CEU eTD Collection

THE BAN ONABORTIONTHE POLITICIZATION AND BOD THE OF WOMEN’S IN EARLYREPUBLICAN TURKEYBETWEEN In requirements for fulfillmentof the thedegree partial of Second Reader: Assistant ProfessorLevy Noemi Supervisor: Associate Professor Central European University Department of Budapest, Hungary Master of Arts Submitted to Submitted Oguz Soylu 2014 By


Constantin Iordachi Constantin

- 1923 Aksu



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This This CEU eTD Collection of motherhoodrepublican inearly Turkey. thesis this ben By 1930s. the in began socio show to order in concerns eugenic of nature idiosyncratic thesis the point, that At birth. more give to expected u being to addition in nation the of future the bring for children to encouraged strongly also were women which in discourses eugenic on ban the of terms import in bodies an as formations these analyzing backgro By wives. virtuous and mothers ideal lives, private arti under pro strong initiated and criminalized pro the within women to rights modernized many granted regime republican early the 1923, 29, October on Turkey of Republic the of proclamation the After propaganda. motherhood of discourses between Turkey, cles a treatmentputthem whichunequal womenin secondary had and of h state’s the This thesis explores the politicization of Turkish women’s bodie women’s Turkish of politicization the explores thesis This n fr h bn n brin this abortion, on ban the for und also shows also

and new educational structures directed girls to take gendered lessons to be be to lessons gendered take to girls directed structures educational new and ject of women’s emancipation. However, at the same time, the new regime new the time, same the at However, emancipation. women’s of ject

ilgcl oto. n diin nw legislations new addition, In control. biological 1923 also the

- 96 wt rgr t te a o aoto ad socio and abortion on ban the to regard with 1946, rsns h lgsain ad oil icuss eadn the regarding discourses social and legislations the presents social representation of representation social efiting the contemporary the efiting brin pro abortion, Abstract

hss xlrs h pltczto o women’s of politicization the explores thesis - ii aait concerns natalist

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journal s, books, and newspaper stories, newspaper and books, s, ,

and their and

abortion - oiia transformations political asd contained passed bringing s in early republican early in s

later mixing with mixing later

and glorification and position intheir position

reproduction - sturdy p political

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CEU eTD Collection Iwhere am today. to me for effort an making and life my throughout these me supporting than for here more remarks much deserve who Soylu Yavuz and Sebat parents my and Yurtsever gra my to grateful sincerely also am I least, not but Last life. support their from my for bachelor theirand studies, importantregarding suggestions ideas th year. Department the of member f each for gratitude my express to want I Furthermore, support. constant and feedback Levy Noemi readerProf. mysecond to grateful alsoI am support. Iordachi

I am sincerely grateful to my sister Aslı Ayar and my aunt Melahat Yurtsever for Yurtsever Melahat aunt my and Ayar Aslı sister my to grateful sincerely am I I Prof. supervisor my to gratitude sincere my express to like would I

am also thankful to thankful also am o hs naube edak ht rvdd e prpcie ad o hs constant his for and perspectives new provided that feedback invaluable his for , not onlyduring not ,

f History of

my previous professors previous my this thesis this Acknowledgments

- t E fr rvdn m a ivlal academic invaluable an me providing for CEU at writing period writing iii


Nuray Bozbora and Nurşen Gürboğa Nurşen and Bozbora Nuray , but in but ,

ndparents Kadriye and Hüseyin Hüseyin and Kadriye ndparents

every step I have taken in my my in taken haveI everystep - Aksu

for her eye her for e literature. Constantin - opening opening aculty get to get ,

CEU eTD Collection BIBLIOGRAPHY CONCLUSION AND THEIR SOCIAL REPRESENTATION INTHE EARLY REPUBLICAN PERIOD CHAPTER 3: THE CONTEXT THE OF BAN ON ABORTION, EUGENIC DISCOURSES, REGIME CONSTRUCTION NEW OF GENDER ROLESTHE EARLY BY REPUBLICAN CHAPTER 2: THE PROJECT WOMEN’S OF EMANCIPATION AND THE CONSIDERATIONS, AND DEFINITIONS OF KEY TERMS CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK, METHODOLOGICAL INTRODUCTION Table Contentsof Acknowledgments Abstract Statement Copyright of Concerns during the 1930s and Early 40s 3.2 TheBan on Abortion in Early the Republican Period andIts Changing Context Eugenic with 3.1 History of Banthe onAbortion in Lastthe Decades the of Ottoman Empire Republican Regime 2.2 Articles that Had Unequal Treatment of Women Some and Educational Structures of the Early 2.1 TheProject of Women’s Emancipation and Newthe Image Turkish of Woman 1.2 1.1 Secondary Sources Primary Sources 3.3 Social Representation Analysis of Abortion, Pro

...... Methodological Considerations and Definitions of Key Terms Theoretical Framework the of Thesis









...... Table of Contents of Table ......


...... iv


- , andEugenic Discourses ......








87 84 84 77 65 48 44 43 33 26 25 16 10 .

i iv 9 1 ii ii i

CEU eTD Collection regime.” my Yet, of thesis. scope isthe regime “theearlyrepublican theWith term in 1938. Kemal’sdeath scholars some regime”although 2 yüksekolmalıdır.” kadın çok Herhalde edebilir. ifa vazifesini olursa faziletkâr kadın,ancak nesiller kadir müdafaaya vemuhafaza azmiyle me: by translated Turkish in text is the original Here http://kitaplar.ankara.edu.tr/dosyalar/pdf/552.pdf 2014, 31, January on accessed [Turkish: Center], Research Ataturk History: and Language, Culture, Ataturk 1 women’s of limits the determined which emancipation andmaternalfamilial andtheir roles. structures educational secular new and their provide to order crimina civil, new in established regime republican rights early the emancipation, modernized and new many women Turkish giving with integration expected their to addition in the of republicanwives virtuous and mothers idealbe to encouragingthem strongly by women Turkish on responsibilities and duties new laid regime republican early the time same the at but life, public the in emancipated were Women limits. its had regime republican early the by promoted emancipation women’s of project the However, 1934. in inheritance,work, regime republican early the 1923, 29, October on Turkey of Republic the of proclamation the After roles gendered established the on vision foun the was who Kemal)

Generally, the term “the Kemalist regime” is used in the literature. Instead, I use “theearly use I Instead, the literature. usedin is regime” “theKemalist term Generally,the Yüksek veTarih Dil AtatürkKültür, 2 hs saeet made statements These

Ataturk’s Discourses and Speeches: I Speeches: and Discourses Ataturk’s

rne wmn ay ihs uh s o ioc, ae dcto, hr equal share education, have divorce, to as such rights many women granted essence of social life can perform her duty as long as she is virtuous. It is It virtuous. is she as long as physical duty her perform can life mentality,social of essence their so withthe is who peoplewoman The tenacity. and Turkish power, defend and preserve to enough strong are who generations raise to is woman Turkish of duty The unquestionable that woman should bevery advanced.

and vote in local elections in 1930 and in nationalparliamentaryelectionsin 1930inand elections local in vote and

when I refer to or quote from other sources, I will use the term “the Kemalist term“theKemalist will the use I fromsources, other quote or to refer I when der of the Republic of Turkey are illustrative of the new political new the of illustrative are Turkey of Republic the of der have

used the former in order to define to order formerin usedthe

Kurumu: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Araştırma Atatürk Kurumu: in 1925 by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk (hereafter Mustafa Mustafa (hereafter Atatürk Kemal Mustafa by 1925 in INTRODUCTION

yetiştirmektir. Milletin menbaı, hayatı içtimaiyenin esası olan esası içtimaiyenin hayatı menbaı, Milletin yetiştirmektir. - III

]( n rsosblte in responsibilities and Türk Tarih Kurumu Basımevi Kurumu Tarih Türk “Türk kadınının vazifesi, Türk’ü zihniyetiyle, bazusiyle, bazusiyle, zihniyetiyle, Türk’ü vazifesi, “Türk kadınının 1


public sphere and working life. While While life. working and sphere public , ” I re I ”

urce of the nation and the and nation the of urce Atatürk’ün Söylev ve Demeçleri: I ve Söylev Atatürk’ün

also fer to the period of 1923 the period ferto 1

[Turkish: Supreme Institution of of Institution Supreme [Turkish:

other periods after Mustafa afterMustafa periods other

al rpbia Turkey. republican early , 1997 , ), vol. 2, p.242, p.242, ),2, vol. l, and labor laws labor and l, new state system system statenew

republican republican - 1946 1946 - III which

CEU eTD Collection concerns Pro race. the of sake the for importance much very given was childcare and regime republican early the by controlled strictly was Marriage to related section including Law Criminal Turkish the within 1936 Th in changes caused statements. which context legal racial the affected by legitimated was state the by control under procreation protect to order in generations healthy and strong raise to expected also but children more have to forced only not were Women socio the in ideas eugenic Turkish to owing further went concerns regarding nature women. theprocreative ofTurkish glorified was Motherhood state. the of control before. period Ottoman late the in criminalized been had which 1926, 1, March on abortion criminalized regime existence. decadesits of last during the Empire Ottoman long the by diminished was which population country’s The woman. Turkish in crucial regime. republican early the by imposed was motherhood mo and visible more abortion. and ofmotherhood substantially subjects on the mo as women of limi mostly by women of lives ih h tr o te 90, oiiiain f oe’ bde ad population and bodies women’s of politicization 1930s, the of turn the With above The

n te al rpbia rgm bogt oe iiain t seiid social specified to limitations some brought regime republican early the and a al rpbia Tre, hc rsle i saig h nw two new the shaping in resulted which Turkey, republican early titrbn on ban stricter

abortion therhood. In addition, the the addition, In therhood. - etoe lgl rmwrs n socio and frameworks legal mentioned

enzd n h pbi lf truh h ery eulcn reforms, republican early the through life public the in dernized al rpbia rgm gv mc iprac t icesn the increasing to importance much gave regime republican early Women’s wombs were politicized and taken under the biological the under taken and politicized were wombs Women’s


abortion. The early republican regime republican early The abortion. Felonies against the Integrity and Hea and Integrity the against Felonies ting their roles in private lives and stressing the primary role primary the stressing and lives private in roles their ting the future well future 2 pres

n tee a a tog ulc discourse public strong a was there and s

in interwar Turkey made propaganda propaganda made Turkey interwar in - - being of the race. Taking women’s women’s Taking race. the of being natalism I n this context, theearlyrepublican context, this n While womenWhile weretobe expected - standing wars conducted by the the by conducted wars standing - oiia srcue sae the shaped structures political Pro - a mxd ih eugenic with mixed was natalis changed the title the changed lth of the Race the of lth - oiia conjuncture. political cnen became concerns t - ir mg of image tier

in 1936. in

s also is of the of CEU eTD Collection 6 http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/.U5MieaglnAs 2014, 8, February 5 Feminism of ABC The 2014, 1, February History See: regime. by earlyrepublican the provided frameworks thelegal of some and society, in structures patriarchal lives, in private pressures womensuchas to kindofinequality 4 reforms.” “thetermKemalist usedthe that from quote literature or the to when refer I except Turkey of establishment afterthe made reforms “thewill I the term use Instead, reforms.” “theKemalist 3 regime Kemalist worked which gender against structures the within labor of division a created framework legal nation new is It aims. its in limited Turkish and “Kemalism on article an Women,” In thesis. this of context the within discussed republican legal its entirety. and inits discourses frameworks, early the on perspective analytical and critical a also but emancipation women’s Turkish limits. its revealing emanc women’s on perspective critical a advanced post o project the and frameworks legal regime’s republican early the 1980s, the of beginning the with Especially, research. withconcernswas ofthe well mixed pro of propaganda strong a began and changes legal these all reflected also procreation. and marriage about groups

Ibid., 61. p. Ibid., Women,” Turkish “Kemalismand Arat, ZehraF. t to termis applicable This called generally were ofTurkey Republic the of establishment afterthe made the reforms Inthe literature, - 90 ieaue epcal te second the especially literature, 1980 - Writing in Turkey: The Discovery of Ottoman Feminism,” Feminism,” Ottoman Discoveryof The Turkey: in Writing eea wrs n h instrument the on works Several reforms its and period republican early The 5

Zehra - ytm n diin o h fc that fact the to addition in system equality. http://dx.doi.org/ , F. Arat ] (Ankara: Say Yayınları (Ankara: ] Arat

This discourse not only brought a critical analysis of the project of of project the of analysis critical a brought only not discourse This also also he feminists in Turkey whostart in heTurkey feminists 6 claimed

I points out that the Kemalist project of women’s emancipation was emancipation women’s of project Kemalist the that out points n addition to analyzing gendered educational structures educational gendered analyzingto addition n shows 10.3167/asp.2007.010104 f women’s emancipation began to be criticized in Turkey. The The Turkey. in criticized be to began emancipation women’s f

in her article that male citizens were put at the center of the of center the at put were citizens male that article her in

the articles from the Civil Law, Criminal Law, Civil the from articles the - being of the race.being ofthe , 2010). , Contemporary lzto o te mg o te uks ne t be to need Turkish the of image the of alization Women and Politics and Women - ae r h post the or wave


early republican reforms” in order to indicate the indicate to order in reforms” republican early h regime the ed to develop to ed

and and pto in ipation 3

Necla Arat, Necla journal

Aspasia ae en ujc t considerable to subject been have Serpil Çakır Serpil , vol. 14, issue.(1994), 4 14, vol. ,


a discourse in the 1980s against any 1980s a in the discourse

s, books, s, , vol. 1 (2007), on accessed (2007), 1 vol. , -

90 eiim f Turkey, of feminism 1980 al rpbia Tre by Turkey republican early Feminizmin ABC’si Feminizmin

, “Feminismand ,


and social discourse discourse social and

- Law, and Labor and Law, natalism whi natalism

accessed on accessed od Feminist Feminist

[Turkish: [Turkish: within


this the ch 4

CEU eTD Collection http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/508218 Society in Culture and Women of Journal 8 2004). and Imageof Body Women’s 7 on State of Intervention Turkey: Republican Early and discourses changed its despite period pro of continuation the and Empire Ottoman the of decades last thein abortion on ban the of Ece background historical theexplores Ertem Cihan Turkey, of Republic the and Empire Ottoman late the between abortion on ban the In roles. reproduction and wombs women’s of politicization French Turkish, Ottoman, on ban of inclusion the Ot into genderconcept gradual the analyzes Miller Turkey, of Republic the of years interwar Turkey.” and Empire in Miller which women’s bodies wereunderbiological taken the control ofthestate. pro socio and economic, historical, educational, arguesÖztan İmgesi” Kadın Milliyetçiliğin Sürecinde Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de entitled thesis MA the is literature the from source important another Turkey, of Republic during woman Turkish of image new the Regarding Law

Ruth A. Miller, “Rights, Reproduction, Sexuality, and Citizenship in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey,” Turkey,” and Empire Ottoman in the Citizenship and Sexuality, Reproduction, “Rights, A. Miller, Ruth Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, GüvenGürkan - aait n egnc icuss f h 13s n 4s and 40s, and 1930s the of discourses eugenic and natalist

ht a ueul ramn o wmn oprd o ae ebr o te fami the of members male to compared women of treatment unequal had that The ban on abortion, reproducti abortion, on ban The

Nationalism during the Nation the during Nationalism brin n is justifications; its and abortion the

that women were used as a means by the early republican regime toachieve its theearly republican meansas regime were a by used women that ril “ihs Rpouto, eult, n Ctznhp n t in Citizenship and Sexuality, Reproduction, “Rights, article


trig ih h cs suis f h lt Otmn eid n the and period Ottoman late the of studies case the with Starting toman and Turkish legalsystems;Turkish and toman ,

n Iain legal Italian and

- B , vol. 32, no. 2 (Winter 2007), accessed on February 4, 2014, February2014, on 4, accessed 2 no. (Winter 32, 2007), vol. , uilding Process in Turkey”], (MA Thesis, Marmara University, Marmara Thesis, Turkey”],(MA in Process uilding ,

in “Anti in on, and citizenship formation are formation citizenship and on, Sürecinde Milliyetçiliğin Kadın İmgesi Kadın Milliyetçiliğin Sürecinde esetvs f brin rape abortion, of perspectives - cultural goals. The thesis devotes a chapter to chapter a devotes thesis The goals. cultural 4

ytm i a oprtv manner; comparative a in systems - Abortion Policies in Late Ottoman Empire Ottoman Late in Policies Abortion - na talist concerns in the early republican early the in concerns talist the

the historic the nation

respect of the comparison of comparison the of respect 7 it

by - building process of the the of process building e poe te anr in manner the xplores Güven Gürkan Ö Gürkan Güven ,

al background of the al backgroundof ” [Turkish: “Woman “Woman [Turkish: ” n autr i the in adultery and

discussed by Ruth Ruth by discussed

e Ottoman he

n the and ztan. ztan. the ly . CEU eTD Collection http://en.booksee.org/book/1244486 2014, Deformity 11 Law,” Abortion to Approaches 10 http://cins.ankara.edu.tr/abortion.pdf 2014, 8, February Reproductivity,” and Body Women’s on State of Intervention 9 concise analysis changes oflegislative wit socio the of overview an provides Alemdaroğlu socio or the explains a giving discours eugenic Nationalism,” and Modernity “Eugenics, in period, republican early the in bodies women’s of politicization of terms in eugenics starting bio through criminal the explains also author The France. and Turkey, of Republic politicization the of background Law Abortion to Approaches French and Turkish, Ottoman, Perspective: Comparative in Reproduction “Politicizing entitled Miller, of Republic Turkey. the of period early the during motherhood to reduced were identities their in bodies women’s Reproductivity.”

Ece Cihan Ertem Ece

Ayça Alemdaroğlu Ayça French and Turkish, Ottoman, Perspective: Comparative in Reproduction “Politicizing A. Miller, Ruth - political environment and different types of eugenics in interwar Europe. Europe. interwar in eugenics of types different and environment political eadn te doycai socio idiosyncratic the Regarding to regard With

in the 19 , ed. David Turner and Kevin Stagg (London: Routledge Publishing, 2006), accessed on March 26, 26, accessedMarch on 2006), Publishing, Routledge (London: Stagg Kevin and Turner David ed. ,

umr o te itr o egnc omtos hogot h wrd te author the world, the throughout formations eugenic of history the of summary oiia tasomto, nation transformation, political igins of eugenic opinions in opinions eugenic of igins , “ , th es in interwar Turkey interwar in es 9 Anti , “Eugenics, Modernity and Nationalism,” in Nationalism,” and Modernity “Eugenics, ,

centu h ato cam ta wt te introd the with that claims author The the

- Abortion Policies in Late Ottoman Empire and Early Republican Turkey: Turkey: Republican Early and Empire LateOttoman in Policies Abortion public sphere, women’s bodies be bodies women’s sphere, public ry. h cmaio of comparison the Hawwa

, vol. 5, issue.(April 1 5, vol. ,

f erdcie eair n h Otmn mie the Empire, Ottoman the in behavior reproductive of

which were which 11 h regard toeugenich regard concerns ,

” -

Ayça Alemdaroğlu highlights the importance the highlights Alemdaroğlu Ayça utrl n pltcl ojntr o Turkish of conjuncture political and cultural 10 early republican Turkey which were shaped by shaped were which Turkey republican early brin and abortion 5


provides tt srcue, a structures, state

- political transformation transformation political

2007). Jour Fe

mixed with pro with mixed

Social Histories of Disabi Histories of Social dtie aayi o te historical the of analysis detailed a

came state’s interference areas interference state’s came

nal erdcin aohr ril by article another reproduction, cin f h pltczto of politicization the of uction ,vol. 3, no. 1 (2011), accessed on accessed 1 no. (2011), 3, d pro nd - natalist policies. natalist

in the 1930s in ization of abortion abortion of ization - aait concerns natalist of lity and lity and

Turkey .

and and After After

and and of a CEU eTD Collection republican period. pr limited between links with pro of reflections social and discourses political and period republican st and abortion on ban the of context this At emancipation. 40s early the and wi mixed was which abortion on ban the and motherhood analyze to is thesis my of aim the republ claiming by society patriarchal a as Turkey republican early criticizing just of Instead time. that at countries European the glorificati manyof in visible but Turkey of period republican early and the to unique not were motherhood family the in roles traditional women’s emphasizing conjuncture, First War. World de growing a was there that fact the to due either Turkey republican early to specific not was pro Regarding too. intellectuals, i widespread were discourses Eugenic Turkey. of regime republican early the to specific were ideas eugenic nor concerns pro the and eugenics, of frameworks, half first the and 30s, 1920s, late - population concern i concern population the ican reforms and there was not was there and reforms ican Another important point I would like to put forward is that owing to the international international the owingto that is forward put to like would I point importantAnother the in transformation remarkable a experienced Turkey of Republic the Although

politicization of women’s bodies due to the fact that it is crucial to understand the understand to crucial is it that fact the to due bodies women’s of politicization

in relation to relation in

point, I hope to contribute to the existing literature by analyzing the analyzing by literature existing the to contribute to hope I point, n most parts of Europe since the end of the 19 the of end the since Europe of parts most n oject of women’s emancipation and the ban on abortion in the early the in abortion on ban the and emancipation women’s of oject -

that Erp ad hy fetd uks egncss and eugenicists Turkish affected they and Europe n aaim i i cuil o niae ht ete pro neither that indicate to crucial is it natalism, - the early republican regime’s limited project limited regime’s republican early the natalism and politicization of women’s wombs, this case this wombs, women’s of politicization and natalism women’s private roles were roles private women’s

in social life, I want to emphasize that emphasize to want I life, social in equality gender h ery repu early the og norgmn o mteho i te early the in motherhood of encouragement rong 6

0 rgrig nation regarding 40s lcn eies tog emphasis strong regime’s blican th eugenic discourses in the 1930s the in discourses eugenic th not changed by the early the by changed not - th ulig rca legal racial building,

century and after the after and century - aait concerns natalist f women’s of - natalist n of on

of of CEU eTD Collection 73. Law,”Abortionp. to 14 http://rebels 2014, Aprilon 30, accessed 2003), Picador, York: Fontana (New Alessandro 13 12 primarily was woman Turkish of su first The sections. two of consists chapter This Turkey. of regime republican early the by half of the40s. of description society as such mythesis in used terms clarify also important I will used.secondary sources The abortion. and behavior Miller reproductive and powers, sovereign of transformation Foucault Michel roles, gender new of construction and formation Yuval Nira of explanations theoretical thesi my of background theoretical the explain to aims subchapter first The - - -

Miller, “Politicizing Reproductio “Politicizing Miller, MichelFoucault, Yuval Nira bchapter will provide an analysis of the nation the of analysis an provide will bchapter How did the convergence of political and social discourses regarding motherhood and motherhood regarding discourses social and political of convergence the did How concerns in mix later its and abortion on ban the of contextualization the was What private image lives affect ofTurkish thewoman? new frame institutional and legal the did how and women Turkish grant regime republican early the did rights new Which pro , My thesis consists of three chapters. The first chapter is divided int divided is chapter first The chapters. three of consists thesis My The second chapter aims to analyze the project of women’s emancipation introduced emancipation women’s of project the analyze to aims chapter second The

- Myfollowing thesisaddressesthe research questions: natalist concerns affect the reflectio uks nation Turkish - library.org/files/foucault_society_must_be_defended.pdf - Davis, the

early of republican Turkey interms of politicization “

Society Society Gender and Nation and Gender idiosyncrati

, Must be Defended”: Lectures at the College de France de College the at Lectures Defended”: be Must

uks race Turkish n in Comparative Perspective: Ottoman, Turkish, and French Approaches Approaches French and Turkish, Ottoman, Perspective: Comparative nin first the and 1930s the in concerns eugenic Turkish of nature c

(London: eadd s the as regarded ok ta lmtd oe’ eacpto i their in emancipation women’s limited that works - , Davis

h ery eulcn regime republican early the

Sage Publications, 1997). SagePublications,

n of abortion in the in n ofabortion eod ucatr nlzs h piay and primary the analyzes subchapter second 7 12

regarding the relations between nation between relations the regarding - building process in which the new image image new the which in process building

14 mother. The second subchapter will will subchapter second The mother.

ih ead o oiiiain of politicization to regard with



women’s bodies? in terms of bio of terms in and propaganda? and propaganda? , ed. Mauro Bertani and and Mauro Bertani , ed. ,

n diin o the to addition in ing with eugenic with ing o two sections. two o s by applying applying by s

political Turkish


state CEU eTD Collection willuse writingsI her and Law”in Discipline Body “The 15 wererepresented stories. innewspaper and books, representation social analyzes t against punishments increased that 1936 in Law Criminal Turkish in changes the Law, Health Public 1930 the as such regulations how the and discourses, social frameworks, legal through level propagandistic in motherhood of glorification the of analysis an provides section This regime. republican whic situations, certain in differently understood was it how showing by abortion of framework legal the indicate also of conjuncture second last The Empire. the Ottoman in the of criminalization decades its and abortion of status legal the explains subchapter first in bodies women’s Turkish motherhood emphasis. socio important an as understood be could and emancipation direct analysisof an provide also will I equality. gender prevented which women towards treatments unequal striking had articles these that conclude will It Law. Labor 1936 the and Law, Criminal 192 the Law, Civil 1926 the of legislations new the of articles important some analyze he

The original name of the law in Turkish is “Beden Terbiyesi Kanunu.” Kanunu.” Terbiyesi “Beden is in Turkish law oforiginalthe name The well

ed to take gendered lessons. This will show the limits of the project of women’s women’s of project the of limits the show will This lessons. gendered take to ed pro h tid hpe am t poie n analytical an provide to aims chapter third The - en o the of being - aaim a mxd ih uei cnen b aayig motn legal important analyzing by concerns eugenic with mixed was natalism the h newspaper the new educational structures of the early republican regime in regimein republican earlythe of structureseducational new early republican Turkey in which abortion was banned. In that section, I will will I section, that In banned. was abortion which in Turkey republican early

ae ad h 13 Bd Dsiln Law Discipline Body 1938 the and race, h is crucial to understand the socio the understand to crucial is h Cumhuriyet early republican Turkey. This chapter has three sections. The sections. three has chapter This Turkey. republican early


of abortion, pro abortion, of

n diin o hwn hw lea aoto cases abortion illegal how showing to addition in illegal 8

ucatr is o hw the show to aims subchapter

- the same English term in mythesis. termin same English the abortion and accepted it as a as it accepted and abortion natal ism, and eugenic concerns in concerns eugenic and ism,

rmwr o te politicizati the of framework Alemdaroğlu uses the English term theterm uses English Alemdaroğlu - cultural mentality of the early the of mentality cultural - oiia bcgon for background political . 15

h tid subchapter third The pres which girls were were girls which

socio felony s . I will show will I .

- journal political

against n of on s 6 , CEU eTD Collection terms order used inthe thesisin elaborate toclarify my andargument. present will I subchapter, structures state authoritarian and national of depopulation for concerns to according contextualized they that i defined are equality and Turkey of Republic the in citizenship wil I on And focusing bodies. powers’ sovereign than rather entity collective a as population power regulatory concerning explanations bi defines that explanations sub following the in regard, this Turkishsoc within onabortion ban regardingwomen’s the bodies nation and relations gender between links the contextualize to order in terms key of definitions and considerations methodological of picture a drawing lgcl erdcr o nations. of reproducers ological see women see CHAPTER FRAMEWORK, 1: THEORETICAL METHODOLOGICAL I believe I men’s men’s

continue their sexual and reproductive roles in society in roles reproductive and sexual their continue ,

which politicized reproductive behavior in the 19 the in behavior reproductive politicized which

CONSIDERATIONS eadn te eain bten edr osrcin n ntoait projects nationalist and construction gender between relations the regarding duties and responsibilities and duties

always in ae ie n lt die let and live make so Rt A Mle’ tertcl xlntos regarding explanations theoretical Miller’s A. Ruth show l the importance of explaining the theories the explaining of importance the

as the transformation of disciplinary power power disciplinary of transformation the

n a sexualized manner, sexualized a n part of the construction the of part the methodological framework of my thesis and define the key the define and thesis my of framework methodological the chapter, I will will I chapter,


AND OFKEY DEFINITIONS TERMS wl as pit out point also will I which

at the same time in addition to seeing women as women seeing to addition in time same the at wih e to led which , 9 she analyzes she

of national identity processes, which also which processes, identity national of examine women are political agents to the extent extent the to agents political are women

as a construction in which rights rights which in construction a as

the process of controlling the the controlling of process the ia Yuval Nira ihl Foucault Michel th relevant to relevant

ad h politicization the and , and 20 and , and , io - take life or let live let or life take political conjuncture. political

the ban on abortion is abortion on ban the th -

Davis century. my s theoretical ’s ’s thesis

theoretical individual individual Af modern modern

ter this ter and of and

into into

In of CEU eTD Collection 17 16 as constructed are women also but intelligentsia or group bureaucratic new correspond citizens dutiful womenbe were ideal expectedwives to mothersinthenewregime. and republican the of future the of core a as motherhood and identity female Miller. by a argued in as citizens context, the sexualized of responsibilities and rights the defined regime republican early the bringing and modernization its despite that point that atI argue citizens. laws identifying new the in articles were there equality, and of project the fr was of discourses the using there elites republican the that by introduced emancipation women’s fact the of spite in that meant situation This citizens. of and Turkey was regime republican new the constructing after identity national a new ofTurkishness theproclam since points several in thesis my to applies argument new time, same the at identities r argument in citizens the of sexes 1.1 esponsibilities are constructed by the new regimes in addition to construction of women’s women’s of construction to addition in regimes new the by constructed are esponsibilities

Miller, “Rights, Reproduction, Sexuality, and Citizenship in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey,” p. 348. p. Turkey,” and Empire the Ottoman in Citizenship Sexuality, and Reproduction, “Rights, Miller, Yuval

TheoreticalFramework the Thesis of

oe o wmn u as define also but women of roles - Regarding the construction of new gender roles and providingaccordingrights and genderrolesnew of construction Regardingthe My argument that the early republican regime created symbols of ideal mothers a mothers ideal of symbols created regime republican early the that argument My Davis, Ibidem, Davis,

ht uig h frain f ainls poet, e’ iett and identity men’s projects, nationalist of formation the during that

men as the primary concern and the centre of power in the private lives of the the of lives private the in power of centre the and concern primary the as men there were different rights and responsibilities specified according to the sexes sexes the to according specified responsibilities and rights different were there

p. p.


early republican Tur republican early 16 s

with which means that gender relations not only show the limits and limits the show only not genderrelations that means which


- h budre ad h iae f manhoo of image the and boundaries the Davis’s argument which argument Davis’s 17


hs otx pvd h wy f symbolizing of way the paved context This key, it is important to analyze to important is it key,

that were enacted against women, women, against enacted were that nation owing to the fact that fact the to owing nation explains that not only the only not that explains ation of theRepublic of ation equality discourses, discourses, equality Yuval

the - Davis . This d. eedom eedom to the to

new new ’s s

CEU eTD Collection =tr https: Bora Tanıl Düşünce Siyasi 20 19 18 of argument my with converges which nations, of reproducers biological as collectivities national into ofreproductivecontext rights, motherhood of identity female of delimitation to addition in women to provided responsibilities and rights new in resulted situation complex entire This regime. granted republican manhood be of cannot identity the which analyzing identity without female well and very understood national new a constructing time, same the at heritageswhile, cultural traditional and Ottoman the with disintegrate to wanted regimenew This was to applicable socio conjunctureanddifferent a by creatingones previous the national of components the of one is project national new a of symbols the as bodies women’s building Yuval to according separable not are which projects national of construction previo have I argument the in directions husbands’ meantstill which that they republican wives ideal modernand ways tobe would who mothers ideal be to also but life public in participate to norms, Western to according dress to unveil, to expected were they instance for ways; different many in regime republican were women Turkey, of Republic the of period early culturally. and biologically nation a of representatives

See: 21 pp. Ibid., Yuval

//disk.yandex.com.tr/public/?hash=xQgysjJ14eIlAiwXGUhG6peFbXFtBz/QZGy5qh5qsKc%3D&locale Nükhet Sirman, “Kadınların Mill “Kadınların Sirman, Nükhet - Yuval Davis, Ibidem, p. 2. Ibidem,p. Davis,

(Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2008), accessed on January 17, 2014, 2014, Januaryon17, accessed 2008), Yayınları, (Istanbul: İletişim - bui - 22. , cilt. 4: Milliyetçilik4: cilt. , - the Davis analyzes three different discourses in the context of including women including of context the in discourses different three analyzes Davis lding processes, this also helps new regimes to differentiate themselves from themselves differentiate to regimes new helps also this processes, lding

oiiiain f uks wo Turkish of politicization

the experience of the early period of the Republic of Turkey period Republic of theearly the experience of the

sy one ot s h lns ewe gne rltos n the and relations gender between links the as out pointed usly ir

[Turkish: [Turkish: rvt lvs Ti stain eestts on bc t the to back going necessitates situation This lives. private iyeti ” [Turkish: “Women’s Nationhood”], in Nationhood”], “Women’s [Turkish: ” Political Thought in Modern Turkey Modern in Thought Political bring up the future generations in scientific and and scientific in generations future the up bring ,

and politicization of women’s wombs. and politicization 11 e’ bde i te otx o te a on ban the of context the in bodies men’s


made the new symbols of the new new the of symbols new the made

It is possible to say that during the during that say to possible is It ,

- and to integrate with society, with integrate to and cultural sphere in societies.in sphere cultural , vol.4: Nationalism], ed. ed. Nationalism], vol.4: , Turkish woman Turkish Modern Türkiye’de Türkiye’de Modern had tofollow

y h early the by - Davis.

since the the since

in the in

19 their

As 20

CEU eTD Collection 24 http://www.atam.gov.tr/dergi/sayi [Turkish: Era”], Policy ofRepublican Population the Specified that Components 23 22 in Britishscholar a Malthus, by wasThomas developed approach 21 Yuval by specified of quality the ord in Turkey of Republic the in ideas eugenicist to importance give to started contin European the throughout ideas eugenic of part big a of loss long to due population bigger a power. necessitate which concerns political or aims ideological different havinga strong country economically, militar of elements crucial the of one was population bigger a having that perceived was it since considerations ideological regime’s republican early the in similar was opinion this that out by bodies and way the paves which nations, of future the affect that dependent are nations power, as people discourse, first the explains She 30s. socio Turkish discourse; Yuval Turkey. of Republic the of period early the in motherhood of propaganda state and abortion

Yuval Arı Kemal Yuval This futureofsocieties. thefor danger a growthas population seescontinuous discourse Malthusian

oe’ rpoutv power reproductive women’s - 24 ai epan tre icuss as discourses three explains Davis - - As Yuval As Davis, Ibidem, p. 30. Ibidem,p. Davis, 29. Ibidem,p. Davis, Journal of Ataturk Research Center Research Ataturk of Journal


, “Cumhuriyet Dönemi Nüfus Politikasını Belirleyen Temel Unsurlar” [Turkish: “Basic [Turkish: Unsurlar” Temel Belirleyen Politikasını Nüfus Dönemi “Cumhuriyet , arly republican Turkey republican arly the first and the last of last the and first the - standing wars, since the last decades of the Ottoman Empire, which ca which Empire, Ottoman the of decades last the since wars, standing

- society, not only to increase the population. This applies to the third discourse third the to applies This population. the increase onlyto not society,

political construction and women’s emancipation in the late 1920s and early and 1920s late the in emancipation women’s and construction political taking them under state’s biological control. Here control. biological state’s under them taking - Davis claims, pro claims, Davis -

Davis as eugenicist discourse. Due to the fact that Turkish eugenic ideas ideas eugenic Turkish that fact the to Due discourse. eugenicist as Davis society. In addition to these concerns and concerns these to addition In society.

on the growing population of societies. This consideration assumes consideration This societies. of population growing the on

- 23/cumhuriyet

sought - is which are necessary to contextualize for my subject in in subject my for contextualize to necessary are which natalist policies might be implemented in societies with societies in implemented be might policies natalist

], vol. 8, no. 23 (March 1992) (March 23 no. 8, vol. ], n o te ot ai chrn eeet ta would that elements coherent basic most the of one -

donemi to increase the populat the increase to :

epe s oe, Malthusian power, as people 12 ily, ily,

- n i te 90, uks pltcas also politicians Turkish 1930s, the in ent nufus and and to the to - culturally. politikasini

political economy and population. and economy political 22

politicization of women’s wombs wombs women’s of politicization

ih hc wat ad uue of future and wealth which with Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi Araştırma Atatürk , accessed on January 31, 2014, 2014, Januaryon31, accessed , getting affected by the rise of of rise the by affected getting - 23 belirleyen

ion as quick as ion


it is convenient to point to convenient is it - temel , 21

- n eugen and unsurlar unsurlar ly er to improve improve to er

as possible as Dergisi

used a a used icist

CEU eTD Collection 27 26 25 of one as accepted was subjects of death and life to right the that states Foucault structures. tr medical into bodies women’s of inclusion unity, a as population on focus the concerning of sovereignty political transformation the regarding here explanations Foucault’s of some cite to important sphere private into intrusion symbols.regime andcitizenship articulate canrights wit responsibilities citizens.” amon leads that system relation patriarchal traditional of transformation the that claims which sphere. this in equal sexua sexuality and gender, reproductive their pursue women with Turkish as long citizenship so that argues Miller Turkish reproduction. modern the connecting of subject mean by methodological of subchapter definition and considerations the in framework eugenicist Turkish of nature specific racialand 1930s the of

Miller, “Rights, Reproduction, Sexuality, and Citizenship in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey,” p. 357. p. Turkey,” and Empire the Ottoman in Citizenship Sexuality, and Reproduction, “Rights, Miller, Yuval Miller, h regard to women’s citizenship women’s to regard h te iies s a pr o te agi bten h nw eie n is member its and regime new the between bargain the of part “as is citizens the g l roles, they top areable - Another important argument argument important Another ihn hs above those Within Davis, Ibidem, p. 79. Ibidem,p. Davis, “Rights, Reproduction, Sexuality, and Citizenship in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey,” p. 348. p. Turkey,” and Empire the Ottoman in Citizenship Sexuality, and Reproduction, “Rights,

Turkish society andTurkish the society 26

hs s lo ovret ih ilrs ruet hc sae ta rights, that states which argument Miller’s with convergent also is This ,

and equality were transferred to the legal framework in a sexualized cont sexualized a in framework legalthe to transferred wereequality and

men to subordinate women in the private lives but provides legal equality legal provides but lives private the in women subordinate to men 25


At that point, it is vital to show another explanation by Yuval by explanation another show to vital is it point, that At politics of the time mentioned were idiosyncratic, Iwil timementionedwerethe idiosyncratic, of politics

- s of the key terms so as to give to as so terms key the of s nlzd ruet rgrig eult, oiia powers’ political sexuality, regarding arguments analyzed

, , articipate with the public life articipatewith the public

and controlling of reproductive behavior in the modern state state modern the in behavior reproductive of controlling and a

d h pltczto o wmns ois I eiv i is it believe I bodies, women’s of politicization the nd politicization of women’spoliticization bodi

and women’s bodies were made an area with which the which with area an made were bodies women’s and relevant 13

to my thesis is provided by Miller on the the on Miller by provided is thesis my to



which gives which them

a clear a es .

understanding of what I what of understanding hp it a new a into ships l elaboratethe l the right to beright to - , Davis

and ext CEU eTD Collection 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 but power, known be could amount whose bodies individual of by claimed as population; of Foucault. element different a creating in resulted which hygiene 18 inform and the knowledge medical of distribute and coordinate end the at emerged function new a above, explained reproduction, the 18 the of “man as indi saw who structure a as former on. so and diseases, death, birth, by affected were who population of group a as bodies their and individuals saw 19 the of systems bodies, individual of governance on focused techniques, disciplinary as Foucault by named 17 the of power of techniques the while that argument live” let or life “take to power socio Foucault, to According sovereignty. of theory classical the in powers sovereign of characteristics important the

Ibid., 244. p. Ibid., Ibid. Ibid. 243. p. Ibid., 241 pp. Ibid., Ibid. 241. p. Ibid,, Foucault, - oiia dvlpet i te 19 the in developments political

ie te at ht hr wr mte o cnen rgrig h pplto as population the regarding concerns of matter were there that fact the Given - as 35 th “

- Society Must be D Must be Society century, as “a set of processes such as the ratio of births to deaths, the rate of of rate the deaths, to births of ratio the as such processes of set “a as century, In his opinion, the new e new the opinion, his In it species,”

- 242. was an abstract concept which provided a new a provided which concept abstract an was

th ofafertility population,andsoon.”

century called by Foucault as non as Foucault by called century 31


nohrwrs ocutcaiishs ruet ypitn u the out pointing by argument his clarifies Foucault words, other In which opened the path of establishment of biopolitics from the end the from biopolitics of establishment of path the opened which the efended”: Lectures at the College de France de College the at Lectures efended”: political right of the sovereign power was transformed owing to to owing transformed was power sovereign the of right political


no “ into viduals as “man as viduals lement of population was no longer no was population of lement th ‘

make etr, hc rsle i tasomto o the of transformation in resulted which century, 14 ’

ie and live -

as and taken under control by the political political the by control under taken and - 34 disciplinary and regulatory techniques techniques regulatory and disciplinary -

body” ‘ th let

h ouain nmda public as named population, the n 18 and ’ 32

perception die.”

, p. p. 240. , whereas the latter saw them saw latter the whereas th 30


etre, hc were which centuries, t s xlie i this in explained is It

etr i odr to order in century

an entity consistingentity an of of population that population 28

CEU eTD Collection 37 http://suplaney.files.wordpress.com/2010/09/foucault An Introduction 1: Volume 36 Miller’s Here, entity. collective a as it seeing population, the in abortion of effects cultural socio the on more focusing by problems depopulation about concerns have to started elites 17 the in abortion of life the on focusing was system ruling Ottoman transfor medical the with bodies, individual knowledge. women’s and population the of reproductions period republican early second the adjustment. was which mechanisms, regulatory and effects procreative with population disciplin with control under bodies individual take to tried power sovereign where arena an as articulated was sexuality entity, collective a as population and individuals both control to order In industrialization. which politically and economically two were Foucault. by argued as behaviors, procreative and sexuality thr process transformation this between from population state structures all accepted

Foucault, Foucault, see: Michel sexuality, of the construction regarding further For analysis ih ead to regard With In addition, in the late Ottoman and early republican Turkish context, we can see the see can we context, Turkish republican early and Ottoman late the in addition, In mation of focal points and concerns and points focal of mation “ dutet cue by caused adjustments Society Must be Defended”: Lectures at the College de College the at Lectures Defended”: Must be Society 37

individuals as parts of a collective entity being controlled by by controlled being entity collective a of parts as individuals

hs n te above the and This

and with which biopolitics wouldconcentratewith whichbiopolitics and on. a th

oen tt prpcie i i ncsay o xli te relationship the explain to necessary is it perspective, state modern

and 18 and

(New York: Pantheon Books, 1978), accessed on April 30, 2014, Aprilon 30, accessed 1978), Books, (New Pantheon York:

of Turkey since the republican elites wanted to take control of both of control take to wanted elites republican the since Turkey of transformation of individual bodies into a collective entity of of entity collective a into bodies individual of transformation th ary techniques, which was the first adjustment, and to control to and adjustment, first the was which techniques, ary

etre, rm h einn o te 19 the of beginning the from centuries, - xlie agmns f Foucault of arguments explained the the oeeg pwrs nfiiny o oto society control to inefficiency power’s sovereign a epsd o eorpi epoin and explosion demographic to exposed was uhu te 19 the oughout - about reproduction levels in levels reproduction about 15 the

- history the - of - sexuality France eu rgrig h dsusos of discussions the regarding fetus th

36 etr and century

Acc , pp. 249 pp. , -

volume ording to Foucault, there Foucault, to ording The History of of History The r applicable are - th - 250. 1.pdf

century, the ruling ruling the century, society. While the the While society. the the

the new modern new the

formation of of formation Sexuality: Sexuality:

o the to - CEU eTD Collection 73. Law,”Abortionp. to 38 women’s introduced regime republican early the while politicized were bodies their and children more to birth give to expected were Women 30s. and 1920s the during women of construction the for factor important an became motherhood th to addition In couples. of lives private the within dominance t of continuity a was there that fact the to due socio Ottoman more wereand modernTurkishexpected citizens differentlife tohave country. secular and modern a establishing of process the during women to rights many and 1.2 regard conjuncture.of the1920sand 30s,with todifferences of socio and patriarchy, nation/race, Turkish regime, republican my throughout with dealing be will I notions key whi sources and methods out point firstly will I subchapter, following the in thesis, my in used Turkish context. decrease behavior reproductive politicize and control 19 the of beginning the consider into take to important also is argument

Miller, “Politicizing Reproduction in Comparative Perspective: Ottoman, Turkish, and French Approaches Approaches French and Turkish, Ottoman, Perspective: Comparative in Reproduction “Politicizing Miller,

Methodological Definitions Considerations Key and of Terms the of some clarify and explain I will then, And argument. my support to used be will ch As it was previously explained, the early republican regime of Turkey granted new granted Turkey of regime republican early the explained, previously was it As concepts and terms the of picture better a draw and argument my clarify to order In , 38

hc ws lo a also was which - cultural context. However, the project of w of project the However, context. cultural


and 20 and

cranbe n h lt Otmn n te al republican early the and Ottoman late the in scertainable th

centuries, national or authoritarian state structures tried to to tried structures state authoritarian or national centuries, 16

raditional familial roles in roles familial raditional wn t goig ocrs f population of concerns growing to owing ation due to the fact that she claims that at at that claims she that fact the to due ation

thesis such as such thesis omen’s emancipation was limited limited was emancipation omen’s - political and and political

is situation, is the Turkish society, the early the society, Turkish image

- styles than

of society and male and society cultural contexts cultural the emphasis on emphasis the

new republican new du ring the CEU eTD Collection republican early the that fact terms the clarify to society Turkish necessary is it Firstly, thesis. my in using been have I notions key of women’spoliticization bodies. roles, gender new Turkey, of Republic some and chapters, book articles, Cumhuriyet press had who and c writings important include which Turkey of years interwar Ülkü: structures, these showing to addition put that legislations new so state I will women, to rights equal and new brought and regime regarding onabortion theban par newspaper the in stories newspaper the in published scholars important of articles t of some Turkey, of Republic the of proclamation the after introduced legislations new the of features include will I on analyzed, be should ban abortion the and emancipation women’s of project the of formation limited the which in socio the understand Inorderto emancipation. imnay speeches liamentary g , I will will I , ender roles in roles ender Milli Kültür Milli hl usin While Another important part of this section of section this of part important Another illeg .

The secondary sources of my thesis will consist of books, academic journals, journals, academic books, of consist will thesis my of sources secondary The analyze al , abortions, al

and te e lgsain wih were which legislations new the g

Dergisi Turkish nation Turkish society. I society.

some of the news from the 1930s and 40s written in the newspaper the in written 40s and 1930s the from news the of some men at the primary focus and mad and primarythe focus at men during the times of of times the during

will be part of my prim my of part be will n dcos h md ilgl abort illegal made who doctors and ,

n this regard, so as to see how illegal abortions, the women the abortions, illegal how see to as so regard, this n regime created a new secular and national state, national and secular new a created regime as my electronic sources electronic

when I use these concepts in my thesis. In spite of the of spite In thesis. my in concepts these use I when primary sourcesprimary ofthe Ülkü: Cumhuriyet

and Halk Evleri Dergisi Evleri Halk 17

- journal political context of the of context political

h bn n brin n is ik ih the with link its and abortion on ban the hnig oe rils f h legislation the of articles some changing the chapter consists of defining some of the of some defining of consists chapter the ,

about the nation the about effective as sources ary some s

of th of nrdcd y h ery republican early the by introduced e ttmns of statements he e them leaders in private lives. Inlives. private leadersin them e contemporary

thesis. e 1920s, 30s 1920s, e oncerning population, abortion, population, oncerning ,

os ee reflected were ions Yeni Türk Mecmuası Türk Yeni me of the articles of these these of articles the of me

- building process of the of process building

early republican yearsearlyrepublican ,

ok, n some and books, and the early 40s, 40s, early the and utf Kemal Mustafa journal the country the s of the the of s

n the in ,

and s ,

CEU eTD Collection 42 41 p. 159. 2006), Publication, 40 p. 226. 2005), Ltd., Press Graphit (Jerusalem: 1, vol. 39 i Cagaptay po of exchange non from themselves distinguish and define to identity this used religion, of role the challenging d identity Islamic paradoxically, big practices. daily through hierarchy citizenship the in category lower accepted Turks. as Turkey of Republic the of inhabitants the all accepted that factor encompassing most the w nationalism Kemalist to according Turkishness of category Turkishness.” of zones three “Kemalism’s of explanations Islasuch as to conversion and assimilation to open non of inclusion was regime republican early the by introduced nationalism a a Despite granted status. being from minority excluded were Turkish ethnically not were who groups Muslim 1923. July ways many new the by initiated policies Turkification non affected government and situation homogenous a in not was

Ibid. Ibid. Cagaptay, Soner ed. Rozen, Minna gest challenges for the early republican early the for challenges gest - Muslims within the new republic as it was was it as republic new the within Muslims

41 hog te bv epaain, t s eesr t analyze to necessary is it explanations, above the Through

h scn eeet f uksns exp Turkishness of element second The all non all 39 s Muslim groups of ethnic Turks, which was the least inclusive element of of element inclusive least the was which Turks, ethnic of groups Muslim s . Rights of mino of Rights .

This treaty accepted non accepted treaty This , Secularism, and Nationalism in Modern Turkey: Who is a Turk? Who is a Turkey: Modern in Nationalism and Secularism, Islam, - - uain bten ree n Turkey. and Greece between pulations The Last Ottoman Century and Beyond: The Jews in Turkey and the Balkans, 1808 Balkans, the and Turkey Jews in The Beyond: and Century Last Ottoman The Turkish Muslim groups as Turks as groups Muslim Turkish Turkish and non and Turkish

- m oradapting Turkish language. Turkish and non and Turkish l hs cmlctn ise, t ih b si ta Turkish that said be might it issues, complicating these ll rities

espite the drive for secularization: Republican elites, while elites, Republican secularization: for drive the espite - were guaranteed with the Treaty of Lausanne, signed in signed Lausanne, of Treaty the with guaranteed were Muslim groups into Turkishness through different ways ways different through Turkishness into groups Muslim - Muslim groups as minority as groups Muslim -

Muslim population in the Republic of Turkey in Turkey of Republic the in population Muslim regime at that time. time. that at regime


also and put non put and esd y aaty s eiin which religion is Cagaptay by ressed xeine drn te compulsory the during experienced

40 h la The

as territorial status which was which status territorial as aaty tts ht h first the that states Cagaptay - Muslim parts of parts Muslim They relied on Turkish and, Turkish on relied They , s

ctgr defin category t which meant that other that meant which 42

t a oe f the of one was It Soner

(Oxon: Routl (Oxon:

society in a in society Cagaptay’s d by ed - edge edge 1945 , CEU eTD Collection Campaign Tezi 46 =tr https://disk.yandex.com.tr/public/?hash=xQgysjJ14eIlAiwXGUhG6peFbXFtBz/QZGy5qh5qsKc%3D&locale 2014, Januaryon17, Turkey inModern Thought in Thesis’”], TurkishHistory 45 Turk? Who is a Turkey: Modern Cagaptay, See: time. that at nationalism monotype Turkish not a ther that explains rather This citizenship. Turkish had person work eventhe if to cadres state able in be to 44 43 society. ke a as used was term the context special which in and inclusive considered was regime republican early the by formed race Turkish term the extent what to explain will I time, that at speeches parliamentary and legislation, books, newspapers, that fact Thesis idiosyncr In Turks. as i Turkey it addition, of Republic the of territory the in minorities ethnic and religious of version inclusive terms the use I when thesis, my In Turkey. of Republic the in living society whole the define to used rather years, interwar the during Turkey of Republic created status. by citizenship first the nationality, Turkishness.

The original names of the terms in Turkish are: are: Turkish in terms originalnames ofthe The See: necessary was ethnicity Turkish that,instance, for period interwar cases inthe wereexemplary some There Cagaptay,

, the Sun Language The Language Sun the Büşra Ersanlı, “Bir Aidiyet Fermanı: ‘Türk Tarih Tezi’ Tarih ‘Türk AidiyetFermanı: “Bir Ersanlı, Büşra , 45 Despite

Turkish race Turkish for the Turkish term thefor Turkishterm tcly uig h 13s n h Rpbi o Tre via Turkey of Republic the in 1930s the during atically h Sn agae Theory Language Sun the Islam, Secularism, and Nationalism in M in Nationalism and Secularism, Islam, 43 vtl o on out point to vital s

hl this While

oe nqa treatment unequal some uks society Turkish

Turkishness, provided by Cagaptay, which accept all people including people all accept which Cagaptay, by provided Turkishness,

lmn sae b Cgpa sees Cagaptay by stated element was a concept used in the 1930s and 1930s the in used concept a was , vol. 4: Nationalism], ed. Tanıl Bora (Istanbul: Bora Tanıl Nationalism],ed. 4: vol. , ory Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Siyasi Türkiye’de Modern

for the Turkish term thefor Turkish ‘ , eso sees version Vatandaş, Türkçe Konuş Türkçe Vatandaş, pp. 69 pp.

- a or 70. oe racial more , and and ,

uks nation Turkish

uksns a a eeet of element an as Turkishness towards s The Turkish History Thesis History Turkish The ‘ iie, Speak Citizen, Güneş Dil Teorisi Güneş odern Turkey: Who is a Turk? Who is a Turkey: odern 19 44

eso o Trihes hc ws defined was which Turkishness of version

Kampanyası in the official statements official the in

” [Turkish: “An Edict of Belonging: ‘The ‘The “AnofBelonging: Edict [Turkish: ” , I will be referring the first and most most and first the referring be will I , tnc n rlgos ioiis n the in minorities religious and ethnic Islam, Secularism, and Nationalism Nationalism and Secularism, Islam, , cilt. 4: Milliyetçilik4: cilt. ,

Turkishness as a unitary element element unitary a as Turkishness , and and , uks’ Campaign Turkish’

. 40s and included in the in included and 40s

İletişim ‘ Citizen, Speak Turkish’ Speak Citizen,

for the Turkish term thefor Turkish y defining cha defining y

Yayınları, 2008), accesse 2008), Yayınları, , p. p. ,

the Turkish History History Turkish the [Turkish: [Turkish: oit depends society 160. , Turkishness was Turkishness

. 46 racteristic of racteristic Political Political

u t the to Due Türk Tarih Tarih Türk

journal in in e was e

on d s, CEU eTD Collection me by translated was inwriting Turkish original titleof the The Minor the and Nationalism Turkish Kemalism: and Assimilation “Race, Cagaptay, Current Events”], LightOur on Shed that Atatürk 53 52 in 1931 published and revised 51 50 49 Hatları Ana Tarihinin 48 10.1080/0026320042000213474 Middle 47 Mustafa before Kemal 1930s the in Turkishness to belonging of ori language Turkish it since out point to important Turkishnes into assimilated be and language the learn Turkish speak not did who groups the of any let to and race Turkish to belonging accept to regime republican early the for Turks were inhabitants Anatolia’s “all that claimed Thesis History published and book 1930. in published History regard, this In people. Turkish of past Islamic and Ottoman the regime republican early Hittite and Greek, Egyptian, Sumerian, as such civilizations big the of inheritors

İsmail Arar, “Atatürk’ün Gün “Atatürk’ün Arar, İsmail p. 88. the1930s,” in Minorities the and Nationalism Turkish Kemalism: and Assimilation “Race, Cagaptay, fromTurkish translated was theterm English Here, is in Turkish society oforiginalthe name The p. 87. the1930s,” in Minorities the and Nationalism Turkish Kemalism: and Assimilation “Race, Cagaptay, fromTurkish translated was theterm English Here, 1930s,” in the the Minorities and Nationalism Turkish Kemalism: and Assimilation “Race, Cagaptay, Soner Eastern Studies Eastern h Trih itr Tei wih ttd ht uk wr bahcpai and brachycephalic were Turks that stated which Thesis History Turkish The , 48

606 a Turkish, right to believe this. speak in not does who someone, cla If, Turkish. speak case, every of member a as himself regards who One, language. is nation the of characteristics significant the of One m mmesi t Trih utr ad omnt, t ol nt be not would it community, and culture Turkish to membership ims - ae ok ht a te aietto o te uks Hsoy hss was Thesis History Turkish the of manifestation the was that book page .

, v 49

gin. It made Turkish language Turkish made It gin.

Main Themes of Turkish History History Turkish of Themes Main ol. 40, no. 3 (May 2004): 88, accessed on February 8, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/ http://dx.doi.org/ 2014, accessed8, February on 88, (May 3 no. 2004): 40, ol. In 1931, 1931, In the First TurkishHistory Congress:

, in , Turkish an opportunity to disintegrate to opportunity an ümüz Olaylarına Işık Tutan Bazı Konuşmaları” [Turkish: “Some Speeches of of Speeches “Some [Turkish: Konuşmaları” Bazı Tutan Işık ümüzOlaylarına

h Ivsiain Society Investigation The lie htms ftemi agae i h ol had world the in languages main the of most that claimed 53

is Türk Tarihinin Ana Hatları Hatları Ana Tarihinin Türk Türk Tarihi Tetkik Cemiyeti Tetkik Tarihi Türk all th all Belleten Turkish nation, should first of all and in in and all of first should nation, Turkish .

wud ie o on ot saeet oe by done statement a out point to like would I 20 origin me.The by me by s. I s. e people e

, vol. 45 vol. , n this regard, the Sun Language Theory is Theory Language Sun the regard, this n . The originalname The

, component important most the of one

and I have not seen Arar’s writing myself.writingArar’s not seen have I and

- in the Republic of Turkey as groups as Turkey of Republic the in 6, no. 177 (1981): pp.23 (1981): 177 no. 6, society c society –

nrdcin Part Introduction f uks History Turkish of al name of the book ofthe name al –

Methal Kısmı Methal .

ulturally and socially with socially and ulturally

of the book in Turkish book ofthe , an hms f Turkish of Themes Main ” ities in the 1930s,” p. 89. p. 89. the1930s,” in ities 52

which paved the way the paved which .

- , whichwas , . 24, quoted in quoted 24, 51 50

h Turkish The

eie this revised


gave the gave

is Türk

s CEU eTD Collection =tr https://disk.yandex.com.tr/public/?hash=xQgysjJ14eIlAiwXGUhG6peFbXFtBz/QZGy5qh5qsKc%3D&locale Bora Düşünce 57 th have I not seen95. p. 1930s,” in referred 1934, 56 55 54 idi and strict the emphasis to and units, different religiously discourse to wil I past, genetic their to according groups the dividing than rather assimilation and term sphere. public the languagein speakingTurkish not of because harassed publicly groupswere Some ofthemunderstandable abouttheir future were anxious ofTurkey. some inthe that Republic weregla short of support their and success and integration economic their by caused them upon externalized pressure with participate and by instance, Turkishness. of fabric the into assimilated being and Turk learn to supporting by campaign this to responded 1930s the in Turkey of Republic as such groups minority religious 1930s Turkishness.” of markers main the

See: April 6 (London), the Foreignto Office Embassy (Constantinople) FO 371/16985/E2053, ForeignOffice, Ibid., p. 89. the1930s,” in Minorities the and Nationalism Turkish Kemalism: and Assimilation “Race, Cagaptay,

this term in my thesis in order to show how social aspects, the publicati the aspects, social how show to order in thesis my in term this

(Istanbul Turkish race Turkish Emre Arslan, “Türkiye’de Irkçılık Arslan,“Türkiye’de Emre ,

pp. pp. 56 , cilt. 4: Milliyetçilik 4: cilt. , Dep language made emphasis “such Cagaptay, to According hc gie is nest wt te above the with intensity its gained which d to be included byd tobeincluded Turkish

the Jewish community in Izmir introduced this campaign in order to be a be to order in campaign this introduced Izmir in community Jewish the 93 defined all the citizens in the Republic of Turkey which included ethnically and ethnically included which Turkey of Republic the in citizens the all defined ending on the idiosyncratic nature of the early republican period’s usage of the the of usage period’s republican early the of nature idiosyncratic the on ending : İletişim - 94. Cagaptay, “Race, Assimilation and Kemalism: Turkish Nationalism and the Minorities i theMinorities and Nationalism Turkish Kemalism: and Assimilation “Race, Cagaptay,

- ie opsto pltcl at o 1930. of party political opposition lived 57

Yayınları, 2008), accessed on January 17, 2014, 2014, Januaryon17, accessed 2008), Yayınları, which was stated and practiced in the 1930s and 40s through language through 40s and 1930s the in practiced and stated was which

[Turkish: uks scey ic te wne t gt i o the of rid get to wanted they since society Turkish e document, which was referred in Cagaptay’s text, myself. text,in Cagaptay’s was referred which document, e

Political Thought in Modern Turkey in Modern Thought Political ” [Turkish: “Racism in Turkey”], in Turkey”], in “Racism [Turkish: ” 54

the nationalism through assimilation andlinguistic throughassimilation is ties,it nationalism

Language became the vital point of being Turk in Turk being of point vital the became Language Jewish community, Greeks, and Armenians in the the in Armenians and Greeks, community, Jewish 21

- mentioned campaign. Many of the the of Many campaign. mentioned t s hw b Cgpa that Cagaptay by shown is It 55

lhuh oe eih groups Jewish some Although , vol. 4: Nationalis 4: vol. , Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Siyasi Türkiye’de Modern - through snrtc eiiin of definition osyncratic - ethnicity and race race and ethnicity ons, and official official and ons,

m], ed.

nationalist ccepted Tanıl Tanıl l refer l nthe for , the ish ish

CEU eTD Collection Partisi Halk Cumhuriyet [Turkish: Party People’s which was theRepublican 1946, until of Turkey Republic the party in political Cu multi try attemptto first the was considered This until 1925. its existence continued and in 1924 established was 58 early republicanof Turkey regime term the use I when death, Kemal’s Mustafa before and republic the of establishment the after periods short some for except presidency, Kemal’s Mustafa during minister prime disagreements political some were there that fact the of chairperson the continued and that after 1938; 10, November on death his the of chairperson and Turkey of Republic the of president above the In motherhood. and abortion on ban the of context the within bodies women’s of politicization and roles gender of construction thesis my of scope the was which 1946, to 1923 from period the to referring one by r language. Turkish through assimilated be to rejected who groups minority the except Turks as society the from referred be would term, this used that thesis my of sources primary the and 40s early the and race Turkish just term in used widely was it since term to appeal to claim or aim my not was it although Turkishness, epublican regime epublican

The first opposition party, the Progressive Republican Party [Turkish: Party Republican Progressive party, the first opposition The mhuriyet Fırkası mhuriyet - party system in Turkey. The second attempt was to establish the Free Republican Party [Turkish: [Turkish: Party Republican Free the was establish to attempt second The Turkey. in system party - Another important clarification which is necessary for my thesis is the term term the is thesis my for necessary is which clarification importantAnother party system until 1946 until system party

to show an idiosyncratic racial idiosyncratic an show to

. While explaining and analyzing the socio the analyzing and explaining While . ] which only existed for a few months in 1930. Apart from these, there was only one onlywas one there Apart from these, 1930. in months fewa for existed only which ] .

After the proclamation of the Republic of Turkey, the country was ruled was country the Turkey, of Republic the of proclamation the After ].

primary sources through the lines of lines the through sources primary some of some


When I use the term term the use I When , I, w the primary the Republican People’s Party People’s Republican ill mean the one meanill the

version of Turkishness without asserting the term the asserting without Turkishness of version , 22

İsmet İnönü became the president until 1950 until president the became İnönü İsmet

- mentioned period, Mustafa Kemal was the was Kemal Mustafa period, mentioned sources of my thesis, I will be using using be will I thesis, my of sources between these leaders and İnönü was the was İnönü and leaders these between the early republican regime republican early the - party ruling of the country. ruling theparty of - political conjuncture of the 1930s 1930s the of conjuncture political

Repub Terakkiperver Cumhuriyet Fırkası] Fırkası] Cumhuriyet Terakkiperver

until 1972. In spite of the of spite In 1972. until lican People’s Party People’s lican accepting all the parts of of parts the all accepting Turkish race Turkish

regarding the the regarding Turkish race Turkish . However, . 58 , I will be will I , the early early the

Serbest Serbest

until this the

CEU eTD Collection 60 Cumhuriyet 16 2010): Dergisi Bilimler Sosyal Socio as a “Childcare [Turkish: 59 to addition in 1930s, the During time. same problems depopulation of concerns wante which ideas eugenic Turkish it. of size the on not population, the of quality the on focuses eugenics that explains She discourse. eugenicist has which of way one nations, of biologicalreproducers as collectivities national into women of inclusion against somegroups ethnichave minoritychildren. orreligious more to enforcement practical any was there whether known interwar the during Europe in ones the than context different a gro social some for restrictions some were there that fact the of spite in children more having gr religious or ethnic specific a preventing at aim not did 40s early and 1930s the throughout ideas eugenic Turkish since here necessary is clarification further a However, republican the of concerns big and world the in discourses eugenic of rise the to owing environment eugenic period, mo have to forced were slander and ban stricter ideas, eugenic Turkish of rise the with 1930s the During concerns. population and propaganda, 40s early and 1930s the of

Yuval “Erk Öztan, GüvenGürkan ups to have more children. I children. more have to ups - Last but not least, I would like to point out socio out point to like would I least, not but Last ee i i iprat o eun o h epaain o Yuval of explanations the to return to important is it Here, Davis, Ibidem, p. 31. Ibidem,p. Davis, - 17, accessed on January 18, 2014, 2014, accessedJanuary on18, 17, - D%C3%B elites about the qual the about elites

da bgn o be to began ideas 6neminde.pdf

[Turkish: [Turkish:

re children but also to bring to also but children re en Cumhuriyet Döneminde Sosyo Döneminde Cumhuriyet en

- Political Project during the Early Republican Period”], Period”], Republican Early duringthe Project Political vis The Life, the Health: Journal of Health Health of Journal Health: the Life, The



n this regard, Turkish eugenic legal implementations were in in were implementations eugeniclegal Turkish regard, this n of abortio of - ity of the population in population the of ity vis 60 d to increase the quality of quality the increase to d

fn iprat o po to important find I the late 20s regarding the ban on abortion, motherhood abortion, on ban the regarding 20s late the ht ocnrtd n increasing on concentrated that http://hayatsaglik.org/anasayfa/wp come n in the in n

23 this concern, eugenic ideas were added to the the to added were ideas eugenic concern, this rvln in prevalent

journal up - – Politik Bir Proje Olarak Çocuk Olarak Bakımı Proje Bir Politik

rather than using a legal framework legal a using than rather robust and healthy children. healthy and robust

- oit n diin o t quantity. its to addition in society s increased since not only women only not since increased s political and structural differences differences structural and political n ot h seii caatr of character specific the out int uks scey n political and society Turkish and Social Sciences Social and

society and were mixed with mixed were and society

- content/uploads/Erken eid lhuh t s not is it although period

h pplto a the at population the

Hayat Sağlık: Sağlık ve ve Sağlık Sağlık: Hayat - Davis ], issue. 2 (July 2 issue. ],

concerning oup from oup 59

- ” In that In -

CEU eTD Collection Turkish womenlaw before at time. the the same treatment I regime, republican early the by woman Turkish of image the of construction and roles gender new the analyzing After women. to equality brought emancipation women’s of project the extent what to and model citizenship early the how show will I 40s, early and 1930s the of ideas eugenic Turkish of nature idiosyncratic the and motherhood, on propaganda groups from prevented hav social some were there that fact the of spite in generation healthier a up bring and children more to birth give to women necessitated which Turkey, of conjuncture social and political In the next chapter, before going through the ban on abortion historically, the the historically, abortion on ban the through going before chapter, next the In s

towards women from the legislations which brought equality and freedom to to freedom and equality brought which legislations the from women towards i ngchildren toprotect in order

will show some articles that included unequal unequal included that articles some show will 24

republican regime created a new ideal ideal new a created regime republican society.

CEU eTD Collection (MAT 1920 Turkey: Republican ofEarly Periodicals Popular the byof Women Depiction ofWomen: Visual 61 implicatio these all linking by contextualized I hierarchy. women of lives private the change and affect not did rights new republic, a new a provide to as so ways modernized and scientific mot dutiful womanhood toparticipatingin addition in mothers and wives republican ideal be to expected were they which in discourse modern a ear the by drawn was womanhood republican new this of boundary The republic. the by provided rights new the through ways own their go to allowed were women Turkish that mean not did emancipation same the at control to modernization under taken was regime republican early the by emancip to aimed which of of connections in constructions th from disintegration nation aintroduced

To analyze visual descriptions of Turkish ofTurkish descriptions analyze visual To CONSTRUCTION OF NEW GENDER ROLES BY THE OFNEW GENDERTHE CONSTRUCTION BY EARLY REPUBLICAN ROLES CHAPTER 2: THE PROJECT OFCHAPTER WOMEN’S 2: EMANCIPATION THE AND hesis, Bosporus University, 1996). University, hesis,Bosporus ih h polmto o te eulc f uky te al rpbia regime republican early the Turkey, of Republic the of proclamation the With ie te at ht hr ws complicated a was there that fact the Given es t h sm tm wo a to had who time same the at hers n this regard, the ban on abortion and motherhood propaganda could be more be could propaganda motherhood and abortion on ban the regard, this n 61

that both expected modernized women participating in public life and being and life public in participating women modernized expected both that

society and introduced a modernization process through many reforms some reforms many through process modernization a introduced and society Turkish Turkish - building process within the lines of Turkishness which both necessitatedboth which Turkishnesslinesof the processwithin building

ly republican regime by transforming the traditional familial roles into roles familial traditional the transforming by regime republican ly Ottoman e oit. vn huh h rgm wne t break to wanted regime the though Even society. society, constructing new gender roles, and providing women’s women’s providing and roles, gender new constructing society, ate women, a new model of womanhood which was constructed was which womanhood of model new a women, ate the

public sphere.

women in the contemporary time, time, thewomen contemporary in utrl n taiinl values traditional and cultural REGIME 25

ns. In the next subchapter, I will firstly firstly will I subchapter, next the In ns.

rn u ter hlrn codn t the to according children their up bring

nd good population for the young the for population good nd iuto ad nw mg of image new a and situation see: Nurşen Gürboğa, “Images “Images Gürboğa, see: Nurşen

n nw gender new and ie Bringing time.

and patriarchal and ih Ottoman with THE THE - 1940” 1940” CEU eTD Collection Düşünce Siyasi Türkiye’de 64 http://www.jstor.org/stable/4317014 Journal Academy Sciences 63 affect 62 modernization. and Turkification between contradiction things. same and the westernization not that are idea modernization the supported He westernization. from it differentiating which subjects important were andsymbol twoof themost Kemal Mustafa that heritage. Ottoman and Islamic the of rid getting by process building of and modernization em tobeinthesaddle theproject ofwomen’s of righ economic and social new framework. national the within model the reforms, many Project2.1 The Women’s of Emancipationthe Image New TurkishWoman and of lives. private their in husbands their to them subordinating aspects, some in women of treatment legislations the of articles the of then and regime, republican early the by introduced woman Turkish of image new the and emancipation women’s of project the concerning argument my elaborate

Murat Belge, “Mustafa Kemal ve Kemal “Mustafa Belge, Murat White, JennyB. ZiyaGökalp main aim was aim main ed

the theoretical backgrounds of Turkish nationalism during the years of the Ottoman disintegration. disintegration. Ottoman yearsofthe theduring nationalism ofTurkish backgrounds thetheoretical When the early republican regime started to modernize the country by introducing introducing by country the modernize to started regime republican early the When ia öap xrse hs pnos bu te ainl oenzto poet by project modernization national the about opinions his expressed Gökalp Ziya

(1876 i “State Feminism, Modernization, and Modernization, “StateFeminism, t was not was t - not to make some changes within within changes some make to not 1924) was an important leading sociologist and writer whowriteri and sociologist was leading an important 1924)

a srnl afce b te da o Zy Gökalp Ziya of ideas the by affected strongly was , cilt. Kemalizm , 2: no vol. , 15, a coincidence that they they that coincidence a

ts to the new nation’s citizens nation’s new the to ts Kemalizm

. 3 (Fall 2003): 147, accessed on November 30, 2013, 30, accessed November on 147, 3 2003): . (Fall accepted by the new republic in which there was unequal was there which in republic new the by accepted

[Turkish: ” [Turkish: “Mustafa Kemal and Kemalism”], in Kemalism”], and Kemal “Mustafa [Turkish: ”

Modernization of the country was was country the of Modernization 63

26 o Gkl, there Gökalp, For

Political Thought in Modern Turkey Modern in Thought Political


were called ‘revolutionary reforms’ since since reforms’ ‘revolutionary called were Turkish society but to create a totally newtotally a create to societybut

Republican s of the modernization project.s ofthe modernization 64

but also to draw the boundaries the draw to also but

hl fcsn o te ‘pre the on focusing While

a n icnitny or inconsistency no was

Woman, s considered to to sconsidered ancipation andancipation nation It is important to say to important is It


will focus on some some on focus will ” 62 not only to give give to only not New World World New

, vol. 2: vol. , o bt topics both for Modern Modern have

social social

- - CEU eTD Collection Zihnioğlu, mothers.See: ideal be to them work, educating and women to encouraging languages, foreign teaching education, for Istanbul comingto girls Anatolian women,supporting aimed educating at 1924, Wome ofTurkish the Union founded womenactivists recommendation, upongovernment Instead, was rejected. 1923, 9, September on founded was Party that People’s 67 66 65 https://serdargunes.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/modern ed. Kemalism], aware raising rights, political supporting by women of question the with dealt who women feminist the by planned and created also was planne and initiated agenda an not was women to rights common to Contrary regime. republican early the by implemented in 1934; in 1920s, except politicalsuffragewomen for at level the1930and local in the of half second the during rights economic and social new introduced regime republican modernize the to order in reforms radical of series a started it regime, republican early the by depicted republican early a have to opportunities women give to atmosphere an provided and society Turkish new the within place a had individualism Western with comfortable so feel not did Gökalp Ziya to givereferences tothe ‘West’ limits roles’ gender and social new the over control have to advantage an them provided also but culture Islamic and Ottoman the of rid get to able be to order in easier the helped only not attitude this women, to rights egalitarian giving of because praise its and identity Turkish Islamic’

The establishment of the Women’s Party on June 16, 1923, which was founded before theRepublican before founded waswhich 1923, June16, Party on the of Women’s establishment The 147. p. Ibid., 147 Ibidem,pp. White, Turkish olwn te rcaain f h Rpbi o Tre i Otbr 93 te early the 1923, October in Turkey of Republic the of proclamation the Following

however, Kadınsı

oit sne t ol hv traee te e gne rls hpd and shaped roles gender new the threatened have could it since society Ahmet İnsel Ahmet

country. zİnkilap

eie t ht time. that at regime

at the same time no grass no time same the at

- 148.

[Turkish: [Turkish: the by supported not was which movement, feminist independent n (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009), p. 34, accessed on January 17, Januaryon17, accessed 34, p. 2009), Yayınları, İletişim (Istanbul:

republican elites republican

Revolution without Women without Revolution on the subject of modernization was important in both ways. inboth wasmodernization important on thesubject of 67

ic lmt o te e ctzn mg hd o be to had image citizen new the of limits Since

ness of the importance of education and taking and education of importance the of ness -

27 roots feminist movem feminist roots to put t put to -

turkiyede he nation he ]

(Istanbul: Metis, 2003). (Istanbul: Metis, d only by the republican elites, republican the by onlyd - siyasi n [Turkish: Türk Kadınlar Birliği] in Birliği] Kadınlar Türk n[Turkish: - dusunce - building process into practice into process building

beliefs, granting political granting beliefs, ent was allowed to occur occur to allowed was ent - cilt 66 -

2 since it might have might it since at the nationalat level - kemalizm.pdf

Yaprak Yaprak 65 2014, 2014, . Trying notTrying .

bu t it t

CEU eTD Collection quoted.) I which from book her new ones in into words old the transforming without Latin script into ofthe journal th of issue first in the Muhittin’s article quoted I language. ofTurkish purification the before and script Ottoman in originally was published Turkish Women of Union organofthe media thewas which weeklyjournal ( esrar Here 64. p. New Scripts (1925 Yolu Kadın Yolu/Türk Kadın 70 2006). Press, University European Central LoutfiAnna (Budapest: and Daskalova 20th and Centuries 19th Eastern Europe, South and Eastern, Central, 69 68 get to order in years many for fight to had they where Europe and England in women for without rights political their gotten had they the in stated was it coffeehouses?” tranqu a as hashish having is who someone to granted is suffrage] ha and herself understand to able is the who to woman denied be suffrage] [political right this can “How desire: her explained Muhittin Repu the of establishment the after possible as quickly as suffrage political Turkey of Republic the of decade first the and Empire Ottoman w Muhittin, Nezihe instance for activists, feminist some them, for struggle not did they if even rights their granted were women claimed that r early the Ottoman Empire. socio the in roles active Turkish Woman’s Turkish

e journal in July 1925 through Ateş’s book explained above. The author Ateş transliterated most of the issues issues most the of Ateşauthor transliterated The above. explained through Ateş’sbook 1925 in July journal e omen’s suffrage and one of the most important figures for the rights of women during the the during women of rights the for figures important most the of one and suffrage omen’s Nezihe Muhittin, NeziheMuhittin, in Muhittin,” “Nezihe Çakır, Serpil See: 2013. 10, November on accessed , http://www.obarsiv.com/pdf/YaprakZihnioglu_NB.pdf çeken birine verilen bu hak, kendini müdrik, tahsili mükemmel bir kadından esirgenebilir mi?” esirgenebilir kadından bir mükemmel tahsili müdrik, kendini hak, bu verilen çekenbirine In spite of this activism and feminist women’s concerns regarding political suffrage, political regarding concerns women’s feminist and activism this of spite In of prides the of one became it women, to suffrage political national granting After

is the original text written in Turkish translated by me:“Kahvehane by translated Turkish writtenin isthe originaltext ], ed. Nevin Yurdsever Ateş (Istanbul: Kadın Eserleri Kütüphanesi ve Bilgi Merkezi Vakfı, 2009), 2009), Vakfı, Merkezi veBilgi Kütüphanesi Eserleri Kadın Ateş (Istanbul: Nevin Yurdsever ed. ], epublic concerning women’s emancipation. Despite the early republican rhetoric republican early the Despite emancipation. women’s concerning epublic 70

Path “Kadın Yolunun Şiârı” [Turkish: “ [Turkish: Şiârı” Yolunun “Kadın


journal had gotten this name after being publis being after gotten had name this

- political administration of the new state from the last years of the the of years last the from state new the of administration political s that Turkish women should be very happy due to the fact that fact the to due happy very be should women Turkish that s - 1927)

[Turkish: A

Biographical Dictionary of Women’s Movements and and Movements Women’s of Dictionary Biographical Woman’s Path/Turkish Woman’s Path (1925 Path Woman’s Path/Turkish Woman’s 28 The The any struggle or fight, which had been had which fight, or struggle any

Symbol o 69 s hed as hed

h ws wie ad poer for pioneer a and writer a was who

get dcto wie t [political it while education great a f Woman’s Path”], in in fPath”], Woman’s , ed. Francisca de Haan, Krassimira Krassimira Haan, Franciscade ed. , Woman’s Path Woman’s , were in favor of obtaining obtaining of favor in were ,

peykelerinde müsekkinâne peykelerinde ilizer on the couches of couches the on ilizer

for two issues. This This twofor issues. Yeni Harflerle Harflerle Yeni

blic of Turkey. of blic - 1927) Feminism: Feminism:

an issue an

with CEU eTD Collection 1999). Press, 74 73 geçtiler.” görünmeler, ki,bütünbu “Unutmamalıyız me:by translated Turkish in passageis the original Here 321. 1935): Sphere”], 72 Mecmuası Türk 71 1941 in recited Persian. and Arabic originally were that words the of rid get to as t 1932, 1928 in reformation alphabet the Otto the from alienation for Education National of Ministry the of control s theological Moslem Affairs Religious of principle the and ones. modern with structures traditional replacing by apparel, and art, culture, education, in reforms many launched elites republican society, era.” captive a through structures republican to passed Women years. twelve last he writing, the charactersofare women] [of advents these of all that forget not should “We out: pointed same the In professions. other many and teachers doctors, lawyers, judges, wo of stories success the explained İnönü previous the regimeby slandering politi their

See: Geoffrey Lewis, Geoffrey See: Lewis, Bernard See: Political into Entering “Women’s [Turkish: Girişleri” Alanına Sıyasa “Türk Kadınlarının İsmet İnönü, “Atatürkİli Erem, RızaAli 72 ,


he language r language he oig ak o h tpc f e lgsain ta amd o modernize to aimed that legislations new of topic the to back Coming

Ülkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Halkevleri Ülkü: azan

Turkish son on iki yılın özlükleridir. yılın özlükleridir. iki on son

a rights. cal

[Turkish: [Turkish: in Arabic was banned with a legislative regulationlegislative a with bannedArabicwas in

was established established was in 1932 in The Emergence of Modern Turkey Modern of Emergence The

The Turkish Language Reform: A Catastrophic Success Catastrophic A Reform: Language Turkish The eformation was initiated was eformation

secularism 71 Journal of NewTurk of Journal chools were closed down down closed were chools

hs ae te a fr h goiiain f h ery republican early the of glorification the for way the paved This nin: Türk Kadınına” [Turkish: “Atatürk’s Country: To Turkish Women”], Women”], Turkish To Country: “Atatürk’s [Turkish: Kadınına” nin: Türk due to a directive by directive a to due man and Islamic culture, the early republican early the culture, Islamic and man [Turkish:

was added to the c the to added was Kadı – in 1924 in n te ai alphabet Latin the and


Ideal: Journal of Community Houses Community of Journal Ideal: nlar, Cümurluk kurumuna koyu karanlık bir tutsak çağından tutsak çağından bir karanlık koyu kurumuna Cümurluk nlar, ], issue. 28 (December 1934): 1791. 1934): (December 28 issue. ], and taken under the control the under taken and men who were integrated into integrated were who men 29

for the purification of the Turkish language so language Turkish the of purification the for – in

past. Inwritin his past.

(London: Oxford University Press, 1961). Press, University (London: Oxford t

he 1924. all and 73 Directorate of Religious Affairs Religious of Directorate onstitution in 1928. in onstitution The Caliphat The

Since language was a basic concern concern basic a was language Since h shos ee ae under taken were schools the a made was g in December gin

until 1950. until e was abandoned in 1924 in abandoned was e

(Oxford: Oxford Un Oxford (Oxford: 74

], vol. 4, issue. 23 (January 4,issue.vol. 23 ],

The azan The h ofca script official the

of the Turkish the of

The regime introduced regime

society by being by society

and dense dark dense and The Law about Law The Directorate of Directorate

beg 1934, İsmet1934,

iversity iversity an to be to an . Turkish

A Yeni Yeni

state nd in nd

In . the .

CEU eTD Collection [Turkish: 78 pazard bir tarzı nikâholma “Kadının me: by translated [Turkish: 77 76 75 liberty.” primordial most this of them depriving by women to humanity of doors the all closed Turks Ottoman libe primordial most “The stating: by rights basic women’s of one this limited Ottomans the that claimed writers Some elites. republican the to according modernization and secularization regime republican codes dress new the obey to expected were They regime. new the life public in participate to and work, to education, their continue couples, which subchapter. will beexplored inthe next of lives private and structures familial in leader the as and focus primarythe in men put that T to rightsmodernized Lawmany brought Civil bazaar.” a in animal an selling than different something written was dignity.” and freedom new a law, the of eyes the in least at enjoyed, women Henceforward parties. both for rights equal with divorce, and marriage civil by replaced was and polygamy, with abolished, was husband Law. Civil 1926 the by introduced were polygamy on ban a and 1926. changes legislative important most the Hat the Wearing

Meliha Avni Sözen, “Kadın ve Vazifesi” [Turkish: “The Woman and Her Duty”], Duty”], Her and Woman “The Vazifesi” [Turkish: ve “Kadın Sözen, AvniMeliha Today”], and thePast in “Woman [Turkish: Kadın” ve Bugün “Dün Avni,Meliha Kinross, Lord is in Turkish law oforiginalthe name The rty on the earth is the liberty of strolling around with an unveiled face and forehead. The The forehead. and face unveiled an with around strolling of liberty the is earth the on rty The right to divorce, to receive an equal share of inheritance, to choose a husband, a choose to inheritance, of share equal an receive to divorce, to right The After granting new modernized rights to women, they were they women, to rights modernized new granting After Journal of NewTurk of Journal NewTurk of Journal

n n o te articles the of one in The Rebirth of a Nation a of Rebirth The 75

came into effect into came y neln ter edcre, n o te ot motn smos of symbols important most the of one headscarves, their unveiling by 78

At the same time, however, time, same the At ], issue. 29 (January 1935): 1828. Here is the original passage in Turkish in Turkish isthe originalpassage Here 1828. 1935): (January issue. ], 29 is ], sue.11

76 ,

- (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1964), p. 424. p. 424. 1964), & Nicolson, (London: Weidenfeld

14 (October 1933): 954. 1933): 954. (October 14

The Ott The in 1925 and made wearing the fez illegal. fez the wearing made and 1925 in : Şapka İktisası Hakkında Kanun Hakkında İktisası Şapka Te tl o ge of style “The –

h Cvl Law Civil the oman times were times oman 30 a bir hayvan satılışından başka bir şey değildi.” bir başka a satılışından bir hayvan

urkish women, it still included some articles includedsome still it women, urkish while working and cooperatin and working while

Here is the original passage in Turkish in Turkish passage Hereis the original tn mrid o wmn a not was women for married tting 77

a ada was

In spite of the fact that the 1926 the that fact the of spite In slandered again; slandered .

“Repudiat pted


encouraged by the early early the by encouraged but within the limits of limits the within but strongly encouraged to encouraged strongly Yeni Türk Mecmuası Mecmuası Türk Yeni Yeni Türk Mecmuası Türk Yeni

rm wteln in Switzerland from

ion of a wife by wife a of ion

for instancefor

And g with men with g -

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CEU eTD Collection 81 2013, 24, Membership,” 80 79 kapamışlardır.” kapılarını bütün insanlığın ona bırakarak uz[a]k hürriyetten iptidaî kadınıen bu Türkleri trans new in continue to structures patriarchal traditional to opportunity an gives which regimes, co under taken be should that formation a as woman’ ‘new of image the show a and society society in roles and structures gender on of concerns these all reflect path modernization transformation the by socio caused previous the concerns from disengagement to owing that out points situation the explains regarding theperception also This desires. regime’s republican early the by limited be to continued women of modernization and conditions the since roles patriarchal traditional the patriarchal. be to continued Republic the in roles gender of characteristic patriarchal the question not could men and women both women, by experienced problems the to solution real a bring could rights b the to owing Gündüz, to According life. public in limited only educated and modernized, secularized, more them make to women to rights granted They system. patriarchal the and dominance male within emancipation this of boundaries emancipa women’s Turkish wanted regime republican early the though sphere. decent in dress to supposed were women

White, Ibidem, p. 146. Ibidem,p. White, “ Gündüz, ZuhalYeşilyurt ZehraF. lated by me: by lated 79 Concerning these constructions of gender roles and familial hierarchy, Berktay Berktay hierarchy, familial and roles gender of constructions these Concerning


Arat, Ibidem, pp. 62 pp. Arat,Ibidem, Another paradox occurred here within the young republic during the 1920s. Even 1920s. the during republic young the within here occurred paradox Another doors doors of home.the feminismstate not did concern itself with whathappened behind the closed Beyond West. the from techniques household and childrearing latest the in educated mothers by ‘scientifically’ raised be to were children and segregated, and contractual than rather companionate, be to was Marriage Perceptions: Journal of International Affairs International of Journal Perceptions: “Yer[]yüzünde en iptidaî hürriyet açık yüz ve açık alınla dolaşmak hürriyetidir. Osmanl[ı] hürriyetidir. dolaşmak veaçıkyüzalınla hürriyet açık eniptidaî “Yer[]yüzünde

The Women’s Movement in Turkey: From Tanzimat towards European Union Union European towards Tanzimat From inTurkey: Movement Women’s The of marriage,and childcare: motherhood, - content/uploads/2012/02 - 63. 81

- 80 a follow that regimes new conjuncture, political clothes that did that clothes

In their private lives, women still had to accept to had still women lives, private their In 31 /ZuhalYesilyurtGunduz2.pdf


vol. 9 (Autumn 2004): 117, accessed on October accessed October on 117, (Autumn 9 vol.2004):

not show femininity in femininity show not

elief that granting of equal equal of granting that elief

Turkish tion, they drew the drew they tion, that, ntrol by new new by ntrol

society and and society the


, but nd nd

CEU eTD Collection 85 84 kemalizm.pdf https://serdargunes.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/modern 2014, 17, Turkey in Rights”], 83 http://dosya 2014, Januaryon17, accessed 275, p. 2007), İletişim Yayınları, (Istanbul, UygurKocabaşoğlu [Turkish: veBatıcılık in Image”], Woman of Construction West: and East 82 Law,which Criminal Turkish 1926 the in women towards inequalities The needlecraft. and economics, home family, motherhood, on women for subjects specific e the of educationalpolicies curriculumand national the from examples important some showing to addition in law criminal and law, labor law, civil treatment unequal some out point will I regime. republican early the by drawn ones the than lines different and independent more follow to allowed, really nor expected, not Republican were law. women Turkish the before men with equal became women although motherhood was pr the that accept to necessitated woman Turkish the of model This woman. Turkish republican the of model a create to and past the from itself differentiate to on thefamilybeen had controlled which bytraditional before patriar control state modern provided this that argues Saktanber wife. republican ideal and modern two their rol women’s specified lives, private their in position secondary a in women put still nation new a of establishment the but values q not were lives private their in roles women’s and values social prevalent that not in did resulted which relations change, intrafamilial in sexuality on based labor of division one, Western the themselves. adapting bysystems

Ibid., 327. p. Ibid., Ibid. AyşeSakt of “Juncture [Turkish: İmgesininKurgulanışı” Kadın Yer: Batı’nınBirleştiği “Doğuile Berktay, Fatmagül

, vol. 2: Kemalism], 2: vol. , The state control on the family explained above helped the early republican regime republican early the helped above explained family the on control state The - .internetara.com/?id=1109 Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Siyasi Türkiye’de Modern ir uis in duties tier anber, “Kemalist Kadın Hakları Söylemi” [Turkish: “The Kemalist Discourse of Women’s of Discourse Kemalist “The [Turkish: Söylemi” Hakları Kadın “Kemalist anber,

uestioned. Political Thought in Modern Turkey inModern Thought Political

ed. Ahmet İnsel (Istanbul: İletişim İletişim İnselAhmet (Istanbul: ed. Turkish 83

All these conditions resulted in that not religion or traditional or religion not that in resulted conditions these All

82 oit b bt priiaig n ulc ie n big a being and life public in participating both by society

Due to the fact that traditional patriarchy was replaced byreplacedwaspatriarchy traditional factthat the to Due , cilt. 2: Kemalizm [Turkish: Kemalizm2: [Turkish: cilt. , towards s Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Düşünce Siyasi Türkiye’de Modern 32 - state and its patriarchal characteristic which characteristic patriarchal its and state

, vol. 3: Modernization and Westernization] and Modernization , 3: vol.

Yayınları, 2009), p. 326, accessed on January accessedJanuary on p. 326, 2009), Yayınları, oe i te e lgsain sc as such legislations new the in women - arly republican regime that included that regime republicanarly turkiyede Political Thought in Modern Modern in Thought Political - siyasi 85 chal values. chal

imary duty for women women for duty imary In - dusunce was was the next subchapter, next the , cilt. Moder , 3: adapted - cilt 84 - 2

- from from , nleşme e ed. ed. s and s the

CEU eTD Collection mc00400743.p http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc004/kanuntbmmc004/kanuntbm 88 87 above. websitestated official the in Latin script to versions and Civil Law The1926 AssemblyofTurkey. National Grand ofthe website the official via wereaccessed thesis whole usedin the laws from the All articles the in1928. Latin script ofusage official the introduced Turkey 86 ends.” period the birth, giving By nullity. of judgment or divorce death, after passes days hundred three of period a unless remarried get cannot null as adjudicated was marriage whose or divorce to due or Marriage will definition of adultery ofcitizensin according tothe sexes firstlyarticlestr will introduce thathad unequal the I paragraphs, following the In conditions. working specific some and relations, intrafamilial remarriage, in women of treatment unequal had which articles some had still legislations modernize to aimed the Earlyof Republican Regime 2.2 Articles Unequa that Had thesis. my of part next the in abortion on ban the of argument my elaborate will I since chapter rape by caused was the when instance ab on ban the regarding Code, Penal Italian

“Türk Kanunu Medenisi” [Tu Medenisi” “TürkKanunu is Turkish originaltitlein The due script Arabic inLaw wereoriginally Labor the1936 laws These except the 1926 Criminal Law were accessed in the same way, but they have been available in transliterated transliterated in available been have but they way, samein the accessed were Criminal Law the1926 continueLabor by another1936 Law. articlefrom showing the

Although the early republican regime introduced a series of legislative of series a introduced regime republican early the Although ril 9 o te 96 ii Lw udr h tte of title the under Law, Civil 1926 the of 95 Article , 87

df stated that: “The woman who becomes a widow because of her husband’s deathhusband’s her of because widow a becomes who woman “The that: stated

Turkish Turkish 88

Despite laying down this as a condition for women, there was no was there women, for condition a as this down laying Despite rkish: “Turkish Civil Law”], p. 133, accessed on April 23, 2014, 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 133, p. Law”], “TurkishCivil rkish: Evlenmeye Ehliyet ve Mâniler ve Ehliyet Evlenmeye

l Treatment Structures Some Women of and Educational society and replace the Islamic legal system, the new new the system, legal Islamic the replace and society

33 rin hc hd ifrn punishments different had which ortion

eatment from the 1


will be explored in detail in the third third the in detail in explored be will the 1926 Criminal Law,Ithe 1926Criminal and then aaiy n Obsta and Capacity

to the fact that the Republic of of the Republic the factto that 86

926 Civil LawCivil and 926 changes that changes ls to cles

the for

CEU eTD Collection bulunuyor.” almış tekrar bugün sonra fasıladan yerini,8 kaybetmişolduğ[u] neticesinde nüfuzu taamüllerin ve takımadet bir yabancıolan 93 1930s. the in Turkey villages in streams o ofpolitical ofthe rise as an indication understood be could explanation This theOttomans. before Turkic groups, old from the whichderived traditions Turkish their continue to less moreable or were was situation that this the authorclaimed 271, page on same article Dergisi Halkevleri 92 91 aittir.” iaşesi,ona veçhile münasip karı veçocukların intihabı, Evin reisidir. birliğin “Koca me: by translated 90 89 müddetbiter.” Doğurmakla evlenemez. tekrar geçmedikçe günyüz üç itibaren hükmünden veya butlan vefattan,boşanmadan kadın; hükmedilen butlanına evliliğin “Kocasın me: by translated Turkish in text is the original Here naturally was who man the to given been everywhere and always had task this and leader eve that fact the to due husband and wife between inequality about wrote also Veldet prac and customs of number a of influence women Turkish interruption, of law. Islamic and socio Ottoman to due suppressed were women Turkish that claimed author the provided of characteristics justifica i criticized not were inequalities other and statement Law.This Civil 1926 the in women of treatment unequal had which articles the of examples and wife appr his for by providing children and house the Choosing union. the of chief the is husband subject inthe 1926Civil Law. ofintrafamilial relations treatment unequal other also was There restriction. time legal a without divorce their after remarried get could Men remarriage. regarding men for provision similar

Ibid., p. 268. Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “Türk kadını ev[v]elce Türk ırkına Türk kadını me: ev[v]elce “Türk by translated inTurkish text Here is the original 268. p. Ibid., “Tür HıfzıVeldet, Ibidem. Erem, Ali Rıza See: “TürkKan is Turkish originaltitlein The ne te il of title the Under tions for them and praising the early republican regime for bringing back the nat the back bringing for regime republican early the praising and them for tions ,

though. unu Medenisi” [Turkish: “Turkish Civil Law”], p. 141. Here is the original text in Turkish inTurkish isthe originaltext Here 141. p. Law”], “TurkishCivil [Turkish: Medenisi” unu

[Turkish: [Turkish: 92 k Hukukunda Kadının Yeri” [Turkish: “Women’s Situation in Turkish Law”], in Turkish Situation “Women’s [Turkish: Kadının Yeri” kHukukunda

pit mas eog o him.” to belong means opriate 91 uks rc o te ujc o acpig oe a eul o e were men to equal as women accepting of subject the on race Turkish

The author of the article, Veldet, stated that: “Today, after 8 after “Today, that: stated Veldet, article, the of author The


instance, Ideal: Journal of Community Houses Community of Journal Ideal: article 152 and argued that this article should not be understood as understood be not should article this that argued and 152 article

eea Poiin o Marriage of Provisions General Evlenmenin Umumî Hükümleri Umumî Evlenmenin the Ottoman past was slandered was past Ottoman the have

eand hi pae th place their regained

34 ie ta wr etisc to extrinsic were that tices

90 ın vefatı veya boşanma vefatı ın

. hs a oe f h ms important most the of one was This

], vol. 5, issue. 28 (June 1935): 270. Inthe 270. 1935): (June issue. 28 5, vol. ], te ulctos t ht time; that at publications the n

limited to cities and women in the villages womenvillages the in cities and to limited , 89 ry establishment should have should establishment ry

ril 12 ad on “The down: laid 152 article y ot eoe wn t the to owing before lost ey

in one of the the of one in sebebi

of women on the the on women of – uks race.” Turkish 9 yüz[]yıllık 9 le dul kalan yahud dul kalan le journals - - cultural life cultural 9 centuries 9 Ülkü: Ülkü:

f praising bir bir ,

ural ural and the

93 a

CEU eTD Collection in Istanbu University Bilgi at Democracy] and ofCivil Society Papers Conference [Turkish: Yazıları Konferans veDemokrasi Toplum ofSivil conferences thepresented at periodical [no. 7] (paper Turkey”] and ofWomen Rights 98 http://www.jstor.org/stable/4317012 2013, 29, December on accessed 109, (2003): 3 97 96 p. 166. 1931), 95 94 request on abortion legalized have to world the in country first the was USSR the addition, family whole the where decide to right the men gave system legal the and residence of preference husbands’ their obey women made Turkey of Republic the of to have not Code Civil new the women, to did rights many granting despite However, decisions. husbands’ They residency. for chose husbands their locations the the with starting USSR, not. or residence husbands’ their to go would they whether choose to allowed were somewhere moved had he if husbands their follow to have not did women Soviet USSR). the (hereafter Republics Socialist Soviet the of Union the historically, and politically, ideologically, country different a by provided emancipation women’sof anotherproject of example an give to like would IItaly, or France, Switzerland, as such countries, European the by specified one the to similar quite was regime republican years.ignoredfor many authority and rights same give to right be reflect inequalities some i had Law Civil the that fact the accepting family. of wellbeing stronger ndicated that he did not want to criticize the legislation. Küçüka expla Küçüka legislation. the criticize to want not did he that ndicated

See: Modernization,” and Women Russian ofCement: Hardening “The Vesela, Pavla 164. p. Ibid., Ali Necip Küçüka, 274. Ibidem,p. Veldet, Fatmagül Berktay, “Kadınların İnsan Haklarının Gelişimi veTürkiy Gelişimi Haklarının İnsan “Kadınların Berktay, Fatmagül

the vn huh h poet f oe’ eacpto itoue b te early the by introduced emancipation women’s of project the though Even ; according to him, it did not mean an imprudent domination of man but was for the for was but man of domination imprudent an mean not did it him, to according ;


- cultural conditions of their time their of conditions cultural l, 2004, ac 2004, l, Kadın Hukuku Kadın


n hs epc, nte eape s motn t pit out: point to important is example another respect, this In 96 project of women’s emancipation women’s of project

cessed on November 19, 2013, 19, November on cessed

[Turkish: The Law of Women of Law The in family life family in 35

. 95

The author also claimed that it might notmight it that claimed also author The http://stk.bilgi.edu.tr/docs/berktay_std_7.pdf ] (Ankara: Hakimiyeti Milliye Matbaası, Matbaası, Milliye (Ankara:Hakimiyeti ] to , women no longer had to accept to had longer no women , women e” [Turkish: Development of Development [Turkish: e” against against Unlike Turkish women, women, Turkish Unlike whose training had been been had training whose NWSA Journal NWSA

ined that civil laws civil that ined oe, Küçüka women, ol stay. would follow their their follow ,

vol. 15, no. no. 15, vol.

97 Despite ;

wives wives In the In 98


CEU eTD Collection kadınEve, bakar.” müşaviridir. muavinve kocasının yettiği kadar gücü hususunda temin saadeti müşterek 102 edebilir.” iştigal ile sanat iş veya bir ile müsaadesi veya zımnen sarahaten kocanın karı, olsun olursa etmiş kabul usulü hangi için idare mallarını “Karı koca me: by translated 101 for isworking beneficial thather proves as she as long from judges wifepermission this work,canrequest the her let wife histo to 100 http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/journal_of_womens_history/v011/11.3schrand.html 2013, 29, So 99 house the of charge in women put article same the importantly, very And married. getting after names family their change to had they since women towards inequality of lines the along important is article w mutual achieving of matter the in can she as much as husband the of advisor and assistant the is Wife name. family husband’s her gets wife “The that: stated which 153 article as such Law, Civil 1926 the from articles participating life. inpublic and working to addition in mothers good being and housework for answer to had also they a in ajoborpermission orimplicit art withthe of explicit husband.” engage can wife goods, their manage to order in husband the and wife the by accepted was 159 article title, same the Under outside. work to able be to order in permission husbands’ their get to had still they that, do to rights legal had and house the outside work to encouraged were women of spite In family. the of members other for provide and working be should Law Civil 1926 the of duringand therewas the1930s 1920 in nalyzed in a way that it created a double burden for working women owing to the fact that that fact the to owing women working for burden double a created it that way a in nalyzed

Thomas G. Schrand, Schrand, Thomas G.

cialist Society,” cialistSociety,” “Türk Kanunu Medenisi” [Turkish: “Turkish Civil Law”], p. Law”], “TurkishCivil [Turkish: Medenisi” “TürkKanunu situatio a that in LawCivilstated also ofthe 1926 Article159 Ibid., p. 141. Here is the origin 141. p. Ibid., Regarding the responsibility for housework, it housework, for responsibility the Regarding article same the Turkey, republican early of frameworks legal new the to Returning .

brin a otae i 13 i te SR ic brh ae wr i decline in were rates birth since USSR the in 1936 in outlawed was Abortion Journal of of History Women’s Journal 100

clarified women’s working conditions as: “Regardless of the way which way the of “Regardless as: conditions working women’s clarified “Soviet ‘Civic “Soviet

the , article 152, also declared the husband the declared also 152, article , ,

wh whole family. whole ich legally put Turkish women in a secondary position compared position secondary a in women Turkish put legally ich

al text in Turkish translated by me: “Karı, kocasının aile ismini taşır. Kadın, Kadın, taşır. ismini kocasınınaile me:“Karı, by translated inTurkish text al

- a reproductive crisis within reproductivea crisis Minded Women’ in the 1930s: Gender, Class and Industrialization in a in Class Industrialization and Gender, 1930s: in Women’ the Minded

lbig Te oa i i cag o home.” of charge in is woman The ellbeing. ,

vol. 11, no. 13 (Autumn 1999): 131, accessed on December accessed December on 131, (Autumn 1999): 13 no. 11, vol. 36

142. Here is the original text in Turkish inTurkish isthe originaltext Here 142. n whenn

is important to point out some other other some out point to important is

soc the the

as the leader and the one who one the and leader the as iety. husband avoids giving permission giving permission avoids husband 101 99

This situation might be

the fact that that fact the 102


CEU eTD Collection 105 mesuldür.” koca tasarruflarından, tecavüzetmeyen salâhiyetini surette malûmolabilecek tarafından şahıslar Karının üçüncü haizdir. hakkını temsil birliği dahi 104 mesul olur.” şahsan tasarruflarından koca, olsun olursa etmiş kabul usulü hangi koca karı hususunda Mallarını idare temsil eder. koca “Birliği,me: by translated 103 sentence is everyone by known certainly in is or which wife his place with another dwells he where house the at affair illicit an having woman a with interpret adulterywas the husband, the and wife the for both same the was adultery committed who spouse the for punishment the While adultery. to related were which Law, Criminal Turkish anal be also could sexes their to according citizens different of treatment unequal the concerning situatio the as long as savings wife’s the for responsible is husband The needs. permanent house’s the of matters the regarding union the represent to right the with provided is wife the “Also to wife the vested 155 article savings.” their for answers personally husband the goods, their manage to order in husband the and Reg union. the represents husband “The that: indicated 154 Article family. the of representation of issue the clarified which 155 and husband, aswa it participate house with deal to expected primarilywas former the since husbands their to

“Türk Kanunu Medenisi” [Turkish: “Turkish Civil Law”], p. 142. Here i Here 142. p. Law”], “TurkishCivil [Turkish: Medenisi” “TürkKanunu The original title in Turkish is is Turkish originaltitlein The Ibid yzed .

Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: by translated isthe in originalTurkish text Here eie te rils ht a ueul ramn o wmn n h 12 Cvl Law, Civil 1926 the in women of treatment unequal had that articles the Besides n which can by notinfringe be does known parties third competence.” onher 154 articles are Law Civil 1926 the from out point to like would I articles last The

103 very clearly through articles 4 articles through clearly very

in public and working life, which was dependent upon the decision of the the of decision the upon dependent was which life, working and public in

vn huh hs ril md te ubn te ersnaie f h family, the of representative the husband the made article this though Even s pointed outbefores pointed 159. inarticle

ed according to sexes. Article 4 Article sexes. to according ed Zina

represent the family under limited conditions. It stated that: stated It conditions. limited under family the represent .

40 ardless of the way which was accepted by the wife wife the by accepted was which way the of ardless

and 4 and 37

41 , “Evin daimî ihtiyaçları için koca gib[i] kadın gib[i] koca için ihtiyaçları “Evindaimî

under the title of title the under 41 stated that: “The husband who lives who husband“The that: stated 41 s the original text in Turkish inTurkish sthe originaltext d from three to thirty thirty to three from d Adultery work and could andwork 105 definition of of definition

in the 1926the in 104

CEU eTD Collection yasaktır.” çalıştırılmaları gece kadınların ve yaştaki kız her çoc[]uklarla “Sanay me: by translated Turkish in text is the original Here mc01603008.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc016/kanuntbmmc016/kanuntbm 109 108 107 hükmolunur.” hapiscezası kadar aya otuz üçaydan hakkında koca olan tutmakta kadın nikâhsız için gibi geçinmek koca yerdekarı başka surette herkesçebilinecek yahut “Ka me: by Turkish translated in passage is the original Here mc00400765.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc004/kanuntbmmc004/kanuntbm 106 givenrights groups. tosome orprotection social of form a as seen be also might it workers, female towards restriction a as it analyzed by women i working from preventingthem of treatment unequal had have to seems article this glance first at Although socio by caused cases extraordinary be not should women that night.” meant at work to them getting industry to belonging jobs in ages all of women yea eighteen under boys employ to forbidden is “It that: stating by Work of Arrangement a as analyzed be might arguable be might it though even Law Labor 1936 the an from indicate article important to like would I aspects, some in women of treatment unequal had that Law discourses legal and towards different intheearly sexes republican period norms, social constructions, gender about perspective better a us give they because analyze to important so are frameworks legal These adultery. for judged for subjected wives. punishment and husbands same the gave Law Criminal Turkish 1926 the though even months.”

“İş Kanunu” [Turkish: “The Labor Law”], p. 849, accessed on April 23, 2014, 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 849, p. Law”], Labor “The [Turkish: “İşKanunu” is Turkish originaltitlein The Ibid. 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 440, p. Law”], “TurkishCriminal [Turkish: Kanunu” “TürkCeza

In addition to addition In 106

while article 4 article while

107 the , 108 towards treatment unequal n

The wife who had a sexual sexual a had who wife The

article 50 prevented women of all ages from working in industry in working from ages all of women prevented 50 article articles from the 1926 Civil Law and the 1926 Turkish Criminal Turkish 1926 the and Law Civil 1926 the from articles 40 did not lay down the same description of adultery for the wife the for adultery of description same the down lay not did 40 İ şin Tanzimi şin

n industry at night and some second some and night at industry n

working in industry during the nights except some some except nights the during industry in working - . article. same the in explained necessities, economic


i[y]e aid işlerde 18 yaşı doldurmamış erkek erkek yaşı doldurmamış 18 işlerde aid i[y]e risile birlikte ikamet etmekte olduğu hanede hanede olduğu etmekte ikamet birlikterisile

female workers or not. Under the title of title the Under not. or workers female intercourse wi intercourse of Turkey.

th another guy could be could guy another th - wave Turkish feminists Turkish wave s old rs ,

n grs and girls and whether it it whether 109


CEU eTD Collection 3, vol. Papers], Atatürk, on Conference International [Turkish: The Tebliğler AtatürkKonferansı, Uluslararası 112 111 110 of 1934 system Year of inthe Academic began 1927 co the policy, educational new regime’s republican early the of introduction primary Although society. Co Turkey. in to provided schools was curriculum national the 1924, in Turkey of Republic the of Education h institutions educational the all After structures. social existing previously from individuals disassociating and societies gendered inorde lessons in and schools from regulations of examples some analyze will I paragraphs, following the In schools. in girls or boys to before analyzedlegislations women towards implementations different other were regime republican early the in senses most in equal became was there which in women for conditions social progressive more providing at aim not did regime time. that at sex second a as accepted was W the with regime structures patriarchal previous the replaced republican early the that argues Arat emancipation. women’s Turkish of regard in regime republican early the of limits as understood be could Turkey of period republican

Mine Tan, “Atatürkçü Düşünüş ve Karma Eğitim” [Turkish: “Atatürkist Thinking and Co and Thinking “Atatürkist [Turkish: Eğitim” veKarma Düşünüş “Atatürkçü MineTan, Ibid. ZehraF.

Changing the existing educational structures is vital in regard to transforming transforming to regard in vital is structures educational existing the Changing above these of All - 35 inhi

Arat, Ibidem, p. 57. p. Arat,Ibidem, edr qaiy hn h Ws ha West the than equality gender gh schools.

r tobeidealr andmodern and housewives mothers. - dctoa srcue wr gauly mlmne in implemented gradually were structures educational -

analyzed examples shown from the new le new the from shown examples analyzed 112 col ad nvriis a a co a had universities and schools –

ad been taken under the control of the Ministry of National National of Ministry the of control the under taken been ad

in educ in ttts o s o hw o girls how show to as so stitutes ational policies, such as introducing some lessons only lessons some introducing as such policies, ational 110 - 39

28 in middle schools28 inmiddle andinthe Academic Year Arat continues her argument that the Kemalist the that argument her continues Arat a ta time. that at d

estern patriarchy in which the female the which in patriarchy estern –

n diin o rils rm the from articles to addition in

in the official framework official the in 111 - educational system after the the after system educational


were directed to take take to directed were gislations of the early the of gislations e ad women and men

- Education” - educational

Turkish Turkish , there , ], ], CEU eTD Collection the Nation during Nationalism 118 117 step. political symbolic a was However,it 1945. in February and war against symbolicallydeclared of Turkey theRepublic 116 115 114 the Nation during Nationalism 113 pap have I not seenTan’s 68. Publication, University (Istanbul: no: 61 Bosporus paper duti primary citizens’ femaleaccepted that emancipation women’s of project the of nature ironing. and cooking, these others, physics geography, history, Turkish, as such curriculum national the of lessons general girls teaching to addition In context. modern a in housework of rationalization the for way y teaching five popula the War; World Second the Republic ofTurkey enterthough. War, the Second didnot World of danger oncoming the to related specifically was girls less was girls for provision the though even instructions military to introduced also were girls Afterwards, aims. improving and modernizing its of spite in regime republican early the of curriculum national new the explain they that fact the to due analyze to crucial other girls while lessons, those get to able were boys only schools, high and curriculu the into added been had instructions military and education girls. or boys for only either taught were lessons and subjects

Turkey protected its neutrality during the war, and after the events that showed Allies would win the war,win the would Allies showed that events afterthe war, and the during its neutrality Turkeyprotected 72. p. Ibid., ZehraF. İmgesi Kadın SürecindeMilliyetçiliğin Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, Öztan, “Türkiye’de Uluslaşma Sürecinde Milliyetçiliğin Kadın İmgesi Kadın SürecindeMilliyetçiliğin Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, See: - year primary education. These institutions that began to be established in 1928 aimed ataimed 1928 in established bebegan thatto institutions Theseyear education. primary subjects such as needlecraft, home economics, and childcare. and economics, home needlecraft, as such subjects Zehra r in the early republican period republican early the in r Here, it is also important to note the structures the note to important also is it Here, specific some system, education national the of reformation the to addition In

Arat, Ibidem, pp. 70 pp. Arat,Ibidem, oung girls housework girls oung


nttts lo agt il nelcat pitn, hlcr, oe economics, home childcare, painting, needlecraft, girls taught also institutes Arat,Ibidem.

118 er myself. er

- - l o tee euain cud e otxulzd n h limited the in contextualized be could regulations these of All B B - uilding Process in Turkey”], p. 102. p. Turkey”], in uildingProcess 102. p. Turkey”], in uildingProcess 72.

that had to had that than for boys. for than ,

and girls were accepted by Girls’ Institutes after a after Institutes Girls’ by accepted were girls and

be done in a modernized way, which paved the paved which way, modernized a in done be 40

115 1981), pp. 18 pp. 1981),

The introduction of military learning for learning military of introduction The the gendered nature and understanding of understanding and nature gendered the

of Girls of

- 19, referred in Zehra F. in Zehra referred 19, ” [Turkish: “Woman Image of Image “Woman [Turkish: ” of Image “Woman [Turkish: ” 113 ’


116 For instance, after physical after instance, For


m of middle schools middle of m were directed to take take to directed were These conditions are conditions These 117

They were verywere They

Arat, Ibidem, p. p. Arat,Ibidem,


and es es

CEU eTD Collection myself. book seenOksal’s of Image “Woman [Turkish: in 116, referred p. 1940), Basımevi, 120 119 wome roles of and the notquestioning for asstressingrole motherhood primarywomen the time, own its in project progressive a and modernized a as accepted be could women to the 1940s. ot ironing cooking, of methods practical more economics, home better have to childcare, was time. the of writings the of some in meaningful as accepted not was housework good doing of capable and mother ideal an being without education Receiving regime. republican and they since them for burden double a created emancipation two This life. social and public in participate to them e the though even context modern a into family the in labor of division traditional the of transformation the in resulted which time, same the at housewife ideal an and mother republican a be to supposed aim regime’s republican early the of instrumentalization as used were before analyzed policy education national new regime’s T of roles considered the specified regime republican early the that analyzed curriculum national as her housework, in housework, her

Saktanber, Ibidem, p. 329. Ibidem,p. Saktanber, See: Feliha Sedat Oksal, Oksal, Sedat FelihaSee: being wives not surprising that there were several writings for women regarding domestic life, life, domestic regarding women for writings several were there that surprising not h atce fo te eiltos n te xmls rm h ery republican early the from examples the and legislations the from articles The Although the early republican regime’s reforms and bringing new modernized rights modernized new bringing and reforms regime’s republican early the Although good housewives and modern mothers. mothers. modern and housewives good

motherhood as as as motherhood n te te could they then and arly republican regime granted many new rights to women and expected expected and women to rights new many granted regime republican arly

which which the newspaper the

Genç Kız Yetişirken Kız Yetişirken Genç

Nationalism during the Nation during Nationalism

also ymbol

Öztan, “Türkiye’de Uluslaşma Sürecinde Milliyetçiliğin Kadın İmgesi Kadın Milliyetçiliğin Sürecinde Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, encou

s to create an image of modern Turkish woman who was who woman Turkish modern of image an create to s wor

Cumhuriyet of modernization. r aged women to be well be to women aged k

[Turkish: usd wti te iis pcfe b te early the by specified limits the within outside 41

from the late 1920s unti 1920s late the from When Young Girls Grow Young When - B uilding Process in Tu in uildingProcess rm t From 119

- tier model of Turkish women’s women’s Turkish of model tier he had

- educated mothers educated edrd nature gendered

to be to ] (Istanbul: Marifet (Istanbul: ] rkey”], p. 103. have103. I not p. rkey”],

firstly good mothers good firstly rih oe and women urkish l the second h second the l , of

it could h new the alf of alf , 120

” and and


It n

CEU eTD Collection project emancipation. ofwomen’s population the increase euge of sense the in 40s early the and 1930s the in character transforming its and abortion on ban the regarding argument my elaborate pro backgrou historical the introducing after thesis, my of chapter a see to order the of framework broader in backgrounds these all analyzing by understood be should discourses pro by wombs women’s of politicization and abortion on ban The Turkey. of period republican early the of elements important were context modern a into transformed were which structures patriarchal traditional within lives private their in - natalist concerns in the last decades of the Ottoman Empire, I will mainly focus on and on focus mainly will I Empire, Ottoman the of decades last the in concerns natalist

and the politicization of women’s bodies within the context of the the of context the within bodies women’s of politicization the and

socio - political conjuncture of conjuncture political

nic ideas and concerns in addition to wor to addition in concerns and ideas nic 42

early republican Turkey. In the next the In Turkey. republicanearly - nd of the ban on abortion and and abortion on ban the of nd aait polici natalist s n eugenic and es ries to ries CEU eTD Collection showing 121 by manner detailed a in period republican early the in 40s early the and 1930s th after Empire; Ottoman the in criminalized was abortion which in context the and abortion about concerns the of background historical a provide will I subchapter, next the In abortion. of expressed byFoucault, t seeking 19 the classical after right of sovereign biopolitical transformation to right the sovereign experienced Having Empire. Ottoman the of decades legislatio and steps important were there that fact the to due period republican early the in only not were motherhood. helpe which backgrounds important were before explained legislations the the in of women All towards chapter. treatments previous unequal the in seen have we as mother, modern a and housewife, new the which in proce nation the and genderroles new of construction the between links the see crucialto per same the at held implementations period republican early

Foucault, DISCOURSES, AND DISCOURSES, ss in order to understand and understand to order in ss CHAPTER OF CONTEXT BAN 3: ONABORTION THE at, I will focus on the ban on abortion and its mixing with eugenic discourses in the the in discourses eugenic with mixing its and abortion on ban the on focus will I at, The ban on abortion and the biological control of reproduction and women’s wombs women’s and reproduction of control biological the and abortion on ban The bodies women’s Turkish of politicization the analyze to aims chapter This cnrl f eorpi srcue ad ouain s cletv ett, as entity, collective a as population and structures demographic of control o “ Society Must be Defended”: Lectures at the College de France de College the at Lectures Defended”: Must be Society

s ocrig brin n dsrs o nrae h pplto i te last the in population the increase to desires and abortion concerning ns mg o Trih oa ncsiae a eulcn ie a ideal an wife, republican a necessitated woman Turkish of image


the Ottoman Empire began toformthe Ottoman Empireregarding legislations began theissue

THEIR THEIR t ue icuss uh s oa’ piay oe being role primary woman’s as such discourses use to d n te a o aoto, uei discourses eugenic abortion, on ban the and


have a better perspective about perspective better a have SOCIAL REPRESENTATION SOCIAL iod within within iod 43

the project of women’s emancipation women’s of project the


n 20 and , p. p. 241. , early republican Turkey Turkey republican early



etre ta was that centuries , EUGENIC ,

and legal legal and - building

in the the in . It is It . CEU eTD Collection 124 10.1353/sex.0.00 http://dx.doi.org/ 2014, Mayon accessed 20, 383, 3 no. (2008): 17, Century,” Nineteenth ofthe Empire Ottoman inthe Perspectives and 123 122 body woman’s and fetus the of life the was abortion to related issues the of point focal the hygiene, public population asa taking collectivecontrol entity, and of increasing concerns thepopulation, of started. period. necessity valid a was of possible sect was abortion religious Hanefi, the followed generally which framework legal Ottoman the In soul. a one biopolitical the sovereignrightto classical fromtransformation to related discussed being factors important most the of One existence. its of decades last the during context Ottoman the in individuals, than rather group colle a as accepted populations control to order in hygiene public and means medical on the the3.1 History Ban Last of Abortionin Decades theEmpire Ottoman of subjects ofabortion, pro the on writings intellectuals’ and stories, newspaper the in abortions illegal of reflection discourses, medical sphere, social the affected discourses political and frameworks legal wi I chapter, this of section final the In legislations. the from articles striking

Foucault, Ertem, Ibidem, p. 49. p. Ertem, Ibidem, Tuba


eadn te xlnto poie b Fual ta svrinis ea t use to began sovereignties that Foucault by provided explanation the Regarding Demirci & Selçuk Akın Somel, “ Somel, Akın &DemirciSelçuk exper transformations the Before

However, it was very arguable and difficult to decide when conception had really had conception when decide to difficult and arguable very was it However, “ Society Must be Defended”: Lectures at the College de France de College the at Lectures Defended”: Must be Society

in terms of giving harm to it. Having said that the Ottoman legal context context legal Ottoman the that said Having it. to harm giving of terms in

123 - since it was believed that the fetus did not obtain a soul until that until soul a obtain not did fetus the that believed was it since natalism, and mixing its witheugen 122

we can see th see can we but discouraged but Women’s Bodies, Demography, and Public Health: Abortion Policy Policy Abortion Health: Public and Demography, Bodies, Women’s

brin n h Otmn Empire Ottoman the in abortion ienced in the 19 the in ienced 44 e same transformation of this bi this of transformation same e


up to 120 to up th Journal of the History of Sexuality of History the of Journal

century regarding the control of control the regarding century ic concerns. days after conception if there if conception after days , p. p. 244. , -

was when the fetus got got fetuswasthe when 25

opolitical shiftopolitical -

ll show how show ll eoe this before

, vol. , ctive ctive CEU eTD Collection http://yakinturkiyetarihi.weebly.com/1/post/2013/07/osmanlda published 125 under taken also were sellers drug and pharmacists physicians, “The that: mind in bear to started after 1838. time. that although 1858 in Otto the in abortion regarding controlling of regulations legal first The areas. implementations interference state’s the them making the and bodies women’s forth brought opinions These economically. and having that thought had rulers Ottoman late the reproduction, controlled regime republican early the as empire; the in Christians to compared population Muslim the of percentage the to attention drew also which century, lo the by and country the within changes demographic socially and biologically decline. pro and Law Penal Napoleonic 1810 the with France in abortion of criminalization as such Europe in examples other were 19 the in Empire Ottoman the to unique not was case the legitimate to means a as used and politicized were bodies women’s 19 the of structures state new the of control biologicalunder taken be to began socie to committed crime a as abortion the accept to and abortions having from subjects female prevent to as so frameworks legal new forming by population the protect to step a made

Nazlı Özkul, “Osmanlı’da Kürtaj Yasağı” [Turkish: “The Ban on Abortion in the Ottoman inAbortion the on Ban “The Yasağı” [Turkish: Kürtaj “Osmanlı’da Özkul, Nazlı ty rather than to an individual. After all of these analyses,reproduction After saytyrather thancan all that toanindividual. ofthese one Given the fact that the Ottoman Empire was seeking ways to control reproduction control to ways seeking was Empire Ottoman the that fact the Given In 1838, abortion was banned by an ordinance of Sultan Mahmud II. It is important is It II. Mahmud Sultan of ordinance an by banned was abortion 1838, In

on March 7, 2013 7, March on 125

t ol b si ta te opeesv ipeettos eadn abortion regarding implementations comprehensive the that said be could It there were some were there

, accessed on January 16, 2014, 2014, 16, accessed January on,

n tyn t ices is ouain ht elnd u t the to due declined that population its increase to trying and

man system can be traced back to the Ottoman Criminal Code Criminal Ottoman the to back traced be can system man - aait oiis asd y an by caused policies natalist explanatory documents and edicts by the Sultans before before Sultans the by edicts and documents explanatory

a bigger population meant to be powerful militarily powerful be to meant population bigger a 45

- krtaj th - s f akn ertre i te 19 the in territories Balkan of ss yasa.html

century due to the fact that there that fact the to due century

ite aot population about xieties e ocrs This concerns. se

Empire”], th


and th

CEU eTD Collection 129 konulur.” küreğe muvakkaten olmuşise hatununıskat hamile fiil guna ile yahutbir sair kimse“Bir darp me: by Turkish translated in passage is the original Here http://dergiler.ankara.edu.tr/dergiler/38/1499/16550.pdf University of Law Ankara of Faculty of Journal author.], the to English titlebelongs The Empire.” 128 127 126 of control take to and lives private people’s with intervene to ruling Ottoman late the for way the paved all consent. her take not did or mothers of approval on depended either but miscarriage, a causing of ways other describe to continued 193 Article law. Islamic in fine the only pay to had sentencebe not unintentionallywould miscarriage a causedwho was done infringement the if Law, Sharia the temporary a to sentenced is action other any or pounding by miscarriage a have to woman pregnant a caused who person “A that: Article state. the of spheres the be to made were wombs courses women’s behaviors atschool, control reproductive to their by monitoring bodies. th got who midwives, new the instrumentalizing in resulted of means a as midwives use to was aim state’s Ottoman the methods, medical of enlightenment and modernization 1 in established was school A 1840s. the of beginning the at population the control to order in state the by projected was that service important an became midwifery abortion, on ban the and policies natalist drugs.” abor[t]ifacient of use illegal prevent to order in control central the

Belkıs Konan, “Osmanlı Devleti’nde Çocuk Düşürme Çocuk “Osmanlı Devleti’nde BelkısKonan, 50. p. Ibid., Ertem, Ibidem, Ibid., 331. p. Ibid., Correspondingly, abortion was criminalized in the 1858 Criminal Law and women’s and Law Criminal 1858 the in criminalized was abortion Correspondingly, - ı cenin eylemesine sebep olursa diyetolursa sebep eylemesine ı cenin

p. 49. p. the population. One of the main focal points of controlling the population the controlling of points focal main the of One population. the

it uvilne n re t prevent to order in surveillance did no did

t make a distinction for punishments of perpetrators who perpetrators of punishments for distinction a make t 842 in Istanbul; e Istanbul; in 842 ], vol. 57, no. 4 (2008): 330, accessed on April 30, 2014, on accessed April 30, 330, (2008): 4 no. 57, vol. ], rowing Ankara Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi Dergisi Fakültesi Üniversitesi Hukuk Ankara - i şerriyesi istifa olunduktan sonra olunduktan istifa i şerriyesi 46

S n purpose.” on , after he or she pays the fine according to according fine the pays she or he after , uçu” [Turkish: “ in t Law “Abortion [Turkish: uçu” ven though ven

192 which banned abortion stated abortion banned which 192

n poal aoto, which abortion, probable any eir education through medical medical through education eir 128

d to a temporary rowing temporary a to d n te wrs te person the words, other In

129 it was seen as a step to step a as seen was it

eğer bu teaddsi an teaddsi bu eğer These circumstances These 126

Rega he Ottoman heOttoman [Turkish: [Turkish: rding pro rding - kasd

127 but


CEU eTD Collection 2014, 9, January on accessed 134 myself. Ertem’sarticle, prevent hususu. Z 29 133 132 131 kurtajin 2014, Januaryon16, accessed 2012, Abortio ofBanning Bill the Draft Ottoman and the in Engineering “Population 130 patterns family traditional nor of concept the o Committee the of period the as called also be might which Period, Turks Young the during scene the to brought were their reproduction. economically help to 1904 in formed was declaration a decline, population of fears the of result a As population. Muslim the especially population, empire the of future the for concern by empire. the in abortion ordered prevent to order prudence in 1890 in II popular Abdülhamid mentioned and references religious gave that report the God. the against act an was abortion as such abortion to references religious also were there population, its on depended country having pre to wanted and empire the throughout populations Muslim an Christian of proportion the about concerned much were Sultans the and officials State density. population high a had which territories Balkan of losses to due it increase to was

Başbakanlık Osmanlı Arşivi [Turkish: The Ottoman Archives ofthe Prime Archives Ottoman The Arşivi [Turkish: Osmanlı Başbakanlık 453. p. &Ibidem, Somel, Demirci 49. p. Ertem, Ibidem, [Turkish: Tasarısı” Yasaklanması veKürtajın Projesi Mühendisliği Nüfus “Osmanlı’da GülhanBalsoy, Zafer Toprak, “The F “The ZaferToprak,

1320, “ 1320,

” -

abortion. yasaklanmasi Drawing parallels with the former times, ideas of marriage and population increase increase population and marriage of ideas times, former the with parallels Drawing a of wellbeing the that argument the on depended largely edict 1838 the While abortion [Turkish: “ [Turkish: İslam nüfusunun artması ve ıskat ve artması nüfusunun İslam ” national family national ], ], s . The topic of helping multi helping of topic The quoted in Ertem, Ibidem, p. 51. I have not seen the document, which was quoted in quoted was which seenthehave document, I not in 51. quoted Ibidem,p. Ertem,

- 133 tasarisi

amily, Feminism, and the State d State the and Feminism, amily,

- gulhan f Union and Progress between 1908 and 1918. and 1908 between Progress and Union f


which had to had which - 134 balsoy

u a oe o gtig oenzd y olwn some following by modernized getting of model a but - - duvar/ - ı cenine mani olmak için çok çocuklu ailelere yardım yapılması yapılması yardım çocuklu ailelere çok için maniolmak ı cenine child family in order to increase p increase to in order family child ,

n i cetd nit aot h dces o the of decrease the about anxiety created it and

be 47

uring the Young Turk Period, 1908 Period, Turk the Young uring neither total imitation of Western life Western of imitation total neither 131

This condition was also similar for similar also was condition This Muslim so as to reinforce to as so families Muslim - nufus et ulm oe from women Muslim vent - Ministry] n”], n”], muhendisligi opulation of Islam and to to and Islam of opulation 132 published

There was a growing a was There , YPRK.AZJ. 19 YPRK.AZJ. ,

They developed They - projesi -

on September 5, 5, September on 1918,” p. p. 451, 1918,” h bn on ban the - ve - - styles - 46/ 46/ 130 d

CEU eTD Collection olacaklardır.” yürüyer beraber erkeklerle içtimaiyede hayatı kadınlar Sonra geçeceklerdir. tahsilden derecatı bütün geçtikleri erkeklerin ve mütefenninolacaklar ve âlim da kadınlarımız Binaenaleyh Bugünün olmayaazmetmiştir. millet kuvvetli bir Milletimiz anlaşılır. lâyıkiyle ehemmiyeti vazifeninbu düşünülürse kucağı ol[][d]uğu yerinana verilen İlk terbiye vazifesi analıktır. büyük “Kadınınen me:by translated Turkish in originaltext Cent Research Atatürk History: and Language, Culture, Atatürk 136 135 he_young_turk_peri http://kemerburgazhist101.files.wordpress.com/2013/11/toprak_the_family_feminism_and_the_state_during_t matter ofreproduction. the in bodies own their upon decide to women allow not did regime republican early the approach the of sign a gave They 1923. of month first the in Kemal Mustafa by statements the are These Euge with Abortion on the Ban 3.2 The Early in Republican PeriodContext ItsChanging and state’s sovereignty populationasa collective entity. on the and concerns, demographic identities, new of constructions these of all through looking by on Republi the of earlyperiod the in bodies women’s of politicization ban and abortion, the existence, modern a into relations familial patriarchal old of transformation li the evolution. Turkish of nature idiosyncratic the as Gökalp by accepted national also was Turkish which coming the of basis the be would that elements cultural own its Euro from concepts

Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi [Turkish: Supreme Institution of of Institution Supreme [Turkish: Merkezi Araştırma Atatürk Kurumu: Yüksek veTarih Dil AtatürkKültür, Ibidem, 451. p. Toprak, ght of this information, in the next subchapter, I will make a deeper analysis of the of analysis deeper a make will I subchapter, next the in information, this of ght nic Concerns during the 1930s and Concerns thenic 1930sand Early during 40s

ht e hv. fewrs wmn and women supporters eachto other by walking Afterwards, together in social life. have. men that be will women samescientists,educationalintellectualswilltheanddegrees have and too, our Consequently, respect. is every in nation women the for Our advance providing bosom, is properly. necessities today’s of understood mother’s One nation. strong be a is be to could determined provided duty is this education of importance where place first that the thought is it If motherhood. is woman a of duty important most The ing republic’s new gender roles, gender new republic’s ing od_1908_1918.pdf pean civilization for the sake of modernization in addition to continuing to addition in modernization of sake the for civilization pean

levazımından biri de kadınlarımızın her hususta yükselmelerini temindir. temindir. yükselmelerini hususta her kadınlarımızın de biri levazımından


and and


er], Ibidem, vol. 2, pp. 89 pp. 2, Ibidem,vol. er],

e wl b assat and assistants be will men that context it was not surprising that surprising not was it context that

ek birbirinin muin ve müzahiri vemuin ekbirbirinin


- 90. 90. Here isthe Here c of Turkey of c

- state, state, 135


CEU eTD Collection hapsolunur.” kadar üçseneye kadın,altı aydan v “Aletme: by translated 138 137 the of newspapers and 1 by 16.188.767 to increased number this and inhabitants; Tur of Republic the of census first the to According republic. young the of future bright the for population the census. of times the during analyze be could increase the population of effect The population. smaller relatively a had country the since intellectuals for to theas idea thestate’s bodies ofseeingwomen’s and interferenceareas, wombs though. pro and ban this that fact changethe not did it population; the of future allo not did Turkey of regime republican early the why reasons main the of one that claim to wrong be not would It population. the increase to nation new a of establishment the to linked strictly was abortion on ban w the during lost was population the of part stronger a having of prerequisites important most the of one years.” three to months six from imprisoned is these use to someone to consenting by or medicine and stated Law Criminal InducedMiscarriage the from adapted was which

“Türk Ceza Kanunu” [Turkish: “Turkish Criminal Law”], p. 445. Here is the original passage in Turkish in Turkish isthe originalpassage Here 445. p. Law”], “TurkishCriminal [Turkish: Kanunu” “TürkCeza is Turkish originaltitlein The journal Pro Law Criminal Turkish new the with 1926 1, March on criminalized was Abortion - s natalism was an important p important an was natalism 138 rie te eut and result the praised

The early republican regime considered that having a bigger population was population bigger a having that considered regime republican early The e wih a hl i 12, h Rpbi o Tre hd 13.648.270 had Turkey of Republic the 1927, in held was which key e ilâç kullanarak veya başkası tarafından kullanılmasına razı olarak çocuk düşüren çocukdüşüren olarak razı kullanılmasına tarafından başkası veya kullanarak ilâç e

s that: “The woman who had an had who woman “The that:

and and

Republic of Turkey in 1935 after 1935 in Turkey of Republic Conducting Conducting Kasten Çocuk Düşürmek ve Düşürtmek Cürümleri Düşürtmek ve Düşürmek Çocuk Kasten When the result of the 1935 census was rev was census 1935 the of result the When

Itali n ea Code. Penal an

again b loig hog the through looking by d Induced olitical motive for the early republican regime and and regime republican early the for motive olitical

49 ars of the former decades. I decades. former the of ars stressed the importance of having a bigger bigger a having of importance the stressed

Abortion ne te title the Under aoto ws h cnen bu the about concern the was abortion w induced induced s

, the second census of the Republic the of census second the 137 935, as announced in the in announced as 935,

article 468 of the 1926Turkisharticle 468of the miscarriage country since a considerable a since country journal

of .

- natalist concerns led concerns natalist - eois f Having of Felonies ealed to the public, the to ealed state and the desire the and state s and newspapers newspapers and s n this context, the context, this n

by using devices devices using by journal

s CEU eTD Collection çevrilir.” hapse hapiscezası veağır indirilir yazılı cezal yukarıda hakkında veyadüşürtenler düşüren çocuk kurtarmakiçin evlâtlığın veya anasının veya karısının veya “Kendisinin me: by translated 141 millet, bir sayıda bu olan edecek müdafaa ve bayındıracak ülkemizi Güzel kazandırıyor. hak bize için görmek veferah 140 Houses 139 to related section 19 the in transformation biopolitical The dignity. and pudicity, honor, did legislation women’s regarding mentality previous the use to continued regime republican early the slandering, by itself disassociate to trying was regime lib their concerning to women opportunities and rights new granting of spite in that fact the well shows article This stating that: control on but psychology or health body woman’s individual on focus not did it that fact the to due formation modern a into society and family in both structures traditional also and patriarchal previous of contextualization the understand to important ve also is section same the of 472 article abortion, banned that 468 article to addition In dignity. and honor women’s perceived regime republican early the how see to striking for thefuture ofthewith statement: countrythe articles in oneof of Turkey

Ibid. Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “1927 sayımına göre artma payı, istikbali geniş istikbali sayımınaartmapayı, göre “1927 me: by translated isthe in originalTurkish text Here Ibid. Census”], “The [Turkish: Sayımı” “Nüfus “Türk Ceza Kanunu” [Turkish: “Turkish Criminal Law”], p. 445. Here is the original text in Turkish inTurkish isthe originaltext Here 445. p. Law”], “TurkishCriminal [Turkish: Kanunu” “TürkCeza ], vol. 6, issu 6, vol. ], I adto t pro to addition n insanlığın istinad edeceği başlıca temellerden biri olabilir.” biri temellerden başlıca edeceği istinad insanlığın had been Percentage of increase in relation to relation in increase of Percentage or his/heror mother’s, his/her or foster child’s, or his/her sister’s pudicity. miscarriage imp to changed is one imprisonment from reduced are abortion] above The population [of number will rely on. this having and by 1935 the defend to according country will which beautiful nation our A broadly.develop and contently future the see

o fcs n h lf o te fetus the of life the on focus not e. 33 (November 1935): 209. (November 1935): 33 e. felonies


- s written punishments [in the articles of the section related to to related section the of articles the [in punishments written 140

or co or 139

of abortion and miscarriage, did not emphasize the life of women of life the emphasize not did miscarriage, and abortion of -

aait huhs n pltczto o wmns ois i is it bodies, women’s of politicization and thoughts natalist This population increase was perceived as a good sign andgood sign relief a was increase as This population perceived eration from the previous traditional structures from which the which from structures traditional previous the from eration nducted

census] might be one of the essential bases mankind bases essential the of one be mightcensus]

abortion th Ülkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Halkevleri Ülkü:

etr; u te at ril, h 472 the article, last the but century;

iomn fr epe h had who people for risonment - third third s 50

in order to save to order in the 1927 the

down ,

hc mgt e en s rsl o the of result a as seen be might which

census gives us the right to right the us gives census o w tid ad heavy and thirds two to

[Turkish: [Turkish: his/ ın veya kızkardeş veya ın her, or his wife’s, his or her, ar üçte birden üçte ikiye kadar kadar üçteikiye birden üçte ar Ideal: Journal of Community Community of Journal Ideal:

induced ling her body by by body her ling inin namusunu namusunu inin th 141

ril o the of article

ry CEU eTD Collection eder.” avdet davası umumiye hukuku olursa vaki boşanma olmaksızın sebep makbul bir k seneye aydanbir altı kızlığını bozarsa [d]a kandırıp kızıdiye alacağım bir yaşını dolduran beş “Herkimon me: by translated 143 142 regarding society before discussed have I as framework framework legal the in women to rights modernized many brought regime republican early the that accept I though Even relations. accept and societyfamily andthe structures patriarchal previous the continuing of attempts but women modernizing of concerns elites’ republican the to due their honor insoci marriage women’s individualities, their to importance giving than rather citizens female of dignity and honor law common of process legal returns.” the reason, acceptable an without place takes divorce if Insofar valid. longer no becomes punishment marriage, of case In year. one to months who girl Pudicity a deflowers to Assaults Make and Minors, Seduce Rape, Who 423 Article Law. Criminal Turkish 1926 the from example mentalitygiven ofand importance tohonor andby theearly dignity republican regime. patriarchal the shows circumstance This crime. a committed they although less punished was honor families’ their and individuals attacked, women’s If concerned. primarily was honor families’ their and women’s when well as group collective a as population of importance the and

The original title in Turkish is is Turkish originaltitlein The “Türk Ceza Kanunu” [Turkish: “Turkish Criminal Law”], p. 437. Here is the original passage in Turkish in Turkish isthe originalpassage Here 437. p. Law”], “TurkishCriminal [Turkish: Kanunu” “TürkCeza hn the When 143

Given the fact that this article clearly shows the perception of focusing on the on focusing of perception the shows clearly article this that fact the Given adar hapsolunur. Evlenme vukuu halinde ceza sakıt olur. Şu kadar ki beş sene zarfında senezarfında beş ki Şu kadar sakıt olur. ceza halinde vukuu Evlenme hapsolunur. adar the perception of women’s roles; women’s of perception the ety. It was one of the remarkable Itwas the ety. one of su cms o aig oe’ pdct, wud ie o ie another give to like would I pudicity, women’s saving to comes issue -

even with their deceivers deceivers their with even who who un ffen y rcig e t gt are i ipioe fo six from imprisoned is married get to her tricking by fifteen turns had Cebren Irza Geçen, Küçükleri Baştan Çıkaran ve ve Çıkaran Baştan Küçükleri Geçen, Irza Cebren

induced miscarriage induced

in which women had to had women which in

social norms that were enforced by the patriarchal familialpatriarchal the wereenforcedby that norms social -

- these new rights did not change the mentalities of mentalities the change not did rights new these

there wer there 51


was accepted as a convenient way t way convenient a as accepted was s

paradoxes of the earlyrepublican regime oftheparadoxes and the articles shown in my thesis from from thesis my in shown articles the and

e still some limitations even in the legal the in even limitations some still e or conducted or


control , under the title of title the under , , 142 illegal abortion illegal led by male members of members male by led

ttd ht “Whoever that: stated İffete Taarruz Edenler İffete

The People The s

would be would o save save o


CEU eTD Collection yüksekevsaf çok pek koymak, halineuzuv değildir. “ me: by translated Turkish text in is the original 156. Here p. 2, Ibidem,vol. Center], Research Atatürk History: and Language, Culture, Atatürk 145 144 more modern and sc a in but regime, republican early the by imposed mothers modern and wives ideal being by roles traditional their continue to had still They women. of treatment unequal had that cou which husbands, or fathers their of face the in spheres private their in themselves liberate to women for opportunities within infrastructures chan by sphere public the in women women.” for duty national a as children and marriage included women. of duties vital the of one as explained th During duties. maternal and roles traditional education an have work, inheritance, equal an share unveil, divorce, to right as such women to rights emancipation women’s of limits the and woman Turkish of image new the with associated also was militar economic, of terms in powerful inequalities women experienced and intrafamilialrelations. lives intheir private 1926 the and Law Civil 1926 the

Atatürk Kültür, Dil ve Tarih Yüksek Kurumu: Atatürk Araştırma Merkezi [Turkish: Supreme Institution of of Institution Supreme [Turkish: Merkezi Araştırma Atatürk Kurumu: Yüksek veTarih Dil AtatürkKültür, 146. Ibidem,p. White, Coming back to the population increase and associating its image with being more more being with image its associating and increase population the to back Coming Bu[]günün anaları için evsafı lâzimeyi haiz evlât yetiştirmek, evlâtlarını bugünkü hayat için faal bir faal bir hayat için bugünkü yetiştirmek,evlâtlarını haizevlât evsafı lâzimeyi için anaları Bu[]günün ,

and political suffrage in order to make them modernized but not to leave their leave to not but modernized them make to order in suffrage political and s t a i peiu tms Bign u cide wo ae necessary have who children up Bringing times. previous in was it as with children today’s provide will mothers upbringing The informed even than men. If they really want to be mothers of the nation, they have be to like this. the of mothers be to want well really they more If men. and than prosperous,even informed more enlightened, more be to today have women for our Therefore, members mothers. today’s for dynamic qualifications high having on as depend them raising and qualifications ientificMustafa concepts asstated1923: by in Kemal

oit, h ery eulcn eom dd o poie many provide not did reforms republican early the society, n h sne ht h ery republican early the that sense the in Analar

ld be analyzed well through the articles of new legislations legislations new of articles the through well analyzed be ld 145 ın bugünkü evlâtlarına vereceği terbiye eski devirlerdeki gibi basit gibibasit devirlerdeki eski terbiye vereceği evlâtlarına ınbugünkü

ın hamili olmağa mütevakkıftır. mütevakkıftır. hamili olmağa ın Criminal Law had paved the way for the continuity of continuity the for way the paved had Law Criminal

ig h fre Ilmc n Otmn socio Ottoman and Islamic former the ging y, political y, 52

“Modernity, as defined by the Turkish state, Turkish the by defined as “Modernity, e early republican period, motherhood was was motherhood period, republican early e , and social contexts social and , Bi

144 reforms granted many new new many granted reforms naenaleyh kadınlarımız hattâ kadınlarımız naenaleyh

While liberating Turkish liberating While is not as easy as not is ,

the ban on abortion abortion on ban the

s life ’s the project of project the

- - cul tural tural CEU eTD Collection (MAThesi 148 Socio as a 147 146 ist olmak milletinanası faz daha feyizli, çok daha münevver, çok daha erkeklerden order in children have to and married an methods modernized using by children robust and strong raise to also but children more have to women forced only not period This concerns. eugenic Turkish of rise the with 1930s the during increased were r traditional the of which continuity the and women, Turkish the of wi integration and within burden emancipation both necessitated double and conditions These too. children, same describe were dec new as ameans continuea to modern patriarchy socio in grante mothers.” and wives better as patriarchy Republican the to contribution their improve to only finer skills, and education with women Turkish the equip to intended “Kemalism that: argues new the with s roles primarytheir that cultural

ZehraF. See: E See: Dönemind Cumhuriyet “ErkenÖztan, journal d new rights to women to rights new d Owing to high stress on motherhood, through the the through motherhood, on stress high to Owing let to desire great a having While

fe Atabay, “Eugenics, Modernity “Eugenics, Atabay,fe ade, women who wanted to have to wanted who women ade, - skills Political Project during the Early Republican Period”], 16. p. Period”], Republican Early during the Project Political s, McGill University, 2009). University, McGill s,

146 Arat, Ibidem, p. 57. 57. p. Arat,Ibidem,

ecuae wmn o o on go to women encouraged s blee ht t a no was it that believe I modernized means modernized , d as traitors within the within traitors as d

and integration with integration and iyorlarsa böyle olmalıdırlar.” iyorlarsa

hould still be motherhood and motherhood be still hould

although , t h sm tm, etitn sm sca gop t get to groups social some restricting time, same the at d, ,

which requiredwhich e Sosyoe

and the Rationalization of Morality in Early Republican Turkey,” Turkey,” Republican Early in ofMorality Rationalization the and society journal

to protect the health of the race. the of health the protect to te ny esn h te al rpbia regime republican early the why reason only the t ls f en iel ie ad oenzd mothers, modernized and wives ideal being of oles the project of women’s emancipation emancipation women’s of project the - Politik Bir Proje Olarak Çocuk Bakımı Çocuk Olarak Proje Bir Politik

illegal abortion illegal

, s acting as state propaganda state asacting s

53 oe ipoe hi euainl and educational their improve women Mustafa Kemal did not forget to remind them remind to forget not did Kemal Mustafa hi scaie dte o raig n bearing and rearing of duties sacralized their

la bilgili olmağa mecburdurlar. mecburdurlar. bilgili olmağa la more scientific and civilized methods. Arat methods. civilized andscientific more - cultural context.

raising s late 1920s and with the turn of the of turn the with and 1920s late

th or rejected having more children children more having rejected or

oit i te oiia sphere political the in society

more and healthy generat healthyand more



” [Turkish: “Childcare “Childcare [Turkish: ” These groups who groups These Eğer hakikaten hakikaten Eğer was also used also was


147 socio

ions The -

CEU eTD Collection Dergisi Halkevleri Ülkü: 151 published Nasıl Yaşatmalı? Çocuğunu Turkey Akalın(1862 BesimÖmer 150 theincreasepopulation”], to order alivein 149 understand not could rulers Ottoman the that claiming byheritage Ottoman the from society mentality. isolated their of limits the in were isolated havece last the of developments to gradual the from themselves considered were statesmen Ottoman since reformations Ottoman the developmencontinuation and wererepublican period notthe theearlythat thereforms of out pointed clearly was It regime. republican new the of aims political the of one also was y these during ideas inthesocio concern of matter in individuals childcare, scientific procreation, for Turkish of terms in modern changes massive and system state new a of establishment the with dealing republic early the while directions, additional to bodies women’s of politicization of path the leading and policies racial of terms in 1930s the in state the healthyelements and country the for burden a as depicted were children have to restricted were

Regarding childca Regarding kept be should born “The [Turkish: yaşatmalıdır” doğanları için art[t]ırmak “Nüfusu SafaeddinKaranakçı, “İnkılap Kürsüsünde İsmet Paşa[’]nın Dersi” [Turkish: “Lect [Turkish: Dersi” Paşa[’]nın İsmet “İnkılapKürsüsünde . Focusing on children’s growth, he wrote a popular wrotepopular hea growth, children’s on Focusing . Slandering the Ottoman EmpireSlanderingimportant againideological Ottomanan of became the fact matter of infrastructures ideological creating on more focused regime republican early The zto ad euaiain I secularization. and ization

political sphere political in 1938. 1938. in society. Not only the size of the population but also its quality started to be a a be to started quality its also but population the of size the only Not society. ears since proving itself as a great and modern nation to the Western world Western the to nation modern and great a as itself proving since ears

- of re which aimed to raise robust and healthier Turkish children, healthier and robust raise to whichaimed re political environment ofTurkey of theRepublic 1930s. during the

o te eulcn lts wih eutd n aig lc o te eugenic the of place taking in resulted which elites, republican the for society.

[Turkish: [Turkish: - 1940) 1940) [Turkish: in the in 149 who was the founder of modern and pediatr and obstetrics modern of waswhofounder the Ideal: Journal of Community Houses ofCommunity Journal Ideal:

1930s How Should One Make the Turkish Child Live? Child Turkish Makethe One Should How Cumhuriyet Cumhuriyet 150 ti rgr, uei idea eugenic regard, this n and the new republican regime republican new the and

n te motne f go mar good a of importance the and 54 [Turkish: [Turkish: 151 book, which consists of two volumes, volumes, which oftwo consists book,

hs lo rvdd gon to ground a provided also This ure ofureİ Republic nturies and the reforms they made made they reforms the and nturies smet Pasha at the Reform Rostr Reform the at Pasha smet ], vol. 3, issue. 14 (April 1934): 82. (April 1934): issue. 14 3, vol. ], ], October 1, 1938, p. 5. p. 1938, 5. 1, October ], satd o cu i the in occur to started s

of the 1920s had been been had 1920s the of

here it is important to state important to it is here intensified ] . The book was Thebook . ics in the Republic of Republic ics inthe ig b healthy by riage


Türk danger for for danger

distance um”], um”], t of t of

CEU eTD Collection dairesinde usulü hastalıklar Bu memnudur. evlenmesi müptelâmarazıolanların akliye vebir cüzama 155 mc00801593.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/ 154 153 =tr https://disk.yandex.com.tr/public/?hash=xQgysjJ14eIlAiwXGUhG6peFbXFtBz/QZ Turkey in Turkey”], 152 stated that: 123 article instance, For children. have and married get to not people some to restrictions some bringing at aimed that implementations some brought Law Health Public 1930 the marri getting before examinations medical Sections Previous control. state under taken was marriage Turkey of Republic the in 1930 in legalized waswhich La Health Public the context, this In race. the of health and integrity the of protection pro hygiene, social were: Turkey regardingpoints and their stress eugenics integrity onthe continual ofthe race. pre a as bein fit morally accepted and struggle of area merciless a as life perceived Empire Ottoman the last the of during centuries started were that perspectives Darwinist Social addition, In ignorance. long and diseases epidemic to owing lost was population the of amount huge a and population the of importance the

“Umumî Hıfzıssıhha Kanunu” [Turkish: “The Public Health Law”], p. 216, accessed on April 23, 2014, 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 216, p. Law”], Health Public “The [Turkish: Kanunu” Hıfzıssıhha “Umumî is Turkish originaltitlein The in Thought Darwinist “Social [Turkish: Düşüncesi” Sosyal Darwinizm “Türkiye’de HasanSee: Ünder, Ibid. Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “Frengi, bel soğukluğu ve yumuşak şankr ve şankr yumuşak ve soğukluğu bel “Frengi, me: by translated isthe in originalTurkish text Here Ibid.

, vol. 4: Nationalism], ed. Tanıl Bora (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2008), accessed on January 17, 2014, 2014, accessed January on17, 2008), Yayınları, (Istanbul: İletişim Bora Tanıl ed. Nationalism], 4: vol. , The main focal points of the eugenicist concerns in the earl the in concerns eugenicist the of points focal main The Modern Türkiye’de Siyasi Siyasi Türkiye’de Modern

have a danger of contagion or are recovered, marri recovered, are or contagion of danger a not have do form, due in treated are diseases these that showing for presented is report medical a Unless married. get to forbidden are illness mental and suf are who People not contracted.not

, 153 -

eust fr uvvl wih ol hl u t udrtn ter focal their understand to us help would which survival, for requisite

a tce 2 o te 90 ulc elh Law Health Public 1930 the of 122 rticle 155

- Geçen Fasıllar Arasında Müşterek Hükümler Müşterek Arasında Fasıllar Geçen standing devastating wars caused by the Ot the by caused wars devastating standing

fering from syphilis, gonorrhea, soft chancre, leprosy, chancre, soft gonorrhea, syphilis, from fering Düşünce - aait oiis cidae mrig rgltos and regulations, marriage childcare, policies, natalist nrae ter nest in intensity their increased , cilt. Milliyetçilik , 4: Under the title of title the Under ed. 55 154

For the sake of the advantage of the race, the of advantage the of sake the For kanuntbmmc008/kanuntbmmc008/kanuntbm

i s vital to analyze due to the factthat the analyzeto dueto vital s

[Turkish: [Turkish: ages of sick people are people sick of ages Common Provisions among the among Provisions Common . Political Thought in Modern Modern in Thought Political

bie culs o have to couples obliged society. g both physically and and physically both g y republican period of period republican y Gy5qh5qsKc%3D&locale toman ruling elites’ ruling toman 152

Eugenicists tedavi tedavi w

CEU eTD Collection 160 159 kisa 2014, 18, January on accessed Turkey”], 158 satılır.” Sıhhatve müstamel envaı tababette Bunların memnudur. vesatışı ithal velevazımın alât olunacak tayin Vekâletince Muavenet veİçtimaî Sıhhat olup vasıta düşürmeğe veyamaniçocuk “İlkaha me: by Turkishtranslated 157 156 aktolunmaz.” nikâhları olunmadıkçamusapların ibraz raporu tabip dair bulduğuna şifa veya geçtiğine sirayet tehlikesi edilip 3 article health. public for services important seventeen stating H of Ministry the by executed directly are missions which Offices Sanitary and Matters 3 Article Turkey. interwar in possible not was of propaganda making and about talk to restriction a as analyzed be might which publications, health and propaganda controlling and birth more giving encouraging state rather thanprivate the by monitored be should considered which Law institutions public Health as Public procreation 1930 and marriage the articles, the from understood be could it As Youth regardin regulations strict were there and forbidden also were methods contraceptive country, the of generations next the and health public protecting for marriages of regulation to addition In

M. Asım Karaömerlioğlu, “Türkiye’de Kürtajın Kısa Tarihi” [Turkish: “The Short inAbortion of Short History “The [Turkish: Tarihi” Kısa Kürtajın “Türkiye’de Asım M. Karaömerlioğlu, L Health Public “The [Turkish: Kanunu” Hıfzıssıhha “Umumî is Turkish originaltitlein The “Umumî Hıfzıssıhha Kanunu” [Turkish: “The Public Health Law”], pp. 201 pp. Law”], Health Public “The [Turkish: Kanunu” Hıfzıssıhha “Umumî is Turkish originaltitlein The - tarihi ,

156 h 13 Pbi Hat Lw s lo motn i trs f pro of terms in important also is Law Health Public 1930 The

İçtimaî Muavenet Vekâletinin tayin edeceği şartlar dairesinde ithal edilir ve eczanelerde reçete ile reçete veeczanelerde ithal edilir dairesinde şartlar tayinedeceği Vekâletinin Muavenet İçtimaî g their usage and impo and usage their g

stated measures which could increase and facilitate and increase could which measures stated

a rticle

designated by the Ministry Health of and Social Assistance prescription of requirement the science the in used Assistance Social and Health miscarriage to means or insemination ins of selling and Importation

152 of t 152 of


he 1930 Public Health Law Health1930 Public he 158 Devlet Hidematı Sıhhiyesi ve Sıhhî Merciler Sıhhî ve Sıhhiyesi Hidematı Devlet Koruması Gençlik ve Çocukluk

of medicine are imported are medicine of 159 rtation. Under the title of title the Under rtation.

- http://www.bianet.org/bianet/siyaset/139903

f h 13 Pbi Hat Lw pcfe vr clearly very specified Law Health Public 1930 the of truments and supplies which are which supplies and truments is forbidden. Varieties of the of Varieties forbidden. is ,

within the limits of conditions that wil that conditions of limits the within



n dsgae b te iity of Ministry the by designated and under the title of title the under s tat . and sold in pharmacies with pharmacies in sold and aw”], p. 220. Here isthe in original text Here 220. p. aw”],

160 ed that:

Protection of the Children the of Protection The first and second principles of principles second and first The ealth and Social Assistance by Assistance Social and ealth birth


- , could reduce child death, death, child reduce could , . se [instruments] se 157 202. State Services of Sanitary Sanitary of Services State

obstacles to to obstacles

- turkiye - aa plce by policies natal that control birth l be l - de - kurtajin

and the and -

CEU eTD Collection medals. receive would law ofthe promulgation 164 163 162 freeofcharge. was institutions state inbirth for help that stated also same article The longer. staying necessitated conditions weekto stayin a offici for period werein puerperal women who obliged 161 mothers ideal being and issue population the to contribution medals receive or awards monetary choose to allowed mor or six had who women Assistance Social and Health of Ministry stat Law Health Public 1930 the of 156 article glori transformation biopolitical the experiencedearlyrepublicanlate by the 1920s,30s,andthe regimeintheearly 40s. and population the regulations of these control All biological work. the to above explained explained report medical the have not did who leprosy.venerealhaveand tuberculosis,diseases, not did Law Health Public 1930 the necess of 125 Article nurses: wet to restrictions were there and cautiously very controlled be to wanted Childcare race. the and country the of future the for pro that understand propaganda while anywas propagandawould notexist. birthcontrol encouraged to easy it makes which Assistance, Social and Health of als 3 article of principle seventeenth The regime. republican early the by population and reproduction to given importance the as analyzed be could which article, the of beginning the at out pointed of protection to related are and

Regarding the protection of mothers’ health after giving birth, article 153 of the 1930 Public Health Law Health Public ofthe 1930 153 article givingbirth, afterhealth ofmothers’ protection the Regarding Ibid. T Ibid. 220. p. Ibid., 217. p. Law”], Health Public “The [Turkish: Kanunu” Hıfzıssıhha “Umumî id gi. n h tpc f lrfcto o mteho ad ulczn ti issue, this publicizing and motherhood of glorification of topic the On again. fied itated wet nurses to submit medical reports every six months which showed that they that showed which months six every reports medical submit to nurses wet itated Like the 1920s, within eugenicist concerns during the 1930s, motherhood was was motherhood 1930s, the during concerns eugenicist within 1920s, the Like abov and Over he same article also stated that even women who had six or more children at the time ofthe time more the childrenat six had whoor women that even stated hesame also article o labeled medical publications and propaganda as services done by done services as propaganda and publications medical labeled o

e this, the same law was also strict concerning the health of children of health the concerning strict also was law same the this, e

children e mothers’ health before and after giving birth. giving after and before health mothers’

fe te rmlain f h law the of promulgation the after

vr year every 57

ed that there would be a budget a be would there that ed n re t gv mntr award monetary give to order in 164 162

which honored them due to their to due them honored which

The same article banned womenarticlebannedsame The al institutions unless their health unlesstheir institutions al .

“Women’s bodies and social and bodies “Women’s

. 163

161 the Ministry Ministry the

hy were They

within the within These are These - natalism


CEU eTD Collection yaratmıştır.” mekanizması baskı “ the Nation during Nationalism 169 childr sturdy raise ways modernto for recommendations 1926 between published 168 Yarışmaları Çocuk 167 Socio as a 166 istenmiştir.” kuşatılmak ile gayesi yaratmakanne’ ‘ideal bir yaşamı tümüyle vesosyal bedeni “Kadın Nationalis 165 restrictions onabortion. the intensifying to addition in politicized were wombs their and reproduction for means country. their towards debts children. b to reduced were lives social and bodies mechanism” oppression psychological a created fidelity’ and ‘indebtness which mothers’ becoming of mission children. healthy and strong raise and procreate to burdened were women the new republ etc. nutrition, and bedtime babies’ of regulations instance for childcare; rational and practices childcare on propaganda encou regime’s republican new the r child and birth Giving discourses.eugenicist of element important very a became above, explained criteria regime’s the to according pre while generations healthy of population the increase to trying regime’s republican new the aims, ideological and political these of result mothers.’” ‘ideal creating of aim the with surrounded totally be to wanted lives Genç kızlar üzerinde ‘borçluluk ve vefa’ temaları üzerine kurgulanan ‘anne olma misyonu’ psikolojik bir bir misyonu’psikolojik ‘anneolma kurgulanan üzerine temaları vevefa’ ‘borçluluk üzerinde kızlar Genç

Here, it Here, as isnamed Inthe term Turkish, 134. p. Nationalism,” and Modernity “Eugenics, Alemdaroğlu, Sosyo Döneminde Cumhuriyet “ErkenÖztan, İmgesi Kadın SürecindeMilliyetçiliğin Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, Öztan, “Türkiye’de Uluslaşma Sürecinde Milliyetçiliğin Kadın İmgesi Kadın SürecindeMilliyetçiliğin Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, iig it fr bih ftr o te tog ain a ielzd n Turkish and idealized was nation strong the of future bright a for birth Giving - mthe Nation during

Political Project during the Early Republican Period”], p. 19. 19. p. Period”], Republican Early during the Project Political is crucial to mention the journal mentionjournal the to iscrucial Giving birth Giving ican regimeorganizedican .

- 1935 and included many articles regarding childcare, bringing up healthy children, healthy children, up bringing childcare, many regarding articles included and 1935

f or the sake of t of sake the or

- - B B 166

uilding Process in Turkey”], p. 68. Here is the original text translated by me: by translated isthe originaltext Here 68. p. Turkey”], in uildingProcess me: by translated isthe originaltext Here 68. p. Turkey”], in uildingProcess

In order to spread rational and scientific methods of childcare,of methods scientific and rational spread to order In e a se ee gi ta wmns ois ee sd s a as used were bodies women’s that again here see can We

Gürbüz Türk Çocuğu Çocuğu Türk Gürbüz aeet f the of ragement Sturdy Child Competitions Sturdy Child he nation he - Politik Bir Politik ig ohr wo ol big up bring could who mothers eing a fcinlzd pn on grs through girls young upon fictionalized was 58 earing became national subjects nationalearingbecame en, and the importance of a bigger population. bigger ofa the and importance en,

etn uhaty epes reproduction, people’s unhealthy venting and duties national women’s as seen was Proje Olarak Çocuk Bakımı Çocuk Olarak Proje se topics, and the state state the and topics, se [Turkish:

” [Turkish: “Woman Image of Image “Woman [Turkish: ” of Image “Woman [Turkish: ” Sturdy Turkish Child Turkish Sturdy . 167

” [Turkish: “Childcare “Childcare [Turkish: ” 169 168

since women’s since Indeed, “‘ Indeed, , journal

oe healthy more in addition toaddition in

] that wasthat ] Gürbüz Gürbüz

165 s made made s

s a As [t]he CEU eTD Collection verilir.” hapiscezası kadar seneye senedendört 172 verilir.” seney beş iki seneden kimseye düşürten kadınınçocuğunu Rızasile bir verilir. hapiscezası kadar seneye yediiki on seneden kimseye düşürten çocuğunu olmaksızın kadınınrızası “Bir me: by translated Turkish in text is the original Here mc01603038.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc016/kanuntbmmc016/kan 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 996, Law”]p. Criminal ofTurkish articles 171 170 any control by about propaganda birth indicatin abolished implicitly 471 article addition, In women. pregnant to tools contraceptive provide years.” indica pu brought also 469 Article began tochange.468ofthat: Article thenew stated law i were abortion illegal to given punishments that fact the to due context racial this within understood be to started abortion on ban The too. France, and Italy in discernable was it instancefor time, that Turkeyat of Republic the to unique not wasrace of articles the of some changed Race the of Health and Integrity the against Felonies tendenci abortion. on ban the of discourses the

“Türk ceza kanununun bazı maddelerini değiştiren kanun” [Turkish: “The legislation that changed some changed that legislation “The [Turkish: kanun” değiştiren maddelerini bazı kanununun “Türkceza is Turkish originaltitlein The Ibid., p. 997. Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “İsteyerek çocuğunu düşüren kadına bir bir kadına düşüren çocuğunu me:“İsteyerek by translated inTurkish text Here is the original 997. p. Ibid., ig “h wmn h hs an has who woman “The ting:

172 While es,

The same article also depicts the punishment which i which punishment the depicts also article same The or is penalized by penalized is or year one and to up imprisoned actions is reproduction] against these are [that ofperformances conduct the for propaganda hinder makes that or performances reproduction and actions committing incites who Anybody abortion to consented who woman the on imposed is penalty same The years. an whoAnybody years. twelve to seven from imprisoned is consent an conducts who Anybody t he early republican regime republican early he

abortion continued to be illegal, the early republican regime began to change to began regime republican early the illegal, be to continued abortion abortion

e kadar hapis cezası verilir. Çocuğu düşürtmeğe rıza gösteren kadına da ayn[ı] ceza ayn[ı]ceza da kadına gösteren rıza düşürtmeğe Çocuğu verilir. hapiscezası kadar e . 171

with the consent of the of consent the with Irkın Tümlüğü ve Sağlığı Aleyhine Cürümler Aleyhine ve Sağlığı Tümlüğü Irkın

a heavy fine heavy a

ihet t wmn h had who women to nishments

h 96TrihCiia Law. Criminal Turkish 1926 the nue msarae is miscarriage induced

abortion changed the title the changed With the rise of more authoritarian and nationalist and authoritarian more of rise the With

up to one thousand lira. If the activity was activity the If lira. thousand one to up woman is imprisoned from two to five to two from imprisoned is woman 59

g that: o wmn ihu gtig her getting without woman a to 170

in 1936 in of the section related to abortion to abortion to related section the of mrsnd rm n t four to one from imprisoned , s given to individuals who individuals to given s . ncreased and the discourse the and ncreased

with a new legislation that legislation new a with nue miscarriage induced

This shift to protect the protect to shift This conducts the the untbm s

by by

CEU eTD Collection http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/TUTANAK/TBMM/d05/c012/tbmm05012078.pdf 224 pp. 1936, June11, Meeting, 175 indirilir.” kadar ikiye üçteyarıdan ceza verilecek ise işlenmiş için kurtarmak namusunu ve şeref akrabasının veya ke[n]disinin fiiller 174 hükmolunur.” birlikte ikiher ceza ise işlenmiş gayesile kazançtemini cez ağırpara kadar binliraya hapis veya kadar seneye yapankimse bir propaganda teşv işlenmesini vehareketlerin fiilmani yapmağa articles 173 necessary th parliamen of member necessity. medical a of because this needed they when die to left be would patients or crime a as accepted be would abortion if asked necessities medical causedby Vasıf Hasan by question Somyürek a was There 1936. 11, June on held speeches parliamentary these to opposition no was there abortion, or others’and honorpudicityinthe eyesofsociety. i and miscarriages down half from his/her or his/her save to order in committed are 471 article in ones “If the except section that: this in written stated actions It Law. Criminal Turkish 1926 the in case important an was it as order, an honor women’s brought which 472 article show to remarkable also is it legislation, new the in abortion on ban the Regarding nduced lvl f uihet for punishments of level e

Ibid. Ibid. some changed that legislation “The [Turkish: kanun” değiştiren maddelerini bazı kanununun “Türkceza “T.B.M.M. Zabıt Ceridesi “T.B.M.M. of Turkish Criminal Law”] p. 997. Law”]p. Criminal ofTurkish Here isthe Here uig h cags f h peiu atce ad titr uihet regarding punishments stricter and articles previous the of changes the During

miscarriages and and miscarriages

, who , to put a statement regarding abortion caused by medical necessities due to the factthe to due necessitiesby medical caused regarding abortion statement a put to together. imposed are punishments the of both earnings, of aim the with committed

original passage in Turkish translated by me: “471[.][] madde dışında bu fasılda yazılı olan fasıldamaddebu dışında “471[.][] me: by translated in Turkish originalpassage was a member of parliament and a doctor, a and parliament of member a was

relatives’ honor and pudicity, punishment w punishment pudicity, and honor relatives’

abortions were increased, the punishment was considerably reduced if if reduced considerably was punishment the increased, were abortions o w thirds.” two to 173


explained that when they changed the articles, they only increased increased only they articles, the changed they when that explained ” [Turkish: “Turkish Grand National Assembly Official Report”], the 78 Report”], AssemblyOfficial National Grand “Turkish [Turkish: ” conducted - 225, accessed on April 23, 2014, 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 225,

nue msarae ad abortions and miscarriages induced duringthe

Here is the original text in T textis the in original Here 174 abortions

d dignity to the scenes by glorifying the patriarchal patriarchal the glorifying by scenes the to dignity d Even

discussions regarding discussions ik eden veya bu fiil bu veya eden ik legal frameworks in frameworks legal 60 175 huh h pnsmns ie to given punishments the though had been committed by concerning women’s concerning by committed been had

s rsos, ud Sirmen Fuad response, a As

ve hareketlerin işlenmesi için için işlenmesi hareketlerin ve

urkish translated by me:“Çocuk by urkishtranslated about the legal status of abortion abortion of status legal the about

hich will will hich the the the the H si that said He . change of article 468 article of change parliament according to according parliament asile cezalandırılır. Eğer fiil fiil Eğer cezalandırılır. asile

be given is reduced is given be who , t a not was it

th induced

a a was . He He . CEU eTD Collection http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1357034X05056191 Society, 179 178 içeris da mahzurları bu ettiğim izah benim maddeninşekli yazılış Yoksa mı? muvafıkolmaz dersek suretile) kullanmak vasıtaları düşürecek (Çocuk başına cümleninbu acaba Onun için edebilir. ihbar diye kastendüşürdü araların kendisile ve Bunu duyan kaybedebilir. çocuğunu dolayısile 177 p. 225. 1936, June11, Meeting, 176 religious or ethnic specific preventing at aim not did implementations these of all However, repr to groups social some to restrictions bringing by ways eugenic negative and more reproduce to groups healthy encouraging by methods eugenic positive used both Turkey of Republic the that said be for exampleopposition, concerning pro within decisions women’s punished be not would physique ways. other any term the miscarriage used they when that indicated Sirmen punishable. been then statem Birgi, by offered the included had they if that stated He miscarriage. a cause also could which had Fuad questions, these to response a As byZiyaNuri Birgi punishable tha

Ibid. Ibid. “Turkis [Turkish: Zabıt Ceridesi” “T.B.M.M. Ayça Alemdaroğlu, Ayça Ibid. t

induced miscarriages without using tools but, for instance by jumping from a high place high a from jumping by instance for but, tools using without miscarriages induced uihet a rltd to related was punishment

Here is the original conversation in Turkish translated by me: “Kadın arzu etmediği halde bünye halde etmediği arzu “Kadın me:by translated in Turkish isthe originalconversation Here ine[mu?]” alıyor vol. 11, issue. 11, vol. Concerning eugenics and its its and eugenics Concerning

if it was done because of a medical requirement medical a of because done was it if en o uig ol t hv a icrig) t h bgnig f the of beginning the at miscarriage) a have sentence? to Ordoes writingthe the of article include problems I forth? set tools using of means an report could miscarriage abouthears and her against hatred has who neighbors her of Any that. for intention she an have if not even does physique her of because miscarriage a have can woman The ,

they would include all include would they induced miscarriage. For that reason, is not it consistent if we put (by put we if consistent it not is reason, that For miscarriage. induced e e He

, who

3 (2005): 70, accessed on March 26, 2014, 2014, 26, March on accessed 70, (2005): 3 “Politics of the Body and Eugenic Disco Eugenic and ofthe Body “Politics

in pand ht w that xplained

was of amember parliamentanda doctor, duced miscarriages done without using instruments could instruments using without done miscarriages duced

oduce as it was analyzed through the 1930 Public Health Law. Health Public 1930 the through analyzed was it as oduce

ind . 178 legal framework in the early republican period, it might it period, republican early the in framework legal cd icrigs n abortions and miscarriages uced induced miscarriages done either by using tools or in or tools using by either done miscarriages induced

n te ea cags ee cetd ihu any without accepted were changes legal the And

Sirmen explained that there that explained Sirmen h Grand National Assembly Official Report”], the 78 Report”], AssemblyOfficial National Grand h mn h mgt ae icrigs u t their to due miscarriages have might who omen 61

urse in Early Republican Turkey, Republican ursein Early da münaferet olan her[]hangi bir komşusu komşusu her[]hangi bir münaferetolan da

the issue as if she had she if as issue the . 176

There was another question another was There -

natalist discourses. regarding article469as:

were also cases women cases also were n i wud o be not would it and aig an having 177

” Body & Body

not have not th induced

ent 179

CEU eTD Collection tatbiki v bulunacakları altında mükellefiyeti spor mevsimlerde müddetlevehangi kadar ne vatandaşların yaştaki Hangi mecburidir. etmek terbiyesine devam beden H mc01803530.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc018/kanuntbmmc018/kanuntbm 181 180 healthier and bigger a of necessity the of because country the of future the for health and training physical of importance the about writing were authors some Law, Discipline 1938 the of implementation the before Even republic. young the the for of requirements development important most the of two as seen were which children, healthier to they since time spare their in training physical do to expected were Women Provisions and 1938 in effect in went Law Discipline Body The enforcements. legal opinions’ these to way the paved which perspectives, Darwinist Social of terms in fit morally and physically both being of importance the more emphasized raceand the of integrity the for strong and healthy being on more focused discourses legal eugenic implementin differ important still were there Germany, in happening implementations the by affected got eugenicists li birth giving and married getting from though, practice in known not framework, legal the in groups ere is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “Gençler için kulüplere girmek ve boş zamanlarında zamanlarında veboş girmek için kulüplere “Gençler me: by translated Turkish in text is the original ere

“Beden Terbiyesi Kanunu” [Turkish: “The Body Discipline Law”], p. 1160, accessed on April 23, 2014, 2014, Aprilon 23, accessed 1160, p. Law”], Discipline Body “The [Turkish: Kanunu” Terbiyesi “Beden is Turkish originaltitlein The take more care of their bodies and be stronger in order to be able to inorder bodiesandstronger able take tobe be care their more of lâzım[] geleceği İcra Vekilleri İcra geleceği lâzım[] eadn te nert ad elh f h r the of health and integrity the Regarding giving to birth , 180 hs hw ay or ad n hc seasons which necessary implement to are designated by the Cabinet Council. be in would exercises body institutions and and offices which in and hours obligation, many how this, discipline a clubs in enroll to people young for obligatory is It seiiain o sm ehi o rlgos groups. religious or ethnic some for sterilization g

indicated that: Turkish of most that fact the of spite In Germany. Nazi in happened it ke

ne i te ea faeok of framework legal the in ences

in their spare times. Which age ranges would be supposed to do to supposed be would ranges age Which times. spare their in

sturdygenerations. Umumî Hükümler Umumî

Heyetince tayin olunur.” tayinolunur.” Heyetince


62 e ne gibi devair ve müesseselerde beden hareketlerinin hareketlerinin beden müesseselerde ve gibi devair nee

al rpbia Tre sc a not as such Turkey republican early ril 4 article c, h nw eulcn regime republican new the ace,

they would be under under be would they nd to continue body continue to nd udr h tte of title the under , uks egncss and eugenicists Turkish 181 give birthto

were supposed were

more and General General

Body CEU eTD Collection vergisi%E2%80%99ne http://ataum.gazi.edu.tr/posts/view/title/cumhuriyet%E2%80%99in Bakış E The Republic.” ofthe First Years in the ofCelibacy theon Tax 186 185 May on Dergisi Araştırmaları the author.], to belongs English title The Tax).” Law(Bachelor Marriage Compulsory ofthe Issue Growth Pol Population “Turkey’s [Turkish: Vergisi)” (Bekârlık Kanunu 184 yaymalıyız.” ile görünüşü o halka onu kabuldiye edip h ödevlerine yarınıngüç onları toplayan, etrafında ülkü ulusal olan şart gençleri Sporu[,] yollarını aramalıyız. yaymanın halka ve kurumlandırmalıyız dünyanın de Biz şeylerdendeğildir. halledilecek ile görüşlüharis zihniyeti dar kulüpsporunun nede ile dersleri saatlik bir mekteplerimizin me: by Turkishtranslated Houses Community of Journal Ideal: 183 [Turkish: 182 Especially kee that expressed generally intellectuals issue. this about media the in and parliament the in discussions f starting times, few a in period republican 1938. so procr influence to as so age marriageable regarding being physicallyfit both and stronger and mentally: economicand the well for both problem a and burden a as seen were people Unhealthy population.

ciety. Marriageable age was made seventeen for male and fifteen for female citizens in citizens female for fifteen and male for seventeen made was age Marriageable ciety. Sevilay Özer, “Cumhuriyet’in İlk Yıllarında Bekârlık Vergisi’ne İlişkin Tartışmalar” [Turkish: “Arguments “Arguments [Turkish: İlişkinTartışmalar” Vergisi’ne Bekârlık İlk Yıllarında “Cumhuriyet’in Özer, Sevilay Ibid. See: “1923 Semiz, Yaşar “ForGeneration”], the New [Turkish: “Yeniİçin” Nesil Aşir, Vildan Fortune”], Good a “Healthis [Turkish: “SağlıkBahtiyarlıktır” RemziGönenç, [Turkish: 184

18, 2014, http://www.turkiyat.selcuk.edu.tr/pdfdergi/s27/18semiz.pdf 2014, 18, In

Ideal: Journal of Com of Journal Ideal: n pt o te at ht hr wr atmt t lglz clbc tx n h early the in tax legalize to attempts were there that fact the of spite In

h sm ya, n 98 te eulcn eie nrdcd e lgl changes legal new introduced regime republican the 1938, in year, same the keeping healthy elements of elements healthy keeping to theto public with this appearance. of organization o duty an future’s for youth the as prepares and morality, sport and life youthful for essential is accept that bring ideal national which should morality We and world. occupation the of parts by done is it community,propagate as thisto ways to find of club future the means which traininghour schools in through or narrow issue population ago, t the of one not is long homeland not said I As Academic Perspective Academic

s ports [Turkish: [Turkish: - - 1950 Döneminde Türkiye’de Nüfusu Arttırma Gayretleri ve Mecburi Evlendirme Evlendirme veMecburi Gayretleri Arttırma Nüfusu Döneminde Türkiye’de 1950 iliskin

“Yurdun yarını demek olan nesil meselesi[] biraz ev[v]el söyle[d]iğim gibi ne ev[v]elsöyle[d]iğim biraz meselesi[] nesil olan yarını demek “Yurdun accordinglyand institutionalizeand basis its focus to have We . - being of the country. the being of - tartismalar munity Houses munity Journal of Turkic Studies Research Studies Turkic of Journal

her tarafında olduğu gibi, herkes gibi bu işi ta temelinden tutup ona göre göre ona tutup temelinden ta işi gibi bu herkes gibi, olduğu tarafında her ], vol. 5, issue. 28 (June 1935): 298. Here isthe originalpa Here 298. 1935): (June issue. 28 5, vol. ], ], vol. 6, issue. 12 (Summer 2013): 186, accessed on May 18, 2014, 2014, Mayon18, accessed 186, 2013): (Summer issue. 12 6, vol. ], - 70815 hings that can be resolved either through one through either resolved be can that hings f strength; and we should propagate it [sport] it propagate should we and strength; f ], society alive became a became alive society

vol. 7, issue. 37 (March 1936): 48 (March 1936): 37 issue. 7, vol. ping new born infants alive was alive infants born new ping 183 rom 1929, it wa it 1929, rom 182 63

Physical training was seen as a for vital point Physical as seen training was


- h yuh oehr rud the around together youth the minded greedy and mentality of

eation and family structures in structures family and eation nglish title belongs to the author.], author.], the to belongs nglish title - ], issue. 27 (Spring 2010): 451, accessed accessed 451, (Spring 2010): issue. ], 27 ilk - azırlayan bir iş ve ahlâk müessesesi müessesesi ahlâkiş ve bir azırlayan yillarinda icy during the 1923 icyduring Ülkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Halkevleri Ülkü: s

not n important matter of concern of matter important n

– everybody in all everybody in 185

legalized. gençlik hayat ve ahlâkı için için gençlikveahlâkı hayat - bekarlik Ülkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Halkevleri Dergisi Ülkü:

Public opinion and the and opinion Public - 51.

more important. more - - There were big were There 1950 Period and and Period 1950 public health public ssage in ssage - [Turkish: [Turkish: Türkiyat Türkiyat Akademik Akademik

Turkish 186

CEU eTD Collection 190 myself. sentence The article. Child Turkish Houses ofPopulation”], OurMatter Akalınand Ömer 189 188 Houses Community 187 how analyze will I subchapter, next the in period, republican early the of environment pro of propaganda made and stigmatized that arguments social and medical creating by discourses political supported intellectuals and doctors many that fact the to pro strong of process the of part also was abortion on ban the to cadres of medicine, lackanalyzed could of This condition bethat science, academia. orof of autonomy hardly was there period, republican early the of socio conjuncture the of nature idiosyncratic the to Owing framework. legal the analyzing pro and abortion on ban the of topics the how analyze to vital is it period, republican early the in discourse danger ofWar. World Second until considerably decrease 17.820.950 became race and path. true the showing of acting of necessities as explained were motherhood of protection and he bring would for burden were who children up of aim the that indicating by 1930s the in

See: Ahmet İhsan Tokgöz & Tokgöz İhsan Ahmet See: 133. p. Ibid., Death”], “Child [Turkish: Ölümü” “Çocuk Sait, Naci http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist , accessed on May 28, 2014. Mayon 28, accessed , http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist 188 ], vol. 7, issue. 39 (May 1936). The preface of the book prefaceofthe book The 1936). (May issue. 39 7, vol. ],

u t te at ht hr ws cnegne ewe te oiia ad medical and political the between convergence a was there that fact the to Due

Families wanted to be controlled strictly controlled be to wanted Families 190

Should Live Should

codn t te 1940 the to according althy and robust individuals to individuals robust and althy ], vol. 3, issue. 14 (April 1934): 130. (April 1934): issue. 14 3, vol. ], -

nata was referred from referred was matter important

lism were reflected in the the in reflected were lism ], written by Besim Ömer Akalın written Ömer ], Besim by

K. Köyden, “Dr. Besim Ömer Akalın ve Nüfus İşimiz” [Turkish: “Dr.Besim [Turkish: İşimiz” veAkalın Nüfus Besim Ömer “Dr. Köyden, K. -

aaim I odr o nesad etr h socio the better understand to order In natalism. 95 ic mn mn ee obliged were men many since 1945

the preface included in the article, and I have not seen Akalın’s book book Akalın’s not seen have I and inthe article, included preface the society and bound to weak to bound and society s

of fact. of

ess vn huh h pplto got satd to started growth population the though even census Ülkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Ülkü: 189 contemporary 64

The young republic’s population increased to increased population republic’s young The

Ülkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Halkevleri Ülkü:

journal society. ,

and published published and and procreative nature of of nature procreative and

condemned abortion but encouraged and and encouraged but abortion condemned Türk Çocuğu Y Çocuğu Türk s 187 , newspaper stories, and bo and stories, newspaper , puericulture was not only to keep keep to only not was puericulture

In addition, healthy reproduction healthy addition, In

[Turkish: [Turkish:

but to provide for children whochildren forprovide to but in 1936, was in1936, aşamalıdır o e nold wn to owing enrolled be to

Ideal: Journal of Community Community of Journal Ideal: [Turkish: [Turkish:

opposition by medicalopposition

- natalism in addition in natalism also also

[Turkish: Turkish women Turkish Ideal: Journal of of Journal Ideal: included inincluded this The The oks, after oks, - - political cultural CEU eTD Collection bu beşeriyetin baltal 1926 15, September p. 309. 2009), Vakfı, veBilgi Merkezi Kütüphanesi (1925 Path Woman’s in These”], Pros Legal Abortions, Conduct or Miscarriages Induced Who Had People of “Punishment 191 after issue. 1930s and tothis the thefirst newspaper’s 1940sby halfexplaining of approach we cases abortion illegal how indicate pro with glorified was motherhood and politicized were wombs women’s which in discourses abortion illegal have to wanted who women of slander to regard with Turkey, of period republican socio the in politicized were bodies women’s how show the in 40s the of half first the and 30s, 1920s, late the from examples remarkable some analyze will I stories, newspaper and time that of publications of Representation Abortion,3.3 Social Analysis Pro abortions thenewspaper were handled stories. in the in eugenic in children sturdy up bringing abortion,

“Çocuk Düşüren Veya Düşürtenlerin Cezası[,] Bunlar Hakkındaki Takibât Hakkındaki Bunlar Cezası[,] VeyaDüşürtenlerin “ÇocukDüşüren - natalist concerns. After showing how the above to above the how showing After concerns. natalist ayan, the ban on abortion, sl onabortion, the ban journal wn t te at ht seii socio specific a that fact the to Owing The first striking example I would like to like would I example striking first The s , construction of gender roles and the n the and roles gender of construction , yaşamak hakkıyla çırpınan bedbaht anneleri mezara sürükleyerek cinayetl sürükleyerek mezara anneleri çırpınanbedbaht hakkıyla yaşamak Yeni Harflerle Kadın Yolu/Türk Kadın Yolu (1925 Yolu Kadın Yolu/Türk Kadın Harflerle Yeni h wl procreate will who De life, surelife, to enough cannot have impunity. right the for struggle who mothers miserable murdering by homicides münfesih uzuvları elbette cezasız kalamaz.” cezasız elbette münfesihuzuvları s eeae elements generated

and books, in addition to showing how abortion and women who had illegal had who women and abortion how showing to addition in books, and ,

- in Turkish and translated by me: “Üreyecek neslimizi iğrenç bir menfaat muk[a]bilinde menfaat bir iğrenç neslimizi me: “Üreyecek by intranslated and Turkish 1927)

with Newwith Scripts andering


n eun o a igsig eei ad commit and benefit disgusting a for return in f uakn wih nemn our undermine which humankind of abortion: ], ed. Nevin Yurdsever Ateş (Istanbul: Kadın Eserleri Eserleri Kadın Ateş(Istanbul: Yurdsever Nevin ed. ], e ecie i te newspaper the in described re

Here is the original passage is the original Here 65

- 191

cultural period could be analyzed through through analyzed be could period cultural discourses, and pro and discourses,

ew image of Turkish woman, and eugenic and woman, Turkish of image ew show is from an article published article an from is show

- 1927) 1927) pics were reflected were pics - natalism, and Eugeninatalism, and [Turkish: - cultural conjuncture of the early early the of conjuncture cultural Republic of Turkey in order to order in Turkey of Republic - ı Kanuniye” [Turkish: [Turkish: ı Kanuniye” Woman’s Path/Turkish Path/Turkish Woman’s , from the article from , the - natalism were reflected were natalism

generation er irt er Cumhuriye

in the press the in ecution about about ecution ikâb eden; eden; ikâb c Discourses ,


in 1926, in t

, I willI , n the in on

CEU eTD Collection mıyız?” biz politikasında nüfus memleketimizin edersek Böyle hareket miyiz? kabiliyetinde yaşamak kayıtsız havamızda kendi edip teslim sütnenelere köylerde çocuklarımızı kadınları, yaşıyordu.Yen hayatı above. indicated wor words Turkish intocurrent Turkish the old changed and book Muhittin’s edited Baskett wroteher Muhittin 1931 Woman Turkish and Muhittin 194 çürütülür.” veyazindanda gömülür toprağa yaBunlar yakışmaz. yaşamak arasında cemiyet Bunlara vardır. kaygusu memleket ne Allah korkusu, ne Bunlarda kadınlardır. düşkün olmayan itimadı nefsine faziletini benimsemeyen, kadınlığın düşürenler Çocuk 193 (1925 Path Woman’s in These”], a Prosecution Legal Abortions, Conduct or Miscarriages Induced Who Had People of “Punishment 192 to birth give to supposed were women pro mixing and discourses racial more of rising the With writings are also remarkable: popu country’s the help to order in childcare scientific same articlealso befor heard been never had case a such and starvation of died children of none that claimed article The them. raise to means material enough have not did they since children illegal toward anger showed article The

Ayşegül Baykan &Ötüş Belma Baykan Ayşegül d kadın çocuğunu bir me:“Seciyeli by translated inTurkish text Here is the original 310. p. Ibid., Takibât Hakkındaki Bunlar Cezası[,] VeyaDüşürtenlerin “ÇocukDüşüren

abortion eadn te mhss n oe’ piay oe a mother as roles primary women’s on emphasis the Regarding Yeni Harflerle Kadın Yolu/Türk Kadın Yolu (1925 Yolu Kadın Yolu/Türk Kadın Harflerle Yeni regarding co our we If villages? in nurses wet us onincumbent thatis rolevital the ignorewe wouldnot to likethat, behave over children our turning by do to we what like do and unbothered live to environmen able women, Turkish her we, Are from styles. totally away move to a desire has woman Today’s shell. her in inactive remained past the in Woman prison.in for suitable not is It perishedsociety.liveburiedgetinoreitherground They the them to in are country. the about worry nor God of afraid neither d womanhood, have who Women strong a with woman A Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “Eski kadın kabuğuna yapışık bir uyku bir yapışık kabuğuna kadın me:by “Eski translated inTurkish text is the original Here s

book book

and a strong reaction against women who claimed that they could not have have not could they that claimed who women against reaction strong a and scandalized womenscandalized whohad - i kadın bucağından büsbütün uzaklaşmak, kelebekleşmek hevesini gösteriyor. Biz Türk Türk Biz gösteriyor. hevesini kelebekleşmek uzaklaşmak, büsbütün bucağından i kadın 1927) 193 Turkish Woman Turkish

with Newwith Scripts o not rely on their human their on rely not o untry’s population policy? - ] (Istanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2009), p. 73. 73. p. 2009), Yayınları, (Istanbul: İletişim ] Baskett, ed. Baskett,

nue msarae d nt nenlz te ite of virtue the internalize not do miscarriages induced s women who were trying to have have to trying were who women s

[Turkish: [Turkish: character does not have an have not does character

], p. 309. p. ],

Nezihe Muhittin ve Türk Kadını 1931 1931 Kadını Türk ve Muhittin Nezihe

more and sturdier children for the future of the the of future the for children sturdier and more Türk Kadını Türk 66

induced miscarriages:induced

souls 194 - 1927) 1927) ]


whichpublished was

and are addicted. They are They addicted. are and lation problem, some of Muhitt of some problem, lation [Turkish: e düşen önemli rolü ihmal etmiş olmaz olmaz etmiş ihmal rolü önemli düşen e - natalism with eugenic concerns, eugenic with natalism ad o hne her change to and t induced m induced - ı Kanuniye” [Turkish: [Turkish: ı Kanuniye” Path/Turkish Woman’s induced miscarriages or or miscarriages induced

iscarriage. [Turkish:

in 1931. Baykanand in1931. ad oen and modern and s ds in the book in ds the book Nezihe Nezihe bout bout üşürmez. üşürmez. e. 192

The in’s CEU eTD Collection 199 198 197 Houses Policy”], Population National Eugenics in 196 vazifedir.” bir için bizim ve bulmak aramak sokmakçarelerini bilmek kuvvetini iktidarını, kabiliyetini, ırkının Türk meselesidir. ırkmühimmi ki en yok vehiç şüphe biri meselelerden mühim en düşünülecek “Memleketimizde me:by NewTurk of Journal 195 dangerous the for race: integrityand ofthe health marri factors. negative these from protected be should race and dangerous, were intermingling racial and syphilis, alcoholism, illnesses, mental idea His o byta avoided be curedbut be not could hereditary disorders elements healthy the for burden big a spiritually and cou state the of assets profitable most the as individuals saw country. the of reformation the of ideals important most the of one is nation healthier racial high protecting that characterist idea the supported politics in involved also and University eugenicists, Gökay Fahrettin Kerim (1900 of future the for burden I youngwas of importantas issues depictedthe most oneas: ofthe republic su previous in analyzed was it as world, Turkish n this context, citizens who had some physical or mental diseases were described as a as described were diseases mental or physical some had who citizens context, this n

Fahrettin Kerim, “Milli Nüfus Siyasetinde (Eugenique) Meselesinin Mahiyeti” [Turkish: “The Essence of Essence “The [Turkish: Mahiyeti” Meselesinin (Eugenique) Siyasetinde Nüfus “Milli Kerim, Fahrettin Race”], a of “Improvement Islahı” [Turkish: Irkın “Bir OsmanŞerafeddin, See: Kerim, Ibidem. Kerim, See: 127. p. Nationalism,” and Modernity “Eugenics, Alemdaroğlu, Ibid. ld not be not ld gs ic h blee ta these that believed he since ages ], vol. 3, issue. 15 (May 1934): 206. 1934): (May issue. 15 3, vol. ],

was similar to the Mendelian understanding of eugenics. of understanding Mendelian the to similar was c fo dgnrto ad raig pyial ad etly igr and bigger mentally and physically a creating and degeneration from ics n o h ms sgiiat atr o or ohrad ad undoubtedly and motherland, our of matters significant most the of One h ms sgiiat n, s atr f ae Koig h capabil the Knowing race. maketo race our steadier and more active is a duty for us. of matter of is strength and potential, one, significant most the of of think to important is it combine, races different two When

left by themselves due to the fact that mentally sick people created materially materially created people sick mentally that fact the to due themselves by left personalities take place in a heart a in place take personalities ], issue. ], 23

oit ad h srnt o te ae Oe f h ms important most the of One race. the of strength the and society - 24 (June 24

- July 1934): 1557. Here is the original passage in Turkish translated Turkish translated in passage is the 1557. original Here 1934): July Ü Turkish race, and finding a way and remedying and way a finding and race, Turkish

lkü: Halkevleri Dergisi Halkevleri lkü:

ol cet mnal sc pol wo ol be would who people sick mentally create would - 1987), who wasIstanbul apsychiatry professor at1987), 67


bchapter. In some of the articles, eugenics articles, the of some In bchapter. 199 consequently the division of soul of division the consequently

Gökay was strongly opposed to mixed to opposed strongly was Gökay , ve ırkımızı daha sağlam, daha faal bir hale faal daha bir sağlam, daha ve ırkımızı ,

[Turkish: [Turkish: 197 f king reproduction un reproduction king society. Gökay believed that that believed Gökay society.

n claimed and 195 Ideal: Journal of Community Community of Journal Ideal: Yeni Türk Mecmuası Mecmuası Türk Yeni

198 that that

For Gökay, hereditary Gökay, For two kinds two

ht individuals that it y, der control.der [Turkish: 196

big He CEU eTD Collection Houses Community of Journal 203 bakılmalıdır.” yurtlarda ve da çocukları temin rahatlarını zamanlarında ed tavsiye kalmaları bekâr kadınların atılan iş hayatına olmadığından doğru da mani olmak zürriyetine erkeğin bir yetiştirecek nesil [d]e evlenip sonra olduktan yapm[a]yacak Çocuk muvafıktır. yapmamaları umumî e içinyorduğu fazla daha kadınları mücadelesi Hayat olm[a]lıdır. meşgul terbiyesiyle veçocuğunun Ev işiyle hayataatılmamalıdır. umumî kadın kadar kadınl 202 201 icabeder.” almak dikkate nazarı noksanları gibi kudretsizlik sadakatsızlık, itimatsızlık, zaifliğini, ahlâk karakter, lâzım[]gelir. düşünmek tecezziyi(Schizothimè) ruhî binaenaleyh bulduğunu yer şahsiyetin nevi iki göğüste zamanbir 200 procreation: s 1930s in quotati publications The Turkey. many interwar through analyzed be could abortions illegal have to wanted who as marriagesrealities were based oftheof on healththerace. thebasis and protection though Gökay

ilmektedir. Bizim gibi çok nüfusa ihtiyacı olan memleketlerde işçi kadınlar da evlenmeli, yalnız gebelikyalnız evlenmeli, işçikadınlarda memleketlerde ihtiyacı olan nüfusa gibi Bizim çok ilmektedir.

Ibid., p Ibid., Ibid., Ibidem Kerim, Necip Ali Küçüka, “Çocuk Düşürme” [Turkish: “Miscarriage”], “Miscarriage”], [Turkish: “ÇocukDüşürme” Ali Necip Küçüka, ar bilhassa mühimdir. Kadınlarda irsî sanat ev hanımlığı ve valideliktir. Bundan dolayı mümkün olduğu dolayı Bundan valideliktir. ve hanımlığı irsî sanat ev Kadınlarda mühimdir. bilhassa ar Giving so much importance to procreation, motherhood and anger towards women towards anger and motherhood procreation, to importance much so Giving p. 212. p. ocio


211. Here is the original text in Turkish translated by me: “Irk hıfzıssıhhası noktai nazarından noktai me:hıfzıssıhhası “Irkby translated inTurkish text Here is the original 211. Yine tesalüp vasıtasiyle irsî vasıfların bir[]birine gayri müsait tesiri yüzünden tehaddüs yüzünden müsaittesiri gayri bir[]birine irsî vasıfların vasıtasiyle Yinetesalüp hrce ad oa wanse, dist weaknesses, as moral such incapability. skills, hereditary and of influences character inimical by caused are which occurs erdc i te hr u, hs id f cin sae aoe i a open an is above] [stated treason to the Turkish world! action of kind this run, short the in foremosreproduce and undoubtedly crime means a life is committing essence whose child a killing Howeve mother. the save to order in up given be might child A venerable. is mother the of life The workers pre female ours, liketheir during provided be should needed comfort their but too, married, is get should population big a In single. where be to countries force work join will who women for recommended is it fromhavingoffspring bymarrying th not generations raise do will who men women preventing that fact working the to Due that reproduce. congruent is it why That’s skills. common upbringing should life public with deal not should women this, of Because mothers. and housewives being are women for skills Inherited are Women

- oiia evrnet of environment political

t that marriages should not be not should marriages that t gnancy and childrentheir should be looked after in homes.state , p. 210. Here is the original text in Turk is in text Here the original 210. p. . Once again, it is necessary to take into consideration shortcomingsconsideration into take to necessary is it again, Once . cuy hmevs ih h househol the with themselves occupy

. Since struggle for life is more tiring for women, it ruins their ruins it women, for tiring more is life for struggle Since . 200 especially

], vol. 7, issue. 37 (March 1936): 26. Here is the original text in Turkish inTurkish isthe originaltext Here 26. 1936): (March issue. 37 7, vol. ], on shown below i below shown on

against infcn i trs f h hgee f h race. the of hygiene the of terms in significant , aig n brin ihu ay esn and reason any without abortion an having r, 203

early republican Turkey regarding motherhood and and motherhood regarding Turkey republican early oit. o ntos ie s h ne to need who us like nations For society.

68 vsafı bozuluyor. Bundan dolayı iş kadınlarının çocuk çocuk kadınlarının iş dolayı Bundan vsafı bozuluyor. conducted either for love or material interests material or love for either conducted em without procreationemwithout correct,not is

s one of the most striking examples of the the of examples striking most the of one s ish translated by me: “Yabancı iki ırk birleştiği birleştiği iki ırk “Yabancı me: by translated ish utuns, infidelity rustfulness,

s uh s possible as much as Ülkü: Halkevleri Halkevleri Ülkü: and d

their their Dergisi children 202 , They .

and [Turkish: ’s t

eden eden 201 Ideal: Ideal:

CEU eTD Collection myself. book Baltacıoğlu’s not seen have ol!”I ana ve iyi doğurgan Sen de kadın[ı]dır. en doğurgan dünyanın anası ki Türk unutma Hiç olma! kadınlardan iğrene yetiştirmekten çocuk Çocuktan, iste! övünmeyi iyi çocuklarla gürbüz iste, olmayı çocukanası [ y bu ise Öyle yarattı. kadınolarak Allah seni nasılödeyeceksin? karşıborçlarını olan Yurduna yapacaksın? ne Şimdi kız[…] oldun. genç “Doğdun,büyüdün, me: by translated Nationalism in 204 dünyası hareketiseTürk tarzda memleketleriçin bu vemillet olan muhtaç çoğalmağa içinde zaman az gibi Bizim olur. suç işlenmiş karşı bir sosyeteye önce şeyden her her[]halde öldürmekle çocuğu mahsulüolan hayat yokkenaldırmak çocuğu sebep edilebilir. feda çocuk kurtarmak için icabında Onu muhteremdir. hayatı “Ananın me: by translated indicating by Istanbul in happened that cases abortion illegal only s res the and event the explaining passages concise generally were stories Newspaper abortion. illegal of cases court the about public the informing but event same the of continuation the just were stories newspaper abortion illegal committed who doctors against cases legal reporting newspaper the in 1940s the of half first the in them of more ha while died who women about information abortions illegal regarding 1930 in stories newspaper few were there though newspaper the might articles beshown by some suchas: and roles gender new construct to helped also This aims. political for used was time, same the at husband, her for wife good a and mother who woman Turkish of image new the of Instrumentalization D triking elements regarding the regarding elements triking

Öztan, “Türkiye’de Uluslaşma Sürecinde Milliyetçiliğin Kadın İmgesi Kadın Milliyetçiliğin Sürecinde Uluslaşma “Türkiye’de Öztan, ] İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu, Baltacıoğlu, İsmailHakkı üşün ve iste! Onurlu bir erkeğe onurlu bir eş olmayı iste, çocuk doğurmayı iste, ana olmayı iste! İste iste! olmayı ana iste, çocukdoğurmayı iste, eş olmayı bir erkeğeonurlu bir veOnurlu iste! üşün The perception of motherho of perception The

during t during the world.the And you become too, pro a children Do children! good robust, on yourself pride to desire children, many has who Desire mother! a be guy, to honorable desire an birth, give for to wife desire honorable an be to Desire God want! country? and your Think to debt your pay you then, Now woman. you a as you created will you are How What now? ] do [… girl. to young going a became and up grew born, were You

not be one of the degenerated women who disgust children and children disgust who women degenerated the of one be not Cumhuriyet heNation ! Never forgetthatmothers Turkish most are the

Genç Kız Genç - B na karşı açık bir ihanettir!” açıkbir nakarşı uilding Process in Turkey”], p. 66. Here is the original text in Turkish inTurkish isthe originaltext Here 66. p. Turkey”], in uildingProcess , especially in the 1930s and the first half of the 1940s. Even Even 1940s. the of half first the and 1930s the in especially ,

newspaper stories newspaper ults, except for few important legal cases. One of the most the of One cases. legal important few for except ults, [Turkish: [Turkish: od and slander of of slander and od

Young Girl Young


and caused some women to die. Some of the the of Some die. to women some caused and 69 lific

ig hs oeain, hr wr relatively were there operations, these ving national identity in the young republic as it it as republic young the in identity national

have female duties under the sun. the under duties female have

], (Istanbul: Sebat Basımevi, 1943), p. 14, quoted quoted 14, p. 1943), Basımevi, Sebat (Istanbul: ], I was able to examine to able was I and good mother! eryüzünde sen eryüzünde abortion can abortion , desire , ” [Turkish: “Woman Image of “WomanImage [Turkish: ”

was supposed to be a prolific a be to supposed was prolific in de kadınlık görevlerin var. var. kadınlıkgörevlerin de in

to be a mother a be to 204 be also analyzed through analyzed also be in which which in


is that is raising neighborhoods they showedthey giving

Fakat hiçbir Fakathiçbir nsoysuz


brief brief

çok çok

CEU eTD Collection derinleştirmektedir.” tahkikatı genişletip [,] Adliyeve Zabıta yakalanmıştır. yaptığı sırada kadına kürtaj bir ve doktor başlanmış üzerine,tahkikata edilmesi 206 205 indicated was it below, provided be will details whose death Katina’s to i of because died who women of status legal the about information any give not did them of few A status. legal women’s explained often stories newspaper these that fact the to addition in stated not back social their women, of status the instance, For died. and abortions illegal had who women about information much Turkish origin. doctor operating of and died and abortions stories newspaper doctor other the and although woman the of names included nor operation the after dead or alive was newsp This carried out authorities. the by caught was and survived but abortion illegal an had who woman a regarding story no almost was there words, other In died. and abortions illegal had who women exclusively in other cities ofTurkey. of theRepublic and them, by caused deaths abortions, operation the

Ibid. Ibid. yapan doktor,” “Kürtaj Here is Here Another important point is that the newspaper stor newspaper the that is point important Another Newspaper stories from from stories Newspaper

an aper story was unique in the se the in unique was story aper Administration of Justice extended and deepened the investigation. caug conducting was indica which revelation a of consequence In There was an exceptional short n short exceptional an was There the original text in Turkish translated by me: by translated the inoriginalTurkish text


occurred ht while he was doing was he while ht llegal abortions. In abortions. llegal

Cumhuriyet , ” . 205 oee, hr wr n nwppr tre rgrig illegal regarding stories newspaper no were there However,

which explained: n brin a ivsiain tre ad dco was doctor a and started investigation an abortion, an ground, whether they were housewives or workingwomen were workingwomen or housewives were they whether ground,

[ Turkish: Cumhuriyet generally

some an

doctors arrested while carrying out illegal abortions illegal out carrying while arrested doctors abortion to a woman. Municipal Police and Police Municipal woman. a to abortion Republic

of the mo the of n s. se that it neither informed whether the woman the whether informed neither it that se


eadn ilgl brin as dd o give not did also abortions illegal regarding illegal had who women of names provided ewspaper story ewspaper

hs nms r bt o Trih n non and Turkish of both are names These ], May 10, 1944, p. 2. 1944, May10, ],

“Üsküdar[ st remarkable newspaper stories newspaper remarkable st ted that a doctor in Üsküdar in doctor a that ted ies in ies ’ ]da bir doktorun kürtaj yaptığı ihbar kürtaj doktorun bir ]da ,

entitled as “The do “The as entitled Cumhuriyet


included almost included n different in ctor who ctor

related - CEU eTD Collection 209 abortion. an illegal had whowoman the regarding notsayanything it does story. the newspaper to according ge to wasconducted an operation ofthis, result As a mother’sbody. the an had inFeriköy Armeniandoctor” an subtitle 208 byuncertified an conducted abortion ofan illegal 21 a that explains 207 the in manner short a rep in were women of deaths and newspaper depicted were events the Generally, time. that at regime the to opposing view a raise to possible hardly was it since abortions illegal by caused deaths Ökmen sent Kamile. been had operation an after died that argued he as death Kâmile’s for responsible be not should he that claimed he and Ökmen Dr. miscarriage. a was his continued there that realized had he after hospital another to her sent and lady the examined just he that claiming by himself defended Ökmen Dr. news, this In story. newspaper the to according 1936 in death Kâmile’s causing and abortion illegal an conducting of accused was Ökmen Ratib Dr. Kâmile. named woman married a of death w a w of because place; places. for at housesor instance women’s doctors’ took operations illegal these which in places nor abortions illegal operating through had h a in stories newspaper oman who had a miscarriage a had who oman

“Yeni bir kürtaj faciası,” faciası,” kürtaj “Yeni bir ölüm,” yüzünden “Kürtaj “Çocuğunu düşüren bir kadının fe kadının bir “Çocuğunudüşüren mn h hd m a had who oman ospital. ospital. “Bir Ermeni doktor hakkında tahkikat yapılıyor” tahkikat hakkında doktor Ermeni “Bir Some ofSome t It was not possible not was It an

argument by stating that he had he that stating byargument In addition, newspaper stories neither mentioned the economic gains doctors gains economic the mentioned neither stories newspaper addition, In

- abortion,” abortion by an Armenian doctor and Armeniandoctor anby abortion year he ab he ]. ].

that the woman conceived a child out of wedlock of out child a conceived woman the that - It It old woman whose name was Sabahat Kıran and who resided in Aksaray died because because Aksaraydied in who resided and Kıran was Sabahat name whose woman old

explains30 a that ove ove Cumhuriyet Cumhuriyet iscarriage 207

newspaper storiesusednewspaper to find to

“A This newspaper story indicates that a legal process started for thefor doctor started process legal thata storyindicates newspaper This

.” ci akıbeti,” akıbeti,” ci

new 209


epan a four a explains ” [ Turkish: oppositional voice oppositional done by other doctors in another hospital to which Dr. Dr. which to hospital another in doctors other by done

Turkish: - The newspaper story entitled “ entitled story newspaper The

year abortion disaster,” abortion - Cumhuriyet old married woman whose name was Emel and who resided whoresided and was Emel womanname whose married old midwife. orted under the section of the news of the country. country. the of news the of section the under orted Republic Republic 71

thefive not conduct not

[Turkish: [Turkish:

], April 25, 1944, p. 2. p. 2. 1944, 25, April ],

], ],

some [ Turkish: August - - month baby died but could not be taken fromtaken not be but could died monthbaby year popular legal case caused by the the by caused case legal popular year

in the newspaper stories regarding the regarding stories newspaper the in 208 “An investigation is being conducted about about conducted is being “Aninvestigation remarkable titles such as “ as such remarkable titles

ed 25, 1943, p. 2. p. 2. 1943, 25, and “T and Republic t the baby from the mother’s body mother’sbody from the t thebaby

any operation such operation any

he catastrophic doom of a of doom catastrophic he ], February ], T he catastrophic doom of doom catastrophic he

This newspaper storya used newspaper This and This newspaper storynewspaper This Katina was a nurse nurse a was Katina

3, 1941, 2. p. 1941, 3, as abortion, as T he death death


she she but

CEU eTD Collection kesilmiştir.” müzekkeresi tevkif hakkında Neticede alınmıştır. ifadesi sorguda yedinci ve Adliyeyeçağırılmış dün Hüdaverdi, geçendoktor adı Vak’ada sürülüyordu. oynadığı ileri onunrol ve çocuğundüşürülmesinde kaldığ[ı] hamile bundan geçiyor, biri yakındantanıştığı kızınbu başlangıcında, Tahkikat vermiştir. raporunu eden neticesini tespit kürta kendisinin 214 213 212 story. newspaper theaccording to abortion, [Turkish: 211 as Daspina. Taksim. around death her to that led Despina named woman younga to abortion an illegal Araksi conducted named Cumhuriyet 210 story entitled started. investigation the and exhumed was bodydead Samatya in resided who and Katina was 20 the that authorities legal to revealed somebody that fact body,” dead exhumed the for performed be get to ways new cases abortion controlling was regime republican surgeries. ill carryingout to arrested owing midwives to related events the on more focused stories abortion newspaper cases, illegal the during died who women to emphasis giving than rather Sometimes

Ibid. Here is the original text in Turkish translated by m by translated isthe in originalTurkish text Here Ibid. kız!” zavallı çıkarılan “Mezardan yapılacak,” otopsi cesede çıkarılan “Mezardan example: For instance For

In this newspaper story, the name of the woman who had an illegal abortion and died was written also waswrittenalso died and an illegalhad abortion who woman ofthe name the story, newspaper Inthis oe f h nwppr tre wr srkn t udrtn hw tity h early the strictly how understand to striking were stories newspaper the of Some Republic

[Turkish: [Turkish: hme o Itroain Atr l, n ret arn ws sud for issued was warrant arrest an him. all, Seventh After the Interrogation. at interrogated of and Chamber Justice of Court the to summoned was in hand a event tookthe in given was namewhose Hüdaverdidoctor The he abortion. illegal and person this by pregnant became she that alleged was it and stated, was well knows [Katina] she whom person a of name the investigation, the of beginning the At autopsy. the of result The abortion. an having the and started she that revealedwas investigationit since exhumedwas body dead the Katina, named girl a of death the After : “Bir ebe beş seneye mahkûm oldu” [Turkish: “A midwife was sentenced to five years”], five to was sentenced midwife “A mahkûm[Turkish: oldu” seneye beş ebe : “Bir

j sebebi j “The miserable exhumed girl exhumed “The miserable “Kürtaj yapan doktor” [Turkish: “The doctor who conducted an abortion”], an abortion”], conducted who doctor “The [Turkish: yapan “Kürtaj doktor” ], May 10, 1944, p. 2. A doctor was red A p. 2. doctor caught 1944, May ], 10, 214

illegal abortions. In one of th of one In abortions. illegal

Republic le öldüğü ihbar edi ihbar öldüğü le

], November 18, 1943, p. 3. The newspaper story explains story newspaper explains p. 1943, 3. The 18, November ],

Cumhuriyet egal abortions or causing some women’s death duringthese death women’scausing egalorsome abortions forensic morgue submitted the report that sets the sets that report the submitted morgue forensic lerek tahkikat başlamış, cesed başlamış, tahkikat lerek

[Turkish: [Turkish: had Cumhuriyet ! 212 ” 213 72 died because of having an illegal abortion, her her abortion, illegal an having of because died

e newspaper stories, entitled stories, newspaper e a remarkable event was described. was event remarkable a

report e: “Katina isminde bir kızın ölümünden sonra, sonra, ölümünden kızın bir “Katinaisminde e: Republic –

[Turkish: [Turkish: even though women did not stop to find to stop not did women though even ed that:

- A short time l time short A handed while he was doing an illegal illegal an was whilehe doing handed ], February 22, 1941, p. 2. 1941, February ], 22, Republic , mezardan çıkarılmıştı. Morg, otopsi otopsi Morg, mezardançıkarılmıştı. ,

- year had died because ofbecause died - old woman whose name name whose woman old ], January 25, 1941, 2. p. 1941, January25, ], ater, ano ater, causing the the causing

that the midwife that the 210 “An autopsy will autopsy “An Cumhuriyet ther newspaper newspaper ther

and doctors and

nin adı ninadı

Due to the to Due


CEU eTD Collection arrested”], was byblackmailing 219 218 arrested”], was byblackmailing 217 216 215 less surprising, is it hand, other the On means. a as abortion coul red caught threatened group: the on trick aplayed Nikolaidi Dr. them, of and inquiries. They somedoctors intimated they bywe saying that from officials were they that claiming by 1944 18, February on story newspaper a was There society. in bodies women’s of control biological and theinvestigation wouldcontinue injudicature. released Samatya,was beauty as of the abortionknown Katina, to arrestedan conducting for was it while, under short newspaper athe in announced After stories. newspaper the in stated been not had job Katina’s Earlier, Hospital. Balıklı at nurse a was who Katina of death the regarding investigation death” a about investigation “The news the after days Three

“Şantaj yaparak 100,000 lira alan kumpanya yakalandı” [Turkish: “The company who obtaine who company “The [Turkish: yakalandı” lira alankumpanya yaparak100,000 “Şantaj “Serbest bırakıldı,” tahkikat,” hakkındaki ölüm“Bir “Şantaj yaparak 100,000 lira alan kumpanya yakalandı” [Turkish: “The company who obtained 100,000 lira lira 100,000 obtained who company “The [Turkish: yakalandı” lira alankumpanya yaparak100,000 “Şantaj me. to text belongs the in the translation and Komutanlığı’ ‘Örfi İdare is Turkish original term in The

d the group would provide easiness to the doc the to easiness provide would group the hn or ots fe ti eet wn t cuig et to death causing to owing event this after months four than

be t s lo osbe o e te socio the see to possible also is It 217

an opportunity to threaten doctors in order to get money by using the ban on on ban the using by money get to order in doctors threaten to opportunity an


handed. w which explained that a group of six blackmailers were threatening some doctors some threatening were blackmailers six of group a that explained which hil the e Cumhuriyet 219

It was remarkable to read this since a group of people of group a since this read to remarkable was It officers s

h rsdd n Beyoğlu in resided who paper story shown above, another short newspaper story entitled story newspaper short another above, shown story paper Cumhuriyet Cumhuriyet T

[Turkish: he doctor he Cumhuriyet


the title “He was released” was “He title the

atn i aohr room another in waiting [Turkish: [Turkish: Republic 215

pretended to give to pretended [Turkish:

nomd edr aot h cniut o the of continuity the about readers informed ‘ the Command Command the 73 p. 1941, 4. 18, March ], - Republic Republic utrl fet o t of effects cultural

Republic tors

nomd the informed

], February 18, 1944, p. p. 3. 1944, February ], 18, p. 1. 1944, February ], 18, if they paid some money to them to money some paid they if ], February 25, 1941, p. p. 2. 1941, February ], 25, though; Dr. Nikolaidi Dr. though; the money the f ata Law Martial of re conducting illegal conducting re abortions ,


n te lcmies were blackmailers the and uhrzd body authorized e a o aoto and abortion on ban he

that the doctor who was who doctor the that

a few days after he after days few a 32 a -

year ’ 218

thought that it that thought s


was arrested was old married married old n making and d 100,000 lira lira 100,000 d

n t and


One One was h ey ey

CEU eTD Collection 1944). 221 in Andonaki Nikolaidis and suchas Nikolâidis forms story blackmail regarding newspaper Inthe Nikolaidis. been had who Republic an abortion” operated who 220 anti the supporting by discourse scientific a developed which publication important an as understood be also could book this information, this to addition suggesti miscarriage spontaneous information duringearly period the republican book a indicate published to necessary is it think I Here, motherhood. and abortion regarding the discourses supporting and by abortion conjuncture do political not did and frameworks legal the obeyed who doctors anti to stick not did they that abortio illegal did who doctors some were there stories, newspaper the in shown examples previous the from seen be could it As doctors. and institutions medical by approached and understood was abortion how at look to crucial frameworks legal through only analyzed be could that process legal a only not was abortion on ban the that fact the to Due abortion. approved doctors or institutions medical extent what to question to necessary also is it stories, newspaper and abortion. Beyoğlu, in resided who and Aspasya was name whose woman

“ Cemal Zeki Önal, Zeki Önal, Cemal Kürtaj yapan bir doktor” doktor” yapan bir Kürtaj

After analyzing the social representation of abortion and motherhood in the in motherhood and abortion of representation social the analyzing After Önal’s broad in scope book could be analyzed as a scientific material that included that material scientific a as analyzed be could book scope in broad Önal’s ], June 2, 1944, p. 2. p. 2. newspape Inthis 1944, ], June2, ons to women in order not to have miscarriages, and the legal status of abortion. In abortion. of status legal the and miscarriages, have to not order in women to ons 220 in 1944 in

threatened by a group of blackmailers before ofblackmailers group a by threatened

bu i wih eid wmn have women periods which in about Çocuk Düşürmek, Kürtaj Kürtaj Düşürmek, Çocuk


– written by Cemal Zeki Önal, a doctor and doctor a Önal, Zeki Cemal by written

“He was arrested yesterday because of causing death”], death”], ofcausing yesterday because was “Hearrested -

[Subtitle:] “Ölüme sebep olduğu i olduğu sebep “Ölüme [Subtitle:] happen - abortion discourses. On the other hand, there were quite many many quite were there hand, other the On discourses. abortion

. , how miscarriages and abortion should should abortion and miscarriages how ,

r story, r [Turkish: [Turkish: n diin o ulsig oe motn books important some publishing to addition in

addition to Nikolaidis. to addition 74 readers were reminded thatwere t reminded readers ing, the doctor’s name was name doctor’s the ing,

Miscarriage, Abortion Miscarriage, , ns for financial or other reasons. It shows It reasons. other or financial for ns

and his name was written only as Andon writtenwasonly name his and

çin dün tevkif edildi” tevkif çindün oe hne t gt pr get to chances more -

abortion stance abortion

or political discourses, it is it discourses, political or while conducting an illegal illegal an conducting while ] (Istanbul: Kader Basımevi, (Istanbul: ] Kader an written he doctor was the person was person the hedoctor Cumhuriyet important intellectual intellectual important

[Turkish: “A doctor “Adoctor [Turkish: also also in different indifferent owing to the to owing why egnant,

be [Turkish:

journal treated, 221 s

CEU eTD Collection çocukkorur.” yuvayı çöker, yapı birden çözer, bağlantıyı sarsıntı bir ufak onsuzyapı durmaz, Bu bağlantısıdır. enkuvvetli 226 eder.” gücünden yurdu şefkatinden, anayı kadınlığından, kadını Bu, yoketmektir. varlığını Tanrı[ olması, veşuûrundan 225 224 ç olmak, anne vazifesi, 223 ölümtırpanıdır.” 222 the with child a importance having associated Önal context, this In society. of bases the of one as I Önal’s book,for instance: existence, increasing and reproducing. innumbers, pro to related woman.” for virtue highest the and nobility biggest the is this child; her hugging and loving and mother, a being is life in woman of duty genuine most and biggest wasbook since alsosalient his in he consider up.” humanity cuts that scythe death a is “abortion and someti while miscarriages and abortions, illegal and explanations includes book the that fact n this regard, having a child was instrumentalized to have a strong family which was seen seen was which family strong a have to instrumentalized was child a having regard, this n

Ibid., p. 43. Here is the original passage in Turkish translated by me: “Bu[,] kadının kendini kaybetmesi, kaybetmesi, kadınınkendini me:by “Bu[,] translated Turkish passagein is the original Here 43. p. Ibid., 10. p. Ibid., hakikî ve enbüyük hayatta me:“Kadının by translated Turkish textis the in original Here 15. p. Ibid., bir biçen “Kürtaj: İnsanlığı me: by translated Turkish in is the originalpassage Here 9. p. Önal,Ibidem, Ibid., p. 63. Here is the original passage in Turkish translated by me: “Çocuk yuvan me:by “Çocuk translated Turkish passagein is the original Here 63. p. Ibid., nue msarae cases miscarriage induced iig h mteho epai wt te ainl uy icus ws rsn in present was discourse duty national the with emphasis motherhood the Mixing

ite rua isle the dissolves trauma little a [child], him/her without stand cannot [family] organism This happiness. of connection effective most the and family of foundation the is child The from natural the of monument great and womanhoodremovesexistence. human This monument of and disposition, beautiful the of destruction is This an conscience, and sense [ This and child protects family. of motherhood andof ideal motherhood the families futuremetaphorically: for country ofthe

- aait conce natalist

women, compassion frommothers, and strength from homeland. induced miscarriage] is woman miscarriage]is induced ocuğunu sevip, sarmaktır; kadın için en büyük asalet, yüksek fazilet budur.” fazilet yüksek asalet, enbüyük için kadın sarmaktır; sevip, ocuğunu

’ ]ya isyandır. […] Çocuk düşürme: Hilkatın güzel, büyük abidesini yıkmak insan yıkmakinsan abidesini büyük güzel, Hilkatın düşürme: Çocuk […] isyandır. ]ya mes giving religious references religious giving mes

lne ad ire criticis fierce and slander n a h camd ht h cutys da ws rtcig its protecting was ideal country’s the that claimed he as rns

eotd in reported 226 rsn aant o.[] I […] God. against rising d

oncin te raim olpe suddenly, collapses organism the connection, of why women tried to have to tried women why of

75 ed it the vital and primary role ofwomen:the vitaland primary“The ed it role newspapers as a kind of warning. For him, him, For warning. of kind a as newspapers ’s losing control of herself, her out of out her herself, of control losing ’s

224 222

Glorification and praising motherhoodpraising and Glorification o ilgl brin and abortions illegal of m

and sharing and dcd miscarriage: nduced

some illegal abortion abortion illegal some induced miscar induced ın temel taşı, saadetintaşı, ıntemel 223 225

hs a also was This

induced riages riages

his CEU eTD Collection 227 and argument. population theRe in abortion policyand of implementations policy and discourses changing the indicate briefly will 18.790.174 had Turkey of Republic continuing were miscarriages induced a politically both goals its reach to successful was policy regime’s republican early the extent what to controversial really is op public lead to order in regime the of machines propaganda as stories newspaper and books, articles, many using of way the paved also which republic, young the of aims 40s pro

http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist , accessed on May 28, 2014. Mayon 28, accessed , http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist - natalism -

w To sum up, it could it up, sum To ere idealized in idealized ere –

and its mixing with eugenic concerns in the 1930s and the first half of half first the and 1930s the in concerns eugenic with mixing its and

society in order to reach the socio the reach to order in society

be said that during the early republican period, motherhood and motherhood period, republican early the during that said be public of Turkeyafter of public

nd socially by banning abortion banning by socially nd 227

inhabitants in 1945. In the conclusion of my thesis, I thesis, my of conclusion the In 1945. in inhabitants however, ; 76

explainin population - political, economic, and cultural cultural and economic, political, g the main aims of my chapters mychapters of aims main gthe increased went on and the the and on went increased

s ince illegal abortions and and abortions illegal ince

inion. It inion.

the the CEU eTD Collection citizens. the of sexes the to according frameworks legal new brought and rights structures pro behavior, reproductive of politicization pro to regard of Republic the and Empire Ottoman the of decades last entity collective a as population Conc woman. Turkish of of transformation image new the and legislations thi that argued bio as collectivities national into them including by gender new of construction Yuval Nira provide sections. intotwo divided and used. The clarified thekeychapter was terms b important an policies onthe proban onabortion, was which lives, private their in dominance male accept and roles traditional their continue to supposed were women which of part as structures educational and framework legal comprehensive a instituted regime republican early the it bodies own their upon decide to women allow not did regime republican early the regime’s abortion and motherhood of

granted many new rights to women to promote to women to rights new grantedmany The first chapter explained the theoretical background and methodology of my thesis mythesis methodologyof and background theoretical the explained chapter firstThe the explore to aims thesis This d

project of women’s emancipation. My main argument in the thesis has been that been has thesis the in argument main My emancipation. women’s of project Mle’ agmns e u t und to us led arguments Miller’s , h tertcl akrud n aayia faeok f h thesis the of framework analytical and background theoretical the - ai’ terzto of theorization Davis’s - aaim n cnrlig erdcie eair O te ujcs of subjects the On behavior. reproductive controlling and natalism faeok s plcbe to applicable is framework s

oeeg pwr wih control which powers sovereign

roles in early republican Turkey republican early , these theoretical analyses helped us to understand that the the that understand to us helped analyses theoretical these , ,

and and - natalist concerns, andnatalist concerns, motherhood propaganda. h rltos ewe nation between relations the CONCLUSION of politicization of Turkish women’s bodies in policies in bodies women’s Turkish of politicization making women making - natalist concerns, and abortion in national state national in abortion and concerns, natalist 77 rtn te al rpbia rgm granted regime republican early the erstand

al rpbia Tre truh h new the through Turkey republican early

their emancipationtheir oia rpoues f nations; of reproducers logical

erdcie eair and behavior reproductive

with regard to the to regard with


ukyhdsm aall with parallels some had Turkey new symbols symbols new - rig the erning tt frain n the and formation state . I have also a also have I . limitations of the of limitations

The first section of B applying By . cgon of ackground

new regimes new

The second The bio rgued that rgued

although although political see the the see

I have have I


CEU eTD Collection home as such lessons t order in gendered housework practical take childcare, economics, to directed were girls which in considerations socio regime’s republican early the to according shaped structures educational women’s of which project the childcare, of nature and limited the housework disclosed to related everything were for women responsible that be demonstrated to been supposed has It relations. intrafamilial in members male a in still were women that shown been has It lives. social treatment unequal some implemented which Law Labor Turkish 1936 the andLaw, Criminal Turkish 1926 Law,the Civil Turkish subchapt second The republic. new the of mothers firstly as were accepted they and continued roles patriarchal and traditional their but sphere public to granted rights new the analyzed has subchapter into turned were women which in identity national of chapt This workingwoman. integrated an time same the at and wife, republican with has chapter The Turkey. burdened had that woman Turkish of image new the and rolesgendered new of construction of regime republican early the by introduced whichclarify in contexts the the terms were used. 40s the of half first the and 1930s the in concerns eugenic Turkish of nature regime, republican early the race, Turkish defined also chapter first the of section w scin. rvdn a aayi o te rcs o bidn te oen Turkish modern the building of process the of analysis an Providing sections. two many h scn catr aimed chapter second The

expectations motn trs u terms important uks scey I i son ht oe wr mdrie i the in modernized were women that shown is It society. Turkish

by the early republican regime such as such regime republican early the by discussed project of women’s women’s of project e i m tei sc as such thesis my in sed

t analyzing at the primary and secondary sources used. sources secondary and primary the 78 s towards s n diin o h dsrpin f idiosyncratic of description the to addition in

mniain nw l new emancipation, the h poet f women’s of project the b mdr, cetfc ohr, and mothers, scientific modern, be o

new symbols of the country, the first first the country, the of symbols new women in their private, family, and and family, private, their in women

emancipation. Discussing the new new the Discussing emancipation. secondary position as compared to compared as position secondary

uks scey Trih nation, Turkish society, Turkish being a modern mother, a mother, modern a being r oue o te 1926 the on focused er egislations emancipation , in order to order in , showed er The section The ad the and , consisted - political , all of all ,


CEU eTD Collection Law isconcluded it Body areand analyzed Discipline andLaw the1938 Health1930 Public regardin punishments of increase The 1930s. the in changes legislative the on focused I point, To this 40s. substantiate the of half first the and 1930s the in concerns eugenic with mixed were bodies and discourses, social frameworks, propaganda legal in motherhood of glorification newspaper primary on Building pudicity women’s protect to came it when mildly more punished and differently b the of framework legal the of analysis pro of effects the and decline population the about anxieties that analyzed has subchapter second the Turkey, m later and implemented was abortion socio the Tackling Turkey. republican early pro and behavior reproductive controlling 19 the during society Ottoman the in transformation Empire Ottoman the of decades last the in abortion on ban the of status legal the of background historical a provided section first The sections. three chapt This discourses. eugenic of nature idiosyncratic the and behavior, procreative pro of means by bodies women’s Turkish of women’spoliticization bodies. were the of which limitations emancipation the outlined also subchapter this wives, ideal n h tid hpe, t a age ta te al rpbia rgm politicized regime republican early the that argued was it chapter, third the In

and and I hs en highlig been has It . Cumhuriyet honor - natalism were the most important reasons for the ban on abortion. In the In abortion. on ban the for reasons important most the were natalism , which reflected the patriarchal mentality of the early republican regime. republican early the of mentality patriarchal the reflected which , g abortion in 1936 in order to protect the race has been explained. The The explained. been has race the protect to order in 1936 in abortion g

ore that sources n sm sece o Msaa ea, hs eto soe the showed section this Kemal, Mustafa of speeches some and motn background important td ht pro that hted

oss o contemporary of consist an on abortion, it appears that abortion was judged was abortion that appears it abortion, on an xd ih eugeni with ixed - natalist concerns, the ban on abortion, controlling abortion, on ban the concerns, natalist - natalist concerns natalist 79 - - natalism and biological control of women’s women’s of control biological and natalism

political conjuncture in which the ban on on ban the which in conjuncture political s th

society. It h It society. o mteho epai ad the and emphasis motherhood for dsore in discourses c were similar to the policies of policies the to similar were y nlzn te bio the analyzing by journal as been demonstrated that demonstrated been as project of women’s women’s of project s, books, and and books, s, and and al republican early the ir familie ir h press the political er had had er the the s’

CEU eTD Collection http://www.bbc.com/news/world 230 Practices and Institutions şi Practicii Institutii Ceauşescu: Regimului Univer (: 229 Century 228 legislation travel 1989 to 1966 from ban the of implementations matter important to given punishments Code, Napoleonic the Italy. Mussolini’s and Germany Nazi of those being examples 20 the of half first the in occurred discourses the first half ofthe 1940s. slandered; books explored representation social chapter, the of section third the in voice, oppositional any hardly was there and and Turkey republican political that fact the to Due propaganda. with together regime republican early the by control under taken strictly were childcare wel future the for manner stricter a in bodies women’s of politicization the affected they that

See: Gail Kligman, Kligman, Gail See: ed., Janowski, Maciej See: “Irish law clarifying abortion grounds comes into force,” accessed on June 6, 2014, 2014, June6, on accessed force,” comes into grounds abortion clarifying “Irish law l - being of the country. Legal frameworks and social discourses show that marriage and marriage that show discourses social and frameworks Legal country. the of being ling ,

, vol. 38, no. 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2011). (Leiden: 2011). 1 no. Brill, 38, vol. , The politicization of women’ of politicization The newspapers, . It is shown that a concerted propaganda campaign was waged campaignwas propagandaconcerteda that Itshown is .

o h U the to in 2013 to allin 2013to and ill and sity of Californ of sity egal abortion cases were cases abortion egal The Politics of Duplicity: Controlling Reproduction in Ceausescu’s Romania in Ceausescu’s Reproduction Controlling Duplicity: of Politics The nited n te cutis n h scn hl o te 20 the of half second the in countries other in . and ], vol. 2 (Iaşi: Polirom, vol.2011). (Iaşi: ], 2 229 illegal

ow abortion the if pregnancy brin a banned was abortion

brin a be ilgl n Ireland in illegal been has Abortion East Central Europe: Biopolitics and Eugenics in the First Half of the 20th 20th the the of First in Half Eugenics and Biopolitics East Europe: Central K journal

ingdom -

europe on abortion were observed in some countries such as Romania as such countries some in observed were abortion on ia Press, 1998) Press, ia s


f brin pro abortion, of s - 25566657 hc goiid ohrod while motherhood glorified which

o have to

[Romanian: [Romanian: s bodies by forcing them forcing by bodies s



and Luciana M. Jinga et al. ed. ed. al. Jingaet Luciana and M.

depicted in newspaper stories, and especially in especially and stories, newspaper in depicted abortions 80

increased Pronatalist Pronatalist th

n Fra in -

natalism, and eugenic concerns have been been have concerns eugenic and natalism, century in many countries, the most the countries, many in century

oil icuss ovre in converged discourses social

endangers the mother’s life. endangers the mother’s ,

nce n te oenet ntae a new a initiated government the and . Policy of the Ceausescu Regime: Regime: Ceausescu the of Policy Abortion ,

and during the Vichy Regime Regime Vichy the during and , in

228 eutn in resulting to procreation and eugenic and procreation to

With the introduc the With Politica Pronatalistă A A Pronatalistă Politica also brin a strictly was abortion in the in cont th

ne t b an be to inued etr. S century. ay women many contemporary 230

tion of tion - ear cited trict ly ly

CEU eTD Collection adjudicated was Action Legal for Grounds 235 more children or six had who women awarding article [1965], Planning Population Law about The With mc04800557.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc048/kanuntbmmc048/kanuntbm 2014, April 23, on accessed 234 233 11. 1945): Census”], 232 231 abortions. the to revealed they since prosecutors public the to statements instance, For end. an to come abortion on Policies Turkey. control. wa there legislation, this With r mortality infant health of improvement the With them. about investigations newspaper unt policies natalist multi a development. urban the in praised again was population the in increase the 1945 the Forinstance, imp much given was increase population discussed, be to began population growing socio

“Nüfus Plânlaması Hakkınd Plânlaması “Nüfus The İ N[ü]fus “1945 Sayımından Banguoğlu, Tahsin 2014. Mayon 28, accessed , http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist “Müjde Ar ve Füsun Önal hakkında kürtaj yaptırmaktan takipsizlik kararı verildi” [Turkish: “Lack of “Lack [Turkish: verildi” kararı yaptırmaktantakipsizlik kürtaj hakkında Ar veÖnal Füsun “Müjde - oiia cnucue Utl h axeis asd y h socio the by caused anxieties the Until conjuncture. political English term for the newspaper is newspaper thefor English term - n h 17s te icsin rltd o brin n brh oto cniud in continued control birth and abortion to related discussions the 1970s, the In was Turkey

party political sy political party

Ülkü: Milli Kültür Dergisi Milli Kültür Ülkü: a s 235

Milliye medical necessity medical

In 1983, In

ates, pro ates, t il the first years of the 1960s; and 1960s; the of years first the il 233 232 thus not unique in this respect, this in unique not thus

234 abortion was legalized in Turkey: New regulations allowed women to women allowed regulations New Turkey: in legalized was abortion

census of Turkey r Turkey of census n h 15s eadn te ets asd by caused deaths the regarding 1950s the in In spite of the fact that the regime in Turkey changed after 1946 and 1946 after changed Turkey in regime the that fact the of spite In

otaetvs ee legalized were contraceptives stem was instituted, the Republic of Turkey did not give up pro up give not did Turkey of Republic the instituted, was stem a Kanun [1965]” [Turkish: “The Law about Population Planning [1965]”], [1965]”], Planning Population Law about “The [Turkish: Kanun[1965]” a - natalism was given up. In 1965, In up. given was natalism

and , and t and , [Turkish: [Turkish: oe f the of some control of women’s bodies were transformed but did not did but transformed were bodies women’s of control Nationhood for Müjde Ar Müjde and for he state initiated to acquaint to initiated state he Ideal: Journal of National Culture National of Journal Ideal: –

was abolished. evealed that the population was 18.790.174 was population the that evealed lk Rakamlar lk . 81

156 of the 1930 Public Health Law Health Public ofthe 1930 156 oua actresses popular Füsun Önal regarding to having [illegal] [illegal] having to ÖnalFüsun regarding

but ” [Turkish: “The First Figures First Figures “The [Turkish: ”

there were innumerable reports in the in reports innumerable were there ,

it journal abortion

had nevertheless an idiosyncratic an nevertheless had a new legislation was enacted. was legislation new a - ytm n te erae in decrease the and system s and analyzed as a sign of sign a as analyzed and s journal

Turkish society with society Turkish ea t be to began n singers and ], vol. 9, no. 99 (November 99 9, no. vol. ], -

economic results of a a of results economic lea aotos and abortions illegal s that they had they that s – f

the article of of thearticle


a t give to had perm

the 1945 1945 the ortance. , it 231 e if ted


had and - CEU eTD Collection yok.” farkı Hiçbir öldürürsünüz. sonra ha doğduktan öldürürsünüz, g olarak kürta İki, başbakanım. karşıbir olan “Sezaryendoğuma me:by translated text is the original Here http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gundem/20631116.asp 2014, June8, on accessed 240 cmdc/wccl/papers/ws7/w7 http://www.jus.uio.no/english/research/news Rep and Sexual on Workshop Law2014: Constitutional Congress on theat World presented paper (conference 239 238 http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/TUTANAK/MGK_/d01/c009/mgk_01009147.pdf 2014, April 23, on accessed the 147 Security”], ofNational Council ofthe Journal Report Official see: “ abortion, to related the section thetitleof Cürümleri Düşürtme ve Düşürme Çocuk 237 06602827.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc066/kanunmgkc066/kanunmgkc 2014, April 23, on accessed 236 [Reg e http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Ara.aspx?araKelime=m%C3%BCjde%20ar%20k%C3%BCrtaj&isAdv=fals abortions”], after his/her birth.” a in child a killing be between difference no should is There Nobody this. do murder. to allowed as abortion see I Secondly, delivery. cesarean to opposed 2012: in delivery cesarean and abortion about speeches Recep Minister Prime the following issue public important an again and 2002 after power Party’s Development and Justice the with especially on, going been have bodies women’s use to Attempts environment. political Turkish in time Abortions Conducting the against legislati reason. stated any without pregnancy of weeks ten within abortions have

“Kürtaj bence cinayet” [Turkish: “In cinayet” [Turkish: bence “Kürtaj See: originalna The tit oforiginalthe name The [1983]”], Planning Population Law about “The [Turkish: Kanun[1983]” Hakkında Planlaması “Nüfus roductive Rights: Liberty, Dignity, and Equality), accessed on April 30, 2014, 2014, Aprilon 30, accessed Equality), Dignity, and Liberty, Rights: roductive istration is needed for access.] for needed is istration Nisan Kuyucu & Mehmet Murat Öngel, “: New Developments in Turkey” Turkey” in Developments New Rights: “Reproductive Öngel, Murat &Mehmet Kuyucu Nisan örüyorum. However, discussions of abortion in the political environment came up from time to time from up came environment political the in abortion of discussions However, on , Milliyet 236

nert ad elh f h Race the of Health and Integrity

h title the me

Buna kimsenin müsaade etmeye hakkı olmamalı. Ha anne karnında bir çocuğu çocuğu bir karnında anne Ha hakkı olmamalı. etmeye müsaade kimsenin Buna

[Turkish: [Turkish: of the party in Turkish is “Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi.” “AdaletveKalkınma is in party Turkish ofthe 240


kuyucu%20&%20%C3%B6ngel.pdf kuyucu%20&%20%C3%B6ngel.pdf in 1983 f h scin eae t aoto ws lo changed also was abortion to related section the of dat l draft a le Nationhood Felonies of Having Miscarriages and Conducting Abortions Conducting and Miscarriages Having of Felonies .

237 aw

my opinion, abortion is murder”], is myabortion opinion, .

In order to see the parliamentary speeches regarding the change of change regarding the speeches thesee parliamentary to Inorder

], September 16, 1982, p. 6, accessed on June 2, 2014, June2, on accessed p. 6, 1982, September16, ], bu rpoutv r reproductive about - and Milli - events/events/conferences/2014/wccl

Güvenlik Konseyi Tut Konseyi Güvenlik 82

to eois f aig icrigs and Miscarriages Having of Felonies

gt i 2012. in ights th

Meeting, May 24, 1983, pp. 219 pp. 1983, Meeting,May24, I m pie m prime a am “I published anak Dergisi” [Turkish: “The [Turkish: Dergisi” anak

on May 26, 2012, 26, May on

239 -

as a political means means political a as mother’s womb or womb mother’s Tayyip Erdoğan’s Erdoğan’s Tayyip

brin became Abortion

ih th With

in Turkish is in Turkish nse wo is who inister from 238

jı bir cinayet bir jı oig to coming

Felonies e -

220, 220, same

CEU eTD Collection reproductivity and procreative behavior. comp enabling War, World Second the after Turkey in abortion of contextualization the on research further for way the paves and literature existing the to elements new contributes thesis my that enduring been have political the in points reference abortion on ban the and bodies women’s of politicization the that 20 the of half first the in concerns regard with countries other with Turkey compare to or bodies women’s politicize to attempts the and abortion concerning system political vn huh y i hr i nt o o ute ad ics te urn Turkish current the discuss and further go to not is here aim my though Even arative analyses of Turkey with other countries in terms of politicization of politicization of terms in countries other with Turkey of analyses arative environment and social discourses. social and environment th

century, I hope hope I century,


that o xeine o aoto ad eugenic and abortion of experiences to the thesis will help us to understand understand to us help will thesis the Last but not least, not but Last Ihope CEU eTD Collection İsmet.İnönü, SıyasaGirişleri” “Women’sKadınlarının “Türk [Turkish: Entering Alanına İsmet“İnkılap Kürsüsünde Paşa[ http://www.tuik.gov.tr/UstMenu.do?metod=temelist Gönenç, “SağlıkBahtiyarlıktır” Remzi. “HealthFortune”]. [Turkish: isaGood İlinin:Erem, “Atatürk Rıza. Ali Türk“Atatürk’s Kadınına” [Turkish: Country:ToTurkish “Çocuğunu feci düşüren“The ofa birkadının woman catastrophic akıbeti” doom [Turkish: “Bir hakkındaki ölüm tahkikat “Ayears”]“Bir midwife oldu” [Turkish: ebe five was beşsentenced to seneye mahkûm “Beden Terbiyesi K SayımındanBanguoğlu, N[ü]fus İlk Tahsin.“1945 Rakamlar” Figures “TheFirst [Turkish: Avni, Meliha İçinAşir, Vildan. “Yeni Nesil Primary Sources: who had [Turkish: Cumhuriyet anuntbmmc018/kanuntbmmc01803530.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc018/k 2014. Culture National f 955. MecmuasıTürk 1935): 296 Dergisi Community Houses Politicalinto Sphere”]. Houses Reform Rostrum”]. Accessed onMay 28,2014 (March 48 1936): Halkevleri (December 1934): 1789 W rom omen”].

the 1945 Census”]. the 1945Census”].

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[Turkish: [Turkish: a miscarriage Republic - Yeni Türk Mecmuası Türk Yeni Dergisi


[Turkish: [Turkish: anunu

[Turkish: [Turkish: ], vol.9,], 11. no.99(November 1945): - Ideal: 51.

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vol. 4, issue. 23(Januaryvol. 4,issue. 321 1935): Republic ”]. ”]. ” [Turkish: “For the New “For” Generation”]. [Turkish: the ” Ülkü: HalkevleriÜlkü: - Journal 1791. [Turkish: “The[Turkish: investigation about adeath”]. Ülkü: Milli Kültür DergisiÜlkü: Kültür Milli ’ Cumhuriyet Journal ]nı .

BIBLIOGRAPHY n Dersi” “Lectureİ [Turkish: of Ideal:

“ ], November], 18,1943. The

[Turkish: of Community Houses

of New Turk of New Journal Body Discipline Law”].DisciplineBody onApril Accessed 23, Dergisi 84 [Turkish: [Turkish: .


- Journal 87.

of Community Houses

[Turkish: [Turkish:

] , issue. 11 Republic


of New Turk of New


], vol. 5, issue. 28 (June 28(June vol.5,issue. ],

Ideal: ], February], 3,1941. - -

14 (October 1933): 14 (October 1933): 322. Ideal: smet Pashaat the

Journal Ideal: Ülkü: HalkevleriÜlkü: ], issue.], 28

Journal ], vol.7, ], Journal

Cumhuriyet of Community Ülkü:

of of

issue. 37 Yeni Yeni

of 953



CEU eTD Collection yaptırmaktan kararı hakkında“Müjde kürtaj takipsizlik ArFüsun verildi” ve Önal [Turkish: “ “Mezardançıkarılan kız zavallı yapılacak”“Mezardançıkarılan otopsi “An cesede autopsy performed [Turkish: be for will yüzünden“Kürtaj ö yapan“Kürtaj yapan“Kürtaj birdok Küçüka, Necip Ali. Küçüka, Necip Al Kerim, yaşatmalıdır”Karanakçı, içindoğanları art[t]ırmak Safaeddin. “Nüfusu [Turkish: “İş Kanunu Milli

Güvenlik Konseyi Tutanak “TheoftheJournal Dergisi” [Turkish: Official Report [ Cumhuriyet because causing of death”]. [Turkish: Milliye Matbaası, 1936): 23 Dergisi (May 1934): 206 Halkevleri [Turkish: Republic beshould kept toincrease aliveinorder thepopulation”]. anuntbmmc016/kanuntbmmc01603008.pdf http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/KANUNLAR_KARARLAR/kanuntbmmc016/k %C3%BCrtaj&isAdv=false [Registrationneeded is for access.] http://gazetearsivi.milliyet.com.tr/Ara.aspx?araKelime=m%C3%BCjde%20ar%20k 16, 1982.Accessed 2,2014. onJune regarding t “LackLegal Grounds was for of for adjudicated and Action Müjde Ar f http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/tutanaklar/TUTANAK/MGK_/d01/c009/mgk_01009147.pd 23, 2014. ofNationalCouncil Security”], the147 [T deadthe exhumed body”]. Fahrettin

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doktor” [Turkish:

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Çocuk Düşürme” “Miscarriage”]. Çocuk [Turkish: tor” tor” The - 212. Ideal: 1931.

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[Turkish: [Turkish: Cumhuriyet abortions”]. Ideal: “ ], May], 10,1944.

Ölüme sebep edildi” olduğu içindüntevkif of Community Houses an eath because of Journal . abortion” The 85

th [Turkish: [Turkish:

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Milliyet Meeting, May onAprilAccessed 24,1983.

Law of Women of Law

of Community Houses –

Republic “He was arrested yesterdayarrested“He was [Turkish:

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an ], vol. 7, issue. 37(March vol.7,issue. ], ]. Ankara: Hakimiyeti]. abortion”]. abortion”]. Ülkü: Halkevleri Cumhuriyet ], January], 25,1941. ], June 2,1944. June ], Nationhood

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