COIN MACHINE SEPTEMBER 21, 1968 SEVENTY -FOURTH Y R $1.00 PAGES 53 TO 63 The 7# International Music -Record Newsweekly 7 Montreux Disk Prize to Ford & Motorola in New British Decca's 'Electra' RCA in Drive By MIKE HENNESSEY Pact; Join By LEE ZHITO MONTREUX, France-The don on behalf of CBS, and to British Decca recording of Rich- Peter Andry, Essistant manager DETROIT -The Ford Motor cartridge system and is ex- Motorola will jointly stage a ard Strauss' "Electra," starring of EMI's international artists de- Co. has extended its Stereo 8 pected to quash periodic rumors giant in -store car dealer promo - Birgit Nilsson and conducted by partment, on behalf of EMI player contract with Motorola's that Ford is considering other tion aimed at achieving the Georg Solti, won the gold London. Automotive Products Division tape systems. Ford's commit- broadest consumer exposure of trophy in the Montreux Inter- Gelatt Presides for another three years, and is ment appears certain to add the cartridge concept as yet at- national Record Awards, inau- In addition, the 10 -man in- joining Motorola and RCA in a significant impetus to the al- tempted at the automotive level. gurated here Sept. 10 during the ternational jury, presided over massive nationwide Stereo 8 ready burgeoning 8 -track mar- Display Center 23d Montreux Music Festival. by Roland Gelatt, associate pub- promotion campaign. Thus, ket. This will consist of a car Winner of the silver award lisher of Higt Fidelity which Motorola will continue to sup- In addition, Ford, RCA and showroom demonstration and was Leonard Bernstein's CBS is sponsoring the annual rec- ply 8 -track CARtridge play- display center spotlighting recording of Mahler's "Sixth ord awards in conjunction with backs for all lines in the Ford IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Stereo 8.
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