Jellyfish Fisheries in Northern Vietnam
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Plankton Benthos Res 3(4): 227–234, 2008 Plankton & Benthos Research © The Plankton Society of Japan Jellyfish fisheries in northern Vietnam JUN NISHIKAWA1*, NGUYEN THI THU2, TRAN MANH HA2 & PHAM THE THU2 1 Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo, 1–15–1, Minamidai, Tokyo 164–8639, Japan 2 Institute of Marine Environment and Resources, 246 Danang Street, Haiphong City, Vietnam Received 3 June 2008, Accepted 28 August 2008 Abstract: The aim of this study is to describe jellyfish fisheries (JF) in Thanh Hoa, the northern part of Vietnam. In- formation was accumulated based on an interview with the owner of a private jellyfish processing factory (JPF) and fishermen, sampling animals, and through reports of fishery statistics. The JF season begins in April and finishes in May. Two species, Rhopilema hispidum and Rhopilema esculentum are confirmed as commercially exploited, with the former species being caught in much higher abundance than the latter. Cyanea, Chrysaora, Sanderia, and Aequorea were also by caught but not used for processing. Jellyfish are cut into three parts, the bell, the oral-arms, and the stem (fused part of the oral-arm), which are processed separately using salt and alum at the JPF. The number of Rhopilema jellyfish collected by fishermen is estimated as 800,000–1,200,000 indiv. per fishery season, suggesting that the fishery may have an impact on jellyfish populations in the area. On the other hand, the JF has resulted in substantial economic benefits to fishermen, the JPF and thus the local economy. In a jellyfish-rich year, the income of fisherman can reach 31–75 USD dayϪ1 or 1,200–3,000 USD during the JF season, which could sustain their living for the rest of the year. However, the JF also put fishermen into a financially unstable condition because they have to rely on jellyfish occur- rence, which shows high inter-annual variation, and market price set by brokers who purchase their product. Statistics provided by the Sea Product Processing Company indicates that the export amount of jellyfish tripled from a total of 1,500 tones in 1995 to 4,600 tones in 2005. Key words: fisheries, jellyfish, processing, Rhopilema, Vietnam scoop-nets, beach-seines and hooks. The fishery is primar- Introduction ily characterized by large fluctuations in annual catch and a Population increases and the mass occurrence of pelagic short fishing season that is restricted from two to four cnidarians at various time-scales have been reported in vari- months. However, the economic value of jellyfish to the ous parts of the world’s oceans (reviewed by Mills 2001, fishermen or jellyfish processing companies, and thus the Purcell 2005, Purcell et al. 2007). While jellyfish swarms local economies, are not well known. sometimes have negative impacts on human activities, such In Vietnam, jellyfish fisheries started rather recently as damage to fishing gear and/or fishery products (e.g. compared with those in Southeast Asian countries such as Omori 1978, Kawahara et al. 2006), the clogging of water Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia, probably after the 1970s intake systems of electric power plants (e.g. Matsueda (Omori & Nakano 2001). Three main areas, the Gulf of 1969), and stinging swimmers at the beach (see Purcell et Tonkin area, Cam Ranh in the South China Sea, and Phu al. 2007 for references), some species have been beneficial Quoc Island in the Gulf of Thailand are known as jellyfish to humans because they have been utilized as food, espe- fishing grounds (Omori & Nakano 2001, Fig. 1). However, cially in Chinese cuisine (e.g. Hon et al. 1978, Omori 1981, with the exception of local knowledge within fishing com- Omori & Nakano 2001). munities and processing plants, little detailed information is At least eight species of jellyfishes that belong to the known on collection and processing methods, and the in- order Rhizostomeae, class Scyphozoa, have been commer- come of fishermen and the processing company, for this po- cially harvested in Southeast Asia (Kingsford et al. 2000, tentially commercially important fishery. A detailed de- Omori & Nakano 2001). They are caught by various kinds scription of the fishery from fishing methods to economics of fishing gear including setnets, drift-nets, hand-nets, is important in assessing its importance to the local econ- omy and how interannual variations in jellyfish catch may * Corresponding author: Jun Nishikawa; E-mail: [email protected] impact the fishery. 228 J. NISHIKAWA et al. study largely depends on comments made by the intervie- wees, we tried to obtain all information as precisely as pos- sible. As a result, we confirmed the accuracy of inter- viewee’s comments by repeating the same questions at different periods during the 2 years of this study. In this study, currency conversions from Vietnamese Dong (VND) to U.S. Dollar (USD) were made to express the economic aspects using a factor of 1 USDϭ16,000 VND. Sampling at sea Jellyfish sampling was carried out in April 20, 2006 and April 21, 2007 by using fishery boats with fishermen at the fishing grounds located approximately 4–5 km from the shore along the sandy coast of Thanh Hoa (Fig. 1). Portions of jellyfish caught by fishermen were sampled. Additional samples were obtained from fishermen during other fishing opportunities. We were unable to obtain true quantitative samples because of the difficulty in estimating the volume of water filtered, the limited number of large jellyfish sam- ples, and from bias by artificial selection by fishermen. However, we tried to cover all of the species collected dur- ing the fishing period to clarify the species composition of jellyfish in both commercially exploited and by those caught as by-catch. During collection, live animals were photographed onboard or underwater, and then a part of them was fixed with 5% formalin/seawater. In the labora- tory, these animals were identified to species or genus level. Fig. 1. Location of areas mentioned in the present study in Viet- nam. 1. Quang Ninh, 2. Haiphong (Hai Phong), 3. Thai Binh, 4. Fishery statistics Nam Dinh, 5. Thanh Hoa, 6. Nghe An, 7. Ha Tinh, 8. Quang Binh, 9. Cam Ranh, 10. Phu Quoc Island. As per our request, two government-run companies, the Sea Product Processing Companies in Haiphong (Hai Phong) and Nam Dinh, kindly provided us with official data This study is the first detailed report of the jellyfish fish- concerning the amount of jellyfish products exported by ery in Vietnam. The fisheries were investigated in three these companies. ways: through interviews with owners of a jellyfish process- ing factory, field sampling of jellyfish species caught by fishermen, and the investigation of fishery statistics offi- Results and Discussion cially recorded in Haiphong City and Nam Dinh Province. Catching jellies at sea The main fishing grounds of jellyfish are located approx- Materials and Methods imately 4–5 km from the shore and 20–25 km along the sandy coast of the Quang Xuong District in Thanh Hoa, Interview with the owner of a processing factory and with a depth of Ͻ20 m (Fig. 1). Fishing season begins from fishermen early April (the first week of the lunar month of March) and To describe the jellyfish fisheries and processing proce- terminates at the end of May, corresponding to the appear- dures, we repeatedly visited one of the jellyfish processing ance and disappearance of target jellyfish species. Fisher- factories located in Thon 5, Thanh Minh Village, Quang men say that the fishing period does not seem to change Vinh Commune, Quang Xuong District in Thanh Hoa with year, at least since the early 1990’s. The fishing season Province from April 2006 to May 2007 (Fig. 1). Over sev- in Thanh Hoa is different to that reported from relatively eral times we interviewed the owner of a jellyfish process- close locations, i.e. Haiphong and Tongking Bay regions, ing factory (JPF), Mr. Vu Tien Quang. On every occasion where the season starts in July and ends in September Mr. Quang kindly answered our questions, and he showed (Omori & Nakano 2001). The reason for the regular ap- us his factory. During the fishing season additional inter- pearance of jellyfish in spring in Thanh Hoa remains un- views were also carried out with several fishermen who clear. However, the change in the direction of monsoon work for Mr. Quang’s JPF. Because information in this winds from northeast to east and southeast at this time of Jellyfish fisheries in northern Vietnam 229 Table 1. The amount of export jellyfish at the Haiphong Sea Product Processing Company from 1995 to 2005 from various locations in Vietnam (see Fig. 1 for location). Haiphong, Thai Binh, Nghe An, Quang Southern part Total Thanh Hoa* Year Quang Ninh Nam Dinh Ha Tinh Binh of Vietnam** (ton) (ton) (ton) (ton) (ton) (ton) (ton) 1995 1500 100 100 500 500 na 300 1996 2500 150 200 700 550 200 700 1997 2600 400 200 800 600 200 400 1998 2600 200 400 600 800 100 500 1999 3600 300 500 700 700 200 1200 2000 2900 400 600 900 500 200 300 2001 4600 1700 400 800 800 400 500 2002 2200 260 500 900 540 na na 2003 3500 300 450 900 800 100 950 2004 4000 600 600 1000 700 na 1100 2005 4600 800 1000 1600 800 100 300 Total 34600 5210 4950 9400 7290 1500 6250 na: not available *Does not include the data from private companies (see Text). **Exact location could not be confirmed. the year may transfer surface-drifting animals from the Two target species were recognized and identified during north to south and from offshore to the coast (Wyrtki 1961).