Think Green 50¢ June 7, 2009 Recycle this paper Volume 83, No. 23 Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend ’ Prayerful getaways TODAY S CATHOLIC Grottos, pilgrimages in our diocese Pages 10-12 People must fight spiritual pollution,

Theologian ambassador pope says on Pentecost Miguel Diaz nominated BY CINDY WOODEN

Vatican ambassador VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Just as the human body is Page 3 threatened by breathing polluted air, the human soul is threatened by images and ideas that glorify violence or the exploitation of others, Pope Benedict XVI said. “The metaphor of the ‘impetuous wind’ of Pentecost makes one think of how precious it is to On the front lines breathe clean air both with the lungs — the physical — as well as with the heart — the spiritual,” the pope Speakers support life, said May 31 during Mass for the feast of Pentecost. The Holy Spirit, which was poured out on the dis- Women’s Care Center ciples at Pentecost and available to every follower of Pages 4, 5 Jesus for all time, is the “healthy air” of love, the pope said. In his homily during the Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, the pope focused on the use of wind or breath and of fire to describe the movement of the Holy Spirit Noon watch in the Bible. The pope said the image of wind “makes us think Forty years of dutiful service of the air, which distinguishes our planet from the Page 9 other heavenly bodies and allows us to live on it. What air is for biological life, the spirit is for spiritual life.” “And just as there exists atmospheric pollution, which poisons the environment and living beings, so there exists a pollution of the heart and of the spirit, All Diocese Team which mortifies and poisons spiritual existence,” he said. CNS PHOTO/GIAMPIERO SPOSITO, REUTERS Diocesan athletes honored Pope Benedict said it is right that protecting the Pope Benedict XVI gives a blessing during Mass on the feast of Pentecost May 31 in St. Pages 16-17 environment has become a priority today, but it is Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Just as the body is threatened by breathing polluted air, the human soul is threatened by images and ideas that glorify violence or the exploitation of POPE, PAGE 5 others, the pope said.

Book of the Month SHARING OUR FAITH ‘God Help Me’ Warsaw , shrine ready Page 20 Through the God- given gift of faith, for pilgrims we have the Mexico City, said Sister Joan. So it was BY JODI MAGALLANES decided that a shrine to her would be built opportunity to locally, on land donated to the diocese in celebrate in the WARSAW — From a hill just west of the nearby Warsaw. main north-south road in Warsaw rises a mis- The shrine is a powerful pilgrimage desti- daily sacrifice of sion- homage to the apparition of the nation. An abundance of large windows on Jesus at holy Virgin Mary that is inexorably lodged in the the main level of the church floods the pews hearts of Mexican Catholics. and the sanctuary with warmth on most days, Mass. By a mys- The shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe and the sunlight reflects off of a reproduction tery, bread and took shape in 2000 at the initiative of Bishop of the tilma on which Our Lady of Guadalupe John M. D’Arcy and the people and staff of appeared to the Indian that is wine are changed Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Milford, prominently displayed next to the sanctuary. into the body and who were in need of a larger worship space. In the rear of the church an octagonal bap- The diocese took on the building of a church tismal font invites pilgrims to take home a blood, soul and divinity of Jesus. Thus, for the parish as a project commemorating sample of holy water for special blessings. Christ comes into our heart and soul dur- the millennium, according to Sister Joan For those who bring symbols of needs or Hastreiter, who credits Bishop D’Arcy with thanks, a Mexican tradition, areas near a stat- ing our journey of life. As Catholics, we elevating the project to the construction of a ue of Juan Diego and the image of Our Lady are blessed. diocesan shrine dedicated to the Milford of Guadalupe are prepared for those symbols parish’s patron saint. to be hung. Dick Dornbos “He was concerned about the danger of Granger pilgrims going home to visit her basilica,” in SHRINE, PAGE 12 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Hannah’s House assists single Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856

PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy mothers with spiritual care

EDITOR: Tim Johnson Hannah’s House stands before us in a visible , and Father Larry said it was and positive way of caring for mother and as fine a parish catechesis as he has ever seen. NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad child, providing a home, allowing some to continue at school or work, teaching them Assignment time Editorial Department necessary skills, and giving them what we all I am meeting now with our priests, who PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan NEWS need — love and concern, and above all, see- will be expecting changes. One of the most FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, ing that the child is born safe and healthy. important things a bishop ever does in the Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, If you want to make a contribution, please pastoral care of his diocese is the assignment &NOTES send it to Karen Delucaney at Hannah’s Elmer J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, of priests. This is under way and takes place House, 518 West Fourth St., Mishawaka, IN after careful consultation with the Priests’ Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY 46554. Personnel Board. The bishop, of course, Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister I met another good and dear friend, Bill makes the final decision. I am always Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and Killilea. If there is fundraising going on in impressed and impressed once again, at the Deb Wagner A visit to Hannah’s House Mishawaka and the cause is Catholic, and goodness of our priests who recall their prom- worthy, you will find Bill Killilea there. He is About 16 years ago, I had the privilege of ise of obedience to the bishop, and take up a in charge of the fundraising and you can blessing Hannah’s House. On a warm Sunday new assignment despite being a serious Business Department reach him at (574) 254-5309. afternoon, I was back there for another bless- change in their lives. I find it very humbling, BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice One of the sponsors of Hannah’s House, ing. This is a residence on a side street in but beautiful. along with our diocese, is the Women’s Care AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber Mishawaka. It blends in with the many sin- Center. They will observe their 25th anniver- BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol gle-family homes built there by the veterans sary of protecting the unborn child and the Speaking of priests [email protected] who returned from the Second World War, the child’s mother at Notre Dame on June 11. We are now preparing for our annual greatest generation, as Tom Brokaw called Tickets for this important event are available. retreat. It will take place this year at the Advertising Sales them. Call Bobby Williams (574) 274-0313. Potawatomi Inn on the grounds of the Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) But Hannah’s House is different from the Pokagon State Park. We will set aside a (260) 456-2824 others. Not in appearance, but in its mission. chapel with the presence of the Blessed I was greeted by Karen DeLucaney, who is Pentecost Sunday Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) Sacrament. Reverend John Allen, a former the director of the home. It is a place where A beautiful celebration of the holy feast of faculty member of the Josephinum Seminary, (574) 234-0687 young single women who have become preg- Pentecost at St. Matthew’s co-Cathedral will be our retreat master. It is my intention to Web site: nant may reside. They receive counseling, Parish, in which I conferred the sacrament of be with the priests all week. Please pray for guidance and spiritual care. There are semi- confirmation to 30 people, mostly adults, our priests during this holy time. Remember, Published weekly except the fourth nars on parenting and on living, on how to get along with a few young people who are not on the feast of the Sacred Heart, we begin the Sunday in June, first and third weeks in and keep a job, and on other practical matters. able to make the confirmations in their Year of the Priesthood, as designated by Pope July, first week in August and last week Also, there are visitors from the medical com- parishes. I was able to announce that Deacon Benedict XVI. in December by the Diocese of Fort munity: doctors, nurses and mothers, on how Jake Runyon has been assigned as a deacon Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., to care for a child before and after birth. of this parish, with the intention that he will Today’s Catholic P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. The capacity is seven. They would like to be assigned there as a priest after his ordina- Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, tion to the holy priesthood in October. A joy- We are receiving very positive reports double that and more. Karen told me that from many people throughout the diocese IN, and additional mailing office. there is one young woman expecting a child ful day for that parish and for Father Mike Heintz, who has long since needed assistance. who are now receiving this newspaper every who has been living in a truck. They do not week. In recent weeks, one could see more POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: have room at this time, but they are trying to The evening before, on the vigil of Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort Pentecost, a beautiful confirmation with an clearly the value of our diocesan paper. Our make arrangements. The young women live paper covered front and center, and with clar- Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: in very suitable rooms, and they receive train- exemplary pastor, Father Polycarp Fernando [email protected]. at St. Dominic’s, Bremen. This is a parish, ity, the recent pro-life rally held at Notre ing in cooking. They prepare their meals and Dame, which received short mention in the receive all kinds of assistance. which like so many, has a growing Hispanic MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort daily press. After the blessing, I walked the few blocks population. Father Polycarp comes all the Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) I hope you are all enjoying this newspaper; in the warm Sunday sun to a very famous way from Sri Lanka, and he is an excellent 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. and in a few weeks there will be an envelope, Mishawaka institution. I refer to Maury’s pastoral leader, very well organized and BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South which will help us to pay for sending this Pat’s Pub. I am told that there are a group of strong; and we had a wonderful dinner after- Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- excellent paper to you every week. We need priests who can be found there in prayer and wards. 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. you to be generous. meditation on an occasional Saturday This capped an extensive week in South Bend, with graduations at both Saint Joseph’s See you all next week. News deadline is the Monday morning evening. After the prayer, they often have din- and Marian high schools, and a beautiful con- before publication date. Advertising ner. firmation at Queen of Peace Parish with deadline is nine days before publica- I met Father Paul Doyle, CSJ, who is a STATEMENT FROM BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY tion date. member of the board. He reminded me that I Father Dan Scheidt. had appointed him, or at least recommended Father Dan is stepping down after exten- LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- him, to this board many years ago. Father sive and effective years as teacher and chap- lain at Marian High School, so he can give Comment on comes original, signed letters about Paul is a man you meet on many occasions in issues affecting church life. Although the South Bend area — all of them pastoral. more attention to the pastoral care of his we cannot publish every letter we Whether it is individual spiritual direction, parish. I was impressed with the changes that murder of receive, we strive to provide a balanced preparing people for marriage, hearing con- he and the parishioners had made in Queen of representation of expressed opinions fessions in the basilica, or serving on the Peace Church, placing the tabernacle in a and a variety of reflections on life in the Hannah’s House board you find him in pas- more central position, improving the sanctu- Kansas church.We will choose letters for publi- toral situations. In addition to his extensive ary and making it more prayerful. cation based on reader interest, timeli- work on the campus of Notre Dame, he is ness and fairness. Readers may agree or also one of the two chaplains for the football The best catechesis I have ever seen physician disagree with the letter writers’ opin- team. I think he is the chaplain for the home When you talk to Father Larry Kramer, ions. Letters must not exceed 250 games. Hannah’s House is unique in our dio- you know he has a lot of experience working With all those who love and reverence the words. All letters must be signed and cese. The delightful dinner at the historic with young people. He was a pioneer in the gift of human life, I wish to express my include a phone number and address Maury’s Pat’s Pub featured an effort to begin campus ministry work in our diocese, and he horror and sadness at the terrible murder of for verification.We reserve the right to a fundraising campaign to put them on a is a regular presence at Bishop Luers High a physician, Dr. George Tiller, in Kansas edit letters for legal and other concerns. sound financial basis. I made a personal School. I had the joy of visiting St. Paul of while he was at church with his wife. Our reverence for human life and our belief in Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, pledge and a pledge from the Diocese of Fort the Cross Parish, Columbia City, recently for P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN Wayne-South Bend for the next three years. the sacrament of confirmation, and meeting the diginity of every person calls us to 46856-1169; or e-mail: The eventual goal is to have a larger home, so afterwards with his youth workers and cate- reject this terrible act with all our hearts. I [email protected] more young women can be helped. I have the chists. The people that prepared the young ask everyone to pray for the victim of this privilege of being the honorary chair of this people for confirmation were Jacob and tragic violence and for his family. And let ISSN 0891-1533 effort. Michelle Alles, Eddie Beagles and Doña us pray that violence against human beings USPS 403630 The pro-life situation has confronted us in Reust. They told me they work with the stu- will be more and more rejected. recent weeks in ways painful and sad, but dents directly from the Catechism of the JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3 Catholic theologian Miguel Diaz Fundraiser secures future nominated for Vatican ambassador of Hannah’s House Miguel Diaz, a BY PATRICIA ZAPOR BY MAY LEE JOHNSON of this ministry. “Our goal is to prominent raise $150,000 over three years Catholic theolo- and to get a larger house.” WASHINGTON (CNS) — gian and profes- SOUTH BEND — “Love comes She added, “While the vision President Barack Obama has nom- sor of theology first,” said Jack Minard of for Hannah’s House has not inated prominent Catholic theolo- Mishawaka. “Money will help, but changed, donations are down. We gian Miguel Diaz to become at the College of St. Benedict and love has got to come first.” are working with the board mem- ambassador to the Vatican. That was Minard’s impression bers with a three-year plan that St. John’s In a statement issued late May after his recent tour of Hannah’s could help us in our work at 27, the White House announced University, both House, which provides a haven for Hannah’s House. There is good Diaz’s nomination, along with in Collegeville, unmarried pregnant women. work being done, and we are hop- nominees for ambassadors to the Minn., is pic- “The five young women we ing this plan will help us continue United Kingdom, France, Japan, tured in an met were healthy and were happy helping young women who choose India and several other countries. undated photo. to see us,” he said. “They are life for their babies. Many of these Diaz, 45, is a professor of theol- U.S. President doing well because of the help young women come to us with ogy at the College of St. Benedict Barack Obama they get from Hannah’s House.” nowhere to go and no hope. We and St. John’s University, both in has nominated A fundraiser event for Hannah’s walk side by side with them on Collegeville, Minn. He is a board House was held May 31 at their journey and do what we can member of the Catholic Diaz to become ambassador to Maury’s Pat’s Pub, which Bishop to help each one of them.” Theological Society of America John M. D’Arcy opened with a Currently the house has raised and former president of the the Vatican. blessing. The theme for the $28,000 toward its goal. Academy of Catholic Hispanic evening was “Blessing From President of the board of Theologians of the United States. Heaven, An Evening of Hope to Hannah’s House Kevin Anthony His wife, Marian, is an adjunct Support Women Who Choose said of their efforts, “We are just instructor at St. Benedict and St. Life.” representatives of the community John’s. Hannah’s House is founded on who are willing to do whatever we Diaz served as a member of belief in the sanctity of life and the can to help make life better for the Obama’s Catholic advisory team innate value of each person. Its young women that come to during the campaign and was a goal is to provide shelter, program- Hannah’s House. This is a great regular campaign spokesman on CNS PHOTO/COURTESY OF ST. BENEDICT AND ST. JOHN’S UNIVERSITY ming and staff support for the community, and I know we make Obama’s behalf, particularly in the physical, emotional and spiritual this community better.” Spanish-language press. well-being of pregnant young Guests at the fundraiser “I am very honored, grateful, called Diaz “an excellent choice big fundraiser or political mover women. Karen DeLucenay is enjoyed dinner at the restaurant and humbled that President Obama because he knows very well the and shaker is an indication “of director there. along with Bishop D’Arcy and has nominated me to serve as United States and because of his how seriously the administration is Bishop D’Arcy said of the Father Paul Doyle, who is the ambassador to the ,” said background.” taking the relationship with the important service Hannah’s House chaplain for Hannah’s House, Diaz in a statement forwarded to Latin Americans “should be Vatican.” provides, “Karen was just telling where pub owner Maury Cocquyti Catholic News Service by the uni- very proud,” he told CNS during a Diaz would fill the vacancy cre- me a story about a young woman has been a supporter of Hannah’s versity. “If confirmed by the U.S. symposium May 28 at The ated by the departure of Harvard living in a truck. She will be com- House for years. Senate I will continue the work of Catholic University of America law professor Mary Ann Glendon, ing to Hannah’s House, where she “I’m very big on right to life my predecessors and build upon that the archbishop was attending. who was named ambassador in can get what she needs both for and all the good work they are 25 years of formal diplomatic rela- Coincidentally, the topic of the 2007 and left the post in January. her and her unborn baby.” doing,” said Cocquyti. “It’s a won- tions with the Holy See. I wish to daylong event was the history of The statement from St John’s Board members, business own- derful organization that my mother be a bridge between our nation and U.S.-Vatican diplomatic relations. University noted that Diaz earned ers and other members of the com- supported and believed in, so it’s the Holy See.” In an interview with CNS dur- his bachelor’s degree from St. munity gathered to learn about a important for me to do my part to A native of Havana, Diaz was ing inaugural festivities in January, Thomas University in Miami three-year sustained giving plan help.” praised as “a leading Hispanic the- Diaz said he thought “the presi- Gardens, Fla., and his master’s and that would help keep Hannah’s ologian in the United States,” by dency of Barack Obama represents doctorate from the University of House open and support its budg- Benedictine a new opportu- Notre Dame in Indiana. He previ- et. Donors would pledge amounts To learn more about the three-year Abbot John nity for all of ously taught at Barry University in to be collected over the next three plan or to donate contact Karen Klassen, chan- us” for racial Miami Shores, Fla.; St. Vincent de years. DeLucenay at Hannah’s House cellor of St. “I wish to be a bridge healing. Paul Regional Seminary in DeLucenay spoke of the future (574) 254-5309. John’s Diaz said Boynton Beach, Fla.; the University. Obama was University of Dayton in Ohio; and In a comment between our nation and “committed to Notre Dame. The statement said he e-mailed to working” with is fluent in Italian, Spanish and CNS, Abbot the Holy See.” people who French. Klassen said defend “life in The St. John’s statement said Diaz “is a skilled MIGUEL DIAZ the womb” and Diaz’s academic interests — Trinitarian the- deeply respects besides his focus on the Trinity — ologian who is people who hold also include theological anthropol- passionate both positions he ogy and Latino/Latina theologies. as a teacher and does not agree His published materials include a scholar. He is a strong proponent with. the book “On Being Human: U.S. of the necessity of the church to The announcement of the nomi- Hispanic and Rahnerian become deeply and broadly multi- nation capped months of specula- Perspectives” (Orbis Books, 2002), cultural, to recognize and appreci- tion about who Obama would for which he received the Hispanic ate the role that culture plays in a select to represent him at the Theological Initiative’s 2002 Book living faith.” Vatican. In early April the Vatican of the Year award from Princeton Diaz would be the first press spokesman took the unusual Theological Seminary. He also is Hispanic to represent the United step of shooting down persistent co-editor of the book, “From the States at the Vatican. Like several rumors that the Vatican had reject- Heart of Our People: Latino/a of Obama’s other prominent nomi- ed several potential nominees, Explorations in Catholic nees — including Judge Sonia including Caroline Kennedy, sup- Systematic Theology” (Orbis Sotomayor, nominated to the posedly because they support legal Books, 1999). Supreme Court — Diaz comes abortion. from humble beginnings. His “Wherever we can, we should MAY LEE JOHNSON father worked as a waiter and his advance life at all stages,” Diaz Father Paul Doyle, left, and Bishop John M. D’Arcy, right, pray for a mother did data entry work, and said in January. good outcome for the Hannah’s House Fundraiser titled Blessings From their son was the first member of One White House source Heaven, An Evening of Hope to Support Women Who Choose Life. The the family to attend college. described Diaz as “clearly pro-life” event was held at Maury’s Pat’s Pub in Mishawaka May 31. Bishop D’Arcy Archbishop , apos- and said the decision to select a Contributing to this story was John is the honorary chairman and Father Paul Doyle is the chaplain for tolic to the United States, respected theologian instead of a Thavis in Anaheim, Calif. Hannah’s House, who was appointed by Bishop D’Arcy. 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009

they use power, he said, because they know that the “pure, essential On the front lines to support life POPE and personal ‘fire’ is the fire of love.” Speaker says Women’s Care Center provided encouragement CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Pope Benedict said that while the Holy Spirit blows where it will, the story of Pentecost BY DIANE FREEBY equally important that people demonstrates that it normally begin combating “the many prod- comes when the followers of Jesus ucts polluting the mind and heart” are united and are at prayer. NOTRE DAME — Lacy Dodd, a today, including “images that “This is valid also for the 1999 make a spectacle of pleasure, vio- church today, valid for us,” the graduate, says the controversy at lence and contempt for men and pope said. her alma mater is personal. A sin- women.” If the Holy Spirit is going to gle mother who experienced an The other image used to renew and give new strength to unplanned pregnancy while at describe the Holy Spirit is fire, the the church and all its members, he Notre Dame, Dodd opposed the energy of the Holy Spirit brought said, people must prepare to University of Notre Dame’s invita- to earth by Christ, he said. receive the Spirit through “the tion to President Barack Obama as Fire is a metaphor for power, humble and silent listening to the the May 17 commencement speak- an energy that can be used for word of God.” er and recipient of an honorary good or for evil, the pope said. When the Holy Spirit descends doctorate of law degree. “Taking possession of the ener- it dispels fear, Pope Benedict said. As she spoke with those gath- gies of the cosmos — the ‘fire’ — The Spirit “helps us know and ered on the south quad on May 17, the human being today seems to feel like we are in the hands of all- Dodd referred to a question she affirm himself as a god and to powerful love: No matter what recently asked Holy Cross Father want to transform the world by happens, his infinite love will not John I. Jenkins, president of the excluding, putting aside or even abandon us,” he said. University of Notre Dame: “Who denying the creator of the uni- In his “Regina Coeli” address draws support from your decision verse,” the pope said. after the Mass, the pope told thou- to honor President Obama? Is it the “In the hands of a such a per- sands of people gathered in St. pregnant Notre Dame woman — son, ‘fire’ and its enormous poten- Peter’s Square that the Holy Spirit who may be sitting in this year’s tial becomes dangerous: It can be is the soul of the church. graduating class — who wants des- turned against life and humanity “Without it what would the perately to keep her baby? Or those itself as history unfortunately has church be? It would certainly be a who, like my boyfriend at the time, demonstrated. A perennial warning great historical movement, a com- tell her that the Catholic teaching comes from the tragedies of plex and solid social institution, on the intrinsic evil of abortion is Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where perhaps a kind of humanitarian just ‘dining room talk?’” atomic energy used for bellicose agency. And, truthfully, that is Dodd continued, “I am still DIANE FREEBY aims sowed death in an unheard- how it is seen by those who con- waiting for a response, but I think Lacy Dodd and her nine-year-old daughter Mary Logan applaud a of proportion,” Pope Benedict sider it outside the lens of faith,” we all know what the answer is. At speech at the ND Response rally held on the University of Notre Dame’s said. the pope said. best, Notre Dame’s decision to campus on May 17. However, when human beings But the Holy Spirit guides the honor the most pro-choice presi- recognize God as the creator and church, ensuring it is the living dent in our history sends a mes- from this campus ... and the good smiled as the crowd cheered. the lord of the universe, they tend body of Christ, he said. sage of indifference about the work, the kind of work that can “This morning, 10 years after to be more careful with the way sanctity of unborn human life. come from one compassionate per- my own graduation, I returned to After all, if abortion does not son, began.” the grotto to give thanks,” said embrace of Christianity, the appear to be an important issue to Borger talked about the role the Dodd. “This time I was with my 9- Vatican announces papal Vatican announced May 30. a great Catholic institution such as Women’s Care Center has played, year-old daughter. And together trip to Czech Republic The announcement was pub- Notre Dame, many Catholics will and continues to play, in building a we thanked Our Lady for teaching conclude that it does not have to culture of life. us to be open to God’s will ... to VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope lished as Pope Benedict was meet- ing Czech President Vaclav Klaus be a big deal for them either.” “The Women’s Care Center has never be afraid of God’s will ... Benedict XVI will visit the Czech Dodd discovered she was preg- grown to become the largest life- and to recognize that there may be Republic in late September, partic- in the papal library. The pope and president dis- nant just three months before she affirming pregnancy center in the sacrifices and suffering ... but ipating in the nation’s Sept. 28 was to graduate from Notre Dame. United States, with 14 different God’s will also brings great peace observance of the feast of St. cussed the situation in the Czech Republic, “looking in particular at She says her boyfriend at the time, centers spread throughout northern and joy.” Wenceslaus, a 10th-century Czech also a Notre Dame senior, wanted Indiana as well as Niles, Mich., Dodd added that she and her prince and martyr. some questions related to relations with the Catholic Church, as well her to get an abortion. Dodd told and Columbus, Ohio,” explained daughter wish to share another During the Sept. 26-28 trip, the him that would never be an option Borger. “Nearly 300 women are message with the Notre Dame pope will visit Prague, Brno and as to the future of Europe, taking into account the importance of its for her. She says she is blessed to served every day. Just last year administration. She said women Stara Boleslav, the town where St. have the support of her loving over 10,700 mothers came to us ... need to know they deserve better Wenceslaus was murdered by his cultural, spiritual and Christian patrimony,” the Vatican said. family, and a friend whose mother for counseling and pregnancy than abortion. brother in 935 to protest his was a counselor at the Women’s tests, ultrasounds, prenatal vita- “... Notre Dame should be on Care Center. mins, adoption counseling and par- the front lines in the fight to “It was the Women’s Care enting skill classes taught in uphold the dignity of unborn life,” Center that provided me with the English and Spanish.” said Dodd. “Our message is that Congratulations to encouragement that everything Borger attributed much of the the protection of the unborn is the was going to be all right,” recalls success and expansion of the defining social justice issue of our FATHER GARY SIGLER Dodd. “They educated me on my Women’s Care Center to a com- day. For what is so-called justice if pregnancy, and they provided me munity of faithful supporters, it does not include protection for as he celebrates with information on how to stay along with another Notre Dame the innocent and defenseless healthy.” alum, Ann Manion. unborn? Our message is life!” 30 years of priesthood! It was a Notre Dame professor, “Ann has been involved with In addition to raising her Dr. Janet Smith, who saw a need the Women’s Care Center from its daughter, Dodd also works with a and founded the Women’s Care inception,” said Borger, “and when North Carolina-area pro-life organ- Center over 25 years ago. the need arose, as a young mother ization. Room at the Inn is Elizabeth Borger, a 1978 graduate herself, she left her accounting America’s first college-based of Notre Dame, is a former chair- career and became the president. maternity and aftercare residence. man of the board of the Women’s For 20 years, Ann has fulfilled this Adjacent to Belmont Abbey Care Center. She also spoke to the position, never taking a salary and College, Dodd said the residence You are a wonderful priest crowds gathered on the south leading the organization with a enables students to choose life for and we love you...may the quad, explaining what drove one grace that is, in fact, amazing” their babies and complete their Notre Dame professor to make a Borger shared several of the own education. Queen of Angels keep you close. difference. success stories, of lives saved Former Notre Dame football “She realized it wasn’t enough because of the Women’s Care coach Lou Holtz was the guest Queen of Angels Parish Family for her to say she was pro-life,” Center. Perhaps the most precious speaker June 2 at a fundraiser at Borger said, referring to Smith. example of a life saved was right the Grand Wayne Center in Fort Fort Wayne “So she gathered a cross-section of on stage with Borger. Earlier, Wayne for the Women’s Care people to provide advice and fund- Dodd introduced her 9-year-old Center. That story will be featured ing, and she founded a crisis preg- daughter Mary Logan, who stood in an upcoming issue of Today’s nancy center just a short distance proudly next to her mom and Catholic. JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 Speaker tells clergy, don’t be intimidated “Professional Insurance Services” kintz •Life •Auto to preach on sexual morality, abortion •Health •Home insurance •Annuities •Business Clergy, religious attend agency •Disabilities •Liability •Medicare Supplements May 5 third annual •Nursing Home Care prayer dinner 111 North Third Street • Decatur (260)728-9290 • (260) 724-8042 • 1-800-589-5468 BY TOM UEBBING

SOUTH BEND — Sally Williams had a vision of the child she had aborted. She was a pretty girl, in a darling dress, about 11 months old. Williams had gone through a heal- ing program but could not bring herself to name her baby as was suggested. Then one day she was Our experienced and professional staff is dedicated in the grocery store and heard a to providing the highest quality of nursing care. mother calling out, looking for her daughter, “Genesis! Genesis!” • Daily Mass She never saw either one, just • Medicare Certified heard the voice, but she loved the TOM UEBBING sound of the name. So she named Sally Williams was the keynote speaker May 5 in South Bend at the third • Secured Neighborhoods for Alzheimer Care her lost child Genesis. Something annual prayer dinner, sponsored by Saint Joseph County Right to Life. • Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapies else confirmed that. Once she was Clergy and religious were especially invited and came free of charge. scheduled to give a talk the Lord • One and Two Bedroom Assisted Living Apartments spoke to her in her heart and said home, one of 13 children. At the It was through the tragedy and • Independent Living Patio Homes “Speak on Eve,” because although time of her abortion she was 28 brokenness of her abortion that she fell, she got up again. Genesis years old, serving as her church’s Williams’ personal relationship For Information, Call: (260) 897-2841 also reminded her of how “In the youth director and was a much with Jesus Christ was forged and 515 N. Main Street, Avilla, Indiana 46710 beginning, God created...” which respected member of the church. she found forgiveness and mercy. tied in to her abortion experience. She recounted how her feelings of Williams eventually was able to Provena Health, a Catholic health system, builds communities Williams was the keynote love for a young man turned to confide in her mother who reacted of healing and hope by compassionately responding to human speaker May 5 in South Bend at lust and led her into fornication. with love and compassion. She need in the spirit of Jesus Christ. the Third Annual Prayer Dinner, “I was not supposed to be preg- went on to become executive sec- sponsored by Saint Joseph County nant,” Williams said. “I grew up in retary and then urban outreach Visit us at Right to Life. Clergy and religious a Christian home. I’m not supposed director for Indiana Right to Life. were especially invited and came to have a child out of wedlock. I Williams urged pastors to not be free of charge. Seventy-two per- wanted to do it right. I knew he intimidated and to preach on sexu- sons were in attendance including wasn’t husband material for me.” al morality and abortion. three Brothers of the Holy Cross, Williams did not want to have Sister Claire Reuille of the eight Sisters of St. Francis and to tell her mother, aunts or pastor. Sisters of Saint Francis offered the several Protestant pastors. She had a friend who said, “I opening prayer. Three young As she continued her talk, had an abortion, and I’m okay.” women from the Washington High Williams mentioned Genesis many There was another friend who School Gospel Choir sang with times. After she finished and sat said “I’m here for you Sally what- their strong and beautifully harmo- down, master of ceremonies Jay ever you choose.” So she decided nious voices. Elder Carl Evans, Dunlap took the microphone. to go ahead with the abortion. Minister Charles Diggins and his He said that as he heard Williams said she knew abor- wife Denise and Sally Williams Williams repeat the name Genesis tion was wrong, but “I didn’t concluded the evening with spon- he became “all tingly” inside. He know enough to say ‘no.’” taneous prayer. Diggins prayed explained that he has benefited She didn’t know about fetal that he would have the courage to from the other side of unwanted development, what Scripture says announce the truth and educate the pregnancies. or that her decision would hurt people in his role as minister. “My wife and I are blessed others. She was unaware that St. Joseph County Right to Life with five adopted children. Our Planned Parenthood targets president Tom Gill said we need to fifth child came to us when she minorities and that 14 million look up to God in prayer instead was 10 weeks old. And that baby’s black babies had been killed by of always looking straight ahead at name is Genesis,” Williams abortion, a greater per capita per- the obstacles. God will give us the exclaimed. “Oh, my goodness. It centage than whites. She did not victory through prayer in over- seemed a moment prepared by know that some post-abortive coming what Dunlap summarized God to specially touch Williams women end up in mental institu- as abortion’s root cause: “a crisis with healing. tions or on Prozac. She did not of love.” She grew up in a Christian even know she needed healing. All Saints Religious Goods 3506 South Calhoun Street, Fort Wayne 260-456-9173 STORE HOURS (across from South Side High School) Mon. & Tues. 9:30 - 5:00 Wed. & Thurs: 9:30 - 7:00 Books, Bibles, Crucifixes, Rosaries, Friday 9:30 -5:00 Saturday 9:30 - 4:00 Statues, Baptismal Gowns and Gifts 6 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009 Pro-life leaders, groups Florida’s Father Cutie condemn murder of gives first sermon Kansas abortion doctor in Episcopal Church WASHINGTON (CNS) — Pro-life EWS RIEFS MIAMI (CNS) — Father Alberto advocates universally condemned N B Cutie of Miami delivered his first the May 31 murder of a Kansas sermon in an Episcopal church abortion doctor, with officials from May 31, three days after the sus- several U.S. right-to-life groups SERVICE IS LED BY POPE IN THE VATICAN GARDENS pended Catholic priest announced saying such extreme acts only hurt he was joining the Episcopal the pro-life cause. “We condemn Church. In a video of the sermon this lawless act of violence,” said at Church of the Resurrection in Charmaine Yoest, president of the Biscayne Park, Fla., posted on the Americans United for Life. “The Web site of The Miami Herald foundational right to life that our daily newspaper, Father Cutie work is dedicated to extends to opened his sermon by telling con- everyone. Whoever is responsible gregants: “I am honored by your for this reprehensible violence must presence here.” Archbishop John be brought to justice under the law.” C. Favalora of Miami expressed Dr. George Tiller, 67, of Wichita, disappointment May 28 at both Kan., was fatally shot while serving Father Cutie’s decision to join the as an usher at the city’s Formation Episcopal Church and the public Lutheran Church during morning way he was received into his new services, according to The church. Archbishop Favalora also Associated Press. A suspect in the warned Catholics not to request shooting, identified as Scott the sacraments from Father Cutie Roeder, 51, was being held without or attend Masses celebrated by bail on one count of first-degree him. Father Cutie, 40, who was murder and two counts of aggravat- suspended as administrator of St. ed assault, the AP reported June 1. Francis de Sales Parish in Miami Tiller’s clinic is one of just a few in Beach and Catholic radio posts the nation where abortions are per- after photos of him with a woman formed after the 21st week of preg- were released by a tabloid maga- nancy. Speaking on behalf of the zine, joined the Episcopal Church U.S. Conference of Catholic May 28 at a ceremony at Miami’s Bishops, Cardinal of Trinity Cathedral. The woman, Philadelphia, chairman of the bish- CNS PHOTO/ALESSIA PIERDOMENICO, REUTERS identified as Ruhama Buni ops’ Committee on Pro-Life People hold candles as they attend a service led by Pope Benedict XVI at the Lourdes Canellis, 35, also became an Activities, expressed profound Episcopalian in the same ceremo- regret upon learning of Tiller’s Grotto in the Vatican Gardens May 30. The pope marked the end of the Marian month ny. The priest has admitted to hav- shooting death. “Our bishops’ con- of May with a service at the grotto. ing a sexual relationship with ference and all its members have Canellis and has referred to her as repeatedly and publicly denounced unique complementarity of man tor of the Vatican press office, said would have thought I might his fiance. all forms of violence in our society, and woman.” But he said “attempts June 1 there would be no official become pope. ... I was a pretty including abortion as well as the to change the legal definition of comment from the Vatican while ingenuous boy in a small village far misguided resort to violence by marriage or to create simulations of the process was under way. La from the city,” he said. “We were Vatican condemns North anyone opposed to abortion,” marriage, often under the guise of Stampa published an interview with happy to be in the country and did- Korean nuclear test, Cardinal Rigali said in a June 1 ‘equality,’ ‘civil rights’ and ‘anti- Poltawska June 1 in which she said n’t think about much else.” Even statement. discrimination’ ... undermine the she met Father Karol Wojtyla, the today, he said, “it’s difficult for me missile launches very nature of marriage and over- future pope, in 1950 when she was to understand how the Lord could VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Bishops praise court for look the essential place of marriage looking for a confessor and spiritu- have thought of me, to choose me Vatican has condemned the latest and family life in society.” al director to guide her in the long for this ministry. But I accept it round of nuclear testing and mis- affirming voters’ right process of recovering from her from his hands, even if it is very sile launching by North Korea, to define marriage Pope John Paul’s internment as a political prisoner in surprising and seems very much warning that these acts of aggres- the Nazis’ Ravensbruck concentra- beyond my means. But the Lord sion threaten “the very survival” WASHINGTON (CNS) — The beatification delayed, tion camp, where medical experi- helps me.” of the country’s own people by California Supreme Court “respect- Italian newspapers say ments were performed on prisoners. exacerbating its isolation. The ed the eminently reasonable deci- Allentown bishop retires; Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore sion of the California electorate” in VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The Meeting children, pope Romano, published a front-page its May 26 ruling affirming mar- beatification of Pope John Paul II Wilmington’s chancellor news story May 27 along with an riage as the union of a man and a may be delayed as the Vatican seeks shares early memories, named his successor editorial titled “International iso- woman, said the chairman of the more documentation regarding his says being pope is hard lation as a regime’s choice.” North U.S. bishops’ Ad Hoc Committee almost 27 years as pope, Italian WASHINGTON (CNS) — Pope Korea drew swift and angry inter- for the Defense of Marriage. But newspapers reported in late May. VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Benedict XVI has accepted the national condemnation after Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of According to the newspaper La Benedict XVI offered a rare resignation of Bishop Edward P. announcing May 25 that it had Louisville, Ky., speaking on behalf Stampa, the chief holdup regards glimpse into his private feelings, Cullen of Allentown, Pa., and successfully performed a nuclear of the full U.S. Conference of hundreds of letters he wrote before telling a group of children that as a named as his successor Msgr. John experiment. Seismic equipment Catholic Bishops, expressed disap- and after his election to Wanda boy he never dreamed of becoming O. Barres, chancellor of the registered a small blast in the east- pointment and concern that the Poltawska, a longtime friend and pope and that he still sometimes Diocese of Wilmington, Del. The ern portion of the country. Three court failed to apply this definition adviser to the pope. Meanwhile, the worries he is not up to the job. The pope also named Father Lee short-range missiles were then to the estimated 18,000 same-sex newspaper Il Giornale, reported pope answered questions and Anthony Piche, vicar general of launched into the Sea of Japan. marriages that took place between that a commission of theologians described growing up in a small the Archdiocese of St. Paul and The following day, May 26, two May and November 2008 in meeting in mid-May decided the German village during an audience Minneapolis, to be an auxiliary more missiles were launched off California. The high court’s deci- information contained in the offi- May 30 at the Vatican with 7,000 bishop for the archdiocese. The the country’s eastern coast. In its sion upheld the constitutionality of cial “positio,” or position paper, children from the Holy Childhood changes were announced May 27 commentary, L’Osservatore said, the state’s Proposition 8 declaring was not complete enough. In partic- Association, a group affiliated with in Washington by Archbishop “Barack Obama has condemned that “only marriage between a man ular, the newspaper cited the fact the Congregation for the Pietro Sambi, apostolic nuncio to Pyongyang’s nuclear test, labeling and a woman is valid or recognized that Cardinal Angelo Sodano, sec- Evangelization of Peoples. The the United States. Bishop Cullen it a threat to international security in California.” But it said the vot- retary of state under Pope John meeting with the enthusiastic is 76. Canon law requires all bish- and peace. But even before being ers’ decision could not be applied Paul, and Cardinal Leonardo young audience gave the pope an ops to submit their resignation to a threat to peace, this atomic retroactively to those who married Sandri, his deputy at the time, had opportunity to speak more openly the pope when they turn 75. experiment constitutes a threat to before the initiative was passed. not given testimony in the case. than usual about himself, prompted Bishop-designate Barres was born the very survival of the North Archbishop Kurtz said the ruling Neither newspaper quoted any of by the children’s more personal Sept. 20, 1960, in Larchmont, Korean people who will pay the “respects the uniqueness of the the commission members by name questions. When asked whether as a N.Y. He was baptized by Bishop consequences of the isolation the marital relationship and its service nor included comments from cur- boy he had ever thought he might Fulton J. Sheen, for whom his regime has chosen.” Pyongyang is to the common good by respecting rent officials of the Congregation one day be pope, he admitted that it father worked at the time at the North Korea’s capital. the value of procreation and the for Saints’ Causes. Passionist had not been one of his youthful Society for the Propagation of the good of children as well as the Father Ciro Benedettini, vice direc- plans. “To tell the truth, I never Faith in New York. JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 7

who served as college president St. Charles hosts from 1934 to 1961. Beeler is also an vocations conference active member of the South Bend Alumnae Club. FORT WAYNE — St. Charles will Beeler will receive the award at host a conference for parents and the Reunion Banquet on Saturday, children from grades 5-12, titled ROUND THE IOCESE June 6, as part of Reunion “The Call to Holiness: The A D Weekend, June 4-7. Sacraments of Mission” on June 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the church. Father Glenn Kohrman will Notre Dame Center for talk on the Christian vocation to QUEEN OF ANGELS STUDENTS COLLECT PENNIES FOR HAITI Liturgy to host conference holiness as well as particular vocations that are lived out in the on St. Paul world; equipping parents with NOTRE DAME — The Notre practical tools to help their chil- Dame Center for Liturgy will host dren. its 36th annual conference, Paul as There will be breakout sessions Liturgical Theologian, from June for parents, children and teens led 15-17 at the University of Notre by Sister Patricia Ann Murray and Dame. several seminarians. Jason Garrett The presentations will consider will conclude the night by speaking Paul’s teachings on Christian wor- on the sacrament of matrimony. ship and liturgy, and how the church community’s worship Sister Wilma Boeving, serves as matrix for his theology. Jesuit Father Robert Taft, from PHJC, celebrates jubilee the Pontifical Oriental Institute, DONALDSON Rome, will be the keynote speaker. — Sister Wilma Cost is $240 for three days or Boeving, a Poor $120 for one day. For more infor- Handmaid of mation, visit the Web site Jesus Christ sis- ter, celebrated The Notre Dame Center for her 60th jubilee Liturgy provided the monthly on May 16 at series on St. Paul in Today’s SISTER WILMA Catholic for the past year. the Poor BOEVING, PHJC Handmaids of Jesus Christ Ministry Center in Ancilla announces Savina Donaldson. Kralis Nursing Scholarship Sister Boeving took her first KURT HOMAN vows on June 25, 1949 in DONALDSON — Donaldson and began working as Queen of Angels in Fort Wayne has a long standing relationship with St. Claire Catholic Representatives from Ancilla a director of dietetics/dietitian at Church in Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world. Kindergarten, first- and College and the Kosciusko St. Joseph Hospital in Fort Wayne County Community Foundation in 1952. In 1980 she began serv- fourth-grade students at Queen of Angels School organized a “Penny Crusade” to raise have announced the creation of a ing as the vice-president of hospi- donations to support clean water in Haiti. Each class tried to collect the most pennies. new scholarship fund designated tals in Indiana and Illinois for for Ancilla nursing students — Ancilla Domini Health Services. Pennies amounting to $1,093.90 were donated in four weeks. The preschool class won The Savina Kralis Nursing Sister Boeving began a term as the competition and was treated to a special story time. Even in these hard economic Scholarship Fund. the director of development for Nearly 60 years ago, Kralis the Poor Handmaids of Jesus times students at Queen of Angels took this year’s theme of Catholic Schools and Service received her nurses training from Christ in the late 1980s. Sister has to heart. the Poor Handmaids of Jesus retired to the Catherine Kasper Christ (PHJC) in Gary. Her educa- Home in Donaldson were she cur- tion benefitted her during the time rently resides. ministry were spent as a mission- South Bend. Directors and the Marian High she served as a nurse, and also as Sister Boeving will continue ary in Bolivia where he taught the- After graduating from Saint School and Saint Joseph’s High she and her late husband, Jerry, her jubilee celebration during a ology in the national seminary, Mary’s College in 1969 with a School boards of directors. In 2002 raised their 12 children. community celebration in June. sociology in the national nursing bachelor’s degree in English litera- Beeler was the first female chair- Kralis recently established The school and was a consultant for ture, Beeler earned her master’s man of the Bishop’s Annual Appeal Savina Kralis Nursing Scholarship Father Ralph B. Rogawski Bolivian labor unions. degree in English from the for the Diocese of Fort Wayne- Fund to benefit Ancilla College at celebrates 50 years Currently residing in Austin, University of Chicago. She served South Bend for which she helped the Kosciusko County Texas, Father Rogawski is also the children as a mother of five and as raise over $5 million. Community Foundation. By FORT WAYNE promoter of over 50 lay an English and language arts educa- Beeler plunges into philanthropic establishing this scholarship, — Dominican Dominicans who meet in three tor in Illinois, Wisconsin and South pursuits with the same passion she Kralis wanted to share the bless- Father Ralph B. communities in Texas. He has pub- Bend at John Adams High School, holds for her service activities and ings she has received with others Rogawski, a lished numerous articles on the St. Joseph Grade School and provides leadership in her commit- pursuing a career in nursing. native of Fort value of small faith communities Corpus Christi School. She is also a ment of time, talent and treasure to The fund will enable the Poor Wayne, will com- as well as a history of the commu- successful businesswoman and the Saint Mary’s. She has actively Handmaids of Jesus Christ to pro- memorate his nity’s missionary experiences in current chair of the board of Beeler worked in leadership positions for vide scholarships to deserving 50th anniversary evangelization. Industries in Elkhart. the college since 1994 when she nursing students at Ancilla of ordination to Beeler has served South Bend- accepted the role as Michiana College. As an endowment fund at FATHER RALPH the Community Foundation, the the priesthood B. ROGAWSKI Saint Mary’s College area education, church, arts, health- Regional co-chair for the $30 mil- with the celebra- care and civic organizations in var- lion Sesquicentennial Campaign. principal will be invested and only tion of the announces 2009 ious ways over the years. She She initiated the Saint Mary’s earnings will be used for scholar- Eucharist at 2 p.m. Sunday, June Distinguished Alumna served as president of the board of College “Down the Avenue” event, ship purposes. 14, at St. Charles Borromeo directors of Logan Center in South which honors an outstanding Due to the nature of endow- Church. Award Winner Bend and oversaw the “Opening woman in the South Bend commu- ments, the fund will be managed and invested with the growth and A former member of St. NOTRE DAME —The New Doors” capital campaign to nity who has demonstrated a com- Hyacinth Parish and a 1950 gradu- build the new facility on East mitment to voluntarism in her com- perpetuity of the fund as a goal, Distinguished Alumna Award, allowing scholarships to be made ate of Central Catholic High awarded annually by the Alumnae Jefferson Boulevard. She currently munity. She was the honoree in School, Father Rogawski entered sits on the board of Saint Joseph 2005. from the fund forever. Association, honors a woman who “Back in the 1900s, the Poor the Dominican order in 1952 after exemplifies the standards, ideals Regional Medical Center and Beeler is generous in her gifts to studies in pre-med at Indiana served on the cabinet to raise the the college, contributing annually Handmaids prepared nurses in the and mission of Saint Mary’s hospitals they operated,” said Dr. University in Fort Wayne and College and who has given out- funds for the new hospital in since 1978, and has helped raise sig- Saint Mary’s College in Winona, Mishawaka, which is scheduled to nificant donations for Saint Mary’s Ron May, president of Ancilla standing service to the college College. “Today, the PHJC contin- Minn. through ongoing work for the open in the fall. She also sits on the as a member of the Madeleva He was ordained May 23, 1959 board of the Women’s Care Center Society Steering Committee. The ues to provide nurses training Alumnae Association. The 2009 through the nursing program at and celebrated his first Mass at St. recipient is Kathy Malone Beeler of and has been a member of the Madeleva Society is named for Holy Hyacinth. His first 15 years of South Bend Symphony Board of Cross Sister M. Madeleva Wolff, Ancilla College. 8 TODAY’S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009 MARIAN MEDALS DISTRIBUTED Restored piano ready to serve St. Vincent, Elkhart, for another century


ELKHART — Members of St. Vincent de Paul’s Catholic Church in Elkhart gathered Sunday, May 31, for a dedication ceremony and piano recital featuring the parish’s newly restored 1910 Bush and Lane baby grand piano. “What’s really neat about this is a lot of people donated (money) so it was a parish-wide project,” said Vincent Minichillo, parish music director. Since the piano returned to the PROVIDED BY ST. JOSEPH-ST. ELIZABETH ANN SETON SCHOOL church on Thursday, May 14, it sits in the front of the church and The seventh-grade Girl Scout Troop from St. Joseph-St. parishioners’ children, who are Elizabeth Ann Seton School has recently received their taking piano lessons have been allowed to play it after Mass. Marian Medal. They are, from left, pictured with Father “Have you seen the new piano?” Tim Wrozek, the pastor at St. Joseph Church, Maddie asked Becky Spataro as she LAUREN ZEUGNER climbed the stairs to the church Wayne Paseka, left, and James Reeder, who restored St. Vincent de Paul’s Brown, Rachel Seals, Samantha Allen, Megan Leman, nave from the basement. “It’s way baby grand Bush and Lane piano have their picture taken with it after Nicole Keesling, Rachel Hentz and Allison Partee. cool.” She dashed through the delivering it to the church. empty church to the piano to play a tune on it. compromise on the quality of needs a new sound board because In 1910 the Knights of materials used in the manufacture it’s built on tension and the wood Columbus purchased the piano of his pianos. stretches,” explained Minichillo. BISHOP D’ARCY CELEBRATES SAINT and donated it to St. Vincent Minichillo said a lot of thought Reeder built a new sound board School. It was housed on the third went into restoring the piano in a climate controlled room with MARY’S BACCALAUREATE MASS floor meeting room, which also rather than purchasing a new 20 percent humidity. The pieces served as the school gym. piano. “We recognized it was a were glued together and wooden “At the time it was the largest good piano and we wanted a good ribs installed on one side. Once of its type of piano for the complete and ready to be installed, room in the church. We the sound board is brought out into city,” said thought it was a normal climate which has about Minichillo “It was pretty scary good steward- 40 percent humidity. The sound- explaining it was ship to use what board then swells, creating tension. used for gym we had. We The harp was cleaned and class, dances and moving it down two liked the history reconditioned. “It has to withstand other types of of it,” she tons of pressure and tension. If meetings. flights of steps.” explained. there’s a crack in it, it can’t be “We can’t James used,” said Minichillo. find out how VINCENT MINICHILLO Reeder of The bridges were made by much it cost. It’s Lansing, Mich., hand using sheets of heavy plastic had nothing but a specialist in to note where the pins and holes tuning done to it piano restora- were located. “There’s a man there since then,” said tion, was hired and all he does is bridges,” said Minchillo about the piano. “It’s to restore the piano. In November Minichillo. very well made and has high-qual- 2008, he dissambled the piano and The white keys on the keyboard, ity materials.” At the time the removed it from the school’s third which were made of ivory had to PROVIDED BY JIM LAMPING piano was purchased Bush and floor. be replaced with faux ivory while Lane was a rival of Steinway. “It was pretty scary moving it the black keys, which are made of Bishop John M. D’Arcy celebrated the baccalaureate Mass The company was originally in down two flights of steps,” ebony wood were restored. for Saint Mary’s College on May 15. Chicago, Ill., and then moved to Minichillo said. “It took five The strings are made of steel. Holland, Mich. Bush was the busi- strong men.” Lower pitch strings are wrapped nessman while Lane was the To restore the piano, Reeder so they are lower in pitch without craftsman. The company eventual- completely dissambled it. The being longer in length. “Length ly went under during the Great piano needed a new sound board. and thickness determine pitch,” Knights of Columbus Depression because Lane wouldn’t “Any piano over 50 years old Minichillo explained. INSURANCE Making a difference for life. WHOLE LIFE • TERM • RETIREMENT Fort Wayne’s ANNUITIES • LONG TERM CARE • IRA Most Complete Wedding Service. The John J. Stackowicz Agency Serving the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese John Stackowicz General Agent 574-282-1082 office You can choose one or all Banquet Rooms Ed Eckersall - 260-434-1526 Tom Elshire - 866-960-1849 of our services. We’ll make the best of Hotel Rooms your special event. Hall’s has been in the Robert Wales - 574-202-4587 Keith Praski - 260-833-2024 Rehearsal Dinners Jeff Goralczyk 574-529-1719 Phil Stackowicz - 574-282-1082 business of making people happy for over 60 years. You can trust us to Catering Service Bob Baloun 574-272-3304 do it just right. Wedding Cakes A.M. Best IMSA Standard & Poor’s A++ Certification AAA For more information contact Hall’s Guesthouse at: 1 of only 5 companies to have these impressive ratings, (260) 489-2524 • out of over 1,900 companies! JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 9 Volunteer retires after 40 years on noon watch

BY KAY COZAD Once all of her children had the pages. graduated from St. Joseph, Sorg Sorg feels blessed to know that remained on noon watch one day a when she asks for prayers for any FORT WAYNE — Generations of week. Soon she was supervising intention, the students begin in students at St. Joseph-Hessen two days and finally three days earnest to pray. “You can see the Cassel School have played safely each week. “I love those kids. bond there. It’s not just physical on the playground off of Old U.S. They’re like my own grandkids,” but spiritual too,” she says. 27 South in large part due to the says the watcher. She adds with As for the school that boasts enduring and lovingly vigilant eye heartfelt enthusiasm, “It’s worth three alumni as teachers, Sorg is of one volunteer. Carole Sorg has going out in the cold and rainy proud to join in the 140th anniver- volunteered on noon watch for 40 weather because they are so spe- sary of this long-running school. “I years and will retire at the end of cial.” think it’s fantastic,” she says, “how this school year. Her watch begins around 11:30 we’ve had this school for so long What began at the school as a a.m. shortly after the students fin- with such excellent guidance and parental requirement 40 years ago ish lunch. She watches over stu- leadership. There is a deep spiritu- turned into a loving ministry for dents in kindergarten through third ality in it or it couldn’t last.” this mother of five. “Each family grade and offers band-aids and Downsizing this year, Sorg will was assigned a day to do noon hugs as well as safety supervision. remain in her beloved church watch,” she recalls, always enjoy- “I make sure they don’t get hurt. I choir, but will step down from 25 ing her turn at playground duty. fix up their scraps and boo-boos years of service in the parish food Eventually many of those stay-at- and give hugs when needed,” she bank, and 15 years of leading the home moms returned to the work- says. Thursday afternoon rosary. Sorg force and Sorg became a substitute St. Joseph Principal Louise enjoys quilting with friends as they for those who could not fulfill their Schultheis says, “I think it’s amaz- KAY COZAD stitch tapestries for fund-raisers or obligation. ing that she’s been here that long, Carole Sorg received gifts of flowers, a cake, an all-school picture and a just for fun. Sorg, a Fort Wayne native, has and she’s come in year after year binder of notes from the students and staff of St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel Retiring from the noon watch been a member of St. Joseph to help us out.” School, in honor of her 40 years as noon watch. Sorg will retire at the will not be easy for Sorg, who says Hessen-Cassel Church for over 47 Second-grader Jack Sweeney end of this school year. she has already told the students years. “As long as I’ve been mar- says the kids will miss their noon she will return next school year to ried,” she says, adding proudly that watcher. “She always looks out for their lives,” she says. noon watch after taking time off to visit. “This is a special place. I’m her husband Ronald is a member us, so you don’t fall. ... She’s real- Sorg has endeared herself to the grieve, Sorg was overwhelmed by going to miss the kids. They give of one of the founding families of ly nice!” he says. entire student population year after the outpouring of the students’ me so much pleasure.” the parish. The generations hold a special year by presenting a handmade love. An all-school assembly was All five of her children, now place in her heart. Sorg says as the personalized rosary to each incom- “All the students in kinder- called to honor Sorg on May 28, grown with families of their own, years go by, she can look at a child ing kindergartner as well. garten through third grade came up where her 93-year-old mother and attended St. Joseph Hessen-Cassel on her playground and see their The students and staff at the and put their arms around me. One husband were among those in School where they developed spir- parents’ face in theirs. Each year as school are family, says Sorg. They third grader said, ‘I wish I could attendance. The students and staff itually as well as academically, she the students move on to the upper learn, play, serve and pray togeth- take the hurt away.’ I’ll never for- presented Sorg with flowers, cake, says. “Kids go away with knowl- grades, Sorg says the older ones er. One shining example of the get that,” she says wistfully. an all-school picture replete with edge of their faith,” she says. “I’m still come back to say hi. “Two supportive character of the school The students and staff presented student signatures and a binder grateful. It has made a difference girls asked for permission to spend came two years ago when Sorg’s Sorg with a special book in memo- laden with thank yous and memo- in my own children’s lives — they time with me on my side of the beloved grandson died in an acci- ry of her grandson with promises ries written for their beloved noon are carrying on their own faith.” playground. I like to hear about dent. During her first day back to of prayer handwritten on each of watcher. Marian students win science awards


MISHAWAKA — Hollow fiber membranes. Water quality index ratings. X-ray fluorescence. Tuberculosis. Antibiotics. Not necessarily subjects the average high school student would spend time studying. But perhaps the students studying these are not average, everyday high school students. Especially when their PHOTOS BY JENNIFER OCHSTEIN From left are Caroline Trippel, Caitlyn Koscielski and Lauren Jessup who science projects competed with From left are Colin Leader, Aaron Bulger and Claire Sieradzki, students at competed with their projects in the Intel International Science and others from across the nation and Marian High School in Mishawaka, who competed in the National Junior Engineering Fair in Reno, Nev., May 10-16. the world. Science and Humanities Symposium, sponsored by the U.S. Army, Navy Six Marian High School stu- and Air Force, in Colorado Springs, Colo., April 29-May 3. dents recently competed in Jessup, who is considering was really exciting.” national and international science becoming an infectious disease And with so many great proj- competitions with their projects. At a regional competition to the opportunity to present his doctor, won a special award at the ects and “smart people,” at the Three of the students, Colin qualify for the symposium, project at the symposium, won a fair from the American Society fair, said Jessup, she wasn’t think- Leader, 18, Aaron Bulger, 17, and Sieradzki, who attended as a dele- $1,500 scholarship for placing for Microbiology. ing that she’d win anything for Claire Sieradzki, 17, competed in gate, also won a $1,000 scholar- second in the regional competi- Securing first place in the state her efforts. the National Junior Science and ship for placing third for her tion for his project, which studied competition, Koscielski and All of the students are Humanities Symposium, spon- Power Point presentation and sec- the detection of lead paint and Trippel teamed up, winning a involved in a scientific research sored by the U.S. Army, Navy ond for her poster presentation for other toxic substances in toys $1,500 scholarship and a small class at Marian High School, in and Air Force, in Colorado her project, which focused on manufactured in China and the planet named in their honor, for which students are required to Springs, Colo., April 29-May 3. devising a way to make microbial United States. their project to detect structural study subjects that interest them, The other three students fuel cells more efficient for elec- Jessup, Koscielski and Trippel differences in the lipids surround- apply for grants for their work Lauren Jessup, 18, Caitlyn tricity production by using hollow also won all-expenses paid trips ing tuberculosis using a new and enter their projects in compe- Koscielski, 18, and Caroline fiber membranes. to the International Science and imaging technique. titions. Trippel, 18, competed with their Bulger placed fourth in a Engineering Fair for their work. None of them expected to win. Ken Andrzejewski, who teach- projects in the Intel International regional competition for his proj- Jessup won overall in the Koscielski and Trippel said es one of the research classes, Science and Engineering Fair in ect entitled “The Effects of regional competition, which they didn’t see the application for said 27 students from Marian Reno, Nev. May 10-16. Precipitation and Temperature on ensured her inclusion in the fair, tuberculosis detection early on. have competed in significant Leader, Sieradzki and Bulger a River System’s Water Quality for her project that studied syn- “We didn’t see how big a deal national and international science all won an expenses-paid trip to Index Rating.” thesized compounds that could be it was and see how important the fairs and symposia for their Colorado Springs. And Leader, who was given used as antibiotics in the future. results were,” said Trippel. “So it research projects since 1990. 10 PILGRIMAGE/TRAVEL JUNE 7, 2009 HOLY MARY, M

St. Patrick Church, South Bend. This statue was sculpted by Holy Cross St. Joseph, Garrett. Father Anthony Lauck.

St. Andrew Parish, Fort Wayne.

St. Mary, Huntington. This grotto was built b maintained by his grandsons, Leo and Richa

St. Rose of Lima, Monroeville. The gazebo became a reality through the efforts of Father Raymond Balzer.

Immaculate Conception, Auburn Sacred Heart, Warsaw. St. Mary of of three ro JUNE 7, 2009 PILGRIMAGE/TRAVEL 11 MOTHER OF GOD

JUDY MADDEN Children from Holy Cross School participate in a Marian procession to the grotto located at St. Stanislaus Church in South Bend where Holy Cross Father Michael Mathews, pastor of both parishes, leads the rosary.

Blessed Sacrament Parish, Albion. This Fatima shrine is a work in progress in memory of Steve Hopkins.

TIM JOHNSON by Nicholas Scheer and ard Scheer. The Grotto at the University of Notre Dame.

St. Francis Convent, Mishawaka. Masses were offered here by Bishop John F. Noll.

St. Hedwig, South Bend. This grotto was installed in the Marian Year 1954 from societies, parishioners and f the Angels, Big Long Lake. The shrine is located at the “Y” friends of St. Hedwig Parish. The statue of Our Lady is in memory of Karl and Mary Gorniewicz. The statue of ads. This grotto is seen by passing motorists day and night. St. Bernadette is in memory of Hyacinth and Maryanna Niezgodski. 12 PILGRIMAGE/TRAVEL JUNE 7, 2009 A Pauline pilgrimage, indulgence good through June 29

n the March 15, 2009 issue of faithful may gain the Pauline Year When is the last date to make the Lord have mercy. Christ, have That we may walk in newness Today’s Catholic, Bishop John Indulgence by piously making pil- indulgence? mercy. Lord have mercy. of life, Pray for us. IM. D’Arcy issued a Decree for grimage in the Diocese of Fort This indulgence may be gained That we may work out our sal- the Pauline Year indulgence. Wayne-South Bend at the follow- in our diocese beginning the first Holy Mary, Mother of God, vation with fear and trembling, As the Year of St. Paul closes ing churches: Sunday of Lent 2009, up until and Pray for us. Pray for us. this month on June 29, the feast • Cathedral of the Immaculate through the feast of the Apostles Queen conceived without origi- That we may put on the armor Ss. Peter and Paul, Today’s Conception, Fort Wayne Peter and Paul, on June 29, 2009. nal sin, Pray for us. of God, Pray for us. Catholic once again offers this pil- • Ss. Peter and Paul Church, St. Paul, Pray for us. That we may stand against the grimage idea and reviews some Huntington What are some specifics such as how Apostle of the Gentiles, Pray deceits of the wicked one, Pray for teaching. • Basilica of the Sacred Heart, and where does one find a votive for us. us. Notre Dame Mass,or visit one of the designated Vessel of Election, Pray for us. That we may stand fast to the • St. Matthew Cathedral, South St. Paul, who was rapt to the last, Pray for us. What is the special Pauline indul- churches? Can any further explana- gence? Bend third heaven, Pray for us. That we may press forward to • Our Lady of Guadalupe tion be given? St. Paul, who heard things not the mark, Pray for us. A special indulgence has been It’s up to the priest in the indi- conceded to the faithful on the Shrine, Warsaw given to man to utter, Pray for us. That we may win the crown, • St. Martin de Porres Church, vidual places to schedule votive St. Paul, who knew nothing but Pray for us. occasion of the 2,000th anniver- Masses. For the people to do sary of the birth of St. Paul the Syracuse Christ, and him crucified, Pray for • St. Paul Catholic Chapel, something themselves they would us. Lamb of God, who takes away Apostle. An indulgence is defined have to go in a group of two or by the Catechism of the Catholic Clear Lake St. Paul, whose love for Christ the sins of the world: Spare us, O 3) On the same day as the pre- more (because it has to be public) was stronger than death, Pray for Lord. Church (No. 1471) as “... a remis- and read aloud from St. Paul’s let- sion before God of the temporal scribed pilgrimage, one must us. Lamb of God, who takes away receive holy Communion and pray ters or do a Litany of St. Paul St. Paul, who wished to be dis- the sins of the world: Graciously punishment due to sins whose guilt aloud. has already been forgiven, which for the pope’s intention. In order to solved and be with Christ, Pray for hear us, O Lord. the faithful Christian who is duly gain this indulgence, in the places us. Lamb of God, who takes away disposed gains under certain pre- decreed above one must take part Litany of St. Paul the St. Paul, whose zeal knew no the sins of the world: Have mercy scribed conditions through the in a sacred function (such as a Apostle bounds, Pray for us. on us. action of the church which, as the votive Mass for St. Paul) or in a St. Paul, who made thyself all minister of redemption, dispenses pious public exercise (such as a (This litany was taken from that to all, to gain all to Christ, Pray Let us pray. O God, who hast and applies with authority the public litany) in honor of St. Paul, golden vein of old litanies, the for us. taught the whole world by the treasury of the satisfactions of or public reading from the letters Golden Manual, compiled from St. Paul, who called thyself preaching of blessed Paul the Christ and the saints.” of St. Paul. approved sources and published in prisoner of Christ for us, Pray for Apostle: grant that we, who cele- 4) Also, in order to gain the 1851 by D. & J. Sadlier & Co. us. brate his memory, may by follow- What conditions apply for the indul- indulgence, one must embrace a However, the Antiphon, Versicle St. Paul, who was jealous of us, ing his example be drawn unto gence? spirit of total detachment from and Response have been inserted with the jealousy of God, Pray for thee. Through Our Lord Jesus inclination to sin, even venial sins. us. Christ thy son, who with thee lives In order to gain this Pauline and at the end the Collect of Jan. 5) The faithful who are prevent- St. Paul, who glories only in the and reigns in the unity of the Holy year indulgence, the usual condi- 18 in place of a prayer to St. Paul ed by illness or another legitimate Cross of Christ, Pray for us. Spirit, God, world without end. R. tions apply: has been substituted.) and important cause, always in a St. Paul, who bore in thy body Amen. 1) Being truly repentant, one spirit of detachment from inclina- the mortification of Christ, Pray receives sacramental absolution in Antiphon: Thou hast proved me tion to sin, with the intention of for us. (Prayer Source: “Kyrie Eleison the sacrament of penance within and known me: Thou hast known fulfilling the usual conditions as St. Paul, who exclaimed: With — Two Hundred Litanies” by 20 days either before or after the my sitting down and my rising up. soon as possible, will also be able Christ I am nailed to the cross! Benjamin Francis Musser OFM., prescribed work which follows. V. The great St. Paul, the vessel to obtain the plenary indulgence, as Pray for us. The Magnificat Press, 1944) 2) The bishop of Fort Wayne- of election, is indeed worthy to be long as they spiritually join in a St. Paul, that we may awake South Bend, decreed by the glorified: jubilee celebration in honor of St. and sin no more, Pray for us. authority granted to him by the R. For he also deserved to pos- Paul, offering their prayers and suf- That we may not receive the Apostolic Penitentiary, that the sess the twelfth throne. ferings to God for Christian unity. grace of God in vain, Pray for us.

unannounced and pilgrims are welcome to participate in sched- uled parish activities, which are SHRINE scarce during the weekday but CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 plentiful in the evenings and on join us! weekends. Spanish-language Masses are Candles, which can be lit in celebrated at 7 p.m. Wednesdays for the enshrinement grand prayer and vases for anyone bring- and Sunday Masses take place at parade and fanfest ing a gift of flowers, as well as 10:30 a.m, followed by fellowship offering boxes and special and a meal. Saturdays often fea- envelopes, are available at the ture Masses of baptism or july18, 9:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. front of the church as well and can quinceanera at noon or 2 p.m., and be arranged to a person’s liking. pilgrims are welcome to partici- hall of fame gridiron plaza. Visitors to the shrine would be pate. The shrine carries bi-lingual remiss to not experience the lower Mass missalettes so that English- an unforgettable family experience featuring: level of the church, which offers a speakers may follow along with ‡ grand parade with floats, giant helium bookstore with rosaries, crucifixes, the readings of the Mass during balloons, and marching bands Bibles, novena booklets, devotion- these celebrations. ‡ urban adventure race al and theological books in To provide for visitors, catering ‡ hall of famer pep rally English and Spanish, statues and may be arranged by contacting ‡ youth football clinic books on the history of the appari- Sister Joan or shrine administrator food, entertainment, and much more! tion of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Father J. Steele before a visit. ‡ Anyone wishing to spend a day Additionally, there are several fast in prayer and reflection in the food restaurants just a short dis- redeem this coupon for shrine is welcome anytime after tance from the shrine’s 225 2 free fanfest tickets. 10 a.m., weekdays, when the Gilliam Dr. location. doors open during the summer. The parish invites visitors for children 14 and under are free! Groups or individuals who wish to two special summer dates: a bi- celebrate the sacrament of confes- lingual retreat to be offered by for complete details call 1-800-440-FAME (3263) sion, be given a guided tour of the diocesean seminarians from 1 to 4 or visit: WWW.COLLEGEFOOTBALL.ORG shrine or utilize the building’s p.m. June 21, and a day of pil- kitchen and large gathering area in grimage and celebration on Aug. the lower level should call ahead 15, the feast of the Assumption, to (574) 267-5324 and schedule that will include sacred music, their visit. prayer and children’s activities on But individuals and smaller the grounds of the shrine. groups are welcome to stop in JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 13

EDITORIAL A lot to see and do — maybe in your own COMMENTARY backyard TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, t’s no secret there will be less travel this summer even though IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] Igasoline is considerably cheaper than it was last summer when prices exceeded the $4-a-gallon mark. Because of the seemingly relentless recession, Americans are pruning expenses, cutting back class chose to attend the ceremonies ing commencement exercises on on dining out, impulse buying, entertainment and other recreational Prestige over at the Joyce Center, while 25 of May 17. their classmates had the courage to Dear Father Jenkins, activities including the family vacation. principle? stand up for principle and instead You made a valiant attempt to A recent poll revealed that a third of those surveyed already attended a prayer rally and received justify your actions yesterday as had canceled at least one trip due to lack of money. A shortage of In Tim Prister’s “From the Sidelines” column in the May 24 their diplomas at the grotto. If after you introduced President Obama to cash, of course, is due to unemployment or cutbacks in earnings. issue, he comments on the headline four years at a Catholic university a the audience. I thought I was listen- But the fear of unemployment is the elephant in the retail market. in the South Bend Tribune “Is Notre graduate cannot choose to oppose ing to a campaign speech as you A firm that studies travel habits predicts Americans will take an Dame Catholic Enough?” and lists the appearance of someone who glorified him and his abhorrent poli- estimated 20 million fewer trips this spring and summer than they the many laudable programs and actively promotes the inherent evil cies. Sadly, your actions have creat- did last year, spending some $30 billion less. activities that he feels proves the of abortion, and do so within the ed a deep division among ND alum- With Americans foregoing summer travel plans, it means the university’s Catholicity. friendly confines of the campus, ni and friends of the university that economy will experience more losses, especially hotels and The Catholicity of a university what will their response be when will not soon be healed. motels, campgrounds, restaurants, transportation services, amuse- should be determined by the actions they are in the “real” world and I believe you have spent far too of its administration, faculty and faced with defending some moral many years in the shadow of the ment parks, zoos and many other establishments which depend on principle and the opposition is dome and too few among Catholics vacationers for their livelihood. Even cutting back on prices com- student body. Despite the many excellent programs at Notre Dame, stronger and less friendly? in the pews across this great nation. pared to previous years has not helped the tourist industry over- it would appear that with the uni- That will be the true answer to We embrace the teachings of the come the apprehension that accompanies the uncertainty of hav- versity’s invitation to President “Is Notre Dame Catholic Enough?” church while you merely give lip ing steady employment and some spending money. Obama to be commencement speak- Irene De Vliegher service to them in the name of Although times are tough and an expensive, exotic vacation er and receive an honorary degree Mishawaka “open dialogue” and “thoughtful may be impossible this summer, families don’t have to stay home that Catholicity was not exhibited. discussion.” staring at four walls and each other. You can restart the family’s The sacredness of human life is at Abdicated I believe you have abdicated vacation engine by checking out some local attractions and plan- the core of the discussion and no your responsibilities as moral and ning several shorter trips — maybe even in your own backyard. amount of rationalization can deny responsibilities spiritual leader of Our Lady’s uni- that in inviting President Obama the versity. This year’s Indiana Travel Guide and the Indiana Festival I wrote Father John Jenkins, Bonnie Elberson Guide, for example, contain many worthwhile things to do from University of Notre Dame chose President of the University of Notre prestige over principle. Dame, the following letter follow- Fort Wayne spending a long weekend at a nearby festival, antique shopping in The majority of the graduating a quaint Hoosier town, attending concerts or enjoying a wealth of attractions at local museums, parks, fairs and exhibits. The neigh- boring states of Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Kentucky also offer many opportunities for spending a long weekend without spend- Pro-life America ing a lot of money. Nearly every Hoosier hamlet has its own festi- val, fair, fest or hall of fame, but you’ll need to do some research everal years ago, the abortion position more, and this is the first on the Internet — — or public library to find advocacy organization, time in nine years that significantly more men and women are pro-life something fun and fantastic for your family. SNARAL, decided to drop the LIFE word “abortion” from its name. than pro-choice. A total of 75 per- Your own hometown may offer several attractions you’ve Originally founded in 1969 as the cent think that abortion should be never taken the time to visit. National Association for the either illegal under all circum- ISSUES Your travels could include a visit to a Catholic shrine, semi- Repeal of Abortion Laws, NARAL stances (22 percent) or legal only nary, college campus, church or retreat house. Again, check out changed its name in 1973 to the under certain circumstances (53 FORUM the Internet. You might find a gem of a place that offers a weary National Abortion Rights Action percent). Only 23 percent think traveling family a place to pray, rest and contemplate the devo- League when Roe v. Wade legal- abortion should be legal under any BY DEIRDRE A. MCQUADE tions and mysteries of the Catholic faith as well as view many ized abortion nationwide. In 2003, circumstance. Thus fewer than one religious artifacts. the “A-word” must have become in four agrees with the current sta- You owe it to your family to take a break from the world. work again, sending over 340,000 too distasteful or ineffective in tus of abortion law under Roe v. messages to the Department of Consider visiting a state park or the Lake Michigan dunes area promoting “reproductive rights.” Wade, which allows abortion on Health and Human Services urging where you can enjoy the solitude of being away from the city in NARAL dropped mention of abor- demand throughout the nine continued protection for the con- country surroundings all on your own. Walking in the woods, hik- tion altogether but kept its months of pregnancy. Other polls science rights of health care workers. ing hills and trails, climbing cliffs and wading in streams or the acronym, calling itself “NARAL conducted by Gallup, the Pew Over 73,000 of these were sent surf may be just the quiet vacation your family needs to refresh Pro-Choice America.” Now Research Center and Quinnipiac through NCHLA’s online Grassroots and renew both your faith and family life. “NARAL” presumably doesn’t University have similar findings. Action Center. In May, that same And don’t forget your own backyard! Maybe this is the stand for anything. It’s encouraging that we live in action center facilitated tens of thou- summer to do some landscaping, plant a flower or vegetable gar- It seems increasingly clear that “Pro-Life America.” This is a real sands of comments to Congress and den, built a tree house or playground, erect a fence, put in a pond “Pro-Choice America” doesn’t sign of hope for women and their NIH opposing destructive embryon- or pergola, or just clean out the garage. Your family may surprise stand for anything either. children. But the polls are not sur- ic stem-cell research and calling for itself on what the members can do when all work together on a According to recent nationwide prising because we’re seeing these ethical alternatives. results confirmed by an upsurge in project. If nothing else, set aside an area for badminton, croquet, opinion polls, support for abortion As we raise our voices to our is waning, and America is trending grassroots pro-life activism. Pro- horseshoes or other yard games. policymakers, we must also pray decidedly pro-life. The trend start- Life America has mobilized in three that they will make wise decisions So, before you nix that family trip, go on a little fact-finding ed in the early ‘90s during the recent major campaigns thanks to tour. There are deals to be had. The secret is knowing where to for the common good. The Pro- public debate on partial-birth abor- the hard work of a small crew at the Life Secretariat has posted sug- look and being flexible with dates and plans, if possible. tion — in which the Catholic com- bishops’ partner organization, The least expensive airline flights are on off-peak days, such gested prayers at munity was highly visible. Support National Committee for a Human as Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. The costliest flights are on for Roe peaked in 1991 and has Life Amendment (NCHLA). Sunday afternoons and Monday mornings. Consider taking the gicalprayers.shtml. been falling ever since. Over 34 million postcards to It is time to be boldly and lov- train, which usually is cheaper than flying. Renting a car from a The Gallup Poll’s Values and Congress were distributed during city outlet is cheaper than at the airport counter. Hotels and ingly pro-life – not just because Beliefs survey released May 15 the campaign against the introduc- we’re in the majority, but because motels are anxious to fill rooms. National chains may be your shows that Americans are taking a tion of the so-called “Freedom of families are literally dying to hear best bet for getting a good deal. Finally, check out convention and dramatic turn toward greater oppo- Choice Act” (FOCA) or similar the hope we have to share. visitor’s bureaus in cities and towns of interest to your family. sition to abortion. For the first legislation. Millions spoke up to Get creative. Drive less. But get away more! time, a 51 percent majority of defend the hard-won pro-life laws adults identified themselves as pro- that have saved countless lives Deirdre A. McQuade is assistant life — an 8-point increase over the since Roe – laws like public fund- director of policy and communi- Today’s Catholic editorial board consists of Kay Cozad, Fred and Lisa previous year. Only 42 percent ing bans and parental involvement cations, Secretariat of Pro-Life Everett, Father Mark Gurtner, Father Michael Heintz, Tim Johnson and called themselves pro-choice. requirements. Activities, U.S. Conference of Vince LaBarbera. Women have embraced the pro-life Then Pro-Life America got to Catholic Bishops. 14 COMMENTARY JUNE 7, 2009 Vatican makes great strides in recycling CATEQUIZ’EM By Dominic Camplisson VATICAN CITY (CNS) — cans, said Elio Cortellessa, the We don’t know if brides in the Bible preferred to get married in June, but Surrounded by a city that just Vatican gardener in charge of marriage was an important element of life for both Jews and Christians. started a pilot recycling program in garbage collection. THE This quiz looks at weddings and marriage in Scripture. one small neighborhood, the In January, the Vatican newspa- Vatican’s efforts to separate and per interviewed Cortellessa and recycle its garbage reportedly are emphasized the fact that with the VATICAN 1.Marriage was often used by prophets such as Hosea as an analogy for making great strides. gardeners overseeing the trash a.the relationship of Judea with Roman “It is new, but it is moving for- pickup, care for the natural envi- LETTER b.the relationship between a master and a slave ward seriously,” said Bishop ronment is a priority. c.the relationship between Israel and JHWH Renato Boccardo, secretary of the In fact, much of the material CINDY WOODEN office governing Vatican City the Vatican recycles each year con- 2.Occasionally in the Old Testament we hear about this,which is not a feature of State. sists of garden waste — pine Jewish (or Christian) marriages in the New Testament: Museums and in St. Peter’s “It has been difficult because it cones, needles, leaves, palm fronds a.Weddings between believers and pagans is a matter of education and of a and grass clippings. Gardens and Square, the two main tourist spots. certain culture and we were start- lawns cover almost half of the The governor’s office does not, b.Polygamy ing from zero,” he said in late Vatican’s 108 acres. however, take care of garbage col- c.Marriage of gods and goddesses May, about 18 months after the With a small gem to protect and lection and recycling for the many Vatican started systematically sort- the price of hauling trash to land- Vatican congregations, pontifical 3.We know this because Deuteronomy 21 actually gives regulations for how to ing its trash and just three months fills continually increasing, the councils and other offices located a.harmonize the pagan teachings with the Torah after the city of Rome began doing Vatican is trying to get its employ- outside the Vatican walls. Even the b.regulate the treatment of sons by two wives so in the Trastevere neighborhood. ees “to reflect a minute before Vatican press office, just across the c.know that the participants are divine Since the beginning of 2008, throwing anything away,” Bishop street from St. Peter’s Square, has the Vatican has designated 42 per- Boccardo said. to make do with the sanitation 4.Deuteronomy also tells us some technicalities that would no longer apply.For one,if cent of its industrial-size trash col- The next step is to get the mil- services offered by the city of lection containers to recyclables. lions of people who visit the Rome. a man marries a captive he must The little city-state’s roads and Vatican each year to do the same, Fortunately, on the street off her master with $100 gold pieces alleys are dotted with 120 contain- he said, adding that his office is behind the press office, the city b.set her free if he later tires of her, instead of selling her ers for generic trash, 30 containers planning to provide separate bins has placed a jumbo-sized collec- c.shave her head and cut her nails for paper, 25 for glass, 18 for plas- for plastic water bottles and for tic and 15 for aluminum and tin soft drink cans in the Vatican LETTER, PAGE 15 5.The Old Testament suggests that endogamy was common.One example of this occurred when Abraham sent for a wife from back in Mesopotamia.What is it? a.marriage from within one’s clan or kinship group b.marriage outside of the group God meets us through Jesus c.marriage between first generation Mesopotamians

tradition and in the Christian tradi- The church makes these reas- 6.And yet these men practice the reverse,exogamy. tion beginning to form, was suring points. It tells us about God. accepted. It tells us about ourselves. a.Shiloh,Tabitha and Hun THE The marvel in Paul’s message It tells us that God loves us. b.Paul, Jesus and Pilate is that Christians share the divine How? By giving us the Lord Jesus c.Esau, David and Joseph (of the fancy coat, not husband of Mary) SUNDAY life. They are more than creatures as our redeemer. God loves us by of God. They are God’s children. giving us bearers of the divine 7.Marriages began of course with a wedding.Few are described in detail,and many GOSPEL God is the father. Indeed, disciples word, such as Moses and Paul. historians think this simple reason is why. are encouraged to address God as God loves us by giving us the a.Marriage was secret because the Egyptians might kill the first MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION “Father,” indeed as “Abba,” an apostles. They were more than born. ancient term for fathers that was a humans who simply had the b.Everyone knew what was done a wedding so it would seem particular gentle and loving opportunity to meet Jesus and to endearment. learn from Jesus. Jesus sent them redundant to be detailed. Holy Trinity Paul continues. As children of into the world, to us, to give us the c.Marriage was shameful so never spoken of or commemorated. God, the faithful are heirs to the words of salvation, the words by Mt 28:16-20 eternal life of God. All this, of which to live. 8.Psalm 45:7-14 suggests that brides dressed like this at a wedding: The Book of Deuteronomy is course, is accomplished in and Their tradition, indeed their a.In the finest garments they could the source of this feast’s first read- through the individual Christian’s presence, endures among us. It b.All in black as they were never coming home ing. Deuteronomy is the fifth book bond with the Lord Jesus. continues in their successors, the c.In bandages, as they might later become mummies now in sequence in the Old St. Matthew’s Gospel supplies bishops, and in the church guided Testament. It is one of the five the last reading. by the bishops. 9.The description of a bride in Rev.19 hints at this custom,still often followed today: books that form for Jews the basic It is a Resurrection Narrative, In these lessons, the church is clear and compelling. The risen frank. God is everything. He alone a.Brides often wore white revelation by God. b.Bridegrooms always got drunk at their wedding This reading describes an Lord appears before the 11 surviv- gives life and peace. Nothing else instruction given by Moses to the ing apostles on a mountain. He is lasting, secure or real. God loves c.Bad singers showed up to every wedding Hebrew people as they wandered spoke to them in human words. us. He reveals the most intimate across the Sinai Peninsula, fleeing They understood. He conferred detail of divinity to us, the Trinity, 10.Hinted at in Gen.24,brides generally wore one of these: Egypt where they had been slaves, upon them all authority on earth that we might truly know God. He a.A menorah on their head b.A veil and in search of the land God had and in heaven. He then commis- reaches to us in Jesus. Through c.A feather headdress not unlike Plains Indians promised them. sioned them to go into the entire Jesus, God reaches to us and world, bringing all whom they meets us. In this reading, Moses is quoted 11.Another tradition still followed,mentioned in both Old and New Testaments is the would meet into the one body, “in as having told the people that God important role of this man: created all. God had spoken to the name of the Father, and of the a.The bishop b.The father of the bridegroom c.The best man them. God is in heaven. Finally, Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Moses said that the people must Then, Jesus promised to be with READINGS obey God’s commandments. them until the end of the world. Sunday: Dt 4:32-34,39-40 Ps 33:4- 12.It is very clear from Matthew’s Gospel that it was considered a great insult to Hearing a reading of these vers- 6,9,18-20,22 Rom 8:14-17 Mt 28:16-20 a.reject a wedding invitation off with the bride es thousands of years after the fact Reflection Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7 Ps 34:2-9 c.tie tin cans onto the back of the wedding chariot causes us to lose at least some of Mt 5:1-12 Overall, the teaching in these the force within them. At the time, Tuesday: 2 Cor 1:18-22 Ps 119:129- 13.One thing we know was served at weddings was wine.What was the Jesus’connec- these words were extraordinarily lessons is that God lives, and that 133,135 Mt 5:13-16 God unites with us. He communi- tion with that? powerful. They revealed God. Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11 Ps 99:5-9 a.No obvious one, but Jesus allowed grapes to grow before Moreover, they were God’s own cates with us. He meets us in our world. He speaks our language. Mt 5:17-19 Miriam’s wedding revelation. Thursday: Acts 11:21b-26;13:1-3 For the second reading this We belong to God, because we b.Jesus initiated his ministry at a wedding, changing water to wine Ps 98:1-6 Mt 5:20-26 weekend, the church presents a are God’s children. We are much, c.Jesus himself drank the cup of friendship at Paul’s wedding. passage from the Epistle to the much more than creatures or pos- Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15 Ps 116;10- Romans. By the time St. Paul sessions. We are God’s children, 11,15-18 Mt 5:27-32 ANSWERS: wrote this letter to the Christians heirs to God’s eternal life, and one Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21 Ps 103:1- 1.c, 2.b, 3.b, 4.b, 5.a, 6.c, 7.b, 8.a, 9.a, 10.b, 11.c, 12.a, 13.b of Rome, the reality of God, cer- with Jesus, the son of God and 4,8-9,11-12 Mt 5:33-37 tainly as understood in the Jewish savior. JUNE 7, 2009 COMMENTARY 15 Passing the torch of Catholic faith SCRIPTURE SEARCH any families will hold that will be used in the history Gospel for June 7, 2009 family reunions in the book. The map details the Matthew 28:16-20; Romans 8:14-17 Mapproaching weeks of landowners of Pleasant Township, MANY summer. where St. Aloysius is located, in We owe a debt of thanks to our the late 1800s. I was able to trace Following is a word search based on the Gospel and families, the sisters, brothers and down where my Grandma HATS the First Reading for the feast of the Most Holy priests and laypeople who taught Hoffman’s family, the Trinity, Cycle B. The words can be found in all and guided our Catholic schools Landstoffers, resided in the St. BY TIM JOHNSON directions in the puzzle. for so many years. Their efforts Aloysius community. have led to prosperity of my gen- We all have a family faith his- SLAVERY FEAR ADOPTION eration. And this has made our tory. On my mother’s side of the WE CRY ABBA FATHER CHILDREN Catholic community an environ- family that history includes parish- A few years ago, after my dad HEIRS CHRIST SUFFER ment in which we desire to raise es like St. Aloysius, Yoder, and St. passed away, we were going GLORIFIED ELEVEN GALILEE through his momentos. I came our children. Joseph-Hessen Cassel, where my JESUS SAW HIM WORSHIPED across a cigar box full of old This has become especially Grandpa Hoffman grew up. On the HEAVEN EARTH GIVEN apparent to me at my parish, St. Johnson side, parishes like St. rosaries, religious medals, etc. It NATIONS THE END THE AGE Aloysius, as we prepare for our Mary and Ss. Peter and Paul in gave me a sense of my Johnson upcoming 150th anniversary on Huntington nurtured my dad’s and grandparents’ faith and how it was June 21, which is the feast of St. grandparents’ faith. passed to my dad. Aloysius. Most of us who are cradle So as we celebrate our parish GIVEN TO US St. Aloysius is a parish rich in Catholics, tend to take our faith histories and family reunions this multi-generations, but also grow- history for granted; but think of summer, let’s all appreciate the FSLAVERYRCEW ing with new families. Those of us the sacrifices my mom and dad challenges generations before us CADOPT I ONHLO with many generations in the made to give us a Catholic educa- faced to pass along the torch of parish, plan to share family trees at tion. I think about my Hoffman faith. And let us pray for our loved HRBKWLHDD I ER the sesquicentennial celebration. grandparents who raised their chil- ones and their eternal rest. In the historical research col- dren through the Great Depression RTYBNELEGLVS lected by parishioner Connor and insisted on a Catholic educa- IHTRAEIJIDEH Loesch, we discovered an old map tion despite the costs and sacrifice. Tim Johnson is the editor of Today’s Catholic. SEPVTFROVRN I TEEL I LAGEESP Reflection of God HNJROLETNNFE EDOENEFJHPOD ou wait for months and you ALFNSNANAEWD labor for hours. You skip Ycoffee and wine and fatty GHPOSUFFERRX snacks for his benefit. Finally, you EVERYDAY CATHOLIC EM I HWASGBCPX receive this baby, who, in a blink THERESA A. THOMAS of an eye or rather a single final © 2009 Tri-C-A Publications push, changes your world forever, this baby whose every move you chart, feel, assess, watch and hover license you keep one eye on the grey, parting clouds revealing an over. You spend nights rocking clock, figure out how much time it eternal blue sky in a high but gen- Getting rid of all that paper him through goodness-knows- should take him to each destina- tle wind that comes seemingly out LETTER costs very little and sometimes, what-kind of colic or fussiness. tion, and worry and pray when his of nowhere but has been imminent depending on the market value of You sleep lightly and check on return is a minute too long. When all along. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 paper, even earns the Vatican him 100 times a night, just to he gets his first job you are so In this swift revelation of the money; the Vatican newspaper make sure he’s breathing because proud that your heart swells to obvious he will call his mother tion bin for paper alongside its reported that sales of the waste after you give birth to him he is almost bursting. He is growing and he will say, “I love you and regular trash receptacles. paper often generates more money the breath of life itself to you. into a responsible human being, thank you for everything you have “I take the paper out personal- than it costs to hire a truck to take You give up sleep, hobbies, and Mozart’s mother could not done. I never realized.” And he ly,” said Passionist Father Ciro it away. time and peace of mind for him. have felt more satisfaction at hear- won’t have, at least not until then. Benedettini, vice director of the But paper and garden waste are You pray, worry, plead with God ing her son’s first concerto. When Paradoxically, he will not ever be press office. not the only garbage the Vatican for only the best for him. You sit he leaves for college you feel your able to repay that love to the one Leftover copies of the daily produces on an industrial scale, up nights to figure out how to heart will break with loneliness. who loved first and most, but can press bulletin, newspapers and the said Cortellessa. afford the best education for him He hurries in and out, not only honor it truly and fittingly by daily press clipping service mean The Vatican has separate con- and how to teach him all he needs meaning to rush past you to his bestowing it devotedly upon the priest gets plenty of exercise. tracts with companies that haul to know to love God and do his dizzying scheduled events. He another unsuspecting progeny. However, he said, the press office away and treat with environmental will. You wonder, ponder and doesn’t know why you stop your A parent’s love is mostly paid is making a concerted effort to sensitivity the byproducts of the strain your brain to figure out if work and sit at the stool when he forward, not backward, and the reduce its waste paper by getting popular butcher’s counter in the vaccinating is the right thing or comes in and don’t resume until recipient is unaware for years of Vatican officials to read the daily Vatican supermarket, expired med- not. You question whether you he is up and out the door again. He the tenderness and care and severe, press clipping service online ications from the Vatican pharma- feed him too much or not enough, doesn’t see your struggle to hold deep devotion his parent has had instead of in printed form. cy and biomedical waste from the indulge him too much or not your tongue in offering advice or for him. Upon discovering this Printing on all that paper also Vatican health service, Cortellessa enough, discipline him too much direction unless asked, knowing he simple fact, when the light has means the press office uses a sig- said. or not enough, spend time with is capable now and not wanting to finally been shone on the steadfast nificant amount of toner and ink, Even though the Vatican is set him too much or not enough. You annoy. He doesn’t know you love, the secret circle will be com- and those cartridges are picked up in a garden and has fewer than 500 want to buy him all the cutest out- worry he’ll move far away forever plete — apparent and yet on a regular basis by a cooperative residents, he said there was a fits you see and all the toys they and you will be left with his 20- unknown for another generation. that recycles them, Father house-by-house and office-by- make. You cannot, and it’s a good year-old worn, nursery teddy bear In that one defining moment, Benedettini said. office effort to break the practice, thing, because you would. There as consolation. He doesn’t realize he, the son, discovers personally The priest said introducing the common in Rome, of setting are not enough hours in a day to that when he stops momentarily and profoundly how sacrifice and recycling measures was not much garbage bags and broken house- love this child. for a quick hug before rushing out love fit together so completely that of a challenge; “there is great sen- hold appliances on the street cor- He stretches towards his inde- the door, that you treasure that they cannot be separated, like a sitivity here,” he said. ners in the hopes that a garbage pendence and you try to be patient. gesture and recall it again and rose with its thorns or a sunset While the press office produces collector would pick them up. It is painful for him because he again. with the darkness that envelops it. an impressive pile of recyclable Now, he said, Vatican residents can’t stretch far enough for his No, he doesn’t know these He learns Truth. He learns about paper, it’s nothing compared to the and employees call a number, and tastes. It’s painful for you because things, and won’t know, perhaps real love, and in doing so he learns mountain of paper discarded each a truck arrives to collect and prop- he stretches too far for yours. He for another 20 years. It will dawn about God. day by the Vatican printing press, erly dispose of broken appliances, extends. He comes back, and you on him in the dusk of an evening which is responsible for printing discarded furniture, old car batter- ies and tires, large packing materi- no sooner relax then he stretches perhaps after his own child leaves Theresa Thomas, is the mother of the daily Vatican newspaper, its als and florescent light bulbs — forward again, each time pressing for a movie with his friend with a nine children and wife of David. weekly editions in six languages none of which go into the regular a little bit further away from you. promise to be home “some time Theresa Thomas may be contacted as well as books, calendars, papal recycling containers. Both of your elasticity grows. later.” He will suddenly under- at: theresathomaseveryday- Mass programs, greeting cards and When he gets his driver’s stand. It will become clear like [email protected]. postcards. 16 TODAY’S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009 Softball Boys Track and Field Ashleigh Matt Neuhoff, Bousquet, senior, high junior, jumper, third base, St. Joseph, All Diocese Team Holy Family South Bend Today’s Catholic joins the Serra Club in sponsoring the All-Diocese Team, highlighting athletes from Catholic high schools in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. These stu- Alexandra Paul Ogren, dent-athletes are recognized in character, sportsmanship, leadership, athletics and Bousquet, senior, sprinter, junior, St. Joseph, Catholic values. The athletes are selected by their coaches. The All Diocese Teams will shortstop, Mishawaka be featured three times during the year: for fall, winter and spring sports. Holy Family

SAINT JOSEPH’S Baseball Boys Track and Field Santana Patrick Julien, Softball David Osowski, Mike Bradley, Bozman, senior, middle senior, pitcher, junior, senior, distance, Lexie Czarnecki, Corpus Christi St. Matthew first base St. Joseph, senior, infield, Cathedral South Bend Corpus Christi Tyrus Kozinski, Boys Golf senior, thrower, Andrew Connor St. Pius X, Vasquez, senior, Method, Adam Sumrall, Granger Sydney pitcher, freshman, senior, No. 1 Hofferth, junior, Corpus Christi St. Pius X, position infield, Granger St. Joseph, South Bend Bishop Luers Erick Mentock, Brendan Favo, Baseball senior, infield, junior, Chris Paluf, Amanda St. Joseph, Corpus Christi senior, No. 4 Aaron Franke, Chamblee, South Bend position senior, junior, infield, first base, Little Flower St. John the Baptist, Luke O’Connor, New Haven Girls Track and Field junior, Christ the King Girls Track and Field Tennis Meghan Charlie Pfister, Czarnecki, Elizabeth sophomore, Bridget junior, Majewski, pitcher, Veldman, Corpus Christi senior, St. Joseph, sophomore, sprinter/middle Roanoke Christ the King distance, MARIAN St. Bavo, Mishawaka Molly Baseball Steve Kiermaier, Moskwinski, Emily Griffith, sophomore, Elle Harding, senior, Jordan junior, hurdles, outfielder, sophomore, Christ the King Niespodziany, St. Anthony de St. Joseph- Christ the King senior, pitcher, Padua Hessen Cassel St. Jude

Tayler Turner, Boys Golf junior, Tracy Scott, St. Pius X, Chase Parker, freshman, Cody Miller, Golf Granger sophomore, sprinter, senior, outfield, St. Matthew No. 1 golfer, Tyler Bliha, St. Matthew Cathedral St. Joseph- junior, Cathedral Hessen Cassel Christ the King Mikaila Chamblee, junior, Caitlyn Little Flower Bobby Norell, Koscielski, Ryan Eifrid, freshman, senior, distance, senior, short stop, St. Pius X, No. 2 golfer, Sean Flanagan, St. Thomas, Granger St. John the junior, Elkhart Baptist, Christ the King Fort Wayne JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17 Girls Tennis Mike Goodwin, Bishop Dwenger Joel Beier, Danielle senior, junior, shotput Messman, Katy Konzem, discus, Baseball and discus, freshman, senior, Queen of St. Charles sprints, No. 1 singles, Angels Corey Marchant, St. Charles St. John the senior, Baptist, shortstop, Fort Wayne St. Charles Austin Alex Bavis, Carteaux, senior, Boys Golf Rachel Anspach, senior, sprints, high jump, senior, Queen of St. Jude Danny No. 1 doubles, Angels Scott Schenkel, St. Joseph, Scheumann, junior, Fort Wayne senior, St. Vincent pitcher, Jeff Andrews, St. Charles Andrew Eckrich, senior, freshman, Softball 800-meter, distance, St. Joseph, St. Jude Tim Burns, Amy Morrison, Fort Wayne Ryan Fenker, junior, junior, pitcher, senior, St. Vincent St. Charles catcher, St. Charles Girls Track and Field Robby Kimes, senior, 3,200-meter relay team hurdles, Queen of Lauren Oberley, Softball Angels Girls Tennis senior, Ashlyn Rang, second base, Andrea Filler, sophomore, sophomore, St. Rose, singles, Monroeville pitcher/short- Girls Track and Field stop, St. Elizabeth St. Vincent 3,200-meter relay team Ann Seton Anne-Marie Rachel Crouch, Kelsey Wyss, Shank, freshman, senior, sophomore, St. St. Joseph, Danielle shortstop, John the Baptist, Fort Wayne Ashley Burkhardt, Maxson, St. Joseph- Fort Wayne sophomore, Hessen Cassel sophomore, shortstop/ doubles, pitcher, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton St. Charles Sarah Kleber, Natalie Kocks, Boys Track and Field freshman, sophomore, St. Vincent St. Charles 400-meter relay team Maureen Allie Beach, Denihan, junior, junior, first doubles, Nichole Morgan Carroll, base, St. Vincent de Wellman, senior sophomore St. Patrick Paul

Jennifer Byrd, senior, shot, discus, Boys Track and Field Aubrey Mary Beier, Billy McManus, Caleb Shutt, St. Aloysius, Schrader, freshman, sophomore, sophomore, Yoder 1,600-meter relay team freshman, St. Charles St. John the St. Therese St. Jude Baptist, Fort Wayne Kara Julia Lee, Baumgartner, sophomore, senior, distance, sprints, St. Elizabeth relays, St. John Ann Seton the Baptist Bryan Weisman, Robby Kimes, senior, St. Jude senior, Queen of Angels Christina Heather Thelen, Widner, Courtney Gabe Sundberg, senior, freshman, Mitchell, junior sophomore, St. Elizabeth sprints, relays, shotput and Ann Seton St. Elizabeth discus, Ann Seton St. Vincent de Paul Nate Romine, senior, Amy Swygart, Yvonne Rush, shotput, senior, senior, St. Therese pole vault, high jump and long jump, St. Rose, Bobby Jauch, Alex Bavis, St. John the Monroeville freshman, senior, Baptist, St. Charles St. Jude New Haven 18 TODAY’S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009 Christ the King is ICCL varsity St. Charles Cardinals take CYO boys baseball champions tournament championship

SOUTH BEND — The Kings Kings third baseman Ryan BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN (12-0-1) of Christ the King Parish Jamieson made four great plays took the Inter-City Catholic on hard hits by the Blazers. Kings League (ICCL) crown May 27 catcher Giotto Irons caught one FORT WAYNE — St. Charles’ with a 6-1 victory over the St. runner stealing second and Tom Jordan Schneider led her team Matthew Blazers (6-5-1) at Mackey picked one off second on the mound and at the plate in Kennedy Field in front of a base to stop Blazer rallies in the the 2009 Catholic Youth League capacity crowd. second and third innings. (CYO) tournament champi- The game was far from decid- The win capped off a terrific onship on May 8. ed until the late innings. The season for the undefeated John The seventh grader had 13 Kings struck first with two runs in Bosco Division Champs. The strikeouts and two RBI’s in the the first on base hits by Tom Kings plowed through the tourna- sixth inning to push the Mackey, Mat Monserez and ment with wins against St. Cardinals past St. Vincent, 3-1. Giotto Irons followed by an RBI Monica, St. Jude (Martin De “We were down 1-0 going double by Ben Getz. Porres division champ) and St. into the sixth. We scored all The Blazers were held in check Joseph, South Bend, before meet- three runs in that inning,” by Tom Mackey until the fourth ing St. Matthew in the final. explained Coach Scott when Matt Roscyki singled up the The Christ the King season Burkhardt. middle, stole second and third. was highlighted with great pitch- Bishop Dwenger-bound Erica Luke Gaboury drove him in on ing efforts by Tom Mackey (seven Miller also played a key role in the Cardinals’ championship sea- ANDREA FISHER a fielder’s choice. Gaboury kept wins, 33 innings, 1.48 ERA, 52 St. Charles 8 girls Cardinal softball team, shown above, claimed the CYO the game close until the Kings ral- strikeouts) and Brad Hartman son, while Demitra Burns lied with four runs in the sixth (three wins, 21 innings, 39 strike- pitched an impressive game tournament championship on May 8. inning on base hits by Getz, Ryan outs). Hartman finished the season for the Panthers giving Jamieson and Jimmy Norquist. with an astounding 0.00 earned up very few hits and The Blazers were shut down run average. The Kings’ pitchers striking out several for the final three innings by the and catchers accounted for seven batters in the loss. Jude 7. In the the time limit was approaching. King’s closer, Brad Hartman. Pat pick offs and nine caught stealing. The Panthers beat semifinals, St. As the final minutes expired, St. Quinn threw an inning and a third The road to the final for St. St. Jude 8 and Charles scored Charles scored three to go ahead, of no hit ball in relief for St. Matthew went through Holy Decatur on their the first three 6-5, for the win before facing St. Matthew’s. Family and Queen of Peace. Both road to the final runs starting out Vincent in the final battle. The The championship game fea- games were rematches with a bet- game. 3-0 against a champs finished the season with tured defensive plays by both ter ending for the Blazers. They With several tough St. Joseph- a perfect 5-0 record. Six-year teams. Right fielders Cole Mead lost to Holy Family, 13-3, and tied rain-outs, the St. Elizabeth/St. veteran, Burkhardt added, “There (St. Mattthew) made a diving Queen of Peace during the regular Cardinals entered the Therese/St. John, Fort was a good crowd on hand to catch and Bailey Sexton (Christ season. blind-draw tournament Wayne group. watch the championship at St. the King) made a running catch with a 2-0 record. First round Their opponents answered Charles field.” going into the gap in right center. action saw St. Charles beat St. back and took the lead, 5-3, as

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This doctor makes house calls! The big name in small jobs. 2Life •FULLY INSURED 2Auto •FREE ESTIMATES •FREE SERVICE CALLS 2Home Full Service Insurance Agency •EXPERIENCED CRAFTSMAN 11 Locations to Serve You. 2Business 5150 West Jefferson Blvd., (260) 424-1293 Fort Wayne 46804 Kevin Pikel • Nick Groves Painting • Plastering • Drywall • Carpentry • Electrical • Kitchens • 260 424-5600 • Ceiling Repair • Bathrooms • Interior Trim • Caulking 515 West Main Street Fort Wayne, IN 46802 •Dave Steffen Phone: 260.422.9374 • Toll Free: 800.514.9689 Paul & Cindy O’Shaughnessey • Jeff Pikel • Kevin Burns Parishioners - St. Charles, Fort Wayne JUNE 7, 2009 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 19 REST IN PEACE Elkhart Granger Edward G. South Bend Barbara A.Britton, 64, Wojcik, 87, St.Pius X Joseph A.Buda, 66, HAT S APPENING St.Thomas the Apostle Queen of Peace W ’ H ? Mishawaka Fort Wayne William M. Desmond John Glick, WHAT’S HAPPENING carries announcements about upcoming events in the diocese. Send in your Elaine M.Herber, 62, St. VanderHagen, 81, 62, Christ the king Joseph Hessen-Cassel St. Bavo announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Chester E.Kistler, 89, Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge Mary K.Schmenk, 84, Janet L.Reed, 75, Little Flower Sacred Heart St.Joseph or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please William Echard, 82, call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. Barbara J.Downey, 64, Plymouth Holy Cross St.Vincent de Paul Ester O.Hernandez, 96, St.Michael Ellen Sophie MISC. HAPPENINGS All-class reunion planned low. Keynote speaker will be Stephen Curran Faulhaber, 90, Holy Dave Steffen from The DeHayes Anna Lehocky, 89, St. Aloysius to hold sesquicentennial South Bend — Our Lady of Gutermuth, 72, Family Hungary School is planning an Group. Tickets must be pur- St.Michael events St.John the Baptist all-class reunion on Saturday, chased online at www.the- Mary Dominiak, 84, Yoder — St. Aloysius Parish will Aug. 1, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. If by Carl S.Offerle, 89, Olive M.Olson, 86, Holy Family celebrate its 150th anniversary you attended Our Lady of June 3. Cost is $15, members are Most Precious Blood St.Michael with a dance that will feature Die Hungary School and would like free. No walk-ins allowed. Christopher B.Samp, Freudemacher Band with to attend this reunion (21 and Janice Perkins, St.Jude 51, St.Hedwig German music, polkas and over only), please mail your square dances on Saturday, June FUNDRAISERS name (and/or maiden name), 20, from 7-10 p.m. in the activity Spaghetti dinner supports seminarian address, phone, e-mail and class center. Freewill donation. Snacks program Boppin’ at Besancon ticket and snacks. Beer and wine year, along with $15 registration and drinks available for pur- South Bend — The Knights of New Haven — St. Louis will be available. Call (260) 623- fee to: OLH Alumni Assoc., 331 chase. On Sunday, June 21, Columbus Council 5570 together Academy will have a 50s week- 3561 or the school. Tickets will Parkovash Ave., South Bend, IN Bishop D’Arcy will celebrate the with the Serra Club will have a end fundraiser to benefit the be $5 more at the door. All 46617. You may also register 11 a.m. Mass and dedicate the spaghetti dinner, Thursday, June school. Friday night will feature events will be in the parish hall. and pay online at: www.ourlady- new altar. Barbecue, snacks and 11, from 4:30-6:30 p.m. for the a drive-in dinner for $5 with hot children’s games will follow. At Serra Club’s seminarian pro- dog or cheeseburger, fries and a St. Jude Eaglemania 3 p.m. a Marian music concert, gram. Adults $7, children 5 to rootbeer float from 5-7 p.m. Fort Wayne — St. Jude Parish featuring the parish choir and German Mass and dinner 12 $2.50. Dinner includes Saturday night will feature a will have Eaglemania Friday, musicians will be held in the Fort Wayne — St. Peter Church, spaghetti, salad, bread, beverages sock hop from 8-11 p.m. with June 5, from 5-11 p.m. church. The concert is free. 500 E. DeWald St. will celebrate and dessert. Council is located at music by Biff and the Cruisers. Children’s games, food tent, tal- a German Mass Sunday, June 7, 5202 Linden Ave., one block east Tickets in advance are $20 cou- ent show and beer garden. at 11 a.m. Father Charles ple, $10 single, include drink Retreat offered for grieving parents of Mayflower Road. Herman will be the celebrant. Huntington — Visiting Nurse German hymns will be sung by and Hospice Home will host a the Fort Wayne Mannerchor and free retreat for grieving parents THE CATHOLIC BUSINESS HOUR Dammenchor under the direction on Saturday, June 6, at the of Greg Vey. Following Mass a Victory Noll Center, 1900 W. Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. German dinner of bratwurst, Park Dr. Registration begins at sauerkraut, potato salad, dessert 8:30 a.m. with the retreat from 9 Do business faith first. and beverages will be served in a.m. to 4 p.m. The retreat will the pavilion. The dinner will be Dick Lyles hosts this live call-in program reflect on the writings of James $7 for adults, $5 for children 6- E. Miller’s, “When Mourning designed to help change the culture by 12 and children under 6 are free. Dawns: Living Your Way Fully Through the Seasons of Your conducting business from a Catholic perspective. Grief.” Breakfast and lunch will Catholic Networking offered  be served. Participants are asked Fort Wayne — The Catholic to bring a picture of their child. Business Network will meet (260) 436-1450 Contact Lili Carroll at lilicar- Friday, June 5, at the Chamber of Commerce, 826 Ewing St. Mass [email protected] or Bonnie Knuth 4705 Illinois Road, Suite 104, Fort Wayne 46804 at [email protected] or call will be at 7:30 a.m. with Father Catholic Radio AM 1450 (260) 435-322 or (800) 288-4111 Chau Pham from St. Patrick. for reservations. Breakfast and meeting will fol-

Join a pilgrimage to Wygant Floral Co.INC. Rome, Assisi and Florence 327 Lincolnway West - South Bend under the spiritual direction of 232-3354 (800) 994-2687 Father Thom Lombardi October 3 - 11, 2009 Charge by Phone or Come in and Browse Monday-Friday: 8 AM - 5:30 PM Saturday 8 AM - 4 PM Visit the holy places of Rome including St. Peter’s basilica, the Vatican museums and the catacombs. Pray at the tomb of St. Peter on a special tour of the archeological excavations under St. Peter’s FLOWERS & GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS basilica. Receive the papal blessing during an audience with Fresh Cut Flowers • Silk and Dried Flowers Pope Benedict XVI (depending on pope’s schedule). Walk in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Clare. •Imported and Domestic Gifts and Candies •Plants Visit the incorrupt body of St. Rita of Cascia. Tour Florence, the birthplace of the , • Gourmet Fruit Baskets • Balloons and see its beautiful art and architecture. Mass will be celebrated daily. Mary Green (Wasoski) Owner $2,529.00 per person double occupancy (plus $325 departure tax) AREA WIDE DELIVERY includes round trip airfare from Detroit, breakfast and supper, full- time escort, first-class accommodations, air-conditioned tour busses, • and much more. For more information and reservations contact: Angela Scharf Regina Tours 1-800-465-9276 Visit for a complete calendar of events in the diocese. 20 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC JUNE 7, 2009 FATHER ROBERT DOMBROWSKI Feast of Corpus Christi REMEMBERED AT MEMORIAL MASS

•Eucharistic Adoration •Eucharistic Procession in Church 1 - 5 PM with the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction 5 - 6 PM KAY COZAD Bishop John M. D’Arcy celebrated a memorial Mass for Father Robert Dombrowski at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne on May 14. Father Dombrowski, who was a retired priest of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, died in April in Eureka, Ark. He was 74. Father Dombrowski served for many years as the Homilist - Father David Voors chaplain in the U.S. Army, but also pastored at St. Mary of Sunday, June 14, 2009 the Assumption in Decatur and St. Dominic Parish in Bremen. Eleven priests from all over the diocese who were St. Jude Church - Fort Wayne • friends of Father Dombrowski, concelebrated the Mass.

BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB This month’s featured selection: “God, Help Me: How to Grow in Prayer” by Jim Beckman Reviewed by Kay Cozad

oday’s Catholic book-of-the-month selection for deeper movement and the spiritual level — provide a foun- family or June is Jim Beckman’s “God, Help Me: How to dation for the understanding of effective prayer. group prayer TGrow in Prayer,” published by Servant Books, St. Prayer, he says, requires “risk and honesty.” And there and appendix Anthony Messenger Press. ISBN: 978-0-86716-890-7. are times of closeness and times of distance to any prayer five provid- Open “God, Help Me: How to Grow in Prayer,” and life. Never, he says, give up praying in those distant times. ing ways to see how author Jim Beckman jumps feet first into this “You may miss some or even all of the deep connecting pray with complex subject beginning with the introduction where he moments with the Lord that will cement your relationship Scripture. writes, “Through prayer ... we come to a full understand- with him,” writes Beckman. The ing of who we are and why we are here.” Quenching the Acknowledging that there is an enemy to prayer, the 168-page longing to find that understanding resides, he says, in book gives a three-part discernment of spirits for those tome can forming a deep relationship with God through prayer. And interested in developing their relationship with God. Being be an eye not just random moments in prayer but a journey of con- aware, understanding and taking action, taken again from opener for even the most sistently showing up with the disposition of the heart when St. Ignatius, are well presented and useful tactics to get to dedicated prayer, with its fresh insights you are there. a deeper level of prayer, along with his 14 basic rules for and church-based foundational information. The anecdotes He writes with a passion that is forthcoming, adding discernment. But the heart of the book and a blue print for bring to life the meaning of Beckman’s words, “God does- anecdotes of honest prayer life development from his own successful prayer are the workings of the dynamics of n’t want you to live the Christian life ... He wants Jesus to life as well as from the lives of his children and others he prayer explained on page 60. With committed use of live the Christian life in you!” has worked with. “acknowledge, relate, receive and respond,” prayer can The thought-provoking first chapter explores common become full and rich with practice. excuses why a prayer life may be inconsistent or shallow Part three offers Scripture and stories to illuminate the with powerful direction toward prayer. Beckman uses idea of using imagination in prayer and how to approach Questions for discussion inspirational quotes from authors and saints to drive home making prayer a habit. The destination of this life is heav- • Beckman discusses several excuses as to why his message. en, Beckman concedes, and the church and the sacraments prayer is not a common practice on pages 13-18. Can He proceeds with great energy to a discussion on the become our vehicle by which to gain that new life. And you relate to any/all of these? Explain. distractions of our culture and how to open to the bigger our receptivity of that new life comes through prayer. • Have you ever experienced “desolation” as picture and our role in the story of salvation. The book closes with real life, inspirational testimonies described on page 43? How did it impact your prayer Using St. Ignatius and his unique approach to spirituali- from the saint to the student. Five appendixes offer schol- life? ty, the author offers a look into the inner dynamics of arly writings on specific notions Beckman integrates into • How do you think the dynamics of prayer — prayer. Concluding that all prayer must take place with his writing, with appendix four offering suggestions for acknowledge, relate, receive and respond — could heart, Beckman describes the heart as thoughts, feelings impact your prayer life? and desires. Moreover, three levels of the heart — surface, Visit for discussion on this book.

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