FY 2022 MINISTRY TRUST GRANT MEMBER INITIATIVES The Congregation Grants Committee of the Adrian Catholic Charities of Jackson, Lenawee, Dominican Ministry Trust approved $794,500 for and Hillsdale Counties, Counseling Center the following 27 Member Initiatives for Fiscal Adrian, Year 2022. Ministry Trust Grant criteria require Pam Millenbach, OP, Staff an alignment between the funded project and the The grant will ensure the continued 2016 General Chapter Enactments and the development of a Counseling Center for Mission and Vision of the Adrian Dominican Lenawee County for treatment of children Sisters. who are victims of trauma and abuse. The grant will partially fund critical work in Angela House the Child Advocacy Center, where schools, Houston, Texas educators, and para-professionals help in the Maureen O’Connell, OP, Board Member Angela identification, assessment, and treatment of House provides safe, drug- and violence-free abuse. This will ensure the appropriate level transitional housing and holistic programs for of care and treatment. The 2022 grant funds women re-entering society after incarceration. this new phase of the Catholic Charities The grant allows Angela House to continue counseling program. structured case management for residents while initiating a new program component to Centro Latino of Shelbyville, Inc. provide services at the Harris County Jail. Shelbyville, Kentucky “Angela House on the Inside” will engage Patricia Reno, OP, Executive Director incarcerated women in voluntary shame- Centro Latino assists the vulnerable Latinx resilience group therapy sessions, conduct community through programs and advocacy interviews for Angela House applicants, and work, providing a haven for the Latinx people offer referrals for community services to and protecting them as they adjust to living facilitate re-entry. View https://youtu.be/ in the United States, with its different culture, KIGyPZn-WA0. traditions, and way of life. Centro Latino and the marginalized Latinx in rural Kentucky Centro Santa Catalina will continue to benefit from vital programs Juárez, Mexico addressing two of society’s greatest issues: Patricia Erickson, OP, Board Member poverty and the dignity of life. View https:// The purpose of the Centro Santa Catalina youtu.be/Wx_k_-K4okk (CSC) project is to lift women and Covenant Community Care children from abject poverty and social marginalization by providing activities , Michigan that relieve participants of severe economic Mary Jane Lubinski, OP, Board Member hardships. Ministry Trust funds will be used Detroit continues to have one of the highest to strengthen electronic hardware and virtual infant mortality rates in the country. Leading communication resources while resuming causes of infant death include birth defects, basic programming for the women and prematurity, low birth weight, maternal children of CSC. The purpose is to create, complications, and sudden infant death restore, and expand development of syndrome. Centering Healthcare Institute educational, nutritional, entrepreneurial, and – the umbrella organization of Covenant life skills by the close of the funding cycle in Community Care’s Pregnancy, Parenting, June 2022. The fund will also help to ensure and Healthcare program – has data on the just wages for Centro staff. View http:// effectiveness of its program in eliminating centrosantacatalina.org/about/our-stories/. racial disparities and reducing pre-term birth rates. The Ministry Trust grant this year will Continued on next page. 1 Ministry Trust Grants, continued from page 1 Friends in Solidarity with South Sudan develop a Centering Pregnancy Program Washington, D.C. in Southwest Detroit, which will continue Durstyne Farnan, OP, Board Member to provide Behavioral Health services to 25 Friends in Solidarity with South Sudan pregnant women weekly. Some 90% of these collaborates with the Catholic Health Training women are uninsured. Medical professionals Institute to support the empowerment of will provide additional time and attention in citizens in this young African nation. The a group setting with other women who are grant provides full funding to support six pregnant. students for one year in a three-year nursing program to train South Sudanese women and Earth Law Education Initiative men as Certified Midwives and Registered New York, New York Nurses. The comprehensive training includes Elise García, OP, Board Member practical experience in hospitals and local A grant to the Earth Law Center (ELC) will clinics, as well as trauma healing and peace- support its Education Initiative in its work to making. View https://vimeo.com/436110879. secure the passage of new eco-centric laws Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County and court decisions that recognize the rights of nature and the human right to a healthy Adrian, Michigan environment. The organization seeks to Joanne Peters, OP, Board Member ensure that its Earth Law casebook, partially Habitat for Humanity of Lenawee County will funded by a previous Ministry Trust Grant, raise funds and hammers to expand the home is taught in at least five law schools and repair timeframe to meet immediate repair universities by 2022. ELC will also continue needs that fall outside a limited timeframe to write amicus briefs in support of litigation funded by other sources. The greatest benefit securing the rights of nature. will be for vulnerable homeowners living at or below 70% of the area median income who Enfoque la Familia do not typically qualify for traditional home- Detroit, Michigan improvement bank loans. The completion of Rosalie Esquerra, OP, Co-founder Lenawee County’s H4H Faith-Build project and Corporate Secretary was recently featured in The Daily Telegram, Enfoque la Familia is the Spanish-speaking noting primary support of the project by counterpart of an amazing youth program, the Ministry Trust. View https://youtu. Life Directions, associated with Detroit, be/2OQVEm_SoYs. , and San Antonio public schools. The HOPE Community Center goal of the Enfoque la Familia grant project is to train 10 Spanish-speaking families to identify Adrian, Michigan and deal constructively with their trauma. Rosemary Abramovich, OP, Board Member During the grant cycle Enfoque will conduct HOPE Community Center offers participants assessments and group sessions to facilitate the opportunity for holistic programs and each individual’s awareness. The trained projects that promote health, wellness, and volunteers and ministers will visit each family dignity in a culture of caring and sharing. The twice during the year to observe and to teach center offers excellent programs and support them to manage their own stressors and for the life and dignity of marginalized people conflicts. View https://youtu.be/cZ-MDg5zj10. in Lenawee County. The 2022 grant provides mind-body-spirit classes and activities each week. At the same time HOPE will initiate a “HOPE at Home” program to facilitate

Continued on next page. 2 Ministry Trust Grants, continued from page 2 resources in a productive manner. The grant coaching and learning at home. View https:// provides clients with opportunities to move youtu.be/NDcw3a8BmGU. themselves toward self-sufficiency through financial, social, and emotional resourcing. Hotel Hope MLK One graduate wrote, “The Getting Ahead class New Orleans, Louisiana taught me more about myself, my community Judith Zynda, OP, Board Member and its resources than I could have ever Supportive services at Hotel Hope MLK take imagined.” The funding will also enable the the form of intensive case management for Migrant Services Program to provide much- each homeless guest, linking her to services needed medical, vision, and dental services and opportunities with the aim of long- and prescriptions to seasonal workers in term residential sustainability. The grant Lenawee County migrant camps. allows staff to assist homeless women and Maketai, Inc. their children as they develop resiliency and personal/financial skills and resources, as Amazon Rainforest measured by the 10 Hotel Hope Benchmarks. Judith Bisignano, OP, Founder, Board Member The aim is to transition the women and their The grant will be used to develop and children to safe, permanent housing in 60 operationalize an integrated and sustainable days. A former resident has recently been reforestation project in the Achuar region of named to the Board of Directors. View https:// the Amazon rainforest of Ecuador. Maketai youtu.be/CORUYC_Njyk will provide the means for the Achuar to germinate and plant 24,000 trees: 8,000 Housing Help of Lenawee seedlings, 8,000 wildings, and 8,000 nursery- Homeless Prevention grown saplings in eight villages (1,000 of each Adrian, Michigan per village) between July 1, 2021, and June 30, Angela Susalla, OP, Board Member 2022, to bring about reforestation, rewilding, Jean Tobin, OP, Board Member and community resilience. The project is Housing Help of Lenawee’s Homeless designed to reduce human impact on climate Prevention program provides support to change and ecological degradation by families and individuals in housing crisis supporting ecotourism as an educational tool who need assistance to overcome barriers to for conservation and sustainable development housing and self-sufficiency. Ministry Trust of Ecuador’s Amazon Rainforest. View https:// funds will provide funding for safe, affordable vimeo.com/443924028. housing and support services for four low- Mercy Housing Northwest income households that are not eligible for government housing assistance. Housing Help Seattle, Washington will provide temporary financial assistance Judy Byron, OP, Board Member for 15 households that are unable to meet their Mercy Housing Northwest (MHNW) enables rent obligations. Visit www.H2Lenawee.org. low-income immigrant and refugee families to attain stable housing, to find employment, Community Action Agency of Jackson, and to remain healthy. During the 2022 grant Lenawee, and Hillsdale Counties cycle, MHNW will build on memorandum of Adrian, Michigan understanding and data-sharing agreements Joella Miller, OP, Board Member with local schools to create quarterly Community Action Agency of Jackson, challenges focused on grades, attendance, and Lenawee, and Hillsdale Counties (CAAJLH) parental engagement to encourage at-home offers “Getting Ahead in a Just-Getting By learning and furtherance of academic goals at World,” to help individuals in poverty develop four MHNW properties. The hope is to build Continued on next page. 3 Ministry Trust Grants, continued from page 3 Peace Education Foundation an inclusive community for immigrants and Miami Shores, Florida refugees with the larger goal of promoting Mary Ann Caulfield, OP, Board Member parental engagement in student learning. The Foundation’s Peace Education Initiative with the Dominican family in Latin America National Coalition for Community Capital works in collaboration with the Confederation (NC3) of Dominican Sisters in Latin America and South Burlington, Vermont the Caribbean to teach conflict resolution Corinne Florek, OP techniques and violence prevention strategies The National Coalition for Community to Dominican teachers and pastoral leaders Capital (N3C) was awarded a grant that will in the . During this grant serve and support its Community Capital cycle, trainers will introduce community- Education Accelerator program. This new building, anger management, communication, organization works to develop innovative and peer mediation techniques and strategies ways to encourage people to invest in projects to Dominican schools in the Dominican that will strengthen the resilience of their Republic, a country where violence and local communities, making our economy more corruption are causing harm. just and inclusive, especially for communities PREPARES that have been disenfranchised from the current economy. Professionals with many Yakima, Washington years of experience in community finance Sharon Park, OP, PREPARES Liaison will tap the expertise of others in this field for Diocese of Yakima to assist communities in achieving their PREPARES will expand outreach to goals. The goal of the project is to develop pregnant women and their families in the educational materials and an online resource Hispanic community in five parishes in library on community investment capital rural, Spanish-speaking communities after that can be shared nationwide with students, training five additional ministers and 10 professionals, and others. volunteers en español. Parishes will continue to offer support groups for teen mothers Northwest Detroit Youth Coalition and help marginalized households become Detroit, Michigan more resilient through direct service, vital Ellen Schmitz, OP, Board Member support, and the opportunity for parents The Northwest Detroit Youth Coalition to strengthen their skills. The grant funds sponsors two month-long summer camps provide PREPARES the resources to offer their for youth, ages 5-16, who live in Detroit materials en español in the Yakima Diocese. neighborhoods that suffer from blight, drugs, Resurrection Home, Inc. and violence. The grant provides funds for a part-time staff person to coordinate and Beattyville, Kentucky manage the summer camp programs. Camp Mary Katherine Drouin, OP, Founder experiences offer participants the opportunity and Board Member to learn skills and to experience the value of Through the Grandmothers Helping reverencing life by respecting one another. Grandmothers program offered by During this grant cycle, respecting all Resurrection Home, Inc., grandmothers who COVID-19 CDC guidelines, Detroit children are raising grandchildren receive support will have the opportunity for supervised and encouragement from one another. The outdoor physical activity and for learning grant funds a monthly support group for the coping and peace-making skills. View http:// grandmothers. Support meetings nurture, youtu.be/LvitSb3mrsY. assist, and enrich their lives and the lives Continued on next page. 4 Ministry Trust Grants, continued from page 4 for a Native American youth leadership of those in their charge. The grandmothers group that comes together with a good mind, rely on what little they have to raise and kahiwiyo, to make a positive contribution to support their grandchildren. The program is a the urban Native American community and major means of support for the grandmother to work toward the betterment of all urban child care-givers who have been assisted by Native Americans. St. Kateri Center employs Resurrection Home for many years. a mentor for the Native American Youth program. The grant enables an increase in River Raisin Institute presence for the mentor, helping the Center Monroe, Michigan to continue building leadership among Patricia Benson, OP, Board Member indigenous youth and to help participants to A goal of the River Raisin Institute’s (RRI) learn Native American culture and traditions, Climate Literacy Program is to educate young as well as faith in Christ. Youth will gain people about care of Earth. Support from the confidence they need to facilitate a panel the grant ensures that youth living in the discussion about their youth group experience Great Lakes region will have educational and the need for more youth programs during resources to become aware of the effects of the 2022 Urban Native American Conference. climate change and pass their knowledge St. Margaret Mary Parish on to their families and the community. The RRI commitment is to teach students in 15 Winter Park, Florida schools about sustainable living and climate Rosemary Finnegan, OP, Staff Member change principles, as well as the perils of Sustainable Initiatives for Haiti is a project water pollution and waste. The goal of RRI of St. Margaret Mary Parish. During this is to expose the culture, local history, the grant cycle the parish team will enhance the environment, and the threat of climate change quality of life for our brothers and sisters in to more than 450 students in the classroom. Haiti by assisting them to meet their own needs. The goal is to strengthen the good St. Ann Place work the Haitians have accomplished in West Palm Beach, Florida the community banking arena. The grant Patricia Leonard, OP, Associate Director will fund a Women’s Bank Program and Staff members at St. Ann Place meet the a Commercial Loan Program, sustainable housing preservation needs of people who are bank programs serving the needs of different on the brink of homelessness by providing populations. The Marriage Program, funded short-term rent and/or utility assistance for from the interest of the commercial loan individuals or families who are struggling to program, includes preparation classes, license, meet their obligations. The project strengthens ring, joint wedding ceremony for more than 20 short-term housing security for those in couples, and a community reception. Couples danger of losing their homes. The temporary are so grateful to then be able to receive the financial assistance provides a safety net, Eucharist and participate fully in parish life. allowing recipients to remain in their homes St. Suzanne Cody Rouge Resource Center as they return to solvency. The grant ensures protection of the most at-risk people during a Detroit, Michigan time of unprecedented vulnerability. Cheryl Liske, OP, Board Member The St. Suzanne Cody Rouge Resource Center St. Kateri Center of Chicago was awarded a grant to educate and employ Chicago, 12-15 low-income Cody-Rouge residents in a JoAnn Fleischaker, OP, Leadership Circle Member green stormwater skills and adult workforce St. Kateri Center serves as a meeting place development program. The 5 E’s program Continued on next page. 5 Ministry Trust Grants, continued from page 5 with All Chicago to modify the housing in the St. Suzanne Cody Rouge Resource application process. Center allows participants to take advantage Springbank Retreat of the on-site, wrap-around services, such as Kingstree, South Carolina day-care, tutoring, and other social services Trina McCormick, OP and community connections which lead Springbank Retreat will have a face lift as participants to success. a result of the Ministry Trust grant! The Southwest Chicago Homeless Services grant will assist the staff as they reimagine Chicago, Illinois Springbank for our changing times, using Norine Burns, OP, Volunteer technology to better reach those who plan a Southwest Chicago Homeless Service (SCHS) retreat at Springbank and, at the same time, serves people who are homeless or housing- serve those who choose to retreat at home insecure and advocates for those who are using the rich resources that Springbank homeless. The grant will allow SCHS to provides through technology. Repairs to the continue to assist clients in creating a path infrastructure will prevent further harm to to permanent, stable housing. The goal is Springbank’s freshwater wetlands, and repairs to provide housing placement assistance to of the retaining wall damaged by Hurricane 20 individuals and families seeking rental Matthew five years ago will restore a sheltered assistance or housing application fees for habitat for native flora and fauna. permanent housing. SCHS also collaborates


The Congregation Grants Committee of the Adrian metropolitan area and in Adrian, Michigan. Dominican Ministry Trust approved $18,500 for Dominican Midwest Mission Chapter retains the following Chapter Initiative for Fiscal Year its commitment to walk with immigrants 2022. Ministry Trust Grant criteria require an through court watching and peaceful prayer alignment between the funded project and the 2016 outside Broadview Detention Center. The General Chapter Enactments and the Mission and Ministry Trust grant makes rent available Vision of the Adrian Dominican Sisters. to houses of hospitality where immigrant Dominican Midwest Chapter people are welcomed. The program expanded Chicago, Illinois to include participation in the Chicago Julie Flynn, OP, Coordinator Immigrant Transit Assistance program that The Restoring Dignity Immigration Initiative provides transportation necessities for those offers support for more than 500,000 released from detention and attempting to undocumented immigrants in the Chicago connect with families in the United States.