Ut«M PobOcaUM -ova 50,000 READERS- Monbeni# NykaliM SECONO CLASS POSTAGE JaMM AMHm DliM LM*W ' PAID AT . CALIF PUBLISHED WEEKLY .' EXCEPT LAST WEEK OF YEAH PACIFIC CITIZEN VOL. 60 NO. 14 FRIDAY, APRIL 2. 1965 . BY WILLIAM MARUTANI - 15 U.S. SENATORSiHTKUSIASIlC Nisei reporter covers 50-mile JACl SIGNS UP IN SUPPORT OF HISTORY PROJECT Easi Wind iropoMd • I*- ,i-arch proi-i-. tu caUli's tu.Sper:al to the Pacific Ciuzeo > face^. the words, .the nnss. the Mrs. Sprmgtt cn(ieaU>- is tram PllTlad^phia NatierMl All-Time thuiiasUc supper.' from S-m. HCXOLULU—Mrs. Tbmi Kairawa rc-.lmgs and the sceoes of that antfstUe. Gcor«tt Hdr grai^ I do not recall that it ever happened to me before but I Thomas H. Kuchel iR-CaUf i acd The letter u>tes of Heidtt an AUbama-Glenn Irut-u Thet' were mtercAed in the lets erly senseless murder of Mrs. V10I4 Gregg yuzzo on dark- H»d<,ua«ers as of aur. 29, I la«-maker. fram seven other appLcatx* ram ^ Aia^'a ■ fejn-escnting the Asraoiated Sv,- ed Route 80 between Selma and Monteomerv Alabama. ' chapter m«nb?r- stau-s.4... mwUyiv tnin tk,.the w,.«tWest. m nr*. . Los Angeles 'UO-.M ... ,___ . .. „■ ^ . __w- ______i._ . . . “ . . shiD chairtnan. revealed dits ______, . eKn imr Iiu=o. who ourely had 0 groat zo',1 foili!oiupied' ’wS “ISST' to “S”!' 1‘1,^ TeSS- rSo.'’!.™ s.SS .S opassion snd love tor all peoples, murdered by cowardly ““ri r.b. a urn oto ’”',f ,u..„to, .dra, Pn,i«i TP. rwiuM 1. to ”*.1.^°;;;.^'*.^^.' SuoTu' SSu "i SM-riders. And then I see the bewildered innocence ol her t J«i.w..»^r.. isos n„p„, u, -j,. ktm .pred o.-., • 0^,,^ "uuTu. to utoSSi. .S S.. .to.™ d lb, Cw^^Riabu S -uS ettom children she left behind, weeping...weeping o,er ptoito. u, w.n »aw ,.v. i-g - - ^ ‘ to‘2" 6st mother they simply called a “good woman, a good T'** Uemendous increase wa.« purpose of the invertigation Th< Japanese Amerwas' Qtttens ^FYidiv^ Nona '*”* P*“^ ■*«« *«*• jther” ascribed to the ability of the mem- g^STtofOTMiiM ab^l the Lcagae. the only Mlionil ofgani- -Fridsyl-Nona Spnngel. resoarc^ass.stam jj„ Ka«Oer raid. -Otte And in a mixture of disbelief and anguish her husband bi-rship commitJee attaining a 95 assintiiation and rok- in'American ation of Americans of Japanese ... »P*t wxJ flowered some more." prt rvneual of UiK year's 1^ society of rcsidenu with Orier.ul ancestry, has eontrifiuled SlOO^nO. AIrrs In UtsvrJt <>iei»im toW Campbell,;^ care- ks: “\^ere does it stop?" mwibers and the nr* JACTX3^ background Among phase- to be rais^-d from among lu members |1||S0 |V| 1115161$ AISO (1 rlalCfF ful jhev know ^ Don t w bt-alih plan oflcred by the ebaptoi probed are the places of cw.gin of in 32 states. The Carnegie Corp. walk by ynurseV. Eton't ever Hda AND BEFORE THIS ***« X*®'"' Is-iei ifirsl generation) Japanese. ha.« aUo conuiboied’ EIW.IIOO s.A.\ PR.i\.\CISCO—Viv pa.'t. .jU Belafbnu-, Tony Bennm and other araund at night.'' I. 4 -.toj 14 i 4 j • ^ * rntrober* were .urt-judii-es and proWems vnccun- "As we under.and iU this.Mudy serv,W auitude of the Negro ha.- noted rtag< per«>naliiie» . "Tlw fust v>ew of Selma wma It Started long ago. It also Started just a few years. Again ^fo.Tned into 12 sigBHip teams. TbU. bv aliens and their descend- Is toe only one ever undertaken diMippi.ared in the Mumg.to?<-o O.-i Thu^ay . the loc al mihieters “^‘‘rgeKahle.'' Tomi recatia. started a few days ago . . . before all this. It started when ‘*'imoto. added, contributing to vi'orld War II experiences, *»f an enure ethnic group through- 8^ Sgima.area. according to th- w..-e among the ^.000 pei wns *nci 'TWoog» cd people milled abota on eroes in the South were beaten murdered Ivnched — with ?"***^“**, m‘.er-nicial ’ relations of ' the oul the coimuy. a. well as one R,.v. Nkholkj. i.vo> a who ntumed marched fram the City of S; Jude Sylvan StfMA a dirty ^ tM o,4b «H,b«A K., 14 4 _4~J V ■ bigh of t.226 set in I960 by diHcT^yoi generations. The «udy. that involves more than a single tnm Alabairfkjaai -ivrak.' . camp six tmlex in to .-eoler ol >**mpe*'?> Negro.whUe,bea*jags " I captains said. 'Tbe only one everr underU-underu- Vnitedt'nitrt SUtos have oeenbeen brokennroxen gi^g{^oii -pp-Up for dieirdierr righu.ri^U. in this mm Aaatber NIael 1 to leara lile we Stood b>-. It again sUrted whSe .three workers for Free At... Wl-. Del. r » H«-»ii. Mrs. man dignity in Mississippi were wantonly murdered and Nwicy VobliU.il., n-rt ken of an enUre efli^c group J-cienOficaBy so that repre- ^a.-e. in voting right." he said ^. .vnv-. tiw throughout the country »% weD as «nuSve intervwws are being bad Saiiirday ^ ^ ^7 i ^ eir decomposed bodies left in a levee, while we stood by. rT, o,.„T„ ins Euarae &U.I - One that involves more than a Sin- wuh the Issei. the inunuuanV gen- TTbc kHal Church of Chr«l. Pres- ^ Dr. Ring ■nahbergaaled' id more recently we saw on television the sickening spec- tiR-i Dai,.Jtine^Uycda and Yo gle generation" era'utm. These int«m-to*»-dn de;^ bytorian pastor, was one of tour Alabama .slay “nte Ha- Martin laither King was de of the brutal force of State power, mounted on horses, Hironaka were singled out fw spe- Jnining Kuchel and Mun*y in 50-pages m length, will be nimisters sent by the North Coastal ^ sei minister' is cunrently "flabbergakal." Itomj said, to ace Cinl YecoeniiioB in this v.-ur's mem, seeking federal assistance were: Wluwed by ?uiular interview, with .Area Presbyterian churches to par- ^ - Mark’s Lutheran «» Hawaii dalegatton -IVimi ipKittd arging into the ranks of defenseless people who were beishiT^rive. Award, »x=re pre- Sm' Pvtf-T H Dotntn ««toraUon na- 0.0 Selma «o-Mflolgnm- ^ ^ * “ King: • To think you came all acefuUy exercising the cherished right guaranteed them senxdeniid them at the anmialanmmi got- fnwr“"ye ’ch^'.ig;Chu^ uve-9^ omencan. auu uien me ^ryery "fV^om'march"Freedom'marw- ' -wtov,.which end- ^ ______thatm* way. You,uu don't know what cquamtod mixer held on Mar. 20 I-" B Jo«Un .B-to.h„.. Sanse:. the second generauon na- ^d Usl ’niursdi.y. ,k ^ L. ^ >“«ns to i der th.e First Amendment, “the right of the people peace- to ^.rk-Preito Y. S'. ioS."’,S- construci a memorial hall at sifto-of ju>tiee and righirousnes-s. • Anr.ed guard*i,u.rns «-wereit4. 4-vc.T-b-u.-ni-Te€.-yer>-wheTc let. IbiTu teii is her own weed* The murder of Mrs. Liuzzo started in the chubby hands Tne iiasl national J.ACL pres> kloravian Scroinary for GL-ls, the E.rause of these quaUties. he wade . * knd on th,! dents whj have acceb-.ed the Liviia- olde.i Protestant school for girls life a little easier and gave u? the * “** cusioms collector ftoklc "In oee of the rww mortog CM of an attack by »ight.s rial 1 *h*l! ev-.-r hope »* a pure baby, born into this world without yet knowing Ui>o______to serve_ an the NaUonal J.AO. ;n America near Bethlehem, Pa., maral courage to carry im itf, jfirt ten years ago when that little red-faced baby had Committee fur Congressman :nay be sent to the CangressmanCOBgressman 'iBeeaune'iBeeause be was »-hal*-hal he w*. " -ec. The sea «f .proud, faetts .bi>. Waller Memoruil Famd. care o' we Japanese- American* today can ' abolished by LBJ um;g»aU.v make good tt* goal; MMif an eleven year old bov «ho was intcrested in nothing W-hto ah:niorwi Fwai ,nno. are w attack bv HONOLULU-Uittier a reorganiza- A» tbev marched up to dtt n» 4I -4.-i.44n44a mnwini «Sa.ni-i4Ar j _ «-ra4lc ■■ , ^ ^ ^ . rresiden;Joho«n.th<'jah.ifHono. . Let u.' no. luravt Wcthe past flnoa.-Ki . . FridayV by TO... ----agent-,. for *>ou i..uiieeuiiCollector 01of vu».oaifCuriomr no* heW high, a flood of emoUto Immen arrested for the murder of Mrs.'Liuzzo was that Inagaki of Lo., Angcli',, Dr. Ro.\ lor income tax 'puiroi ' .. the.slar,i.v Vm.Ia l.m„- . _ „ ... »WAlled IB me. Nisiukawa of L.)d Angclc*.'Shigeo iSoulhimo Califor^anf , renwmber that C'ongrc-s.n.an .vron- ^ »■' Of Emesi 1. Mura. d who today is 21 years of age. j Cl* E Walter helped smooth the ^ abolished TearM Emalktoi Wakamattu of CJiicago. Frank Caiu- »-ard cwjtributionr'earc artment las-ored if. jotted-dawn words presidenu have joined logerher to 900I2J) 'v J.ACL l^rcsident who se.-ved three e life of a noble individual exerdsmg one of the cherished - Presideir Johnson's iwU L* abol- shoct. ;it:c J.ACLers and others of Japa- L p . u-rm* during tbe j>eriod of grcatcit ghls of a citizen? How many more are there like him? There rev* ancestry In this.^couniry to ' —isunmero travail for tbo-e of Japanese ancee- . Stared at Negro RMe 45 appertoted collector post atti ' The tear* stopped and I enUed Dr. Yaiabe, the first con.riit'ition- try in this country, was an attor- •The four «rf us slept on the »i*,ijtuic eix'districU wiB regroup the Star^letai, « many lik floor in the parlor of a Negro home Hmiolulu and the We« Coi« »tu:e.- "rie crescendo of emotion ovusv tbe future? Where does it stop? Pi-nii-vlvauia congressman for his try in Fresno -before Evacuation and editor of the Shm Nichi Be: a^ not to say where office dictate f ^ kUcr-h.p so many and who continues that pracu'ce daUy newspaper m Los .Angeles. disclosure A long-time D^ocrattc pirt;. over. Ij^ed ateul unU 1 c«d4 irS LATER THAN WE THINK bl-fK-rarn.tt:o^£^-s tor ^ now m Qiicago. tasued the fallow--as wcU a.s an ,ttortio.v. Writing in charnnan^-, Mura. «»» c*t^; ^ wa.-. appointed 1961 bj President "Latta- I learned that tbe emfr- group." Yochmari said. ia« statement rcgtadlng the lat-- his daily new* column. Kido dr- _ As long as we continue to simply stand by. mouthing ^xi,^ X -■ - - O^essmanCongressman Waiter:Walter: ' dared that-methat -me campaign to raise ^ “J?^ the Kennedy, making abou; $13,000 a twp was ** sweeping for many el. latitudes and during tragic incidents simply expressing ttaner-aWalter'a unDeiieeInflneiiec of„r us who.rfw, have>,.™ knownv,^-„ a, FrancisVy.nr\ E.v Wallerw.ii.^ Memonalxr.4r„T..^.i gfoi^grounds of Bon^Boman C^t^licCatholic C.iyCiiy of year...... President Johnson.. .u ..r.vmg...... the marchers. Even the eye* cl all cusCams coUeriors an dppartu-opportu------men.marchers------gl ------iwrned- -with------taara approval and some sympathy, we will never see the Walter was mslrumeatal in *e- Uie Uic Congressman Walter fully Fund ha* been launched. Wv b-- '*■ curiiflf for Jhose of Japanese an- appreciate and are grateful for al! lieve that this is sofi/eUiuig toa; louowmg _nigh., .. niiy to remain wo* the bureau J »* they beard ri. King's iuoir- Bwer to the question raised by Mrs. Liuzzo’s husband: evstrv m the postwar' congrw^res; his i-fforts in behalf of all Japanese the Issei in particular, the stran- riat evcni«evening many'many tthousands of they quaiifv under civil service . tlK busmess suit, in coveralls, in UlC respectable elute. jC rec»l bclrere a.. n.„ „ „m.some- look..,,.,laokcd,ai orethe reopl.people orof H.«oaHawaii ..as n...tUmaunooth.-^liminaiion o!of r.™iracial reoooecono.Tuc ' WUrTwe^'ni’ orer Ore LSrirci: GUI said Lvlanders also have held .bn.on.a,c.n-,n.nre'4,^_ exaggerted coDception of He- ■ ’Thl tit* •>.. .i , who helped to 20 at Fort DeRussy. wau's importance in the world and .x... *1^ WashingTon NewsleHer: bv the fund eammiCtae. A projfpess partScip»-ed with j-outh who v give them the pnvilege of beeora- Warier of ceremonies wa* Mssa- of the world’s coneeirn with Hiwaii. riTwi*: on this project will be re- in s separa'e seseton. mg American citizens by casting to Doi. farmer City Ctouncil chair- Se urged efforta to make Ilawaa men checked" tor pulse and touwl rside the discriminatory rwov-isioD man milv importaiit (brougb-intellectual queried uv tbe EDC. The a.-kicipawd. EDC total t ncoe. An attwrator was used bar- Gill joked tfitl the last rleotain erceUence and by. projecting ttti- clear the air lassaje of faroiga Voting Rights Legislation .X« .ppcinte) EDC m-0 .! cimrai c>tnp.ict,i te-, pn- — where h.he ru.ran ajuvcrererdl,.nnsucccssfuily ,orfor ihc:ht Ivdretude* .reenCartsind ih.the wre4dworld that will andy...... — ... _ _ UB. Senate and J>x tor mayor nw-an *«n«hii^ to odierw than our- „w» u. eaTgjLJl BY HIKE MASAOKA rightt fund eommitiee chairmen, duced eroe^ktooal results. Last Cetage laagald Speaks EDC chap’xrs were also advitad .vear. Washington and Philadelphia George Inagaki. a Sacramentan quaWied them b«h tor toe title of selves. ' f faTtonh^cai^ ■ Washington-...... Congres.* w-.-responded—- quickly of the Coogr«.*smaa Wal’-er Me\ ohaptore were award winner* in u>- birth but a Los Angeles nur- . , . He__ suggertrd hi* Ne-il Kosasa, 1965 presideitt of the sole objective of the historic 1^ monal Fund by Mike Masaoka and the J.ACL membership cootiAt Merman at toe ti-mu of tbe 1*42 ™ evening might 44^ Oab. presaded « a caho- the House. Coogressman Emanuel rhiirmon for this commit- Richard Horikawa. EDciax: Ettacuaiion. is now an mws-jneni ^ ^ .... -nc.,. The^ gtksU in- Renew Your JACL Celler S New York. chauTnan.ol :o to «pcdtte converfSon general diairman. re- and real estate broker in Los An- 500 me^rs. Meads Memberehip Today «. •ad^f^hT^r^Tdoms oi'^ immediate in- ported on -'^atxmal tU-'K too long on ta-ir^: a p.nce and ^C.al^S^r farmltos. nlniiter of God tee and iU CivA Right* Suboom- ^ chapters. tion plms. He emphasized toe wish Presidant ever to be named tne to’e childreStt tolSire^^K bearings toe of tbe EDC delegates ex: to have delegatos turn outin record the Biennium, having ToOBrSofoerftm ^ •«««■ .Admipistrattoo Bto. indignation over toe numbscs over the Sept. 36 Ubor «reb JACl. .re Stnnoore ™fc Ore b«-1.1 Its early «iaetment.-vricIts latrtdSc. t„5tenuntoerr under neededcurren ttoR la«akule 22 .a tfiL-wo- Japane.sef History. x ..P^ajec^ Charles.... Nagao of Seibrook....-- was- LOS ANGELES.. -. rie_ So CjM. *-.aUation...... dinncr-dimcc...... at the Sbier. sentatiotu to chapter.... members: » Mp.~4.- -m buster under currem nujv discussed in onau ai-noagn ... ______Cadillac Hotel Mar. 13 The the Detroit J.ACLer of toe Year to MDC "chapter of tbe biennium' Walter Memortal Fund this past program was postponed from Feb Khiriey Safbh. the.silv'er p«n to Mr* not able contcri. i week annainced a Nisei group to 37 dud to a huge saawxtorm that Doris Fujioka. Mrs. Toshi Shimou- _ _..mpanicd Kaz Kar-ta,'EDC chaionsn. piv- assist la the loeal campaign, immobilized the Detroit area ra. Roy KaruRo ami Prank Wala- t»»..h.4reU„j;L‘?SSS rererere. tete business trip to sided at the sesstoiP’ht.enAal b> Named were: Hi^ight of the ex-emog wa? the nabe, aad th* ch^ter awards “ spoke on 'Miracles of Fore- ’rim Hashimoto. Marian HewlrtL ' ^ ^luV^er Senatoni-exa^y interviewing schedule in —------— B—jKjrr v.,, Twiabe. Frwok Tweiu------TagamL Kay Morey. Laura • M women are kept from the number needed to break a fili- ^ projoci deadlines, gates at d 5 ^asmuB. leyotoi. Rtehaid Foliata a«l Al - -=^1: bectuM they are Ne- (CteHmieA o. PW J> ’ P>teteWte ■«. reil to Jte. vere iastalted Batata. , — Business and-w Z-Aprfl 2. IMS ProfanifoBil (SulSi buswr aad to invoke dotun tl the thii bill ia at Maat Mr UMM-Mtrate om cMoru «a Miall tu-J SMLMIM nwapbCTMp u tweet ^ the tour m)*rovett«iU PACIFIC CITIZEN >*f»d votia*—voted -Mat fte Jadi- -i toul -H"^™**** o< the thM are obaotindj- aaeruarr. •» SJn CbBmmtee complete lu bear- «ou ux ai a r**trictteB-fm vM m opinido of the Na«tc. leaden rCBLHUED WCrSLT EXCKPT TUB «Et:K or VHK TXA* If. MI2. MA *^1 mis and report a bin to the loci «iectlm.aa*«D ^ ahea^ US W.Urr »U R» S«. Lo, Aatfln C*Uf. for eowlderatioo-by ITidar, April ^ federal election*. to cloie the loophole* in the MIL JACI. JO* TotI St- Saa rr*t!tt»ro 1», C»Uf.' WuMnecc Ofr.rt ?:s - J8tn si NW. W«al.lnr»n C. D C. 9 of the re- ‘®s«y devico «< wMch human Xitrtt for tt» Dlr»Tti>r-» luport. nrirr lad eplalen* r*pr»^ W Flower View Gartens Floii MiluiBBlttr «<• n« aprrooniy rrflrrt JACX poUcy. 6ub«-nii!ioB 1UI»: P< ...... Al * special meetina j^ore the atete "**■*-! • attmpt S*restdeBt observed in hi* March 'r,te"25s.‘«vsf-s -s. Use hardthipi. mentary nianeuprnna oi wtuen op- Dr DBrtfl Miuiw C compriae toe aeuve membarahip ^ ^ to jwants of toaiilatwii arc capabla, It SI (12) ■ kU 8.51J7 HABIT KyfiCsOA .... of -Ju: Conference aarced that while (talc odOciaU before we know that we mua: redouhU CEP*«f 1. niACAM ItEuW* CSABLeSn^ATATSC the Admlniatraaoft'* bdl la an ex- ^ ^ federal reais- our'campalfn tor a s'-Toagtr hill, tk« HteKSa. AsMsiiu celleir. one. It ihtnild, at the iwry ^ «.• iJV if we are to block Uia tricks South- minimum. be strenatoened in at • «a' the «ni dlpbaid* wiU attempt to P«- least fom- respects. papuate in the p*«em M toaeofrab- Roy Wflkln*. chairman of the that ha* so aroused the Leederihip Conference and ewcu- ^ ““ eo toat_ pe^M nattonal conacsenee that some tea- secretary of the Nattonal A**o- isUto* will have u b* pasaad by

1968 JACU CONVENTION Biuinlal NaUooal JACL Canventton ^ * •eSii-iw —siSTSto 55, Until recently, the No. CalIf.-WesJcm Nevada Dislrict banquet speaker last July * to . *: ■ We kiww that the.-* are many Council was li^^rcssed to situate the 1968 National JACL Detroit, tiwtffled to this effect be- JACLera and others of Japanese tore toe Souse JiXlicia^ Subcom- ^ ^ ^ TtWtoi duced by the disUnauUbed Chair- from ^efonomtol^p^- Amoricans aad to be- v^tJOB site within.thc environs of the city. t"0" of the Co.-nmiRee, Cbnaresp **<*1 inunudation. and ooerrioiL In imntvad In the ML ROT hL RMKAWI For what ifs worth, we reprint an editorial which Caller, is a a«d bM- H P>« exten^ such ^ ^ rtfln* num-ment that appeared in the Sept. 10. 1942. Pacific Citizen: further than any blD ever intro- eweepina toe nalioo. duc«i on this subject and obs-iously Most of them wwc nut aisle to the dti- . 1st Sl. la indefinitely Postponed it is an effort lo correct discnlran- eamc^, to P^titea partlctpate in the ftant maroh MA 4-O021 Barring war and Evacuation, the JACL’s biggest chiseraatl on a wide sc|le. How- ■ from the taeatonlna of the ng- torougfa the heart of Alabama, and national convention, the 1942 biennial meeting,would most of them pi^bly wiU not be Sacramante Somithing to Chirp About able to join in an.v mass protest have been held last week in Oakland. California. Instead demanstratiotts ^-tiuoning for tlw of delegates and boosters from the JACL’s sixty-eight redrea* eg tegiffmaU grjevaacei. tural lessons that may be learned. e t^ tour major areas ’ functioning chapters, there was not a single. American Op^l'^U. CNM'Utate "Japanese .Amencans are amona air • loia St — eia^ of Japanc.se ancestry in Oa>dand last weekend. History Project— toe most successful nm-Caucasian PC Letter Box (Continued from Front Pafro) We mention this in passing, for the Oakland con­ racial minortlies to kkatffy them- SMttla, WatC vention wa.s planned by the host chapter lo have been live-boro American, all o selves with same famfly where possible. life. In attWptina to find out just Wifliom K. Yomomoto the biggest meeting held by American citizens of Ja­ how this startlingly successftd to- lSL»l uttr. 1,‘S. P C.. tte» » -«, tor .«1 Ediior: Imperial Lamt panese parentage. But the Oakland convention has not Oral latarriewa tearabon and essimOatlon took 2in - 22sd Awl So.. EAa S-m been cancelled—and it can only be cancelled by a vie- • In addhion. there will be inter- ^ gpjte of extreme prej- Omit-frt TtosM. vinrr of ttrao Orrr grnmUro. Site, ai.mmlrutim .,»« “■ S tejiCrtio^j. to be metoiliiiM eed ^ " tory of the fascist aggressors. We know the Hillers and Upeb ee orto blMoBe. be, el Km. u,m i«tet«iiieb b. FMerto. Stele. ,%i <«tol»ebeb!lw. bi.e.. —i i.re b-ieei. ena Sentoi .eleried.i™ Ueb Ute, end nrdinenee., tbl. ntey be eetoe who thb* «“ C-d »b*-- e«d ibCb. Klnomoto Travel Sevia the Tojos can’t win. so wc will meet in Oakland when It matters not their pebUc posi­ Frwa V. nwoms aebievemenu,, orc their Icidagihip.• «tudystudy should make an important • b_«w th«r> -^m■top that cor efforts U victory is ours. tion on this legislation. It matters eenbibed.. .«<• e.„«bebencontribution to toethe nebone.national ,eb^ * ‘i, M SI Hal* SL. UA 2-1U2 For the time being the Oakland convention is in- m ex- . hot bow maay others deUnilely postponed. . he it to be writiog similar letterti. What WaahingJon, D.C _____ ... . tlvc example of TwHTgre is that every slnglr iodh'id- Nisei, and Ste»s«, selected - fCbntisHMd on Page 3) It appears lo us victory- is i d it will be about dom. _____ . 25 years since the. Oakland convention was postponed. We "Finally, nil eftet is being made j^gs of B*a«i 0> V19 - leu Sl. NW (A) to secure all pstoUcattoo* and books *n ameliorative'influence do not suggest that San Jose should give pp its plans but ALlTTOHANCCS cooeeming the Japwsese in Amer- present Negro crisis and . we* would propose that al least one event be held somewhere k^ publi.

boaril or governors. KtrO -oJ -to.! to.r Oto, .bool b<-Eirto mm „..u o . Am oK., FULLERTON Slocks - Bonds • hmstamd SeewBies uvacs 4 LWM ASSOCUni gave us treasurers for toe goldeo •' Uued SeurHSes >' UMeltd Sfcertlin >- HuUis! rimfr " bati of menwiae*. . «' JtfiBtu Suds ADR •* Jsfeww DelUr eonSs ‘ MRS.-TOYONO - YltoLAMOTO.■■ ■“ •' HmtMr PMdiue Hms -4.85%- gram o hvhalf of Nisu-i and Japanese xesidenls in the U.S.”z "ar. and w on. Wto uufersiand- exemplary history in the .Mroc. at vawrawrrrm able REPORTS FREE L'W REQUEST—CALl TOR vral quest! be asked . totb to, vin- Of sooumffL oo- Y CLIFFORD TANAKA the Nisei ai id the Sansci. with «n- cessaiyj infoimation thht Nisy - Uodor of research grant for toe . recipient win be ansousevd Dunkirk 1435S American Research May. Yamamoto was a diarter Member «* the MfVvirt Suck EichMae 200 CommenweeMi Laws degree from eolloce jircsulent Dr. Arthur Looiw, the Seattle Roi»r>- Vouth Fbun- Pre^ being conducted by member of toe toaptor and died . MM Mher hadiiij sKwfly aM tsBoedltr tuttnen FtiUeHen, Calif. coosul’s former professor in eyonoraics . . . The *‘321 Bldg.” »w^-* " a year ago 'Jus nuoto.--Editor.) TRojan 14244 up the street has In-eri reiiahied Civic National Bank Bldg., its IGstoiy steel skeleton visible for miles around . . . Isaac Malsushige has been helping the Yorty for Mayor campaign coii^Ucc in recent weeks .. . Tlie L A. City primaries come ptHadatarUlrtefOtt' Tuesday. .Yo'.e early: mmtk,SeviMetdepeeii4 'Hie city’s new Children’s Ztio in Griffith Park ojicned hrtk$29tkefthemonA this week- Tlte young animals were liw scared Ihe first day mn from tiu 1st. to frolic wilp the young-riers and their pari'iits. but we under­ stand the animals nre not people-shy note.. . The San Diego • zoo is still our favorite—and *li0 J.ACL conventioners should TRANSFER ‘ keep it in raiml. Some of the exotic animajs there are the only ones in .\merica. - NOWI • *nie So. Calif. JACL rommitlce for the Waller Memorial Fundwilhl*ankerTakito Yamaguma in charge figures *5.000 can be raised locally—and he should be in the know as any one . .. Nationally, no goal has Iwcn announced. How much the fiersons of Jajanc.se ancestry in America can raise for this memorial will In' eagerly watched by those in Washington —for here was a man, with hardly a Japanese .American con- riituem iu eastern Pciuuylvania. doing as much as he did for .Japanese .-tmericans in general. This Ls one time the genero­ sity for which we have h4?en knou n lo have can be measured. JAL FLIES MORE JETS TO TOKYO VIA Tokyo Topics: by Tamotsu Murayama HONOLULU, THAN ANY OTHER AIRLINE Hawaii Immigration Centennial

tee ha-w plan* eo a:k Pr.-f-i.-Til Ja;iam-sv cmigraboo to Haajii tsn \ Jobastw todiS]tt:St'n.'Dan liaxi. jvnr* ago. Chtof Justice Wilfred Three more jets to Tokyo boo^t you step aboard your JAL Jet ye. Hep. Spark Matsanaga snd Tsikiyama tg the HAaii Stiprem- CHOOSE FROM 17 JETS A WEEK TO Rep. Pater T. Mink on a epcT-inl Court' and his wiffwvrc invited tc gDodvill toteeioo taere in 1W8. it Japan to tclT’cn the idrvggle* o! JAL’s transpacific flights to Courier, you are "in Japan" I TOKYO - F™. »* IWtaK S-M.,. was learned this wo.-k. toe Japanese in Hawaii and bos H»e committee also f4sa« to e.-k ttey have fared to date, seventeen a week. Now you can where JAL’s gracious kimono- 1 WMnMdqf, Md fam morning i toe Japunov lirsp-Tial KaUMtoold Tsukymma created a *en.tatxir Agency, to sehd Prince and witli h;i etogui-nt itrt-nemaUoa ol enjoy the extra pleasures pf flying clad hostesses deiight in making "W: .mi«»,, Memoin Princes* Hitechi. .vcRuiger brother to,- JBian.-e in Hawiii. ' Japan Air tines-with extra flexi­ you feel like someone very spe- -' '—rnmmin, bility in planning stopovers and JACL MAJOR MEDICAL HEACm PLAN cial^as Indeed you are on Japan * inenrMU^IXiZ!!'^ ” JACL Cwmcil RrowexTvS, Do* Cwi e Br Cnw> the PU* "T“ — AOarTED by — conneclions. □ And the moment Air Lines: . df ™ywrr travel ragant “ “ ^ Central CaUFomia District Council •Before April24.^subtract J hourfor DeyUght Saving Time. Hite KinsUi, 275 H AtW 5i. Ffrww. to 23J.41J1 PacifK SouthwMl District Council JACL OTI'-*. 125 WH.-r S. le. UA 6-447 SAVlNi AHD t«AM Asan. ^ — UNOERWRITTEN 8Y — UAPy»Va JKIR LIMWS 2C E. Flret Street LAj TH€ CAPITOIrMFE INSURANCE CO •Kitzs. J£CPSA’S--; SJrstc S8E-5I4I Phone BA ^ I , 470 S UN VICENTE SlVO , LOS AKUELES. CALIF, {mAmi’f. es Wm. mam«, e»9S0. asmnyHm, as r Fi.; C»;« L*Tie-*l Av'-V- Ifl 653-6Je3 Botn: iO a.m. to 6 pJB-d^ Saturdays: 10 sjd to2p •acific citizen Frl*y, April I, 1W5 HI-CO CONFERENCE ■ WEST LA. AUXILIARY -- )AQ bowToig tovmer Wallet START CANCER CRUSADE dotiUM score rodMckm I CoaUnued on Pate 3> "X wekoeia tliU oppomihir. t; *'&«& Tiaei and Sfiaci thould jeda COeSVLIi — DM^'.;:«. From the H»Btor«d xJrls' eervtoe ronp. toUowa: tional President to serve R«9WriSiMW Due win eatwsM the West Los A»- Grand Prt»-Sth Hank HayariOda- "Ravtbg held a ntsnber of na- prertattoBtoagreatAsn^toati wbo .Amerlesn{ of Japanasa .. . . tank Kara tut <«a> In. Tth aquad). tunal offices ia JACL during the aided tti to mneh in our postwsr and JAO, need net be* lapsatfd Temerrsw far 3-D«y Sdes area thb monfii Jar the euad f>nra-tih Sq Jun Maknktma- Cancer Society. tm Uon>-ama US).. Speray Shiba- postwar period. I hat* had the Art* to gain our place in America " here. StdOce it to say toat la my Frying Pan Student Get-Tapethw hlc Kanecae tl4S. Hire Nasao-Warm llie annual crusade comsneoces privilege aod pleasure of meettag M-U— Ml. Bl. ■ JaaaaaaM lUT aui Se: »us Halujra- the late Congressman yrancls E LOS ANCEa-EB-lb heUer prtpm Uenday. 4*0 5. Walter on many occasiaiia. I. tor Dr. Hoy Kishikvwa is now an representing our tntreests in Oh the eoUege^Muad Saaiei to meet h ii Denver, Colo. the initial r*i»iUwg^ of • one. knbw from first-hand experi- optician In Los Angeles Curres'.ly. » « eg Coegress. Muctf^^TiMCL'’* iB is fhatrman of two highly im- «ocoestful postwar l^slativc pro- TWO PEESONAUflEiBsU you stopped in vour head- vduraiVin. the US BfrCb Oaoter- «ic* that it was with a genuine poriaat SaO. connhineei. the Xa- gram dfpeiidwJ imoo Ate good ok eao* bciaa staged April Ml at the Interest in the welfare of the Japa­ p^ursuit of things long enough last week to peruse the HosokawaaiUdeoii Bridge Ckdi a*e1i nese Asnericu people that be ttontf JACL Planoinc Commissien flees - :prtdtl, yowUiiy havr noticed Panule Magaiine's cover CrouDdt in- Partfic 'Paha^cs «10 SAN r-RANaSCO-«ie San spearheaded many Isgislattve bene- and ttto Baelfic SoothwMt Segiooal . Pennsytvaato. Office AdmtsSstrattve Cotnmitfee. -a memorial in honor at Cow on PsUy Taketooto Mink, pemocntic congresswoman be centered on die thetne; 7kt Cisco JACL Brida Qub dincloM fds to those of Of of Japanese *n- HipeFTokaido train As tbe chairman of tbe "Btcific g.-essman WaLei be grata- CbUece 7aBs-e °wtrn1in will bav* Us aannto meetlBs «y cesuy. Among them a-ere sadi iffl- Hawaii, and the warm fwoflle on Jack Soo. brnm Goto oiXhl to review and chirt fittui* portimt otws as tbe granUng of CitiaeB*' Board, he is credited with fully aod eaSmsiasUcafiy sustasCt- ki, in Tv Guide. - Hie PSWDC«»s«red cxinfer- making that membership pubUca. ed by all Issei and Nisei.** ence wiQ provide much ioSonna- eveots. The dtnctais are: aaturalizatlon pnr.'Oeges to tbe Is- in Reader's Digest BenurO Bsta. CM* MoriCdchl. sei. the repeal of exehiskai in'm- tkm the respected weekJy newspa------. — ... Ite combined impaet these two stones had on what tkm and matoial io anaowc 'quea- per that it is. As eridtnee of his twos like: NEW -raRK-A. coodeosatloa of xnigraDon. aad the EvacuaUos t be called the Nisei image is impossible to evaluate Bill Hosokaa'q.’s Mar. 7 article Us At the first naataipeint oifht of Claims Act. interest in votCh.- the Nat'I JACL Support OoT AdvertlMn t certainly must be considerable. Through sheer volume 1-Which Is better, a smaU cot- lece Of a lar«e uaumits^ the drover Post Empire magazine. IMS held Mar. 19. raaay iaterest- 'T know- that he was a great irculalion. these publicaUons attract widespread atten- e-anuld 1 pick mjr maks ia “Japan's Z-Mae-a-aiinute 'Train'', inx haads were noted. The results; friroplus the firm sendkear? the super.«*press traia between It was always a ideasiu* to cal) Tc*yo airi Osaka, appears ia ^ ' oc him becau^ of th: stneere ct>r- tpsper in all parts of the country, has a circulation of ‘ Hon HirasasBa. Hl-Co i^afcinan. latest issue of Reader's Dlfett , 1L425.000 acKwding to 1964 figures. TV Guide toted that ooe of the biuoat pre^ The srdcle Introdira* the slsek MY do SO inany JAGL iDeeibss lent ttaact Wnrlmta ia raem Thkaido streamUner. Bikari. which Next sesrioe wlD be Apr. Fire hits piwting plant ekly distribution of 9,815;000. years has been the loereaalps aim- Bosokaa-a rode during a receot u at Cfarrst Ctaureh so SEIATTLE—Fire hi; the Wes! Coast ber - brothers drop or are drop^ied ou: at oolicge profound, and rengpized the peculiar posihon of each the Japan Natiroal Railways. » . . Paul and T«d TYmtta last week prefer BLUE (MS? in their Crs; year. /■ eel as a Japansae American who had gained position and -Stoperts fcDin mote than two Pbaalrol FUbm Firemen estimated $50,000 in dam­ BlueCrnsriiat-hmitbcchoicfof japanose .Ammoaa Sonse, because they are aot i»»- score natiacis. iocludinc the Dnited WA3U7KL’. ]dauS-^Itanny Xono. ages Norv of ' pme- . the new Bna." Boaokawa soled. residcs». the Board of Supcivi- Binto) Mink is the most importiuit woman in p/^HHrr 3Mmw3$C(rs sent ybur Blue Cron card at the hospftai-tbere is i» . 'Wtone Aaeiicatis have suggest- gors announced lato ««A. redtape. Queen Uliuokalani was dethroned in 1893. She isSie cited in their studies. ed tbit wc in\V.e Jepahese engS- As a ph.vsical Umess specialist. liUUNGtCHOO. V f The SOo oonmiHlee hopes to' woman of Oriental ancestry to be admitted to the' nearg*» design similBr Mil systems Kocki is h»(ng on a three- • Vftnj >-ou travel outside of CaUfomia. beneAts are meet tlys problem at the IMS con- tor potentially beet-y^raffic runs month basis as a trial ant results Biian bar,- the only Oriental woman ever to be elerted fcrcaoe. AffUMOem and realstrs, amto as those bstostitu Bear Yocto will be iv\-iewed to determine ad- available an}'w4)ere in the «-orld. Hawaiian tegi^ture. She not only is the firet woman tion lees as* due this SsCuzday. and Boatoo and New Yoric and \iaability of such a psv- • Bhie Cross ps>a for most hospital services ia fdL lii has sent to Congres but the only new congresswoman unless jsevwutJj- att»a*ed. Wasfaiagloa oe srtidhiled compett- gram. does Tol limit >-ou to a "cash aHowande". ’Ihaaa iMnnwg » attead ai« ex- OOD wdh air tcavd.” _ Maui is bdieved to be the first elected last November...” peaed to be maeato at a pre- Would' fuch predeos pay off in county’ in the state to have a phy- cxwdateto* rally toowaona at Cea- .. ^ • BlueCroto oEetx both boroital aad doctor-carebene- tbe Uoiud SMe^? Aoaandlng w Ho- ^leto I 2r lto I fits on a group or ladividiia] bass. teoary Mtotandig. Oturdt. aSOO S. aokanva. IdUip Saao. in'charge of dents, Normaodle Av*. Lea .An acoefteti A rerosd will ptrihlwni are totriflar. Within two Califoraia Hospita] .Association and the Amerktoo Boa- national telerision scene (after five years of knocking trmckirie the evetdac. or three years we bcgie to eiiml- Toyo Printing pfial Association. ' rutobsr mtexnaUon about Sees nate'primed timet^fles awl Offwl - Uturprwi - Itoigibg nd in “”) as Rocky in ABCs comedy and the oaatercaca may be ob­ these trai^ every 15 mioutea aB 909 & SM KDRO ST. For a Blue Cross group proposalfor yoito cpwbIAGL !$, Valentine’s Day. Soo's background, his experiences tained turn Catal ‘toiiwchi (AN day kmg. People wiB tnvri be- Us trnamt U — HUbM 6-glS9 h a z m o r e chaptCT, please write your oeawsst Blue Grass once — the war when he was evacuated to Topaz, , and iVOi) and Boa Ifinaaa* (AN 9- tovees Japan's two Itogen cities in Oakland. San Francisco. SaLramcsito. Sao Joae or 3. \ Ifte ccanmuiers.'' studio nlinp about racial rt»aot>*pes are chronicled in consi- Fresno — or get in touch with the Insuraooe Direefeva Plumbing Shop of dw JACL-Bluc Cross chapteraearot )W Sle detail. Reads one portion of the story; oTdr^ News Deadline Tuesday PARTS k SUPPUE3 "Althou^ Soo carries no banners, he is a man sensitive ^ —R«*ln -And we aren't Sahuro Kato. Frank Chuman and .3016 Creotitow Bpy Xishikawa. piatoed Matsushi- MankaSEkna L« Antrin GINCHO CAFE Phj.” k^twu years in oOfice. especially Rn - DwKf - MaaJH StocUluii* U OOcnui Faoto TAMURA SUXfYAXI • JAFAMESE nOMS Tak’s RE 1-9593 Sci*. - Taamrn - TirM tor his work in the larger commu­ 314 E- First St. nity as well as torcngitatoung the- U--UUFUGEUT10NC. LwAngNU • UA 9-3029 m THEIR-9«l«i 12 MA F7060 (OWTWESE CURK «( tto «i LegislaUires. and in the local as­ Pfftou PaAito. Csctuto Btoowt Fadtolto a. Lto Atofta u semblies and «xincas. as writ tor — Ktr YMAtoitoo,AMMrtot MWtff — tbe individual officub subject to elections. 3SU Croiuhaw. Let Anfolea, AX UMA This is the test. This is tbe time when each of s must aot. if we believe. Aad A £eto Placi to Eto • Hoeo to HWtoto f there can be no excuse for not (CM TNsd4yll co.mpb'ing with this simple, easy, and inexpensive request to aet that Lem’s Cafe others may enjoy the right tn the i franchise ci'erywhere in America, : REAL CHINESE DISHES HiBAli OF TOKYO OF CAUFORM^ I to the ehd that all of us indhnduaUy 330 E. 1st SL. U> AaM the new moon t will be able to Phono Wdora Takon ffl 'niTIIES TOn TO ENJOY enjoy belter a5l * and M«'«“*»iive govt MA 4-2953 b iDcatto to 912 Stott Sm Hdn Snto. Ui AtoNto - • PM Ml ton 2-lon

UMan Ft3ok Low When in Elko . . Stop at tbe Rieodljr CUM F«d a 9A2 Se. Su Pe*« SL flunsn sFicusMiaB !Z L« AegriB 15. CaB. 'SUIOW - SXT.7.30-S.tXP»l ^ ABS-970S m smoiur&K&aoni Stcckmen’s THS CAFE —BAR ^CASINO Sayings deposit^ or trans- Elko, Novada Nor'WeslerBoatCe. farj«d- by the IGth of any Bwlaen - todgwa month oai'D interest from «f Coui Cusrd ApprMf the first... FIBRE GLASS _ Butbl from $3.M , Dinnn from $3S0 , ODWrdal and Pleasare Craft - •------1 Fm« * Ml o UI (ja. * so -;.« r*« ' . tor the Neelhwest and Alaska The 'Sumitomo "BajUs Oai-alSim iMoirto Mto OF CALIFORNIA WEBI COAST KABIBS Head Offl**-Sao Franelseo • 365 C*rrfomi. St • YtH .3» UarTWtlla. »•*- Sacramento Office • 1400 FeudR Street • «43:S7U __ , ______waXMtdHUMrntjv. SanWotfiee • SIS flwtt f.al street ♦ aSAllt LosAflietoaOmeto • 129 Ke'W Street • UA44SU' W Office • 3110 bMb«-BW. L A • AX S43a Office - 12S1 W. BsdMto 64*ct> BM • pA 7^tt . m t e ail! «gta N tto.atH.lV*. «n a UK WAT ~ MA 4-taa ■aw toWN «to MvU »•*■£ Imwa CewMaa Mew Oiitdlswr - L« AngNcs 6*mB(( tooB fer AS Oostoa 1 , rr^-rr-O '•-PACIFIC CITIZEN DEATHS rrid.y, April i, 1W5 pjyi^pf convention lee schedule fold Chapter Call Board HoHjVrtioiS . , tAN rmAKCUCO Nisei American Realty 2029 SUNSET BLVO ig j. y, KS'hJuI »-iU Jolkpw. , VWiilAro. 7* h.i M.r^* A^.J «: «2S0. i-A-U-i • ^ OU 8-0694 «vr<*ann-iui.i'«i :h.-. »v.k l.v tb.- JAC!. ‘I'uth 6ck- i,v \Vu.i.-.-:.-iiv.i .1./. -WkUMC N 6«1 ba^ . bo-H cb»;iU:r I-IA* M-.-r *-«r .. n.oa.bg □: V-ia-• VioU Redondo . Son 0 Ste >Mu.h jdvi>«a's. Ototge Cnc» Eoe* t ^ Contra Corta JACL '■gS‘ «SSl'i-S...’S4 rki- -■m roUnck Dbiner: Tbf Contra Cof- ...... JACL will cotnbioe it* .I**c -- - - , V ureciatioa Nifihf and Welcme oiomc. t YA»uie.i, Hirorti. Eu*™« i.sration iadAi^_y9k u...... NV-- Member prrbv •: . polbirk ^i,KSrKi*v% «.r -f. , , ,;;-T dujr.sr to bfbe held tomorrow. Apr. , o^,r*,.Ge»rc<. c'Mrs H«»?o Kunoto o, 7« Mar-a- Ro ana Cypress Ave . Richmond. , Kasu>»ii»iS AyiAyalur. Maaaku trr JACi instaUaUon dinn.r on A|u:i S2 50' The youth prc-rogis^ratwo „ Carina Jr. Hnrh on Wed- ^ m ««5.ns?e=. Jsss -awi- ___ ana One o< He Lsrvnt Srtrti^ 2421 W Jeflenon, LA RE j.jj from'the usual JanuaTy date lor Deleeates have been advised to ' Konuia Vurrari. Karw. KiyuM. f«<; J«*«l Dy a jupaoese...«««.-. ~-^,.-5i~-Mflio7irwiuilito tOf- JOHN TY SAITO A ASSOCUTi good^reasons.reasons. make their ewn hotel aecnennwda- suium Sosto. fsrr,« QranpeOrange Coor»County“ JACL**'■' ETE ON TOITH—W'lUi proce»-i- nf the torthcomm* 7>SWTX:^ bien- Through effort# of program chair- U4l« with Edgewatcr Inn. RJUes Wm* Lea Angtlw JACL Tt u •must' nUl diJtnrt coavraiion e:inna;Aid for U>e Loo* Bearh-Ha^w Dis- Jake Kirihara. O.nsul Cen- are $12 smgle. $14 do.^ and $3 . LI______E — I’lS'JRAIC tr.cl JACL youth fund. vtKiih acuvilirj chairmiin Art Noda 'standingi Y»»uji. iO. Mar. IS—• Louis. diaeuiscs convcolKin pl^s with ifrotn letli Jamej Mmanii, Jr. JACIp v.|>.; Stuart Takeushi, |ircs.. and Kay Kakiia. {>a>t ijrvs. The cunveo- cu,.«ii.mmr-.p...brr. Ai.rmbl,. r.t„/bp giiesi speaaer »i QIC »>i.-p. *„»■.- -j atie^ .fim*"the EasterP„?i. egg hunttom It PbV. IP .^dfertBe ban vm be May 1-2 at the Edgoaau-j- Um. Gonton Winton will be ta- w-.U■ be $1-40 Tper'person, „ Wednesday...... May 26. $ p.m.. at the Ana. &igiv&igJ« pointing to the hunth will stalling amets- *< «m ,.-.r -h- “,Vf “ pre-rogistratiM ^ ^ h». be posted. -An informal piciuc «... PAUL T. 6ANNA1 RUlTOI CALENDAR OF SACL EVENTS St r- r**.' “ ■ CPi'rr b,e„ „ H ,.m. ,«i ihr b»« Will Tkpni II ( Aay) IJvingston and CortLi cwnmuni- Rjchard Hanku Goovenbon treas- ^ - at 2 o m toUowcd by other Shimatsu, Ogata rt—B..arO mi I. Frank 1 • ues. meeting with Jssei. and visit s.-nt to: J.ACL-Franees ^ ^ East LA - Montebello ■ Slccv schuoL . the Rod* rice farm; San Luis ttam .i,hii. ei87 Rcndina St.. Long Beacn. ‘^“‘SkLiIcs games and Kilbola tor Miss West L.A. will be special 4® ' and other points rf intercFt. Calif. 9U11S. .r Youth—Kay Kakka. Dinner 'prime rib« wdkbe $4 ii Caspian Avc., Long Beaeb. P“*4s. ' Mortuary ■ACL SwrtS > I chiding lip. f€tM^ viTh nol])-wo^ Jr. JACL. Ms 911 vetute Bhd . Lpi Aiueta V pjn, Jr. Hijti. i ^.m. pmni. buPto. T“'*~ . session.^ arc scheduled to start at 81 9-1449 ^ C B S. IhrtOMe Uttla _ tom... ”"S "S£t Contra Costo elocts e;ju#;30 ajn.,am.. »auiitiay.Saturday. auyMay a.L Theaoe JACS. will •■meet cc ■Ihursday. Apr. Htrter H. Tin. Raltor m rcgis'j-atmn desk -will be open from IS. ^:» P tt —SCUI -OUltE- BtATAi- ESj CERRITO—TVddy Tanaka wns VtMMC* 9273H C. lMcr« aht. u tiecktes — B AprU l« 9 g m Chun —M YUTAKA KUBOTA— Lo. AAfeleS- San rnneum—BrUlg.' Club. ( clcctod 1265 proiident of the Oiwra RA 9-9658 (f«.) AM 2-1)| Apr r Cfsadsyl bueopal Otureb kkUI nail. CosU JACL. The chapter board will /c April 17 caaturd--- a California District Youth PHOTOMART 8(Uktoo-Jr JACL nrsUag. US I meet tonight at bis bume. Cnincil". according to'youth ad- e>------»—a^ ______p»- viscr Harry Kaku, The ABC-T\' .1.^ laVT^ Ciu County Fpirifrouril* April IS (BonSyl TptXSlX — GetM-ge C. Onod.ra, talbUMaiw n t#M AiisrJeo-Eiiaer rdC hunt. - film. '^Ule rf the Gothic Line". »« *■ Pi*# *». lU 2-l«l April . ha# moved to the Los Angvles Thrae Searatkyn M VW)lre-CuIv«r-Ji_._ Jr‘jACL*c1«lali Sctiool8 Nfnomiya Studio tellng. Ventrs Cakuan.___ 7T pjn. area, resigned a# 1965 Aritona Canlaos. Nakamura Asr. I (Thandi VenlceOiiw-jpiptrr board naeuaf. ApHi M iaaierday) JcAO. president. Tom Okuma was 355 Eaa lit sweet an Jme—Wetronir Member poUuck nim«d ti. the vacaiwy. FUKUl Realty ^ Wt;^Yunion^ ^iiird**’imiitlnr suripcr. Uuddhm CT.urch Anne*. Los Aageln. CalKomia 90012 7 pm; TV film. -NOrl; the Pride UA 8-2783 Ort St. Bertek and UK Shame". Mortuary i Mesor Hotel «... S (Sunday) Pliene 848-2721 Srattie—PNWDC rllof. Olympic LOS ANGELES JAPANESE 707 TURNER STtEET WDC ; 1>«" An*eB*"-PSW NUei RrUyx LOS ANSELES ______■VtetiP" ne of Dr. and CASUALTY INSURANa 2-1019 ^' JAMES S. OOATA MA 6-5825 camp. Pacific PaUdate. M«”Simula! tS pjn. AarU I* (Saurday) —SOICHI FUKUl— Ui-mgaton-Merced - InruUa Laguna Honda Hiimr ASSOCIATICN S TX —Cempltle lnun.*iu PrsucUea— —JAWES NAKACAWA— General Henry T Shlmamn Or»r«’ See beautiful Vancouver—only $783 round trip JET 9200 W JrHerstt Slid. SAMtWANA ■ ecronomy class—Los Angeles to Tokyo* Lm Angeln 18. CkU. - Kr.l L1.U. - Now Ploying till April A e^ by ^ totwtiKT. ftetory t *'* Daylight ail the way R« AX-3-5452 RE 1-3117. -V DluJ Hi DakSMdt la C«ier - E»«llik SWUUh Lo^ Angelci MOM *N0 COMPETmON RUNDBER6 k** No Canadian visas required via Vancouver, Canada Kuro no Chushajo • laeluda eonoeetiog carrier Lea Angela — Vaneocnar Aa theae are mertuMve faemu peraonnel wiU balp wt op AND, ■ KAMirA-MAMIYA For erunplalr details and dan MHo Koumon Itleratur* write: Umi wo Wotoru YB^MWW M end fioenwHent eeedeef yaw trevel ei Cut Hun* C«".d:»t. Fceif;: 530 Wet* 6»l. Srte.t, L A MA 2-^t-^lll ■na ~ — ■««•...... • EMPLOYMENT AdENCIES • 14325 S Wettem A**,,. OifOen* DA 3-0364, FA 1-145 I\ O K U S A I • 1303 W C»r»n.. .. St, TS-fl*T»nte FA D-1I60 SP S-1203 •- --71«,S.15714 S. CrtnWj.CrtnVj. BM..BM Certeiu, 321-9632 Joe Inqainn Wrtcotne e flooii. 207. 124 S. 5»n PNrtfSl.. Los Aagelct. HA 6-8133 Rsi. 202. 512 E. In St.. LA UA 4-2820 9020 Crmbav I New Oaeaniqi Oailj For Residentt of the Hollyweed-SilvsrUke Afm Sond Your Friend* to— NEW ^fuiLOmC CAL-VITA PRODUCE CO., INC. lAs ^ NOW PLATING SUNSET PACIFIC MOTEL Storm* AU.»r;.,-n ol Younp Bonded Commission Merchants—Fruits 4 VegetiN* Ktlxl tn Sam.iitai fti' StL stun: (Between bewmown L A »iS HNiywaod on SuniW BI»6J 774 S. C«ntr>l Ave. L. A._Whcl«.l. T.nnin.l HUM 4303 Suniet Blvd. — Tel. NO 6-4700 37 OniU • Free TV • Heaies Pool • $6 N.gln Up 6 Specuil S25 WedJy lUU ______“* 7.1S9S, MA 7-7038, MA 3^504 ___f rAt^L "An Outstandine Leader — He Celt Ttiings Done!" •The Most for the Money’ Rabble VOTE APRIL 6th KARL IN LOS ANGELES: Eagle Produce the Business Men's Heme Away from Home . .. TOHO LA BR|A _APAirniEirr >08 hemt W9-943 S. Sen Pedro St. MA 5-2101 •1 & ?;• ft! t ::>i RUNDBERG . THE CLOUD MOTEL Bonded Commission Merchants — Wholesale Fruits and Vegetables — 8 WMm fewi Ddwiiutn LA., KoHyoad. (tooloa RtjtMfM Iwe I Puhticai Adwmsumei.i) 1 Advvm#i-Tr.cnt! Let Angates 15 3400 W. 3rd St. (near Vermont Av>) Tel: 385-0061 130 Unlu • DmiMci. Klog Sla. Twin . S«lu, - KRdienettB Md Apwtamt I RE-ELECT MAYOR EXPERIENCE * INTEGRITY 6f»k« .-Allgnntent - Engine m Trinsmission Eichgnee Houd PaM. Ct»«U>enafy TV tod (Wriveeiun - fom fn»^ «l. $10 dM ------'------AA* Aperoed MuieNB Dtotur WUliu L Vewa MARINA TIRE COMPANY SAMUEL WM. ■ Cooper - Goodyear - Blue Streak Racing Tires ^JuitoslepowOY- 12970 W. Washington Blvd.. Culver City —Tel. 391.525> w ^ from all Loi Angtiai Voamwn, AV CotohlinW *1^ Hayward ^ !• »—•

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(Brtwoo S« Owen F<7 «M Sepuhiedt BMJ _t29w.twto.rth *nu.tofc.cPY.uah leioi