Editorial Robert L
Editorial Robert l. Barbieri, mD Editor in Chief ClOmIPhEnE failuRE? Try adding dexamethasone to your clomiphene infertility regimen Clomiphene-resistant women often ovulate, and then become pregnant, when treated with a combination of clomiphene and dexamethasone CASE Infertility Dx: PCOS, For women who have PCOS and work-up shows severely abnormal anovulation anovulatory infertility, approaches to semen parameters or bilateral tubal You have been treating a 33-year-old ovulation induction include: disease, consultation with a fertility G0P0 woman who has polycystic ovary • weight loss specialist, and IVF, might be a more syndrome (PCOS) and anovulatory in- • clomiphene appropriate course than undertaking fertility with clomiphene citrate for three • metformin ovulation induction with clomiphene. cycles, at escalating doses of 50 mg, • follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Further work-up of anovulatory 100 mg, and 150 mg daily. She has not injection infertility. First obtain measure- ovulated, however, as determined by • laparoscopic ovarian drilling ments of serum thyroid-stimulating appropriately timed serum progester- • in vitro fertilization (IVF). hormone (TSH), follicle-stimulating one measurement. Women who fail to ovulate at hormone (FSH), and prolactin; ab- What is your next step? standard dosages of clomiphene are normalities of these hormones might labeled “clomiphene-resistant.” A contraindicate clomiphene for ovu- novulation is a common consensus panel of expert fertility spe- lation induction. cause of infertility; approxi- cialists recommended that, for such Next, measurement of total se- A mately 70% of cases of anovu- women, the most appropriate next rum testosterone and dehydroepi- latory infertility are caused by PCOS. steps in treatment include FSH injec- androsterone sulfate (DHEAS) might tion or laparoscopic ovarian drilling.1 be useful to determine if your patient’s For many women, however, those op- clomiphene resistance is caused by Instant Poll tions are prohibitively expensive.
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