Minutes Are Draft Until Ratified by the Planning Committee at the Next Meeting Page 1 of 6 Chairman Signature……………

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Minutes Are Draft Until Ratified by the Planning Committee at the Next Meeting Page 1 of 6 Chairman Signature…………… All minutes are draft until ratified by the Planning Committee at the next meeting HEADLEY PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of the Planning Committee held on 7 June 2021 at 7.30 p.m. using Zoom video conferencing. Present: Cllr Jim Wood (Chairman) Cllr Virginia Evers (Vice Chairman) Cllr Jon Berry Cllr Deborah Chamberlain Cllr Andrew Luff Cllr Rita Stubbings Cllr Paul Tansley Cllr Anthony Williams Cllr Tony Williamson In attendance: Mrs Melanie Wathen (Clerk & Executive Officer) Also present: Cllr Lesley Coombes and Cllr Mark Dickens 9 members of the public P12/21. Apologies for absence Apologise for absence were received from Cllr Peter Ellens. P13/21. Minutes RESOLVED: To confirm the minutes of the meeting held by Zoom on 10 May 2021. The minutes were duly signed by the Chairman. P14/21. Declaration of interests Cllr Williams declared that as he is a member of EHDC Planning Committee and may be involved in the consideration of a planning application should it come before the District Council, he could participate in the discussion of all items on the agenda but would not vote and reserved his position until such time that he heard the full debate at the District Council. Cllr Luff declared an interest in items 7A as he knows the applicants, 7J as the son of the application is an employee of his and 6 Mill Lane Playing Fields as he is an adjoining tenant and access to his land is across the playing fields. Cllr Berry declared an interested in item 7B as the application site is his immediate neighbour. P15/21. Chairman’s announcements The Chairman gave no report. P16/21. Planning and Tree application decisions The following decisions were noted at the meeting: Page 1 of 6 Chairman Signature…………………………………………. Date……………………………… All minutes are draft until ratified by the Planning Committee at the next meeting a. 51109/001: 16 Hilland Rise, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8LX Proposal: Single storey extension to side and rear, alterations to fenestration Decision: PERMISSION b. 28259/004: Glendale, Grayshott Road, Headley Down, Bordon, GU35 8JQ Proposal: Single storey extension to rear, oak canopy to open porch and increase in roof height to provide storage area in roof space Decision: PERMISSION c. 23736/004: Cranleigh, 33 Fairview Road, Headley Down, Bordon, GU35 8HG Proposal: Single storey extensions to rear & side Decision: PERMISSION d. 52796/003 PARISH: Land East of, Smithfield Lane, Headley, Bordon Proposal: Variation of Condition 2 of permission 52796/001 to allow substitution of plans to facilitate changes in the materials used, enhance the sustainability and the layout of the dwelling. Decision: REFUSAL e. 59226 PARISH: Fern Cottages, 1 Arford Road, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8BT Proposal: Pussy Willow Tree - T1 - Fell. Fir tree - T2 - Fell. Decision: NO OBJECTION f. 50728/001 PARISH: Dene, Church Lane, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8PJ Proposal: Two single storey extensions, velux rooflight, patio doors to front bedroom and kitchen following removal of windows. Decision: PERMISSION g. 20583/032: Headley Park Hotel, Picketts Hill, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8TE Proposal: Redevelopment of the site to provide a new 73 bed hotel and leisure facilities, erection of 14 holiday lodges and a holiday cottage surrounding the lake, together with car parking and associated works Decision: PERMISSION h. 35191/014: Silver Glades, Arford Road, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8LJ Proposal: T1 - Oak tree - Crown reduce by approximately 3/4m leaving a crown height of approximately 9m and reduce crown width by approximately 3/4m leaving a Crown width of approximately 5m T2 - Oak tree- Crown reduce by approximately 3/4m leaving a crown height of approximately 9m and reduce crown width by approximately 3/4m leaving a Crown width of approximately 5m T3 - Yew Tree - reduce by approximately 1/2m in height past reduction points leaving a crown height of approximately 5m, reduce crown width by approximately 1/2m leaving a crown width of approximately 3/4m; all to allow more light into property and garden Decision: REFUSAL i. Reference No: 55217/002: 56A Furze Hill Road, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8HA Proposal: Single storey rear extension Decision: PERMISSION j. Reference No: 52857/008: Land west of Frensham Pond Hotel, Bacon Lane, Churt, Farnham Page 2 of 6 Chairman Signature…………………………………………. Date……………………………… All minutes are draft until ratified by the Planning Committee at the next meeting Proposal: Construction of sand school, fencing, laying of hardstanding forward of existing stables and surface material on existing track. Decision: PERMISSION k. Reference No: 57839/003: Anbury, New Inn Fields, Sleaford, Bordon, GU35 9LH Proposal: Listed Building Application - Installation of a new window in the existing first floor bathroom. (ADDITIONAL DETAILS RECEIVED 03/02/2021) Decision: CONSENT l. Reference No: 25605/005: 1 Red Lane Cottages, Churt Road, Headley, Bordon, GU35 8SR Proposal: Lawful development certificate proposed - single storey side extension (as amended by plans received 21/05/21) Decision: LAWFULNESS CERTIF - PROPOSED - PERMITTED m. Reference No: 54995/002: Land West of Masada, Beech Hill, Headley Down, Bordon Proposal: Change of use from B1 to a Dog daycare and Training Centre (Sui Generis) (amended description) Decision: PERMISSION P17/21 Cllr Luff left the meeting P18/21 Tree Preservation Order EH1163/21 Oak Tree, Mill Lane Playing Fields. RESOLVED: That the Parish Council support the issuing of the Tree Preservation Order. P19/21 Cllr Luff rejoined the meeting. P20/21. Planning applications RESOLVED: That the following comments on the planning applications received from the Head of Planning and Development Services, EHDC, be submitted to EHDC: a) 52942/009: Great Holt Farm, Heath Hill, Headley, Farnham, GU10 4HH - Agricultural worker's dwelling. Object, the proposed dwelling is too imposing in the countryside and exceeds the limit of 140 sqm set out in the Local Plan Policy H14. Emerging Local Plan Policy DM13.2 states that new agricultural dwellings should be to a scale and size proportionate to the rural workers that will inhabit the dwelling. Joint Core Strategy Policy CP19 states that inappropriate types and scales of development will not be permitted in order to maintain the landscape character and quality of the countryside. We would also like to see a reduction in the overall height of any proposed building in this location. Page 3 of 6 Chairman Signature…………………………………………. Date……………………………… All minutes are draft until ratified by the Planning Committee at the next meeting b) 25226/001: Ladymead, 4 Carlton Road, Headley Down, GU35 8JW - Single & two storey rear and side extension, 3 dormers to front elevation following demolition of existing garage & car port. Object, the proposed extensions is overdevelopment of the site as it is almost doubling the size of the property. This is in breach of policy H9b of the Local Plan. c) HCC/2021/0110 & 30633/040: Frith End Sand Quarry, Grooms Farm Lane, Frith End, Bordon GU35 0QR - Variation of Conditions 1 (Timescale), 4 (Phasing) and 10 (Landscaping) of Planning Permission 30633/039. No objection. d) HCC/2021/0124 & 30633/041: Frith End Sand Quarry, Grooms Farm Lane, Frith End, Bordon GU35 0QR - Extension to the quarry extraction area to the South-West with associated modifications to the approved quarry schemes. Object, the extension to the quarry may have a detrimental effect on the surrounding area, particularly when viewed from Footpath 48 and the Trottsford Farm collection of buildings. The 2005 Technical Statement and Technical Appraisal states that "Views from the south are screened by Ranks Hill and intervening vegetation" - such screening would be lost if Ranks Hill was removed. e) 27234/005: 28A Phillips Crescent, Headley, GU35 8NU - Two storey side extension. Object, there will be insufficient parking and lack of safe manoeuvring space on site for the remaining parking spaces. The spaces on the hard standing belong to No 28 and these will become partially blocked. f) 51268/002: 1 Glebe Road, Headley, GU35 8QD - Increase in roof height to provide accommodation at first floor level. Object, the proposed extension is over imposing due to the raised elevation of the property in the street scene particularly from the B3002 when entering Headley village centre. The proposal is overdevelopment of the property due to its large scale and will have an impact on the Conservation Area which adjoins the property boundary. g) 31697/003: The Privets, Headley Fields, Headley, GU35 8QA - Conversion of existing garage to habitable accommodation and single storey extension to side. No Objection. h) 54171/001: Yew Trees, Whitehill Road, Standford, GU35 8QS – Single storey rear extension. Object, the proposed metal clad flat roofed extension is out of character with the host dwelling. Perhaps a traditional looking orangery or similar would be more in keeping. i) 59051: Hedgerow, Kenley Road, Headley Down, GU35 8EL - Increase existing garage to include carport and hobby room above with windows to rear. Object, the proposed development, by virtue of its visually prominent forward position within Page 4 of 6 Chairman Signature…………………………………………. Date……………………………… All minutes are draft until ratified by the Planning Committee at the next meeting the Kenley Road street scene, together with its height and massing, would result in an overly dominant and incongruously sited building which would harm the scale and character of the host dwelling and have a detrimental impact on the character of the local area. It would fail to make a positive contribution to the overall appearance of the area and is, therefore, contrary to Policy CP29 of the East Hampshire District Local Plan: Joint Core Strategy (2014), saved policies HE2 and H9 of the East Hampshire District Local Plan: Second Review, the Council’s adopted ‘Residential Extensions and Householder Development’ Supplementary Planning Document as well as Government advice contained within paragraph 127 of the National Planning Policy Framework. From the information available, it cannot be shown that the development can be accommodated in a manner that would not cause damage to the health and stability of the protected nearby Oak tree in the neighbouring property (White Heather).
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