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Semiweekly Interior Journal i INTERIOR JOURNAL p I SEMIWEEKLY 4 t = = C = i ccc= it VOL XXVlll STANFORD KY TUESDAY JULY 17 OOU A1rL Nd 89 j to CHURCH MATTERS LONDON LANCASTER POLITICAL IN NEIGHBORING COUNTIES f r I j ulloG litY Th tfamtonfatit HIM them- I understand Mr anti Mf A U W C Owens was Jc elec ¬ A littlo sort of Hcattio Smihlc of Itov MNItlrl 73If t enjiylng that stroo blIIn near selves no expanse of go tit Tnd oar Georgetown acid coosldera Flat Licit Ml over u UlutT und was In hunt Methodist minister died llulo ni the the Roblnon will MartlnsvlUf trio at Bluntly NPR lie had been 11 preacher of the BrownWlleon eiuinaeur m the thin week bit hurt killed 01 ¬ judgeship of dli U L Owoley hits been In Ohio on Hon William Jtfnntajra Bryan Is re i1EOtBo Elilop Graves and C K Reoler Wore OoMH1 for 4fi yens this trlci It toady tobnr > ceiving an average of SM personal let U vM5 of the Southern amusing u see how tflB rep bUoonil buslnew James GrllJln of Lexington ot by lightning In Josiitmlpoand P Crowe struck days tore per day probably fatally Injured Methodist church locifud at Owens will tulle about uuuh other tied tell the hits been here for a few soon put In a el W C Kearn told till farm noor PhI bnro got on a spree at Eranavllle nod mean things the other fellow has done n 0 Biisiln will tale A life e statue of the late Ut S I t Bnrgln and con ryvillo to Edward Wayne of Wlltnoro palntod the own roil when tbey Itt Into u family row Both shone exchange at Senator Z B Vance will be unrolled ¬ tied m with It Raleigh N C 22 fur N100 or 84ft por aoro A total abstinence resolution was de Brown and Wllsoo lire reuvblleiies fleet his entire vtt at Aug of this Un Is this Mr James Barlow a well known having been elected ¬ J B Lanier has been app lnlodpot feated at Fridays session snob culling other murpij ell Pry heath ¬ H actually l7cd aged 70 years died at his home of republican campaign master at Mill Springs Wnyno county oraUn Yonnjr PcopUa Unloji In At whit C Ev rsolo walt secretary the any been 2i miles from town Thursday oommlttee will resign his job as have so many to move book to our new vice Dick resigned lanta after a shire discussion elected booed doubt but hat fist stroreroom 05 Montloelto Ruttier The missionaries In China ask a spe kokud clean out of It The Klklu Waiter Hughes and Mc assistant postmaster general J it Korn tbo opportunity of ¬ 4 law with cial prayer from every pulpit for the There are n number of democrats In Roberts families bad un enjoyable pie Buffalo BUI says he will broak over genuIneThe the season to get a bar took the bankrupt 7000 lIat 01 Keriiudky with woodland of and 8fi50U alleged assets guidance of the government and tbo this Orphan District hto In the beautiful Mr and vow the republican ilokut this gain in I btllltif Friday a suit Jobn J Cozatt formerly of Purks ftpoedy micaor of Americana and native would make alit rsprweointlvBiJ In J J Walker year doubtless mad because he was not wrbliu Boroing1 seems Dunnan ablorod full from ville Gus been Ulad IiIIqent and gQnariil converts In extreme peril Conttresa Judge Sarah her nominated for VIce president 1 leg was brOken was yard master of the L k N at Corblu- William Jtnnlng Bryan an elder lob tbe only man the republican horse and her It Tho traveling men have an antitrust H M WOOQ men Anuiubur of Somor otjontloinon aro In the Cumberland Presbyterian have at all Among the democrats uiiipuiHittd by Dr Grant Hoisted league numbering Many Hats repairing and Improving Main Street oh n nib his father was a Baptist dea ¬ mentioned for the uominaiion Is RM vy Dr1 B Klnnalrd of ibom who marched for McKinley Clothing Furnishings 9hoo Mr Charles Friable said when he In 1800 walking now of that town using their own time find con Provident William MeKlnley was Jaokboo cashier of the Fn ot National are the streets ¬ years ago means to doo a steward In the Methodist Episcopal Bank of which Judge Borelng Is pros went West three that ha RICConJreHlinllu DeWitt Warner of Imminent Iii U ident who if porainalod would show would be back hero In 1000 to vote for New York who was one of the organ A strike U believed ui be obureh Mr Stavonebn Probyt IT PAYS TOTKADE AT r Is Bryan and U hero ready to fulfill 1800 In the Jolllco and Coal Crook dlslrfolj ruin and Mr Roosevelt an Epl cam the present representative that ho he liters of the gold democrats In has The minor are demanding hljfhur linn not the only pebble on the beach the promise declared himself for Bryan and Steven ¬ wages and two pay days to the month Miss Bertie Brook 1s visiting Miss Rev R A Thompson of Mt Ster- ¬ son says Knox Blanche the ling preached at tho Baptist church Judge Rod wine might get somovul A dlspalch from Mlddloiboro RftPUBLlCAN CONVENTION Victoria Rice in of Mrs Lula Thomp ¬ Sunday Eld A R Moore of Mem ¬ Gable pointers in regard to a THE newspaper will bo daughter running GLOBE that a democratic little ¬ republicans Saturday phis one of ministers In iho from of itu tell there soon Ono U badly neod The met hero son has gone to Wost Liberty for a the ablest convention some our Owen Your money back if youre not satisfied afternoon and were called to Order by grand parents country will preach the Christian county ed III thoro arc only two In the llth protracted visit to her at parliamentarians Owcnton county chairman G M DavUon who Several young ladles are visiting our church Sunday district meeting HeraldD These havo now postmasters Mill explained the object of tbo town at present and they certainly are At the republican convention Salur of patent modlclno fame Spring Wayoo county J B Lanlor He was retained as chairman and J A well entertained Tho latest arrival Is dy all good republicans were made has taken the stump Against Gov Miller Hirsch Danville secretary Judge W G I viet U S Dlok resigned TCRC Olav Chappell made Miss Lula Colson nlccc of Col D delegates to the State convention The Heck ham The governor pardoned Cas county llacbcl Abnor vlco L Abnor E Varnon then read the resolutions Colson wbo Is visiting horfclstcr Mrs Philadelphia platform and McKinley sldys brothers slayer and he told an Successors J L Frohman fc Co resigned which cordially approve and ratify N Starkey Vth plcnlclng in the administration were endorsed and John I J reporter In Louisville that he bad The residence of P L Wnllln at the nomination of McKinley and Roose day and nay riding rind fox chasing at W Yerkes was referred tuna the right ltoln for Deckbam NlcholasTllle VM struck by lightning volt endorse with great pleasure and night the young folks certainly have a mau to lead In the great tight the del ¬ South Trimble announces that ho U and hie wife was badly shocked Mr enthusiasm the splendid platform gap time egates being Instructed to vow for him willing for ihe Democratic State Cen Philadelphia and predict for governor AV lived at Crab Orchard until surne 18 adopted at If London bad such a paper as the the nomination for tral Committee to settle the wrangle lo the overwhelming fllectlon of tho Na ¬ iNTBItlOlt JOURNAL the people In this T B Walker rallied 4600 bushels of the 7th district He suggests that it be ALL ago W month PAPER Articles of Incorporation have been tional ticket section would get thblr eyes obon wheat on 200 acres of land M F Rout settled by a primary In Owen county the was bps I tiled by tbo Bell 011 Co of Plnevllle Compline emancipation from Many reaaoq ly the Eobol while Itwas forced to retie onelhlrd of and says he Is willing to pay the ex ¬ For 4 Cents and with u capital tock of 25000 M W present political serfdom restara bad a paper that udvocaicd the priocl wheat some Insect having eaten Into penses of such a primary If necessary In my Store reAdy to hang I have 0001 rolls of newest patterns of Wan Pape prices 4c Oc Cc 7c Renlck and C W Motealfare at the tloo to political freedom U regarded as plot of democracy as strongly as the tho twlno Wes Zauorre Is at home Imperialism which is the strongest Bill 80 roll on up to the finest made overshadowing of cam ¬ with his now engine tread of the company the issue the Echo does republicanism It would at the Lancaster Issue before the people Is mado the and can only bo accomplish ¬ Mills Ed Mills will be com- ¬ We Hang the Paper Cheaper Milo Shank of the Richmond Pan paign this make many votes for tho democratic Minors paramount Issue of tbo campaign and than AnyI ed by repeal of tho odious Gocbel pleted by Sept 1st prod Stone Is the tagrapb has been promoted at Wash a party I The editor of tbo Kentuckian on that point every democrat can give Place in Kentucky Election law and the enactment ofa Is so far al- lather of n find boy I legion to be foreman of the branch is a democrat and all right Mr Bryan his most cordial support You see the paper matched up as it will look on wall and get to every voter Mrs S Wesley and Just the Itnt onco of the printing cilice which will be os law that will guarantee It goes but his compositor or asso I her children The democrats are in a majority In the cheaper than any bookhouse can sell it A large stock of Palnlll and Painters Sups ¬ Mlddleburg A tablUhcd In the CoogrcMlooal Library rich or poor to vo e unmolested and elate editor lea republican and there era vltlllng at Mr J United States and with all of them In piles on hand and Pictures framed on short notice In latest styles his Vote as cast Appeal fie Wp Wright of Stanford has finished work on Auj 1 ni a salary of llSOO a year have fore the paper a half breed line for Bryan his trlumphl election ItbertyIolog p on Flouring Mills Gov lieckham made requisition on ill made
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