THE DIRECT TRAJECTORY FROM THE CANON GOSPELS IN THE FIRST CENTURY TO AUSCHWITZ IN THE TWENTIETH TM NewHAR ParadigmVARD M AMatrixTRIX TM HARVARD MATRIX TM 21st CENTURY PUBLISHING OF THE JEWS David Birnbaum’s The Crucifixion is a uniquely distinctive work on the extraordinary historical odyssey of the Jews during a pivotal slice of history. This work focuses on the 1300 year time frame bracketing the emergence of Christianity in the First Century, followed by the Christianizing of the Roman Empire post–Constantine, and finally, by the ending of the Crusades c. 1300 CE. The author focuses on the crushing historical forces at–play. The Jewish nation which entered this period, is unrecognizable from the Jewish nation which emerged…. * * * 21st CENTURY PUBLISHING New Paradigm Matrix Publishing David Birnbaum Editor-in-Chief
[email protected] About the Author David Birnbaum is known globally as “the architect of Poten- tialism Theory” – a unified philosophy/cosmology/metaphysics. The paradigm-challenging theory is delineated in Birnbaum’s 3-volume Summa Metaphysica series (1988, 2005, 2014). A riposte to Summa Theologica of (St.) Thomas Aquinas, the Birnbaum treatise (see challenges both the mainstream Western philosophy of Aristotelianism and the well-propped-up British/atheistic cosmology of Randomness (see The focus of over 150 reviews and articles (see, a course text at over 15 insti- tutions of higher learning globally (see, Summa Metaphysica was the focus of an international academic conference on Science & Religion April 16-19, 2012 (see BardCon-