopted it. She said of 'infection':

“Diseases are not individuals arranged in classes, like cats and dogs, but conditions growing out of one another. Is it not living in a continual mistake to look upon diseases as we do now, as separate entities, which must exist, like cats and dogs, instead of looking upon them as conditions, like a dirty and a clean condition, and just as much under our

5151 control; or rather as the reactions of kindly nature, against the conditions in which we have placed ourselves?

I was brought up to believe that smallpox, for instance, was a thing of which there was once a first specimen in the world, which went on propagating itself, in a perpetual chain of descent, just as there was a first dog, (or a first pair of dogs) and that smallpox would not begin itself, any more than a new dog would begin without there having been a parent dog.

Since then I have seen with my own eyes and smelled with my own nose smallpox growing up in first specimens, either in closed rooms or in overcrowded wards, where it could not by any possibility have been 'caught', but must have begun. I have seen diseases begin, grow up, and pass into one another. Now, dogs do not pass into cats.

I have seen, for instance, with a little overcrowding, continued fever grow up; and with a little more, typhoid fever; and with a little more, typhus, and all in the same ward or hut.”

If you think a cold is always ‘caught’, please think again. The bacteria involved may pass from someone else into you, but at some level you must both have shared the same environmental or emotional stress. You may even have drawn in the appropriate disease resonance from the quantum energy field. The bug is simply the end product of the disease, not the disease itself. If anything was contagious, it was the emotional resonance that allowed the bug to take hold in the first place.

This reinforces the core point that ‘like attracts like’ in the vibrational world, whether we are looking at emotions or their physical manifestations such as bacteria, viruses and parasites. To attain true healing we must look beyond the bug, beyond the symptom itself and find the resonance that underpins it all.

5252 Chapter 7

Fractal Geometry

When a butterfly flaps its wings…

You will see reference to the Fibonacci sequence and occasionally the Julia set throughout the technical section of this book. This is the practical application of number sequences for the benefit of our health - not the maths we were taught at school but fractal geometry, the maths of nature herself where straight lines simply do not exist.

It is a fascinating subject. If I asked you how long you thought the coastline of Britain was, what would you say – a couple of thousand miles perhaps? Try a few million miles. In fact, it is longer than that, it is infinitely long.

This sounds hard to believe, but we are so used to measuring distances in straight lines that we forget how false this system is. If you walked for a few minutes along a cliff-top path you would probably cover a few hundred yards in a roughly straight line, but you would not have traced the exact boundary. In reality, the edge of the path may curve gently and if you look at the rocks and sand that make it up, you will see hundreds of tiny indentations as the surface seems to weave this way and that in a seemingly random pattern. Look under a microscope and there are even more imperfections within its boundary.

This concept applies right down to the atomic level, then to the quantum level of quarks and beyond into the unknown. This is the essence of fractal geometry – the deeper you look the more you find. There is no such thing as a straight line in nature, so the path truly is unlimited in length.

Furthermore, the depth of design that underpins the path, a tree, a lightening bolt, is far from random. There is a core symmetry and mathematical code that underpins all natural structures however scrambled they may look to the eye. Certain mathematical shapes and ratios are particularly suitable for life and have a structure that is both appealing to the eye and The incredible Romanesque vegetable practical for survival purposes.

For example, if trees and plants were any taller they could be blown over by the wind; any shorter and they might have insufficient surface area to catch the sun’s rays and

5353 for photosynthesis to occur. There is perfection in these seemingly random creations of nature. In mathematical terms, this explains why fractal geometry is based on the addition rather than the multiplication of numbers. If the fractal growth of a plant was exponential rather than incremental, it would grow too fast and its structure would fail to support its extremities. Nature cannot afford to make mistakes, so its growth is always in perfect proportion to the structural strength of what lies beneath.

These shared design patterns work at many levels. The deeper you look, the more you find. We know that electrons circle the nucleus of an atom, kept in orbit by some sort of electromagnetic or gravitational field. This is no more than a mini version of the way the planets orbit the sun, or the way our solar system rotates within the galaxy. These principles apply across the board, from the smallest snowflake to the largest star system. This is classic fractal geometry, with patterns repeating over and over as we delve deeper into their shape or retreat back in a forlorn attempt to define their boundaries.

As an example of ‘self-similarity’, have a look at the wonderful picture on the left and decide what you think it is – my first reaction was that it is a capillary network in the human body, or perhaps the patterns on a leaf.

It could be either of these, but in fact it is a photo taken by NASA of the snow-capped peaks and ridges of the eastern Himalayas. Nature’s constructions follow the same basic laws whether at the micro or the macro level, one is just a bigger version of the other.

As a child, I used to look at the sparks flying off a burning log on the fire and wonder if that was a star system collapsing in another dimension…. and perhaps that our own solar system is nothing more than a glowing ember on the fire of some other dimension that exists on a scale way beyond the limits of our imagination. I’m sure we all have had similar thoughts in our time; perhaps these deep truths lie dormant within us all until we suppress them with the limited concepts of Euclidean based mathematics at school.

These theoretical connections suggest that there must be some core building block, some basic mathematical principle that explains the development of a foetus in the womb, the growth of a leaf on a tree and the way planets orbit around a sun. This has been the Holy Grail of mathematicians for centuries. It appears to have eluded Einstein in his time, but modern quantum physicists are now starting to define these unifying principles. They have found simple equations that seem to explain the

5454 geometric proportions of matter and life itself, with unifying proportions that link all forms of existence.

The fern on the left looks spectacular and a fine example of nature. In fact, it was created by Roger Bagula and is the result of 100,000 iterations of the mathematical formulae:

xxn+1n+1 = a xnn + b ynn + e

yn+1 = c xn + d yn + f

Like all good fractal progressions, the design is self- similar; it maintains the same proportions however deeply you look into its design. Each fern leaf is a complete fern in its own right.

If you want to read more on the appearance of Fibonacci progressions in Nature, my favourite website is devised by Dr Ron Knott11. It explains the maths but also has some wonderful examples and photographs of how they arise in Nature.

The beauty of this type of mathematics is that the core equation is relatively simple. Just as the calculation of Pi (22/7) leads to an infinitely expanding progression, so does the expansion of a basic equation in fractal geometry.

The subject of genomes and DNA is particularly interesting in this context. We have approximately 3 billion base pairs of DNA in all of our 75 trillion cells – which is an awful lot of DNA. Our genes are the interim step which determine how the DNA is replicated within our cells. Recent scientific discoveries in this new field are raising many eyebrows because it is becoming clear that most variants of life on this planet share a large percentage of our DNA.

How does it feel to know that we share 99% of our genes with a chimpanzee, 40% with some species of fish and 40% with a banana? You can hopefully see where I am going with this. Different life forms can be created with only the slightest tweak in the genetical make-up. The DNA that lies beneath is the ultimate fractal expression, with a structure and strength derived from a simple but fractal core.

It is the expansion of this basic starting point that leads to individuality and the differences between all the occupants of the living world. Fractal geometry explains how this initial position can become infinitely complex and varied, giving the false impression of asymmetry, chaos and disconnection when in truth all is linked.

These concepts really do explain the development of life, while leaving room for the existence of a Divine spark as the trigger behind it, if you wish to look for one. In essence, everything is connected. A butterfly flapping its wings really does echo across the planet and beyond.

11 www.mcs.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/R.Knott/Fibonacci/fibnat.html

5555 The mathematical building blocks of life

If there really is a unifying formula that explains the creation of everything, then perhaps we can use our understanding of it to support our health. To explore this idea further, we need to look at the basic mathematics behind these principles. Our starting point must be a suitable fractal equation, one that is easy to use but is clear enough for our body’s intelligence to understand the intent behind its formation.

Some fractals are based on the square root of negative numbers, which takes us further into the conceptual world than we need to travel. For this reason, the Fibonacci sequence is the perfect equation. It uses ‘real’ numbers, which are easier for our bodies to interpret.

This is the core design behind the equations in this manual. I have occasionally used a Julia Set sequence in some areas, but only when working with concepts outside the basic functions of the human body, like blocking electromagnetic stress, or undoing the trauma of dental work.

So, if we are going to use the Fibonacci sequence as our primary building block, we need to start looking at how it works.

Take any two numbers you wish, say 2 and 5. Add them together and you get 7. Add the 5 and the 7 together and you get 12. 12 and 7 makes 19. Keep adding the last two numbers together and before long you have the following sequence:

2, 5, 7, 12, 19, 31, 50, 81, 131, 212, 343, 555, 898, 1453, 2351, 3804 etc

As the numbers grow, you move increasingly closer to the ‘golden ratio’ of approximately 1 to 1.618. In other words, every subsequent number is 1.618 times the previous one. I’ll explain the significance of this in a minute.

Lets work through another sequence first - the true Fibonacci progression which starts with 0 and 1. (I like the undertones here; first there was nothing, then there was the first act of creation……)

0 + 1 = 11 1 + 1 == 22 1 + 2 == 33 2 + 3 == 55 3 + 5 == 88 …. and off it runs…

…..0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597 etc

You will see that although the numbers are different, the ratio between them rapidly evolves to the ‘golden ratio’, the higher the numbers, the more accurate the correlation. The mathematical representation of this sequence of additions looks like this:

FF (n+2) = F(n+1) +F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ + +∞∞

All this is saying is that the third number in the sequence (n+2) is the addition of the previous two, (n+1) and (n)(n). I have added infinity signs -∞ ↔ ++∞∞ to show that the

5656 fractal should be computed in both directions, as in nature where there is no beginning or end to the depth of the calculations.

I have also added the words ‘3 dimensions’ wherever the basic formula is shown, to make absolutely sure that our bodies absorb the equation as a three dimensional concept. By adding a starting position for (n)(n) and (n+1), we arrive at a unique fractal progression:

FF (n+2) = F(n+1) +F(n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞ 33 dimensions Starting (n) = 5 and (n+1) = 88

You now have the key formula that appears within the technical section of this manual. The core formula appears unchanged but the starting points vary in line with the needs of each specific application. To the intelligence of the body, this represents the subtle difference between the shape of a liver or a kidney. They are both built subject to fractal laws, but the tiniest variation in design creates a totally different outcome when iterated thousands of times, exactly as we have just seen with DNA and genomes.

Fractal healing of the body

This basic maths may not spark your imagination, but this is where it gets interesting. These equations represent the growth cycle of life itself, expanding from the outside, just as branches and leaves appear from the extremities of the plant or tree.

In line with all of nature, the human body is a continually evolving explosion of these equations. Our DNA, cells, organs, facial dimensions all obey basic laws of fractal progression.

There are many examples I could use, but an obvious one is the human hand. If you look at any finger you will see that the joints increase in size as they lead towards the palm of your hand. This increase follows fractal proportions i.e. the ratio 1 to 1.618.

If you keep going, the same rate of growth appears between our fingers and our complete hand, our complete hand and our forearm, our forearm and our total arm length to the shoulder etc. These proportions occur in most areas in our body, from our DNA upwards. The more healthy and attractive looking the person, the more accurately they conform to this basic ratio.

The same applies to paintings, sculptures and buildings. Any composition with fractal proportions is naturally appealing to the eye.

5757 There is also evidence of the ‘self-similar’ nature of fractals within the human body. The lung is an excellent example of this, with a clearly repeating design at many different levels of analysis. The airway divides and re-divides like the branches of a tree, or the tributaries of a river system. Each segment of the lung divides into a bronchus and then into bronchioles and finally into alveoli where the gaseous exchange takes place.

If we take these concepts further, there must be a different sequence for each of the progressions in the human body. Could an illness be a sign of a progression gone wrong? If a liver has become congested with heavy metals and undernourished by a nutritionally deficient diet, could we not return it to its perfect state by re-applying the original fractal equation?

I believe we can. When a computer goes wrong, we reboot it to re-install the uncorrupted master version. The human body is a bio-computer so why not apply the same concept, using a language we know it understands – fractal geometry? After all, we are made from one of the most inspiring fractals of all – DNA – so we simply need to speak its language.

In doing so, we are not simply repeating the embryonic development of our bodies from the first original cells. Our bodies are in a continual state of decay and rebuilding, with most structures and organs fully replaced every few weeks or months. If we can make even a slight adjustment to this process in a positive way, even a diseased body has the potential to heal. If the organ itself is not damaged beyond repair, a 1% improvement over many cycles of regeneration could eventually lead us back towards our perfect original design, or at the very least improve the natural recovery time.

By accessing universal intelligence through muscle testing, I have found what I believe to be the basic sequences behind the core elements of the human body. This provides quick and effective support for the physical body while we work concurrently on the more subtle underlying causes using other sections within the manual. Our symptoms offer lessons and guidance to us. If we ignore the core messages we merely delay the return of the original disease.

A very intuitive friend of mine, Annie Maysmith, was guided to describe the fractal process as follows:

“The body knows best. It is far too complex and inter-related for the brain to understand. Fractal equations map this complexity. They set the body in motion and correct any blockages.

Fractal healing works. Try it and see. It might not make sense but we cannot understand complexity on this scale. But we can feel it when our body responds. It will love the movement to a block free buzz. It will soon be purring. This is the state of homeostasis.”

This is a good summary of the main point here; we do not need to fully understand how this process works, we just need to give it a go with an open mind and feel the response.

5858 The fractal nature of the mind

The link between fractal geometry and the physical development of the human body is largely accepted and I believe it is reasonable to advocate the use of these principles to influence our health at the physical level. Of greater challenge is the justification for using fractals to support emotional and energy healing. For this to work, subtle energy must move with a symmetry that conforms to these natural proportions. Is there any justification for this view?

I believe there is. The brain and the central nervous system are awe-inspiring examples of fractal growth, with a network of neural pathways that are the key to our memories and emotions. We cannot, however, say that these pathways hold our memories or emotions. This is still the subject of much debate. We have long since moved away from the proposition that they reside in a particular part of the brain, but there are now suggestions that they are not held in the brain at all. Recent authors – Rupert Sheldrake in particular - suggest that they are actually held in the Zero Point Field and our brains are merely the tool we use to retrieve them.

Studies with MRI scanners have shown that different areas of the brain light up when we access our memory bank, but is this their source or their point of retrieval? There is also a lifetimes work by pioneers like David Bohm, Karl Pribram and Michael Talbot suggesting that the brain is in fact holographic in nature; a concept that explains the brain’s incredible capacity for data storage.

Regardless of where our emotions are actually held, we know that the brain is the conduit to them and it is fractal by nature. Both the physical structure of the folds of the brain and the brain wave patterns, as measured by an EEG (electroencephalogram) have fractal properties. Mikiten, Salvingaros and Hing-Sing Yu at the University of Texas raise the interesting proposition that the brain’s complexity hides a simple fractal origin:

“Our essential thesis is that when a fractal system generates a new system, it has the same attributes and characteristics as the generator - especially hierarchical linking. Thus, mental associations that would appear at first to require enormous lengths of code (and consequently be termed complex) may in fact be handled by very short codes. If that is indeed the case, then the human mind could be using fractal encoding as a standard way of coding enormous chains of related thoughts into a single fractal entity”.

Other investigators, like Alan Watts, have researched the way the brain works under the influence of psychedelic drugs and identified a fractal response in its constructions.

There is further evidence for this type of thinking. University of Oregon physicist Richard Taylor is studying fractal equations in an effort to understand how and why some of them give us a mental boost, in particular those that are most often found in nature. He is investigating whether our innate recognition of fractals is learned or

5959 instinctive. If we can truly understand our relationship with them, we can start using their properties in designing buildings and city environments.

So, it is fair to say that the concept of our brain working in a fractal way is under investigation. As Lyall Watson allegedly said, “If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we would be too simple to understand it”. I find it reassuring to think that there will always be some mystery about the way we work, but this should not stop us from attempting to stretch our boundaries.

For me, the key is to make practical use of these fractal concepts within a healing framework. If this understanding of the core design of our brains is correct, it is logical to deduce that our traumas and emotions must fit within these fractal structures. This is not to say that the emotion itself is fractal in nature, only the way it is used within the brain to determine our core beliefs and behaviours.

Suppose a young boy develops a sense of abandonment due to being left with a nanny during much of his childhood. This may well create an imprint that affects his ability to form future relationships, his self-esteem and his own behaviour as a parent.

Each issue in turn will branch off with influences of ever increasing complexity. He might be a nervous flyer, homesick when on holiday, or unable to hold down lasting relationships of his own. Just as a virus infiltrates healthy cells, so an emotion can corrupt an otherwise healthy belief system. As soon as he focuses on any of these issues, his fractal mind will find those links and determine his behaviour.

This trauma might therefore lie dormant and isolated in his memory bank, but could be dramatic enough to influence a whole variety of future experiences. In essence, one core incident has created all of these tributaries but with the repeating pattern of abandonment underpinning them all. This is truly fractal, with an explosion of ever more complex implications each bearing the coding of that original seed.

The model that appeals to me is that of an enormous series of isolated memories held in a two dimensional format. Our minds have the key to our personal list and as soon as we apply conscious thought to any person, event or memory, we access this simple list and develop fractal associations through our neural pathways. As soon as we shift our attention elsewhere, this fractal development fades, reproducible whenever we re- engage with that same point of focus.

Our memories could therefore be isolated points of reference, stored as matters of fact even if they are false perceptions of what actually happened. They are open only to re- interpretation, not to change. It is our conscious focus that expands this potential and reveals our true essence as complex human beings.

One other interesting aspect arises. If our minds are fractal in nature, and fractals are unlimited, we are at risk of overloading our neural pathways and crashing our internal computer. This is particularly relevant for those who constantly worry or are under stress as this could lead to spurious associations in the mind and potentially obsessive or compulsive thoughts. The safety valve for this appears to be Rapid Eye Movement (REM) either by day through daydreaming or by night through sleep.

6060 At the physical level, the growth of dendrite and synaptic pathways within the brain is controlled by synaptic pruning that helps keeps everything in order. These concepts are perhaps our brain’s equivalent of bush fires and the predatory hierarchy in nature that stop plants and animal species from unlimited fractal growth.

Moving on from this starting point, we need to explore what happens when a thought process is repeated. If an experience is revisited often enough, the continual repetition of the same fractal grid could end up creating a fixed neural net that would then be hard-wired into the brain. The fractal fades but the memory starts to become firmly linked to a particular emotional response.

If the response is a pleasant one, this hard wiring could then lead to addictive behaviour as the same programme is repeated over and over again. We have an element of choice about our response when the programme is first played, but as it is repeated we lose that free will. The receptor sites in our new cells develop to receive neuropeptides triggered by that particular emotion and we rapidly become hooked on that type of behaviour and the chemical rush it produces.

This addiction could apply to love, sex, shopping, whatever creates the rush. If you want to see this visually, the film ‘What the bleep do we know’ has a wonderful animation of this process and is well worth a look.

If the behavioural response to the memory is a bad one, perhaps accompanied by fear, guilt or anxiety, then this too can become hardwired into the brain. A phobia can develop, or perhaps a more general state of unease about any experience remotely connected to this core issue.

As an example, someone with a fear of meeting strangers in the street could have that fear develop into a constant state of anxiety if repeated often enough. The neural pathways could become so well used that virtually any activity is dragged down its tracks. Clients I see with phobias and past traumas often have a core underlying level of anxiety, with the specific issue creating a general sense of unease.

This process can go one step further. A series of connected negative incidents can lead to the development of negative core beliefs. In clinic, I find that working with these core beliefs is a powerful way of undoing a series of unhelpful hard-wired neural pathways.

For instance, someone who has a series of negative relationships with the opposite sex may develop the belief system that ‘relationships are not worth the trouble’ or ‘love hurts’ or ‘I cannot express my true self’. When I load these concepts into a muscle testing circuit I can send healing energy through the whole series and hopefully undo the negative results of thousands of isolated incidents. Using this manual has the same effect.

These concepts can apply to all associations and memories, but are particularly relevant when we are either stressed, angry or depressed, as this invokes the primitive part of the brain. This is the part of our brain that evolved to protect us from direct danger by reminding us to run when appropriate or turn and fight. This type of pattern matching is intrinsic to our nature and it may be thousands of years before we evolve

6161 past it. In the meantime, it continues to form our belief systems and influence our reactions to life’s events.

Even if a bad memory is not adversely influencing future beliefs and behaviour, it is still a bad memory that festers in the unconscious and can eventually harm our health. It still needs releasing.

I think it is worth summarising the key points and suppositions here:

1.1. Our memories are held as simple, unlinked points of reference. 2.2. Our brains continually access memories looking for experiences that can act as a reference point to determine future behaviour. 3.3. The neural pathways in our brains that process these memories are fractal in nature. 4.4. If a fractal is repeated often enough, the associated behaviour becomes hard wired into our neural net. 5.5. We then lose some element of choice about how we respond to future experiences, especially when accessing the primitive part of our brain. 6.6. Perceived good experiences can become addictive. 7.7. Perceived bad experiences can become phobic. 8.8. Enough bad life experiences can lead to negative core beliefs. 9.9. Even isolated negative emotions need to be healed.

Fractal healing of the mind

We have two parties to the mental processes I have been describing, the core emotion and the process by which it is developed. It is important to recognise that the emotion is the problem, not the manner in which it envelops our wider behaviour, feelings and thinking. In other words, we should look to heal the train, not the track on which it runs.

If we take this analogy further, to heal a negative emotion in a fractal manner, we must send a healing vibration along the tracks. That is the beauty and simplicity of this system, we do not need to trace every tributary, just find a suitable point to hop on and an equation that will chase down the damage done by the emotion or trauma we are looking to heal.

This process helps release that trapped emotion. This can be quite a difficult process and my clients sometimes revisit these feelings temporarily as they leave, followed by a deep sense of relief as they finally let go of their old traumas.

It is important to mention at this stage that there are no bad emotions as such. Our ‘ups and downs’ are what define us as a unique species on this planet. We cannot truly understand love unless we have experienced loss; happiness unless we have been sad.

6262 These emotions only cause damage when they become repressed and fester within our unconscious, creating negative neural pathways as they are reinforced over time. Release them when they arise and no harm is done. I often think that to be happy and healthy in this world all we need is a friendly ear when we need one and a punch-bag when talk is no longer enough.

Along with most complementary healthcare therapists, I try to find and heal the core issues that have gone within. In doing so, the unwelcome tributaries can be released. The use of fractal equations to do this is a very precise tool that treats like with like. A seed to treat a seed. We simply need to have a broad enough range of remedies to cover the core issues life may throw in our path and ask the higher self to draw what is needed.

There is already evidence for this thinking within the healing model. Bach flower remedies are based on taking the vibration of plants, (fractal in nature) and using them to heal our emotional issues (also fractal in nature). Homeopathy works in a similar way, using distilled vibrations from many natural sources to heal mind and body, right down to our genetical inheritance.

Even the concept of supports this view. This branch of science attributes emotional standards to people born within certain positions of the fractally proportioned planets within the solar system. Again, it infers connection between the micro and macro and the shared principles that underpin our physical and emotional existence.

With any system, we cannot always identify the starting point of the emotional block, so we may have to work with an echoed trauma from later on in life or the core belief that resulted. That is totally fine and I referred to ‘hopping on’ the tracks earlier for good reason - which will make more sense if we look at the core process behind a negative emotional pattern:

Event  emotion  reinforcement  core belief

We can heal this sequence by working either with the emotion triggered by the core event, or future incidents that reinforced this emotion, or the core belief that resulted. Wherever we join, we can send healing through all the tributaries, in both directions. If you remember the structure of the Fibonacci equation, I added the following sequence for good reason: --∞ ↔ ++∞∞

This confirms that we are sending healing through this fractal pathway in both directions for as far as it needs to go. We can catch the train at Paddington, Temple Meads or Cardiff, it doesn’t matter where we get on provided we send healing along all of its tracks.

In a practical sense, I have applied these concepts to all the core areas of imbalance I have detailed in the technical sections of this book. Some of the issues have a fractal equation of their own, some are governed by the master fractals at the beginning of

6363 the section. Whether by individual or generic formula, we need an equation that can chase down all the tributaries connected to a specific trauma and overlay the tracks with a more constructive message, vibration or statement of intent.

Sometimes, we can even combine physical and emotional healing by working on both a general emotion and the organ fundamentally involved with its expression. Here is an example from the technical section:

•• Restore natural instinctive functioning of the amygdala. Ensure normal processing of frightening stimuli at an unconscious level in the ventral region of the amygdala and at the conscious level in the dorsal region.

Fibonacci Sequence: F (n+2) = F (n+1) + F (n)(n) --∞ ↔ ++∞∞ 3 dimensions Blue B,G Major Octaves C5 and C6. Starting (n) = 2 and (n+1) = 4

In other situations, we simply need to send positive energy from harmonic sequences through the fractal pathway. Again, there will either be a specific harmonic for each issue or we will rely on the overriding sequences at the beginning of that section. In effect, the fractal defines the track; the harmonic or intent is the healing train that runs along it.

As in nature, this fractal explosion does not have to rigidly follow the Fibonacci sequence of 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5. It can start with any numbers so long as the equation grows by the addition of the last two in the sequence so that the golden ratio, or Phi, emerges as the progression expands.

Before moving on, it is worth quickly looking at the wider benefits of healing these emotional issues. The world renowned author and neuroscientist Candace Pert is at the forefront of this line of work and her book ‘Molecules of Emotion’ explains our chemical responses to trauma in great detail.

For me, there is no contradiction with the views I have expressed here as the fractal nature of the mind generates the emotional response and behaviour, which is then followed by a physiological response in the body.y.

In identifying the physical responses to emotions, Candace has proven that the body is directly related to our emotional selves. We have known this for thousands of years, but the discovery of neuropeptides, endorphins and receptor sites has proven exactly how this process works. We know that a nervous mind leads to a nervous stomach, now we know why.

Even more astonishing is the discovery that endorphins can be created and received by other organs as well as the brain. For example, eating triggers a neuropeptide CCK. It tells our brain when we are full, it stimulates the gall bladder to release bile to digest fats and it even tunes down our immune system so that we do not attack all the foreign molecules in our undigested food.

6464 The brain and body therefore act as one unified team, with the body extremely active at feeding signals back to the brain – in complete contrast to the mechanistic view that used to be widely held, that our organs simply react to the instructions coming down from the all controlling brain.

For this system to be in balance, we must have positive emotions triggering neuropeptides and endorphins. If we do not, our mind and body both suffer. This is the basic science behind psychoneuroimmunology, that brain activity can downgrade the immune system just as positive thoughts boost our immune system by releasing endorphins that fill the receptor sites and leave little room for viruses to take hold.

Our chain of thinking is therefore a simple one; find the core negative emotion or belief system, send healing through the fractal mind and in doing so heal the body.

Before moving on, I can’t resist one final thought on this subject. The 5 element theory has underpinned oriental therapies for millennia, based on the concept that each of the elements – fire, water, earth, wood and metal, are connected to different organs and each organ can express different emotions. The liver, for instance, is commonly associated with anger, bitterness and sadness.

Candace Pert has already found a high concentration of neuropeptide receptor sites around the chakra centres, so perhaps we could take this extra step. Wouldn’t it be interesting to see if the liver had receptor sites specifically geared towards the neuropeptides released when those emotions were expressed? We may be close to proving the mechanics behind this timeless knowledge. What fun!

Fractals and our spiritual selves

There is one final area to discuss – fractals and our spiritual self. In many ways this is the hardest of the trilogy of mind, body and spirit. Our physical bodies are visibly fractal by nature, that’s the easy one. We know we have a mind, albeit with some questions about where it resides, and can deduce its fractal nature through observation of its output and the structure of the neural pathways through which it flows. The very existence of a spiritual dimension to our being is disputed, so how can we begin to assess its nature and structure?

In truth, it’s not easy. It has to be speculation and I make only three points here:

1. It must be fair to presume that everything that lives within a fractal Universe obeys its basic laws of construction. If not fractal in itself, spirit must be able to operate within this framework and be influenced by it.

2. At a more fundamental level, our subtle energy body depends on our chakras for its balance. Our chakras are vortices that obey fractal laws.

3. I have dowsed into Universal Intelligence and found that fractal equations can help with spiritual issues. When I use this system in therapy sessions, these remedies test well and seem to work. That’s good enough for me.

6565 Using sound

The fractal sequences alone are powerful enough, but if we add the vibration of colour and sound, we magnify their resonance and increase their healing powers.

So why use sound? Restaurants play classical music because it makes customers spend more money. Orchestra conductors have remarkable longevity. Pop stars the reverse. The basic truth is that harmonious music is comforting and healing, while discordant sound is irritating and harmful. When applying sound to this system, it is important to use the soothing major chords, leaving the minor chords to writers looking to add some angst to their music.

Of course, this manual does not play the note out loud. It relies on your internal intelligence to recognise the vibration and resonate it internally.

You will also see that I have introduced octaves into the sound element. Again, the more specific we can be, the more accurately we can communicate with our cells and our inner intelligence. Some octaves are discordant to our bodies, even if the chord is correct, so it is important to be exact. I have used the normal 6 octaves found on a keyboard, plus 4 others that I suspect go higher than our auditory range.

As a final point on sound, John S Allen has written an interesting paper exploring the relationship between music and the Fibonacci sequence. The sequence 2,5,7,12,19,31 onwards has musical significance. 5, 7 and 12 represent the number of pitches per octave in pentatonic, diatonic and chromatic scales as well as the number of black keys, white keys and keys per octave of the traditional keyboard.

Is it any surprise that our bodies respond to music when they share the same fractal language?

Using colour

The colours I have used are based on the chakras, (the subtle energy vortexes that connect our physical to our energetic bodies) along with all encompassing white light. This conveys further information in a language we can understand and is well proven as a powerful healthcare modality. The chakra colours are the same as the colours of the rainbow, i.e. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, plus white.

The combination of this mathematical progression, the colours and the musical chord is similar to the energy created by the passing of a bow across a violin string. Each item is incomplete on its own, but together they create a perfect resonance.

I hope I have now explained the whole fractal process and how I have created the complete equation, using sound and colour to enhance its vibration. A complete example looks like this:

6666 Fibonacci Sequence F(n+2) = F (n+1) + F(n)(n) - -∞ ↔ + +∞∞ 3 dimensions Green C Major Octaves C1 and C3. Starting (n) = 5 and (n+1) = 88

This may all sound complicated, but please remember that you do not need to understand, or even believe in, these concepts for this system to work. I could not tell you exactly how the myocardium muscle in my heart is stimulated into contraction by the sinoatrial node, but my heart still keeps on beating. Our internal intelligence knows what to do and that is all that matters.

The same applies to the concepts I am trying to explain here. It is our inner intelligence to which I am appealing. Conscious understanding is a bonus that carries the potential for some placebo based healing, but no more. All I ask is that you keep at least an open mind, as complete disbelief will exercise your creative powers and bring into being the very negative outcome you are expecting. The power of intent cuts both ways, which is why a positive person tends to heal quicker than a negative one.

6767 Chapter 8

Harmonics and the power of numbers

The wider meaning behind numbers

The second core principle behind the ‘Quantum K’ system is the use of numbers in harmonic sequences. Using mathematical principles to heal the body and mind is a large step away from the concepts behind conventional medical treatment, so I want to spend a few moments exploring the logic that justifies this approach.

First of all, the power of numbers was not invented by some ‘new age’ pioneer. In its modern form, it was created by Pythagoras (c.580-500 BC), who wrote that ‘everything is numbers and to know numbers is to know thyself’. He believed that the Universe is composed of mathematical patterns and everything can be expressed and understood in this format.

In making this statement, he could be referring to harmonics or fractal geometry, which again confirms the connection between all of these theories. I have covered them separately, but any division is artificial; harmonic sequences and fractal equations are different ways of recognising the numerical building blocks that underpin all of existence.

Modern follows Pythagoras’s principles by reducing all numerical sequences to either a single digit, or the numbers 11 or 22. For instance, the date of birth 27thth November 1955 becomes 2+7+1+1+1+9+5+5 = 31 = 3+1 = 4. The number 4 then has specific properties that infer personality traits of the person born on that date. The same process can be followed for a name as each letter has a corresponding number.

These principles have much in common with astrology, as both derive meaning from numbers and birth dates. These concepts cannot be proven scientifically, but the worldwide interest in astrology does beg the question whether there can be ‘smoke without fire’. The generalities in most newspaper columns tend to undermine whatever scientific principles lie behind them, but the subject itself does have a logical starting point:

1. The moon’s gravitational pull moves millions of gallons of water around the planet. 2. The human body is at least 70% water. 3. The cells in the human body must therefore be affected by the moon. 4. We must also be affected by other planets close enough to exert a gravitational pull. 5. The influence of these planets when we are born could leave a long-term marker on our cells. They could also exert a daily influence on us as the planets move.

6969 Anecdotally, we have all heard of the term ‘lunatic’, describing the personality change caused by the lunar cycle. Ladies’ menstrual cycles also follow lunar cycles and I have even seen evidence of parasite activity doing the same.

I’m not advocating living by the two line horoscopes in the daily papers, but if there is something valid in astrology and numerology, then perhaps numbers can convey energy or meaning – good and bad.

The conspiracy theorists our there believe that a powerful world order has already discovered the inherent power of numbers. By combining them with symbols, theorists suggest that they generate a controlling energy that is integrated so fundamentally into our daily lives that we are constantly being drip-fed its energy and influence.

This is not the place to discuss these issues in detail, but I can’t resist a short diversion here. I am always intrigued with anomalies that are not based on hearsay or speculation, but on demonstrable fact.

One such example is the obscure design of the American one dollar bill. If you look at the sections I have extracted below you will see just how extraordinary it is.s.

The imagery is intriguing to say the least. It is hard to imagine Benjamin Franklin and his fellow committee members discussing its design and the inclusion of pyramids, eagles, arrows and even an owl by the number 1, but it must have happened.

As you might imagine, there are hundreds of explanations for this imagery, official and otherwise, but the beauty of this example is that we can make our own minds up. Is this really what you would expect to see on official currency designed by politicians and bureaucrats?

This is not just a question of imagery either. It is interesting to note the prevalence of the number 13, a powerful sign of freemasonry involvement and historically a number with sinister connotations. There are 13 leaves in the olive branch, 13 bars and stripes in the shield, 13 arrows in the right claw, 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon, 13 stars in the green crest, 13 layers of granite stone in the Pyramid and 13 letters in ‘Annuit Coeptis’.

7070 This is an extraordinary coincidence. I find it hard not to conclude that some very high authority has recognised the power of numbers and imagery. Through regular exposure, our subconscious minds are absorbing the intent and the power behind them.

This could all be for legitimate purposes, but who knows. The key point though is not who or what are using numbers to influence us, but the fact that they can. If numbers have power, lets make sure we use them for honourable purposes.

Using numbers to heal

So, having briefly explored some of the basics around the power of numbers, it is time to return to their specific relevance to health and the human body.

The number twelve has special significance within the human body - we have 12 pairs of ribs, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 360 joints, 12 energy meridians etc. The number twelve also underpins time keeping and is central to the bible and many spiritual belief systems. You will even find it underpinning the design of genuine crop circles.

There are several researchers who have experimented with the concept of number harmonics, including Bruce Cathie11 and Brian Jenner22. Their work suggests that a series of 12 numbers can be used to confer more than merely their mathematical properties. Brian, in particular, took this concept further based on the understanding that our DNA and cells have a particular resonance with this number sequence. More on this later.

A team of Russian molecular biologists led by Pjotr Garjejev33 has recently proven that samples of DNA can create abnormal electromagnetic wormholes in a vacuum, opening up portals to other dimensions. This scientific study supports the channelled work of Lee Carroll, who states that there is a multi-dimensional lattice around the DNA that is best described as a 12 crystalline structure.

This sheath contains our perfect blueprint, but is only partially in communication with the DNA. This is the ‘veil’ that separates us from the unlimited knowledge we all have at a deep level about the meaning behind everything - life, death and the Universe.

This veil is a necessary block that allows us to experience lessons and growth in our lifetime from a position of ignorance. If we truly knew what awaited us after death, we might all ‘jump ship’ now to get back there as quickly as possible! The veil is essential in principle, but there is an ideal level. If the communication is too clouded by toxins, fear and traumas, we can lose contact with our intuition and natural healing potential.

11 Bruce Cathie - The Energy Grid 22 Brian Jenner – There Are No Diseases Only Diseased Conditions 33 Networked Intelligence – Grazyna Fosar and Franz Bludorf

7171 This 12 crystalline lattice explains why the 12 digit harmonics resonate so well with our bodies. They communicate directly with the DNA control systems that oversee the evolution of our DNA, fitting like a key into an open lock. Remove the inappropriate blocks and you heal the DNA. This is a new understanding, but its potential is absolutely unlimited.

Of even greater importance is the link between the lattice around our own DNA and the cosmic lattice – the inter-dimensional aspect of DNA discovered by Garjejev. This is the physics behind the spiritual or religious assertion that we are connected, all children of God. There is no separation, only the illusion of it generated by the veil that separates us from true knowledge and understanding.

Leading on from this, if we are truly connected to all of existence, there must be an inter-dimensional aspect to this connection. Some of the greatest minds behind quantum physics feel that the concepts only add up if there are other dimensions of life and energy invisible to mankind. The exact number is debatable, but their very existence is extremely exciting.

My only regret is that science does not seem to explore the religious significance behind these concepts. Does our notion of Heaven exist in one of these other dimensions? Are there other life forms out there in spiritual or energetic form? Can they influence us within the 4 dimensions of our known world?

For me, one of the most important questions is whether, if we are all connected via other dimensions, we can influence them? The work of Garjejev suggests we can, which is why the changes occurring on this planet are so important – our development has a sphere of influence beyond our wildest imagination.

This concept of multi-dimensionality is central to most new-age thinking and the current excitement as humanity rapidly moves into a new potential. We are not just changing life on this planet, we are having a profound effect on the whole Universe.

This concept takes my breath away every time I come across it in other books and I hope it has the same effect on you. It is a story of opportunity and unlimited potential and if that doesn’t inspire you to live life to its fullest, then surely nothing will!

If we take this logic to its natural conclusion, the harmonic sequences affect our DNA, our DNA is connected to some form of crystalline lattice and this is in turn connected to an electro-magnetic Earth grid (as examined by Bruce Cathie) and then through to a cosmic grid. As we change, so we change the grid around us and the planet. There will be more on this in Chapter 7.

Have you wondered why whales have been beaching themselves recently and airports forced to change the bearing of their runways 44? The Earth’s electromagnetic grid that they follow is changing as we evolve and the old routes within it no longer lead to the same destination.

44 BBC News Sat April 17thth 1999

7272 Tsunamis, earthquakes and other extreme climate conditions are other examples of Earth’s magnetic realignment, changing as a reflection of the evolving consciousness of man. It is tough medicine, but there is an overall plan. Again, if you find these events disturbing, I would refer you to the Kryon writings or website, or any other referenced work that appeals to you.

Coming back from this slight digression, we can say with some support that 12 number sequences have some sort of healing power and a vibration that resonates with our DNA. An example would be:

Master number 1 Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 88

This grid format I have used is for ease of presentation only as their true form is infinitely repeating and better represented by a spiral of numbers. The numbers have no beginning and no end, which is a much closer representation of the eternal nature of our bodies and soul.

The new aspect I have shown in the above example is the master number. This is a concept from numerology that refers to the core number created from the addition of the individual digits. For example, 397 is 3 + 9 + 7 which reduces to 19 which in turn reduces to 1+9, which is 10 which is 1. This new master number has a resonance of its own.

Incidentally, if you have any doubt that the harmonic sequence comes down to a core single number, have some fun with the mathematics. The numbers 397543201138 that I have used above can be added together to get 46, which is simplified to 4+6 = 10, then 1+0 = 1.

As an alternative calculation, lets split the numbers into 3 units of 4, leave the first unchanged, jumble the second and reverse the third. We then get 3975 2034 8311. Adding them up as 3 separate numbers gives 24, 9 and 13, which is simplified to 6+9+4 = 19, then 1+9 = 10, then 1+0 = 1. Try as you may, these numbers come to 1 and won’t be persuaded otherwise! Do what you wish to them in this way and the core property of 1 always comes to the fore.

7373 Enhancing the harmonic sequences: –

Using gateways

The harmonics are powerful enough on their own, but can be enhanced by adding gateways. This information is channelled so I cannot explain it scientifically, I can only describe it as it was given.

A gateway is a code, normally binary in nature, which opens up the healing potential in our hands. I will explain this in more detail in the subsequent chapter on the Universal Healing Model, but for now suffice it to say that it is an important adjunct that enhances the power of the harmonics and explains the need to engage our hands in the process.

To our inner intelligence, this is not just a series of numbers but a vibrational concept. It resonates colour and sound with a multi dimensional aspect way beyond our intellectual understanding. For those who have seen earlier versions of Quantum K, it is the addition of this gateway concept that has allowed me to dispense with extra rows covering colour, time and sound.

As well as triggering the healing, the Gateway healing also helps convert the core vibration of the Universe into a vibration specific to the issue for which it is being used.

Our harmonic sequence has now been enhanced to the following:

Master number 1 Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 88 Gateway 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1

Using crystals

Little explanation is needed here. The use of crystals is timeless and is particularly pertinent to a system where we are accessing the crystalline nature of our DNA. In true homeopathic tradition, we treat like with like.

They also have inter-dimensional properties, just like our DNA, so really do speak the language of our bodies, opening up channels to other dimensions and the unlimited healing potential of the Universe.

An additional benefit of crystals is their connection to the Earth’s electromagnetic grid. They are right at the centre of the vibrational matrix that links the animal, vegetable and mineral world and so form a core part of the wider grid that links all of life in the Universe. When we use them properly, we amplify the overall healing signal. I will explain more about this shortly and in Chapter 7.

7474 As you might expect, different crystals are needed to support different symptoms, each with its own unique vibration. I have not attempted to choose the specific crystals based on their normal use in healing, but instead relied on my access to universal intelligence via dowsing to ensure I accurately match vibration to symptom.

There may be more traditional benefits in using them as selected, but that would be a bonus and by no means core to this process.

Using plants and herbs

In a similar way, when we access the healing properties of plants and herbs, we connect to a timeless wisdom. I must stress again that you do not need to ingest a herb or its homeopathic preparation to access its vibration. The quantum energy field is fully conversant with their signatures and all we need show is the intent to tap into their vibration.

Again, plants and herbs are central to life on Earth and are at the heart of the electromagnetic grid that surrounds us all. They are powerful on their own, but even more potent when used at the heart of this system.

As with the crystal elements, I have selected the appropriate plant or herb using dowsing rather than an intellectual assessment of the symptom or issue needing support.

When these additional elements are introduced, our harmonic sequence now looks like this:

Crystal: Tourmaline Plant: Bergamot Master number 1 Number 3 9 7 5 4 3 2 0 1 1 3 88 Gateway 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0

Anchoring the harmonics

The Earth’s grid

The harmonics have enormous power, lighting up the electromagnetic grid that surrounds the planet. They enhance our connection to this grid and its source of knowledge and energy, enhancing our ability to draw from its healing potential.

If we are to tune into the grid with a focused request for healing, we need to demonstrate in this manual that we understand the mathematical concepts that lie behind it. It is almost as though this gift is only fully unwrapped once we have demonstrated that we understand how it works. A new car can be an enjoyable play

7575 item for a child sat at the wheel, but so much more powerful and enjoyable once we obtain the keys as adults…..

The harmonics are greatly amplified by our recognition of their part in the healing process and their connection to the Earth’s electromagnetic grid. This is not about finding our geographical position within the grid, but of demonstrating the unifying mathematics that show the inherent bonds between mankind, the planet and the Universe.

If we can focus our intent on these connections, we can draw from and give energy to the Earth grid and from there the wider energetic grid of the whole Universe, across time and all dimensions.

Our task is to wire us into the grid, much as a good electrician would wire in a new oven. The harmonics are then tuned into the wider powers of the Universe and our clearer intent is rewarded with an exponential increase in the healing potential of the ‘Quantum K’ harmonics.

Fortunately, Bruce Cathie has already done most of this work for us and I need only here refer to the connections he has already found in his life’s work. They require no further explanation beyond asking the body’s inner wisdom to recognise the inherent truth in these connections and use them to best effect. Recognising this link between ‘all that is’ draws us into true healing power - a direct line to God/Source so to speak.

Bruce has calculated a formula based on key harmonic sequences that replaces the M in Einstein’s formula E = MC22 into a formula based solely on light and energy, showing that mass, or any physical presence can be seen as an expression of light energy.

The harmonics and equations that evidence this understanding are shown near the beginning of the technical section of this manual and I have repeated them here:

M = c + 1/c

22 E E = (c + 1/ 1/ CC ) cc)

E = mc22

E E = ((2c + 1/2c)(2c)22))

2693645 Energy harmonic derived from the unified equation 13468225 Half harmonic of 2693645 37124416 The reciprocal of harmonic 2693645 14379577 The harmonic of the speed of light at the Earth’s surface 69543074 The reciprocal harmonic of the speed of light 34771537 Half harmonic of 69543074 972 The harmonics of time (97200 grid seconds in one earth day) 324 Earth resonant harmonic 648 (324 x 2) Harmonic temperature scale 254558 Harmonic square root of 648 (length of polar diagonals, grid) 3928371 Reciprocal harmonic of 254558 (Earth’s magnetic field)

7676 A mathematical understanding of the electromagnetic grid around our planet is important but not the only tool we have available to anchor the harmonic sequences. We have to remember that we are not the only occupants of this planet, we share its wonders with plants, animals and minerals, all of which are natural partners who enhance the energy flow to and from the electromagnetic grid. The plant world is particularly well connected as the photosynthesis process is an extremely pure use of the conversion of light energy into matter.

Animal, vegetable or mineral……

We already know this connection to be true with plants, but we might be surprised just how important this connection is with human beings. Light does more than provide Vitamin D and boost our serotonin levels, it offers genuine healing.

Light expressed as vibrational energy also explains how homeopathic remedies work, tuning forks, colour therapy etc – they are all expressions of vibration healing. Vibration is light.

Each plant has its own vibration and there seems to be a match between vibration and disease. As I see it, the right frequency, whether administered homeopathically or herbally, phase conjugates the disease pattern, cancelling it just as a ripple in a pond cancels another where peak meets trough.

My suggestion here is that the healing properties of plants come from their unique connection to the grid which hot wires us into the specific frequency we need. This is another way of looking at healing.

Minerals have similar properties. They are a core component within the earth and are central to the resonance of the electromagnetic grid. When we engage their properties we do more than draw on their nutritional benefits, we enhance our connection to the healing powers of the Earth’s grid using the mineral world as a conduit.

There is also the most wonderful of all healing tools – water. We know that it is a powerful conductor of sound but also of light (or healing), hence the power of homeopathy. Masaro Emoto has proven these concepts through his study of crystalline structures made from water exposed to a variety of stimuli, both positive and negative.

The planet is 90 % water for good reason – it ensures that all our experiences, good or bad, have a hot line into the electro magnetic grid, and from there out into the Universe. Again, I am sure that if we truly understood the repercussions of every good deed or evil thought, we would tread very carefully.

I have been told that every action creates a reaction within the grid, that X leads to Y, and sometimes even to Z. We are directly connected to ‘all that is’, and the Earth’s electromagnetic grid is the motorway that delivers it, with the components of the planet the vehicle through which these messages are delivered.

7777 Just as this is an awesome responsibility for us all, there is the potential for each of us to make changes that benefit all of humanity. Simply by making positive changes to the way we act or think, we send an equivalent vibration through the electromagnetic grid to us all.

Although water can be programmed in whatever way we choose, it is not necessary to refer to this connective force in each specific harmonic. It simply carries the specific harmonic vibration that we choose to send along its path.

In summary, I hope this explanation of harmonics is reasonably clear. Some is accepted knowledge, some on the fringes of current thinking. You don’t need to understand it or even believe in it for it to work, your inner intelligence recognises the inherent truths and will honour your intent to use the system for your benefit and the benefit of others.

7878 Chapter 9

Sacred Geometry

Sacred geometry is the ancient belief that shapes and mathematical designs lie behind all creation, clearly sharing much with fractal geometry.

This knowledge underpins most of the major religions, including Islam, Hindu, Buddhism and early Christianity, as well as the occult. Its design is clearly visible in mosques, ancient churches, pyramids, city layouts, mosaics and temples. It underpins Da Vinci paintings, crop circles and, like fractal geometry, is visible in nature from the smallest snowflake through to human beings and the planets themselves.

Here are two well known examples:

Metraton’s Cube The Flower of Life

These two beautiful examples are constructed from basic geometric shapes. Despite being mathematical in origin, they appeal to our senses and stimulate some kind of intuitive understanding..

Buildings honouring these principles create the same sense of awe, as do snow flakes, crop circles, paintings and ancient structures like Stonehenge. When we apply these concepts in our designs we are copying nature, harmonizing with its basic strength and beauty.

7979 Sacred geometry even appears in the basic design of large cities, like Washington DC, London and Paris, suggesting again that this ancient knowledge has not been completely lost and is being used, I hope, for our benefit. Some city layouts mirror these basic geometric shapes; others place key buildings on points equivalent to the chakra centres of the city, creating a kind of ‘soul’ or resonance for that particular community.

This sounds a little ‘out there’ I know, but I have looked at my own city of Bristol and there is no doubt that the original mediaeval construction has a straight line of symbolic areas representing each chakra centre, starting by the river Avon and running through St Mary Redcliffe Church, Queens Square, College Green, Cabot Tower and the Observatory by the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Before I became aware of these links a group of us had been drawn to carry out healing on several of these areas and I have since found other groups with the same aim. We have riots, the slave trade, civil wars and more in our history so there is much to do!

I have also noticed that the modern city is changing and there seems to be a 90 degree shift in its energetic direction. The new chakra points run from Bedminster, north west through Park Street, Whiteladies Road, Durdham Downs and onto Westbury-on- Trym. It may be no coincidence that there are Complementary Healthcare Centres and Natural Health shops on each of the key points along this route, as if we are trying to reclaim the soul of the city from its less respectable past.

The structure of cities may even reflect the nature of the consciousness living within them, or perhaps may go one step further and actually determine it. Male, or yang energy, is very rigid and often represented by a straight line. It is interesting that most American cities are built with straight lines determining the road layout, reinforcing the male attributes of its residents. This may explain why Americans are by nature competitive and slightly materialistic (apologies for the stereotyping here), placing high value on the male energies of power and wealth. You only have to watch Hollywood movies to see the type of aspirational figure they promote.

The buildings within these American cities share similar properties, with big business conducted in huge rectangular blocks that dominate the skyline. It is perhaps no co- incidence that the 9/11 terrorist attacks targeted the twin towers of the World Trade Centre because they represented so visibly the power base of the nation.

In contrast, the lazy winding streets of European towns and cities are much more feminine and yin in nature, reflecting the more ‘laissez faire’ attitude of its occupants. Perhaps this is why we like to holiday away from the concrete jungles; it is not just a question of escaping the traffic, we are also escaping the aggressive, competitive instincts generated by its buildings and streets. Far better the gentle curve of the beach where we can relax in the dunes and admire the seemingly random (albeit fractal) nature of the world around us.

The underlying truth is that the shape and overall structure of our environment affects our moods. This is a concept we can use to our advantage within the healing model.

8080 Getting back to this central theme, it is important to briefly discuss the relevance of sacred geometry to our personal healing. David Elkington 11 makes the intriguing assertion that the acoustic properties of ancient chambers like Newgrange c3500 BC were designed specifically to resonate key sounds and in so doing enhance spiritual awareness and engender healing properties. The resonance of the name of ‘God’ in its various translations carries particular power.

His arguments are very persuasive. If buildings and designs based on these basic geometrical shapes carry an energy that enhances vibrations, why not use quantum principles and derive healing power from them? Better still, why not add numbers, colours and powerful words like ‘Love’ and ‘Forgiveness’ to amplify their properties? Robert Detzler22 has already explored the concept of healing symbols combining various basic shapes and words to form a ‘power symbol’ with a tangible energetic vibration.

I have used dowsing and intuition to create several geometrical symbols of my own. They are fundamentally appealing to the eye and carry a healing potential based on all of the principles I have explained so far – colour, sound, numbers, words and geometry. Like crystals and the harmonic sequences, they have a multi-dimensional attribute that allows us to draw healing from realms beyond our perception or imagination.

I believe they offer some of the most powerful healing potential of any of the concepts in this manual, so please soak them into your subconscious and let them resonate within you. As with all the technical data in the later chapters, please do not try to study them intellectually, simply absorb their beauty as you would do a fine oil painting. Your inner intelligence knows what to do, just trust it and let go.

11 In the name of the Gods, The mystery of resonance and the prehistoric messiah 22 Spiritual Healing