Performance Report 2011

Ministry of Minor export Crops Promotion

Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion - Performance Report - 2011 Page 1

Contents Page

1. Vision and Mission 02

2. Foreword 03

3. General Administration

I. Staff Information 04 II. Human Resources Development 05 III. Repairs, Constructions and Maintenance Work 06

4. Major Development Programme of the Ministry 07

Projects of the Institutions Functioning under the Ministry

5. Department of Export Agriculture 14 6. Cashew Corporation 18 7. Sugarcane Research Institute 23

8. Financial Report

Minister’s Office 31 Institutional Administration Services 32 Development Programmes 33

9. Meetings of Audit and Management Committees of the Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion and Institutions under it - 2011 33

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“Making Sri Lanka the Spice Hub of Asia”

MISSION Becoming a stakeholder in the creation of national wealth through qualititative and quantitative growth in cultivation, production and sale of minor export crops.

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The agriculture of Sri Lanka consists of several sectors. Minor Export Crops sector is mainly an export oriented sector in agriculture. As the present government understood the importance of the sector, it has included in its national policy framework – “Mahinda Chaintana Vision for the Future” - the sections of this sector that need to be developed and in order to facilitate it further, has established the Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion with Cabinet status incorporating cashew and sugarcane cultivation also within its purview by Gazette Notification 1681/3 dated 22nd November 2012.

It is a heartening thing in the first year of the novel Ministry to be able to commence a large number of development programmes with the involvement of the three institutions under the Ministry even amidst the intense shortage in terms of personnel and resources. Out of these programmes, programme to cultivate new lands, enhancing the productivity of the existing cultivations, seeds and planting material production programme, establishing organic spice villages, establishing spice Parks, strengthening research programmes, implementing training and promotion programmes, and actively supporting the national programmes such as Deyata Kirula and Divi Neguma are prominent.

In order to implement the programmes in year 2011, 238.96 million has been spent by the Department of Export Agriculture, 113.72 million (which included grants from the Treasury, grants from the Ministry of Economic Development and own earnings) by the Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation and 40.34 million by the Sugarcane Research Institute. At this juncture, I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the Hon. , Minister of Minor Export Crops Promotion, who provided guidance to achieve a constructive growth in 2011 under the Ministry, and all who assisted in this endeavor including his staff, the Additional Secretary, all officers of the Planning Division and all other Divisions of the Ministry, the Chairman, the General Manager and all other officers of the Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation, and the Chairman and all other officers of the Sugarcane Research Institute.

Vajira Narampanawa Secretary Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion

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3 General Administration i. Staff Information Staff Officers of the Ministry as at 2011.12.31

Serial No. Name of the Officer Designation

1. Mr. Vajira Narampanawa Secretary 2. Mrs. R.M.C.M. Herath Additional Secretary Senior Assistant 3. Miss K.S. Samarawickrama Secretary 4. Mr. P.L. Namasena Chief Accountant 5. W.M.S.K. Wanigasooriya Director 6. Mr. Tissa Seneviratne Assistant Director

7. Mr. H.P. Somathilake Assistant Director

8. Mr. R. Watawala Assistant Director Mrs. Dimuthu Navinga 9. Kulathilaka Assistant Secretary 10. Mrs. S.T. Sirimanne Assistant Director Administrative 11. Mr. W.M.J. Bandara Officer Coordinating 12. Mrs. Delia Karunarathna Secretary

Other Officers of the Ministry as at 2011.12.31

Designation Number of Officers 01 Development Assistant 05

02 Programme Assistant 02

03 Management Assistant 09 04 Office Services Assistant (KKS) 12

05 Driver 11

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ii. Human Resources Development

Expenditure on Inland Training - Rs.95,000/-

Expenditure on Training Overseas - US$2108+LKR240,630.00

Serial No. Training and Subject Code Amount Spent

1 Inland Rs.95,000/-

MECP/02/05/09 US$108 2 Overseas MECP/02/08/72 US$2000+LKR240,630.00

Participation in Overseas Training and Workshops

Serial No. Name Designation Programme Duration Country

1 Mr. Vajira Secretary 39th Session And Meeting 22-26 Nov Indonesia Narampanawa Of IPC 2011

2 Mrs. R.M.C.M. Additional Workshop on fair trade 05-09 Sep Laos Herath Secretary for enhancing market 2011 access for Agricultural products in Asia

3 Miss K.S. Senior First International 08 -15 Dec India Samarawickrama Assistant Symposium of Cashew 2011 Secretary

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Programmes Conducted by the Ministry with a View to Enhancing the Efficiency and Productivity of Employees in Year 2011

Serial Designation of No. of No. programme the participant participants Duration

Certificate in Level - English for Additional 10 01 Professionals (CEP) Secretary Weeks

Advanced Additional certificate 1 Level - Secretary 12 in English for 01 Weeks 02 Professionals (ACEP)

Diploma in English Additional Level – 18 03 for Secretary Weeks Professionals (DEP)

2 Assistant 01 1 Year Master’s in Sociology Secretary

One day Training Assistant 01 One day Programmes – 2012 Director State Super 5 S as a Productivity 01 One day Management Tool Assistant

iii. Construction, Repair and Maintenance Work

 The office rooms of the Ministry were partitioned this year at a cost of Rs.292,014/-.  The Ministry office was color washed and curtained at a cost of Rs.249,770/-.  A sum of Rs. 56,111/- has been spent for interior maintenance work of office premises.  A sum of Rs.633,000/- has been spent for maintenance of the vehicles.

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4. Major Development Programmes of the Ministry

i. Under the “Spice Gardens Promotion” and “Spice Park” project, the development programme to establish two spice Parks in Delpitiya and Matale was inaugurated in coordination with the Department of Export Agriculture.

ii. A sum of 0.15 million rupees was spent in 2011 in order to design a website for the Ministry and at present, its initial work has been completed.

iii. Parallel to the Deyata Kirula National Exhibition, the exhibits pertaining to the Ministry were created in the stall established in the site in Oyamaduwa that is relevant to the Ministry. The Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation created a 100 acre cashew garden parallel to it.

iv. Necessary coordination work pertaining to the cultivating of 50 hectares has been done under the programme for introducing minor export crops to the farming land units of the Sri Lanka Army,

v. Plans have been prepared with the Ministry of plantation Industries to expand the cocoa cultivation.

vi. The necessary coordination work has been done in order to provide 21,000 pepper saplings and 27,300 cinnamon saplings with a view to expanding minor export crops cultivation amidst coconut cultivation.

Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion - Performance Report - 2011 Page 8 vii. Minor Export Planting Material Price and Cultivation Investment Support Scheme has been referred to the Department of National Planning in the Ministry of Finance and Planning for amending. viii. Necessary coordination is being done with the Sugarcane Research Institute in order to enhance the living conditions of the farmers in Vavunia and Kilinochchi by developing sugarcane cultivation.

ix. One acre of cinnamon and four and a half acres of pepper have been cultivated in association with Badulla, Matara, Mahara, Kirindiwela, Dompe, Negombo, Pallekelle, Watareka and Weerawila prisons under the programme to initiate home gardening and model farms in prison premises.

x. Under the Divi Neguma National Programme, 86,211 grafted saplings and 313,560 seed saplings were provided for 17 Divisional Secretary’s Divisions in coordination with the Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation and 130 sapling sheds were provided and saplings were distributed in coordination with the Department of Export Agriculture.

Hon. Minister inspecting a nursery......

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Providing Saplings under the Divi Neguma Programme - 2011

Minor Cashew saplings District of export implementation crop Grafted Seed saplings Total cashew cashew Puttalam 00611 5283 21425 - Kurunegala 88428 22411 110892 249863 Anuradhapura 8531 058842 134598 - Vavunia - 0111 1000 - Kandy - 8411 2400 153235 Badulla 01311 80111 31500 162864

Ratnapura 8012 - 2709 65555

Matale 04811 - 14200 85232 Polonnaruwa 6311 - 6500 - Batticaloa - 83828 25292 - Trincomalee - 55826 33296 - Gampaha 083 - 125 44255 Monaragala - - - 231120 Hambantota - - - 30338

Kegalle - - - 20470

colombo - - - 9060 Kalutara - - - 23350 Galle - - - 71296 Matara - - - 118025 Nuwara Eliya - - - 53031 Total 67467 036477 383937 1293962

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Providing Sapling Sheds under the Divi Neguma Programme - 2011

District of implementation No. of sapling sheds provided Kurunegala 13

Kandy 14

Badulla 9

Ratnapura 15

Matale 14

Gampaha 6

Monaragala 11

Hambantota 8

Kegalle 14

Colombo 1

Kalutara 13

Galle 11

Matara 12

Nuwara Eliya 8 Total 149

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xi. A series of entrepreneurship workshops have been conducted locally in order to develop the entrepreneurship skills of the stakeholders such as minor export crops producers, traders, value adders, postharvest processors etc in all the 14 Districts in which minor export crops have become widespread.

Ministers Hon. and Hon. Reginald Cooray inspecting products at the National Entrepreneurship Development Programme conducted on 2012.11.02......

xii. Such workshops have already been conducted in Colombo, Kandy, Ratnapura and Kalutara Districts and over one thousand people have participated in them. Suitable entrepreneurs have been identified at these workshops and a special training has been provided to them at a cost of seven million rupees.

Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion - Performance Report - 2011 Page 12 xiii. Reports prepared on encouraging new inventors, establishing spice gardens, mechanization aimed at efficiency and productivity of minor export crops sector, price fluctuation of spice crops, and the impact of cess was presented to those concerned.

xiv. The progress of the development programmes of the Department of Export Agriculture was monitored throughout 2011 and it has been realized that steps should be taken to expand to crops other than main crops such as cinnamon and pepper rather than being confined to them, that more attention should be given to increase the incidence of minor export crops cultivation, and that a list of new farmers should be prepared.

Preparing white pepper ......

Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion - Performance Report - 2011 Page 13 xv. Coordinating the Programme to Strengthen and Empower Farmer Organizations, inspecting the physical and financial progress by visiting District offices (Gampaha/Kegalle/Kandy/Nuwara Eliya), organizing joint seminars to empower farmer organizations, implementing HARTI successfully at a low-level cost with support from external organizations, providing advice on practical solutions for identified problems, persuasion for recourse to micro financial development methodologies for uplifting rural economy, and quick practical measures for uplifting rural economy have been mainstreamed among people.

Engaged in finding solutions to farmers’ problems......

xvi. Taking steps to provide advice on landscaping / placement of the Ministry premises and planting materials.

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5 Department of Export Agriculture

The Department of Export Agriculture, which functions under the Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion, conducted the following major development programmes successfully throughout in 2011.

 Minor export crops have been introduced on lands 4245 hectares in extent under the new planting programme and new crops have been introduced to 275 home economic units at the cost of 15.33 million rupees.

The Secretary inspecting a cinnamon nursery ......

 A sum of 43.86 million rupees has been spent under the productivity promotion programme for developing the cultivation in 2194 hectares of lands on which minor export crops have been cultivated.

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 15.57 million seeds and planting materials of high quality were produced by the Department of Minor Export Crops in 2011 and a sum of 133.53 million rupees was spent for the purpose.

 At a cost of 0.36 million rupees, 164 model fields were created with a view to providing technical knowhow to stakeholders.

 A sum of 6.85 million rupees was spent for 59 television and radio programmes, 41 publications and 10 exhibitions with a view to enhancing the technical awareness of officers, stakeholders and people engaged in the minor export crops sector. In addition, training programmes were conducted at the cost of 1.84 million rupees for 3324 trainees in this sector.

A plant nursery ......

 At a cost of 4.31 million rupees, 95 processing centres and 151 sets of equipment used in the processing industry have been provided to persons engaged in processing under the programme to promote the hygienic production of spices and associated products of high quality.

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The Secretary inspecting a pepper processing machine ......

 A sum of 5.42 million rupees has been spent to start the developing of three spice parks targeting local and foreign tourists.

 Research Division has conducted various researches and research programmes at a cost of 26.08 million rupees for promoting aspects such as promoting cultivation, reducing the cost of production, crop protection, enhancement of productivity, value addition, and expanding socio-economic and market opportunities.

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6 Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation

The Sri Lanka Cashew Corporation, which functions under the Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion, has conducted a large number of various development programmes.

6.1 Newly-cultivating cashew in 4000 acres of land under the Cashew Cultivation Aid Scheme.

3600 farming families have planted grafted saplings in 3300 acres and seed saplings in 700 acres. A sum of 27.34 million rupees has been spent to conduct 120 training programmes for farmers.

Hon. Minister distributing cashew saplings......

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6.2 Developing Cultivation Activities at Plant Breeding Centres

At the plant breeding centres situated at Maha-Oya, Sudu-wathura-aara, Nalanda, Wilachchiya, Mankarni and Laggala, 1.1 million mother seeds and 425,000 seedlings were collected spending 3.28 million rupees. 6.3 Cashew Cultivation and Rehabilitation of Cultivation

A sum of 0.5 million rupees has been spent for cultivating 525 acres of cashew and 25 acres of coconuts in estates located at Kamandaluwa, Puttalam, Hardi

and Kondachchi.

6.4 Research and Development

With the participation of 52 officers, 6 training sessions were held on selecting mother plants and on conducting programmes on the production of new plant varieties/strains, grafted and seed sapling experimental plantations, plant density, obtaining two harvests per year, pest control and the use of fertilizers spending 0.94 million rupees.

Distributing fertilizers ......

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6.5 Developing the Processing Industry and Marketing

Renovation at the Nendagamuwa Factory has been completed. Three training sessions on standardization were conducted for those engaged in processing in the private sector and in cashew industry with the participation of 95 persons.

6.6 Marketing Development

Purchasing of cashew was done through regional managers spending

0.18 million rupees.

6.7 Production of Grafted Saplings

Seven more nurseries were established in Puttalm, Anuradhapura, Matale, Batticaloa, Badulla, Monaragala and Ratnapura and 405,152 grafted saplings were produced spending 11.7 million rupees.

6.8 Promoting the Processing Industry

A sum of 16.72 million rupees was spent to purchase 67,787 kilograms of unpeeled cashew from farmers and a sum of 18 million rupees has been earned through it. A sum of 2.07 million rupees was spent to purchase 6000 kg of cashew kernel from those engaged in processing and an income of 6 million rupees has been derived from selling it. Four cashew kernel drying machines were fabricated by spending 0.22 million rupees and a sum of 8 million rupees was earned out of it.

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6.9 Human Resource Management

Three training sessions/workshops were conducted for 200 including middle level managers, field officers and farmer organization representatives spending 0.08 million rupees.

6.10 Conductiong Research Programmes for Pest Control

Forty-two training sessions have been conducted for 2800 farmers. Nine power spray machines have been granted to farmer organizations. A sum of 0.29 million rupees has been spent for this purpose.

6.11 Estate Development and Maintenance

Maintenance work such as weed control, pest control and preparation of field roads has been completed in 1275 acres in estates located in Puttalam, Kamandaluwa, Eluwankulam and Mirijjawila, spending 8.8 million rupees.

6.12 Providing Grafted saplings and Seed Saplings under the “Divi

Neguma” National Development Programme

A sum of 38.6 million rupees has been spent for providing 86,211 grafted saplings and 313,560 seed saplings in 17 Divisional Secretariat Divisions.

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6.13 “Deyata Kirula” National Development Exhibition A one-hundred-acre model was established in the Oyamaduwa exhibition site spending 3 million rupees.

Commencing the planting of cashew saplings in 100 acres of land parallel to the Deyata Kirula National Development Exhibition in Oyamaduwa......

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7 Sugarcane Research Institute

Sugarcane Research Institute, which functions under the Ministry of Minor Export Crops Promotion, has also implemented many programmes.


 Providing Pakistan with sugarcane seeds obtained from 100 commercial cross breeds.

 Providing Vietnam with the three strains called SL 83 06, SL 89 1673, and SL 92 5588

 Obtaining the strains ROC 23, VN 84 4137 and QD 93 159 from Vietnam.

 Adding to the domestic sugarcane genetic plasma 05 strains of the SL 99 breed series and 24 strains of the SL 98 breed series.

 Conserving 1243 varieties of sugarcane in the sugarcane genetic plasma at the Sugarcane Cross Breeding Sub Centre in Ensalwatte.

 Assessing the breeding value of 44 out of the 217 strains of sugarcane collected locally.

 Carrying out 1301 cross breedings at the Sugarcane Cross Breeding Sub Centre in Ensalwatte using the field lantern and conserved liquid systems.

 Carrying out 38 inter-strain cross breedings using S.spontaneum strains as the father plant and the commercial sugarcane strains and S.officinarum strains as mother plants and 21 intra cross breedings using Erianthus arundinaceus strains as father plants.

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 Recommending and issuing the sugarcane strains called SL 95 4033, SL 95 4430

and SL 96 328 for commercial cultivation.

 Subjecting 24 sugarcane strains of the SL 2000 breed series to evaluation at Udawalawa, Hingurana and Pelwatte areas.

 Assessing the adaptive quality of sugarcane strains for Hingurana and Madulla areas.

 Implementing the multi-stage strain option process successfully.

 Producing 3158 sugarcane saplings with inheritance variability through callus culture.

 Providing 950 disease-free saplings produced from sugarcane strains SL 7130, SL

8306, SL 88 116 AND M 438/59 for the sugarcane cultivation promotion programme through Crops and Resources Management Division.

 Providing the Gal Oya Plantation Company in Hingurana with 4000 disease-free saplings obtained from sugarcane strains ready to be released for commerce and commercial cultivation for establishing seed nurseries free of diseases.

 Issuing the seed sugarcane strains obtained by subjecting the strains released for commercial cultivation in 2011 to the process of terminal bud division for promoting seed sugarcane varieties.

 Determining the ideal plant hormone concentrations pertaining to terminal bud

germination in the strains SL 83 06, SL 88 116 AND CO 775.

 Subjecting 44 varieties of genetic plasmas to microbiological classification using the

enzymes ME, GDH, MDH and PEROXYDASE.

 Establishing seed propagation plantations for 24 strains near release for commerce and commercial cultivation for obtaining seed sugarcane for establishing research cultivation for the purpose of selecting strains suitable for Kantale area.

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 Identifying SL 90 6337 and SL 93 945 as sugarcane varieties that achieve a high ratoon growth performance in both rain fed and externally irrigated situations and SL 92 4918 variety as one that shows high ratoon growth performance only under supplementary water supplied situations.

 Identifying the way the sapling cultivation of two sugarcane strains (SL 96 128 and SL 96 328) responded to Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium.

7.2 Management of Crops and Resources

The following research finds were achieved in the endeavor to improve management of crops and resources in sugarcane cultivation at a cost of 8 million rupees.

 Identifying SL 90 6337 and SL 93 945 as sugarcane varieties that achieve a high ratoon growth performance in both rain fed and supplementary-irrigated situations and SL 92 4918 variety as one that shows high ratoon growth performance only under supplementary water supplied situations.

 Substantiating that the depth of tilling has no influence on the number or weight of the sugarcanes that can be obtained at harvest from the sapling cultivation and the later ratoon cultivation, and that the adverse effects caused on the crop by the drought during the early stage of the growth can be minimized by tilling at medium depth and size.

 Substantiating that fertilizing has a direct relationship to the increase of harvest from the first ratoon cultivation itself, that continuous companion planting causes an increase in harvest from the second ratoon cultivation onwards, and that the sugarcane stump removal helps increase ratoon cultivation harvests.

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Carrying the harvest that has just been reaped ......

 Substantiating that the technique of implanting the saplings with a constant gap between them (STP) is a successful as well as low-cost method of propagation – It was highlighted in this endeavor that, for planting in nurseries established for obtaining saplings for this system of propagation, the cuts of sugarcane stalk with one bud that is separated from the shoot left over in the field after harvesting is more suitable than the pieces with one bud that is obtained from the mature stalk.

 Evaluating the incomes and expenditures of sugarcane cultivation in rain-fed and irrigation-fed areas in Sevanagala.

 Determining the characteristics of the rainfall pattern in Pelwatte.

7.3 Crop Nutrition

Conducting research into crop nutrition and finding the following recommendations and information about fertilizers at a cost of 2 million rupees:

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 Amending the fertilizer recommendation for sugarcane growing areas in Hingurana for the next 3 years.

 Identifying the manner in which the third ratoon cultivation responded to the rock phosphate of high grade from Eppawala.

7.4 Crop Protection

Conducting the following activities spending 4.4 million for research on the control of diseases and pests associated with sugarcane cultivation.

 Monitoring 59 strains imported from Pakistan and 3 strains from Vietnam at the plant quarantine centre in Hantana to detect diseases and pests still unreported in Sri Lanka.

 Propagating in laboratories and releasing into fields the species called dipha aphidivora (8138 cells) and micromus (11,390 larvae), the enemies of Sugarcane woolly aphid that are used to control it biologically.

 Identifying a larva causing the sugarcane syndrome called Dead Heart Symptom other than the one that stings pink colour germs into sugarcane.

 Providing the advice necessary to control the harm caused by the larva that injects pink colour germs into sugarcane in the newly-established sugarcane cultivations Hingurana area.

 Conducting survey activities continuously pertaining to the emergence of diseases and pests in all the areas of Sri Lanka where sugarcane is cultivated.

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Engaged in jaggery industry ......

7.5 Mechanization of Farms:

Fabricating the following machinery spending 1.8 million rupees:

 Producing successfully the instrument that can be used for fertilizing with a stainless steel structure fixed to a two wheel tractor.

 Designing and fabricating a sugarcane bud cutting machine of Indian model.

 Evaluating the incomes and expenditures of sugarcane jaggery production in Monaragala and Badulla Districts.

7.6 Technical Exchanges and Development Activities

Conducting the following technical promotional activities with a total budget of 5 million rupees

 Promoting new sugarcane varieties SL 83 06, SLI 121, SL 92 4918, SL 92 4997 and SL 92 5588 among sugarcane farmers.

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 Promoting tine cultivator and the groove making instrument, the two farm equipments that were developed and introduced by the Sugarcane Research Institute for sugarcane cultivation.  Promoting the growing of cucumber, groundnut, cowpea, melon and chili as supplementary crops with sugarcane.  Enhancing the knowledge on soil fertility and management.  Promoting the planting of sugarcane with a constant space between saplings.  Increasing the use of agronomic practices prescribed for sugarcane cultivation.  Enhancing the knowledge on the control of pests and diseases  Improving the sugarcane jaggery production  Establishing a foundation seed sugarcane nursery of around 2 hectares.  Re-propagation on seven plots of land belonging to farmers, about 2.8 hectares in extent, for developing sugarcane cultivation and associated products in the Kilinochchi area.

7.7 Research Publications

 Publishing eight research publications.

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Report on Expenditure as at 2011.12.31

Head - 180 Programme 01 Operations Programme Minister’s Office Total Estimate Revised Expendi 2011 Estimate ture Percentage Description (%) Million Million Million Rupees Rupees Rupees Recurrent Expenditure 12.50 16.22 15.41 95.01 Personal Emoluments 4.80 6.07 5.85 96.31 Transport Costs 0.94 1.18 0.98 83.40 Supplies 3.21 4.35 4.15 95.34 Maintenance Costs 1.88 1.24 1.16 93.93 Services 1.68 3.38 3.27 96.63 Capital Expenditure 4.00 41.54 39.02 93.93

Rehabilitation and Improvement in 1.15 1.65 0.24 14.55 Capital Assets

Acquisition of Capital Assets 2.85 39.89 38.78 97.22 Total Project Expenditure 16.50 57.76 54.43 94.23

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Head - 180 Programme 01 Operation Programme Project 02 Institutional Administrative Services

Estimate Revised Total 2011 Estimate Expendi Percenta Description turre ge (%) Million Million Million rupees rupees rupees Recurrent Expenditure 46.88 39.56 25.66 64.86 Personal Emoluments 34.44 27.44 14.97 54.56 Transport Costs 1.58 1.88 1.64 87.10 Supplies 4.10 4.09 3.34 81.66 Maintenance Costs 3.21 2.49 2.35 94.38 Services 3.55 3.66 3.36 91.80 Capital Expenditure 6.91 13.41 10.55 78.67

Rehabilitation and Improvement in 1.31 2.03 1.43 70.44 Capital Assets

Acquisition of Capital Assets 5.35 11.13 8.97 80.59 Development of Human Resources 0.25 0.25 0.15 60.00 Total Project Expenditure 53.79 52.97 36.21 68.36

Divi Neguma Programme (180-1-2- - 7.00 *3.00 42.86 1-2502)

* Only 3 million rupees was received as cash imprest in 2011.

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Head - 180 Programme 02 Development Programme Project 03 Government Agencies

Estimate Revised Total Description 2011 estimate Expenditure Percentage Million Million Million % rupees rupees rupees Recurrent Expenditure 40.00 50.00 50.00 100.00 Capital Expenditure 42.00 42.00 40.50 96.43

Meetings of Audit and Management Committees relating to the Ministry of Minor Export Crop Promotion and Institutions under it

- 2011 -

Date held Participating Institutions

Ministry of Minor Export Crop Promotion Department of Export Agriculture 2011.05.10 Cashew Corporation Sugarcane Research Institute Ministry of Minor Export Crop Promotion Department of Export Agriculture 2011.11.14 Cashew Corporation Sugarcane Research Institute

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