Smackdown Live gets a big boost with American Alpha

Author : Robert D. Cobb

It's always been assumed that Smackdown takes a back seat to RAW. The WWE has never been too eager to change that. Although, the WWE Draft did help shape up Smackdown Live well for the future with the addition of and , better known as American Alpha.

Both Jordan and Gable have had decorated amateur wrestling careers before making their mark in WWE. Jordan (Nathan Everhart) was a three-time national qualifier at Indiana University. Meanwhile, Gable (Charles Betts) was featured on the 2012 USA Olympic team.

When Smackdown made its pick of American Alpha, it didn't come as a surprise. Jordan and Gable had done just about everything you can do at NXT, and they were extremely popular with the fans. Judging by their draft position, it appears WWE is extremely high on them.

American Alpha was the first drafted by Smackdown. This might indicate that WWE management is banking on them to carry the brand. They don't have to contend with RAW heavy hitter teams like The New Day and The Certified G's on the popularity ladder. Instead, Alpha's biggest competition will come from Breezeango, Vaude Villains, and the Ascension.

The American Alpha team is one that has great potential. A lot of fans will want to compare them to Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, and that's a fair assessment. However, the Steiner Brothers seem to be a better benchmark, as Alpha features a good amount of technical wrestling and mat work.

Smackdown Live needs a marquee tag team to carry its brand. American Alpha can be that team, as they are charismatic and great in-ring workers. Only time will tell how great Jordan and Gable can be on the main roster. Although, judging by their success in NXT, it seems American Alpha will be around for a long time.

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