Name Twitter Handle Alabama Richard Shelby Senshelby

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Name Twitter Handle Alabama Richard Shelby Senshelby Name Twitter Handle Alabama Richard Shelby SenShelby Alabama Jeff Sessions SenatorSessions Alaska Lisa Murkowski lisamurkowski Alaska Dan Sullivan SenDanSullivan Arizona John McCain SenJohnMcCain Arizona Jeff Flake JeffFlake Arkansas Tom Cotton SenTomCotton Arkansas John Boozman JohnBoozman California Dianne Feinstein SenFeinstein California Barbara Boxer SenatorBoxer Colorado Cory Gardner SenCoryGardner Colorado Michael Bennet SenBennetCO Connecticut Richard Blumenthal SenBlumenthal Connecticut Chris Murphy ChrisMurphyCT Delaware Tom Carper SenatorCarper Delaware Chris Coons ChrisCoons Florida Bill Nelson SenBillNelson Florida Marco Rubio marcorubio Georgia David Perdue sendavidperdue Georgia Johnny Isakson SenatorIsakson Hawaii Brian Schatz brianschatz Hawaii Mazie Hirono maziehirono Idaho Mike Crapo MikeCrapo Idaho Jim Risch SenatorRisch Illinois Dick Durbin SenatorDurbin Illinois Mark Kirk SenatorKirk Indiana Dan Coats SenDanCoats Indiana Joe Donnelly SenDonnelly Iowa Chuck Grassley ChuckGrassley Iowa Joni Ernst SenJoniErnst Kansas Pat Roberts SenPatRoberts Kansas Jerry Moran JerryMoran Kentucky Mitch McConnell McConnellPress Kentucky Rand Paul RandPaul Louisiana Bill Cassidy BillCassidy Louisiana David Vitter DavidVitter Maine Susan Collins SenatorCollins Maine Angus King SenAngusKing Maryland Barbara Mikulski SenatorBarb Maryland Ben Cardin SenatorCardin Massachusetts Ed Markey MarkeyMemo Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren SenWarren Michigan Gary Peters SenGaryPeters Michigan Debbie Stabenow SenStabenow Minnesota Amy Klobuchar amyklobuchar Minnesota Al Franken alfranken Mississippi Thad Cochran SenThadCochran Mississippi Roger Wicker SenatorWicker Missouri Claire McCaskill clairecmc Missouri Roy Blunt RoyBlunt Montana Steve Daines SteveDaines Montana Jon Tester jontester Nebraska Ben Sasse SenSasse Nebraska Deb Fischer SenatorFischer Nevada Harry Reid SenatorReid Nevada Dean Heller SenDeanHeller New Hampshire Jeanne Shaheen SenatorShaheen New Hampshire Kelly Ayotte KellyAyotte New Jersey Cory Booker CoryBooker New Jersey Bob Menendez Menendez4NJ New Mexico Tom Udall SenatorTomUdall New Mexico Martin Heinrich MartinHeinrich New York Chuck Schumer ChuckSchumer New York Kirsten Gillibrand SenGillibrand North Carolina Richard Burr SenatorBurr North Carolina Thom Tillis SenThomTillis North Dakota John Hoeven SenJohnHoeven North Dakota Heidi Heitkamp SenatorHeitkamp Ohio Sherrod Brown SenSherrodBrown Ohio Rob Portman robportman Oklahoma Jim Inhofe jiminhofe Oklahoma James Lankford SenatorLankford Oregon Ron Wyden RonWyden Oregon Jeff Merkley SenJeffMerkley Pennsylvania Bob Casey, Jr. Bob_Casey Pennsylvania Pat Toomey SenToomey Rhode Island Jack Reed SenJackReed Rhode Island Sheldon Whitehouse SenWhitehouse South Carolina Lindsey Graham LindseyGrahamSC South Carolina Tim Scott SenatorTimScott South Dakota Mike Rounds SenatorRounds South Dakota John Thune SenJohnThune Tennessee Lamar Alexander SenAlexander Tennessee Bob Corker SenBobCorker Texas John Cornyn JohnCornyn Texas Ted Cruz tedcruz Utah Orrin Hatch OrrinHatch Utah Mike Lee SenMikeLee Vermont Patrick Leahy SenatorLeahy Vermont Bernie Sanders SenSanders Virginia Mark Warner MarkWarner Virginia Tim Kaine timkaine Washington Patty Murray PattyMurray Washington Maria Cantwell SenatorCantwell West Virginia Shelley Moore Capito SenCapito West Virginia Joe Manchin Sen_JoeManchin Wisconsin Ron Johnson SenRonJohnson Wisconsin Tammy Baldwin tammybaldwin Wyoming Mike Enzi SenatorEnzi Wyoming John Barrasso SenJohnBarrasso Name Twitter Handle AK Don Young repdonyoung AL-01 Bradley Byrne RepByrne AL-02 Martha Roby RepMarthaRoby AL-03 Mike D. Rogers RepMikeRogersAL AL-04 Robert Aderholt Robert_Aderholt AL-05 Mo Brooks RepMoBrooks AL-06 Gary Palmer USRepGaryPalmer AL-07 Terri Sewell RepTerriSewell AR-01 Rick Crawford RepRickCrawford AR-02 French Hill RepFrenchHill AR-03 Steve Womack rep_stevewomack AR-04 Bruce Westerman RepWesterman AZ-01 Ann Kirkpatrick RepKirkpatrick AZ-02 Martha McSally RepMcSally AZ-03 Raúl Grijalva RepRaulGrijalva AZ-04 Paul Gosar RepGosar AZ-05 Matt Salmon RepMattSalmon AZ-06 David Schweikert RepDavid AZ-07 Ruben Gallego RepRubenGallego AZ-08 Trent Franks RepTrentFranks AZ-09 Kyrsten Sinema RepSinema CA-01 Doug LaMalfa RepLaMalfa CA-02 Jared Huffman RepHuffman CA-03 John Garamendi RepGaramendi CA-04 Tom McClintock RepMcClintock CA-05 Mike Thompson RepThompson CA-06 Doris Matsui DorisMatsui CA-07 Ami Bera RepBera CA-08 Paul Cook RepPaulCook CA-09 Jerry McNerney RepMcNerney CA-10 Jeff Denham RepJeffDenham CA-11 Mark DeSaulnier RepDeSaulnier CA-12 Nancy Pelosi NancyPelosi CA-13 Barbara Lee RepBarbaraLee CA-14 Jackie Speier RepSpeier CA-15 Eric Swalwell RepSwalwell CA-16 Jim Costa RepJimCosta CA-17 Mike Honda RepMikeHonda CA-18 Anna Eshoo RepAnnaEshoo CA-19 Zoe Lofgren RepZoeLofgren CA-20 Sam Farr RepSamFarr Name Twitter Handle CA-21 David Valadao RepDavidvaladao CA-22 Devin Nunes DevinNunes CA-23 Kevin McCarthy GOPLeader CA-24 Lois Capps RepLoisCapps CA-25 Steve Knight SteveKnight25 CA-26 Julia Brownley JuliaBrownley26 CA-27 Judy Chu RepJudyChu CA-28 Adam Schiff RepAdamSchiff CA-29 Tony Cardenas RepCardenas CA-30 Brad Sherman BradSherman CA-31 Pete Aguilar aguilarpete CA-32 Grace Napolitano gracenapolitano CA-33 Ted Lieu tedlieu CA-34 Xavier Becerra RepBecerra CA-35 Norma Torres NormaJTorres CA-36 Raul Ruiz CongressmanRuiz CA-37 Karen Bass RepKarenBass CA-38 Linda Sánchez RepLindaSanchez CA-39 Ed Royce RepEdRoyce CA-40 Lucille Roybal-Allard RepRoybalAllard CA-41 Mark Takano RepMarkTakano CA-42 Ken Calvert KenCalvert CA-43 Maxine Waters MaxineWaters CA-44 Janice Hahn Rep_JaniceHahn CA-45 Mimi Walters RepMimiWalters CA-46 Loretta Sanchez LorettaSanchez CA-47 Alan Lowenthal RepLowenthal CA-48 Dana Rohrabacher DanaRohrabacher CA-49 Darrell Issa DarrellIssa CA-50 Duncan D. Hunter Rep_Hunter CA-51 Juan Vargas RepJuanVargas CA-52 Scott Peters RepScottPeters CA-53 Susan Davis RepSusanDavis CO-01 Diana DeGette RepDianaDeGette CO-02 Jared Polis jaredpolis CO-03 Scott Tipton RepTipton CO-04 Ken Buck RepKenBuck CO-05 Doug Lamborn RepDLamborn CO-06 Mike Coffman RepMikeCoffman CO-07 Ed Perlmutter RepPerlmutter CT-01 John Larson RepJohnLarson Name Twitter Handle CT-02 Joe Courtney RepJoeCourtney CT-03 Rosa DeLauro rosadelauro CT-04 Jim Himes jahimes CT-05 Elizabeth Esty RepEsty DE John Carney johncarneyde FL-01 Jeff Miller RepJeffMiller FL-02 Gwen Graham RepGwenGraham FL-03 Ted Yoho RepTedYoho FL-04 Ander Crenshaw AnderCrenshaw FL-05 Corrine Brown RepCorrineBrown FL-06 Ron DeSantis RonDeSantisFL FL-07 John Mica FL-08 Bill Posey congbillposey FL-09 Alan Grayson AlanGrayson FL-10 Daniel Webster RepWebster FL-11 Rich Nugent RepRichNugent FL-12 Gus Bilirakis RepGusBilirakis FL-13 David Jolly USRepDavidJolly FL-14 Kathy Castor USRepKCastor FL-15 Dennis Ross RepDennisRoss FL-16 Vern Buchanan VernBuchanan FL-17 Tom Rooney TomRooney FL-18 Patrick Murphy PatrickMurphyFL FL-19 Curt Clawson RepCurtClawson FL-20 Alcee Hastings RepHastingsFL FL-21 Ted Deutch RepTedDeutch FL-22 Lois Frankel RepLoisFrankel FL-23 Debbie Wasserman Schultz DWStweets FL-24 Frederica Wilson RepWilson FL-25 Mario Diaz-Balart MarioDB FL-26 Carlos Curbelo RepCurbelo FL-27 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen RosLehtinen GA-01 Buddy Carter RepBuddyCarter GA-02 Sanford Bishop SanfordBishop GA-03 Lynn Westmoreland RepWestmoreland GA-04 Hank Johnson RepHankJohnson GA-05 John Lewis repjohnlewis GA-06 Tom Price RepTomPrice GA-07 Rob Woodall RepRobWoodall GA-08 Austin Scott AustinScottGA08 GA-09 Doug Collins RepDougCollins Name Twitter Handle GA-10 Jody Hice GA-11 Barry Loudermilk RepLoudermilk GA-12 Rick Allen RepRickAllen GA-13 David Scott repdavidscott GA-14 Tom Graves RepTomGraves HI-01 Mark Takai RepMarkTakai HI-02 Tulsi Gabbard TulsiGabbard IA-01 Rod Blum RepRodBlum IA-02 Dave Loebsack daveloebsack IA-03 David Young RepDavidYoung IA-04 Steve King SteveKingIA ID-01 Raúl Labrador Raul_Labrador ID-02 Mike Simpson CongMikeSimpson IL-01 Bobby Rush RepBobbyRush IL-02 Robin Kelly RepRobinKelly IL-03 Dan Lipinski RepLipinski IL-04 Luis Gutiérrez RepGutierrez IL-05 Michael Quigley RepMikeQuigley IL-06 Peter Roskam PeterRoskam IL-07 Danny Davis RepDannyDavis IL-08 Tammy Duckworth RepDuckworth IL-09 Jan Schakowsky janschakowsky IL-10 Robert Dold RepDold IL-11 Bill Foster RepBillFoster IL-12 Mike Bost RepBost IL-13 Rodney Davis RodneyDavis IL-14 Randy Hultgren RepHultgren IL-15 John Shimkus RepShimkus IL-16 Adam Kinzinger RepKinzinger IL-17 Cheri Bustos RepCheri IL-18 Aaron Schock repaaronschock IN-01 Pete Visclosky RepVisclosky IN-02 Jackie Walorski RepWalorski IN-03 Marlin Stutzman RepStutzman IN-04 Todd Rokita ToddRokita IN-05 Susan Brooks SusanWBrooks IN-06 Luke Messer RepLukeMesser IN-07 André Carson RepAndreCarson IN-08 Larry Bucshon RepLarryBucshon IN-09 Todd Young RepToddYoung KS-01 Tim Huelskamp CongHuelskamp Name Twitter Handle KS-02 Lynn Jenkins RepLynnJenkins KS-03 Kevin Yoder RepKevinYoder KS-04 Mike Pompeo RepMikePompeo KY-01 Ed Whitfield RepEdWhitfield KY-02 Brett Guthrie RepGuthrie KY-03 John Yarmuth RepJohnYarmuth KY-04 Thomas Massie RepThomasMassie KY-05 Hal Rogers RepHalRogers KY-06 Andy Barr RepAndyBarr LA-01 Steve Scalise SteveScalise LA-02 Cedric Richmond RepRichmond LA-03 Charles Boustany RepBoustany LA-04 John C. Fleming RepFleming LA-05 Ralph Abraham RepAbraham LA-06 Garret Graves garretgraves MA-01 Richard Neal RepRichardNeal MA-02 Jim McGovern RepMcGovern MA-03 Niki Tsongas nikiinthehouse MA-04 Joseph Kennedy III RepJoeKennedy MA-05 Katherine Clark RepKClark MA-06 Seth Moulton sethmoulton MA-07 Mike Capuano MA-08 Stephen
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