Proceedings of the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression Managing Live Music Bands via Laptops using Max/MSP ∗ y z Yehiel H. Amo Gil Zissu Shaltiel Elul syndrome, Israel Uni. of the Arts, london Oxford University, UK
[email protected] college of comunication, UK
[email protected] [email protected] Eran Shlomi Dima Schukin Almog Kalifa syndrome, Israel syndrome, Israel syndrome, Israel
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT usually limited by the band's equipment and relies on the We use the Max/MSP framework to create a reliable but equipment available at the concert venue (amplifiers, mon- flexible approach for managing live performances of music itors, and mixer). Therefore, the sound of each player and bands. This approach allows an easy and low cost way to the output mix is significantly shifted from the composer's apply innovative music interfaces for live performance, with- original intention. In certain cases, this shift is harmless or out losing the professionalism required on stage. In the ap- even contributes to the liveness of the performance. How- proach, every 1-3 players are plugged to a unit consisting of ever, for some bands, the sound and recorded samples are a standard sound-card and laptop. The units are in charge an integrated part of the composition (for example music of auto-changing presets to manage virtual instruments, ef- that involves "concrete music" or background samples [6]). fects, and gestures for each player. All the units are then In these cases, this shift can significantly reduce the expe- remotely controlled by a conductor patch which in charge of rience in a live performance [11].