Elinor Sisulu on politics, activism are actually following an anti-imperialist project. All those who shout about it [anti- imperialism] do it for opportunistic means. A true anti-imperialist project would mean internal strengthening of people, of the county in an effort to address poverty and the national well-being of citizens.” She goes on to talk about the chal- lenges of socialism and the failures of capi- talism, stressing the need for a new para- IN SEARCH OF A digm to address issues of poverty but also NEW PARADIGM: highlighting that whatever shape that new Elinor Sisulu says the paradigm takes, it ought to have a founding world needs new ide- philosophy that demands “responsible and ologies and methods on how to deal with issues accountable leadership because no matter of oppression and equal- how wonderful your ideology is, if the lead- ity in the fight for social ership is not accountable then it will fail.” justice.-www.zimbab- There is no mistaking that Elinor weinpictures.com is a powerful woman. She has also been married into a powerful family via Max Sisulu, son to struggle icons Walter and . The lat- ter played an instrumental role in the 20,000 women march in Pretoria protest- ing against oppressive pass laws. The legacy of Women’s Day, celebrated in South Africa on August 9 is founded on am an embarrassing thirty min- ery August (Women’s Month in South Af- goals and would be living our lives. But we this historic event. Of course, MaSisulu utes late for my interview with rica), November and December (Month of go ahead with struggles, even for the very passed on recently. I ask Elinor what les- Elinor Sisulu by the time I arrive activism against gender-based violence). basic freedoms which are promised to us.” sons she learnt from her mother-in-law. at her Lynwood home. Her two Elinor ushers me into her house and The absence of basic freedoms in “I’ve learnt to be courageous. I’ve dogs greet me in the driveway and I’m immediately struck by its sheer clean- most of Africa has resulted in the exo- also learnt to respect people because Mama I do the typical black thing of staying in ness, decorations and well-kept furniture; dus of hordes of her children to the West was no respecter of persons as the Bible myI car until I’m sure that the owner has everything seems to be in its place, not a for a significant period of time now. Ob- says. The other lesson was the lesson of or- done enough to keep them away from me. centimetre off. We are going to be using viously, this is something that has also ganisation. When you look at the story of She assures me she has and even more the living room for this interview and she hampered the development of the con- the 20,000 women march, you’ll appreciate embarrassed, I step out of my car to greet shows me the way. It’s a spacious and very tinent we discuss but Elinor aks a very what those women did with no cell phones, her. One of the dogs also does its typical comfortable room with the view of a swim- profound question that startles me: why twitter or facebook. Pretoria was extremely thing of smelling people and with one ming pool and the lush green garden area. is Africa so unkind to her children? hostile at that time in the 1950s so it took eye on it, and the other trying to assure Before I press the red button on my It’s a question that cannot be an- enormous courage for those women to do those around me that I’m calm (a lie that what they did. I’ve always been struck by is clearly visible to them), I greet Elinor. In many ways, they have let us down very the amount of discipline and self sacri- The last time Elinor and I met was at fice that it took for the women to pull off the Nelson Mandela Foundation in May badly because of this anti-imperialist dis- the march the way they did, ” she says. this year for the screening a Zimbabwean There are also various women who documentary on the complexities of na- course which I really consider a pseudo anti- are learning from Elinor Sisulu and she tional healing, The Axe and the Tree. As realises that. She also realises that a lot we do often, our meetings are occasions imperialism because none of them [liberation of women are still subjected to open at- to reflect on events and happenings around movements] are actually following an anti- tacks. The political space is no different. us. Of course, I find myself doing most of “There was a huge cost to be a member the listening as Elinor – a well-read wom- imperialist project of the ANC back in the day and it just an – puts things into perspective. She is a seems as if we don’t prioritise political dis- fierce intellectual hiding under her warm course anymore, perhaps because the en- and sweet disposition towards people. video camera we step into that reflective swered in this interview certainly but it emy was much clearer then,” says Elinor. I give her a bouquet of flowers I mode as we always do, almost unwit- demands deep and intense reflection of the There is also a huge cost to being an bought for her on my way (perhaps that ac- tingly. Julius Malema dominates. Then the contributions made by people like Kwame activist. Elinor has suffered vitriolic attacks counts for part of the thirty minutes I lost) spat between media icons Ferial Haffajee, Nkrumah, Amilcar Cabral, Steve Biko, from the ZANU PF regime in Zimbabwe and she receives them with such grace and Editor of one of South Africa’s leading Anton Lembede Sol Plaatje and the like. with the Spewer-in-Chief being former in- thanks. There is something powerful about Sunday newspapers City Press and Eric “All these great African heroes had formation minister, Jonathan Moyo. But her presence that makes you want to hon- Miyeni filmmaker and former colum- love for the continent and a desire to shake she says it’s all part of the work, at least our her – and women like her – but once nist at The Sowetan. The two personally off the shackles of colonialism. We’ve not that kind of attention from such regimes that thought crosses your mind, you realise know her so I try to understand where she been able to gain a truly independent Af- tells her she is doing something. And she is. that you’ll never be able to do enough to is locating herself in the debate that has rica but not just as a result of colonialism The last word belongs to her but honour them. These are women who have ensued. But certain things are clear, you but also because of venal regimes that have is for all the women out there; “Don’t given, and continue to give, themselves can’t call someone a snake and in the same oppressed their very own. There is also that allow yourself to be pushed around.” so selflessly to the cause of seeking so- breath invoke metaphors of vio- combination of a global political system cial justice, defying all odds and allow- lence especially during women’s month. which has used its hegemony to extract re- By Levi Kabwato, Media & Communi- ing nothing to stop them in their tracks. That aside, who is Elinor Sisulu? sources from Africa and the rest of the world cations Officer in the regional office. It is a painful violence within, that “I usually describe myself as a basically. But combined with all of that is feeling of knowing that you’ll never be Zimbabwean-born South African writ- leadership in the third world which has been In celebration of Women’s Month, able to do enough to show gratitude and er. But my main identity is that I’m very opportunistic and predatory,” she says. Zimbabwe Briefing is running a se- respect to such women. Not that they need a mother, I have four boys. I’m also She also adds: “I’m deeply concerned ries of features on Women who have it – they absolutely do not because they are a feminist and an activist,” she says. about the politics of liberation movements not motivated by self interest to do what And adds: “I wish I wasn’t an activist. It’s in Southern Africa. In many ways, they shaped and continue to shape the they do but rather very genuine concerns not a good thing to be. When you’re an ac- have let us down very badly because of struggle for democracy and women’s for humanity and the fight against oppres- tivist it means you’re struggling for social this anti-imperialist discourse which I re- rights in the SADC region. We would sion. But something still needs to be done justice and really, one would have hoped ally consider a pseudo anti-imperialism be- like to hear your story so tell us via and it is of no use to want to do that ev- that by now we would have reached those cause none of them [liberation movements] email - [email protected] Zimbabweans Have Embraced the Dawn of a New Zimbabwe

his last week, mindset or attitude, for name of the veterans of way to the rising, shin- tranquility in order to over a long it was clear that there is our national liberation ing sun of peace and har- guarantee stability and public holi- no affinity for violence by invoking the libera- mony, is to stand up for sustainable develop- Coordinator’s day, I have among the people, but tion struggle when they peace and to speak out ment. Note had the opportunity to the real challenge is that engage is their cheap, for peace. The discourse I am sure that, in travelT the length and the vast majority of Zim- dirty politics and in vio- of peace in our lifetime our quest to achieve true breadth of Zimbabwe babweans who are for lence. This same group should necessarily tran- peace in our lifetime, covering such diverse peace and for harmoni- incites violence, uses scend political identities. our neighbors in SADC cities and towns such as ous political discourse in hate speech to promote It is important that, even will stand with us in Beitbridge, Masvingo, a multi-party context are divisions and perpetu- when the merchant of solidarity as we push to Chivhu, , Kado- silent. We are not speak- ate polarization in or- violence is a comrade in restore Zimbabwe to its ma, Kwekwe, Gweru, ing out enough in the der to benefit politically your particular political former glory politically and Victoria name of peace or in ex- and economically from party, you nevertheless and economically. We Falls and what I ob- posing and condemning the chaos. For most of condemn violence in the need to make Zimba- served from meeting violent conduct. Scores them, a perusal of their strongest terms possi- bwe a success story all dewaMAVHINGA and breaking break with of people have privately own records will easily ble. In fact, the strongest round, and for that to be people from all walks given me feedback that disclose that they have condemnation of violent possible there is need to of life and from diverse they absolutely agree bogus war credentials political conduct should cast aside petty, artificial political backgrounds is that we need to banish that they peddle in order be reserved to members differences blown out of that Zimbabweans have the political culture of to squeeze economic of your own political all proportion by politi- embraced the dawn of political violence, the gain out of the public. party. It is worthwhile cal parasites who wish a new era characterized culture that every single This group is fully here to restate that the to benefit at the expense by a totally different po- election should be char- aware that the restora- three evils in politics, of the entire nation. The litical culture. Current acterized by extreme tion of the rule of law, namely, violence, pro- sleeping giant, that the hardline utterances by violence and bloodshed. prevalence of peace, ac- paganda and corruption, people of Zimbabwe some elements within The doctrine of countability and order have no place in a new are, must now arise and political parties tradi- political violence is will mean the end of Zimbabwe. It condemn- speak out for peace and tionally association with thoroughly discredited their nefarious activities ing these three evils, the drown the shrill voice of violence as an instru- and has no followers and certain economic matter of political iden- division that threatens to ment of political persua- among ordinary Zimba- and political ruin, and tity does not arise. take our country to the sion are rather mislead- bweans as far as I can therefore they continue, As Zimbabweans, brink and beyond. ing because the mood tell, but the challenge is through abuse of state it is high time we con- This new Zimba- on the ground, from my that the few, died-hard resources, to mislead sider adopting the slo- bwe will be made a re- observation, is that the merchants of political Zimbabweans that vio- gan made famous by Dr. ality by none but our- vast majority of Zim- violence and purveyors lent conduct is inher- Kenneth Kaunda – “One selves! babweans are peace- of disunity among our ent in them and that people, One Nation!” loving folk who area not people are very vocal violence is a necessary And one might add, prepared to engage in – giving the false im- means to achieve politi- All for Peace! Politi- senseless violence to ad- pression that they are in cal ends. cal leaders should stop vance a political cause. the majority and com- All we need to en- politicking and look to It then occurred mand a large follow- sure that the dawn of a those things that bind us Feedback: to me that the problem ing. This small clique new Zimbabwe that is together as one people coordinator@crisiszim- with us is not that of a selfishly has soiled the now upon us will give in genuine peace and babwe.org Mothers are a rare jewel

recently gave birth to a bouncing to acknowledge her efforts and thank for the years of wisdom that are evident baby girl and I must admit that my her for braving all those sleepless nights in these women’s words, actions and life has never been the same since. (and still remained sane) and also sacri- very lives. They know so much and yet However,I this got me thinking of the im- ficing her very needs in order to ensure act so humble about the years of experi- portance of mothers and how much they that we become the “superstars “that we ence. They even smile at you for your are underrated. Often we do not seem to are today. Take a moment and thank her naivety. Grandmothers make the world realize just how much work mothers put this very moment. a better place to be. They are amazing in so as to have us become who we are Some of us have not managed to car- and I’m sure that even though you may today. The amount of time that moth- ry through a pregnancy for nine months, not always agree with your grandmoth- ers invest in making our lives what they but we overlook the fact that this in itself ers under the auspices of “generational are today can never be easily fathomed does not nullify our role as mother. We gap”, you do understand that today they and appreciated enough. Just take a few do have children be it in our own fami- talk about the multi-generational inter- seconds to reflect on when was the last lies, those of friends, neighbors and the action and thus there is still hope in the time you appreciated the mother in your list goes on to whom we share the role world somewhere! Grandmothers, we life and the many sacrifices she makes of motherhood. Back in the day, mother- take this moment to salute you for your or made to have you become the person hood was a communal issue and I do re- selflessness and commend your excel- that we see today. This being a month to member even the woman from next door lent support. honor women, I just thought it prudent to playing an active role in ensuring that I It does not hurt to be a woman. It reflect on the role of mothers and hope- behaved appropriately or else she would may be challenging under the patriarchal fully that will drive us to express our discipline me as her own. banner we operate in, but it is good be- gratitude to the mothers in our lives! Of course this may be different to- ing a woman and above all, a mother! As When a child is born, a mother is also day as some of us adopt children and so we celebrate woman’s month this Au- birthed into this world – for she will care on but my point is that we are mothers gust, take a moment and acknowledge for this precious little one until death! It in one way or the other. This one is es- the mothers you know and be creative does not matter the socio-economic or pecially for us that may not necessarily about it. This world would not be what it even political status, a mother is a moth- be mothers by the birthing process, but is today if it was not for you mother. We er. Some might be so scared and the new you still are a mother. Take a moment to celebrate you, every second, minute and role of mother intimidates them but that celebrate the life that you have nurtured hour. Thank you for the great work you mothering and nurturing instinct melts and can look at today and be proud you do mother! away all fears and before you know it, did the right thing; you make a wonder- she goes full throttle to raising her child. ful mother, thank you! Some of us look at our mothers today Lastly, to the wondrous women we and we acknowledge that despite the call grandmothers. Oh, these are a mira- fact the woman we call mother is not of cle! Recently, I sat with my two mothers the same status we have now, she made (mother-in-law and maternal mother) us into who we are. However, we need and I just could not avoid being grateful By Grace Chirenje-Nachipo, an activist.

UPCOMING > SADC Summit; Luanda, Angola (14-19 August) ACTIVITIES: > Civil Society Press Briefing: Luanda, Angola (15 August) Editor: Dewa Mavhinga. Published by the Crisis in Zimbabwe Coalition - SA Regional Office; 711, 7th Floor Khotso House, 62 Marshall Street, Marshalltow. P.O Box 61113, Marshalltown 2107; Tel: +27-11-8383736 / Mobile: +27-73-2120629. Email: [email protected]. www.crisiszimbabwe.org