Environmental Site Assessment Tree River C-36 Gwich’in Region,

May 2011

Prepared for: Chinook Energy Inc. Suite 700, 700 2nd Street S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2P 2W1

MWH File 6930698

MWH , Inc. TEL: 403-543-5353 1010, 600 - 6 Avenue S.W. FAX: 403-233-2513 Calgary, AB T2P 0S5 www.mwhglobal.com

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MWH was commissioned by Chinook Energy Inc. (Chinook) to perform a limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at their Tree River C-36 wellsite and onsite sump as verbally requested by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC). The Tree River C-36 wellsite and sump are located within the Gwich‟in Region, Northwest Territories (hereafter referred to as the „Site‟). The objective of this environmental assessment was to assess the condition of the sumps and obtain soil and water samples from the onsite sump location to confirm or refute the potential presence of contaminants of concern (COC) (i.e. salinity impacts) in the soil or water above the applicable guideline values. To achieve the defined objective of this assessment, the following scope of work was undertaken: Obtain surface water samples (both surface water and surface run-off) from the sump cap area and two control areas to be submitted for salinity analysis. Obtain soil samples via hand augering from in and around the sump cap area to determine if any drilling wastes are present or migrating and to determine the thickness of the sump cap. Record the condition of the Site and sump (i.e. vegetation, surficial water flow, condition of sump cap etc.) The submission of soil samples to Exova Laboratories Limited in Edmonton, Alberta for the analyses of potential contaminants of concern (PCOC) (i.e. salinity); and, The preparation of a comprehensive environmental assessment report which includes an assessment of the field data and analytical results in relation to applicable remedial guideline documents. Eight boreholes were advanced using a hand auger to a maximum depth of 0.95m bgl to characterize the onsite sump conditions. The boreholes were used to confirm or refute the present of any environmental impacts from the drilling waste. The findings of the assessment confirmed the following: Soil – Elevated levels of EC, SAR, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and sulphate were reported when compared to the Control values. The Control sample reported a pH exceedance when compared to the applicable guidelines. All other results were reported below the applicable guidelines. Surface water – All of the results were reported comparable to the Control results and below the applicable guideline values. As a result of these findings, there does not appear to be any residual impacts to the surface water from the drilling waste within the onsite sump. Site Condition – Surficial water flow appears to enter the Site from the southwest and crosses through to exit in the northeast. The depth of the sump cap appears to be a minimum of 0.5m thick and remains intact. Vegetation deficiencies were noted on the sump and berm areas. The findings from this investigation indicate that there remain some residual salinity impacts to the soil within the sump area from the drilling waste. The elevated results within the sump area are typical given the nature of the drilling waste. At this time, it appears that the drilling waste is confined to the sump area.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS ...... 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION ...... 2 1.1 SITE DESCRIPTION ...... 2 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ...... 2 1.2.1 Geology ...... 2 1.2.2 Hydrogeology and Hydrology ...... 2 1.3 PREVIOUS ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS ...... 3 1.3.1 Northern EnviroSearch Ltd – Phase I ESA, November 2006 ...... 3 1.3.2 MWH - Phase I ESA, April 2010 ...... 3 1.4 OBJECTIVE AND SCOPE OF WORK ...... 4 2.0 METHOD ...... 5 2.1 HEALTH, SAFETY AND GROUND DISTURBANCE ...... 5 2.2 SOIL SAMPLING ...... 5 2.3 SURFACE WATER SAMPLING ...... 5 2.4 SITE SURVEY ...... 6 2.5 QUALITY CONTROL ...... 6 2.6 LIMITATIONS ...... 6 3.0 REMEDIAL GUIDELINES ...... 7 3.1 PHYSICAL GROUND CONDITIONS ...... 7 3.2 APPLICABLE LAND USE GUIDELINE VALUES - SOIL ...... 7 3.3 APPLICABLE GUIDELINE VALUES - WATER ...... 7 4.0 SOIL RESULTS ...... 8 5.0 SURFACE WATER RESULTS ...... 9 6.0 SITE CONDITION ...... 10 7.0 SUMMARY ...... 11 8.0 REFERENCES ...... 13 9.0 DISCLAIMER ...... 14




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LIST OF ACRONYMS AEC Area of Environmental Concern APEC Area of Potential Environmental Concern bgl Below ground level BH Borehole CCME Canadian Council for Ministers of the Environment COC Contaminants of Concern CSA Canadian Standards Association EC Electrical Conductivity ESA Environmental Site Assessment GCDWQ Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality GPS Global Positioning System INAC Indian and Northern Affairs Canada M Metres mg/kg milligrams per kilogram mg/L milligrams per litre mS/cm milliSiemens per centimetre mS/m milliSiemens per metre PCOC Potential Contaminant of Concern ppm part per million QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control SOP Standard Operating Procedure UTM Universal Traverse Mercator

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1.0 INTRODUCTION MWH was commissioned by Chinook Energy Inc. (Chinook) to perform a limited Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at their Tree River C-36 wellsite and onsite sump as verbally requested by Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) during the June 14, 2010 meeting. The Tree River C-36 wellsite and sump are located within the Gwich‟in Region, Northwest Territories (hereafter referred to as the „Site‟). Site photographs are presented in Appendix 1.

1.1 Site Description The C-36 wellsite and associated onsite sump are located on Crown land at 67015‟09‟‟N and 131051‟39.4” W (NAD 27). The C-36 well was drilled in January 2003 and subsequently abandoned. The onsite sump is located directly west of well centre. The slopes within the Site boundaries were minimal with a slight slope to the northeast corner. At the time of this assessment, the vegetation onsite comprised of black spruce, pine, natural grasses and muskeg. Land Disposition: Crown Current Site User: Chinook Energy Inc. Site Description: Vintage Tree River C-36 Legal Location: C-36 67015‟09.0” N, 131051‟39.4” W (NAD 27) GLWB LUP: G01A011 Site Area: Wellsite: approximately 2.25ha (5.56 acres) Access Road: 2.66ha (6.57 acres).

1.2 Environmental Setting The following section presents a summary of geological, hydrogeological, hydrology information presented in reference documents and maps for the sites and surrounding area.

1.2.1 Geology The Site is generally flat at an elevation of approximately 130 meters (m) above mean sea level. The topography surrounding the Site is generally level with overall sloping to the north towards the Mackenzie River. Muskeg, small creeks and ponds are prevalent within the area. Maps from Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada were referenced for informaiton pertaining to the local geology of the area. Surficial materials consist of Late Wisconsinan deposits of non-sorted silt, sand and clay with some coarser till deposits of moraine plain occurring with individual drumlins or extensively fluted and between 2-30m thick. The upper bedrock geology of the Site consists of the Devonian Imperial Formation with shale, brown, greenish grey, generally fissile with subordinate sandstone, brown in colouring, and impure, very fine grained texture with minor siltstone.

1.2.2 Hydrogeology and Hydrology The Site is located in the Mackenzie River Basin which has a catchment area of approximately 1.8 million km2. The Mackenzie River Basin can be sub-divided into six major sub-basins, each with its own major river or lake. The Site is within the Mackenzie-Great Bear sub-basin which covers approximately 475,000km2. The Mackenzie-Great Bear sub-Basin is comprised of Great Bear Lake, the Mackenzie River and delta as well as a complex network of surface water bodies of various sizes that generally channel surface water into the Mackenzie River. An unnamed pond was identified as the nearest surface water body to the Site, located approximately 1.5km east. The Mackenzie River is located approximately 8km to the north of the Site.

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No water wells are recorded to be within 1.5km radius of the Site.

1.3 Previous Environmental Assessments Prior to this report, Northern EnviroSearch Ltd. completed a Phase I ESA report for the Site in 2006. In 2010, MWH completed a review of the original Phase I ESA report and updated it to meet Alberta Environment‟s 2009 criteria (in lieu of applicable Federal or Territorial criteria). These works are documented in the following reports under separate covers: Northern EnviroSearch report entitled “Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Delvan Tree River C-36”, prepared for Dual Exploration Inc. (now Chinook Energy), dated November 14, 2006. MWH report entitled “Tree River C-36 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment”, prepared for Iteration Energy Ltd., dated April 28, 2010.

1.3.1 Northern EnviroSearch Ltd – Phase I ESA, November 2006 MWH (formerly Northern EnviroSearch Ltd.) was commissioned by Dual Exploration Inc. (now Chinook), to determine the potential for environmental liabilities at the Tree River C-36 wellsite associated with the historical and current site operations and to determine the need for further assessment work. The assessment identified the following relevant information: The available drilling fluid documentation for the Site complies with all aspects of a typical low-risk drilling fluid disposal techniques, as well as, all hydrocarbon, toxicity, salinity and metals [based upon Alberta] management guidelines. A detailed review of drilling mud records revealed that there were no drilling mud additives used which would give reason to suspect contamination. The total NaOH Equivalent Sacks, calculated for the Site, does not exceed Alberta Environment‟s “Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas: Compliance Options for Reclamation Certification Salt Calculation for Compliance Option Two.” The NaOH Equivalent Sacks is 0.0281 sacks per metre of well depth, which is below the 0.035 sacks per metre of well depth criteria. The 2006 on-site inspection showed no evidence of soil staining on the lease. The report concluded that due to the findings of the Phase I ESA, a Phase II ESA was unnecessary for the Site.

1.3.2 MWH - Phase I ESA, April 2010 MWH was commissioned by Iteration Energy Ltd. (now Chinook) to update the Tree River C-36 Phase I ESA to meet Alberta Environment‟s 2009 criteria. The revised assessment reported the following information in addition to the previously reported findings: The total NaOH Equivalent Sacks, re-calculated for the Site, does not exceed Alberta Environment‟s “Assessing Drilling Waste Disposal Areas: Compliance Options for Reclamation Certification Salt Calculation for Compliance Option Two.” The NaOH Equivalent Sacks is 0.0234 sacks per metre of well depth, which is below the allowable 0.035 sacks per metre of well depth in the criteria. The C-36 wellsite had a recorded release of approximately 300L of water with spent acid solution that leaked on March 1, 2003. The spill report was faxed to the National Energy Board and detailed that the onsite tank leaked from a weld on the steam coil and the area of contamination was recorded to be 1m2 that was contained on 8-10” thick ice.

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The drilling waste calculations varied slightly from 2006 report to 2010 report. This occurred due to additional information obtained during historical searches which provided more detailed drilling mud lists and usages. MWH concluded that, due to the findings of the Phase I ESA, a Phase II ESA was not required for the Site. However, as part of compliance requirements and reclamation planning for Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC), MWH recommended soil and water sampling of the onsite sump.

1.4 Objective and Scope of Work The objective of this environmental assessment was to assess the condition of the Site and obtain soil and water samples from the onsite sump location to confirm or refute the potential presence of contaminants of concern (COC) (i.e. salinity impacts) in the soil or water above the applicable guideline values. There is the potential for residual salinity impacts to be present in the soil and/or surficial groundwater associated with historical drilling waste disposal. To achieve the defined objective of this assessment, the following scope of work, as presented in MWH‟s proposal to Chinook (then Iteration Energy) dated June 2, 2010, was undertaken: Obtain surface water samples (both surface water and surface run-off) from the sump cap area and two control areas to be submitted for salinity analysis. Obtain soil samples via hand augering from in and around the sump cap area to determine if any drilling wastes are present or migrating and to determine the depth of the sump cap. Record the condition of the Site and sump (i.e. vegetation, surficial water flow, condition of the sump cap etc.) The submission of soil samples to Exova Laboratories Limited in Edmonton, Alberta for the analyses of potential contaminants of concern (PCOC) (i.e. salinity); and, The preparation of a comprehensive environmental assessment report which includes an assessment of the field data and analytical results in relation to applicable remedial guideline documents.

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2.0 METHOD The assessment was designed with reference to the rationale and protocols provided in the following guidance documents: Canadian Standards Association (CSA) “Z769-00 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Guideline” (Canadian Standards Association, March 2000, R2008). Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) “CCME Guidance Manual on Sampling, Analysis and Data Management for Contaminated Sites.” dated 1993. Government of the Northwest Territories, “Environmental Guideline for Contaminated Site Remediation”, November 2003.

2.1 Health, Safety and Ground Disturbance In advance of the intrusive program, a hazard identification form was completed and notifications were made to Chinook as well as INAC and GLWB. Prior to the commencement of on-site work, a pre-job (tail-gate) safety meeting was conducted. All available survey drawing and pipeline information maps were also reviewed and Chinook personnel were consulted for any information pertaining to underground facilities. A copy of the Site safety information is presented in Appendix 5.

2.2 Soil Sampling The Site assessment was undertaken between June 14 and 19, 2010 and consisted of: Advancing a total of 8 boreholes onsite Collecting ten soil samples from the wellsite and sump area, and Collecting six surficial water samples from the onsite sump, The soil samples were collected utilizing a hand auger to a maximum depth of 0.95m below ground level (bgl). Clean equipment was used to extract the soil samples from the ground and soil auger. On the basis of visual observations and the history of the sites, representative soil samples selected for inorganic parameters were sealed in laboratory supplied Ziploc® plastic bags. All samples were labeled, recorded and submitted to Exova Laboratories Limited in Edmonton, Alberta under the laboratory supplied Chain of Custody. A total of 10 soil samples were submitted for detailed salinity analysis. The results are presented in Table 1. Borehole logs are presented in Appendix 2.

2.3 Surface Water Sampling On the basis of visual observations, information from previous assessments and MWH‟s understanding of the Site history, surficial water samples were collected by submerging laboratory supplied polyethylene bottles into the surface water and allowing them to fill to capacity. Samples were labelled and placed in an ice-packed cooler. Six surface water samples were submitted for detailed salinity analysis. Sampling locations are presented in Figure 2. Results are presented in Table 2. All samples were submitted to an accredited laboratory (Exova Laboratories Limited, Edmonton, Alberta) under laboratory-supplied Chain of Custody.

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2.4 Site Survey A Trimble Global Positioning System (GPS) unit was used to survey the location of each sample point. All locations are accurate to +/- 1m. Locations are provided in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), Zone 9, NAD 83 Canada Datum.

2.5 Quality Control All reasonable measures were taken to minimize the risks associated with cross-contamination and bias between sample locations. Quality assurance/quality control measures were implemented throughout all phases of the program (e.g. field work, laboratory analysis, and report preparation). Examples of these measures are as follows: For consistency, an internal Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) was followed during the field program for sampling and screening; Clean nitrile gloves were used during the field program and replaced frequently at every sample collection point; Sterile laboratory-supplied sample containers with appropriate preservatives were used for sampling; All instrumentation was calibrated as per manufacturers recommended specifications; An accredited/certified laboratory was used to conduct all analytical testing; All samples were stored in ice packed coolers during transportation to the laboratory and delivered under Chain-of-Custody.

2.6 Limitations Factual information has largely been obtained from boreholes which, by their nature, provide specific information about a relatively small sample of the ground in relation to the size of the Site. As such, they can only provide an indication of ground conditions at the locations sampled. Further assessment(s), or time may reveal environmental conditions that were not identified at the time of this assessment and, therefore, could not have been taken into account in the preparation of this report. The following limitations were encountered during the field investigation: The Site was oversaturated and as such was difficult to walk around; The Site is a remote location that could be accessed only by helicopter; Soil samples were taken with a hand auger, limiting the depth of investigation.

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3.0 REMEDIAL GUIDELINES The following document was used to assess the laboratory analytical results generated by this assessment: CCME "Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines - Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health" (March 2011). http://st-ts.ccme.ca/ CCME "Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines - Groundwater Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life” (March 2011). http://st-ts.ccme.ca/ The CCME (herein referred to as “guideline values”) approach provides generic guideline values for four soil land use types: “Agricultural, Residential/Parkland, Commercial and Industrial” and two water use types “Freshwater and Marine”. The guideline values were developed using a conservative risk-based approach. Consideration was given to a range of toxic substances (source compounds), receptors (human or ecological) and processes by which substances can reach a receptor (exposure pathways). As all exposure pathways are considered, the most stringent guideline value for each exposure pathway for an individual substance is provided for analytical assessment. The guideline values are designed to provide a safe level of protection for substances detected in soil or groundwater and provide protection to more sensitive sites, and can therefore be applied to less sensitive sites without modification. 3.1 Physical Ground Conditions The selection of guideline values for comparison with analytical results is partly based on a review of the physical soil properties and ground conditions. For some parameters, the CCME document requires that the dominant soil type (soil texture) is determined as this will govern the fate and transportation of potential contaminants. CCME defines a fine-grained soil as having a median (50%) grain size of ≤75µm, and a coarse grained soil and having a median grain size of ≥75µm. No samples were submitted for textural analysis for this assessment, as the soil texture doesn‟t affect the salinity guideline parameters. However, a review of the borehole field log descriptions indicated that the ground conditions are predominantly coarse grained (e.g. sandy clay). 3.2 Applicable Land Use Guideline Values - Soil Natural land uses adjoin and surround the Site. On the basis of current on-site and off-site land uses, guideline values for residential/parkland land use was applied. 3.3 Applicable Guideline Values - Water The Site is located in the Mackenzie River Basin. On the basis of the local terrain and nearby water bodies, water guideline values for the protection of aquatic life were applied. An unnamed pond was identified as the nearest surface water body to the Site, located approximately 1.5km east. The Mackenzie River is located approximately 8km to the north of the Site.

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4.0 SOIL RESULTS Figure 2 shows the locations of the soil and surface water sample points. Soil analytical results are presented in Table 1. Laboratory certificates provided by Exova Laboratories Limited are included in Appendix 4. As stated in Section 1.4, there is the anticipated potential for salinity to be present in the soils associated with the drilling wastes. Seven boreholes (S1 to S7) were advanced around the sump area as well as one Control located to the south of the sump. Soil samples were collected from the boreholes and select soil samples were submitted for salinity analysis. When compared to the Control sample results: Sample 1 (0.75-0.85m bgl) reported EC, SAR, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and sulphate values that were above background. Sample 2 (0.55-0.80m bgl) reported calcium, magnesium, chloride and sulphate values that were above background. Sample 3 (0.30-0.45m bgl) reported calcium, magnesium and sulphate values that were above background. Sample 4 (0.75-0.85m bgl) reported a sulphate value that was above background. All other results were consistent with the background levels. The Control sample (0.60-0.75m bgl) reported a pH of 8.1 which exceeds the guideline value of 8.0.

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5.0 SURFACE WATER RESULTS Figure 2 shows the locations of the surface water sampling. The water analytical results are presented in Table 2. Laboratory certificates provided by Exova Laboratories Limited are included in Appendix 4. As stated in Section 1.4, there is the potential for salinity to be present in the surface water associated with the drilling wastes. Five water samples (W1 to W5) were collected around the sump area as well as one Control to the south of the sump. Water samples were collected from the surface water and select water samples were submitted for salinity analysis. No notable observations were made during the water sampling. All of the laboratory results were reported below the applicable guideline values and comparable to the Control results.

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6.0 SITE CONDITION Surficial water flow appears to enter the Site from the southwest and crosses through to exit in the northeast. Observation of soil lithology from the boreholes identified the drilling waste material to be approximately 0.5-0.95m bgl. Therefore, the depth of the sump cap appears to be a minimum of 0.5m thick and remains intact. Vegetation onsite was assessed for health and density. The only concern noted during the assessment was the lack of vegetation within the sump area and surrounding berms.

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7.0 SUMMARY Eight boreholes were advanced using and hand auger to a maximum depth of 0.95m bgl to characterize the onsite sump conditions. The boreholes were used to confirm or refute the present of any environmental impacts from the drilling waste. The findings of the assessment confirmed the following: Soil – A total of nine soil samples were submitted from the sump area. Elevated levels of EC, SAR, calcium, magnesium, sodium, chloride and sulphate were reported when compared to the control results. The control sample reported a pH exceedance when compared to the applicable guidelines. All other results were reported below the applicable guidelines. Surface Water – A total of six surface water samples were submitted from water collected within and around the sump area. All of the results were reported comparable to the control values and below the applicable guideline values. As a result of these findings, there does not appear to be any residual impacts to the surface water from the drilling waste within the onsite sump. Site Condition – Surficial water flow appears to enter the Site from the southwest and crosses through to exit in the northeast. The depth of the sump cap appears to be a minimum of 0.5m thick and remains intact. Vegetation deficiencies were noted on the sump and berm areas. The findings from this investigation indicate that there remains some residual salinity within the soil samples in the sump area. The elevated results within the sump area are expected given the nature of the drilling waste. The soil samples taken outside of the sump area do not show the same levels of salinity seen within the sump. At this time, it appears that the drilling waste is confined to the sump area.

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Submitted on, and behalf of, MWH Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Tamara Tiessen, BAIE, EPt Monica Brightwell, P.Biol Environmental Technologist Senior Reclamation Manager

Senior Review/Authorized by:

R.M. (Bob) Raina, B. Sc., P. Geol. Vice-President, MWH Canada Inc.

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8.0 REFERENCES Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (1993). Guidance Manual on Sampling, Analysis, and Data Management for Contaminated Sites, Vol. 1: Main Report. Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. (2011). Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines. Accessed in 2011 at http://st-ts.ccme.ca/. Canadian Standards Association. (March 2000, revised 2008). Standard Z769-00 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Guideline. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Government of Northwest Territories, Department of Environment and Natural Resources Hazardous Materials Spill Database. Accessed in 2011 at http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/_live/pages/wpPages/Hazardous_Materials_Spill_Database.aspx Government of Northwest Territories, “Environmental Guideline for Contaminated Site Remediation”, November 2003. Access in 2011 at http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/_live/documents/content/siteremediation.pdf Mackenzie River Basin Board, Understanding the Basin. Accessed in 2011 at http://www.mrbb.ca/information/9/index.html Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Surficial Materials of Canada – Map 1880A. Accessed in 2011 at http://gsc.nrcan.gc.ca/map/1880a/index_e.php. Natural Resources Canada, Geological Survey of Canada Surficial Geology Travaillant Lake – Map 1747A. Accessed in 2011 at http://apps1.gdr.nrcan.gc.ca/mirage/db_results_e.php. Natural Resources Canda, Geological Survey of Canada Geology Travaillant Lake – Map 1409A. Accessed in 2011 at http://apps1.gdr.nrcan.gc.ca/mirage/db_results_e.php.

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9.0 DISCLAIMER This report has been prepared and the work referred to within, has been undertaken by MWH for Chinook Energy Inc. using generally accepted environmental consulting practices. The material within reflects MWH‟s best judgment based on the material available at the time of preparation. It is intended for the exclusive use of Chinook Energy Inc., its affiliated companies and partners, their respective insurers, agents, employees, advisors, and applicable regulatory agencies. Any use, reliance on, or decision based on this report made by any person other than those identified above, is the sole responsibility of such other person. MWH makes no representation or warranty to any other person with regard to this report and the work referred to within and accepts no duty or care to any other person or any liability or responsibility whatsoever for any losses, expenses, damages, fines, penalties, or other harm that may be suffered or incurred by any other person as a result of the use of, reliance on, any decision made, or any action taken based on this report, or the work referred to in this report. The work performed by MWH with respect to this report and any conclusions or recommendations made in this report reflect MWH‟s judgment based on the conditions observed at the time set out in this report and on information available at the time of preparation. Unless otherwise stated, the findings cannot be extended to previous or future Site conditions, where applicable, or to areas not directly assessed within the scope of work. Environmental conditions, other than those addressed by the investigation described in this report, may exist within the Site. If Site conditions or applicable standards change or if any additional information becomes available at a future date, modifications to the findings, conclusions and recommendations in this report may be necessary. Other than by Chinook Energy Inc., copying or distribution of this report or use of or reliance on the information contained herein, in whole or in part, is not permitted without the expressed written permission of MWH which will not be unreasonably withheld. Nothing in this report is intended to constitute or provide a “legal opinion”. Any intellectual property arising from the preparation of this report will vest with the Chinook Energy Inc. In all cases where MWH is liable to any third party for any information set out or omitted from this report, the total liability of MWH, whether for direct, indirect, consequential, aggravated and punitive damages and all legal costs, shall not exceed the amount paid to MWH for the preparation of this report.

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Site Location

0 25000 50000 75000 SOIL SAMPLING LOCATION




S6 W5 S3 S4S5 W4 W3

W2 S1 S2 W1


0 100 200 300


Table 1 Summary of General and Salinity Analytical Results for Soil Samples

MWH File: 6930698 General Salinity Location: Tree River C-36 ) 2

Sampling Sample Location Depth Sample Date Laboratory ID Sample Type PSA > 75µm % Moisture CaCl (1:2 pH Electrical Conductivity SAR Saturation Percentage Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Chloride Sulphate Nitrite and Nitrate cm bgs d-m-y % % pH dS/m SAR % mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg †CCME - Residential/Parkland Soil Guidelines NG NG 6-8 NG 5 NG NG NG NG NG NG NG NG NDL N/A N/A N/A 0.01 N/A N/A 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.03 0.06 0.06 N/A Control 60-75 17-Jun-10 3384835 Discrete - - 8.1 0.48 0.1 39 26.1 5.8 2 2 3 20.5 <2 Sample 1 75-85 17-Jun-10 3384836 Discrete - - 7.7 3.43 3.5 46 222 51.8 153 <4 64 305 <2 Sample 2 55-80 17-Jun-10 3384837 Discrete - - 8 1.38 0.3 61 156 28.3 14 14 46 142 <3 Sample 3 30-45 17-Jun-10 3384838 Discrete - - 7.7 1.76 <0.1 39 134 30.9 3 2 6 135 <2 Sample 4 75-85 17-Jun-10 3384839 Discrete - - 7.8 1.06 0.7 41 66.2 13.6 16 1 4 68.8 <2 Sample 5 surface 17-Jun-10 3384840 Grab - - 7.6 0.44 0.2 56 38 7 3 2 16 22.1 <3 Sample 6 25-40 17-Jun-10 3384841 Discrete - - 7.6 0.35 0.1 46 24.2 5.4 2 <1 4 8.4 <2 Sample 6 50-65 17-Jun-10 3384842 Discrete - - 7.9 0.48 0.1 39 27.2 5.5 2 <1 4 18.5 <2 Sample 7 20-40 17-Jun-10 3384843 Discrete - - 7.4 0.26 0.1 43 15.9 4.6 1 <1 4 4.7 <2 Sample 7 50-60 17-Jun-10 3384844 Discrete - - 7.6 0.38 0.1 48 24.8 6.2 2 <1 4 19.5 <2 Notes: †CCME Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) "Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines - Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health. " (March 2011) - Residential/Parkland Soil. http://st-ts.ccme.ca/ Denotes values exceeding CCME Soil Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Environmental and Human Health (March 2011) - Residential/Parkland Soils. NG No Guideline cm bgs Centimetres below ground surface mg/kg milligrams per kilogram NDL Laboratory Nominal Detection Limiit

Table 1 Summary of General and Salinity Analytical Results for Soil Samples Page 1 of 1 Table 2 Summary of General and Salinity Analytical Results for Water Samples

MWH File: 6930698 General and Salinity Location: Tree River C-36 ) 2

Sampling Location Sample Date Laboratory ID Sample Type pH (1:2 CaCl Electrical Conductivity Calcium Magnesium Sodium Potassium Iron Manganese Chloride Nitrate Nitrite Nitrate & Nitrite Sulphate Hydroxide Carbonate Bicarbonate P-Alkalinity T-Alkalinity TDS Hardness Ionic Balance d-m-y pH µS/cm mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L % †CCME - Water Quality Guidelines 6-9 NG NG NG NG NG 300 NG NG 13000 60 NG NG NG NG NG NG NG NG NG NG NDL 0.01 1 0.2 0.02 0.4 0.4 0.01 0.005 0.4 0.01 0.005 0.01 0.9 5 6 5 5 5 1 - - Control 16-Jun-10 3384845 Grab 7.7 100 15.2 4.3 0.5 <0.4 0.02 <0.005 0.7 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 4.2 <5 <6 54 <5 44 51 56 100 W1 16-Jun-10 3384846 Grab 7.74 102 15.7 4.5 0.4 <0.4 0.02 <0.005 0.8 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 5.1 <5 <6 57 <5 47 54 58 110 W2 16-Jun-10 3384847 Grab 7.78 145 21.6 5.7 1.5 <0.4 0.02 <0.005 0.9 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 16 <5 <6 67 <5 55 79 77 110 W3 16-Jun-10 3384848 Grab 7.81 121 18.5 5.2 0.9 <0.4 0.02 <0.005 0.8 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 9.6 <5 <6 67 <5 55 68 68 100 W4 16-Jun-10 3384849 Grab 7.89 122 18.7 5.2 0.9 <0.4 0.02 <0.005 0.8 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 10 <5 <6 72 <5 59 71 68 99 W5 16-Jun-10 3384850 Grab 7.89 124 19.2 5.3 1 <0.4 0.05 <0.005 0.8 <0.01 <0.005 <0.01 10 <5 <6 68 <5 55 70 70 110 Notes: †CCME Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) "Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines - Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life" - Freshwater (March 2011). http://st-ts.ccme.ca/ Denotes values exceeding CCME Water Quality Guidelines for the Protection of Aquatic Life - Freshwater (March 2011). NG No Guideline m bgs Metres below ground surface mg/L milligrams per Litre NDL Laboratory Nominal Detection Limiit - Parameter not analyzed

Table 2 Summary of General and Salinity Analytical Results for Water Samples Page 1 of 1


Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 1 Photo Location: South of C-36 Direction: North Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Aerial view of the site facing north.

Photograph ID: 2 Photo Location: West of C-36 Direction: East Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Aerial view of the site facing east.

Page 1 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 3 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: South Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of the well centre signage at C-36.

Photograph ID: 4 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: South Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of the well centre area at C-36.

Page 2 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 5 Photo Location: Northwest of well centre Direction: East Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of the sump area facing east from the well centre.

Photograph ID: 6 Photo Location: East of well centre Direction: East Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of the sump area facing east from the well centre.

Page 3 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 7 Photo Location: Well centre area Direction: Ground surface Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of surface water ponding near the C-36 well centre.

Photograph ID: 8 Photo Location: Southeast corner of the sump Direction: Northeast Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Overview of the sump area facing northeast from the southwest corner of the sump.

Page 4 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 9 Photo Location: Eastern boundary of the wellsite Direction: West Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Overview of the southern sump cell area facing west from the eastern boundary of the wellsite.

Photograph ID: 10 Photo Location: Eastern boundary of the wellsite Direction: West Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Overview of the sump area facing west from the eastern boundary of the wellsite showing the two cells.

Page 5 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 11 Photo Location: Eastern boundary of the wellsite Direction: West Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Overview of the northern sump cell area facing west from the eastern boundary of the wellsite.

Photograph ID: 12 Photo Location: Northwest of the wellsite Direction: North Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of the site drainage that flows through the sump cells.

Page 6 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 13 Photo Location: Northeast corner of the sump area Direction: South Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: Overview of the sump area from the northeast corner.

Photograph ID: 14 Photo Location: Northwest corner of the sump area Direction: East Survey Date: 6/16/2010 Comments: View of the northern sump cell from the northwest corner facing east.

Page 7 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 15 Photo Location: Northwest corner Direction: Northeast Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: Overview of the northern portion of the wellsite.

Photograph ID: 16 Photo Location: Northeast corner Direction: North Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View facing offsite from the northeast corner.

Page 8 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 17 Photo Location: Northeast corner Direction: West Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View facing west from the northeast corner of the wellsite.

Photograph ID: 18 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: South-southeast Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View from well centre facing south-southeast towards the cutline.

Page 9 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 19 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: Southwest Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View from well centre of the southwest corner of the wellsite.

Photograph ID: 20 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: West Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View of the western boundary of the wellsite from well centre.

Page 10 of 11 Photographic Log

Client: Chinook Energy Inc. Project: C-36 Environmental Site Assessment Site Name: Tree River C-36 Site Location: C-36, Gwich'in Region, NWT Photograph ID: 21 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: North Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View facing north towards the access road from the well centre .

Photograph ID: 22 Photo Location: Well centre Direction: Southeast Survey Date: 6/17/2010 Comments: View facing the southeast corner from well centre.

Page 11 of 11


BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462303 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.75 Easting: 376530 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 131.564 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

OM Good peat moss. Black, some brown, organic material, strong organic odour and over saturated.

SC Grey, sandy clay, over saturated, >50% organic.

S Medium brown sand lens. Over saturated, slight organic odour. Sgravel Sand/gravel lens, over saturated. Gravel up to 5cm in diameter. SC Brown to grey colouring, faint odour. Saturated, grey/sandy clay with gravel, no odour. 0.5 SC Grey/brown, sandy clay/clay gravel (<5cm) throughout. Root masses, no odour, slightly moist, cooler with depth. Auger refusal at 0.75m 0.46




2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462375.235 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.85 Easting: 376506.084 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 127.682 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

SC Over saturated, sandy clay/ clay with small pebbles and black Soil sample #1 mottling, possibly organic, no odour.

SC Sandy clay with pebbles, organic material ~10% brown to grey, over saturated, faint organic odour.

SC Brown sandy clay, wet, ~15% organic, mild organic odour, lots of pebbles and occasional gravel.

SC Brown sandy clay/clay, wet, pebbles and gravel, ~15% organic (same 0.5 as above).

SC Same as above with greater organic content (~20%).

SC Same as above with incresing organic content. 1.04




2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462368.94 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.95 Easting: 376500.509 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 129.273 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

SC Sandy clay, pebbles and gravel, 40% organic, saturated. Soil sample #2

SC Black organic, moist, strong organic odour, good root mass.

SC Grey/brown, sandy clay, 30% organic matter, wet, pebbles.

SC Brown sandy clay with pebbles, wet, 10% organic matter.

SC Moist, grey/brown, sandy clay/clay, pebbles, black/grey mottling, possibly organic, drier. 0.5 SC Sandy brown, clay with pebbles, 30% organic, wet. SC Black, grey and white mixed substrate, moist. Sample taken.

SC Pale grey granular material, slightly moist, appears to be drilling 0.62 waste.




2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462408.57 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.55 Easting: 376497.5 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 127.745 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

SC Sandy brown clay with pebbles, moist. Soil sample #3 OM Black organic, pebbles, good root mass, mild organic odour. SC Sandy brown clay, 30% organic, wet with pebbles, no odour.

SC Moist, cold, sandy brown clay. SC Sandy brown clay with pebbles, slightly moist, no odour, colder than surface. Auger refusal at 0.55m due to stiff dry clay. 0.90





2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462411.423 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.95 Easting: 376517 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 128.742 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

SC Gravel with sandy brown clay, saturated. Soil sample #4

SC Gravel with sandy clay, over saturated, brown.

OM Black organic, moist.

SC Moist, sandy clay/clay, increase in pebbles, brown to grey.

0.5 SC Moist, brown sandy clay, pebbles, no odour.

S Brown sand seam, wet/saturated. 0.56 SC Saturated, sandy clay, brown with pebbles.




2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462412.135 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.15 Easting: 376528 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 127.428 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

- Surface sample only. Soil sample #5 at 0-0.10m 0.45





2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462429.92 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.5 Easting: 376522.466 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 127.506 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

Soil sample #6

OM Black, organic, thick root mass, wet to saturated, strong organic odour. SC Sandy clay, increase pebbles, saturated, brown. 0.46

SC Sandy clay, pebbles, moist. 0.5




2.5 BOREHOLE LOG Client: Borehole ID: Project: MWH File: Site Location: Drilling Contractor: N/A Logged By: MB Datum: NAD 83, UTM, ZONE 9 Drilled by: N/A Completion Date: June 17 2010 Northing: 7462459.5 Drill Rig: Hand Auger BH Depth (m): 0.6 Easting: 376535 Drilling Drilling Method: N/A BH Diameter (m): Surface Elev. (m) 127.526 SUBSURFACE PROFILE FIELD SCREENS

OM Black organic, good root mass, wet, strong odour (organic). Soil sample #7

SC Brown sandy clay, wet, roots, pebbles, organic odour.

SC Gravelly, brown sandy clay, black loam, moist.

0.5 SC Brown sandy clay, pebbles, possible ice crystals, slightly moist. 0.47






Search Criteria:Inuvik, http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/App/spills/epd_spills/Asp/SpillReport.asp

Hazardous Materials Spill Database Environment Division of ENR Scotia 6, 5102-50th Avenue; Yellowknife, NT X1A 3S8 Phone: (867) 873-7654 Fax: (867) 873-0221

Sorted By: SpillNo for the year(s): 1971 - 2011 Spill No. Date Region Location Site Description Commodity Quantity Party Source Agency 1972006 8/9/1972 INU Inuvik IOL Tank Farm Diesel Fuel 172748 L Imperial Oil ST> - 1972013 9/17/1972 INU Inuvik In Ditch Gasoline 2728 L Imperial Oil TRU - 1972016 12/29/1972 INU Inuvik 100 Yards Northwest of Shot Point Fuel Oil 8183 L Phoenix Ventures OTH - 1973008 5/11/1973 INU Inuvik Old Falcon Campsite Diesel P-40 0 L Unknown PL- 1973027 8/29/1973 INU Inuvik Harbour Diesel Fuel 1818 L Shell Canada MV - 1975025 6/12/1975 INU Inuvik Lot 40 Block 28 Bunker C 3182 L NCPC ST< GNWT 1976017 1/1/1976 INU Inuvik Day Tank by Plant Diesel - Marine 1818 L NCPC ST< GNWT 1976019 6/3/1976 INU Inuvik On Barge & In River Bunker C 90 L NTCL MV - 1977016 4/24/1977 INU Inuvik Tank Farm Bunker C 9092 L NCPC PL GNWT 1978017 6/9/1978 INU Inuvik Upper Tank Farm Bunker C 9090 L NCPC ST> GNWT 1980032 6/7/1980 INU Inuvik Shell Lake Unknown 4546 L Unknown UK EPS 1980070 7/28/1980 INU Inuvik Airport Road Aviation Gasoline 909 L Esso TRU - 1980116 10/9/1980 INU Inuvik North of NTCL Dock Mackenzie River Lube Oil 91 L CCG UK GNWT 1982012 2/2/1982 INU Inuvik NCPC Day Tank Diesel P-40 13638 L NCPC ST> INAC 1982041 5/28/1982 INU Inuvik Public Works Yard Oil C250 909 L Town of Inuvik TRU GNWT 1982046 6/4/1982 INU Inuvik On Road Parellel To Mackenzie River Bunker C 450 L NCPC PL INAC 1982049 6/15/1982 INU Inuvik IOL Pump Diesel P-50 68 L NTCL PL GNWT North Star Service & 1982082 9/28/1982 INU Inuvik North Star's Yard Diesel Fuel 9080 L TRU GNWT Construction 1982090 10/20/1982 INU Inuvik GNWT Tank Farm Gasoline 682 L POL PL GNWT 1983032 5/26/1983 INU Inuvik Town Works Yard MC250 Oil 227 L Town of Inuvik ST> INAC 1983041 6/27/1983 INU Inuvik NTCL Dock 0.5 Miles Along Shore Diesel P-40 1400 L NTCL PL INAC 1984092 8/13/1984 INU Inuvik NTCL Storage Yard Asphalt Oil 700 L NTCL ST> GNWT 1984093 8/14/1984 INU Inuvik NTCL Dock Bunker C 90 L NTCL MV EPS 1984095 8/19/1984 INU Inuvik Town Works Yard Unknown 115 L Town of Inuvik ST< GNWT 1984103 9/28/1984 INU Inuvik NCPC Property Below New Plant Diesel P-50 820 L NCPC PL INAC 1984123 12/13/1984 INU Inuvik NCPC Powerhouse Bunker B 900 L NCPC UK EPS 1985009 1/29/1985 INU Inuvik By NCPC Mill Power House P-137 Bunker B 145 L NCPC ST< EPS 1985029 3/13/1985 INU Inuvik Sewage Lagoon Primary Cell Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik SL INAC 1985059 6/30/1985 INU Inuvik Flare Pit In Open Field Bunker C/Dirty Fuel 0 L Kroliat Construction OTH EPS 1985073 7/25/1985 INU Inuvik Dempster Cutoff On Airport Road Diesel Fuel 90 L Whitepass Transportation Ltd TRU GNWT 1985083 8/29/1985 INU Inuvik Tank Farm Bunker C 910 L NCPC ST> EPS Drilling Fluid Polymer 1985121 12/11/1985 INU Inuvik On Highway 3 Km South of Inuvik 200 L Points North Transportation TRU GNWT - Invermul-NT 1986036 5/1/1986 INU Inuvik #90 Mackenzie Road Heating Oil 2000 L Unknown ST< GNWT 1986061 6/30/1986 INU Inuvik Airport Jet B 120 L Treeline Aviation AIR EPS 1986081 8/12/1986 INU Inuvik Tank Yard Diesel P-40 0 L NCPC PL EPS 1986104 10/2/1986 INU Inuvik Esso Petroleum Dock Gasoline 75 L NTCL MV INAC 1987044 5/25/1987 INU Inuvik Airport Ramp Kerosene 45 L Unknown AIR EPS 1987099 8/15/1987 INU Inuvik Location 36-3 on Licence N3L4-0036 Sewage 0 L Unknown SL INAC 1988010 2/16/1988 INU Inuvik - Perchloroethylene 23 L Points North TRU GNWT 1988079 6/24/1988 INU Inuvik Arctic College Main Building Transformer Oil 200 L NWTPC OTH GNWT Transformer Oil 1988094 7/17/1988 INU Inuvik Two Power Poles 450 L NWTPC OTH GNWT (PCB) 1988111 8/4/1988 INU Inuvik Along Road to Airport Diesel Fuel 0 L Unknown UK GNWT 1989004 1/17/1989 INU Inuvik K-Plant Yard Diesel P-40 900 L NWTPC ST< GNWT 1989065 8/2/1989 INU Inuvik Lot 1004 Block Q107B7 Airport Road Fuel Oil P-50 6000 L Inuvik Inn OTH GNWT 1989083 6/20/1989 INU Inuvik #40 Industrial Road Used Oil 0 L John's Garage UK GNWT 1989165 10/17/1989 INU Inuvik Town Dock Diesel Fuel 25 L Hansen Petroleum TRU INAC 1989189 12/5/1989 INU Inuvik - Gasoline 400 L Hansen Petroleum PL GNWT 1990017 2/12/1990 INU Inuvik Weigh Scale Gasoline 230 L Mr. Barton-Campsall TRU GNWT 1990038 3/28/1990 INU Inuvik Junction of Dempster Highway & Airport Road Diesel P-40 16000 L Hansen Petroleum TRU GNWT 1990050 4/24/1990 INU Inuvik #34 Alder Street Heating Oil 0 L Hansen Petroleum ST< EPS 1990078 5/30/1990 INU Inuvik #38 Alder Drive Heating Oil 0 L Hansen Petroleum ST< EPS 1990144 8/10/1990 INU Inuvik #24 Mackenzie Road Heating Oil 675 L B A T Construction ST< GNWT 1991073 5/22/1991 INU Inuvik NWTPC Glycol/Oil Residue 4540 L NWTPC UK GNWT 1991101 6/18/1991 INU Inuvik Town Lot on Distrubutor Street Tar 5448 L Municipality of Inuvik ST> GNWT 1991121 6/5/1991 INU Inuvik Airport Jet B 1544 L Treeline Aviation ST< EPS 1991151 8/13/1991 INU Inuvik NTPC Dock Bunker C 46 L NTCL MV CCG 1991204 10/25/1991 INU Inuvik Airport Ramp Aviation Gasoline 159 L Treeline Aviation PL EPS 1991227 12/21/1991 INU Inuvik NWTPC Power Plant Bunker C 136 L NWTPC ST< GNWT 1992006 1/17/1992 INU Inuvik Sewage Lagoon Sewage 8400000 L Town of Inuvik SL INAC

1 of 5 4/28/2011 11:14 AM Search Criteria:Inuvik, http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/App/spills/epd_spills/Asp/SpillReport.asp

1992016 2/18/1992 INU Inuvik Esso Petroleum Loading Rack Gasoline 800 L Hansen Petroleum TRU GNWT 1992052 4/23/1992 INU Inuvik Airport Turbo Fuel 181 L Esso Resources Canada Ltd PL GNWT 1992100 5/28/1992 INU Inuvik #53 Bonnetplum Road Fuel Oil 68 L Talal Khatib ST< GNWT 1992121 6/13/1992 INU Inuvik Airport Creek Inuvik Fuel 0 L Unknown OTH CCG 1992157 7/9/1992 INU Inuvik Fuelling Position Bunker C 113 L NTCL & NWTPC PL GNWT 1993059 1/1/1993 INU Inuvik NWTPC Plant Diesel P-50 23 L NWTPC ST< GNWT 1993111 7/18/1993 INU Inuvik Shell Lake Float Base Aviation Fuel 455 L Fred Carmicheal AIR EPS 1993127 8/11/1993 INU Inuvik NWTPC Dock Bunker C 23 L NTCL UK GNWT 1993130 8/11/1993 INU Inuvik DPW / GNWT Yard by Inuvik Junction Asphalt Oil 300 L Unknown UK GNWT 1993136 8/19/1993 INU Inuvik Between the Eskimo Inn & CBC Building Heating Fuel 23 L Hutton Enterprises TRU GNWT 1993175 10/27/1993 INU Inuvik #70 Bootleg Road Fuel Oil 0 L Dave Button UK GNWT 1994010 1/18/1994 INU Inuvik Power Plant Tank Farm Bunker C 608 L NWTPC PL GNWT 1994084 5/26/1994 INU Inuvik Magview Road Behind Cardinals Garage Oil 0 uk Unknown UK GNWT 1994096 6/8/1994 INU Inuvik Inuvik Tank Farm Bunker C 2273 L NWTPC PL GNWT 1994102 6/16/1994 INU Inuvik #69 Mackenzie Road Diesel Fuel 568 L Unknown PL GNWT 1994155 8/23/1994 INU Inuvik Airport East Side of Aklak Hanger Heating Oil 455 L Aklak Air ST< EPS 1994157 8/25/1994 INU Inuvik #16 Franklin Road Diesel P-50 30 L Hansen Petroleum TRU GNWT 1994218 10/28/1994 INU Inuvik Airport Esso Tank Farm Jet B 5410 L Esso Resources Canada Ltd ST> EPS 1995104 7/4/1995 INU Inuvik Barge Refuelling Station Mackenzie River Diesel Fuel 0 L Unknown UK EPS 1995125 8/2/1995 INU Inuvik Bonnet Plume Rd, Centennial St & Inuit Rd Heating Oil 100 L Hansen Petroleum TRU GNWT 1995131 8/16/1995 INU Inuvik Airport RCMP Hanger Diesel Fuel 0 L RCMP ST< EPS 1995146 9/1/1995 INU Inuvik Sewage Lagoon Slop Oil 455 L Unknown UK INAC Hansen Petroleum and Inuvik 1995198 12/15/1995 INU Inuvik Airport Firehall Diesel Fuel 114 L ST< EPS Airport 1996068 5/8/1996 INU Inuvik 60 Franklin Road Used Oil 0 uk The Auto Clinic DRUM GNWT 1996111 6/25/1996 INU Inuvik Airport Runway Jet B 200 L Treeline Aviation AIR EPS 1996162 8/23/1996 INU Inuvik 63A Ravens Street Diesel Fuel 2273 L Kids ST< GNWT 1996171 8/29/1996 INU Inuvik Fire Department Training Area, Navy Road Bunker C 205 L Dowland Contracting OTH GNWT 1996188 9/15/1996 INU Inuvik NWTPC Diesel Generating Plant Diesel P-50 22730 L NWTPC ST> GNWT 1997189 8/13/1997 INU Inuvik Bill English Lot, 61 Bonnet Stove Oil 30 L Hansen Petroleum (Esso) TRU GNWT 1998071 1/1/1998 INU Inuvik RCMP Station Transformer Oil 182 L NWTPC OTH GNWT Motor Oil/Hydraulic 1998109 7/11/1998 INU Inuvik #8 Tank Farm Road, Imperial Oil Yard 40 L Northwest Transport DRUM GNWT Fluid 1998146 8/27/1998 INU Inuvik 34B Inuit Road Diesel Fuel 0 uk Unknown ST< GNWT 1998147 9/1/1998 INU Inuvik Bistro Restaurant Sewage 0 uk Unknown UK GNWT 1998168 10/19/1998 INU Inuvik Arctic Tire - Navy Road Diesel Fuel 50 L Arctic Tire OTH GNWT 1999079 6/24/1999 INU Inuvik NTCL Gasoline 100 L NTCL MV CCG 1999143 10/22/1999 INU Inuvik NWTPC Plant Ethylene Glycol 1637 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2000006 1/18/2000 INU Inuvik 4 Tuma Drive Heating Oil 0 L Whiponic Wellputer Ltd. ST< GNWT 2000063 3/21/2000 INU Inuvik NTPC Powerhouse Property Ethylene Glycol 430 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2000128 5/23/2000 INU Inuvik 22 Tuma Drive Heating Fuel 400 L Floyd McKinnon ST< GNWT 2000239 8/28/2000 INU Inuvik Semmler Place Beside Playground Diesel Fuel 300 L Arctic Tire Ltd. OTH GNWT 2000243 8/30/2000 INU Inuvik Airport Jet Fuel 1 L Treeline Aviation (Esso) AIR GNWT Hydraulic 2000257 9/14/2000 INU Inuvik Hospital Hill Road 23 L Bob's Welding Ltd. TRU GNWT Fluid/Engine Oil 2000274 9/29/2000 INU Inuvik Airport Storage Compound Transformer Oil 0 L Unknown DRUM GNWT 2000294 11/1/2000 INU Inuvik Airport RCMP Hangar Heating Fuel 1000 L RCMP ST< GNWT 2000325 12/20/2000 INU Inuvik Northern Images Store Mackenzie Road Heating Oil 200 L Northern Images ST< GNWT 2001046 2/22/2001 INU Inuvik Inside EMD Plant Glycol 23 L NWTPC PL GNWT Antifreeze Coolant 2001127 4/22/2001 INU Inuvik NWTPC EMD Plant 1230 L NWTPC PL GNWT Diesel/Glycol/Water 2001170 5/31/2001 INU Inuvik Nanook Place (end of street) Diesel P-50 250 L Weitzel's Cosntruction ST< GNWT 2001181 6/12/2001 INU Inuvik #9 Spruce Hill Drive Heating Fuel P-50 200 L Lloyd Hyatt ST< GNWT 2001182 6/12/2001 INU Inuvik Ikhil Motor Oil 25 L Alta Gas Utilities DRUM NEB 2001205 6/27/2001 INU Inuvik Stage Air Lease NE Corner Airport Calcium Chloride 135 kg Unknown DRUM GNWT 2001211 6/29/2001 INU Inuvik Rear of Warehouse Under Diesel Tank Diesel Fuel 0 L Marine Air Cargo PL GNWT 2001230 7/13/2001 INU Inuvik Norcan Leasing Ltd. Yard Used Oil 100 L Norcan Leasing Ltd. DRUM GNWT 2001272 8/21/2001 INU Inuvik NWTPC EMD Plant (P136) Glycol 400 L NWTPC PL GNWT Richard Rogers and Gary Brinton 2001302 9/21/2001 INU Inuvik Tank Farm Area Treeline Aviation Jet B 2199 L OTH GNWT Treeline Aviation 2001306 9/24/2001 INU Inuvik Continental Helicopter Lease Airport Fuel Oil 0 L Continental Helicopters ST< GNWT 2002013 1/17/2002 INU Inuvik Arctic Esso Gas Station Diesel Fuel 20 L Esso Petroleum OTH GNWT 2002036 1/29/2002 INU Inuvik Anglican Church Heating Fuel P-50 2800 L Kids ST< GNWT 2002054 2/2/2002 INU Inuvik NWTPC EMD Plant Antifreeze and Water 3420 L NWTPC PL GNWT 68:38:711N 134:05:505W Staging Site on 2002284 4/21/2002 INU Inuvik Motor Oil 1 L WesternGeco OTH GNWT East Channel DOT Road 2002341 5/24/2002 INU Inuvik NWTPC - EMD Plant Engine Lube Oil 0 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2002354 6/1/2002 INU Inuvik 41 Ruyant St. Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2002355 6/1/2002 INU Inuvik Dock Owned by Coast Guard 45 Gallon Drums 0 L Unknown DRUM EPS 2002357 6/3/2002 INU Inuvik 7 - 211 Raven Street Used Oil 0 L Town of Inuvik UK GNWT 2002358 6/3/2002 INU Inuvik Behind 33 Ruyant St. Utilidor Sewage Main Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC

2 of 5 4/28/2011 11:14 AM Search Criteria:Inuvik, http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/App/spills/epd_spills/Asp/SpillReport.asp

2002364 6/7/2002 INU Inuvik Sewer Main @ Service to #4 Union St. Sewage 380 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2002395 6/26/2002 INU Inuvik Airport Aklak Hanger Waste Oil 0 L Aklak Air DRUM GNWT 2002412 7/6/2002 INU Inuvik Navy Road, Ditch NW side of Dowlands Yard Chemical 0 L Unknown UK GNWT 2002418 7/15/2002 INU Inuvik Corner of Kugmallit & Raven St. Unknown 0 L Unknown UK GNWT 2002422 7/16/2002 INU Inuvik 1 Navy Rd. 1 Industrial Rd. Used Oil 205 L Tundra Drilling DRUM GNWT 2002473 8/20/2002 INU Inuvik NWTPC K Plant Glycol 68 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2002488 8/27/2002 INU Inuvik Behind EMD Power House Lube Oil 0 L NWTPC ST> GNWT 2002518 9/11/2002 INU Inuvik 33 Industrial Road, Lot 14, Block 49, Plan 633 Engine Oil 0 L Gasco - Olton Ltd DRUM GNWT 2002575 11/18/2002 INU Inuvik Corner of Kugmallit and Raven St. Sewage 0 L Private Individual PL GNWT 2002581 11/28/2002 INU Inuvik Fast Food Café on Mackenzie Rd. 179 Sewage 5 L Gasga-Olton Ltd. ST< GNWT 2002585 11/27/2002 INU Inuvik Hospital Sewage 455 L GNWT PL GNWT 2002587 12/6/2002 INU Inuvik Hospital Sewage 682 L GNWT PL GNWT 2002594 12/12/2002 INU Inuvik Under K-Plant Esso GMA 40 10 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2002609 12/27/2002 INU Inuvik NWTPC Yard Glycol 3430 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2003020 1/14/2003 INU Inuvik 32 Kugmallit Road Sewer Water 0 L Talal Khatib PL GNWT 2003025 1/18/2003 INU Inuvik Pumphouse Husky Trailer Ct. Raven/Kugmallit Wastewater 400 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2003175 3/17/2003 INU Inuvik Utilidor Between Bonnetplume and Kingmingya Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2003239 4/7/2003 INU Inuvik Inuvik Hospital Utilidette Connection to Utilidor Sewage 0 L Inuvik Hospital PL GNWT 2003290 4/22/2003 INU Inuvik Fisheries and Oceans Canada Motor Oil 14 L Fisheries & Oceans Canada DRUM EPS 2003306 4/30/2003 INU Inuvik Solid Waste Site Fuel 0 L Devon ARL Corporation UK GNWT 2003404 6/1/2003 INU Inuvik Under Utilidor Between P136 & P137 Glycol/Water 200 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2003410 6/2/2003 INU Inuvik 179 Mackenzie Rd. Sewage 0 L Gasga-Olton Ltd. PL GNWT 2003428 6/13/2003 INU Inuvik Dump Waste Oil 0 L Unknown OTH GNWT Resources, Wildlife & Economic 2003475 7/8/2003 INU Inuvik Between Inuvik Airport and Caribou Lake Turbo B 205 L DRUM INAC Development 2003508 7/22/2003 INU Inuvik NWTPC Inuvik Plant EMD Plant 15w40 Oil 45 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2003583 9/22/2003 INU Inuvik 60 F Kingmingya Utilidor Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2003592 9/26/2003 INU Inuvik CCGS Nahidik Lube Oil 4 L CCGS Nahidik MV CCG 2003600 9/30/2003 INU Inuvik Sump Station Kugmallit Rd. Sewage 200 L 902754 NWT Ltd. PL GNWT 2003612 10/8/2003 INU Inuvik River Road by Coast Guard Dock Diesel 23 L Brian Turner MV GNWT 2003715 11/28/2003 INU Inuvik Blk 19 (behind old Liquor Store) Sewage 4546 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2003732 12/8/2003 INU Inuvik Lot 2 Block 45 Plan 2098 Sewage 0 L 902754 NWT Ltd./Talal Khatib PL GNWT 2004007 1/5/2004 INU Inuvik K Plant Lube Oil 91 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2004047 1/20/2004 INU Inuvik Husky Trailer Park Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2004101 2/16/2004 INU Inuvik Parkview Apt. Complex Diesel/Glycol 364 L Mackenzie Delta Hotel Group PL GNWT 2004138 3/5/2004 INU Inuvik Inside EMD Power Plant Diesel Fuel 200 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2004213 4/12/2004 INU Inuvik 65 Natala Drive Heating Oil 600 L Unknown PL GNWT 2004235 4/22/2004 INU Inuvik Semmler Building 1st Floor Inuvik Public Health Mercury 0 L IRHSSA - Inuvik Public Health OTH GNWT 2004262 5/6/2004 INU Inuvik Samuel Hearne Secondary School Propylene Glycol 1200 L PW&S OTH GNWT 2004316 5/24/2004 INU Inuvik 31 Dolphin Street Fuel P-50 0 L Tommy Chicksi ST< GNWT 2004320 5/25/2004 INU Inuvik Industrial Road Waste Oil 0 L Storr & Sons Ltd. DRUM GNWT 2004322 5/26/2004 INU Inuvik 181 Mackenzie Road Boreal Building Heating Fuel P-50 0 L Abdella Mohammad PL GNWT 2004331 5/31/2004 INU Inuvik Inuvik Auto Industrial Road Waste Oil 0 L Inuvik Auto Roland Petrin DRUM GNWT 2004370 2/16/2004 INU Inuvik Parkview Apt. Complex P-50/Glycol 115 L Parkview Management PL GNWT 2004395 6/18/2004 INU Inuvik EMD Plant Glycol/Water 11365 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2004396 6/18/2004 INU Inuvik Road Way Behind K-Plant Glycol/Water 46 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2004427 6/28/2004 INU Inuvik Power Plant Rd Between EMO & K-Plant Lube Oil 50 L Dowland Construction (NWTPC) PL GNWT 2004468 7/16/2004 INU Inuvik EMD Plant Glycol/Water 40 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2004562 8/25/2004 INU Inuvik Parks Canada Compound River Road Aviation Gasoline 0 L Parks Canada DRUM EPS Tundra Drilling Services 2004624 10/11/2004 INU Inuvik West of K-Plant Hydraulic Oil 50 L PL GNWT (NWTPC) 2004647 11/18/2004 INU Inuvik Public Works - Perry Building Parking lot Gasoline 0 UK PW&S TRU GNWT 2004664 12/9/2004 INU Inuvik Behind (east) side 17 Raven St. Sewage 5000 L Town of Inuvik OTH INAC 2004694 12/21/2004 INU Inuvik NWTPC Glycol 20 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2005004 1/4/2005 INU Inuvik NTPC Lineshop P-50 Heating Fuel 0 L Unknown ST< GNWT Frosty's Arctic Pub, Fast Food 2005029 1/24/2005 INU Inuvik Behind Frosty's Pub Under Utilidor Sewage 0 L PL GNWT Café 2005038 1/28/2005 INU Inuvik EMD Power Plant Diesel Fuel 9 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2005039 1/28/2005 INU Inuvik K Plant Water & Nalcool 3 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2005089 2/23/2005 INU Inuvik Happy Valley Campground Sewage 20000 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2005139 3/24/2005 INU Inuvik Behind Mackenzie Hotel & Boreal Books Sewage 0 L Mackenzie Delta Hotel Group PL INAC Department of Fisheries and 2005222 5/5/2005 INU Inuvik DFO Compound Varsol 23 L DRUM EPS Oceans 2005235 5/10/2005 INU Inuvik Shell Lake Office Parking Lot Diesel Fuel 30 L Unknown ST< GNWT Mackenzie Valley Construction 2005252 5/17/2005 INU Inuvik MVCL Yard 74 Navy Road Water/Hydrocarbons 9000 L TRU GNWT Ltd. 2005267 5/28/2005 INU Inuvik 65 Mackenzie Road Heating Fuel P-50 909 L Alan Davies ST< GNWT Airport Loading Ramp Treeline Aviation 2005286 6/7/2005 INU Inuvik Jet A1 20 L Dickie Mistaken Chief PL GNWT Services Ltd. 2005289 6/8/2005 INU Inuvik Creek Flowing from Culvert Under Navy Road Sewage 0 L Unknown OTH GNWT 2005300 6/14/2005 INU Inuvik NTPC Line Yard Diesel P-50 0 L NWTPC ST< GNWT

3 of 5 4/28/2011 11:14 AM Search Criteria:Inuvik, http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/App/spills/epd_spills/Asp/SpillReport.asp

2005330 7/4/2005 INU Inuvik Inuvik Hospital Diesel P-50 114 L Mackenzie Valley Construction ST< GNWT 2005351 7/13/2005 INU Inuvik Power Plant K-Plant Lube Oil 136 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2005387 8/11/2005 INU Inuvik Corner of Distributor St. & Franklin Rd. Volt Esso Mineral Oil 38 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2005394 8/16/2005 INU Inuvik 34 Mackenzie Road Heating Fuel 40 L William Nasogaluak ST< GNWT 2005401 8/21/2005 INU Inuvik Airport Ramp Jet A-1 30 L Bombardier Regional Jet AIR GNWT 2005408 8/24/2005 INU Inuvik 56 Mackenzie Rd. Semmler Building Gasoline 10 L Unknown OTH GNWT E. Grubens Transport Ltd. Up River from NT 2005432 9/10/2005 INU Inuvik Hydraulic Fluid 0 L E. Gruben's Transport Ltd OTH INAC Dock 2005489 10/15/2005 INU Inuvik Behind #73 Bonnetplume Road Sewage 10000 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2005537 11/14/2005 INU Inuvik Lot 7 Block 64 Plan 754 Navy Rd. Heating Fuel 5455 L Aurora Enterprises Ltd. ST> GNWT 2005538 11/22/2005 INU Inuvik #107 MacKenzie Rd. Propylene Glycol 14 L IDC Properties DRUM GNWT Various 2005555 12/19/2005 INU Inuvik Inuvik Landfill Fire 0 L Town of Inuvik OTH INAC Contaminants 2006019 1/26/2006 INU Inuvik Between Junction 98 & 99 Utilidor Sewage 0 L Fast Food Café & Frosty's Pub PL GNWT 2006067 2/27/2006 INU Inuvik Beside 17 Raven St. Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC Behind Midnight Sun Rec Complex Along 2006193 5/11/2006 INU Inuvik Hydrocarbons 0 L Unknown DRUM GNWT Gwich'in Rd Navy Rd. Ditch Between TH Auto Repair - 2006217 5/29/2006 INU Inuvik Oil 0 L Unknown UK GNWT Dowland 2006227 6/3/2006 INU Inuvik South Shore of Twin Lakes Petroleum Product 0 L Unknown UK INAC 2006282 7/12/2006 INU Inuvik 40 Inuit Road Heating Fuel 1136 L Pauline Peterson ST< GNWT 2006402 10/21/2006 INU Inuvik Near Shell Lake on the Highway Diesel Fuel 0 L Motor Vehicle Accident TRU GNWT 2007022 1/24/2007 INU Inuvik Navy Creek KM 12-14 Diesel 0 L Mullen Oilfield Services TRU INAC 2007046 2/9/2007 INU Inuvik 60A Kingmingya Rd. in Parking Lot Motor Oil 5 L Dana Marie Francey TRU GNWT 2007091 3/6/2007 INU Inuvik Navy Road Volt Esso 35 49 L Allen Services OTH GNWT Outside Power Plant Beside Two Big Doors 2007094 3/6/2007 INU Inuvik XD3 15W40 14 L NWTPC DRUM GNWT North Side 2007161 4/12/2007 INU Inuvik 45 Industrial Road Waste Oil 20 L Walter Bebeck UK GNWT Ditch in Front of Dowland Contracting - Navy 2007192 5/2/2007 INU Inuvik Waste Oil 30 L Dowland Contracting UK GNWT Road 2007222 5/24/2007 INU Inuvik 22 Franklin Rd. Waste Oil 10 L Don Cralk DRUM GNWT 2007224 5/28/2007 INU Inuvik 78C Bompas Road Used Oil 0 L Unknown OTH GNWT 2007271 6/17/2007 INU Inuvik Mackenzie River East Channel Gasoline 20 L ENR, GNWT MV CCG 2007275 6/18/2007 INU Inuvik NTPC Tank Farm Diesel Fuel 3000 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2007276 6/18/2007 INU Inuvik NTPC Power Plant K-Plant Area Glycol/Oil Residue 0 L NWTPC DRUM GNWT 2007416 8/31/2007 INU Inuvik 30 Semmler Fuel Oil 909 L Albert Lalonde and Dora Ritias ST< GNWT 2007419 9/4/2007 INU Inuvik Happy Valley Campground Dump Station Sewage 2 L Aaron Marshall TRU GNWT 2007447 9/20/2007 INU Inuvik 8 Tank Farm Road Jet A-1 300 L Imperial Oil Ltd. OTH EPS 2007547 12/6/2007 INU Inuvik K-Plant Yard Glycol/Water 300 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2007548 12/6/2007 INU Inuvik Mackenzie River Inuvik Pumphouse Diesel Fuel 25 L Northwind Industries TRU INAC 2008020 1/24/2008 INU Inuvik 60 Franklin Road Sewage 0 L Mackenzie Valley Construction PL GNWT 2008048 2/20/2008 INU Inuvik Happy Valley Sewage Out Fall Line Sewage 2100000 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2008087 3/14/2008 INU Inuvik K-Plant Glycol 33 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2008117 4/4/2008 INU Inuvik 19 Inuit Road Sewage/Grey Water 0 L Tahlil Kahtib PL GNWT 2008157 4/23/2008 INU Inuvik Inuvik Utilidor Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2008186 5/8/2008 INU Inuvik 94 Kugmallit Road Diesel Fuel 0 L Dennis Wright TRU GNWT 2008211 5/15/2008 INU Inuvik 20 Camsell Place Heating Fuel 1 L Daryl English ST< GNWT 2008239 5/27/2008 INU Inuvik NTCL Dock Oil 0 L Unknown UK CCG 2008349 7/20/2008 INU Inuvik Gas Plant (K Plant) XD3 15W40 6800 L NWTPC ST> GNWT Old Inuvik Inn Site Dempster Hwy 68:18:564N 2008407 8/20/2008 INU Inuvik Jet B 0 L Unknown DRUM GNWT 133:33:272W 2008480 10/4/2008 INU Inuvik Allen Services Yard Diesel/Kerosene 1364 L Allen Services ST< GNWT 2008523 10/28/2008 INU Inuvik Bypass Road Hydraulic Fluid 114 L Tundra Drilling OTH GNWT Samuel Hearne Secondary 2008538 11/9/2008 INU Inuvik Samuel Hearne Secondary School Diesel Fuel 100 L OTH GNWT School 2008579 12/11/2008 INU Inuvik Samuel Hearne School Hydraulic Oil 150 L Dowland Construction OTH GNWT Petroleum Products 2009007 1/12/2009 INU Inuvik NTPC Truck Loading Facility Diesel Fuel 400 L ST< GNWT Division/Arctic Dove 2009103 3/17/2009 INU Inuvik Airport FOL JP8 20 L Department of National Defence ST< EPS 2009138 4/9/2009 INU Inuvik Behind K-Plant G10 Rad Fan Piping Bellows Glycol 450 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2009153 4/19/2009 INU Inuvik North of 51 Wolverine Rd. Along Skidoo Trail Waste Oil 0 L Unknown DRUM GNWT 2009203 5/12/2009 INU Inuvik Industrial Road Waste Oil 0 L Nabors Drilling Ltd./Storr & Son's DRUM GNWT 2009220 5/21/2009 INU Inuvik Fire Training Grounds Fuel Oil 205 L Unknown DRUM GNWT 2009238 5/28/2009 INU Inuvik INAC Storage Yard Jet Fuel 40 L INAC DRUM GNWT 2009240 5/29/2009 INU Inuvik 28/30/32 Industrial Road Fuel Oil 0 L Unknown UK GNWT 2009273 6/9/2009 INU Inuvik NWT Power Corp Engine Oil 30 L NWTPC OTH INAC 2009286 6/11/2009 INU Inuvik 100 Bompas Road Heating Fuel 0 L Homeowner ST< GNWT 2009289 6/9/2009 INU Inuvik Raven Street In Front of Unit 17 Diesel Fuel 0 L Unknown TRU GNWT 2009321 6/26/2009 INU Inuvik Landfill Site Fire 0 L Town of Inuvik OTH GNWT 2009400 8/17/2009 INU Inuvik 49 Navy Road Diesel Fuel 20 L Stanton Group Ltd. ST< GNWT 2009421 9/1/2009 INU Inuvik Across From Dene Band Office, Old College Hydraulic Fluid 0 L Unknown OTH GNWT 2009461 10/3/2009 INU Inuvik 31 Industrial Road Heating Fuel 182 L Vince Sharpe ST< GNWT

4 of 5 4/28/2011 11:14 AM Search Criteria:Inuvik, http://www.enr.gov.nt.ca/App/spills/epd_spills/Asp/SpillReport.asp

2009463 10/8/2009 INU Inuvik 46 Kingmingya Road Heating Fuel 0 L Tahlil Kahtib PL GNWT 2009525 12/2/2009 INU Inuvik Power Plant Beside Lube Cubes Used Oil 50 L NWTPC PL GNWT 2009533 12/10/2009 INU Inuvik Northern Propoerty Reit Office Grey Water 450 L Northern Property Reit (NPR) PL GNWT 2010117 4/21/2010 INU Inuvik Dowland Maintenance Yard on Navy Road Gear Oil 350 L Dowland Contracting DRUM GNWT 2010126 4/22/2010 INU Inuvik Power Plant Glycol Distiller Building Glycol 15 L NWTPC OTH GNWT 2010153 5/10/2010 INU Inuvik Mid Town Market Heating Fuel 0 L Mid Town Market ST< GNWT 2010177 5/19/2010 INU Inuvik Inuvikl Tank Farm Water/Oil 20 L Unknown DRUM GNWT 2010333 8/6/2010 INU Inuvik Veteran's Way, Inuvik Heating Fuel 0 L Northern Property REIT ST< GNWT Unknown fuel and 2010350 8/23/2010 INU Inuvik Satellite Bay, Prince Patrick Island 100 L IMG-Golder Corporation ST< INAC water mix Unknown Fuel and 2010351 8/23/2010 INU Inuvik Satellite Bay, Prince Patrick Island 3 L IMG-Golder Corporation ST< INAC Water Mix 2010352 8/23/2010 INU Inuvik Satellite Bay, Prince Patrick Island Diesel 1 L IMG-Golder Corporation ST< INAC Northwest Territories Power 2010399 9/29/2010 INU Inuvik EMD Plant 50% Glycol 114 L PL GNWT Corporation 2010402 9/29/2010 INU Inuvik Navy Road Pit, Inuvik NT Diesel Fuel 50 L HAZCO TRU GNWT 155 Mackenzie Road, ARI Office, Mack Travel, 2010439 11/19/2010 INU Inuvik Mercury 1 L Aurora Research Institute OTH GNWT Inuvik 2011064 3/14/2011 INU Inuvik Between Hidden Valley and Twin Lakes Sewage 5000 L Town of Inuvik SL INAC 2011068 3/17/2011 INU Inuvik North East Corner, Block 20, Inuvik NT Raw Sewage 0 L Gasga-Olton Ltd. PL INAC Inuvik Management/902754 NWT 2011070 3/17/2011 INU Inuvik 177 Mackenzie Road, Inuvik NT Sewage 0 L PL GNWT Ltd. 2011071 3/17/2011 INU Inuvik Behind 60 Franklin Road, Inuvik NT Raw Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL INAC 2011080 3/24/2011 SSL Inuvik Behind Lakeview Apartments, Inuvik NT Sewage 0 L Town of Inuvik PL GNWT 2011103 4/9/2011 INU Inuvik Unipkat I-22 Water/Sediment 0 L Hazco Environmental NS INAC Total Spills on this Report: 272

This report contains information regarding spills that were reported to the NWT 24-Hour Spill Line. The absence of information on any particular location in no way guarantees that contamination has not occurred at that location. LEGEND

Region: Source: Agency: BAF - Baffin AIR - Aircraft PL - Pipe or Line TP - Tailings Pond CCG - Canadian Coast Guard DEH - Deh Cho DRUM - Drum or Barrel RT - Rail Train TRU - Truck EP - Environment Canada INU - Inuvik MV - Marine Vessel SL - Sewage Lagoon UK - Unkown GN - Government of KEE - Keewatin NS - Natural Seepage ST< - Storage Tank <4000 litres WELL - Wet Wells, Flaring GNWT - Government of Northwest Territories KIT - Kitikmeot OTH - Other Transportation ST> - Storage Tank >4000 litres Boom ILA - Inuvialiut Land Administration NSL - North Slave INAC - Indian and Northern Affairs Canada SAH - Sahtu NEB - National Energy Board SSL - South Slave

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Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Report Transmission Cover Page

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Contact & Affiliation Address Delivery Commitments Monica Brightwell Suite 620, 703 6 Ave SW On [Lot Verification] send MWH Canada Inc. Calgary, Alberta T2P 0T9 (COA) by Email - Single Report Phone: (403) 543-5353 Fax: (403) 233-2513 Email: [email protected] Canada Lab (Results) 620, 703 - 6 Avenue SW On [Lot Verification] send MWH Canada Inc. Calgary, Alberta T2P 0T9 (COA) by Email - Merge Reports Phone: (403) 543-5353 On [Report Approval] send Fax: (403) 233-2513 Email: [email protected] (COC, Test Report) by Email - Merge Reports On [Report Approval] send (Test Report) by Email - Single Report

Canada Approvals (Invoices) 620, 703 - 6 Avenue SW On [Lot Approval and Final Test Report Approval] send MWH Canada Inc. Calgary, Alberta T2P 0T9 (Invoice) by Email - Single Report Phone: (403) 543-5353 Fax: (403) 233-2513 Email: [email protected] Notes To Clients:

The information contained on this and all other pages transmitted, is intended for the addressee only and is considered confidential. If the reader is not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution or copy of this transmission is strictly prohibited. If you receive this transmission by error, or if this transmission is not satisfactory, please notify us by telephone. Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Sample Custody

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Sample Disposal Date: September 23, 2010

All samples will be stored until this date unless other instructions are received. Please indicate other requirements below and return this form to the address or fax number on the top of this page.

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The following charges apply to extended sample storage: Storage for an additional 30 days $ 2.50 per sample Storage for an additional 60 days $ 5.00 per sample Storage for an additional 90 days $ 7.50 per sample

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Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 1 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Analytical Report

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Reference Number 747592-1 747592-2 747592-3 Sample Date Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010 Sample Time NA NA NA Sample Location Sample Description C-36 / Control / 60- C-36 / Sample 1 / 75 C-36 / Sample 2 / 55 75 -85 -80 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Analyte Units Results Results Results Nominal Detection Limit Salinity pH Saturated Paste pH 8.1 7.7 8.0 Electrical Conductivity Saturated Paste dS/m at 25 C 0.48 3.43 1.38 0.01 SAR Saturated Paste 0.1 3.5 0.3 % Saturation % 39 46 61 Calcium Saturated Paste meq/L 3.37 24.2 12.8 0.01 Calcium Saturated Paste mg/kg 26.1 222 156 Magnesium Saturated Paste meq/L 1.23 9.32 3.85 0.02 Magnesium Saturated Paste mg/kg 5.8 51.8 28.3 Sodium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.22 14.5 0.98 0.04 Sodium Saturated Paste mg/kg 2 153 14 Potassium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.11 <0.2 0.59 0.03 Potassium Saturated Paste mg/kg 2 <4 14 Chloride Saturated Paste meq/L 0.20 3.92 2.13 0.06 Chloride Saturated Paste mg/kg 3 64 46 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste meq/L 3.30 41.5 14.6 0.06 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste mg/kg 20.5 305 142 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste meq/L <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.05 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste mg/kg <2 <2 <3 TGR Saturated Paste T/ac <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 2 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Analytical Report

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Reference Number 747592-4 747592-5 747592-6 Sample Date Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010 Sample Time NA NA NA Sample Location Sample Description C-36 / Sample 3 / 30 C-36 / Sample 4 / 75 C-36 / Sample 5 / -45 -85 surface Matrix Soil Soil Soil Analyte Units Results Results Results Nominal Detection Limit Salinity pH Saturated Paste pH 7.7 7.8 7.6 Electrical Conductivity Saturated Paste dS/m at 25 C 1.76 1.06 0.44 0.01 SAR Saturated Paste <0.1 0.7 0.2 % Saturation % 39 41 56 Calcium Saturated Paste meq/L 17.3 8.07 3.36 0.01 Calcium Saturated Paste mg/kg 134 66.2 38.0 Magnesium Saturated Paste meq/L 6.60 2.74 1.03 0.02 Magnesium Saturated Paste mg/kg 30.9 13.6 7.0 Sodium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.32 1.70 0.24 0.04 Sodium Saturated Paste mg/kg 3 16 3 Potassium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.12 0.08 0.07 0.03 Potassium Saturated Paste mg/kg 2 1 2 Chloride Saturated Paste meq/L 0.42 0.25 0.80 0.06 Chloride Saturated Paste mg/kg 6 4 16 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste meq/L 21.8 10.5 2.45 0.06 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste mg/kg 135 68.8 22.1 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste meq/L <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.05 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste mg/kg <2 <2 <3 TGR Saturated Paste T/ac <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 3 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Analytical Report

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Reference Number 747592-7 747592-8 747592-9 Sample Date Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010 Jun 17, 2010 Sample Time NA NA NA Sample Location Sample Description C-36 / Sample 6 / 25 C-36 / Sample 6 / 50 C-36 / Sample 7 / 20 -40 -65 -40 Matrix Soil Soil Soil Analyte Units Results Results Results Nominal Detection Limit Salinity pH Saturated Paste pH 7.6 7.9 7.4 Electrical Conductivity Saturated Paste dS/m at 25 C 0.35 0.48 0.26 0.01 SAR Saturated Paste 0.1 0.1 0.1 % Saturation % 46 39 43 Calcium Saturated Paste meq/L 2.62 3.46 1.86 0.01 Calcium Saturated Paste mg/kg 24.2 27.2 15.9 Magnesium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.96 1.17 0.88 0.02 Magnesium Saturated Paste mg/kg 5.4 5.5 4.6 Sodium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.15 0.20 0.13 0.04 Sodium Saturated Paste mg/kg 2 2 1 Potassium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.04 0.05 <0.03 0.03 Potassium Saturated Paste mg/kg <1 <1 <1 Chloride Saturated Paste meq/L 0.23 0.26 0.29 0.06 Chloride Saturated Paste mg/kg 4 4 4 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste meq/L 1.14 2.95 0.68 0.06 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste mg/kg 8.4 18.5 4.7 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste meq/L <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.05 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste mg/kg <2 <2 <2 TGR Saturated Paste T/ac <0.1 <0.1 <0.1

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 4 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Analytical Report

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Reference Number 747592-10 Sample Date Jun 17, 2010 Sample Time NA Sample Location Sample Description C-36 / Sample 7 / 50 -60 Matrix Soil Analyte Units Results Results Results Nominal Detection Limit Salinity pH Saturated Paste pH 7.6 Electrical Conductivity Saturated Paste dS/m at 25 C 0.38 0.01 SAR Saturated Paste 0.1 % Saturation % 48 Calcium Saturated Paste meq/L 2.56 0.01 Calcium Saturated Paste mg/kg 24.8 Magnesium Saturated Paste meq/L 1.05 0.02 Magnesium Saturated Paste mg/kg 6.2 Sodium Saturated Paste meq/L 0.18 0.04 Sodium Saturated Paste mg/kg 2 Potassium Saturated Paste meq/L <0.03 0.03 Potassium Saturated Paste mg/kg <1 Chloride Saturated Paste meq/L 0.24 0.06 Chloride Saturated Paste mg/kg 4 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste meq/L 2.52 0.06 Sulfate-S Saturated Paste mg/kg 19.5 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste meq/L <0.4 0.05 Nitrate and Nitrite - N Saturated Paste mg/kg <2 TGR Saturated Paste T/ac <0.1

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 5 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Analytical Report

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Reference Number 747592-11 747592-12 747592-13 Sample Date Jun 16, 2010 Jun 16, 2010 Jun 16, 2010 Sample Time NA NA NA Sample Location Sample Description C-36 / Control C-36 / Inflow- Cell 1 C-36 / Cell 1 Matrix Water Water Water Analyte Units Results Results Results Nominal Detection Limit Routine Water pH 7.70 7.74 7.78 Temperature of observed °C 23.3 23.2 23.2 pH Electrical Conductivity µS/cm at 25 C 100 102 145 1 Calcium Dissolved mg/L 15.2 15.7 21.6 0.2 Magnesium Dissolved mg/L 4.3 4.5 5.7 0.2 Sodium Dissolved mg/L 0.5 0.4 1.5 0.4 Potassium Dissolved mg/L <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.4 Iron Dissolved mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 Manganese Dissolved mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 Chloride Dissolved mg/L 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.4 Nitrate - N mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Nitrite - N mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 Nitrate and Nitrite - N mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Sulfate (SO4) Dissolved mg/L 4.2 5.1 16 0.9 Hydroxide mg/L <5 <5 <5 5 Carbonate mg/L <6 <6 <6 6 Bicarbonate mg/L 54 57 67 5 P-Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L <5 <5 <5 5 T-Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 44 47 55 5 Total Dissolved Solids Calculated mg/L 51 54 79 1 Hardness Dissolved as CaCO3 mg/L 56 58 77 Ionic Balance Dissolved % 100 110 110

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 6 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Analytical Report

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Reference Number 747592-14 747592-15 747592-16 Sample Date Jun 16, 2010 Jun 16, 2010 Jun 16, 2010 Sample Time NA NA NA Sample Location Sample Description C-36 / Cell 2 C-36 / Cell 2 Outflow C-36 / Cell 2 outflow 1 m 6m Matrix Water Water Water Analyte Units Results Results Results Nominal Detection Limit Routine Water pH 7.81 7.89 7.89 Temperature of observed °C 23.0 22.9 23.1 pH Electrical Conductivity µS/cm at 25 C 121 122 124 1 Calcium Dissolved mg/L 18.5 18.7 19.2 0.2 Magnesium Dissolved mg/L 5.2 5.2 5.3 0.2 Sodium Dissolved mg/L 0.9 0.9 1 0.4 Potassium Dissolved mg/L <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 0.4 Iron Dissolved mg/L 0.02 0.02 0.05 0.01 Manganese Dissolved mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 Chloride Dissolved mg/L 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.4 Nitrate - N mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Nitrite - N mg/L <0.005 <0.005 <0.005 0.005 Nitrate and Nitrite - N mg/L <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01 Sulfate (SO4) Dissolved mg/L 9.6 10 10 0.9 Hydroxide mg/L <5 <5 <5 5 Carbonate mg/L <6 <6 <6 6 Bicarbonate mg/L 67 72 68 5 P-Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L <5 <5 <5 5 T-Alkalinity as CaCO3 mg/L 55 59 55 5 Total Dissolved Solids Calculated mg/L 68 71 70 1 Hardness Dissolved as CaCO3 mg/L 68 68 70 Ionic Balance Dissolved % 100 99 110

Approved by: Randy Neumann, BSc General Manager Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 7 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Quality Control

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Metals Dissolved Blanks Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC Sulfur mg/L 0.0143193 -0.3 0.2 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010

Replicates Units Replicate 1 Replicate 2 % RSD Criteria Absolute Criteria Passed QC Sulfur mg/L 214 215 10 0.1 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010

Control Sample Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC Sulfur mg/L 48.4 45.5 51.5 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010 Sulfur mg/L 1.1 0.9 1.1 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010

Routine Water Blanks Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC Calcium mg/L 0.0554576 -0.2 0.2 yes Magnesium mg/L 0.00565643 -0.1 0.1 yes Sodium mg/L -0.11335 -0.4 0.4 yes Potassium mg/L 0.0295619 -0.4 0.4 yes Iron mg/L -0.00325291 -0.01 0.01 yes Manganese mg/L -0.000213638 -0.004 0.004 yes Chloride mg/L 0.36 -0.4 0.4 yes Nitrate - N mg/L 0.00424338 -0.01 0.01 yes Nitrite - N mg/L 0 -0.005 0.005 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010

Replicates Units Replicate 1 Replicate 2 % RSD Criteria Absolute Criteria Passed QC pH 7.12 7.00 10 0.10 yes Electrical Conductivity dS/m at 25 C 1.96 1.95 10 0.002 yes Calcium mg/L 183 185 10 0.6 yes Magnesium mg/L 4.5 4.6 10 0.7 yes Sodium mg/L 449 451 10 1.2 yes Potassium mg/L 19 19 10 1.2 yes Iron mg/L 0.96 1.01 10 0.05 yes Manganese mg/L 0.256 0.258 10 0.010 yes Chloride mg/L 29.7 30.8 10 0.5 yes Nitrate - N mg/L 0.91 0.89 10 0.01 yes Nitrite - N mg/L <0.02 <0.02 10 0.010 yes Hydroxide mg/L <5 <5 10 yes Carbonate mg/L 9 14 10 yes Bicarbonate mg/L 384 382 10 yes P-Alkalinity mg/L 8 11 10 5 yes

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 8 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Quality Control

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Routine Water - Continued Replicates Units Replicate 1 Replicate 2 % RSD Criteria Absolute Criteria Passed QC T-Alkalinity mg/L 331 336 10 5 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010

Control Sample Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC Chloride mg/L 2060 1889.2 2256.8 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010 pH 9.20 9.07 9.27 yes Electrical Conductivity dS/m at 25 C 2.75 2.620 2.860 yes Calcium mg/L 234 223.6 254.2 yes Magnesium mg/L 94.0 87.7 103.9 yes Sodium mg/L 238 219.5 269.3 yes Potassium mg/L 237 220.6 260.8 yes Iron mg/L 9.33 8.86 10.66 yes Manganese mg/L 2.26 2.140 2.500 yes Chloride mg/L 79.6 76.5 86.3 yes Nitrate - N mg/L 10.2 9.51 10.49 yes Nitrite - N mg/L 10.1 9.510 10.530 yes Nitrate and Nitrite - N mg/L 20.2 18.09 22.11 yes P-Alkalinity mg/L 501 426 534 yes T-Alkalinity mg/L 1020 958 1054 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010 pH 6.89 6.77 6.97 yes Electrical Conductivity dS/m at 25 C 0.078 0.070 0.082 yes Calcium mg/L 5.1 4.6 5.7 yes Magnesium mg/L 2.0 1.8 2.2 yes Sodium mg/L 4.8 4.7 5.7 yes Potassium mg/L 4.9 4.5 5.5 yes Iron mg/L 0.20 0.18 0.22 yes Manganese mg/L 0.049 0.045 0.055 yes Chloride mg/L 14.4 13.3 16.5 yes Nitrate - N mg/L 0.49 0.45 0.55 yes Nitrite - N mg/L 0.504 0.452 0.548 yes Nitrate and Nitrite - N mg/L 1.00 0.79 1.19 yes P-Alkalinity mg/L 44 22 82 yes T-Alkalinity mg/L 132 118 138 yes Date Acquired: June 22, 2010

Salinity Blanks Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC Calcium mg/L 0.0770254 -0.5 0.8 yes Magnesium mg/L 0.0161258 -0.2 0.2 yes Sodium mg/L 1.41819 -0 2 yes

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 9 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Quality Control

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Salinity - Continued Blanks Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC Potassium mg/L 0.140377 -0.9 0.9 yes Chloride mg/L <2 -0 4 yes Sulfate-S mg/L <1 -1 1 yes Date Acquired: June 23, 2010

Control Sample Units Measured Lower Limit Upper Limit Passed QC pH pH 6.1 5.9 6.4 yes Electrical Conductivity dS/m at 25 C 1.42 1.12 1.68 yes % Saturation % 52 49 64 yes Calcium mg/L 191 139.2 229.2 yes Magnesium mg/L 41.3 29.6 49.0 yes Sodium mg/L 55 41 60 yes Potassium mg/L 11.7 9.2 14.1 yes Sulfate-S mg/L 61 48 68 yes Date Acquired: June 23, 2010

Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions Page 10 of 10 Exova T: +1 (780) 438-5522 7217 Roper Road NW F: +1 (780) 438-0396 Edmonton, Alberta E: [email protected] T6B 3J4, Canada W: www.exova.com

Methodology and Notes

Bill To: MWH Canada Project: Lot ID: 747592 Report To: MWH Canada ID: C-36 Control Number: A176458 620, 703 - 6 Avenue S.W. Name: Tree River Date Received: Jun 21, 2010 Calgary, AB, Canada Location: Date Reported: Jun 25, 2010 T2P 0T9 LSD: Report Number: 1335479 Attn: Tim Chidlaw P.O.: 6930510 Sampled By: Monica Brightwell Acct code: Monica Brightwell Company: MWH

Method of Analysis Method Name Reference Method Date Analysis Location Started Alkalinity, pH, and EC in water APHA * Alkalinity - Titration Method, 2320 B 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Alkalinity, pH, and EC in water APHA * Conductivity, 2510 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Alkalinity, pH, and EC in water APHA * pH - Electrometric Method, 4500-H+ B 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Anions (Routine) by Ion APHA * Ion Chromatography with Chemical 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Chromatography Suppression of Eluent Cond., 4110 B Approval-Edmonton APHA Checking Correctness of Analyses, 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton 1030 E Chloride in Water APHA * Automated Ferricyanide Method, 4500- 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Cl- E Metals Trace (Dissolved) in water APHA Hardness by Calculation, 2340 B 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Metals Trace (Dissolved) in water APHA * Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) 22-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Method, 3120 B Saturated Paste in General Soil Carter * Electrical Conductivity and Soluble 23-Jun-10 Exova Edmonton Salts, Chapter 15

* Reference Method Modified References APHA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater McKeague Manual on Soil Sampling and Methods of Analysis


Please direct any inquiries regarding this report to our Client Services group. Results relate only to samples as submitted. The test report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of the laboratory. Terms and Conditions: www.exova.ca/terms&conditions


HAZARD IDENTIFICATION Project Date: June 14‐19, 2010 Project Name: Iteration NWT 2010 Site Visit ‐ TRIP 1 Project Number: 6930510 LSD/Address: n/a Travel Route: Sahtu Region: EL413 ‐ K'ahsho Got'ine District (Little Chicago area). Moose Lake D‐07 (wellsite coordinates: Latitude: N67° 06’10.1" Longitude: W130° 16’44.6”). Gwich'in Region: Tree River C‐36 (wellsite coordinates: Latitude: N67° 15’09.3" Longitude: W131° 51’48.0”); Thunder River N‐73 Sump (wellsite coordinates: Latitude: N67° 23’31.1" Longitude: W131° 29’02.4”); and Ontaratue River D‐39 (wellsite coordinates: Latitude: N67° 08’12.4" Longitude: W131° 37’18.7”).

Proposed Activities/Itinerary: June 14: Travel Calgary to Inuvik, NT (Canadian North). Meet with INAC and GLWB in Inuvik. Meet with wildlife monitor (if possible), rent required tools from local company, and meet with Great Slave Helicopters. Accomodation at the Mackenzie Hotel. June 15‐18: Helicopter to Tsiigehtchic to pick up one local monitor (with rifle and ammunition) each morning and fly out to project area. Download data loggers at D‐07 sump and attempt to remove casings and thermistor cables with rented tools. Complete field testing of mud product (with appropriate PPE) and attempt to move product by hand into HAZCO sling bags. If successful, pilot will use long line to sling bags down to riverbank. Move to D‐39, C‐36, and N‐73 sump sites to conduct monitoring and sampling program. Complete the As‐Built survey outline of each lease, sump, campsite, and access road using the Trimble GPS unit. Drop monitor back in Tsiigehtchic every evening and return to Inuvik. Accomodation at the Mackenzie Hotel. June 19: Return to Calgary (Canadian North).

ATV/Snowmobiling Trenching/Excavating Electrical Operations TDG Winter Travel Drilling Confined Space Entry H2S Helicopters Rotating Equipment Heavy Lifting Firearms Working Near/On Water Falling Objects Unstable Footing Working Alone Remote Locations Ground Disturbance Sampling: Mud product, soil, and water. Others: Insects and potential for wildlife encounters.

Initial Risk Rating: Severity (1 ‐ no or slight harm/damage, 2 ‐ moderate harm/damage, 3 ‐ severe harm/damage): 2 Probability (1 ‐ no or slight, 2 ‐ moderate, 3 ‐ high): 2

Risk Mitigation:

Helicopter travel in remote areas & limited communication ‐ Helicopter flying to be managed on Sahtu Helicopters corporate flight plan. Helicopter orientation by pilot. Helicopter on‐board supply kits includes: Survival kit, First Aid kit, emergency locator, satellite phone. Pilots certified in First Aid & CPR. Inclement weather (during flights and on‐ground field work) ‐ both passengers and pilot will agree on what weather conditions to fly in. Appropriate clothing and outerwear for a range of climate conditions. Insects and potential wildlife encounters ‐ insect repellent and bug shirt/face netting; pre‐scout landing areas for wildlife conflict, carry bear spray on person while on ground, Wildlife monitor will carry firearm. Unstable footing ‐ Slips/trips/falls. Safety "tailgate" meetings to be held with all field personnel. Loose dogs in the communities. Alcohol abuse can be prevalent within communities ‐ be aware.

Personal Protective Equipment Required: Head Protection Safety Footwear Fire Safety Coveralls Personal H2S Monitor Hearing Protection Hand Protection Weather Protection Insect Repellent Eye/Face Protection Respiratory Equipment Safety Vest Sunblock Others: Bear spray; Satellite phone; Survival kit; Class II First Aid Kit; Whistle. Others: Sani‐gel; alcohol wipes (for microphone disinfectant); Water & food rations. Residual Risk Rating: Severity (1 ‐ no or slight harm/damage, 2 ‐ moderate harm/damage, 3 ‐ severe harm/damage): 1 Probability (1 ‐ no or slight, 2 ‐ moderate, 3 ‐ high): 1 Personnel Involved: NAME COMPANY POSITION CONTACT INFORMATION ON SITE Jenica von Kuster MWH Mgr, N. Ops 403‐585‐0618 Y Monica Brightwell MWH Recl. Manager 403‐921‐6004 Y Darren Tomecek Iteration Mgr. 403‐880‐6229 Y Tim Chidlaw MWH Manager 403‐543‐5353 / 403‐921‐6010 N Wildlife Monitor Tsiighetchic Monitor Y Great Slave Helicopters ‐ Pilot 867‐678‐2270 or 867‐587‐2827 Y Mackenzie Hotel ‐ Accommodation 867‐777‐2861 N EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN

Refer to the Emergency Response Plan (Section 17 of the Safety Manual) and the ERP Checklist in Appendix 8 of the Safety Manual.

If an Accident Occurs: If a Spill Occurs: Prevent further injury or damage if safe to do so Prevent further release to the environment Remove victim from immediate danger Contain the release from further movement Provide first aid Inform the site supervisor Inform the site supervisor Contact an EnviroSearch supervisor or manager Contact emergency services as required Inform Provincial or Federal agencies as required Contact an EnviroSearch supervisor or Manager Begin the collection and clean‐up of contamination Secure the site to protect evidence for further investigation

Is the Emergency Contact '911' Available in the Area of Work? Yes No Unsure (An additional emergency contact in Alberta is the STARS Emergency Link Center at 1‐888‐888‐4567 or #4567 on cell)

Supply additional emergency contacts for the area: Police/RCMP: Inuvik: 867‐777‐1111 Fire/Wildfire: Forest Fire: 877‐698‐3473 Fort Good Hope: 867‐598‐1111 Inuvik: 867‐777‐2222 Ambulance: Inuvik: 867‐777‐4444 Air Ambulance: GS Helicopters: 867‐678‐2270 North Wright: 867‐ 777‐ 2220 Aklak Air: 867‐777‐3777 Hospital: Yellowknife: 867 669‐4111 Spill Reporting: 867‐920‐8130 Inuvik: 867.777.8000 Fort Good Hope Health Centre: 867‐598‐2211 Search and Rescue: 1‐800‐267‐7270

Additional Contact Information: Contact MWH office: 1 866‐808‐4234 during working hours or 403‐921‐6001 / 403‐921‐6007 after hours. MWH Satellite Phone: 881‐622‐448‐952 ERP to be coordinated with Great Slave Helicopters (Inuvik) 867‐678‐2270 Canadian Helicopters (Inuvik) 867‐777‐2424 Canadian North Airlines: 800‐661‐1505 (Yellowknife); 867‐669‐4000 (Inuvik)

Comments (include client specific instructions to be referenced):

Landowner/Occupant/Operator Contacts: NAME COMPANY POSITION CONTACT INFORMATION ON SITE Helga Harlander GLWB L & W Tech. 867‐777‐7963 N Conrad Baetz INAC Dist. Mgr. 867‐777‐8900 N

Contacts Completed by: Jenica von Kuster Date: 01‐Jun‐10 Haz. ID Completed by: Jenica von Kuster Date: 04‐Jun‐10 Reviewed by: Date: