W:Hut,Is Learning?
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Adam campaigning on Highline canpu~.~~ Women’s Center opens I Talks on different level in counseling area - by hiickey Swope dent Ford will probably veto the The womanwho is think- whichevery citizen comes in A concerned veteran presentVeterans’ bill, if that ing about changing her life style contact with the legal system. It summed upthe conference by happens the Congress will try to should make the Women’s Cen- is scheduled for Thursdays, 7: saying, “that was a typical poli- overide. The weride chances in ter at Highline Community Col- 30-9:r) p.m. beginning Novem- tician’sanswer, I guess we his estimation will be about 50- lege a must on her information ber 5. speak on a different level.” 50. gathering cirmit accOrdingto Tbe second course, “Every Brock Adams was invited to In case the overide attempt Day Communications for Wom- speak to the Veteran’s Group on Marianne Brown, coordinator fails there is another bill in the of the Center onthe Highline en,” is desigmd to assist the campus. The coqressmn workings that will 1) take off Campus. woman in un&mtanding self, answered a few questions con- the undergraduateclause 2) lamily, friends, and business The Women’sCenter has cerning the Vets’ affairs but strengthen the loansections of associates ‘in onkr to make mainlyaddressed himself to thepresent bill; but then a recently been opened in the lob communication more meaning- major topics in the election. question arises - whetherto by of theCounseling Center to ful. This course will begin on Adams stated thatprevious pay tuition or include it in subs- provideinformation and refer- November 7, from 7:30-9:30 Vets’legislation has had prob istence.That question hasn’t ral service to assist women in p.m. lemsdue to the social-type or- been decidedas of this time. availingthemselves of educa- StudentServices Workshops ganizationof the Vets in the Mr. Adams feelsthe Viet- tionalresources in academic, that are ofinterest to. women pastand their feeling that the nam Veteran is indeed the for- vocational or self-improvement include,Being a Woman: Here Vietnam era Vet can take care gotten man butthere is power fields. and Now; Decision-Making of himself, so there is no conti- in their voice and they’ve got to “Thmder Word” photo Thecenter serves the South Practical Guideto Choice; Job nuity between theVets them- havetheir people be their by Don Smith King County area and will assist Search and Behavioral Control: selves. spokesman. organizations in thearea that How to Deal with Your Fears. Anincrease in educational A member of theaudience MORE POLITICS . Congress- are interested in developing Theworkshops are conduct- benefitsfrom 36 to’ 45 months asked: “How can Ford finance man Brock Adams spoke to a women’scontinuing education, ed in the counseling center and’ entitlement,loan funds, cover- theamnesty program when group of studentsand faculty Brown said. are open to the Highline College age of graduate school and a 23 there are guys who served hon- membersrecently. What was student and the community. percent increaie of education orably and can’t even get their scheduled -to be a Veteran’s TWO new courses for women Thewomen’s courses being benefits on the college level and back pay?” question-answer affair didn’t will begin in theevening hours offered atHighline Community an 18 per cent increase in voca- Adams replied, “Idon’t think quite turn out that way. Up for at Highline early in Noveniber. Collegeare in response to a tionalcoverage aresubjects Ford will do that, but they are reelection was his apparent Amongother questions, “Law surveytaken under a Title 1 thatthe Congressman supports bothhuman programs wd I motive as public relations cam- for Every Person,” will answer, HigherEducation funding by and.wants to see passed. don’tthink you can weigh one eras whizzed and words flowed “can a woman sue her husband Wendy Morgan,former coordi- Adams went on to say Presi- against the other one.” eloquently. for mentalabuse and hope to natorof Women’s Programs at collectdamaaes.” Brown said, thecollege. The survey was adding that adding fie ‘course is open I takento assess. the need and f to bothmen and women and availability programsof for will deal with situations in women in the community. The staff of the Thunder Word would like to offer our read- ers; you the students, free of charge, and there’s not much of Ithat left around, a page to placeyour own want ad, for sale, personal, apartment to share,-or what have you. We the staff reserve the right to clean up your copy, Le. Vol. 14 No. 4 CollegeHi&line Midway, WA Nov. 8,1974 spelling, swearing, bad taste, etc. So please keep it clean. No * restrictions except keep your ads to 25 words or less and one ad per person per-issue. Ads must be submitted to the Newspaper Office located in 107 of To10 and must be in the paper office no later than Nova- - ber 12 for the next edition. -. ” . 1. W:hut,islearning? i 4 Yoshihara takes a look by Don Smith needs as a student? You are all the thoughts, “Youand‘ I are What really is Learning? Is here,don’t you deserve to be sharing in this experienceof it a change in behaviorresult- taught?Shouldn’t you have a Learning. I wantyou to take ixig fromprevious experience? choice as to how you want to be from this classroom thoughts Or is it evidenceof trial and taught? andideas which will helpeach error? Perhaps to some it is “I’m here to learn &,,, ’ Of YOU to know and understand acquired by instructionand Yashihara states. “Iwant your yourselves and each other; and study. It may also be knowledge opinions,your questions. ’ An finallywith this newunder- accumulatedhandedand open linecommunicationof :standing and awareness of self, downby generations of schol- musthappen between all of us enrich thelives of others you ars. All good answers. But isn’t in the class, and I am a mem- meet and help you better real- it morethan just these defini- ber of the class. ize where ywr comfortable tions. “The Learning experience is place in Society may be.” Let’slook at Learning not easy,” Yoshiharacites. through the words of S. I. Hay- “We’re hearing thoughts and akawa, former president of San ideasdaily, some good ones, Senate gives Francisco State College, some meaningless ones. How “Learning and the College expe- well we sift through all this in- rience is the search for and the formation and find relevance to vote of ’no’ creationof order in our effec- eachof OUT individuallives is tive life. ‘Ihe significances, the where we will benefit most.” On Thursday, October 31 the meanings that we perceive are Are these radical ideas? Are HCC senatereturned to Presi- private. these conservative ideas? Or is dent Lynn Elicker a vote of no “To giveourselves for at this what Learning is all about? confidence. Mr. Elicker had least a small part of the the, Where do we fit? Who am I? asked for the vote and the sen- tothe lonely contemplation of . What is man? Sociology asks us ate unanimously voted “no con- some kind of beauty and order to consider these thoughts. fidence” in a specialerkcutfve is also to enrich au~elvesso Yoshiharaconcluded with session called by ASHCC vice president Mike Saunderson. that we have something to con- L tributeI”” to the lives ofothers,” he says. “Men’t YOU at school to free HIGHLINE REGISTRATION “We must enjoy learning and being with each other. We Theyounger and the more The balance between the all haveexperiences to share. mature. student share equality moremature and theyounger Learning is opening up yourself in numbers at Highllne Commun- student shows the largest enroll- to life. ity College and the female du- ment figures in the Ubyearold He adds, “It doesn’t depend dents outnfmber the males, the bracket and. in the 30-39-year- inallcasesonthemannerin recently published eighthday old- bracket. which we’re taught as how well registration report indicates. rt show a pluraUty do we apply the’knowledge we The report, from the Office do gain, whatever the amount, of the Registrar, Booker T, witb similar numbers in tb; Watt, ShOtRa a total of 7,488 &u- graups: Asian American; Black to benefit each of. ua in the dents enrolled at HlghlIne in everday situatiom ef but tiants, American; andAmerican w- I occupatianal and ACa&mic an. Chicano or Mexican -14- areas and nineteen enrolled in canareleawinnumberandU ! Comm@y Strvlce chases. Of foreign rtudcntr .\\ ‘; fall Quarter at Hi&“lert‘““b for- 1 I .f-?*e mdenrolled9 !!?a .Iwf!k 4*110 . .are . ..... ...- e..-. PC. C””. .“..e- e-.,..... I iir 4 c Page 2 Word Thunder Nov. 8,1974 Pumpkins ”take over” Hulstler visits counseling center lobby carnpus w A pumpkindecorating con- Other entries were decorated by George siciger test among classified employees byGinny Pattison, Lade 0’- was won by Corrine Laudenof Bannen, Ruby. Griffin, Rex Dav- 14D0ctorof Poology” Jack *’* the registration office on Hal- ison,Audrey Wog, Jo Memtt, white visited Highline on oct. 2. I. White had a workshop in the loween. It featuredapple ears Narge Reiter and Helen Peter- i 2nd a nose. son. pavilion. White, call him Jack, ‘.Themost far outpump- Among the entries were a is a pod professional, hustler c hns” werecarved by Betty pumpkin coach, a pumpkin and real showman. Reese and (SrViU Thurman. ghost standing five feet high, a stancfing @ front of a large George Curtis wonthe booby nostalgic “flapper” withwig studentaudrence, flashing a and earrings, a fisherman, a diamond ring as big as the tip prize.Judging was byPeter 8 vanReichbauer, state senator. bat, a baby complete with bib.