Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275

Children’s Ethnobiological Notions of Contamination and Contagions among Maasai Agro-Pastoralists of Northern Tanzania

Jennifer W. Roulette1*, Casey J. Roulette 2, Robert J. Quinlan1,3, Douglas R. Call3,4, Barry S. Hewlett1, Mark A. Caudell1,3, and Marsha B. Quinlan1,3

Abstract. Humans and other living organisms harbor disease-causing pathogenic microorganisms. These microorganisms are often transmitted through physical contact with contaminated objects, such as food, water, or other people. While some theoretical and empirical research examines the ontogeny of contamination and contagion beliefs, cross-cultural research on this topic is limited. To help remedy this paucity of data, we conducted an ethnobiological study of contagion and contamination beliefs among Maasai children (n = 42) in the Simanjiro district, Tanzania. Participants include 36 middle-aged schoolchildren and six four-year-olds. We contrast the children’s beliefs with those of 12 local adults. To measure children’s views of contagion and contamination, we developed sentence-framed yes/no elicitation tasks using three different stimuli—a fly, a cough, and a cough from someone with respiratory symptoms. Qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted to further understand children’s ethnotheories of contamination and contagion. Children generally reported that coughs and flies are directly contaminating, whereas they offered mixed results for associational and indirect contamination. Children discussed time, psychological contagion, saliva, wind, and the supernatural/natural as key elements to their beliefs, reasons, and personal actions taken to minimize contamination/contagion risk. We found education to be significantly positively correlated with children reporting that flies and coughs were directly contaminating, while age had no effect. Although children were more likely than adults to associate flies with contamination, their general belief pattern differs little from adults. Local cultural-ecological factors and explanatory models of disease, as well as formal religious and education institutions, shape Maasai children’s ethnobiological beliefs of contagions and contamination. Keywords: germ theory, ethnomedicine, East Africa, child development, health education.

Introduction psychologists find concepts of invisibility Contagions are entities, or contam- developing around age five in Western inants, that can transfer properties and children with adult assertion (Harris 2012), render a pure substance impure (Kalish what about elsewhere? There has been little 1999). Notions of contagions are inher- ethnobiological research on contagion ently ethnoecological in that they include and contamination, and even less research physical, moral, and/or psychological enti- with children. Here, we address this gap ties or substances that inhabit the human with a case study exploring contagion environment and can make people sick. and contamination beliefs among Maasai Nearly all research on emic theories of agro-pastoralist children of northern disease causation addresses adult knowl- Tanzania. In this ethnozoological and edge and beliefs. While developmental ethnomedical article, children respond to

1Department of Anthropology, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, 99164, USA. 2Department of Anthropology, San Diego State University. 3Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health, Washington State University. 4Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, Arusha, Tanzania. *Corresponding author ([email protected]) 262 Roulette, Roulette, Quinlan, Call, Hewlett, Caudell, and Quinlan living organisms as ecological agents of groups, and learning played an important risk: flies and fellow humans as contami- role in shaping children’s contamination nating and contagious agents. knowledge. Despite this recent example, there is an overall lack of attention to the Contamination and Contagion Research study of cultural and ecological variation, Historically, anthropologists were one which shapes cognitive psychological of the first to note the presence of contagion processes, such as beliefs about living and contamination beliefs. One of Fraz- organisms (Nielsen et al. 2017). er’s (1922) laws of sympathetic , for Developmental psychologists and example, is the magical law of contagion, pediatricians have examined contagion in which people or objects once in contact and contamination notions during child- remain in contact or at least have an influ- hood (Bibace and Walsh 1980; Koopman ence on each other even after contact has et al. 2004), albeit typically among Western ended. Mary Douglas (1966) documented Educated Industrialized Rich and Demo- the cross-cultural variation in contamina- cratic (WEIRD; Henrich et al. 2010) tion beliefs in terms of bodily pollution populations. These researchers identify and un-cleanliness. Magical contagion was various modes of contamination transmis- once thought to exist only in non-Western sion. Direct contamination refers to when cultures, but developmental psychologists a contaminant (for example, a cockroach) hypothesize that contagion/contamination comes in direct contact with a substance, constructs are universal features of cogni- such as a food or beverage, thus rendering the tion (Carey 1985; Rozin and Nemeroff substance impure. Indirect contamination is 1990). When and how then, do children when a contaminant comes in contact with view contamination and contagion? a mediating vehicle (i.e., cup), which then Ethnotheories of illness etiology are comes in direct contact with something else closely linked to contagion and contami- (Siegal et al. 2011). Associational contami- nation cognition. Anthropologists typically nation is the belief that a substance can be categorize illness etiologies into natural, contaminated by the mere presence, but not such as environmental or physical causes direct contact, of a contaminant (Solomon of illness, or supernatural/personalistic— and Cassimatis 1999; Toyama 1999). Also illness provoked by a witch, sorcerer, consistent with associational contamination god(s), and/or as punishment for a trans- is when a substance is contaminated by an gression (Foster 1976; Murdock 1980). impurity that was once in direct contact with Studies that examine cultural variation in the substance but has since been removed. theories of illness are typically conducted Time in contact is an important concept among adults. Are children’s ideas about in contagion and contamination research. contamination and contagion categorized More time in contact is typically associated similarly and/or differently to adults? with greater risk of contamination. Western Gauvain and McLaughlin (2016) cultural habits such as the “five-second- examined contamination sensitivity among rule” is a well-known example of this notion children and adults in rural Uganda. They (Kalish 1999). used pictures of 23 different food and water A common task used by developmental items varying in contamination status and psychologists to assess the ontogeny of asked participants if the items were safe to contagion and contamination beliefs is to eat or drink. Contamination knowledge, ask children if they would drink a beverage including biological explanations of illness after a (presumed) contaminating entity— and awareness of invisible contaminants, often an insect (grasshopper, fly)—falls into such as germs, were present in all age the drink (see e.g., Kalish 1999; Rozin et al.

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1985). They find that three-year-olds often Population and Setting reject a beverage that had a cockroach in Research was conducted in the Siman- it (Siegal and Share 1990) and might deem jiro district, Northern Tanzania, part of the food contaminated even if the food does Greater Serengeti ecosystem. Simanjiro is not look dirty (Siegal and Peterson 1999). a rural district with a total population of Even though contamination cognition nearly 180,000 people. Participants resided occurs in three- and four-year-old children, in one of two villages approximately their beliefs are naïve and inconsistent. 11 kilometers apart and connected by a They might consume foods regardless gravel road. The larger of the two villages of their contamination, sometimes even has a population of about 14,000 people, rejecting uncontaminated foods, and they whereas the smaller of the two villages rarely distinguish between causal agents of has a population of about 1000 people contamination, such as germs and poisons (National Bureau of Statistics 2012). Each (Solomon and Cassimatis 1999). Some village has a center with a few hundred children appreciate invisibility (e.g., sugar people, but most Maasai here live in dissolved in water) at three years, and these dispersed homesteads, or enkang. Enkang concepts appear and solidify through age consist of a large, circular corral of piled seven (Au et al. 1993). By age five, children thorny branches around a cluster (2–20) of have a “simple but robust understanding of mostly round mud and manure houses with the conditions in which something is invis- thatched roofs. ible” (Harris 2012:147) and are confident The Maasai of Simanjiro are agro-pas- about invisible entities that are culturally toralists, meaning they keep livestock endorsed, such as germs and God (Harris (cows, goats, and sheep) and cultivate 2012). Throughout childhood, children are garden plots (beans and maize). Livestock exposed to new information and acquire are a major part of Maasai life and are the additional cognitive capacities. By the age foundation of Maasai economy. Enkang are of eleven, children are able to distinguish agro-pastoral production units that contain between causal agents (e.g., germs are alive livestock when animals are not traveling and poisons are not) as well as understand with young men in search of water and that various modes of disease transmission grass. Daily life for young Maasai children have unique consequences (Keil 1992, frequently centers around livestock—girls 1994; Solomon and Cassimatis 1999). often help around the homestead milking Despite the assumption that the livestock or gathering firewood and steril- development of contagion and contam- izing milk gourds, whereas boys are often ination cognition is linear-like, there is away from the enkang herding small live- increasing evidence that these notions do stock (sheep and goats). Maasai also keep not follow predictable, developmental donkeys that help them carry heavy loads, stages. Experience, formal education and such as full water buckets, long distances. apprenticeships, psychological maturation, Due to their close proximity to livestock, environment, and culture, such as subsis- Maasai are exposed to a range of zoonotic tence patterns and religious affiliation, all diseases, including disease spillover from influence the ontogeny of contagion and wild animals (Quinlan and Quinlan 2016). contamination beliefs (Jones and Rua 2006; The Maasai practice polygyny with Solomon and Cassimatis 1999; Youssef et bride wealth, and men lead patrilocal al. 2010). Here, we aim to spark contem- extended families (Hodgson 2001, 2011; porary research on children’s contagion Saitoti 1986; Ole Sankan 1995). Maasai and contamination within anthropology society is structured by age sets. Childhood and ethnobiology. lasts for approximately the first 15 years

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 264 Roulette, Roulette, Quinlan, Call, Hewlett, Caudell, and Quinlan of life. At about 16–18 years, males earn ethnic background (such as Iraqw), and initiation as murran (warriors) and remain neither speak the local Maa language, nor murran until about the age of 30 (around have Maasai ecological knowledge. the time they marry). Maasai females typi- Maasai school attendance is vari- cally get married in their early teens. As able (Gimbo et al. 2015). In the past, the they age, groups of individuals move up the schooling options were more limited and hierarchy of age-grades, each lasting about Maasai children did not like attending 15 years (Hodgson 2001). missionary or boarding schools (Hodgson Maasai, in general, hold pluralistic 2001, 2011; Saitoti 1986; Ole Sankan medical ethnobiological beliefs (Caudell 1995). Currently, there is greater value et al. 2017a). Naturalistic explanations for placed on formal education within the mishaps are frequent (per Foster 1976), as Maasai community. After completing grade are personalistic explanations, in which seven, and with high enough test scores, supernatural agents are responsible for students can attend secondary school. illness. Like many other African However, few students go on to secondary (Mbiti 1991), the Maasai are monotheistic school and fewer go to a university. and refer to their God as Ngai (Casucci At the time of this fieldwork, the 2015). Fortune, , , charms, teachers at the local primary school we and the wind are also reasons for illness. worked with mentioned a lack of standard Maasai seek out biomedical and tradi- health material to teach. They reported that, tional means of care for themselves and in grade level three, science curriculum their livestock. Healers, called laibons, touches on health and they sometimes provide blessings and protection. Maasai provide hygiene lessons, when possible. increasingly rely on the Christian churches as a means of support and believe that Methods God will take care of them (Casucci 2015). We proposed the contamination and Maasai collect wild plants that they use to contagion study during community meet- treat illness and maintain health (Maundu ings, at which time we gained support et al. 2001; Roulette et al. 2018). Over- for the project from the Maasai commu- the-counter biomedical remedies are also nity leadership. In addition, the village readily available in shops (Caudell et al. Chairman introduced us to several home- 2017b). There are two health clinics in steads in the community in which we the area—a government-run clinic in the obtained access and permission to conduct larger of the two villages and a private research. The headmaster and teachers of clinic a few kilometers from the smaller of the local primary school also agreed and the two villages. were excited to collaborate on the project. One primary school (education level Consent of parents and assent of children 1–7) and nursery school are in each were obtained from all participating adults community. Another primary school is and children. Washington State University’s located along the road between the two Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved study villages. There is one secondary this study (IRB# 14548-003). This study school in the larger of the two villages. falls under the goals of a larger NSF funded The headmaster of the primary school we project with National Tanzanian permis- worked with reported that most (95%) of sions. After contagion and contamination the student population are Maasai children, data were collected, a health intervention and the other schoolchildren are Warusha was implemented with primary school chil- and Iraqw. Teachers are usually from dren (ages 5 to 17 years old) (J. Roulette et outside of the community, of a different al. forthcoming) that paralleled an interven-

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 Children’s Ethnobiological Notions of Contamination and Contagions 265 tion with adults in the study community (C. Interviews with schoolchildren (ages Roulette et al. 2017). five to 17 years old) took place at a local government-run primary school, whereas Sentence-Framed Elicitation Tasks and four-year-olds and adults were interviewed Interview Setting at homesteads. Schoolchildren were inter- We first administered a paper-and- viewed because we wanted to understand pencil survey with the local primary the children’s contamination and contagion school children whom the headmaster beliefs before we implemented our health identified as being able to read-and-write intervention directly to them, and because Swahili. The goal of this survey was to elicit we needed to build rapport at the school schoolchildren’s perspectives about school prior to our dissemination. Children volun- absenteeism, student health, and common teered and teachers assisted in identifying illnesses. Thirteen schoolchildren identified students who met our age-range targets flies or other insects as the cause of their across childhood, while working with the diarrhea, stomach pains, nausea and/or school’s curriculum/timetable. Interviews vomiting. As shown in our introduction, at the school took place in an empty class- developmental psychologists have used room. At homesteads, interviews happened insects as stimuli for their studies (see Rozin opportunistically and took place either et al. 1985). Maasai schoolchildren also outside or inside a home. When interviews reported the common cough on our survey, were conducted in the school, the medi- and a cold is an acceptable example to ating vehicle for Question 5 was a desk, explore illness transmission beliefs across whereas in the homesteads it was a cup. We cultures (Solomon and Cassimatis 1999). understand that variation in the mediating We then developed sentence-framed vehicle could complicate interpretation of elicitation questions (Bernard 2018:238) the results, but in both cases the underlying in which participants provided yes/no mechanism—transfer of contagion via an responses about the contaminating nature intermediary object—remains the same. (e.g., could something be contaminated if touched by something else) of three Participants different stimuli—a fly, a cough, and a Data were collected in two neigh- cough from someone with a respiratory boring villages—smaller of the two villages illness. For each stimulus we developed n  50 participants and the larger of the direct contagion scenarios in which the two villages n  4 participants. The four stimulus comes in direct contact with an participants interviewed in the larger of the object (Table 1). For the fly stimulus, we two communities were adults between the developed an associational scenario in ages of 18 and 30. Beside the four-year- which the fly has been removed. We also olds (n  6) and adult participants (n  asked whether, in general, it is possible to 12), who were interviewed at homesteads, get sick from eating food that has come into our child participants are schoolchildren (n contact with a fly. For the cough stimuli, we  36) who were interviewed at the school. also developed indirect scenarios in which Not all students who are in the same grade someone coughs on a mediating vehicle. are of the same age—for example, some The first author read the sentences out Maasai children start school when they loud in English and our Maasai field assis- are older, so there might be an “older” tant then translated them orally into Maa. child in a younger class (e.g., 10-year-old Participants responded in Maa and our in primary class 1 and 2). Participants’ field assistant translated the responses into age, gender, and highest class completed English for the first author to write down. (education level) were collected. Education

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Table 1. Sentence framed elicitation task questions. Question Number Question Wording Contagion Category Q1A Would food be “good” to eat if flies got on your food? Yes/No or I don’t Direct know. Why or why not? Q1B Would it be ok to eat the food if the flies left after a few minutes? Yes/No Associational or I don’t know. Why or why not? Q1C In general, could you get sick from flies being in your food? Yes/No or I NA don’t know. Why or why not? Q2 A person coughs on another person. Will the other person get the Direct cough? Yes/No or I don’t know. Why or why not? Q3 A person coughs all over their desk. This person gets up from their desk. Indirect Shortly after another person sits in the same spot as the first person at the desk. The second person gets to work at the desk. Could the second person get a cough? Yes/No or I don’t know. Why or why not?


A person coughs all over a cup. And, then that person shares the cup with others. And the others use that cup (e.g., drink out of that cup). Could the others get the cough? Yes/No or I don’t know. Why or why not? Q4 A person who has a respiratory illness coughs on another person. Will Direct the other person get the cough? Yes/No or I don’t know. Why or why not? Q5 An ill person coughs all over their desk. This person gets up from their Indirect desk. Shortly after another person sits in the same spot as the first person at the desk. The second person gets to work at the desk. Could the second person get a cough? Yes/No or I don’t know. Why or why not?


An ill person coughs all over a cup. And, then that person shares the cup with others. And the others use that cup (e.g., drink out of that cup). Could the others get the cough? Yes/No or I don’t know. Why or why not? level ranged from 0 (no schooling) to 7, gion constructs?”, served as our guide. We the highest level completed at the primary collected follow-up data to understand chil- school. Four four-year-olds did not respond dren’s emic perspectives to their response to the question about education level. See of our sentence-framed task. Maasai chil- Table 2 for participant summary statistics. dren’s ideas and perspectives are compared and contrasted, and emergent themes are Analyses presented below (Corbin and Strauss 2014; We used a grounded theory approach Glaser and Strauss 1999). to develop, conduct, and analyze our task Quantitative data were analyzed (Corbin and Strauss 2014). Our research using Stata (StataCorp 2013). We used question, “how do Maasai children think one-sample proportions tests to determine and feel about contamination and conta- whether the distribution of “yes” and “no”

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Table 2. Summary statistics for sample (0 = Female, 1 = Male), shown for children. Education level refers to last grade completed in primary school. Variable Obs Mean Std. Dev Min Max Children Age (years) 42 9.76 3.82 4 17 Gender (0 = girl; 1 = boy) 42 0.50 0.51 0 1 Education level 38 3.34 1.89 0 6 responses within each sentence-framed task gious stimuli: for example, whether coughs significantly differed from random selec- are caused by bacteria or psychological tion (i.e., 0.5). To compare the distribution contagion; if their descriptions of contam- of responses across the versions, for each ination and contagion are supernatural or stimulus, we used unpaired two-sample naturalistic; if time has an effect on contam- proportions tests. We also recorded ination; whether contaminants are active “maybe” and “I do not know” responses, agents or not; and how they personally act but these responses comprised a small to prevent contamination. percentage of the total responses (see Figure The contagious risk of flies was more 1), so we removed them prior to quanti- controversial among the children than the tative analysis. We were also interested perceived contagious risk of a cough. Chil- in whether participants believe that each dren preferred fly-free food and described stimulus (fly, cough, cough from someone a sort of psycho-physiological response with a respiratory illness) is directly and in which the idea of flies in food makes indirectly/associationally contaminating. many schoolchildren nauseated and vomit, We therefore performed one-group t-tests although they tolerated flies if they were for null hypotheses of a mean of 0.25—the very hungry. A six-year-old schoolgirl random combined probability of answering shared that, if it is nighttime and there is yes to both the direct and indirect/associa- no more food or resources to make food, tional questions—for each stimulus. then she would eat the food that had flies To examine correlations between yes/ on it. Some children thought flies were like no responses to the sentence-framed task “poison” (emaho) or caused sickness. Some and age and education, we performed 13- and-14-year-old schoolgirls expressed point-biserial correlations, which is a that flies congregate on toilets and carry special case of Pearson designed for feces contaminated with disease-causing testing associations between dichotomous microorganisms that can only be seen by and quantitative variables. Point-biserial a microscope. When flies land on food, the coefficients (rpb) are reported. To examine feces and microorganisms get on the food, bivariate correlations between responses contaminating it. Other children noted that and gender (both dichotomous variables) vomiting or diarrhea is the way people’s we used contingency tables and report phis bodies expel swallowed fly contaminants (). that can upset the stomach and throat. Four- and six-year-old girls reported that Results consuming fly-contaminated food can We first report the central contagion cause “throat illness,” as can swallowing a and contamination themes that emerged fly and getting it “stuck in your throat.” during the follow-up interviews to the Some Maasai children think that flies sentence-framed tasks. The themes are only occasionally cause sickness. “If a fly summarized in Table 3. Maasai children does not die in the food, then it is fine reported a range of beliefs about the conta- to eat after the flies leave,” a six-year-old

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Table 3. Maasai children’s contamination/contagion explanations and responses Belief Etiology Prevention

Pro-contamination Prefers no flies (disgust) Remove fly Flies are like poison Remove fly Swallowing fly causes nausea, Remove the top layer of food before vomiting or diarrhea eating Fly stuck in throat causes throat Remove fly sickness FLY Flies carry filth or microorganisms Cover food, remove fly from toilets and feces Conditional Time--food fine if uncovered up to Cover food 30 (5-30) minutes Temperature- flies cannot Heat food or eat quickly contaminate hot food, only cold If a fly does not die in the food Eat or remove layer then fine to eat food Anti-contamination Nothing will happen Never seen fly cause sickness Supernatural Flies carry evil spirits Pro-contamination Live in mouth and hot moist places Bacteria live 3-4 minutes outside Praying prevents sickness of body From saliva--inhaled, accidently Stay away from (avoid) people ingesting, or soaking through skin coughing

From wind a person’s cough produces to carry the cough COUGH Environmental wind picks up coughs (bacteria and saliva) to transfer them to others Supernatural Cough from , and Praying prevents sickness God-like agents, bad angels

Turning to witchcraft can give a Praying prevents sickness cough Mental Coughing from hearing someone else coughing If people think they will be fine Positive thinking then they will be fine Conditional Only get the cough if one knows someone else who had a cough sat at the desk first Only get the cough from eating food that touched where someone’s cough landed Anti-contamination Never seen someone cough on Politeness (‘good’ manners) someone else

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 Children’s Ethnobiological Notions of Contamination and Contagions 269 schoolgirl explained. The time or amount seven- and eight-year-olds reasoned. of fly exposure emerged as important in A seven-year-old schoolgirl offered the a sort of dose response. Children offered scenario that someone could touch saliva different time allotments, ranging from 5 left on a desk with his or her hands, then to 30 minutes, when flies could land on touch a bucket so the saliva gets on the uncovered food without contaminating it bucket, and then someone else touches the too much. A 13-year-old offered that when bucket and can get the cough. Or, saliva flies have been on food, people “ought to could penetrate through the skin and give just remove the top layer of the food before someone the cough, an 11-year-old added. eating it.” One 14-year-old girl asserted Wind is often the culprit for spreading that if the food is hot, then the flies will not the contagious saliva. The “wind” that leave their dirty microorganisms, but, if the one’s cough produces carries the cough food is cold, then the fly can contaminate to another person. In addition, as one it. Finally, some children had not heard 14-year-old explained, if someone expels about, or did not believe, that flies make saliva from the mouth on to the desk, the people ill at all, noting that flies are always wind/air can also take the saliva away after a all over, while sickness is only occasional. few minutes. This is a means for the disease Meanwhile, children uniformly etiology Maasai refer to as “bad wind.” believed that coughs were contagious, Participants expressed spiritual and though they differed in their explanatory personalistic views about both fly contami- models of contamination. Older school- nants and cough transmission. For instance, children said they learned about bacteria a four-year-old girl mentioned that “flies (bakteria in Swahili) from science/health die in the food because they are killed by lessons at school. Schoolchildren explained God,” whereas a 10-year-old boy, in class that bacteria could remain for two to two, explained that flies carry evil spirits or three minutes, but, after four minutes, the are Satan, “so if the fly dies in the food, it bacteria are inactive and not alive anymore. infects the food.” If a person then takes the “Bacteria live in moist and hot environ- food, they might get the “bad” thing/sick- ments, like the mouth,” a 14-year-old ness left behind by the fly. Praying can help female said; so, “if bacteria get on a desk, to prevent illness. The 10-year-old boy said then the bacteria cannot survive anymore.” that even if the illness is there on the desk, A 13-year-old alluded to getting a cough people who pray will not get the cough, as a bodily process that “takes time.” Chil- adding that a person could get a cough if dren discussed coughs as psychologically they turn to witchcraft. “Something that can contagious. For instance, a 15-year-old cause trouble, like bad angels, which can male offered that a person could just start be sent to someone, will make a cough turn coughing because they heard someone else to bad illness with a headache, stomach coughing. Also, a person would get a cough problems, and dizziness,” he said. He also if, for instance, he knew that someone else alleged that people learn these [sorcery] who had a cough sat at the desk first [but lessons from others and gain their materials not if he didn’t know]. As 30- to 40-year-old to perform witchcraft, which is something mothers explained, if you think you will be like poison. Thus, whether Maasai children fine, then you will be fine. know about bacteria, they remain wary of Saliva and wind emerged as a contam- contagion in saliva, be it dispersed directly, inant and carrier for coughs. Children through witchcraft, or wind. explained that inhaling what someone else expels—someone’s breath or “wind,” and Distribution of Responses saliva in the wind—could make one get The distribution of participant responses the cough. It is the saliva that holds illness, for children is shown in Figure 1. Compared

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 270 Roulette, Roulette, Quinlan, Call, Hewlett, Caudell, and Quinlan to adults, significantly more children children said “yes” to the direct versions responded that it would not be okay to eat than said “yes” to the indirect versions (Q2 food if the fly had been gone a few minutes versus Q3: mean diff  0.185, z  1.659, (Q1B; t(27)  3.095, p  0.023), that flies p  0.0485) (Q4 versus Q5: mean diff  could make you sick if found in food (Q1C; 0.26483, z  2.78247, p  0.0027). The t(21)  2.308, p  0.015), and that a person proportion of children that said “yes” to could get sick if coughed on by another the direct version of the cough contami- person with a respiratory illness (Q4; t(9)  nation task (Q2) was significantly different 3.287, p  0.005). Compared to adults, from a random selection (mean  0.744, significantly fewer children reported that a z  3.0423, p  0.0012). For the indirect person would not get a cough if someone version (Q3), the most common response with a respiratory illness coughed on the was also “yes,” but the distribution of desk or cup earlier (Q5; t(4)  4.48, p  responses did not significantly differ from 0.000). All further analyses reported here random expectation (mean  0.559, z  are performed on children’s responses (i.e., 0.686, p  0.246). A significantly greater participants  age 17 years). proportion of children than expected by The proportion of children that random selection reported that it is possible mentioned “yes” to the association version to catch a cough directly (Q4; mean  of the fly contamination task (Q1B; they 0.902, z  5.15, p  0.0000) and indi- would eat the food) was significantly greater rectly (Q5; mean diff  0.638, z  1.666, than the proportion that mentioned “yes” to p  0.0478) from someone with a respi- the direct version (Q1A) (mean diff  0.268, ratory illness. Finally, the proportion of z  2.477.976, p  0.0066). For the direct children that responded yes to the direct version of the fly contamination task (Q1A), and indirect versions of both cough tasks the proportion of children that responded was significantly greater than a random “yes” when asked if food is “good” to eat if selection (Q2 and Q3: mean  0.455, z  a fly is on it was significantly different than 2.713, p  0.0033) (Q4 and Q5: mean  expected from a random selection (mean  0.657, z  5.562, p  0.000). 0.268, z  2.9673, p  0.002), whereas the distribution of responses for the asso- Bivariate Correlations ciation version of the fly contamination Responses to the sentence-framed tasks task (Q1B) did not significantly differ from did not significantly vary across gender or random selection (mean  0.537, z  0.469, age in children but did with education level p  0.312). While more children mentioned (Table 4). Increasing levels of education that a person could get sick versus not decreased the likelihood of believing food getting sick from eating food that has come was good to eat if flies were on it, increased in contact with a fly (Q1C), the distribution the likelihood of a child believing that flies of responses was not significantly different could make people sick, and that coughing from random selection (mean  0.5310, z = on another person could make them sick. 0.354, p  0.362). Finally, the proportion of participants responding that the direct and Discussion associational versions of the fly task were Education played a significant role contaminating did not significantly differ in Maasai children’s responses to the fly than expected by random selection (.25 sentence-framed tasks. Children with more combined probability) (mean  0.225, z  education were less likely to say that food 0.3651, p  0.3575). with flies on it was fine to eat than were In the “cough” and “cough from children with less education. Children with someone with a respiratory illness” less education were less likely to report that sentence-framed tasks, significantly more people can get sick by eating food that has

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 Children’s Ethnobiological Notions of Contamination and Contagions 271

Figure 1. Percentage of children responding “no” “yes” “maybe” and “I don’t know” across the seven questions. come in contact with a fly. Moreover, chil- from someone specified as ill or not. dren were more likely than adults to associate Follow-up interviews revealed that chil- flies with contamination and harm, perhaps dren’s ethnobiological understanding of reflecting differences between Maasai chil- cough contamination contains both tradi- dren and adults in terms of exposure to tional ethnotheories of disease etiology health education and/or retention of tradi- and exposure to formal education. “Wind,” tional ethnobiological beliefs about flies. for example, is a key cultural-ecolog- For example, cattle, which Maasai corral ical construct that features in East African in the middle of homesteads from evening explanatory models (Hewlett and Hewlett until morning, attract numerous species of 2008) including Maasai ethno-theories flies and it is common for pastoralist popula- of disease etiology (e.g., Casucci 2015). tions to associate the prevalence of flies with Maasai children frequently discussed wind that of wealth in cattle (see e.g., Weisz 1972 as the medium responsible for both direct for the Sebei of Uganda). Among Maasai of and indirect contamination of coughs. Narok South, flies symbolize the “time of Notions of supernatural explanations were rain” and the beginning of the milking season also common in children’s descriptions of (Casucci 2015). In our study, a 48-year-old cough contamination. One participant, Maasai man said that Maasai would have for example, reported that a supernatural perished if flies caused too many problems agent was the medium of indirect contam- because they are everywhere. ination of a cough. Saliva also featured in Maasai children are more likely than children’s responses, perhaps reflecting not to report that coughs are directly exposure to health education provided at and indirectly contaminating, whether the local primary school.

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 272 Roulette, Roulette, Quinlan, Call, Hewlett, Caudell, and Quinlan

Table 4. Bivariate correlation coefficients of sentence framed task responses with gender (0 girl; 1  boy), age (4–17 years old) and education level (0-6)a VARIABLES Q1A Q1B Q1C Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Gender -0.26 0.07 -0.31 0.28 -0.02 -0.01 -0.21 Age -0.33 0.07 -0.13 0.27 -0.16 0.08 -0.23 Education -0.39* -0.21 0.47** 0.45** -0.01 -0.09 -0.16 aResults for gender are presented as phis () and results for age and education are presented as biserial coefficients. *p  0.05 **p  0.01 ***p  0.001

As with the developmental psychology Maasai children’s supernatural expla- literature (e.g., Kalish 1999), “time” nations of contagion centered either on emerged as a dimension that influenced witchcraft or on Judeo-Christian theology. Maasai contamination cognition in both Judeo-Christian missionaries also have a the fly and cough tasks. In general, the less large influence on Tanzanian formal educa- time in contact, the less likely an object tion (Stambach 2010), suggesting that the is reckoned contaminated. It is tempting effects of religious institutions and educa- to speculate that food insecurity, a major tion are not independent of each other health burden among Maasai agro-pas- and perhaps interact to influence people’s toralists (Lawson et al. 2014), might also health and illness beliefs. influence Maasai children’s attitudes Developmental psychologists have towards contamination and “time-in-con- had mixed results in terms of the effect of tact,” because Maasai children reported age on beliefs about the invisible nature of that whether they would tolerate the food contagion. Our study found little evidence or not depended on hunger level and that age affects contagion and contamina- resource availability. tion beliefs among Maasai children, which Several of the Maasai children’s natu- perhaps supports the idea that the devel- ralistic explanations for contaminants were opment of contagion and contamination perhaps learned in the formal education does not progress in a reliable stage-like setting. Ethnobiologists have been inter- fashion. Among Maasai children, differ- ested in understanding the impact of formal ences in contamination beliefs (whether education on children’s ethnobiological or not a stimulus is considered contam- knowledge (Reyes-García et al. 2010). inating) were associated with schooling, Among the Maasai, formal schooling has not age. This might thus also explain major been found to decrease Maasai children’s differences between Maasai children and ethnoveterinary knowledge (Harvey 2013) adults—a minority of adults in this area but does not appear to influence other attained some primary schooling, with areas of indigenous knowledge, such as 71.4% of men and 92.4% of women having livestock management (Tian 2016). School, no formal education. Indeed, our 2012–14 via science and/or health lessons, provides qualitative interviews with community an opportunity for Maasai children to learn adults found neither evidence nor rumor of about the biological “germ theory” of germ theory among community adults. And disease, and this is reflected in some of the yet, by 2015, author J. Roulette interviewed children’s responses, including references some adults with notions of contamination to bodily processes, bacteria and/or micro- through coughing. Our twelve latest adult organisms, contact with feces or larvae, consultants are not a representative sample, and transmission to food and humans. but these findings suggest that adult notions

Journal of Ethnobiology 2018 38(2): 261–275 Children’s Ethnobiological Notions of Contamination and Contagions 273 may be changing. Parents of educated chil- Acknowledgments dren may be learning germ theory from their This study was motivated by an children. Indeed, author B. Hewlett’s schis- ongoing (since 2012) project conducted in tosomiasis control project in Cameroon collaboration with Maasai agro-pastoralists (Hewlett and Cline 1997) targeted elemen- in Tanzania. The larger project aimed to tary school students for health education find selection pressures for antimicrobial on schistosomiasis because they had the resistance (AMR) among humans and the highest prevalence, and children were animals in their environment (see Caudell encouraged to share the school information et al. 2017b), and to develop health with others at home. They found that chil- programmatic material and innovations dren learned more schistosomiasis control that can be disseminated to local Maasai knowledge than adults; however, the adults communities. Much appreciation goes in the assessment villages understood trans- to the support from the National Science mission better than adults in the control Foundation, NSF grant #1216040 Ecolog- village, and overall prevalence of infec- ical and Socio-Economic Factors Impacting tion declined by 67% in the assessment Maintenance and Dissemination of Anti- villages. A similar process may be occur- biotic Resistance in the Greater Serengeti ring regarding Maasai notions of contagion. Ecosystem, D.R. Call (P.I.). We are thankful These data indicate that variation in Maasai for the warm welcome, cooperation, children’s ethnobiological notions of conta- guidance, and contribution of this study’s gion and contamination does not reflect participants, including local teachers, variation in age, but rather differential expo- community parents, children and elders, sure to health education and, perhaps to a and the personnel at the local community lesser extent, exposure to Judeo-Christian center where we stayed. Our Maasai field beliefs, which also varies in adults. assistants and friends, Monica, Samwel, Our study focused on children in and our driver, Obe, made this study the local primary school and therefore is possible and we are forever grateful. not representative of all Maasai children, especially those that do not attend school. References Cited Because we did not compare primary Au, T. K., A. L. Sidle, and K. B. Rollins. 1993. schoolchildren’s knowledge of contagion Developing an Intuitive Understanding of and contamination with non-school-at- Conservation and Contamination. Devel- tending children’s perspectives, we also opmental Psychology 29:286–299. cannot speak to similarities or differences Bernard, H. R. 2018. Research Methods in between these two groups of children. We Anthropology. Rowman & Littlefield, encourage future research with a more Lanham, MA. representative sample to assess how wide- Bibace, R., and M. E. Walsh, 1980. Develop- spread or common Maasai children’s beliefs ment of Children’s Concepts of Illness. are about contagion and contamination. Pediatrics 66:912–917. Although we found strong qualitative and Carey, S. 1985. Conceptual Change in Child- quantitative evidence that education shapes hood. MIT Press Classic, London, England. Maasai children’s ethnobiological notions Casucci, B. A. 2015. A Cold Wind: Local Maasai of contagion and contamination, our inter- Perceptions of Common Health Landscape pretation of the influence of Judeo-Christian in Narok South. Unpublished Doctoral beliefs and local ecological conditions is Dissertation, Department of Anthropology, based on qualitative data. Overall, children’s Case Western Reserve University, Cleve- responses did not vary across age, whereas land, OH. beliefs in direct contamination from flies and Caudell, M. A., M. B. Quinlan, R. J. Quinlan, coughs increased as education increased. and D. R. Call. 2017a. Medical Pluralism

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